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Fund Tolkien Estate, which owns the rights to the heritage of Tolkien, filed a

lawsuit against Warner Bros. The lawsuit alleges that Warner Bros, having the

rights to make a movie from a book, violated the terms of the agreement,

according to which they had the right to produce only “tangible goods based on

the book, such as dishes, clothes etc.”. However, it does not include the use

of digital or electronic rights.

The lawsuit has become possible because of an online slot game called “Lord

of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring”.

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Dima Gadomsky

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Table of content

Авторское право в кино

Не авторское право в кино

Договоры и домыслы

Защита авторских прав в Интернете

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Copyright – wtf?

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Авторами аудіовізуального твору є: а) режисер-постановник; б) автор сценарію і (або) текстів, діалогів; в) автор спеціально створеного для аудіовізуального твору музичного твору з текстом або без нього; г) художник-постановник; д) оператор-постановник.


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«У тебя грустное лицо»



Договор о



прав Договор о




Автор сценария

Договор с


главной роли

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Who else?

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Happy birthday song belongs to Warner Music Group

USD 30 000 per 1 use

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= 3 bln USD =

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Протягом всього життя автора

+ 70 років після смерті

Copyright term

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+ 70 років після смерті

Copyright term

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Строк охорони авторських прав мав

припинитись у 2008 році

Вартість прав станом на 2008 рік = $ 3

млрд = 2 бюджети Молдови

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IP export = 34,8 % ВВП

$ 5,06 трлн.

30 х ВВП Украины


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31 июля 2014 года…

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Debut short work of actor and director Shia LaBeouf was plagiarized. The film was shown at dozens of film festivals including the Cannes Film Festival. But bloggers noticed uncredited similarities between LaBeouf's film and artist Daniel Clowes' 2007 graphic novella Justin M. Damiadirectly from the no, including word-for-word dialogue and visuals lifted original. As a result, pay LaBeouf Close allotted by law royalties.


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Matrix (1)

Problem: Hawaiian producer filed a lawsuit

against Lana and Andy Wachowski claiming that “The Matrix” is “largely” based on the scenario for “Immortals”, which he wrote in 1993 and registered it with the Writers Guild of America. Legal issue: plagiarism Decision: currently pending.

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What does the court have to decide? 1) whether the author of the scenario is a Hawaiian producer; 2) whether he has transferred his rights to the scenario; 3) whether the scenario of Hawaiian producer is “largely” the same as the scenario of “The Matrix”. 4) (theoretically) did Lana and Andy get acquainted with the scenario of Hawaiian producer before making “The Matrix”.

If the answers to these questions are “Yes”, than Lana and Andy will have to shell out a

considerable sum - applicant requested 300 million US dollars.

Matrix (2)

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Judge acknowledged some similarities between the works, but noted that many of

the events described in the book and movie, are historical facts and are widely known, and the violence and cruelty to prisoners are often used as plot

elements in books and movies, dedicated to military theme. Therefore, copyright law protects not the ideas themselves, but only their implementation.

“In the Land of Blood and Honey”

James Braddock, a journalist, accused Angelina Jolie of plagiarism. He said that the plot of Jolie’s

film “In the Land of Blood and Honey” was taken from his book “Harrowing”. These works describe a story of a girl-prisoner of concentration camp during the civil war in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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Midnight in Paris (1)

Problem: Faulkner's heirs filed a lawsuit against Sony Pictures that in Woody Allen's “Midnight in Paris” Faulkner’s words, written in the novel "Requiem for a Nun“,

were mentioned without a permission: “The past is not dead! And it's not even past”. Legal issue: citation Decision: currently pending.

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Midnight in Paris (2)

What does the court have to decide? 1) whether Sony Pictures had

a right to cite; 2) whether a context of

citation was the same as in original work;

3) whether rules of free citation were complied with.

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Можно использовать в фильме?

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Можно использовать в фильме?

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Можно использовать в фильме?

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Можно использовать в фильме?

Неимущественные права автора:

вимагати збереження цілісності твору і протидіяти будь-якому перекрученню, спотворенню чи іншій зміні твору або

будь-якому іншому посяганню на твір, що може зашкодити честі і репутації автора.

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Other laws

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WHAT may I film?

Legal issue: according to the Law on the protection of public morals, production and distribution of products that:

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Что нарушаем?

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WHAT may I film? (1)

District Administrative Court of Kyiv ruled

the decision to deny the claim against a

movie “The Wolf of Wall Street”.

According to the applicant, there is

promotion of drug use in this work,

and there are so many scenes of

explicit erotic and pornographic

nature, which directly contradicts the

provisions of the Law on the protection of

public morals.

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WHAT may I film? (2)

In Novosibirsk (Russia) local court fined

cinemas for promotion of drugs, taking into

account the results of expert studies saying

that “The Wolf of Wall Street” creates a

positive attitude towards drug use.

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Innocence of Muslims District Court of San Francisco ruled that Google should remove trailer for the

movie “Innocence of Muslims” from YouTube. The ruling was in response to a

complaint by actress Cindy Lee Garcia, who had objected to the use of her

performance, which had been partially dubbed for its inclusion in ”Innocence of

Muslims”. Garcia had believed during production that she was appearing in

a film called ”Desert Warrior”, which was described as a “historical

Arabian Desert adventure film”, and was unaware that anti-Islamic material

would be added at the post-production stage.

