Page 1: Leavenworth weekly times (Leavenworth, Kan. : 1870 Baptist church on Snnday upon Bankp. such as are contemplated in

rmrjCBgOMaaaytgaBdCBB! iwji"t'Tjijjiiiih jmj' eitfrs&& metqsMpwnRteatfr

--- ..-- f7


i . ....j) y. still, until lbi-- wnen ii.ansas win nave at that religion is but th medLins3be saiVful t!ht of Christ in that makesOFTtlE nihin;j morality used fpirit teftTHE LIVE ISSCHS , 8RsllO?J, say - by tome every man town. It Is needless to remark !ha the 1' Is leervd the the u?of his 3-- T "s is forev-

erT.IT one of .the . least double lv present rprober ot npresonta- - vou wil' nd;T5tand what I racna by e edi-- nan they wou.d have reapec .tune benefi: him' truly religious, and not Vs subscribing nan-iH- , ort'ie rr7nn ps,a as ne i bv t e oar ; t'a oeVrxul vt hisiln--fTf" 'r.a'Connty Clxrim, tlves in Congress. ilr. HaskJ has thus far er ce to i jd' laws, not in the lorffst sphere-- , from it. Unski!! fulness in the use of tuinjrs to this cv that ordisan x, or creed, or doc-

trine.tne-- time or the

-- . t'rs y. 3 siilw of h.s bolyi f.-- 0

soundest and most "relisMe fhownUmsirtolwa trueand worthy ser- - !

DsIiV -- Cd.If! the Baptist ChuTuil, iior in ths ocCun.1, or third or tt":rth or thit Were iu themselves "oJ wes the diffi- - It is the devout following of the A luavj-- Hall

collision. Soteeysny. viryf v.'--u

b i' v P!i'lr t.utttt

:. To-tia-y

: cnticil! has

cr..r!t'a.a hie

journal ia Kisa, joins with the Repub vantcrtte people, ax.d the plainest rules of, h'ta spheres alone, bu. to all of them love cnlty in that case. And .ha. is ofieit the patttrn t us in the life aud character of Morja Around f.t-- . V a hr ;. lr dorwa o: u

jriffiD.Vl', AFIUL 4, 1873. in con-


good kusc and pabilc policy demand that he Leaveruvorth, March 3!st, ol Go-t- , faith in thV Lord Jesus Christ and f case with the J'.ible ; unskillful use of it U Jesus Christ, that keeps men unspotted bdj- - La Uftt. I c .ii i...i, 4.uc; vuter was tr.iown down.i of the S.ate cencrallylics: press should be retained at least another term In It ruuxly Gazette, 2). imu me oti'iiutg cm ao-.- i. u upon it. una uotheuovernor tUe lift: that comes from the perfecting pow-- ci one rearon it is often thought not to be a from the world and make- - them fulfil the rwr i.fc rracnit' lie lorrvior rstn- -

the manner in vhicL tbetKisltlonheisnow filling with so much 1378, by of the Holr Gho-- t. When a man is in good book. Ii you want to know whatit is. will i f God in eyrrr sphere of life. No On Wcdnevlay afternoon 7nt, thl tection ! f,.rtl'A bu. ;i!u nuid. ii?.- - uasUanser in ihchis lemr to the Troy Chief, undertakes capability and satisfaction. spired to be noble citizen, that becomes a Uon was Yisiiru "j tc ui vim mo-- t vwe trill Uipv of ptir-lon. bat diu ru-h-- d thesnnjios. in a try it yourself. l take what others matter what church you are in, or whether storms we ever witnessed. Hall hums iu m ii, an) by olfcvr mean- - than

Oar regular Tuesday momicg sermon Is to pettifog the currency question, andGOVERNMENT SXVlXllS IS.VMCS. REV. KEKRY WARD BEEGKEP.. I'f.11 - When he livinS pure say about it, bat take it to your room and you are in any church at all, so long as you some rtlaces cover d the

of widenground to an Inrh m- - in iu.neriiii; the H.unes.

our i the social relation, that is a read it, and yourself if you are livinjr law of and live the faith mora la depth, souitf w.r a-- largethe Per. Henry demands that the men to be put on t,oey every God, in A mileorso south of A Jltttter Worili the Consideration ofnut. towny, by York ia article advo as hickoryXcwcontributed,

be of posi-


TLe Tixct, an part of religion. When he is fulfilling all up to the ideal that is there given you for a and love of our Lord Jesus Christ. it wa& more severe, and hall stotirt rs lane lstulgrauts- -Ward Beecher. His discourse, delivered a State ticket next Fall shall men cating the establishment of Postal Savings I will speak to this morning from the laws of God, that is a part religion. All pattern, or if you need to. as hen's egss were seen. We have learurd of Council Grove Itepubllcan A Democrat, 30.1

moraine, convictions the great questions youof them connected and have no Some find fault because the minister no ureat damage beyond the breaking of win-

dowchurch on Snnday upon in the are youthe Baptist Bankp. such as are contemplated the 13th verse of the 4th chapter of Ephe- - glass. Wnether It has tnjuied crops or since the beginning of the appraisement ofin full, in our columns, reported by pertaining to the currency, which are now

introduced by Mr. Phillips, of this sians : "Till we all come in the unity ot the right to separate them, lour obedience preaches the doctrine of total depravity. KANSAS NEWS. iruu we nave noi nearu. the Kaxv lands, Improvements hav elx en con-stancygiven

before the measurefaith and of the knowledge of the Son of should begin at the bottom and go to the If you find fault with it, that it ia an infe ruado by seltlers on lanus not pre-

viouslyEsq., stenographer. the onlv live questions An Enterprising- - Farmer. setlieii upon. In many InstancesH. a HolHater,shall be district, says :

God unto a perfect man, unto the measure top, and Iron the top to the bottom again. licitous phrase, 1 find fault with you, but this hash, en the ease where land have al-readycountry and that they 'o one can deny the Importance of afford-

ingof the stature of the fullness of Christ." A man's religion, if it is all inthe upper it you bnd lault with it because it teaches The bridge at Lawrence U nearly comple-

ted.Burlington Patriot, 2) leei, over and apinaised. It isXHAAKS. in full accord with the people the people some means of putting their story, is a imperfect religion: it a that all men are sinful I insist that you It one occalonally geutheb uesa vWtlo the desire 01 the Commission lo baveall im-

provement-.,of Leavenworth are under or and This is as near to a philosophical state-ment

very The Atchison postofllce has been reno-vated.

any otour leadiug farms In the county will m.-id- up to tne time ot closingThe people these great issues. We have no war surplus earnings In a place security mans morality is all in the lower story, ii shall agree with me. If yon will find me dispel bllllousurss. The kingdom of James the re.)rt. list,l and appraised, and themakes.Paul Thelasting obligation to Mr. J. B. PoDd, for uponthe Governor or else ; furnishing an Incentive to prudence and fru- St. anywhere is a very imperfect morality. For .man-buildin-

g, one man that is perfect in reference to phys-ical

There are fourteen prisoners In the Empo-ria

M. lt.iluw.tu, on Turkey creeS. is a striking rights of the settler may be tutly protectedinitrumental in alfording them to make upon anyone

Safety should be the prime objict, context is worth a moment's consideration : characteabuildiug, laws, perfect in reference to himself jail. example of the thrift that in.rts Kansn and his interest ruiru ihorouiiny entnnl.baTing been the of man to en-


"And he ajiostles and some brain aud muscle, six ) ears ao the lai.d he Iu tinier that this may bo more ihoroughlyrecognize right every should lie as near absolute as the gave some ; is reference his Atchison Is burdened with horseof listening to a sermon last we and evangelists from tip to bottom is what con-

templatedand his neighbor, perfect in to county lsloeattdon was raw-- -- ml nnbioken. He is uud cornclly 1. ucvvsarj that s,

the pleasure such vie 8 as he may think best, v of human slTalrs will permit. Profit prophets; and some ; and some in the Xew Testament. business, if vou will show me a perfect cit inieves. the owner of Im) acres of bottom and upland, miking Improvements all r the com-missionEev. Henry Ward Beechcr. Mr. bo seconda-

ryand teachers." Here you have all Judge G. C Clemens of Topeka U conva flanking both sidrsof Turkey rmklur two have sppiaistd tlietr l.n.i.s, numshould aSunday by this issue, as upon all others, and wc on the u-- e or the money pastors Let us read a train: "Till we all come ia izen, a perfect lover of God and of his felupon kinds of ministers embraced, in a general lescent. or time miles, and it Is all under makeii reisrt 01 these improvements to tho

Pond was for a long time a citizen of Leav-

enworth,disposed to any man's hon-


consideration, and should never bo ullow-e- d the unity of the faith and of the knowledge low-ma- 1 will give up. Don t you know The law respecting Ashing went Into and mot of it thoroughly ttllrd. He 1'omtnlss.ioii, stating their uatuie and cost.not que-tio- n

and still has hosts of friend here, are to Impair security In the smallest degree. way, and he then proceeds"

to show what of the Son of God unto a perfect man ; unto that selfishness prevails all over the uni effect yesterday. has model firm house, probably the tinest In Ibis maimer ju-lie- e will ha done iu allbecause his views do not coincide with been conducted they are appointed for : For the perfect-

ingcf In Coffey or Woodson lountlt.--, and a large, cases. The worn will continue lor somethey hae the of the fullness that is fill til with allSavings banks, as measure of the stature verse? man manner Klltnwood, in Barton county, Is to have apleasantly, will not be'remember, birn. with completelyfail to commodious and Itwho will not of the for the work of the minis-


few ours upon this issue or any other, but te for many years, do not serve tno purpose w saints, Christ." Christ was perfect in His bodily of suspicion? The old theologians say that weekly newspaper. and a dne orchard. Lait year lie raided closed ut until alxiut the first ot May, gtv lnghis efforts in their behalf during the last

insist, in common with our contemporaries auy satisfactory extent. Whelhcrthey could for the edifying of the body of Christ." sphere and in His social sphere: He labored by reason of the fall he is thereby void of all County well of tne products ll,u bushels ot corn, and this year will ample time tor all to make lull do so Is another question, but we That is, for the building up of the body of with His the business that is ot Leavenworth manufactories. piant 3W acre, to corn, aud his renters about

day8 the State, that the men who are be made hands in sphere ; as righteousness, void of all goodness, A Local Lxtileuient iu Washingtonthroughout lra-- Christ And they are to do that to this de-

gree:Thrre was considerable excitement oer iw mote.rear they could not, until lawmakers are a citizen He was perfect, and as the Son of that there is not a man born into lite that the Atchison election yeoterday. Count).i PEBSOSAL. put forward as candidates for the suffrages

butd with higher wisdom and b.-lt- purpo-


"Till we all come in the unity ofUou lie was perttct; Irom top to bottom, in has any goodness in him. Well, I don't The fine rain ot vetetdy was Just tho Be Careful to Seleet Cood Seed Corn. W11 s'j nston ite publ lean , S

