

Library Data Collection & Analysis


Teresa Negrucci, Tom Moothart, Cristi MacWaters


Data Collection & Analysis

and Communication with CSU community

"Moreover, CSU libraries should continue to analyze the data of its collections, checkouts and usage. In particular, CSU Libraries should work with the Faculty Council Committee on Libraries to establish a set of enduring metrics by which it evaluates its performance. Data should be collected in accordance with these metrics, and shared with the Faculty Council Committee on Libraries so their advice is informed consistently and based upon data. As part of the effort to be more user-oriented, CSU Libraries should continue to survey its constituents for their opinions on its performance, collections, and trends.”Section 1.c.paragraph 2 of Library IT Task Force report


Library Data Currently Collected

Association of Research Libraries (ARL) annual stats – 43 questions on #s for collection, budget, staffing

LibQual surveys in 2003, 2005 - The 22 core survey items measure user perceptions of service quality for: Affect of Service, Information Control, and Library as Place


Library Data Currently Collected – Dept. Specific

• ILL for interlibrary loan/document delivery stats• Collections & Contracts maintains e-resource usage• Access Services – use of physical collections, building

space, presentation rooms, equipment, & administers

user surveys• LTS – web page use• Liaisons – database for reference questions, instruction

sessions taught• Metadata & Preservation – volume count, bindery data• Archives & Special Collections – digitization project stats


Action items:

1) Have a conversation with Committee on Libraries. Bring samples of types of data available & ask which types of data wanted, and frequency, depth/breadth of analysis needed. What tells the story?

2) Library’s rep to Committee on Library works with Dept. staff to create a few standardized reports. Start with a few reports, and get feedback from Committee, and refine until reach agreement on “core reports” of enduring metrics


Action items: 3) Define a few core data/standardized reports

currently produced by depts. and centralize into single folder “Vital library stats” on server


LTS develop centralized database, LibStats for depts. to load data; would enable cross-tabulation & longitudinal studies

4) Centralize past surveys on server; determine how best to administer future surveys


Communication piece: High priority/Not difficult

Data collection & management piece:Moderate priority/Moderately difficult, depending on extent of undertaking