Page 1: LIST( using dynamic memory allocation). Introduction  We need dynamic Memory Allocation, when the data is dynamic in nature.  That is, the number of

LIST( using dynamic memory


Page 2: LIST( using dynamic memory allocation). Introduction  We need dynamic Memory Allocation, when the data is dynamic in nature.  That is, the number of

Introduction We need dynamic Memory Allocation, when the

data is dynamic in nature. That is, the number of data items keeps on

changing during execution of the program. Such situations can be handled using dynamic

data structures in conjunction with dynamic memory management techniques.

Dynamic data structures provides flexibility in adding, deleting or rearranging items at runtime.

Page 3: LIST( using dynamic memory allocation). Introduction  We need dynamic Memory Allocation, when the data is dynamic in nature.  That is, the number of

Dynamic Memory Allocation Dynamic memory management

techniques allows us to allocate additional space or release unwanted space at runtime.

The process of allocating memory at runtime is called Dynamic Memory Allocation.

There are four library routines in C known as “ Memory Management Functions” can be used for allocating and freeing memory during program execution.

Page 4: LIST( using dynamic memory allocation). Introduction  We need dynamic Memory Allocation, when the data is dynamic in nature.  That is, the number of

Memory Management Functions in C malloc- allocates requested size of bytes

and returns a pointer to the first byte of the allocated space.

Calloc – Allocates space for an array of elements ,initializes them to zero then returns a pointer to memory.

Free-frees previously allocated space. Realloc – modifies the size of previously

allocated space.

Page 5: LIST( using dynamic memory allocation). Introduction  We need dynamic Memory Allocation, when the data is dynamic in nature.  That is, the number of

Dynamic Memory Allocation in JAVA Java does not support explicit dynamic memory allocation

and deallocation because a sophisticated memory management system is part of the JVM that executes Java programs.

As part of the memory management system, Java uses a mechanism known as the garbage collector that periodically monitors a Java program while it is running.

Whenever a variable goes out of scope it is eligible to be garbage collected, meaning that memory assigned to the variable is deallocated and made available for use by some other part of the program.

A Java programmer never has to worry about manually deallocating memory.

Page 6: LIST( using dynamic memory allocation). Introduction  We need dynamic Memory Allocation, when the data is dynamic in nature.  That is, the number of

Linked List A linked list is one of the fundamental

data structures, and can be used to implement other data structures.

It consists of a sequence of nodes, each containing arbitrary data fields and one or two references ("links") pointing to the next and/or previous nodes.

A linked list is a self-referential data type because it contains a pointer or link to another data of the same type.

Page 7: LIST( using dynamic memory allocation). Introduction  We need dynamic Memory Allocation, when the data is dynamic in nature.  That is, the number of

Contd.. Several different types of linked list exist:

singly-linked lists, doubly-linked lists, and circularly-linked lists.

Linked lists can be implemented in most languages.

Procedural or object-oriented languages such as C, C++, and Java typically rely on mutable references to create linked lists.

Page 8: LIST( using dynamic memory allocation). Introduction  We need dynamic Memory Allocation, when the data is dynamic in nature.  That is, the number of

Singly-linked list The simplest kind of linked list is a singly-

linked list (or slist for short) which has one link per node. This link

points to the next node in the list, or to a null value or empty list if it is the final node.

Page 9: LIST( using dynamic memory allocation). Introduction  We need dynamic Memory Allocation, when the data is dynamic in nature.  That is, the number of

Doubly Linked List A more sophisticated kind of linked list is a

doubly-linked list or two-way linked list. Each node has two links: one points to the

previous node, or points to a null value or empty list if it is the first node; and one points to the next, or points to a null value or empty list if it is the final node.

Page 10: LIST( using dynamic memory allocation). Introduction  We need dynamic Memory Allocation, when the data is dynamic in nature.  That is, the number of

Circular-Linked List In a circularly-linked list, the first and final

nodes are linked together. This can be done for both singly and doubly

linked lists. To traverse a circular linked list, you begin at any

node and follow the list in either direction until you return to the original node.

Viewed another way, circularly-linked lists can be seen as having no beginning or end.

Page 11: LIST( using dynamic memory allocation). Introduction  We need dynamic Memory Allocation, when the data is dynamic in nature.  That is, the number of

Linked List

a1a2 ana3


Double Linked List

a1 a2 a3

Page 12: LIST( using dynamic memory allocation). Introduction  We need dynamic Memory Allocation, when the data is dynamic in nature.  That is, the number of


Whenever we insert, we create a new node

Inserting an element X after node a1

a0 a1 ana2



Page 13: LIST( using dynamic memory allocation). Introduction  We need dynamic Memory Allocation, when the data is dynamic in nature.  That is, the number of

Deleting an element

a0a1 ana2


While deleting element a1

Thus while printing a list. It prints a2 after a1



Delete temp;


Page 14: LIST( using dynamic memory allocation). Introduction  We need dynamic Memory Allocation, when the data is dynamic in nature.  That is, the number of

List as Abstract data type List as a interface, implementation part is

hidden. Implementation could be using arrays or

linked list. ArrayList implements list using Arrays. LinkedList implements List using Dynamic

Memory Allocation i.e. LinkedList.

