Page 1: Living Stewardship Now - Clover… · might be a good time to lighten things up as we head into the heart of summer


SIDE BY SIDE "Come to me, all you who labor" (Matthew 11:28). When we are

overburdened, weary, confused, or sick, Jesus' invitation sounds like music to

our ears. Other people seem to be so much better at coping than we are, and

we wonder what their secret is. The promise of rest in Jesus seems very

sweet, except for a small complication. Jesus says, "Take my yoke upon

you" (Matthew 11:29). How does this give rest to our souls? In another Gospel

narrative, Jesus rebukes the Pharisees for laying burdensome religious regula-

tions on people's backs and not lifting a finger to help them carry the load.

Jesus does not weigh his disciples down with teaching that they cannot follow.

Jesus invites them to shoulder his yoke and learn from him, for he is gentle

and humble of heart. For generations farmers have yoked a young and inexpe-

rienced plough animal alongside one that is well trained. The more experi-

enced animal trains the other by example; the novice gradually learns how to

work until it can manage alone. An older animal near the end of its working life

may likewise be yoked to one in its prime, so that the strain of the hardest work

is taken by the stronger partner. So too with us. Jesus invites us to take on his

yoke so he can teach us, not by laying burdens upon us, but by walking along-

side us and helping us to do things his way. He promised never to leave us to

"pull" alone. When it all gets too much or we lose our way, he will be there

alongside us again--gentle, humble, but infinitely powerful and wise. At times

when we are strong we in turn can yoke ourselves to someone who needs that

extra pull to get to firmer ground.

Copyright (c) 2010, World Library Publications. All rights reserved.

Independence Day Mass

Monday, July 4

9:00 AM

new church

Living Stewardship Now Each time you do something for someone else

you are "pulling" with them. Offer each good

deed you do this day, however small or great, to


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Page 2: Living Stewardship Now - Clover… · might be a good time to lighten things up as we head into the heart of summer

Liturgical Ministers July 9 and 10, 2011 Week Ahead Sunday, July 3

9:30AM Childcare

9:30AM Liturgy of the Word for Children

Monday, July 4—Independence Day

Parish Office Closed

Tuesday, July 5 8:30AM Pray the Rosary

7:00PM Teen Drop-In

Wednesday, July 6

6:00PM Grief Support Meeting

Thursday, July 7 8:30AM Pray the Rosary

7:00PM Pork & Corn Roast Meeting

Friday, July 8 8:30AM Adoration begins

10:00PM Adoration ends

Saturday, July 9 7:30AM Cursillo Movement

5:00PM Childcare

5:00PM Liturgy of the Word for Children

Sunday, July 10 9:30AM Childcare

9:30AM Liturgy of the Word for Children

1:00PM Baptismal Preparation Session Mass Intentions Monday, July 4,Saint Elizabeth of Portugal 9:00AM For the Parishioners of St. Mary of the Annunciation Tuesday, July 5, Saint Anthony Mary Zaccaria, priest 8:00AM †Edward Billick req. Genevieve Billick Wednesday, July 6, Saint Maria Goretti, virgin and martyr 8:00AM †Walter Wiater req. Barbara Wiater Thursday, July 7

8:00AM †Evelyn McNamee req. The family

†Curt Schey req. His mother Friday, July 8 8:00AM The Gene Schmidt family Saturday, July 9

5:00PM †Joseph & Mary Frankowski req. The Pasciak family

†Edwin Perkowski req. Harry & Grace Gavin

†Frank & Marie Vullo req. Duane & Fran Schmidt

†Vince Bystrom req. The Senour family

†Eugene Wozyn req. The Wozyn family

†Irene Kowalski req. Rich & Bev Johnson Sunday, July 3 7:30AM For the Parishioners of St. Mary of the Annunciation

