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Link Adaptation Criteria for Multicarrier Signaling on

Doubly-selective Wireless Channels

Martina Angelone

December 16, 2008

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1 Introduction 1

2 System Model 5

2.1 FEC coding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

2.2 Interleaver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

2.3 Modulation and coding schemes (MCS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

2.4 OFDM system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

2.5 Channel model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

2.6 Channel state information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

2.7 Simulations results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

3 WER estimate 19

3.1 Effective SNR mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

3.2 State of the art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

3.2.1 Rayleigh channel hypothesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

3.2.2 Other methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

3.2.3 Performances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

4 Link Adaptation and HARQ 45

4.1 Link Adaptation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

4.1.1 Adaptation algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

4.1.2 Link adaptation performances with various ESM criteria . . . 48

4.2 Hybrid automatic repeat request (HARQ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

4.2.1 Retransmission results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

5 Conclusions 61


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A Marta,

con tutto l’affetto e l’amicizia

che avrei ancora voluto darti.

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Chapter 1


Exchanging information between people all around the world is one of the tech-

nologies’ frontiers of this century. This is possible by wireless communications that,

thanks to their flexibility and scalability are overcoming the market. The motto “be

connected everywhere, every time and with everyone” describes as much as ever the

users’ demand for new wireless and mobile systems that can satisfy the future needs

of broadband communications. Convergence in the wireless access network will also

allow to simplify and lower the cost associated with today’s complex networks, which

have traditionally carried voice, data and video traffic on separate paths. Therefore

wireless communication technologies are becoming a segment in continuous growth

and of big interest for many telecommunication industries.

By now, wireless communications have been classified and fragmented in different

segments, depending on the applications and on the linked requirements. On the

horizon of advanced research we starve to integrate the voice service with data

transmission, maintaining a good quality of service. Anyway, due to the diversity

of requirements, integrating different services on the same wireless network still

represents challenge. Voice service, which by now has been supported by UMTS,

requires high QoS, minimum delay but relatively low data rates, while data trans-

mission uses high data rates and, though being delay tolerant, it is strongly error

intolerant. Moreover, if we think about multimedia traffic such as real time video it

is clear that such applications are even strongly delay intolerant.

The next wireless communication standards will have to trade off those characteris-

tics. An example of these standardizations is the IEEE 802.16 for fixed and mobile

broadband wireless access, known also as WiMAX, which will be soon in competi-

tion with the evolved UMTS radio access network or 3GPPLong Term Evolution


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(3GPP-LTE) [1].

The main goal of the next generation communication systems is then that of offering

to the user a fast, reliable and flexible connection, suitable for many different con-

texts. To guarantee those requirements, the networks must be designed to handle

the very bursty and unpredictable nature of packet-based traffic. Moreover, if we

think of using wireless as the primary connection resource in a metropolitan con-

text, we have to face with the different delays deriving by the various geometry and

obstacles of the environment.

Bandwidth costs money, so the networks providers want to use it as effectively

as they can, thus the goal is to reach the highest possible data rate given a certain

bandwidth. One of the key elements which allows us to ensure that users constantly

receive the fastest data rate, is the adaptation of the transmission scheme to channel

conditions. The idea of adapting the modulation to the link status was proposed a

few decades ago by J.F. Hayes [2]. In [3] it is shown that, for broadband wireless

communication systems, substantial performance improvement can be achieved by

adaptive modulation. This link adaptation accommodates varying conditions that

can often occur on the radio link, as interference from buildings or trees or fading of

the signal due to the user going away from the base station and represent therefore

a general solution to optimize bandwidth usage.

To adapt it is fundamental to have some channel state information (CSI) which

characterizes our transmission environment. Given this,we have to wonder which

should be the next step towards link adaptation. In other words, we must choose a

channel metric and a function of it on which our adaptation criteria should rely on.

One of the most significant parameter in wireless transmission is the WER (Word

Error Rate), known also as PER (Packet Error Rate) which allows us to establish

the conditions over which our system must be considered “out of service”. This

parameter is the most significant to evaluate the QoS of a transmission system, as

imposing certain QoS constrains means choosing an adaptation policy that guaran-

tees the target WER for the system. For this reason, the first goal of our work is

trying to find an estimate of the WER, that will constitute the core of the adapta-

tion criteria, basing on the CSI present at the transmitter.

We suppose to have perfect channel state information, so that there is no need of

channel estimate algorithm. Anyway we still have to consider the WER estimate

error that may induce the transmitter to chose a set of transmission parameters


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which cannot guarantee the required QoS as the receiver cannot decode correctly

some codewords: in that case, it would be fine to apply retransmission.

We introduce therefore the automatic repeat request (ARQ) as a complementary

technology that can be often used together with LA to improve the total QoS of

our system. A good example for this technologies union is the high speed downlink

packet access (HSDPA) which is standardized as an element of the 3rd generation

partnership project (3GPP) Release 5 specification. In ARQ the retransmission is

accomplished with a standard protocol where, if a packet cannot be decoded it is

discarded and entirely retransmitted again. A variation of standard ARQ is called

hybrid ARQ scheme, in which the retransmission is combined with FEC. In this way

it is easy to improve the success of decoding with a lower number of retransmissions

than in the standard ARQ [5].

In this thesis we intend to investigate the technology of link adaptation (LA) trying

to improve its performances from the base, which is the word error rate estimate.

To get better results we further apply also hybrid automatic repeat request (HARQ).

Our work was carried out in the radio access laboratory of Centre Teconlogic

de Telecomunicaciones de Catalunya (CTTC). We used the MATLAB simulator to

study the trend of the WER resulting from various channel conditions and then

to evaluate the performances of the developed transmission system. The thesis

is structured as follows. First of all, in chapter 2, we describe our system model

and its components to better define the problem context. Then, in chapter 3, we

introduce the WER estimate issue, describing the state of the art and introducing

a quite reliable algorithm based on a new estimate method. In chapter 4 we pass

to the real adaptation step, that allows us to finally evaluate the performances

of each estimate algorithm. To complete the discussion, we describe the HARQ

characteristics and show its benefits as a complement of link adaptation. In the

conclusions, we summarize the whole work, pointing out some possible open issues.


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Chapter 2

System Model

To introduce our problem, we first have to define the system model that has been

used as a reference for our simulator.

Over the past several years, the Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM)

[6] technology has been successfully used in many applications such as broadcasting

(i.e. DVB), wireless WLAN, WiMAX and wireline asynchronous digital subscriber

line (ADSL). This technology is an effective signaling technique for overcoming the

effects of frequency selective fading in broadband wireless communication channels.

As we are facing with the problem of a high frequency selectivity, we want to exploit

its intrinsic ability to handle fading channels, as we will better explain later.

The investigated OFDM system scheme is shown in Figure 2.1

As we can see from the structure, the coding and modulation are distinct opera-

tions. This is because we chose as our transmission scheme the bit-interleaved coded

modulation (BICM) [7]. The term BICM arises from the fact that the coded bits

that are interleaved before the modulation but after the coding process. This differs

from the common interleaving process, where the encoded symbols themselves are

interleaved to obtain independent channel fades. Bit interleaved coded modulation

involves combining a low rate code with a higher order signal constellation. This

topic has become of significant research interests in recent years as attention on

practical coding and modulation for wireless fading channels has intensified. The

combination of BICM and OFDM is a very effective technique to exploit the diver-

sity that is intrinsic of the frequency selective fading channels.

For the moment, we introduce the simplified signal model that will be used through-

out the whole thesis, whose justifications will be better explained later in the next


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demapperΠ−1 DBTCDBTC









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paragraphs. Thanks to some hypothesis on the OFDM parameters, we denote with

x the encoded and modulated transmitted signal after the IFFT operation and we

can therefore define the received signal as

y = h · x + w (2.1)

with h ∼ CN(

0, 1)

and w ∼ CN(

0, N0


, while N0 indicates the monolateral

spectral density of the noise. We then suppose to deal with the data flow of a single

user transmitted by a single antenna with a normalized energy per QAM symbol

Es = E[

| x |2]


The average SNR used for the transmission is given by

γ , E[

| h |2]Es




We now examine each component of our model.

2.1 FEC coding

Forward error-correction coding (FEC), also called channel coding, is a type of

digital signal processing that improves data reliability by introducing redundant

bits. This structure enables the receiver to detect and possibly correct errors caused

by corruption from the channel. The decoder is then able to correct errors without

requesting retransmission of the original information. In a communication system

that employs FEC coding, a digital information source sends a data sequence to the

encoder. This one inserts redundant (or parity) bits, outputting a longer sequence

of coded bits. In block codes we can determine a finite sequence of output encoded

bits: this is what we will refer to as a codeword. The coefficient R2 that links the

codeword length N with the number of information bits originally transmitted K is

called coderate and can be defined as

R2 =K


It’s easy to see that in any case R2 ≤ 1.

Codes that introduce a big amount redundancy convey relatively little information

per each individual coded bit and this fact reduces the probability of having an error

on the original data. On the other hand, the addition of parity bits will generally

increase transmission bandwidth requirements or anyway reduce the throughput for


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a given bandwidth.

In our system we will use a turbo code, which is well known for ensuring robust

communications despite adverse conditions. In particular, we adopt a double-binary

turbo encoder (DBTC) [8], [9] rate compatible that provide a good flexibility in

terms of block lengths and code rates. This type of encoder differs from the simple

turbo code by the fact that the information bits are encoded pair wise. At the

receiver, a soft demapper derives an a posteriori probability (APP) L-value for each

received coded bit and then passes those values to the de-interleaver and finally to

the decoder. We therefore speak of APP soft demapping at the receiver side.

The DBTC shows good performances already at quite low block sizes and therefore

we choose the info-bits packet length of K = 288. The coderate can be obtained by

puncturing and, when adapting, we can chose among those possible values:

R2 ={1







each one will be later associated to a certain modulation.

In conclusion, the first block of our system substantially groups the flow of informa-

tion bits into packets of K bits, which are then encoded with a coding rate R2 to

obtain the correspondent codewords, each one constituted of N coded bits.

