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Leading High Performance Teams

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2© Life Cycle Institute

There is an “i” in “Team”…High performance teams are made up of high performance individuals.

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5 behaviors are common and consistent among high performance team leaders.






Share Goals

Align Goals

Measure Fairly

Delegate Authority

Recognize Results


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Share Goals

• Individuals learn, change and produce results Individual behavior

• Drive individual behavior

• Include individuals in establishing team goals

• Individuals then share the team goals

• Leader can use Impact Maps to create direct line of sight Individual behavior >>> Shared Goals


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Align Goals I• Align team goals with individual strengths and

aspirations Strengths – individual does naturally and has passion for it

Aspirations – individual wants to do and has passion for it

• How can each individual contribute to the goal?

• Seek ways to mitigate weaknesses, leverage strengths

• Review these attributes often – strengths and

aspirations change Increased learning, change in lifestyle, change in life situation

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Linking Business Outcomes


Establish our organization as a state-wide leader in technical skills preparation

Team Goals Increase enrollment by 10% in STEM courses


Partner with area High Schools and PLTW programs to increase awareness of Community College technical programs

Individual Behavior

Create technical career path maps based on 2-year programs to share with local high-school career counselors

Develop craftsman shortage presentation for local high schools and job placement organizations

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Measure Fairly

• Focus on individual impact on results

• Include individual team members in process of creating


• Responsibility and authority to impact measure

• Individuals drive team performance


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Delegate Authority `

Give Orders


High Performance Leader

Low Performance Boss

Give autonomy u Micromanage

Delegate to team v Do the job

Tell “What” w Tell “How”

Lead by asking questions x Give orders on how to execute

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The Power of Full Engagement Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz

Old Paradigm New ParadigmManage Time Manage Energy

Avoid Stress Seek Stress

Life is a marathon Life is a series of sprints

Rewards fuel performance Purpose fuels performance

Self-discipline rules Rituals rule

The Power of Positive Thinking The Power of Full Engagement

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Recognize Results $

• Team, group and individual results

• Frequent communication – as often as weekly Written


• Celebrating individuals – specific impact on team goals

• Pay team performers If 20% perform 80%, should be paid proportionately

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Performer Needs/Rewards/Recognition

Performance Needs Rewards

High Performers Individual attention Team-based rewardsIndividual recognitionRewards for specific contributions

Solid Performers Support Removal of barriers

Team, performance-based rewards Team recognition

Low Performers Individual help Low or no rewards based upon ongoing discussions of performance issues

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Recap – 5 Common BehaviorsLeading a High Performance Team






Share GoalsDriving individual behaviors to develop shared goals. These then become the goals shared across the team or team goals.

Align GoalsAlign the organizational goals with individual’s strengths and aspirations. Review goals often; these change with increased knowledge, lifestyle & life changes.

Measure FairlyFocus on measures that individuals can impact. Seek input from individuals on setting the measures, creating their responsibility for impacting results.

Delegate Authority Don’t: Micromanage, do the job, tell “how”, give ordersDo: Delegate, empower, tell “what”, lead and mentor through questionsRecognize Results Team results and individual results. Frequent communication - written or verbal acknowledgement of achievements and contribution to group success. Compensate star performers.

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The Life Cycle Institute is the learning, leadership and change management practice at Life Cycle Engineering.
