Page 1: Learning Objective Name _________________________

DataWORKS Educational Research(800) 495-1550 • ©2012 All rights reserved. Comments? [email protected]

2nd Grade Reading Comprehension 2.4 (2Q)Ask clarifying questions about essential textual elements of

exposition (e.g., why, what if, how).Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only.

Learning Objective Name _________________________

CFUWhat are we going to do today?

Activate (or provide) Prior Knowledge

CFUStudents ask their partners the above question.Students, we ask and answer questions all the time to find out things or gather information. We ask questions in school about what we read and learn. Today, we will ask questions about text.

Today, we will ask questions about text1.1 piece of writing

How old are you? I am ____ years old.

Page 2: Learning Objective Name _________________________

DataWORKS Educational Research(800) 495-1550 • ©2012 All rights reserved. Comments? [email protected]

2nd Grade Reading Comprehension 2.4 (2Q)Ask clarifying questions about essential textual elements of

exposition (e.g., why, what if, how).Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only.

Concept Development

A question is what we ask to find out things or gather information.• It ends with a question mark--?• Why questions ask about the reason something happened.• Answers to some questions can be found in the text.

Hungry Gary 1. Gary ate a big sandwich at lunch. 2. He also ate some carrot sticks. 3. Then, he had a big scoop of ice cream. 4. I asked Gary why he ate so much for lunch. 5. He said he didn’t eat breakfast this morning. 6. He

was really hungry. 44 words

Question: Why did Gary eat a lot of food at lunch?

Answer: Gary ate a lot of food at lunch because he didn’t eat breakfast this morning.CFU

What do why questions ask? Why questions ask ______________________________.Which sentence is a question? Explain your answer.

A. The sky is blue.

B. Why is the sky blue? In your own words, what is a question? A question is _______________________.


Page 3: Learning Objective Name _________________________

DataWORKS Educational Research(800) 495-1550 • ©2012 All rights reserved. Comments? [email protected]

2nd Grade Reading Comprehension 2.4 (2Q)Ask clarifying questions about essential textual elements of

exposition (e.g., why, what if, how).Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only.

Skill Development/Guided Practice

A question is what we ask to find out things or gather information.• It ends with a question mark--?• Why questions ask about the reason something happened.

Ask questions about text.

Step #1: Read the text carefully. Step #2: Ask a “Why” question about something that happened in the text. Step #3: Answer the “Why” question that you asked. a. Underline the answer in the text.

The Noisy Cat 1. Our neighbor's cat is very loud. 2. Every night, the cat sits on the fence. 3. He meows very loudly. 4. The cat gets louder and louder every night. 5. My dad asked the owner of the cat why he meows every night. 6. The owner told him that the cat is lonely2. 2 having no one to talk to or be with 48 words

1. Ask a “Why” question about sentence #3.__________________________________________________________________________ 

2. Answer the “Why” question.__________________________________________________________________

CFU How did I know what question to ask about the text? How did I answer the “Why” question that I asked? How did I know what to underline in the paragraph?

Why did the cat meow very loudly?

The cat meowed very loudly because he was lonely.

Page 4: Learning Objective Name _________________________

DataWORKS Educational Research(800) 495-1550 • ©2012 All rights reserved. Comments? [email protected]

2nd Grade Reading Comprehension 2.4 (2Q)Ask clarifying questions about essential textual elements of

exposition (e.g., why, what if, how).Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only.

Picnic Time 1. Sam and his mom went to the park to have a picnic. 2. Sam didn't finish his sandwich. 3. “Did you not like your sandwich, Sam?” asked his mother. 4. “I liked my sandwich. 5. I didn’t finish my sandwich because I want to feed the ducks,” said Sam. 6. His mother smiled. 7. She told Sam she would save some of her sandwich for the ducks, too. 62 words

1. Ask a “Why” question about sentence #2.___________________________________________________________________________ 

2. Answer the “Why” question.___________________________________________________________________  

Why didn’t Sam finish his sandwich?

A question is what we ask to find out things or gather information.• It ends with a question mark--?• Why questions ask about the reason something happened.

Ask questions about text.

Skill Development/Guided Practice (continued)

Sam didn’t finish his sandwich because he wanted to feed the ducks?

CFUHow did I know what question to ask about the text? How did I answer the “Why” question that I asked? How did I know what to underline in the paragraph?

Step #1: Read the text carefully. Step #2: Ask a “Why” question about something that happened in the text. Step #3: Answer the “Why” question that you asked. a. Underline the answer in the text.

