Page 1: List #1 ante (before) anterior anti (against) antibody bi (two) bipolar circum (around) circumvent com (together) complete con (together) conjunction de

List #1

• ante (before) anterior

• anti (against) antibody

• bi (two) bipolar

• circum (around) circumvent

• com (together) complete

• con (together) conjunction

• de ( down) demolish

• dis (away) dismiss

• equi (equal) equilibrium

• extra (beyond) extravagant

• inter (between) interstellar

• intra (within) intravenous

Page 2: List #1 ante (before) anterior anti (against) antibody bi (two) bipolar circum (around) circumvent com (together) complete con (together) conjunction de

13. intro (into) introvert

14. mal (bad) malicious

15. mis (bad) mistake

16. non (not) nonprofit

17. post (after) posthumous

18. pre (before) premonition

19. semi (half) semiformal

20. sub (under) submarine

21. super (over) supervise

22. syn (together) synchronize

23. sym (together) symmetry

24. tri (three) triangle

25. un (not) unequal

Page 3: List #1 ante (before) anterior anti (against) antibody bi (two) bipolar circum (around) circumvent com (together) complete con (together) conjunction de

List #2

1. archy (government) monarchy

2. ard (always) drunkard

3. cide (kill) genocide

4. ician (specialist) technician

5. itis (infection) tonsillitis

6. aqua (water) aquarium

7. audi (hear) audience

8. bell (war) belligerent

9. cap (take) capture

10. cise (cut) incision

11. bio (life) biography

12. auto (self) automatic

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13. port (carry) transport

14. scrib (write) scribble

15. logy (science) mythology

16. dict (say) predict

17. cred (believe) credibility

18. cent (one hundred) century

19. neo (new) neonatal

20. ad (to) adhesive

21. cede (go) antecedent

22. miss (send) dismiss

23. centri (center) concentric

24. biblio (book) bibliography

25. anthropo (man) anthropology

Page 5: List #1 ante (before) anterior anti (against) antibody bi (two) bipolar circum (around) circumvent com (together) complete con (together) conjunction de

Stems #31. homo (same) homogenize2. spec (look) spectacles3. duct (lead) conduct4. fer (carry) transfer5. pend (hang) suspend6. micro (small) microscope7. hydro (water) hydroplane8. photo (light) photograph9. pan (all) pantheon10. penta (five) pentagram11. tele (far) telephone12. vid (look) evidence

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13. omni (all) omnipotent14. ex (out) exit15. poly (many) polychrome16. re (again) return17. hypo (under) hypothermia18. pseudo false) pseudoscience19. neuro (nerve) neurology20. tomy (cut) appendectomy21. hema (blood) hematite22. proto (first) prototype23. phon (sound) cacophony24. mono (one) monotone25. viv (life) vivacious

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Stems List #41. morph (shape) mesomorph2. vest (clothes) vestment3. bene (good) benefactor4. pond (weight) ponderous5. corp (body) corpse6. dorm (sleep) dormitory7. pater (father) paternal8. nov (new) novice9. punct (point) puncture10. ject (throw) eject11. tion (act or state) completion12. loco (place) location

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13. dox (opinion) orthodox14. amphi (both) amphibian15. magn (great) magnificent16. eu (good) eulogy17. endo (within) endoskeleton18. phobia (fear) claustrophobia19. ortho (straight) orthodontist20. put (think) computer21. ver (true) veracity22. matri (mother) matriarch23. mega (large) megahertz24. pop (people) population25. sangui (blood) sanguine

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List #51. VITA life vitamin2. DEMO people democracy3. STEREO solid stereotype4. ISM doctrine capitalism5. COGN know recognize6. SUR over surplus7. ALTER other alteration8. ASTR star astronomy9. DYNA power dynamic10.CHRON time

chronological11.HYPER over hyperbole12.LUNA moon lunar

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13. OCTA eight octagon14. GYRO turn gyroscope15. CONTRA against contradict16. GEO earth geography17. HELIO sun helios18. THERMO heat thermostat19. TETRA four tetrahedron20. METER measure odometer21. SCOPE look telescope22. SON sound sonar23. DEC ten decade24. STELL star stellar25. AMAT love amatory

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List #61. germ (vital or related) germane2. greg (group) gregarious3. mar (sea) marine4. prim (first) primary5. pyro (fire) pyromaniac6. clam (cry out) clamor7. plu (more) plural8. tang (touch) tangible9. string (bind) stringent10. liber (free) liberate11. junct (join) junction12. clud (close) include

