Page 1: Little Falls weekly transcript. (Little Falls, Morrison …...ibean. in Ripley town. Saturday, after a long illness, the chief cause of which were, the Infirmities of old age.' The

* mm Iter. Agater, »| (Sank Rapids,;and

Rev, PlotvniiHO^ of' Hanshurg, Mlt.ii., wvrr Ip the. Qltv .tfondsytnt

y\ '* V;


MKAT, CHEAP A)(D RAPID* mi ' j • i i:i» ; ' -4

Feb. 1 —"The Olil Maids' Conven-Hon " Y.»ur money's worth offun guaranteed,

business rhevaVe the' lastors of the - Merman Lutheran rhurchm In itlielr RFMIIRCTLVF. IOWIIH

"J R. ll<Nwmt{D petoinwI MoiiilHy ffttijn hi* visit AT" Stiiik (Vntrr HRI! JJllvjh, Lake. He will resume his farmer position of Northern Purine i*fpiTfii clerk Wednesday inorni'ig, F*h. 1.'

•'The Old Maids* Convention" l«

Mn. vrB"Buli?r.wh«*iii been of thft •»". the pa«t week from Inflammatory *nalnmeMts, »>ul "" 11** reumatNm, Is recovering,

W Barnes. who has been

Secure your tickets at once and have jroliraeata.mi^ryedat L D HrownV. Price*: General aiimlwoim 25 cts Wi W Barnes.('who has been vliilt

Ins with iika sonZ. N Barnes in ftila nerved seat* 85cts.,gallery lftete. clt>, left today for his home In South ; • ——;— -•

Soothing. healing, .cleansing, Wr'ltt'H W|tch H Hi*'] Halve Im the I in Dakota.

20 dot. menu cap* l,f» cehts each. RARNRY BURTON.

The village council of Bemhtji pro* powH to compel the Great Northern to bridge Its tracks at two street crossings in the village.

O. W Faust, of Long Prairie, and Fred Rhoda and ,1 D. Marlin. of Be-mlcjt. M ill start a bank at the Bel* ti'HDil county seat In March.

Ral< roads leading from Chicago to Missouri river points and Denver are In determined rivalry over run­ning time of passenger trains.

Mat Slavlnlck of 8t. Cloud, arrived In the city Monday. He' la a stone­cutter and will be employed by thej Little Falls Granite company.

Good health IN worth more than 1 anything dm to you and every bo'tie of Hood's Sarsaparilla con-talus good health.

placable enemy of vSol>e*i bums and wounds It tiever falls to cure Pi It* You may rely upon It L D Brown

The Illustrated lectuie by Pro*. Youiigqulst under the auspices of Viking lodge I O G. T. Thursday evening, was largely attended nnd very Interesting A number of re*l-dents of Randall were In the city to attend th»" entertab nient.

Attorney D T. Calhoun, of St. Cloud, was -n the city Friday confer­ring with the city authorities con­cerning tne light and water case.

Late to bed and early to rise, pre-partm a man for Ids home In the skies. But early to bed and a I.ittle Early RiMer, the pill that makes life longer and better and wiser. L- D. Brown. .

The 3 Vear-old clilld of Sir. and Mrs. Julias Deedricli. of Culdrum, died Sunday- from dropsy. The fuueraCvflll be held at that place Wednesday.

When you have eaten too much,or ' when you Huffer from any form of dyspepsia or Indigestion. rememtier

tthat KortolD.yspepsIa cure diKwtH 'what .ion eat It cures the worst, j form of dyspepsia. L L) Brown.

Saturday was monthl.v Riarket day, but owing to the extreme cold weather the number of farmers in att« ndance was very small. Weath­er Hke Saturday was too colli for comfort anywhere but beside a stove, and the farmers wiselv stayed at home.

A cough Is not like a fever. It does not have to run a certain course. Cure it quickly andeffectual-ly with One Minute Congh cure, the b»st remedy for all ages and for the most severe cases. We recommend It becauae it is good. L. D. Brown

i Attorney A P. Blanchard and F , E. Caw ley went to St. Cloud Sntur-!day, where arguments will tie made ! before Judice S arle. of thediatrict I court. In the case of the Bank of | Pipestone against Mark Murphy. In-

j volvlng the possession of the Royal-ton flour mill.

