Page 1: Leigh CONGREGATION · Today we reflect on the temptations to break relationships and hurt people less powerful than us. We think of the temptation of food, knowing that while many

Our Vision

A Community Transforming Lives

Our Values Grace, Inclusion, Dignity,

Faith and Hope

Uniting Church in Australia

14th February 2016 Parramatta Mission:

Congregational life@ Westmead & Parramatta

& Hospitality, Community and Mental Health Services across Greater Sydney

and beyond



Page 2: Leigh CONGREGATION · Today we reflect on the temptations to break relationships and hurt people less powerful than us. We think of the temptation of food, knowing that while many


VALENTINE'S DAY Originating with the Feast Day of 3rd century Saint 'Valentine' of Rome - and traditionally associated with courtly love, romance and human devotion - Valentine's Day, 14th of February, has been celebrated in the way we now know it, including with the exchanging of cards and gifts etc, since the early 1800s. For Christians, the day enables a focus on selfless love - whether it be for partners, family, friends or strangers: "Love is patient and kind...Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends." (1 Corinthians 13: 4 - 8). LENT EVENT 2016 @ LEIGH MEMORIAL - 'Act - Connect - Reflect' - 40 days to shape our world. Welcome to Week 1 & our focus on Zimbabwe & the issue of Livelihood Development. Zimbabwe is a landlocked country in southern Africa which experiences issues with generational poverty, political conflict and social/ gender inequality. Funds raised from Lent Event will enable important new and ongoing programs to educate and encourage financial independence for women & families in Zimbabwe. What will YOU give up for Lent Event this year?? Enquiries: Sunday School @ Leigh/ congregation leaders. Website:

SUNDAY SCHOOL UPDATE 1) "Well Done" to Sean Mateo on receiving his Year 3 graduation bible last week! 2) Thanks for everyone's kind support & donations at our special pancakes morning tea last Sunday. We raised $45.00 for Lent Event - what a good start. 3) Today, our high school class will be learning about life in Zimbabwe and trying their hand at African pottery. Sunday School enquiries: Liz & Samantha. PARRAMATTA MISSION 'WELCOME PACKS' TOILETRIES DRIVE This month, we're having a special drive to top up our toiletries supplies for PM's 'Welcome Packs'. Items needed include toothpaste & toothbrushes, soap, facial wipes, tissues, shampoo, sunscreen & combs etc. Please bring donated items to church on any Sunday morning in February and deliver to Liz or Mario. Many thanks to all contributors!

Page 3: Leigh CONGREGATION · Today we reflect on the temptations to break relationships and hurt people less powerful than us. We think of the temptation of food, knowing that while many

"Leigh Memorial Music Praise Team 2016"

This is an invitation for anyone who would like to be part of the Music Team in 2016. You may like to sing or play an instrument. We perform contemporary Christian songs and choruses. We also will be working on songs for our Concert on the 22nd of October called " Leigh Does Bollywood". So why not join us to praise God in song on Monday nights

Time: 7-00 pm to 8-30pm. Please note we don't meet on the first Monday of each month. For more information contact Malcolm Dunbar 0425391152.

Summer Salsas! This wonderfully uplifting & talented group of singers and musicians from Leigh Memorial, Northmead Uniting, Grantham Heights Uniting and Castle Hill Uniting recently performed a concert at Grantham Heights Uniting which was a big success and raised $650 for the church. Previous gigs have included the Hill Top Public School Fete and the Leigh Goes Latin Concert

last October. The Summer Salsas are currently working on items for this year's 'Leigh Does Bollywood' concert on Saturday 22 October. Congratulations to the Summer Salsas for sharing so much joy!!

