
Life Cycle Of a Plant

Life Cycle Of a PlantBy: Ms. Sharpe

Seeds, what are they? A plants life cycle starts with a seed.Inside the seed is a tiny new plant.The outside of the seed has a special covering called a seed coat.

What does a seed do?When the seed gets the right amount of water, warmth, and air, it can begin to grow.If conditions remain just right, after a time the little seed will sprout.The sprout will grow to look like the plant it came from

What next? As the sprout continues to develop, it will grow roots, a stem, leaves, and flowers which will form more seedsAt this stage, the life cycle of the plant begins again.

How does it all work? From a seed, a small root grows down into the soil.Then, the stem grows up toward the surface of the soil. Soon, the stem breaks through the soil. When this happens, it is called a sprout.

Now what? The cycle continuesLater, leaves begin to form on the plant stem.Now it is called a seedling and can make its own food.Finally, the seedling develops into a plant which will look like the plant it came from.
