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    Learn Hypnosis - Keys to the - 130531

    Learn Hypnosis

    So you want to learn how to hypnotize eh?

    Not a worry, youre in the right place!

    Our mission at Keys To The Mind is to help you master your own mind, and show others how

    to do the same.

    Hypnosis is the perfect tool for this.

    By showing off the true measure of the mind you wont only stun a crowd (and the reactions

    when you do your first successful hypnosis demo are awesome, believe me!), but youll also

    awaken people to the true power they have within.

    That is why youre here, and thats why Im sharing this info with you.

    Ready to begin?

    Click the links below to explore this mini hypnosis training course.

    What Is Hypnosis?

    Part of thelearn hypnosis mini course

    What IS Hypnosis Exactly?

    Hypnosis is powerful, but its often very misunderstood.

    Nearly everyone who Ive taught seems to come in with a different definition of what

    hypnosis is.

    People have disagreed upon the meaning of hypnosis for centuries.

    Even the two pioneers of hypnosis in the 20th century couldnt come to an agreement!

    Milton Erickson, the great pioneer of indirect hypnosis, often used this definition: a state in

    which the subject shows increased responsiveness to ideas.
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    Dave Elman, the key figure in rapid, direct hypnosis and regression work, called hypnosis the

    acceptance of suggestion and the establishment of acceptable, selective thinking

    I look at hypnosis as the influence of thesubconscious mind.

    Hypnosis is simple, natural and powerful. Nothing to freak out about!

    Hypnosis Inductions

    The element of hypnosis I get asked about the most is instant and rapid inductions!

    Hypnosis is a rich and complex field, but when youre doing simple street hypnosis it tends to

    follow the simple structure of

    1: Introduction / pre-talk

    2: Induction / deepener

    3: Suggestion / phenomena

    4: Suggestion removal and awakener

    Heres a video which summarizes the entire Street Hypnosis process called 5 Steps toInstant Street Hypnosis

    When I first started out nothing seemed quite so exciting as being able to hypnotize pretty

    much anyone in just a few seconds.

    The basic principle for doing an instant hypnosis induction is

    1: Verbally set up (ie describe what youre doing

    2: Physically set up and get them used to responding to your instructions

    3: Release the trigger (ie move your hand away in the example above)

    4: Give the sleep command

    5: Deepen

    Here are a few examples which you can adapt to fit that structure

    (BTW Im using the word subject to describe the person youre working with. I cant think of

    a better word. If youre a therapist, theyre your client. If youre a stage hypnotist, theyreyour volunteer).
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    The Hand Drop Induction

    1. Sit your subject down

    2. Have them press down upon one of your hands palm on palm

    3. Lift your hand up against theirs to encourage them to press hard

    4. Move your hand away suddenly, as their hand drops and their enter shock firmly give your

    trigger (ie Sleep!) and begin your dee pener.

    The Arm Pull Induction

    1. Sit your subject down or stand them securely and ensure they will not fall

    2. Take a hold of their hand with yours, as if you were shaking hands

    3. Give a firm but not violent or painful jerk to the arm, and then immediately commandsleep and move into a deepener, always ensuring that they do not fall. You may want to use

    your other arm to secure their neck and head to prevent whiplash as you do this.

    The Magnetic Hands Induction

    1. Have your subject hold both their arms out about a foot apart, with their palms facing

    each other.

    2. Tell your subject to imagine their hands were magnetic plates, being attracted to each

    other and being pulled closer and closer together

    3. As your subjects hands get closer tell them that the moment their hands touch they will

    immediately enter a deep trance.

    4. Just before their hands touch rapidly (but not roughly!) clap their hands

    together and then command sleep and enter a deepener.

    The hand to face induction

    1. Ask your subject to hold out their hand in front of them

    2. Rapidly take hold of this hand and move it up in front of their face

    3. Tell them that their hand is going to begin moving towards their face and the moment it

    touches their face they will immediately enter a deep trance

    4. Continue to loop this suggestion and the instant their hand touches their face rapidly pull

    their arm downwards and command sleep!

