
Lesson #5 Increase Your

Self Confidence Quickly and Easily


By Stacey Mayo, MCC

Center for Balanced Living, Inc.

Life Transformation Tools & More Lesson 5: “Increase Your Self Confidence Quickly and Easily”

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Life Transformation Tools & More Lesson 5: “Increase Your Self Confidence Quickly and Easily”

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Lesson 5: Boost Your Confidence Higher and Higher Stacey: Hi. This is Stacey Mayo and this is Life Transformation Tools & More Lesson

5. Today we are going to be talking about how to accelerate your confidence. I'm really excited about this topic, because I know it's a big topic for everyone. We're going to use a new tool today that some of you may or may not have used in the past. We haven't used it in this program. The tool is called EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique. We're going to learn how to use it specifically to accelerate and increase your confidence in whatever area you choose. I was doing some searching around this. I've used EFT for a long time. I wanted to bring to you someone who had used it in some unique and special ways and who's really an expert in the area. I found the perfect person. I'm very excited about that. We're going to be talking to Kathy Atkinson today about using EFT to accelerate your confidence and give you some tools to do that. I want to give you a little background on why I chose Kathy and how I came to choose Kathy. I had previously set the intention to find some ways to build my immune system. And I was doing a separate search on finding the right EFT practitioner for this program, and I came upon Kathy's site. And low and behold, right on Kathy's site I found a script for building my immune system using EFT, something I had never even considered before. I used that script, and in just a couple of times of using it, I built my immune system up to 100%. I was really excited about that. Kathy has some really unique ways of using EFT. We're going to show you how to do that to build your confidence and we're also going to throw in a bonus of how to build your immune system using EFT as well. So let me introduce Kathy. Kathy Atkinson is the owner of Creative Life Coaching, which is a personal growth and self-development company focused on providing products and services that help people to be more successful in their personal and professional lives. Kathy specializes in using EFT, which is the Emotional Freedom Technique, to help business owners, professionals, and individuals release the fears, doubts, and limiting beliefs that cost them financially in their careers and emotionally in their relationships. As we know, it's all related. Nothing is more frustrating than feeling stuck and unable to move forward. Kathy delights in being the catalyst to help people get unstuck. So here's a great new way to get unstuck. Kathy's vision is to the see the world where everyone is living their life on purpose and experiencing health, happiness, and abundance in all areas of

Life Transformation Tools & More Lesson 5: “Increase Your Self Confidence Quickly and Easily”

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their lives. She is having fun making her small contribution to make that vision a reality. Kathy's life coaching website is Then we're going to provide another link at the end, which is going to provide you with more scripts and support in using EFT to unstick wherever you might still be stuck. So welcome, Kathy.

Kathy: Thank you so much, Stacey. It's such a pleasure to be here. I'm really

thrilled and honored that you came across my material and got so much benefit.

Stacey: Yes, I did. I was excited too, and I knew you were the right person for our

members to really use EFT to the power that it was meant and the ability it was meant to be used. So can you say a little bit more about how you got started in both personal growth work and EFT in particular?

Kathy: Certainly. I was always interested in and personal growth, self-development.

I read all those books starting at a really early age. I remember going to the library in high school and those were the books that I was attracted to. I get a lot of programs, got a lot of tape programs, workshops, and got some success along the way. But we all know how we are. We get back to doing the same old, same old after you put down that book or the workshops been a few weeks in the past.

About 10 years ago, I ran across the program that was going to be doing tele-classes, such as everybody's listening into, recordings. And I got hooked up with a coach. We did some group coaching, and it also included individual coaching. It made such a huge difference in my life as far as accelerating putting these principals to practice and all these tools and exercises that I really wanted to do that for other people. So I got into the coaching, went through a coaching program. I was practicing for a few years, and then discovered that still people were stuck. We'd get them all fired up; they'd come back the next week, still hadn't done what we'd gotten them all fired up to do. And it was frustrating for me, frustrating for them. So one of my keys to success is scripting your day. So I decided to script what I wanted. As you alluded to it, setting intentions about what it is that we want. So I wanted a process that was going to work quickly for people and work them through these blocks that they had and get them over the stuckness and their fears. And I started attracting all these meridian therapies. There are several out there. I was exposed to a lot of them in the past; it just wasn't on my radar screen at the time. So I really hadn't put too much time and attention on them. I had done acupuncture and there's a meridian practice called TAT, which is tapas acupressure technique.

Stacey: Mhrm. I'm familiar with that. Kathy: When I first go into the coaching, we were going to do buddy coaching. I was

on a class with Richard Ross, who did emotional freedom and healing. We could use it for anything, any kind of fear that we had. I used it for buddy

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coaching and got some release. The buddy coaching experience went really well, but at the time, I wasn't real familiar with it. So you can't really know whether it would have gone right with or without that process. It was just one of those exposures, planting those seeds within me.

When I really got focused on wanting to process, that's when more of these meridian therapies came in and I got certified in Richard Ross' process because I had been exposed to that. Then I went on to the EFT from there. It's been an interesting path.

Stacey: I love what you said, and it's always so true that the answer can be right in

front of our face, but until we're really ready, we don't do anything with it. I hear you had several exposures to different things such as EFT before you were really ready to use something like that and really took it on whole-heartedly.

Kathy: Right. Exactly. I think it gives it some credibility because you have had

these exposures. So hopefully exposing people to this process if they're brand new to it today is plant that seed and get them comfortable with that. Maybe they'll see it or hear it somewhere else if it doesn't take right now.

Stacey: Yes. And everyone has been exposed to another energy therapy that's in this

program. I just want to say that everyone in this program has been exposed to zPoint, which is another energy therapy. But it doesn't use meridians.

Kathy: Right. Exactly. Stacey: Okay, so we've all been using that. And this is another way to clear the

blocks using energy and using a very different technique but with very similar results.

