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  • 8/12/2019 Lean 3 TaktTime


    Building Lean Systems

    Takt Time

  • 8/12/2019 Lean 3 TaktTime


    2Ardavan Asef-Vaziri 6/4/2009Lean Thinking: 3- Takt Time

    German engineers helped Japan build aircrafts in 30s.Takt is a German word for a musical meter.

    In TPS; Customer demand dictated the pace ofoperations on the shop floor.

    Takt Time: The concept of linking (external)customer demand to (internal) production resources.

    It is expressed in terms of the time available to makeone unit to keep pace with customer demand.

    Origin of Takt Time

    per PeriodDemand

    per PeriodTimeAvailableTimeTakt

  • 8/12/2019 Lean 3 TaktTime


  • 8/12/2019 Lean 3 TaktTime


    4Ardavan Asef-Vaziri 6/4/2009Lean Thinking: 3- Takt Time

    An operator can not be overloaded. Apply time studies to lowerthe time or breakdown the task.

    Loading each operator close to 100 percent may lead to infinitequeue if the workload is highly variable (negative).

    keep operators loaded close to 100% to motivate them to find

    creative ways to reduce their cycle time to takt time (positive). If the operators are underutilized, work expands to fill the time

    available (negative).

    takt time goes down when demand increases. Then someoperator may become overloaded.

    Subdivide tasks more finely, to load each operator close takttime. However, that would uniformly underutilize each operator.

    A better alternative is to have the first two operators loaded withtasks that add up to the takt time, leaving the third under-loaded.

    Load Balancing?

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    5Ardavan Asef-Vaziri 6/4/2009Lean Thinking: 3- Takt Time

    The third operator could help if the others fall behind. S/he couldbe located at the end of the cell to perform material handling.

    Takt Time is a Measure of External Demand

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    6Ardavan Asef-Vaziri 6/4/2009Lean Thinking: 3- Takt Time

    If each operator is paced to takt time, over production willbe automatically limited. Limiting overproduction preventsfrequent stops and starts that inhibit a smooth flow.

    It's best to buffer variation with capacity, not inventory.

    It is incorrect stating that a machine has a takt time of fiveminutes. Takt time is a measure of external demand; ithas nothing to do with machine capacity. Takt is time perpiece, not pieces per time.

    Enterprise should match its (internal) resources to meet

    the (external) customer demand. takt time applies better to a flow shop, may not be very

    relevant in job shop, but still useful to determine thenumber of operators.

    Takt Time is a Measure of External Demand

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    How often should takttime be changed?

    Too Frequent Chaos Not flexible to change Missed opportunities,

    Inventory buildup

    Distinguish between noise and real trends.

    Takt time could be reevaluated if the demand exceedsthe set production rate for 5 consecutive days (RunTest).

    At Dell Assembly takt time is 15 secs per

    computer. It is accomplished through (capacity)running multiple assembly lines

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    8/148Ardavan Asef-Vaziri 6/4/2009Lean Thinking: 3- Takt Time

    Internal vs. External Takt Time







    0 5 10 15 20 25 30




    Takt Time allows to smooth external demandvariation

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    9/149Ardavan Asef-Vaziri 6/4/2009Lean Thinking: 3- Takt Time

    Average Labor Content

    Average labor content is the minimum number ofworkers to sustain operations.

    Demand percentages for Hungama, Inc., Tasks


    Jobs/Day 4 12 6 18% of Total 10% 30% 15% 45%

    Operation times for Hungama, Inc. in (Minutes)


    Distribution 58 50 44 28

    Underwriting 43 40 23 19

    Rating 72 65 68 75

    Policy writing 67 0 55 50

    Total Labor 240 155 190 172

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    10/1410Ardavan Asef-Vaziri 6/4/2009Lean Thinking: 3- Takt Time

    Average Labor Content







    )Modelforcontentlabor)(TotalModelof(%ContentLaborAverage ii



    Average labor content = 0.10 (240) + 0.30 (155) + 0.15 (190) + 0.45(172) = 176.4 min



  • 8/12/2019 Lean 3 TaktTime

    11/1411Ardavan Asef-Vaziri 6/4/2009Lean Thinking: 3- Takt Time

    Average Labor Content

    ALC for Distribution = (0.10 x 58) + (0.30 x 50) +(0.15 x 44) + (0.45 x 28) = 40 minutes.

    Since Takt time is 10 min, the minimum number ofoperators allocated to Distribution task will be 4.

    (40/10 = 4)

    ALC T T M LR

    Distribution 40 10 4

    Underwriting 28.3 10 3Rating 70.7 10 7

    Policy writing 37.5 10 4

    Total 176 10 18

  • 8/12/2019 Lean 3 TaktTime

    12/1412Ardavan Asef-Vaziri 6/4/2009Lean Thinking: 3-Takt Time

    Practice Pleasant Valley Health ClinicThe Pleasant Valley Health Clinic treats patients withrespiratory illnesses. It classifies patients according tofour different types of respiratory problems (commonlyreferred to as Diagnostic Related Groups, or DRGs):Bronchiolitis (BRO), Pneumonia (PNE), Pharyngitis (PHA)and Sinusitis (SIN). The average number of patients

    treated per day are summarized below. The clinic workstwo shifts, from 7:00 am to 3 pm and from 3 pm to 11pm. During a shift, the staff are provided a half hourlunch break and two rest breaks of 15 minutes each.


    Patients / Day 15 24 25 36

    Fraction of total 0.15 0.24 0.25 0.36

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    13/1413Ardavan Asef-Vaziri 6/4/2009Lean Thinking: 3-Takt Time

    Pleasant Valley Health Clinic Task DurationsEach patient typically requires 4 process steps: Check-In(includes weigh-in, blood pressure check, etc.), Evaluation(by a physician), Testing (X-Rays, administering ofrespiratory instruments like Pulse Oximeters, etc.), andAssessment (diagnosis and future scheduling). The average

    task time for each process (in minutes) is given below:Time (mininutes) BRO PNE PHA SIN

    Check-In 30 30 30 30

    Evaluation 20 15 10 12

    Testing 45 40 15 15

    Assessment 15 15 10 10

    Work Content 110 100 65 67







    Tasks 1, 3, and 4 are typically handled by RNs. Task 2 ishandled by a physician. For simplicity, we assume that thearrival rates of patients are constant through both shifts.

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    14/1414Ardavan Asef-Vaziri 6/4/2009Lean Thinking: 3-Takt Time

    Takt Time for Pleasant Valley Health ClinicAverage Work Content = 80.87 minutes.

    Daily demand; BRO: 15, PNE: 24, PHA: 25, SIN: 36. A total of100.

    Time available in a day: 2 shift @ 8 hrs less 0.5 (lunch) - 0.5(2 breaks) = 14 hours = 840 minutes

    Takt time = Time Available / Daily Demand= 840/100 = 8.40 minutes / reques

    Min. # of RNs required = 80.87/8.4 = 9.627 10
