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*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* Rune Factory 2: A Fantasy Harvest Moon*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*

Courting and Marriage Walkthrough ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Version 1.11 06/25/2010

############################################################################### TABLE OF CONTENTS############################################################################### 1. Introduction...........................................[Intro] 1.1. What is this Guide about?........................[Guide-About] 1.2. About the Author.................................[Author] 1.3. Guide Structure..................................[Guide-Setup] 1.4. Vocabulary Used in Guide.........................[Guide-Vocab] 1.5. Version History..................................[Version] 1.6. Legalities.......................................[Legal] 2. Explanation of Bachelorettes...........................[Expl-Bachelorette] 3. Explanation of Love Candidates.........................[Expl-LoveCan] 4. Introduction to Your Loves.............................[Intro-Loves] 4.1. Bachelorettes....................................[Intro-Bachelorette] 4.2. Love Candidates - The Ladies.....................[Intro-LoveCanF] 4.3. Love Candidates - The Gentlemen..................[Intro-LoveCanM] 5. Courting...............................................[Courting] 5.1. Generals Rules of Courting.......................[Court-GenRule] 5.2. Courting Bachelorettes...........................[Court-Bachelorette] 5.3. Rival Warning!...................................[RivalWedding] 5.4. Courting Love Candidates - The Ladies............[Court-LoveCanF] 5.5. Courting Love Candidates - The Gentlemen.........[Court-LoveCanM] 6. Likes and Dislikes.....................................[Likes] 6.1. Bachelorette Likes & Dislikes....................[Likes-Bachelorette] 6.2. Love Candidate Likes & Dislikes..................[Likes-LoveCan] 7. Birthdays..............................................[Birthdays] 7.1. Bachelorette Birthdays...........................[Bday-Bachelorette] 7.2. Love Candidate Birthdays.........................[Bday-LoveCan]

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8. Festivals..............................................[Festivals] 8.1. Chronological Festival List......................[Festival-ChronList] 8.2. What Festivals Do to Raise Friend & Love Levels..[Festival-Purpose] 8.3. Romantic Festivals...............................[Festival-Romantic] 8.3.1. Flower Festival............................[RF-Flower] 8.3.2. Dance Festival.............................[RF-Dance] 8.3.3. Shooting Star Festival.....................[RF-Star] 8.4. Contests.........................................[Festival-Contest] 8.4.1. Eating Contest.............................[CF-Eating] 8.4.2. Monster Taming Contest.....................[CF-MonsterTame] 8.4.3. Fishing Contest............................[CF-Fishing] 8.4.4. Big Cook-Off...............................[CF-CookOff] 8.4.5. Adventure Contest..........................[CF-Adventure] 8.4.6. Monster Contest............................[CF-MonsterContest] 8.4.7. Mining Contest.............................[CF-Mining] 8.5. Special Events...................................[Festival-SpEvent] 8.5.1. New Year's Day.............................[SEF-NewYearDay] 8.5.2. 1st Day of Summer..........................[SEF-1stDaySummer] 8.5.3. Harvest Festival...........................[SEF-Harvest] 8.5.4. New Year's Eve.............................[SEF-NewYearEve] 9. Bulletin Board & Quests................................[Quests] 9.1. Why Should I Do Quests?..........................[WhyQuests] 9.2. Bachelorette Quests..............................[BacheloretteQuests] 9.2.1. Alicia's Quests............................[Alicia-Q] 9.2.2. Cecilia's Quests...........................[Cecilia-Q] 9.2.3. Dorothy's Quests...........................[Dorothy-Q] 9.2.4. Julia's Quests.............................[Julia-Q] 9.2.5. Mana's Quests..............................[Mana-Q] 9.2.6. Rosalind's Quests..........................[Rosalind-Q] 9.2.7. Yue's Quests...............................[Yue-Q] 9.3. Villager Quests Pertaining to Proposal Items.....[ProposeItem-Q] 9.3.1. Douglas' Quests............................[Douglas-Q] 9.3.2. Gordon's Quests............................[Gordon-Q] 9.3.3. Herman's Quests............................[Herman-Q] 9.3.4. Max's Quests...............................[Max-Q] 9.4. Love Candidate Quests - The Ladies...............[LoveCanQuests-F] 9.4.1. Cammy's Quests.............................[Cammy-Q] 9.4.2. Leann's Quests.............................[Leann-Q] 9.4.3. Sera & Serena's Quests.....................[Sera&Serena-Q] 9.5. Love Candidate Quests - The Gentlemen............[LoveCanQuests-M] 9.5.1. Leonel's Quests............................[Leonel-Q] 9.5.2. Orland's Quests............................[Orland-Q]

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9.5.3. Roy's Quests...............................[Roy-Q] 9.6. Quest Item Quicklist.............................[QList-Quests] 9.6.1. Bachelorettes' Quest Item Quicklist........[QList-Bachelorette] 9.6.2. Villager Quests' Quest Item Quicklist......[QList-ProposeItemQ] 9.6.3. Love Candidates' Quest Item Quicklist......[QList-LoveCan] 10. Marriage Conditions...................................[MarriageConditions] 10.1. Bachelorette Marriage Conditions................[MC-Bachelorette] 10.2. Love Candidate "Marriage" Conditions............[MC-LoveCan] 11. Proposals & "Proposals"...............................[Propose] 11.1. How to Propose..................................[Propose-How] 11.1.1. Bachelorettes - How to Propose............[HowP-Bachelorette] 11.1.2. Love Candidates - How to "Propose"........[HowP-LoveCan] 11.2. Bachelorette Proposal Items.....................[Pro-Bachelorette] 11.3. Love Candidate "Proposals"......................[Pro-LoveCan] 12. You're Getting Married!...............................[Marriage] 12.1. General Procession of Events....................[MarriageProcession] 12.2. Marriage Vocabulary.............................[MarriageVocab] 12.3. Marriage Calendar Map...........................[MarriageMap] 13. Matrimony Dialogues for Bachelorettes.................[MatrimonyDialogue] 13.1. Dialogue Vocabulary.............................[DialogueVocab] 13.2. Alicia's Dialogue...............................[Alicia-D] 13.2.1. Alicia's Proposal Dialogue................[Alicia-DPropose] 13.2.2. Alicia's Wedding Dialogue.................[Alicia-DWedding] 13.2.3. Alicia's Marriage Dialogue................[Alicia-DMarriage] 13.2.4. Alicia's Pregnancy Dialogue...............[Alicia-DPregnant] 13.3. Cecilia's Dialogue..............................[Cecilia-D] 13.3.1. Cecilia's Proposal Dialogue...............[Cecilia-DPropose] 13.3.2. Cecilia's Wedding Dialogue................[Cecilia-DWedding] 13.3.3. Cecilia's Marriage Dialogue...............[Cecilia-DMarriage] 13.3.4. Cecilia's Pregnancy Dialogue..............[Cecilia-DPregnant] 13.4. Dorothy's Dialogue..............................[Dorothy-D] 13.4.1. Dorothy's Proposal Dialogue...............[Dorothy-DPropose] 13.4.2. Dorothy's Wedding Dialogue................[Dorothy-DWedding] 13.4.3. Dorothy's Marriage Dialogue...............[Dorothy-DMarriage] 13.4.4. Dorothy's Pregnancy Dialogue..............[Dorothy-DPregnant]

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13.5. Julia's Dialogue................................[Julia-D] 13.5.1. Julia's Proposal Dialogue.................[Julia-DPropose] 13.5.2. Julia's Wedding Dialogue..................[Julia-DWedding] 13.5.3. Julia's Marriage Dialogue.................[Julia-DMarriage] 13.5.4. Julia's Pregnancy Dialogue................[Julia-DPregnant] 13.6. Mana's Dialogue.................................[Mana-D] 13.6.1. Mana's Proposal Dialogue..................[Mana-DPropose] 13.6.2. Mana's Wedding Dialogue...................[Mana-DWedding] 13.6.3. Mana's Marriage Dialogue..................[Mana-DMarriage] 13.6.4. Mana's Pregnancy Dialogue.................[Mana-DPregnant] 13.7. Rosalind's Dialogue.............................[Rosalind-D] 13.7.1. Rosalind's Proposal Dialogue..............[Rosalind-DPropose] 13.7.2. Rosalind's Wedding Dialogue...............[Rosalind-DWedding] 13.7.3. Rosalind's Marriage Dialogue..............[Rosalind-DMarriage] 13.7.4. Rosalind's Pregnancy Dialogue.............[Rosalind-DPregnant] 13.8. Yue's Dialogue..................................[Yue-D] 13.8.1. Yue's Proposal Dialogue...................[Yue-DPropose] 13.8.2. Yue's Wedding Dialogue....................[Yue-DWedding] 13.8.3. Yue's Marriage Dialogue...................[Yue-DMarriage] 13.8.4. Yue's Pregnancy Dialogue..................[Yue-DPregnant] 14. Aera's Opinion Corner.................................[AeraOpinion] 15. F.A.Q. ...............................................[FAQ] 16. Special Thanks........................................[Thanks]

###############################################################################1. Introduction [Intro]###############################################################################

*******************************************************************************1.1. What is this Guide about? [Guide-About]*******************************************************************************

This guide is a general Courting, Dating, and Marriage Guide for Rune Factory2: A Fantasy Harvest Moon. It covers both the Bachelorettes in First

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Generationand the Love Candidates in Second Generation.

I hope that, with this guide, you'll be able to discover the many ways you areable to court each love interest that you can find in this game, and what thebest way to court each of the love interests is.

The information you can find in this guide includes (but is certainly notlimited to) the following:~ The different ways in which you can court each Bachelorette or Love Candidate~ Information about the different ways of courting~ The quests for each Bachelorette and Love Candidate~ What marriage is like to a Bachelorette in First Generation~ What "marriage" is like to a Love Candidate in Second Generation~ The dialogue of each Bachelorette during your marriage to her

*******************************************************************************1.2. About the Author [Author]*******************************************************************************

Hello! I am Aera (username otakuAera on GameSpot/GameFAQs). This is my veryfirst time writing any kind of guide or FAQ, so if you spot some informationthat is wrong, or think that I left something out, please don't hesitate tocontact me at: [email protected]

I had originally thought to write down what each Bachelorette says during hermarriage, for my own general amusement. But then I thought, "Maybe other RF2gamers would like to know what they say, too?" So, I went to the Rune Factory 2forum on GameSpot, and offered to share the fruits of my labor. To myastonishment, some people were interested. So, I thought to write a FAQ foreach Bachelorette's dialogue during her marriage.

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I then started researching the best way to write a FAQ and how to format it andsuch... and I ended up looking at the other guides that GameSpot/GameFAQs hasfor Rune Factory 2 for ideas. And I thought that, even though they say who theBachelorettes and Love Candidates are, they don't really tell you how to goabout courting them and the fastest/best way to raise their Love Levels.

Ergo, I decided to expand my FAQ into a courting guide, and started contactingother authors for their opinion on my idea and the best way to go aboutproducing it.

Thus, I present you with this guide! I hope you enjoy it, and find it not onlyinformative, but also easy to navigate!

*******************************************************************************1.3. Guide Structure [Guide-Setup]*******************************************************************************

The structure of this guide is almost nearly identical to that of Lerion andWinchu's FAQ/Walkthrough. So, if you're familiar with that, you should know howthis is set up. But, for propriety's sake, I shall explain the setup of thisguide.

Different symbols are used for each level of headers, and each section andsubsection has its own number and a bracketed tag-word for an easy find.

Example 1 - Section Header: The symbols used for section and ############################## subsection

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levels are as follows:X. Section Name [Tag] ~ Level 1: ################################### ~ Level 2: ***** ~ Level 3: =====Example 2 - Subsection Header:****************************** ~ The tags are located in []; for anX.X. Subsection Name [Tag] easier search, include the [].****************************** ~ The X represents a number.

Example 3 - Sub-subsection Header:===================================X.X.X. Sub-subsection Name [Tag]===================================

I'll be using other symbols for various ways of separating information thatdon't need to have its own section, but must be separated nonetheless.

Example 1 - Quest Info: The symbols used as ways of separatingX. "Quest Name" information are as follows:------------------------------ ~ The - symbol will be used as a meansInformation of indicating a kind of underlining; a "below this line is informationExample 2 - table: pertaining to the label/word/headingHeading1 | Heading2 | Heading3 that is above this line."------------------------------ ~ The ~ symbol will be used as a bulletInfo | Info | Info point.Info.....|.Info.....|.Info ~ The . symbol will be used as a way toInfo | Info | Info easily follow information that isInfo.....|.Info.....|.Info placed in tables. ~ The | symbol will be used as a way toExample 3 - bulleted list: separate the columns in tables.This sentence hints at a list: ~ The X symbol (used in Example 1 and~ Information 4) is to indicate a number.~ Information ~ The * symbol may be used at times. It will mean that there is extraExample 4 - dialogue sections: information about something, and to

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Day X - notes look at the end of the section for------------------------------ the extra information. Essentially, aA: Dialogue footnote.

*******************************************************************************1.4. Vocabulary Used in Guide [Guide-Vocab]*******************************************************************************

Also, for the general purposes of game-terms in this guide, I'll explain whatwords I shall use and what I mean when I use those words.Just to make sure that I'm making myself clear.

First off, I'll be using the generic names that the game gives you for thehero(s)/main character(s): Kyle, Aria, and Aaron.

Vocabulary/Terms used by Aera:(And these are alphabetized.)

~ Bachelorette(s): the love interest(s) you encounter in First Generation (Alicia, Cecilia, Dorothy, Julia, Mana, Rosalind, Yue).

~ beau: (pronounced "bow") just in case any of y'all are confused, or were wondering... a "beau" is (and I'm going to take this straight from my trusty dictionary) - "1. A boyfriend or male admirer; 2. a rich, fashionable young man; a dandy."

~ citizens: see "villagers." They're the same thing. People who live in Alvarna.

~ contest festival: a festival in which you participate in some kind of contest.

~ crop: one crop is the mature vegetables/fruits from a single 9x9 square of

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farming land; or any vegetable/fruit that you (as Kyle) can grow.

~ Day: the the daytime hours in RF2, which is from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM.

~ e.g.: this is an abbreviation for "for example."

~ farm plot: a place where you can plant crops. Can either refer to the whole area where you can farm, or a single 9x9 square of farming land.

~ First Generation: refers to the first part of the game, when you play as Kyle.

~ Friend Level: see "Friendship Level." Same thing. Used interchangeably for formatting purposes.

~ Friendship Level: how many friendship points a Bachelorette or Love Candidate or villager has; which may be abbreviated to FP.

~ FP: "Friend Points." See "Friendship Level" for details.

~ game-: if I ever say something like "game-time" or "game-day," it refers to the time passing within the Rune Factory 2 game. For example, a "game-minute" is a real-life second, and one "game-hour" is one real-life minute. Thus, a "game-day" would be from the time Kyle/Aria/Aaron gets up in the morning until he/she goes to sleep at night, or simply 24 game-hours. However, "game- day" may be shortened to simply "day."

~ i.e.: this is an abbreviation for "that is to say," and is "used to add explanatory information or to state something in different words" (quoted from a dictionary).

~ liked item: an item that is liked by a love interest or villager.

~ lose/regain control: when you're in "control," it means that you (as Kyle,

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Aria, or Aaron) can run around and do stuff; you determine what your game- self does. Thus, when you "lose control," you have no say in what's happening, because the game has a set sequence of what happens during that time. And when you "regain control," it means the game has finished its set sequence of events, and you can make Kyle/Aria/Aaron run around again.

~ Love Candidate(s): the love interest(s) you encounter in Second Generation, both female and male (Cammy, Leann, Sera & Serena, Leonel, Orland, Roy).

~ love interest(s): either a single Bachelorette or Love Candidate, or the Bachelorettes and/or Love Candidates.

~ Love Level: how many love points a Bachelorette or Love Candidate has; which may be abbreviated to LP.

~ LP: "Love Points." See "Love Level" for details.

~ Monster Drop: the item that you randomly receive upon killing a Monster.

~ Monster Portal: the portal, or gate if you prefer (it looks like a portal to me), where Monsters come out of.

~ NB: this is an abbreviation for "Nota Bene." It stems from Latin, and it means "note well." Pay attention whenever you see these - they could note important things for you to keep in mind.

~ Night: The nighttime hours in RF2, which is from 6:00 PM to 6:00 AM.

~ Proposal Item: the item you need in order to propose to a Bachelorette to marry her.

~ romantic festival: a festival that is specially targeted towards

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participation with a love interest.

~ RF2: an abbreviation for "Rune Factory 2," because it doesn't take as long to type.

~ Second Generation: refers to the second part of the game, when you play as either Aaron or Aria.

~ spam: to do something a lot (i.e. multiple times) repeatedly in order to gain points for either FP/LP or experience for levels (e.g. Swordsmanship, Magic, Cooking, etc.)

~ special event festival: a festival where the villagers stand around the town, and comment on the day. Nothing particularly exciting happens besides the festive music (and the confetti, if there is any).

~ villagers: can mean one of two things. In general, when I say "villagers" I mean "everyone," but the "everyone" can either be "everyone who lives in Alvarna" or "everyone except the love interest(s)." But for the most part, it means "everyone who lives in Alvarna, except certain people who I've mentioned previously (in the section) by name." Hopefully, it'll be clear which "everyone" it is by the context.

If you feel like there is some term I used that I was not clear on the meaning,please don't hesitate to contact me! I'll add your term to this list!

*******************************************************************************1.5. Version History [Version]************************************************************************

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Started writing 02/21/2010

First draft completed 03/02/2010

Proofreading for grammar, spelling, and accuracy completed 03/26/2010

Version 1.00 - 03/30/2010 ~ First submission of this guide. Covers as much as I could get of both First and Second Generations.

Version 1.01 - 03/31/2010 ~ Forgot a bullet point under section 9.3. Villager Quests Pertaining to Proposal Items (forgot to add in why I picked Max). ~ Added when Max is in his room on festival days (this information is found in section 9.2.6. Rosalind's Quests, as well as section 11.2. Bachelorette Proposal Items).

Version 1.11 - 06/25/2010 ~ Added dialogue for Alicia's tenth quest, in which you can propose to her. ~ Allowed SuperCheats and Neoseeker to publish this guide. ~ Added to "Special Thanks" and "Aera's Opinion Corner" sections. ~ Added the first question to the "F. A. Q." section.

*******************************************************************************1.6. Legalities [Legal]*******************************************************************************

This guide may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,private use. It may not be placed on any website or otherwise distributedpublicly without advance written permission from the author (Aera). Use of thisguide on any other website or as a part of any public display is strictlyprohibited, and a violation of copyright.

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Until further notice, I am only allowing the following websites to publish thisguide:~

If you wish me to allow this guide posted on other websites, please contact me.

The structure design of this guide was used with permission from Lerion andWinchu.

The information from the following sections was procured from Lerion andWinchu's FAQ/Walkthrough, with permission, and edited by Aera:~ Love interest Introduction: 4.1 - 4.3 (character descriptions only; the relatives were mapped out by Aera)~ Courting Bachelorettes: 5.2 (locations of items: fish, items found on quests)~ Rival Marriages: 5.3~ Courting Love Candidates - The Gentlemen: 5.5 (locations of items: fish, Monster Drops)~ Likes & Dislikes: 6.1 & 6.2~ Birthdays: 7.1 & 7.2 (birthday presents; location of items: fish)~ Festivals: 8.3.1 - 8.3.3; 8.4.1 - 8.4.7; 8.5.1 - 8.5.4~ Bachelorette Quests: 9.2.1 - 9.2.7~ Villager Proposal Item Quests: 9.3.1 - 9.3.4~ Bachelorette Quest Item Quicklist: 9.6.1 (information about the quests; location of items: fish)~ Villager Proposal Item Quest Item Quicklist: 9.6.2 (information about the quests)~ Bachelorette Proposal Items: 11.2 (information about the quests)

The information from the following sections was procured from HolyPlankton'sCooking & Pharmacy and Forging Guides, with permission, and edited by Aera:~ Courting Love Candidates: 5.4 & 5.5 (liked item recipes for daily

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gift- giving)~ Love Candidate Birthdays: 7.2 (birthday present recipes)

Copyright 2010 by Aera.

###############################################################################2. Explanation of Bachelorettes [Expl-Bachelorette]###############################################################################

Why do I have to deal with Bachelorettes? Why should I have to marry someone?It's so much effort to get one to love me, why should I even bother? Can't Ijust work on my farm, dungeon-dive, kill Monsters, and all that other stuff?

Well, when you're playing as Kyle in First Generation, there's not so manythings for you to do. Yes, you can farm, kill Monsters, raise Monsters, fish,mine, and throw Fireballs, among other things, but really - compared to whatyou can do in Second Generation (which is... uh... two-thirds or more of thegame) - that's not much.

So, the reason you have to deal with Bachelorettes is because, in FirstGeneration, the Bachelorettes are the main plot. You play as Kyle's child(Aaron or Aria) in Second Generation, and in order for Kyle to have a child youhave to get married. (Not necessarily true in real life, but in this game, youmust get married to have a child.)

Thus, in order to get to the more exciting part of Rune Factory 2, you have tomarry a Bachelorette and have a child.

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The nice thing is, there's seven of them to choose from. And even better, Ithink, is that they did a nice job of picking a variety of personalities toappeal to the largest possible audience. Each Bachelorette has a distinctpersonality, and I'm fairly certain that you'll be able to choose one whom youlike best.

So, in order to marry a Bachelorette, you have to raise her Friendship and LoveLevels to 10, get her Proposal Item, and give it to her to propose and getmarried.

Then, once you're married, you have to wait until the baby comes. Which,thankfully, isn't very long. Only... 16 game-days after the wedding.

And once the baby is born, you can convince Byron to build a school. Which getsbuilt in 10 days, by the way. (I don't know about you, but I think that's anincredible feat to accomplish.)

ONLY THEN can you go admire the beautiful school you paid to have built and getto move on to Second Generation to do a whole bunch of other cool stuff.

So. That's what the Bachelorettes are for. They're a stepping-stone to get tothe more fun part of the game.

But don't let that damper your spirits. Courting the Bachelorettes is reallyfun! (At least, I find it great fun.)

###############################################################################3. Explanation of Love Candidates [Expl-LoveCan]##########################################

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What do you mean, "Love Candidates?" What is this nonsense? I got to getmarried in First Generation... why is it I can't do that in Second Generation?!Why are they even there?!

Whereas the Bachelorettes were the main plot in First Generation, the LoveCandidates are only a side-story for Second Generation. There's only three eachfor Aria and Aaron.

Aaron's Love Candidates: Cammy, Leann, Sera & Serena.Aria's Love Candidates: Leonel, Orland, Roy (and Sera & Serena).

(Sera & Serena are a special case... apparently, they don't really care aboutgender, thus you'll be able to have a pretend marriage with them whether you'replaying as Aaron or Aria. However, I believe only Aaron can participate inlove-oriented/romantic festivals with them.)

And no, you can't get married in Second Generation. Why not? You're a child.Children don't get married. You are SEVEN YEARS OLD, for goodness' sake! Seven-year-olds don't get married. No, they CAN'T get married. That's just... it''s... It simply isn't done.

However, even though you can't get married, you can still have a fun littlepretend-marriage with your lady or beau of choice.

In order to get to your pretend marriage, you have to raise the LoveCandidates' Friendship and Love Levels, and you must complete all of his/herquests on the Bulletin Board. It's the last quest you want - in these, youconfess your feelings and have the pretend marriage.

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... And that's pretty much it. Love Candidates are there if you ever get boredof farming, smithing, dungeon-diving, alchemy, cooking, saving the world... andfeel like a little romance.

###############################################################################4. Introduction to Your Loves [Intro-Loves]###############################################################################

In the following sections (4.1 thru 4.3), you'll find descriptions of eachBachelorette and Love Candidate. Just to try to show what kind of personalitythey have, and a little bit about their life in Alvarna.

Other included information:~ Family (parent(s), sibling(s), etc.; i.e. relatives)~ Birthday~ Proposal Item~ Rival/Default Marriage~ "Proposal" Quest

I shall explain, by example, how these sections are organized:

Bachelorette Name------------------------------Description of the Bachelorette.

Birthday: date of birthdayProposal Item: the item you need in order to propose to the BacheloretteDefault Marriage: your rival-in-love and the date of the marriage

Relatives:~ any family members the Bachelorette might have

Love Candidate Name------------------------------Description of Love Candidate.

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Birthday: date of birthday"Proposal" Quest: quest name and number that results in the pretend marriage

Relatives:~ any family members the Love Candidate might have

NB - I'll be including "if" situations. Stuff like, "if PersonA marriedPersonB..." etc., etc. Therefore, to make it easier for myself, I'll be using"m." to mean "marries" or "married to."

For more information about birthdays, proposal items, the rivals/defaultmarriages, and the "marriage" quests, please go to the following sections:~ 6. Birthdays (tag Birthdays)~ 11.2. Bachelorette Proposal Items (tag Pro-Bachelorette)~ 7.3. Rival Warning! (tag RivalWedding)~ 9.4. Love Candidate Quests - The Ladies (tag LoveCanQuests-F)~ 9.5. Love Candidate Quests - The Gentlemen (tag LoveCanQuests-M)

*******************************************************************************4.1. Bachelorettes [Intro-Bachelorette]*******************************************************************************

Alicia-------------------------------------------------------------------------------The fortune-teller of Alvarna. Her predictions about the weather and people'slocations are always correct, but her Love Readings are another story. Sheargues a lot with her mother about her fortune-telling job, and her brothertries to calm them down every time this happens. She's rather flirtatious, andit's hard to tell when she's joking or not.

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Birthday: Summer 28Proposal Item: Crystal BallDefault Marriage: none

Relatives:~ mother Natalie, the doctor of Alvarna~ brother Ray

Cecilia-------------------------------------------------------------------------------The maid of the De Sainte-Coquille family. She's half-elf, and lives in theEagle Inn with Egan (an elf) and his son Jake (half-elf). She came from Kardiaon the advice of her friend Tabatha (also full elf). She enjoys her new life inAlvarna and is trying to do her best as a maid. Cecilia is glad that she chosethis path, since she is learning a lot at her job and has been able to meet alot of new people. She's a bit soft-spoken, but she's a nice girl.

Birthday: Summer 12Proposal Item: Round StoneDefault Marriage: Jake, Summer 14 Year 2

Relatives:~ none in Alvarna~ foster-father Russell, the librarian of Kardia

Dorothy-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dorothy is always worrying over her little sister, who is very adventurous andlikes to play in the forest. Very shy, Dorothy doesn't have too much self-confidence, and she uses her doll Fern to talk about embarrassing things topeople. Her dream is to become a nurse.

Birthday: Winter 2Proposal Item: Blessing Pendant

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Default Marriage: Barrett, Fall 17 Year 3

Relatives:~ father Gordon, the priest of Alvarna~ little sister Cammy

Julia-------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Wisdom Bathhouse's owner. Julia is always worried about how she looks -taking long baths and only eating healthy food. She can get mad easily whenshe's in embarrassing situations (but only with Kyle), and because she alwaysworries about what people think of her, she doesn't want to make anyone in thetown dislike her. Thus, she always puts forth a friendly and helpful demeanor.

Birthday: Spring 16Proposal Item: Memento RingDefault Marriage: Max, Winter 11 Year 4

Relatives:~ none in Alvarna

Mana-------------------------------------------------------------------------------A cheerful, but clumsy girl, she is the first person Kyle meets when he comesto Alvarna. Mana is responsible for giving you a place to live and work. Herdream is to be a teacher, and will actually become one when Kyle builds theschool.

Birthday: Summer 9Proposal Item: Engagement RingDefault Marriage: none

Relatives:~ father Douglas, owner of the Pumpkin General Store

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Rosalind de Sainte-Coquille-------------------------------------------------------------------------------A very smart and bright girl, Rosalind likes invent new things (some of whichcan be a little eccentric), calling you to help test them whenever she needsto. So it's up to you to do everything she needs to test her new idea, but atleast she pays well and nothing really goes wrong. She also loves to cook, andis very good at it.

Birthday: Fall 27Proposal Item: 100-Rose BouquetDefault Marriage: Ray, Spring 10 Year 3

Relatives:~ father Herman de Sainte-Coquille, owner of the De Sainte-Coquille Manor~ brother Max de Sainte-Coquille~ could possibly be related to Jasper de Sainte-Coquille and his daughter Bianca, both of whom live in Kardia (I, Aera, am drawing this conclusion, so this may be wrong)

Yue-------------------------------------------------------------------------------A very talented traveling merchant. Yue can be found walking anywhere inAlvarna, selling her goods. She's always thinking of how she can get goodbusiness, and travels to different places to learn as much as she can. However,it doesn't mean that she's cold and distant - she can be a really good friendand can aide you with help from her contacts in other towns.

Birthday: Spring 9Proposal Item: Yue Swap TicketDefault Marriage: none, but she will get married to the respective

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rival on the respective default marriage date if you marry Cecilia, Dorothy, Julia, or Rosalind

Relatives:~ none in Alvarna

*******************************************************************************4.2. Love Candidates - The Ladies [Intro-LoveCanF]*******************************************************************************

Cammy-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cammy hasn't changed much from First Generation. She's still a vivacious girlwho likes: adventure, going against the adults, and putting herself intodangerous situations.

Birthday: Summer 15"Proposal" Quest: 5. "Come and See Me!"

Relatives:~ father Gordon, priest of Alvarna~ older sister Dorothy

"If" situations:

Dorothy m. Barrett: Dorothy m. Kyle:~ brother-in-law Barrett ~ brother-in-law Kyle~ nephew Leonel ~ nephew Aaron/Aria

Leann de Sainte-Coquille-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Leann is Max's daughter. She's a calm and gifted girl, and excels in anythingshe does... except sewing. She likes milk, derivatives, and pizza, but shecan't stand horror stories.

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Birthday: Winter 27"Proposal" Quest: 2. "Some Casual Conversation"

Relatives:~ father Max~ aunt Rosalind~ grandfather Herman

"If" situations:

Max m. Julia; Rosalind m. Ray: Max m. Julia; Rosalind m. Kyle:~ mother Julia ~ mother Julia~ uncle Ray, doctor of Alvarna ~ uncle Kyle~ cousin Sera & Serena ~ cousin Aaron/Aria

Kyle m. Julia; Max m. Yue; Rosalind m. Ray:~ mother Yue~ uncle Ray, doctor of Alvarna~ cousin Sera & Serena

Sera & Serena-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sera & Serena are Ray's twin daughters. Even though what they like can bedifferent, they have a very good relationship and are always together. Theyshare everything - and that includes you.

Birthday: Fall 29"Proposal" Quest: 4. "Something a Little More Grown Up"

Relatives:~ father Ray, doctor of Alvarna~ aunt Alicia, fortune-teller of Alvarna~ grandmother Natalie, ex-doctor of Alvarna

"If" situations:

Ray m. Rosalind; Max m. Julia: Kyle m. Rosalind; Ray m. Yue:~ mother Rosalind ~ mother Yue~ uncle Max~ grandfather Herman Kyle m. Alicia:~ cousin Leann (Ray m. Rosalind; Max m. Julia)

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~ aunt Julia ~ uncle Kyle ~ cousin Aaron/Aria

Ray m. Rosalind; Kyle m. Julia; Max m. Yue:~ mother Rosalind~ uncle Max~ grandfather Herman~ cousin Leann~ aunt Yue

*******************************************************************************4.3. Love Candidates - The Gentlemen [Intro-LoveCanM]*******************************************************************************

Leonel-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Leonel is Barrett's son. Because of his pretty face and clothing, he's alwaysmistaken for a girl. He's one of the most mentally grown-up of all the childrenin Alvarna, since he tries to overcome his dislikes in order to become a betterperson. He's good friends with Roy - both like collecting Pins.

Birthday: Summer 3"Proposal" Quest: 5. "There's Something I Want to Say"

Relatives:~ father Barrett, teacher at Alvarna Academy~ grandfather Byron, Mayor of Alvarna

"If" situations:

Barrett m. Dorothy: Kyle m. Dorothy; Barrett m. Yue:~ mother Dorothy ~ mother Yue~ grandfather Gordon~ aunt Cammy


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Orland is Jake's son. And, like father like son, Orland isn't easy to dealwith. He always asks others to do his jobs, saying he doesn't have time to doit himself. Despite all that, he's really a nice guy on the inside; as well asvery smart.

Birthday: Winter 15"Proposal" Quest: 5. "Just Come Over, Please"

Relatives:~ father Jake~ grandfather Egan, owner of the Eagle Inn

"If" situations:

Jake m. Cecilia: Kyle m. Cecilia; Jake m. Yue:~ mother Cecilia ~ mother Yue(~ grandfather Russell)

Roy-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Like Cammy, Roy hasn't changed much from First Generation. He's still anenergetic and lively guy, but has trouble when it comes to studying. He alsohas to deal with pressure from his mother, who wants him to inherit her smithy,but he's still unsure as to what he wants to do with his life.

Birthday: Winter 25"Proposal" Quest: 5. "Come to My House"

Relatives:~ mother Tanya

###############################################################################5. Courting [Courting]###############################################################################

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In the following sections (5.1 thru 5.5), I hope to educate you on how to bestgo about courting your chosen love interest. You'll find information about thedifferent ways to court, some do's and don'ts, and what's the fastest/best way(in my opinion) to raise the Friendship and Love Levels of each love interest.

*******************************************************************************5.1. General Rules of Courting [Court-GenRule]*******************************************************************************

Here I'll explain the (my) general rules of courting. Or rather, the differentways you can court love interests. Not only does this apply to raising theFriend and Love Levels of the love interests, this information can also beapplied to the other villagers of Alvarna to raise their Friendship Levels.

Rule 1: Talking

Talk to your lady or beau every day (and when I say "day," I mean "game-day").Rain or shine, festival or not. You won't see great results within a few days.Thus, you should talk to your love interest every single day of the week,throughout the seasons and year(s). By talking to them every day, you'll raisetheir Friendship and Love Levels by a little bit each day, and after a fewweeks or season(s), you'll see the Friendship and Love Levels go up.

ALSO: Talking to the love interest on a festival day gives you extra points inraising the Friendship and Love Levels. You'll want to make sure you talk to

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your love interest on every festival day because it raises the Friend and LoveLevels just that much faster.

A note to you all - I talk to every villager once a day; every day. I wake upin the morning, water all my crops (on the farm and in the dungeons), then atabout (after) 9:00 AM (because I can go into houses and people aren't walkingaround) I go around and talk to every single Alvarna citizen. For festivals, Iactually talk to everyone twice. Once before I participate in the festival, andonce after I participate in the festival.

NB - Talking doesn't always work in certain cases. Talking to Alicia, forinstance, won't raise her Love Level. However, there may be some cases, too,where talking is the only thing that works. But, in general, talking usuallygives you points, and I will make sure to specify which people are theexceptions to this rule.

Rule 2: Gifts (daily) and Presents (birthday)

Giving gifts of liked items to your love interest daily is a good idea, but itcan be a bit impractical if the liked item is hard to find or obtain. If youcan get one of your love interest's liked items easily (e.g. Pink Turnips forMana - they only take 4 game-days to grow), I suggest giving ONE (1) of theseitems to them daily. Don't give them more than one liked item a day - you'llonly get points for the Friendship and Love Levels for the first gift, thusother gifts after that are wasted. This includes stacked items. Giving a stackof nine (9) items to a love interest at once gives you the same amount ofpoints as giving them one (1) item. So just stick to one item a day.

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If you happen to find a liked item that's hard to come by, save it for afestival day. Just like talking, giving a liked item on a festival day givesyou extra points. So save that rare liked item to give to your love interest ona festival day.

DO NOT give a love interest her/his disliked item. You'll lose points: her/hisFriendship and Love Level will go down.

NB - There may also be the exception where gift-giving won't work (e.g.Alicia), and I'll be sure to specify which people are the exception to thisrule. But otherwise, gift-giving helps.

Birthday presents are also important. Giving a love interest's birthday presenton her/his birthday will give you more points than a daily gift. In FirstGeneration, all birthday presents can be bought from Yue. Yue's stock doesn'tchange in Second Generation, so you can still buy Cammy's and Roy's presentsfrom her, but you'll have to make the presents for the other Love Candidatesyourself (since you can cook in Second Generation).