Mr. Beecher, by his presence here recent- - of the people should be men who fairly rep and men are guided by a loltler sense ot the faith and of the knowledge of the Son every sphere of life He was perfect. Reli-gion

hold exactly as the theologians hold. I thing for recently p'uuuil oau. lPaolas-plrtt,;y.-j Some moiie-iou-s terson sut n sptelal tele-gram

1, mA new friends, and drew all of resent the sentiments ol the people upon honor and duty. The other resource Is the of God unto a perfect man ; unto the meas demands obedience from top to bot never saw a man bom on the earth that TheLiCyne Journal ha.-- , been enlarged From conversations with farmers we learn totneMV J. svpu (.'azrMe.dattd last Sun-day,manv of the stature of the fullness of Christ." Is that much ot the corn is until tor seed. Mime staling that 1. M. A ... iieusurerGovernment. ure folio and

to him. For his issues before the and responsibility and credit ot the tom, and there is no morality that docs not bad any arithmetic in him, or any grammar, from a seven to an tight column of it wasspoilei by rem tilling In the field uii 01 miscount, l.nii Ue-- d tor being athe country; allfriends is andhis old nearer great now a handsome lookingReligion, then, imply obtdience ia all its spheres to the or any history, or that had any paper. winter, and some of it by ueatiug In the defaulter 111 his !h. e. A vvii lul andbroad and liberal views he Is admired not at such a time as this, when there is a iii.vr. churches and all ministers and all.ordinan lavrsof God. whatever. Man when born into thi life cribs. Unless care Is used in sen cling seed, in l . Clous falsehood esjitid sc ir. e y haYe been

only by the church people but by'outsiders an impending conflict between the The w Yoik Graphic makes the fol-


ces and all governmentofare but school With that general statement I wish to in-

troduceis a little mass of skin and pulp and bones,

A ICaibcrKredonli




will be Imisisslblethe germ of


secureseed anu

a gooasee lh-t- t

slandIt assisted

es.ncelvd.b the


Ik liases- -



and those who proless co religious and the laboring masses of suggestion which will be indorsed by houses and other places learning that a series of propositions which I but he has the germ of great possi A sow belonging to Dennis Fltzmorris Ls souLd. Also, only use tho largest ears ol uave this wek mail- - iheir qunt riy vnut-n- aas well, money power, build up the citizen. We have all manner will with bilities in him. Original righteousness is and moose at corn, aud only the grains from the middle of ion of the treasurer's oill, e as red byhope meet approbation, brought forth thirteen plg--s aopinions. "o matter what may be said of the country, it is especially important that most thoughtful people : of institutions by which they are taught.

youroue inter. the cob. The butt of the ear unit the tip, law. and nn-- ; havelounii not on.v tut!with the of and him: original is not in him.consent judgments, not in sense titcash theirtiiMiryothint. Congress Is your where the grains are small or badly formed, amount ass, 0 o oyis out ahim, by his enemies or his critics, there the men who fill our public places should "We merely throw The Gospel declares that g

with your common sense. He is a character that is to be, not that is. Canuot All lie Tcnclien and Clerk. make jKior sed. Most farmers kt.ow till-- , the ba.aiic-os-. but an aclu 1 surp.u 01 denying the fact that he is a wonderful be in full sympathy with our people upon quick to take hints.


little lawall foreign

might Justna-



allis the end and



all In the first place 1 say that religion is But when man begins to develop himself, Council Grove Republican and Democrat but some do not exercise enough care.ofwluc.t

Ihe treasurer,surplus ip:eseuls

ihe tartytles.ttar

slio sentandtl.e


man a man of gigantic intellect, and with this issue should be men in whom we can now be quietlyright to recruit sold-


ordinances, of government, not only tierfectly comprehensible to the or begins to get on his feet, then his im)erfect- - louucmen who come to Kansas to cro Another I ishy Mory About a Ilrcam. is wen known I.ere. and tne animustho unrestricted But there is a pattern that is to be dinary judgment of mankind, but that it is lons ocgin 10 snow iiiemseives. mere is up with the country musl not alIt.xiK.-e- t to Clay County, March 30.) that 111st i.teil mm to tued.tstruly aci ot

a heart equal to his mind. For breadth place the most implicit confidence, and in on our soil In tho event or war, or, per-

haps,'followed which is presented in the person puiiosopuicai. .nen couiounu religion wuu not a man that lives that does not sin with Icicti school or clerk In a store. A good story conns in ni t ereekstown-shipubuu- la be lu.smleri r. ted. We-- leant that M --

Acband depth of thought, and power of whose hands we can intrust our cause with-


a resolution instructing and directingor of our Lord Jesus Christ. There we have the special way in which they are to get it. every laculty ot his body. Ihere is not I'olxoili-- by Ilntiu; Wild Greens. drtam tl. i J .i n llakerdrt. m- -


naiiustv. .11 .1!


t. Josph Gazc'teesa pto

' rand fairly Mr. EvarU to wink at such a violation our the perfect man. for all time and all eternity, much like of is sinful. Sumner Co. IVcsh, 23. ttl. Juuusiiu iuiuitii .w.n iust wees., auti ts--l. No one Ku.'s our touut-- . tr. usurerno itshe has few if any equals, a shadow of doubt as to being bufflclcnt. Wo have In other words, men are very a one single part man that not In the quiet wulclies t the night ut aw-a

mind of the all times and neutrality might be and the object of all ministrations is to re-

producelot of people sent to the hospital to be heal-

ed,We are all sinful. Therefore, I say the doc-

trineSlrs.Jarboe, of Vi.l Verdi township, died ision. A tab and st . ely Indnu apiwareu cu d s el 1..I0 in iking sue: a ra - and

the exeat defended, at.itrinn ,n,l fshhfnllv be Siaode stall nirtit. Vl. .to el.bcbsmnmr and bummers who cau of lat hvin been fatally ot.- - tashots of tramps the elements Christ, the charac-ter

Suu.lai iuornimc, be.orehiut aud said, Johnnie, tuert-'.s.- t potbut of universal sinfulnessthere after standsall health, one totliey ard rea-son,

wild ls u 111 lunate in som of hl I isiuess re--"With the position not. John Bull is buying po.soui.-- by eating greens. o mon. on that clai ."or words to thatcircumstances. wellall aspresent generation. under spared as of Christ. obtains it through the homeopathic pract-ice-,

because it stands to observation and Tlic Goober ia ttlce County. ct. He then descr.bed the loctlionola .a. loll- -, all 1 Is liable to ! u lost--r to sohle .t.

fairminded man cavalry Horses anu muies ou uai imwvu Xow presented in Crop til t I he eit th count V IllaV lestgenerally1',0W religion isno is thewe have thus taken, and thinks that practice only fact. huje stone v. inch was marked withKANSAS FIIUIT. soil. Why, then, should not Rus-l- a have an such as that it to a a Iticc County Bulletin, March 2?.I ill-ti- e Cgores. 1770. Under this was nnotlie-ston- e, t; - v ..1 nerti Vu Jfjautlcr to Ihedisposi-


a way appears person But from it? Is theretake issue. We have no true one. Another regains ins iieaun can man escape amount ij one ct t. His private .oituue IsThe shipment of fruit by Messrs. Farrell can

make captious opposi-


equal chancer There are a great manyspared


ple as nartial thinir. and often as a very unnatural through the 1 homponiau practice ; anoth any doctrine in the New Testament that raisedTeauuts

by farmersare getting

in thisto be

region.quite extensively

We hear of swag Inaud

lnexiiaustibieunder this

quantities.was to be louud

John to'dtin am (! le, over three tim.s uirvvr dollar

of this city, to Boston, of which we to any In this country who could be thing and to some as a very uurea-sonabl- e er turongti uie Alopaimc practice; anu teaches that man can escape from it? 1 rainy who will plant them this year who his dream, the stone w- -s found, and at last ofhls Ioss.s, mid very dime w.ll be freelyBros, to the Governor ou this or any well as cot. and who. U they stay here, will thing, and to still others as a very empty another, icrhaps, by the hyuropatliic, or think vou now will understand what the never tried tho crop lefore. ace untstlit'entire population of FlveCnefcs devoted, if need b-- maintain hi Integrity.

mention short time as the first the h. neighborhood were the 'I tie Cun Itcinedy'lricel ou'I Inet es u tmade a ago on ground diggingbut patronize be insincerecan-


do if it notother issue. When he was a never anything thing, even a very water cure. It makes no difference under doctrine of the new birth or regeneration is. Filline; up Willi a permanent Popu-lation.

lor the pot of gold. Coucoroia.load Fent direct from this city to Let recruiting have a free field and 1 wish 1 could flatter myself that Iever him the we opposed to which school they are cured, the main "Except a man be born again, he shall nottwo years ago, A New .15111 to be limit on the Verdi-gris.

Conco.dla Expositor, 2-- .

