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Paul Jones Mrs. Quinn G.A.L.R.E. December 8, 2010 Unit 4 Lesson 21 Reviewing and Using the Lesson 1. In what ways does the U.S. Congress differ from British Parliament? One of the key differences is that the Prime Minister and key ministers in the UK Parliament are members of Parliament, while in the US the President and the Cabinet are in the executive branch and not in Congress. England's Parliament is elected based on proportional representation (multiples parties that have a certain # of seats based on voting numbers). 2. How would you explain the following terms? enumerated powers The enumerated powers are a list of items found in Article 1 Section 8 of the United States Constitution that set forth the authoritative capacity of the United States Congress. implied powers Implied powers, in the United States, are those powers authorized by a legal document (from the Constitution) which, while not stated, are seemed to be implied by powers expressly stated. enforcement powers A Congressional power of enforcement is included in a number of amendments to the United States Constitution. "The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation." inherent powers

Inherent powers are those powers that a sovereign state holds.3. Why has the creation of Congressional district been controversial throughout American history? Why did the one person, one vote rule fail to end the controversy? In various reapportionment cases decided by the Supreme Court in the 1960s the court ruled that districts for the United States House of Representatives and for the legislative districts of both houses of state legislatures had to contain roughly equal populations. 4. Should representative be delegates of their constituents and mirror their views or be trustees who exercise their own best judgement on matters of public policy? Explain your answer.

Representatives should be delegates, not trustees. If one is well versed in political science and the political landscape, one is a place to make a better informed decision than that of the masses.