Foster your faith this week as you read:

Is 55:1-9 Ps 63:1-8 1 Cor 10:1-13 Lk 13:1-9

Parramatta Mission projects supported in the Uniting Church

Please pray for: Living as a multicultural church Ministry with people in prison Ministry with hospital patients living with a mental illness Hospital chaplaincy with patients, staff & families

Page 4: Leigh CONGREGATION · Today we reflect on the temptations to break relationships and hurt people less powerful than us. We think of the temptation of food, knowing that while many

Attention all Congregation Leaders

Meeting Members and Church Council Members

Leadership refreshment

The Pastoral Team invite all congregation leaders meeting members and church council members to a time of refreshment and leadership encouragement on Saturday 27 February at Westmead in the Gloster Udy conference room from 9 till 3pm. Morning and afternoon tea and lunch will be provided.

The day will give attention to congregation leaders/church council leaders training using resources developed by Sharon Cutts and Christine Bayliss Kelly, Safe Church Training developed by the UCA NSW.ACT Synod led by Christine, and the five practices of fruitful living and fruitful congregations. There will be time for people to talk with people from our other congregations. The day will end with communion. There is no charge as this is a gift to nourish our leaders. Please RSVP to Coral at PM reception.

Page 5: Leigh CONGREGATION · Today we reflect on the temptations to break relationships and hurt people less powerful than us. We think of the temptation of food, knowing that while many
Page 6: Leigh CONGREGATION · Today we reflect on the temptations to break relationships and hurt people less powerful than us. We think of the temptation of food, knowing that while many

Thank you all for your support and contribution to the success of the 2016 Parramatta Mission Pancake Race Day. It was a great event and all who attended were full of enthusiasm which made for a fantastic atmosphere. A special thank you goes out to our Race Participants who came on the day and gave their all for the chance of having their names on the big golden fry pan and of being the ultimate pancake race winners for 2016. But there can be only one winning team, and this year’s winning Team was Thomson Ford, led by David Webster (Principal Dealer at Thomson Ford). Thank you to the following Teams of Parramatta Mission who came to race, and also had a back-up crew of supporters cheering them on and supporting Raising Hope: UnitingWomen UnitingMen UnitingYouth PIR HASI Plus Fellowship Centre Another special thank you to all the volunteers who came on the day. This always assists with the smooth running of events and we are most grateful for the support. This includes everything from set up (leading up to the event and on the day), technical and practical support, serving food, photography, and more. Thus far we have notification that the BBQ alone raised over $550.00 for Raising Hope. Check out the Parramatta Mission Facebook page where an array of photos have been uploaded of the event. From the Parramatta Mission Pancake Race Planning Team

Thank you Donna Kelly for her fantastic organisation of this annual event.

Page 7: Leigh CONGREGATION · Today we reflect on the temptations to break relationships and hurt people less powerful than us. We think of the temptation of food, knowing that while many
Page 8: Leigh CONGREGATION · Today we reflect on the temptations to break relationships and hurt people less powerful than us. We think of the temptation of food, knowing that while many

Luke 4:1-13 1 And Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan, and was led by the Spirit into the desert 2 for forty days, being tempted by the devil. And he ate nothing in those days, and when that time was ended, he hungered. 3 and the devil said to him: “If you are the Son of God, speak to this stone that it may become bread.” 4 and Jesus answered, “It has been written that humanity shall not live by bread alone.” 5 And leading him up he showed Jesus all the kingdoms of the inhabited earth in a moment of time. 6 And the devil said to Jesus: “To you I will give all this authority and their glory, because it has been delivered to me and I give it to whomever I wish; 7 therefore, if you worship me, it will be all yours.” 8 And answering, Jesus said to him, “It has been written: You shall worship the Lord your God and him only shall you serve.” 9 And he led him to Jerusalem and set him on the gable of the temple, and said to him: “If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down, off from here; 10 for it has been written: ‘God will order his angels to protect you,’ 11 and that ‘they will hold you with their hands so that not even your feet will be hurt on the stones.’” 12 And answering him, Jesus said, “It has been said, you shall not tempt the Lord your God.” 13 And having finished every temptation, the devil went away from him, until a suitable occasion.