Kathy: Yes, definitely. Stacey: So say more about what EFT is. It stands for Emotional Freedom Technique,

but can you explain a little bit more about it? Kathy: I liken it to an acupressure relaxation technique, because it's typically the

response that you get. When we have some kind of fears, some kind of doubts, some limiting beliefs, our energy systems are just hyperactive. We can feel that tension, that tightness in our body, stomach ache, muscle tension in our shoulders, so as we're tapping on these energy meridians, we get this relaxation sensation taking place. What's happening is really these energy blocks are clearing, and the energy is flowing more so we do feel relaxed. The disruptions are clearing out and changing where the energy is just flowing.

Stacey: Can you explain more about what you mean by an energy meridian? Kathy: Yeah, about 5,000 years ago, the Chinese really mapped out these subtle

energies in our bodies. They discovered that there are all these pathways that energy is moving all the time. We can certainly feel that. In the morning when we get up and we feel really good and really rested, the energy is flowing. As the day goes by, stuff happens and we can feel our energy

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drained and it's not flowing as well. Things aren't going as well. There like energy circuits that flow through our bodies that are either open or closed or blocked. You can't really see them, but we just know they're there. We know that we're energy, because if you've ever given somebody a static electricity, a little zap, it's because we are an electrical being and transmitting that all the time.

Stacey: Yeah. And how did these meridians become blocked? Kathy: The energy meridians become blocked in different ways. The first way is

really the daily experiences. As I mentioned, we get up in the morning. We're feeling good. We stub our toe; stuff starts to go downhill. You turn on the news; something horrific has happened overnight. That adds to the tension, the tightness, the stress that we feel. You get to the office; things aren't going so well. So just those daily experiences tend to block our energy system.

Stacey: We tighten up with each one of those things, don't we? Kathy: Exactly. If we don't do something, a lot of times if you can take a break

that's why we have lunch time I think. So we can all take a break and recoup, regain our balance again, perhaps get out in nature. That always helps. Also past dramas and traumas, when we think about something that's happened in the past that wasn't a pleasant experience, once again that blocks our energy because we can feel that tension, that tightness, that negative emotion coming up around those. Those tend to just stay stuck and stagnant. EFT is really good at freeing up those past dramas and traumas. Really one of the things that Emotional Freedom Technique was created for was dealing with past emotional issues.

Stacey: This is something we've talked about in some of our other lessons. Isn't it

true that sometimes the past can be affecting us even if we're not thinking about it?

Kathy: Yeah, exactly. Because we tend to self-sabotage ourselves, because of things

that have happened in the past. Our subconscious is very good at keeping us safe and not re-experiencing those kind of things. It keeps us in the straight and narrow and not venture out too far, so that we don't have those kinds of experiences again. But they do limit us, and a lot of us are limiting our reality at this point because we don't feel comfortable stretching ourselves and putting ourselves out there out of our comfort zone. It is that uncomfortable or has been in the past.

Stacey: Right. It has been in the past. I like the way you said that. But it doesn't

have to be. Kathy: No. One other area is that our energy meridians become blocked and it tends

to be the reason why people come to me is fear and worry about the future, just projecting out into the future, imagining stepping out of our comfort zones. Doing something different, something that we don't have much experience about brings up fear and worry, fear of success, fear of failure, fear of rejection, whatever that area might be. That tends to be the reason people come to me is that they feel stuck. They just can't move forward.

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Stacey: Yes, and all of that affects what you're talking about, our confidence. Kathy: Exactly. Yes. Stacey: Which is what we're really going to focus on today. So you said a little bit

and what I'm hearing and kind of rephrasing what you're saying is that the way EFT works is by loosening up, opening up those meridians that are blocked.

Kathy: Exactly. Stacey: Can you say a little bit more about the process? It works by opening up our

meridians, and how specifically do we open the meridians? We have a chart that we've given to everybody that shows them the different points that we use. So how does that all come into play?

Kathy: The points that everybody will be looking at tend to be the end points of these

meridians where they're close to the skin's surface and where those meridians begin. They run through the entire body, and they run on both sides of the body. For whatever reason, by tapping on these energy meridians, you're sending that little impulse while you're focused on something specific either some emotion or some fear. They're not sure why or how this works, but it does free that up and opens up that energy flow on that specific topic. It tends to be one meridian that needs to be addressed. Gary Craig is the creator of EFT, and he decided that you might as well just tap on all the meridians, cover all of them. Then wherever that disruption is in the energy meridian, you're going to eventually connect with that.

Stacey: Yeah, so you don't have to know specifically well for this issue I need to tap

on this point. Kathy: Right. And that's how the process started out to begin with, but Gary wanted

to distill it down and make it easier for people to address rather than trying to figure out exactly which meridian that you have to tap on. It was too cumbersome, hard to figure out for the average person. Where why not just tap on all of them. The process used to be more expanded than it is now. We do more of a shorter version of the EFT. Mainly there were some finger points that were incorporated at the beginning, but since you're tapping with the finger tips, then those points are already being stimulated. At least, that's the reasoning. So those have been eliminated. It's really just those nine energy points. The top of the head wasn't an original EFT point, but almost every practitioner including Gary Craig who created EFT uses that point. Some people use that as the beginning point and work their way down the body. I like to use it as a finishing point, and it's personal preference. The reality is there's no right or wrong to use energy points. It doesn't matter what order you do them in. We tend to do the same process over and over again just for ease.

Stacey: I really want people to hear that. By the way, I tend to use it as the end

point also. But I want people to hear is there's no exact, it has to go this way. This point first, this way second. We're going to give you a script to use and a way to do it, but if you miss a point or forget a point, it still can be

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very effective. Some people get really caught up in, "I didn't do this exactly right." And we want you to know that there's leeway in here that you're still going to get benefit even if you don't do exactly right.

Kathy: Exactly. Because I hear that all the time. "I didn't use it because I was

afraid to mess it up. Or I didn't know what to say. Or I couldn't remember the tapping points." Yeah, jus throwing that all out and just embracing the process and using it to the best of your ability. As you get more experience with it, you get better at it like anything else.