2.2 Interleaver

Interleaving is a process of scrambling the order of a data sequence, in our case

of the codeword, to enhance the error correcting capability of decoding [7]. This

is possible because this technique actually spreads out the burst errors. Inserting

the interleaver after the coder we have a bit interleaved turbo coded modulation

and this scheme, together with the double-binary turbo code, allows us to achieve

low complexity and excellent WER performance [10]. The inverse of this process is

called deinterleaving, which restores the received sequence to its original order.

In our system we use a random interleaver, which permutes the bits within each

codeword in a random way and allows us to use a bit interleaved coded modulation.

2.3 Modulation and coding schemes (MCS)

The successive block is constituted by the QAM mapper. As we said before, in the

BICM scheme the coding and the modulation are separated steps.

The coded and interleaved bits of each codeword are simply mapped to constellation


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MCS c 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

R(c)1 2 2 4 4 4 6 6

R(c)2 1/3 1/2 1/3 1/2 2/3 2/3 6/7

Table 2.1: MCS set specification

elements belonging to a certain QAM modulation scheme. Denoting with R1 the

modulation order (number of bits per QAM symbol), we define our set of modula-

tion and coding schemes (MCS) that will be used in our system, evaluating their

performances for various combinations of the constellation size and the codeword


In [11] it is indicated the best set of MCS that we should chose for our adaptation

system. The reference curves are obtained simulating over an AWGN channel and

implementing all constellations between QPSK and 64QAM. We apply Gray label-

ing to the square constellations and quasi-Gray to the non-square ones. Simulations

results show that the throughput of non-square constellations is almost always be-

low that of the squared constellations and therefore we can exclude MCS deriving

from 8-PSK, 32-QAM and 128-QAM. Taking into account those considerations, we

are now able to define the modulation and coding set that is shown in Table 2.1.

With the index c = 1, . . . , 7 we denote each MCS.

As we will better see later, after the adaptation algorithm one of those MCS

is selected as the transmission scheme for transmitting in the particular channel

condition. In conclusion, for a given a modulation scheme we associate one M-QAM

symbol to every R1 = log2(M) coded bits and therefore we have a total number of

Nq = KR1·R2

QAM symbols per codeword, where K is fixed and equal to 288. For an

AWGN channel, we can easily demonstrate that the spectral efficiency is given by

the product R1 · R2. It’s easy to see that, for a fixed length of K, the higher is the

spectral efficiency of the selected MCS, the less number of symbols are necessary to

map a codeword.

2.4 OFDM system

During a transmission, the wide band signal arrives at the receiver using various

paths of different lengths and for this reason it is subject to considerable distortions


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due to the propagation on those multi-paths. Since multiple versions of the signal

interfere with each other, it rises the so called inter symbol interference (ISI) and in

these conditions it becomes very hard to extract the original information.

The issue of the frequency selectivity is then due to the fact that the transmitted

signal band is wider or comparable with the inverse of the delays present among the

various multi-paths, that we use to call band of coherence of the cannel.

Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing is a multi-carrier modulation [3] that

divides the data stream into multiple substreams which are then transmitted over

different orthogonal subchannels. Each subchannel is centered on different sub-

carrier frequencies, which are spaced so that it’s guaranteed the “orthogonality”.

Indicating with Nc the number of these subcarriers, what we actually do is mod-

ulating each substream with a narrow band signal, so that each of them “sees” a

flat portion of the channel spectrum as it has a bandwidth lower then the channel

coherence bandwidth. In other words, the number of those substreams is chosen to

make the symbol duration on each substream much greater than the delay spread

of the channel.

Considering a system with baseband bandwidth B, the resulting bandwidth on each

subcarrier is BN = B/Nc and, to ensure a relatively flat-fading on each subchannel,

this has to be much lower than the coherence bandwidth of the channel Bc.

The implementation of the OFDM system is shown in Fig. 2.1. As we can see, after

the QAM mapper the signal is divided into multiple streams with a multiplexer,

then each stream is processed with an IFFT and transmitted.

In particular, we also add the so called cyclic prefix (CP) which has a duration Tg

named guard interval that is bigger than the finite duration of the channel impulse

response Th. This insures that each OFDM symbol (constituted by the Nc subccar-

riers) will not experience significant ISI as we avoid every possible overlapping.

We then assume that the OFDM system is simulated in the frequency domain,

without explicitly simulating the IFFT and FFT processing nor the cyclic prefix.

Supposing that actually in our system it is Th ≤ Tg we can consider the channel co-

efficient on each subcarrier independent form the others and this hypothesis allows

us to ignore the implementation details of the OFDM system.

Our system model can be therefore considered the one depicted in Figure 2.2 in

which we have independent channel coefficients for each substream with additive

Gaussian noise. The number of used subcarrier is Nc = 1024.


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Figure 2.2: Equivalent block scheme of the transmitter

2.5 Channel model

We can see all the described operations referring to the vector u containing the

packet of infobits u = [u1, u2 . . . , uK ] which is first coded into c = [c1, c2 . . . , cN ] and

then mapped onto QAM symbols, as indicated still in Figure 2.2. After the OFDM,

which in our hypothesis simply corresponds to a serial to parallel conversion, Nc

QAM symbols are transmitted, forming one OFDM symbol that can be described

with the vector x = [x1, x2 . . . , xNc ].

At the receiver, each received symbol yk, k = 1, . . . , Nc can be considered belonging

to a single carrier system, with a certain coefficient for the channel fading and for

the additive noise. This is :

yk = hk · xk + wk for k = 1 . . . Nc (2.6)

where the coefficient hk represents the channel fading on the k − th subcarrier

and wk is the additive noise on that subcarrier.

Supposing to have a non-line-of-sight scenario, the complex fading coefficients on

each subcarrier are the result of the sum of many coefficients coming from multiple

signal contributions. Those contributions derive in fact from the multipath envi-

ronment and each one of them has its own delay and fade value. As the number

of the contributions is high, we can apply the central limit theorem and say that

the resulting fading coefficient value (both real and imaginary part) belongs to a

Gaussian distribution. We therefore have Nc independent channel coefficients that

can be described as a complex gaussian random variable with variance σ2h = 1, while

the noise coefficients wk belongs to a Gaussian normal distribution:


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hk ∼ CN(

0, 1)

, for k = 1 . . . Nc (2.7)

wk ∼ CN(

0, No)

, for k = 1 . . . Nc (2.8)

In literature such a channel is known as Rayleigh channel, as the absolute value

| hk | has a Rayleigh distribution with parameter σ equal to the standard deviation

per real dimension of the variable hk, or σ = 1√2, whose probability distribution

function is that of (2.9) and it is shown in Figure 2.3

p(| hk |) =| hk |

σ2· exp

(− | hk |2



, x ≥ 0 (2.9)

0 1 2 3 4 5 60









0.9Rayleigh probability distribution function with sigma2=1/2

Figure 2.3: Rayleigh probability distribution function with σ = 1√2

We are now able to introduce the so called instantaneous SNR γk, which is the

SNR seen by each subcarrier of our simulation. This is clearly a random variable, as

it depends both from the deterministic mean SNR γ and from the absolute square

value of the channel coefficient for each subcarrier | hk |2 through the relation:

γk = γ· | hk |2, for k = 1 . . . Nc (2.10)

where Nc, as we said, is the number of subcarriers per OFDM symbol. This

variable has an exponential distribution with parameter γ, as it’s defined as the

square module of a complex gaussian variable, that is hk.

Our channel is then modeled as a blockfading channel.

In the frequency and time selective transmission environments, the channel transfer


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function of the mobile channel changes from subcarrier to subcarrier in the frequency

domain and from symbol to symbol in the time domain. In our model we assume

that the channel realization remains the same during the transmission of a certain

number OFDM symbols. Depending on the doppler frequency fd of the user there

is a possible range of values for the coherence time of the channel. Indicating it with

τcoh and with Ts our OFDM symbol duration, we have then C = ⌊ τcoh

Ts⌋ consecutive

OFDM symbols with the same channel realization. We then refer to this block of C

ODFM symbols as a frame.

Each channel realization is then modeled as a frequency selective channel, where

the fading process is constant over blocks of nB subcarriers, that corresponds to

nB QAM symbols, and then is drawn independently for the next group of subcar-

riers. This happens when the subchannel bandwidth has a proportional relation

with the coherence band of the channel, which is in fact nB = ⌊Bc/BN⌋. The

model for increasing nB represents a channel with sudden changes and is therefore a

quite bad environment for the transmission, as there is more dependance from each

single coefficient. In general we are therefore dealing with a doubly selective channel.

We illustrate below some examples of the described model basing on some

specifics used in mobile WiMAX.

Coherence time is a parameter that describes the time varying nature of the channel.

Supposing to work in the 2.3 Ghz band and to have an OFDM symbol duration of

102.86 µs, as in the mobile WiMAX standard, we can formulate different problems

depending on the relative motion between transmitter and receiver. For a pedestrian

user that moves with a velocity of 3m/s, the coherence time is about τcoh = 360µs

and therefore there are C = 16 OFDM symbols that experience the same channel

realization, calculated as the floor integer of the quotient. Otherwise, if we consider

a vehicular motion with a velocity of 50m/s, the channel impulse response is essen-

tially invariant over at least C = 3 OFDM symbols.

On the other hand, delay spread and coherence bandwidth describe the time dis-

persive nature of the channel. Still referring to the mobile WiMAX specifics for

the 1024 FFT case, we suppose to have the predefined subchannel bandwidth of

BN = 10 KHz. A typical delay spread in a wide outdoor area is ∆τ = 1µs and

the resulting coherence bandwidth is Bc = ⌊0.05∆τ

⌋ = 50 KHz. In these hypothesis,

the number of correlated subcarrier is nB = 5. Otherwise, if we take delay spread

of ∆τ = 5µs, that may be possible in rural areas, we have a very selective channel


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with nB = 1. This is an extreme case of fast fading in which each QAM symbol has

a different channel coefficient. This case is often referred to as Rayleigh extreme

fast-fading channel, or perfectly frequency interleaved channel. On the opposite ex-

treme, we find nB = Nc which is the case called slow fading, as the entire code word

is affected by the same fading coefficient.