9:30AM †Mike Nabasny rq. The Nabasny family

†Sophia Kirn rq. The Kirn family

†James Shea Johnson req. Debbi & Steve Knowles

†Dale Lucia req. Lurae Obey

†Carmen Gunther req. The Hegerle family

†Jim Kirking req. Glenn, Liz & Glenn Knuth

11:30AM †Paul Hertel req. Patsy Sweeney and family

†Rosalie Waszak req. John & Kathy Waszak

Mass Times 5:00 PM

7:30 AM

9:30 AM

11:30 AM

Presiders Fr. O’Malley Deacon Bob

Fr. Presta Deacon Mike

Fr. Payne Deacon Gary

Fr. Payne Deacon Gary

Lectors J. Luhr R. Hutchens

P. Tekampe P. Coughlin

B. Wiater A. Heinzinger

J. Ferrigan J. Matousek

Eucharistic Ministers

Deacon T. Hanley L. Kandefer D. Washburn S. Washburn D. Suhling T. Teehan L. Green P. Biel

Deacon M. Manning M. Manning Z. Carter C. King R. Peterson E. Tauscher

Deacon D. Slater N. Franz E. Leuthner D. Leuthner K. DeClaire-Aden R. Hegerle J. Fosselman L .Buckman J. Murphy L. Johnson

Deacon B. Kupsak S. Matousek S. Ropke F. Arndt K. Crotty S. Scesniak

Living Stewardship Now Pray for missionaries, especially those in ar-eas of political instability, terrorist activity, and natural disaster. Write to a missionary. Con-tribute to a mission organization.

Copyright © 2010, World Library Publications. All rights reserved.

Lisa Wisniewski

& Adrian Marquez III

Katherine Ross &

Travis Strobak III

Anna Maria Corrao &

Christopher Jordan II

Wedding Banns

All who suffer illness, espe-cially those whose names are written in the parish Book of Prayers, those

recently added to the list of the sick,

Kevin Rohman and for those who have recently died.

Tom Malloy

Jerome ‘Jerry’ Colletti


Page 3: Living Stewardship Now - Clover… · might be a good time to lighten things up as we head into the heart of summer

Having Difficulty Hearing the Mass? In December we installed an induction loop system in the new church. If you use a hearing aid, switch it to use the T-coil. If your hearing aid does not have this feature or if you simply need better amplification, ask an usher for hearing loop headphones. You’ll be amazed at the clarity!

Pig Pen Storm


The Teen Ministry group will be taking

orders for the 2011 PIG PEN STORM

SEASON after masses July 9 and 10. Here

is the concept - at your direction, for a

$25.00 donation, 20 pig lawn ornaments

and a folding sign (advertising the Pork &

Corn Roast) would be delivered and artisti-

cally displayed in a parishioner’s front yard for 18—24 hours. Pigs would be removed earlier if the “stormed”

parishioner: (a) makes a donation ($15.00) for the Pig Pen Storm to visit another parishioner (b) a donation

($15.00) is made for NPI— “No Pig Insurance” or (c) just asks nicely!

At each Mass we will have someone available to sign up your PIG PEN STORM request or to get your in-

surance, a $10.00 donation, to make sure the pigs don’t end up on your lawn! The insurance prohibits some-

one signing up a Pig Pen Storm to you once you have purchased the insurance. If someone has signed you up

for a Pig Pen Storm prior to acquiring the insurance the Pig Pen Storm will be delivered and no additional

placements will be permitted at your house. We will not be able to disclose if someone has signed you up for a

PIG PEN STORM due to the PIG HIPPA rules. Thank you for your support. We intend to continue our

placements through August 6th!!

The next Senior Club Meeting will be

Monday, July 11, 2011, at the Lake

House at Saddlebrook Farms.

Reminder: Lunch will be at 1:00PM.

Bring a your dish to pass or $5.00

per person for lunch.

Good friends, great jokes and a lunch Have any ques-

tions, please call Joyce Ladewig at 847-543-0715.

Page 4: Living Stewardship Now - Clover… · might be a good time to lighten things up as we head into the heart of summer

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Friday, July 8, 2011 The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed for ado-

ration on Friday, July 8th after the 8:00am Mass,

continuing until 10 pm. Adoration takes place in

the Eucharistic Chapel. Stop at the prayer table during adoration and

pick up meditations and prayer cards. This month we ask that you

include in your prayers the students of St. Mary’s Parish and all stu-

dents of every age or circumstance.

