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    Lecture 20

    Scattering theory

  • 8/10/2019 lec20-21_compressed SCATTER.pdf


    Scattering theory

    Scattering theory is important as it underpins one of the most ubiquitoustools in physics.

    Almost everything we know about nuclear and atomic physics hasbeen discovered by scattering experiments,e.g. Rutherfords discovery of the nucleus, the discovery of sub-atomic particles (such as quarks), etc.

    In low energy physics, scattering phenomena provide the standardtool to explore solid state systems,e.g. neutron, electron, x-ray scattering, etc.

    As a general topic, it therefore remains central to any advancedcourse on quantum mechanics.

    In these two lectures, we will focus on the general methodologyleaving applications to subsequent courses.

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    Scattering theory: outline

    Notations and denitions; lessons from classical scattering

    Low energy scattering: method of partial waves

    High energy scattering: Born perturbation series expansionScattering by identical particles

    Bragg scattering.

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    Scattering phenomena: background

    In an idealized scattering experiment, a sharp beam of particles (A)of denite momentum k are scattered from a localized target (B).

    As a result of collision, several outcomes are possible:

    A + B

    A + B elasticA + B

    A + B + C inelastic

    C absorption

    In high energy and nuclear physics, we are usually interested in deepinelastic processes.

    To keep our discussion simple, we will focus on elastic processes inwhich both the energy and particle number are conserved although many of the concepts that we will develop are general.

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    Scattering phenomena: di ff erential cross section

    Both classical and quantum mechanical scattering phenomena arecharacterized by the scattering cross section, .

    Consider a collision experiment in which a detector measures thenumber of particles per unit time, N d , scattered into an elementof solid angle d in direction (, ).

    This number is proportional to the incident ux of particles, j Idened as the number of particles per unit time crossing a unit areanormal to direction of incidence.

    Collisions are characterised by the diff erential cross section denedas the ratio of the number of particles scattered into direction ( , )per unit time per unit solid angle, divided by incident ux,

    d d

    = N j I

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    Scattering phenomena: cross section

    From the diff erential, we can obtain the total cross section by

    integrating over all solid angles

    = d d d = 2


    0d sin

    d d

    The cross section, which typically depends sensitively on energy of incoming particles, has dimensions of area and can be separated into elastic , inelastic , abs , and total .

    In the following, we will focus on elastic scattering where internalenergies remain constant and no further particles are created orannihilated,

    e.g. low energy scattering of neutrons from protons.However, before turning to quantum scattering, let us considerclassical scattering theory.

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    Scattering phenomena: classical theory

    In classical mechanics, for a central

    potential, V (r ), the angle of scattering isdetermined by impact parameter b ().

    The number of particles scattered per unittime between and + d is equal to thenumber incident particles per unit timebetween b and b + db .

    Therefore, for incident ux j I , the numberof particles scattered into the solid angled =2 sin d per unit time is given by

    N d =2 sin d N = 2 b d b j I

    i.e. d ()


    N j I

    = b sin

    db d

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    Scattering phenomena: classical theory

    d ()d

    = b sin

    db d

    For elastic scattering from a hard (impenetrable) sphere,

    b () = R sin = R sin

    2 = R cos(/ 2)

    As a result, we nd that db d = R

    2 sin(/ 2) and

    d ()d =

    R 2


    As expected, total scattering cross section is just d d d = R 2,the projected area of the sphere.

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    Scattering phenomena: classical theory

    For classical Coulomb scattering ,

    V (r ) = r

    particle follows hyperbolic trajectory.

    In this case, a straightforward calculationobtains the Rutherford formula:

    d d =


    sin db d =


    16E 21

    sin4 / 2

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    Quantum scattering: basics and notation

    Simplest scattering experiment: plane wave impinging on localizedpotential, V (r), e.g. electron striking atom, or particle a nucleus.

    Basic set-up: ux of particles, all at the same energy, scattered fromtarget and collected by detectors which measure angles of deection.

    In principle, if all incoming particles represented by wavepackets, thetask is to solve time-dependent Schrodinger equation,

    i t (r , t ) = 2

    2m2 + V (r) (r, t )

    and nd probability amplitudes for outgoing waves.

