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REVIEW Open Access

Long non-coding RNAs in hematologicalmalignancies: translating basic techniquesinto diagnostic and therapeutic strategiesNonthaphat Kent Wong, Chien-Ling Huang*, Rashidul Islam and Shea Ping Yip*


Recent studies have revealed that non-coding regions comprise the vast majority of the human genome and longnon-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) are a diverse class of non-coding RNAs that has been implicated in a variety ofbiological processes. Abnormal expression of lncRNAs has also been linked to different human diseases includingcancers, yet the regulatory mechanisms and functional effects of lncRNAs are still ambiguous, and the moleculardetails also need to be confirmed. Unlike protein-coding gene, it is much more challenging to unravel the roles oflncRNAs owing to their unique and complex features such as functional diversity and low conservation amongspecies, which greatly hamper their experimental characterization. In this review, we summarize and discuss bothconventional and advanced approaches for the identification and functional characterization of lncRNAs related tohematological malignancies. In particular, the utility and advancement of clustered regularly interspaced shortpalindromic repeats (CRISPR)-Cas system as gene-editing tools are envisioned to facilitate the molecular dissectionof lncRNAs via different knock-in/out strategies. Besides experimental considerations specific to lncRNAs, the roles oflncRNAs in the pathogenesis and progression of leukemia are also highlighted in the review. We expect that theseinsights may ultimately lead to clinical applications including development of biomarkers and novel therapeuticapproaches targeting lncRNAs.

Keywords: lncRNAs, Hematological malignancies, Experimental approaches, Genetic manipulation, Biomarkers

BackgroundAdvanced genome- and transcriptome-wide analyseshave consistently illustrated that only 2% of the humangenome encodes proteins while > 75% is actively tran-scribed into non-protein-coding RNAs [1, 2]. This clearlysuggests the potential roles of non-protein-coding tran-scripts, and novel molecular mechanisms of gene regula-tion [3, 4]. On the basis of length or size, non-codingRNAs (ncRNAs) are broadly categorized into two maingroups: small non-coding RNAs that are < 200 nucleotides(nt) and long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) that are > 200nt [5]. In the past decade, it has been discovered that bothncRNA classes are significantly involved in normal physio-logical and pathological processes [6–9], although exten-sive studies are still needed to elucidate their mechanisms

of action to gain a better understanding of how they areinvolved in functional regulation.LncRNAs form a newly emerging class of ncRNAs

with multifunctional competences. They are typicallytranscribed by RNA polymerase II [10] and do not pos-sess a significant open reading frame (ORF). Initially,lncRNAs were considered as unstable because of their lowexpression level. Surprisingly, quite a few of lncRNAs arehighly stable with half-lives of more than 12 h [11]. Ac-cording to NONCODEv5, > 96,000 human lncRNA geneshave been identified to date [12]; of these, > 15,000lncRNA genes have been annotated by the GENCODEConsortium (version 27) [13]. Such identification andcharacterization of lncRNAs mostly rely on advancedhigh-throughput next-generation sequencing (NGS) tech-nologies as well as state-of-the-art bioinformatics tools[1, 14]. However, only a small portion of lncRNAshas been functionally characterized, and this suggeststhe needs for more research to disclose the functional

* Correspondence: [email protected]; [email protected] of Health Technology and Informatics, The Hong KongPolytechnic University, Y9/F, Lee Shau Kee Building, Hung Hom, Hong KongSAR, China

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involvement of lncRNAs in different physiological anddisease conditions [15, 16].Recent studies have demonstrated diverse roles of

lncRNAs in the regulation of gene expression at epigen-etic, transcriptional, and post-transcriptional levels viadifferent mechanisms [4, 17–19]. Such multifacetedregulation is made possible by virtue of their high versa-tility to interact with chromatin, functional proteins, anddifferent RNA species [17]. This creates an additionallevel in the complexity of precise gene expression con-trol. Increasing research evidence has demonstrated thata large number of lncRNAs are functionally involved indifferent human disorders, especially in different types ofcancers, including leukemia, colorectal cancer, pros-tate cancer, breast cancer, liver cancer, and glioblast-oma [20, 21]. They are involved in different biologicalprocesses and related to cancer-associated phenotypeswith identified mechanisms.To date, over 4000 studies have shown the biological

significance of lncRNAs in cancer development and pro-gression. The molecular mechanisms linking them to

specific biological functions and cellular phenotypes arenow beginning to be realized. In this review, we high-light and reinforce the fundamental approaches recentlyused for functional characterization of lncRNAs. Thedefinition of “functional characterization” is set at ahigher level than gene regulation, from in vitro cellulareffects to clinical association studies; especially, wetarget the more recent studies in cancer research andfurther narrow down to hematological malignancies.Although there were extensive works on identificationand characterization of lncRNAs in different types ofdiseases, the overall knowledge and understanding oflncRNAs remain largely unclear especially for thoseinvolved in blood malignancy [22, 23]. Many findingsrevealed the association of lncRNAs with differenttypes of leukemia in terms of expression level, butthere are still very few reports of the detailed molecu-lar regimes and functions that specifically contributeto hematopoietic processes and leukemogenesis [24].Therefore, this review aims to provide an overview of theapproaches and research tools (Fig. 1) for studying