In our simulations we will consider a scenario where the described parameters can

assume a value among C = {1, 4, 16} and nB = {1, 4}, as those charactereistics

can represent realistic cases. In conclusion, we can state that our model is a doubly

selective channel, as it has both a frequency selective fading and a time selectivity.

2.6 Channel state information

The knowledge of the characteristics of our transmission environment is an essential

element for our adaptation aim. The frequency and time selectivity of the channel

has to be considered in the design of the adaptation algorithm. In fact, first of all we

must be able to recognize and catalogue the channel type in which we are operating.

With channel state information (CSI) we then indicate the set of parameters useful

to the transmission system for achieving this goal.

In particular, we want to realize a frame-wise adaptation applying the same modu-

lation and coding scheme on all the subcarriers for the whole duration of the frame.

The principal information needed is the knowledge of the channel transfer coeffi-

cients for all the subcarriers. Supposing that the channel is quasi-static for the

duration of the frame (which is, as we said before, a block of C OFDM symbols) we

assume to know the channel coefficients hk, k = 1, . . . , CNc. This context is known

in literature as perfect CSI, as the receiver knows perfectly the channel coefficients.

Exploiting those informations the receiver is able to chose the modulation and cod-

ing scheme that should be used for our transmission and then transmits back only

this information to the transmitter through a feedback channel.

2.7 Simulations results

To validate the accuracy of our simulator we present in this section a set of simula-

tion results.

Comparing in terms of word error rate (WER), we show the good fitting between

some well known theoretical cases and the relative simulation results. The simplest

hypothesis that we can do for our transmission, is to have an additive white gaussian


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c R(c)1 R

(c)2 γ

(c)0 (dB) AWGN α(c) AWGN γ

(c)0 (dB) Ray α(c) Ray

1 2 1/3 -1.47 21.151 -0.43 12.69

2 2 1/2 0.75 13.009 2.55 5.54

3 4 1/3 3.2 5.806 4.7 3.34

4 4 1/2 5.96 3.226 7.95 1.33

5 4 2/3 8.5 1.65 11.03 0.43

6 6 2/3 13.35 0.441 15.83 0.125

7 6 6/7 16.85 0.144 18.41 0.014

Table 2.2: γ(c)0 and α(c) values for AWGN and Rayleigh channel

noise channel (AWGN), in which all the channel coefficients have the same value,

that we suppose to be unitary.

Then, we can evaluate the trend of the opposite case relative to the Rayleigh ex-

tremely fast fading channel.

For comparing, we can either use some reference curves, taken from a database, or

an analytical approximation based on the exponential function defined as:

pw(γ) =

1, if γ ≤ γ(c)0


α(c)(γ(c)0 − γ)


, if γ > γ(c)0


where the parameters α(c) and γ(c) are calculated for each modulation and coding

scheme of Table 2.1 to guarantee a minimum quadratic approximation error [14] and

are listed in Table 2.2 for both the channel types.

This analytical approximation is reliable if compared to the theoretical known

expressions and shows a very good fitting with the simulation results. In Figure

2.4 and 2.5 we show this agreement, respectively for the gaussian and the Rayleigh

fading channels.

Another extreme case that can be theoretically checked is that of the slow fading, in

which the entire OFDM symbol is affected by the same fading coefficient, as nB =

Nc. This case can be seen as if we had an AWGN channel with a different realization

for each OFDM symbol. Therefore we can derive the theoretical expression for the

word error rate of this channel simply calculating the expectation of the WER given

in (2.11) averaged with the probability distribution function of the aleatory variable


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−5 0 5 10 15 20







0 [dB]



AWGN channel, K = 288

WER simulationWER approximation

Figure 2.4: Fitting between analytical approximation and simulation results of the

WER for AWGN channel

0 5 10 15 20 25 30







0 [dB]



Rayleigh channel, K = 288

WER simulationWER approximation

Figure 2.5: Fitting between analytical approximation and simulation results of the

WER for Rayleigh fast fading channel

γk that is, as we said, a exponential variable. In formulas:


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WER(γ) = E[WERAWGN (γk)]


WERAWGN(γ) · fγk(γ) dγ


The result of this operation is this closed form:

WER(γ) = 1 − exp(−γ0







γ(α + 1γ)


Also for this theoretical expression, simulation results in Figure 2.6 show a very

good agreement.

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 2010







WER for slow fading channel

theoretical approximationsimlations result

Figure 2.6: Fitting between analytical approximation and simulation results of the

WER for Rayleigh slow fading channel


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Chapter 3

WER estimate

Usually, the performances of a radio link are evaluated in terms of WER in function

of the mean SNR used for the transmission, averaging over many realizations of a

certain channel model. Nevertheless, the specific channel realization encountered by

the transmitted packets can give rise to a performance curve significantly different

from the averaged one. For this reason, if we want to apply link adaptation, we

need an accurate link performance model that takes into account the instantaneous

channel conditions.

We suppose to work in a context where the QoS is mainly evaluated in terms of

word error rate. This means that we have a constraint on the possible maximum

value that the WER could reach, which represents the WERmax. In our simulations

we tolerate to have one error over 100 received codewords, that corresponds to a

WERmax = 10−2. Once fixed this limit, it is clear that, to reach our adaptation

goal, we have to know the real trend of the WER on our channel for each frame

and for each modulation and coding scheme, among which we have to select the

transmission parameters. In fact, the knowledge of the WER allows us to establish

which MCS, for a given mean SNR, respects the WER constraint maximizing the


Therefore, to proceed with link adaptation, we first need a physical layer (PHY)

abstraction that estimates link layer performance in terms of WER , using an accu-

rate and computationally simple estimate algorithm [15]. This algorithm should be

independent from the channel model and therefore we try to find a possibly suitable

solution for every variant of our doubly-selective channel.

The WER trend is well known for the ideal additive white Gaussian noise channel

and for the extremely selective Rayleigh fading, whose expressions can be easily


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γ =







Figure 3.1:

approximated with (2.11). For the intermediate cases, if we want to do adaptation,

we need an estimate of the WER. For this reason, the main point of our work lies

in the WER estimate algorithm.

3.1 Effective SNR mapping

The role of a PHY abstraction method is to estimate the word error rate for a given

channel realization across the OFDM subcarriers. In fact, the abstraction consists

of a link level simulation that has the channel scenario as input. This simulation

has the main purpose of generating SNR-WER look-up tables that are able to take

into account the fast fading statistics exploiting instantaneous channel conditions

[16]. Therefore, to exploit the channel variability and its information, we have to

define a scalar metric which associates to every mean SNR at the transmitter side,

the so called effective SNR. This operation, termed Effective SNR Mapping (ESM)

has been widely studied in literature and consists in a compression of the vector of

instantaneous channel SNR values to a single effective SNR value that we indicate

as γeff , which can then be further mapped to a WER number.

We define the vector of instantaneous SNRs γ = [γ1, γ2 . . . γk . . . , γNc ] which, as

we already said, are given by:

γk = γ· | hk |2, for k = 1 . . . Nc (3.1)

and show a scheme of the estimate procedure in Figure 3.1.

If an analytical approximation expression is available, the result of this operation

can be interpreted also as an interpolation, with the γeff values, onto a reference

WER curve, plotting the result in function of the initial SNR γ, as shown in Fig.3.2

and 3.3


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Figure 3.2: Interpolation with γeff < γ

Figure 3.3: Interpolation with γeff > γ

Indicating the known WER curve of reference as WERref , we can summarize

the estimate algorithm with the equation:



= WERref





where WER(


is our estimate in function of the transmission’s SNR.


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We now focus on defining how to derive the γeff value. Assuming to have perfect

channel state information, we calculate the capacity of a selective channel as:










dγ (3.3)

where fSNR



is the probability distribution function of the random variables

belonging to the vector of instantaneous SNRs γ, which have, as we said, an ex-

ponential distribution. The mapping operation is derived in [18] from the above

equation, defining the general form:

γeff = I−1











where we generally denote the function I(·) as “information measure”, though

it can be a general function, and I(·)−1 its inverse. The choice of this function is a

crucial point in the WER estimate as it characterizes the channel capacity.

The goodness of the function I(·) that, for every mean SNR γ, maps the vector of

γk into the scalar value of effective SNR γeff , is given by the estimate error between

the simulated WER and the estimated one, WER. This estimate error is given by

the average on the values deriving from (3.5) calculated for every mean SNR γ:

ε =




3.2 State of the art

In the past, several ESM approaches to predict the instantaneous link performance

have been proposed in literature. The link level curves have been generated assuming

a frequency flat channel response at given SNR. This means that, to create the look-

up tables, as well as from the interpolation point of view, the Gaussian channel WER

is the reference curve to do the mapping, or in other words WERref ≡ WERAWGN .

Summing up, we have to map the instantaneous channel state of γk, for k = 1 . . . Nc

into an effective SNR γeff , and use it to find an estimate of the WER from basic

AWGN link-level performance. In this context, where our reference is the Gaussian

channel, we can state that the ESM is sufficiently accurate if we obtain:







≈ WER(




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where WER(


is the real word error rate experienced by the transmission on

the particular channel realization and WER(


is our estimate result. To achieve

efficient link adaptation, this relation has to be fulfilled for each channel realization

that we experience during our transmission.

As we said, in literature there have been studied several functions to perform ESM.

In many of them, it is used a scaling factor, different for each MCS, that allows

to optimize the estimation performance adjusting the trend of the estimated WER

with a “least square fit” criterium [17].

In our work we don’t use any kind of scaling factor, as we propose to compare

and investigate some already present methods with each other and also with some

possible new solutions with a suboptimum approach, without evaluating the unfair

advantages deriving from such a treatment.

Moreover, in many papers it is demonstrated that the main and more reliable method

to obtain accurate estimate is based on the mutual information ESM and is called

MIESM. Nevertheless, the mutual information function is a non-closed form and

requires therefore the construction of a look up table numerically calculated. To

avoid these calculations we use the suboptimum approximation for the mutual in-

formation function which is given, as we will describe later, by the capacity formula

for the Gaussian channel.

We now introduce some commonly known link performance models that differs from

each other in the ESM function of information measure.