Stacey: Right. For those of you who are listening to this on audio, the tapping points

that we're referring to are on your download page for this lesson. So I wanted to make that clear. And we're going to go through them verbally today as well. So how effective is EFT in your experience, Kathy?

Kathy: The effectiveness really depends on the specific issue that's being addressed,

and it depends on the number of supporting aspects that an issue has. If we're addressing some single issue fears like fear of heights, fear of flying, fear of spiders, fear of snakes, a lot of times those only have one or two contributing aspects. If you have a fear of heights, maybe you had a really scary experience when you were a child. Or fear of flying, something really horrific happened in one of the flights that you had. Or fear of spiders, you were tortured as a child with one by your sibling or something.

I worked with somebody on her fear of driving over bridges over water. And

as we were tapping along, it brought up this memory that when she lived, she lived in Florida at the time and there were a lot of bridges over water down there. At the time, she was living in a northern state where it gets colder, the bridges freeze faster than the ground when the temperature drops. She was driving over a bridge and almost lost control and almost went over the side. She hadn't really linked those two things together, but as we were doing the tapping that memory came up.

So we did some tapping on the fear obviously. She also felt embarrassed, which I found unusual and unique, that she didn't know better. So all those emotions that came up around that accident, we tapped on that and within 20 minutes, her fear was gone. Because there weren't a lot of other contributing factors. She hadn't had tons of accidents or experiences like that. She did a couple updates along those lines, and it's never come back. When we get into broader issues, such as money, weight, self-esteem, those can take patience and persistence to shift, because a lot of those things we begin forming opinions about very early on. We saw our parents interacting with money and money issues. Food can be a big issue from when we're little on up. Self-esteem issues, if weren't really bolstered up when we were younger, we have a lot of contributing factors and a lot of patterns of behavior that we've adopted over the years. So really, the effectiveness really depends on what you're applying it to. But with enough patience and persistence, you can clear out just about anything.

Stacey: Yeah, I think that's really important. There's a couple things I want to touch

on that you said. So one thing you said is that the woman who had the fear of bridges, that as you were tapping, memories came back to her. And I

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really want people to hear that, because as you're tapping pay attention to the thoughts and memories that come up. If you let yourself listen, you will often times hear these little inklings of memories that you may tend to disregard, but don't disregard them when they come up. That's just a sign that that's something for you to pay attention to and to tap in on. Correct?

Kathy: Yes, excellent to point out. Because we do, a lot of memories will pop up

from childhood, school experiences, words that your parents said to you, something that you observed, and those are absolutely worth noting, because that's another aspect of what's going on with that issue. Otherwise, it wouldn't be showing up.

Stacey: Now just to answer the question in advance, what if memories don't pop up

for people? Kathy: You tend to do some general tapping. If they can get in touch with a feeling

or they imagine what it might have felt like, what the experience might have been that was contributing to that, so there's a lot of different doorways and angles that you could go in to get to the bottom of things or get to core issues.

Stacey: So it takes kind of being a little bit of an investigator doesn't it? Kathy: Yes. I love being a detective. It's fun to do the detective work with people

and see where the trail goes, because a lot of times people come to me for certain situations specific and we end off way off in some other place, because EFT will bring up the next logical place to go. It's often not where we started out. So very fun.

Stacey: Yeah, we're dealing with self-confidence today, and we're going to deal with it

for a specific place that you want to increase your self-confidence and it may lead you somewhere else. Pay attention to where your thoughts and memories go, and know that there may be multiple aspects for this. But we're going to give you the tools to help you do that. In the tapping, once you know how to tap, you can tap on anything. So we're going to give you specific scripts just to get you started, and you can use EFT for anything. So we can talk a little bit about how they can do that, Kathy?

Kathy: Sure. I love EFT for clearing out these fears, these doubts, these limiting

beliefs. But what I found with using it is that you can instill what it is that you want. As you said, we're going to use it for confidence and feeling confident. At some point, you have to give up the past and not dwell on it and not use it as your excuse. So I really like, okay. Where are you? Where do you want to go? And what is it going to take for you to get there? If you need focus and concentration, if you're too distracted, if you want to activate creativity, you're getting some kind of writer's block. Those kind of things.

I really like to go in that direction with it. It's certainly valuable to go back and clean up some of our past history that you really know is keeping you stuck. But then it's like okay. Where do I want to go? And what's it going to take for me to get there? I love using EFT with affirmations. Affirmations are a great way to shift our energy, but if you can add those energy points, it just helps instill that a lot quicker and faster.

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Stacey: Absolutely. So if there's something you want to different, you can say an

affirmation and tap on all the points. Correct? Kathy: Exactly. With EFT, it will tend to bring up that little voice of objection if you're

tapping an affirmation and part of you is going, I don't believe that. That's not going to happen. Then that's really good valuable information. You want to acknowledge that. I acknowledge this voice, and I let it go. It may be true in the past, but now this is what I want. And this is where I'm going.

Stacey: And you do that while you're tapping on the points, correct? Kathy: Exactly. Stacey: Okay. I kind of want to repeat that, because I think it's important. So you

can do an affirmation and use the tapping points that we're going to show you today. Then if you have some conflicting thoughts come up, then you tap on those conflicting thoughts even though I feel this way, I choose to let it go. But you want to acknowledge that you have those conflicting points and conflicting thoughts, rather than stuffing them down.

Kathy: Exactly. I think with all this positive talk and really walking around in that

place where we're always upbeat and happy is fine. But if that's not really where you are, it's hard to stuff that down and disregard it. It's easier with EFT to bring it up, acknowledge where you are, and acknowledge that you want to shift it now.

Stacey: Right. And when you acknowledge where you are and you're tapping, then

you are tapping into the meridian points where it can be stuck and release it. Correct?

Kathy: Exactly. Stacey: All right. So we are going to talk about confidence and law of attraction also

today and how to use EFT with those. Can you say what are some other results that you've gotten. You talked about the bridge. Can you give me another example of some other area where you've used EFT and the results you've gotten?