Fig. 1 Experimental approaches for identifying and investigating the cellular functions of lncRNAs. Various experimental settings have beenutilized to target lncRNAs at genetic or transcriptional level and the following cellular effects. This review focuses on advanced approaches usedfor identifying and characterizing lncRNA-mediated functional regulation in hematological malignancies—the fundamentals to further developbiomarkers and therapeutic strategies

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lncRNAs and some have been used to disclose the bio-logical roles of lncRNAs in hematological malignancieswith examples drawn from recent studies. Moreover, theprospect of encouraging more research on lncRNAs inhematological disorders is proposed because lncRNAshave many potential clinical applications including devel-opment into biomarkers and for use in novel therapeuticstrategies.

Methods for identifying lncRNAsTissue specificity and low expression level are generallyconsidered as challenging features influencing the identi-fication of novel lncRNAs from whole transcriptome.Thus, it is necessary to select appropriate tools based onsample specificity for identifying lncRNAs. Various ad-vanced methods are commonly used to identify lncRNAs:serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE), tiling array, capanalysis of gene expression (CAGE), and high-throughputRNA-sequencing (RNA-seq). All of these techniquesmainly depend on the discovery of transcripts fromnon-protein-coding genomic regions, which are devoid ofORFs. Initially, conventional microarray was utilized toanalyze only protein-coding mRNAs; such techniquemainly probes the expression of polyadenylated (poly(A)+)RNA and is only able to detect highly expressed tran-scripts. Thus, a number of effective methods have beenfurther developed for detecting and characterizinglncRNAs.

Serial analysis of gene expressionSAGE is the first high-throughput sequencing method ofanalyzing transcriptomes. SAGE can comprehensivelyprofile gene expression by generating short-stretches ofunbiased cDNA sequence called SAGE tags via restric-tion enzyme digestion [25, 26]. In addition, SAGE-tagsare concatenated before cloning and sequencing to allowboth identification and quantification of transcripts in-cluding lncRNAs, which are not possible by using individ-ual microarrays. Nonetheless, the efficiency and specificityof this technique are not compelling, and hence modifica-tions are still needed [27].

Tiling arraysTiling arrays were originally used for both identificationand characterization of lncRNAs. Briefly, it allows theglobal transcription mapping of genomic regions inorder to provide comprehensive alternative splicing ana-lysis, and discovery of novel transcriptional sites andpolymorphisms [28–30]. This microarray-based tech-nique shares identical biophysical principle with thetraditional genomic microarray through hybridizing la-beled cDNA or RNA to probes (small nucleotide poly-mers) immobilized on a glass slide (substrate). However,instead of probing for known sequences or predicted

genes as in conventional microarray, tiling arrays inten-sively probe for specific sequences that exist in a con-tiguous region. The tiled oligonucleotides can bedesigned to cover either specific chromosomal regionsor even the whole genome [30, 31]. Despite being ableto identify and quantify the expression level of tran-scripts, tiling arrays were practically replaced by NGStechnologies owing to the noise generated through crosshybridization and the weak binding to probes by tran-scripts with repetitive sequences (a fact that hindersstudies in this direction).

Cap analysis of gene expressionCAGE is one of the most advanced techniques used inmolecular genomics. Generally, this NGS-based methodallows generating a snapshot of the 5′ ends of mRNAs[32]. CAGE mainly relies on the isolation and sequen-cing of small cDNA sequence-tags that are initiatedfrom the 5′ end of RNA transcripts. Akin to SAGE, thistechnique also requires concatenation of cDNA-tags be-fore cloning and sequencing. However, CAGE is able toidentify the location of transcripts. CAGE has several ad-vantages over SAGE and RNA-seq in being able to iden-tify transcriptionally active promoter regions and poll-II-derived transcription start sites (TSS). Nevertheless, thismethod is limited to the detection of 5′-capped tran-scripts, but not able to analyze non-capped or circularRNAs [32, 33].

RNA-sequencingCurrently, RNA-seq is a prevailing standard method foridentifying novel lncRNAs owing to the low expense ofsequencing (per base) and the single-nucleotide reso-lution [34]. RNA-seq encompasses translating RNAs intocDNA after fragmentation, and ultra-high-throughputsequencing in NGS platforms such as Illumina. Inaddition, high sequencing depths are needed to detectlow-expressing lncRNAs [35]. For lncRNA detection,RNA-seq experiments can be performed with rRNA-de-pletion to enrich the reads of mRNAs and lncRNAs.Moreover, both poly(A)+ and poly(A)− RNA fractionsshould be targeted in order to identify all types oflncRNA [35].Considering the existing information of different ap-

proaches, it is hard to select the best method for identi-fying lncRNAs. However, several technical specificationsand application parameters can be considered for methodselection. For example, hybridization-based methods liketiling arrays are restricted to detecting transcripts that cor-respond to existing known genomic sequence while NGS-based methods like RNA-seq can provide substantiallymore informative data such as the precise location oftranscript boundaries down to single-base resolution, thesingle-nucleotide polymorphisms in the transcribed regions,

