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C o m m u n i t y E x p e r i e n c e D i s t i l l e d

Secure your IT environments with the powerful security tools of Puppet

Learning Puppet Security

Jason Slagle

Learning Puppet Security

As application and server environments become more complex, managing security and compliance becomes a challenging situation. By utilizing Puppet and the tools associated with it, you can simplify and automate many of the more repetitive security-related tasks.

Beginning with the simplest cases, you will quickly get up and running by looking at an example Puppet manifest. Moving on, you will learn how to use Puppet to track changes to environments and how this can be used for compliance. As your knowledge increases, you will then get to explore community modules and learn how they can help simplify the deployment of your Puppet environment by using pre-written code contributed by community members. By the end of this book, you will be able to implement a complete centralized logging solution using Logstash and community modules.

Who this book is written forIf you are a security professional whose workload is increasing, or a Puppet professional looking to increase your knowledge of security, or even an experienced systems administrator, then this book is for you. This book will take you to the next level of security automation using Puppet. The book requires no prior knowledge of Puppet to get started.

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Jason Slagle

What you will learn from this book

Use Puppet manifests to show system compliance and track changes to the operating system resources

Generate security reports using PuppetDB to show that the systems are up to date

Automate CIS compliance using community modules

Confi gure fi rewalls automatically based on roles

Demystify the Puppet SSL stack

Set up centralized logging with dashboard search functionality using Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana

Confi gure your systems to be secure automatically using SELinux with Puppet

Use Puppet to assist with PCI DSS compliance

Learning Puppet SecurityP U B L I S H I N GP U B L I S H I N G

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In this package, you will find: The author biography

A preview chapter from the book, Chapter 2 'Tracking Changes to Objects'

A synopsis of the book’s content

More information on Learning Puppet Security

About the Author Jason Slagle is a veteran of systems and network administration of 18 years. Having

worked on everything from Linux systems to Cisco networks and SAN storage, he is

always looking for ways to make his work repeatable and automated. When he is not

hacking a computer for work or pleasure, he enjoys running, cycling, and

occasionally, geocaching.

Jason is a graduate of the University of Toledo from the computer science and

engineering technology program with a bachelor's degree in science. He is currently

employed by CNWR, an IT and infrastructure consulting company in his hometown of

Toledo, Ohio. There, he supports several prominent customers in their quest to automate

and improve their infrastructure and development operations. He occasionally serves as a

part-time instructor at the University of Toledo.

Jason has previously worked as a technical reviewer on Puppet 3: Beginner's Guide and

Puppet Monitoring and Reporting.

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Learning Puppet Security Using Puppet is currently one of the hottest trends right now in the IT industry. As the

industry moves away from manual provisioning towards automation, the usage of Puppet

and its associated tools will only continue to grow.

With the rise of automation, and the repetitive tasks that security often entails, it makes

perfect sense for Puppet to be a strong security tool. With proper configuration, Puppet

can assist in securing your servers, showing compliance with various standards, and

generally easing the workload of security-related personnel.

This book is a practical introduction to Puppet for security professionals. It will guide

you into the world of automation, showing you how to make repetitive tasks a breeze.

With the knowledge learned here, you can begin the process of bringing your system

configurations into code, where they can be audited and treated much like you would

treat a code base.

Starting with the beginning, and assuming that you only have the knowledge of Linux

operating systems, we will explore the basics of Puppet. From there on, we will cover

examples and concepts of increasing complexity and skill until you are ready to start on

your own. In doing this, we will cover using the Puppet code for auditing, as well as

using reports and other data to show compliance. We'll explore centralized logging, and

learn how you can use Puppet to make your SELinux tasks easier.

What This Book Covers Chapter 1, Puppet as a Security Tool, provides an introduction to Puppet. We'll build a

development environment that we'll use in all the chapters, and explore some simple

examples with Puppet.

Chapter 2, Tracking Changes to Objects, explores various ways to audit changes to

resources, such as fi les. Puppet provides a number of ways to handle this, and we'll

review their pros and cons.

Chapter 3, Puppet for Compliance, looks at the use of Puppet for compliance purposes.

Version control for our manifests will be introduced, and it will explain how the

manifests can be used for auditing and compliance purposes. We'll also review some

specific examples of how Puppet can help with the PCI DSS.

Chapter 4, Security Reporting with Puppet, looks at how to report on some of the things

we covered in the previous chapters. We'll build reporting on various system facts, as

well as some simple reporting covering when Puppet last ran on our hosts.

