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احتمال انجام کاری� در زمان اگر بخواهیم از صحبت کنیم از ساختار زیر استفاده می گذشته

50کنیم. احتمال نشان داده شده در این ساختار مطمئن درصد است یعنی گوینده به صحبت خود

. نیست

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احتمال انجام کاری� در زمان اگر بخواهیم از صحبت کنیم از ساختار زیر استفاده می گذشته

50کنیم. احتمال نشان داده شده در این ساختار مطمئن درصد است یعنی گوینده به صحبت خود

. نیست May / might + have + past

participle (اسم مفعول )

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احتمال انجام کاری در زمان اگر بخواهیم از صحبت کنیم از ساختار زیر استفاده می گذشت�ه

50کنیم. احتمال نشان داده شده در این ساختار مطمئن درصد است یعنی گوینده به صحبت خود

. نیست May / might + have + past

participle (اسم مفعول ) The lights in Ali’s room was on until late

last night. He may have studied for the exam.

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احتمال انجام کاری در زمان اگر بخواهیم از صحبت کنیم از ساختار زیر استفاده می کنیم. گذشته

درصد 50احتمال نشان داده شده در این ساختار . مطمئن نیستاست یعنی گوینده به صحبت خود

May / might + have + past participle ( اسم مفعول)

The lights in Ali’s room was on until late last night. He may have studied for the exam.

Nobody opened the door. I think they might have gone out.

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صحبت احتمال انجام کاری در زمان گذشتهاگر بخواهیم از کنیم از ساختار زیر استفاده می کنیم. احتمال نشان داده شده در

مطمئن درصد است یعنی گوینده به صحبت خود 50این ساختار . نیست

May / might + have + past participle ( اسم ( مفعول

The lights in Ali’s room was on until late last night. He may have studied for the exam.

Nobody opened the door. I think they might have gone out.

They didn’t get good marks in his final exams. I think they may have been too busy to study harder.

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صحبت احتمال انجام کاری در زمان گذشتهاگر بخواهیم از کنیم از ساختار زیGر استفاده می کنیم. احتمال نشان داده شده در

مطمئن درصد است یعنی گوینده به صحبت خود 50این ساختار . نیست

May / might + have + past participle ( اسم ( مفعول

The lights in Ali’s room was on until late last night. He may have studied for the exam.

Nobody opened the door. I think they might have gone out.

They didn’t get good marks in his final exams. I think they may have been too busy to study harder.

There was no food left in the refrigerator. Somebody might have eaten all of it.

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صحبت کنیم احتمال انجام کاری در زمان گذشتهاگر بخواهیم از از ساختار زیر استفاده می کنیم. احتمال نشان داده شده در این

. مطمئن نیست درصد است یعنی گوینده به صحبت خود 50ساختار May / might + have + past participle ( اسم

( مفعول The lights in Ali’s room was on until late last night. He

may have studied for the exam. Nobody opened the door. I think they might have

gone out. They didn’t get good marks in his final exams. I think

they may have been too busy to study harder. There was no food left in the refrigerator. Somebody

might have eaten all of it. He looks tired. He might have been awake all night.

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صحبت کنیم احتمال انجام کاری در زمان گذشتهاگر بخواهیم از از ساختار زیر استفاده می کنیم. احتمال نشان داده شده در این ساختار

. مطمئن نیست درصد است یعنی گوینده به صحبت خود 50 May / might + have + past participle (اسم مفعول ) The lights in Ali’s room was on until late last night. He

may have studied for the exam. Nobody opened the door. I think they might have gone

out. They didn’t get good marks in his final exams. I think they

may have been too busy to study harder. There was no food left in the refrigerator. Somebody

might have eaten all of it. He looks tired. He might have been awake all night. She's late. She may have taken the wrong road.

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صحبت کنیم از احتمال انجام کاری در زمان گذشتهاگر بخواهیم از 50ساختار زیر استفاده می کنیم. احتمال نشان داده شده در این ساختار

. مطمئن نیستدرصد است یعنی گوینده به صحبت خود May / might + have + past participle (اسم مفعول ) The lights in Ali’s room was on until late last night. He may

have studied for the exam. Nobody opened the door. I think they might have gone out. They didn’t get good marks in his final exams. I think they may

have been too busy to study harder. There was no food left in the refrigerator. Somebody might

have eaten all of it. He looks tired. He might have been awake all night. She's late. She may have taken the wrong road. Where’s John? Why isn’t he at the meeting?’

‘He may not have got the message.’ / ‘He might not have received the message.’

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Probably = likely = possibly Maybe = perhaps Not sure = certain Doubt Doubtful uncertain

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ساختار زیر نشان می دهد فرد بر اساسشواهدی به نتیجه ای رسیده و تقریبا به آن

مطمئن است.