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    Quantum scattering: basics and notation

    However, if beam is switched on for times long as compared withencounter-time, steady-state conditions apply.

    If wavepacket has well-dened energy (and hence momentum), mayconsider it a plane wave: (r, t ) = (r)e iEt / .

    Therefore, seek solutions of time-independent Schrodinger equation,

    E (r) = 2

    2m2 + V (r) (r)

    subject to boundary conditions that incoming component of wavefunction is a plane wave, e i kr (cf. 1d scattering problems).

    E = ( k)2/ 2m is energy of incoming particles while ux given by,

    j = i

    2m ( ) =


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    Lessons from revision of one-dimension

    In one-dimension, interaction of plane wave, e ikx , with localized

    target results in degree of reection and transmission.

    Both components of outgoing scattered wave are plane waves withwavevector k (energy conservation).

    Inuence of potential encoded in complex amplitude of reectedand transmitted wave xed by time-independent Schr odingerequation subject to boundary conditions (ux conservation).

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    Scattering in more than one dimension

    In higher dimension, phenomenology is similar consider plane waveincident on localized target:

    Outside localized target region, wavefunction involves superpositionof incident plane wave and scattered (spherical wave)


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    Scattering phenomena: partial waves

    If we dene z -axis by k vector, plane wave can be decomposed intosuperposition of incoming and outgoing spherical wave:If V (r ) isotropic, short-ranged (faster than 1 / r ), and elastic(particle/energy conserving), scattering wavefunction given by,

    i kr = i

    e i (kr / 2)

    e i (kr / 2)

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    Scattering phenomena: partial waves

    (r) i



    i (2 + 1)e i (kr / 2)

    r S (k )

    e i (kr / 2)

    r P (cos )

    If we set, (r) e i kr + f ()e ikr


    f () =


    (2 + 1) f (k )P (cos )

    where f (k ) = S (k ) 1

    2ik dene partial wave scattering amplitudes .

    i.e. f (k ) are dened by phase shifts, (k ), where S (k ) = e 2i (k ) .But how are phase shifts related to cross section?

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    Scattering phenomena: scattering cross section

    (r) e i kr + f () e ikr


    Particle ux associated with (r) obtained from current operator,

    j = i

    m ( + ) = i

    m Re [ ]

    = i

    mRe e i kr + f ()

    e ikr

    r e i kr + f ()

    e ikr


    Neglecting rapidly uctuation contributions (which average to zero)

    j = km

    + k m

    e r |f ()|2

    r 2 + O (1/ r 3)

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    Scattering phenomena: partial waves

    d d

    = |f ()|2, f () =


    (2 + 1) f (k )P (cos )

    From the expression for d d , we obtain the total scatteringcross-section:

    tot =

    d =

    |f ()|2d

    With orthogonality relation, d P (cos )P (cos ) = 42 + 1 , tot =


    (2 + 1)(2 + 1) f (k )f (k )

    d P (cos )P (cos )

    4 / (2 +1)= 4 (2 + 1) |f (k )|2

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    Scattering phenomena: partial waves

    tot = 4 (2 + 1) |f (k )|2, f () =


    (2 + 1) f (k )P (cos )

    Making use of the relation f (k ) = 12ik

    (e 2i (k ) 1) = e i (k )

    k sin ,

    tot = 4k 2


    (2 + 1) sin 2 (k )

    Since P (1) = 1, f (0) = (2 + 1) f (k ) = (2 + 1) e i (k )

    k sin ,

    Im f (0) = k 4 tot

    One may show that this sum rule, known as optical theorem ,encapsulates particle conservation.

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    Method of partial waves: summary

    (r) = e i kr

    + f ()e ikr


    The quantum scattering of particles from a localized target is fullycharacterised by the diff erential cross section,

    d d = |f ()|2

    The scattering amplitude, f (), which depends on the energyE = E k , can be separated into a set of partial wave amplitudes,

    f (

    ) =

    =0 (2 + 1)f




    where partial amplitudes, f (k ) = e i

    k sin dened by scatteringphase shifts (k ). But how are phase shifts determined?

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    Method of partial waves

    For scattering from a central potential,

    the scattering amplitude, f , must besymmetrical about axis of incidence.