All are welcome. We hope you will take time to stop and visit

with our Lord during Adoration in Chapel. It is appropriate that

someone sign-up and be present at all times when the Blessed Sacra-

ment is exposed. The sign-up book is on the easel in the narthex.

Eucharistic Spirituality Have mercy on me, God, in your goodness;

in Your abundant compassion blot out my offense.

Wash away all my guilt; from my sin cleanse me.

(Psalm 51:3,4)

“Country Store” at the Pork and Corn Roast

The St. Mary’s Women’s Club will, once again, be having the “Country Store” at the Pork and

Corn Roast on Saturday, August 6th. We will be selling fresh baked goods, home grown produce and small craft items gra-ciously donated by our parishioners. This year we will be in our new location – Dianatha Hall. We are asking parishioners for donations of baked goods, fresh produce and/or craft items for the County Store. These can be dropped off in Dianatha Hall on the morning of the Pork and Corn Roast. If you have any questions please call Patsy Sweeney at (847) 566-5543.

Living Stewardship Now Feed others in a ministry of hospitality: sign up to

help run a parish coffee hour, fish fry, or supper event. Be

a team member at a homeless shelter or soup kitchen.

Take meals to homebound neighbors. Leave fresh cook-

ies on a newcomer's doorstep.

Copyright (c) 2010, World Library Publications. All rights reserved.

Fisch–ing Lines by Deacon Howard Fischer

My last few columns have been rather serious, so I think it might be a good time to lighten things up as we head into

the heart of summer. Faith is not all somber and serious, after all. I am convinced that God has a great sense of humor (or else I am in BIG trouble!) and that He makes His presence felt in laughter. Here are a few funny one-liners from church signs I received via email (some which you may have read before). I hope they make you laugh (or in a few cases, think) as they did for me! • Don't let your worries get the best of you; remember, Moses

started out as a basket case.

• Some people are kind, polite, and sweet-spirited until you try to sit in their pews.

• Many folks want to serve God, but only as advisers.

• Free Trip to heaven. Details Inside!

• Try our Sundays. They are better than Baskin-Robbins.

• Searching for a new look? Have your faith lifted here!

• It is easier to preach ten sermons than it is to live one.

• The good Lord didn't create any thing without purpose, but mos-quitoes come close!

• When you get to your wit's end, you'll find God lives there.

• People are funny: they want the front of the bus, middle of the road, and back of the church.

• Opportunity may knock once, but temptation bangs on the front door forever.

• Quit griping about your church - if it was perfect, you couldn't belong.

• God so loved the world that He did not send a committee.

• Come in and pray today. Beat the Christmas rush!

• When down in the mouth, remember Jonah. He came out alright.

• If a church wants a better pastor, it only needs to pray for the one it has.

• God Himself doesn't propose to judge a man until he is dead. So why should you?

• Some minds are like concrete, thoroughly mixed up and perma-nently set.

• How will you spend eternity – Smoking or Non-smoking?

• We're called to be witnesses, not lawyers or judges.

• Be ye fishers of men. You catch 'em – He'll clean 'em.

• Coincidence is when God chooses to remain anonymous.

• Don't put a question mark where God put a period.

• Do not wait for the hearse to take you to church.

• Forbidden fruits create many jams.

• God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called.

• God promises a safe landing, not a calm passage.

• He who angers you, controls you.

• It is unlikely there'll be a reduction in the wages of sin.

• The Will of God never takes you to where the Grace of God will not protect you.

• If you're headed in the wrong direction, God allows U-turns.

Have a great week! If you wish to contact me, just leave a note in the Parish Office or send an email to [email protected].

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A Pig-ture Is Worth a Thousand Words

For the past several weeks, you’ve probably noted that preparation for

our St Mary Pork and Corn Roast is well under way. And so it is! We

hope you’ve enjoyed the cute pig icons and limericks! And we hope

you’ve put August 6 on your family calendar!

The picture above attests to the many people needed to plan

for, create, develop, assemble and execute the steps toward making

this event such a spectacular summer celebration!