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ساختار زیر نشان می دهد فرد بر اساسشواهدی به نتیجه ای رسیده و تقریبا به آن

مطمئن است. Must + have + pp (اسم مفعول )

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ساختار زیر نشان می دهد فرد بر اساسشواهدی به نتیجه ای رسیده و تقریبا به آن

مطمئن است. Must + have + pp (اسم مفعول ) The chickens have escaped! How did

they get out?’‘They must have got out under the gate. There is no other way out.’

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د فرد بر اساس شواهدیGساختار زیر نشان می دهبه نتیجه ای رسیدهG و تقریبا به آن مطمئن است.

Must + have + pp (اسم مفعول ) The chickens have escaped! How did

they get out?’‘They must have got out under the gate. There is no other way out.’

When I arrived they weren’t there. They must have left early .

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ساختار زیر نشان می دهد فرد بر اساس شواهدی بهنتیجه ای رسیده و تقریبا به آن مطمئن است.

Must + have + pp (اسم مفعول ) The chickens have escaped! How did they

get out?’‘They must have got out under the gate. There is no other way out.’

When I arrived they weren’t there. They must have left early .

Mother Teresa devoted her life to the poor. She must have been a kind person.

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ساختار زیر نشان می دهد فرد بر اساس شواهدی به نتیجه ایرسیده و تقریبا به آن مطمئن است.

Must + have + pp (اسم مفعول ) The chickens have escaped! How did they get

out?’‘They must have got out under the gate. There is no other way out.’

When I arrived they weren’t there. They must have left early .

Mother Teresa devoted her life to the poor. She must have been a kind person.

He is always on time . Today he was late. He must have had a problem in coming to work.

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ساختار زیر نشان می دهد فرد بر اساس شواهدی به نتیجه ایرسیده و تقریبا به آن مطمئن است.

Must + have + pp (اسم مفعول ) The chickens have escaped! How did they get out?’

‘They must have got out under the gate. There is no other way out.’

When I arrived they weren’t there. They must have leftearly .

Mother Teresa devoted her life to the poor. She must have been a kind person.

He is always on time . Today he was late. He must have had a problem in coming to work.

Erica must have gone out. I can't see her.

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ساختار زیر نشان می دهد فرد بر اساس شواهدی به نتیجه ای رسیده وتقریبا به آن مطمئن است.

Must + have + pp (اسم مفعول ) The chickens have escaped! How did they get out?’

‘They must have got out under the gate. There is no other way out.’

When I arrived they weren’t there. They must have leftearly .

Mother Teresa devoted her life to the poor. She must have been a kind person.

He is always on time . Today he was late. He must have had a problem in coming to work.

Erica must have gone out. I can't see her. I think James must have drunk all the milk. There's none


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  اگر بخواهیم در حالت منفی نتیجه گیری کنیم از ساختار باال

استفاده نمی شود بلکه از این دو ساختار استفاده خواهد شد. Can’t / couldn’t have pp ( اسم مفعول) ‘The chickens have escaped! How did they get

out?’‘They can’t have got out under the gate. I fixed that yesterday.’

He can't have escaped through this window. It is too small.She can't have said that.She couldn't have said that.

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Sure = certain undoubted

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انجام شدن یا نشدن اگر بخواهیم در مورد یا نصیحت کنیم از کاری در گذشته سفارش

ساختار زیر استفاده می کنیم. این ساختار در نشان می دهد کاری باید انجام حالت مثبت

حالت است و در انجام نگرفتهمیشده اما انجام می شده نباید نشان می دهد کاری منفیاست.

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انجام شدن یا نشدن اگر بخواهیم در مورد یا نصیحت کنیم از کاری در گذشته سفارش

ساختار زیر استفاده می کنیم. این ساختار در نشان می دهد کاری باید انجام حالت مثبت

حالت است و در انجام نگرفتهمیشده اما انجام می شده نباید نشان می دهد کاری منفیاست.

Should (not) + have + pp ( اسم( مفعول

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انجام شدن یا نشدن کاری اگر بخواهیم در مورد یGا نصیحت کنیم از ساختار زیر در گذشته سفارش

حالت مثبتاستفاده می کنیم. این ساختار در انجام نشان می دهد کاری باید انجام میشده اما

نشان می دهد حالت منفی است و در نگرفته انجام می شده است.نبایدکاری

Should (not) + have + pp (اسم مفعول ) You made him upset. You shouldn’t have

done that.

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انجام شدن یا نشدن کاری اگر بخواهیم در مورد یGا نصیحت کنیم از ساختار زیر در گذشته سفارش

حالت مثبتاستفاده می کنیم. این ساختار در انجام نشان می دهد کاری باید انجام میشده اما

نشان می دهد حالت منفی است و در نگرفته انجام می شده است.نبایدکاری

Should (not) + have + pp (اسم مفعول ) You made him upset. You shouldn’t have

done that. They should have helped the poor man.

