

The Life and Times of Six Russian/Soviet Rulers

Carter Elwood


14 September – 19 October 2017

10:30 – 12:30

124 Leeds

Carleton University

Office: 401 Paterson Hall

Office hours: Monday, 1:30 – 4:30

Tel: 613-520-2600 x2817

e-mail: [email protected]

Rulers of Russia and the Soviet Union, 1700 – 2000

Peter I, 1682 – 1725

Catherine I, 1725 – 27

Peter II, 1727 – 30

Anne, 1730 – 40

Ivan VI, 1740 – 41

Elizabeth, 1741 – 62

Peter III, 1762

Catherine II, 1762 – 96

Paul I, 1796 – 1801

Alexander I, 1801 – 25

Nicholas I, 1825 – 55

Alexander II, 1855 – 81

Alexander III, 1881 – 94

Nicholas II, 1894 – 1917

V.I. Lenin, 1917 – 24

J.V. Stalin, 1928 – 53

N.S. Khrushchev, 1955 – 64

L. I. Brezhnev, 1964 – 82

I. V. Andropov, 1982 – 84

K.V. Chernenko, 1984 – 85

M.S. Gorbachev, 1985 – 91

Boris Yeltsin, 1991 – 2000

Vladimir Putin 2000 -

Lecture #1: Peter I, “the Great”: 1682 – 1725

1. Russia in the 17th Century

-the early Romanovs -the Schism in the Orthodox Church -Ukrainian War of Independence -balance sheet on the eve of Peter the Great

2. Education of Peter I

-Preobrazhenskoe -Foreign Quarter (Settlement) -Grand Embassy Tour

3. Foreign Policy of Peter I -Azov Campaigns, 1695-1696 -Northern War, 1700-1721 -Pruth Campaign, 1711

4. Domestic Policy of Peter I

-Westernization -Building of St. Petersburg -Collegiate System -Educational Reforms -Economic Reforms and Rationalizations

5. Evaluation of Peter I

Terms Kievan Rus Riga Nikon Vyborg Zaporozhian Cossacks Baturyn Bohdan Khmelnitsky Nystadt (1721) Timmermann Natalia Naryshkin Lafort streltsy Narva (1700) Semenovsky Mazepa Zotov Union of Pereiaslavl (1654) Hankö Archangel Kronstadt Stenka Razin Gregorian Calendar Maria Miloslavsky Julian Calendar Poltava (1708) Holy Synod Select Bibliography Paul Bushkovitch, Peter the Great: The Struggle for Power, 1671-1725. New York, 2001. James Cracraft, The Revolution of Peter the Great. Cambridge, Mass., 2003. Ian Grey, Peter the Great: Emperor of All Russia. London, 1960. *Lindsey Hughes, Peter the Great: A Biography. New Haven, 2002. V.O. Kliuchevsky, Peter the Great. New York, 1958. Robert K. Massie, Peter the Great: His Life and World. New York, 1980. B.H. Sumner, Peter the Great and the Emergence of Russia. London, 1950. *Items marked with an asterisk are recommended for members of the class seeking one book to read in preparation for the lecture. They have been chosen in part because of their length (or lack thereof), objectivity, readability and date of publication. Readers reactions to these books would be appreciated.

Lecture #2: Catherine II, “the Great”: 1762 – 1796

1. Era of Palace Revolutions, 1725-1762

-Problems of Succession -Elizabeth I, 1741 – 1762 -Peter III, 1762

2. The Enlightenment of Catherine II

-Education of Catherine -the Enlightened Despot -correspondence -Legislative Commission, 1767 – 1768 -Educational Reforms

3. The Despotism of Catherine II

-Pugachev Rebellion -Intensification of Serfdom -Charter of the Nobility -Succession Problems

4. Foreign Policy of Catherine II

-Partitions of Poland -Southern Expansion

5. Evaluation of Catherine II

Terms Michael Florinsky Diderot Nicholas Novikov Sophia Augusta Frederica Voltaire N.M. Karamzin Anhalt-Zerbst Grimm Stanislav Poniatowski Holy Synod Nakaz (Instructions) Gregory Potemkin Peterhof Alexander Radishchev Select Bibliography John Alexander, Catherine the Great: Life and Legend. New York, 1989. Ian Grey, Catherine the Great: Autocrat and Empress of Russia. London, 1961. *Isabel De Madariaga, Catherine the Great: A Short History. New Haven, 1961. The Memoirs of Catherine the Great. New York, 2005. David Ransel, The Politics of Catherinian Russia: the Panin Party. New Haven, 1975. G.S. Thomson, Catherine the Great and the Expansion of Russia. London, 1947.

