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A Detailed Lesson Plan in SOS 107:

Asian Civilizations


At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:A.Analyze the role played by the Southwest Asian

region in the development of the earliest civilizations.

B.Appreciate the different contributions of the civilizations in the region.

C.Identify the causes of the rise and fall of different Empires as well as their contributions in Southwest Asia by constructing a graphic organizer.

II. SUBJECT MATTERA.TOPIC: Asia as Site of Early Civilizations

specifically Southwest Asia and Its Civilization

B.REFERENCES: Introduction to Asia: History, Culture and Civilization

C.MATERIALS: PowerPoint Presentation, Marker, Chalk, Eraser, LCD/Projector

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Teacher’s Activity

Good morning, class!

Please all stand and could someone lead the prayer?

Please take your seats


In our modern world, there are a lot of advancements in our society, specifically in the fields of science, architecture, agriculture, politics and trade and industry. Am I right?

In line with that, what do you think are the essential roots of these advancements in our society?

Students’ Activity

Good morning, Ma’am

(Students pray silently)

Thank you Ma’am!

Yes Ma’am!

( student raises his/her hand)

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If you noticed class, your classmate mentioned about “earliest civilizations” right?

This morning, we are going to tackle and unveil the earliest civilizations in the Southwest Asian region.

I want all of you to listen attentively and participate because this lesson has something to do with the development of our world. Is that clear?

I think the origin of these advancements in our society came from the contributions of the earliest civilizations Ma’am.

Yes Ma’am!


Yes Ma’am!

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Let us discuss first about Southwest Asia. Can someone read what’s on the slide?

Yes, Please read it.

Thank you. So Southwest Asia particularly in Mesopotamia is the haven of the ancient civilization in our world.

Can someone read the next slide?


Southwest Asia is a region of the Asian continent nearest to Europe. It is known that the earliest civilization developed particularly in Mesopotamia and became the origin of the many basic knowledge used in today’s world.

Mesopotamia, now Iraq, is one of the world’s fertile spots. It was divided into two distinct geographical parts:

1.Babylonia in the south- It has fertile alluvial

plains at the mouth of the Tigris-Euphrates rivers.

2.Assyria in the north- It has rugged land of axial


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Thank you for reading. Babylonia and Assyria provided the foundation of the earliest society which became the first known civilizations man has ever produced.

These are the following succession of people who contributed to the development of the first civilization along the plains and valleys of Tigris and Euphrates rivers.

First were the Sumerians, who can read the next slide about the Sumerians?


Thank you for reading, so the

The Sumerians were the pioneers in the development of the Mesopotamian civilization, they settled in the lower parts of the Tigris-Euphrates Valley. Agriculture then is the economic pursuit of the Sumerians.

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Mesopotamian farmers also needed devices as a helping hand in the fields, these are their inventions, could someone read the slide?


Thank you for reading, the difference between this two devices is that the seeding plough works only for four months a year, while the pick axe works all year round. Do you understand class?

The Sumerians didn’t limit themselves in farming alone, yet they also discovered metals, can someone read the next slide?

Farmers used seeding plough- a device that turned the ground and dropped seeds into the new furrow via a funnel like attachment.

Mesopotamian pick axe- it dug canals and built dams to irrigate fields and meadows; it drained flooded land and prepared the soil for ploughing.

Yes Ma’am!

The discovery of metals enabled Sumerian metal workers to cultivate the development of civilization. They built temples and Ziggurats. Trade and communication flourished

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Thank you for reading, so it means that the Sumerians were believers in many gods, but their dynasty didn’t last long. Any question about the Sumerians?

Okay, let’s proceed to the Akkadians.

The Akkadians were ruled by Sargon, the Great, he conquered the Sumerians and it was the beginning of the first great empire in western Asia. Please read the next slide?

and the improving trade between the Sumerians and other groups of people elicited the invention of mathematics and a system of writing called “cuneiform”.

None Ma’am.

However, when Sargon died, the state weakened and was overthrown by a fierce barbaric tribe, but they were conquered by the Amorites who came from Amurru. They made the village of Babylon as their capital and it was Hammurabi a Babylonian ruler, who united the

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Thank you for reading. The society and culture of the Babylonians were greatly influenced by the Sumerians but they also contributed something, like the Code of Hammurabi. Please read what’s on the slide.

As you can see the code were evidently stood for high ethical standards and human rights. Let’s now proceed to the Hittites. The Hittites put an end to the first Babylonian dynasty.


The Code of Hammurabi served as the basis for regulating Hammurabi’s empire. These laws were recorded on a big, black rock, eight feet high so that everyone could read and follow them. The criminal laws were based on “ Lex Staliones” or “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth”.

The Hittites were a pastoral group and agricultural people, they made Hattussas as their capital and they extended their supremacy to the upper part of Euphrates valley, including a great part of Asia Minor.

The Hittites were the first ones to use iron mainly for

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Next is the Kingdom of Lydia, they were the successor of the Hittite empire, but their power was short-lived. Please read the next slide about.

Class, we must give importance to what they’ve contributed because until now, the coinage of money is very important in our economy. Next is the Phoenician Cities and their Confederation. Please read the next slide.

religious objects and swords.