Rule 3: Festivals

Always participate in every festival. ALWAYS. Participating in the festivalsgives extra points towards raising Friend and Love Levels. You'll understandthe specifics of what I'm about to say here if you go to section 8. Festivals(tag Festivals), but I'll try my best to make myself clear.

Some festivals are targeted toward participation with a love interest - you'llwant to participate in these festivals with your favorite love interest. Onlythe love interest(s) you participate with in these festivals will gain points

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to raise their Friendship and Love Level(s).

There are other festivals which are some kind of contest - you'll definitelywant to participate in all of these festivals, as they give extra points toraise ALL of the love interests' Friendship and Love Levels.

The remaining festivals that are not a contest or love-orientated (there areonly four of these) aren't very special... but still, talking to love interestson these festivals will give you extra points to raising Friendship and LoveLevels.

By the way, in general, if you're well on your way to marrying your chosenBachelorette or Love Candidate, and want to get all the love interests' LoveLevels to 10, use the romantic (love-orientated) festivals as a way to raisethe Love Levels of girls/boys you're having the most trouble with. In FirstGeneration, this is usually Alicia and Rosalind, and for Second Generation... Ithink it's Leann (at least) and perhaps Orland.

As for me with romantic festivals - it's my chosen love interest is priority,then the lowest/hardest Love Level is next. However, if I know I can get mychosen love's LP up fast and easy, it's lowest/hardest Love Level that ispriority (since I like to get everyone's LP up to 10).

Rule 4: The Bulletin Board & Quests

You'll be wanting to do these. Quests are very important in the courting dance,as completing them not only raises the Friend and Love Levels of the requester,but will also set you on the course to marry your chosen love interest. Somerewards for these quests are the Proposal Item for a Bachelorette, or,

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in thecase of the Love Candidates, the reward is a pretend marriage!

In fact, you have to complete ALL the quests of the love interest in order tomarry them. So, not only should you want to do quests, you NEED to do quests.There's ten quests each for the Bachelorettes, and five for the Love Candidates(the two exceptions are Leann, who only has two, and Sera & Serena, who havefour).

So check the Bulletin Board every day, to see if there's a new quest from yourlove interest. I'd be especially sure to check after a festival day - afteryou've raised the Friendship and Love Levels by participating in a festival orwinning a contest, there's a good chance that the Love Level will change andunlock the next quest.

By doing all of these things, I managed to get all the Bachelorettes' Friendand Love Levels up to ten by Summer 25, Year 1.

It was that exact same date twice (I've one file for Aria, and one for Aaron).And also, both times, it was Alicia and Rosalind whose Love Levels were last toreach 10 (one time was Alicia, the other time Rosalind).

*******************************************************************************5.2. Courting Bachelorettes [Court-Bachelorette]*******************************************************************************

In this section, I'll be giving you my personal opinion on how best to courteach Bachelorette. I'll be pulling information from my own experience, as well

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as things in that other people have done which I've read about on the RF2 Forumon I think you can also access this forum from ?)

Alicia-------------------------------------------------------------------------------The best, and really only, way to court Alicia is to get your fortune toldevery day. Simply talking to her doesn't work - you have to get your fortunetold. So, in a sense, the getting-your-fortune-told replaces the talking rule.My suggestion is to get the next day's weather predicted. This only costs you10G, and you'll get a bonus in addition to raising her Love Level: a head's upif a storm's on the way! Then you'll know to ask her to change the weather; or,another way to get around a storm is sleeping outside in a dungeon in a FurSleeping Bag (which can be bought from Douglas). (Note for the Sleeping Bag -you have to destroy the Monster Portals in the area before you use it, and theMonster Portal will revive when you wake up in the morning.)

Gift-giving won't work. If you try to give her a Diamond or Strawberry (herliked items), she'll tell you herself that giving gifts won't help to get herto fall in love with you.

Don't miss giving her an Emerald Ring on Summer 28!

Alicia is one of the harder Bachelorettes to raise the Love Level of. So, ifyou're aiming for her to be your bride, you'll want to participate in romanticfestivals with her to get an extra boost. You'll also want to participate inall the contest festivals, too.

Always do quests. In fact, if it is Alicia that you want to marry, you

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have tocomplete her tenth quest: "Find Me a Crystal Ball?" to obtain her Proposal Item(the Crystal Ball).

Cecilia-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Talk to Cecilia every day, and don't get so caught up in participating in thefestivals that you forget to talk to her on those days, too!

Gift-giving does work, but as Cecilia is the kind of girl who likes prettygems... her liked items may be hard to come by. So, if you happen to comeacross a gem while mining, save it to give her on a festival day. However, ifyou happen to mine on Blessia Island every day, using a charged Battle Hammer(bought at Tanya's), you'll find a lot of Rubies and Amethysts. It's kind ofsurprising - I think once I ended up having three Rubies and two Amethysts fromone day's mining. Emeralds are also semi-common in Trieste, but not as commonas the Rubies and Amethysts on Blessia.

Don't miss giving her an Aquamarine Brooch on Summer 12!

If you want to marry Cecilia as early as you can, participate in romanticfestivals with her to give an extra boost to her Love Level. Participate in allthe contest festivals as well.

(I'm going to keep saying this...) Always do quests. You'll have to completeall ten of her quests in order to marry her. In fact, you obtain her ProposalItem in her ninth quest: "Something Very Important to Me," and the reward uponcompletion of her tenth quest: "A Very Important Request," is to have her asyour wife. (And marrying Cecilia is the only way you can complete that quest,

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by the way.)

Dorothy-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Talk to Dorothy every day, and don't get so caught up in participating in thefestivals that you forget to talk to her on those days, too!

Gift-giving does work. There's a couple of ways you can do this, and... I thinkboth are a bit troublesome, personally. Well, one's less troublesome than theother, but... anyways:~ One of Dorothy's liked items is the fish Char. You can fish Char at Blessia Island - Center (except in the upper-left near the statue, apparently? According to Lerion's FAQ/Walkthrough). Mind you, you'll also end up fishing a bunch of Masu Trout, too, but you can take a day and fish a bunch of Char to save for daily-giving. The only problem is that fish don't stack the way crops do - one fish takes up one space.~ The other of Dorothy's liked items is the Emery Flower. This one you can't find on your own in First Generation. You can buy the Seed and grow it, but one Emery Flower Seed is 54,000G, and one crop takes 120 days to grow. Not useful. However, there's a way you can get several Emery Flowers... but, well, I call it cheating, and don't do it myself. What you can do is "spam" Mana's first quest: "Please Deliver Something for Me." In that quest, Mana asks you to deliver an Emery Flower to Rosalind. So, instead of giving the Flower to Rosalind, you can give it to Dorothy, cancel the quest, accept it again the next day, and repeat. However, as completing Mana's first quest is a requirement to unlock all the other quests on the Bulletin Board, I suggest not doing this. But, it is possible to do.

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Don't miss giving her a Strawberry Jam on Winter 2! (However, if you talk,gift-give, and participate in festivals, you'll have her at 10LP waaay beforeWinter 2. But don't let that stop you from giving her a present on her birthdayanyway!)

Again (I'm going to keep saying this, too...), if Dorothy's the one you'reaiming to marry, participate in romantic festivals with her to give an extraboost to her Love Level. Participate in all the contest festivals, too.

Do all of her quests. You'll have to complete all ten of them in order to marryher. Her tenth quest: "I...have say", unlocks Gordan's lastquest: "I've Got Something for You," which upon completion you will receiveDorothy's Proposal Item.

Julia-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Talk to Julia every day, and don't get so caught up in participating in thefestivals that you forget to talk to her on those days, too!

Gift-giving is the best way to go with Julia. It's really easy to get both ofher liked items: Carrot and Toyherb.~ Grow four Carrot crops in the first farm plot in Messhina Valley, save them, and give one to her every day when you're going around talking to everyone.~ Grow four Toyherb crops in either the first farm plot in Trieste Forest, or several crops on your farm during the Spring, save them, and again - give one to her every day when you're going around talking to everyone.By doing this, it was Julia's Love Level that I got to 10 first. (I think Iused mostly Toyherbs, though, and those take 12 days to grow as opposed to theCarrots' 9 days.)

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Another way to raise Julia's Friendship and Love Levels is to take a bath inher Bathhouse every day. Mind you, you can only have one bath a day, and itcosts 100G.

Don't miss giving her a Seafood Pizza on Spring 16!

If Julia's the one you're aiming to marry, participate in romantic festivalswith her to give an extra boost to her Love Level. Participate in all thecontest festivals, too.

Do all her quests. You'll have to complete all of ten of them in order to marryher. In fact, you have to complete her ninth quest: "Bathhouse in Crisis! HelpMe!" in order to get the item you need to get her Proposal Item (i.e. thereward for the ninth quest is the Messhilight Ore, which you give to Yue, whowill turn it into a Memento Ring, which is Julia's Proposal Item).

Mana-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Talk to Mana every day, and don't get so caught up in participating in thefestivals that you forget to talk to her on those days, too!

Of all the Bachelorettes, Mana's by far one of the easiest to raise her LoveLevel. Gift-giving will do the trick. Her only liked item is Pink Turnip, andthey only take four game-days to grow. Thus, grow a bunch of Pink Turnips,either on your farm in Spring or in Trieste Forest, save them, and give her oneevery day when you're making your round of talking to villagers.

Don't miss giving her a Roasted Yam on Summer 9!

If Mana's the one you're aiming to marry (I'll think you have no imagination or

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sense of adventure by marrying the game's chosen girl, but--), participate inthe romantic festivals with her to give an extra boost to her Love Level.Participate in all the contest festivals, too.

Do all her quests. You'll have to complete all ten of them in order to marryher. Completing her tenth quest: "A Very Important Conversation," unlocksDouglas' last quest, "I Challenge You!", which upon completion you will receiveMana's Proposal Item.

Rosalind-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rosalind is up there with Alicia in difficulty with raising her Love Level.Make sure you talk to her every day, and make triple-sure that you don't forgetto talk to her on festival days! Talking is one of the easier ways of raisingher Love Level.

Both of Rosalind's liked items (Sweetie Potato and 4-Leaf Clover) are hard tocome by in First Generation.~ You do, however, get a Sweetie Potato as the reward for Dorothy's second quest: "I Did It Again..." I suggest that you hang on to this Sweetie Potato and give it to Rosalind on a festival day.~ And yet, like with Dorothy, there is a way to get several 4-Leaf Clovers... by spamming. In Mana's second quest: "I Want a Four Leaf Clover," you go to Blessia Island - Center and get a 4-Leaf Clover for Mana. So, instead of giving the Clover to Mana, you can give it to Rosalind, cancel the quest, accept it again the next day, and repeat. However, again, I consider this cheating (and troublesome, too) and don't do this myself, and I strongly urge

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you not to spam either. But, this is possible to do, and I can do nothing to stop you should you wish to do it. My aim is to give you as much information as I can, not tell you what to do and which choices to make.

Don't miss giving her a Hot Milk on Fall 27! (But again, like Dorothy, if youtalk, and participate in festivals, you could have her at 10LP before Fall 27.But don't let that stop you from giving her a present on her birthday anyway!)

As Rosalind is one of the harder-to-raise-LP Bachelorettes, I'd put her at toppriority for participation in romantic festivals if you want her as your bride.Ask her first on the Flower Festival, and then ask her out to the DanceFestival. And participate in all the contest festivals as well.

Do all her quests. You'll have to complete all ten of them in order to marryher. After completing her tenth quest: "Private Message 3," Kyle will mentionsomething to the effect of, "It might be a good time to talk to Max when he'sin his room... he'll know what to do now." Completing the tenth quest unlocksthe ability for you to get her Proposal Item. HOWEVER - you've got to waituntil Rosalind's at 10LP before you approach Max about her Proposal Item.(HINT: grow Tomatoes on your farm during the Summer, and save 9 of them!)

Yue-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Talk to Yue every day, and don't get so caught up in participating in thefestivals that you forget to talk to her on those days, too!

Gift-giving works with Yue, and her liked items (Aquamarine, Daikon Radish,Fried Udon) are fairly obtainable:

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~ Aquamarines pop up while mining in Trieste Forest. They're about as common as Emeralds, but I would still save them to give on a festival day.~ Daikon Radishes are easily obtainable. You can buy the Seeds from Douglas, grow them in Padova (they're a Winter crop, and take 14 game-days to grow), and give one of them to her every day. You can save some money on the first bag of Daikon Seed - you get one as a reward for Yue's first quest: "Nothing Comes Before Good Skin!"~ You can buy Fried Udon from Yue herself for 4280G, but I feel that it's a bit excessive that you're spending 4280G a day just to get a girl to like you. I'd stick with the Aquamarines and Radishes.

Don't miss giving her Cabbage Cakes on Spring 9!

If Yue's the one you're aiming to marry, participate in the romantic festivalswith her to give an extra boost to her Love Level. Participate in all thecontest festivals, too.

Do all her quests. You'll have to complete all ten of them in order to marryher. The reward for her tenth quest: "I Have Something to Tell You," is herProposal Item.

*******************************************************************************5.3. Rival Warning! [RivalWedding]*******************************************************************************

Look out, Kyle! You've got competition!

Some of the Bachelorettes have another man courting them. But don't you worry.If you play your cards right, you can have your lady-love fall for you wellbefore her default marriage date.

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If you play for long enough, you're able to actually see the default marriages.You can even confess to the lady during the ceremony - effectively stealing thebride! However, you can only steal the bride if you aren't already married, andthe bride's Love Level is 10. Understandably, the groom isn't going to be toohappy about being abandoned at the altar... his Friendship Level will drop.

Notes about these default marriages:~ You can't steal the bride with Alicia, Mana, or Yue, since they don't have a set-in-stone default marriage.~ On the day of the default marriage, when you wake up and go down to the first floor of your farmhouse, the groom will come in and announce that the wedding is that day. You will attend the wedding, and then regain control the next day. (Essentially, you lose a day of work.)~ You will still attend the default marriage even if you are married; you just won't be able to steal the bride.~ Once a default marriage has occurred, the new wife will stay within her new husband's house 24/7. (You can still go talk to her, though.) She will stay in her husband's house until you go to Second Generation.

If you end up not playing First Generation long enough to attend a defaultmarriage, these marriages will commence without you, and will occur during theseven-year time-skip when you're advancing to the Second Generation.

What the table headings mean:Bachelorette: name of the BacheloretteRival: name of the rivalDefault Marriage Date: (should be self-explanatory) the date of the default marriage

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Bachelorette | Rival | Default Marriage Date------------------------------------------------ Alicia | - | - Cecilia......|.Jake....|.Summer 14, Year 2 Dorothy | Barrett | Fall 17, Year 3 Julia........|.Max.....|.Winter 11, Year 4 Mana | - | - Rosalind.....|.Ray.....|.Spring 10, Year 3 Yue | -* | -*

*NB - Yue is a special case.If you so happen to be married to a girl who has a rival at the time of thedefault marriage, Yue will become the bride. Thus:~ If you marry Cecilia, Yue will marry Jake on Summer 14, Year 2.~ If you marry Dorothy, Yue will marry Barrett on Fall 17, Year 3.~ If you marry Julia, Yue will marry Max on Winter 11, Year 4.~ If you marry Rosalind, Yue will marry Ray on Spring 10, Year 3.~ If you marry Mana or Alicia, Yue will not marry.And if you marry Yue, then she'll... marry you... obviously... on whicheverdate you propose to her.

*******************************************************************************5.4. Courting Love Candidates - The Ladies [Court-LoveCanF]*******************************************************************************

In this section, I'll be giving you my personal opinion on how best to courteach female Love Candidate. I'll be pulling information from my own experience,as well as things in that other people have done which I've read about on theRF2 Forum on I think you can also access this forum from ?)

As an aside - I don't really have much personal experience with the gift-giving

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rule for the Love Candidates. I apologize. I was side-tracked by saving theworld. However, gift-giving generally works... thus, to make up for thisinformation deficiency, I shall tell you what the easiest-to-make/obtain likeditem is, and what to do in order to get it or make it.

For more information about liked item recipes and how to raise Cooking Skilland Pharmacy Skill Levels, please see HolyPlankton's Cooking & Pharmacy Guide.

Cammy-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Talk to Cammy every day, and don't get so caught up in participating in thefestivals that you forget to talk to her on those days, too!

Sadly, I didn't do much (any) gift-giving with Cammy. However, the easiest-to-get liked item of Cammy's is Marmalade. All you need is an Orange, which can befound on squat palm-tree-looking-trees on Blessia Island. Marmalade is a PotRecipe, and is Cooking Skill Level 15. Spamming Marmalade is a good way toraise your Cooking Skill, and you can double up by using your results as adaily gift for Cammy!

Don't miss giving her a Hot Chocolate on Summer 15! You can buy Hot Chocolatefrom Yue, or make it yourself with all your love!

Since you can "marry" all of the Love Candidates with no hard feelings, you canchoose whether or not to give Cammy priority at romantic festivals. As a matterof fact, you can invite three love interests to the Flower Festival; and sincethere's only three Love Candidates, you can invite them all! The DanceFestival's a different matter... you've got to choose one for that. Butparticipate in all the contest festivals to raise her Love Level!

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Do all of Cammy's quests: she's got five. The first two are available to bothAaron and Aria, but you must be playing as Aaron to access quests three throughfive. You have to complete the first four to get to the fifth quest: "Come andSee Me!", which is the "marriage" quest.

Leann-------------------------------------------------------------------------------In my personal opinion, Leann is the hardest-LP-to-raise of all the loveinterests. I got all the Bachelorettes to 10LP by Summer 25 of the first yearof playing (as Kyle). I'm now playing as Aaron, and it is Fall 11 of the firstyear (after the time-skip), I've talked to Leann every single day, participatedwith her in the romantic festivals, competed (and won) all the contests (upuntil then), and she's still only at Love Level 5!!! Then again, I myselfhaven't made much of an effort with gift-giving, and her birthday is the lastbirthday of the year among the villagers...

Make double-sure to talk to her every single day. Seeing a change in her LoveLevel just might take longer than you would like it to. And make QUADRUPLE-sure that you don't forget to talk to her on festival days (I'd talk to her twice,perhaps).

I've made a small effort to give Leann gifts, and it seems to work nicely. Mindyou, I was at Love Level 5 for her for a while, and then gave her one CheeseFondue, and she went to Love Level 6. So, I'm thinking to say that gift-givingwould help you raising Leann's Love Level. I chose Cheese Fondue because Ithink it's the easiest of her liked items to make. You first need Bread - a NoUtensil Recipe, Cooking Skill Level 6 - and you only need Flour to

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make it(which you can buy from Douglas).Then, to make the Cheese Fondue, you need Bread and Cheese - if you don't havethat high a Cooking Skill, start with making Small Milk into Small Cheese withthe Cheese Maker. Use the Small Cheese with the Bread to make Cheese Fondue inthe Pot (the Small Cheese Cheese Fondue is Cooking Skill Level 27).If you are at Cooking Skill Level 27, you can spam Cheese Fondue to raise yourCooking Skill (buying Flour and Small Milk from Douglas), and use the resultsas daily gifts for Leann!

Don't miss giving her a Sapphire Ring on Winter 27!

Since you can "marry" all of the Love Candidates with no hard feelings, I wouldmake Leann top priority at romantic festivals, as she's the hardest Love Levelto raise. And participate in all the contest festivals, too!

Do all of Leann's quests: she's only got two. The first is available to bothAaron and Aria, but you must be playing as Aaron to access the second one. Thusthe second quest: "Some Casual Conversation," is the "marriage" quest. It mayjust be the last quest you unlock...

Sera & Serena-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Talk to Sera & Serena every day, and don't get so caught up in participating inthe festivals that you forget to talk to her on those days, too!

Sadly, I didn't do much (any) gift-giving with Sera & Serena. However, theylike Tomato Juice, which is really easy to make. It's a Mixer Recipe, onlyCooking Skill Level 11, and only requires a Tomato. You can easily spam TomatoJuices to raise your Cooking Skill, and use your results as daily gifts to

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Sera& Serena!

Don't miss giving them Marmalade on Fall 29! You either have to make theMarmalade yourself, or you can save the one they give you as a reward forcompleting their first quest: "Let's Play Hide-and-Seek!"

Since you can "marry" all of the Love Candidates with no hard feelings, you canchoose whether or not to give Sera & Serena priority at romantic festivals. Asa matter of fact, you can invite three love interests to the Flower Festival;and since there's only three Love Candidates, you can invite them all! TheDance Festival's a different matter... you've got to choose one for that. Andif you, as Aaron, choose Sera & Serena, you get to dance with them both!Participate in all the contest festivals to raise their Love Levels!

Do all of Sera & Serena's quests: they've got four. And since they're justweird like that, both Aaron and Aria can access all four of the quests and havea pretend marriage with them. You must complete their first three quests inorder to get to their "marriage" quest, the fourth one: "Something a LittleMore Grown Up."

*******************************************************************************5.5. Courting Love Candidates - The Gentlemen [Court-LoveCanM]*******************************************************************************

In this section, I'll be giving you my personal opinion on how best to courteach male Love Candidate. I'll be pulling information from my own experience,

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as well as things in that other people have done which I've read about on theRF2 Forum on I think you can also access this forum from ?)

As an aside - I don't really have much personal experience with the gift-givingrule for the Love Candidates. I apologize. I was side-tracked by saving theworld. However, gift-giving generally works... thus, to make up for thisinformation deficiency, I shall tell you what the easiest-to-make/obtain likeditem is, and what to do in order to get it or make it.

For more information about liked item recipes and how to raise Cooking Skilland Pharmacy Skill Levels, please see HolyPlankton's Cooking & Pharmacy Guide.

Leonel-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Talk to Leonel every day, and don't get so caught up in participating in thefestivals that you forget to talk to him on those days, too!

Sadly, I didn't do much (any) gift-giving with Leonel. Of his liked items, thePancake is the easiest to make, I believe. It's a Frying Pan Recipe, but itrequires Cooking Skill Level 23. You'll need:~ Flour (bought from Douglas)~ Honey (harvested from Hornet or Queen Bee)~ Small Milk (harvested from Buffamoo or bought from Douglas)~ Small Egg (harvest from Cluckadoodle or bought from Douglas)~ Sweet Powder; it's actually a Pharmacy Recipe, and is really easy to make - you only need two Apples (easily found on trees in Trieste Forest), and a Pharmacy Skill Level 10.The Honey is the most troublesome to get, and the rest can easily be boughtfrom Douglas (excepting the Sweet Powder, of course). Even though Pancakes are

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the easiest of Leonel's liked items to make, I would still save them to give ona festival day.

Don't miss giving him a Mixed Juice on Summer 3! Sadly, you can't buy it fromYue... you'll have to make it yourself with all your love!

Since you can "marry" all of the Love Candidates with no hard feelings, you canchoose whether or not to give Leonel priority at romantic festivals. As amatter of fact, you can invite three love interests to the Flower Festival; andsince there's only three Love Candidates, you can invite them all! The DanceFestival's a different matter... you've got to choose one for that. Butparticipate in all the contest festivals to raise his Love Level!

Do all of Leonel's quests: he has five. The first two quests are available toAaron and Aria, and the other three can only be accessed by Aria. As Aria, youhave to complete the first four in order to get to the fifth quest: "There'sSomething I Want to Say," which is the "marriage" quest.

Orland-------------------------------------------------------------------------------I'd make sure to talk to Orland every day. It seems important to me, seeing ashow he's kind of like how his father was in First Generation, by being slightlyintroverted. So make doubly-sure that you don't forget to talk to Orland onfestival days.

Sadly, I didn't do much (any) gift-giving with Orland. However, his liked itemsare relatively easy to make. ... The catch is that you have to catch the fish(ha ha), and you need a high Cooking Skill Level:~ Taimen Sashimi - it's a Knife Recipe, you need Cooking Skill Level 31, and a

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Taimen. You can catch Taimen in Messhina Valley - Cave - Altar and Padova Mts. - Flowing River, Freezing Cave, Rushing Waterfall, Tomb, and Shrine.~ Fried Mackeral - it's a Frying Pan Recipe, you need Cooking Skill Level 29, and a Mackeral. You can catch Mackeral only in De Sainte-Coquille Park during the Fall.

Don't miss giving him a Sunsquid Sashimi on Winter 5! Sadly, you can't by itfrom Yue... you'll have to make it yourself with all your love!

Since you can "marry" all of the Love Candidates with no hard feelings, you canchoose whether or not to give Orland priority at romantic festivals. However, Ifeel that out of all the male Love Candidates, Orland's Love Level is thehardest to raise, so I'd make him a priority at romantic festivals. Although,since you can invite three love interests to the Flower Festival, thatshouldn't really matter, as you can invite them all. I'd choose him for theDance Festival, though. But participate in all the contest festivals to raisehis Love Level!

Do all of Orland's quests: he has five. The first two quests are available toAaron and Aria, and the other three can only be accessed by Aria. As Aria, youhave to complete the first four in order to get to the fifth quest: "Just ComeOver, Please," which is the "marriage" quest.

Roy-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Talk to Roy every day, and don't get so caught up in participating in thefestivals that you forget to talk to him on those days, too!

Sadly, I didn't do much (any) gift-giving with Roy. However, two of his

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likeditems are easy to get:~ Giant's Gloves are a Monster Drop from a Hammer Troll, which are found on Blessia Island at Day. They are also a Monster Drop from a Gigantus, found in Palermo Shrine.~ Steamed Gyoza - it's a Steamer Recipe, you need Cooking Skill Level 24, and the ingredients are: Oil, Onion, and a Cabbage. The Onion and Cabbage can be grown, and the Oil bought from Douglas.

Don't miss giving him French Fries on Winter 25! You can buy them from Yue, ormake some yourself with all your love!

Since you can "marry" all of the Love Candidates with no hard feelings, you canchoose whether or not to give Roy priority at romantic festivals. As a matterof fact, you can invite three love interests to the Flower Festival; and sincethere's only three Love Candidates, you can invite them all! The DanceFestival's a different matter... you've got to choose one for that. Butparticipate in all the contest festivals to raise his Love Level!

Do all of Roy's quests: he has five. The first two quests are available toAaron and Aria, and the other three can only be accessed by Aria. As Aria, youhave to complete the first four in order to get to the fifth quest: "Come to MyHouse," which is the "marriage" quest.

###############################################################################6. Likes & Dislikes [Likes]###############################################################################

In the following two sections (6.1 & 6.2), you'll find information on what eachBachelorette and Love Candidate likes and dislikes, so you will know

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what aregood gifts to give to raise their Friendship/Love Levels and what you shouldnot give them (which would lower their Friendship/Love Levels).

What the table headings mean:Bachelorette: name of BacheloretteLove Candidate: name of Love CandidateLikes: what item(s) the Bachelorette or Love Candidate likesDislikes: the item the Bachelorette or Love Candidate dislikes

If you need self-confirmation that the item is liked, turn up the sound on yourDS - if the Bachelorette's or Love Candidate's voice-actor says something, thenit's a liked item.

*******************************************************************************6.1. Bachelorette Likes & Dislikes [Likes-Bachelorette]*******************************************************************************

Bachelorette | Likes | Dislikes-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alicia | Diamond, Strawberry | Spinach Cecilia......|.Diamond, Ruby, Emerald, Sapphire,.......|.Lamp Squid |.Amethyst, Platinum......................|. Dorothy | Char, Emery Flower | Insect Skin Julia........|.Carrot, Toyherb.........................|.Skull Mana | Pink Turnip | Mackerel Rosalind.....|.4-Leaf Clover, Sweetie Potato...........|.Gyoza, (snake)* Yue | Aquamarine, Daikon Radish, Fried Udon | Squid

*NB - I put this in parentheses for this reason: in the game, Rosalind doestell you something to the effect of "I hate every kind of snake." However,"snake" is not technically an item in the game (at least I haven't seen an itemcalled "snake" yet). Thus, since it's not an actual item, it is in parentheses.

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*******************************************************************************6.2. Love Candidate Likes & Dislikes [Likes-LoveCan]*******************************************************************************

Love Candidate | Likes | Dislikes----------------------------------------------------------------------------*Cammy | Marmalade, Rainbow Trout Sashimi | Green Pepper Leann..........|.Pizza, Cheese Fondue, Mixed Ole.........|.Green Pepper Leonel | Chocolate Cake, Pancake, Feather Cap | Cheesecake Orland.........|.Taimen Sashimi, Fried Mackeral..........|.Dried Sardine*Roy | Giant's Glove, Ice Cream, Steamed Gyoza | Pike Sera & Serena..|.Tomato Juice, Pudding, Omelet Rice......|.Sardine Sashimi

*NB - Not that you can tell from this table, but just to inform you, Cammy'sand Roy's liked items in the Second Generation are different from the FirstGeneration.

###############################################################################7. Birthdays [Birthdays]###############################################################################

In the following two sections (7.1 & 7.2), you'll find the birthday and specialbirthday present for each Bachelorette and Love Candidate, as well as how muchthe birthday present costs if you buy it from Yue.

What the table headings mean:Birthday: date of birthdayBachelorette: name of BacheloretteLove Candidate: name of Love CandidateBirthday Present: what the birthday present isYue's Price: how much the item costs if you buy it from Yue

If you give the birthday present to the love interest on her/his

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birthday,you'll get an extra boost for raising her/his Friendship and Love Levels.

*******************************************************************************7.1. Bachelorette Birthdays [Bday-Bachelorette]*******************************************************************************

Birthday | Bachelorette | Birthday Present | Yue's Price-------------------------------------------------------------- Spring 9 | Yue | Cabbage Cakes | 3630 Spring 16..|.Julia........|.Seafood Pizza......|.4140 Summer 9 | Mana | Roasted Yam | 1820 Summer 12..|.Cecilia......|.Aquamarine Brooch..|.4080 Summer 28 | Alicia | Emerald Ring | 4880 Fall 27....|.Rosalind.....|.Hot Milk...........|.1400 Winter 2 | Dorothy | Strawberry Jam | 1060

*******************************************************************************7.2. Love Candidate Birthdays [Bday-LoveCan]*******************************************************************************

Birthday | Love Candidate | Birthday Present | Yue's Price--------------------------------------------------------------- Summer 3 | Leonel | Mixed Juice | -* Summer 15..|.Cammy..........|.Hot Chocolate.....|.1880 Fall 29 | Sera & Serena | Marmalade | -* Winter 15..|.Orland.........|.Sunsquid Sashimi..|.-* Winter 25 | Roy | French Fries | 1740 Winter 27..|.Leann..........|.Sapphire Ring.....|.-*

*NB - You cannot buy Leonel's, Sera & Serena's, Orland's, or Leann's birthdaypresents from Yue. They are not added to her stock in Second Generation. Youhave to make them yourself.(Sera & Serena, however, do give you a Marmalade as a reward for completing

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their first quest: "Let's Play Hide-and-Seek!")

Recipes for the Birthday Presents: (in chronological order by birthday)

Leonel - Mixed Juice-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mixer RecipeCooking Skill Level: 14Ingredients: ~ Vegetable Juice ~ Fruit Juice

Vegetable Juice Fruit Juice ----------------------- ----------------------- Mixer Recipe Mixer Recipe Cooking Skill Level: 7 Cooking Skill Level: 5 Ingredients: Ingredients: ~ Pumpkin ~ Pineapple ~ Pink Turnip ~ Apple ~ Carrot ~ Orange ~ Spinach ~ Grape

Cammy - Hot Chocolate-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pot RecipeCooking Skill Level: 9 (Small Milk), 13 (Medium Milk), 17 (Large Milk)Ingredients: ~ Milk (Small, Medium, or Large) ~ Chocolate

Sera & Serena - Marmalade-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pot RecipeCooking Skill Level: 15Ingredients: ~ Orange

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Orland - Sunsquid Sashimi-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Knife Recipe Sunsquid can be found on Blessia Island -Cooking Skill Level: 35 North Beach, Silent Cave, Southwest Beach,Ingredients: West Beach, and Sandy Path. ~ Sunsquid

Roy - French Fries-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Frying Pan RecipeCooking Skill Level: 8Ingredients: ~ Oil ~ Potato

Leann - Sapphire Ring-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Decoration RecipeAccessories Skill Level: 37Ingredients: ~ Gold (x2) ~ Sapphire

###############################################################################8. Festivals [Festivals]###############################################################################

Festivals usually occur on some (but not all) Holidays of each Season. There'sfun, festive music playing wherever you're walking in Alvarna, as well asconfetti falling from the sky during most festivals. The Alvarna villagers havea set place they stand during a festival, and there'll be a few exceptionsdepending on what festival it is.

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For information of where each villager is located during a festival, please seeLerion's FAQ/Walkthrough, section 7.8. Festivals (tag Festivals).

An interesting fact that Lerion has mentioned, and I have confirmed, is that itnever rains or storms on a festival Holiday. It's always sunny; and payingAlicia to make it rain won't work either. The game is determined to celebratethe festivals.

*******************************************************************************8.1. Chronological Festival List [Festival-ChronList]*******************************************************************************

Every Festival is on a Holiday day, with the exception of New Year's Eve, whichis on a Friday.

What the table headings mean:Date: date of eventFestival: name of festivalAera's Category: what kind of festival I think it is For a more detailed description of what "Aera's Category" means, please see the next section, "What Festivals Do to Raise Friend & Love Levels"

Date | Festival | Aera's Category---------------------------------------------------------- Spring 1 | New Year's Day | Special Event Spring 13..|.Flower Festival..........|.Romantic Spring 25 | Eating Contest | Contest Summer 1...|.1st Day of Summer........|.Special Event Summer 7 | Monster Taming Contest | Contest Summer 19..|.Dance Festival...........|.Romantic*Summer 25 | Fishing Contest | Contest*Summer 25..|.Big Cook-Off.............|.Contest Fall 1 | Adventure Contest | Contest Fall 13....|.Harvest Festival.........|.Special Event

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Fall 25 | Monster Contest | Contest Winter 7...|.Shooting Star Festival...|.Romantic Winter 19 | Mining Contest | Contest Winter 30..|.New Year's Eve...........|.Special Event

*NB - in the First Generation, Summer 25 is the Fishing Contest, but it isreplaced by the Big Cook-Off in Second Generation.

*******************************************************************************8.2. What Festivals Do to Raise Friend & Love Levels [Festival-Purpose]*******************************************************************************

Festivals are a great way to raise the Love Levels of Bachelorettes and LoveCandidates, as well as the Friendship Levels of all the villagers. While it'sgood idea to talk to each villager every day, it's an even better idea to talkto each villager on a festival day. Why? Talking on a regular day raisesFriendship and Love Levels, but talking on a festival day raises the Friendshipand Love Levels a little bit more.

The same goes for giving gifts! Giving a gift on a regular day does raiseFriendship and Love Levels, but you get an extra boost on festival days! So, ifyou're low on the amount of gifts you have to give, save them for a festivalday.

Not only does talking and gift-giving help, but participating in that day'sfestival also boosts the Friendship and Love Levels of the villagers.Participation in a festival could either be winning a contest, proving howwonderfully talented you are, or going on a date with your lady love (or yourtotally hot beau if you're playing as Aria).

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I've separated the festivals into three different categories, based on what youdo in each festival. There's "Romantic" festivals, "Contests," and "SpecialEvent" festivals:

~ Romantic festivals are specially targeted to participation with a Bachelorette or Love Candidate.

~ Contests... hmm... should be self-explanatory. You compete in some kind of contest. (Just a hint - contest festivals usually have the word "contest" in their name.)

~ During Special Event festivals, nothing really exciting happens. The villagers just stand around, comment on the day, and get to listen to festive music.

Then, obviously, each festival will be different in Second Generation than itwas in First Generation.

What kind of differences?

Since you're playing as either Aaron or Aria, who you can take out in romanticfestivals will change, as well as the participants of the contests. Havingadults face-off a child is a bit unfair, don't you think? (Not that you can'tbeat them, though...)

*******************************************************************************8.3. Romantic Festivals [Festival-Romantic]*******************************************************************************

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The following are festivals that I have categorized as "romantic." In thissection, you will find a description of the festival, and what it's like inboth First and Second Generation.

Romantic festivals are specially targeted to participation with a Bacheloretteor Love Candidate. If you participate in a Romantic festival, you get to go ona kind of date with your favorite lady or beau, and your date's Friendship andLove Levels will increase.