And the good news is: there’s plenty of room for more folks

in our picture! You will fit in very nicely! Won’t you please think about

getting involved today. We really need your help! And there are so

many benefits to getting involved as a volunteer. First, just the great

feeling you will get from making the decision to jump in. Second, it’s

one of the fastest ways to make friends in the parish—just look at all

the smiling faces in our pig-ture! The experience of working together in

community has its roots in our own faith! Third, your involvement will

help to ensure we have the necessary hands to realize the St Mary

Pork and Corn Roast mission----delivering significant income to our

parish in a spirit of faith, food and fun. Finally, you will have fun! We

guarantee it!

Please call today to volunteer! Call Sue at 847-223-0010!

We are grateful! We look forward to seeing you in the next pig-ture!

YOUR PICTURE HERE Parish Outreach – Reaching Out St. Francis de Sales Job

Search Workshop: July 13/15

This 2-day workshop, well-

renowned throughout the NW Suburbs for being

helpful and professional, is scheduled for Wednes-

day evening, July 13 continuing all day Friday, July 15. Registration is

open to all who have not taken the 2-day workshop previously. Dona-

tions are gratefully accepted from those who can do so. Attendance

is required on both days. Pre-registration is required; walk-ins

cannot be accommodated. Final confirmation will be requested

and required approximately 1 week prior. Past participants said the

workshop: “provided essential tools to hone my presentation and ex-

pand my search. I am better prepared to handle the challenges a job

search brings. Definitely worth the time; no serious job searcher

should miss this opportunity!”

St. Francis de Sales Ministry Center (1st building south of the church)

135 S. Buesching Rd., Lake Zurich 60047

Wed. evening, July 13, 6 - 9:30 pm (business casual),

continuing Fri., July 15, 9 am - 4:30 pm (lunch included; dress for an

interview). Bring current resume and cover letter. Registration info &

PDF registration form at Follow the link on the

homepage, or click on Ministries & Activities, Human Concerns, Em-

ployment Ministry Print, complete & mail, fax or e-mail the registration

form; or as text, include requested information and e-mail to employ-

[email protected]

For more information, call 847-726-4888 (voice mailbox)

The storm is coming!

St Mary’s Pork and Corn Roast!

August 6, 2011 2pm–9pm

Mark your family calendar NOW!

Dinner served 4pm–7pm

Children $5 Adults $12

“It’s St Mary’s Pork and Corn,

and I like it!”

We need your help! Get involved today!

Call Sue Matousek 847-223-0010 or e-mail @

[email protected] to volunteer @ 847-

223-0010. Please call today to help!

This little piggy went to market,

This little piggy stayed home,

This little piggy raced in the Hog Jog

and tossed bags at St Mary’s

First Annual Bean Bag Tourney!

Page 6: Living Stewardship Now - Clover… · might be a good time to lighten things up as we head into the heart of summer

From Catholic Charities Thank you for asking your parishioners to take part in the Catholic

Charities collection on Mother’s Day and sharing information about our

work with them. We received your parish check for $6,190.85 on June

16, 2011, and will put it to immediate good use.

We have seen a staggering need for assistance in recent years. Be-

cause of your parish’s generosity, Catholic Charities can be here when

people come to us in the most vulnerable time in their lives. Along with

the food, housing, counseling or other services they get from us, each

person receives dignity and respect. We do all we can to strengthen

and support them.

I hope you know how profoundly grateful I am for your continued sup-

port of the work of Catholic Charities.


Rev. Monsignor Michael M. Boland


Save the Date The 10th Annual Ladies Tea

Tuesday, September 27th, 2011 9:15 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

- - – - -

“A House of Living Stones” Our speaker, be Sr. Rene Simonelic, is on staff of the Office for Divine Worship of the Archdiocese, and is part of the team assisting parishes transition into using the new translation of the Roman Missal. She will share with us how we can renew our mission in Christ as the Church implements the new translation of the Mass. If you are interested in being a part of the Ladies Tea team please call Amy Heinzinger @ 847-526-9475.