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etc. [34, 36]. Moreover, the capacity to distinguish differentisoforms and to detect differential allelic expression is ra-ther limited in hybridization-based methods while suchcapacity is much higher in methods based on Sanger se-quencing or NGS. From a technical perspective, methodsbased on hybridization or Sanger sequencing require largeramounts of RNA, whereas NGS-based RNA-seq requiresrelatively smaller amounts of RNA and are comparativelyinexpensive. Most importantly, NGS-based methods havehigher sensitivity, specificity, and reproducibility in bothbiological and technical replicates than hybridization-basedmethods [36, 37]. Although NGS-based RNA-seq providesmore advantages than hybridization-based methods, thereare still some limitations in detecting and tracing the ex-pression of rare RNA isoforms even with NGS-basedmethods. Hence, further improvement is desperately re-quired for better understanding of the transcriptomes.

General strategies for investigating the cellularfunctions of lncRNAsGuilt by associationTo predict the putative function of lncRNAs, a commonapproach termed as “guilt by association” has been uti-lized to correlate specific lncRNAs with diverse cellularand physiological processes across different cell or tissuetypes [38]. By carrying out gene expression profiling, theco-expression model between certain sets of protein-codinggenes or pathways and a given lncRNA of interest can beidentified systematically. This allows a genome-wide under-standing of lncRNAs and their co-expressed coding genesthat are presumably co-regulated [38].The lncRNA-mRNA co-expression profiles can be set

up in different cellular pathways after gathering informa-tion from high-throughput profiling approaches. For in-stance, Hung et al. investigated the lncRNAs co-expressedwith cell cycle-related genes by an ultrahigh-resolution til-ing microarray [39]. In the study, a gene module map wasconstructed to show the correlation of gene sets co-expressed with target lncRNA versus the Gene OntologyBiological Processes data set. Moreover, a similar modulemap with curated gene sets of different signaling pathwaysfrom the Molecular Signatures Database (MSigDB c2 col-lection) was created and further verified to be enriched forcell cycle-associated data sets. Besides, gene set enrichmentanalysis has been used to evaluate the genes positively ornegatively co-regulated with a specific lncRNA of interest[40]. After pathway analysis based on a database calledKyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes, highly corre-lated biological processes with related gene sets and path-ways were linked to the target lncRNA.Recently, a few web tools have been developed using

enrichment strategies to predict lncRNA functionality[41]. The contexts in a newly established platform (deco-deRNA) are based on matching lncRNA, microRNA

(miRNA), and mRNA expression profiles from The Can-cer Genome Atlas [41]. This platform offers informationabout ncRNA-pathway associations and the relatedgenes that contribute to the ncRNA-pathway associa-tions. In addition, a number of bioinformatics tools anddatabases are currently available, which allow extensivestudy of lncRNA expression profiles, localization, con-servation, and structures in silico [42]. With the greatassistance of all these bioinformatics resources, hypoth-eses for potential functions of a targeted lncRNA can beproposed and then investigated by further loss-of-functionapproaches.

Loss-of-function studyFollowing the identification of lncRNAs, it is imperativeto determine whether these non-coding transcripts in-deed possess biological functions or not. To ascertainthe physiological roles of lncRNAs in the cell, experi-mental studies with perturbation of lncRNA expressionare necessary in order to reveal the contribution of anlncRNA to particular phenotypes (e.g., cell cycle, cellproliferation, apoptosis, differentiation, etc.). Althoughgain-of-function studies may reveal the significance oftrans-acting regulatory roles for lncRNAs, loss-of-functionapproaches still represent the standard and most commonstrategy to investigate the function of a gene in reverse gen-etics [43]. With extensive prior experience of mRNAknockdown and great advancement of genome manipula-tion technologies, there are already a variety of choices ofknockdown or knockout methods available for lncRNAs. Inthis review, the most common genetic manipulation ap-proaches will be discussed in the next section and theirconceivable readouts related to hematological disorders willbe discussed in the section Functional targets for probingbiological effects of lncRNAs in blood cancer cells.

Genetic manipulation approaches targetinglncRNAsRNA interferenceToward this end, RNA interference (RNAi) has been uti-lized extensively to knockdown lncRNAs with many suc-cessful examples of loss-of-function studies [20]. RNAiapproaches generally make use of transcripts 20–40 ntin length and complementary to the target RNA tran-script. Upon binding, the subsequently formed duplexeswill then be degraded via cellular machinery [44]. Theseapproaches have been extensively applied mainly be-cause they are relatively fast and easy to use. In essence,they are cost-effective and can be specifically engineeredto target an RNA sequence in a precise manner. Akin toprotein-coding mRNAs, lncRNA expression can be down-regulated in targeted cells by means of two typical RNAsilencing-mediated strategies. One strategy is to transfecttarget cells with small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) that