Lecture #3: Nicholas II, 1894 – 1917

1. Russia in the Nineteenth Century -Emancipation of the Serfs, 1861 -Zemstvo Reform, 1864 -Belated Industrial Revolution

2. Background of Nicholas II

3. Russo-Japanese War, 1904 – 1905

4. Revolution of 1905

5. Experiment in Constitutional Monarchy, 1906 – 1914

6. World War I

7. Nicholas’ Reaction to the February Revolution

8. Evaluation of Nicholas II

National Assemblies Consultative Assembly -partially or wholly appointed; tsar “consults” on legislative matters; decisions not binding Legislative Assembly -directly or indirectly elected; passes legislation which may not be binding on the tsar Constituent Assembly -directly elected; has power to adopt a constitution

Terms Crimean War Straits of Tsushima Sergei Witte Mukden (Feb. 1905) Donets Basin Potemkin Mutiny (June 1905) Iuzhovka – Stalino – Donetsk Lena Massacre (April 1912) Princess Alice of Hesse-Dormstadt Paul Miliukov Aleksei (Alexis) Putilov Works Rasputin Rodzianko Amur and Ussuri Regions Shulgin Vladivostok Guchkov Select Bibliography D.C.B. Lieven, Nicholas II: Emperor of All the Russias. London, 1993. Robert K. Massie, Nicholas and Alexandra. New York, 1967. Nicky-Sunny Letters: Correspondence of the Tsar and Tsaritsa, 1914-1917. Hattiesburg, 1970. Edvard Radzinsky, The Last Tsar: The Life and Death of Nicholas II. New York, 1993. *Mark D. Steinberg and V.M. Khrustalëv, The Fall of the Romanovs. New Haven, 1995. Robert D. Warth, Nicholas II: The Life and Reign of Russia’s Last Monarch. Westport, 1997.

Lecture #4: V.I. Lenin, 1917 – 1924

1. The Revolutionary Tradition

-Decembrist Revolt, 1825 -Intellectual Revolt, 1825 – 1870 -Populism, 1870s -Early Russian Marxism

2. Background of V.I. Lenin

3. Lenin and the Development of the Bolshevik Party, 1904 – 1917

-Lenin on Vacation -Inessa Armand -Roman Malinovsky

4. Lenin’s Role in the Revolutions of 1917

-April Theses -July Days -October Revolution

5. Lenin as Head of State

-Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, March 1918 -New Economic Policy (NEP) -One-party Rule -Illness and Death

6. Evaluation of Lenin

Terms Intelligentsia Nadezhda Krupskaya Nihilism Martov V Narod! (To the People) Sörenberg G.V. Plekhanov Tchudiwiese Pravda Alexander Kerensky Rabotnitsa Kornilov Revolt Zhenotdel CHEKA Okhrana Comintern Glasnost’ Kronstadt Revolt Zimmerwald Iskra Kiental Leon Trotsky Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov Proletarii Shushenskoe Longjumeau Select Bibliography Carter Elwood, The Non-Geometric Lenin: Essays on the Development of the Bolshevik Party, 1910 – 1914. London, 2011. N.K. Krupskaya, Reminiscences of Lenin. Moscow, 1959. Christopher Read, Lenin: A Revolutionary Life. London, 2005. *Robert Service, Lenin: A Biography. Cambridge, Mass., 2000. Adam B. Ulam, The Bolsheviks: The Intellectual, Personal, and Political History of the Origins of Russian Communism. New York, 1965. Nikolay Valentinov (N.V. Volsky), Encounters with Lenin. London, 1968. Dmitri Volkogonov, Lenin: Life and Legacy. New York, 1994. Bertram D. Wolfe, Three Who Made a Revolution: A Biographical History. Boston, 1948.