    In this case, both scattering wavefunction, (r), and scatteringamplitudes, f (), can be expanded in Legendre polynomials,

    (r) =


    R (r )P (cos )

    cf. wavefunction for hydrogen-like atoms with m = 0.

    Each term in expansion known as partial wave , and is simultaneous

    eigenfunction of L


    and Lz having eigenvalue


    ( + 1) and 0, with = 0 , 1, 2, referred to as s , p , d , waves.

    From the asymtotic form of (r) we can determine the phase shifts (k ) and in turn the partial amplitudes f (k ).

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    Method of partial waves

    (r) =


    R (r )P (cos )

    Starting with Schr odinger equation for scattering wavefunction,


    2m + V (r ) (r) = E (r), E =

    2k 2


    separability of (r) leads to radial equation,


    2m 2r +

    2r r

    ( + 1)r 2

    + V (r ) R (r ) = 2k 2

    2m R (r )

    Rearranging equation, we obtain the radial equation,

    2r + 2r r

    ( + 1)r 2

    U (r ) + k 2 R (r ) = 0

    where U (r ) = 2 mV (r )/ 2 represents eff ective potential.

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    Method of partial waves

    2r + 2r r

    ( + 1)r 2

    U (r ) + k 2 R (r ) = 0

    Providing potential suffi ciently short-ranged, scattering wavefunctioninvolves superposition of incoming and outgoing spherical waves,

    R (r ) i 2k


    i (2 + 1)e i (kr / 2)

    r e 2i (k )

    e i (kr / 2)r

    R 0(r ) 1kr

    e i 0(k ) sin(kr + 0(k ))

    However, at low energy, kR 1, where R is typical range of potential, s -wave channel ( = 0) dominates.

    Here, with u (r ) = rR 0(r ), radial equation becomes,

    2r U (r ) + k 2 u (r ) = 0

    with boundary condition u (0) = 0 and, as expected, outside radiusr R

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    Method of partial waves

    2r U (r ) + k 2 u (r ) = 0

    Alongside phase shift, 0 it is convenient to introduce scatteringlength , a0, dened by condition that u (a0) = 0 for kR 1, i.e.

    u (a0) = sin( ka0 + 0) = sin( ka0)cos 0 + cos( ka0)sin 0= sin

    0 [cot

    0 sin(ka

    0) + cos( kr )] sin

    0 [ka

    0 cot

    0 + 1]

    leads to scattering length a0 = limk 0


    tan 0(k ).

    From this result, we nd the scattering cross section

    tot = 4k 2

    sin2 0(k ) k 0 4k 2(ka0)


    1 + ( ka0)2 4 a20

    i.e. a0 characterizes eff ective size of target.

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    Example I: Scattering by hard-sphere

    2r U (r ) + k 2 u (r ) = 0 , a0 = limk 0


    tan 0

    Consider hard sphere potential,

    U (r ) = r < R 0 r > R

    With the boundary condition u (R ) = 0, suitable for an impenetrable

    sphere, the scattering wavefunction given byu (r ) = A sin(kr + 0), 0 = kR

    i.e. scattering length a0 R , f 0(k ) = e ikR

    k sin(kR ), and the totalscattering cross section is given by,

    tot 4 sin2(kR )

    k 2 4 R 2

    Factor of 4 enhancement over classical value, R 2, due todiff raction processes at sharp potential.

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    Example II: Scattering by attractive square well

    2r U (r ) + k 2 u (r ) = 0

    As a proxy for scattering from a binding potential, let us consider

    quantum particles incident upon an attractive square well potential,U (r ) = U 0(R r ), where U 0 > 0.

    Once again, focussing on low energies, kR 1, this translates tothe radial potential,

    2r + U 0(R r ) + k


    u (r ) = 0with the boundary condition u (0) = 0.

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    Example II: Scattering by attractive square well

    2r + U 0(R r ) + k

    2u (r ) = 0

    From this radial equation, we obtain the solution,

    u (r ) = C sin(Kr ) r < R

    sin(kr + 0) r > R where K 2 = k 2 + U 0 > k 2 and 0 denotes scattering phase shift.