Massachusetts, has reached its destination, our" in terms fo no favor 1" could succeed in presenting to you the great thing is to regain their health. Neither the Kingdom ol Heaven." Ihere is Guildford Cor. Fredonla Tribune, 2. whileability; we stated, Last Thursday night, eveiythln?and is calling forth many good words for best of

TIJIE. elements of the Christian religion as they does it matter in what way religious truth such a thing as a new birth. When a man I notice several new-come- from other Woodson County News. sr in-- iiuiel and peacetul tu our little cit .The fol-


plain that tluy could not be misunderstood ?1AY BE WAU AX AV are in my own mind, and show you that is brought to bear on a man. One conies has been addicted to the sin ot lying, and States, in this neighborhood, showing that We aro Inforuutl that John P. Mitchell .t one or two rubbers might have lie en seen, nilKansas from the eastern papers. we opposed The position of affairs in Europe, briefly accord with souud judgement, with of inttu-- the country is rtlling up with a permanent build w iess-n- , !oiu aiouud fiom hoiisvto house,by anybody, the reason, why they in under the influence excite stoiw it, he is converted so far as lying is skins are getting remij lo a large mer-

chanth from the --Yor Enxnd Fanner,him, and those reasons wc tustained, by the stated, seems to be this: England will not philosophy and with common sense, and incut, and he says that is true religion; and concerned. When a man has been a

population.Decrease of tlic Kansas Indians. Greenwood

millCityou the


Toronto, onriver,


Hue olpryingbut flout


we couldiu onier

learn,to effect

the pooran en

1 1


March CO: affidavits and court enter a unless the new treaty be- -t bring you to know that all the essential it may be true as to him. Another reaches drunkard, and stops it. now and forever, he (hmIsou anil Greenwood counties. Miss J!.u-gle- lows it.. l in. I surie .1 well, l.eir lEst

There are Indications ttiat Eastern jeople evidence of certificate?, congre-- sthat elements of religion must prevail with every religious conviction after long and patient is certainly a new man. To-da- y a bloated I Coriespondtnce Ein oria News. ltchell. who, from a local In the Leav-

enwortha teuiiii was tt L T. I'ovi ts boarding hot. e,

issubmitted to llisi the K. P. House. During Ihe tthe fjr West for records which no intelligent man could een Russia and Turkey

right-minde- d man. That religion, proirly in the valley In Friend Statilej's letter, published in the Times, we nonce lias recently il e nigare hereafter to depend upon ntlectiuii He comes through soi, somewuai oeiier, uie nexi Mrs. Coviv was aiouud by a cie'il brentwith honor from the Mount M .Man'srwncctalde minority body for approval or rejection ; Russia will extilained satifies the iudcement of man: and don't day, lhrrhaiH, somewhat in his .?usoi meai, nesi.tiesiniti ine tvunsMs In-

diana blowing into L. r tisun, unit sue at neofruit as well as for grain and cattle Kansas, question; a very oi rclkcliuii and humiliation, he worse con now iiumbvr nearly too. Thirty years AcMd-m- y of th it city, has granted a power ofwhich less than twenty years ago was an of the Republicans of the State eus- - submit the treaty for discussion, but will that it involve substantially all the ordi-

nancesbelieve tln-r- ii any other way to come in. science, but in a week, a month, or in six ao next tall 1 usslstetl In taking the census ultomey lo her father to erect trie same. Using awaken


werehr up uuiled.l.uit


therehtm tti.




J unknown country In the " Great Americanto the candidate; not tint the congress shall set aside for the government of the church, I say that there are twelve gates into the months, mamlestly better. 1 think the oi

numberedthe Kjiwh

1, Council Grove. They then

damher laud





theluihon the


stone someone in the Iuk s. Cove) Jumsl tutDesert," Is taking a leading position among tained our objections agree all the evangelical doctrine and all me Xcw" Jerusalem, and any fellow that getsin change is when he stoiw his evil ways, and under the direction of Mr Itoberl'Dally ot tied,cnicl a eouple of boanleis in in .

though he ran over seventeen thou-


any of iu provisions. These differences that all mankind everywhere in be There Aad and It Didn't Freeze. exerleiiced nssisii-- Mr.Miteu-el- l. Msiaoce-- , and then svurt hi d Hie hous, , but 00as shown by her exhibi-

tionsyet, morality at any of them is e. I can conceive commences to try to good. must an mason, by oue could b;oiiio. All hands rtturn.uto

and In this his ticket, he was stand in the of the meeting of a con-

gress.the world believes in for 1 think it dots. time the lile ot when Manhattan Industrialist, March SO. 'Ihe mill will bo of great beut 111 to this

.of fruits at Philadelphia votes behind way that some come a shorter road than others, come a in every man, scetlouor and we hope to .,. the their bids at. er pumni; 1 wn lite windows.cltr. which excited the wonder and admira was elected. That ended the fight, to far as - It is reported that Ru?sia demands Well theD, what is the very first clement but the main thing is to get in. But no he recognizes his sinfulnes-s- and is convert-


Ifthe rainFridiiv

and snownoon.

railingcie away

at thistoullghl

presentwork pushed

country,rapidly lorward to completion.

enur-- eOiv')

ortikiiii..111 tii'tir

his snotthe- - le


vt ithwuM.uai

hint luluot ie

tion of nomologists. Metfcrs. Sands, Furbcrconcerned felt that we had that the English fleet shall be withdrawn of religious life of g of characte-

r-buildingman has obtained true religion until he has freeze any gentlemen cau have our Another Varty of Immigrants Ar-

rived.window 10 rai it. tov., at r

& Co-- Faneuil Uall Market, have Jmt had a we were ; weRus-


? What other tingle oid obtained Divine inspiration in his soul; un-

tilAnd that brings U3 to the question what Interest in Irult ut remarkably low figures. watching ltiut a while, raised Ins and

consignment of apples, of the " Iten Davis " discharged our duty in the premises and if from near Constantinople be'ore the or what single sentence so perfectly ex-

presseshe has obeyed every law of God tho.e is conversion? When a man is suddenly The wind Is in the north, and and

Atchison Champion, 3).l flr ii. . Tile lei ow was s--. 11 tlmm n-- up 1.1s!

and " Willow Twig " varieties, fiom leaven- - the people of the State saw fit to support troops leave their positions near that the whole process? If there be any of the physical sphere, the social sphere, the confronted with the enormity of his sins Work on the .cv College Buildinjr Yesterday, Dr. Stickle aud Mr. lirown, oraillts,tilldbut ttie thirl

t theman..,.!

si nit. timelo

am ke


I..!ll .ml.

11sworth, forwarded by Mefcsrs. Farrell Eros., of him, in the face of his record, it was their city, and that England refuses this. If other such word or sentence, 1 have been business sphere, the sphere of citizenship, and turns from them, is he thoroughly con Iteglin. Willlamsport, Pa., with a co'ouy or twenty escai-e- . lile t looming iov V fntllnl I atLeavenworth, which will give purchasers an countries unable to find it-- Religion consists in the and that higher spiritual sphere which con-

nectsverted ? No he is not. Is his character Manhattan Industrialist, March 30. per-ou- s, passed through Atchison, n route tusiiocfcet liook. was missing, but Hole w s

not ours election day ended that this is true the attitude of the two tor Fianklort. Tins is a portion of what Is but viry iuile mom--, In, ; of to all the lawn of which his character has building hxstheidea of what some of their choice apples are obedience man him with the inri-ibl- e God. wholly regenerated. No, The work on new Collegeknown um the Mtcbtulis' immigration, anil sitiiatiiitti fur

like, and are expected to open the way to a part of the fight, so far ss we were and the position of the Russian array and he has knowledge. It is implicit obedience Man mav reform himself. Iet him that to be built gradually. What has he done? begun. Mr. WluneThenunrryiiien

stnilcil me excnuiinghaveU-ei- i they have beenarrlvin;Jn thtse small bodies A ICallier


large trade hereafter. concerned, and since then Tun Times has of the British fleet may at any time lead to to the Divine wilL Obedience to the laws steals, steal no more; let him that gets drunk, He has begun to be converted. Some men gettinglast Wednesday.

out the stone for some time. Mr. every few dis since FeLrujay Jlr.sitb-bin- sthe Wv


nndottu Herald, .s.of God made known to us iu that the spirit of God is like the Wlnue's intention is to push the Job along. himself, w id leave Willlam-po- rl ouas they are let hiui that lieof the State drunk lies, no suppose

The following is from the Boston Adier-fua-- of treated the present Governor get no more; 9lli of April, with thel.intest partv or thesra-so- n. Kachel laricloii, a white woman, who isother the word of God, certainly, and a Kieat more; but hashe religiou? He has noth-

ingtire on the prairie, that it kills out all the Valuable l'eat llcda Discovered near All or Hum will flud homes along the the mother ol Uveorsix children, and who- -

March 29: just as it would have treated any man"S.VXE IIO-L.3I- deal besides that much that comes to us but negative qualities. He has left out grass and weeds. No sir, only the tops are Ilulcliinsou. Hue of the Central Branch. husband, tteorge Carlelon, has been to Cali-

forniaA car-lo- of apples (loO barrels) is now on in the same position. We have commend-

edA corrcspodent of the San Francisco from other sources that whole will of the iiositive fulfilling of the moral law. burned off, the roots are there and the Sego Cor. Hutchinson Herald, March SO. The lion Wheat Stalk of the Season. negro child



two vui.of lastgave



itthe way from Leavenworth, Kansa- -, to this whatever we thought worthy of com Mrs. Win. God Where are any aGmatire acts? It is bad weeds will come up again. Some think Mr. J. W.Johnston has discovered In great Wichita Herald, March SO. wits known she had eneiente, and no onecity. The fruit is consigned to Sands, Furbcr

and have condemned what-ve- r Chronicle says "Helen Hunt," nowMan lives in five sphere, and we have to to hate weeds in a garden. A man comes that conversion is a thorough change of the abundance peat or turf, which has Ix-e- ex There can be seen ut the ITerahl otilce a hail seen tiie child, suspicion was aroused