Page 15: LIST( using dynamic memory allocation). Introduction  We need dynamic Memory Allocation, when the data is dynamic in nature.  That is, the number of

Operations on List Types of Operations on list Insertion Deletion Search Print Isempty

Page 16: LIST( using dynamic memory allocation). Introduction  We need dynamic Memory Allocation, when the data is dynamic in nature.  That is, the number of

List Interface interface List { public boolean add(Object data);

public boolean remove(Object data);

public int indexOf(Object data);

public Object get(int index);

public int lastIndexOf(Object data);

public boolean set(int index,Object data);

public Object[] subList(int fromIndex,int toIndex); }

Page 17: LIST( using dynamic memory allocation). Introduction  We need dynamic Memory Allocation, when the data is dynamic in nature.  That is, the number of

Link( structure of node) class Link { public Object value;// data item public Link next; // next Link in list

public Link(Object dd) // constructor {

value = dd; // ('next' is automatically } // set to null)

public void displayLink() // display ourself { System.out.print(value+”=“); } } // end class Link

Page 18: LIST( using dynamic memory allocation). Introduction  We need dynamic Memory Allocation, when the data is dynamic in nature.  That is, the number of

LinkedListDemo(implements ListDemo) class LinkListDemo implements ListDemo { private Link first;//first link/node. static int size=0;

public LinkListDemo()//constructor { first = null; } //all this functions implementation part is written public boolean add(Object data){…}

public boolean remove(Object data){….}

public int indexOf(Object data){….}

public Object get(int index){….}

Page 19: LIST( using dynamic memory allocation). Introduction  We need dynamic Memory Allocation, when the data is dynamic in nature.  That is, the number of

Contd.. public int lastIndexOf(Object data){….}

public boolean set(int index,Object data){}

public Object[] subList(int fromIndex,int toIndex){……}

public void addFirst(Object data){..}

public void addLast(Object data){..}

public void removeFirst(Object data){..}

public void removeLast(Object data){..}


Page 20: LIST( using dynamic memory allocation). Introduction  We need dynamic Memory Allocation, when the data is dynamic in nature.  That is, the number of

Add(element).. Appends the element to the end of the list public boolean add(Object val) { Link current = first; // search for Link Link newLink = new Link(val);

if(first==null) { = first; // newLink --> old first first = newLink; // first --> newLink size++; } else { while(!=null)//traveserse till the end of list {; };//point last element to the new link } Size++; return true;//return true when the element is inserted. }

Page 21: LIST( using dynamic memory allocation). Introduction  We need dynamic Memory Allocation, when the data is dynamic in nature.  That is, the number of

Remove(element).. Removes the first occurrence of the element from the list.

public boolean remove(Object val) { Link current = first; Link previous = first; while(!val.equals(current.value)) { if( == null) { System.out.println("element not found");

return false; } else { previous = current; // go to next Link current =; } }// found it

if(current == first) // if first Link,

first =; // change first else // otherwise, =; // bypass it size--; return true; }

Page 22: LIST( using dynamic memory allocation). Introduction  We need dynamic Memory Allocation, when the data is dynamic in nature.  That is, the number of

addFirst(element) Inserts elements at the beginning of the

list. public void addFirst(Object data) {

Link newLink = new Link(data); = first; // newLink --> old first first = newLink; // first --> newLink


Page 23: LIST( using dynamic memory allocation). Introduction  We need dynamic Memory Allocation, when the data is dynamic in nature.  That is, the number of

The LinkedList Class Part of the Java API Implements the List interface using a

double-linked list

Page 24: LIST( using dynamic memory allocation). Introduction  We need dynamic Memory Allocation, when the data is dynamic in nature.  That is, the number of

LinkedList Linked list implementation of the List interface. Implements all optional list operations, and

permits all elements (including null). In addition to implementing the List interface,

the LinkedList class provides uniformly named methods to get, remove and insert an element at the beginning and end of the list.

These operations allow linked lists to be used as a stack, queue, or double-ended queue (deque).

This class is a member of the Java Collections Framework.

Page 25: LIST( using dynamic memory allocation). Introduction  We need dynamic Memory Allocation, when the data is dynamic in nature.  That is, the number of

Operations in LinkedList(ADT)• Implements all the operations in List Interface.• Additional operations this class provides are. addFirst(element)-Inserts the given element at the

beginning of this list. addLast(element)-Appends the given element to the

end of this list. (Identical in function to the add method) getFirst() -Returns the first element in this list. getLast()-Returns the last element in this list. removeFirst() -Removes and returns the first element

from this list. removeLast()-Removes and returns the last element

from this list. And more….

Page 26: LIST( using dynamic memory allocation). Introduction  We need dynamic Memory Allocation, when the data is dynamic in nature.  That is, the number of

References Data Structure by Yashwanth Kanethkar. Data Structures and Algorithms in Java,

Robert Lafore.




Page 27: LIST( using dynamic memory allocation). Introduction  We need dynamic Memory Allocation, when the data is dynamic in nature.  That is, the number of