    From continuity of wavefunction and derivative at r = R ,

    C sin(KR ) = sin( kR + 0), CK cos(KR ) = k cos(kR + 0)

    we obtain the self-consistency condition for 0 = 0(k ),

    K cot(KR ) = k cot(kR + 0)

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    Example II: Scattering by attractive square well

    K cot(KR ) = k cot(kR + 0)

    From this result, we obtain

    tan 0(k ) = k tan( KR ) K tan( kR )K + k tan( kR ) tan( KR ) , K 2 = k 2 + U 0

    With kR 1, K U 1/ 20 (1 + O (k 2/ U 0)), nd scattering length,

    a0 = limk 01k tan 0 R

    tan( KR )KR 1

    which, for KR < / 2 leads to a negative scattering length.

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    Example II: Scattering by attractive square well

    a0 = limk 01k tan 0 R

    tan( KR )KR 1

    So, at low energies, the scattering from an attractive squarepotential leads to the = 0 phase shift,

    0 ka0 kR tan( KR )

    KR 1

    and total scattering cross-section,

    tot 4k 2

    sin2 0(k ) 4 R 2 tan( KR )KR 1


    , K U 1/ 20

    But what happens when KR / 2?

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    Example II: Scattering by attractive square well

    a0 R tan( KR )

    KR 1 , K U 1/ 20

    If KR 1, a0 < 0 and wavefunction drawntowards target hallmark of attractive potential.

    As KR / 2, both scattering length a0 andcross section tot 4 a20 diverge.

    As KR increased, a0 turns positive, wavefunctionpushed away from target (cf. repulsive potential)until KR = when tot = 0 and process repeats.

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    Example II: Scattering by attractive square well

    In fact, when KR = / 2, the attractive square well just meets thecriterion to host a single s -wave bound state.

    At this value, there is a zero energy resonance leading to thedivergence of the scattering length, and with it, the cross section the inuence of the target becomes eff ectively innite in range.

    When KR = 3 / 2, the potential becomes capable of hosting asecond bound state, and there is another resonance, and so on.

    When KR = n , the scattering cross section vanishes identically andthe target becomes invisible the Ramsauer-Townsend e ff ect .

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    More generally, the -th partial cross-section

    = 4k 2

    (2 + 1) 1

    1 + cot 2 (k ), tot =

    takes maximum value if there is an energy at which cot vanishes.

    If this occurs as a result of (k ) increasing rapidly through oddmultiple of / 2, cross-section exhibits a narrow peak as a functionof energy a resonance .

    Near the resonance,

    cot (k ) = E R E

    (E )/ 2where E R is resonance energy.

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    If (E ) varies slowly in energy, partial cross-section in vicinity of resonance given by Breit-Wigner formula ,

    (E ) = 4k 2

    (2 + 1) 2(E R )/ 4

    (E E R )2 + 2(E R )/ 4

    Physically, at E = E R , the amplitude of the wavefunction within thepotential region is high and the probability of nding the scatteredparticle inside the well is correspondingly high.

    The parameter = / represents typical lifetime, , of metastablebound state formed by particle in potential.

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    Application: Feshbach resonance phenomena

    Ultracold atomic gases provide arena in

    which resonant scattering phenomenaexploited far from resonance, neutralalkali atoms interact through short-rangedvan der Waals interaction.

    However, eff ective strength of interactioncan be tuned by allowing particles to formvirtual bound state a resonance.

    By adjusting separation between entrancechannel states and bound state throughexternal magnetic eld, system can betuned through resonance.

    This allows eff ective interaction to betuned from repulsive to attractive simplyby changing external eld.

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    Scattering theory: summary

    The quantum scattering of particles from a localized target is fullycharacterised by diff erential cross section,

    d d = |f ()|


    where (r) = e i kr + f (, ) e ikr

    r denotes scattering wavefunction.

    The scattering amplitude, f (), which depends on the energyE = E k , can be separated into a set of partial wave amplitudes,

    f () =


    (2 + 1) f (k )P (cos )

    where f (k ) = e i

    k sin dened by scattering phase shifts (k ).

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    Scattering theory: summary

    The partial amplitudes/phase shifts fully characterise scattering,

    tot = 4k 2


    (2 + 1) sin 2 (k )

    The individual scattering phase shifts can then be obtained from thesolutions to the radial scattering equation,

    2r + 2r r

    ( + 1)r 2

    U (r ) + k 2 R (r ) = 0

    Although this methodology is straightforward, when the energy of incident particles is high (or the potential weak), many partial wavescontribute.