Mrs Mary Barbeau. aged HS veirs, 1 die 1 at the home of her son. N Bar-ibean. in Ripley town. Saturday, after a long illness, the chief cause of which were, the Infirmities of old age.' The funeral was conducted from the Belle Prairie Catholic •Church Mondny !moig>ing. * •

Wanted. , ,t . A man and team to work In Crow|

IWIng or Morrison county. Good' { wages. For particulars address Dr ! Koch Veg Tea Co., Winona, Minn

By the trarattng of a water pipe in MacLeaii'H photiigragh gallery, over the postofllce, the latter place . was flooded xeveral inches deep Sunday night. But little d image was done to che mall/and only a short delay In dlHtrlbutlon of some of the mall was caUHed by the accident.

Bentoh county is building a bridge acrosa Platte river near the Broad-bead place. Sarteil Bros, have the contract, and the work will tie com­pleted March,-1. ^ .

I. E. Staples w^nt out' tt» Rhodes ft Staples PI*ilS

coniiltloa that the liiinber 'tk6 be faauied to Little Fallen

George McMalion, who has change of the coliwrtlons for the McCormlck Harvester company ill thlH county, returned Friday eveiilng froni a visit at his home In St. Cloud.

When you ask fiir De Witt's Witch Hasel SalVe don't accept a counter-felt or Imitation. , There are more cases of plies belug «*ured by this, than all others c.«mblned. L. D. Brown.

R H. Rosa, genera;! Huperinten- A resident of one of the rural dls-dent in charge of thecutting of dead trlcts of the county tried to palm off and down timber on the Chippewa | a fox head on (Jonnty Auditor Nich-Indlan reservationn In this state,has ' plw Saturday for that of a wolf and removed his headquarters to Brain- '.collect the bounty, for It, but the erd. j rune fulled. Jim has traveled too What <?o' the Children Drink? m«'iv m»les through the pineries of Don^t give them tea or coffee. Have you Minnesota not to know a wolfs i?Ysd!uclC^ hea<1 when he sees It.

you tfte^Chfldr^'he'morHhealtU • Mrs. O Din los, who has been at y°u distribute through thelr HVHteinB. Da**enport, la., the past six weeka Grain O lo made of pure grain*, and when * properly prepared tastes like the choice undergoing treatment for the cure of £uchf ill?^ . »» from which she baa auf-

xrr^"w~rri—WZ. fered some rime, returned home Mon-

wil W|jwnt^.tOro«.,^r»h.,»«. J la ni„cb |mpr„v«,. under the auspices of ^t. Catherine a guild on Wedui-Bday eveninjc, Feb 1. Have you backache? Do y«»ii fe«^

niill.r^S»lll"nT.yiWw for. ' • • •

An alarm > • t flm wait turaad In.' shortly after'8 o'clock Sunday.! Tne alarm was given by the it—, of a man named Michaels, who Uvea. ^ "W. whlch pnvtirti on Fifth street between First and Second avenues southeast. The boj _ claimed that the roof «>ff the house B__H , , ^ W8H on fire, hut when the Arfkneiti*] reached the house they found noth­ing but a chimney burning ;out.

Thoa. Dixon, of Elm Dale, was * city visitor Saturday. Mr. Dixon 1s now employed as scaler at Valet's-mill at Elm Dale. The mill has been siwingoak limber steadily with.the exceptIOIIH of the last few days, when Itwaashut down for repairs,, for aome time past and enough logs are b« Ing hauled to the mill to keep It In o|ieratlon ab< ut all "f next summer.

Constipation prevents•> the l»ody from rhtdlng itself of. waste matter. De Witt's Little Early Rivera will re­move the trolile and cure alek head-aehe, liillouMneas, Inactive liver and clear the complexion. Small, augarcoated, don't gripe or cause nausea. L D. Brown.