Capacity effective SNR mapping (CESM) The simplest metric that is sug-

gested by our “information measure” approach is the capacity, as explained in the

following considerations.

Supposing to have an OFDM system with a subchannel bandwidth sufficiently nar-

row in confront of that of the frequency selective channel, it is reasonable to think

that each subchannel sees a flat fading and therefore we are able to calculate its

particular Gaussian capacity with the well known formula:

Ck = log2


1 + γk


for k = 1 . . . Nc (3.7)

Then, this set of instantaneous capacities is averaged on the number of subcarri-

ers, so that the final value is a sort of mean capacity that characterizes the particular

channel realization. Finally, the idea is to obtain an effective SNR that corresponds

to this value, as if the whole channel had this mean capacity. This reasoning leads


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(a) nB = 1

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 1810











(b) nB = 4

Figure 3.4: CESM performances for QPSK, 16QAM and 64QAM with R2 = 0.5

and nB = 1, 4. Dashed lines represent the AWGN and Rayleigh theoretical curves

for each modulation

us again to formula (3.4), as the final effective SNR is given by

γeff = C−1












This method is commonly termed capacity effective SNR mapping (CESM) and

constitutes an already well-known mapping metric quite investigated in literature

[17]. The estimation error, calculated as in (3.5), is around 1% and 5%, evaluated

over many realizations for various MCS and nB. Though the approach is reasonable

only with the previous hypothesis on the OFDM bandwidth, the CESM shows quite

good performances in terms of accuracy, in many doubly-selective scenarios as shown

in Figures 3.4(a) and 3.4(b), Nevertheless, we have to observe that the estimate


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performances have a quite strong dependence from the particular realization and

that, in any case, the CESM gives an underestimate.

Exponential effective SNR mapping (EESM) Recently, a considerable atten-

tion was paid to the exponential effective SNR mapping (EESM). This method is

is derived from Chernoff Union Bound of the pairwise error probability (PEP) [18].

The basic idea is to find an equivalent SNR in the AWGN channel that corresponds

to the same WER, using the Union-Chernoff bound to relate the error probability to

the corresponding SNR in a subchannel, supposing it has an approximately constant

channel response. This approach leads to the mapping formula

γeff = −ln









where we have used I(x) = e−x.

The typical resulting estimate is usually much more pessimistic than the real

WER, as for example in Figure 3.5, and this justifies the usage of a heavy scaling

factor that can even assume the value of some dozens depending on the MCS [19].

Still in [18] it is shown that exponential ESM has a consistent accuracy if used as

an ESM function for convolutional codes. For this reason, we can state that in our

evaluation hypothesis, without using any scaling factor and with a duo-binary turbo

coder, the EESM doesn’t perform well.

Logarithmic effective SNR mapping (LESM) Another possible mapping

function is constituted by the logarithmic ESM, where precisely the function I(·) is

a base ten logarithm:

γeff = 101



log10(γk) (3.10)

As shown in Figure 3.6 this metric gives estimate very close to the real WER

trend with an estimate error ǫ always below 5%. Moreover, it provides an overesti-

mate. This fact is very important in a link adaptation context where, supposing that

we are not optimizing scaling parameters, we don’t have sufficient accurate estimate

with a desirable estimate error below 1%. In fact, when selecting the transmission

resources, it is always better to use a margin for overdimensioning the system. How-

ever, we can start to notice in both Figures 3.6(a) and 3.6(b) that the estimate curve


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(a) nB = 1

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 1810











(b) nB = 4

Figure 3.5: EESM performances for QPSK, 16QAM and 64QAM with R2 = 0.5 and

nB = 1, 4. Dashed lines represent the AWGN and Rayleigh theoretical curves for

each modulation


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(a) nB = 1

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 1810











(b) nB = 4

Figure 3.6: LESM performances for QPSK, 16QAM and 64QAM with R2 = 0.5 and

nB = 1, 4. Dashed lines represent the AWGN and Rayleigh theoretical curves for

each modulation


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has a trend which tends to cross the real WER and this, as we will better explain

in section 3.2.3, can be a defect.


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3.2.1 Rayleigh channel hypothesis

As we discussed before, without any scaling factor it is quite difficult to have a

reliable estimate of the WER in a doubly-selective channel. The only one method

that seems to give a quite good accuracy is, in this context, the LESM.

Anyway we can make some observations:

- The CESM offers in any case an underestimate of the real trend of the WER

- The EESM, without any scaling factor, excessively overestimates the result

- The LESM method, though it shows good performances and a little overesti-

mate, has a trend with a different slope from that of the simulated WER.

With our adaptation goal, if no accurate estimate is available, it would be fine to

have an overestimate of the real WER with the same slope. This idea is acceptable

only if we impose a trade-off between the system WER and the minimum throughput

because, of course, we don’t want to have a too worse evaluation of our transmission

environment as this would lead to a waste of capacity.

Aimed by this observation, we think about using the capacity approach with a worse

assumption: we choose the Rayleigh channel WER of (2.11) as reference curve. This

leads to a variant of the CESM method that we call for this reason RCESM. In

other words, instead of using the Gaussian capacity formula to average and map

the instantaneous SNRs, we use the Rayleigh channel capacity formula. This is a

non-closed formula which is given by

I(x) =1

ln2· e


x · E1

( 1





E1(x) =

∫ ∞



tdt (3.12)

Simulation results in Figures 3.7 show that this metric provides an overestimate

of the real WER, with the same slope, and with good accuracy. However we have

to notice that the final result has a medium estimate error between 1% and 10%

and therefore higher than LESM and CESM. This is due to a higher variance of the

result, as the performance depends someway from the particular realization.


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(a) nB = 1

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 1810











(b) nB = 4

Figure 3.7: RCESM performances for QPSK, 16QAM and 64QAM with R2 = 0.5

and nB = 1, 4. Dashed lines represent the AWGN and Rayleigh theoretical curves

for each modulation


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3.2.2 Other methods

Trying to obtain an alternative mapping method that sets aside ESM, we investigate

the performances of a function different from (3.4). We propose a different method

to map γ into γeff thinking about the weighted mean as a good king of average

which allows us to adjust the weights in relationship with the channel trend. Our

mapping function is therefore

γeff =

∑Nck=1 wkγk∑Nc

k=1 wk


Now the question that rises is how to choose the weights wk. Since the channel

coefficients are Rayleigh distributed, the instantaneous SNRs γk are exponentially

distributed with probability distribution function:

fγk(x) =



xγ for x ≥ 0 (3.14)

whose trend is shown in Fig. 3.8.

0 2 4 6 8 100










1Exponential probability distribution

Figure 3.8: exponential distribution with γ = 1

We quantize this function on a finite number of Nbins intervals in which we

divide the range of the possible channel coefficients values. The idea is to exploit

the channel information with a sort of probability distribution function weighted

algorithm, defining:

pj = fγk




for j = 1, . . . , Nbins (3.15)


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Depending on the mapping hypothesis, we decide to which fading values give

more weight, between the low or the high ones. We therefore have to distinguish

between two cases: wether the look-up table, or the reference curve, is constructed

for the Gaussian channel or for the Rayleigh channel.

Starting to analyze the second case, we immediately notice that, in this situation, we

have to estimate a WER curve that is generally lower than the reference curve, which

often happens when referring to the Rayleigh fading. This situation corresponds to

the example shown in Fig. 3.3. To have the same trend of the simulated curve, the

estimated effective SNR γeff should be higher than the initial SNR, γ. Noticing this

particular, it’s reasonable to give more weight to higher channel coefficients which

are, as we can see from the probability distribution function, the least probable.

But if referring to the cumulative distribution function which, as we know is:





= Pr{γk < γj}


∫ γj








those coefficients acquire high values. We then choose for this situation a wk

which is proportional to the cumulative probability of the channel coefficients values.

In particular, if the value of the instantaneous SNR γk corresponds to the j-th bin,

we choose:

wk =



pn (3.17)

As the overall average γeff will result higher than the initial SNR value γ we

call this method increased weighted mean or IWM. Simulations results as in Fig.

3.9 show that, estimating the WER with such a method has performances similar

to the CESM when the real WER is near and below the Rayleigh fading curve. We

therefore classify IWM as a reliable alternative to the ESM based mapping.

For the other case, when we base our mapping on the AWGN reference curve, we

should follow the same criteria and therefore choose weights inversely proportional

to the cumulative distribution function:

wk =1

∑jn=1 pn



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(a) nB = 1

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 1810











(b) nB = 4

Figure 3.9: DWM and IWM performances for QPSK, 16QAM and 64QAM with

R2 = 0.5 and nB = 1, 4. Dashed lines represent the AWGN and Rayleigh theoretical

curves for each modulation


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so that the global metric would be penalized by the lower values of the cannel.

We therefore speak of decreased weighted mean or DWM. Simulations results still

in Figure 3.9 show that this method has good performances in many cases, when

we are closer to the AWGN channel performances, but still inferior to that ones of

CESM metric.

For this reason we don’t go into this method more than this brief description.

3.2.3 Performances

In this section, the subset of investigated link performance models is evaluated in

terms of WER prediction accuracy. To have a performance evaluation of each ESM

method, we have to compare the estimated WER with the WER derived from the


As we mentioned before, the validation procedure of each method is an off-line

test. In fact, when checking the estimate performances, we don’t simulate a realistic

transmission, with a real channel model as described in chapter 2.5. In this section

we state more precisely the problem to better understand the evaluation methodol-

ogy .

The link adaptation procedure bases itself on the channel coefficients that affect

the first OFDM symbol of each frame and then applies the selected MCS to all the

following symbols, until a new frame starts. This means that we need to have a

reliable estimate of the instantaneous WER evaluated on the duration of an OFDM

symbol. It is now more clear why the evaluation method has to be an off-line pro-

cess where the channel realization for one OFDM symbol is repeated over a certain

number of symbols, to finally calculate the estimate WER and compare it with the

simulated one. All the previous figures where obtained with this method.

However, the resulting instantaneous WER is quite random and therefore it is dif-

ficult to have a general evaluation of the method in this way. To obtain a global

result, we plot the couples(

γeff ,WER(γ))

and compare them with the used refer-

ence curve.