I shall explain, by example, how each section is organized:

==============================X.X.X. Festival Name [Tag]==============================

Date of festival

Description of the festival.

First Generation------------------------------What happens during the festival in First Generation.

Second Generation------------------------------What happens during the festival in Second Generation.

===============================================================================8.3.1. Flower Festival [RF-Flower]===============================================================================

Spring 13

The cherry blossoms are all in bloom! It's a great time to sit under the cherrytrees and admire the flowers. It would be even better if you invited a loveinterest to view the blossoms with you, as a romantic date!

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First Generation-------------------------------------------------------------------------------All the villagers are standing around the town, enjoying the cherry blossoms.When you talk to them, some comment how pretty the flowers are; others (namelyJake) say that the festival is just an excuse to drink.

You can invite up to three Bachelorettes to view the blossoms, and they willmake a comment about how beautiful the blossoms are, and tell you somethingabout their life.

Only the first three you invite will accept your invitation, and only thosethree will have their Love Levels increased. Once you've made your invitation,go to Cherry Blossom Square and your date will start.

If you try to invite the other girls, they'll complain about how you've alreadygone with someone else, and their Love Points will decrease.

Second Generation-------------------------------------------------------------------------------All the villagers are standing around the town, enjoying the cherry blossoms.When you talk to them, some comment how pretty the flowers are; others (namelyJake) say that the festival is just an excuse to drink.

You can invite up to three Love Candidates to view the blossoms, and they willmake a comment about how beautiful the blossoms are, and tell you somethingabout their life.

Once you've invited a Love Candidate, walk to Alvarna Academy and your datewill start. Unlike First Generation, no one will feel left out - since

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thereare only three Love Candidates for both Aaron and Aria, you can invite themall!

===============================================================================8.3.2. Dance Festival [RF-Dance]===============================================================================

Summer 19

This festival is a wonderful opportunity to ask your lady love (or totally hotbeau) out to a dance, and prove to her (or him) and everyone else that you arenot only a great farmer and adventurer, but also a spectacular dancer (I hearthat practicing swordsmanship and the footwork involved can make you a betternatural dancer). This festival also provides beautiful music for when thedancing begins!

First Generation-------------------------------------------------------------------------------All the villagers are standing around the town, enjoying the prospect of thedance. All of the Bachelorettes are eagerly awaiting for the time when you askthem to dance.

Minimum requirements for this festival:~ Bachelorette must be at Love Level 4 or above

You can only ask one Bachelorette to dance, and once you ask her, you'llimmediately be transported to De Sainte-Coquille Park and commence with yourdance.

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Second Generation-------------------------------------------------------------------------------All the villagers are standing around the town, enjoying the prospect of thedance. All of the Love Candidates are eagerly awaiting for the time when youask them to dance.

Minimum requirements for this festival:~ Love Candidate must be at Love Level 4 or above

You can only ask one Love Candidate to dance, and once you ask her or him,you'll immediately be transported to De Sainte-Coquille Park and commence withyour dance.

If you're Aaron and you ask Sera & Serena, you actually get to dance with bothof them!

===============================================================================8.3.3. Shooting Star Festival [RF-Star]===============================================================================

Winter 7

On this day, you're able to shooting stars more clearly than in any other partof the year; making this night sky the most beautiful night of the year. Aseveryone knows, if you wish upon a shooting star, your wish will come true - sodon't miss this chance to have a wish of yours granted!

First Generation-------------------------------------------------------------------------------All the villagers are standing around the town, eagerly awaiting

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nightfall. TheBachelorettes are also eagerly waiting for you to invite her to watch theshooting stars together!

Minimum requirements for this festival:~ Bachelorette must be at Love Level 5 or above

You can only invite one Bachelorette to stargaze, and she'll tell you to meether at Alvarna - Falling Star Path at 9:00 PM that night to watch the shootingstars.

Second Generation-------------------------------------------------------------------------------All the villagers are standing around the town, eagerly awaiting nightfall. TheLove Candidates are also eagerly waiting for you to invite her/him to watch theshooting stars together!

Minimum requirements for this festival:~ Love Candidate must be at Love Level 6 or above

You can only invite one Love Candidate to stargaze, and she/he will tell you tomeet her/him at Alvarna - Falling Star Path at 9:00 PM that night to watch theshooting stars.

*******************************************************************************8.4. Contests [Festival-Contest]*******************************************************************************

The following are festivals that I have categorized as "contests." In thissection, you will find a description of the festival, and what it's like inboth First and Second Generation.

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Contests... hmm... should be self-explanatory. If you participate in a Contest,and win, everyone's Friendship Levels increase, as well as the Love Levels ofBachelorettes and Love Candidates. And they're also fun to do. ^.^

I shall explain, by example, how each section is organized:

==============================X.X.X. Festival Name [Tag]==============================

Date of festival

Description of the festival.

First Generation------------------------------What happens during the festival in First Generation. May also include minimumrequirements in order to participate in the contest. Will also include theprizes for 1st Place (Grand Prize), 2nd Place (Honorable Mention), and 3rdPlace (Consolation Prize).

Second Generation------------------------------What happens during the festival in Second Generation. May also include minimumrequirements in order to participate in the contest. Will also include theprizes for 1st Place (Grand Prize), 2nd Place (Honorable Mention), and 3rdPlace (Consolation Prize).

The only exceptions to this setup are the Fishing Contest and Big Cook-Off; thereason being that the Fishing Contest is only in First Generation, and the BigCook-Off is only in the Second Generation.


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=====================================8.4.1. Eating Contest [CF-Eating]===============================================================================

Spring 25

As one of the most primitive instincts of human nature, this festival is acontest of who can east the most in a set period of time. Herman has lookedforward to this day, so he can show everyone his amazing abilities and do aperfect judgement of the contest.

First Generation-------------------------------------------------------------------------------All the villagers are standing around the town, eagerly anticipating thecontest. You'll be competing against Douglas and Gordan for the title "Masterof Speed Eating."

Talk to Herman to start the contest - he'll be in De Sainte-Coquille Park until5:30pm. After some razzing from Douglas and Gordan, Herman will explain therules of the contest.

When Herman says "STAAAART!", you're to press the A Button as fast as you canto take bites until he says "Stop!" You need at least 35 bites to win thecontest.

In my opinion, the best way to do this is to hold your thumbnail and pointer-fingernail together, and slide them across the A Button as fast as you can.(Please note that I myself did not think to do this; I remember reading itsomewhere, but I cannot remember where!)

The prizes are:

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~ Grand Prize (1st Place) - title "Master of Speed Eating" and a Formula A~ Honorable Mention (2nd Place) - Fried Veggies~ Consolation Prize (3rd Place) - a Cucumber

Second Generation-------------------------------------------------------------------------------All the villagers are standing around the town, eagerly anticipating thecontest. You'll be competing against Sera & Serena and Ray for the title of"Master of Speed Eating."

Talk to Herman to start the contest - he'll be in De Sainte-Coquille Park until5:30pm. After some razzing from Sera & Serena and Ray, Herman will explain therules of the contest.

When Herman says "STAAAART!", you're to press the A Button as fast as you canto take bites until he says "Stop!" You need at least 35 bites to win thecontest.

In my opinion, the best way to do this is to hold your thumbnail and pointerfingernail together, and slide them across the A Button as fast as you can.(Please note that I myself did not think to do this; I remember reading itsomewhere, but I cannot remember where!)

The prizes are:~ Grand Prize (1st Place) - title "Master of Speed Eating" and a 4-Leaf Clover~ Honorable Mention (2nd Place) - a Pizza~ Consolation Prize (3rd Place) - Corn

===============================================================================8.4.2. Monster Taming Contest [CF-MonsterTame]

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Summer 7

The purpose of this contest is to strengthen the ties between humans andMonsters. With bravery and a kind heart, show the villagers your skill as anEarthmate by taming Monsters.

First Generation-------------------------------------------------------------------------------All the villagers are standing around the town, eagerly anticipating thecontest. You'll be competing against Max and Jake for the title of "MonsterMaster."

Talk to Herman to start the contest - he'll be in De Sainte-Coquille Park until5:30pm. After some razzing from Max and Jake, Herman will explain the rules ofthe contest.

Minimum requirements for this contest:~ Pet Glove~ Barn~ 1 empty slot in Barn

To get the Pet Glove, you must complete Cecilia's first quest: "Please FindSomething."

To build your Barn, talk to Byron when he's on the first floor of his house(he's usually there during the day, Monday thru Friday). You'll need 5000G and50 Wood to build the Barn.

The objective of this competition is to see how fast you can befriend aspecific Monster - which Herman will announce each year where you

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need to go tobefriend which Monster.

It has been seen that there could be a potential glitch in your game. Your gameshould just count how many in-game minutes it takes to catch the Monster.However, if your game happens to have this glitch, you need to catch theMonster before the hour counter of the in-game clock changes. For example, ifyou talk to Herman at 7:XX (the XX can be between 00 and 59, inclusive), youmust catch the Monster before it turns 8:00. Thus, I advise you to start thecontest (i.e. talk to Herman) in the first few minutes of an in-game hour (e.g.10:02).

From the several times I've done the Monster Taming Contest, it's usuallytaming a PommePomme (apple Monster) in Trieste Forest - Spring Clearing.However, it may be a different Monster in a different place for you. I'vemanaged to tame a PommePomme in less than 10 in-game minutes, so I don'tthink it should be too difficult to win.

The prizes are:~ Grand Prize (1st Place) - title of "Monster Master" and a Formula B~ Honorable Mention (2nd Place) - an Apple Pie~ Consolation Prize (3rd Place) - a Tomato

Second Generation-------------------------------------------------------------------------------All the villagers are standing around the town, eagerly anticipating thecontest. You'll be competing against Leonel and Orland for the title of"Monster Master."

Talk to Herman to start the contest - he'll be in De Sainte-Coquille Park until

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5:30pm. After some razzing from Leonel and Orland, Herman will explain therules of the contest.

Minimum requirements for this contest:~ Pet Glove~ Barn~ 1 empty slot in Barn

Hopefully, you already have the Pet Glove from First Generation. If youdon't... I don't know what you can do.

You could have built your Barn in First Generation, but if you didn't, you canstill build one in Second Generation. Talk to Byron when he's on the firstfloor of his house (he's usually there during the day, Monday thru Friday).You'll need 5000G and 50 Wood to build the Barn.

The objective of this competition is to see how fast you can befriend aspecific Monster - which Herman will announce each year where you need to go tobefriend which Monster.

It has been seen that there could be a potential glitch in your game. Your gameshould just count how many in-game minutes it takes to catch the Monster.However, if your game happens to have this glitch, you need to catch theMonster before the hour counter of the in-game clock changes. For example, ifyou talk to Herman at 7:XX (the XX can be between 00 and 59, inclusive), youmust catch the Monster before it turns 8:00. Thus, I advise you to start thecontest (i.e. talk to Herman) in the first few minutes of an in-game hour (e.g.10:02).

From the several times I've done the Monster Taming Contest, it's usually

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taming a PommePomme (apple Monster) in Trieste Forest - Spring Clearing.However, it may be a different Monster in a different place for you. I'vemanaged to tame a PommePomme in less than 10 in-game minutes, so I don'tthink it should be too difficult to win.

The prizes are:~ Grand Prize (1st Place) - title of "Monster Master," a Levelizer, and a Monster Costume (a Wooly for Aaron and a Chipsqueek for Aria)~ Honorable Mention (2nd Place) - a Union Stew~ Consolation Prize (3rd Place) - an Eggplant

NB - You'll be able to find your Monster Costume on the second floor of yourfarmhouse, in the armoire in the far left corner of the floor. It'll be inDrawer 2.

===============================================================================8.4.3. Fishing Contest [CF-Fishing]===============================================================================

Summer 25

Ah, the relaxing sport of fishing. Or, to quote Rosalind of how Max sees it,"Fishing is a fierce, heroic battle. A match between person and fish. Agladiatorial contest where your wits will earn you glorious victory or crushingdefeat." So, here's a chance to show off your mad fishing skills to impress theladies and all the other Alvarna citizens!

First Generation-------------------------------------------------------------------------------All the villagers are standing around the town, eagerly anticipating the

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contest. You'll be competing against Barrett and Dorothy for the title of"Fabulous Fisherman."

Talk to Herman to start the contest - he'll be in De Sainte-Coquille Park until5:30pm. After some razzing from Barrett and Dorothy, Herman will explain therules of the contest.

Minimum requirements for this contest:~ Pole

To get the Pole, you must complete Barrett's first quest: "I'm Looking forSomething."

The objective of this contest is to catch the biggest fish - Herman willannounce each year which kind of fish you need to catch.

From my own experience, this fish will most likely be a Sardine. In order towin, you must catch a Sardine that is at least 18cm long (Level 5).

You can catch Sardines in:~ Blessia Island - Summer Isle Port~ Alvarna - East End, West End, Port

The prizes are:~ Grand Prize (1st Place) - title of "Fabulous Fisherman" and a Formula C~ Honorable Mention (2nd Place) - a Shrimp~ Consolation Prize (3rd Place) - ? (if anyone knows what this is, please don't hesitate to contact me!)

===============================================================================8.4.4. Big Cook-Off [CF-CookOff]===============================================================================

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Summer 25

As food is Herman's favorite thing, he's really been looking forward to the BigCook-Off. Oh, the foods you can eat! This contest is a time for you to show thepeople of Alvarna what an amazing cook you are!

Second Generation-------------------------------------------------------------------------------All the villagers are standing around the town, eagerly anticipating thecontest. You'll be competing against Sera & Serena and Leann for the title of"Master of Taste."

Talk to Herman to start the contest - he'll be in De Sainte-Coquille Park until5:30pm. After some razzing from Sera & Serena and Leann, Herman will explainthe rules of the contest.

Minimum requirements for this contest:~ Oven

To get an Oven... you have to do a lot of things. You'll have to have to builtthe Workshop extension for the school (talk to Byron - it's 10,000G and 1,000Wood), bought the Large Kitchen from Yue (sold as "Yue's Bargain" on Mondayonly for 5000G), and only then can you buy the Oven from Yue (sold as "Yue'sBargain" on Friday only - it's under "Large Kitchen Utensils" and is 5000G).

The objective of this contest is to cook the best food dish - which Herman willannounce each year.

From my experience, the dish will probably be a Seafood Pizza. In

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order to win,you'll have to make it yourself - buying from Yue won't be enough. The SeafoodPizza you turn in to Herman has to be at least Level 5 for you to get firstplace. (The Seafood Pizza you buy from Yue is only Level 1.)

To make a Seafood Pizza that's at least Level 5:~ Cooking Skill Level 43-49 (depending on size of Cheeze)~ Ingredients: Ketchup, Cheese, Flour, Shrimp, Squid~ The ingredients' levels must average to at least 5 (and if you come up with a decimal, you always round down) for you to get an at least Level 5 Seafood Pizza

What's "average" mean? Do this math:Step 1. Level of Ketchup + Level of Cheese + Level of Flour + Level of Shrimp + Level of SquidStep 2. Take the number you get in Step 1, and divide it by 5

For example, if the number you get in Step 2 is a "6.2" ... the Seafood Pizzawill be a Level 6 Seafood Pizza. If the number you get in Step 2 is "8.9" theSeafood Pizza will be a Level 8 Seafood Pizza.

The prizes are:~ Grand Prize (1st Place) - title of "Master of Taste" and a Big Knife~ Honorable Mention (2nd Place) - a Fur Sleeping Bag~ Consolation Prize (3rd Place) - a Potato

===============================================================================8.4.5. Adventure Contest [CF-Adventure]===============================================================================

Fall 1

Every man craves adventure, and here's a chance to satiate that craving! And to

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have some fun while you're at it. ^.^

First Generation-------------------------------------------------------------------------------All the villagers are standing around the town, eagerly anticipating thecontest. You'll be competing against Jake and Tanya for the title of"Adventurer King."

Talk to Herman to start the contest - he'll be in De Sainte-Coquille Park until5:30pm. After some razzing from Jake and Tanya, Herman will explain the rulesof the contest.

The objective of this contest is to determine who is the fastest at finding aspecific item inside a dungeon.

From my experience, this contest is to find an Amethyst in Blessia Island. Ohdear.

In order to win, you have to find the Amethyst before the hour counter changesthree times after you started this contest. For example, if you started thecontest at 9:XX AM (the XX can be between 00 and 59, inclusive), you have tofind the item before the time turns to 12:00 PM (11:59 AM is still a win). Thetimer stops as soon as you find the Amethyst, so you don't have to rush to getback, but make sure you get back before Herman leaves at 5:30 PM.

What you must do:Go to Blessia Island - Altar/Old Ship... and don't make the mistake I do - thisis NOT the area that is ON the ship. The Blessia Island - Altar/Old Ship areais the place BEFORE the ship: the second-to-last farthest place you can go inBlessia Island. For a map of the Island, please refer to Lerion's FAQ/

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Walkthrough, section 9.2. Blessia Island - First Generation (tag Blessia1).

Once there, go to the eastern-most part of the area, just below the two runeflowers, and walk near the cliff. The Amethyst isn't visible - you simply haveto walk/run around that area, and once you've walked over the correct spot,you'll get a little text blurb that says something to the effect of: "I foundthe AMETHYST!"

In this contest, it's either a win or a lose. No 2nd or 3rd Place, just thewinner and the losers.

NB - Also, you cannot give Herman an Amethyst from your pocket. It doesn't worklike that, you silly.

The prizes are:~ Winner (1st Place) - title of "Adventure King" and a Greenifier~ Losers - a Yam Seed

Second Generation-------------------------------------------------------------------------------All the villagers are standing around the town, eagerly anticipating thecontest. You'll be competing against Leonel and Orland for the title of "LittleAdventurer."

Talk to Herman to start the contest - he'll be in De Sainte-Coquille Park until5:30pm. After some razzing from Leonel and Orland, Herman will explain therules of the contest.

The objective of this contest is to determine who is the fastest at finding aspecific item inside a dungeon.

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From my experience, this contest is to find a Platinum in Padova Mts. Oh dear.

In order to win, you have to find the Platinum before the hour counter changesthree times after you started this contest. For example, if you started thecontest at 9:XX AM (the XX can be between 00 and 59, inclusive), you have tofind the item before the time turns to 12:00 PM (11:59 is still a win). Thetimer stops as soon as you find the Platinum, so you don't have to rush to getback, but make sure you get back before Herman leaves at 5:30 PM.

What you must do:Go to Padova Mts. - Unfrozen Lake. For a map of the Mountains, please refer toLerion's FAQ/Walkthrough, section 10.4. Padova Mts. - Second Generation (tagPadova2).

Once there, go to the northwest part of the area, next to the Monster Portal,and walk to the right. The Platinum isn't visible - you simply have to walk/runaround that area, and once you've walked over the correct spot, you'll get alittle text blurb that says something to the effect of: "I found the PLATINUM!"

In this contest, it's either a win or a lose. No 2nd or 3rd place, just thewinner and the losers.

NB - Also, you cannot give Herman a Platinum from your pocket. It doesn't worklike that, you silly.

The prizes are:~ Winner (1st Place) - title of "Little Adventurer" and a Protein Boost~ Losers - a Carrot Seed

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===============================================================================8.4.6. Monster Contest [CF-MonsterContest]===============================================================================

Fall 25

You've already proven that you're an expert at taming Monsters, but how aboutraising them? Today's the day to show that you can improve your ties withMonsters by taking care of them and training them to be big, strong, and human-friendly. Bring your most prized Monster to show the villagers!

First Generation-------------------------------------------------------------------------------All the villagers are standing around the town, eagerly anticipating thecontest. You'll be competing for the title of "Monster Master."(I'd think this would be different from the Monster Taming Contest... anyoneconfirm/deny this?)

Talk to Herman to start the contest - he'll be in De Sainte-Coquille Park until5:30pm - and listen as he explains the rules of the contest.

Minimum requirements for this contest:~ A Monster

The objective of this contest is to have the strongest Monster.

To win, your Monster has to have a strength of 45 or more (175 HP or more*).For Honorable Mention, the strength has to be between 41 and 43 (155-175 HP*);and for the Participation Prize, the monster's strength has to be 39 or less(less than 155 HP*).

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How can you tell your Monster's strength?After talking to Herman, go to your Barn, and ask your Monster to come with you(i.e. join your party). Once you and your Monster are outside of your Barn,talk to it to find out what its strength is.

Once you've learned the Monster's strength, you'll be asked whether or not youwant to have that Monster in the Monster Contest. If you decide to not havethat Monster enter the contest, you repeat the process until you find a Monsterwhose strength satisfies you.

My suggestion to you: catch a Silver Wolf as early in the game as you can,raise it so its Friendship Level is 10, and enter it in the contest. You'lldefinitely win.

The prizes are:~ Highest Honors (1st Place) - title of "Monster Master" (?) and a Health It~ Honorable Mention (2nd Place) - an Omelet~ Participation Prize (3rd Place) - Spinach

*NB - these HP values were tested by Lerion and Winchu, and were only testedfor a Silver Wolf and a Wooly.

Also, Lerion and Winchu have observed that there might be a potential glitch inyour game. Herman will say that the reward is a Health It, but you mightrandomly end up with something else. Also, the game might randomly give you 2ndPlace or 3rd Place if your Monster's strength is below 45, overruling the 41-43and the below 39 explained above.

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Second Generation-------------------------------------------------------------------------------All the villagers are standing around the town, eagerly anticipating thecontest. You'll be competing for the title of "Monster Master."

Talk to Herman to start the contest - he'll be in De Sainte-Coquille Park until5:30pm - and listen as he explains the rules of the contest.

Minimum requirements for this contest:~ A Monster

The objective of this contest is to have the strongest Monster.

To win, your Monster has to have a strength of 45 or more (175 HP or more*).For Honorable Mention, the strength has to be between 41 and 43 (155-175 HP*);and for the Participation Prize, the monster's strength has to be 39 or less(less than 155 HP*).

How can you tell your Monster's strength?After talking to Herman, go to your Barn, and ask your Monster to come with you(i.e. join your party). Once you and your Monster are outside of your Barn,talk to it to find out what its strength is.

Once you've learned the Monster's strength, you'll be asked whether or not youwant to have that Monster in the Monster Contest. If you decide to not havethat Monster enter the contest, you repeat the process until you find a Monsterwhose strength satisfies you.

My suggestion to you: remember the Silver Wolf you caught in First Generation?

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He'll win you this generation's Monster Contest, too.

The prizes are:~ Highest Honors (1st Place) - title of "Monster Master" and a Mental Supplement~ Honorable Mention (2nd Place) - ? possibly a Mental Supplement?~ Participation Prize (3rd Place) - ? possibly a Mental Supplement?

I tried with my Hunter Wolf (at 10FP), and its strength was 98... and lost? Butit didn't tell me if I got the "Honorable Mention" or the "ParticipationPrize." I just didn't get the "Highest Honors." But I did receive a MentalSupplement. (Although silly me didn't check that it was actually a MentalSupplement...)

(If you know what the 2nd and 3rd Place prizes are, please don't hesitate tocontact me!)

*NB - these HP values were tested by Lerion and Winchu, and were only testedfor a Silver Wolf and a Wooly.

Also, Lerion and Winchu have observed that there might be a potential glitch inyour game. Herman will say that the reward is a Health It (or MentalSupplement), but you might randomly end up with something else. Also, the gamemight randomly give you 2nd Place or 3rd Place if your Monster's strength isbelow 45, overruling the 41-43 and the below 39 explained above.

===============================================================================8.4.7. Mining Contest [CF-Mining]===============================================================================

Winter 19

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This is the last contest of the year - the Mining Contest! Impress thevillagers with your incredible mining skills!

First Generation-------------------------------------------------------------------------------All the villagers are standing around the town, eagerly anticipating thecontest. You'll be competing against Roy and Yue for the title of "MiningKing."

Talk to Herman to start the contest - he'll be in De Sainte-Coquille Park until5:30pm. After some razzing from Roy and Yue, Herman will explain the rules ofthe contest.

Minimum requirements for this contest:~ Hammer

To get the Hammer, you must complete Gordon's first quest: "Please Get Me anAmethyst."

The objective of this contest is to see how quickly you can go into a dungeonand mine a specific ore or gem.

This will probably be to find a Ruby on Blessia Island. (I'm taking Lerion'sword for it, since I've never gotten to this contest before!)

You have to find the Ruby before the hour counter changes three times after youstarted this contest. For example, if you started the contest at 9:XX AM (theXX can be between 00 and 59, inclusive), you have to find the Ruby before thetime turns to 12:00 PM (11:59 AM is still a win).

There's actually two ways to win this contest:

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~ If you already have a Ruby at hand, just give it to him.~ If you don't have a Ruby at hand, you're going to have to mine one.

Finding a Ruby on Blessia Island shouldn't be too hard. They can be relativelycommon. There's 2 mining stones in Blessia Island - South Beach, and 7 inBlessia Island - Center. Just go there and start bashing rocks; but I wouldmake sure that you charge your Hammer first. Or you could use a Battle Hammerinstead... I've heard that you'll be more likely to mine uncommon ores/gems ifyou use a Battle Hammer.

The prizes are:~ Grand Prize (1st Place) - title of "Mining King" and an Invinciroid~ Honorable Mention (2nd Place) - a Cabbage~ Consolation Prize (3rd Place) - ?

(If you know what the 3rd Place prize is, please don't hesitate to contact me!)

Second Generation-------------------------------------------------------------------------------All the villagers are standing around the town, eagerly anticipating thecontest. You'll be competing against Leonel and Orland for the title of "LittleMiner."

Talk to Herman to start the contest - he'll be in De Sainte-Coquille Park until5:30pm. After some razzing from Leonel and Orland, Herman will explain therules of the contest.

Minimum requirements for this contest:~ Hammer

Hopefully, you already have the Hammer from First Generation. If you don't... I

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don't know what you can do.

The objective of this contest is to see how quickly you can go into a dungeonand mine a specific ore or gem.

This will probably be to find a Diamond in any of the dungeons. (I'm takingLerion's word for it, since I've never gotten to this contest before!)

You have to find the Diamond before the hour counter changes three times afteryou started the contest. For example, if you started the contest at 9:XX AM(the XX can be between 00 and 59, inclusive), you have to find the Diamondbefore the time turns to 12:00 PM (11:59 is still a win).

There's actually two ways to win this contest:~ If you already have a Diamond at hand, just give it to him.~ If you don't have a Diamond at hand, you're going to have to mine one.

To find a Diamond in a dungeon is pretty hard. They're pretty rare. I suggestthat you should try and find one before this contest, and then give it to himright after you talk to him to start the contest.

You should be able to find Diamonds in either Padova Mts. or Messhina Valley.Just try those dungeons and start bashing rocks; but I would make sure tocharge your Hammer first. You'll be more likely to find rare ores/gems thatway.

The prizes are:~ Grand Prize (1st Place) - title of "Little Miner" and a Vital Gummi~ Honorable Mention (2nd Place) - a Pink Turnip~ Consolation Prize (3rd Place) - a Daikon Radish

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*******************************************************************************8.5. Special Events [Festival-SpEvent]*******************************************************************************

The following are festivals that I have categorized as "special events." Inthis section, you will find a description of the festival, and what it's likein both First and Second Generation.

As for Special Event festivals, nothing really exciting happens. You can't goon dates, and you can't win any contests. No fun stuff for you to do. But thatdoesn't give you cause to shun them. You still get an extra boost for talkingto the villagers on Special Event festivals.

I shall explain, by example, how each section is organized:

==============================X.X.X. Festival Name [Tag]==============================

Date of festival

Description of the festival.

First Generation------------------------------What happens during the festival in First Generation.

Second Generation------------------------------What happens during the festival in Second Generation.

===============================================================================8.5.1. New Year's Day [SEF-NewYearDay]===============================================================================

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Spring 1

New Year's Day is the first festival of the year and the last festival you see(since Kyle arrives in Alvarna on Spring 2).

A new year has come! Everything is renewed this day. Start thinking of yourplans for this year and get prepared for the work that is to come!

First Generation-------------------------------------------------------------------------------All the villagers are standing around the town, enjoying the day. When you talkto them, they say something speculating about the new year that is to come.

Second Generation-------------------------------------------------------------------------------All the villagers are standing around the town, enjoying the day. When you talkto them, they say something speculating about the new year that is to come.

===============================================================================8.5.2. 1st Day of Summer [SEF-1stDaySummer]===============================================================================

Summer 1

Finally, it's the first day of Summer! Everyone's been waiting for Summer tostart, especially the kids, because the beaches are open! It's the swimmingseason! All the girls said that they're ready to bust out their new swimsuits,but sadly, none of them actually wear them!

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(Fun Fact: they remedy the swimsuit issue in Rune Factory 3!)

First Generation-------------------------------------------------------------------------------All the villagers are standing around the town, enjoying the day and the water.When you talk to them, they tell you what a loverly day it is.

Second Generation-------------------------------------------------------------------------------All the villagers are standing around the town, enjoying the day and the water.When you talk to them, they tell you what a loverly day it is.

===============================================================================8.5.3. Harvest Festival [SEF-Harvest]===============================================================================

Fall 13

This is a traditional festival in the Harvest Moon series (not that I wouldknow... I started with the first Rune Factory). This is the day where everyonecelebrates by showing their gratitude for the gifts of the land: our food. As afarmer, it is your duty to give special thanks for the grace of the soil thatwe are able to keep farming and living.

First Generation-------------------------------------------------------------------------------All the villagers are standing around the town, giving thanks for the wonderfulgifts the land gives us. Some villagers comment on how delicious your

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farmvegetables are and praise your hard work.

Second Generation-------------------------------------------------------------------------------All the villagers are standing around the town, giving thanks for the wonderfulgifts the land gives us. Some villagers comment on how delicious your farmvegetables are and praise your hard work.

===============================================================================8.5.4. New Year's Eve [SEF-NewYearEve]===============================================================================

Winter 30 (Friday)

A long year has passed, and it's time to think of what you've done throughoutthe year, and think of goals for the coming year. It's a time to remember allthe good (and sometimes bad) memories you've created with the villagers andeverything you've received from this beautiful, friendly town called Alvarna.

First Generation-------------------------------------------------------------------------------All the villagers are standing around the town, reflecting on the past year.When you talk to them, they wish you luck in the next year.

Second Generation-------------------------------------------------------------------------------All the villagers are standing around the town, reflecting on the past year.

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When you talk to them, they wish you luck in the next year.

###############################################################################9. Bulletin Board & Quests [Quests]###############################################################################

*******************************************************************************9.1. Why Should I Do Quests? [WhyQuests]*******************************************************************************

(Forgive me as I paraphrase what I had written in the section 5.1. GeneralRules of Courting (tag Court-GenRule). ... I had just realized that I hadalready answered the question of "why should I do quests?" quite accuratelythere. So feel free to skip reading this description. HOWEVER - the notes aboutthe quests are new, so you might want read those.)

Quests are very important in the dating game, as completing them not onlyraises the Friend and Love Levels of the requester, but will also set you onthe course to marry your chosen love interest. Some rewards for these questsare the Proposal Item for a Bachelorette, or, in the case of the LoveCandidates, the reward is a pretend marriage!

In fact, you have to complete ALL the quests of the love interest in order tomarry them. There's ten quests each for the Bachelorettes, and five for theLove Candidates (the two exceptions are Leann, who only has two, and Sera &Serena, who have four).

So check the Bulletin Board every day, to see if there's a new quest

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from yourlove interest. I'd be especially sure to check after a festival day - afteryou've raised the Friendship and Love Levels by participating in a festival orwinning a contest, there's a good chance that the Love Level will change andunlock the next quest.

Notes about these quests:~ If you end up marrying a Bachelorette, and you haven't completed all the other quests of the other Bachelorettes, those quests will disappear from the Bulletin Board and you will never be able to do them. The reason: the point of doing the Bachelorettes' quests is that, upon completing all ten of them, you'll be able to marry that Bachelorette. Once you get married, there's no point anymore to complete the other Bachelorettes' quests, because you can't marry them. Thus, if you want to complete all the Bachelorettes' quests, wait to get married until you finish them all (the only exception is Cecilia - in order to wholly complete ALL of the Bachelorettes' quests, you have to marry Cecilia).~ Since you can't marry in Second Generation, you can "marry" as many Love Candidates as you want (only one time each, though - why would you need to go through a "marriage" with someone twice?). These "marriages" occur once you complete the Love Candidate's final quest (so there's no Proposal Items like with the Bachelorettes), and none of the villagers give you well-wishes (because you two are SEVEN YEARS OLD and it's not an actual marriage).


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*******9.2. Bachelorette Quests [BacheloretteQuests]*******************************************************************************

These are the quests from the Bulletin Board for the Bachelorettes: Alicia,Cecilia, Dorothy, Julia, Mana, Rosalind, and Yue.

Whenever you complete a quest, you get some kind of reward (which can either bematerial or simply amusement). Completing a quest also raises the Friendshipand Love Level of the requester.

I shall explain, by example, how each section is organized:

==============================X.X.X. Character Name [Tag]==============================

X. "Quest Name"------------------------------Description: "original text from game"Requirement: what you have to have done in order to unlock the questFriendship/Love Level: how many FP/LP you have to have (at minimum) to unlock the questReward: what you receive upon completion of the quest

How to Complete:What you need to do in order to complete this quest. May also include plotinformation about this quest, as well as other various information (e.g. ifthere's an item you need to get, there will be information as to where to findthat item).

===============================================================================9.2.1. Alicia's Quests [Alicia-Q]===============================================================================

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1. "Let Me Tell You Your Fortune"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "I'm looking for people who want their fortunes told!"Requirement: Have talked to Alicia at least once and completed Mana's first quest: "Please Deliver Something For Me."Friendship/Love Level: 0/0Reward: 100G (actually, you lose 100G)

How to Complete:Speak to Alicia. She'll tell you your fortune for 200G, and then give you 100Gas a reward. Thus, you actually have to pay 100G to do this quest!

2. "I Want This No Matter What"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "I need something for my fortune-telling. Can you find it for me?"Requirement: Have completed Alicia's first quest: "Let Me Tell You Your Fortune."Friendship/Love Level: 1/1Reward: 100G

How to Complete:Speak to Alicia. She asks you to find an Amethyst somewhere in Padova Mts. -Crossroad for her fortune-telling. Thus, go there and walk to the right; go allthe way up until you see the Amethyst lying in plain view behind the MonsterPortal (spawns 1 Orc Viking). Take it and deliver it to her. However, if youalready have an Amethyst at hand, you can give that to her instead of goinginto Padova Mts.

3. "Fulfill a Prophecy"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "I have a favor to ask you. Can you keep this just between the two

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of us?"Requirement: Have completed Alicia's second quest: "I Want This No Matter What."Friendship/Love Level: 2/2Reward: 200G

How to Complete:Speak to Alicia. She wants you to talk with Cecilia because when she read herlove fortune, she said that a handsome man would soon approach her. In otherwords, she wants you to fulfill her prophecy so her prediction will come true.Go talk to Cecilia, and once you've done so, report back to Alicia.

4. "Fulfill Another Prophecy"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "There's someone I want to talk to!"Requirement: Have completed Alicia's third quest: "Fullfill a Prophecy."Friendship/Love Level: 3/3Reward: 250G and 100 Wood

How to Complete:Speak to Alicia. She wants you to find out who Barrett likes, but to make surethat he says he likes Dorothy. Go talk to Barrett, then report your findings toAlicia.

5. "I Need Your Thoughts on Something"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "I want your honest opinion on something."Requirement: Have completed Alicia's fourth quest: "Fulfill Another Prophecy."Friendship/Love Level: 4/4Reward: nothing material

How to Complete:Speak to Alicia. She'll tell you that she tried reading her own love fortune,

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and asks you what you think she saw. You have to choose all the options andhear her reactions to your guesses before telling you that the fortune saidthat no one will propose to her.

6. "Fulfill One More Prophecy"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "Don't you think dates are fun?"Requirement: Have completed Alicia's fifth quest: "I Need Your Thoughts on Something."Friendship/Love Level: 5/5Reward: 200G

How to Complete:Speak to Alicia. She wants you to talk to Mana and take her on a date. MeetMana at Cherry Blossom Square and start a conversation. After trying to soundgenuine, you admit the truth about Alicia's request. After Mana reassures youthat she understands why you did this, go report your mission to Alicia.