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target the transcript of interest in a transient fashion whileanother is to introduce short hairpin RNAs (shRNAs) thatare stably expressed. The siRNA strategy can lead to in-tense downregulation of targeted lncRNA and allow a gra-dient of knockdown by utilizing different doses of siRNAs.On the contrary, the shRNA strategy provides sustainedknockdown of the lncRNA target, and hence is more suit-able for experiments investigating the prolonged effects oftargeted lncRNA depletion [45].Although RNAi approaches are widely used with

many successful examples, concerns have been raisedabout the effectiveness of these strategies for the deple-tion of nuclear and enhancer-associated lncRNAs. Ithas been argued that these lncRNAs predominantlylocalize in the nucleus and this impedes their suscepti-bility to the RNAi machinery, which is primarily locatedin the cytoplasm [46]. Besides, the low expression levelof lncRNAs and their more structured nature may alsohinder the RNAi-based methods. Consequently, severalsiRNA sequences are usually screened to find out a morepotent one for the effective knockdown of a specificlncRNA.

Antisense oligonucleotidesAlternatively, some other oligo-mediated knockdownapproaches have also been used, such as antisense oli-gonucleotides (ASOs) or “gapmers,” which are syn-thetic single-stranded nucleic acid derivatives thathave higher stability against degradation and are moreaccessible to nuclear RNA sequences [47]. ASOs areable to efficiently degrade nuclear lncRNAs via amechanism dependent on ribonuclease H, leading todepletion of nascent transcripts. In short, ASOs canform a DNA-RNA hybrid upon binding to the targetRNA and then promote the cleavage of RNA by ribo-nuclease H [48, 49].A recent systematic in vitro study compared the effi-

cacy of ASOs and RNAi against seven lncRNAs with dif-ferent predominant subcellular locations. The resultsrevealed that nuclear lncRNAs were knocked downmuch better by ASOs, whereas RNAi showed relativelygreater silencing effect on cytoplasmic lncRNAs [46]. In-deed, the data showed that ASOs were also powerful insuppressing cytoplasmic RNA level and this indicatesthat ASOs target not only nuclear-localized RNAs butalso nascent RNA transcripts in the cytoplasm. In con-clusion, if the cellular localization pattern of a targetlncRNA is not known, ASOs would give a better chanceof success in comparison to RNAi-based knockdown.However, these oligo-based methods still share somedrawbacks with RNAi, including incomplete knockdown,unpredictable off-target effects, and transient inhibitioneffects. All these impose limitations on loss-of-functionanalysis of lncRNAs. Nevertheless, given the relatively

straightforward manner of operation, RNAi- and ASO-mediated knockdown strategies remain a helpful andvaluable tool for the initial investigation of lncRNAfunctionality.

CRISPR-Cas systemTo address the limitations of RNAi and ASOs, prog-rammable nuclease-directed genome-editing methodsprovide a powerful alternative approach to characterizingthe functional roles of lncRNAs both in vitro and in vivo[50, 51]. Particularly, clustered regulatory interspacedshort palindromic repeats-CRISPR-associated endonucle-ase 9 (CRISPR-Cas9) has already been widely utilized overthe last few years because of its simplicity, efficiency, androbustness. This genome-editing tool is now able to becarried out at the DNA level and in an efficient and rapidmanner to achieve partial or total deletion of lncRNA loci(Fig. 2a) [52], or to block the expression of lncRNA byinterrupting the promoter region of lncRNAs (Fig. 2b)[53]. In short, the system makes good use of an endo-nuclease called Cas9, which is directed by a specially de-signed single-guide RNA (sgRNA) to the desired site andthen performs a site-specific cutting at a target gene (i.e.,DNA sequence) of interest in order to achieve geneediting.Although CRISPR-Cas9 system has facilitated various

genomic studies, there are some constraints when targetinglncRNAs. A popular way to knock out a protein-codinggene by using CRISPR-Cas9 is via frameshift mutations thatcan be easily induced at an ORF by Cas9-mediated cleavagefollowed by a non-homologous end-joining repair. How-ever, it may not be applicable to the generation of a knock-out effect for non-protein-coding genes because of theirnon-coding nature as well as our limited knowledge abouttheir functional mechanisms. In general, most sequencesparticularly responsible for the molecular functions oflncRNA transcripts have not yet been characterized. Aspredicting the functionally active part of lncRNAs is nowimpossible, Cas9-induced insertion/deletion is unlikely toinfluence the activities of lncRNAs since their functionaldomains may still be retained. In addition, some lncRNAsexert their functions by the act of transcription per se in-stead of the lncRNA transcript [54, 55]. In that case, geneticmanipulation should specifically target regulatory regionscontrolling the transcription, which are often poorly anno-tated or remain largely unknown, leading to more chal-lenges when studying such type of lncRNAs. Therefore,more comprehensive approaches tailored to lncRNA arenecessary and will be discussed below.