    The Hypnotic Handshake Induction (Also Called the Handshake Interrupt)

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    Simply interrupt a normal handshake and lead into either the arm pull or hand to face

    induction above.

    The Handclasp Induction

    1. Have the subject clasp their hands in front of them, very tightly

    2. Ask them to imagine their hands are glued together to the point where they cannot come


    3. When their hands are successfully glued together push their hands

    downwards firmly and command sleep, and enter a deepener.

    The eye lock induction

    1. Have the subject close their eyes, and simply relax them to the point where they just

    wont open (should take less than 30 seconds) Then deepen.

    The Stiff Arm Induction

    1. Have the subject hold out one of their arms

    2. Have them move all the tension from their mind and their body, and all their doubts about

    hypnosis into that arm, making it stiff as a steel bar, tight, rigid and unbendable

    3. When they have confirmed that the arm is unbendable, say that when you push down on

    it they are going to release all that tension and enter a deep state of hypnosis.

    4. Firmly grasp their arm as you command release or sleep and loosen it until all the

    tension is gone, then deepen quickly to stabilize the incredibly deep state you have created.


    As soon as you hypnotize someone, its essential to keep talking!

    No matter what happens, just keep talking. Even if they open their eyes and LAUGH after theinduction just keep talking!

    Youll be amazed by how much you can get away with if you act confident.

    Your deepener is just an old fashioned way of saying anything you say to people AFTER

    youve done your induction but BEFORE the suggestion phase.

    Here are a few simple examples to give you some ideas:

    The Standard 10-1 Deepener

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    I am now going to count from 10 to 1, and when I reach 1 you will be in a deep state of

    trance, easily responding to all suggestions and feeling good and comfortable as you

    continue to drift and go deeper. 10, beginning to relax now, 9, going even deeper, 8 deeper

    and deeper, 7, focusing your mind, 6, feeling peaceful and calm, 5 really noticing how easy it

    is to just allow yourself to drift 4 feel yourself totally relax as we go down to 3, and know

    that at 1 lies the deepest state of relaxation, 2 already in deep trance, and 1, deep trancenow, feeling good and preparing to easilyaccept all suggestions given.

    The zero deepener

    In a moment I will count from 5 to 0, and when I begin counting, I want you to see that zero

    way off out there in the distance. As I begin counting I want you to begin moving toward that

    zero, getting closer and closer with every number I count, and on the other side of that zero is

    a wonderful and deep state of trance. 5, getting even closer to that big, powerful zero, 4

    relaxing, going deeper, feeling good as we go to 3, closer and closer to deepest trance, 2 that

    zero is so close now, 1 right in front of that 0 and 0, through that 0 and out into the otherside, noticing the changes this deepest trance brings.

    Simple Trigger Deepener

    Every time I touch you on the shoulder you will relax more and more, andgo deeper into a

    trance, focusing on my voice and noticing as the feeling you re beginning to experience

    intensifies now (tap) deeper, (tap) deeper still (tap, tap, tap) all the way down, and

    continuing to feel good and go deeper (tap)

    Three Keys You Need to Make Inductions Work

    There are three key elements that you need if you want to make your inductions work.

    If youve been struggling to get this stuff working this is the missing ingredient!

    Hypnotic PhenomenaSo Youve Hypnotized Someone Now What?

    The part of the hypnotic process where the real magic happens is hypnotic phenomena.

    This is where you give your hypnotic suggestions which create the result your after (either

    helping them overcome a problem if youre a trained therapist, o r simply making them feel


    You can make this very dramatic and powerful! The key is to always keep it positive.
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    You will have seen stage hypnotists or hypnotists on TV this is what they do.

    Hypnotic phenomena is ideal to WOW a crowd, and also to show people just how powerful

    the mind really is.