A Co., and was shipped by Farrell Brothers, mendation, weS Jackson, of Colorado, is the author of take them apart and analyze them and see in anil "I have not a weed in my whole person. There was an old clock that amined by Mr J. II. Jae-Kso-


Amerleinas iiau

In sample of Harper county wheat which butt that she had made way with it. Un Sundayof condemna sav : experience loth In England anything w e hav e seen or h urd of In our ex-

changes,Miertir Kyus, accompanied by hlsueputy, D.

the well-kno- fruit dcalcrsof Leavenworth. we thought deserving"Mercy Philbrick'a Choice" anu --iieuy s of what thev consist. The will of God is garden." ' That is good, but what is there? for vears had not been keening time. There that kind of fuel, and pronounces It genuine, tliia year. It ls 27 Inches In length M.Ward, and Coroner, Dr. HoiIhihI, went 11 1

The shipment Is comprised of the varieties tion. When he showed a disposition to de-

fendof the "Xo Name Scries," made known to us in regard to tilings "Nothing." Obedieuce to all of God's laws comes along a Yankee peddler and he looks which he tliinks win be oeuer man coai. and was sown on sod ground, first s to investigate the matter, bin lo:d thesiicritr

called the "Ben Davis" and the "Willow Strange History" relation the whole 1 Third AnnunI . S. Contention. UieZithof last September. Mr. Schell took lit tt she had had it miscarriage, and that theand in to phys-ical

it over and savs have some works thattherethe interests of the people by compel-


physical would have Mil something to grow, burledand sketches the f.rmot J.J. Merrlek, child was born dead, and that she hadthe stories the wheat romTwig," packed within six miles of Fort Leav-

enworth. railroad to do its duty, and the author of world about us. A knowledge of God's When true religion comes to a man it de will fit that clock, and for five dollars 1 Fredonla Tribune, SO.near Ilurer City, and he Informed us that he It In the-- hen-coo- The body was dug up, and

This Is the first shipment of apples a corporationsigned "Saxe Holme." will is expressed in natural life, and habits something in him that is good. will take out the old works and put in new. The third annual convention of the 4th S. saw hundreds or acresof wheat In the iiew proved to be that of a, 111 le infant, fill y de-v- e

direct from Kansas to Boston, and it is hoped we promptly and cheerfully gave him cred-

it,of obedience to it have become natiiraHrith Xo

velopsman U a Christian till he has pasted He puts them in, adjusts them, winds them S. District

of Labette.of Khhshs,

Neosho.comprisingAllen. otfey,

meWood- -comi-

tiescouutytineas the



left withus mulatto

us.soil as



weighingheld and

about11 verub

tw lvet relume!

ouiids.that it will arrive in good order, as the ship-pers

in terms as handsome as wc could com-

mandjust'The Old Kcliable." us. And on the matter of obedience through pain and long suffering. Now if up, sets the jxnduluni to swinging, and uin. Wilson. Montimmerr. Chautauunn and that the child came tolls dtnili from causes

run considerable risk, and dealers hereas we should have given any Hays Sentinel, 30. let me eay a word. The look at religion right it is but a natural from that on the clock keeps good time. A Elk, will be held on Wednesday and Thurs- - Just Let Them Alone and the Lvil unknown to luejury.

heard of the line orcnardh of Kan-ha- s the old reli-


you uuy. May 1st and M, ists. Will Correct llself. Mrs. Curleiou is a woman between 5.. andhavewhocredit for deserving act and N. E. Stevens, representing child with the knowledge that he obedience to natural laws. Don't you be greit many think conversion is like that 10 tears of age, and came 10 this tou t utare desirous to see the fruit- - other man a ; severaldays he bur that God takes and takes the old Probably (he Last Herd of lluilnlo Nemaha County Itepubllcan, CS.Leavenworth Times, spent ha-- to obev his narent. feels that is lieve it is a noble thing f r a man to under-

takea man out 1V(VJ ftom Ctirri.ltoii, Missouri. Atlhatitme

when he attempts to dodge, and vascillate, in llavs this week. dened and doesn't like it. He isto play only with all his htart to obey the laws of works and puts in a new sett, and the man iu Ellis Co u my.about

The parents ofshouloabout a



who loaf sue w very tiunilsome. bin dr. -- it it ,

IheQll.MSE. and pettifog, when called upon to face the in the do ; he is to avoid such and God, or of nature, which is only another keeps good time for the world and for eter-

nity.Hays City Sentiuel, March 30 !

mnriiv ondepothmiil fur the exis-ns- of a funer.ii. contempt

for it maribslfur llitgrs"

woman amiHer


dThe war lictween Russia and Turkey has question, we condemn him just AH !c llSuMcr.Auiount' li oiis. such company; he is to do s ich and such name for Gcd. in each department of his There is not a word of truth in it. T.vrw OrHIl nml MrCov. rnn across a herd

of These boys haveacliecrlul habit of boarding went into ttie aihtv.aut! miring his absen.ecurrency of seven buffalo near tho southwest corner and Itont trains while iu motion, iuiimutoviio stieraised the price of quinine more than any as we should condemn any other man un-


Chicago Times, 1. things; he huds himsell namperea on every life? Divine law everywhere is Some men make more rapid rrosress than thecouuty, last Monday, om inn noi mrenu and tlieleaping

one who runs the most risk is therumor

some eoloietlwas


ri siil.ilrc100

near luui-- d

other article. Of there is manu-


All the bluster of Beaconsfield and the side, and it seems to him tlure is no liberty,- -To v divine law in physical things, is others, but the conversion of a man is the in killing even oiu. 1'iob.ibly these uie the Crown Prince or toe lot. Not until ono ol 1 o.quinine the same circumstances. Wc have no war partv. and all the fervor of the public and that idea so far spreads it-e- lf thatman religion as fjr as it goes. IX you know beginning of a higher and better life. i:.vt iinir.ilo that will cross tne line of Ellis their number is in. need win they lake the .No ptivstrian attend d 1 tr during her sick-

ness,in this country about two and a half that fails Divine in the streets of county in their native state of wilduess. advice of their territled eiuers. at ii no but h lt ever saw 1 todisposition to live in the years arc opinion hostile to Russia, to convince comes to feel that obedience to the how tulips are made? First there is a thin There is a beggar lioychild until Twomillion ounces annually. The Russian gone; the issues of the living present are the London peace men that there will be a will, is at the expense of his own liberty. brown sUin that is the church and its or New York. He can neither read nor write. If Tlicy are Dusted, all TUcy Xccd is A ficriuaii Hook nrly Three Hun-


It s tin.;coroner'- -



gnsGovernment has just made large purcha cs than the memories of fi"ht. The organs of this party very re But no man has anr liberty or power ex dinances, to prescve that which is inside. He has no accomplishments but jiocket-pickin- g I'luck. Yi-u-n .ld. niiaul rv ntxutt luo o'cloek ou sun-lav.

vastly more to us belief that England is no far he the Divine will and and things of that kind. A benev-

olentBlade, Z. ?o.iiresi tias been made.

of this article in New York. Quinine U the their cept so as obeys You take down a layer and you find one Topeka Fort Scott Monltor.SO.the dead past. Most important of all the match for Russia single-hande- d. command. Let a man disobey the laws of inside of that take down another and gentleman notices him; he meets him On the cover ot a wagon belonging to a rar- - Mr. A ; run received an o d Ixiokyeslerd.ij Further Comment, wlili Ite-jar- to

staple remedy of the malarious regions oc-

cupiedlive issues of the present is the currency God as regards the physical universe ; let still another,


on come to every day; he talks to him, and finally be-

ginstyof emigrants who pxss d through the city from 1 .ianiigeii,Ueiiii my. Ihe book lsa the 'I oxel4l Jnil 'troubles.yesterday was the mono "Uuslcd ! Now for tho back has this title:by the Army. question, and it matters little to us, or to XliU 1 a. "Uiutidcrinir Conversion" him sav there is the law ol gravity, but I the germ that is the next life. Life is the to have some influence over him, and Kansas." From all uppenranees the wolds -- ltinge.

large one,I'hurlng.illd 11(1011

Chrome Anouvmoiis M.inhn'tai- - t iw. Topeka 1 0111 . onweaith.that have t rar n He i Concerned. will not obey it, and he will be in a helpless same. First physical, next social, next gets him to doing better things. truly expressed the condition of the party. lliurliii: lieschtlhle, lii'l mid bsV It i Having iiotiesd vour uccnui t ot ttie at- -t

Tlic Citizen of Leavenworth Con- - the people of Kansas, a man maySt. Louis Time, I.J condition in less than twenty-lou- r hours. buisness, next civil, and next the very germ he says to him, "You don't want to grow One Touiikliip Ahead of the Last replrle , tu historical lore.auil must la- - ot re-c- o. 'title b tile tile- - Jail

CTOlulatcd. been right upon the accomplished issues of Henry Clay Dean is not credited with a Man may say it is God's law that fire shall of the immortal spirit, and the proper de-

velopmentup in ignorance and vice. If I will pay all Year' t.eport of Uie ttliolc Coun-


t poitlonlineii-s- t

of Itlo

wisprintislr ml. nts or



lll.silavoils unit



s varlm.s

1 Wiltsup-r-i-- t

thisi Beloit Record, 29. the last century, or the last decade, if he special fondness for water, but he has been bum, but I will not give away toil. Still of the whole is religion. your exjienscs will you go to school?" He itter in ls, 'ihe lss.k hasa. verv ancient 11 ie to wlult I tet.. V to lie t lie H ll

IT Col. J). It. Anthony has been confirmed as be the live issues of the present. delivering a series of temperance speeches he will suffer for any infringement on that It is a common declaration that a man thinks about all thoe jolly fellows he has Woodson County News. aopoaranc but h t- - is- - n well presrvsl. It ory " of th, altati so tat us the lcscUc-!--ar-