Help Build the Archdiocese’s Newest Church St. Raphael Accepting Rummage Sale Donations St. Raphael the Archangel Church, on Route 173, a half-mile east of

45 is taking all large donations for its annual rummage sale, August 4-

7 on the parish grounds. Donations being accepted include unuphol-

stered furniture, exercise equipment, antiques, appliances in good

working condition, cars, and more. Also will accept from estate sales

and moving sales. For information or pick-ups, call Mona at (847) 838-

0718 or e-mail [email protected].

Did You Ever Wonder Why? Did you ever wonder why at some weekend masses we hear the names of those persons for whom the mass is intended, and at other masses you don’t? The answer is quite simple: the inten-tion for one mass each weekend must be for the people of the parish, with no other intentions added.

Stewardship Report Sunday Collection June 26, 2011 $14,709.70 Sunday Collection June 27, 2010 $14,540.87 Peter’s Pence Collection June 26, 2011 $2, 369.00 Additional Collection will be done July 3, due to Mission Collection included this weekend. Peter’s Pence Collection June 27,2010 $4,730.64 Mission Collection June 26, 2011 $4,340.54 2011 Current Fiscal Year-to-Date $972,443.32 2010 Current Fiscal Year-to-Date $962,826.89

SPRED Parishes Working Together

to Welcome & Include Persons with Special Needs

SPRED is a collaborative effort among the parishes in a local area.

We all share a common vision – to welcome children, teens, and

adults with special needs into the worshipping and sacramental life of

our parish communities. To assure that these experiences are mean-

ingful and enriching to the faith of our friends with developmental dis-

abilities, SPRED offers catechesis specifically tailored to their needs.

Through shared friendship and reflection on life rooted in scripture and

prayer, these small communities grow together in faith as they deepen

their awareness of God and their personal relationship with Jesus.

Where friends gather together in love – the presence of Jesus is dis-

covered, welcomed and embraced.

This opportunity is available at St. Joseph Parish to teens that are age

11-16 years old. Persons outside of this age range are welcomed in

SPRED groups within neighboring parishes. There is no need for past

experience with persons with disabilities or any special background or

education. All training is provided by the SPRED agency for the com-

fort of our volunteers and to insure the quality of our program. Please

– consider contacting us for a simple conversation to learn more about

this very rewarding ministry. Parents of children with disabilities of

any age are especially encouraged to learn more about volunteer-

ing for SPRED. Parents please be sure that your son or daughter’s

name is on the waiting list for a SPRED community. We do not want to

leave anyone out.

For more information, please call: St. Joseph Rectory at 847-546-3610, SPRED Parish Chairperson, Karen Kasprzycki at 847- 543-1718 or St. Joseph Director of Religious Education, Dianne Raihle at 847-546-3554.

Page 7: Living Stewardship Now - Clover… · might be a good time to lighten things up as we head into the heart of summer

Registration Weekend July 16—17, 2011 Do you need to register as a member of St. Mary Par-ish? Come to the parish office at the far end of the nar-thex after mass and we’ll help make you an official

member of Saint Mary of the Annunciation!

National Catholic Youth Conference

“Called to Glory” Preliminary registrations are being accepted for THE NATIONAL


-19, 2011 in Indianapolis at the Lucas Oil Stadium (home of the Indi-

anapolis Colts NFL team). Our parish teens will join others from the

area to bus down and stay in a hotel in downtown Indianapolis for this

exciting experience of prayer, community and empowerment for

Catholic teens from all across the country. There were over 22,000

teens at the last NCYC! The preliminary registration deadline and $50

non-refundable deposit are due ASAP! Please email Cindy Barr at

[email protected] for more information and a registration

packet. The Archdiocese of Chicago will hold a gathering and send-off

mass on October 16 from 2-6 pm at a location yet to be determined.

Experience the Joy of a Wedding! Remember your own wedding? How lovely it must have

been. If you’re interested in making someone else’s wedding

as joyous and memorable as possible, you might be just the

right person to be a part of the St. Mary Wedding Coordinator

Ministry. If you’re a “people person,” it could be a “dream”


We assist at the rehearsal and at the wedding itself. If

you’re interested and have a few hours every few months to

spend making weddings one of the most beautiful days in a

person’s life, please call Barb Kupsak at (847) 726-2553 for

more information about becoming involved. You might con-

sider the Wedding Coordinating Ministry as a married couple

or perhaps you’d like to team up with a friend.