    (On some of our advanced courses youll learn how to use hypnotic phenomena to createrapid, positive transformations)

    When youre doing hypnotic phenomena, essential you are changing someones perception

    of reality!

    Now dont freak out. We explore those ideas in our advanced courses and theyre very

    powerful, but for now lets keep it nice and simple:

    How to Give Hypnotic Suggestions Video

    Heres a video I made AGES ago on how to give hypnotic suggestions.

    I sound as young as can be, but the info is still valid and it contains everything you need:

    Around the same time as I recorded that video, I wrote a short eBook called The Street

    Hypnotists Handbook

    Its no longer around BUT Ive copied the section for you below on hypnotic suggestion and


    (Yup, you caught me! Some of the info in the inductions section came from this book too!

    Well, copying from myself isnt really cheating, is it)

    Here are some ideas to get you started about what you can do with people when you have

    them in hypnosis. These are only the very basic suggestions, as more advanced ones will be

    covered on future lessons. I tend to link all suggestions I give to the subject feeling good, and

    being happy and successful.

    For example with an arm levitation and as your arm lifts you can feel good knowing that it is

    a signal from your unconscious telling you that you can be successful, you can achieve your

    goals and you truly can be happy in your own life. This helps to make the hypnosisexperience more powerful and positive for the subject.

    Once again these are just some very basic ideas for simple things you can do with hypnosis.

    Please be sure to think of your own, and adapt them to be more suited for the occasion you

    are in, i.e. to do things that make them more entertaining, inspiring, educational, or

    transformational depending on the circumstances.

    Always be sure that you respect your subject, and never do anything to put them in any

    danger or to make them feel any pain or fear. When leading into a suggestion it helps to say

    something like and you will not be scared, you will in fact be inspired and motivated by this
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    demonstration of the incredible power of your own mind, and feel comfortable with what

    your unconscious is showing you.

    As well as being a matter of ethics and safety, youll also find that this increases the

    effectiveness of your suggestions. Remember, what you can do with hypnosis is virtually

    unlimited. Do not restrict yourself to what I share here. Also make sure you undo all thesesuggestions when you are finished!

    Arm levitation

    This is a great deepener and convincer / tester, and is also useful in piggybacking other

    suggestions and as a platform to lead into more advanced phenomena.

    Have them imagine that one of their arms is becoming light, very light, as if

    1000 strong helium balloons were tied to their wrist and pulling their arm up, and their arm

    is beginning to rise higher and higher and higher. As their arm rises give suggestions about itmeaning they are going deeper into trance etc, and use it as a platform for other suggestions

    Eye Lock

    Can be used as an induction, as mentioned earlier, but also a great deepener and convincer.

    Simply have them imagine their eyes are relaxed to the point that they simply wont open, as

    if they were totally glued shut.

    Hand Stick

    Place their hand on either a table or a wall and tell them that their hand is stuck, tightly

    locked down and firmly attached to the surface, glued there and locked to the point where,

    no matter how hard they were to try and unstick it, it would simply stick tighter. This is both

    an entertaining suggestion and useful for building toward advanced phenomena by

    piggybacking other suggestions.


    Have the subject forget their name, or age or a particular number. Use a reference

    experience such as the tip of the tongue phenomenon (having a word or something you

    should know on the tip of your tongue but not being able to find it) to prepare their mind,

    and then use direct and indirect suggestion to have them forget what the number, name

    word or thing that you want forgotten.

    Remember to give their name (or whatever it was) back at the end!

    Hypnotic Laughter

    Tell them that something normal, like a book or a hat or every word another friend says etc

    is hilariously funny, the funniest thing they have ever come across, and they will laugh

    harder and harder and harder every time they hear / look at it.

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    Hypnotic Journey

    Take them on a hypnotic journey through their enhanced imagination, either with you

    guiding them along or their unconscious creating the story and you merely enhancing it with

    your questions.

    This is a great opportunity for you to explore unconscious creativity, and for you to help

    them change by way of metaphor.