Lent is an opportune time to examine and let go and give up whatever prevents us from care for the soul – the depth of our very being. Lent is a time when Christians retrace the journey of Jesus to the cross. We consider what does it mean to give of ourselves for the sake of others. Lent began on Ash Wednesday, and our three congregations and faith community gathered for a special service. Today we reflect on the temptations to break relationships and hurt people less powerful than us. We think of the temptation of food, knowing that while many in the world starve to death, others in the west die early because of overeating and poor diet. We have more power than many before us yet seem to have less wisdom in how to use it. Jesus showed us the way in saying no to these excesses that we might too. We choose not to use power to dehumanise others with words or actions, rather we will use our words and our actions, our power and our wisdom to make a difference. We will learn ways to put our faith into action. Many congregations in the Uniting Church use Lent Event. Lent event encourages people to ACT to give some of the world’s poorest people the power to create change, REFLECT on the Scriptures, the global church, and one’s life & impact on the world., CONNECT with one’s community,

Page 9: Leigh CONGREGATION · Today we reflect on the temptations to break relationships and hurt people less powerful than us. We think of the temptation of food, knowing that while many

Gods Spirit & our global partners for change. This includes giving up a luxury for Lent and giving the money to Lent Event projects. The projects are: training mid wives in South Sudan, inclusive education in Sri Lanka, Hiv and TB clinic in West Papua, Partnering women for change in the Pacific, livelihood development in Zimbabwe. You can access information, stories, Bible study, daily prayers, and worship resources at

Though we face our own daily challenges here in Australia, many of us are in a position to respond to God’s call to share what we have so that others may live lives of dignity. (Lent Event)

A prayer of confession from Lent Event Holy God, everything is yours, the world and all its glory. Many times we think everything we possess is from the works of our hands. Many times we forget that you have led us to the land where we live. Whether in Fiji or Australia, or in the wilderness, it is a place that will drip with milk and honey, given to us from the abundance of your heart. Many times we forget to present back to you the first of the fruits of the land you have given us. Forgive us our disobedience and childishness. Teach us to always remember you and put you first when we see your glory in your creation. Teach us to present to you the first fruits of all good things you provide us with. We pray in the name of your Son Jesus Christ. Amen

By Rev Eseta Meneilly

Fijian translation: A masu ni vakatutusa Oi Kemuni na Kalou Tabu, sa nomuni na ka kecega, ko vuravura kei na kenai yau taucoko. E na vuqa na gauna keimami nanuma ni neimami kaukauwa ga keimami rawa ka kina. E na vuqa na gauna keimami guilecava ni o ni kauti keimami me bula e na tiki ni qele keimami sa bula kina. Ke tiko mai Viti, se Ositerelia, se loma ni veikau, sa vanua ga e na drodro e na sucu kei na oni ni sa soli me neimami mai na lololo vinaka ni lomamuni. E na vuqa na gauna keimami guilecava me vakacabora lesu vei keimuni nai sevu ni vuata e tubu mai e na qele o ni sa solia me neimami. Ni vosota na neimami talaidredre kei na yalowai. Ni vakavulici keimami me dau nanumi kemuni ka vakaliuci kemuni e na veigauna kece keimami raica kina nai yau kei vuravura. Ni vakavulici keimami me keimami vakacabora vei kemuni nai sevu ni vei ka vinaka kece o ni solia me neimami. Keimami masu e na yaca ni Luvemuni o Jisu Karisito. Emeni.

Blessings, Keith Hamilton

Page 10: Leigh CONGREGATION · Today we reflect on the temptations to break relationships and hurt people less powerful than us. We think of the temptation of food, knowing that while many

“A big Thank You to Tony Zaiter one of our wonderful Volunteers who has kindly planted our new fragrant herb garden down in Meals Plus.”