Some of the farmers of the county evidently con"ld«r county auditor Nlchola "easy." One tried to work

If a fox head for that of a wolf Sat­urday and another Monday from a different section, asked for the wolf bounty for the head of an animal which some thought was that of a fox and others thought waa that of a yellow cur dog. He dfdn't get the bounty.

It is reported' that Andrew Muu-son. who had been employed In Bnckiiian'a lumber camps at. Rainy lake this winter, died there recently. The report Is not credited by his friends here, as Mr. Buck man nor any of his friends hav , received no notice of hla death, which they un­doubtedly would have from Fore­man Archie McKlnnon if the report were true,

The sooner a cough or cold is cured without harm to the sufferer the brtter. Ingerlng colds are danger* HUH Hackl.ig cougH la dlatresNing. One Minute Cough Cure quickly cures, it. Why suffer when auch a cough carets within reach? It Is pleasant to the taste. L. D. Brown.

taaoQiaa, nervoutneu, sad, If not relieved, bilious fever or blood poisoning. Hood's Wis stimulate the stomach,

use the liver, cure headache, dlizlness, con-Ipatlon.etc. as cents.. Soldb^ an druggists.

only Pills to tsks with 1 i SarsaparUlfti

1 Prot. Youiigqulat, who has been In the city the past two weeks, during Which time he gave several atere-option entertainment**, which he calla Illustrated lecturea.left Monday for StapleH. Mai Ion Roberta, Jr., accompnined him to manipulate the machine, and do the Illustrating while the profeasor delivers his lectu e. The pictures exhibited by Mr. Youngqulat were Interesting, but his lectures were generally pro­nounced tiresome.

kidiie.v troubles, and can i.e prompt­ly checked by taking Dr. •). H. Mc-

Alfred Rudd returned Sunday Lenn'a Livertati4 Kidney Balm. For evenlngfrom .Minneapolis, hrlngiiiic sale by L. D. B. own. with him his youug daughter, whoj p H Gr.IHM went to St. Paul has been living With relatives there! 8aiurday. He went thereto meet since the death of her mother about two years ago.

The balance^ of, our far coats | at coat, come and get a bargwln.


A. L. Cole. of Motley, has written a. letter to' the Washington au­thorities urglng.7that the force of gobMers In the Leech lake Country' be Increased, as be fears the Indians are Inclined to make -nore trouble.

repreaentatlves of a Chicago firm, fur whom he will go on the road as traveling saleaman. If satisfactory arrangements can be made. If he accepts the position he will start. Im­mediately fur New Orleans and from there to LOH Angeles, expecting'to be away about three months.

$ 1OO Reward 910O. The readers of this paper will be

, pleased to learn that there Is at least ; one dreaded disease that science haa

The carcasses of two wolver, both been able to cure In all Its stages, 1.111^ In •(.« «# I I»*IO 1?«I1- and that It Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh killed In the t°wn of Little Falls, Cupe ^ ,he ̂ ly positive cure known within a few mile* of the city, were to the nienlcal fraternity. Catarrh brought to the/ county auditor Frl- being a constitutional disease, re-dav for the b unty. Chas. Young quires a constitutional treatment. bin ,1 MTKI \lex CemiiiT tli*I Hall'a Catarrh Cure Is taken Internal-killed one. and Alex uemlux nctltije' rtlrwtly- upon the blood other. - • and tniicous surfaces of the system.

A partv waa given Saturdav even- ! thereby nlatroytng the foundation of i«-lMh.h,.i.i0«l Mr and Mm R the disease, and giving the patient Ing at the home Mr. and Mra. B. i grppi)Kth bv building up t he const It u-J. Hlnkle In honor of their danghter tjOIl and awilting nature in dolngits MISB Stella Hlnkle, and Miss Maymie j work. The proprietors hHve so Stewart. A large number of yonng' mnch faith in "the rurative powers, people were present and spent a very enjoyable time.