    OK this is important ready up onSAFETYbefore you finish this course.


    Yeah so those three essential keys I mentioned before.

    Do you need them to get your hypnotic phenomena and suggestions to work?

    You bet.

    Hypnosis Safety

    Part of the learn hypnosis mini course

    Hypnosis is generally a natural and benign process.

    BUT before you do it, you should definitely understand the essentials of safety just to be

    on the well, safe side!


    Whilst its not possible to get stuck in hypnosis, every hypnotist needs to know a good


    This is how you emerge or remove someone from hypnosis.

    (BTW I dont see hypnosis as a state and even if it were, it certainly isnt sleep but thats

    advanced stuff youll get into later.)

    Every awakener must accomplish three things

    1: Bring the person into a normal, positive state of awareness

    2: Remove ALL suggestions that you have given (except for feeling good etc, and obviously

    this isnt relevant for hypnotherapists)
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    3: Leave them feeling great!

    I dont believe in learning hypnosis by memorizing scripts BUT for the awakener make an


    You dont have to use this one, just make sure it involves all three elements above.

    Key: Your awakener must be said with passion and Energy!

    Heres a sample awakener:

    I in a moment Im going to count from 1 to 3. When I reach three you will be fully awake,

    alert and completely back to the room feeling wonderful. Everything will be completely back

    to normal and you will feel great! 1, coming up slowly now, 2 eyes wide open now and feel

    good, 3 take a deep breath in and feel great, totally back to the room, awake, alert, aware,

    feeling refreshed and fantastic!

    Remember passion and energy!

    Heres what you need to read now:

    Safety How to Avoid Mishaps and Disasters


    Safety! How To Avoid Hypnotic Mishaps and Disasters!

    There are several myths and misconceptions which make people think that hypnosis is

    unsafe, predominantly among them is the idea that poorly or vindictively performed

    hypnosis can cause psychological harm to the subjects.

    Provided that we have a basic understanding of hypnosis, and exercise common sense, this

    really isnt a major concern (unless being careless or causing people harm is your intention,

    in which case stop reading this blog now!)

    There are, though, several things which do threaten the safety of our subjects in an everyday

    setting, and as hypnotists it is our responsibility to take care of these.

    Perhaps the vice that we have to be the most wary of is falls.

    When you are doing hypnosis, especially when you are using instant inductions, or

    hypnotizing someone whilst they are standing, it is very possible that out hypnotees will

    have a rather unpleasant fall, which will not only snap them right out of trance, cause them

    great pain and possibly even send lawyers knocking at your door, but it just isnt good

    practice to let this happen.
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    Of course, as hypnosis is not sleep, it can have different effects, such as a long lasting


    This is not serious and can easily be removed with suggestion, but of course it is ideal to

    prevent it, and the best way to do this is to make sure your wake up is gentle and


    In my opinion your wake up procedure should be sure to accomplish the following:

    1. Return the subject to complete alertness2. Remove any suggestions with the exception of those given for therapy and generative

    change or carefully placed post hypnotic suggestions

    3. Avoids a hypnotic hang over4. Leaves the subject feeling fantastic!

    Heres an example Now I am going to count from 1 to 3, and when I reach three your eyes

    will open and you will feel wonderful and become fully alert and aware, returning to a

    normal happy state of mind. Realize that from now on everything returns to normal and

    goes back to the way it was before you were hypnotized, except, that you will feel simply

    fantastic, sleep wonderfully when you go to bed, and wakeup at your normal time feeling

    refreshed, relaxed, alert, simply fantastic. 1, coming up slowly now, 2 beginning to feel alert

    and energetic, ever muscle in your body every cell in your brain buzzing with healthy energy

    and 3 eyes open fully alert feeling wonderful!