Page 11: Leigh CONGREGATION · Today we reflect on the temptations to break relationships and hurt people less powerful than us. We think of the temptation of food, knowing that while many
Page 12: Leigh CONGREGATION · Today we reflect on the temptations to break relationships and hurt people less powerful than us. We think of the temptation of food, knowing that while many


We have had a very busy week as we have celebrated Parramatta Mission Week on top of our other activities. Monday and Thursday were opportune times to welcome a number of people coming for a luncheon for PM week. There were a number of people from many places who came and listened to more of the story of PM but who felt the hospitality here at Westmead. Tuesday was a day for Pancakes at TOC and we had some rather nice pancakes (some of us had more than one!). The big pancake race for PM was also held but neither the congregation or Wesley Lodge were able to put in a team as we had other activities we needed to deal with. The Congregational Council met on Tuesday and decided to delay the voting for 1 month while some more prayerful consideration is taken and as we think through the changes that are happening at Westmead and how we might best serve them in leadership. Many thanks to all of our Elders and congregational representatives. At this time Robyne, Lorna, Jan, Sena, Mere and Karen are our Elders. Robyne is acting chairperson of the council, Karen is chairperson of the congregation and May and Scott are congregational representatives on the council. Jean is assisting the council with the financial handover for this month. Please feel free to speak with anyone of them if there is something you would like to ask or give feedback with. Bowls at Open Door went very well and the new carpet makes the bowls go very well. Pikelets for afternoon tea were also rather tasty and many people enjoyed the afternoon. We will be introducing some new games including Bingo in the coming weeks so please come along and join in, and even bring a friend. We have booked the 23rd March for the next carpet bowls day so please mark it in your diary. Rev Christine is away in Melbourne to see the Edinburgh tattoo so we are appreciative of Karen leading worship in her absence. She will be back for Bible Study on Monday. Faith Development: Bible Study Mondays 2.00 - 3.30pm Reaching Out: Time Out Café - Tuesdays and Thursdays 11.00 - 1.30pm Open Door - Wednesdays 1.00-3.30pm Tai Chi: Fridays 10.00 - 11.00am

Page 13: Leigh CONGREGATION · Today we reflect on the temptations to break relationships and hurt people less powerful than us. We think of the temptation of food, knowing that while many
Page 14: Leigh CONGREGATION · Today we reflect on the temptations to break relationships and hurt people less powerful than us. We think of the temptation of food, knowing that while many

시드니 조은 교회 Sydney Jo-Eun Church 14-07

첫 번째 사준절 주일 1st Lent of Sunday

개회 찬송 (Entrance Hymn) 예배를 위한 묵상

예배의 부름 (Calling) 인도자

송영 (Gloria)

사도신경 신앙고백 (The Apostle’s Creed) …………………………….다함께

찬양/찬송 (Chorus & Hymns)

기도 (Prayer) 다함께


성경 봉독 (Scripture Reading)

말씀 (Preaching)-전현구 담임목사

성찬및 봉헌 송 (Holy Communion & Offertory Hymn)

나눔과 알림 (Announcement & Notices)

폐회 찬송 (Final Hymn)

축도 (Benediction) 담임목사

새 1장 통 1장

새10장 통 34장

새 268장 통 202장

누가복음 12:1-10

전도란 무엇인가?

새 635장 하늘에 계신 우리 아버지

새501장 통255장

수요기도회 :오후 7시


새벽기도회 : 오전6시


QT나눔 & 성경공부


할렐루야! 오늘 함께 예배드린 여러분에게 주님이 주시는 평안이 충만하시길 축복합니다

성령충만함으로 주께서 주신 사명 잘 감당하는 건강한 교회로 세워지길 기도합니다

한 영혼을 구원하는 전도에 자원하는 마음으로 열심히 동참합니다. 매일 성경으로 묵상하는 QT를 하고 적용하는 훈련을 합니다. 첫번째 사순절 주일입니다 늘 새로움으로 살아가는 신앙이길 축복합니다

전능왕 오셔서

죄에서 자유를 얻게 함은

만복의 근원 하나님

주일 오후 1시 30분

너 시온아 이소식 전파하라

새502장 통 259장 빛의 사자들이여 어서가서(1)

