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LIGHTLillian DeWaters


Spirit, God, is one infinite, indivisible, pure and perfect Selfhood; and

there can be no personal self, being, mind or body. Spirit is our Life,

our Life is Spirit. Spirit is our Mind or Consciousness. Mind or

Consciousness is our Spirit. Spirit is our Body, our Body is Spirit.

Spirit is our only Self, I or ME-boundless, immeasurable, timeless,

spaceless, incorporeal. There is no mortal, human or material being,

mind, self or body.Spirit is our only Self, I or ME-boundless,

immeasurable, timeless, spaceless, incorporeal. There is no mortal,

human or mate-rial being, mind, self or body. There is but "ME"-I AM

the One who is real and present. When this new revelation is seen

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and accepted, there will be no more sickness, sorrow, disease, pain

or death. As the belief and teaching that we are mortals, humans or

mankind is done away with, there will be no misbelief,

misconception, erring teaching or wrong thinking. Seeing that the

One Self, "I" or Light! "ME" reigns alone, and that there can be no

other identity—whether as mind, consciousness or body each one

should reject and discard the beliefs and teaching which identify

oneself as man, humanity or mankind; for within this very

identification lies the subjection to suffering, disease and limitation.

Our deliverance, therefore, is not from suffering, worry, fear or old

age, but that one ceases to believe or accept that he is a mortal or

human being, and that his body is material or physical. The healing

of disease will never be the termination of disease, nor can the

healing of suffering bring an end to suffering; nor will the denial of

matter do more than continue to keep one in the belief that he is a

mortal, and that his body is material, thus prolonging his association

with sickness, lack and suffering. This new revelation is bound to

come universally. The time is here, not only for us to know the

unadulterated Truth, but for us to speak it out loud.

Spirit is our only Self, Spirit is our only Body, Spirit is our only World

—complete, perfect, present. Spirit is the only "I" or "Me". Because

of this deeply profound revelation—that Spirit alone is all, and that

nothing else is present here and now but Spirit, God, the ONE—

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there must come an end to the belief and teaching that we are

mortals, humans, human-hood or humanity. Perceiving that one's

Self or I Am exists alone, one should forthwith renounce and

relinquish all belief and teaching which keep him subject to mortality

and suffering by identifying him with another self, mind and body not

the One. In the Light of our pure, boundless, unrestricted love for

Truth and Reality, and in the certainty of our pure vision and perfect

knowledge that there is one Self, one Consciousness, and one world

only, we know and we declare that there was never a deflection of

being, 'nor a creation of mortals. We know we are not a mortal! We

know we are not a human mind! We know we are not a material

body! We know we do not live in a human existence!

Truth exists alone. The one I Am, the one Selfhood, is Principle,

Power, Life and Being. Let no one continue to believe that he can

find out what Truth is by reversing error or by denying material

senses. Knowing by Spirit within, that Truth IS, one simultaneously

knows there are no material senses. Identified as the One Mind

only, one has no consciousness of, or belief in, error. The fact

should be evident, that only one's belief that he is separate from or

other than the one Self, Being and Mind, causes him to believe in

mortal beings, material senses and error; and thus allows him to be

subject to problems, vicissitudes, limitation and sorrow. As soon as

one sees and accepts the revelation that God, Spirit is the whole of

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him, and the whole of all, and that he is not separated from God, nor

from Spirit—he will then know naught of material testimony, mortal

belief or human existence. His only remedy for sin, sickness,

suffering and limitation will be his own perfect knowledge and

awareness that Spirit is his own eternal Selfhood, present here and

now as the totality of his life, being, world and existence. No error or

evil made a mortal man. No human concept ever existed. Sin did not

create a sinner, nor was sin self-created. Self-created matter, self-

destructive evil or self-constituted falsity never existed or seemed to

exist; nor will error or evil be self-destroyed.