    In this case, it is convenient to switch to a diff erent formalism, theBorn approximation.

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    Lecture 21

    Scattering theory:Born perturbation series expansion


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    Previously, we have seen that the properties of a scattering system,


    2m + V (r ) (r) = 2

    k 2

    2m (r)

    are encoded in the scattering amplitude, f (, ), where

    (r) e i kr + f (, )e ikr


    For an isotropic scattering potential V (r ), the scattering amplitudes,f (), can be obtained as an expansion in harmonics, P (cos ).

    At low energies, k 0, this partial wave expansion is dominatedby small .

    At higher energies, when many partial waves contribute, expansionis inconvenient helpful to develop a diff erent methodology, theBorn series expansion

    Li S h i i

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    Lippmann-Schwinger equation

    Returning to Schrodinger equation for scattering wavefunction,

    2 + k 2 (r) = U (r) (r)

    with V (r) = 2U (r)

    2m , general solution can be written as

    (r) = (r) +

    G 0(r, r )U (r ) (r )d 3r

    where 2 + k 2 (r) = 0 and 2 + k 2 G 0(r, r ) = d (r r ).

    Formally, these equations have the solution

    k(r) = e i kr , G 0(r, r ) =


    e ik | r r |

    |r r |

    Li S h i i

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    Lippmann-Schwinger equation

    Together, leads to Lippmann-Schwinger equation:

    k(r) = e i kr 1

    4 d 3r e

    ik | r

    r |

    |r r | U (r )k(r )

    In far-eld, |r r | r e r r + ,

    e ik | r r ||r r |

    e ikr

    r e i k r

    where k k e r .

    i.e. k(r) = e i kr + f (, )e ikr

    r where, with k = e i kr ,

    f (, ) 14 d 3r e i k r U (r )k(r ) 14 k |U |k

    Li S h i i

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    Lippmann-Schwinger equation

    f (, ) = 14 d

    3r e

    i k rU (r )k(r )

    14 k |U |k

    The corresponding diff erential cross-section:


    d = |f (, )|2 =


    (2 )2 4 |T k,k |2

    where, in terms of the original scattering potential, V (r) = 2U (r)

    2m ,

    T k,k = k |V |k

    denotes the transition matrix element.

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    B i ti

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    Born approximation

    |k = |k + G 0U |k + G 0U G 0U |k + =

    n =0

    (G 0U )n |k

    Then, making use of the identity f (, ) = 14 k |U |k ,scattering amplitude expressed as Born series expansion

    f = 14 k |U + UG 0U + UG 0UG 0U + |k

    Physically, incoming particle undergoes a sequence of multiplescattering events from the potential.

    B i ti

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    Born approximation

    f = 14

    k |U + UG 0U + UG 0UG 0U + |k

    Leading term in Born series known as rst Born approximation ,

    f Born = 1

    4k |U |k

    Setting = k k , where denotes momentum transfer, Bornscattering amplitude for a central potential

    f Born ( ) = 14 d

    3r e i

    r U (r) =


    sin( r ) U (r )

    where, noting that |k | = |k | , = 2 k sin(/ 2).

    E ample: Co lomb scattering

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    Example: Coulomb scattering

    Due to long range nature of the Coulomb scattering potential, the

    boundary condition on the scattering wavefunction does not apply.We can, however, address the problem by working with the screened(Yukawa) potential, U (r ) = U 0

    e r /

    r , and taking . For thispotential, one may show that (exercise)

    f Born = U 0

    0 dr sin( r )

    e r /

    = U 0

    2 + 2

    Therefore, for , we obtain



    = |f ()|2 = U 20

    16k 4


    / 2which is just the Rutherford formula .

    From Born approximation to Fermis Golden rule

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    From Born approximation to Fermis Golden rule

    Previously, in the leading approximation, we found that thetransition rate between states and i and f induced by harmonic

    perturbation Ve i t

    is given by Fermis Golden rule,

    i f = 2

    | f |V | i |2 ( (E f E i ))

    In a three-dimensional scattering problem, we should consider theinitial state as a plane wave state of wavevector k and the nalstate as the continuum of states with wavevectors k with = 0.