Silencing of an lncRNA gene by partial or complete deletionof its genomic locusThe first common strategy utilizes two distinct guideRNAs to simultaneously target two specific locations

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flanking the lncRNA gene of interest, and henceremoves the entire genomic locus encoding that lncRNAby Cas9-mediated cleavage (Fig. 2a) [52]. This ensurescomplete and permanent ablation of the lncRNA by

deleting the whole genomic region associated with it. Be-sides, this approach has already been extended togenome-wide scale for high-throughput lncRNA deple-tion screening in human cancer cells [56]. Another

Fig. 2 Different strategies of CRISPR-Cas system for targeting lncRNA. a Removing the entire locus of an lncRNA gene via sgRNA-mediated cleavage byCas9. b Solely deleting the promoter region of an lncRNA gene by CRISPR-Cas9. c Silencing an lncRNA gene by knocking-in transcription terminationsignal. d Suppressing or enhancing lncRNA expression by CRISPRi/a. e Cleaving lncRNA transcripts by CRISPR-Cas13 system

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alternative strategy is to solely delete the core promoterregion of the given lncRNA gene in order to abolish itstranscription (Fig. 2b) [53, 57]. This approach has twomajor merits over the conventional removal of a wholegene. First, it has been shown that there is an inverse re-lationship between the size of a target region being cutand the efficiency of excision [58]. By removing the pro-moter region alone, the deletion size is in the range of0.5–3 kb, instead of 10–100 kb required for entire abla-tion of most genes; hence, this enables higher knockoutefficiency. It has also been shown that promoter excisioncould reduce lncRNA expression more effectively thanthe removal of an individual exon, intron, or splice site[59]. Second, observed phenotypic changes can be moreconfidently ascribed to the absence of that particularlncRNA, but not an unintended result of removing anyoverlapping gene or regulatory elements around the tar-geted genomic region, which is a major concern of theapproach based on whole gene deletion [52].Nevertheless, a study reported that inhibiting lncRNA

MALAT1 expression was solely achieved by deleting itsmajor promotor, but not the annotated upstream pro-moter [53]. This implies that if there are multiple knownpromoters for a given lncRNA, it would be better to testall of them to come up with one having the best per-formance. However, unlike the case of coding genes,lncRNA promoters are often poorly annotated and thismay hamper the experimental design when using such astrategy. As the current annotation status of mostncRNAs is still provisional, it is difficult to determinethe essential promoter or exon regions to be knockedout. Therefore, a newly tested approach is to achieveknockout through the excision of a TSS signature underthe guidance of epigenetic data [60]. The chromatin con-densation state of eukaryotic genes can influence thebinding or interaction of polymerases and transcriptionfactors and such epigenetic alteration is actively regulatedthrough histone methylation, acetylation, or phosphoryl-ation. For instance, histone H3 lysine 4 trimethylation(H3K4me3) localized near TSS typically signifies regionsof active transcription while H3K4me1 and H3K27ac arethe predominant histone modifications around active en-hancer elements. From the data of high-throughput epi-genetic profiling, gene-proximal H3K4me3 modificationsites frequently coincide with DNaseI hypersensitivity sites(DHSs), which indicate accessible chromatin regions [61].Hence, superimposing ChIP-Seq data of H3K4me3 ontothose of DHSs could provide a thread to identify the TSSregions of lncRNA genes for downregulation by CRISPR/Cas9 system, even in poorly annotated targets. A very re-cent study has successfully demonstrated that excision ofproximal DNaseI/H3K4me3 signatures, which constituteuniversal TSS hallmarks, is sufficient to abolish lncRNAgene expression [60].

As a general caution, excision of a genomic DNA se-quence may have unexpected impact on the expressionof neighboring genes. Bidirectional transcription is anexample that transcription from both DNA strands canbe suppressed by deleting the shared promoter segment,which may confound the interpretation of an observedphenotype. Therefore, it is believed that targetingstrand-specific proximal TSS element like DNaseI/H3K4me3 hallmark could minimize those non-specificeffects produced by deletion of the entire promoter.

Ablation of lncRNA expression by knock-in strategyIn addition to knockout approaches by excision of gen-omic regions, nuclease cleavage technology can be fur-ther utilized to achieve lncRNA knockdown by knockingin destabilizing elements or transcriptional stop signalinto the gene (i.e., DNA sequence) of interest (Fig. 2c)[62, 63]. A recent study reported successful silencing ofan lncRNA gene by biallelic insertion of a poly(A) signalinto the genomic locus via CRISPR-Cas9-mediateddouble-strand break followed by a homology-directedrepair [63]. In the study, three different insertion targetsfor poly(A) integration were suggested, including thefirst intron, inside the first exon, and the region immedi-ately after the promoter. This provided different choicesof integration sites to achieve the best suppressing effectfor a particular target gene. Besides, a closer look intothe results revealed that gene silencing through theintroduction of a poly(A) signal did not entirely abolishthe transcription of the target lncRNA gene. This featurewould be helpful for functional studies of genes thatmay cause lethal phenotype upon complete knockout.Another study wisely harnessed the flexibility of

CRISPR-Cas9 system to apply to genomic locus suchmodifications as deletion or insertion of stop signal,strong constitutive promoter, and even cDNA rescue inexperiments. The integrated analysis revealed opposingroles for the transcript of lncRNA Haunt and its genomiclocus in the regulation of HOXA gene clusters [55]. Thisproves that such CRISPR-Cas9-mediated knocking strat-egy can effectively ablate or enhance lncRNA transcrip-tion without a significant effect on the role of the DNAsequence itself, enabling precise investigation at theRNA versus DNA level contributing to lncRNA function.Furthermore, compared to knockout approach, knockingin the termination signal together with selectable marker(e.g., GFP fluorescence, antibiotic resistance, or thymi-dine kinase) (Fig. 2c) could greatly facilitate the screen-ing process for desired clonal cells.

