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The Adolescent and the Political

Climate in the Philippines


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1. Describe the political climate in the Philippines.2. Identify the true meaning and purpose of politics.3. Explain the involvement of the Church in politics.3. Cite the relationship of politics and morality. 4. Pray for Church and government leaders to have unity and to provide genuine service.

Objectives for this week:

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Activity by Three: Learning the MessagePart of Quiz #2 (pp. 23-26)

1. What is the purpose of leadership?2. What is the political situation in the Philippines? Is it good to have political power in the hands of just a few families? Support your answer.3. What is the true meaning of politics according to Aristotle? How is this shown in the Philippines?4. In the Philippine situation does the differentiation of the 3 branches of government make for an orderly situation where the people’s interest are served well? Why or why not?


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Activity by Three: Learning the MessagePart of Quiz #2 (pp. 23-26)

5. What is the role of the Church in the Philippine politics? Is this role being fulfilled today? Support your answer.6. What is the meaning of the Lord’s statement, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s.”7. In the obedience of state-made-laws, are citizens bound to obey laws which are against God’s laws? Support your answer.8. What is patriotism? How is patriotism shown?


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Activity by Three: Learning the MessagePart of Quiz #2 (pp. 23-26)

9. Why is excessive love of country not good? Point out examples of excessive love of country.10. What is treason? Cite examples.11. What must citizen do when laws are unjust? Cite examples of unjust laws.12. What are the duties of citizens? What is our duty to citizens of other nations?


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Homework: Interview by Pair [short bond paper]1. A teacher2. A vendor3. A guard4. Parent

1. What can you say about the Philippine politics?2. How do you think the Church be involve in politics? Or does the Church has any right to get involved in politics? Why or Why not?3. How can a _______ help in the government and the Church for the betterment of society?

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Homework: Interview by Pair [short bond paper]Format:

1. A teacher – name and signature

Q#1: ______________________________________________________________________________________





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Seatwork: Poster-Making: by pair [1/4 Cartolina]

Make a slogan-poster that would best present any of the following:

1. A law that promotes care for the environment2. A law that prohibits the use of illegal drugs3. A law that disallows women trafficking4. A law that would fight graft and corruption

The class will judge and give grade to each slogan-poster

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Seatwork: Essay“As a Leader…”: Individual work [1 whole]

Write a paragraph about each topic below on how you would serve the people if you become a leader.

1. Service to malnourished children2. Service to out-of-school youth3. Service to the homeless aged4. Service to informal settlers

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“Wealth and power do not bring true blessings. True blessings come

from service especially for the poor and needy.”

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Matthew 20:20-28 The Mother of James and John

Guide Questions:1. What was the request of the mother of the two

apostles?2. Do you think the request was one that could be

granted? Why or why not?3. What was Jesus’ answer to the request?4. What did He mean by his question, “Can you drink the cup that I am going to drink?”5. “Whoever wishes to be great among you shall be your servant. Whoever wishes to be first among you shall be your slave.”

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Guide Questions: Individual work1. How does religious groups influence politics in

the Philippines?2. Name religious groups that influence/affect

politics in the Philippines.3. What is the strength of religion?4. What is the prize in supporting a candidate in

election? Is it rightful or not? Why or why not?5. What is the role of the Church in politics

according to Bishop Arturo Ferriol?6. What is the role of the Church in society?7. How do the Catholic Church participate in


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Guide Questions: Individual work1. How does religious groups influence politics in

the Philippines?2. Name religious groups that influence/affect

politics in the Philippines.3. What is the strength of religion?4. What is the prize in supporting a candidate in

election? Is it rightful or not? Why or why not?5. What is the role of the Church in politics

according to Bishop Arturo Ferriol?6. What is the role of the Church in society?7. How do the Catholic Church participate in


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Church Teaching:Political community and Church are autonomous and independent of each other. Nevertheless, both are devoted to the personal vocation of man, serving for the welfare of all. CFC 1162

“Catholics must try to infuse into the political order the overall value of solidarity which urges “the active and responsible participation of all in public life.” PCP II 353

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1. What is the purpose of leadership?

The purpose of leadership is to serve the people in the best way they can.

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2. What is the political situation in the Philippines? Is it good to have political power in the hands of just a few families? Support your answer.

As presented by media, politics in the Philippines is a dirty game. Some exchange genuine service to money or self interest.Positions in the government were filled by few families (political dynasties). There are evident inequalities, gap between rich and poor, power controlled by few elitist.

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2. What is the political situation in the Philippines? Is it good to have political power in the hands of just a few families? Support your answer.

No. If only few families are in political power and positions, it will be abused in-favor of their own families and power will be misused for their own personal interest.

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3. What is the true meaning of politics according to Aristotle? How is this shown in the Philippines?

According to Aristotle, politics is “a system of government which has to do with the structure, organization and administration of the state.”

***The true meaning and purpose of politics is services to the people of different political units for smooth administration of government.