    Now that was a very basic example, as you gain more experience you will be able to trim it

    down easily and make it more powerful and effective, adding your own personal touches,

    but for now that shows you the sort of thing you should be aiming for. Make sure they

    return feeling great. Not only is this ethically decent, but it appears good to onlo okers as


    If you are performing street hypnosis on strangers there are a few more ways bad luck can

    bite you. I wont write much on this, but here are a few quick points:

    Be sure that rushed passers by cant collide with you, your subject or your came ra man,

    make sure you check that you are not hypnotizing people with epilepsy or other severe

    dysfunctions, and if you are hypnotizing children make sure you have their parents OK.

    The final thing i will warn you about is abreactions, these are so incredibly rare that i have

    never witnessed one, but they do happen.

    An abreaction is basically when someone has an intense emotional reaction to something

    they experience while in hypnosis, this can result in obvious signs like hysterical laughter,

    crying and even screaming.

    The best way to reduce the likelihood of this happening is to check that your subject has no

    particular fears, phobias or issues that may interfere before beginning, and to avoid

    potentially risky exercises like regressions before you gain more experience.

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    Realistically 99/100 things will go fine, but it only takes that one bad fall or other incident to

    really play havoc with your hypnosis career. Take to heart what you have read here, and

    always do what you can to keep your subjects safe.

    Abreactions Do Happen How to Deal with Them Properly


    Abreactions Do Happen; How To Deal With Them Properly

    Imagine this:

    You are hypnotizing someone, in front of mates, on stage, in the clinic, wherever.

    It is all going well, and then suddenly, all hell breaks loose.

    The subject starts crying and screaming violently. They totally lose control and you have no

    idea whats going on.

    This is rare, but it happens.

    Its called an abreaction.

    Seriously, This may be the most important hypnosis article you will ever read!

    Read this carefully, and learn it well, as when that abreaction does actually happen, when

    the peat moss hits the fan, you will be damn glad you knew what you were doing!

    What Is An Abreaction?

    An abreaction is an intense emotional response to a hypnotic suggestion brought about by

    spontaneous regression to a previously suppressed traumatic memory.

    So, you are hypnotizing someone, and for some reason a traumatic memory of the past is

    uncovered, and all the emotions associated with this memory come flooding free.

    How To Prevent Abreaction

    Sometimes abreactions just happen spontaneously. This is rare, but it does occur.

    If you follow the guidelines below, then you will learn how to nip this problem in the bud

    and seriously reduce the likely hood of an abreaction. We cant eliminate them altogether

    though, so keep reading after this.

    Do not do regression.
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    Until you are properly trained in clinical hypnosis, do not attempt age regression work.

    You never know what traumas you may unearth.

    Now, personally I feel that regression is actually safe IF you do it right.

    If you make it explicit in your suggestion giving that they will regress to a specific positive

    experience, then the chance of uncovering a repressed trauma is limited.


    Do not take regressions lightly.

    This is one of the very few areas of hypnosis which can actually cause people long term harm

    if done carelessly. So as a rule avoid regressions until you are qualified and capable to deal

    with them properly and prevent and respond to whatever they may cause.

    Do Not Attempt Anything Beyond Your Skill and Training :

    In many ways, hypnosis is like driving.

    It is powerful, useful, and can get a huge amount done.

    But, do something outside your ability, and you can veer off the road faster than you can say


    Avoid hypnotizing people with known psychiatric disorders, and avoid doing hypnosis for

    heavy duty therapeutic reasons until you are properly trained.

    Dont get me wrong here, I LOVE experimenting with hypnosis.

    Trying new things, pushing the envelope, and discovering what we can about the human


    This is great, and a brilliant way to learn, but always take hypnotic safety very very seriously.

    If you have any doubts regarding the safety of the subject, then do not do it.

    The Standard Method For Dealing With Abreaction

    This is the standard method of dealing with abreaction.

    It works well, so make sure you learn it properly.

    After this, well take it to the next level and show you how to deal with an abreaction like a


    The standard method involves three very simple parts.

    1: Stay Calm

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    You are the hypnotist. You are in control.