Herbert P. Hubbell. of Winona, one of the oldest fire insurance agents in the state, and known by many people of Little Fall\*, dropppd dead from heart dlseaae in theGrand Central hotel at St. Cloud Wednes­day evening;

that they offer One Hundred Dollars for anv case that It fallH to cure, Send for lists of testimonials.

Addreaa. F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O

Sold by Drngglats. price 75 cts. Hall's Family Pills are the best.

TTOAlAi I The Kind Yon Haw Always Boorit


A. Tanner Is building a warehouse, for the atorage of thill stuffa, jiiat back of his flour mllli on the West aide. The warehouse'wl'l be 2nx5tl feet, and wi'l be used .5mostly for ground feed, braq,^"ti'^urta. vpr,. The mill la now running steadily, the de­mand fur flour being good, and Mr. Tanner states that It will be fully thirty davs before he can catchup on orders,nowjn- aWii;, k;,;

,, E H Godfrey, state councillor'of the jr. Order i>f Ui|lted American Me-chanclca, met with the local council at Its regular meeting Thursday even­ing and returned tii'Hlfc hohife'at1 Min­neapolis Friday morning. Mr. God­frey was highly pleased at the prog­ress the local council.has nfad« since hislast visit. A full attendance WHH present and all were pleased with che short, but instructive and' enter­taining address of the state coun­cillor.

WINDOW CUFFS. TENN., May, 10,1898. 1 had been suffering a long tune

wlih liver ami kidney trouble, and was unable to Miove myself in my bed. Fiually I proenred two bottlea of I>r. J. H. McLean's Liver' and Kidney Balm. As 1 finished the se*oml I became able to go about mv work as usual I gladly recom­mend It. W. T. MASSA. .

For sale by L. i>. Brown.'

A wry pleasant Cinch partv was given on Saturday. afternoon hy Mr*. Bern hard Burton, at her home on Second street. Six tables were played and Mrs. J. H Seal received the first, progressive prise, a hand­some spoon. Thesecond progressive prise, a silver shoe horn, was won by Mrs. Fred Cary, and the' consolation prls*, a silver be'l. by Mrs. A. H Bryan. Elaborate refreshments, were served, and all spent an enjoy­able afternoon.

Whst is commonly known as heart j disease is frequently an aggravated! form of Dysp«-p8la. Like nil other diseases resulting from Indigestion, it can be -jured by Koilol Dyspepsia i ure. It digests what you eat. L. D. Brown.

The Rt. Rev. Bishop Morrison, of Duluth, delivered an excellent ser­mon at the Church of Our Saviour, Thursday evening, his subject being "The Bible." Mr. Morrison is an eloquent and Interesting speaker. Following the sermon a class of nine was confirmed. The bishop went to Royhlton today where he will this evening deliver a sermon aud confirm a class. Rev. A. A. Joss ac­companied nlm, and will assist in the confirmation ceremonies.

been employ-

How to Look Good. , Good lookh are really more than skin deep, depending entirely on a heultliA condition of all the vital or­gans. If the liver *s Inactive, yru have a bilious look; If your stomach Is disordered, you have a d>si»»-ptle look; if your kidneys are affrted you have a pinched look, secure good health, and you will surely have good looks. "Electric Bitters" Is a good Alterative and Tonic. Acts diiwtly on the stomach, 1 ver and kidneys, purities the blood, cureH pimples, blotchesand holla,and gives a good complexion Every bottle guaranteed. Sold at L. P. Brown's drug store. 50 cent* per hottle.

> Attorney F. A. Lindbergh went to Walker Monday on business connect­ed with the c.-ise of Silverman & Morci)H, the firm who recently filed a petition fn accordance with the Nelson bankruptcy law, declaring themselves to be Insolvent. The firai has been doing a general merchandise business, and the assets consist of a 95.0(H) stock of goods. The claims against the firm have not all been filed as yet. but It la estimated that thev will amount to $6.inhi or $7,000. "i

Try Graln-O! Try Grain O! Ask vour irrocer today to< show you

package of 6RAIV ~ ' * that takes the

N-O, the new food drink

?ilace of coffee.-' J he chil-t without injury ss veil

at* the adult. All who'try'It,'like It. GRAIN-O has that. ri;h reql,.^K«wn of Mocha < r Java, but it is made, from p grains, and the mo«t delfcatft" 'uttrmach ceives it without distress. % the price of coffee. 15c. and 25c. per package Sold by all grocers.