Kathy: Something along the lines of a little more long-term, where the aspects are a

little more complicated. I had somebody contact me. She was in a job that she hated in a location that she hated and was really stuck. When you get that far down, it's hard to shift your energy. It takes a little patience and persistence to do. So she came back on a real regular basis, and it took us about six months. She finally got to the place where she could activate the law of attraction in her favor as opposed to attracting all this negative stuff. It tends to spiral down and it's hard to get back going in the other way. But with EFT, you can release all of that. She ended up finding a new job in a new area with people that she loved and just really thriving. It did take some patience and persistence to address all those issues along the way.

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Stacey: So what I think I'm hearing you say is she had a lot of negative issues connected with job and career that if she had kept looking, she might have just found another job of the same energy.

Kathy: Right, yeah. Unless you shift your energy, you can move on to something

else, but it would just be the same thing, different faces. Stacey: Right. I love that. So she cleared all that, and then she was able to attract

something that was much better for her. Kathy: Yes. Stacey: Terrific. Good. All right. How can people start to use EFT to activate the Law

of Attraction in their favor? Kathy: Really just jumping in wherever they are and just acknowledging this is what

I'm feeling. This is what I'm experiencing. This is what's happened in the past. This is what I want to have happen in the future. And to begin tapping there on whatever thoughts, feelings, emotions, are uncomfortable or disruptive. Start instilling what it is that they really want to have in their lives, the direction they want to go.

Stacey: I call it clearing the channel. It's like clearing whatever is bothering you,

whatever doubts are coming up for you. Then affirming what you want instead and tapping the whole time. So we're talking about this, but we haven't really given people an experience of tapping. So I want to get to that so we can give them really what it takes to do this and show them how simple it is. We're going to do it around confidence. First, can you say just what you consider the difference between self-confidence and self-esteem?

Kathy: Well, they go hand in hand. Your self-esteem is really how you feel about

yourself. So if you're not feeling all that great about yourself, then you don't really have much confidence. It certainly shows. You can walk into a room, and you can tell immediately who the people are that are confident. They look different. They carry themselves different. They have that look about them.

And you can also tell if somebody isn't feeling that confident about themselves. Just in the last couple of weeks, I've had two people approach me with some product ideas. And neither one of them were very confident about what they were doing. They hadn't practiced enough. They didn't have enough experience with what they were doing, and it shows. It shows in the way they talk, the way they present themselves, the conversation. So it's definitely important. And if you can shore that up, then your self-esteem does get a boost. There are certainly areas that everybody feels confident in. So when they're in that experience, when they do have the energy and the confidence, self-assuredness that shows. Then of course, there are other areas where we don't have that kind of confidence. And that shows also.

Stacey: Right. So it's very important to get that you may be very confident in one area of your life or one area of your business, and not so confident in some

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other area. So today, what we're going to do is have you pick an area that you would like to have more confidence in, right?

Kathy: Yes, exactly. Stacey: So is that as simple as the directions need to be? Because I'd really love for

us to get into it now. Kathy: Yeah. I'll give an example. I want everybody to choose something that they

want to feel more confident. If you go to something like at work, I want to feel more confident at work. That's still sort of broad and general. You can be even more specific as I want to feel more confident and self-assured when I talk to my boss. I want to feel more confident and self-assured when I talk to this certain coworker who seems overpowering. It's being real specific, try to get real narrow. The tapping we're going to do is going to be general, because we're doing it for a group. But you want to know specifically the area that you want to shore that up in, so the more narrow and the more specific you can be, the better this process works. You can certainly repeat the process for any of those areas. But it's best to break them down. That's really the secret of how EFT works is getting very specific.

Stacey: Good. So what I'd like right now is for everyone who's listening to think

about what is the area that you would like to work on right now and build your confidence in. Many of the people in this program have their own businesses, so it may be around a new aspect of your business or something you're just getting started in or something you haven't had as much success as you would like. It may be about sharing your business with others. It may be about stating your pricing. Whatever it is, I would like you to think about that and write down what it is, the specific area you'd like to build your confidence in. If you need to take a moment to pause the recording and think about that, do that. Then Kathy, we want them to measure where they are in it now, right?

Kathy: Yes, definitely. It's always good to know where you're starting so that you

can tell whether you're getting to where you want to go. So I always have people rate their level of confidence on a scale from 0 to 10 where 0 isn't feeling any confidence. So you want to make those follow-up calls for your business, and that feels really uncomfortable. You don't have any confidence doing that. Then that would be a 0. And 10 is full confidence. I feel really good about this. I want to make those follow-up calls. I want to generate some business, talk to people. So you're somewhere probably in between those two ranges.

Stacey: Great. Once you have the thing you want to work on today--the specific

area, I want you to rate your current level of confidence in that area from a scale of 0 to 10. So that after we do this exercise, you'll be able to measure your progress.

Kathy: And it's really just an intuitive guess, so it's not--just pick the first number

that comes up. There's no right or wrong in any of it. Stacey: Thank you for saying that too. Good. So let's take them to the tapping

points first, and then we'll get started.

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Kathy: All right. The first point we're going to tap on is called the karate chop point.

It's actually on the side of the hand, between the wrist and little finger. Just on that fleshy part. I use my dominant hand, which is my right hand. And I tap the left hand. And I use all four fingers, and I just tap the whole side of my hand. That seems to cover the point.

Stacey: So you're using all four fingers, like your index finger through your pinky to

tap on that karate chop point on your other hand. Kathy: Right. On the whole side of my hand. Stacey: Okay. Kathy: We're going to do several statements on that point. This helps get rid of any-

-it's called a psychological reversal. It would be any resistance to building your confidence in this case. A lot of times, we have some resistance to getting over especially like weight issues. We have a lot of contributing factors about why we're overweight. So tapping on this point helps to get rid of that resistance that we might have to getting over our issue. So we do several statements there.