Page 5: Learning Objective Name _________________________

DataWORKS Educational Research(800) 495-1550 • ©2012 All rights reserved. Comments? [email protected]

2nd Grade Reading Comprehension 2.4 (2Q)Ask clarifying questions about essential textual elements of

exposition (e.g., why, what if, how).Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only.


A question is what we ask to find out things or gather information.

CFUDoes anyone else have another reason why it is relevant to ask questions about text? (pair-share) Why is it relevant to ask questions about text? You may give me one of my reasons or one of your own. Which reason is more relevant to you? Why?

1. It was Abby’s birthday. 2. She walked to the pizza place. 3. The pizza place was dark and quiet. 4. Suddenly, the lights came on. 5. All of Abby’s friends jumped up and surprised her. 6. It was dark and quiet because they wanted to surprise her.

Question: Why was the pizza place dark and quiet?Answer: Abby’s friends wanted to surprise her.

2. Asking questions about text will help you do well on tests.

1. Asking questions about text will help you ask and answer some questions.

Page 6: Learning Objective Name _________________________

DataWORKS Educational Research(800) 495-1550 • ©2012 All rights reserved. Comments? [email protected]

2nd Grade Reading Comprehension 2.4 (2Q)Ask clarifying questions about essential textual elements of

exposition (e.g., why, what if, how).Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only.

My Lunchbox 1. Sarah went to school on Monday. 2. The bell rang, but, instead of lining up for class, Sarah ran to the office. 3. Sarah went to the lady at the counter. 4. The lady asked her why Sarah was in the office instead of class. 5. Sarah told her that she forgot her lunch. 6. The lady let Sarah call her mom. 7. Sarah’s mom brought her lunch to school. 64 words

1. Ask a “Why” question about sentence #2.__________________________________________________________________________ 

2. Answer the “Why” question.___________________________________________________________________  

Why did Sarah run to the office?

Skill Closure Ask questions about text.

Step #1: Read the text carefully. Step #2: Ask a “Why” question about something that happened in the text. Step #3: Answer the “Why” question that you asked. a. Underline the answer in the text.

Sarah ran to the office because she forgot her lunch.

Concept Closure Give an example of a why question.

Summary Closure What did you learn today about asking questions about text. (pair-share)

A question is what we ask to find out things or gather information.• It ends with a question mark--?• Why questions ask about the reason something happened.

Page 7: Learning Objective Name _________________________

DataWORKS Educational Research(800) 495-1550 • ©2012 All rights reserved. Comments? [email protected]

2nd Grade Reading Comprehension 2.4 (2Q)Ask clarifying questions about essential textual elements of

exposition (e.g., why, what if, how).Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only.

Independent Practice

Name _______________________________

Recess Games 1. All the kids were jumping rope at recess. 2. It was Emma’s turn to jump. 3.Emma’s friends watched her jump. 4. Emma’s friend Molly shouted, “Stop!” 5. Emma could not hear her. 6. Emma kept jumping faster and faster. 7. Molly told her to stop because she saw that Emma’s shoelace was untied. 8. It was too late. 9. Emma fell and scraped her knee.

58 words

1. Ask a “Why” question about sentence # 4.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 

2. Answer the “Why” question.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

A question is what we ask to find out things or gather information.• It ends with a question mark--?• Why questions ask about the reason something happened.

Ask questions about text.

Why did Molly shout “Stop” ?

Molly shouted “Stop” because Emma’s shoelace was untied.

Step #1: Read the text carefully. Step #2: Ask a “Why” question about something that happened in the text. Step #3: Answer the “Why” question that you asked. a. Underline the answer in the text.

Page 8: Learning Objective Name _________________________

DataWORKS Educational Research(800) 495-1550 • ©2012 All rights reserved. Comments? [email protected]

2nd Grade Reading Comprehension 2.4 (2Q)Ask clarifying questions about essential textual elements of

exposition (e.g., why, what if, how).Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only.

Independent Practice (continued)

A question is what we ask to find out things or gather information.• It ends with a question mark--?• Why questions ask for the reason something happened.Ask questions about text.

Surprise 1. Isaac walked home with a huge smile on his face. 2. When Isaac got home, he yelled, “Mom, I have great news!” 3. Isaac ran into the kitchen with a big grin. 4. “Today, we got our report cards. 5. You are going to be surprised!” 6. Isaac handed his mom the paper. 7. Isaac couldn’t wait to show his mom that he got an A in every class. 63 words

1. Ask a “Why” question about sentence # 1.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 

2. Answer the “Why” question.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Why can’t Isaac wait to get home?

Isaac couldn’t wait to show his mom that he got an A in every class.

