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Leadership Development Program - LDP 2012

Blended Leadership Development Program

Workbook Days 5 & 6


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Day 5

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A recap of the LDP so far

Lets review the;

Leadership Pipeline




Psychology of Leadership

Thinking preferences


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Our Agenda

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A review of your projects and their progress to date

What are your main observations and lessons learnt?

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Leading other people's people

Influence - Persuasion - Negotiation - Coercion

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Manager, marketer, sales person, trainer, coach or parent, your effectiveness is directly correlated to your ability to influence. It is a truism that we are paid not so much for what we do but what we influence others to do.

Influence is when you effectively alter someone else’s perceptions, views, beliefs, attitudes, decisions thus altering their actions. The expert influencer understands people, how they think, what makes them tick and how to get on the same wavelength.

Successful leaders, entrepreneurs and agents of change, know and appreciate the power to influence; they do not leave things to chance and hope they make a good impression they plan and practice their strategy to ensure success.

Qualities of:

Aggressive Communication

Passive Communication

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Assertive Communication

Mixed messaged Exercise

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This exercise is carried out in 4's

You will be given a statement to say in three ways ;




How do you change your tone, body language and manner?

How convincing are you?h of your colleagues will give you avote out of 5 to give you feedback?

Which do you find the hardest?

Which stakeholders will you need to practice this most with?

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A social contract is a way of working with someone where you establish clarity up front about what your mutual needs are.

In pairs try this exercise

If you were working together on your project - ask each other

what are we both trying to achieve and what will be the metrics of success?

What are key characteristics that I know can upset me when working (for instance timeliness, accuracy?)

What behaviours so w expect from each other?

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Copyrighted by LIW 11/18 Workbook Day 5 & 6

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Copyrighted by LIW 12/18 Workbook Day 5 & 6

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Where do you think you're preference is?

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Day 6

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Setting the right climate for stakeholders

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Stakeholder management and mapping

This graphic represents two levels of stakeholders: primary and secondary and how they are

impacted by you/your project: involved, impacted and influencer.

Managing Stakeholders helps you understand:

• With whom you need to work

• How to work with them

• Priorities for working with them

Strategic Stakeholder Web: Your Situation


Consider a project, goal, initiative or challenge from your


• Who are the key cross-organizational stakeholders?

• Where to the sit in the world?

• How are they related to your project?

• How critical are they to your success?

• What is their preferred communication style?

• Who is missing?

7 minutes to prepare

5 minutes to share with neighbour

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Copyrighted by LIW 17/18 Workbook Day 5 & 6

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My plan to enhance Vietnam's leadership

Copyrighted by LIW 18/18 Workbook Day 5 & 6