Stacey: Okay. Kathy: Then we will move up to the eyebrow point, which is right above the nose,

right where the eyebrow starts to grow out. On this point there's two; there's one on the right side and one on the left. It doesn't matter which side that you tap on if people are listening to this and have both hands free, then they can tap on both points. That is really just comfort level and what feels better to people. There's no right or wrong in this. You can tap on one side and then tap on the other, but you want to be tapping on one or both of those eyebrow points.

Stacey: Great. I just want to remind people if you have any questions about where

these points are, refer to the chart on the download page. Hopefully, this is pretty explanatory. Go ahead, Kathy. What's the next one?

Kathy: All right. Then we're going to go to the side of the eye, which is on the

outside of the eye. It's not way out where the temple is. It's right on that bone socket that goes around the eyes. You want to be tapping fairly close to the eye right on that bone.

Stacey: And I'm anticipating questions, so people are probably asking how many

times do I tap? Kathy: We're going to go through the statements. On Gary Craig's material, he says

to tap at least seven times. But we're going to be repeating a statement. So you just continue to tap until that statement is over with.

Stacey: So you'll be guiding them, right? How long to tap where?

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Kathy: Right. Until I tell people to move on to the next point. But for just general reference, you want to be tapping on those points for yourself if you're going to use this at least seven times.

Stacey: Great. What's the next point? Kathy: Then we're going to go under the eyes. Once again, it's right on that bone

socket that goes around the eye. Then we're going to go under the nose, right above the lip, right below the nose. Right in that--there's a little indentation there. The next point is called the chin point, but it's not actually on the chin. It's in that crease between the bottom lip and chin. So wherever that indents.

Stacey: Yeah, that indent in your chin, right? Kind of like that. Kathy: And I use two fingers to cover these points on my face. That seems

comfortable for me. You can use one finger. It's a little tricky to use all of your fingers. So I found two is really comfortable for me.

Stacey: Yeah, great. Kathy: The next point is the collar bone point. This point is located on the collar

bone. And the way to find that is if you imagine where a man would have a knot in his tie, then you go about an inch to the right or to the left. There's a little indentation. For this point on my body, I tend to bunch up on my fingers or use my fist and kind of thump that whole area. That way you're covering that point, and you don't have to worry about whether you're in the right place or not.

Stacey: Great. So you call it the place where a man ties his knot. I love it. And I

also refer to it as that hollow in your neck. So from that hollow in your neck or from that place where you would tie a tie, you just go over an inch to either side and you'll feel that bone.

Kathy: Right. Once again, this process is very forgiving. As your tapping or

thumping that area, you're going to be stimulating that point just because that's radiating out. And the next point is under the arm. It's on the side of the body on the ribs about four inches down from the armpit. Once again, I just bunch up my fingers and tap that point. You can reach across your body to cover that point or you can tap with the same hand on the same side of the body. It looks more like a monkey kind of thing. And then the last point is the top of the head. I bunch my fingers up and just tap around on the top of the head.

Stacey: Okay. Great. That's all the points. You guys don't have to be writing them

down. I should have told you that to start with, because we're just going to guide you through this.

Kathy: Exactly. A couple other things, if people have glasses on it really is easier to

tap around the eye point without the glasses on. Stacey: You don't need to see anything for this.

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Kathy: Right, yeah. And I've noticed that most people have their eyes closed. It

tends to shut out that visual distraction and that way you can focus more in on what the words are and what the feelings are that are coming up for you.

Stacey: Great. All right. Are we ready to get started? Kathy: As you mentioned, as we're tapping on these points, we want people to be

being paying attention to any shifts that they notice, thoughts, ideas, feelings that may come up that are related to their issues. You'll also want to notice any physical sensations or changes that might be going on. I always hear a lot of yawning when I'm on the phone. People tend to sigh taking deep breaths. You're going to feel maybe some tension, some tightness releasing from your physical body in certain areas.

I get a lot of people that have tingling sensations or can just feel that energy moving and shifting. Especially with the confidence, you want to pay attention to any cognitive shifts or you can really see that situation from a different angle. Like If we're talking about following up with people and that's uncomfortable, and then we go through the tapping. And then you look at it and you're like, hmm, I don't know why that seems like such a big deal. I can just call these people up. I don't need to be afraid. They're either interested or they're not. So something like that--a cognitive shift where it just doesn't seem the same.

Stacey: Yes, great. So in other words pay attention to everything. Yawning is a good sign. It means you're releasing. It doesn't mean you're just falling asleep.

Kathy: Exactly. And I've noticed it myself when I do the yawning, it's a different

kind of yawn than a tired yawn. It really feels like more of a releasing yawn. So pay attention to that and see if you can notice it.

Stacey: Also, I just want to say for everybody it's different. You may or may not

yawn. That doesn't mean it's not working for you. Kathy: Right. Exactly. Everybody has a different thing. When I get a big release,

my eyes water. It's not like crying. It's just they just release this tearing. That's what it feels like. I've had a few people acknowledge that they've had that same experience too. So everybody can have a different kind of experience or none at all. And that's certainly fine too.

Stacey: Exactly. I really want to say that. You may not have any physical signs, but

then when you think about the subject you think about it differently. That's what matters.

Kathy: Exactly. Definitely. So yeah as we go through the tapping sequence, we're

going to stop and check in and see where everybody is at that point. Stacey: Okay. Kathy: Very good. Anything else that you think? Stacey: I think that we're ready.

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Kathy: Okay. Very good. So I'm going to say a few words just to have people

repeat this out loud and tap along. So go to the karate chop point, which is on the side of the hand. Just continue to tap there and say, "Even though I don't feel as confident as I would like, I'm ready to activate the part of me that is very confident now."

Stacey: I'm going to interrupt you and just say one more thing. Do you want people

to say this aloud? And does it make a difference? Kathy: It's better if they can say it aloud. They can do it silently in their head, but it

seems to be more effective if you can activate all of the senses. I like this because you're tapping on your physical body. You're saying something. You're hearing something. You can feel that as you're tapping. So it engages more of the senses.