Postmaster of the city of Leavenworth, not-


wrong uponlately which are pronounced the cleanest law. Man must recognize hardness and who becomes a Christian is not as good as had sprees with, and he don't know. He Center township will return more sheep for is.111 old fam y Awas

linesent to

ilMr. C teerli!

is these issues that Grill by his print 111 Kirlv on S.ltir morning ofAnd it wethe cowardly attempts to de-

featupon propose

and clearest on the subject ever spoken in softness, bitterness and sweetness, fluids and he was before. The trouble is, not his re thinks of it all night long; the man talks taxation this snriugin 1S;7.

than were- - reported from r Uon the tit e pai nas held its eoior r. --

mirUiiblyI etitv-n- v I nk of the f r

him. The citizens of that city are to be to judge the Governor, and every other uian the West. solids. He has to recognize everything that ligion, but the want of it. If a man live up to him about it again; tells him what he is the entire county3Iarnall well bol neur i. t uy touut) , i uvinoffice so well the relitcs the health of the body and its Christ he coming to. and the boy Deer ICuuuiusr at Largo th nisei v s ui r I e tiver. In the omcongratulated upon having an who solicits the suffrages of people. to to the pattern of our Lord Jesus says: County. fiallautry Itronht to it .Sudden Lud. 1 of .he . morning tbty Ci.ttUl i,okept as the postofllce of that city Is. The peo A I.arco Portion of XUeiu Came front relations to the world. When the child first is more just, he is more trutuiui, ne is more 'Ye?, sir; I have made up my mind toga

. certaihlv i,e rc . .. Tli y bait w!t!) tl.elnple of Leavenworth on hearing the news of The article referred to, from the CTiricn, Pennsylvania. burins to walk it doesn't know how to obey honest, he is more patient, he is more meek, to school." I would like to know if that Ulue Valley Telegraph, Indntndencn Courier, C1I.I four w igons in extra hois- roh oyCol. Anthony's confirmation turned out en is as follows: SU Louis Times, 1. the will of God. Let it go and it falls he is more filled with goodness than he was boy is educated now? He has said he would from


Lultls savsone


whilethis week,

nn thehe

roadsaw walking

Duringalonglast e.




FrleilliergV.were III

f'OlltII WUOStellie

of tbe uipany.ol on

alteiiiali-lv,iini- ithe alert, r .ur

inmatte and serenaded him at his residence. We publish inanother column the letter or The Philadelphia 1'reis of March 0, de-


down. It cannot understand the law of before. If he lacks anv of the attributes forsake his old life and go to school ; that n very line deer close to the roausiiie. lie oue ot tiieni stumbled and fell to Ihe lave-ment.

hive tie-- n a, recognized tender in 11. a.Governor Anthony to the cditorot the Troy two columns to extracts from Kansas pravitv and is helnless. but by perfect obe of the Lord Jeus, there i the gap in his re is a thundering conversion for one of those drove nis uuck quae eiose 10 nis nugesiy A gentleman uniied Jones, fiom The company n ileiuly came Ironi e. -

TJic Pcoplo will allIk

be Pleased with Chief, de&ulas his poJtlon on the finance paiicrs illustrative of the immense and un- - dience to that law it becomes stronger. So ligion. Suppose a man with his two mid-

dlelittle street arabs. He is just commencing without frightening him.




atniutmoreold cellars

about ry try.westwatdiniirdend Wolpert

' WakeAeld,was well kre.i.

amiowiii ,t

question, and if this is the most definite rwmlpntnl immigration flowing into our as man finds out what is right and what is fingers cut off tried to give the full to get his education. He is not thoroughly Kansas Ahead in Everything- -sidewalks In Indenendeice, was walkl g be-

hindThere lud be-i- i a great Ieei,n Innieua-tio- nSterling Bulletin, March 2S.1 statement he Is able to make. It Is well that it ;tr U!cr Stato. A verv large per cent wrong and follows the right and avoids the scale on the piano, he would leave a gap ; educated the moment he decides that he Atchison Champion, SO. the ladles and tcnlercd his assist lire. in tliemluilsof thop. ! 1. e es

Col. D. R. Anthony has been confirmed ns In lining mi he lost his l)i..iuco mid tell head I wnOf Course! No'hiug ever did occur prob ol Pottowatomie.ltliey .iim ofwill school. that is whatIs made now. of liis human tide comes from Pennsylva- - wrong, he becomes stronger, ana perijct that would be on account of the lack of go to Well, con-version cellar excavationInto the Ju-- t wei-to- f murdered was b .t k ane.. nopostmaster of Leavenworth. The appoint-

mentably Homing ever win occur, mac some long man i .i,

Times be his The Governor appears to Im more diposed liberty follows obedience not agrumbling Gncrers to rnn the scales. So in Christian is. They are going north, and they man, "formerly of Kansas" hasn't part or lot rrleubergs, iauinguiianc 01 Mxieetauo rumor came that Iru -- ti. wisof IheeditorofTui to own but obedience that it turn and south. Tfccy ignorant, landing in about six nches of soil mud. .tul the not unlike, is s itoi, ,D,a' ivisto pettifog than to make any open and une-quivocal

obedience, an so perfect life.if a man is dihoncst, cold and unchari-table,

go were In. rnai muiaru expert, jase snaier, wno uisuccessor, evidently gave satisfaction to the Vioplaik Ilcr .nval becomes automatic unconscious in the aiVl they to commence to to school. has been making such a furore In the billiard Though the man escapsl uninjured h wa-

insquad f twtntv-ni- . m " i. e wire J- in d


nance,Gcraiauj-- . man. where has been left agree goisdeclaration of his position ou that religion . ,people of Leavenworth, we Judge, by the tournament-- , is mi old Leavenworth boy. a sorry looking condition. The placets by ncoiner ariei ,..-- s iitfii f. rr)eoi cm i

serenade Ulrn the receipt and the fling that he attempts to make .strength. Let the well-bre- d man go into society, he out. If he had been thoroughly a Christian Tliny renounce evil as fast as they find it And it is said he call beat any of the handlers dangerous and a ratlin; iliouM bj put up. lo visit thee. II i Iru d ilel Justice tihearty they gave onat "editors on the Missouri borderassumlng Chicago Tribune, 1. does not think anything about his head or there would hi no gaps. Religion is per-

fectout, and take hold on good as fast as they ot the cue. blm wlllioni 'I ii '

of the news ofhls confirmation. Kinsley Madly iu ."feed of Dwelling-Houses-.The tin i.i.ur i ira li Iik.--t wnsjust

the responsibility for the political welfare of The formidable display of naval strength his hands or his feet, but the man who has obedience in every sphere where God's see it That is what conversion does; and if Two Sides to the Question. about si Hi , nr i 1.1 ceii s iturdat and Tues-dayUndoubtedly- the Best In the Slate the State," is a menace at every Journalist in made by Germany in the vicinity of not been well-bre- d done t know how laws prevail. Then is not religion reason it does that, is not thafectrine of regener-

ationUays City Sentinel, 30. Kinsley Kepubllcau, 30 prov .1 l.g ll'.v truveail III the lilsht

Salina Herald. M.J the State who dares to express nn opinion norLs nroved too much for the weak to dispose of them. As long able and desirable : good? Don't '.V need it? Have There Is a question. Which, as a city, We want and need at one.) in Kinsley at lil.tly. Iu i'her,

i' alsothat

iitherm-i- k

ciicumstaiicesH icmclvxThe Leavenworth Times Is undoubtedly the without first consulting his Excellency. nerves of the latter Government, and it has as he has to Ihink what to do, he is you ever had any ilearns with a man that would we be proudest at two years hence; the least a score of business hou-est- o lent, and aspi.b,.riiuinr

I ill 111' p tt vlsXli.? Shawneeleading Journal of the West, Every farmer It matters little to tho people whether the accepted the conditions lmjiosed in satislaC' awkward, but when it has become so natu I think I can give you a different view of you did not think would be benefitted by boasimaiwe pamcipaieu in


had the twoor three time- - that number ol dwellings, is.mii.v I ' i to exieute True, not towho wants to keep himself posted in regard Commonwealth is the executive organ or not, tioii of the slight upon the honor and dig ral that he docs it without a thought, it be the Bible Irom

Biblethat which

is recordis otten


the Di-


oy being converted a little more? Are men goodglorious




bragf the

weemotional all

computed.of which



lsoccupantsthe lown


soonIn. I 01

s r. cue li politics, general or State news, crop, stock and the threadbare story of the "spinster liity of the German Empire. comes graceful. Let a man go to the piano iiersons. The a good enough? If a man can be brought to irenzy inaugurated by cracked-braine- d en-

thusiasts; peopieall the time, waiting to lent plusand market reports would do well to have weeping" over an imaginary catastrophe is or the organ, and so long as he has to say administration in this world, running that point where he wants to do better, and Here aro both sides ot the ques-

tion. of shelter, and are unable to tlnd am. lhthis paper sent to his address. very much like tho action of the cuttlefish AiucuitlcH of Journnliin Among lite that is A, B, C, and think where to place his through a period of more than live thou is honestly determined to do it, is it not a last arrival of one hundred popte,


i rem''SF.S-iFJT.-

!- were coin-l- ihe is but when he sand years. There are gaps between one good thing ? Religion preaches no abstract B Bardslcy After fai Ueward for county,

when pursued by an enemy ; It disgorges an Ilig FcIIOUk. fingers, a blunderhead; it stable to accommodate a portion 01 1' I'a"--