Lecture #5: J.V. Stalin, 1928 – 1953

1. Lenin’s Testament

2. Stalin’s Background and Revolutionary Career, 1899 – 1918

3. Stalin’s Rise to Power, 1918 – 1928

4. Rapid Industrialization

5. Forced Collectivization

6. Purges of the 1930s

7. Cult of the Individual

8. Socialist Realism

9. World War II and its Aftermath

-Stalin’s family

10. Evaluation of Stalin

Terms Gori S.M. Kirov J.V. Dzhugashvilli Nikolaev expropriations Gulag N.N. Sukhanov Ezhovshchina M. Djilas Tukhachevsky Krupskaya Maxim Gorky G.E. Zinoviev vozhd L.B. Kamenev Gen. Vlasov Politburo Vorkuta N.I. Bukharin Chechens Gosplan Zhdanov Stakhanov Mingrelian Affair Magnitogorsk Ekaterina Svanidze kulak Nadezhda Allilueva MTS (Machine Tractor Station) Svetlana Alliliuva Holodomor Katyn Forest Select Bibliography Isaac Deutscher, Stalin: A Political Biography. London, 1949. Ronald Hingley, Joseph Stalin: Man and Legend. London, 1974. *Robert H. McNeal, Stalin: Man and Ruler. London, 1988. Roy Medvedev, Let History Judge. New York, 1971. Sebeg Montefiore, Stalin: The Court of the Red Tsar. London, 2003. Robert Service, Stalin: A Biography. Cambridge, Mass., 2004. Leon Trotsky, Stalin: An Appraisal of the Man and His Influence. New York, 1967. Robert Tucker, Stalin as Revolutionary, 1879 – 1929 (New York, 1973) and Stalin in Power: The Revolution from Above. New York, 1990.

Lecture #6: Vladimir Putin, 2000 –

1. Stalin’s Legacy -Police and Party -Industrial Stagnation -Collapse of the Soviet Empire

2. Rise of Vladimir Putin

3. Restoration of Political Stability

-relations with the Duma -control of the media

4. Economic Re-nationalization

-Putin vs. the oligarchs -oil and natural gas

5. Restoration of National Pride

-relations with the West -Intervention in Syria -Second Chechen War -the “Coloured Revolutions” -Georgia -Ukraine

6. Unresolved Problems

-weak economy -sick and declining population -authoritarian rule

7. Appraisal

Major Rulers, 1953 – 2000 -N.S. Khrushchev, 1955 – 1964 -Leonid Brezhnev, 1964 – 1982 -Mikhail Gorbachev, 1985 – 1991 -Boris Yeltsin, 1991 – 2000

Terms Beria Boris Berezovsky Lazurkina Mikhail Khodorkovsky M. Djilas Yukos Mme. Furtseva Grozny Alexander Solzhenitsyn Ramzon Kadyrov Glasnost’ Breslan Katyn Forest Shevardnadze Perestroika Saakashvili Chechnya Abkhazia Dmitri Medvedev So. Ossetia Prokharev Yushenko G. Zyuganov Yanukovych V. Zhirinovsky Tymoshenko Gusinsky Alexei Navalny Anna Politkovskaya Boris Nemtsov Select Bibliography Insufficient time has elapsed for many scholarly accounts of Vladimir Putin to appear. The first three listed below offer useful biographical information. The last three are collections of essays about aspects of his reign. By their very nature, these tend to be uneven, episodic and often dated. Fiona Hill and Clifford Gadley, Mr. Putin: Operative in the Kremlin. Washington, 2013. Andrew Jack, Inside Putin’s Russia. Oxford, 2004. *Richard Sakwa, Putin: Russia’s Choice. London, 2008. Alex Pravda, Leading Russia: Putin in Perspective. Oxford, 2005. Cameron Ross (ed.), Russian Politics under Putin. Manchester, 2004. Stephen Welgren (ed.), Return to Putin’s Russia, 5th ed. London, 2013.