Stacey: Great. Okay. Go ahead. Kathy: Very good. Continue to tap on that karate chop point and say, "Even though

I'm not as confident and self-assured as I want to be, there is a part of me that is very confident. And I choose to activate that part of me now."

Once more. "Even though I haven't acted as confident and self-assured as I

would have liked in the past that was then. This is now. And I'm ready to activate fully the part of me who is very confident about who I am and what I have to offer."

Then stop tapping there. Take a deep breath in. Let that out. Then go up to

the eyebrow point. Tap. And say, "I activate the part of me that is very confident."

The outside of the eyes. "I activate the part of me that is very self-assured." Go under the eye and tap. "I activate the part of me that is very confident in

all situations and with all people." Under the nose. "I have the ability to trust who I am, to put my best foot

forward, and feel confident about what I have to offer the world." The chin. "I accept that I have the right to feel confident and self-assured

about who I am no matter what anyone else thinks." Go to the collar bone. "I am always doing the best I know how and I am

confident that I am getting better every day." Under the arm. "I fully accept who I am, and I choose now to feel confident

and act confident at all times, in all places, and in all situations." Top of the head. "I have the ability to look and feel confident now." Stop tapping. Take a deep breath in. And let that out.

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You might want to make note of any changes in your awareness, in your thinking. Noticing anything that changed in your physical body. Maybe you experienced sighing or yawning. Maybe warmth or tingling taking place. Then you just want to close your eyes. Think about the situation that you want to be more confident around. Just rate on a scale from 0 to 10 again your level of confidence. Just notice if you're number's gone up, down, or stayed the same. Sometimes when we stir up energy, the number will go down, our level of confidence just because we are stirring up the energy. It just takes another round to get that going in the other direction sometimes. So no right or wrong in whatever's going on with people. Stacey were you tapping along on a specific issue?

Stacey: I was. Kathy: And what was your number to begin with? I was going to ask you that earlier. Stacey: Yeah. My number was about a 2 1/2 on this specific issue. And it's about a 5 now. Kathy: Okay. Good. So we have a little movement there. And we need to do a little

bit more work on that area. So we'll go on and do another round of tapping. Did you experience anything other, any other kind of shifts physically or…?

Stacey: Yeah. I noticed a couple places where my breath opened up. Yeah. Kathy: Okay. Good. Very good. All right. Let's do another round of the tapping.

Everybody to tap on that karate chop point and say, "Even though part of me still doesn't feel confident, I release that part of me and fully activate the part of me that does feel confident and self-assured and ready to tackle the world. Even though in the past I have not always felt confident and self-assured, that was then. This is now. And I am ready now to own my power and confidence and move forward with ease."

Still tapping on that karate chop point. "Even though it's been easy to play

small and insignificant and ignore my power and strength, I am no longer willing to do that. And I release that pattern of behavior today." Stop tapping. Take a deep breath in.

And let that out. Go up the eyebrow point and tap and say, "I fully activate

all of my power, strength, and confidence." Go to the outside of the eye. "I choose now to show up fully as my clear and

confident self." Under the eye. "I am finished playing small and wimpy. That is not who I


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Under the nose. "I have the ability to own my gifts and talents and feel confident and self-assured about who I am."

Chin. "I am ready to move forward from a place of confidence and power." The collar bone. "I choose now to find it easy to feel confident and self-

assured." Under the arm. "From now on, I acknowledge and appreciate who I am and

feel completely confident about showing up in my life today and every day." Top of the head. "I choose to exhibit my clear confident self now." Stop tapping. Take a deep breath in. And release that out. Once again, you just want to notice any changes in your thinking, anything in

your physical body. Think about the situation that you want to feel more confident around. Rate your level of confidence on a scale from 0 to 10.

And how did you do, Stacey? Stacey: It's very interesting. I don't mind sharing with this, because instead of

numbers, which usually are easy for me, what's been coming up is I've been trying to decide about writing a new book. And there's lots of questions, not only about ability but about whether I actually want to do the undertaking. But after the first time that I checked in, I actually saw myself just writing like its slowly coming out. And the second time, I saw myself writing faster.

Kathy: Oh great! Stacey: Isn't that interesting? Kathy: And it's nice that you brought that up, because I'm not as much of a visual

person. I'm more of a kinesthetic. I get more of a feeling. It was good that you brought that up. People will see things too, as opposed to just feeling them or they may even hear something. Good to cover all those that there's no right or wrong in this. You really have to know yourself and trust what you're seeing, sensing, feeling, experiencing, all of that is relevant. Very good. That's always fun to get those confirmations.

Stacey: Yeah. Kathy: I like that. Very good. Excellent. And I always like to anchor in these shifts.

People can certainly go back and repeat these sequences if they haven't achieved the shift that they desire. But I like to anchor in what we've accomplished so far for people. So we'll go through the series of affirmations.

Stacey: Before you do that, I want to ask what you mean by that. So if people

haven't achieved what they would consider like a level of 10, do you recommend they go back and do the EFT sequences again?

Kathy: Yes. Typically, you can get a big shift in a couple of rounds. But sometimes

it takes more than that. And so just that's why you do the numbers and then

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you keep reapplying EFT until you create the shift that you desire. A lot of people want to settle for less than they deserve, which would be less than a 10. But you really want to shore that up and get up to a 10, so keep reapplying it. And at that point, if you've done a couple rounds, then you want to know well what is my resistance? Why don't I still feel confident? And quiz themselves a little bit more.

Stacey: Right, because if you haven't achieved a 10, then ask yourself or notice what

thoughts come up and maybe specifically tap on those. Kathy: Right. If it's brought up some kind of memory of some negative experience

that you had in the past that has deflated your confidence then you certainly want to address that one specifically.