CERTIFICATE PROGRAM Summer Schedule YES! We will sell gift cards one weekend each month during the

SUMMER, coinciding with Market Day. You may purchase gift cards

when you pick up your Market Day order and after masses in the Nar-

thex. Credit cards will be accepted with a minimum $200 purchase.

New orders will also be accepted and ready for you that week.

Sat/Sun, June 18/19 is the next Gift Card Sales Weekend!

Contact: Kristine Asmussen at 847-732-9712 or kmasmus-

[email protected].

Applebee’s $10 Dominick’s $25, $100

Barnes & Noble $10 Burger King $10

Jewel/Osco $25, $100 Bath & Body Works $10

Culver’s $10 Sunset Foods $25

Dennis Uniform $20 Panera $10

Target $50 Home Depot $25

Philly G’s $25, $50 Walgreen’s $25

Kohl’s $25 Starbucks $10

Walmart $25, $50 Land’s End $25

Wendy’s $10 Shell Gas $25, $50

Feast Days of Mary: The Immaculate Heart of Mary Join us after morning mass on Tuesday,

July 5th, as we pray the Rosary in honor

of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Every Day Evangelizing • Say “I will pry for you” to a friend who has shared some per-

sonal concern or difficulty.

• Respond, “Thank God” when someone shares a success story with you.

• Make the sign of the cross as you pray before a meal in a restaurant.

• Invite someone who has been away from the Church for a while to attend Mass with you.

• Offer to help your neighbor even when it’s not convenient.

• Take time for those who are suffering or in need. Remember, people are more important than tasks.

• When you see God working in your life, point it out to others. We are all enriched by the personal witness of others.

• Talk to friends about the good experiences you’ve had with the Church.

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St. Gilbert’s Church 301 East Belvidere Road Grayslake, IL 60030-2754


You’re young, talented, doing well in college or in a job. Do you ever catch yourself asking “Why am I doing all this?” “What’s the meaning behind my life?” This deep longing for a meaning-filled life can be painful and leave us feeling terribly alone. It can be adventurous, opening new doors and possibilities. Something within us tells us that to miss meaning is to miss life. This summer, you are invited to join young adults at St. Gilbert’s Church in a common search for meaning, wisdom and shared insight. St. Gilbert’s will be sponsoring Theology-on-Tap. We’ve selected important topics and invited challenging speakers to lead us in a summer search as we ask the reasons why. Join us. July 10: Pub Night with speaker Mr. Jim Ivers Jim Ivers will be speaking on the topic Faith: A context for Our Bless-ings and Burdens. He has a Masters in Arts, Organizational Develop-ment from Loyola University. Mr. Ivers is a co-founder and has served as the Executive Director of the Retreat & Conference Center in Woodstock, IL. He has also served as the Director of Alpha Consult-ants. July 17 Fiesta Night with speaker Mr. Bob Kolatorowicz Bob Kolatorowicz will be speaking on the topic The Roman Missal: What’s changing at Mass and Why? He directs programming in adult spirituality and social justice at Old St. Patrick’s Church. Mr. Kola-torowicz is often invited to address church groups as well as lead workshops and retreats. Bob has earned degrees in philosophy, ur-ban ethnic studies, and theology. July 24 Mediterranean Night with speaker Dr. Al Gustafson Al Gustafson will be speaking on the topic Give us this our Daily Bread. He is a founder and past president of the Career Transitions Center of Chicago, and the president of a private foundation. Dr. Gustafson is a past director of the Crossroads Center for Faith & Work at Old St. Patrick's Church. He holds a Doctorate of Ministry from Catholic Theological Union. July 31 College Tailgate Night with Mr. John Paul Graziano John Paul Graziano will be speaking on the topic The Challenges of Healthy Christian Relationships: How Failure can Lead to a Better Understanding of Love. He is a Program Coordinator for Youth Build in Lake County, an organization focused on bringing education oppor-tunities, job training, and life skills to low-income young men and women. Mr. Graziano grew up in Wheaton, Illinois and is a graduate of Benet Academy and Georgetown University. Join us in your college’s Apparel! August 7 Finale: Mass and Picnic downtown with the Cardinal