    No matter what is going on in your own head you need to breath deep, be calm, and be


    Handle this like a professional, confidently and congruently.

    As Douglas Adams says, Dont Panic! Stay calm, and sort it out smoothly.

    If you are struggling to be heard over the clamor of the panicking subject, then stay calm,

    use repetition and an authoritative yet reassuring tone.

    2: Avoid Physical Contact

    Not only could physical contact seriously freak out the person experiencing an abreaction, it

    could also create an anchor to the negative state. Obviously you want to avoid this, as thelast thing you want is all the emotional baggage they are dumping on you to be released

    again the next time someone holds their wrist of places a hand on their shoulder.

    3: The Magic 9 Words

    Gerald Kein is the source of these 9 words which have now become very famous among

    hypnotists. They work well and will more often than not be all you need.

    Say them calmly and confidently.

    The scene fades and you tend to your breathing.


    These 9 words should bring them from the trouble state they are in, and pull them back into

    reality. However, that is not always enough.

    How To Make Sure It Is Done Right

    The possible trouble with the above is that it doesnt really go after the cause of the


    Now we do not want to start doing therapy here (unless you are properly trained and in an

    appropriate context) but we do want to firmly shut the lid on the memories causing the

    abreaction and safely ensure that they go back to where they were beforehand.

    How do we do this?

    We talk directly to the unconscious mind.

    We give process instructions that explain exactly what it needs to do in order to ensure thewellbeing of the hypnotic subject.

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    We explain to the unconscious mind that a memory has been revealed to the conscious

    mind before the conscious mind is ready, and explain to the unconscious mind that it must

    continue to protect them from this memory until the conscious mind is ready to deal with it

    on its own, (otherwise this may create dependence of therapists etc).

    Use language like protected and stored rather than locked or imprisoned whendescribing the revived memory, otherwise you may worsen the problem.

    Heres an example:

    I am now going to talk directly to your unconscious mind.

    In the past you have been doing a good job keeping (name) safe from these memories.

    It is important that you continue doing this. Store these memories away back in the safe

    place until such time that the conscious mind is ready to deal with them on (his / her) own.

    Keep the conscious mind safe and protected, and remove from it all memory of this incident. Leave to the conscious mind only what it is capable of processing on its own right

    now, hide the rest until such time as it is fully ready.

    So now as you sit there, the memories are stored back away, and the scene fades, you tend

    to your breathing, and emerge only at the rate and speed that everything can be restored to

    its ideal, healthy balance. Everything is well, and you return feeling fine

    The memory is returned to the safe place where it was before, and amnesia is created for

    the abreaction itself so the subject does not have the added trauma of that experience. They

    are returned to a healthy state of affairs with the unconscious mind looking after themproperly.

    Often doing this can stop an abreaction before it starts, and prevent the memories from

    being fully uncovered before the abreaction really begins. Make sure you have your wits

    about you are always keeping a very close eye on the people you hypnotize, so if something

    does begin to happen you can nip it in the bud.

    Be sure your subject is totally fixed before you emerge them.

    There are no absolutes

    The one thing I am absolutely sure about is that nothing is absolute.

    As you develop more confidence, always trust your unconscious.

    Rely on what comes to you in the moment, and use these words and techniques as

    guidelines only.

    Get out there, have fun with hypnosis. Experiment and do some good in the world, knowingthat should the worst come to the worst, you know how to deal with it safely and


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    Become a Hypnotist

    Congratulations on making it this far!

    Seriously, good on you.

    Since you now know the basics, I want to invite you to grab a copy of Rapid Street Hypnosis

    Be a Street Hypnotist in 1 Hour or Less.

    This will give you everything you need to get out there and start hypnotizing people NOW.

    Hypnosis is a powerful skill, and the more people like you and me who use it as a force for

    good the better.

    Harness the power of hypnosis and you can have fun, free people from problems, and help

    others realize the full power of the mind.