:VoUritutUndlnff the Usual Oppos-ition. inky substance which so colors the water as Cincinnati Gazette, 1. submits himself to continuous practice till book and another of five hundred years. It doctrines. When it says that all men are Hays City Hentlnel, 30. lv aml the rest were a Ioei 10 r1111.nn

the his hands think for him, till his fingers run is a collection of records made at different ignorant and selfish, and that there is a started ror Omaha, this box cars till they could buiin and ut.'Veotilto hide It from view. The newspapers that are belittling week, where he will endeavor to compel the We we want u goon n n new build Thoand differ repeat, follcwlns Curo latimes, in different languages by probably thoGarnett rialndealer, 23. and turning around and mes

of the article of Secretary Schurz to bring the over the keys all unconsciously, till his fin-

gersof stopping payment of the reward offered for the cap-

turelngs Any person having e i nal. b tsimtng

Col. D It. Anthony has been confirmed as While In the second section attemptsthieves the same that find the right keys even in the dark, ent iiersons. 'I hey are simply the result of doing better, that is the doctrine of regen-

eration.of the lllg Sprinns train robbersaimount-lu- g here and putting up a uses to reul. rcmarfcab cvcrdTcctod b7ary medi-


ver,timber to justice are

Postmaster at Leavenworth, notwithstanding the Governor declares himself in favor ofhas himself the Divine presence which is to develop to some S3.UUU. The money would have will find a safe and i r mve tment preparation for tbo treatment olhe subjectedin the third section he acknowledge the denounced Secretary Bristow ; and first and till so absolutely

in different been paid before this, but two claimants oc-

cupy for his money, at u iaree NoW Isthe usual opposition to him by his enemies Louis to mechanical law and the law ot the in religion the races. Ihe field. The detail of soldiers who as-

sistedharvest. Catarrh :foremost these is the St. but in "We the time to reuii the k".U'fact that he takes the same view of the mat-

teranions Well, men say regard to that,to the doctrinesA object demand tonalat home. there is great many men him In the caDturo an

that the gold party did belore tho remon-etlzln- g whose senior proprietor cor strument that he forgets any law, can't do it ; we are too helpless, and man division, ull around, while Iiani.le n ists Dcslruelive I'irrs. Gn'Trmm. I rtr " J- "- ""it T iurr hvlRATIIEIt SUPERIOR 0. TIIC act was passed ; (to-w- it :) that It was a rupted internal revenue officials, and spent or that there is any subjection on the part

don'tin ppeaKing


meunderstandriviue reveiaiiuu.

the book,j

must depend on the grace of God if he is ..UJVU

...... t.l.lni.M.IUJ, fl.nHV ..tln'.i....ut..di. to... Tlii....a... Ifa.uKt.tii.l.... . been a t. rriblTrari.auirurtti

aff rcr. I vI



Tart,tTijp irt'allr

several months in iail for defrauding the of himself, then we call him a mxster. So converted it be done the effica-

cious3cf, han bozztn It Hie h- - !. Ir arroM the trm-pi- e,"CHAW," SIR. Job to favor dealers In silver bullion. This

that perfect liberty follows obedience. What docs the Bible claim? It is not fair ; must by The Kind of Farmers that LlTe Hap A terrific prairie lire raged north of town dizzy tl. icmiipu iful e cs.appears to trouble the Governor, so that his government. medicine teach influence of the Holy Ghost." Well, on Tuesday almost eveiylhjng ana tm , tat ui corsant conii.Senator Ingalls studies Chaucer. X 1 to a work on to a man pily. ,These will not be contradicted get berorelt. "Mr. Kuocli Mcgrcidy lost his sta-

bleaverts pain t1 t, r! ev-r- T imllcaimathe act of I Rut the is this IsJudgment does not heartily approve

with amcul!nre. It is not fair to procure a say so too. question :Cor. Council Grove Itepubllcan 4 Democrat. hav, fiiiJiillly or oats lit shea! sixty off oimucii turn. '. i 4 b' (1 all tfw time. ThaJTerald. AVe thought him rather superior remonetization after all. But these are matters fO Course, titer are all tn Faior ol it by any man acquainted physical

for and the Holy Spirit given to man on account of lus'hels'of llireshed together with other matter ' I r y la ni7 hcat andbook one specific has hydraulic In fullprepared purjse, Mr. Whiting a ramon the " chaw " sir. He can masticate an of the past; what the people desire to know, ov. laws.

endeavor to teach other things from it. favoritism, or is it given just in proportion operation at the oid Diamond Springs ranch. property, andwould

had Itlost


la-e- n

of Idsfor

hogs.timely as-


nit1!. I1 1

nnMpentil t ie


,mhfmfreeof b-- U. It

Frequencyteemed to

about in is how their Executive stands on the ques-

tionsUelolt O zettc, 30--

1 as man strains to secure it? I tell every iorcmg lile naiciiuiuuii (ituis ui iiinuwci. he me.atUcT'!,tf b ifl"-.- ti n. I wonlil tlirn haraIt claimsbe?antagonist as pulpily as any man The next is obedience to the laws of our What docs the Bible claim to Urn?. He is sowing lour or five kinds of AW! another Are raged along West Creek recomx u e ry n" ni viP'tctrto aMwlgithe senate. Omnia Republican. of finance which are yet to be settled We are in receipt of a circular in which

physical organization and the laws of our to be a book that tells man how to educate one of you who have the power to turn grass, alto fencing eight sections of land with oried iy last week, tle nmcin my throat a a hr& IWoro belotrby legislation. How he stands on the re-

sumptionGovernor Anthony "lises to explain," that

social organization. Man was not made to himself in righteousness. It don't tell us away from vice and embrace good that God stone fence. He Is the kind of a farmer that ofleavliursomeof

corn, oats, hay,the,rarnier-ti- n

litems, fences.inttiat section

fan &bl4.ottODllairorentrrratMai-lson-

epatm i. ft l rtxlhofinflamed

1jc yanthat


the for with-drawing

he U not to the silver question. is more than glad to have I would wo need In the ounty. coal'l with lii2r..E awallo-- . 1THE KEELV 3IOTOR. act, act providing opposed live alone. The love of approbation would the theory ot inspiration. It is a practical you. entirely destitute. The names of the princi-pal

jr final'y consulted anfiom circulation all national bank Well that is iust the way with all of them. not be possible it man were alone, and the record of the Divine mind. 11 you under like to see men feel at noon as they do in A Youthful IIorse-Tble- f laes a surierer-- i were handid us, but have been bat

emlCLtat Ms

anne t ijpostrcranl



1C Th coratanton thrm,

An expert has examined Keely's motor bills and replacing them with greenbacks, Before the bill became a law it had scoreshunger for it implies that we were to have take to find out from it the elements of the morning, and at night as they do at Wife to Take Care of Herself. Lewis






amongot I'.


tbepotoBoa4inAttrrdroppln(cdovnfr-mmybea'-n and ulrc ration Intny tbroatraaaed by

and reports that the machine is made pon-

derousthe Issuing of bullion certificates to circulate of enemies, but now that it is a law, all are it Men were made tp live, together, and God, or what is their nature, it is not this noon. Gelolt Gazette, 3). principal ones. Here are two warnings bad a (Irritated aad HSatnrd my luntr th it I connh-e- d

to deceive the public, as the "vapor as money, and a definite statement as to in favor of it and this rising to explainthe second sphere of morals is obedience to kind of a book. It simply undertakes to And now what about faith in the Lord Mr. Clias. Hunter, who was arraigned In against setting out prairie fire- -, yet It seems

myiT'tpmtx'cantOBbowthfsrfrcctaortM-idlacftUr?- ,inrw-tnntl- a derp.hird vijrh. Meanwhile

whether he is in favor of a further contraction coming so late is too thin; better far to claim court last Tnedy, plead guilty ami re-

ceivedto be unbeedtsl, its almost every spring, thou-sandlive harmoni-

ouslycertain rules to follow during the ao that I loai Ch. irrcw nale.atd ahotred fis nothing more than compressed air, ex-

ertingsocial laws whereby men can give man Jesus Christ ? Who of you remember your a sentence of iwo years in the htate of dollars worth of properly lsdesiroytd Trry

of the currency or not. These are live Issues that you always favored it. together, and those laws have been resent lite ana me in me wonuio come, father? Do you recollect your father and Penitentiary- - H H yet not quite twenty-on- e whether from carelts-nes- -, or devil may symptociof4

anrarlrdrathbyconaamptlon. Whena pressure of about 200 pounds to the of and any man who Is looking for-

wardperfectly expressed in the precepts of our Ft undertakes to thoroughly furnish man mother when you were sick ? Do you rec-

ollectyears old, aud leaves bis wife to care lor

. carelessness, we are unable lo say. sjro,Xb(vntbetiM3of 8a5roiDs ZiADicax. Cranthe hands of the nerseii wnuu ue pajs me 70s Cataceix. ArteraMnffthnnratbottle Ipquare inch instead of 12,000, which Keely for a position at people Tin-- Vntlonala Propose o Xake a lxrd Jesus Christ with good works. There are a great many that everything in the house was sec-

ondarycrime. Hoar Strangely l'rople Jfay He to lmpr ore rjpMly. The first dnae acemed to clear

claimed. this fall or winter, will us required to stand Hand in Missouri. difficulties, and there may be some slight to ? Do recollect how Brought Together. ray bea-- as I had not known tt to be for year. Ityou you your Annual of Teach teemrd uraJoally to Iworld with the arrest thoJfextstand aside if into the neces-

sityThe Tlectlngr Uschirurf.square on the finance platform, or

Globe-Democr- Lan comes mistakes, but the idealof manhood held up father came in every hour and asked how ISelolt Gazette, CO. ifyppft my cough tn three ttayi. Br alnjr tt a a

The Chicago Tribune thinks tho working, fur some one that will. of obtaining a livelihood, of caring for from the beginning to "the end of the book is he ? Do recollect your mother neverers. gome twelve years ago. In the back woods Earmlet aoonredncedthalrfimmation and awell