It wis as' cold. If not colder. Mon-d»>yk iii«Vrnlhar than at iiny time this wihter., 'thprmoAiflW ranged fnitn

,83 to 40 degre«4i below «er«». F^rom Bra I nerd came the'report that if was 42 degrees below at that place, and 'Morris reported JWbe'low'. I was much too cold for comfort, and the Indications for a rise In temper­ature, are. not very good, as the thermometers have not' registered higher than 10 degrees below sero all day." The weather bureau predicts continued cold weather tonight and Tuesday.

R.D. Musaer, who recently returned front a trfp to Hlbblng, states that the lumuermen in that vicinity are finding it difficult work to keep their crews filled They are paying good wages in that locality, men receiving aa high as 932 per month for work that In former years could only com­mand 91# M"d 920 per month, low­ers & Simpson, a reliable firm, are short of men, and are paying top. notch wages for all classes of woods­men, and anyone going to that hicallty looking for work will find little difficulty In getting it.

20 CTS. GIVEN AWAY Cut tfis out and take It to the

druggist named tielow nnd you Mill receive a »egular 25c else bottle of Dr. Sawyer's Ukaflne for 5c. UknMne posltivl cures nil forms of kidney difficulties. Dv»-liepsla. Consti- qw patlon. Hend-ache. Rheuina- DT*tUm. Puffing of Eves. Ukatlne cures Pimphs and Blotches, and makes sallow and yellow skin white Do not delay, f lit take advantage of this great offer, as thousands bear evidence to the wonderful curative powers of Ukatlne.

Wetzel's Pharmacy. Little Falls Minnesota.

Joe Selleck, who has ed hauling logs to the Sam Mills at Randall, returned home Saturday. Mr Selleck had a narrow escape from being killed Friday morn­ing. A broken limb about four feet In length and several Inches In diam­eter. tell striking htm In the face, and inflicting painful, though not dan­gerous Injuries. He was stani^ii^ In such a position that hedid*ii<iij ceive the full force of the blow wnibHf had it struck him on th4 HWd'wdtfW' have caused instant '.'HtM/tti! 'H8 Mil'' be able to return days. ' "

J. A. Kennedy, who came down from Buckinan's Red lake logging camps Saturday, returned Mondavi. Mi. Kentiedy states that there In a great deal of slekness antong^ (lie men In the camps there thRs'xwta etf When he left there thert»f.Kmebsi sTld men In the governrnetlft1 luwtiHM yv

The Big Clothing and Shoe House. All of our for and cloth overcoats

at cost until the balance ot them are gone. We prefer to sell these goods at cost rather than carry them over to the next season.

Men all wool Irish frieze ulst«*rs, regular price $12.00 Now at $7.50

All wool and beaver Melton overcoats, regu-

rice $12.0U OW at-.:-: .'.'..•tf'il S

A snap in 50 dozen men's caps worth 50 and 75c, all go at

One lot of men's underwear, regular price 50 cents each, all go at

One lot of hoys' fleeced underwear, regular price 50 cents, all go at

We are overstocked in Ladies' and Gents' shoes. Men's all felt shoes, regular price $2.25 all go at 91.2O

AO parrs Ladies'.warm shoes reftular price $l.R0, for.. sr.oq

'Our Hie of. .shoes fswithout doubtthe finest intlie city. You n ver heard any kick on our a'iocs as they arc the best.