7. "Can You Find Something for Me?"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "I'd be really happy if you could find something for me."Requirement: Have completed Alicia's sixth quest: "Fulfill One More Prophecy."Friendship/Love Level: 6/6Reward: 300G

How to Complete:Speak to Alicia. She wants you to find a Sapphire somewhere in Messhina Valley- Path To Mountain. Go there and run north, to where all the mining rocks are,and you'll see the Sapphire lying in plain view just northwest of the MonsterPortal (spawns 1 Goblin Archer). Take it and deliver it to her. However, if you

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already have an Sapphire at hand, you can give that to her instead of goinginto Messhina Valley.

8. "Fulfill One Last Prophecy"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "This one's a little dangerous so I'll give you a little more than usual if you get the job done." Requirement: Have completed Alicia's seventh quest: "Can You Find Something for Me?"Friendship/Love Level: 7/7Reward: 500G

How to Complete:Speak to Alicia. She wants you to go to Trieste Forest - Grassy Path and defeatan Orc. So, go there and kill one. Report your victory to Alicia and listen toher prophecy that you were fulfilling, but this time she won't tell you who theprophecy was for.

9. "I Have a Small Favor to Ask of You"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "This is a little personal so I'll tell you about it when I see you, okay?"Requirement: Have completed Alicia's eighth quest: "Fulfill One Last Prophecy."Friendship/Love Level: between 8/8 and 9/9Reward: make Alicia happier

How to Complete:Speak to Alicia. She read a fortune and wants you to go out on a date... withher! As instructed, go meet her at Padova Mts. - Mt. Winter Entrance. Move onto Padova Mts. - Crossroad and clear the path before Alicia comes (i.e. destroyboth Monster Portals and kill all the Monsters). Once you've cleared the way,

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call for Alicia at the entrance and you'll have your little date. She'll ask ifthere's someone you like, and you suggest that she read your fortune. Here, sheadmits for the first time that her predictions aren't usually very accurate,but she'll still try and read your fortune.

10. "Find Me a Crystal Ball?"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "It's the ultimate item for fortune-telling. I want one!"Requirement: Have completed Alicia's ninth quest: "I Have a Small Favor to Ask of You."Friendship/Love Level: 10/10Reward: Alicia as your wife or a Crystal Ball

How to Complete:Speak to Alicia. She needs you to go to Padova Mts. - Ice Field and find aCrystal Ball, the ancient tool of any fortune-teller that's used for thegreatest predictions, and she'll ask you to marry her (you take it as a joke).Go to Padova Mts. - Ice Field and run to the far northwest, and you'll see theCrystal Ball lying in plain view on the ground. Take it and deliver it to her.She'll say that, according to her fortune, a Crystal Ball will be given to heras a marriage proposal.

If you choose "I'm not quite prepared for this.", she will return the CrystalBall to you, instructing you to give it to her if you change your mind, or tothrow it away if you decide to marry another girl.

If you choose "Please marry me.", your wedding will immediately commence.

(For the dialogue of the proposal, wedding, and marriage, please see section13.2. Alicia's Dialogue (tag Alicia-D).)

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===============================================================================9.2.2. Cecilia's Quests [Cecilia-Q]===============================================================================

1. "Please Find Something"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "Please find a ruby for me. And stay out of trouble."Requirement: Have talked to Cecilia at least once and completed Mana's first quest: "Please Deliver Something for Me."Friendship/Love Level: 0/0Reward: Pet Glove and 100 Wood

How to Complete:Speak to Cecilia. She wants you to find a Ruby somewhere in Trieste Forest, butwithout killing any Monsters. Go to Trieste Forest - Aegis Falls; go north,then east over the bridge across the stream, then south down a log bridge (allthis is in Aegis Falls). Remember not to kill any Monsters! Near the two miningrocks and a rune-flower, you'll see a Ruby lying there in plain view. Take itand deliver it to her.

I haven't tested it, but for this specific quest, I don't think you can giveher a Ruby you have before hand. Part of the quest is to not kill Monsters...

2. "Looking for Special Ingredients"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "Please find some wild plants that I can use to really bring out the flavors in my cooking."Requirement: Have completed Cecilia's first quest: "Please Find Something."Friendship/Love Level: 1/1

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Reward: Brush and 200G

How to Complete:Speak to Cecilia. She wants you to get Indigo Grass for her new dish, to addsome new flavor. You can get Indigo Grass three different ways:~ From Blessia Island: go to Blessia Island - Center. Walk to the northeast, where there are two farm plots. Indigo Grass can randomly spawn on those plots - it's a dark blue color.~ From Natalie: she sells Indigo Grass for 30G.~ You already have the Indigo Grass at hand.Once you've obtained the Indigo Grass, deliver it to Cecilia.

3. "I Need Someone to Stay Over"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "Things have been really tough lately."Requirement: Have completed Cecilia's second quest: "Looking for Special Ingredients."Friendship/Love Level: 2/2Reward: make Cecilia happier (and you lose 100G)

How to Complete:Speak to Cecilia. She asks you to spend the night at her house! Oh, wait, it'sjust that Egan hasn't received many guests for a while, and Cecilia would likeyou to stay over at the Eagle Inn for a night to help his business. Go talk toEgan and ask for a room for the night (Egan charges 100G for the night).

NB - When you talk to Egan, you'll immediately go to sleep (i.e. the day ends).So, if you still have stuff to do that day, wait until you're finished beforetalking to Egan.Also, if you're not a close friend with Egan yet, you won't be able to go intohis house after 6:00 PM, so keep an eye on your clock!

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4. "Company for Stargazing"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "Come look at the stars with me?"Requirement: Have completed Cecilia's third quest: "I Need Someone to Stay Over."Friendship/Love Level: 3/3Reward: make Cecilia happier

How to Complete:Speak to Cecilia. She'll invite you to go to Alvarna - Falling Star Path at9:00 PM that night. When you meet her there at the aforementioned time, she'lltell you about Alicia's reading that you two might be able to see a shootingstar there, since she's always wanted to see one with you. Once you see theshooting star, she'll thank you for spending time with her, then leave.

NB - If you actually want to see the shooting star, you have to be extravigilant! There will only be one (1, singular) shooting star that night. It'llappear right in the middle of your touch screen.

5. "Male Bonding..."-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "I need a guy to talk to someone for me."Requirement: Have completed Cecilia's fourth quest: "Company for Stargazing."Friendship/Love Level: 4/4Reward: make Cecilia happier

How to Complete:Speak to Cecilia. She wants you to talk to Jake for her, to see if you can openhis heart and get him to forget about his intense dislike for humans. So, gohave a nice chat with Jake. Once you've done that, go tell Cecilia how it went.

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6. "I Want to Ask You Something"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "Can I ask you a kind of personal question?"Requirement: Have completed Cecilia's fifth quest: "Male Bonding..."Friendship/Love Level: 5/5Reward: make Cecilia happier

How to Complete:Speak to Cecilia. She'll ask you whether or not you like anybody. You willeither respond that you don't like anyone right now, or actually tell her thatyou like a certain person(s). (You, as a human playing a video game, have nosay in the matter. Kyle answers Ceci's question based on how many LP eachBachelorette has. It's very odd.)

7. "I Have Something for You"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "I have something I want to give you, but I'm a little worried that I'll mess it up."Requirement: Have completed Cecilia's sixth quest: "I Want to Ask You Something"Friendship/Love Level: 6/6Reward: Apple Pie

How to Complete:Speak to Cecilia. She will invite you to the De Sainte-Coquille Dining Hall. Gothere...(If you don't know where that is... stand outside facing the door of the DeSainte-Coquille Manor. Then run straight until you hit a wall, and you can'tmake Kyle go any further. You are in the Dining hall. The wall you hit willlook like a wine rack.)... and talk to her. She'll ask you if you like Apple Pie. If you answer "Notreally.", Cecilia will get upset. If you answer "I like you, Cecilia.", she

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will be pleasantly surprised. These two answers won't get you your Apple Pie.You want to answer "Yeah.", and Cecilia will say that she baked one and willgive it to you.

8. "Something's Really Bothering Me"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "Something's really bothering me. Please come talk to me."Requirement: Have completed Cecilia's seventh quest: "I Have Something for You."Friendship/Love Level: 7/7Reward: make Cecilia happier

How to Complete:Speak to Cecilia. She'll ask you to meet her at Trieste Forest - Entrance. Meether there, and she'll tell you... ^.^ You can find out what it is. You mayanswer either of the three options given to you, but if you choose the firstone, she will be disappointed.

9. "Something Very Important to Me"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "This is really important to me. Please find it."Requirement: Have completed Cecilia's eighth quest: "Something's Really Bothering Me."Friendship/Love Level: near 9/9Reward: Round Stone

How to Complete:Speak to Cecilia. She wants you to go find an item called Round Stone atMesshina Valley - Bridge to Shrine. Go there and walk all the way to the end ofthe bridge, to where the Stone Statue is. It's lying there on the ground inplain view; take it and deliver it to her. She will ask you to hold on to

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it,but won't tell you why.

(Fun Fact: the Round Stone appeared in Rune Factory - Ceci gave it to Felicity.The stone was actually cursed, and was causing Felicity to be sick. I find itvery amusing that it pops up here, because it becomes Cecilia's Proposal Item.)

10. "A Very Important Request"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "This is the most important favor I'll ask of you."Requirement: Have completed Cecilia's ninth quest: "Something Very Important to Me."Friendship/Love Level: 10/10Reward: Cecilia as your wife

How to Complete:Speak to Cecilia. She'll say that, if you really like her, to bring the RoundStone from the previous quest to Messhina Valley - Bridge to Shrine. Meet herthere (she'll be standing near where you found the Round Stone), and give herthe Round Stone. Talking won't work, she'll just ask if you brought the stone.You have to physically give it to her. She'll tell you a story about her past,and the new future that's she started to imagine at that time.

She'll then ask you if you like girls who are a little strange.If you answer "No.", the quest ends and Ceci will be sad.

If you answer "Yeah.", you will then be given another choice:~ If you answer "Hold on a second.", the quest ends and Ceci will be sad.~ If you answer "Will you marry me?"... well, this will be your proposal and your wedding will immediately commence.

(For the dialogue of the proposal (i.e. this quest), wedding, and

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marriage,please see section 13.3. Cecilia's Dialogue (tag Cecilia-D).)

===============================================================================9.2.3. Dorothy's Quests [Dorothy-Q]===============================================================================

1. "I Dropped Something..."-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "I, um, dropped my amulet, and..."Requirement: Have talked to Dorothy at least once, and completed Mana's first quest: "Please Deliver Something for Me."Friendship/Love Level: 0/0Reward: 100G

How to Complete:Speak to Dorothy. She'll be in front of the Eagle Inn. She'll say somethingabout the amulet and run. Rosalind will walk past, and tell you to look aroundthe docks, since Dorothy was there a little while ago. Go to Alvarna - Port andhead toward the docks (where the boat is that takes you to Blessia Island).You'll see the amulet in plain view on the ground. Take it and deliver it toDorothy.

2. "I Did It Again..."-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "I dropped my Ruby Brooch, and... it's, um, really important to me and, well..."Requirement: Have completed Dorothy's first quest: "I Dropped Something."Friendship/Love Level: 1/1Reward: Sweetie Potato

How to Complete:

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Speak to Dorothy. This time she lost her Ruby Brooch in Trieste Forest. Go toTrieste Forest - Aegis Falls and head left, near the mining stone by the StoneStatue. It's lying on the ground in plain view; take it and deliver it toDorothy. Her doll, Fern, will thank you for your efforts.

NB - I suggest that you hang on to this Sweetie Potato to give to Rosalind on afestival day, as it's one of her liked items, and you can't find her likeditems very easily in First Generation.

3. "I'd Like Some Wool, But..."-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "Um, I need a Wooly Furball, and, well, I'll tell you more if I see you."Requirement: Have completed Dorothy's second quest: "I Did It Again..."Friendship/Love Level: 2/2Reward: Greenifier and 100 Wood

How to Complete:Speak to Dorothy. Fern has a fever! So Dorothy wants you to bring her a WoolyFurball. If you already have one, give it to her so Fern can get better.Otherwise, you'll have to go to Trieste Forest - Spring Clearing at Night andkill Woolys until one drops a Wooly Furball. Deliver it to Dorothy, and Fernwill get better.

4. "I Want to Ask You Something..."-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "There's, um, something I'd like to talk to you about..."Requirement: Have completed Dorothy's third quest: "I'd Like Some Wool, But..."Friendship/Love Level: 3/3Reward: Toyherb Seed

How to Complete:

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Speak to Dorothy. Dorothy will defer to Fern, and Fern will ask you, "What doyou think is the principal that guides your actions?"

If you answer "To take care of myself first.", the conversation will end andyou have to talk to her again.

If you answer "To help everyone as much as I can.", Fern will approve and askyou to stay friends with Dorothy.

5. "Can You Do Me a Favor?"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "Could you maybe come over here for a little while?"Requirement: Have completed Dorothy's fourth quest: "I Want to Ask You Something..."Friendship/Love Level: 4/4Reward: make Dorothy happier

How to Complete:Speak to Dorothy. Dorothy asks if you want to "tackle a weak" with her... andthen defers to Fern, who says that Dorothy wants to take a walk with you andwill be waiting in front of the church the next day.Meet her there (she'll be there all day, so you don't have to rush), and Fernwill talk to you about Dorothy and ask to help her open her heart and realizeher dreams.

NB - Accept this quest as the last of the day, since it needs two days tocomplete.

6. "Something about the Future..."-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "I want to be a nurse but, well, I don't really have any self- confidence and..."

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Requirement: Have completed Dorothy's fifth quest: "Can You Do Me a Favor?"Friendship/Love Level: 5/5Reward: watch Dorothy find some confidence

How to Complete:Speak to Dorothy. She wants to ask you something, begins to defer to Fern, butKyle won't let her. Dorothy wants to take the nursing exam, but is nervousabout the interview part, and wants your help to practice. Kyle will be theinterviewer, and you get to choose which questions to ask her. You can eitherbe really mean and pick the ones that are hard to answer, or ask the easierquestions:~ "Let's start with an introduction."~ "What do you like?"~ "What's the name of your doll?"~ "What's the best way to maintain health?"~ "Do you have a very close friend?"If you choose at least four of the above answers, you'll help her find someconfidence.

7. "It's about Cammy..."-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "Cammy's been going out a lot lately and I'm not really sure where. If you could do me a small favor..."Requirement: Have completed Dorothy's sixth quest: "Something about the Future..."Friendship/Love Level: 6/6Reward: Glazed Yam

How to Complete:Speak to Dorothy. She'll say that there's been a lot of times where she can'tfind Cammy, and she's worried that Cammy's going into the forest - a verydangerous place for a small child. Since she won't listen to Dorothy, could you

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talk to her? Find Cammy, and talk some sense into her. Once you've done that,go tell Dorothy what happened.

8. "I Made Some Cookies"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "I tried making some cookies, so, if you want, come over and try them for me? I'll be waiting..."Requirement: Have completed Dorothy's seventh quest: "It's about Cammy..."Friendship/Love Level: 7/7Reward: nothing material

How to Complete:Speak to Dorothy; she'll be in Alvarna - West End, to the right of the church.She was trying to bake some chocolate cookies, and burned 8 batches, but thisone was okay, and would you try some? She'll ask you whether you like it:

If you answer "These are awful!", she will tell you some of the ingredients.

If you answer "These are really good!" she'll be happy.

Regardless of your answer, Cammy will come along and say something (what shesays will differ based on what your answer was).

9. "It's about Fern..."-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "Fern has been acting kind of funny lately. Come over and help please? For me?"Requirement: Have completed Dorothy's eighth quest: "I Made Some Cookies."Friendship/Love Level: 8/8Reward: see how Dorothy is changing

How to Complete:

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Speak to Dorothy. Fern won't talk to her! You try to explain how this mighthave happened, about how maybe it's because Dorothy is becoming closer to herother (human) friends.

10. "I...have say"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "There's, erm, something I want to talk to you about..."Requirement: Have completed Dorothy's ninth quest: "It's about Fern..."Friendship/Love Level: 9/9Reward: Charm and unlocking Gordon's final quest

How to Complete:Speak to Dorothy. She wants you to take her out on another date, but she isreally nervous to do that now, so she asks to meet you tomorrow at Alvarna -Port.

Meet her there (she'll be there the whole day, so you don't have to rush), andstart a conversation. You'll have to choose some things to answer her questionsto complete the quest. You can select any option, since all of them will giveyou information about Dorothy.

NB - you'll want to accept this at the end of the day, as this quest takes twodays to complete.

(For the dialogue of the proposal, wedding, and marriage, please see section13.4. Dorothy's Dialogue (tag Dorothy-D).)

===============================================================================9.2.4. Julia's Quests [Julia-Q]==========================================

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1. "Lost and Found"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "I need you to deliver something from the lost and found for me."Requirement: Have entered the bathhouse at least once, and completed Mana's first quest: "Please Deliver Something for Me."Friendship/Love Level: 0/0Reward: Vegetable Juice

How to Complete:Speak to Julia. She'll ask you to deliver a book to Gordon, as he left it inthe bathhouse. Once you've given it to Gordon, go back to tell Julia that thebook was safely delivered to its owner.

2. "More Lost and Found"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "I forgot something again... Can you bring it over?"Requirement: Have completed Julia's first quest: "Lost and Found."Friendship/Love Level: 1/1Reward: Toyherb Seed

How to Complete:Speak to Julia. She'll show you an old sword... Tanya left it in the bathhouse.Could you give it back to her? Once you've made the delivery, return and tellJulia that the sword was safely delivered to its rightful owner.

3. "New and Improved Soap"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "I made a new soap and I want you to try it out for me."Requirement: Have completed Julia's second quest: "More Lost and Found."Friendship/Love Level: 2/2Reward: Fruit Sandwich and 100 Wood

How to Complete:

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Speak to Julia. She made a new soap with herbs and wants you to try it, to seehow it is. You may answer her however you like, but if you want to make Juliahappy, answer "It feels nice." She'll thank you, saying how hard it was tobring out that smell.

4. "I Just Need a Break Sometimes"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "I need you to run over to the general store and get some food for me, but stop by here first, okay?"Requirement: Have completed Julia's third quest: "New and Improved Soap."Friendship/Love Level: 3/3Reward: Formula A

How to Complete:Speak to Julia. She'll ask you to run over to the Pumpkin General Store and buyher a healthy food for her lunch, since she is a girl and needs to take care ofher body and beauty, but doesn't have time to prepare a decent, healthy mealherself. So go talk to Douglas (he'll be behind the counter during this quest).He's got a choice of Salad or Cabbage Cakes:

If you choose Cabbage Cakes, Julia will get mad and kick you out (and you won'treceive the reward).

If you choose the Salad, Julia will be happy that you picked such a good lunch!(Although Douglas will think you're a sissy for eating a Salad.)

5. "A Tough Job"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "I'm having a kind of hard time with something. Come give me a hand?"

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Requirement: Have completed Julia's fourth quest: "I Just Need a Break Sometimes."Friendship/Love Level: 4/4Reward: Pickles

How to Complete:Speak to Julia. She'll tell you that Byron lost his Sun Pendant at the harborand asked her to look for it. Since she's so busy, could you go find it? Youpoint out that she'll get all the credit, even though you did the work... butwhatever. You're such a nice guy that you'll go to Alvarna - Port and look forit anyway. Head toward the dock where the Blessia Island ferry is, and you'llsee the Sun Pendant lying on the ground in plain view. Take it and deliver itto Julia.

6. "Something I've Noticed"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "I'm thinking that people in this town could be a little more image-conscious. Can you help me out?"Requirement: Have completed Julia's fifth quest: "A Tough Job."Friendship/Love Level: 5/5Reward: a heart-to-heart with Julia... and hypotension

How to Complete:Speak to Julia. She's worried about the citizens of Alvarna, that they couldtake a little more interest in how they look. So, she started to think abouthow to remedy this, and concluded that maybe they don't know the first thingabout beauty. Thus, she thought that she could enlighten them on what truebeauty is with her "Beauty Promotion Plan."

And you get to be the guinea pig.

She instructs you to get into the tub, and she'll supervise - this is

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"Operation: Extended Bathtime." As soon as its begun, Julia gets bored andstarts talking with you, telling you about herself. During this heart-to-heart,you faint (from being in the bath waaay too long). She'll then understand thatit may be just a bit difficult to follow her rules for beauty.

7. "I Made a Little Mistake"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "I kind of messed something up at the store..."Requirement: Have completed Julia's sixth quest: "Something I've Noticed."Friendship/Love Level: 6/6Reward: get Julia mad (but the Friend/Love Level will raise, regardless)

How to Complete:Speak to Julia. She accidentally drained the bath at the wrong time, andNatalie was still in the bath! Natalie was really mad, and Julia's very upsetby it. While you're talking with Julia, Natalie will come by and complain more.Simply observe the conversation between Natalie and Julia, and watch the issueget resolved without your help.

8. "I'd Like to Talk to You"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "I want to apologize to someone for something. Can you help me out?"Requirement: Have completed Julia's seventh quest: "I Made a Little Mistake."Friendship/Love Level: 7/7Reward: make Julia happier

How to Complete:Speak to Julia. She'll tell you about how Douglas, even after being warned,jumped in the bath before it was ready and got scalded. He seemed

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pretty mad,and Julia's upset that he might hold a grudge against her. Go find Douglas, andasked him what happened (he'll say that it was his mistake for not listening toJulia). Go back to Julia and tell him what he said. She'll feel better, andtell you a little bit more about herself.

9. "Bathhouse in Crisis! Help Me!"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "Help me, please! If things keep going the way they have been, my place is going to... I don't even want to think about it!"Requirement: Have completed Julia's eighth quest: "I'd Like to Talk to You."Friendship/Love Level: 8/8Reward: Messhilight Ore

How to Complete:Speak to Julia. She's worried about her bathhouse because business hasn't beengoing very well, so she thought that to get more customers, she needs morepublicity. She heard somewhere that a Messhilight Ore is pretty rare, and maybeif she displays one in her bathhouse, more people will come!

Good luck finding a rare ore, yes? Well, as the ore's name subtly hints, headto Messhina Valley. Keep walking through, and in Serene Garden... is that...?It is! It's a Messhilight Ore! Lucky you! Go pick it up to bring it back toJulia--only to find that Julia followed you!

You tell her that it's too dangerous for her to be here, there's too manyMonsters; and she'll complain that she didn't want to leave you to do somethingso important for her alone... and a Monster appears. A pretty big one, too.Kill it, then head back to town to give Julia the Messhilight Ore.

And only now does Julia realize that she doesn't have a place to display it!

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Guess you'll just have to keep it, then. But what to do with it? Maybe Yue willhave an answer for you, since she's dealt with rare stuff before. Go give it toher (not talk, actually give her the Ore), and see what she can do for you.

10. "Come Talk to Me"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "There's something I want to talk to you about. Come see me?"Requirement: Have completed Julia's ninth quest: "Bathhouse in Crisis! Help Me!"Friendship/Love Level: 9/9Reward: a kiss on the cheek

How to Complete:Speak to Julia. She wants to go on a date with you, and clarifies that it'sjust a hanging-out date, not a romantic-date date. She also doesn't want tohave the rest of Alvarna's citizens see the two of you together, so she wantsto meet you at Alvarna - Port at 6:00 AM the next day. She will be there theentire day, so no rush, but good manners are the hallmark of a true knight--Imean...

Meet her there the next day, and you have a lovely chat by the sea.

NB - Accept this quest as the last of the day, since it needs two days tocomplete.

(For the dialogue of the proposal, wedding, and marriage, please see section13.5. Julia's Dialogue (tag Julia-D).)


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=====================================9.2.5. Mana's Quests [Mana-Q]===============================================================================

1. "Please Deliver Something for Me"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "Please deliver an Emery Flower to Rosalind for me. Come talk to me about it."Requirement: Have talked to Mana at least once.Friendship/Love Level: 0/0Reward: 100G

How to Complete:Speak to Mana. Just as her note said, she wants you to deliver an Emery Flowerto Rosalind - Mana will give you the Emery Flower. Make the delivery, andreport back to Mana that you safely delivered the package.

NB - If you're on the first day (the day that you start the game), you won't beable to talk to Mana about this quest until 9:00 AM when she's in the PumpkinGeneral Store.This is also the first quest of the game, so you can figure out how questswork.

2. "I Want a Four Leaf Clover"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "I want you to bring be a four leaf clover."Requirement: Have completed Mana's first quest: "Please Deliver Something for Me."Friendship/Love Level: 1/1Reward: 200G and 100 Wood

How to Complete:Speak to Mana. She wants you to bring her a 4-Leaf Clover from Blessia Island.Head to the ferry boat that takes you there, and go to Blessia Island -

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Center.Head to the northeastern part of the area, where the farm plots are. The 4-LeafClover will be lying on the ground to the left of the plots in plain view. Takeit and deliver it to her.

3. "Help Me Look for Something"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "The goods I ordered for the store have vanished!"Requirement: Have completed Mana's second quest: "I Want a Four Leaf Clover."Friendship/Love Level: 2/2Reward: 200G

How to Complete:Speak to Mana. She lost the Aquamarine she ordered somewhere in the PumpkinGeneral Store and needs your help to find it. This time, the item won't belying on the ground in plain view, so you'll have to search around the store bygoing up to something and pressing the A button.

To find the Aquamarine, start where Mana is. Go to your right, down the stairs.There's a wooden box/crate right next to the stairs, and the Aquamarine is inthere. (If you've got your target box on, the box is two squares east of her.)

Once you've found the Aquamarine, give it to Mana.

4. "I Need a Fisherman!(music note)"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "I could really go for some salmon. Fish one out for me?"Requirement: Have completed Mana's third quest: "Help Me Look for Something."Friendship/Love Level: 3/3Reward: 200G

How to Complete:

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Speak to Mana. She's got this overwhelming craving for Salmon. Could you getone for her?

You'll be needing a Pole, which you can get from completing Barrett's firstquest: "I'm Looking for Something."

To get the Salmon, go to Messhina Valley - Path to Mountain... and find thatMana's followed you. Tell her to go back, because it's too dangerous for ayoung lady to be in Monster-infested areas, then start fishing.I usually go to Serene Garden, actually; and stand on the mini-peninsula by thetree and boulder. I can usually catch a Salmon there. There's only a Buffamoothere, and it won't attack you unless you attack it first. Or, stay near thebridge in Path to Mountain (but beware the Goblin; I'd kill it and its Portalfirst). Whichever you prefer.

Once you've caught a Salmon, deliver it to Mana.

NB - You can get around the scene with Mana in Path to Mountain by catching theSalmon before hand, and giving it to right after you talk to her, accepting herquest.

5. "Let's Talk"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "I want to talk to you for a bit..."Requirement: Have completed Mana's fourth quest: "I Need a Fisherman!(music note)"Friendship/Love Level: 4/4Reward: make Mana happier

How to Complete:Speak to Mana. She wants to talk to you in "our special place." Do you know

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what she means by "our special place?" You may answer yes or no, but to makeher happy answer "Of course."

Go to Cherry Blossom Square, where you first came to Alvarna with no name ormemories; the place where you first met Mana (and then Douglas). She'll bewaiting there for you, and you two reminisce about the time you first met...and OMG there's an earthquake! Oh, wait, it's just Douglas, bellowing about howyou can't marry his little girl... Mana sends him off, and the two of youfinish up your conversation.

6. "I Have Something to Ask You"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "It's kind of private, but..."Requirement: Have completed Mana's fifth quest: "Let's Talk."Friendship/Love Level: 5/5Reward: give Mana some peace of heart

How to Complete:Speak to Mana. She wants to discuss something in private with you, so could youmeet her at Alvarna - Port at 6:00 PM tomorrow?

You can meet her there at 6:00 PM, but she'll be there the whole day, so youcan go first thing in the morning if you so choose.

Meet up with Mana at Alvarna - Port, and she'll ask if you like someone. Youwill either respond that you don't like anyone right now, or actually tell herthat you like a certain person(s). (You, as a human playing a video game, haveno say in the matter. Kyle answers Mana's question based on how many LP eachBachelorette has. It's very odd.) After hearing your answer, Mana will acceptthe fact and leave.

If you forget to go see her, Mana will be mad at you. But don't fret -

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you justneed to abandon the quest and re-accept it.

NB - Accept this quest as the last of the day, since it needs two days tocomplete.

7. "A Delivery Request"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "Can you deliver something for me?"Requirement: Have completed Mana's sixth quest: "I Have Something to Ask You."Friendship/Love Level: 6/6Reward: Red Scarf

How to Complete:Speak to Mana. She wants you to make a delivery to someone living on the farmjust outside of town... wait a minute, that sounds like you! Mana will give youa Red Scarf that she made herself with lots of love.

(The Red Scarf itself is useless. You can't equip it as an accessory, and youcan't sell it because it was a gift. If you don't want it to take up space onyour Shelf or Backpack, just toss it - it'll end up in the Lost-and-Found Boxin Byron's house, if you ever feel the need to have it again. If you leave itin the Box while crossing to Second Generation, it'll simply disappear.)

8. "I Have Something to Tell You"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "Can I talk to you about something serious for a bit?"Requirement: Have completed Mana's seventh quest: "A Delivery Request."Friendship/Love Level: 7/7Reward: information for a future mission

How to Complete:

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Speak to Mana. She'll invite you to go to Cherry Blossom Square. Go there andtalk to her. Mana will tell you her plans that she has for the future. She'llthen ask you what you think Alvarna is missing... you don't have to choosesomething to respond - Mana blazes ahead and tells you what Alvarna is missing,and you get to find your own plans for the future!

9. "It's a Date!"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "Let's go out!"Requirement: Have completed Mana's eighth quest: "I Have Something to Tell You."Friendship/Love Level: 8/8Reward: a date (or temporary bodyguard job, depending on how you see it)

How to Complete:Speak to Mana. Since she's not scared of anything (and has great trust in you),she wants to go out on a date on Blessia Island. Oh boy. Meet her at BlessiaIsland - Summer Port, and start your adventure. You'll be going through to thevery last area of Blessia Island, Old Ship Deck, and will have to destroy allthe Monster Portals along the way (to make it safe for Mana, of course).

Once you reach Blessia Island - Old Ship Deck, Mana will tell you more aboutherself and her dreams, and as a result she'll become more confident aboutgetting her dreams accomplished.

And then she'll leave, running past all the revived Monster Portals by herself.

10. "A Very Important Conversation"

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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "This is about the most important thing in my life."Requirement: Have completed Mana's ninth quest: "It's a Date!"Friendship/Love Level: 9/9Reward: information about her Proposal Item and unlocking Douglas' final quest

How to Complete:Speak to Mana. She'll tell you to meet her in Cherry Blossom Square. Go thereand talk to her. You'll have an extremely important conversation about herdreams of the future...

(For the dialogue of the proposal, wedding, and marriage, please see section13.6. Mana's Dialogue (tag Mana-D).)

===============================================================================9.2.6. Rosalind's Quests [Rosalind-Q]===============================================================================

1. "Please Find Me Some Lamp Grass"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "Could you please supply me with some Lamp Grass? (See me for details)"Requirement: Have talked to Rosalind at least once and completed Mana's first quest: "Please Deliver Something for Me"Friendship/Love Level: 0/0Reward: 2000G

How to Complete:Speak to Rosalind. She wants you to get her some Lamp Grass, and give youdirections on how to find said Lamp Grass in Trieste Forest. This won't be anitem lying on the ground in plain view, you have to follow her directions andwalk around a certain area until a text box pops up saying you found

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the LampGrass, and asks you whether or not you want to pick the Lamp Grass (and youshould want to pick it).

To find the Lamp Grass, go to Trieste Forest - Spring Clearing. As soon as youenter this area, keep walking over the grass that's to your right, near theedge of the area by the wooden fence.

Once you've found the Lamp Grass, take it back to Rosalind and receive yourreward!

2. "Please Find Me an Apple"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "I need a special kind of apple from a specific place. Could you please go and pick one for me? (See me for details)"Requirement: Have completed Rosalind's first quest: "Please Find Me Some Lamp Grass."Friendship/Love Level: 1/1Reward: Harvest Basket and 4000G

How to Complete:Speak to Rosalind. She wants you to get an Apple from Trieste Forest, sinceit's too dangerous for a lady. So as a true gentleman, you go and fetch one forher.

There are two ways to get an Apple:~ Go to Trieste Forest - Grassy Path. Run to the northeast part of the area, north of the Orc Monster Portal, and you'll find an apple tree with four Apples on it. Please note that this tree will not have an Apple on it specially for this quest - if you've already picked them, the tree takes three game-days to re-grow Apples.~ If you've already picked the Apples and don't want to wait for the tree to re-grow them, you can go to Trieste Forest - Spring Clearing during

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the Day and kill Pomme-Pommes; their Monster Drop is an Apple.

Once you've got your Apple, deliver it to Rosalind.

3. "Please Deliver Something for Me"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "Could you please deliver a letter to someone for me? (See me for details)"Requirement: Have completed Rosalind's second quest: "Please Find Me an Apple."Friendship/Love Level: 2/2Reward: 6000G and 100 Wood

How to Complete:Speak to Rosalind. She's got something embarrassing to tell you, and doesn'twant anyone to hear. Come closer and listen carefully: she wants you to delivera secret message to Byron, and no one can see you. Take the Secret Letter and,using your mad ninja skills to not let anyone see you, discretely deliver it toByron. Report back to Rosalind that your mission was a success.

(By the way, it's okay if someone sees you... but it's fun to be a ninjasometimes, no? ^.^)

4. "Hiring Research Assistant"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "Now hiring a scientific research assistant. Please inquire for details."Requirement: Have completed Rosalind's third quest: "Please Deliver Something for Me."Friendship/Love Level: 3/3Reward: 8000G

How to Complete:Speak to Rosalind. She'll ask you if you have a hard time taking

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medicine.Since you seem perfect for her purposes, she's developed a medicine and wantsyou to see how effective it is and help advance her scientific knowledge. Inplain words, she wants you to be a guinea pig. Oh boy. For the sake of scienceand humanity, you decide to test it. But, in order to test the medicine, you'vegot to get a cold!

To get a cold, you simply have to wait until 3:00 AM before going to bed, twodays in a row.So, stay up until 3:00 AM, and go to sleep. You'll wake up at 9:00 AM, and havea blue-squiggle-icon underneath your HP/RP bars. That means you're "tired."Stay up past 3:00 AM again, and you'll wake up at 9:00 AM, only half of your RPrestored, and a little blue-sun-icon underneath your HP/RP bars. Voila! Youcaught a cold!

I suggest catching a cold before accepting this quest. That way, you can doother quests in the interim.

Once you've caught a cold, report to Rosalind and take her medicine - you'recold will go away, and you get 8000G to add to your pocket!

5. "Private Message 1"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "Please come see me at your earliest convenience."Requirement: Have completed Rosalind's fourth quest: "Hiring Research Assistant."Friendship/Love Level: 4/4Reward: a happy moment with Rosalind

How to Complete:Speak to Rosalind. She wants to share her new recipes with you to repay you for

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all the favors you've done her. She wants to cook all of them specially foryou, and why not eat them on a picnic?

So meet her at Alvarna - North Square, and enjoy your picnic lunch withRosalind.

6. "Please Capture a Monster"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "Could you please capture a monster for me? (See me for details.)"Requirement: Have completed Rosalind's fifth quest: "Private Message 1."Friendship/Love Level: 5/5Reward: 10,000G

How to Complete:Speak to Rosalind. She wants you to catch a Wooly for her - and collect aSmall Fleece from it.

A Small Fleece is the item you get from a Wooly when its Friendship Level isbetween 0 and 3.There's two ways to get a Small Fleece:~ If you already have a Wooly with a low Friendship Level in your Barn, go use the Clippers on it to get the Small Fleece. However, if you've already sheared your Wooly recently, you have to wait three game-days for the wool to grow back.~ Go to Trieste Forest - Spring Clearing at Night, and take your Pet Glove. Catch a Wooly, go to your Barn, and use the Clippers on it to collect the Small Fleece.~ If you don't even have a Barn, you need to talk to Byron in order to build one - it costs 5000G and 50 Wood. Then you can catch a Wooly.

Once you've gotten the Small Fleece, deliver it to Rosalind. You'll also findout what the secret document was you had delivered to Byron in her

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third quest:"Please Deliver Something for Me."