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Chapter 5, Securing Puppet, covers what it takes to secure Puppet itself. Since Puppet is

in charge of all of your systems, ensuring that it is secure is important. We'll cover the

various security configuration fi les Puppet uses, as well as how it uses SSL to

ensure security.

Chapter 6, Community Modules for Security, takes a look at various modules that are

available at the Puppet Forge. We'll explore modules to make managing various

configuration files easier, as well as modules that provide some security hardening

of hosts.

Chapter 7, Network Security and Puppet, will explore using Puppet to manage the

firewall of the local host. We'll primarily be concentrating on the Puppet module, which

manages iptables and its associated set of tools that are used to manage firewall rules.

We'll also cover how to extend your modules to handle firewall resources.

Chapter 8, Centralized Logging, introduces the use of Puppet to manage centralized

logging using Logstash. We'll cover the installation of Logstash as well as its dashboard

component, Kibana. We'll then build a simple module to ship logs to a central server.

Chapter 9, Puppet and OS Security Tools, covers using Puppet to manage SELinux and

auditd. We'll cover the options available for Puppet for SELinux, as well as community

modules for both SELinux and auditd.

Appendix, Going Further, covers information on developing good modules, an analysis

of Puppet device management, useful reporting tools, and a brief discussion on the

Puppet community.

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Tracking Changes to ObjectsHave you ever wanted to know whether the content of the fi les on your server has changed or whether the packages installed on the server have changed? Perhaps you have developers who have access to edit fi les. Maybe you need to gather information on what has changed for production use.

If you have changed the tracking requirements that require you to report on specifi c items changing on our system, then the Puppet auditing and change tracking system can be a great solution.

Change tracking is the act of monitoring systems for changes and reporting on them. It is a component of more comprehensive auditing, which includes the reporting and other activities surrounding it, ensuring that a system is in compliance. There are numerous software packages available that do this. Many of them are special-purpose tools, such as Tripwire, OSSEC, and AIDE. Puppet can be used to confi gure many of these tools, which often require fairly extensive setups. Additionally, some of these tools require commercial licenses to obtain the full feature set.

With proper confi guration, you can use Puppet to do change tracking. Beyond this, Puppet can be used to make sure that changed resources return to their expected states, including correcting the content, owner, or mode of the fi le.

In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

• How change tracking works in Puppet• An overview of the audit meta-parameter• Examples of using the audit meta-parameter• Caveats of the audit meta-parameter• Using noop to get a similar workflow to the audit meta-parameter

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Change tracking with PuppetPuppet has a variety of ways to track changes. In its normal mode of operation, Puppet will track (and correct) changes to any resources in its catalog. This is by its nature what it's designed for. This can let you know that items have changed, but at the same time let you know that you can correct them to be the way you want them to be specifi ed.

If you don't have a set state for your resources and you just want to know whether they have changed, you can use the audit meta-parameter. There is some evidence that this will be deprecated in Puppet 4; however, it is currently still available as this book is being written.

Finally, one can use noop to monitor changes. In this mode, Puppet will report on any changes to a resource from its baseline; however, it will not make an effort to change them back.

Noop can be used in a variety of fashions and will be covered at the end of the chapter.

The following table summarizes the available change tracking options:

Declared resources Audit NoopRequires definition of the baseline of a resource

Yes No Yes

Corrects the resource if it becomes out of compliance

Yes No No (although you can run without noop to do so)

Allows you to specify what parameters are monitored

No, only what's in the baseline is monitored

Yes No, see declared resources

Supported in later Puppet versions

Yes No Yes

We'll cover the audit and noop methodologies later in the section. We've already covered what can be done with declared resources in the previous chapter, and we will continue to build on it in the later chapters.

The audit meta-parameterThe audit meta-parameter is the primary change tracking method currently in Puppet. It was introduced in Puppet 2.6, and it provides a way to monitor a resource without enforcing a state on it.

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With the introduction of Puppet Enterprise 1.2, Puppet Enterprise gained a compliance dashboard that allowed you to confi gure and track fi le changes. This dashboard has since been removed, but it relied heavily on the audit meta-parameter and allowed you to quickly set up auditing.

The audit meta-parameter is a bit of a divergence in the Puppet world. The declarative nature of Puppet is to model the desired state of a resource and allow Puppet to get it there. The audit meta-parameter can allow you to say that you may not care about the state of an item, but you want to know if it changes.