150 25c 25c

the agenc.v Six otfiMrA'W«»l"M**n fn saw mill of the hospital hef<^tll*'tft;*'biAd'itoti<<l4'

were others •'••'hiV -f^itialheiV' tit> tlS6' camps duVMjc'1" their'.Mines*.!'»'il br« »t her IHiil'TZ WfroWty • Is' Isftlonr six WfoffiMn rtlid ubH seHUuKiy'lH ^Wi HlhrfWatliwi'Wit Hi# 1 ilAW. Wty forthsti iW|J iat',h4>lHV''*i/.hi»sfHtfcrtntadthM(gi H»H<


mi aeaTn." ne 'jLl'

foil litifm rtnin [

'billy Intel*' fimokc. """ H">/liWII

Itn-io) I./III! /.•Wl'l* Att'J) i l l l

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I. i V H l t v u r i n -nil iH 'toWmytflfrfll r'/!fr7(r 'i'tlviiil )•)/ H^JTTTH ; IIO'I f/' M.i\\

B A R N E Y B U R T O N :1 At a gathe Ing of the different min­

isters of the city Monday morning an association was formed which will meet regularly every two weeks for the discussion of subjects of ecclesi­astical and pastoral Import. The Rev. A. A. .loss, of the Episcopal church, was elected president, and Rev. W. H. Easton was chosen sec­retary. Mr. .loss will read a paper at the next meeting, which will lie followed by discussion Every large town and city has Us ministers' meeting, and we ure glad to see that our clergy Hre endeavoring to keep abreast of the times.

FREE OF CHARGE Any adult suffering from a cold

Settled >li the breast, bronchitis, throat or lung troubles, of nny na­ture, who will call at L I). Brown's will be presented with a s>imple bottle, of Boschee's German Syrup, free of charge Onlv one bottle gite i to one person, and none to children without order from parents.

No throat or lung remedy ever hadf

such a sale as Boschee's GermpiVj Syrup In all parts world Tweti'y yea of bottles were given your druggists will tell..y.ou >litS.<aiu^' cess was marvelous.<'"lets'resilffi jhf) only Throat and Lu*f'jS?'l;-/IWlAI«|»rt|i generally en lorsed 'l».yl' ^|s^-'||iji»fii One 75 cent bottle..will cure It* value. Sold by alC'tfraggtets |ft, this city: 1','/lvl ">V"H ! I"'

I IvO O SJVI lliptpj of the clvittterl'

irs ago rfillifoim' V,M

r j / i V I m y / / ov/I'

t ICev. Kr. ii}i »rg. ,t»f. Red

degC of the Minnesota District of N i >rw eg lab' LO tltfrflti Sj'rt iHf] Rev U«J»fMHoUfc|Ol |Vlb'»«iW»Hn-(P",l


f tytvt mm

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i ouBKiuotJiiic.Mie service- ..These m

tamMw,i ? f/Z'Rfld', i1

Lyman W. Ayer, of BeH»* Praul", who Is in the emplovof t lit* Pine Tree Lumber company as cruiser, was In the city Friday,' Mr. Ayer recently returned from an extended trip through the northern pineries, lie states that the present season lias been very favorable HO lar lor log­ging operations, and especially (or those who are logging wiiii rail­roads. There has been snlti lent snow for the hauling of I<»ks t»«e railroads, which in mosi piac<-c is but a short distance. Tlios • Imuiing with sleds use ice roads, aud an ttie weather has been cold most of the time these roads are easily main­tained. He confirmed the ststemcntp of others in regard to the scaiciiv ol men In many of the camps, and >il*<» stated that some II ins were 'ptiylng nearly f>0 per cent higher weg'M'tfcan last year. He will r«-t,uim,l toil the pineries In about a weeK.;,,c,11r».>•>

How to Prevjsjrtfj^noumonla Y»»u ure perhaps iWari^jSfSf"'^

nionla aiwajy^ft^r. from an a|(1/icK the epidMlitt ol IJJL ago vtyfriih.frifo' " pi(e^fti¥)i/(a'rit.i*«i


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"^Ivery by M>

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J'wH v/r,I brr-ii>iji>'i<j Jr.o • V»"ltii »ilii-ii| -)j|/ Jrt oil Mnila »Mi>i L

19^Always HI season. Hopkltii ^wAnjrtiiaoiiiin.viUl^lf'.iiP'/nj.).

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