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Page 1: Literary devices

Literary DevicesBy Gelo Iverson

Page 2: Literary devices


Page 3: Literary devices

1. Flashback A literary device that returns into an opening scene of a work.

Returning to the past

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2. Foreshadowing A tool to make suspense scenes

Makes the reader a little tense

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3. Dialogue A conversation between two characters in the story

Has quotation marks (“ “)

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4. Suspense A quality of a literary work that makes the reader tense

Usually in horror movies/thrillers

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5. Imagery Quality of a work that makes the reader use his/her senses

Use of words

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6. Poetic Justice Ironically “getting he/she deserved” at the end

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7. Cliffhanger Story ends unresolved

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8. Deus ex Machina Solving the problem of the story unrelated to the story

They solve the problem themselves

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9. In Medias Res Story begins at the middle of the plot

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10. Ticking Clock Scenario Sometimes used in action movies

Usually used in bomb scenes (they have to escape)

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11. Bildungsroman Kind of novel in which the young protagonist will grow up

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