How it worksThe audit system works by keeping track of the state of the attributes you monitor. At the end of every run, it persists the state of those objects.

If at the start of a run Puppet notices that the current state of an object changes, it raises an alert. Additionally, information on these changes is reported back to the master as part of any reports. This report data can be used to generate logs of changes to attributes.

Internally, Puppet implements auditing by persisting the state of the audited objects to a YAML fi le. This data is stored on each of the agent nodes, and not on the master server. On each Puppet run, YAML is read and the state in the fi le is compared to the existing state.

What is YAML?YAML is a markup language. Originally, it was called "Yet another markup language". It is now known as "YAML Ain't Markup Language". YAML is a way to store data in a fi le similar to formats such as JSON. Puppet stores much of its internal data in the YAML format, and as we approach reporting and other processing of Puppet data, we will need to parse and create YAML fi les.

What can be auditedBeing a meta-parameter, audit can be applied to any resource. The code to handle the audit meta-parameter is present in the Puppet core. In theory, any attribute on any resource should be permitted to be audited, but there are likely cases that are untested and do not work well.

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Files, users, and packages are the most common use cases for auditing since they tend to be the resources that are critical security-wise.

Using audit on fi lesThe most common use case for audit is auditing whether a given fi le has changed. The audit system was designed for a particular customer's needs by Puppet. Indications are that this need was largely around auditing fi les. For this reason, support around auditing fi les as well as documentation is the strongest for auditing the fi le type.

To use audit on a fi le, we add the audit meta-parameter to its declaration. For example:

file { '/etc/shells': audit => 'all',}

This tells Puppet that it should audit every attribute on the fi le /etc/shells. If anything on this fi le changes, it will log messages in the local log fi le as well as generate report events indicating the changes.

Available attributesOn paper, any attribute is available to be audited. However, some attributes do not make sense. The Puppet language reference as of version 3.6 lists many available attributes for the fi le type. A current available list can be found at The attributes that directly change the fi les and represent their state on the system are listed in the following table, along with a brief description of what they do:

Attribute Purposecontent This is the md5sum checksum of the content. This changes whenever the

file content changes.ctime This denotes the creation time of the file per the Unix operating system's

stat system call.ensure This contains the type of file, directory, or link if managed by This denotes the Unix group of the file.mode This is the file's Unix mode.mtime This denotes the last modification of the file per the Unix operating

system's stat system call.owner This denotes the Unix user who owns the file.

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Attribute Purposeselrange This denotes the SELinux range component of the file on systems

supporting SELinux.selrole This denotes the SELinux role of the file on systems supporting SELinux.seltype This denotes the SELinux type of the file for systems supporting SELinux.seluser This denotes the SELinux user of the file for systems supporting SELinux.type This contains the type of the file—typically, the same as ensure if


Some of these attributes will not be present on all systems. For instance, on a non-Linux system, the SELinux attributes will not be present. Additionally, on a Windows system, there is an underlying mapping in place to turn the Windows concepts of fi le security into a fake Unix mode.

Auditing the password fi leNow that we've seen how the audit resource works on fi les, it's time to perform an example. Building on our last exercise, we will audit the password fi le and see the results.

PreparationThe following steps need to be performed to audit the password fi le:

1. If you're following along from the last example, go ahead and start the virtual machine with the following command:vagrant up

2. Once the system is up, go ahead and SSH into it using the following command:

vagrant ssh

You should now be logged in to the system.

Creating the manifestUnlike the last chapter, we are going to build this manifest straight into the /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp fi le. Since the example is short and for demonstration purposes, it does not make sense to create an entire module to hold it.

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As previously mentioned, it is considered bad form to add Puppet resources directly to the main manifest in most cases. We do so here to keep the length of the examples to a minimum since we'll have plenty of opportunities to create modules. For this and other best practice information on writing Puppet code, see

Inside the /etc/puppet/manifests directory, we'll edit the site.pp fi le. Once we are in the fi le, edit the default node to have an additional fi le resource as follows:

node default { include openssh file { '/etc/passwd': audit => 'all', }}

First run of the manifestOnce this is done, execute Puppet. To do so, run the following command:

sudo puppet agent –test

The output should be as follows:

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In the preceding screenshot, Puppet records the initial value of all of the elements of the fi le. It will use this data later to determine whether any of it changes.