Page 15: Leigh CONGREGATION · Today we reflect on the temptations to break relationships and hurt people less powerful than us. We think of the temptation of food, knowing that while many

Fijian Congregation

Vunau Vunau Lesi Vunau Vakarau

Tuvakarau Veiliutaki

Tali Vunau

21-Feb Rooty Hill Viliame Kamotu Josefa Foiakau M.2 M.3

28-Feb Fiji Parish Fil Kamotu Niko Balavu M.3 M.2

6-Mar Vulavou Senitiki Qata M.2

Yurora NCYC 2017 is less than a year away!! Keep an eye out on the Yurora Facebook page for up-coming updates!

@ Youth we’ll be following the Quest Series-exploring Christianity and what it means!

Young Adults will meet on Tuesday Bible Study 7pm in Coffee Shop

Sa gauna vinaka ni masumasu kei na lolo. Me da sema tiko vei Ka-risito, ka vakauasivi me da yagoi Karisito vei ira era gadreva tu

Page 16: Leigh CONGREGATION · Today we reflect on the temptations to break relationships and hurt people less powerful than us. We think of the temptation of food, knowing that while many

Worship Services at Parramatta Mission

Mon to Fri 9.00am - 2.00pm Open Church @ Leigh Memorial Tuesday 1.10pm Holy Communion @ Leigh Sunday 9.30am Leigh Memorial Congregation @ Leigh 9.45am Westmead Congregation @ Westmead 11.15am Leigh Fijian Congregation @ Leigh

1.30pm Korean Faith Community @ Leigh 7.00pm Praise, Prayer, Cake & Coffee @ Leigh

Our Congregations are committed to praying for our Congregations, Staff and the People we walk with in their journey of recovery: Portugal, Spain, Italy, Malta For the worship, witness and service of: Greystanes Uniting Church. Pray for

Gods ongoing wisdom and strength within the congregation for their Childcare Ministry in the Childcare and 'Before and After' Centres which assist in caring for approximately 900 children each week. We pray also for all the staff within them. May God gift them strength and peace. May the joy of Christ be evidenced through their wonderful work. Also, we ask you might pray for all who work in the congregations Op Shop Ministry at Woodpark. Might they be gifted strength and continue to share Gods love in that place. As we begin 2016, we pray also that Christ's light might shine in this community and beyond in new and inspired ways, all for Gods glory alone. This we pray in Jesus name...

UC congregations of the Cumberland Zone: Dundas/Ermington, Northmead, North Rocks, Carlingford, West Epping, Centenary, Wentworthville, Holroyd, Greystanes, Grantham Heights, Parramatta Mission, Auburn.

PM Leigh Fijian: Dale Nawalevu, Kula Diqoliwasa, Niko Balavu, Bera Family. For the congregation, continuing the process of calling a new minister.

PM Leigh Memorial: Frank & Lynn; Ken and Nell. Col, Willamena. PM Westmead: Robyne, Deidre and husband, Rajes (Sandra), Phyllis, Billie, Vita,

Satik, Nancy, , Mrs R, Olivia, Ruth, baby James and family, Michelle and family, Don, Soo Ling and family, Caroline A, Ashima and Anusha Saxena, Spencer and family, Scott and family and Paul and Eileen, Mr and Mrs B and family, Rick and Lisa, T. and her family.

Westmead Mission Worker Pastor Trish Rooney Mobile: 0478 301 698

Westmead Congregation Rev Christine Bayliss Kelly 0409 925 607

Westmead Church 175 Hawkesbury Road Westmead: 98919354 Senior Minister/Group CEO Rev Keith Hamilton 0417 487 446 Leigh Memorial Congregation Rev Dr Manas Ghosh 0429 892 548 Leigh Memorial Church 119 Macquarie St Parramatta

Leigh Fijian Congregation: 9891 2277

Church Office: 9891 2277 Email : [email protected]

Prayer Points