All such theories and beliefs have as their only basis the fabulous

religious doctrine of original sin and separation. As long as one

infinite God remains one infinite Selfhood, Mind and Universe, there

is no material creation, no mortal being, no human mind and no

corporeal body. Reader, fear not to examine carefully what you

read, and what teaching you accept; have this thought in mind: does

it identify you with perfection, purity, wholeness, harmony, peace,

serenity and happiness right here and now—or—does it relate you

to problems, labor, struggle, suffering and limitation by identifying

you as humanity, human-hood or mankind, with a mortal, human

body, living in a human existence? Fear not to question the books

you read—even the Bible. Why not? Let a book stand or fall upon its

own statements, whether as true or fabulous.

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Whatever statement is based upon Spirit, God, as our only Life,

Mind, Being, Principle, Power, Consciousness, Universe and

Manifestation—unconditioned, pure, perfect, invariable and eternal-

is Truth.

Whatever statement identifies us with another self, mind, world and

body, which are mortal, material or human-is fabulous. There cannot

be the existence of an infinite perfect ONE, and besides this, an

existence of another finite, sinful second. The teachings which tend

to prolong our identification with problems, lack, warfare, sickness,

confusion and misunderstanding, by placing before us the belief that

we are not living in the spiritual world now, that our body is not

spiritual now, and that our mind is not filled with a constant stream of

light and illumination—these teachings must be dropped and for

gotten. There is a supreme Truth and Reality which is the Self,

Being and Awareness of the whole world—It is Spirit. Spirit is the

real and true, existing alone. Spirit, the one Selfhood or I Am,

remains absolute, as our only Self, Being, Body and World—present

right here and now. In this absolute truth and perfect knowledge that

Spirit is ALL—without beginning, change or end—there is no place

for contradiction, contradistinction, opposition or a suppositious

second. All the while, God Is All remaining One and Absolute.

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Surrendering belief in duality, personality and mortality, as well as

the belief that our body is human and material, we find that we are

not different or other than the One who is real, perfect and present.

There can be neither self, mind, form or world apart from that which

is the eternal, present Self. Let everyone cast aside as useless and

unavailing the teaching of separation, development, translation or

reinstatement, if he should be free from sickness, grief, lack and

tribulation. Emergence from matter into Spirit is impossible. Matter

has never existed. None can bridge a distance between us and God

—no distance exists. None can make a journey to God—God is

within our own heart. No future time or other place can ever be—

God is infinite, timeless, space-less, ever-present.

Question your Self. Take for instance these questions: Is there one

mind only? Besides the mind of God is there a human or a mortal

mind? Is God the only Power or is there also another power called

evil, error or mortal mind? Face questions squarely, and answer

them with a yes or no. Until you surrender your belief in two minds,

two bodies and two worlds, you cannot experience the joy and glory

of Self—Light and Self—Awareness, for none but the One infinite,

divine Mind has knowledge of Itself. There is not anything but the

Infinite, indivisible One. The one Life is our life, the one Mind is our

mind, the one Existence is our existence.

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It is impossible for anyone or anything to exist except as the One

who exists alone. Everything in and of this one All is the one All

Itself. No one or thing has being, mind or existence of himself,

herself, itself. Not only is our life, mind and being God, but the whole

of us is God, the Self, the I Am. In no other way could it be truly said

that God is All. Know your Self, and you will be Self-luminous. See

your Self, and you will see God. Surrender belief in another self,

another mind, another body and world beside the immutable,

immaculate, present One, and Self-revelation and illumination is

immediate and direct. You are then free in spirit, in mind, in body. If

you accept the mistaken belief that mind and body are human or

material, you are unaware of the Truth that mind and body have

always been Spirit. Accepting Spirit as the only presence here and

now, struggle, labor and warfare are abolished. No fear is attached

to the turning to and acceptance of this enlightened standpoint.

Every interpretation, doctrine or practice, which would connect or

associate us with degenerate beings—humanity, humanhood or

mortals—will be swallowed up in the luminous light and perfect

knowledge that the Infinite I AM remains unseparated and alone,

and I AM this I AM.