July 19th, August 2nd, August 9th, August 16th,

August 23rd, and August 30th

It is our goal to be companions and guides for the bereaved, from the

time of their loved one’s death, until the time that they are no longer in

need of our assistance. True support does not mean that we are there

to cheer the person up. Rather, we are there to be present to the be-


The gift of listening is powerful and many people need to talk about the

death over and over again. At other times, the bereaved needs to be

quiet. True effective support is not dependent upon how much we say,

but rather on our presence and how effectively we listen. Our small

groups will allow the bereaved to meet with fellow parishioners and

trained grief facilitators to help them through their grieving process.

Our next grief support group for adults will gather in meeting room #2

on Tuesdays from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. beginning on July 19th. It is open to

adult men and women who have suffered the loss of a friend or rela-

tive through death. The program will be run by archdiocesan trained

facilitators who can help you in your own journey of life without your

loved one. Please call to register or just contact us to see what this

ministry offers.

For more information, contact Betty Steiner @ 847-837-9833 or

[email protected]. You will receive a call before each meeting date.

Featured CD for July “How to Get the Most Out of Mass”

by Dr. Scott Hahn

Dr. Scott Hahn takes us through the awesome grandeur of the Holy

Sacrifice of the Mass, from the entrance song to the dismissal. With

great clarity, he takes us through a basic outline of the structure of the

Mass with this step-by-step analysis, explaining how the Sacred Lit-

urgy transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary and the earthly into

the heavenly. A must-have for every Catholic and non-Catholic who

wants to know what the Mass is all about and see the beauty that is

with us each time we celebrate the sacred liturgy.

Please remember a $3 donation per CD is suggested to allow the

parish to continue the program and offer new material.

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Sacrament of Penance Saturdays 4:00—4:40 PM, and by appointment

Baptisms Ordinarily during the Mass on the 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month and after the Mass on the other Sundays, outside of Lent

Adult Initiation Adults who wish to become Roman Catholics are enrolled in a formation process that includes prayer, dialogue, instruction, and introduction to the Church’s life and values, rituals and tradition. Call the parish office for more information.

Marriage St. Mary Parish rejoices with parishioners who are preparing for the Sacrament of Matrimony. The Church requires at least four months’ time before the marriage for adequate preparation. A parish wedding information packet is available at the parish office.

Ministry of Care Ministers of Care visit the homes of the sick, homebound, or hospitalized and bring Holy Communion to them. Call the parish office when a pastoral visit is desired. The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is administered by the parish priest upon request.

New parishioners We welcome new members who wish to worship with us and support the parish’s work and mission. Please call the parish office to schedule a time to register. A complete listing of parish services and organizations is available at the parish office.


Saturday 5:00 PM

Sunday 7:30 AM 9:30 AM

11:30 AM

Weekday Monday—Friday

8:00 AM



EMAIL: [email protected] PARISH FAX NUMBER: 847-223-5960


Rev. Ronald J. Lewinski Ext. 213 Pastor

Dean, Vicariate I-A

Rev. Nate Payne Ext. 215 Associate Pastor

Deacon Mike O’Malley Deacon Gary Kupsak Deacon Robert Poletto

Mr. Fred Vipond Ext. 216 Director of Music & Liturgy

Ms. Eileen Sullivan Ext. 310 School Principal

Ms. Sue Matousek Ext. 218 Director of Religious Education

Mr. Greg Entwhistle Ext. 217 Coordinator of Youth Ministry

Mr. Howard Fischer Ext. 212 Director of Parish Operations

Penny Elwood Ext. 247 Bookkeeper/Accountant

Ms. Victoria Hansen Ext. 200 Administrative Assistant

Mr. Richard Plage Ext. 210 Mr. William Zerwer Maintenance

Dustin Zubert Pastoral Council President

Kathleen Arata School Board President

Rev. Patrick O’Malley Rev. James Presta Weekend Associates

Parish Staff