Considering a certain reference curve, that will be depicted in the following figures

as a solid line, the match between this curve and the points relative to each estimate

reveals the accuracy of the method. In fact, if we have perfect estimate, then the

plotted curve corresponds to the reference one perfectly, otherwise there will be a

certain shift or dispersion of the estimate points. Note that, in this representation,


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the points that are underneath the reference curve corresponds to an overestimate

while the points that stays above comes from an underestimate curve.

After having explained this validation procedure, we present a set of results in which

are shown the estimate performances of each method, for nB = 1, 4 for QPSK,

16QAM and 64QAM modulations with coderate R2 = 12 .

CESM In Figure 3.10 are shown the performances of the CESM method for a

channel model with nB = 1 and nB = 4 over a QPSK, a 16QAM and a 64QAM

with R2 = 12 .

The desirable thing is to have a set of points matching the reference curve with a

low dispersion. We remember that, plotting(

γeff ,WER(γ))

, the used reference

curve acts like a mirror for the mapped points and this means that, if WER(


was underneath [above] the simulated WER(


, now the points that stay above

[underneath] the reference curve. Given this, we can start to comment the ESM


Using the Gaussian capacity as the ESM function has the advantage of being a

simple method though, as we said, is constrained by the Gaussian hypothesis itself.

In fact the WER stays always underneath the real trend and this can be a problem

when adapting under a certain WER constraint. In Figures 3.10(a), 3.10(c) and

3.10(e), where nB = 1, we can see that the mapped points draw a curve with a

certain bias: the average of those points, for each SNR, gives rise to a WER value

which is different from the reference curve. Thus, the CESM result is, speaking as

in estimate theory, incorrect, as it doesn’t converge to the desired curve. Anyway,

we can appreciate that it has a small variance and so also small granularity.

Comparing the three figures we then notice that for higher modulation orders the

bias, and therefore the deviation from the reference curve, decreases and for 64QAM

the result is quite close to the AWGN curve, though it still corresponds to an un-

derestimate of the simulated WER. On the contrary, the granularity gets worse, as

for 16QAM and 64QAM the points appear more scattered and this represent, in

our estimate context, a defect. This tendency of the granularity, which gets worse

for higher modulations, can be noticed also in Figures 3.10(b), 3.10(d) and 3.10(f)

but here the result is even worse than the others: also increasing the number of

correlated subcarriers, nB, the estimate results become very scattered. This can be

explained referring to the extreme case of Figure 2.6, where the WER tends to get

very high increasing nB and so is more difficult to chase accurately.


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0 5 10 15 2010






Es/No [dB]




simulated WERMI

(a) QPSK, nB = 1

0 5 10 15 2010






Es/No [dB]




simulated WERMI

(b) QPSK, nB = 4

0 5 10 15 2010






Es/No [dB]




simulated WERMI

(c) 16QAM, nB = 1

0 5 10 15 2010






Es/No [dB]




simulated WERMI

(d) 16QAM, nB = 4

0 5 10 15 2010






Es/No [dB]




simulated WERMI

(e) 64QAM, nB = 1

0 5 10 15 2010






Es/No [dB]




simulated WERMI

(f) 64QAM, nB = 4

Figure 3.10: Performances of CESM method over QPSK on channel model with

nB = 1 3.10(a), nB = 4 3.10(b); 16QAM with nB = 1 3.10(c), nB = 4 3.10(d);

64QAM with nB = 1 3.10(e), nB = 4 3.10(f). R2 = 12


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EESM The EESM is a promising method, thanks to its good correlation among

the estimate results, but without any scaling factor, performs quite bad. This is

what emerges from the analysis of Figure 3.11, where the estimate results of the

same previous cases are depicted.

In Figures 3.11(a), 3.11(c) and 3.11(e) in fact the mapped points draw clearly a

specific curve, denoting a strong correlation among the estimates. Nevertheless, we

clearly see that the results are strongly affected by a bias, that induces the envelop

curve to deviate from the reference curve. This bias is heavier for higher modulation

orders as it gives rise to a gap that goes from 1 dB for the QPSK, which is not so

bad as in Figure 3.11(a), to 8 dB in the worst case of the 64QAM, shown in Figure


The same considerations are valid also for Figures 3.11(b), 3.11(d) and 3.11(f) with

nB = 4 , with the difference that here the mapped points present more scattering,

as for the CESM method.


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0 5 10 15 2010






Es/No [dB]




simulated WERexp

(a) QPSK, nB = 1

0 5 10 15 2010






Es/No [dB]




simulated WERexp

(b) QPSK, nB = 4

0 5 10 15 2010






Es/No [dB]




simulated WERexp

(c) 16QAM, nB = 1

0 5 10 15 2010






Es/No [dB]




simulated WERexp

(d) 16QAM, nB = 4

0 5 10 15 2010






Es/No [dB]




simulated WERexp

(e) 64QAM, nB = 1

0 5 10 15 2010






Es/No [dB]




simulated WERexp

(f) 64QAM, nB = 4

Figure 3.11: Performances of EESM method over QPSK on channel model with

nB = 1 3.11(a), nB = 4 3.11(b); 16QAM with nB = 1 3.11(c), nB = 4 3.11(d);

64QAM with nB = 1 3.11(e), nB = 4 3.11(f). R2 = 12


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LESM As forecasted in Figure 3.6, logarithmic effective SNR mapping performs

quite well. Except from Figures 3.12(d) and 3.12(f), where there is too much scat-

tering for individuating an envelop, the mapped points of each estimate are very

close to the reference AWGN curve. This fact corresponds to a quite accurate es-

timate of the simulated WER and, unlike the other methods, the LESM preserves

this property for all the modulation orders.

The mapping method presents therefore a quite good match with the reference curve

and also a low variance of the estimate, as the points collapse on a specific path:

looking at these results, this method can be apparently classified as a good link

performance model.

Nevertheless, this path has clearly a trend that tends to cross the solid curve, as

we noticed also in Figure 3.6. The mapped points are underneath the AWGN curve

for low SNRs and then cross it in an intercept point that is higher for increasing

modulation order: if for QPSK it is below WER = 10−3, for 16QAM and 64QAM

(in Figures 3.12(c) and 3.12(d)) it is above WER = 10−1. This fact leads to have

an underestimate for medium-high SNRs for high MCS and therefore we expect to

have some undesired picks of errors using LESM in the link adaptation results.

RCESM In addition to the consideration on the link performance models already

present in literature, we have introduced an ESM method that is based on a different

channel hypothesis. With the RCESM in fact our reference curve is the Rayleigh

channel WER, given from (2.11), with the proper parameters for each MCS from

Table 2.2. Thus, in Figure 3.13 are shown the performances of this method referring

to that curve.

The result of the estimate presents a certain granularity but, speaking as in estimate

theory, it is correct: for each SNR, the trend of the estimate matches quite accu-

rately the reference curve and this corresponds to a negligible bias. In this trend we

can observe also a tendency for an overestimate which is, as we said, more desirable

than an underestimate. In particular, in Figure 3.13(e), the scattered points are all

underneath the reference curve, with a maximum deviation of 1 dB.

From the comparison of Figure 3.13(a), 3.13(c), 3.13(e) and 3.13(b), 3.13(d), 3.13(f)

we can see once more that increasing nB results in a worse dispersion for all the

MCS, but unlike LESM, where the deviation reaches even 2 dB, this scattering leads

to smaller errors. Anyway we can expect that, in these cases, the underestimate of

the WER will probably cause the selection of inappropriate MCS when adapting.

Taking into account all these details, we think of using RCESM method in a system


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0 5 10 15 2010






Es/No [dB]




simulated WERlog

(a) QPSK, nB = 1

0 5 10 15 2010






Es/No [dB]




simulated WERlog

(b) QPSK, nB = 4

0 5 10 15 2010






Es/No [dB]




simulated WERlog

(c) 16QAM, nB = 1

0 5 10 15 2010






Es/No [dB]




simulated WERlog

(d) 16QAM, nB = 4

0 5 10 15 2010






Es/No [dB]




simulated WERlog

(e) 64QAM, nB = 1

0 5 10 15 2010






Es/No [dB]




simulated WERlog

(f) 64QAM, nB = 4

Figure 3.12: Performances of LESM method over QPSK on channel model with

nB = 1 3.12(a), nB = 4 3.12(b); 16QAM with nB = 1 3.12(c), nB = 4 3.12(d);

64QAM with nB = 1 3.12(e), nB = 4 3.12(f). R2 = 12


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0 5 10 15 2010






Es/No [dB]




simulated WERMI


(a) QPSK, nB = 1

0 5 10 15 2010






Es/No [dB]




simulated WERMI


(b) QPSK, nB = 4

0 5 10 15 2010






Es/No [dB]




simulated WERMI


(c) 16QAM, nB = 1

0 5 10 15 2010






Es/No [dB]




simulated WERMI


(d) 16QAM, nB = 4

0 5 10 15 2010






Es/No [dB]




simulated WERMI


(e) 64QAM, nB = 1

0 5 10 15 2010






Es/No [dB]




simulated WERMI


(f) 64QAM, nB = 4

Figure 3.13: Performances of RCESM method over QPSK on channel model with

nB = 1 3.13(a), nB = 4 3.13(b); 16QAM with nB = 1 3.13(c), nB = 4 3.13(d);

64QAM with nB = 1 3.13(e), nB = 4 3.13(f). R2 = 12


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0 5 10 15 2010






Es/No [dB]




simulated WERsum


(a) QPSK, nB = 1

0 5 10 15 2010






Es/No [dB]




simulated WERsum


(b) 16QAM, nB = 1

0 5 10 15 2010






Es/No [dB]




simulated WERsum


(c) 64QAM, nB = 1

0 5 10 15 2010






Es/No [dB]




simulated WERsum


(d) QPSK, nB = 4

0 5 10 15 2010






Es/No [dB]




simulated WERsum


(e) 16QAM, nB = 4

0 5 10 15 2010






Es/No [dB]




simulated WERsum


(f) 64QAM, nB = 4

Figure 3.14: Performances of IWM method over QPSK on channel model with

nB = 1 3.14(a), nB = 4 3.14(d); 16QAM with nB = 1 3.14(b), nB = 4 3.14(e);

64QAM with nB = 1 3.14(c), nB = 4 3.14(f). R2 = 12

where it is included also a frequency interleaver that guarantees the channel charac-

teristic of nB = 1. In this way we are sure to have a quite accurate estimate using

CESM without the need of any scaling factor.