Stacey: And that might look something like, "Even though I have this specific memory

or this specific fear or resistance for this specific reason." Something like that?

Kathy: And for the listeners, what I like to tell people is tap while you're telling the

story. Go over the story and tap on any of the meridian points in any order. You can just go up and down the body like we've been doing and just tap on those points while you're telling the story about what happened, and that usually will help create the shift that you desire.

Stacey: That's great. Kathy: People get too caught up in the wording. Stacey: Yes. Kathy: I happen to be really good at coming up with the wording, and so I've done a

lot of these scripts and stuff for people because that's one of the bugaboos. But yeah, if you just pretend you're telling somebody the story about what happened that day, and just go through the tapping that's good enough.

Stacey: Great. Well, okay let's go on to the next piece. Kathy: All right. So we're going to do the affirmations to help solidify the shift that

has taken place and maybe create the rest of the shift that people are looking for. We leave out the karate chop point, because I mentioned that was really to get rid of the resistance to activating the confidence. So when I'm doing affirmations, I don't tend to use the karate chop point. People certainly could. There's nothing wrong with that. It's just that I haven't incorporated that.

So we're going to go right to the eyebrow point this round of tapping. And tap there and say, "I love who I am." The outside of the eye. "I am confident and self-assured about who I am." Under the eye. "I appreciate all my gifts and talents." Under the nose. "I express myself easily and confidently now."

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Chin. "I show up fully as my clear and confident self." Collar bone. "I move through my day with ease and confidence." Under the arm. "It's easy for me now to exhibit confidence." Top of the head. "My confidence radiates from the inside out." Stop tapping. Take a deep breath. And let that out. And I really encourage everybody to repeat affirmations on a regular basis using the EFT. Anything that you really want to instill or shore up, and certainly if you experience any resistance to any of those statements. That is good information, something that needs to be shifted. So definitely want to pay attention to that.

Stacey: That's great. I love it. And I'll tell you something else I noticed. I noticed even after the second round, but even more so is that I was pretty tired when we got on this call due to lack of sleep last night. My energy is just so much higher now.

Kathy: Yeah, and I think that's the greatest benefit of EFT. I attended a workshop

with Gary Craig and he invited somebody to speak to us. She had been over in China studying and working. And over there they encourage the regular people to tap on themselves every day, I forget how long, 10 or 15 minutes, all over their bodies with the intention to keep themselves balanced, harmonized, aligned, healthy, vibrant, alive. And they save the secret of the specific tapping points for themselves for when people get sick or out of balance and that kind of stuff, but for the masses they encourage them to do this tapping all over their bodies because the energy meridians are all over the body. So the points that we're using aren't the only points.

Stacey: That's very interesting. Kathy: It does keep our energy levels up. I liken this process as something that you

want to do on a daily basis, like bathing or eating right or exercising. Our energy systems get bombarded on a daily basis. And we need to shore that up on a regular basis.

Stacey: So that's great. That leads right to my next question, because we always had

assignments for practicing these tools. So what would you suggest that people do over the next month to practice using this?

Kathy: Yeah, definitely try to incorporate this process on a daily basis. Stacey: Even if it's just tapping on the points with an intention to feel more energized. Kathy: Exactly. If you come away from some experience feeling tense, anxious,

drained, then just tap on the energy points with the intention of just opening that energy flow up and getting my energy back.

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Stacey: And also how often would you recommend that they practice the EFT sequence you gave today?

Kathy: I think it's good to practice that until it feels like you've really shored that up

and you've really made that shift. EFT has this persona that it is an instant fix, and it does do that for fears and phobias and those kinds of things. But for activating confidence, that's really a whole inner shift that you want to create. So you want to do that as often as it feels necessary, which it may take a week or two or so of repeating this for different aspects, different areas of your life where you want to feel more confident. Especially the affirmations that once you've created the shift that you want, it's really affirming that shift on a daily basis.

Stacey: Great. So do the daily affirmations daily and then maybe once you get this

piece of confidence whatever you're focused on now, then notice where else you want to shore up in terms of your confidence and then you can use the same sequence.

Kathy: Exactly. And it depends on what's coming up for the day of what you want to

activate. What do I need? If I'm going to be writing for a day, I want to activate my creativity. If I need to get something done, I want to be focused and concentrating on something. So it depends on the specific area that you're going to be tackling for that day what you want to get done.

Stacey: Great. Okay. So we've talked about confidence today, and we talked about

self-esteem. So first of all, I really want to thank you. Because I think this was excellent. I truly am so glad I chose you to do this, because you really do have a fabulous way of picking just the right words that are going to resonate with people in doing these scripts. So thank you so much.

Kathy: Oh, thank you for inviting me. It's always great fun, and I love sharing this

process with people, because it is so beneficial and it's so easy and so self empowering. That's what I like, that you can do this yourself. You don't have to go get fixed by somebody.

Stacey: And that was the whole reason behind this program is to give people the tools

to empower themselves, so this is just perfect. And I also want to say that we talked about that there's a lot of aspects of self-esteem and how good you are at writing scripts. So I wanted to let people know about the entire self-esteem program that you have should they want to use more of your scripts for building your self-esteem. So can you say a little bit about that program?

Kathy: Yes, definitely. I've been writing these scripts all along, and then I packed up

the self esteem program by taking up ten of the best EFT scripts and audio sessions that I have, because I think it's so important. I'm amazed when I talk to people and they've accomplished so much, and they still don't feel really good about themselves. And they still don’t really feel that confident, that they're really on this balancing act of putting themselves out there but not really being able to enjoy that so much.