CRISPR interference/activationIn fact, the flexibility and advance of CRISPR technologyprovide researchers with additional gene manipulationstrategies to elucidate lncRNA function. Introduction of

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mutations into the two nuclease domains of the Cas9endonuclease, RuvC and HNH, has generated a catalyt-ically inactive dCas9 (dead Cas9) variant that lacks DNAcleavage activity, but retains its specific binding ability totarget DNA sequences recognized by the sgRNA (Fig. 2d)[64]. Such development repurposed the utility of Cas9protein to become an amenable DNA-targeting modularscaffold. In the simplest way, dCas9 can be used to blockthe binding of transcription factor or RNA polymeraseby steric hindrance; this in turn hampers transcriptionalinitiation and elongation, and results in a knockdown ef-fect [65]. Furthermore, dCas9 can be engineered to fusewith transcriptional repressor such as Krüppel-asso-ciated box domain to achieve stronger suppression oflncRNA expression, and this approach has been termedas CRISPR interference (CRISPRi) [66]. In addition,dCas9 can also be coupled with transcription enhancerto accomplish CRISPR activation (CRISPRa) [67].To conclude, CRISPRi/a allows down- or upregulation

of lncRNA expression in a highly specific manner with-out the requisite for direct genomic editing and changesof DNA sequence. Meanwhile, such epigenetic silencingof gene expression, like genomic region deletion, acts atthe DNA level so that it could target lncRNAs withoutcompeting with endogenous RNA machinery when com-pared to RNAi methods. Nonetheless, an effective use ofCRISPRi/a methods requires prerequisites like gatheringinformation about the location of enhancer or promotorelements, and confirming that these regulatory elementsexclusively control the target lncRNA transcription, butnot sharing function with other genes.After all considerations, the major limitation of using

CRISPR-Cas9 to target lncRNAs is the complex architec-ture of genomic loci surrounding different lncRNA genes,which may highly increase the possibility of disturbingneighboring or overlapping genes. This may greatly reducethe specificity of genetic manipulation of lncRNAs and leadto a false positive phenotypic change resulting from theintervention of neighboring genes. Actually, a genome-wideanalysis revealed that only about 38% of 15,929 identifiedlncRNA loci could be safely and specifically targeted byCRISPR-Cas9-based manipulation (i.e., CRISPR excision orCRISPRi/a), whereas two-thirds of lncRNA loci would be atrisk of affecting neighboring genes unintentionally [68].With consideration of such constraint, the targeted lncRNAloci should be carefully studied before the design ofsgRNAs, and the expression of neighboring genes shouldalso be monitored in parallel. In case there is really hin-drance to a suitable CRISPR-Cas9 design, approaches likeRNAi or ASOs can still be considered to target lncRNAsarising from complex genomic loci. Consequently, differentexperimental techniques should be taken into account tocomplement each other and this may greatly facilitate thestudy of lncRNA functions.

CRISPR-Cas13 system—a potential tool for targeting lncRNAMore recently, emerging CRISPR research has revealed anovel class of Cas proteins, the Cas13 system, which hashigher eukaryotes and prokaryotes nucleotide-binding(HEPN) domains that are associated with RNase activityinstead of DNase activity in Cas9, and hence it can beharnessed for robust degradation of single-strandedRNA transcripts [69]. Although there is still no applica-tion example to target lncRNA, it is anticipated that theCas13 system will be utilized for lncRNA knockdownstudy owing to their high specificity and flexible utilityto be mentioned below (Fig. 2e).In an assessment of various Cas13 variants, Lwa-

Cas13a from Leptotrichia wadei was identified as themost active Cas13a ortholog for targeted RNA knock-down in human cells. In general, some Cas13a orthologsneed a protospacer flanking site (PFS) analogous to theprotospacer adjacent motif site for Cas9 system, butthere was no such constraint for LwaCas13a. In terms ofRNA knockdown level, Cas13 system exhibited a com-parable activity to RNAi, but with superior specificityand much lower off-target effects [70]. Another recentlydiscovered and characterized RNA-targeting CRISPR-Cassystem is Cas13b. An up-to-date study evaluated numer-ous subsets of Cas13 members for their RNA targeting ac-tivity in eukaryotic cells and yielded PspCas13b orthologfrom Prevotella sp. P5-125, showing consistently betterperformance in terms of specificity and knockdown effi-ciency than LwaCas13a [70]. Similar to LwaCas13a,PspCas13b lacked non-specific collateral RNA degrad-ation in eukaryotic cells and did not have PFS restriction.The overall aforementioned features make PspCas13b thefirst choice for targeted RNA cleavage at this moment.In addition, the RNA-targeting Cas13 proteins can be

engineered to become a catalytically dead Cas13 (dCas13)variant that retains its capability of specifically binding tothe target RNA, resulting in a programmable RNA-guidedRNA-binding platform [69]. Therefore, it is possible thatdCas13 could be used to test potential functional part of anlncRNA by steric hindrance or coupled to different effectordomains, allowing variable manipulations of lncRNA tran-scripts in experiments. To conclude, the CRISPR-Cas13system offers main advantages like no targeting sequencerestriction, no reliance on endogenous repair pathways orhost’s RNAi machinery, and allowing knockdown of specificalternative splicing variants when compared to the Cas9system, which exerts effect at DNA level and hence the en-tire gene.