Looking at the global performance, it is therefore interesting to consider RCESM as

a possible link performance model.

IWM and DWM The presented algorithms where all based on ESM approach.

In section 3.2.2 we introduced two possible algorithm based on the weighted mean.

Looking at Figure 3.9 we could already do some comments on the expected perfor-

mances: in 3.9(a) the IWM estimate had an accuracy similar to that one of CESM,

while DWM showed its unefficiency; then, the curves depicted in 3.9(b) were both

very distant from the simulated WER.

In Figures 3.14 and 3.15 are shown the mapped points of each estimate WER, for


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0 5 10 15 2010






Es/No [dB]




simulated WER1/sum


(a) QPSK, nB = 1

0 5 10 15 2010






Es/No [dB]




simulated WER1/sum


(b) 16QAM, nB = 1

0 5 10 15 2010






Es/No [dB]




simulated WER1/sum


(c) 64QAM, nB = 1

0 5 10 15 2010






Es/No [dB]




simulated WER1/sum


(d) QPSK, nB = 4

0 5 10 15 2010






Es/No [dB]




simulated WER1/sum


(e) 16QAM, nB = 4

0 5 10 15 2010






Es/No [dB]W



simulated WER1/sum


(f) 64QAM, nB = 4

Figure 3.15: Performances of DWM method over QPSK on channel model with

nB = 1 3.15(a), nB = 4 3.15(d); 16QAM with nB = 1 3.15(b), nB = 4 3.15(e);

64QAM with nB = 1 3.15(c), nB = 4 3.15(f). R2 = 12


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many realizations to have a global evaluation. As expected, the two methods are not

only incorrect, as they have a considerable deviation, but they appear also very scat-

tered. Moreover, the points are always above each reference curve and this means

that we have in every case an underestimate that can therefore induce undesired

WER peaks. In conclusion we can state that the proposed weighted algorithms,

based on the cumulative distribution function of the instantaneous SNRs, are not

suitable for our link adaptation goal.


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Chapter 4

Link Adaptation and HARQ

Link adaptation and hybrid automatic repeat request are two link level techniques

proposed to increase throughput in wireless networks. LA dynamically adjusts the

modulation and coding format based on an estimate of the channel condition, that

is the WER estimate. HARQ performs the retransmission whenever the receiver

cannot decode correctly a codeword.

4.1 Link Adaptation

In [13] was shown that the performance of every coding scheme strongly depends on

the channel quality conditions, so if a fixed coding scheme is selected, the variation

of the channel conditions during the transmission would lead to a performance loss.

The aim of link adaptation is then to update the coding scheme according to the

channel quality variations.

Supposing to have perfect channel estimate, the receiver can select the transmission

scheme aware of the channel characteristics and send it through a feed back channel

to the transmitter. Transmissions that do not use adaptive methods require a con-

siderable link margin to guarantee acceptable performances when the channel state

is bad. Therefore, the link budget of these systems is designed for the worst-case

channel conditions, with a consequently inefficient utilization of the channel capac-

ity. On the contrary, link adaptation allows the transmitter to perform an efficient

transmission, exploiting favorable channel conditions and avoiding high rates in cor-

respondence of deep fades [3]. Of course, if the channel is changing faster than it is

estimated and feed back to the transmitter, the performances of this technique will

be unsatisfactory.


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4.1.1 Adaptation algorithm

In our context, the adaptive techniques are used to satisfy the QoS requirements,

providing high spectral efficiency by transmitting at high rates under favorable chan-

nel conditions, and reducing throughput as the channel degrades. This can be done

by varying the constellation size and the coding rate for a fixed SNR Eb/N0.

Link adaptation is then a process of automatically adjusting the transmission pa-

rameters, so that optimal quality of the communication is achieved. In our context,

as we said, optimal quality means maintaining the WER below a certain value of

WERmax, while keeping the data throughput as high as possible. In order to de-

cide which rate is optimal, the adaptation algorithm needs informations about the

current link conditions, that we have termed channel state information (CSI).

For a given SNR, different MCS achieve different WER performance. If we index the

set of MCS of Table 2.1 by c = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}, at a given SNR γ, the throughput

of MCS c can be defined as the average number of information bits in correctly

received codewords which is given by



= R(c)1 R



1 − WER(c)(



, c = 1, . . . , 7 (4.1)

where R(c)1 is the number of bits for QAM symbol and R

(c)2 is the coderate of

MCS c.

−5 0 5 10 15 20 25 300







0 [dB]




c = 1c = 2c = 3

c = 4

c = 5

c = 6

c = 7

AWGN channelRayleigh channel

Figure 4.1: Throughput of the seven MCS over AWGN and Rayleigh fading channels

In Figure 4.1 it is shown the performance in terms of throughput for each modu-


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lation and coding scheme available for the well known cases of AWGN and Rayleigh


The adaptation algorithm applies the selected MCS for the whole duration of the

frame, until a new frame starts and the algorithm adapts another time its transmis-

sion parameters. First of all, as we are neither working in an AWGN nor in a pure

Rayleigh fading channel, we need to have the WER estimate. This estimate, that

we indicate as WER(c)(


, is relative to the particular channel realization on the

first OFDM symbol of the frame and is a function of the mean SNR γ, different for

each MCS. Since we have imposed a WER constraint of WERmax = 10−2, we can

individuate a set of SNRs γ(c)req that are chosen to have




= 10−2 (4.2)

0 5 10 15 20 2510







0 [dB]


R e



AWGN channel, K = 288

c = 1 c = 2 c = 3 c = 4 c = 5 c = 6 c = 7

γreq(1) γ

req(2) γ

req(3) γ

req(4) γ

req(5) γ

req(6) γ


Figure 4.2: Link adaptation thresholds for the corrsipondent WER set of a Gaussian


as shown in Figure 4.2 still for the theoretical AWGN case. Once calculated

this vector, the best MCS among c = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}, for the particular channel

realization, is selected as

c = arg maxc


γ(c)req < γ



An alternative description of the adaptation algorithm can be also


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c = arg maxc




< WERtarget



where, as we know, in our case WERmax = 10−2. In some papers, the WER(c)(


is taken as the well known theoretical or analytical approximation for AWGN or

Rayleigh fading channels [14], that we have indicated in (2.11). This solution rep-

resents a simplification of the problem because what we actually need is a WER

estimate for the particular channel realization, as discussed in the previous chapter.

4.1.2 Link adaptation performances with various ESM criteria

All the previous dissertation had the goal of calculating a WER estimate with a

good accuracy, to further apply link adaptation on a meaningful scenario. This

means that the final performances have to be evaluated looking at the adaptive cod-

ing and modulation (ACM) results, in terms of WER and throughput, basing each

time our adaptation algorithm on one of the investigated ESM methods. Our goal

is to obtain a WER that respects the constraint of 10−2, maximizing at the same

time the possible throughput. This means that we don’t want to obtain a WER too

much lower then the WERmax, as this would mean that we are keeping underneath

the allowed throughput without maximizing it.

To obtain those results, we have to simulate a realistic transmission. We then gen-

erate a certain channel realization following the channel model described in section

2.5. In each simulation we characterize the transmission scenario in terms of num-

ber of correlated subcarriers nB , on which the channel coefficient is constant, and

number of OFDM symbols that experience the same channel realization, that is C.

For a fixed SNR we have therefore a set of selected MCS, one for each frame of our


We can also view the link adaptation result for a certain frame, in terms of spectral

efficiency and energy efficiency, just plotting the position of the selected MCS on

the efficiencies plan. This result can be obtained simulating a pure AWGN channel

with a WER constraint of WERmax = 0. As we are using a quite short codeword

length of K = 288 we don’t expect to see significant good performances, compared

to the well known results of turbo codes that use longer codewords.

We list below the set of results obtained using each investigated ESM method for

various channel models.


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CESM As expected from the analysis of the CESM performances in Figures

3.10(a) and 3.10(b), with this estimate method we are not able to respect the WER

constraint that we have imposed. This result could be already predicted noticing

that the CESM estimate always gives rise to an underestimate of the real instanta-

neous WER.

5 10 15 20 25 3010





100 CESM

Es/No [dB]




B=1, C=1

nB=1, C=4

nB=1, C=16

(a) WER

0 5 10 15 20 25 300.5













Es/No [dB]

nB=1, C=1

nB=1, C=4

nB=1, C=16

(b) Throughput

Figure 4.3: Link adaptation with CESM: resulting WER and througput for nB = 1

and different frame lengths

In Figures 4.3(a) and 4.3(b) are shown the results in terms of WER of the link

adaptation on a selective channel with nB = 1 and different frame length C =

{1, 4, 16} (the first case corresponds to a frame length equal to the OFDM symbol

length). Comparing the results for different C we can state that this parameter


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5 10 15 20 25 3010





100 CESM

Es/No [dB]




B=4, C=4

nB=4, C=16

(a) WER

0 5 10 15 20 25 300.5













Es/No [dB]

nB=4, C=4

nB=4, C=16

(b) Throughput

Figure 4.4: Link adaptation with CESM: resulting WER and througput for nB = 4

and different frame lengths

doesn’t influence the result. This can be reasonable in a simulation scenario that

doesn’t take into account the channel estimate problem and its intrinsic delay. As

we are supposing to have perfect channel state information, it’s not important how

frequently we have to adapt. Of course, in a real scenario, we expect to encounter

significant adaptation problems if the channel is changing faster than it is estimated

and feed back to the transmitter. Nevertheless, in our analysis we don’t notice

significant difference among the results of various C and therefore in the following

we will expose only results calculated for a channel model with a frame of C = 4

OFDM symbols with the same channel realization.

Performances for a more correlated channel with nB = 4 are shown in Figures 4.4(a)


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and 4.4(b), where we still can see the effect of an inefficient MCS selection.