The friends of Gov. Phelps are alarmed others and for them, of main-taining

you ij; cf my tonslla. o that they oon cr aard to troabloThe attempt ot the Governor to belittle the providing noble. left bedside? Do remember her Lawrence Journal, 30 of Michigan, a voung man by the name of za. Thw aorenea acroas hit cheat disappeared,woman's hotel at New York promises to be

color the at the determination of the Nationals to run the whole frame work of society is your you Donovan married a young lady, and lor a thi buzzing- noise In my bead ren-- my anaca cito annnal meetlnz of the Kantacurrency question, gives strongState. It will of Solomon. chastening hand, and how the pain was Tlio next while all went well, but soon r.imiiy carea be-

ganaeeluir aad of heannir wero completely restored,ticket in this third take theconvcnincc who haven't and that to the sphere of Lct a man proverbsx brings us willa great lq women should'have said Btate Teacher's Association be held intruth of the charge that ho to her than it was to you ? Do to gall and fret him and he stiuck ont and CTery symptom of dla that bad rdaced mi

to work. octsfilon, "that he liad no cnmnlicate the Senatorial struggle consider morality. Many suppose religion is rot a There is nothing unreasonable in them. greater you Atchison the last weeK in June, beginning forthe west leaving Ids wile to care for her to the Terjp- - of the irraTe disappeared by tho uaigot on a former sym-

pathy will be Prohibition of But live The of recollect how she bore with you all through Monday, ine sn, ana ciusiok weuuesaay. he wan Of PJTTOBD flAMCAL CUES FfUl CaTaRXIX.

with the debtor class " The attempt ably. Then there a thing a business character. rially, They are good to by. proverbsthe2Gth. Interesting papers will be read and self and one child. For Ave vears I ba TO been the explicit teanse. aadrntnrttt,

ticket, too; but we presume the Governor when you look at it, there could Franklin nor of anr other man do not com the years of your tender childhood until addresses delivered by prominent educators dered about, and Anally mariltil ngtin anu X hare teen a trreat deil of infferinjr from Catarrb.XOTES." to fall back the record of the republican settled In the southern part of this county.3IB. BEECIIERS'S upon aid bopo to conTlnco cany that this la a greatto show that the thinks he is entitled to the support of the be no rehcion unless there was pare with tliem. Look at the prophets, you were fifteen years old ? Do you recol-

lectin Kansas and other stated. A commltteeap-polnte- d From this marriage three children were born and the attempt

Prohibitionists. business. Suppose man had with their inspired writings against all how, after that, she bore with you in for that purpose is enectlng arrange-ments bat last fall the woman sickened and dld. I m familiar Trlth th treatment rf Patairh as

pledges made by that party have not been car-

riedsome for an excursion to the Rockies Imme-

diatelypractised by the best phjftldaaa. and hive toitalt-e- dhim and his little nlnnc

Deak Times: After the sermon last and the comparison drawn between nothing to do. I should like to know how forms of sinfulness. If they had lived sickness and in health, and how, for any after the close or the meeting. leavingbis prairie home. In the meantime th most eminent abont my caae. I hare use Jout, In he would learn if he had no mo during the early troubles in Kansas, they wrong you committed, she was the first to lib

uponalter erery kind of remedy and appiratas that hire apactivity and real wife Inin oar Foreign flrst Mlehlgin.We Buying-are TrickSabbath morning, Mr. Beecher me his the duty of the party in carrying out tho A Very I'Bly WhoeverFerpe- - tared nnrtnif a prlod, r f alt yer past.. aad bar.gave

debtedness. tive to do anything. Lase would smother would have hurled down the same poweiful forgive you and assist you to begin again? trated It. waiting five years for him to return, conclud-ed

whllt fotlowlcif their use, taken trrfat rar of mymanuscripts ; and knowing that your read-


pledges and the providing a satiable and sta-

ble L How would a man ever be patient anathemas against the sins and crimes of That is the love of the Lord Jesus Christ, him to be dead and also married again. reneral health, hnt obtained no relief orenco-arai-Missouri Republican, a man.adequate to the wants of the na-

tion,and last winter started west with their fami Bjnt from anr rfttwiiL.

interested in what kind currencyvexed worried ? What the against this and beautiful lie came into the world to tell us what God Cowley County Telegram. uosTos,rcb.2J i3u. ccr.r DCfsMocn.would be peopleseeing shows that Geo. T. 'Anthony is not in The return of our bonds from Europe is if he were never or young ly of four thlldren. one being the child of the

The is but teaching a man to maintain State Living now, we have a larger and is. He says he is our father, which, in the c t Martin, a nlastercr working on it. L. first marriage, and by some unknown fatall-lt- ythe I here-

withinstead of bad patience,he carries into onmtof notes pulpit, with the people of the West on the i siim a one.sympathy

amidst things that don't broader than was made during original included both father and mother. Wnikrr'a new residence, had bis tools stolen. came to this county and without know-In- e Brrrorx, is. Tab. 23. W75.

send a verbatim copy. finance question. To show the respect the bonds come back to pay for the excess of an cuuable temper displayChrist and He loved the world and his Red of mortar filled with coal oil. It settled within one half mile of Dono- - Tbn renona!lr appsr" e ieorgj F.

has for the opinions of the which foreign countries are buying suit him ? Man couldnever learn patience those times, but their ideal of true manhood came, so bricks and other ruoDisn, last Baioraay Tan, the woman's real husband. It was not Dlnsmor. and mad ath Uiat th-- rorejeolcsYours Truly, Governor exports

down ana iu anai was the same as ours is at this day. that lie was willing to die lor it, and lie is night. He attributes it to the Masons Union, long before the woman and her truant hus-band

bT htrrj nbT ' ! rn IV for me,great majority of the producers trom us. ine return snows uiai cac by sitting inintingaooui the members of the ranch to tbeastonlsbment of each fiimi J IMAj. Janice of the think met,and anxious assist do notWx. X. Page. it is getting worried that Coming now to the New Testament, we willing to us erery but weof the country who have appealed to the Gov-

ernmentbuying up our debts, and, according to the don't start it; Union, especially tne leaner, wouiu counten-

anceother, and now the two families are living In

(1) Eph.4,11-13- . The end sought. for rcllel from the Insatiable greed of the it will facilitate teaches man to be patient. How could man have a larger and broader display than is efiort to do good. such proceedings, ir such, however, 1 one bouse, the woman and her last husband Eah pieVtjre eor.ta'ns Pr Panford'a IarproTed(2) 2 Tim. 4, 15-1- to lar as book con

secretary treasury?notwithstand have if there wereno danger? How made in the Old Testament of what true Look at the mighty and beautiful build-

ingthe cafe they are starting wrong to gain the keeping house and caring for her former Ichallci Tab, with tail directions for n la all

or the gold gamblers, he says: "If It be true instead of retard resumption, courage husband's children. $1X0. For sale all Wnolle andhave the God of the around I tell that soul build-in- ? good will of the people. Buchlslife. cases. Price, byThere yousuffering unless he had manhood is. we yoa.cerned. could he learn Ions Itall Urorirists throu-rho- the Unite Htate.the remaining work for the Repub-

licanthe ol the .tastern press.

(3) PhiL 4, 8. Religion and Moralt that only ing croaKingssomething to try him? We love to come world embodied in the flesh, running is more magnificent than house build Hot Inclined to be C aided fey The . sf stranger DIs- - TZEK3 A POTTER. General Agents aad Whcit-tal- a

the volume of Boston. is to regulate cur-

rencychildhood and ing. Character building will be more prof Kedzie and ratrick. PraffffUtt.

ITT. to church and sit smilingly down, and have through every experience qf vered .to meet the wants of trade, that the re-

markDidn't Want to Oct Acquainted wlin of labor itable to in the end than any other en-

terpriseWoodson County News, &.

estL Manbui'ding, aim. tell us how divine w of manhood through thirty years yoasome inspired preacher ;said, to be made by Mr. Ilayes might as Wilson Citizen, Z).1L Morality, the separate Aristocracy. how divine is charity. We sit and retirement, often without a place where-

onupon which you can enter. If anyone thinks the reports or Professors County COLLINS'steps. well be true." This is a species of pettlfog-ln- g A writer in the January number of the benevolence,

his full of full of There is one more point only that I wish Kedzie and Patrick, In relation to the assays From a letter received by Mr. Zenas Park, ma1st. What is morality? and how beam iful is benevolence, to lay head, gentleness,unworthy or the Governor or Kansas, bul "an anecdote repeat hear deal made by them of the specimens or rock from we glean the following Items concerning the

Obedience to law ? Edinburgh Review gives as how beautiful is charity. We go out and goodness, lull ot charily. lull oi meeaness, to speak upon. We a good said what Is known at the Belmont mines, has stranger who died at the Horton House lastThe philosophy of obedience. such Is resorted to by Uie present Incumbent-The- n which came under our observation," that

find that servant has taken our buggy saying to us poor mortals, "I am your about the different churches, but I can tell had any perceptible effect In allaying the ex-

citementweek: His real name was W. B. bchleve.

to cap the climax he says : " Flnancu when Mr. Seward was in London "he was ourof what that religion stands far above ordinal- - in the Immediate vicinity of the The assumed name, Gehrlnger, ls supposed VOLTAIC PLASTER2d. live spheres of law, or gradations of has become the 'bonanza' ofdemagoguery." and gone riding. We are mad that the ras-

calelder brother. I am the pattern yoa "mines," they are badly mistaken, that's all. to have been his mother's maiden name.

morality. well received, and a dinner given to him,has off without our leave. "Let you should be. I have lived the perfect ce, or government, or uocirine, Decause an The people there are as confident as ever that His home was in county,

lias this executive thrust anything to do nnd. further, he was told that, if it was gone doctrine is mere philosophy, and all philos-ophy

will ultimately And "pay rock ;"and on Pennsylvania. Needing money, he made aand matter. men." lane ine uiuie a uuu. they Afford 1h9 most relief In ail1. Physical-bod- y nana on anu x win man gratefulwith the election ofa Governor this fall, or a agreeable to him, nothing would be easier me but get my mm, amongprepared throw emanates from the mind of man. I Tuesday Mr. Hodgson showed us a specimen practice of borrowing, and forged his father'

