Page 1: Learning How To Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects


Edmar Lago

[email protected]

by University of California, San Diego

Page 2: Learning How To Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects

• Focused-mode thinking involves a direct approach to solving problems using rational,

sequential, analytical approaches. The focused mode is associated with the concentrating abilities of the brain’s

prefrontal cortex. Turn your attention to something and the focused mode is on.

• Diffuse-mode thinking is what allows us to suddenly gain a new insight on a problem

we’ve been struggling with, and is associated with “big picture” perspectives. Diffuse-mode thinking is what happens when you relax your

attention and just let your mind wander.

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What allows your body to wash away the metabolic toxins in your brain. Without sleep, these toxins remain, making it difficult to concentrate and focus.

The mental process of grouping pieces of information together to form an idea

You can tap into your visual memory by creating a unique and personally meaningful memory which is related to the concept you are trying to learn.

Practising causes the neurons in our brain to link together to form a memory, enabling us to learn chunks.

One technique to overcome procrastination is to use the pomodoro technique, 25 minutes focused blocs of work with no interruption.

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By including exercise in your study routine allows your brain to disconnect from the focused mode of thinking, resulting in the diffuse mode to be activated. This helps to spark new and creative approaches to ideas and creates connections within the brain.

Breathing exercises have a physical effect on the mind, allowing you to relax, destress and learn more effectively.

•Recalling what you have studied, is one of the best ways to learn. It helps to solidify the chunks in your brain, as well as helping to highlight your ‘illusions of learning’.

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Our study time can be sabotaged by illusions of learning. To make the most efficient use of your time, ensure that you are cognisant of these:

Recalling what you have read not only help you to learn the material but it will also helps to see any blind spots in your learning

Marking the key points of the textbook is a good way to test yourself at the end of each chapter on the things that you have highlighted.

Process of committing something to memory. The act of memorization is often a deliberate mental process undertaken in order to store in memory for later recall

The Einstellung effect is a form of cognitive bias that results in people using a habitual way of solving a problem despite there being better technique available. By keeping an open mind, you open yourself up to learning more.

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What makes us. If we couldn't recall the who, what, where, and whenof our everyday lives, we would never be able to manage. What's more,memory is malleable and it tends to decay with age:

Temporary recall of the information which is being processed at any point in time, and has been referred to as "the brain's Post-it". It can be thought of as the ability to remember and process information at the same time

Despite our everyday impressions of forgetting, it seems likely that long-term memory actually decays very little over time, and can store a seemingly unlimited amount of information almost indefinitely.

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Is not just the way to make remembering relatively lengthy strings of numbers, letters or acronyms a little bit easier.

Memorize 2 4 - 7 8 6 5 - 9 0 8 7 as a code area and telephone number, for us Brazilians, is easier than simply 2 4 7 8 6 5 9 0 8 7, for sure.

But more than that, chunking is a network of neurons that are used to firing together, so you can think a thought or perform an action smoothly and effectively.

Mastering a new subject means learning not only the basic chunks, but also learning how to select and use different chunks.

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Sleep does more than allow the brain to rest or such waste of time. It also aids in the consolidation of long-term memories and is actually your brain’s way of keeping itself clean and healthy.

Taking a test without getting enough sleep means you are operating with a brain that’s got metabolic toxins floating around in it. It’s kind of like trying to drive a car that’s got sugar in its gas tank!

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The ability to visualize something is a massive aid to learning and understanding said thing. Simple visualizations can thus be used to 'understand' or represent the truth in an accessible way.

Visualization is very powerful because it can physiologically mimic a true sensory experience without any actual external stimuli

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As people begin to recognize that how you practice matters, the age old adage “practice makes perfect” has rightfully been supplanted by “practice makes permanent”.

Routine practice makes routine results, but deliberate practice brings deliberate results, for overall better learning

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– Before you can begin practicing you need to seek out instruction on what you are trying to learn. You cannot practice effectively if you do not know how to solve the problem or perform the skill.

– This is a supplement to deliberate practice, not a replacement. Whenever you are practicing you should be practicing the tenets of deliberate practice.

– Block practice allows you to get in a groove which gives a false impression that you know the material. You need to actively avoid that sensation and shift to a different exercise once you feel it occurring.

– It is important that you mix up your practice material. This can be accomplished by cycling in practice exercises you have already completed. This also has the advantage of leveraging the spacing effect.

- This technique has the potential to frustrate and discourage even the most persistent student. By keeping track of your progress you will have confirmation that you are making progress even though it may feel like you are constantly struggling.

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One of the easiest ways to focus on process is to focus on doing a Pomodoro— a twenty-five-minute timed work session. (Do NOT focus on completing a task.)

By focusing on process rather than product, you allow yourself to back away from judging yourself (Am I getting closer to finishing? ) and allow yourself to relax into the flow of the work.

How to Overcome Procrastination• Step 1: Recognize That You're Procrastinating• Step 2: Work Out WHY You're Procrastinating• Step 3: Adopt Anti-Procrastination Strategies:

• Make up your own rewards. • Ask someone else to check up on you. • Identify the unpleasant consequences of NOT doing the task.• Work out the cost of your time to your employer. • Aim to “eat an elephant beetle” first thing, every day!

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• You will learn and retain more in one hour of testing than you would if you spent one hour studying.

• Tests during study sessions are good for concentrating the mind.

• Research has shown that testing yourself during your studies is one of the best ways to understand and retain information.

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• Adjusting your "learning mindset" — the way you approach and think about learning — can help you get more out of your undergrad experience.

• Researchers believe it is due to the way students approach learning:students seek to reproduce the information they get in class,

memorizing content without really seeking to understand it.

students seek to transform their knowledge, looking for patterns and making connections among ideas.

students may combine either deep or surface with an organized effort to earn the highest possible grade.

• A key finding is that these approaches are not "hard-wired" characteristics, but can be modified. For instance, teachers who expect students to learn deeply encourage students to do just that.

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Researchers have confirmed that performing teamwork generally works better when members of the team have prior experience working together due to enhanced coordination and communication.

This appears partly due to a chemical called serotonin which helps an individual to communicate better and think more positively. Serotonin is produced when an individual is in a situation where he/she is in comfortable environment.

A single brain can’t bounce different ideas off of each other. Each team member has a responsibility to contribute equally and offer their unique perspective on a problem to arrive at the best possible solution. Teamwork can lead to better decisions, products, or services.

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“Without an understanding of the unique meanings existing for the individual, the problems of helping him effectively are almost insurmountable.” Arthur Combs

• An individual learner's culture, family background, and socioeconomic level affect his or her learning. The context in which someone grows and develops has an important impact on learning.

• These beliefs, principles and theories have an important impact on the opportunities for success for every student.

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1. Make a conscious decision to be a lifelong learner.

2. Dare to dream big.

3. Engage in work that encourages, requires, and/or supports your lifelong learning.

4. Schedule a time for learning

5. Use scraps of time or trapped time for learning

6. Determine your learning style and preferences.

7. Surround yourself with lifelong learners


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9. Subscribe to and read professional journals and books.

10. Visit the library regularly, either the local public library or a college library.

11. Become a better browser

12. Attend lectures

13. Teach with others and to others

14. Try new things – often

15. Repeat, repeat, repeat.


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• Motivated

• Resilient, to overcome challenges

• An excellent time manager

• Motivation

• Independence

• Initiative

• Time Management

• Organisation and multi-tasking

• Strong Reading and Writing skills

* Independent learning is when an individual is able to think, act and pursue their own studies autonomously, without the same levels of support you receive from a teacher at school.

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Thank [email protected]

by University of California, San Diego
