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  • 8/20/2019 Letter to Secy MIB


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    Sub.: Implementation

    CPC recom'~'~~na~~l:gnegarding Grant

    of Grade Pay Rs.4600 to HC/Assistants working in Prasar Bharati.

    The Secretary,

    Ministry of Information



    Shastry Bhavan,

    New Delhi

    Respected Sir,

    The National Council of the Association is convinced that the

    following issue is to be brought to your personal attention for redressal.

    You may kindly be aware that the Head clerk/Assistants working in

    Prasar Bharati have not been extended the Grade Pay of Rs. 4600/-

    on par with the Assistants of the Central Secretariat inspite of the clear

    cut recommendation of the VI Pay commission and the acceptance of

    the same by the government. We bring further materials to your kind

    attention for better appreciation of the issue comprehensively.




    The Head clerk/Assistant are currently placed in the pay sc-ale

    of PB2-9300-34800 with GP of RS.4200. They were previously ir'l the


    pay scale of Rs.5500-9000 on par with the Assistants of the Centrt ~·-· •

    Secretariat. . I


    The Sixth pay commission has recommended absolute parity

    among the Assistants of Central Secretariat and subordinate offices.

    We extract the relevant recommendation of the VI CPC for ready


    Phlfosophy and the Guiding Principal: Chapter-1.2 Para 1.2.18

    I i

     Parity between field offices and secretariat has been proposed as, in

    Commission's view, equal emphasis has to be given to the field offices

    in order to ensure better delivery.  

    Accor6ingly the Commission has recommended as follows:

    HQ Organisation in GOI   Staff in field offices: Chapter-3.1 Para 3.13


    Higher pay scales in the Secretariat offices may have been jUsVified in.

    the past when formulation of proper policies was of' paramount



    importance. However the time has come to grant parity. befv,teoen

  • 8/20/2019 Letter to Secy MIB



    You may kindly be aware that parity between Central

    Secretariat and subordinate offices has been continuously under the

    consideration of the various pay commissions. Actually the previous

    pay commissions particularly the Fourth and Fifth paved way for the

    current arrangement by rationalizing the pay scales. A careful reading

    of the relevant recommendation of the VI Cf C will show that part from

    recommending parity on a sound reasoning the Commission has

    observed that the time has come to grant parity thereby proving that

    this recommendation is only a consummation of the work undertaken

    by the earlier pay Commissions in this regard.

    In addition to the above the Commission has in the case of

    many departments, recommended Rs. 6500-10500 to the Assistants

    on par with Assistants of the Central Secretariat.(Annexure-I).

    Similarly several autonomous bodies have granted Rs. 4600 to the

    Assistants working in them. (Annexure-II)


    Secondly the proposal of the Commission contained in

    Chapter-1.2 Para 1.2.18 has been accepted by the Government as

    corroborated by Dept of Expenditure OM dated 16-11-2009.

    Accordingly the Assistants of the Central Secretariat and the

    subordinate offices were initially granted only GP of Rs.4200 till the

    former's GP was increased on par with Inspectors of Central Excise


    Moreover, that this recommendation to grant parity was included

    in the  Highlights of the Pay Commission Report  goes to show the

    importance attached to the same. Even the Implementation cell of the

    Dept of Expenditure has acknowledged this aspect while processing

    the case for granting Rs.4600 to Assistants of Central Secretariat and

    has termed that the said recommendation is the  Cornerstone of the

    pay commission recommendation. Under these circumstances there is

    no justification whatsoever for denying the same to the Head clerk/

    Assistants of Prasar Bharati.

    Thirdly the government, while raising the GP of Assistants

    of the Central Secretariat from Rs.4200 to Rs.4600 on par with

    Inspectors of Central Excise etc., has stated that the reason for

    granting such a dispensation was the fact that there is an element

    of direct recruitment in the case of the former. This qualification

    is also fulfilled by the Assistants of Prasar Bharati in whose case 20

    of the posts are filled by direct recruitment. It is an irony that the

    government has thought it fit to grant the Assistants of the

    Central Secretariat a higher GP comparing them with non-

    comparable cadres but has denied the same to Assistants of

    Prasar Bharati who are on par with the Assistants of the Central

    Secretariat and for which a sound recommendation exists and

  • 8/20/2019 Letter to Secy MIB



    Being an autonomous body the employees within the

    organization are to be treated equally in the matter of service

    conditions. Reminiscent of the earlier dispensation the Assistants

    working in the Prasar Bharati Secretariat are granted GP of Rs. 4600,

    whereas the same is denied to others who are similarly placed.

    Therefore it has become necessary to invoke you personal

    attention in this matter. We wish to state that a proposal sent earlier in

    the year 2010 did not bring out the above facts to the attention of the

    Ministry of Finance. However Corrective measure has now been taken

    by Prasar Bharati and

    proposal on the revised lines is lying with

    the DG/PB/Ministry Annexure-III ,

    We request you to kindly instruct

    - , .

    the concerned officials to take a relook and take necessary action


    It will not be out of place to mention here that Ministry of Law


    Justice, Department of Legal Affairs, vide its DO No.29(9)/2014-Judl

    dated 7.8.2014 had requested all Ministries and Departments by try to

    reduce Government litigation in courts so that valuable court time is

    spent in resolving other pending cases.

    In view of the above, it is requested to issue the order granting

    Grade Pay Rs.4600/- in the light of


    CPC recommendation.

    Thanking you sir,

    Copy to: R.S. Chouhan


    .i . G e n e r a l S e c r e t a r y

    ...~_.. :f1~~~ 1he JOintsecretary ( Sh. Puneet Kansal),M~a,8baS~q~

    I B t i 1 ? l W § : l9   : ia t io r

    ~~~~~-~: -: 1~  ,t:t . .....,.

    New Deihl .

    ~ . t . : . : : . . . . - -   - - ,   t •• 

    \ . \~re CEO Prasar Bharati, Prasar Bharati Secretanat,PTI

    ; B~ilding, Parliament Street, New Delhi.

    . 3. Tl1e Member (P),Prasar Bharati, Prasar Bharati Secretariat,PTI



    . Buildinq, Parliament Street, New Delhi.


     .~i~. ~':~-'A~:i.~

    Member (F),Prasar Bharati, Prasar Bharati Secretariat,PTI

    ~', .. .:···~·•::: ....:~tiITding, Parliament Street, New Delhi

    • ft-~ ••• ~.-.

    5. The DG:AIR,Akashvani Bhawan,Parliament Street New Delhi

    6. The DDG(A),DG:AIR, Akashvani Bhawan, Parliament Street

    New Delhi-01

    7. The DDA,S-II, DG:AIR, Akashvani Bhawan,

    New Delhi-01