We then complete the analysis of the CESM method showing in Figure 4.5 the points

corresponding to the selected MCS for the first frame, in function of the average

SNR Eb/N0, on the Shannon plane.

0 5 10 15 20 25










CESM Efficiencies plan

AWGN channel (EbNo)ACM(EbNo)

Figure 4.5: Efficiencies plan with link adaptation results using CESM on a AWGN


We can see the result of the ACM scheme, that jumps from one MCS to another

depending on the SNR. The points of the selected MCS are not very close to the

Shannon limit, but this could be expected as we are using a very short codeword

length of K = 288.

EESM In the previous chapter we saw that the EESM method, without any

scaling factor, results in an exaggerated overestimate of the real WER. This fact

ensures that the imposed WER constraint is respected, as we can see from Figure

4.6(a) where the resulting WER is even below 10−6 and 10−7. Nevertheless, in

Figure 4.6(b) we can clearly see the disadvantage of this method: the throughput is

extremely low and therefore unacceptable.

We then conclude the analysis of the EESM stating that it can be a promising

method as the resulting estimate has low dispersion and the same slope of the real

WER, but with the condition of using a heavy correcting factor which is a crucial

element for its performances.

LESM Though the result of the estimates in Figure 3.12 had a quite good match

with the reference curve, also the LESM performs quite bad when applying link


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5 10 15 20 25 3010










Es/No [dB]




nB=1, C=4

nB=4, C=4

(a) WER

0 5 10 15 20 25 300.5













Es/No [dB]

nB=1, C=4

nB=4, C=4

(b) Throughput

Figure 4.6: Link adaptation with EESM: resulting WER and througput for nB = 1,

nB = 4 and frame length of C = 4

adaptation as it doesn’t respect the WER constraint of 10−2. This can be seen in

Figure 4.7 where, for both channel models, the resulting WER has many undesired

picks. This can be explained observing that for an SNR of 13 dB, the selected MCS

is one of the higher order, for example MCS 5, 6, 7. In Figure 3.12(c) we could

see that, for increasing modulation order, the different slope of the LESM results

led to a cross of the reference curve, resulting in a shift from an overestimate to

an underestimate of the real WER. In fact, when the adaptation algorithm chooses

higher MCS, as for SNRs from 13 dB and over, the final result doesn’t respect the

required condition.


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5 10 15 20 25 3010






Es/No [dB]




nB=1, C=4

nB=4, C=4

(a) WER

0 5 10 15 20 25 300.5













Es/No [dB]


nB=1, C=4

nB=4, C=4

(b) Throughput

Figure 4.7: Link adaptation with LESM: resulting WER and througput for nB = 1,

nB = 4 and frame length of C = 4

RCESM In Figures 4.8(a) and 4.8(b) are shown the performances of a transmis-

sion using RCESM estimate algorithm for nB = 1 and nB = 4 respectively. It is

interesting to see that for the case where nB = 1 the RCESM shows the best per-

formances among the evaluated methods. In fact, the WER constraint is nearly

completely fulfilled and, at the same time, we reach a higher throughput compared

to other method’s result, without any fade.

In paragraph 3.2.3 we mentioned that it would be fine to include a frequency inter-

leaver in the transmission system to obtain a perfectly interleaved channel. In fact

those results suggest that, to have good performances of link adaptation without


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5 10 15 20 25 3010






Es/No [dB]




B=1, C=4

nB=4, C=4

(a) WER

0 5 10 15 20 25 300.5













Es/No [dB]

nB=1, C=4

nB=4, C=4

(b) Throughput

Figure 4.8: Link adaptation with RCESM: resulting WER and througput for nB =

1, nB = 4 and frame length of C = 4

including optimal scaling parameters in the estimate algorithm, the RCESM is the

best method if used in a perfectly interleaved channel, which has nB = 1. Moreover,

using two interleaving methods has the advantage of better exploiting the diversity

gain inherent in the channel, not only in the time domain but also in the frequency

domain [20]. Taking into account all these details, we can state that using RCESM

method in a system where that includes also a frequency interleaver guarantees very

good performances even without optimizing the ESM method with scaling parame-


To complete the discussion on this proposed method, we show in Figure 4.9 its


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performances in terms of efficiencies of the selected MCS. We have to pay attention

to the assumption used to obtain this figure, as apparently the CESM is closer to

the Shannon limit than the RCESM, but in reality this is an obvious consequence of

the AWGN channel hypothesis, that of course fits better with the Gaussian capacity

based algorithm.

0 5 10 15 20 25



RCESM Efficiencies plan








AWGN channel (EbNo)ACM(EbNo)

Figure 4.9: Efficiencies plan with link adaptation results using RCESM on a AWGN



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4.2 Hybrid automatic repeat request (HARQ)

As we experienced in the link adaptation results, the WER estimate can constitute

a significant constraint if it doesn’t guarantee a good accuracy. In fact, in the cases

where the applied ESM method didn’t have a good match with the reference curve,

the resulting WER was unacceptable. Moreover, if we consider the delay problem

in a real scenario, caused by transmitting information on the feedback channel,

the link adaptation performances can become strongly degradable if the channel

is varying rapidly. Taking into account those problems, it is essential to include

a retransmission mechanism that guarantees the correct reception of each packet:

fast link-level retransmission can complement in this context the ACM strategy. As

a feedback channel is available, it is possible to use an Automatic Repeat reQuest

(ARQ) protocol in addition to the FEC schemes, where the receiver sends requests

for the sender to repeat data unit transmissions whenever errors are detected. In

particular, automatic repeat request (ARQ) retransmission is requested when error

correction during decoding cannot correct all the errors in the received packet and,

in this case, the receiver discards the incorrectly received codewords.

Another approach to error control uses the so called hybrid ARQ (HARQ) scheme

that incorporates also FEC: the term Hybrid ARQ can be used to describe any

combination of a FEC and ARQ schemes in which unsuccessful transmissions are

used in FEC decoding instead of being discarded. If appropriate ARQ and FEC

schemes are properly combined, hybrid ARQ can significantly increase the system


A hybrid ARQ retransmission method in a communication system where data pack-

ets consists of modulation symbols encoded with a FEC scheme retransmits the in-

correctly received codewords, or a part of them, basing on a repeat request. At the

receiver side, the coded bits are later combined on the basis of the soft-information

values and we can therefore state that it is applied a soft combining on the retrans-

mitted information.

Given this, we illustrate the two possible HARQ schemes that are usually classified

[21] as:

- HARQ Type I, termed Chase Combining (CC)

- HARQ Type II, termed Incremental Redundancy (IR)


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Chase Combining Supposing to have an error in the decoding of a certain code-

word c, the Chase combining method consists in the simple repetition of the N bits

c = [c1, c2 . . . , cN ] where we remember that N = KR2

as referring to Figure 2.2. This

is the simplest way to perform HARQ, as each retransmission is an identical copy of

the original transmission. In subsection 2.1 we spoke about a APP soft demapping

performed at the receiver side. When applying Type I HARQ, the receiver simply

adds the L-values of the retransmitted coded bits to the corresponding values of the

previously received ones and then passes those values to the decoder. From a coding

point of view we therefore speak of chase combining or repetition coding.

In our link adaptation context, we assume to maintain for the retransmission the

MCS selected by the ACM strategy for the original transmission. In fact, in Chase

combining the same FEC code is used for all consecutive retransmissions of a certain

packet, so that each one of them is also selfdecodable, as it is possible for a receiver

without soft values memory to decode each packet.

Incremental redundancy In Type II HARQ, in general different FEC codes are

used between consecutive retransmissions and the receiver combines the received

L-values of each retransmitted packet. A common implementation strategy is to

transmit different parity bits in the consecutive retransmissions, which are combined

in the receiver before decoding. In [14] it is shown that using a systematic mother

FEC code, with a mother rate different from the initially selected R2, has significant

benefits in terms of throughput and delay, especially if the first one is lower.

We have examined a particular Type II HARQ scheme, that is the one proposed in

[22], and it is called cyclic incremental redundancy (CIR). This strategy generalizes

the classical incremental redundancy scheme as the retransmission scheme sends at

each retransmission a certain number of coded bits in a cyclic fashion. The inherent

advantage of using such a scheme is that there is no restriction on the number of

the retransmitted coded bits, as the retransmission unit can be varied depending on

the necessity.

4.2.1 Retransmission results

Applying retransmission with our hypothesis of perfect channel state information

has the constraint of being an unrealistic evaluation. In fact, applying the simplest

strategy of Chase combining we find that it is required only one retransmission in

the majority of the cases and that the resulting throughput doesn’t show a big


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difference with that one obtained before, as depicted in Figure 4.10. This can be

0 5 10 15 20 25 300.5










5.5Throughput CESM

Es/No [dB]



CESM Throughput CESM Throughput after HARQ

(a) WER

0 5 10 15 20 25 300.5










5.5Throughput CESM

Es/No [dB]



RCESM ThroughputRCESM Throughput after HARQ

(b) Throughput

Figure 4.10: Throughput comparison before and after the retransmission when ap-

plying CESM 4.10(a) and RCESM 4.10(b)

explained taking into account that we don’t have any channel prediction error, that

usually has to be considered in these evaluation on HARQ as in [14]. For this

reason we limit ourselves to evaluate the performances in terms of delay only for the

Chase combining scheme, as with those simplified assumptions there wouldn’t rise

significative advantages in the implementation of incremental redundancy.

Applying Type I HARQ allows us to finally decode correctly all the transmitted

codewords. In this last analysis we want to evaluate the delay resulting from this

technique, calculating it as the number of required retransmission for each SNR,

averaged on the total number of transmitted codewords.

In Figure 4.11 are shown the delays corresponding to the retransmission of the

incorrectly received codewords of figures 4.3, 4.7 and 4.8. The CESM and LESM

methods, that have undesired picks of WER over 1%, give rise to quite high delays

that reach even 45%. On the contrary, the RCESM results in quite lower delays,

with a maximum 6%. Therefore, also in this approximated analysis, the RCESM


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confirms its good potentialities.