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In Philippine administration there are 3 branches:

1. Legislative – which makes the laws (Senate and Congress)

2. Judiciary – interprets the law (Supreme Court)

3. Executive – implements the law (President, Cabinet secretaries, LGU’s)

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4. In the Philippine situation does the differentiation of the 3 branches of government make for an orderly situation where the people’s interests are served well? Why or why not?

Yes. The 3 branches are functional and open to have orderly situation by serving well the people’s interest.

No because there are laws that are not properly implemented, there are laws that are not properly interpreted, there are laws made that does not serve the very interest of the people.

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Group work: 1 whole Cite three laws that have been successfully implemented by the Executive branch of the government, and another three laws that are NOT successfully implemented:

Successfully implemented laws:

Not successfully implemented laws:



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Seatwork: Poster-Making: by pair [1/4 Cartolina or Construction paper]

Make a slogan-poster that would best present any of the following:

1. A law that promotes care for the environment2. A law that prohibits the use of illegal drugs3. A law that disallows women trafficking4. A law that would fight graft and corruption

The class will judge and give grade to each slogan-poster

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5. What is the role of the Church in Philippine politics? Is this role being fulfilled today? Support your answer.

Church Teaching:...the Church has the role of critical solidarity with the government in defending the moral order. Pastors have competence in the moral principles governing politics. Lay have competence in active and direct partisan politics.

-CFC 1162

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5. What is the role of the Church in Philippine politics? Is this role being fulfilled today? Support your answer.

PCP II 351 provided the following guiding principles:

1. The basic standard is pursuit of the common good;2. Participation is characterized by the defense and promotion of justice;3. Participation is inspired and guided by the spirit of service;4. That it be imbued with the love of preference for the poor; and5. That empowering people be carried out both as a person process and as a goal of political activity.

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6. What is the meaning of the Lord’s statement, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s.”

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6. What is the meaning of the Lord’s statement, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s.”

Lawyers were trying to trap Jesus into saying something that would cause problems for him with the Romans. The Romans were very fond of their taxes, and would have punished him if they thought he was teaching the people to not pay taxes. Jesus answered about paying taxes by asking for a coin. Caesars picture (image) was on one side.So Jesus said, "Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and Give to God, what belongs to God." (Since we were made in the image of God, we should serve God)

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The relationship of Politics and Morality:

“All legal are moral.” ????????

“As Christians we must first obey the laws of God, and as citizens, we must

obey the laws of society.”

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7. In the obedience of state-made-laws, are citizens bound to obey laws which are against God’s laws? Support your answer.

“We must obey God rather than men.” - Acts 5:29

If a state-made-law is not applicable to me, I am not bound with it. But I have social responsibility to correct and contradict that law.

However, if it is a “call of duty”, I am bound to it and I have to obey that state-made-law, but that does not excuse/exempt me from committing sin if it is against God’s law.

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Group work: 1 whole [continuation]List down other situations in Philippine politics in which the following words of St. Peter apply: “We must obey God rather than men.”

1. 2. 3.4.5.

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8. What is patriotism? How is patriotism shown?

Patriotism – it is a deep love for one’s country.

It is shown by:1. Obedience2. Appreciation of our own product3. Dedication in promoting good things for our

country and its citizens

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9. Why is excessive love of country not good? Point out examples of excessive love of country.

Excessive love of country results in error of excessive nationalism. Love for country that is blind from the defects of one’s nation.

10. What is treason?

It is the actual betrayal of one’s country. The other side of excessive love for country is the lack of love which lead to despise and turn against one’s own country.

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11. What must citizen do when laws are unjust? Cite examples of unjust laws.

Citizens must help the nation just. We all have responsibility to work on promoting just and moral laws. If laws are unjust, we must work to change them through the value of justice, truth and love.

Group work: 1 whole [continuation]List down 4 unjust laws.

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12. What are the duties of citizens? What is our duty to citizens of other nations?

Duties: -pay taxes -defend our country -as Christians, pray for our leaders and our countryFor other nations: -serve others -work for peace and justice in the world -practice the corporal works of mercy

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Seatwork: Essay“As a Leader…”: Individual work [1 whole]

Write a paragraph about each topic below on how you would serve the people if you become a leader.

1. Service to malnourished children2. Service to out-of-school youth3. Service to the homeless aged4. Service to informal settlers

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St. John Fisher

Guide questions:1. Why was John Fisher highly respected?2. What was the highest position he held?3. Why did John Fisher earn the ire of King Henry?4. Why did John Fisher refuse to take the oath that the King ordered everyone to take?5. What did the King do with John Fisher because of his refusal to take the oath?6. Why was John Fisher sentenced to death? Do you think his death is meaningful?7. What lessons have you learned from the story of St. John Fisher?


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1. What is meant by human rights?2. Give examples of human rights?3. Do people really have full access/ exercise of their

rights? Why or why not?4. What is the purpose of having UN?5. What caused the problems regarding the

exercise/access of human rights?6. What is the true sense of human rights? Explain

your answer.7. What is the connection of human rights to political

aspect of society? How about the connection of human rights and morality?

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