7. "Magical Assistant Needed"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "I need an assistant to help test some new magic for me. Please inquire for details"Requirement: Have completed Rosalind's sixth quest: "Please Capture a Monster."Friendship/Love Level: 6/6Reward: prove to her that you're not a coward

How to Complete:Speak to Rosalind. She gets straight to the point and tells you that she wantsto test a spell that will cause a localized explosion, and that it couldpotentially be dangerous. She wants your help to see if the spell will workproperly. Trust in her and meet her at Trieste Forest - Entrance. She'll tellyou that she's sorry - that it was just a plan she made to see if you wouldcome meet her and do a dangerous test... but that she's really glad that youwould trust her like that. (And you're relieved that it wasn't a dangerousspell after all.)

8. "Please Get Some Rare Ingredients"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "I would really appreciate it if someone could find these rare ingredients for me. (See me for details.)"Requirement: Have completed Rosalind's seventh quest: "Magical Assistance Needed."Friendship/Love Level: 7/7Reward: 20,000G

How to Complete:Speak to Rosalind. She'll ask you if you know anything about the Gold

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Cabbage.She really wants one and will pay handsomely if you can find it. Speak to her asecond time, and she'll say that maybe her brother Max might know where to findone, and maybe he'll talk to you when he's in his room.

Max's room is second from the left at the top of the stairs in the De Sainte-Coquille Manor.The times Max is in his room:~ On Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Holidays, he'll be in his room after 5:00 PM.~ On Tuesdays, he'll be in his room after 9:00 PM.~ On rainy days, he'll be in his room after 9:00 PM.~ On festivals days, tough luck - he'll never be in his room. (I'm assuming this because I waited until at least 10:00 PM on a festival day, and he still wasn't in his room.)

Once you catch him in his room, speak to Max. He'll say that he already has aGold Cabbage and will give it to you for free! What a great brother, alwayslooking out for his sister!

When you've gotten the Gold Cabbage, deliver it to Rosalind. You'll also get totaste Rosalind's "De Sainte-Coquille Cole Slaw!"

9. "Private Message 2 (URGENT)"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "Please come see me immediately after reading this. (It's very important.)"Requirement: Have completed Rosalind's eighth quest: "Please Get Some Rare Ingredients."Friendship/Love Level: 8/8Reward: 50,000G

How to Complete:

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Speak to Rosalind. She's been having some problems with the son of the head ofthe trading firm that does business with her father's company. Herman says thatthe son is a very good candidate for her, but she's told him that she likesanother man (who could that be, I wonder?). So Rosalind turned the son down.But now another problem's appeared - Herman wants to know who she wants tomarry! Maybe you can guess who she said.

Herman then indirectly mentioned that he's always wanted to try Royal Curry...and if only the suitor could get one for him, he would probably acceptRosalind's choice.

So here's what you do: go talk to your trusty buddy Max when he's in his room(see previous quest for these times) and tell him your problem. And, what doyou know, he's already got one at hand! Max tells you to deliver it before itgets cold.

Deliver the Royal Curry to Rosalind, and you'll get transported to Herman'sroom. Talk to Herman, and after eating the Royal Curry, says that there isn'tanyone in existence more perfect for his daughter than you.

10. "Private Message 3"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "Please come see me at your earliest convenience."Requirement: Have completed Rosalind's ninth quest: "Private Message 2 (URGENT)."Friendship/Love Level: 9/9Reward: make Rosalind happier and information about her Proposal Item

How to Complete:Speak to Rosalind. She wants to go on an official date with you, now that her

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father approves your all's relationship, at Blessia Island - Summer Isle Port.

Meet her there - she'll be near the Save Point. Just as she had said before,it'll be just the two of you there (unless you do this quest on a Tuesday; thenYue will be there too). You'll have a sweet, romantic conversation.

After Rosalind has left, Kyle will mention that it might soon be time to talkto Max when he's in his room, to know what to do now...(See Rosalind's eighth quest: "Please Get Some Rare Ingredients" for times whenMax is in his room.)

(For the dialogue of the proposal, wedding, and marriage, please see section13.7. Rosalind's Dialogue (tag Rosalind-D).)

===============================================================================9.2.7. Yue's Quests [Yue-Q]===============================================================================

1. "Nothing Comes Before Good Skin!"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "Maybe I've just been working too hard, but lately my skin's been really drying up. I know somethin' that would be great -- can you get it for me?"Requirement: Have talked to Yue at least once and completed Mana's first quest: "Please Deliver Something for Me."Friendship/Love Level: 0/0Reward: Daikon Seeds

How to Complete:Speak to Yue. She'll ask you to bring her some Honey from Trieste Forest.

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Go to Trieste Forest - Grassy Path, and go near the Save Point. The Honey willbe lying on the ground in plain view between the Save Point and the MonsterPortal. It looks like a dark-yellow bottle with a red, pointed cap.

Once you've gotten the Honey, deliver it to Yue.

2. "Monster Money!"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "I could make bundles if I got my hands on one of these. Help me out!"Requirement: Have completed Yue's first quest: "Nothing Comes Before Good Skin!"Friendship/Love Level: 1/1Reward: Baked Rice Ball

How to Complete:Speak to Yue. She'll say that some people will buy a Panther Claw for a reallyhigh price... could you get one for her?

Panther Claws are dropped by Shadow Panthers. You'll find them in BlessiaIsland - Center and Blessia Island - Old Ship Deck, and only at Night. Keepkilling them until one drops a Panther Claw.

Once you've gotten your Panther Claw, deliver it to Yue.

3. "Something's Wrong with My Kimono"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "There's something wrong with my favorite kimono! Help!!!"Requirement: Have completed Yue's second quest: "Monster Money!"Friendship/Love Level: 2/2Reward: Fried Eggs

How to Complete:Speak to Yue. Her favorite kimono has a stain! She heard that White

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Grass willbe able to remove it.

You can find White Grass in three different places:~ Go to Padova Mts. - Flowing River, and go north until you find the farm plot. White Grass will randomly spawn there. It will also randomly spawn on the farm plots in Padova Mts. - Freezing Cave (the plots are in the middle of the area).~ Buy from Natalie for 150G.~ If you already have one at hand.

Once you have your White Grass, deliver it to Yue.

4. "Scaling the Phantom Sand Dunes..."-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "There's a special item I need. Without it, I won't be able to get over the sand dunes!"Requirement: Have completed Yue's third quest: "Something's Wrong with My Kimono."Friendship/Love Level: 3/3Reward: Hachimaki and 100 Wood

How to Complete:Speak to Yue. She needs to cross the Phantom Sand Dunes, but since they're madeof millions of pieces of glass fragments reflecting off each other, the dunesare impossible to cross without being blinded. However, if she had a ShadeStone, she'll be able to cross the dunes without being blinded.

Go to Messhina Valley - Path to Mountain. Go all the way to the north of thisarea, where the mining stones are and is a Monster Portal that spawns a GoblinArcher. You'll see the Shade Stone lying on the ground in plain view behind theMonster Portal.

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Once you've gotten the Shade Stone, deliver it to Yue.

5. "I'm Having Trouble with Someone"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "Somebody really pushy has been following me around lately and it's gettin' to be a problem. Can you give me a hand?"Requirement: Have completed Yue's fourth quest: "Scaling the Phantom Sand Dunes..."Friendship/Love Level: 4/4Reward: a kiss on the cheek

How to Complete:Speak to Yue. Some wealthy playboy, Cesar, in another country is flirting withher non-stop, even when she's said she's not interested. So, she told him thatshe already had a boyfriend - he looked at her straight in the face andchallenged her to prove it (what a jerk!). So she thinks that if she buys anengagement ring, he'll back off. But the ring's going to cost 1000G, and she'sa bit short on money. You're given a choice here - to help out Yue or not(although, in the end, you need to help her to complete the quest...):

If you choose "I'm sorry, but I can't.", she'll get mad and you need to do theconversation all over again.

If you choose "Give her 1000G.", Yue will thank you for your help.

6. "More Monster Money!"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "Okay, well, this time it's a fish, not a monster I need. Anyway, stop 'round here first."Requirement: Have completed Yue's fifth quest: "I'm Having Trouble with Someone."Friendship/Love Level: 5/5

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Reward: Apple Pie

How to Complete:Speak to Yue. The fish of Alvarna are very much appreciated in other towns, soYue wants you to catch a Char for her so as to sell it elsewhere.

You've got to have a Pole, and you can get this from Barrett's first quest:"I'm Looking for Something."

To catch a Char, go to Blessia Island - Center and fish in the water that's inthe center of the area.Or if you have one before hand, you can just give her that one.

Once you've gotten your Char, deliver it to Yue.

7. "Yue's Original Goods"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "I'm thinking' of making something totally original that will really make me stand out. Wanna help me out?"Requirement: Have completed Yue's sixth quest: "More Monster Money!"Friendship/Love Level: 6/6Reward: 500G

How to Complete:Speak to Yue. As a true traveler merchant, she wants to innovate and createsome original goods that she made by herself with her look. She's decided tomake a kimono, and needs your help collecting grasses for the natural dyes. Sheneeds Red Grass, Blue Grass, and Yellow Grass (one of each).

There's three ways to get these grasses:~ If you already have them at hand, just give them to Yue.~ You can find Blue Grass on either of the farm plots in Blessia Island - South Beach and Center. Red Grass and Yellow Grass appear frequently on your own farm.

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~ Buy them all from Natalie for 30G each (so one of each Grass totals to 90G).

Once you've gotten all three kinds of Grasses, deliver them to Yue.

8. "Yue's Original Goods (Continued)"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "I still need your help with this!"Requirement: Have completed Yue's seventh quest: "Yue's Original Goods."Friendship/Love Level: 7/7Reward: Miso Eggplant

How to Complete:Speak to Yue - she'll be in Alvarna - West End on the right side of the archesbetween the church and the Eagle Inn. She's finally completed her kimono andwants your opinion on it; suggestions, comments, anything. Since you don't knowanything about fashion, you say to ask Julia for help, since she's good atfashion and such. After this suggestion, Julia just happens to walk past. Yuegets her opinion, and Julia wants to buy one. Since Julia helped her out, Yuewill give her a discounted price - 30,000G instead of the original 50,000G.(Julia says that she doesn't have enough money and will have to save up.)

9. "Help Me Find Something!"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "I did something kind of silly... I think I might have dropped something. Can you go get it for me? Come see me for the details."Requirement: Have completed Yue's eighth quest: "Yue's Original Goods (Continued)."Friendship/Love Level: 8/8Reward: Critical Ring

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How to Complete:Speak to Yue. She wants to thank you for all the things that you've done forher, by giving you a present. But there's a small problem... she lost itsomewhere on Blessia Island! Could you go find it?

Go to Blessia Island - Altar/Old Ship. Walk to the east side of the area, tothe end of the beach, and you'll see a ring lying on the ground in plain view.Take it and deliver it to Yue (and then you'll get it back as the reward forthis quest).

10. "I Have Something to Tell You"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "There's something I've been wanting to tell you for a while. Come meet me?"Requirement: Have completed Yue's ninth quest: "Help Me Find Something!"Friendship/Love Level: 9/9Reward: Yue Swap Ticket (her Proposal Item)

How to Complete:Speak to Yue. She wants you to take her on a date, and requests that you meether the next day. So, when you wake up upon the morrow, go find Yue and talk toher. She wants to find out more about you, and asks a series of questions. Youmay answer whatever you want, but each question has three answer choices: onewill match Yue's likes, one will make her confused, and one she'll just saysome comment. Thus:

Yue's QuestionMatch Answer Funny Answer Normal Answer

What kind of food do you like, Kyle?"Lighter foods." "Strange foods." "Richer foods."

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What kind of music do you like?"Fast music." "Chanting monks." "Slow music."

What kind of clothes do you like?"Stylish clothing." "Comfortable clothing." "Underwear."

What kind of books do you like?"Dramatic Books." "Children's Books." "Adventure Novels."

Tell me something you don't like."Selfish people." "Vegetables." "Hurting others."

Once you've had your little date, the quest is over and you get her ProposalItem - the Yue Swap Ticket.

NB - Accept this quest as the last of the day, since it needs two days tocomplete.

(For the dialogue of the proposal, wedding, and marriage, please see section13.8. Yue's Dialogue (tag Yue-D).)

*******************************************************************************9.3. Villager Quests Pertaining to Proposal Items [ProposeItem-Q]*******************************************************************************

These are various villagers' quests from the Bulletin Board that pertain toProposal Items. That is to say, if you need to complete a quest(s) to get aProposal Item, and the requester is NOT a love interest, you will find thatinformation here.

Whenever you complete a quest, you get some kind of reward (which can either bematerial or simply amusement). Completing a quest also raises the

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FriendshipLevel of the requester.

I picked Douglas, Gordan, Herman, and Max:~ Douglas because you need his fourth quest to get Mana's Proposal Item.~ Gordan because you need his fifth quest to get Dorothy's Proposal Item.~ Herman because you need to get friendly enough with him to visit inside his house after visiting hours - because you need to catch Max when he's in his room to get Rosalind's Proposal Item.~ Max because... because he's the one that ends up giving you Rosalind's Proposal Item, so I thought, "Why not?"If you feel like I need to include someone else, please don't hesitate tocontact me!

I shall explain, by example, how each section is organized:

==============================X.X.X. Character Name [Tag]==============================

X. "Quest Name"------------------------------Description: "original text from game"Requirement: what you have to have done in order to unlock the questFriendship Level: how many FP/LP you have to have (at minimum) to unlock the questReward: what you receive upon completion of the quest

How to Complete:What you need to do in order to complete the quest. May also include plotinformation about the quest, as well as other various information (e.g. ifthere's an item you need to get, there will be information as to where to findthat item).


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=====================================9.3.1. Douglas' Quests [Douglas-Q]===============================================================================

1. "Get This for Me"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "Go and fetch me "The Fighting Bull's Horns"!"Requirement: Have talked to Douglas at least once and completed Mana's first quest: "Please Deliver Something for Me."Friendship Level: 0Reward: 100G

How to Complete:Speak to Douglas. He'll ask you to go to Trieste Forest and bring him a BullHorn.

Go to Trieste Forest - Spring Clearing. Head to the northwest, along thestream. In the grass above the Monster Portal (spawns 2 PommePommes at Day; 2Woolys at Night), there will be a Bull Horn lying on the ground in plain view.

Take it and deliver it to Douglas.

2. "I Got into a Fight with Mana..."-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "I can't bring myself to give her this letter!"Requirement: Have completed Douglas' first quest: "Get This for Me."Friendship Level: between 1 and 2Reward: 100 Wood

How to Complete:Speak to Douglas. He got into a fight with Mana and wants to apologize, so hewrote her a letter... but doesn't have the courage to give it to her. Could youdo it?

Take the letter and give it to Mana (who is standing right next to Douglas in

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the Pumpkin General Store). She'll tell you to tell her father that she isn'tmad at him anymore.

Report back to Douglas.

3. "Let's Talk about This Like Men"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "There are times when men need to talk about things like men."Requirement: Have completed Douglas' second quest: "I Got into a Fight with Mana..."Friendship Level: near 3Reward: Empty Bottle

How to Complete:Speak to Douglas. Talking like a true man, Douglas confides his suspicions withyou - he thinks that Mana likes someone, and wants to know who you think he is.Choose every option (Ray, Jake, Barrett, Max), and Douglas will say that Mana'stoo good for him. Well, that just leaves you then, doesn't it? And Douglas getsmaaad. Once his rant finishes, he gives you your reward.

4. "I Challenge You!"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "As long as I live you will NEVER marry my daughter!"Requirement: Have completed Douglas' third quest: "Let's Talk about This Like Men," and completed Mana's tenth quest: "A Very Important Conversation."Friendship Level: minimum 3Reward: Engagement Ring

How to Complete:Speak to Douglas. He'll tell you to meet him in Trieste Forest - WoodedParadise. Time to be a real man.

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Go to Trieste Forest - Wooded Paradise and talk to Douglas. You'll tell him howyou feel about Mana (well, Kyle does), and Douglas will challenge you. A giantOrc will come and interfere your face-off, and now it's up to you to saveDouglas. Kill it (don't be intimidated by its size - it's just as strong as aregular Orc), then talk to Douglas again - he'll be at the southeast corner ofthe area - and he'll give you Mana's Proposal Item.

===============================================================================9.3.2. Gordon's Quests [Gordon-Q]===============================================================================

1. "Please Get Me an Amethyst"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "I need you to get this and bring it go me."Requirement: Have talked to Gordon at least once and completed Mana's first quest: "Please Deliver Something for Me."Friendship Level: 0Reward: 400G (and you get the Hammer during the quest)

How to Complete:Speak to Gordon. He'll tell you that he wants an Amethyst, which can be foundon Blessia Island, and he'll give you a Hammer.

There's two ways to get an Amethyst:~ Go to Blessia Island - South Beach and Center, and bash mining rocks until you get an Amethyst. If you don't get one that day, you'll have to come back the next day and try your luck.~ If you already have one in your possession, give him that one.

Once you get your Amethyst, deliver it to Gordon.

2. "Please Get Me an Aquamarine"

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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "Sorry, but can you get this for me too?"Requirement: Have completed Gordon's first quest: "Please Get Me an Amethyst."Friendship Level: 1Reward: 600G and 100 Wood

How to Complete:Speak to Gordon. This time he needs an Aquamarine, which can found in TriesteForest.

There's two ways to get an Aquamarine:~ Go to Trieste Forest - Aegis Falls. There's four mining rocks in that area for you to bash; keep bashing until you get an Aquamarine. If you don't get one that day, you'll have to come back the next day and try your luck.~ If you already have one in your possession, give him that one.

Once you get your Aquamarine, deliver it to Gordon.

3. "Please Get Me Some Sturdy String"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "As usual, I need you to run and get something for me."Requirement: Have completed Gordon's second quest: "Please Get Me an Aquamarine."Friendship Level: 2Reward: 600G

How to Complete:Speak to Gordon. This time me needs a Strong String - a Monster Drop from aSpider. Spiders are found in Trieste Forest at Night.

There's two ways to get a Strong String:~ Go to Trieste Forest - Grassy Path or Wooded Paradise and kill Spiders until one drops a Strong String.~ If you already have one in your possession, give him that one.

Once you get your Strong String, deliver it to Gordon.

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4. "Find a Diamond for Me"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "I want you to find a diamond for me. Come see me for the details."Requirement: Have completed Gordon's third quest: "Please Get Me Some Sturdy String."Friendship Level: between 2 and 3Reward: 700G

How to Complete:Speak to Gordon. This time, he needs you to go get a Diamond - it's a rare gem,so it could be a little difficult to find, but it can be found in Padova Mts.

There's two ways to get a Diamond:~ Go to Padova Mts. - Flowing River and Freezing Cave and bash rocks until you get a Diamond. If you don't get one that day, you'll have to come back the next day and try your luck.~ If you already have one in your possession, give him that one.

Once you get your Diamond, deliver it to Gordon.

5. "I've Got Something for You"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "I've got something I want to give you. Come and get it."Requirement: Have completed Gordon's fourth quest: "Find a Diamond for Me," and Dorothy's tenth quest: "I...have say."Friendship Level: minimum of 3Reward: Blessing Pendant

How to Complete:Speak to Gordon. He'll talk to you about Dorothy's nature and thanks you forhow much you helped to change her. He'll give you his blessings to marryDorothy, as well as give you her Proposal Item.

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===============================================================================9.3.3. Herman's Quests [Herman-Q]===============================================================================

1. "A Quest for Breakfast"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "There is something I absolutely must have for breakfast! Please get it for me!"Requirement: Have talked to Herman at least once and completed Mana's first quest: "Please Deliver Something for Me."Friendship Level: 0Reward: Milker and 3000G

How to Complete:Speak to Herman. He really wants some Rice for his breakfast, could you getsome for him?

Go to the Pumpkin General Store and buy some Rice from Douglas (270G).

Once you've got your Rice, deliver it to Herman.

2. "A Quest for Lunch"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "There is something I absolutely must have for lunch! Please get it for me!"Requirement: Have completed Herman's first quest: "A Quest for Breakfast."Friendship Level: 1Reward: 5000G

How to Complete:Speak to Herman. After breakfast, we have lunch and, for a proper meal in theDe Sainte-Coquille Manor, Fried Eggs are indispensable.

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Go to the Pumpkin General Store and buy some Fried Eggs from Douglas (1450G).

Once you've got your Fried Eggs, deliver them to Herman.

===============================================================================9.3.4. Max's Quests [Max-Q]===============================================================================

1. "Delivery Work (Big Money!)"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "Work delivering goods to Jake. Easy! Safe! Guaranteed to be worth your while!"Requirement: Have talked to Max and Jake at least once and completed Mana's first quest: "Please Deliver Something for Me."Friendship Level: 0Reward: 4000G

How to Complete:Speak to Max. He wants you to deliver a Spinach to Jake.

Go find Jake - he'll probably be in Tanya's smithy by the forge - and deliverthe Spinach.

Go back and tell Max the the Spinach was safely delivered.

2. "Top Secret Work (Big Money!)"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "Super top secret work. Easy! Safe! Guaranteed to be worth your while!Requirement: Have completed Max's first quest: "Delivery Work (Big Money!)."Friendship Level: 1Reward: 6000G

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How to Complete:Speak to Max. He wants you to get something for him, but you must keep it asecret! He wants you to find an Arrowhead.

Arrowheads are dropped by Orc Archers. You'll find them in Trieste Forest -Aegis Falls during the Day. So, keep killing them until one drops an Arrowhead.If you want to avoid damage: wait until the Archer stops moving around to shootan arrow, and circle around to its back and attack from behind. But seriously,they only really do 1-2 HP damage, so it's not so bad.

Once you've got your Arrowhead, deliver it to Max.

*******************************************************************************9.4. Love Candidate Quests - The Ladies [LoveCanQuests-F]*******************************************************************************

These are the quests from the Bulletin Board for the female Love Candidates:Cammy, Leann, and Sera & Serena.

Whenever you complete a quest, you get some kind of reward (which can either bematerial or simply amusement). Completing a quest also raises the Friendshipand Love Level of the requester.

I shall explain, by example, how each section is organized:

==============================X.X.X. Character Name [Tag]==============================

X. "Quest Name"------------------------------Description: "original text from game"Requirement: what you have to have done in order to unlock the quest

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Friendship Level: how many FP you have to have (at minimum) to unlock the quest, if you're playing as AriaFriendship/Love Level: how many FP/LP you have to have (at minimum) to unlock the quest, if you're playing as AaronReward: what you receive upon completion of the quest

How to Complete:What you need to do in order to complete the quest. May also include plot-information about the quest, as well as other various information (e.g. ifthere's an item you need to get, there will be information as to where to findthat item).

===============================================================================9.4.1. Cammy's Quests [Cammy-Q]===============================================================================

1. "Let's Have a Contest!"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "Let's have a contest to see who can collect more things!"Requirement: Get to Second GenerationFriendship Level: 0Friendship/Love Level: 0/0Reward: Ice Cream

How to Complete:Speak to Cammy. She wants to have a contest of who can collect the most RedGrass. So, go collect as much Red Grass as you can. Nine will do the trick.

2. "Give Something to Someone for Me"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "I'm too embarrassed to give this to her myself. Can you do it for me?"

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Requirement: Have completed Cammy's first (Second Generation) quest: "Let's Have a Contest!"Friendship Level: 2Friendship/Love Level: 2/2Reward: Heart Pendant

How to Complete:Speak to Cammy. She wants to give a Heart Pendant to her sister, Dorothy, butshe's too embarrassed to do it herself. Would you deliver the Heart Pendant forher? Once you've delivered the Pendant, go tell Cammy how it went.

3. "I Have a Secret Plan"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "I thought of a secret plan and I'm looking for someone to help me carry it out!"Requirement: Have completed Cammy's second (Second Generation) quest: "Give Something to Someone for Me," and must be playing as Aaron.Friendship/Love Level: 4/4Reward: nothing material - just a fun little adventure

How to Complete:Speak to Cammy in Alvarna Academy - Classroom. She wants to sneak into theschool tonight. Meet her at Alvarna Academy at 9:00PM. You will go in through asecret passage that Cammy made, and explore the school. Barrett shows up andstops your playing, and both are told to go home.

4. "I Want to Go Somewhere"------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: "There's somewhere I want to go see. How about we go together?"Requirement: Have completed Cammy's third (Second Generation) quest: "I Have a Secret Plan," and must be playing as Aaron.Friendship/Love Level: 6/6

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Reward: a kiss on the cheek

How to Complete:Speak to Cammy. She heard that there's an enormous tree in Trieste Forest, andwants to see it herself. Meet her at Trieste Forest - Entrance, and she'll dashoff in front of you. Keep up with her: she'll go through Spring Clearing, AegisFalls, River Stream, Sun-Dappled Spot, and finally Great Tree.

For a map of Trieste Forest, please refer to Lerion's FAQ/Walkthrough, section10.1. Trieste Forest - Second Generation (tag Trieste2).

NB - you probably have to have gotten past the Stone Statue in Aegis Falls, aswell... since you have to go past that way to get to Great Tree.

5. "Come and See Me!"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "Come over! I have something for you to do. I'll be waiting!"Requirement: Have completed Cammy's fourth (Second Generation) quest: "I Want to Go Somewhere," and must be playing as Aaron.Friendship/Love Level: 8/8Reward: pretend marriage ... NB - you will lose a day (e.g. if you do this quest on a Monday, you will regain control on Wednesday morning)

How to Complete:Speak to Cammy. She wants to know how you feel about her. Answer that you likeher a lot. You will be transported to the church and have your nice littlepretend marriage.

===============================================================================9.4.2. Leann's Quests [Leann-Q]==========================================

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1. "Looking for Someone to Talk To"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "I would like to have a conversation with someone."Requirement: Get to Second GenerationFriendship Level: 1Friendship/Love Level: 1/1Reward: 2000G

How to Complete:Speak to Leann. She wants your opinion on how to improve her sewing grades.

2. "Some Casual Conversation"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "I would like to talk to someone for a little while.Requirement: Have completed Leann's first quest: "Looking for Someone to Talk To," and must be playing as Aaron.Friendship/Love Level: 6/6Reward: pretend marriage ... NB - you will lose a day (e.g. if you do this quest on a Monday, you will regain control Wednesday morning)

How to Complete:Speak to Leann. She wants to tell you how she has a problem of eating too manymidnight snacks, and what do you think she could do to stop snacking. Tell herto imagine herself fat. After that, you two confess your feelings to eachother, and then you'll be transported to the church to have your nice littlepretend marriage.

===============================================================================9.4.3. Sera & Serena's Quests [Sera&Serena-Q]===============================================================================

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1. "Let's Play Hide-and-Seek!"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "Come play hide-and-seek with us!"Requirement: Get to Second GenerationFriendship Level: 0Friendship/Love Level: 0/0Reward: Marmalade

How to Complete:Find Sera & Serena. I found them in Alvarna - East End. Another found them inAlvarna - North Square, or even De Sainte-Coquille Dining Hall. I suggest doingthis quest on a weekday during the day; that way, you can use Alicia's LocationReading (20G).

NB - Marmalade is the birthday present for Sera & Serena. You may want to saveit to give to them on their birthday, Fall 29.

2. "Come Play with Us!"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "We're looking for someone to play with us!"Requirement: Have completed Sera & Serena's first quest: "Let's Play Hide-and- Seek!"Friendship Level: 2Friendship/Love Level: 2/2Reward: Chocolate Cookie

How to Complete:Speak with Serena who is in Alvarna - North Square. Sera & Serena were playinghide-and-seek, but Sera got lost. You can find her in Blessia Island - SandyPath (where the Tortoises are); but if she isn't there, talk to Alicia and useher Location Reading (20G). Go back to Alvarna - North Square and talk to Sera& Serena to receive your reward.

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3. "Let's Play a Guessing Game!"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "Let's play a guessing game! It'll be fun!"Requirement: Have completed Sera & Serena's second quest: "Come Play with Us!"Friendship Level: 4Friendship/Love Level: 4/4Reward: Pudding (chose correctly) or Sardine Sashimi (chose incorrectly)

How to Complete:Speak with Sera & Serena in Alvarna - North Square. Sera will suggest to play"Who's Who?" You will have to guess which one is Sera.

Sera has her left eye uncovered by her hair, her scarf at her right side, haslong sleeves with an orange detail at the tip, and a white skirt. Serena hasher right eye uncovered, her scarf at her left side, has white cloth at hershoulders and for her whole sleeves, and has an orange skirt.

Simple answer: "Sera's on the left!" (But just to make sure, double-check usingthe above descriptions!)

4. "Something a Little More Grown Up"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "There's something we've been wanting to do for a while."Requirement: Have completed Sera & Serena's third quest: "Let's Play a Guessing Game!"Friendship Level: 6Friendship/Love Level: 6/6Reward: amusing "marriage" ... and you'll regain control the next day at 6:00am (e.g. if you do this quest on Monday, you will regain control on Tuesday morning)

How to Complete:Speak to Sera & Serena. Serena will ask you if you like her; answer

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yes. ThenSera will ask you if you like her; answer yes. After this exchange, they wantyou to bring them a Stoller Chalice (Rune Factory reference, anyone? RememberSabrina and Neumann?). They instruct you to ask Leann, since she's seen itbefore, and Leann will explain what it is:

"Of course! If a husband and wife drink spring water from it on their firstanniversary, they are said to be granted eternal happiness!"

It seems that Max bought it from Sabrina and Neumann, but he has no use for it.You can have it, it's okay. The Chalice is on the farthest right side of thewine rack in the De Sainte-Coquille Dining Hall. Give the Chalice to Sera &Serena, and they'll ask that you propose to them. You'll be transported to thechurch, and have a nice little fake marriage... but all they want is toast withmarmalade. You all learn that marriage isn't about toast.

Special note:I've only done this request as Aaron. After the "marriage" is over, Aaron (thenext day) says, "Marriage... I wonder if I'll ever tie the knot for real..."

You can also do this quest as Aria, because apparently, it doesn't matter toSera & Serena.

*******************************************************************************9.5. Love Candidate Quests - The Gentlemen [LoveCanQuests-M]*******************************************************************************

These are the quests from the Bulletin Board for the male Love Candidates:

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Leonel, Orland, and Roy.

Whenever you complete a quest, you get some kind of reward (which can either bematerial or simply amusement). Completing a quest also raises the Friendshipand Love Level of the requester.

I shall explain, by example, how each section is organized:

==============================X.X.X. Character Name [Tag]==============================

X. "Quest Name"------------------------------Description: "original text from game"Requirement: what you have to have done in order to unlock the questFriendship Level: how many FP you have to have (at minimum) to unlock the quest, if you're playing as AaronFriendship/Love Level: how many FP/LP you have to have (at minimum) to unlock the quest, if you're playing as AriaReward: what you receive upon completion of the quest

How to Complete:What you need to do in order to complete the quest. May also include plot-information about the quest, as well as other various information (e.g. ifthere's an item you need to get, there will be information as to where to findthat item).

===============================================================================9.5.1. Leonel's Quests [Leonel-Q]===============================================================================

1. "Something I Promised Roy"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "I promised Roy I'd let him borrow something. Could you

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give it to him for me?"Requirement: Get to Second GenerationFriendship Level: 0Friendship/Love Level: 0/0Reward: Toyherb Seed

How to Complete:Speak to Leonel. He promised Roy that Roy could borrow his Giant's Gloves, andcould you give them to him? Once you've delivered the Giant's Gloves, return toLeonel to receive your reward.

2. "Help Me Out a Little"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "I'm not so great with fish, but I'm pretty sure this is no good. Can you help me?"Requirement: Have completed Leonel's first quest: "Something I promised Roy."Friendship Level: 2Friendship/Love Level: 2/2Reward: Cake

How to Complete:Speak to Leonel. He really doesn't like a certain fish, but wants to get overhis dislike of Sardines. Catch one and give it to him. You can find Sardines onBlessia Island - Summer Isle Port, or off any of the docks in Alvarna duringSummer.

3. "Deliver This for Me!"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "Can you run over and give this to Orland for me?"Requirement: Have completed Leonel's second quest: "Help Me Out a Little," and must be playing as Aria.Friendship/Love Level: 4/4Reward: Chocolate Cake

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How to Complete:Speak to Leonel. (He borrowed a Pin from Orland, and forgot to give it back tohim. Would you give it to him, please?) Once you've delivered the Pin, returnto Leonel to receive your reward.

4. "Something's Bothering Me..."-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "Someone mistook me for a girl today. It's been kind of bothering me..."Requirement: Have completed Leonel's third quest: "Deliver This for Me!" and must be playing as Aria.Friendship/Love Level: 6/6Reward: make Leonel happier

How to Complete:Speak to Leonel. You'll discuss his concerns about how he's always mistaken asa girl. Poor guy! (Although he is rather pretty...)

5. "There's Something I Want to Say"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "Come over to my place?"Requirement: Have completed Leonel's fourth quest: "Something's Bothering Me..." and must be playing as Aria.Friendship/Love Level: 8/8Reward: pretend marriage ... NB - you will lose a day (e.g. if you do this quest on a Monday, you will regain control on Wednesday morning)

How to Complete:Speak to Leonel. He tells you that he likes you, and wants to know how you feelabout him. Answer that you like him too. You will be transported to the churchand have your nice little pretend marriage.

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===============================================================================9.5.2. Orland's Quests [Orland-Q]===============================================================================

1. "Something for You"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "I have something to give you. Come see me."Requirement: Get to Second GenerationFriendship Level: 0Friendship/Love Level: 0/0Reward: Spinach Seed

How to Complete:Speak to Orland. The Spinach Seed was a gift from Roy. You're given a choice ofaccepting it or not. If you reject, he says he's going to throw it away, andyou're given the choice to accept it or not again. (I suggest you take it.)

2. "A Message from the Teacher"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "I need you to run an errand for me."Requirement: Have completed Orland's first quest: "Something For You."Friendship Level: 2Friendship/Love Level: 2/2Reward: 100G

How to Complete:Speak to Orland. Barrett had asked him to get a Little Crystal; he has it withhim, but he's too busy to deliver it. Could you do it? Once you've deliveredthe Little Crystal, return to Orland to receive your reward.

3. "I Secretly Want Something"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Description: "This is kind of a secret request."Requirement: Have completed Orland's second quest: "A Message from the Teacher," and must be playing as Aria.Friendship/Love Level: 4/4Reward: Cherry Grass Seed

How to Complete:Speak to Orland. He has asks you to do a secret request. He actually reallylikes bugs, and wants you to bring him an Insect Jaw for his collection.

Insect Jaws are a Monster Drop from the Hornet and Queen Bee. These twoMonsters are found in Messhina Valley, and both only at Night. The Hornet canbe found at Serene Garden. The Queen Bee can be found in: Ruins, Holy Statue,and Withered Road.

4. "I Have a Request for You"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "Class has been too easy lately and it's becoming a problem."Requirement: Have completed Orland's third quest: "I Secretly Want Something," and must be playing as Aria.Friendship/Love Level: 6/6Reward: 200G

How to Complete:Speak to Orland. He thinks that classes are too easy. He asks you to talk toBarrett to get him to make harder classes. Barrett agrees to make harderclasses just for Orland. Orland is happy, and you get to see him smile for thefirst time when you tell him that both Barrett and yourself are impressed athis wanting to learn more.

5. "Just Come Over, Please"

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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "I need to talk to you for a little."Requirement: Have completed Orland's fourth quest: "I Have a Request for You," and must be playing as Aria.Friendship/Love Level: 8/8Reward: pretend marriage ... NB - you will lose a day (e.g. if you do this quest on a Monday, you will regain control on Wednesday morning)

How to Complete:Speak to Orland. You discuss why he doesn't like talking to people, but thatyou are the exception. He tells you that he "doesn't hate you," (lol) and wantsto know how you feel about him. Answer that you like him too. You will betransported to the church and have your nice little pretend marriage.

===============================================================================9.5.3. Roy's Quests [Roy-Q]===============================================================================

1. "I Lost Something in My House"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "I lost something in my house... Come and help me look for it."Requirement: Get to Second GenerationFriendship Level: 0Friendship/Love Level: 0/0Reward: Raisin Bread

How to Complete:Speak to Roy. He can't find his Pin! Help him find it. You'll find it on the2nd floor - in some barrels located at the top of the stairs. Once you've foundthe Pin, return it to Roy to receive your reward.

