
Layouts – drawn and coloured.

This is how I originally wished my front cover to look. The left hand third will contain information about what is featured in the magazine and the small images along the bottom will show readers what to expect. I will try to stick to this plan and keep the image however make it bigger and add puffs etc. to make it more professional. Since drawing this I have decided to change the name of my music magazine to ‘Note’ as I feel it fits in better with my chosen genre – Indie.

This is a draft of my dps. I would like to headline my article ‘Troublesome Twofold’ because the twin sisters last name is Twofold and the alliteration adds to the fact that they are the new ‘mischievous’ pair in the ‘celeb world’. I have decided to use long shot images of the girl on either side of the pages instead of the medium close up shots I originally drew. I am also still unsure whether I will include just an article or an interview also so the middle section of the dps is subject to change.

This is how I would like the contents page of my music magazine to look. Simple yet effective, I would like the text font to be stylish and easy to read so not to bore the reader. I would also like to have images that will feature on some of the pages so that the reader feels enticed into reading. I am unsure as of yet what colour scheme to use on the contents page.