Step #1: Read the text carefully. Step #2: Ask a “Why” question about something that happened in the text. Step #3: Answer the “Why” question that you asked. a. Underline the answer in the text.

Page 9: Learning Objective Name _________________________

DataWORKS Educational Research(800) 495-1550 • ©2012 All rights reserved. Comments? [email protected]

2nd Grade Reading Comprehension 2.4 (2Q)Ask clarifying questions about essential textual elements of

exposition (e.g., why, what if, how).Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only.

Stuck Indoors 1. Brandon sat in his room looking out the window. 2. All his friends were riding bikes outside. 3. He wished he was outside. 4. Brandon sneezed and scratched his red eyes. 5. He then scratched his arms. 6. His mom walked in yelling, “Stop scratching! 7. The doctor told you not to scratch.” 8. “I know. 9. I hate chicken pox! 10. I haven’t been outside all week because of chicken pox!” Brandon replied.

65 words

1. Ask a “Why” question about sentence #3.______________________________________________________________________________

2. Answer the “Why” question.____________________________________________________________________

A question is what we ask to find out things or gather information.• It ends with a question mark--?• Why questions ask about the reason something happened.

Ask questions about text.

Periodic Review 1

Name _______________________________

Why did Brandon wish he was outside?

Brandon hasn’t been outside all week because he has chicken pox.

Step #1: Read the text carefully. Step #2: Ask a “Why” question about something that happened in the text. Step #3: Answer the “Why” question that you asked. a. Underline the answer in the text.

Page 10: Learning Objective Name _________________________

DataWORKS Educational Research(800) 495-1550 • ©2012 All rights reserved. Comments? [email protected]

2nd Grade Reading Comprehension 2.4 (2Q)Ask clarifying questions about essential textual elements of

exposition (e.g., why, what if, how).Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only.

Periodic Review 2

Name _______________________________A question is what we ask to find out things or gather information.• It ends with a question mark--?• Why questions ask for the reason something happened.

Ask questions about text.

The Carnival1

1. The big carnival was in town. 2. Marty and Ben got in a long line. 3. They wanted to ride the biggest and scariest roller coaster. 4. The line moved slowly. 5. Finally, they were at the front of the line. 6. "Sorry, you can not ride,” the operator said to Marty. 7. Marty was upset. 8. The operator told her she couldn’t ride because she was too short. 9. “Maybe next year,” she thought.1 outdoor event where you can play games for prizes and ride roller coasters 67 words

1. Ask a “Why” question about sentence #6.___________________________________________________________________________

2. Answer the “Why” question.___________________________________________________________________

Why can’t Marty ride the roller coaster?

Marty can’t ride the roller coaster because she is too short.

Step #1: Read the text carefully. Step #2: Ask a “Why” question about something that happened in the text. Step #3: Answer the “Why” question that you asked. a. Underline the answer in the text.

Page 11: Learning Objective Name _________________________

DataWORKS Educational Research(800) 495-1550 • ©2012 All rights reserved. Comments? [email protected]

2nd Grade Reading Comprehension 2.4 (2Q)Ask clarifying questions about essential textual elements of

exposition (e.g., why, what if, how).Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only.

Periodic Review 3

Name _______________________________A question is what we ask to find out things or gather information.• It ends with a question mark--?• Why questions ask for the reason something happened.

Ask questions about text.

Thomas and His Jeans 1. Thomas went to school wearing his favorite jeans. 2. At recess, Thomas found a marble and put it in his pocket. 3. When he got to class, the marble was gone! 4. In class, the teacher gave Thomas a special eraser. 5. Thomas put the eraser in his pocket, but after lunch it was also gone. 6. When Thomas was home, he told his mom that he lost his marble and his eraser. 7. His mom went to look at his jeans. 8. She found a big hole in the pocket!

85 words

1. Ask a “Why” question about sentence #6.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 

2. Answer the “Why” question.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Why did things go missing out of Thomas’s pocket?

Thomas lost things because he had a big hole in his pocket.

Step #1: Read the text carefully. Step #2: Ask a “Why” question about something that happened in the text. Step #3: Answer the “Why” question that you asked. a. Underline the answer in the text.

Page 12: Learning Objective Name _________________________

DataWORKS Educational Research(800) 495-1550 • ©2012 All rights reserved. Comments? [email protected]

2nd Grade Reading Comprehension 2.4 (2Q)Ask clarifying questions about essential textual elements of

exposition (e.g., why, what if, how).Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only.

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