Changing the password fi le and rerunning PuppetAfter we confi rm that things look good, we'll go ahead and add a user. This will have the effect of changing the password fi le. We can also change a user password or perform any number of other operations on user accounts.

We're going to add a puppettest user. To do so, execute the following command:

sudo useradd puppettest

Once this is complete, we will need to run Puppet again to see the outcome. Run the following command:

sudo puppet agent -test

Again, observe the output, as shown in the following screenshot:

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In the preceding screenshot, we can see that three different attributes have changed. The fi rst attribute is the content attribute. This makes perfect sense since we changed the fi le.

The second attribute that has changed is the ctime attribute. This tells us that something rewrote the entire fi le.

The fi nal attribute that has changed is mtime. We would expect this also since the fi le was changed.

The Puppet agent logs these changes in its local log fi le, but this data is also present in the report output. We'll cover how we can use this data in Chapter 4, Security Reporting with Puppet.

Audit on other resource typesWhile a fi le is the most common resource that can be audited, any resource can be audited. This even includes custom types. Additionally, even classes and defi nes can be audited; however, the mechanism is a bit different. In the case of defi nes and classes, the meta-parameter is inherited by all of the resources contained in that class or defi ne, but not in any that are included inside it.

The basic mechanism of the audit parameter works in the same way as it does in the fi le case. You need to specify a list of attributes to monitor and Puppet will persist their state. If the state changes between runs, then it will trigger an audit alert. An example of auditing just the owner and mtime (modifi ed time) attributes of the sshd daemon in /usr/sbin is as follows:

file { '/usr/sbin/ssh': audit => [ 'owner', 'mtime' ],}

However, as one would expect, the attributes to be audited differ for each type. The package type, for example, only supports auditing the ensure value. This makes sense since it's the only value that has a concrete state on the system. In this case, it represents the currently installed version of the package.

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Determining the attributes that can be audited for a given resource requires some trial and error. The following table shows some of the more prevalent resource types and the auditable resources:

Resource Auditable attributescron ensure, command, environment, hour, minute, month, monthday,

special, target, user, and weekdaygroup ensure, attributes, gid, and membersmount ensure, atboot, blockdevice, device, dump, fstype, options, pass,

and targetpackage ensure, package_settingsservice ensure, enable, and flagsuser ensure, attributes, auths, comment, expiry, gid, groups, home,

iterations, keys, password, password_max_age, password_min_age, profiles, project, roles, salt, shell, and uid

Not all of these resources can be audited in all cases. For instance, many of the user resources are only appropriate on Solaris systems.

Determining what resources can be audited on other resources can be done by reviewing Look for the entries that say they represent the concrete state on the system. These attributes are usually able to be audited. One can also use the output of the Puppet resource command on a resource to get an idea. For more information on the Puppet resource command, see

Auditing a packageIn this example, we'll extend our openssh module to audit the version installed. We'll then downgrade the package so that the version changes. Afterwards, we can verify whether the audit worked as expected.

In a production environment, it would make sense to audit at least the sshd binary along with the package. It's quite possible for the attacker to change the binary without even touching the package. Auditing the package is more useful to fi nd system administrators upgrading packages to unauthorized versions by accident.

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Modifying the module to auditFirst, make sure the Vagrant machine is running. If you need to restart your Vagrant machine, see the fi rst exercise to get it running.

Once it is running, go ahead and SSH it into the machine. Again, if you need a reference, refer to the earlier chapter.

Now we'll edit the openssh manifest and add the audit parameter. Edit the /etc/puppet/modules/openssh/manifests/init.pp fi le with your favorite editor. Make sure to use sudo if you are working on the live fi le.

Locate the package declaration and change it to look like the following:

package { 'openssh-server': ensure => 'latest', audit => 'all', }

Go ahead and save the fi le. Once complete, run Puppet using the following command:

sudo puppet agent --test

The output of the command should be as follows:

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As you can see, it recorded the ensure value, setting it to the currently installed package version.

Now that we have done this, let's downgrade the package and see what the outcome is like.

To downgrade openssh-server, run the following command:

sudo rpm -Uvh –-oldpackage \ \ \

The preceding command is all on one line.

The output of the preceding command is shown in the following screenshot:

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The preceding command is a handful. Due to the nature of openssh, it doesn't seem to get many updates. Because of dependencies, we need to downgrade multiple packages, resulting in the large command.When we run Puppet next, it will re-upgrade openssh since we have set it to the latest version. This will ensure that we're not running an old version of important software such as openssh.