2. "Talk Some Sense into My Mom!"

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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "There's something that I want you to say to my mom for me."Requirement: Have completed Roy's first (Second Generation) quest: "I Lost Something in My House."Friendship Level: 2Friendship/Love Level: 2/2Reward: Missing Page 1 for Sonic Wind Spellbook

How to Complete:Speak to Roy. He wants you to talk to his mom for him. She wants him to takeover the family business, but he's still uncertain as to what he wants to dowhen he grows up. He wants you to make sure Tanya understands this. Once you'vetalked to Tanya, go tell Roy how it went.

3. "I'm Trying to Study"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "I was thinking of studying but, of course, I'm no good at it..."Requirement: Have completed Roy's second (Second Generation) quest: "Talk Some Sense into My Mom!" and must be playing as Aria.Friendship/Love Level: 4/4Reward: Salad

How to Complete:Speak to Roy. He's having trouble with his lessons, and thinks a Hot Milk willhelp. He'll give you a Small Milk for you to make one with, or you can just buyone from Yue for 1400G.

4. "I Have a Secret Plan!"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "I have a secret plan. Come and talk to me about it."Requirement: Have completed Roy's third (Second Generation) quest: "I'm Trying to Study," and must be playing as Aria.

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Friendship/Love Level: 6/6Reward: nothing material - just a fun little adventure

How to Complete:Remember Cammy's quest? You pretty much do the same thing, except this timeyou're a girl, and you're with Roy.

Speak to Roy in Alvarna Academy - Classroom. He wants to sneak into the schooltonight. Meet him at Alvarna Academy at 9:00PM. You will go through a secretpassage that Roy made, and explore the school. Barrett shows up and stops yourplaying, and both are told to go home.

5. "Come to My House"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: "Come over. There's something I want to talk to you about."Requirement: Have completed Roy's fourth (Second Generation) quest: "I Have a Secret Plan!" and must be playing as Aria.Friendship/Love Level: 8/8Reward: pretend marriage ... NB - you will lose a day (e.g. if you do this quest on a Monday, you will regain control on Wednesday morning)

How to Complete:Speak to Roy. He tells you that he likes you, and wants to know how you feelabout him. Answer that you like him too. You will be transported to the churchand have your nice little pretend marriage.

*******************************************************************************9.6. Quest Items Quicklist [QList-Quests]*******************************************************************************

I've made this section because I've always wanted this kind of list...

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not justfor the Bachelorettes and Love Candidates, but for all the quests. However,since I'm not doing a complete quest list, I'll just have to settle for this.

Basically, I made these lists to answer the question, "Oh, there's a new queston the Bulletin Board! But... does the person need me to bring them somethingthat I can get before accepting the quest?"

Thus, the following tables show what item(s) you would need for each quest,that you are able to acquire before accepting the request on the BulletinBoard. This way, you can have the item at hand when you first head to theperson, and give the item to them right away; instead of accepting the request,finding out what you need to get, and then deciding you can't do it right now.

What these tables DO NOT include:~ Quests that don't need any item that you can get before accepting the quest.~ Quests where you have to find a specific item in a specific place. (For these quests, you have to accept the request in order to be able to find the item the requester names.)

What the table headings mean: Quest Name: the name of the questName: name of the person whose quest it isItem(s) Needed: the item(s) you need to get for the person whose quest you're doing, including quantityWhere to Find: places you can go to find said item(s), separated by ;

===============================================================================9.6.1. Bachelorettes' Quest Items Quicklist [QList-

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Quest Name | Name | Item(s) Needed | Where to Find------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I Want This No | Alicia | 1 Amethyst | get it during the quest; can Matter What | | | mine it on Blessia Island--------------------|----------|----------------|------------------------------ Can You Find | Alicia | 1 Sapphire | get it during the quest; can Something for Me?| | | mine it in Padova Mts.--------------------|----------|----------------|------------------------------ Please Find | Cecilia | 1 Ruby | get it during the quest; can Something | | | mine it on Blessia Island | | | (THIS MAY NOT WORK)--------------------|----------|----------------|------------------------------ Looking for | Cecilia | 1 Indigo Grass | find on Blessia Island - Special | | | Center; buy from Natalie for Ingredients | | | 30G--------------------|----------|----------------|------------------------------ I'd Like Some | Dorothy | 1 Wooly | Monster Drop from Wooly Wool, But... | | Furball | (found in Trieste Forest - | | | Spring Clearing at Night)--------------------|----------|----------------|------------------------------ Help Me Look for | Mana | 1 Aquamarine | get it during the quest; can Something | | | mine it in Trieste Forest--------------------|----------|----------------|------------------------------ I Need a | Mana | 1 Salmon | fish in Messhina Valley - Fisherman!(mn) | | | Path to Mountain, Serene | | | Garden--------------------|----------|----------------|------------------------------ Please Find Me an | Rosalind | 1 Apple | pick from apple tree in Apple | | | Trieste Forest - Grassy Path; | | | Monster Drop from PommePomme | | | (found in Trieste Forest - | | | Spring Clearing at Day)--------------------|----------|----------------|------------------------------ Hiring Research | Rosalind | a cold | stay up past 3:00 AM two days Assistant | | | in a row--------------------|----------|----------------|------------------------------ Please Capture a | Rosalind | 1 Small Fleece | collect from captured Wooly

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Monster | | | (found in Trieste Forest - | | | Spring Clearing at Night)--------------------|----------|----------------|------------------------------ Monster Money! | Yue | 1 Panther Claw | Monster Drop from Shadow | | | Panther (found in Blessia | | | Island - Center, Old Ship | | | Deck at Night)--------------------|----------|----------------|------------------------------ Something's Wrong | Yue | 1 White Grass | find in Padova Mts. - Flowing with My Kimono | | | River, Freezing Cave; buy | | | from Natalie for 150G--------------------|----------|----------------|------------------------------ I'm Having Trouble | Yue | 1000G | either you have 1000G or not; with Someone | | | if not, sell stuff--------------------|----------|----------------|------------------------------ More Monster | Yue | 1 Char | fish in Blessia Island - Money! | | | Center--------------------|----------|----------------|------------------------------ Yue's Original | Yue | 1 Red Grass | find in Blessia Island - Goods | | 1 Blue Grass | South Beach, Center; find on | | 1 Yellow Grass | farm; buy from Natalie for | | | 30G each--------------------|----------|----------------|------------------------------

===============================================================================9.6.2. Villager Quests' Quest Item Quicklist [QList-ProposeItemQ]===============================================================================

Quest Name | Name | Item(s) Needed | Where to Find------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please Get Me an | Gordon | 1 Amethyst | mine it on Blessia Island Amethyst | | |--------------------|----------|----------------|------------------------------ Please Get Me an | Gordon | 1 Aquamarine | mine it in Trieste Forest Aquamarine | | |--------------------|----------|----------------|------------------------------

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Please Get Me Some | Gordon | 1 Strong | Monster Drop from Spider Sturdy String | | String | (found in Trieste Forest - | | | Grassy Path, Wooded Paradise | | | at Night)--------------------|----------|----------------|------------------------------ Find a Diamond for | Gordon | 1 Diamond | mine it in Padova Mts. Me | | |--------------------|----------|----------------|------------------------------ A Quest for | Herman | 1 Rice | buy from Douglas for 270G Breakfast | | |--------------------|----------|----------------|------------------------------ A Quest for Lunch | Herman | 1 Fried Eggs | buy from Douglas for 1450G--------------------|----------|----------------|------------------------------ Top Secret Work | Max | 1 Arrowhead | Monster Drop from Orc Archer (Big Money!) | | | (found in Trieste Forest - | | | Aegis Falls at Day)--------------------|----------|----------------|------------------------------

===============================================================================9.6.3. Love Candidates' Quest Item Quicklist [QList-LoveCan]===============================================================================

Quest Name | Name | Item(s) Needed | Where to Find------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Let's Have a | Cammy | 9 Red Grass | find on farm; buy from Contest! | | | Natalie for 30G each--------------------|----------|----------------|------------------------------ Help Me Out a | Leonel | 1 Sardine | fish in Blessia Island - Little | | | Summer Isle Port; fish on any | | | docks in Alvarna during | | | Summer--------------------|----------|----------------|------------------------------ I Secretly Want | Orland* | 1 Insect Jaw | Monster Drop from Hornet or Something | | | Queen Bee (found in Messhina | | | Valley - Serene Garden, Holy | | | Statue, Withered Road, Ruins | | | at Night)--------------------|----------|----------------|------------------------------

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I'm Trying to | Roy* | 1 Hot Milk | use Small Milk he gives you Study | | | during quest; buy from Yue | | | for 1400G--------------------|----------|----------------|------------------------------

* Must be playing as Aria to access this quest

###############################################################################10. Marriage Conditions [MarriageConditions]###############################################################################

*******************************************************************************10.1. Bachelorette Marriage Conditions [MC-Bachelorette]*******************************************************************************

In order for you, Kyle, to get married to a Bachelorette, you have to completethe following tasks:~ Complete all 10 of the Bachelorette's Quests.~ Raise the Love Level of the Bachelorette whom you want to marry to 10.~ Obtain the Bachelorette's Proposal Item.~ Give the Bachelorette her Proposal Item.

Once you have given the Bachelorette her Proposal Item, the game goes into(what I like to call) "Matrimony Mode!" You lose control of Kyle; and you getto look on as Kyle proposes to the Bachelorette, then goes through the weddingceremony. You will then look on as Kyle shares the first moments of marriedlife together with his wife... don't look at me like that - she just says thatshe can't believe that they're actually married, and Kyle says that it stillfeels like a dream. After this exchange of dialogue, you regain control.

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*******************************************************************************10.2. Love Candidate "Marriage" Conditions [MC-LoveCan]*******************************************************************************

There isn't much you have to do in order to "marry" a Love Candidate.

What you do:~ Do all of her/his quests on the Bulletin Board.

That's all! Pretty simple, eh?

In order to do all of your chosen Love Candidate's quests, you simply have toraise the Love Level of the Love Candidate whom you want to "marry" up to atleast 6 (for Sera & Serena and Leann) or 8 (for Cammy, Leonel, Orland, Roy).

Just court your lady or beau, and do her/his quests on the Bulletin Board. It'syour lady's or beau's final quest that you want - the reward for completingthat final quest is the pretend marriage.

Once you undertake that final quest, the game goes into "Matrimony Mode." Youlose control of Aaron/Aria; and you get to see your lady or beau confess her/his feelings to Aaron/Aria, then go through Aaron's/Aria's feelings for her/him, then go through the "wedding ceremony." Then, once the "wedding ceremony"is over, Aaron/Aria ponders if he/she will ever get married for real in thefuture. Then you regain control.


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#####################################11. Proposals & "Proposals" [Propose]###############################################################################

*******************************************************************************11.1. How to Propose [Propose-How]*******************************************************************************

In the following two sections (11.1.1 & 11.1.2), you'll learn how to propose toyour chosen Bachelorette or "propose" to your chosen Love Candidate.

===============================================================================11.1.1. Bachelorettes - How to Propose [HowP-Bachelorette]===============================================================================

How to propose to your Bachelorette is pretty much--what am I saying--it'sexactly the same as the marriage conditions, minus the getting-married part:~ Complete all 10 of the Bachelorette's Quests.~ Raise the Love Level of the Bachelorette whom you want to marry to 10.~ Obtain the Bachelorette's Proposal Item.~ Give the Bachelorette her Proposal Item.

The marriage conditions are "this is what you need to do in order to getmarried."

The 'How to Propose' is "do that to get married." Thus, act upon the listabove, and that is how you propose to your Bachelorette.

(Why did I even make these sections separate anyway?)

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However, if you (like me) are a simple person:

Q: "How do I propose to my chosen Bachelorette?"A: "Give her her Proposal Item."

===============================================================================11.1.2. Love Candidates - How to "Propose" [HowP-LoveCan]===============================================================================

This is actually a trick question. You don't "propose" to your chosen LoveCandidate.

Just 'accept' and do the Love Candidate's final quest - you know the part wherethey're confessing their feelings to you and you say that you like them too?

There's your "proposal."

*******************************************************************************11.2. Bachelorette Proposal Items [Pro-Bachelorette]*******************************************************************************

This section details the following for each Bachelorette:~ What her Proposal Item is.~ How to get her Proposal Item.

I shall explain, by example, how this section is organized:

Bachelorette Name------------------------------Proposal Item: what the Bachelorette's Proposal Item is

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How to Acquire:~ How to get the Bachelorette's Proposal Item

May contain specific details on how to accomplish each task, unless it hasalready been detailed elsewhere in this guide. If that is the case, you shallbe redirected appropriately (CTRL+F is your friend).

Alicia-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Proposal Item: Crystal Ball

How to Acquire:~ Complete Alicia's tenth quest: "Find Me a Crystal Ball?"

Once you've completed that quest, you will either be married to Alicia or have the Crystal Ball in your possession.

For details of Alicia's tenth quest, please go to section 9.2.1. Alicia'sQuests (tag Alicia-Q).

For the dialogue of the proposal, wedding, and marriage, please see section13.2. Alicia's Dialogue (tag Alicia-D).

Cecilia-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Proposal Item: Round Stone

How to Acquire:~ Complete Cecilia's ninth quest: "Something Very Important to Me"

Once you've completed that quest, you have the Round Stone in your possession.

For details of Cecilia's ninth quest, please go to section 9.2.2. Cecilia'sQuests (tag Cecilia-Q).

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For the dialogue of the proposal, wedding, and marriage, please see section13.3. Cecilia's Dialogue (tag Cecilia-D).

Dorothy-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Proposal Item: Blessing Pendant

How to Acquire:~ Complete Dorothy's tenth quest: "I...have say" ~ Complete the first four quests of Gordon's~ Get Gordon to minimum Friendship Level: 3

Once you've completed those three tasks, you will unlock Gordon's fifth quest:"I've Got Something for You."

~ Complete Gordon's fifth quest: "I've Got Something for You"

Once you've completed that quest, you will have the Blessing Pendant in yourpossession.

For details of Dorothy's tenth quest, please go to section 9.2.3. Dorothy'sQuests (tag Dorothy-Q).

For details of Gordon's quests, please go to section 9.3.2. Gordon's Quests(tag Gordon-Q).

For the dialogue of the proposal, wedding, and marriage, please see section13.4. Dorothy's Dialogue (tag Dorothy-D).

Julia-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Proposal Item: Memento Ring

How to Acquire:~ Complete Julia's ninth quest: "Bathhouse in Crisis! Help Me!"

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Once you've completed that quest, you'll have the Messhilight Ore.

~ Take Messhilight Ore and give it to Yue~ Pay Yue 10,000G to transform the Messhilight Ore into Memento Ring~ Wait three game-days for transformation~ Talk to Yue on third game-day and receive Memento Ring

You are now in possession of the Memento Ring.

For details of Julia's ninth quest, please go to section 9.2.4. Julia's Quests(tag Julia-Q).

For the dialogue of the proposal, wedding, and marriage, please see section13.5. Julia's Dialogue (tag Julia-D).

Mana-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Proposal Item: Engagement Ring

How to Acquire:~ Complete Mana's tenth quest: "A Very Important Conversation"~ Complete the first three quests of Douglas~ Get Douglas to minimum Friendship Level: 3

Once you've completed those three tasks, you will unlock Douglas' fourth quest:"I Challenge You!"

~ Complete Douglas' fourth quest: "I Challenge You!"

Once you've completed that quest, you will have the Engagement Ring in yourpossession.

For details of Mana's tenth quest, please go to section 9.2.5. Mana's Quests(tag Mana-Q).

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For details of Douglas' quests, please go to section 9.3.1. Douglas' Quests(tag Douglas-Q).

For the dialogue of the proposal, wedding, and marriage, please see section13.6. Mana's Dialogue (tag Mana-D).

Rosalind-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Proposal Item: 100-Rose Bouquet

How to Acquire:~ Complete Rosalind's tenth quest: "Private Message 3"(~ Grow a crop of Tomatoes and save 9 of them)~ Raise Rosalind's Love Level to 10~ Go talk to Max when he's in his room

You must complete those tasks IN THAT ORDER (growing the Tomatoes is optional;this is explained below). You have to complete "Private Message 3" first, thenraise Rosalind's Love Level to 10, and ONLY THEN can you go talk to Max in hisroom to ask him about the Proposal Item:~ On Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Holidays, he'll be in his room after 5:00 PM.~ On Tuesdays, he'll be in his room after 9:00 PM.~ On rainy days, he'll be in his room after 9:00 PM.~ On festivals days, tough luck - he'll never be in his room. (I'm assuming this because I waited until at least 10:00 PM on a festival day, and he still wasn't in his room.)Max will tell you about Rosalind's Proposal Item: the 100-Rose Bouquet, andsays that he will give it to you for 9 Tomatoes.

~ Grow a crop of Tomatoes (if you haven't done so already)

Go back to Max, WHEN HE IS IN HIS ROOM, and give him the stack of 9 Tomatoes.You will now have the 100-Rose Bouquet in your possession.

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NB - You may have to be friends with Herman in order to get into the Manorafter visiting hours. To help get his Friend Level up, complete his quests. Tofind details of his quests, please go to section 9.3.3. Herman's Quests (tagHerman-Q).And for the heck of it, you might need to be friends with Max, too... so tofind details of his quests, please go to section 9.3.4. Max's Quests (tag Max-Q).

For details of Rosalind's tenth quest, please go to section 9.2.6. Rosalind'sQuests (tag Rosalind-Q).

For the dialogue of the proposal, wedding, and marriage, please see section13.7. Rosalind's Dialogue (tag Rosalind-D).

Yue-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Proposal Item: Yue Swap Ticket

How to Acquire:~ Complete Yue's tenth quest: "I Have Something to Tell You"

Once you've completed that quest, you'll have the Yue Swap Ticket in yourpossession.

For details of Yue's tenth quest, please go to section 9.2.7. Yue's Quests (tagYue-Q).

For the dialogue of the proposal, wedding, and marriage, please see section13.8. Yue's Dialogue (tag Yue-D).

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*******************************************************************************11.3. Love Candidate "Proposals" [Pro-LoveCan]*******************************************************************************

(This is still a trick question, but I shall bend it to fit your needs.)

This section details the following for each Love Candidate:~ What her/his "marriage" quest is.~ What to do in order to unlock her/his "marriage" quest.

I shall explain, by example, how this section is organized:

Love Candidate Name------------------------------"Marriage" Quest: number and title of the Love Candidate's "Marriage" Quest

How to Unlock:~ What to do in order to unlock the Love Candidate's "marriage" quest

May contain specific details on how to accomplish each task, unless it hasalready been detailed elsewhere in this guide. If that is the case, you shallbe redirected appropriately (CTRL+F is your friend).

Cammy-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Marriage" Quest: 5. "Come and See Me!"

How to Unlock:~ Must be playing as Aaron~ Complete Cammy's first four quests~ Friendship/Love Level at 8/8

For details of Cammy's quests, please go to section 9.4.1. Cammy's Quests (tagCammy-Q).

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Leann-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Marriage" Quest: 2. "Some Casual Conversation"

How to Unlock:~ Must be playing as Aaron~ Complete Leann's first quest: "Looking for Someone to Talk To"~ Friendship/Love Level at 6/6

For details of Leann's quests, please go to section 9.4.2. Leann's Quests (tagLeann-Q).

Leonel-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Marriage" Quest: 5. "There's Something I Want to Say"

How to Unlock:~ Must be playing as Aria~ Complete Leonel's first four quests~ Friendship/Love Level at 8/8

For details of Leonel's quests, please go to section 9.5.1. Leonel's Quests(tag Leonel-Q).

Orland-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Marriage" Quest: 5. "Just Come Over, Please"

How to Unlock:~ Must be playing as Aria~ Complete Orland's first four quests~ Friendship/Love Level at 8/8

For details of Orland's quests, please go to section 9.5.2. Orland's

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Quests(tag Orland-Q).

Roy-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Marriage" Quest: 5. "Come to My House"

How to Unlock:~ Must be playing as Aria~ Complete Roy's first four quests~ Friendship/Love Level at 8/8

For details of Roy's quests, please go to section 9.5.3. Roy's Quests (tag Roy-Q).

Sera & Serena-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Marriage" Quest: 4. "Something a Little More Grown Up"

How to Unlock:~ Complete Sera & Serena's first three quests~ If playing as Aria, Friendship Level at 6~ If playing as Aaron, Friendship/Love Level at 6/6

For details of Sera & Serena's quests, please go to section 9.4.3. Sera &Serena's Quests (tag Sera&Serena-Q).

###############################################################################12. You're Getting Married! [Marriage]###############################################################################

Congratulations, you're getting married!

Well, now that you're going to be married, what does being married

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Your new wife will be living with you in your house from now until you advanceto Second Generation. In fact, she'll be staying on the second floor of yourfarmhouse for that whole time - in the room with the huge bed. If you talk toyour wife, she'll say something different each day.

Other than that, married life isn't so different than your life before. Youjust have an extra person in the house. Although, it'll become two extrapersons sooner than you would think...

*******************************************************************************12.1. General Procession of Events [MarriageProcession]*******************************************************************************

In this section I outline the general procession of events for the proposal,wedding, marriage, and pregnancy. Essentially, the sequence of events for yourmatrimony.

From the day you propose until the day your child is born, 18 game-days pass:

~ You propose to your chosen Bachelorette by giving her her Proposal Item. Once your proposal is over, you lose control of Kyle.

~ It immediately becomes the next day, and the wedding ceremony occurs. You and your fiancee will exchange vows, and have all of the villagers give you and your new wife their well-wishes.

~ Once the wedding is finished, it becomes the next day, there's a

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short dialogue between Kyle and his new wife, then you regain control.

~ Each day of your marriage, your wife says something different. It can either be a simple statement, or could be a whole story. It could be that you get a story the first time you talk to her, then a statement the second time you talk to her - and then if you talk to her again after that, she'll only parrot what she said in that second time you talked to her. Otherwise, she only says one thing to you every time you talk to her that day, and this changes from day to day.

~ For most of the Bachelorettes, but not all, on the fourth day of being married (the first day being the day after the wedding; the day you regain control), your wife will say something to the effect of: "I want a baby," or "I hope we're going to have a baby soon."

~ On the eighth day of being married, your wife will say something to the effect of: "I don't feel well," or "I haven't been feeling well lately." (Gee I wonder why...)

~ Two days after that (the tenth day of being married), your wife tells you that she's pregnant! Congratulations! During this conversation, you'll be able to pick the gender of your child, or leave it up to chance. (If you say that you hope the baby will be a boy, it will be a boy; if you hope for a girl, it will be a girl; and if you say either is fine, the game will randomly pick for you.)

~ Six days after the pregnancy announcement (the seventh day of being pregnant, or the sixteenth day after the wedding), your child is born. Make sure to speak to your wife when you see her with the baby in her arms! You've got to name your child!

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After your child is born, you'll be able to talk to Byron about building aschool, and you'll be on your way to advancing to the Second Generation.

*******************************************************************************12.2. Marriage Vocabulary [MarriageVocab]*******************************************************************************

In this section, I hope to make clear my use of terms in the following sectionsabout the "Marriage Map" and the matrimony dialogues. That is to say, what Imean by "proposal," "wedding," "marriage days," and "pregnancy days." Hopefullythey're relatively self-explanatory, but I would just like to make myselfclear.

I've given each day of Kyle's matrimony a label, so I can easily refer to it inthe Dialogues. Thus, I shall explain the labels here:

~ Proposal: the day that you propose to your chosen Bachelorette.

~ Wedding: the day of your wedding.

~ Marriage Days: even though you're technically married from here on out, I've split the marriage days into "marriage" and "pregnant." So, the first 10 days of being married are "marriage days;" and your wife gets pregnant on Marriage Day 10. Because there are two different dialogues on that one day, Marriage Day 10 and Pregnancy Day 1 are the same day.

~ Pregnancy Days: these days are the days that your wife is pregnant (I should hope that would be obvious). Your marriage becomes a bit boring

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during your wife's pregnancy, because she only says one thing anytime you talk to her. From the day she announces that she's pregnant to the day before your child is born, she only says the one thing, regardless of how many times you talk to her.

~ Child's Birthday: obviously, the day your child is born. Pregnancy Day 7 and the Child's Birthday are the same day, because your wife is pregnant when you wake up in the morning, but when you leave the second floor of your farmhouse and come back, you'll find that she has a baby in her arms.

I didn't record anything of what each Bachelorette said the day after the babywas born until you build the school... the reason being is that whenever I playa game, I'm a paranoid saver - I save as often as I can so I don't have to redoa lot of things over again if I mess up. Going 18 game-days without savingsomewhat frazzled my nerves ^.^; hahaha...

I was worried that I would accidentally save when I was married to the wrongperson and had left my crops to the elements - all my hard work destroyed by ahabit!

Getting the dialogue of each Bachelorette's proposal, wedding, marriage, andpregnancy was enough. Anyways, if I recall correctly, your wife just parrotsthe same thing about building the school after the baby was born... just likeshe only said the one thing after announcing she was pregnant...


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*******12.3. Marriage Calendar Map [MarriageMap]*******************************************************************************

This is the Marriage Calendar Map, which maps out Kyle's matrimony timeline.I'll be assuming that you proposed to your lady on the 1st of a Season.

Hopefully you've read the previous section (12.2. Marriage Vocabulary), where Idescribed what I mean by "Marriage Day" and "Pregnancy Day;" and I hope therest is self-explanatory.

For a verbal description of the below table, please see section 12.1. GeneralProcession of Events (tag MarriageProcession).

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Holiday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------------||1. |2. |3. |4. |5. |6. || Proposal | Wedding | Marriage | Marriage | Marriage | Marriage || | | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 || | | | | | || You lose | | You regain | | | || control | | control | | | ||------------|------------|------------|------------|------------|------------||7. |8. |9. |10. |11. |12. || Marriage | Marriage | Marriage | Marriage | Marriage | Marriage || Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9 | Day 10 || | | | | | Pregnancy || | | |"I don't | | Day 1 || | | | feel well" | |"Pregnant!" ||------------|------------|------------|------------|------------|------------||13. |14. |15. |16. |17. |18. || Pregnancy | Pregnancy | Pregnancy | Pregnancy | Pregnancy | Pregnancy || Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 || | | | | | |

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| | | | | | Child's || | | | | | Birthday ||------------|------------|------------|------------|------------|------------|

###############################################################################13. Matrimony Dialogues for Bachelorettes [MatrimonyDialogue]###############################################################################

The following sections (13.2 thru 13.8) are the dialogues of each of theBachelorettes during their marriage to Kyle.

There will be dialogue of the:~ Proposal~ Wedding~ Every day of the marriage, including the days of the wife's pregnancy, up until the day the child is born

If the Bachelorette can be proposed to during a quest, the proposal dialoguewill the the dialogue of the quest.

*******************************************************************************13.1. Dialogue Vocabulary [DialogueVocab]*******************************************************************************

I've already explained in section 12 about what the headings "Proposal,""Wedding," "Marriage," and "Pregnancy" mean, but here I shall explain variousabbreviations that I use in the dialogues. I'll also put a short-hand versionof the following list at the beginning each Bachelorette's dialogue section, soyou won't have to scroll up so far to remind yourself what the differentabbreviations or symbols mean.

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First off, for each Dialogue section, to indicate who is speaking, I'veabbreviated Kyle's and the Bachelorette's names to just the first letter oftheir name. If someone besides Kyle or the Bachelorette is speaking, I'll beusing their full name (this only really happens during the wedding ceremony).

The only exception too this rule is when a Bachelorette has family members inAlvarna. The family members will (understandably) have more to say about thewedding than the other villagers. I'll use the full name of the family memberto indicate who is speaking, then shorten it to the first letter of his/hername, just like I did for Kyle and the Bachelorette. The dialogue of the familymembers are separated from the other villagers', so it should be clear who istalking.

Abbreviations and Symbols Used:

~ Anything in CAPSLOCK is an action that you, Kyle, have to perform. There are only three of these words: ~ CHOICE - (choices) ... means you have to choose a response or make a choice; and the choices you can make are in the parentheses () ~ ENTER NAME ... this is where you enter the name of your child; they'll have the default names Aria or Aaron there, but you can change it if you want ~ GO TO ... means you have to go to some place (I only used this in Cecilia's proposal dialogue, since you go propose to her in Messhina Valley - Bridge to Shrine)

~ During the wedding ceremony, you get to see Kyle kiss his bride.

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This action is marked with *kiss*

~ Sometimes, in the dialogues in the game, there's a little music-note-symbol, yes? You know what I'm talking about? Well, I can't very well type them out, so they'll be abbreviated to (mn)

~ Sometimes a voice-actor says something over a page of text in the game. I've managed to record some of the voice-actor dialogue for some of the Bachelorettes, but not all of them... I usually play with the sound off. Any of the voice-actor dialogue will be placed at the end of the text that the voice-actor says it over, and it'll be in braces {} If any of y'all happen to record what the voice-actors say at what time during any of the Bachelorette dialogues, PLEASE DON'T HESITATE to contact me. I would LOVE to add them to the dialogue sections. And I would appreciate it if you would include, specifically, which page of text that the voice actor is speaking over, and preferably on what day he/she says it (e.g. Julia's voice actor says "Sweetie!" on Marriage Day 7, over the text "I love you, darling. Let's be happy together.").

~ This only occurred in Julia's proposal dialogue... there was a text box that appeared, but the text wasn't said by a character, and it wasn't a choice or response. It was simply there. It'll be framed by hyphens -TEXT-

As an aside, for the Marriage and Pregnancy Dialogue sections:~ Even though I say that I talked to each bride right after waking up in the morning and before leaving Farm House 2F, she'll say the same things even if you leave the house, do stuff, come back, and then talk to her.

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*******************************************************************************13.2. Alicia's Dialogue [Alicia-D]*******************************************************************************

I'm abbreviating Kyle to "K" and Alicia to "A." The other villagers will stillhave their full names.

Key:~ CHOICE - (choices) = you have to choose a response/make a choice - (options)~ ENTER NAME = you can enter the name of your child, or leave it as Aaron/Aria~ GO TO = you have to go to some place~ {TEXT} = voice-actor dialogue~ (mn) = music note symbol~ *kiss* = Kyle kisses his bride~ -TEXT- = text that appeared that wasn't a choice/response, and wasn't said by a character

===============================================================================13.2.1. Alicia's Proposal Dialogue [Alicia-DPropose]===============================================================================

You can actually propose to Alicia two different ways. You can propose to herwhen you complete her tenth quest: "Find Me a Crystal Ball?", or you cancomplete the quest without marrying her (and receive the Crystal Ball as thereward for the quest), and give her the Crystal Ball some other time.

The following is the dialogue from the very beginning of her quest (i.e. whenyou first talk to her after accepting the quest on the Bulletin Board):

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A: I have an important favor to ask of you, Kyle.K: What is it?A: I need you to go to Padova Mts. - Ice Field and find me a CRYSTAL BALL. I require it to finish one of my greatest divinations. As a reward, I'll give you a whole 1000G. What do you think?K: Sounds good to me!A: Thanks, Kyle. That's why I like you so much. Marry me!K: Yeah, yeah.A: You're never going to believe I'm serious, are you?K: Heh. Nope!A: Fine then. I'll still be happy if you get me a CRYSTAL BALL!

If you talk to her again:A: Go to Padova Mts. Ñ Ice Field and find me a CRYSTAL BALL. It's very important.

GO TO Padova Mts. - Ice Field and retrieve the Crystal Ball.

When you give Alicia the Crystal Ball:A: You found it.K: Yes. I found it.A: Kyle, according to my fortune, a CRYSTAL BALL is something that will be given to me as a marriage proposal.K: A...proposal?A: That's right. The man who brings me a CRYSTAL BALL is the man I'm destined to marry.K: You're not joking?A: No. I'm serious. My feeling for you are the real thing.K: Wow, Alicia...A: I love you, Kyle. And it's not just some silly fortune that I'm trying to make come true. I really do love you.K: Alicia...

CHOICE (propose or not)

Not propose: "I'm not quite prepared for this.":

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K: Now I understand your feelings about this, Alicia. But I haven't sorted out my feelings quite yet.A: I understand. I'll give this CRYSTAL BALL to you, Kyle. I'll leave it up to you whether to give it to me again someday, or to throw it away, Kyle.K: Okay.(The quest ends here, you don't marry Alicia, and you get the Crystal Ballback.)

Propose: "Please marry me.":A: You really want to marry me?K: Yes. I love you too, Alicia. Your fortune was dead-on this time.A: Thank you, Kyle. I'm so happy! But what do you mean by "this time"? My fortunes are never wrong!K: I know, I know. Ha-ha-ha!

If you decide to not marry her upon completing her tenth quest, you have theopportunity to propose to her later. That is the following dialogue:

K: Alicia. Will you marry me?A: Do you really mean it?K: Of course! I want to marry you and make you happy. You do predict a happy future for us, right?A: Of course! I predict that we'll live happily ever after!

===============================================================================13.2.2. Alicia's Wedding Dialogue [Alicia-DWedding]===============================================================================

Gordon: Do you, Kyle, take Alicia to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health... Do you promise to love her until

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death do you part? {Do you promise to love her until death do you part?}K: I do! {I do!}Gordon: Do you, Alicia, take Kyle to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health... until death do you part?A: I do. {I do.}Gordon: Then seal your marriage with a kiss.*kiss*Gordon: By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you Husband and Wife. Well, you've made your vows, so that takes care of the easy stuff! Now you just have to be good to each other for the rest of your lives! Gah hah hah!

Natalie: I'm stunned--you got married! And I'm sure you're going to say that you predicted this.A: Of course! My predictions are never wrong!N: Well, for this one time, let me predict your future.A: You're just going to say something bad, aren't you?N: I'm sure that a long and happy life lies ahead for the two of you.A: Mother...N: You do your best... with your fortune-telling, too.A: Thank you.

Ray: I'm pleased for you, dear sister! Mother finally accepted your fortune- telling!A: Yes.R: Be happy together!A: Of course!

Douglas: So Alicia is finally getting married! What a wonderful day!Mana: Alicia, congratulations on your marriage! You must be soooo excited! (mn)Julia: Congratulations, Kyle and Alicia! I'm sure you two will be super-happy together! (mn)Dorothy: Congratulations... I wish the both of you a wonderful future together...Cammy: Congratulations! I know you two will have a happy life together!

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Egan: Congratulations. I am sure that only wonderful experiences await you two.Cecilia: Congratulations! You look beautiful, Alicia. Here's to your future!Jake: Hmph. I hope you're happy together, humans.Tanya: Kyle, Alicia, congratulations to you both! I hope you two will be happy, and have many wonderful adventures together!Roy: Congratulations on getting married, Kyle and Alicia! You guys look great! I know you'll be together forever!Byron: My sincerest congratulations to the both of you. You two really look great together, and I'm sure you'll be truly happy.Barrett: Congratulations. Hope things work out.Herman: Ah, Alicia! Congratulations!Rosalind: My congratulations to you both. I wish you eternal happiness.Max: I wish you my sincerest congratulations!Yue: Congratulations to the both of you! I know you guys will be happy together forever!

K: I will make you the happiest woman alive, Alicia.A: You already have.*kiss*

===============================================================================13.2.3. Alicia's Marriage Dialogue [Alicia-DMarriage]===============================================================================

Talked to Alicia right after waking up in the morning, and before leaving FarmHouse 2F.

Day 1 - right after the wedding, before you regain control-------------------------------------------------------------------------------A: Good morning, darling... Oh, I still can't believe that we're married!K: It is all still a bit like a dream, Alicia! Ah hah hah hah!

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A: So this is where we're going to live from now on! I know you'll make me happy, darling! I saw it!K: Of course!

When you talk to Alicia, you're given 3 options:~ "I want to talk."~ "I want you to read my fortune."~ "Never mind."

If you choose "Never mind.":A: What do you want?

If you choose "I want you to read my fortune.":You're given another 3 options.~ "Weather Reading."~ "Location Reading."~ "Never mind."

If you choose "Never mind.":(And this is for all the "Never mind." options you can find in "I want you toread my fortune.")A: You don't want me to do a reading for you? I'm not going to take your money anymore. Ha ha ha.

