Download pdf - LIFE ROUNDS



Treatment for a teleplay by J.E. Burton


Log line: A harried doctor/administrator with an

addiction for online trivia gaming discovers his

latest night round is more than it appears.

Meet Gary Reading of Erie, Pennsylvania. A brilliant doctor

and administrator, and a man who-in his rare, spare time-

contents himself with the simpler pleasures in life, among

them a series of online games-- whenever he can manage to

sneak away to an empty room.

Today, like any day, Gary will seek short-lived solace in

another one of his hospital's many rooms. It is his only

time away from treating patients, delegating tasks,

directing board meetings, and otherwise making sure things

run smoothly. Indeed sweet, though fleeting, it's moments

like these that Gary cherishes as his only personal


But the Word Round he will play in this room is unlike any

other. For Gary will witness the everyday lives of his

online friends- and strangers- unfold right before his


eyes, in real time.

Some with loved ones, a few who will experience falling in

love all over again... winning that $500 lottery ticket...

landing the unexpected promotion... or saving a stranger

from a nearby blazing building... while some suffer from

illness... depression... medical conditions never before

diagnosed... and utter loss

...all on a projection screen in a tiny room, transmission

signal source unknown...from an intra-dimensional Wifi

searing through the information superhighway

... of The Altiverse.