2. Social-domesti- c and society. his neck." Where is benevo-lence?

n( ltretinn- - and are vou to Unable meethlsob andUnited Slates Senator this winter? We wring your ol rock. different from any wehave heretofore name as security. to lga-- Affections of the Chest Lungs.3. Economic occupation. than to present a man oi nis uisuncuon u Where is your charity? It is gone it away ? JIan twists a good deal out of it am a Presbyterian without the Presbyte-nanis- seen, over the discovery of which ther are tlons detection, followed, and he Aed to4. Civil. shall see. Lords Palmerston, Lansdowne, and other

in a minute. Let us learn to practice charj that is not in it, but the book itself isthe I am a Methodist without the much elated, believing It to contain silver, escape the penalty. Schleve was married CHROMIC PLEURISY CURED.replied, silver has been obtained and had four children, who still live In Penn-svlvan-leading But Mr. Seward Methodism. I Episcopal, but I don't and claiming thatmen. am5. Spritual, or usually called Religion. ity without making it a theory. So in best and most beautitui mat was ever given Weare printing blank leasesfor the lift wife came West about twofrom It.III. Applications. XIIE SECOXB D1STHICT. "So, sir; I don't wish to make their ac--

every department of business it would be toman. What are people disagreeing about believe in their bishops and their ordinan-ces.

owners or the land, which will be filled oat years ago and married again, in Iowa, where Wipi TTirx A Porrst: ffenfZewien. TTarbfirr iuuu

(1) The reliabilityand comprehensiveness We haTe repeatedly called the attention nnxintanre. There was Mr. Sumner, whobetter if man would avail himself of in reference to the Bible? When they com-

menceI am a Congrr gationalist, but I don't and given to those holding claims. Thecom-pan- y snelsnow living, jur.riirii.seui, a picture oievery

came to England and saw a good deal of of doc-

trinebelieve in all their isms. I believe in God, mentioned some weeks ago Is prosecut-

ingthe man taken after his death, which was hrof Religion. of the of Kansas to the nnffisdom of religion. to argue abstract questions work vigorously, not in the least daunted recognized by the gentleman to whom he I used nariT crecrloUoiu and llatments.a wel as

The true function of the Bible. people yonr aristocracy. I believe they were veryto and from it then their differences begin, in the divinity of Christ, in the by the dictum or the distinguished scientists wrote. tie rheumatic cores, rtthoot the leastanother perform,!2) changes in our Congres-

sionalcivil to him but in our country it did him Man has duty merciful ministrations of the HoIt benefit, or phTlclin one of yonr

Conformity of religion with Philos-ophy

making frequent ;thatTs obedience to law and the but as long as they take the Bible as before referred to. A Serious Accident from the Careless Colli 6 voxtazo i'Larriw. which. fc my (Treatgovern-mentaxd Bight Beaks. delegation, and we are glad to see a great deal of harm."

and that is the fourth sphere of his the rule of life aa telling what I Ghost, and in the universal brotherhood of The Santo Kind of Weather In To-

pekaHaadlla-- of a Lamp. irrrise.

mediately.,rclir'land I tare

the pain asdab'e

sorenessto attenu


Imor(4) Doctrine of sinininem. that our exchanges throughout the State morality. ought to do to myself and to my neighbor, man. 1 believe mat every man nas to be aa in Other Parts of the Cawker cor. Beloit Gazette, a). U aaairs eTer since wiia perivrc. j w

who disagree. It born acain through the infinite mercy and Onr little town the scene of considera fnmfnitVWSUI..H wh tifnr.e. - -- - tha art ucaiioa. u yourJim AWe Kepreseatatlre. there two was(5) Regeneration. fact before the There is sphere and that Is the are no persons State. uc w --

thlnr.bringing the same peo- more inraioaow nwer. wm ararccij

perfect perfect areThe Milwaukee Timet rejera to Col. Wm. A. is practical book, yet a great many want goodness of the Lord Jesus Christ. I be Topeka Commonwealth, 30. ble excitement Monday evening about uu--

X consider them laestlinahle. and ahall wltH(6) Holy spirit matter, which connects with the ahave much influence in law us unseen Ed. Garrett, son of U. U. Garret, or this place, thn to tb aSlcr eL ToursWe can never Phillips, mem berot Congress from this dis-trict,

from "and why? They do lieve that every man wno is converted loves commenced with kind of mildadrift aschoolmaster, God's gentleness, unity. world, with the after-lif- e, with the invisi-ble

to cut it, Yesterday went down Into the cellar or his father's store rSttcSulT. Itis. UAIU-UIA- S.In the(7) Is religion put into men suddenly, or Congress without having men of experience

noose.ofas one

Representativesot the ablest men

and speakspresentor bis God. This Is more important than all n nnHerstand what they are trying to do. me as his brother. I would as foon quar weather, a half sunshine and a raw wind, to All a lamp with gasoline, and by some's clothes with his soon turning into an abrupt de-

parture,It took lire from the small brans lampwith church.rel as meansas education? to represent us. One experienced member, bill as the most important the others, and yet it ia a part and parcel Suppose there should be a half educated a it commenced to drizzle, which was which he had carried, to AH, and In trying to Thrre 1 no nedloJ or protf ettr sppllsiee that

HI New works in old clock case ? or measure that has been introduced during the doctor on board an East Indiaman and there Ii any man wants Calvinism let him take continued a few boors, when the rain fell in from explosion his clothes took Trill provl a iTlunil ind 3tlr-- iu Tlcltllnjrin either House, is worth a half dozen new session. Salina Herald. of them, for as the fruitis placed in the put It out or Concti. Imutlon nt fortaewi or ts ne.t ml

sudden t scAooJ ? presentstill should break out on shipboard some sick-

ness,it. bat I am not going to wear his coat be a cold, heartless way until nearly nve o'clock. Are, He became alarmed, rushed up stairs, jjmir-- . vvi bellere utesi espatilu f prcreatliiggoing o it is of

of value be-

foremen. The Wilson county Gtixn of the 29th Our high opinian of Col. Phillips is al-

readytop-mo- part of the tree, a part

the doctor should prescribe cause he likes it. I am willing to let every About that time It snowed, and soon a light all aflame, the door closing after him, and out serioos scue cf lioe org2L5.and(8) Is common morality anywell-know- and only it and the most beautiful thing in it It nail varied the programme, but soon gave Into the open air and threw himself upon thewe

God? aara; very quotethe branches aa they depend wrong for one of the men and he should man do as he please in raped to the body. way to large flakes of snow, changing again ground, rolling over several times. Mr. Gar-

rettPRICE, 25 CENTS.depends on

fitsV of ministers under false unpres-rio- s. Col. John P. St. John, or Olathe, Hon. W. L. the above as a text for saying' that his Pos-

tal acd it depends the roots die, that lor some slight accident he should If I see a proud, haughty, revezureful man to rain. In trying to rescue bU son, had uistmids ttteie Piaster --rtrb tie nntlnar-- rthe trunk, on confoundnotDoSimons, or Osage Mission, and Col. J. R. ll, Savings bill is really the-wis- legisla-


the take limb irom another and stake him a in the church the mere fact of hi being a js, Btuk Way to be Handled by a badly burned. Frank Hobbs and another ru.tu-- uf the day. Cut 1T cwnyuijua sru a&se,also aand the roots depend, on earth; so took oil their coats and wrappingthat has been madeinCoa- - " man(9) Value of what axe called "Means of the favorite son or Cherokee county, movement

it the highest iorm oLapiritual. existence cripple for life. After awhile, seeing the member of the church does not give him Mr 1 swm roangEd. In them succeeded at last in extinguish-ing

litelyBj careful

wcrthli-i,- -.

to otltalaol-.ts- s V itTAlcrtn-Tr- t.

Grace," doctriaei preaching churches are all reported to be candidates ror the Re-


cress for a long time. It should be paasedminutely with man's individual doctor ia all the time making things worse, the true spirit of religion. If I ee meek, UlawatU.1 i..spatch, 2L the flames. The young fellow then told a combtnttloa of tlertre r Votn-.- c rlalta

nomlnatIon for Congress In this withoct hesitation. It will he a great Mess connectedarise and throw aim overboard and humble, charitable man though be mmj not It was a spider, r.ut one of those nutv look-

ingthem to look to the cellar that It was a Are, sitlisbowcit.s hinlT

SoldMedleit.rt flufr.ana

atIteuliwnuj-tst- swnllife. they BTaUWboleulnand social and hnaiiMa They are all that himself to tbe across the

of union. Never of Tbey are all gentlemen ing to all classea ot people.. The mediriaw after him, be a member of any chorea, that dots not creeping things, came la contact and went pumpnt lsa Tnlttd SUt an.1 cjnaila.(10) True ground haabeaainToeueiaEasdaadforTeara. of one tfciag, aad all related to each also throw his over witn the nasal niindage or our fellow-townsma- n. unset- - dm srater and carried It to Uie scene. and WEEsa tVtJZli. rroprteion.Co"0".

'X daetri-Ma- ; 2, governments and ordi-MMt- e; ability,, merit and lofty partsl TraUamretatTiaiaadT H they had prevent him from being iaabaed wkk the ElgenrBOgb, the pboTster,' on wn(ln his home. And bad ' started back ere I

Msss.BT -

to aadhaaEgeafeaaaaaiiallo beta the peo- - other. of Lord Jew which so displeased Uiat ho sa -. tu tinw he vas burned.betaarelyon Ci'ajreen and dar-- wait awhile .will nmkiitMn right warn I payatciaa and left true epirit our Chrirt. Itk Tuesday last, ana -' " -.- ' --"- " -- '--nattl I860, or what will Do saore piomlalnc pw asmac gmisasi , i wmj.tpu a. Ifjag

s - . ?" -- ?