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13. se (apart) secede14. trib (pay) tribute15. dign (worthy) dignity16. luc (light) lucid17. rupt (break) interrupt18. grat (pleasing) gratitude19. medi (middle) medium20. soph (wisdom) sophomore21. curr (run) current22. tempor (time) temporary23. migr (wander) emigrant24. trans (across) transfer25. gamy (marriage) bigamy

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List #71. numer (number) numerous2. fort (strong) fortify3. osteo (bone) osteopath4. ornith (bird) ornithology5. polis (city) metropolis6. fus (pour) transfusion7. ego (I) egocentric8. spir (breathe) inspire9. dia (across) diagonal10. acr (sharp) acrid11. acro (high) acrobat12. culp (blame) culprit

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13. derm (skin) dermatologist14. zo (animal) protozoa15. per (through) perforation16. pac (peace) pacify17. brev (short) brevity18. necro (death) necrophobia19. urb (city) suburb20. pugn (fight) pugnacious21. ecto (outer) ectoderm22. plasto (molded) plastic23. agog (leader) pedagogue24. cle (small) particle25. il (not) illegal

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List #81. sed (sit) sediment2. leg (read) legible3. anim (mind) animated4. tort (twist) contorted5. nym (name) acronym6. sanct (holy) sanctify7. meta (change) metamorphosis8. petr (rock) petrify9. mir (wonder) miracle10. man (hand) manicure11. rect (right) correct12. volv (roll) revolve13. demi (half) demigod

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14. retro (backward) retroactive15. sens (feel) sensitive16. fy (make) solidify17. ocul (eye) binocular18. cur (care for) curator19. ultra (beyond) ultraviolet20. oid (appearance) android21. gest (carry) congestion22. apt (fit) aptitude23. tact (touch) tactile24. voc (voice) vocal25. rid (laugh) deride

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List #91. path (feeling) sympathy2. a (not) amoral3. nomy (law) economy4. fid (faith) infidelity5. caco (bad) cacophony6. hetero (different)

heterogeneous7. sci (know) science8. graph (write) polygraph9. lat (side) lateral10. lith (rock) lithograph11. tract (pull) tractor12. in (in or not) insane

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13. co (together) cooperate14. phile (love) audiophile15. ine (nature of) crystalline16. ar (relating to) stellar17. hexa (six) hexagon18. fract (break) fracture19. platy (flat) platypus20. theo (god) theology21. fin (end) final22. hedron (sided object) tetrahedron23. ambul (walk) ambulatory24. ous (full of) glorious25. topo (place) topology

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List #101. ped (foot or child) pediatric2. mort (death) mortal

3. carn (flesh) carnivorous4. psych (soul) psychic5. ethno (race or culture) ethnocentric6. gen (origin) genetics7. nat (born) prenatal8. paleo (old) paleontologist9. curs (run) cursive10. crypt (hidden) cryptogram11. cad (fall) cascade12. capit (head) decapitate

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13. loqu (talk) eloquent14. sacro (holy) sacrosanct15. uni (one) unicycle16. ness (quality) softness17. alt (high) altitude18. ics (art) aesthetics19. iso (equal) isomeric20. vert (turn) convert21. ate (cause) dominate22. cor (heart) coronary23. ess (female) princess24. muta (change) mutant25. fug (flee) fugitive

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Roots #111. I plural fungi2. JUS law justice3. LUM light luminary4. ANN year annual5. APO away or up apology6. SEN old senior7. SOL alone solo8. BAS low bass9. ROGAT ask interrogate10. PARL speak parlor11. POTENT power potential12. SURG rise surge

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13. LOG word or reason logic14. GRAM writing telegram15. CANT sing recant16. REG rule regal17. PRO forward provide18. GYN woman gynecologist19. AG to do agile20. ACT to do react21. MOB move mobile22. SESS sit session23. FIC make fiction24. NOUNCEtell denounce25. ANDRO man android

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Stems List #121. AN- without anemic2. AB away absent3. MEL song melody4. ADEN gland adenoid5. AER air aerial6. ALB white albino7. ASE enzyme permeate8. EPI on epidemic9. HUM earth humus10. –BE life microbe11. BON good bonanza12. STRUCT build construct

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13. CHLOR green chlorine14. CYAN blue cyanide15. CYT cell cytoplasm16. DIPLO double diploid17. DYS bad dyslexia18. ECO house ecosystem19. EMIA blood anemia20. ENTER intestine dysentery21. ERYTHRO red erythromycin22. IDIO peculiar idiosyncrasy23. EXO out exodus24. IM not improbable25. FIL thread filament