Now we want to run Puppet again and observe the output. We'll once again run a command that should be familiar to you by now:

sudo puppet agent -test

Once it's complete, go ahead and run it again to demonstrate that Puppet did indeed update the package for us based on the latest attribute in the openssh module.

After both the runs are complete, the output should look something like the following:

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Notice that we have two different audit-like outputs here. The fi rst one shows that the package has been changed, and the second one shows that it has been changed again from the original value.This is one of the caveats of audit. If we audit managed resources and they are changed, we end up generating two audit records. This happens because the audit checks are performed at the beginning of the run before Puppet runs. This means that the next time Puppet runs, the audit still has the original value stored and reports that it changed again. We'll cover some of the other caveats of audits in the next section.

Things to know about auditThe audit meta-parameter is a weird fi t in the Puppet world. Puppet is about defi ning the state of your machines, and the audit parameter doesn't do that. Over its lifespan of several years, it has been fairly controversial. Based on the discussion happening on the mailing list as well as comments on the blog post announcing the feature, some users felt that the idea was good, but having it in the manifest was a bad idea.

Audit was a key part of the Puppet Compliance dashboard, which existed in Puppet Enterprise. This dashboard provided a GUI around running audit and also allowed you to convert the rules to baseline Puppet manifests. This made compliance a breeze under light workloads.

In Puppet Enterprise 3.0, the Compliance dashboard, which relied on this technology, was deprecated and removed from Puppet Enterprise. A page at suggests that a noop approach be used instead, which we'll cover in a later section.

Additionally, the Puppet Labs ticket seems to indicate that the audit functionality is going to be deprecated in Puppet 4 (

This does not necessarily indicate that you should not use the audit meta-parameter. If you have small compliance needs, it's a good way to get started as you work to build a baseline for use in alternative workfl ows.

We'll explore some of these possible workfl ows in the next section.

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Alternatives to auditingThe Puppet audit feature essentially works by creating a baseline of a resource. It then monitors that the resource does not change from that baseline.

Using the tools Puppet provides us, we can manually build a baseline and have Puppet run against it. This will allow us to accomplish the same goal as auditing.

We can then apply the baseline we create to either ensure that the resource stays in the baseline state or to monitor that it has left it without changing it back.

We do this using the Puppet resource face to give us information on the resource in question. A face is what Puppet calls the mechanism to extend its command-line objects.

We call the Puppet face with the Puppet resource command. Go ahead and request for help using the following command:

puppet help resource

You'll get an output that will list all of the possible arguments—almost like a man page.

The Puppet resource face allows us to export the current state of any object as a baseline. For example, consider the openssh package from the earlier section. Try running the following command:

puppet resource package openssh-server

The output of the preceding command should look something like the following:

package { 'openssh-server': ensure => '5.3p1-94.el6',}

This is the full representation needed to put the package in the state it is currently in. In the case of a package, this is only the version that is necessary.

Using this Puppet resource command, you can very quickly build a baseline of all of the objects you care about. However, once it's done, how do we use it?

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The noop meta-parameterPuppet has a built-in mechanism to indicate that a resource should be checked but not acted on. This is called the noop mode. Noop is supported in two modes. In the fi rst mode, the entire run can be considered a noop run. This is accomplished by adding the --noop fl ag on the run. In the second method, we use the noop meta-parameter.

The noop meta-parameter is very similar to the audit one. You can add the parameter to any resource. It supports a true and a false value to indicate whether noop is on or off.

It's worth noting that the noop meta-parameter overrides the command-line setting. In other words, even if you have noop set to false in the manifest and execute Puppet with the noop setting as true, the resource will still be applied.

One last tool in the noop tool chain is the resource default. Suppose you have a class for your baseline data and you want to ensure that all of the resources in that class are set with noop as true. We can use the concept of a resource default to do this.

To add a resource default, you can use the type of resource with a capital letter. You can then set the parameter defaults for resources in that scope. In Puppet, a scope defi nes the search order and set of area in the manifest searched while attempting to resolve a default or variable. In past versions, scoping was much more complicated due to the widespread use of variable inheritance, but that has largely been replaced due to the diffi culties in understanding how it worked.

Defi ning how Puppet scopes work is outside the scope of this book (isn't that funny?); however, if you're interested in learning more you can fi nd the details at

For our purposes here, we'll consider the class to be in the scope since that is the most likely area for you to declare the parameter defaults. In the next example, we'll show the use of parameter defaults in our auditing class.