So I put ten of these scripts together, and the first one is really self love and self appreciation that you really have to love and acknowledge and appreciate who we are from the inside out. One of the things I found is that people don't

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really feel good enough, that if I lose weight then I'll be better. Or if I get this job, then I'll be better. And it's really acknowledging that I am good enough, I am enough, who I am right now, no matter what else is going on. And then I have a script for feeling special and unique, really acknowledging our gifts and our talents, what is unique about us. You see so many people who are trying to look like entertainers or celebrities out there, because they don't really feel special and unique in their own way that they want to look like that person, and they change themselves physically or whatever ways, because they want to be like someone else. And that's not happening. We are who we are, and we really want to acknowledge and appreciate that. One of the other areas for self esteem is feeling worthy and deserving. I'm not sure when this happens but when you're little, you're encouraged when you're starting to walk and you can tie your shoes and all those little milestones. And then at some point it becomes boasting or self serving to acknowledge and appreciate what you're accomplishing out there. So we don't feel that worthy and deserving of getting the things that we want, because we start to get beat down at a younger age. You're really wanting to bolster that up for people. Then there's inner power, just activating that part of us that feels strong and powerful, self-assured. Then they have some fun ones for being bold and courageous, being able to step out there, and being a star in our own right. All those different areas I think tie into that whole self-esteem.

Stacey: Fabulous. It sounds as truly, truly wonderful and very comprehensive and just real quickly because were about to run out of time, I know you wanted to offer a bonus. We're going to provide a link first of all for everyone to go check out that Self Esteem Program, and Kathy has generously offered a wonderful bonus when you buy it through us. And what's that bonus, Kathy?

Kathy: Yes. The Self Esteem Program comes as an ebook that you can purchase or it

comes as an audio program that also includes the ebook. So anybody that purchases the ebook, they'll get the Fear of Success and Fear of Failure, the scripts for those, because a lot of times when we're stepping out of our comfort zone, we are afraid of how successful we can be or we're afraid of failing. And if they get the self esteem audio program, then they'll also get the audio session for the Fear of Success and Fear of Failure as well.

Stacey: Fabulous. I can't think of anybody that doesn't need that. So that's very

generous of you. Thank you. We're also going to provide the link so people can use EFT to build their immune systems if they want to too. So that's another bonus that everyone who's listening will be able to get to today. So thank you so much for that.

Kathy: Oh, you are welcome. It's one of those fun scripts that you can try out for

yourself. There's no way to really gauge that. Stacey: Well, actually there is, because I've taught everybody here how to do manual

muscle testing.

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Kathy: Oh, excellent! So they can… Stacey: So they can, that's how I measured it. I measured my before and after of my

immune system with the muscle testing. And everybody here who's practiced the muscle testing can do that for themselves.

Kathy: Great. And that's how I got started with it. When I first got into EFT, I was

experimenting with all of these different areas. So yeah, I would muscle test to see where I was and get it up to a 100%. I like to add 100% for me, because we don't know what that is. So if we just include that, it's up 100% for me, then our body just knows how to shift that for us. So excellent that everybody knows that. That's so exciting.

Stacey: Yes, so these tools are building on each other, and it's just perfect. So again

thank you, thank you for being here for sharing this wonderful knowledge and this wonderful script with us. I know that it's going to help everyone. And for everyone out there to remember that like all the other tools, you got to practice this one to get the full benefit from it.

Kathy: Yes, yes. Use it. Use it. Use it. Use it for everything is the motto of EFT.

Try it on everything. Stacey: Absolutely. Try it on everything. That's great. So for those of you who are

here today, also stay tuned and we'll talk about in depth on what the assignments are for the coming month and what's coming up next in Life Transformation Tools & More. Thank you, Kathy.

Kathy: Thank you, Stacey. I really enjoyed it. Stacey: Me too. Thanks.

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UThis Month’s Assignment

Self Esteem Program: Be sure to check out Kathy’s Self-Esteem program. She is great at writing scripts and using her scripts can save you a lot of time and we all know how precious time is. You can also adapt them to your specific needs. You can get the Self Esteem Program with the special bonus scripts for Fear of Failure and Fear of Success here: HU BONUS: If you want to build up your immune system, you can get Kathy’s script for doing that here. Make sure and measure at what percentage your immune system is operating before and after doing the tapping. Use manual muscle testing to determine this. Download this bonus for free here: HU

UComing Up Next U...

In the upcoming months, we will discuss more ways to build confidence, expand your time, let go of attachments and raise your energy so you can attract more of what you desire.

1. Choose a specific area that you want to build your confidence in. Rate your confidence level now on a scale of 1-10. Then repeat the script until your confidence is at a 10. Once you are at a 10, take action in that area of your life. If you get stopped, notice what thoughts stop you and clear them using EFT. Repeat the process until you are unstoppable in this area of your life.

2. Repeat the affirmations Kathy provided above while tapping on a daily basis. If a negative thought comes up while doing the affirmations, clear it using EFT. An example would be even though I doubt that this can happen, and it hasn’t happened in the past, I put that thought in the past and intend for it to happen now. Or Even though I am worried about “x,” I chose to be calm and confident. 

3. In addition to the script that Kathy provided, I have included a handout on the download page that you can use when you are not sure what words to use when tapping on a subject.  

4. If you have an old disempowering story about why you can’t do something because of what happened in the past, tell that story from the past while tapping on yourself, to release the emotion connected to it. 


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Wishing you the best in living out your dreams,

Stacey Mayo, The Dream Queen Master Certified Coach and Publisher of Life Transformation Tools & More Previous Lessons

Develop Your Intuition to Clarify Direction, Get Answers and much more - Lesson 4 … Click Here to access.

Manual Muscle Testing: Asking Your Body for the Truth - Lesson 3 … Click Here to access.

Working with Energy & How to Hear What is in Your Way - Lesson 2 … Click Here to access.

Clearing Your Concerns about Attaining Your Goal – Lesson 1, Part 2d … Click Here to access.

Clearing Resistance – Lesson 1, Part 2c … Click Here to access.

Instructions to Program in Cue Word – Lesson 1, Part 2b … Click Here to access.

ZPoint, A Tool for Clearing What’s in the Way – Lesson 1, Part 2a … Click Here to access.

Releasing Self Sabotage - Lesson 1, Part 1 … Click Here to access.

Getting Started Quick … Click Here to access.