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0 5 10 15 20 25 300















Es/No [dB]

nB=1, C=4

nB=4, C=4

(a) retransmission delay using CESM, nB = 1, 4

0 5 10 15 20 25 300















Es/No [dB]

nB=1, C=4

nB=4, C=4

(b) retransmission delay using LESM, nB = 1, 4

0 5 10 15 20 25 300














Es/No [dB]

nB=1, C=4n

B=4, C=4

(c) retransmission delay using RCESM, nB = 1, 4

Figure 4.11: Delay calculated as number of retransmission for each used ESM


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Chapter 5


Link adaptation (LA) is nowadays one of the crucial techniques that allows wireless

communications to provide users with a flexible, reliable and high speed connection,

as the demand for broadband systems is continuously growing. The goodness of

the reachable performances is based on an accurate estimate of the word error rate

resulting from certain channel conditions. The link performance model that pro-

vides us with such an estimate is the effective SNR mapping (ESM) that takes into

account the channel characteristics as well as the transmission parameters.

In this thesis we have investigated how to improve the performances of this tech-

nique, with the goal of defining a simple and fast criterium that provides a reliable

estimate to use in the link adaptation. Therefore, we have defined a doubly-selective

channel model to take into account the variation of the experienced conditions from

subcarrier to subcarrier and from OFDM symbol to symbol. Our purpose was to

obtain a sub-optimal evaluation of the various method’s performances, neglecting

the correcting factor that usually has to be configured carefully to get very accurate

estimates. With this assumption, the existent ESM methods have been evaluated

in our context, resulting in the strong need of such a scaling parameter to guarantee

good performances.

In particular, the CESM method can be considered a good link performance model

unless a little bias constraints the result to an underestimate and thus causes the

wrong selection of the MCS by the ACM algorithm. On the contrary, if not cor-

rected with a heavy scaling factor, the exponential SNR mapping overestimates a lot

the real WER trend and therefore, in our analysis, cannot be considered an efficient

model, as it results in an extremely low throughput. Nevertheless we can state that

this method can be a promising solution for the ESM issue if appropriate correcting


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factor is defined.

Another investigated method is the logarithmic ESM (LESM) that shows very in-

teresting performances, with a quite accurate match, but presents clearly a slope

different from the real WER’s once. This facts causes the shift from a desirable over-

estimate to an underestimate that gives unacceptable results in link adaptation.

A new link performance model has been proposed using the CESM concept with the

assumption of the Rayleigh fading channel. This approach led to use the Rayleigh

channel capacity non-closed formula as the ESM metric and for this reason we

called this method RCESM. The estimate results show desirable characteristics of

minimum scattering and deviation, especially for a perfectly frequency interleaved


Other two mapping methods based on the weighted mean have been proposed, but

their performances depend strongly on the particular channel realization and there-

fore they cannot be considered a valid alternative to the ESM methods.

All those considerations have been confirmed by realistic simulations of the link

adaptation scheme. Moreover, Type I HARQ, also called Chase combining, has

been implemented to complement the link adaptation scheme where its performances

where unsatisfactory. The LA WER results are coherent with what expected for

each method and in particular, the proposed RCESM method shows interesting

good performances, in our suboptimal context, when the QAM symbols experience

a completely uncorrelated channel. This situation can be reproduced in every trans-

mission system, independently of the channel characteristics, by simply including

a frequency interleaver. We then conclude our analysis of metrics for the link per-

formance model with some possible open issues regarding the calibration of the

EESM method, the inclusion of the RCESM with a proper system model and the

investigation of the joint usage of link adaptation and hybrid HARQ.


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Giunta alla conclusione del mio percorso di studi e con essa all’inizio della vita

lavorativa vera e propria, mi guardo indietro e vedo le persone che mi hanno

accompagnato lungo questa strada.

Primi fra tutti, i miei genitori, ai quali va il piu grande dei ringraziamenti, per

avermi insegnato a vivere cosı come a studiare e soprattutto per l’incondizionata

fiducia che mi ha permesso di affrontare tutte le sfide fin ora incontrate.

Allo stesso modo, ringrazio i miei nonni, anche quelli che non mi possono

vedere in questo momento che, sono sicura, li avrebbe riempiti di gioia, cosı

come in loro io trovo tutt’ora l’ispirazione per la gioia di vivere.

Non possono poi mancare i miei inseparabili compagni di studio. Grazie a

Stella per il sempre presente entusiasmo, capace di risollevare una intera gior-

nata di conti neri. Ad Alice, per l’esempio che mi ha dato giorno dopo giorno

di determinazione nello studio e nell’amicizia. Mi mancheranno poi i confronti

su temi di scienza e di vita con Vincenzo.

Un grazie particolare va a France, che oltre a sopportarmi in questi mesi

all’estero nei momenti di pessimismo, mi e stato vicino in quelli realmente

difficili, dandomi un forte appoggio sia tecnico che morale.

Vorrei poi ringraziare il Professor Luise, non solo per avermi dato la possibilia

di fare questa esperienza al CTTC di Barcellona, ma anche per l’immancabile

disponibilita e soprattutto per avermi appassionata con i suoi insegnamenti

nel modo piu sano al mondo delle telecomunicazioni.

Grazie infine a tutte quelle persone che non ho citato, ma che in questi anni

mi sono state vicine con il loro affetto e con la loro amicizia.


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List of Figures

2.1 Transmission system model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2.2 Equivalent block scheme of the transmitter . . . . . . . . . . 11

2.3 Rayleigh probability distribution function with σ = 1√2

. . . . 12

2.4 Fitting between analytical approximation and simulation results

of the WER for AWGN channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

2.5 Fitting between analytical approximation and simulation results

of the WER for Rayleigh fast fading channel . . . . . . . . . 16

2.6 Fitting between analytical approximation and simulation results

of the WER for Rayleigh slow fading channel . . . . . . . . . 17

3.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

3.2 Interpolation with γeff < γ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

3.3 Interpolation with γeff > γ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

3.4 CESM performances for QPSK, 16QAM and 64QAM with R2 =

0.5 and nB = 1, 4. Dashed lines represent the AWGN and

Rayleigh theoretical curves for each modulation . . . . . . . . 24

3.5 EESM performances for QPSK, 16QAM and 64QAM with R2 =

0.5 and nB = 1, 4. Dashed lines represent the AWGN and

Rayleigh theoretical curves for each modulation . . . . . . . . 26

3.6 LESM performances for QPSK, 16QAM and 64QAM with R2 =

0.5 and nB = 1, 4. Dashed lines represent the AWGN and

Rayleigh theoretical curves for each modulation . . . . . . . . 27

3.7 RCESM performances for QPSK, 16QAM and 64QAM with

R2 = 0.5 and nB = 1, 4. Dashed lines represent the AWGN and

Rayleigh theoretical curves for each modulation . . . . . . . . 30

3.8 exponential distribution with γ = 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31


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3.9 DWM and IWM performances for QPSK, 16QAM and 64QAM

with R2 = 0.5 and nB = 1, 4. Dashed lines represent the AWGN

and Rayleigh theoretical curves for each modulation . . . . . . 33

3.10 Performances of CESM method over QPSK on channel model

with nB = 1 3.10(a), nB = 4 3.10(b); 16QAM with nB = 1

3.10(c), nB = 4 3.10(d); 64QAM with nB = 1 3.10(e), nB = 4

3.10(f). R2 = 12

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

3.11 Performances of EESM method over QPSK on channel model

with nB = 1 3.11(a), nB = 4 3.11(b); 16QAM with nB = 1

3.11(c), nB = 4 3.11(d); 64QAM with nB = 1 3.11(e), nB = 4

3.11(f). R2 = 12

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

3.12 Performances of LESM method over QPSK on channel model

with nB = 1 3.12(a), nB = 4 3.12(b); 16QAM with nB = 1

3.12(c), nB = 4 3.12(d); 64QAM with nB = 1 3.12(e), nB = 4

3.12(f). R2 = 12

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

3.13 Performances of RCESM method over QPSK on channel model

with nB = 1 3.13(a), nB = 4 3.13(b); 16QAM with nB = 1

3.13(c), nB = 4 3.13(d); 64QAM with nB = 1 3.13(e), nB = 4

3.13(f). R2 = 12

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

3.14 Performances of IWM method over QPSK on channel model

with nB = 1 3.14(a), nB = 4 3.14(d); 16QAM with nB = 1

3.14(b), nB = 4 3.14(e); 64QAM with nB = 1 3.14(c), nB = 4

3.14(f). R2 = 12

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

3.15 Performances of DWM method over QPSK on channel model

with nB = 1 3.15(a), nB = 4 3.15(d); 16QAM with nB = 1

3.15(b), nB = 4 3.15(e); 64QAM with nB = 1 3.15(c), nB = 4

3.15(f). R2 = 12

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

4.1 Throughput of the seven MCS over AWGN and Rayleigh fading

channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

4.2 Link adaptation thresholds for the corrsipondent WER set of a

Gaussian channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

4.3 Link adaptation with CESM: resulting WER and througput for

nB = 1 and different frame lengths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49


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4.4 Link adaptation with CESM: resulting WER and througput for

nB = 4 and different frame lengths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

4.5 Efficiencies plan with link adaptation results using CESM on a

AWGN channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

4.6 Link adaptation with EESM: resulting WER and througput for

nB = 1, nB = 4 and frame length of C = 4 . . . . . . . . . . . 52

4.7 Link adaptation with LESM: resulting WER and througput for

nB = 1, nB = 4 and frame length of C = 4 . . . . . . . . . . . 53

4.8 Link adaptation with RCESM: resulting WER and througput

for nB = 1, nB = 4 and frame length of C = 4 . . . . . . . . . 54

4.9 Efficiencies plan with link adaptation results using RCESM on

a AWGN channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

4.10 Throughput comparison before and after the retransmission

when applying CESM 4.10(a) and RCESM 4.10(b) . . . . . . 58

4.11 Delay calculated as number of retransmission for each used ESM

method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60


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List of Tables

2.1 MCS set specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

2.2 γ(c)0 and α(c) values for AWGN and Rayleigh channel . . . . . 15


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