If you watch your thinking with the idea to correct, purify or control it,

you are then and there identifying yourself with a mind that does not

exist. There is no mind beside the spiritual or divine Mind, and there

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is no self but the one infinite Sell-hood. If you would know the Truth,

and experience the real Self here and now, you must stop believing

in or teaching the practice of correction, development or translation

of human minds or mortal beings. Such labor and effort is spent in

vain. To be aware of the Truth one must be the Truth, and to know

what is real and true, one must know as the one Consciousness.

Accept the one Mind only—aware that there is no other—then your

thinking will delight and inspire you.

Detach yourself from systems and methods that prevent you from

knowing that there is but the one Self, mind and thinking. Discard all

practices which would identify you as a mortal or human being, with

mind, thought and will of your own; and which keep you in bondage

to the fabulous belief that you are separated from Perfection. The

Truth is that one Self, One Mind, One Consciousness or Awareness

exists alone; we ARE this One. Truth cannot be revealed unless you

detach yourself from beliefs and teachings pertaining to you as other

than Spirit. Once you face God, and turn your heart to God alone—

shutting out all thought of another world of people and things—you

are in immediate Light, which reveals to you whatever it is you

should know. Since the one Being is your life and self, and since you

can be no other, there must be therefore the renunciation of your

belief in any other Infinite God is our own infinite, perfect Life, Mind

and Being.

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This Selfhood excludes any other self or existence. Omniscience

excludes the presence of any other mind. Omnipotence excludes

the presence of any other power. The infinite, perfect ONE knows

Itself to be the infinite All-in-All. The answer to the world's problems

is not to be found in the healing of diseases or in the overcoming of

wars. The deep significance of this hour is that we turn our hearts

from all else to God direct for light, vision, revelation. No treatment

or demonstration will prove sufficient for this crucial hour. Light only

can reveal the way. Old beliefs and teaching shall here and now

utterly pass away. Behold, "I" make all things NEW! This new Light

goes far beneath the surface. It reaches the very depths of the

heart. Here it discovers the deeply rooted belief and teaching that

we are mortals or human beings with material bodies, living in a

human existence. None of this is true. All of it must be demolished,

abolished and pass away. The basic belief and basic teaching of all

religions is that we are now separate from God; that God is Spirit,

but we are mortals of humanity. Light reveals that we are not

humans or mortals; that there is no mortal to be regenerated, no

body in need of healing, and no world that can be destroyed. Light

reveals that we were never separated from God! Spirit could not be

present in a mortal self, a human mind, a material body, world or

existence. Spirit, the one I AM, the "I" or Identity for all, is here now,

always the same—invariable, unchangeable, absolute. To Spirit, all

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is Itself, all is Spirit. The new Light of today reveals that we are not a

race of humanity, we are not human minds or human bodies. Every

time one claims that he must put off or put on another mind, every

time he thinks he is a mortal, and that this body is human or

material, and this world is an illusion, he is claiming an existence

which does not exist. Apart from Spirit, God, there is no existence.

Beside "ME" there is no other, there was no other, there will be no


Nothing in or of God is human, mortal, material, unreal or illusory.

God is the entire, the totality. To be at all, we must be this ONE. God

is whole—the Whole. God is the whole of Life, Being, World and

Existence. In this Whole there is no separation; no suffering; no

warfare, no destruction; no death. In this Whole there is light, vision,

revelation—constant and unending.

They who turn their hearts to God, fully and completely—

surrendering and abolishing all teachings of today which hold the

world in the belief that we are separate from or other than Spirit,

God, the One—will know of God that Spirit and spiritual Existence

alone is present. They will live in their own pure and perfect

Awareness or Consciousness that Spirit is all and that we can be

nothing but Spirit. The end of the world means the bringing to an

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end the diabolical belief that we are mortals, humanity or mankind. It

shall be that we will see this very Self, this very Body, and this very

World as the Real and True—verily, the kingdom of Heaven Itself.

Here, there is no sickness, no war, no sorrow, no death; for the

former belief of sin and separation shall have been obliterated by the

glorious, luminous Light and Revelation that the I AM remains Total

and Alone; that "I" am the only One—there is none but "ME."


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