
Learning Objective;Show how seeds are made and spread out using a range of different methods.

Level 5 – Use complicated scientific words and a model in unfamiliar situations.

Level 4 – Use simple scientific words and begins to use a model to explain.

Level 3 – Use few scientific words.

Plant reproduction

You have learnt the names of the different parts of the plant… but

can you remember what each one does??

Work as a team to match the cards

You have 3 minutes!!

You have 3 minutes!!

Can you see any


Flowers come in many shapes, colours and sizes. They are usually specially adapted to particular types of pollination.

There are two types of pollination. Cross pollination – when pollen goes from one plant to another of the same type. This kind of pollination results in stronger plants.

The other type of pollination is self pollination where the pollen goes from the anther to the stigma of the same plant. This can result in a genetically weaker plant

Pollination is the transfer of pollen from the anther to the sticky stigma by wind, animals/insects or water.

Butterfly Pollinating a Flower

Many species of butterflies eat plant nectar. When these butterflies land on a series of flowers in search of food, they brush their bodies against both male and female flower organs.

This means that they get covered in pollen and then fly off.

They then transfer the pollen from one flower to another.

‘Spreading the Seeds’

If I were a plant I would want to spread my seeds far and wide to stop overcrowding and to take over new


Do you think it a good idea for

seeds to spread?

That’s right… it’s another one of nature’s master plans!

Excellent!But how do they travel?!?! They

don’t have rocket boosters like me!!

Role Play Task

In small groups you have each been given a card.

Your card describes one way in which seeds travel.

Each group has a different card.

It is your task to produce a very small role play to describe to your classmates the way in which seeds spread out on

your card.

You can use actions, words, storylines and examples to help everyone understand.

In small groups you have each been given a card.

Your card describes one way in which seeds travel.

Each group has a different card.

It is your task to produce a very small role play to describe to your classmates the way in which seeds spread out on

your card.

You can use actions, words, storylines and examples to help everyone understand.

So now you know the full story!!