    In this case, the total transition (or scattering) rate into a xed solidangle, d , in direction (, ) given by

    k k =k d

    2 | k |V |k |2 (E k E k ) =

    2 | k |V |k |2g (E k )

    where g (E k ) = k (E k E k ) = dndE is density of states at energy

    E k = 2 k 2

    2m .

    From Born approximation to Fermis Golden rule

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    From Born approximation to Fermi s Golden rule

    k k = 2 | k |V |k |2g (E k )


    g (E k ) = dndk

    dk dE

    = k 2d

    (2 / L)31

    2k / m

    and incident ux j I = k / m , the diff erential cross section,

    d d

    = 1L3

    k k

    j I=

    1(4 )2

    | k |2mV

    2 |k |2

    At rst order, Born approximation and Golden rule coincide.

    Scattering by identical particles

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    Scattering by identical particles

    So far, we have assumed that incident particles and target are

    distinguishable. When scattering involves identical particles, wehave to consider quantum statistics:

    Consider scattering of two identical particles. In centre of massframe, if an outgoing particle is detected at angle to incoming, itcould have been (a) deected through , or (b) through .

    Classically, we could tell whether (a) or (b) by monitoring particlesduring collision however, in quantum scattering, we cannot track.

    Scattering by identical particles

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    Scattering by identical particles

    Therefore, in centre of mass frame, we must write scatteringwavefunction in appropriately symmetrized/antisymmetrized form for bosons,

    (r) = e ikz + e ikz + ( f () + f ( ))e ikr


    The diff erential cross section is then given by

    d d

    = |f () + f ( )|2

    as opposed to |f ()|2 + |f ( )|2 as it would be for distinguishableparticles.

    Scattering by an atomic lattice

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    Scattering by an atomic lattice

    As a nal application of Born approximation,consider scattering from crystal lattice: At lowenergy, scattering amplitude of particles is againindependent of angle (s -wave).

    In this case, the solution of the Schrodinger equation by a singleatom i located at a point Ri has the asymptotic form,

    (r) = e i k(r R i ) + f e ik | r R i |

    |r R i |

    Since k |r R i | kr k R i , with k = k e r we have

    (r) = e i kR i e i kr + fe i (k k)R i e ikr

    r From this result, we infer eff ective scattering amplitude,

    f () = f exp[ i R i ] , = k k

  • 8/10/2019 lec20-21_compressed SCATTER.pdf


    Scattering theory: summary

  • 8/10/2019 lec20-21_compressed SCATTER.pdf


    Scattering theory: summary

    The quantum scattering of particles from a localized target is fullycharacterised by diff erential cross section,


    d = |f ()|2

    where (r) = e i kr + f (, ) e ikr

    r denotes scattering wavefunction.

    The scattering amplitude, f (), which depends on the energyE = E k , can be separated into a set of partial wave amplitudes,

    f () =


    (2 + 1) f (k )P (cos )

    where f (k ) = e i

    k sin dened by scattering phase shifts (k ).

    Scattering theory: summary

  • 8/10/2019 lec20-21_compressed SCATTER.pdf


    Scattering theory: summary

    The partial amplitudes/phase shifts fully characterise scattering,

    tot = 4k 2


    (2 + 1) sin 2 (k )

    The individual scattering phase shifts can then be obtained from thesolutions to the radial scattering equation,

    2r + 2r r

    ( + 1)r 2

    U (r ) + k 2 R (r ) = 0

    Although this methodology is straightforward, when the energy of incident particles is high (or the potential weak), many partial wavescontribute.In this case, it is convenient to switch to a diff erent formalism, theBorn approximation.

    Scattering theory: summary

  • 8/10/2019 lec20-21_compressed SCATTER.pdf


    Scattering theory: summary

    Formally, the solution of the scattering wavefunction can be

    presented as the integral (Lippmann-Schwinger) equation,

    k(r) = e i kr

    14 d 3r e

    ik | r r |

    |r r | U (r )k(r )

    This expression allows the scattering amplitude to be developed as apower series in the interaction, U (r).

    In the leading approximation, this leads to the Born approximationfor the scattering amplitude,

    f Born ( ) = 1

    4 d 3re i r U (r)

    where = k k and = 2 k sin(/ 2).