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Purging resourcesIn our giant bag of tricks around monitoring change, we have one fi nal trick. We call this resource purging.

If you consider the earlier example in this chapter, where we monitor the password fi le, you might see an issue. While we can monitor the password fi le, or enforce the state of particular users, we do not have a good way to stop a user from getting added.

Puppet contains a special type called resources to manage this. The resources type supports relatively few parameters, which are as follows:

Parameter Descriptionname The resource type to managepurge A true/false value indicating whether to purge unmanaged resourcesunless_system_user

A user-specific flag indicating to skip the system users

unless_uid A user-specific flag indicating to skip the given uid values

The resources type also accepts meta-parameters. This means we can manage users, for instance, with purge and noop as true. This has the effect of logging any users that which we are not explicitly managing. In effect, it lets us audit the password fi le in a much more granular way.

We can do a similar thing with packages that will give us the ability to log or remove any packages that we have not explicitly targeted for installation.

In the next section, we'll go through an example of using noop to emulate the audit meta-parameter.

Using noopSo, what do all of the previous examples look like in action? In this section, we'll set up auditing on the password fi le using the preceding noop parameters and the resources.

First, start your Vagrant machine and SSH into it.

We'll create a module to hold this called useraudit. To do this, let's fi rst create the skeleton of our module much like in Chapter 1, Puppet as a Security Tool. On your virtual machine, run the following command:

sudo mkdir –p /etc/puppet/modules/useraudit/manifests

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This module is only going to have manifests, so it's the only directory we'll make.

For brevity in this book, we're creating bare bones skeleton example modules. The module format is very powerful and contains metadata such as versioning and dependency data. See or check out the book Extending Puppet by Alessandro Franceschi for more information.

Now that we have a module structure, let's make the manifest. Create the /etc/puppet/modules/useraudit/manifests/init.pp fi le and set the content to be as follows:

class useraudit { User { noop => true, } user { 'bob': ensure => present, noop => false, managehome => true, } resources { 'user': purge => true, unless_system_user => true, unless_uid => 500, noop => true, }}

We're doing a number of things here. First, we're setting the user default to enable noop. Then, we create a bob user. This is to demonstrate that we can override noop with the meta-parameter. Finally, we're using the resources type to purge any users in the noop mode. This essentially reports on any users that are not system users or users who were manually exempted from this check with the unless_uid parameter.

Now, we need to add our new class to the sitewide manifest so that it gets included in our test system. To do this, we edit the /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp fi le. Make it look as follows:

node default { include openssh include useraudit}

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Once this is done, go ahead and run Puppet with the following command:

sudo puppet agent -test

Observe the output, which should be similar to the following screenshot:

As you can see, a number of things happened. The fi rst is that Puppet noticed that the nfsnobody user existed but wasn't managed. When we created the manifest, we essentially told it to skip all the users below user 500 as well as user 500. The nfsnobody user is the uid value 65534, so it was not skipped. We would also want to exempt it from checks by modifying the unless_uid line in the preceding code as follows:

unless_uid => [500, 65534],

We can specify a user ID there as well as an array of user IDs or a range of user IDs in the format low-high. This gives us a good amount of fl exibility in exempting users from the audit.

The second thing this did is create the bob user, which was called out in our manifest.

Now, much like we did earlier, let's create ourselves another user without Puppet and see what happens.

Run the following command to make a dummy user:

sudo useradd dummy

Now let's run Puppet again. Go ahead and run the following command:

sudo puppet agent -test

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Chapter 2

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You should see an output like the following screenshot:

And success! The output looks very similar to the audit output.

SummaryIn this chapter, we looked at the available change tracking methodologies in Puppet. We started by exploring the audit meta-parameter. We looked at how it can be used to manage fi le and package change tracking.

After this, we looked at some of the limitations of the audit subsystem. It serves a purpose, but has some issues and doesn't quite fi t into the Puppet paradigm since it doesn't model state.

Finally, we looked at how we can replicate the workfl ow using other tools Puppet provides us. By creating our own baseline and using noop, we can duplicate the functionality audit provides, and even pull the system back to the baseline as desired.

In the next chapter, we'll explore how to use these change tracking tools and more to make the compliance department happy. After that, we'll see how we can report on all of this data we've been collecting.