Techniques for investigating molecularinteraction between lncRNAs and otherbiomoleculesLncRNAs are serving as specific cellular signal states orreadouts of active cellular programs, which can assist to

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recognize cellular pathologies of various complex disor-ders including cancer along with prognostic values and/or therapeutic options [71]. The functional characteris-tics of lncRNAs rely on their location or interaction cap-ability with different proteins, chromatins, and otherRNAs. Several advanced techniques have been developedto characterize the functional involvement of lncRNAson the basis of lncRNA location and/or interaction withother macromolecules. These methods are now clarify-ing how lncRNAs produce functional outcomes. Someof these methods are summarized in Table 1 and themost commonly used techniques are briefly describedbelow.

Techniques for studying lncRNA-protein interactionRNA immunoprecipitationRNA immunoprecipitation (RIP) is an antibody-basedtechnique commonly used to examine RNA-protein inter-action. The RNA-binding protein of interest is immuno-precipitated together with its associated RNAs includingmRNA and ncRNA transcripts, which can be further ana-lyzed by real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction(qPCR) or RNA-seq [72]. For RIP-based approaches, thecross-linking step is an important determinant to specifythe nature of protein-RNA interactions. Directly boundprotein-RNA interaction can be captured in the absence ofcross-linking while the presence of cross-linking is usuallyused to determine indirect protein-RNA binding [73]. Forexample, lncRNA-Xist has been identified as the initiatorof X chromosome inactivation by using RIP assay [74].

High-throughput sequencing of RNA isolated by cross-linking immunoprecipitationHigh-throughput sequencing of RNA isolated bycross-linking immunoprecipitation (HITS-CLIP or CLIP-seq)is a powerful technique that has been widely used to identifyprotein-RNA interaction. Unlike formaldehyde-mediatedcross-linking frequently used in chromatin immunoprecipita-tion sequencing (ChIP-seq) to cross-link DNA andDNA-binding protein, UV irradiation is used in CLIP-seq inorder to form covalent bonds between RNA and amino

acids. After that, the RNAs are fragmented by RNaseimmediately after immunoprecipitation as well ascross-linking, and then followed by proteinase digestionand purification. For instance, lncRNAs bound to theenhancer of zeste homolog 2, which regulates chromatinconfiguration by methylating histone H3, in humancolorectal HCT116 cells has been identified by thismethod [75].

Photoactivatable ribonucleotide-enhanced cross-linking andimmunoprecipitationPhotoactivatable ribonucleotide-enhanced cross-linkingand immunoprecipitation (PAR-CLIP) is modifiedfrom HITS-CLIP and offers mapping of cross-linkedsites and hence sequence motifs on RNAs (includinglncRNAs) interacting with RNA-binding proteins(RBP) at single-nucleotide resolution [76, 77]. InPAR-CLIP, photo-reactive ribonucleotide analogs such as4-thiouridine and 6-thioguanosine are incorporated intonascent RNA transcripts of living cultured cells, and UVirradiation efficiently crosslinks the photo-reactive ana-logs of the labeled RNAs with interacting proteins. Thephoto-reactive ribonucleotide analogs introduce a spe-cific sequence mutation resulting from cross-linking byUV light and hence can detect specific binding sites ontarget RNAs for RBP with higher resolution and muchbetter signal-to-noise ratio than other approaches [76].

Techniques for studying lncRNA-DNA interactionChromatin isolation by RNA purificationChromatin isolation by RNA purification (ChIRP) is anoligonucleotide-based technique for analyzing lncRNAcomplex with chromatin DNA. Briefly, chromatin is ex-tracted from cross-linked cultured cells, sonicated, andthen hybridized with biotinylated oligos; and finally tar-geted lncRNAs, protein, and chromatin DNA are sepa-rated by using magnetic streptavidin beads andexamined by real-time PCR, Western blot, or mass spec-trometry [78]. Moreover, recently developed ChIRP-seqalso allows comprehensive high-throughput identifica-tion of chromatin-associated lncRNAs. For example,

Table 1 Common experimental approaches for the characterization of lncRNAs

Functional involvement of lncRNAs Techniques or methods used References

LncRNA-protein interaction • RNA immunoprecipitation (RIP)• High-throughput sequencing of RNA isolated by cross-linkingimmunoprecipitation (HITS-CLIP)

• Photoactivatable ribonucleotide-enhanced cross-linking andimmunoprecipitation (PAR-CLIP)

[74–77, 175–179]

LncRNA-DNA interaction • Chromatin isolation by RNA purification (ChIRP)• RNA antisense purification (RAP)• Capture hybridization analysis of RNA targets (CHART)

[81, 82, 180–184]

LncRNA-RNA interaction • RNA antisense purification followed by RNA sequencing (RAP-RNA)• Cross-linking, ligation and sequencing of hybrids (CLASH)

[83, 185, 186]

LncRNA localization • RNA single-molecule fluorescence in situ hybridization (RNA smFISH) [85, 187]

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genomic occupancy of lncRNA-HOTAIR, telomeraseRNA component, and roX2 RNA was discovered byusing ChIRP-seq [79].