The Lydians succeeded in making one original contribution to civilization which was the coinage of money out of electrum or white gold.

The Phoenicians were neither conquerors nor builders for an empire because they exerted their influence through the art of peace, especially through commerce. Their political system was a loose confederation of city states, which frequently bought their security by paying tribute to other lands. They excelled in

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So the Phoenicians were renowned throughout the ancient world for their glass and metal industries in their manufacturing.

Next is the Hebrew Civilization, of all the people of the ancient world they were considered as one of the most important because primitively they provided much background of the Christian religion. Please read the next slide.

specialized manufacturing.

They were also known for their navigation because they can sail by the stars at night and in geography, they founded cities at Carthage, Utica and North Africa.

The origin of the Hebrew people is usually traced to the Bible. The Hebrews believed that they were the chosen people of God.

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Yes, that is true class because it is really written in the Bible, specifically in the Old Testament.

The people needed a king so that their leader will go out before them and fight their battles.

The Hebrews were ruled by the judges who possessed religious rather than political power. But with greater need for organization and discipline, the people demanded a king to rule them. Saul was chosen the first king of the Hebrews.

Samuel, the last of the great judges were very displeased to Saul and he appointed David to be the next king of the Hebrews. His reign was one of the most glorious periods in Hebrew history because he united the Twelve Tribes into a consolidated kingdom and built a magnificent capital in Jerusalem. He was succeeded by his son Solomon who became the last king of the united monarchy. However, their magnitude of influence was purely religious and ethical.

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Next is the Assyrians, they were considered as the most cruel conquerors in history. Okay lets proceed.

Tiglath Pileser I was the first Assyrian conqueror-statesman who founded the Assyrian empire.

The Assyrians were hardy and warlike because they developed an excellent army, used weapons superior to those of their neighbors, employed war horses, chariots, and steel weapons.

One of their major achievements was their system of administration. The empire comprised a mixture of self-governing cities and different subject rural areas.

The decline of Assyria began when Nabopolassar (Chaldean King)and King Cyaxarex of Medina joined forces,and they invaded Nineveh, with the invasion, the Assyrian empire vanished in history.

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Over the ruins of the Assyrian empire arose the Chaldean empire or the Second Babylonian Empire. Please read the next slide class.

Fatalism means trusting absolutely the gods with the vague hope that the results in the end would be good.

The Mesopotamian Civilization entered its final stage with the establishment of the Chaldean supremacy. This stage was called the Neo-Babylonian, because Nebuchadnezzar and his followers restored the capital of Babylon.

The Chaldeans developed an astral religion. The gods were divested of their limited human qualities. Two significant results flowed from these amazing concepts. The first was the attitude of fatalism and second was the development of stronger spiritual consciousness.

The grandeur of the Empire was short-lived when Nebuchadnezzar died and Nabonidus neglected the affairs of the state for he was more interested in archeological studies.

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Did you understand our lesson class?


We are going to have an activity to determine if you have really understood our lesson for today. It is just a quiz-bee activity. Are you excited class?

These are the instructions:

- Find a partner- Identify the question being

asked- Wait for the signal before you

write the answer- You are given 10 seconds to

answer- Raise your boards if the time

Yes ma’am.

Yes ma’am!

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is up

Is everyone has a partner?

Are you ready?

Number 1. What region in Asia is nearest to Europe?

To those groups who got the correct answer will be given 2 points each.

Number 2. It is considered as one of the world’s most fertile spots?

Number 3. Who are the pioneers of the Mesopotamian civilization?

Number 4. It is a device wherein the Sumerians considered it as a gift from God because it works all year round?

Number 5. Who is the ruler of the

Yes Ma’am!

Yes Ma’am!

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Number 6. This contribution has served as the basis for regulating his empire. This code was famous because of the phrase “ an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth “?

Number 7. Who are the people who believed that they were the chosen people of God?

Number 8. They are considered as the most cruel conquerors in Asian history?

Number 9. Who is the ruler of the second Babylonian Empire or the Chaldeans?

Number 10. The Mesopotamian civilization entered its final stage with the establishment of what empire?

Congratulations to the group who won the activity!

Have you learned something about our activity class?

Can you share with us what have you learned?

Thank you Ma’am!

Yes Ma’am!

I learned the different empire

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Very good! Any other else?

You are very excellent class and you showed to me a rigid participation in doing the activity.

We all know that there are a lot of advancements in our modern world today and technology is almost everywhere, right?

Since we had tackled about the Ancient Civilization in Asia, we must also give importance and appreciate their contributions even though they are just simple compare to what we have today.


Class, I want you to bring out a whole sheet of paper and I want

that was established in Asia Ma’am.

I learned the contributions of the different empire Ma’am.

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you to create a graphic organizer identifying the causes of the rise and fall of the different empires and show their contributions.

Understood class?

You have 20 minutes to do the task.

Okay class, time is up!


Okay class, I want you to have an advance reading regarding the Indian Civilization.

Understood class?

Please all stand and let us pray.

Yes Ma’am!

(The students will pass their papers)

Yes Ma’am!

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Okay that’s all for today. Goodbye class!

Goodbye Ma’am!

Prepared by: Richelle Jean S. Mariñas, BSEDSS-II

Approved by: Mr. Alejo M. Cambri