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انجام شدن یا نشد�ن کاری در اگر بخواهیم در مورد یا نصیحت کنیم از ساختار زیر استفاده گذشته سفارش�

نشان می دهد کاری حالت مثبتمی کنیم. این ساختار در حالت است و در انجام نگرفتهباید انجام میشده اما

انجام می شده است.نباید نشان می دهد کاری منفی Should (not) + have + pp (اسم مفعول ) You made him upset. You shouldn’t have

done that. They should have helped the poor man. Your friend was in hospital. You should have

visited him.

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انجام شدن یا نشدن کاری در اگر بخواهیم در مورد یا نصیحت کنیم از ساختار زیر استفاده می گذشته سفارش

نشان می دهد کاری باید حالت مثبتکنیم. این ساختار در حالت منفی است و در انجام نگرفتهانجام میشده اما

انجام می شده است.نبایدنشان می دهد کاری Should (not) + have + pp (اسم مفعول ) You made him upset. You shouldn’t have done

that. They should have helped the poor man. Your friend was in hospital. You should have

visited him. She's very upset. You shouldn’t have told

everybody her secret.

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انجام شدن یا نشدن کاری در گذشته اگر بخواهیم در مورد یا نصیحت کنیم از ساختار زیر استفاده می کنیم. این سفارش

نشان می دهد کاری باید انجام میشده اما حالت مثبتساختار در نباید نشان می دهد کاری حالت منفی است و در انجام نگرفته

انجام می شده است. Should (not) + have + pp (اسم مفعول ) You made him upset. You shouldn’t have done that. They should have helped the poor man. Your friend was in hospital. You should have visited

him. She's very upset. You shouldn’t have told everybody

her secret. The train should have arrived soon. It's already five

minutes late.

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انجام شدن یا نشدن کاری در گذشته اگر بخواهیم در مورد یا نصیحت کنیم از ساختار زیر استفاده می کنیم. این ساختار سفارش

انجام نشان می دهد کاری باید انجام میشده اما حالت مثبتدر انجام می نباید نشان می دهد کاری حالت منفی است و در نگرفته

شده است. Should (not) + have + pp (اسم مفعول ) You made him upset. You shouldn’t have done that. They should have helped the poor man. Your friend was in hospital. You should have visited him. She's very upset. You shouldn’t have told everybody her

secret. The train should have arrived soon. It's already five

minutes late. I shouldn’t have eaten so much. I feel terrible.

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انجام شدن یا نشدن کاری در گذشته سفارشاگر بخواهیم در مورد حالت یا نصیحت کنیم از ساختار زیر استفاده می کنیم. این ساختار در

است و انجام نگرفته نشان می دهد کاری باید انجام میشده اما مثبت انجام می شده است.نباید نشان می دهد کاری حالت منفیدر

Should (not) + have + pp (اسم مفعول ) You made him upset. You shouldn’t have done that. They should have helped the poor man. Your friend was in hospital. You should have visited him. She's very upset. You shouldn’t have told everybody her

secret. The train should have arrived soon. It's already five

minutes late. I shouldn’t have eaten so much. I feel terrible. You shouldn’t have left pets in cars especially in hot


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It is better = be better Have better Had better

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1-I ---------- my medicine this morning but I forgot.

1) must take 2) should take 3) must have taken 4) should have taken

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A: "My friend failed the test yesterday."

B: "It's nothing unusual. He ------------- more."

1) must study 2) should study 3) must have studied 4) should have studied

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The football match --------- have finished by now. It started over two hours ago.

1) must 2) would 3) should 4) could

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Our parents --------- have participated in the school meeting; however, they didn't.

1) must 2) should 3) might 4) would

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My back hurts. I ----------- that heavy box up two flights of stairs yesterday.

1) should not carry 2) should have not carry 3) should not be carrying 4) should not have carried

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Sara doesn't answer the phone. Don't you think she --------- for school?

1) should have left 2) might leave 3) must leave 4) may have left

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A: "Why didn't Father answer the doorbell?"

B: "He ----------- the bell." 1) may not have heard 2) should not have heard 3) may not hear 4) should not hear

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Mary's poor diet ------------ the reason for the frequent colds she catches in the last six months.

1) can have been 2) might have to be 3) must have to be 4) may have been

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A: "Why didn't your friend, Ali, say hello when he entered the room?"

B: "He -------- feeling well." 1) may not be 2) should not be 3) may not have been 4) should not have been

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1-She may have forgotten that she had a class.

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1-She may have forgotten that she had a class.

2-she must have left home late.

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1-She may have forgotten that she had a class.

2-she must have left home late. 3- you should have e-mailed me. ( You

should have done so. )

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1-She may have forgotten that she had a class.

2-she must have left home late. 3- you should have e-mailed me. ( You

should have done so. ) 4- I might have left them in my car.