If you choose: "Location Reading.":You're given a list of everyone in the town, and must choose who you want tofind.A: Okay, I'll give you a location reading! Hollyhalla! Jami-la-la! Wahala!!! {Hollyhalla! Jami-la-la! Walaha!!!} Heh heh heh. I can see it! I've spotted you now! (tells you where the person(s) is/are). No doubt about it! That'll be 20G. Ha ha ha! I guess old habits die hard.

If you choose: "Weather Reading.":You're given another 3 options.~ "Tomorrow's weather."

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~ "I want it to be clear tomorrow."~ "I want it to rain tomorrow."

If you choose: "Tomorrow's weather.":A: When we were single, I had you pay me 100G, but I guess we don't need to bother with that now, do we? Sim sala bim! Sim sim sim sala bim! {Sim sala bim! Sim sim sim sala bim!} I can see it... (tells you tomorrow's weather)

If you choose: "I want it to be clear tomorrow.":A: When we were single, I had you pay me 100G, but I guess we don't need to bother with that now, do we? La-lee-loo-la! La-lee-loo-la! {La-lee-loo-la! La-lee-loo-la!} I've done it. Tomorrow is definitely going to be sunny now.

If you choose: "I want it to rain tomorrow.":A: When we were single, I had you pay me 100G, but I guess we don't need to bother with that now, do we? Hollyhalla! Jami-la-la! Wahala!!! {Hollyhalla! Jami-la-la! Walaha!!!} Okay, it'll rain tomorrow now.

Regardless of anything she says that indicates that she's charging you, all ofher readings are free.She also doesn't do Love Readings anymore. Since you're married now, it's kindof pointless.

The following dialogue is when you choose the "I want to talk." option:

Day 1 - right after the wedding, after you regain control-------------------------------------------------------------------------------A: Good morning, dear. Ahhh... We really got married. I' happy.

Day 2-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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A: I'm so happy to be married to you.

Day 3-------------------------------------------------------------------------------A: Are you happy to be married to me, Kyle?

Day 4-------------------------------------------------------------------------------A: I hope we can have a baby soon. If my reading is right, it shouldn't be too much longer.

Day 5-------------------------------------------------------------------------------A: You work so hard every day.

Day 6-------------------------------------------------------------------------------A: According to my reading, you're falling more and more in love with me.

Day 7-------------------------------------------------------------------------------A: Take good care of me, dear.

Day 8 - "I don't feel well"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------A: I haven't felt so good, lately. I feel...sick to my stomach.K: Are you okay?A: Yes...I think. I'm fine. According to my fortune...K: You don't need fortunes, just get some rest, okay?

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Day 9-------------------------------------------------------------------------------A: I'm so happy to be married to you.

Day 10 - "I'm pregnant!"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------A: I've got something important to tell you, dear.K: What?A: I-I'm having a baby.K: R-Really?! Wow, that's great!A: I know. I'm excited!K: So... We're having a baby. I wonder if it's going to be a boy or a girl.A: Hmm. Which would you rather have?

CHOICE - (boy, girl, either)

Boy: "A boy."K: I'd like to have a boy. How about you, Alicia?A: Me too. I feel the same way!K: So, it looks like our family is going to get a little bigger.A: Let's keep working hard together, dear.K: Of course!

Girl: "A girl."K: I'd like to have a girl. How about you, Alicia?A: Me too. I feel the same way!K: So, it looks like our family is going to get a little bigger.A: Let's keep working hard together, dear.K: Of course!

Either: "Either is fine."K: It doesn't matter to me. I'm just happy to have a child with you.A: Me too. I feel the same way!K: So, it looks like our family is going to get a little bigger.A: Let's keep working hard together, dear.K: Of course!

===============================================================================13.2.4. Alicia's Pregnancy Dialogue [Alicia-DPregnant]===============================================================================

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Talked to Alicia right after waking up in the morning, and before leaving FarmHouse 2F.

Day 1 - "I'm pregnant!"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------A: I'm so happy to be married to you.

Day 2-6-------------------------------------------------------------------------------A: I'm so happy to be married to you.

Day 7 - right after you wake up, before you leave Farm House 2F (Birthday!)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------A: I think the baby is going to come soon.

Day 7 - after you've left Farm House 2F and come back (Birthday!)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Boy-Baby:A: I've had the baby!K: Fantastic, Alicia!A: Look, it's a boy! He looks just like you.K: Ha ha, you think?A: We'd better give the little one a name. Can you think of a good one?ENTER NAMEA: Aaron... What a fine name. I love it!K: I'm glad.A: Aaron. Eat a lot, and grow up strong and healthy, okay?K: Growing up...A: What?K: Aaron needs a school to go to.A: You think so too?K: Now that we have a child, you should talk to Byron about building a school.A: Good luck building the school, for Aaron's sake.K: Oh!

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A: Good luck building the school, for Aaron's sake. Don't forget, Byron will only talk to you about it when you're in the first floor of our house.

Girl-Baby:A: I've had the baby!K: Fantastic, Alicia!A: Look, it's a girl! She looks just like you.K: Ha ha, you think?A: We'd better give the little one a name. Can you think of a good one?ENTER NAMEA: Aria... What a fine name. I love it!K: I'm glad.A: Aria. Eat a lot, and grow up strong and healthy, okay?K: Growing up...A: What?K: Aria needs a school to go to.A: You think so too?K: Now that we have a child, you should talk to Byron about building a school.A: Good luck building the school, for Aria's sake.K: Oh!

A: Good luck building the school, for Aria's sake. Don't forget, Byron will only talk to you about it when you're in the first floor of our house.

*******************************************************************************13.3. Cecilia's Dialogue [Cecilia-D]*******************************************************************************

I'm abbreviating Kyle to "K" and Cecilia to "C." The other villagers will stillhave their full names.


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~ CHOICE - (choices) = you have to choose a response/make a choice - (options)~ ENTER NAME = you can enter the name of your child, or leave it as Aaron/Aria~ GO TO = you have to go to some place~ {TEXT} = voice-actor dialogue~ (mn) = music note symbol~ *kiss* = Kyle kisses his bride~ -TEXT- = text that appeared that wasn't a choice/response, and wasn't said by a character

===============================================================================13.3.1. Cecilia's Proposal Dialogue [Cecilia-DPropose]===============================================================================

In order to propose to and marry Cecilia, you have to complete her tenth quest:"A Very Important Request."

If you try giving Cecilia the Round Stone before doing this quest:C: That's very important to me. I...I want you to have it. You may need it someday.-You got: ROUND STONE!-

NB - If you end this quest, and end up not marrying Cecilia, the quest remainson the Bulletin Board for you to accept. The only way to complete this quest,and have it unavailable to do it again (i.e. moved to "Completed Requests"), isto marry Cecilia.

The following is the dialogue from the very beginning of her quest (i.e. whenyou first talk to her after accepting the quest on the Bulletin Board):

C: If you really like me, Kyle, bring the ROUND STONE to Messhina

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Valley - Bridge to Shrine.K: You mean that thing you gave me before?C: Yes. Bring that to Messhina Valley - Bridge to Shrine. I'll be waiting for you there.K: Okay.GO TO Messhina Valley - Bridge to Shrine

If you talk to her:C: I've been waiting for you, Kyle. Did you bring the ROUND STONE?

CHOICE - (yes, no)

If you choose "Whoops, I forgot.":C: Do you think you could go back and get it? I'll be waiting here.(Conversation ends, but she'll still be standing there. Go back and get it, andgive it to her.)

If you choose "Yeah.":C: May I have it? I'm glad you remembered it!(Conversation ends, and she'll be waiting for you to give her the stone.)

When you give Cecilia the Round Stone:C: I wanted to tell you something, Kyle. When I was small, I liked collecting stones. One time I got lost in a dungeon while looking for some. The person who saved me from that terrible place was a man called Raguna.K: I remember you saying that you and he were friends when you lived in Kardia.C: After seeing how handsome and how brave he life changed forever. From that point on, I always imagined my future husband proposing to me in a dungeon or other monster-infested area.K: That's...that's interesting. (That's one of the weirdest things I've ever heard.)C: That's not... strange or anything, is it?K: No, not at all. Well, it's not exactly normal, but it's not so weird.C: Do you like girls who are a little strange, Kyle?

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CHOICE - (yes, no)

If you choose "No.":C: Y-Yeah, you're right. Who in their right mind would ever like someone like that, huh? I'm sorry. I think I'd better go home now.(The quest ends here, you don't marry Cecilia, and you get the Round Stoneback.)

If you choose "Yeah.":K: Yeah, I do.C: Really?! Oh, Kyle...

CHOICE - (propose or not)

Not propose: "Hold on a second.":C: I see... I'm sorry too. I really am sorry. I'd better head home.(The quest ends here, you don't marry Cecilia, and you get the Round Stoneback.)

Propose: "Will you marry me?":K: Will you marry me, Cecilia?C: Oh, you have no idea how happy I feel... How long I've been waiting to hear those words!K: I promise I'll make you happy.C: I believe you.

===============================================================================13.3.2. Cecilia's Wedding Dialogue [Cecilia-DWedding]===============================================================================

Gordon: Do you, Kyle, take Cecilia to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health... Do you promise to love her until death do you part? {Do you promise to love her until death do you part?}K: I do! {I do!}Gordon: Do you, Cecilia, take Kyle to be your lawfully wedded

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husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health... until death do you part?C: I do. {I do.}Gordon: Then seal your marriage with a kiss.*kiss*Gordon: By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you Husband and Wife. Well, you've made your vows, so that takes care of the easy stuff! Now you just have to be good to each other for the rest of your lives! Gah hah hah!

Egan: Congratulations, Ceci, and Kyle! I'm sure you two will be very happy together!

Jake: Hmph... Upset Ceci and I'll make you pay, human. See you!

Douglas: So Ceci is finally getting married! What a wonderful day!Mana: Ceci, congratulations on your marriage. Be happy, okay?! (mn) You two look great together, by the way!Julia: Congratulations, Kyle and Cecilia! I'm sure you two will be super-happy together! (mn)Natalie: You look beautiful, Ceci. I'm so happy for you!Alicia: Ceci, congratulations on your marriage! My reading of your future was spot-on, wasn't it?Ray: Congratulations, Cecilia! I imagine you must be very happy!Dorothy: Congratulations... I wish the both of you a wonderful future together...Cammy: Congratulations! I know you two will have a happy life together!Tanya: Kyle, Cecilia, congratulations to you both! I hope you two will be happy, and have many wonderful adventures together!Roy: Congratulations on getting married, Kyle and Cecilia! You guys look great! I know you'll be together forever!Byron: My sincerest congratulations to the both of you. You two really look great together, and I'm sure you'll be truly happy.Barrett: Congratulations. Hope things work out.

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Herman: Ah, Cecilia! Congratulations!Rosalind: My congratulations to you both. I wish you eternal happiness.Max: I wish you my sincerest congratulations!Yue: Congratulations to the both of you! I know you guys will be happy together forever!

K: I will make you the happiest woman alive, Cecilia.C: You already have.*kiss*

===============================================================================13.3.3. Cecilia's Marriage Dialogue [Cecilia-DMarriage]===============================================================================

Talked to Cecilia right after waking up in the morning, and before leaving FarmHouse 2F.

Day 1 - right after the wedding, before you regain control-------------------------------------------------------------------------------C: Good morning, darling... Oh, I still can't believe that we're married!K: It is all still a bit like a dream, Cecilia! Ah hah hah hah!C: So this is where we are going to live from now on! I know you'll make me happy, darling!K: Of course!

Day 1 - right after the wedding, after you regain control-------------------------------------------------------------------------------C: Good morning, sweetheart. "Sweetheart"! Oh, listen to me. We certainly sound like newlyweds, don't we?

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Day 2-------------------------------------------------------------------------------C: I'm so happy we're together like this.

Day 3-------------------------------------------------------------------------------C: Are you happy we got married?

Day 4-------------------------------------------------------------------------------C: I'm dying to have a baby.

Day 5-------------------------------------------------------------------------------C: I admire all the hard work you do every day, sweetheart.

Day 6-------------------------------------------------------------------------------C: I wonder how my life would've been different if I hadn't met you.

Day 7-------------------------------------------------------------------------------C: Take care when you're out there, sweetheart.

Day 8 - "I don't feel well"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------C: You know, I haven't been feeling so great lately... I've been nauseous a lot.K: Should we go see Natalie?C: No, I'm sure I'll be fine. I've a pretty good idea what it might be, anyway...

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Day 9-------------------------------------------------------------------------------C: I'm so happy we're together like this.

Day 10 - "I'm pregnant!"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------C: I've got something I need to talk to you about, sweetheart.K: What is it?C: Well, I...I think I'm pregnant.K: Really! That's great, Cecilia! I'm so happy.C: Me too.K: So what do you think it is? Boy or girl?C: Ha ha... What do you hope it is?

CHOICE - (boy, girl, either)

Boy: "A boy"K: I guess I hope it's a boy. What about you?C: That's how I feel, too.K: Looks like our little household's about to get bigger.C: I can't wait, honey.K: Me neither!

Girl: "A girl"K: I guess I hope it's a girl. What about you?C: That's how I feel, too.K: Looks like our little household's about to get bigger.C: I can't wait, honey.K: Me neither!

Either: "It doesn't matter"K: Either's a blessing. What about you?C: That's how I feel, too.K: Looks like our little household's about to get bigger.C: I can't wait, honey.K: Me neither!

===============================================================================13.3.4. Cecilia's Pregnancy Dialogue [Cecilia-DPregnant]==========================================

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Talked to Cecilia right after waking up in the morning, and before leaving FarmHouse 2F.

Day 1 - "I'm pregnant!"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------C: I'm so happy we're together like this.

Day 2-6-------------------------------------------------------------------------------C: I'm so happy we're together like this.

Day 7 - right after you wake up, before you leave Farm House 2F (Birthday!)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------C: The baby'll be here any day now, sweetheart!

Day 7 - after you've left Farm House 2F and come back (Birthday!)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Boy-Baby:C: The baby's here, sweetheart!K: That's wonderful, Cecilia!C: Look at him. He's the spitting image of his daddy.K: Sure is.C: We need to think of a name. Any ideas, sweetheart?ENTER NAMEC: Aaron... That's a beautiful name. I like it.K: Great.C: Hey little Aaron... One day you'll be big and strong just like your father.K: Hmm...C: Something wrong?K: Yeah. We don't have a school around here.C: That's true.K: I'll have to talk with Byron about building a school. Where's Aaron gonna

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learn?C: Exactly. Well, good luck, sweetheart. Think of Aaron.K: Right!

C: Good luck with the school, sweetheart. One day Aaron will be going there. Oh, by the way, Byron said he wanted to talk to you about it on the first floor of his house.

Girl-Baby:C: The baby's here, sweetheart!K: That's wonderful, Cecilia!C: Look at her. She's the spitting image of her daddy.K: Sure is.C: We need to think of a name. Any ideas, sweetheart?ENTER NAMEC: Aria... That's a beautiful name. I like it.K: Great.C: Hey little Aria... One day you'll be big and strong just like your father.K: Hmm...C: Something wrong?K: Yeah. We don't have a school around here.C: That's true.K: I'll have a talk with Byron about building a school. Where's Aria gonna learn?C: Exactly. Well, good luck, sweetheart. Think of Aria.K: Right!

C: Good luck with the school, sweetheart. One day Aria will be going there. Oh, by the way, Byron said he wanted to talk to you about it on the first floor of his house.

*******************************************************************************13.4. Dorothy's Dialogue [Dorothy-D]

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I'm abbreviating Kyle to "K" and Dorothy to "D." The other villagers will stillhave their full names.

Key:~ CHOICE - (choices) = you have to choose a response/make a choice - (options)~ ENTER NAME = you can enter the name of your child, or leave it as Aaron/Aria~ GO TO = you have to go to some place~ {TEXT} = voice-actor dialogue~ (mn) = music note symbol~ *kiss* = Kyle kisses his bride~ -TEXT- = text that appeared that wasn't a choice/response, and wasn't said by a character

===============================================================================13.4.1. Dorothy's Proposal Dialogue [Dorothy-DPropose]===============================================================================

K: Here, Dorothy, I want you to have this pendant.D: This...just what...what is this...?K: This pendant has the power to protect you from any and all misfortune, Dorothy. I really want you to have it.D: Oh, Kyle... Th-Thank you...I'm very happy... There's something that's been...worrying me. I, when you're around, Kyle.K: Strange how, exactly...?D: heart suddenly starts beating fast...K: Hmmmm...D: Everything suddenly goes white...K: Hmmmm...D: My throat suddenly goes dry... It's like...I'm about to fall apart...!K: Is there anything I can do to help?D: I don't know... I don't know if anything can help me with this

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feeling...K: So it's incurable, is it? Dorothy, I think I know something that will help.D: ...!K: Dorothy...

CHOICE - (propose or not)

Not propose: "...try holding your breath."K: How about trying to hold your breath?D: I think I'll just pass out...K: You're right...sorry...D: Here, you can...have this back...(Conversation ends, and you get the Blessing Pendant back.)

Propose: "...will you marry me?"K: ...will you marry me?D: !!!K: If you're always around me, I'm sure you'll be able to overcome this. That's the only treatment I can think of.D: Oh...Kyle...!K: I know we'll be happy together.D: Y-Yes...! Kyle... I love you!

===============================================================================13.4.2. Dorothy's Wedding Dialogue [Dorothy-DWedding]===============================================================================

Gordon: Do you, Kyle, take Dorothy to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health... Do you promise to love her until death do you part? {Do you promise to love her until death do you part?}K: I do! {I do!}Gordon: Do you, Dorothy, take Kyle to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health... until death do you part?D: I do. {I do.}Gordon: Then seal your marriage with a kiss.*kiss*

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Gordon: By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you Husband and Wife. Well, you've made your vows, so that takes care of the easy stuff! Now you just have to be good to each other for the rest of your lives! Gah hah hah!

Cammy: Take care of my sister, Kyle! If you make her sad, I'm gonna wallop you!K: Heh. Don't worry, Cammy. I'll be sure to make her happy!C: Yeah! (mn) I'm sure you will! (mn)

Douglas: So Dorothy is finally getting married! I'm impressed that someone as shy as her managed to pull it off!Mana: Congratulations, Dorothy! You must be soooo excited! (mn)Julia: Congratulations, Kyle and Dorothy! I'm sure you two will be super-happy together! (mn)Natalie: You look beautiful, Dorothy. I'm so happy for you!Alicia: Dorothy, congratulations on your wedding! My reading of your fortune was spot-on, wasn't it?Ray: Congratulations, Dorothy! I imagine you must be very happy!Egan: Congratulations. I am sure that only wonderful experiences await you two.Cecilia: Congratulations! You look beautiful, Dorothy. Here's to your future!Jake: Hmph. I hope you're happy together, humans.Tanya: Kyle, Dorothy, congratulations to you both! I hope you two will be happy, and have many wonderful adventures together!Roy: Congratulations on getting married, Kyle and Dorothy! You guys look great! I know you'll be together forever!Byron: My sincerest congratulations to the both of you. You two really look great together, and I'm sure you'll be truly happy.Barrett: Congratulations. Treat her well.Herman: Ah, Dorothy! Congratulations!Rosalind: My congratulations to you both. I wish you eternal happiness.Max: I wish you my sincerest congratulations!Yue: Congratulations to the both of you! I know you guys will be happy

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together forever!

K: I will make you the happiest woman alive, Dorothy.D: You already have.*kiss*

===============================================================================13.4.3. Dorothy's Marriage Dialogue [Dorothy-DMarriage]===============================================================================

Talked to Dorothy right after waking up in the morning, and before leaving FarmHouse 2F.

Day 1 - right after the wedding, before you regain control-------------------------------------------------------------------------------D: Good morning, darling... Oh, I still can't believe that we're married!K: It is all still a bit like a dream, Dorothy! Ah hah hah hah!D: So this is where we are going to live from now on! I know you'll make me happy, darling!K: Of course!

Day 1 - right after the wedding, after you regain control-------------------------------------------------------------------------------D: Hello, h-honey. I'm...a little embarrassed to call you that, actually...

Day 2-------------------------------------------------------------------------------D: I'm very...very happy to have married you.

Day 3

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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------D: I'll love you forever.

Day 4-------------------------------------------------------------------------------D: I hope we have a baby soon! Don't you hope so, honey?

Day 5-------------------------------------------------------------------------------D: You just concentrate on making the fields bloom! Leave the housework to me.

Day 6-------------------------------------------------------------------------------D: I've changed...all thanks to you. I love you, honey.

Day 7-------------------------------------------------------------------------------D: Don't overdo things, please. I'm very worried about you.

Day 8 - "I don't feel well"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------D: I haven't been feeling so good recently...especially in the mornings.K: Are you okay? Sounds a little worrying.D: I'll be fine, I'm sure. But thank you...for worrying about me.

Day 9-------------------------------------------------------------------------------D: Let's just carry on making lots of memories together.

Day 10 - "I'm pregnant!"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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D: Da-Darling... I have something important to say.K: What?D: It looks like...I'm pregnant.K: Re-really?! Great! Wow, I'm so happy, Dorothy.D: I'm happy too!K: Our, that's amazing! I wonder if it will be a boy or a girl?D: Which are you hoping for?

CHOICE - (boy, girl, either)

Boy: "A boy"K: I'd like a boy, I think. What about you, Dorothy?D: Oh, the same as you! (mn)K: Great! Our own family is going to start!D: That's right! Keep up your hard work, darling, for the sake of our child, too.K: Of course I will! I've two to support now!

Girl: "A girl"K: I'd like a girl, I think. What about you, Dorothy?D: Oh, the same as you! (mn)K: Great! Our own family is going to start!D: That's right! Keep up your hard work, darling, for the sake of our child, too.K: Of course I will! I've got two to support now!

Either: "I'm happy with either!"K: I'd be happy with either! What about you, Dorothy?D: Oh, the same as you! (mn)K: Great! Our own family is going to start!D: That's right! Keep up your hard work, darling, for the sake of our child, too.K: Of course I will! I've got two to support now!

===============================================================================13.4.4. Dorothy's Pregnancy Dialogue [Dorothy-DPregnant]===============================================================================

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Talked to Dorothy right after waking up in the morning, and before leaving FarmHouse 2F.

Day 1 - "I'm pregnant!"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------D: I wonder what our baby will look like. I can't wait! (mn)

Day 2-6-------------------------------------------------------------------------------D: I wonder what our baby will look like. I can't wait! (mn)

Day 7 - right after you wake up, before you leave Farm House 2F (Birthday!)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------D: Our baby is going to be born soon!

Day 7 - after you've left Farm House 2F and come back (Birthday!)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Boy-Baby:D: Darling, our baby has been born!K: Well done, Dorothy! I'm so happy!D: Look. A son! He takes after you!K: Wonderful!D: We need to think of a name. The perfect, most wonderful name!ENTER NAMED: Aaron...? That's great. A really lovely name!K: Good.D: Aaron. You need to eat plenty to grow up healthy and strong!K: Growing up...D: What is it?K: I was just thinking how badly we need that school.D: The school... yeah, you're right.K: Now our baby has been born, I'll try talking to Mayor Byron about building one.D: It will be wonderful if you can do it! And I know you can. For Aaron,

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too.K: Yes!

D: Good luck with building the school! I'm backing you all the way. Try talking to Mayor Byron when he's on the first floor of his house.

Girl-Baby:D: Darling, our baby has been born!K: Well done, Dorothy! I'm so happy!D: Look. A daughter! She takes after you!K: Wonderful!D: We need to think of a name. The perfect, most wonderful name!ENTER NAMED: Aria...? That's great. A really lovely name!K: Good.D: Aria. You need to eat plenty to grow up healthy and strong!K: Growing up...D: What is it?K: I was just thinking how badly we need that school.D: The school... yeah, you're right.K: Now our baby has been born, I'll try talking to Mayor Byron about building one.D: It will be wonderful if you can do it! And I know you can. For Aria, too.K: Yes!

D: Good luck with building the school! I'm backing you all the way. Try talking to Mayor Byron when he's on the first floor of his house.

*******************************************************************************13.5. Julia's Dialogue [Julia-D]*******************************************************************************

I'm abbreviating Kyle to "K" and Julia to "J." The other villagers will still

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have their full names.

Key:~ CHOICE - (choices) = you have to choose a response/make a choice - (options)~ ENTER NAME = you can enter the name of your child, or leave it as Aaron/Aria~ GO TO = you have to go to some place~ {TEXT} = voice-actor dialogue~ (mn) = music note symbol~ *kiss* = Kyle kisses his bride~ -TEXT- = text that appeared that wasn't a choice/response, and wasn't said by a character

===============================================================================13.5.1. Julia's Proposal Dialogue [Julia-DPropose]===============================================================================

J: Wow, what a beautiful ring! Is that...for me...?K: Yes, Julia. Take a closer look at it.J: Hey, isn't this...?!K: That's right. I had the ore we found together made into this ring. I wanted you to wear it as a memento of the time that just the two of us shared.J: This is... Oh, don't tell me... Are you...? CHOICE - (propose or not)

Not propose: "I'm just showing the ring off."J: What?! You're just teasing me? I didn't know you could be so cruel, Kyle! Go on! Get out of here!-You took the MEMENTO RING back.-

Propose: "I'm proposing."K: This is how I feel about you, Julia. I want to be with you, Julia.J: Huh? You are! You're...proposing! {Huh?}(If I may make a comment - when Julia says this, she makes an "OMG!" face. I

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LOVE her "OMG!" face.)K: Yes. I love you, Julia. Will you marry me? {I love you!}J: Hm... Marry you? Well, this is a little sudden...K: Hey, just don't get mad at me.J: Oh, you fool...! But... Thank you...K: I'll make you happy, I swear it. Will you marry me?J: Oh, Kyle... Yes!

===============================================================================13.5.2. Julia's Wedding Dialogue [Julia-DWedding]===============================================================================

Gordon: Do you, Kyle, take Julia to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health... Do you promise to love her until death do you part? {Do you promise to love her until death do you part?}K: I do! {I do!}Gordon: Do you, Julia, take Kyle to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health... until death do you part?J: I do. {I do.}Gordon: Then seal your marriage with a kiss.*kiss*Gordon: By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you Husband and Wife. Well, you've made your vows, so that takes care of the easy stuff! Now you just have to be good to each other for the rest of your lives! Gah hah hah!

Douglas: So Julia is finally getting married! What a wonderful day!Mana: Julia, congratulations on your marriage! You must be soooo excited! (mn)Natalie: You look beautiful, Julia. I'm so happy for you!Alicia: Julia, congratulations on your marriage! My reading for your future was spot-on, wasn't it?Ray: Congratulations, Julia! I imagine you must be very happy!Dorothy: Congratulations... I wish the both of you a wonderful future together...

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Cammy: Congratulations! I know you two will have a happy life together!Egan: Congratulations. I am sure that only wonderful experiences await you two.Cecilia: Congratulations! You look beautiful, Julia! Here's to your future!Jake: Hmph. I hope you're happy together, humans.Tanya: Kyle, Julia, congratulations to you both! I hope you two will be happy, and have many wonderful adventures together!Roy: Congratulations on getting married, Kyle and Julia! You guys look great! I know you'll be together forever!Byron: My sincerest congratulations to the both of you. You two really look great together, and I'm sure you'll be truly happy.Barrett: Congratulations. Hope things work out.Herman: Ah, Julia! Congratulations!Rosalind: My congratulations to you both. I wish you eternal happiness.Max: I wish you my sincerest congratulations!Yue: Congratulations to the both of you! I know you guys will be happy together forever!

K: I will make you the happiest woman alive, Julia.J: You already have.*kiss*

===============================================================================13.5.3. Julia's Marriage Dialogue [Julia-DMarriage]===============================================================================

Talked to Julia right after waking up in the morning, and before leaving FarmHouse 2F.

Day 1 - right after the wedding, before you regain control-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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J: Good morning, darling... Oh, I still can't believe that we're married!K: It is all still a bit like a dream, Julia! Ah hah hah hah!J: This is where we'll be living together, then... Be sure to make me happy! (mn)K: Of course!

Day 1 - right after the wedding, after you regain control-------------------------------------------------------------------------------J: Hello, sweetie! {Sweetie!} Teehee, now that we're married, I get to call you "sweetie."

Day 2-------------------------------------------------------------------------------J: Tee-hee! I'm really happy now, sweetie! (mn) {Sweetie!}

Day 3-------------------------------------------------------------------------------J: Darling, how much do you love me? {Sweetie!}

Day 4-------------------------------------------------------------------------------J: I wonder if we'll have a baby soon.

Day 5-------------------------------------------------------------------------------J: Darling, you work so hard for us every day. When you're at home, rest up and get refreshed! {Sweetie!}

Day 6-------------------------------------------------------------------------------J: I love the bath, but I love you more, darling.

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Day 7-------------------------------------------------------------------------------J: I love you, darling. Let's be happy together. {Sweetie!}

Day 8 - "I don't feel well"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------J: Sometimes I just feel a little sick. I wonder what's wrong.K: Are you okay?J: Yes... I think I'm fine.

Day 9-------------------------------------------------------------------------------J: I hope this happiness lasts forever.

Day 10 - "I'm pregnant!"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------J: Um, darling, I have something really important to tell you. {Sweetie!}K: What is it?J: looks like I'm going to have a baby.K: R-R-Really? That's so great! I'm so happy, Julia! {Right on!}J: I'm happy too! (mn)K: Wow, so we're having a baby... I wonder if it'll be a boy or a girl.J: Heehee... Which do you think would be better?

CHOICE - (boy, girl, either)

Boy: "A boy would be better."K: Hmm, I guess I think a boy would be better. What about you?J: Tee-hee! (mn) I feel the same way.K: Well, I guess our family's getting bigger, isn't it?J: Yup. Give it your all from here on out too, darling! {Sweetie!}K: Of course!

Girl: "A girl would be better."K: Hmm, I guess I think a girl would be better. What about you?J: Tee-hee! (mn) I feel the same way.

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K: Well, I guess our family's getting bigger, isn't it?J: Yup. Give it your all from here on out too, darling! {Sweetie!}K: Of course!

Either: "Either would be wonderful."K: I think that either would be wonderful. What about you?J: Tee-hee! (mn) I feel the same way.K: Well, I guess our family's getting bigger, isn't it?J: Yup. Give it your all from here on out too, darling! {Sweetie!}K: Of course!

===============================================================================13.5.4. Julia's Pregnancy Dialogue [Julia-DPregnant]===============================================================================

Talked to Julia right after waking up in the morning, and before leaving FarmHouse 2F.

Day 1 - "I'm pregnant!"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------J: I wonder if we'll have a baby soon.

Day 2-6-------------------------------------------------------------------------------J: I wonder if we'll have a baby soon.

Day 7 - right after you wake up, before you leave Farm House 2F (Birthday!)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------J: Darling, it looks like the baby is going to be born soon!

Day 7 - after you've left Farm House 2F and come back (Birthday!)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Boy-Baby:J: Darling, the baby was born safe and healthy!K: That's wonderful, Julia!J: It's a boy. Look! He looks just like you!K: Aww...J: Well, we have to think of a name. Think of something nice, okay?ENTER NAMEJ: Aaron? Ooh, what a pretty name! I really like it!K: That's good.J: Eat well, Aaron, so you'll grow up to be strong and healthy!K: *sigh* He's already growing...J: Is there something wrong?K: Well, yes. He's going to need a school.J: He will, won't he...?K: I'm going to go talk to Byron about everything and see if maybe we can have a school built.J: Good idea! Give it all you've got, darling. For Aaron.K: Ah!

J: Darling, put your all into building the school. For the children's sake. {Sweetie!} Try talking to Byron when he's at home on the first floor.

Girl-Baby:J: Darling, the baby was born safe and healthy!K: That's wonderful, Julia!J: It's a girl. Look! She looks just like you!K: Aww...J: Well, we have to think of a name. Think of something nice, okay?ENTER NAMEJ: Aria? Ooh, what a pretty name! I really like it!K: That's good.J: Eat well, Aria, so you'll grow up to be strong and healthy!K: *sigh* He's already growing...J: Is there something wrong?K: Well, yes. He's going to need a school.J: He will, won't he...?K: I'm going to go talk to Byron about everything and see if maybe we can have a school built.J: Good idea! Give it all you've got, darling. For Aria.K: Ah!

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J: Darling, put your all into building the school. For the children's sake. {Sweetie!} Try talking to Byron when he's at home on the first floor.

*******************************************************************************13.6. Mana's Dialogue [Mana-D]*******************************************************************************

I'm abbreviating Kyle to "K" and Mana to "M." The other villagers will stillhave their full names.

Key:~ CHOICE - (choices) = you have to choose a response/make a choice - (options)~ ENTER NAME = you can enter the name of your child, or leave it as Aaron/Aria~ GO TO = you have to go to some place~ {TEXT} = voice-actor dialogue~ (mn) = music note symbol~ *kiss* = Kyle kisses his bride~ -TEXT- = text that appeared that wasn't a choice/response, and wasn't said by a character

===============================================================================13.6.1. Mana's Proposal Dialogue [Mana-DPropose]===============================================================================

M: If you have this, then that means... you defeated my father?K: Ha ha. No, things didn't quite work out that way. But he did give me his permission to marry you.M: That's wonderful! I'm so happy, Kyle!K: I'll make sure you stay that way.

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===============================================================================13.6.2. Mana's Wedding Dialogue [Mana-DWedding]===============================================================================

Gordon: Do you, Kyle, take Mana to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health... Do you promise to love her until death do you part? {Do you promise to love her until death do you part?}K: I do! {I do!}Gordon: Do you, Mana, take Kyle to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health... until death do you part?M: I do. {I do.}Gordon: Then seal your marriage with a kiss.*kiss*Gordon: By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you Husband and Wife. Well, you've made your vows, so that takes care of the easy stuff! Now you just have to be good to each other for the rest of your lives! Gah hah hah!

Douglas: Mana! I-I can't believe it! My little girl, all grown up and married. Well, I know I didn't make it easy, but...congratulations.M: Thank you, Father! I'm sure that Kyle and I will be happy together!D: You'd better be! Kyle, if you ever upset my daughter, I'm gonna pound you into the ground!M: You don't have to worry, father! I know Kyle is going to treat me right.

Julia: Congratulations, Kyle and Mana! I'm sure you two will be super-happy together! (mn)Natalie: You look beautiful, Mana! I'm so happy for you!Alicia: Mana, congratulations on your wedding! My reading of your future was

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spot-on, wasn't it?Ray: Congratulations, Mana! I imagine you must be very happy!Dorothy: Congratulations... I wish the both of you a wonderful future together...Cammy: Congratulations! I know you two will have a happy life together!Egan: Congratulations. I am sure that only wonderful experiences await you two.Cecilia: Congratulations! You look beautiful, Mana. Here's to your future!Jake: Hmph. I hope you're happy together, humans.Tanya: Kyle, Mana, congratulations to you both! I hope you two will be happy, and have many wonderful adventures together!Roy: Congratulations on getting married, Kyle and Mana! You guys look great! I know you'll be together forever!Byron: My sincerest congratulations to the both of you. You two really look great together, and I'm sure you'll be truly happy.Barrett: Congratulations. Hope things work out.Herman: Ah, Mana! Congratulations!Rosalind: My congratulations to you both. I wish you eternal happiness.Max: I wish you my sincerest congratulations!Yue: Congratulations to the both of you! I know you guys will be happy together forever!

K: I will make you the happiest woman alive, Mana.M: You already have.*kiss*

===============================================================================13.6.3. Mana's Marriage Dialogue [Mana-DMarriage]===============================================================================

Talked to Mana right after waking up in the morning, and before leaving FarmHouse 2F.

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Day 1 - right after the wedding, before you regain control-------------------------------------------------------------------------------M: Good morning, darling... Oh, I still can't believe that we're married! (mn)K: It is all still a bit like a dream, Mana! Ah hah hah hah!M: So this is where we are going to live from now on! I know you'll make me happy, darling!K: Of course!

Day 1 - right after the wedding, after you regain control-------------------------------------------------------------------------------M: Hello, darling! Oh, "darling" just has that newlywed ring to it, doesn't it? Tee-hee! (mn)

Day 2-------------------------------------------------------------------------------M: I'm so happy that I married you.

Day 3-------------------------------------------------------------------------------M: Are you happy that you married me, Kyle?