    Oh yeah, so those three keys that make your hypnosis and suggestions work.

    They are

    1: Your confidence andinner game

    2: Your use of framing and expectation

    3: Your ability to utilize any reaction you get

    Theres more on all of these in the Rapid Street Hypnosis course.

    Why Milton Erickson Hated NLP

    Controversy Warning: While this is generally accepted wisdom,the odd NLP purist may not

    agree with this post. Feel free to share your opinions in the comments section but also take

    this with a grocery store attitude no matter your opinions, there will be useful elements,

    so as The Band sang, Take what you need, and leave the rest.

    Milton Erickson is probably the most famous hypnotist of all time.

    Using elegant stories and artfully subtle techniques, he would seemingly miraculously curehis clients within ordinary conversations. His skills are already the stuff of legend.
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    Richard Bandler and John Grinder broke down his approach into a series of very precise

    techniques, which form the backbone of NLP.

    Youd think, logically, that since NLP shared Milton Ericksons skills with the world, and

    brought him international fame, Erickson would at the very least be respectful of NLP.

    The little spoken truth is that he hated it, and to his dying day he never forgave the NLP

    founders for what they did.


    The simple, explain away reason is that Milton Erickson was a medical doctor, a

    psychiatrist, and he wanted to restrict the use of hypnosis to people in the medical


    This is understandable, given the power of what he did, but the real reason (shared by manyof Ericksons students) is actually a lot deeper.

    Before I tell you, I want to make a quick caveat.

    I do NOT dislike NLP. In fact, I think it is a very useful and powerful discipline, if looked at in

    the right away, however I share Milton Ericksons core objection.

    When you look at NLP, you see a bunch of very cool, very swish techniques.

    You see language patterns, the Milton Model, the meta model, anchoring, and lots of very

    sneaky tricks.

    If you have ever tried to use an NLP technique out in the real world, and found that it hasnt

    quite worked, then the end of this story will solve that problem for you too.

    You see, the NLP techniques are not themselves flawed, but they are lacking the crucial

    missing element.

    Imagine for a second one of your best friends, someone with who you have effortless, easy,

    flowing conversations.

    Imagine that someone else wanted to find out how you two have such incredible

    conversations, and tried to break down your super sneaky conversational techniques, and

    reduced every element of your discussion down to a few clever words and subtle gestures.

    Theyd leave out the feeling in your voice, the laughter, the unique connection you two

    share, the open intention, the intimacy, the trust, the real magic.

    This is what has happened with NLP.

    You see, Milton Erickson did NOT use the Milton Model and he definitely did NOT do whatwe now refer to as Ericksonian hypnosis.

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    These are just the surface level. The symptoms, not the cause, of the real success of Milton

    H. Erickson.

    What really made Ericksons techniques work was the sheer emo tional power behind what

    he did.

    The intense, powerful energy with which he was determined to help his clients at whatever

    cost unleashed the full power of his unconscious resources, and was expressed in the

    techniques that we now know.

    NLP often looks just at the techniques, and is like trying to photocopy the Mona Lisa. The

    colors may be in the right place, but the subtlety, the feeling, the magic will be lost.

    While some attempt to quantify this down into specific techniques, you lose a lot when you

    try and squash an unconscious process down into the tiny chunks your conscious mind is

    capable of processing.

    Unconscious tasks should generally be left to the unconscious.

    So, with that, how do we then build ourselves up to the point where we naturally,

    automatically and unconsciously do what works, so that this irresistible power exists within

    everything you do?

    This is what Ive spent the last 4 years and especially the last 18 months trying to figure


    I call this system Core Inner Game, because rather than being about a bunch of fragile

    surface level techniques, its about growing yourself to the point where you dont need to do

    the hard work and try and force the techniques to work for you you just do it naturally!

    Youll get the opportunity to benefit from the thousands of hours of work Ive put into this in

    just a couple of days.

    In the meantime, you can get a free sneak peak, and join the announcement list now at