Page 1: LIFE 13 BIO/UK/000428 EcoCo LIFE Dubbs Water; EcoCoLife ... Water - Freshwat… · as a way of improving the ecology within the Garnock management zone; particularly as it related


LIFE 13 BIO/UK/000428 EcoCo LIFE Dubbs Water;

EcoCoLife Monitoring Impact Report. (Action D.3.) CONTENTS 1. Introduction ………………………………………………………………………. ……..p. 2

2. Background …………………………………………………………………….….……. p. 3 3. Monitoring…………………………………………………………………………………p. 4

3.1 Water Framework Directive Classification………………….……………….. …p. 4 3.2 Species (Salmonids) ……………..……………………………….……………....p. 4

4. Future monitoring……………………………………………………….………….........p. 5

5. References………………………………………………………………………….........p. 6

Barr Loch

Page 2: LIFE 13 BIO/UK/000428 EcoCo LIFE Dubbs Water; EcoCoLife ... Water - Freshwat… · as a way of improving the ecology within the Garnock management zone; particularly as it related


1 Introduction Dubbs Water in the Black Cart Water catchment of the Scotland river basin district. The river has been diverted via a channel around Barr loch into the adjoining Castle Semple Loch (fig. 1). The main stem is approximately 4.2 kilometres in length. The water body has been designated as a heavily modified water body on account of physical alterations that cannot be addressed without a significant impact on protected habitats and species. The overall Water Framework Directive (WFD) classification for the Dubbs water is poor ecological potential because of the morphology and hydro-morphology. However, the quality in regard to biological elements and fish is high.

Figure 1: Dubbs Water location map

2 Background The Dubbs water was selected as part of the freshwater element of the EcoCoLife project, as a way of improving the ecology within the Garnock management zone; particularly as it related to improvements in the Barr Loch. By reconnecting the Dubbs water along its natural course, the effect would be to recreate the natural morphology of the south western inflow of the Barr Loch (figs. 2 & 3).

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Figure 2: aerial view of Dubbs Water floodplain looking towards the Roebank Burn

Figure 3: closer aerial view of the Roebank Burn where it meets the Dubbs Water in current form. The remains of the old delta where the Roebank are still clearly visible showing where the new breakthrough would be undertaken.

Page 4: LIFE 13 BIO/UK/000428 EcoCo LIFE Dubbs Water; EcoCoLife ... Water - Freshwat… · as a way of improving the ecology within the Garnock management zone; particularly as it related


3 Monitoring 3.1 Water Framework Directive The requirement in the monitoring plan is to recorded the classification of the water body under the Water Framework Directive (fig. 4)

Figure 4: WFD classification table Unfortunately, due to regulatory pressures, the work did not go ahead before the end of the project. However, the above is a baseline survey on which the reconnection work can refer to when as and when consents are obtained. Dialogue is still ongoing with the statutory undertakers (SEPA, SNH and Renfrewshire Council) and it is hoped to be able to be able to complete the project in due course. 3.2 Species The WFD stipulates there should be no adverse effect on fish migratory patterns, in particular Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar). Work in 2014 to re-connect the Millbank Burn on the opposite side of the Barr Loch has shown that Atlantic salmon will use the newly-created route from the loch to access the upstream channel (figs. 5 & 6). The most recent survey has confirmed that at least two year classes of salmon were found in the burn, confirming that breeding has re-established successfully. This also confirms that Barr Loch acts as a conduit for salmon, and therefore opening up any new route for migratory fish will provide a greater range of routes to access upstream habitat for spawning.

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Figure 5: the Millbank Burn where it is re-connected to the Barr Loch

Figure 6: Millbank Burn showing embryonic delta formation and silt trapping 4 Future monitoring Monitoring will continue to classify the water body post re-connection, and the Salmonid populations will also continue to be monitored.

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5 References SEPA, 2019. Water Framework Directive. Castle Semple & Barr Lochs - 346 - final & agreed RSPB Lochwinnoch Reserve Management Plan for 2014 to 2019. SNH ref: A1266708 Castle Semple and Barr Lochs - 346 - latest draft of RSPB's Habitat Improvements to Barr Loch and Aird Meadow report - Ecology Land and People - Alaska Environmental Contracting - January 2010. SNH ref: C225474 Castle Semple and Barr Lochs - 346 - RSBP Lochwinnoch habitat management proposals - Centre for River EcoSystem Science Millbank Burn fish and hydrology study - report - May 2012. SNH ref: A758294