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Earlier Georgian actress Anna Gurgi complained that she participated in

the filming of the same director, not knowing the true content of the

movie. She said that all her scenes were filmed on green screen and the

director explained that with a need of a lot of future special effects.

Innocence of Muslims

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HOW may I use a movie? Fund Tolkien Estate, which owns the

rights to the heritage of Tolkien, filed a

lawsuit against Warner Bros. The lawsuit

alleges that Warner Bros, having the

rights to make a movie from a book,

violated the terms of the agreement,

according to which they had the right to

produce only “tangible goods based on

the book, such as dishes, clothes etc.”.

However, it does not include the use of

digital or electronic rights.

The lawsuit has become possible

because of an online slot game called

“Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the


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HOW may I film?

The U.S. Federal Department of Civil Aviation plans to developed rules

for the use of flying drones to film movies. Currently commercial use of

drones in the USA is prohibited.

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Is it a crime?

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Is it a crime?

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Томас Едісон 1093 патента в США

3000 патентів в інших країнах

Перший комерційно успішний процес кінозйомки було створено і запатентовано наприкінці 19 ст.

Аби не робити відрахування за використання запатентованого кіноапарату,

кіно-функціонери заснували HOLLYWOOD, куди не розповсюджувалась дія патентів

History - film

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1984, Sony Corp. of America v. Universal City Studios, Inc. (Betamax case) Universal City Studios та Walt Disney Company звернулись до суду із позовом до Sony Corp. of America про заборону розповсюдження відеомагнітофонів.

Суд першої інстанції у позові відмовив.

Суд апеляційної інстанції позов задовольнив, визнавши, що розповсюдження відеомагнітофонів порушує авторське право виробників кіно –і відео продукції 1984 року Верховний суд прийняв остаточне рішення, яким відмовив у задоволення

позову. Серед іншого, Верховний суд встановив, що запис телепрограми для власного приватного перегляду не порушує авторські права.

History - video

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How to protect?

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HOW may I protect a movie? On August 1, 2013, anti-piracy law was enforced in Russia. According to this law a rightholder may require the pretrial order to block access to certain content. Rightholders can also apply to court for the application of measures to sites that violate copyrights.

Co-founder of The Pirate Bay and his hosting provider became defendants in eight claims for intellectual property rights protection for spreading on torrent trackers and a number of popular movies. As a result, the court ruled the defendants to stop the spread of the movies, pay legal costs, as well as publish the ruling on their websites. At the same time, a petition for the abolition of the anti-piracy law has collected 100,000 signatures and will be considered at the federal level.

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Выложили на торренте фильм? Я подаю на торрент в суд

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Три види відповідальності

- Кримінальна - Цивільна (суд)

- Ніякої

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Shit happens


Відповідач? Виконання?

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Что делать, шеф?

Жалоба администратору сайта (в abuse@)

Жалоба хостинг провайдеру

Жалоба регистратору домена

Жалоба поисковикам – Google, Yandex

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«Удалите это немедленно или поговорим по-другому, в другом


А потім:

«Я не давала соглашение на распространение личной информации.

Буду вынуждена обратится в органы если в течении недели

мои данные с фото и видео и номером не будут изъяты с сайта!»

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«Этот ролик запрещён для размещения на других ресурсах, если

вы его не удалите то все участники этого ролика

подают на вас в суд в том числе и мы как правообладатели

и организаторы этого мероприятия!!!

Если вы хотите чтобы я выложил или вы сами хотите выложить

наши ролики вы должны обратится к нам с письмом сейчас мы

удаляем наши ролики по всему интернету те кто отказывается

удалять незаконно выложенные ролики мы подаём на них в суд!!!

Ролики на нашем сайт разрешённые к просмотру

и распространению наших тренингов и семинаров!!!».

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«Добрый день!

На вашем сайте размещены материалы нашего издательства.

Это нарушение авторского права и ведет к уголовной

ответственности.Требуем убрать все .PDF с сайта. Максимум

что вы можете оставить это список книг аннотацию

и ссылку на наш сайт, где эти книги можно заказать или скачать

в электронном виде. Если материалы не будут удалены с вашего

сайта в течении суток, мы будем вынуждены принять меры».

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«Это правило достаточно жесткое: при попытке

записать материал лекции, студент будет

отчислен, а записывающее устройство передано

в правоохранительные органы»

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Защищаемся как жлобы

The authors of a movie “Twiharder”, a parody of the saga “Twilight”, are suing the authors of the “vampire” franchise. The plaintiffs claimed that the authors of the "Twilight" created obstacles for distribution of the movie “Twiharder” by registering about twenty different versions of names related to the franchise in a register of trademarks.

In addition, they sent to potential distributors of the movie "Twiharder" letters, in which asked not to agree to cooperate with the creators of the parody. The plaintiffs are seeking compensation in the amount of $ 500 million.

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How to monetize?

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Except a standard way of

YouTube channel monetization,

the authors of videos will have a

possibility to gain money being

directly supported by viewers,

which will transfer to their

accounts sums of money by

using a special button near the


YouTube will add a function of transferring

money directly to the author of a video.

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I have best attorney in the world. He can

draft the contract

with one singe meaning

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Ironclad contract…

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FB: Dima Gadomsky LI: Dmytro Gadomsky

Skype: Dmytro.Gadomsky Cell: 067 716 85 38

Soap: [email protected]