Day 4-------------------------------------------------------------------------------M: I hope we have a baby soon! (mn)

Day 5-------------------------------------------------------------------------------M: You've been working hard again today, darling. Well done!

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Day 6-------------------------------------------------------------------------------M: If I hadn't met you, I wonder what kind of life I would be living now.

Day 7-------------------------------------------------------------------------------M: Just thinking about life without you makes me sad.

Day 8 - "I don't feel well"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------M: I've been feeling a bit under the weather recently... My stomach feels weird...K: Are you okay?M: Yeah... I'm sure it's nothing.

Day 9-------------------------------------------------------------------------------M: I'm so happy to have married you!

Day 10 - "I'm pregnant!"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------M: Darling... Um, there's something I have to tell you...K: Yes? What is it?M: I think...I'm pregnant!K: R-Really?! Wow! That's great, Mana! Fantastic!M: I'm really happy too!K: Wow, so we're going to have a baby! Do you think it'll be a boy, or a girl?M: Which are you hoping for?

CHOICE - (boy, girl, either)

Boy: "I'd like a son!"K: I think I'd like a son. What about you, Mana?M: Me too! (mn)K: Great! We're going to be a family soon!

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M: I'm so excited!K: So am I! But I've got to work hard! I'm going to have to support the three of us soon!

Girl: "I'd like a daughter!"K: I think I'd like a daughter. What about you, Mana?M: Me too! (mn)K: Great! We're going to be a family soon!M: I'm so excited!K: So am I! But I've got to work hard! I'm going to have to support the three of us soon!

Either: "I don't care! Either is fine!"K: I'll be perfectly happy with either! What about you, Mana?M: Me too! (mn)K: Great! We're going to be a family soon!M: I'm so excited!K: So am I! But I've got to work hard! I'm going to have to support the three of us soon!

===============================================================================13.6.4. Mana's Pregnancy Dialogue [Mana-DPregnant]===============================================================================

Talked to Mana right after waking up in the morning, and before leaving FarmHouse 2F.

Day 1 - "I'm pregnant!"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------M: We're going to have a baby! (mn)

Day 2-6-------------------------------------------------------------------------------M: We're going to have a baby! (mn)

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Day 7 - right after you wake up, before you leave Farm House 2F (Birthday!)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------M: Our baby is going to be born soon!

Day 7 - after you've left Farm House 2F and come back (Birthday!)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Boy-Baby:M: Honey, our baby has been born!K: Wow, that's incredible, Mana!M: Look! A son! And it looks like he takes after you!K: Wow... I never imagined I would be a father... This is such an amazing feeling...M: We need to think of a name! The most wonderful, perfect name!ENTER NAMEM: Aaron...? Yes, that's a great name! I love it!K: Good, we've already settled on a name!M: Aaron, remember to eat well so you can grow up healthy and strong!K: Hmmm... Growing up...M: What is it?K: I was just thinking that we'll need a school for Aaron to go to...M: You're right...K: Now that our baby has been born, I'll try talking to Byron about building a school.M: Great! Let me know how it goes, honey!K: Sure thing!

M: Go talk to Byron about building a school, honey! I know you can convince him! Oh, and just to remind you, Byron only discusses town business when he's on the first floor of his house!

Girl-Baby:M: Honey, our baby has been born!

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K: Wow, that's incredible, Mana!M: Look! A daughter! And it looks like she takes after you!K: Wow... I never imagined I would be a father... This is such an amazing feeling...M: We need to think of a name! The most wonderful, perfect name!ENTER NAMEM: Aria...? Yes, that's a great name! I love it!K: Good, we've already settled on a name!M: Aria, remember to eat well so you can grow up healthy and strong!K: Hmm... Growing up...M: What is it?K: I was just thinking that we'll need a school for Aria to go to...M: You're right...K: Now that our baby has been born, I'll try talking to Byron about building a school.M: Great! Let me know how it goes, honey!K: Sure thing!

M: Go talk to Byron about building a school, honey! I know you can convince him! Oh, and just to remind you, Byron only discusses town business when he's on the first floor of his house!

*******************************************************************************13.7. Rosalind's Dialogue [Rosalind-D]*******************************************************************************

I'm abbreviating Kyle to "K" and Rosalind to "R." The other villagers willstill have their full names.

Key:~ CHOICE - (choices) = you have to choose a response/make a choice - (options)~ ENTER NAME = you can enter the name of your child, or leave it as Aaron/Aria~ GO TO = you have to go to some place

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~ {TEXT} = voice-actor dialogue~ (mn) = music note symbol~ *kiss* = Kyle kisses his bride~ -TEXT- = text that appeared that wasn't a choice/response, and wasn't said by a character

===============================================================================13.7.2. Rosalind's Proposal Dialogue [Rosalind-DPropose]===============================================================================

R: A-A bouquet of Geschule roses! What a fiery crimson color! They're beautiful! This...This is like a dream come true.K: Rosalind!R: !!!K: Will you marry me?R: Kyle... Do you... Do you love me?K: I do. More than life itself... I love you!R: Yes, I feel the same way. Kyle, I will marry you.K: Thanks. Come here, my darling. Rosalind... You're my queen.R: Kyle...

===============================================================================13.7.3. Rosalind's Wedding Dialogue [Rosalind-DWedding]===============================================================================

Gordon: Do you, Kyle, take Rosalind to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health... Do you promise to love her until death do you part? {Do you promise to love her until death do you part?}K: I do! {I do!}Gordon: Do you, Rosalind, take Kyle to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health... until death do you part?

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R: I do. {I do.}Gordon: Then seal your marriage with a kiss.*kiss*Gordon: By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you Husband and Wife. Well, you've made your vows, so that takes care of the easy stuff! Now you just have to be good to each other for the rest of your lives! Gah hah hah!

Herman: Ah! Rosalind, my beloved daughter! I hope you'll still come and visit me every day.R: F-Father... Of course I will.H: (Oh, I promised myself I wouldn't cry.) Ah! Rosalind! Enjoy your new life with Kyle!R: Thank you, Father. I know I will be happy!

R: Brother!Max: Isn't this wonderful, Rosalind? Your dream came true.R: Yes.M: Be happy forever!R: I will! Thank you, brother.M: I will be watching over you...

Douglas: So Rosalind is finally getting married! What a wonderful day!Mana: Rosalind, congratulations on your marriage! You must be soooo excited! (mn)Julia: Congratulations, Kyle and Rosalind! I'm sure you two will be super-happy together! (mn)Natalie: You look beautiful, Rosalind. I'm so happy for you!Alicia: Rosalind, congratulations on your marriage! My reading of your future was spot-on, wasn't it?Ray: Congratulations, Rosalind! I imagine you must be very happy!Dorothy: Congratulations... I wish the both of you a wonderful future together...Cammy: Congratulations! I know you two will have a happy life together!Egan: Congratulations. I am sure that only wonderful experiences await you two.

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Cecilia: Congratulations! You look beautiful, Rosalind. Here's to your future!Jake: Hmph. I hope you're happy together, humans.Tanya: Kyle, Rosalind, congratulations to you both! I hope you two will be happy, and have many wonderful adventures together!Roy: Congratulations on getting married, Kyle and Rosalind! You guys look great! I know you'll be together forever!Byron: My sincerest congratulations to the both of you. You two really look great together, and I'm sure you'll be truly happy.Barrett: Congratulations. Hope things work out.Yue: Congratulations to the both of you! I know you guys will be happy together forever!

K: I will make you the happiest woman alive, Rosalind.R: You already have.*kiss*

===============================================================================13.7.3. Rosalind's Marriage Dialogue [Rosalind-DMarriage]===============================================================================

Talked to Rosalind right after waking up in the morning, and before leavingFarm House 2F.

Rosalind's marriage dialogue is by far the most interesting. Much more like amarriage than any of the other bachelorettes. You'll notice that there are twoseparate dialogues. The first, and longer, of the two is what you'll get whenyou talk to Rosalind the first time that day. The second, shorter, dialogue iswhat you'll get when you talk to her any number of times after that.

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Day 1 - right after the wedding, before you regain control-------------------------------------------------------------------------------R: Good morning, darling... Oh, I still can't believe that we're married!K: It is all still a bit like a dream, Rosalind! Ah hah hah hah!R: So this is where we are going to live from now on! I know you'll make me happy, darling!K: Of course!

Day 1 - right after the wedding, after you regain control-------------------------------------------------------------------------------R: Good morning, honey. Did you sleep well last night? I, um... I just couldn't get to sleep at all, so... I'm really tired out.K: Oh, really? Then why don't we sleep holding hands tonight?R: Really? Oh... Yes, okay!K: Come on, doesn't it make you feel safe to hold hands? You'll sleep much better.R: Of course. You're right! When couples can't sleep, if they go to sleep holding hands, then it melts away the stress and they drift right off to sleep. Oh, I've read about that in a research report somewhere! We'll just have to put it to the test tonight!K: Ha-ha-ha! Okay, then. Tonight let's go to sleep holding hands!R: Okay!

K: Tonight let's go to sleep holding each other's hands!R: Okay!

Day 2-------------------------------------------------------------------------------R: Have you noticed anything different?K: Huh? Well...R: Oh, come on! Look closely at the floor and windows!K: Oh! They're really shiny. Of course! You cleaned them!R: I sure did. You should have seen the giant dust bunnies I found in the corners! It was really dirty!

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K: Ha-ha-ha.R: I can't believe you... And you pay such close attention to detail when you're working in the fields... But when it comes to taking care of yourself, you don't care at all! You just can't survive without me, can you, sweetie? (mn)K: No. I don't know what I'd do without you! (mn)

R: You just can't survive without me, can you, sweetie? (mn)K: No. I don't know what I'd do without you! (mn)

Day 3-------------------------------------------------------------------------------R: I brought some lithograph prints from my house.K: Oh, yeah. Those pictures hanging in the bedroom? I noticed those.R: What do you think?K: I think they look nice. This room is kind of dreary. It could use a little color, I think.R: It is.

K: Lithograph prints... Maybe I should try painting something.R: Oh, that would be great!

Day 4-------------------------------------------------------------------------------R: Honey!K: Wh-What?!R: I was straightening up the bookshelves and look what I found!K: Oh... Oh, that's just...R: What is this?! I found this sketch of some girl and this piece of a note! Judging from the color of her hair... this looks like a sketch of Mana!! I can't believe you! You were sneaking around with Mana behind my back! You're awful! I just can't bear it!!K: Rosalind... take a closer look at that picture. The colors have faded over

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time, but originally the hair was colored cyan, you see?R: Well, then... So that must have been...?K: That's right! That's your hair color! This is something your brother secretly gave me. It's something I've always carried with me.R: Really?!K: When my crops dried up and I felt depressed, or when I couldn't remember my past and I felt all alone, frustrated and discouraged... Your smiling face in this picture, so full of compassion and understanding, always game me courage and strength to carry on. But now that I can call you my wife, I don't need this picture anymore.R: Oh, I see... I'm sorry... I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions...K: It's okay. Actually, it makes me happy to see how much you really love me.R: I do. I really do love you, honey.

R: I'm sorry... I really jumped to conclusions.K: It's okay.

Day 5-------------------------------------------------------------------------------R: Sweetie?K: Yes?R: You know those potted flowers? I haven't done anything much for them, yet pests don't bother them. Don't you find that strange?K: I'm an Earthmate! So they probably can sense my power!R: Oh, you think so?K: Yes!R: Okay, okay... whatever you say.

R: *giggle (mn)*

Day 6-------------------------------------------------------------------------------R: Oh dear. You still have dirt on your fingers.K: I wonder why? It must be especially difficult to wash off.

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R: Even after all that scrubbing in the bath last night.K: I know.

R: You've got to scrub even more.K: Ok.

Day 7-------------------------------------------------------------------------------R: Honey?K: Huh? What is it, Princess?R: I'd love to have some of your homemade cooking sometimes...K: Oh, really? Well, then I'll have to treat you to my cooking sometime!R: Really? Is that a promise?K: Of course!R: Oh, I can't wait!! (mn)

R: You're very own cooking! I'm really looking forward to it! (mn)

Day 8 - "I don't feel well"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------R: Um, honey?K: What's wrong? You look really pale!R: Lately, I've been feeling kind of bad... I've got an upset stomach.K: Oh no, are you going to be okay?R: Oh, yes. I think I'll be okay.K: Well, okay... But don't overdo it, okay?R: Ok. Thanks.

K: Don't overdo it, okay?R: Okay. Thanks, honey.

Day 9-------------------------------------------------------------------------------R: There's a letter here for you from my brother.K: I wonder what it could be? Let's see it... "Dear Kyle, How are you doing? I hope you're getting along well with Rosalind! I really value your

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company and energy. I hope you come back to the de Sainte-Coquille homestead soon with your family. Then you can help me start my business plan! I'll be waiting! Peace!" That's all he says.R: It seems like my brother has really taken to you, too.K: Ha-ha-ha! I don't know what to say.

R: It seems like my brother has really taken to you, too.K: Ha-ha-ha! I don't know what to say.

Day 10 - "I'm pregnant!"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------R: Honey, I have something important to tell you.K: What?R: Well, I, um, we're going to have a baby.K: What? Really?! That's great! Oh, wow! I'm so happy, Rosalind!R: I am, too.K: I can't believe it! Our baby? Our very own baby...? I wonder if it's a boy or a girl?R: Oh, I wonder, too! Which do you hope for?

CHOICE - (boy, girl, either)

Boy: "I hope it's a boy."K: I guess I'd like a boy. What about you, Rosalind?R: *giggle (mn)* Me too.K: Wow, our family is growing.R: That's right, so keep working hard, honey.K: Of course!

Girl: "I hope it's a girl."K: I guess I'd like a girl. What about you, Rosalind?R: *giggle (mn)* Me too.K: Wow, our family is growing.R: That's right, so keep working hard, honey.K: Of course!

Either: "Either is fine."K: Either way, I couldn't be happier! What about you, Rosalind?R: *giggle (mn)* Me too.

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K: Wow, our family is growing.R: That's right, so keep working hard, honey.K: Of course!

===============================================================================13.7.4. Rosalind's Pregnancy Dialogue [Rosalind-DPregnant]===============================================================================

Talked to Rosalind right after waking up in the morning, and before leavingFarm House 2F.

Day 1 - "I'm pregnant!"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------R: Our baby is really lively. When I sit very still I can feel it moving inside me. It's sure to be a wild little tike! (giggle) (mn)

Day 2-6-------------------------------------------------------------------------------R: Our baby is really lively. When I sit very still I can feel it moving inside me. It's sure to be a wild little tike! (giggle) (mn)

Day 7 - right after you wake up, before you leave Farm House 2F (Birthday!)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------R: Honey, I think the baby will arrive soon!

Day 7 - after you've left Farm House 2F and come back (Birthday!)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Boy-Baby:R: Honey, our baby is here!

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K: You did a great job, Rosalind!R: Yes. Look. It's a boy. He looks just like you. She has her daddy's hair.K: She has her mommy's pouty little lips.R: We need to think of a name. A really good name.ENTER NAMER: Aaron? Yes. That's a great name. I like that.K: Oh, good!R: Aaron, eat lots and grow up big and strong!K: Growing up... Hmmm.R: What is it?K: Well. I think the children are going to need a proper place to go to school.R: That's true. We really need a school.K: I'll go tell Byron that the baby is here, and I'll talk to him about building a school, too.R: Okay. Good luck, honey. It's the best thing for Aaron.K: Yes!

R: You're finally starting to build the school.K: That's right. I'm going to build a great school building. For Aaron's sake, too.R: Good luck! Oh, that reminds me. Byron will only talk about that when he's on the first floor of our house.

K: I'm going to build a great school building. For Aaron's sake, too.R: Good Luck! Byron will only talk about that when he's on the first floor of our house. So be careful.

Girl-Baby:R: Honey, our baby is here!K: You did a great job, Rosalind!R: Yes. Look. It's a girl. She looks just like you. She has her daddy's hair.K: She has her mommy's pouty little lips.R: We need to think of a name. A really good name.ENTER NAMER: Aria? Yes. That's a great name. I like that.K: Oh, good!

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R: Aria, eat lots and grow up big and strong!K: Growing up... Hmmm.R: What is it?K: Well. I think the children are going to need a proper place to go to school.R: That's true. We really need a school.K: I'll go tell Byron that the baby is here, and I'll talk to him about building a school, too.R: Okay. Good luck, honey. It's the best thing for Aria.K: Yes!

R: You're finally starting to build the school.K: That's right. I'm going to build a great school building. For Aria's sake, too.R: Good luck! Oh, that reminds me. Byron will only talk about that when he's on the first floor of our house.

K: I'm going to build a great school building. For Aria's sake, too.R: Good Luck! Byron will only talk about that when he's on the first floor of our house. So be careful.

*******************************************************************************13.8. Yue's Dialogue [Yue-D]*******************************************************************************

I'm abbreviating Kyle to "K" and Yue to "Y." The other villagers will stillhave their full names.

Key:~ CHOICE - (choices) = you have to choose a response/make a choice - (options)~ ENTER NAME = you can enter the name of your child, or leave it as Aaron/Aria~ GO TO = you have to go to some place~ {TEXT} = voice-actor dialogue

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~ (mn) = music note symbol~ *kiss* = Kyle kisses his bride~ -TEXT- = text that appeared that wasn't a choice/response, and wasn't said by a character

===============================================================================13.8.1. Yue's Proposal Dialogue [Yue-DPropose]===============================================================================

Y: You're here to use the YUE SWAP TICKET, are you? Go on then, Kyle, what do you want?K: Hmm...

CHOICE - (propose or not)

Not propose: "Actually, I changed my mind."Y: Ah well! If you want anything just come find me!

Propose: "I want to exchange it for you, Yue."Y: ... Um, Kyle, does that mean you' Proposing. Yes, Yue, I am. What I want, Yue, more than anything you have on you. Please, Yue, will you be my wife?Y: Oh...this is all like a dream! Of course! I accept! Thank you, Kyle.K: I know we'll be happy together!

===============================================================================13.8.2. Yue's Wedding Dialogue [Yue-DWedding]===============================================================================

Gordon: Do you, Kyle, take Yue to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health... Do you promise to love her until death do you part? {Do you promise to love her until death do you part?}K: I do! {I do!}

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Gordon: Do you, Yue, take Kyle to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health... until death do you part?Y: I do. {I do.}Gordon: Then seal your marriage with a kiss.*kiss*Gordon: By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you Husband and Wife. Well, you've made your vows, so that takes care of the easy stuff! Now you just have to be good to each other for the rest of your lives! Gah hah hah!

Douglas: So Yue is finally getting married. She's hardly ever around! I'm impressed that she pulled that one off, to be honest.Mana: Yue, congratulations on your marriage! You must be soooo excited! (mn)Julia: Congratulations, Kyle and Yue! I'm sure two of you will be super-happy together! (mn)Natalie: You look beautiful, Yue. I'm so happy for you!Alicia: Yue, congratulations on your marriage! My reading of your future was spot-on, wasn't it?Ray: Congratulations, Yue! I imagine you must be very happy!Dorothy: Congratulations... I wish the both of you a wonderful future together...Cammy: Congratulations! I know you two will have a happy life together!Egan: Congratulations. I am sure that only wonderful experiences await you two.Cecilia: Congratulations! You look beautiful, Yue. Here's to your future!Jake: Hmph. I hope you're happy together, humans.Tanya: Kyle, Yue, congratulations to you both! I hope you two will be happy, and have many wonderful adventures together!Roy: Congratulations on getting married, Kyle and Yue! You guys look great! I know you'll be together forever!Byron: My sincerest congratulations to the both of you. You two really look great together, and I'm sure you'll be truly happy.Barrett: Congratulations. Hope things work out.

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Herman: Ah, Yue! Congratulations!Rosalind: My congratulations to you both. I wish you eternal happinessMax: I wish you my sincerest congratulations!

K: I will make you the happiest woman alive, Yue.Y: You already have.*kiss*

===============================================================================13.8.3. Yue's Marriage Dialogue [Yue-DMarriage]===============================================================================

Talked to Yue right after waking up in the morning, and before leaving FarmHouse 2F.

Day 1 - right after the wedding, before you regain control-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Y: Good morning, darling... Oh, I still can't believe that we're married!K: It is all still a bit like a dream, Yue! Ah hah hah hah!Y: So this is where we are going to live from now on! I know I'll make you happy, darling!K: Of course!

Day 1 - right after the wedding, after you regain control-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Y: Hello darling! (mn) Now that we're married, I've decided to call you darling! Is that okay with you, darling one?K: Yeah, I like it.Y: Oh! I'm still a bit embarrassed by all this!

Day 2-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Y: But I'm so happy to have marred you, darling! (mn)

Day 3-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Y: I'm so happy to have married you, darling! (mn)

Day 4-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Y: I hope we have a baby soon! (mn)

Day 5-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Y: Home is the place to relax after a long day's work!

Day 6-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Y: I've visited lots of different towns, and seen lots of different things, but meeting you is the best thing to ever happen to me, darling!

Day 7-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Y: I hope you feel the same way!

Day 8 - "I don't feel well"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Y: I haven't been feeling all that well recently... I think I have heartburn or something...K: Are you okay? I hope it isn't anything serious...Y: No, I"m fine, I'm sure...

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Day 9-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Y: Let's make lots of lovely memories together, darling! (mn)

Day 10 - "I'm pregnant!"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Y: I've got something very important to tell you, darling...K: What?Y: I... I think we're going to have a baby!K: R-Really?! That's great! I'm so happy for us, Yue.Y: Me too! I can't believe it...K: We're really having a baby... I wonder if it will be a boy or a girl?Y: Which would you rather have, darling?

CHOICE - (boy, girl, either)

Boy: "A boy"K: I hope it's a boy. How about you, Yue?Y: Yeah, me too!K: So...our family is going to be getting a little bigger.Y: We'll have to try to be good parents.K: Of course!

Girl: "A girl"K: I hope it's a girl. How about you, Yue?Y: Yeah, me too!K: So...our family is going to be getting a little bigger.Y: We'll have to try to be good parents.K: Of course!

Either: "Either"K: I'll be happy either way. How about you, Yue?Y: Yeah, me too!K: So...our family is going to be getting a little bigger.Y: We'll have to try to be good parents.K: Of course!

===============================================================================13.8.4. Yue's Pregnancy Dialogue [Yue-DPregnant]===============================================================================

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Talked to Yue right after waking up in the morning, and before leaving FarmHouse 2F.

Day 1 - "I'm pregnant!"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Y: Do you want a son or a daughter? (mn)

Day 2-6 - (she only says this one thing)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Y: Do you want a son or a daughter? (mn)

Day 7 - right after you wake up, before you leave Farm House 2F (Birthday!)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Y: Darling, I think our baby's coming soon.

Day 7 - after you've left Farm House 2F and come back (Birthday!)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Boy-Baby:Y: Our baby is here!K: Really? I'm so proud of you, Yue! Is it...?Y: It's a boy! See, he looks just like you.K: Well, would you look at that! You're right!Y: Wee need to decide on a name. Do you have any ideas?ENTER NAMEY: Aaron. That's a fine name. I like it.K: I'm glad.Y: Hello Aaron. You'd better eat a lot and grow up strong and healthy!K: Growing up...Y: Did you say something, dear?K: Yes. We're going to need a school.Y: A school... Yeah, that would be nice.K: Now that our little Aaron is starting to grow up, I think it's time for me to talk to Byron about building us a school.Y: That sounds like a good idea. Good luck, darling... For Aaron's sake.

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K: I won't let you two down!

Y: Work hard at building the school, darling! It's for Aaron's future, too. Large-scale projects are best discussed with Mayor Byron. Talk to him when he's in his office on the first floor of his house.

Girl-Baby:Y: Our baby is here!K: Really? I'm so proud of you, Yue! Is it...?Y: It's a girl! See, she looks just like you.K: Well, would you look at that! You're right!Y: We need to decide on a name. Do you have any ideas?ENTER NAMEY: Aria. That's a fine name. I like it.K: I'm glad.Y: Hello Aria. You'd better eat a lot and grow up strong and healthy!K: Growing up...Y: Did you say something, dear?K: Yes. We're going to need a school.Y: A school... Yeah, that would be nice.K: Now that our little Aria is starting to grow up, I think it's time for me to talk to Byron about building us a school.Y: That sounds like a good idea. Good luck, darling... For Aria's sake.K: I won't let you two down!

Y: Work hard at building the school, darling! It's for Aria's future, too. Large-scale projects are best discussed with Mayor Byron. Talk to him when he's in his office on the first floor of his house.

###############################################################################14. Aera's Opinion Corner [AeraOpinion]###############################################################################

You can actually just ignore this section if you wish... because here I'll

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justbe expressing various opinions I have (or had) while making this guide. Thingsthat I noticed that amused me, what I felt while writing a certain part of thisguide, stuff like that. It won't be in any order... or rather, they'll be inthe order that I wrote this guide - which wasn't chronologically by section, bythe way. I wrote whatever section I felt like writing at the time. Or theseopinions are in the order that they came to me. So they'll be all higgledy-piggledy.

As well as the past/present tense mixed up (since I'll be writing in presenttense at the time of the comment, but when you read this, it'll be in thepast).Thus, these'll be chronologically of when they came to me.

The most interesting marriage: Rosalind's. It was so adorable, so sappy andromantic... it made me giggle SO hard. *sigh* I happen to be rather romanticat heart... so even though I thought it was cute and wouldn't mind if thosethings were said to me in a relationship, I can still laugh at what Rosalindand Kyle said to each other. Heehee.

Longest proposal: Cecilia. I think the reason I thought Ceci's proposal was thelongest was because I wanted to record all the places you can not-propose inher tenth quest. So getting through that proposal took the longest.

Shortest proposal: Alicia then Mana (in that order). I finished their proposalsand was like, "... Wow. Kyle just gets right to the point there, doesn't he? Nobeating-around-the-bush for Kyle."Mind you, I totally forgot about Alicia's 10th quest, in which you can propose

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to her... so I guess it would be Mana then Alicia. But Alicia's after-10th-quest proposal was pretty darn short.

How many weddings did I sit through? Three for each Bachelorette. Oh!... I wentthrough one of them four times, because I needed a little more information thatI missed the first three times. And then I went to double-check some otherthings... and it brings my total up to 27 weddings. TWENTY-SEVEN. Twenty-seventimes of listening to marriage vows. While writing down the last Bachelorette'smatrimony dialogue, I could actually type exactly what Gordon said withouthaving to check my DS. Actually, it was 28 weddings that I sat through, becausethe 28th was my actual marriage choice.

My favorite facial-expression of all the Bachelorettes is one that Julia makes.She has this "OMG!" face, that I absolutely ADORE. <3 I wish I could show you apicture... it's so funny and adorable. None of the other Bachelorettes evershow a facial-expression-change that dramatic.You can actually see this face when you're proposing to Julia. Oh, I love it SOmuch! ... Oh, and you can also see it a lot in one of her quests ... which onewas it? Her sixth one: "Something I've Noticed." You have a heart-to-heart withher, and she gets angry and flabbergasted at you, and she makes her "OMG!"face. ^.^Two pictures of Julia's "OMG!" face, courtesy of moonrazk of GameSpot/GameFAQs!

I usually play RF2 with the sound off, but I actually had the sound on throughmost (... actually, I think all) of the proposals, weddings, and marriages. Iwasn't really paying that much attention to what the voice-actors were

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saying,but there were two that caugh--three that caught my attention:~ In Julia's proposal: Julia's voice-actor (VA) says "Huh?" when Julia says "Huh? You are! You're...proposing!" It was just the way the VA said it that made it funny.~ Also in Julia's proposal: right after Julia's VA says "Huh?" ... Kyle says something, and his VA says, "I love you!" Ah hahaha... he says it so emphatically, it made me laugh out loud (and I do mean this literally).And I'm just realizing that the third one was from Julia's marriage, too...~ When Julia's announced that she's pregnant: Julia says that she's going to have a baby, and Kyle says "R-R-Really?! That's great!..." and Kyle's VA says "Right on!" *snickers* I heard that, and was like, "WHAT?! WHAT did he just say? Did he just say 'Right on!'? Who SAYS that?!" It was great. It made my day.Oh, and... because I REALLY don't want to go through all those weddings andmarriages AGAIN... if any of y'all happen to record what the VAs say at whattime during any of the Bachelorette dialogues, PLEASE DON'T HESITATE to contactme. I would LOVE to add them to the dialogue sections. And I would appreciateit if you would include, specifically, which page of text that the VA isspeaking over, and preferably on what day he/she says it (e.g. Julia's voiceactor says "Sweetie!" on Marriage Day 7, over the text "I love you, darling.Let's be happy together.").

In case you were curious, I was able to get all of the Bachelorettes to 10LP onSummer 25, Year 1. ^.^Whenever I'm playing First Generation, I like to complete every single quest onthe Bulletin Board before I go to Second Generation. So, naturally, thatincludes all ten quests for each Bachelorette. Thus, I end up getting

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all sevengirls up to 10LP... and THEN choose my bride. Oh, I'm such a player... hahaha!I do feel bad for them, I really do... but still. *playfully evil grin* I findit so amusing that I play all the Bachelorette's feelings before I propose tomy chosen bride. XDAnd then after I'm married, since they take up space, I go around and give theother Bachelorettes their proposal items. XD ahahaha!!! *hangs head in mockshame* I'm so cruel... But it is kind of amusing to see what they say.

Because I felt like it, I decided to put in any relatives the Bachelorettes andLove Candidates had. You know, if they had a family member I could name - afather, mother, grandparent, sibling, etc. It wasn't so bad for theBachelorettes, but when I got to the Love Candidates... oh boy. That was SOCONFUSING. There was so many "if this person married that person, then therelatives would be..." and "but this person could also marry that person, sothe relatives would change..."It was terrible. I couldn't do it in my head. But maybe that was because, atthe time I was doing it, it was around midnight and I hadn't gotten much sleepthe night before and I was listening to friends play Rock Band and sometimeswas pulled in to sing...So what I ended up doing was I cut up pieces of paper, wrote down a villager'sname on each one, and laid out all the different marriage possibilities so Icould figure out who was related to who when certain people were married. Themost confusing two were Leann and Sera & Serena. Holy cow... pain in the bum,but I had a lot of fun doing it, actually.I then thought that maybe I could make a section where it would map out everymarriage possibility. That is to say, if Kyle was married to this oneBachelorette, how would everyone in Alvarna be related? And I would do that for

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each Bachelorette who could marry Kyle. I have mapped it all out, but I don'tthink it's relevant to this guide, so I won't put it in here. ... But if enoughpeople were interested, maybe I could add it? Contact me. ^.^

One night I was incredibly stupid... I was majorly procrastinating on myhomework (working on this guide), and I kept staying up later and later...Well, I just didn't sleep that night. Didn't climb into bed. No sleep for me.It was a Monday night, too... and I had class at 9:30 am... but I did manage toget through my classes that day. And I got a good chunk of this guide done,too! (One would think... I spent the whole night working on it!!)

Hmm... I think I've spent ten days writing this guide. I just got hooked, andkept cranking out stuff. Started on February 21st, and got the first draft doneon March 2nd.I really shouldn't've done that... I need to do my homework too... But, nowthat this guide is finished, perhaps I can calm down and actually do the stuffthat I need do do!

Which was what I did. ^.^ Worked on my homework, that is... and then I let itsit for a while, to get it out of my head, and then I went through proofreadingit! It's a bit boring... but at least I'm catching grammar and spelling errors,as well as information that I forgot to put in, or stuff that needed to beupdated... or things that looked wrong, and thus I'd need to go double-check.

And in the interim between the first draft and the proofreading... as well asduring the proofreading... *shakes head in shame* I started watching "Prince ofTennis"...Rather, I'd read the manga a while ago. Then, when I was browsing an online-

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manga-reading site, I'd saw that the author had made a "New Prince of Tennis."And so I thought, "Oh dear, what silliness are they getting into now? *rollseyes*" and I read the 24 chapters that they had (since the "New Prince ofTennis" started only a few months ago, apparently).I couldn't really remember everyone and what their personalities where I went back and re-read "Prince of Tennis." *bangs head on desk* AND I GOTHOOKED!!! ;_; *flails arms* Baaaaah... and then I started watching the anime...which I kinda stopped at episode 129 (there's 178 episodes plus twenty-something OVAs), because I liked the manga story line better. Hmmm... I wonderif I'll ever finish watching it?So, while proofreading... 'round about half of this guide, I was simultaneouslywatching episodes of "Prince of Tennis."And I must say, I felt decidedly odd... reading and watching "Prince ofTennis." Why? All the main characters are in middle school. To put that interms of ages... they're all 12 to 15 years old. And while I'm squealing overhow cute and adorable and funny and silly they are... I feel like a pedophile;because I'm in college. *shakes head in exasperation* Geez... WHY MUST THEY BESO LIKABLE?! *flails*(Please don't judge me because I read/watched "Prince of Tennis." I normallydon't read/watch that kind of story. I like reading stuff like "FullmetalAlchemist" much, much more. Oh, and gender-benders. Those amuse me to no end.)

I recently downloaded the original soundtrack for "Pirates of the Caribbean:The Curse of the Black Pearl."I love listening to epic music like that. And did I mention that I LOVEpirates?

Finally got around to watching Disney's "The Princess and the Frog." I rentedthe movie via iTunes. Do you know the rules of iTunes movie rentals?

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Once it'sdownloaded, you have 30 days in which to watch the movie. Once you've startedthe movie, you have 24 hours in which to finish it. I've also discovered thatyou can watch the movie as many times as you like within that 24-hour timespan.I downloaded it. I watched it, and I loved it. So I decided to watch it again.And again. ... And again. ... I watched that movie seven times within 24 hours.I loved it that much. ^.^; hahaha... ;_; don't judge me!

###############################################################################15. F. A. Q. [FAQ]###############################################################################

This section is for questions that I come across frequently; either sent to mevia email, or I stumble across them by lurking on the RF2 forum on GameSpot.

Who's the best Bachelorette to marry? Are there benefits if I marry [insertBachelorette name here]? Does the Bachelorette I choose have any influence onanything in Second Generation? Does she effect how Aria/Aaron look? (Oranything to that effect.)

I've seen this question pop up on the GameSpot RF2 forum so many times invarious forms. There's no "best Bachelorette." You're a big boy/girl now, youcan make your own decisions: choose you're own wife.

However, there are potential benefits in First Generation depending on whom youmarry, and there are some differences in Second Generation as well.

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In First Generation, these are some of the advantages and disadvantages:~ If you marry Alicia, she will do Weather and Location Readings for free, and will no longer give Love Readings.~ If you marry Julia, you don't have to pay to use the bathhouse - however, the once-a-day rule still applies.~ If you marry Yue, you can't buy anything from her until you progress to Second Generation.

These are some differences that occur in Second Generation:~ Who you're related to in Alvarna and how you're related to them are different depending on the Bachelorette.~ If you marry Yue or any of the Bachelorettes, NOT INCLUDING Mana and Alicia, Yue's "shop" hours change: you can only buy from her on sunny Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays - as long as there is no festival going on. (That is to say, if you marry Mana or Alicia, Yue's "shop" hours in Second Generation will not change from First Generation.)~ When the wife/mom ventures out of the house (which she does occasionally), there is a certain place each Bachelorette goes. For example, Yue will be in North Square selling goods on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday; Rosalind will be at the port next to Alicia; Alicia will be at the port giving out her Readings; and I don't recall or know where the others go, but that's a good sample.

And in case you were wondering, your child does not look different for eachBachelorette. The child will not have pointy ears if you marry Cecilia; willnot have blue hair if you marry Rosalind; etc., etc. The child will be in theimage of Kyle, the father.

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###############################################################################16. Special Thanks [Thanks]###############################################################################

I would like to thank the people who frequent the Rune Factory 2 forums fortheir initial encouragement for the creation of this guide.

However, I would like to send a Special Thanks to HolyPlankton, Lerion, andWinchu for all their help and support.They've been so kind in answering my endless questions and putting up with allmy bothering.

And again, Special Thanks to Lerion for permission to incorporate his guide'sstructure and information, as well as to HolyPlankton for the same courtesy!

Much thanks to user Lirishae from GameSpot/GameFAQs for recording the dialoguefrom Alicia's tenth quest!!

Thanks to moonrazk for URLs for Julia's "OMG!" face!! <3