RNA antisense purificationRNA antisense purification (RAP) is an alternativemethod for mapping the RNA-DNA interactions viacapturing the target lncRNA by antisense capture probestiled across the entire target lncRNA [80]. In RAP, longantisense RNA probes are used by design to increase thebinding affinity to the target lncRNAs and to improvethe signal-to-noise ratio when compared to the ChIRP.For example, how the Xist lncRNA binds to the Xchromosome and the binding spreads to the whole Xchromosome was identified by using RAP [81]. RAP hasto use RNA-seq in order to disclose the RNA-DNAinteraction even though it does have several advantages.

Capture hybridization analysis of RNA targetsCapture hybridization analysis of RNA targets (CHART)utilizes short complementary oligonucleotides to capturethe target RNA so as to purify cross-linked complexesconsisting of DNA, RNA, and protein [82]. This methodprovides a comprehensive profile of lncRNA biologicaltargets by deep sequencing of the purified DNA frag-ments. Typically, CHART employs a handful of shortaffinity-tagged oligonucleotides that target and bindopen binding sites accessible on the target lncRNA, anduses RNase H to digest RNA at sites of RNA-DNA hy-brid duplexes. As a result, the method can map genomicregions (and protein, if so desired) to which targetlncRNA binds.

Techniques for studying lncRNA-RNA interactionRNA antisense purification followed by RNA sequencingRNA antisense purification followed by RNA sequencing(RAP-RNA) is a modified RAP method commonly usedto analyze the RNA-RNA interaction by utilizing differ-ent cross-linking methods. There are three subtypes ofRAP-RNA: RAP-RNA[AMT], RAP-RNA[FA], and RAP-RNA[FA-DSG] [83]. To detect direct RNA-RNA interac-tions, RAP-RNA[AMT] generates intermolecular RNA-RNA uridine-based crosslinks via 4′-aminomethyltrioxa-len (AMT), a crosslinker that does not react with proteins.To detect both direct and indirect RNA-RNA interactions,RAP-RNA[FA] uses formaldehyde (FA) to crosslink pro-teins to RNAs or other proteins. Finally, to detect indirectRNA-RNA interactions, RAP-RNA[FA-DSG] combines bothFA and disuccinimidyl glutarate (DSG) to efficientlycrosslink proteins in multiple-protein complexes inorder to capture RNAs indirectly linked via such pro-tein complexes. This combined approach was first usedto unveil the direct interaction between U1 snRNA and

pre-mRNAs, as well as indirect interaction of lncRNA-MALAT1 through protein intermediates [83].

Cross-linking, ligation, and sequencing of hybridsCross-linking, ligation, and sequencing of hybrids (CLASH)is a powerful technique for analyzing RNA-RNA inter-action by UV cross-linking. It has several advantagesover protein-protein cross-linked cells because of usingUV light. In brief, immediately after purifying UV-cross-linked RNA-protein complexes, RNA moleculesare ligated together in order to generate chimeric RNAsand finally high-throughput sequencing is performed.Furthermore, this advanced method can also identifymiRNA-mRNA interaction mediated by human argo-naute protein and discover novel snoRNA-rRNA inter-actions in yeast [84].

Technique for studying lncRNA localizationRNA single-molecule fluorescence in situ hybridizationFunctional characteristics of lncRNAs can be predictedby detecting their subcellular localization by means offluoresence in situ hybridization (FISH). RNAsingle-molecule FISH (smFISH) is used to find the sub-cellular localization of lncRNAs and can suggest possiblefunctional role of selected lncRNAs (e.g., nuclearlncRNAs involved in regulating gene expression at tran-scriptional level) [85]. However, this technique is tech-nically demanding and prone to artifacts.

Functional targets for probing biological effectsof lncRNAs in blood cancer cellsAs lncRNAs play an important regulatory role in normaldevelopment and functioning, their deregulation may re-sult in a pathological condition. Increasing evidence hasdemonstrated that multifunctional lncRNAs are associ-ated with different complex disorders including hematological malignancies. In this section, we focus on thebiological implications and/or functional outputs oflncRNAs rather than their mechanistic functions. Ex-perimentally, after in vitro genetic manipulation hasbeen carried out (as reviewed in the earlier section Gen-etic manipulation approaches targeting lncRNAs), cer-tain cellular effects should be examined in order toinvestigate the functional output of the target lncRNA.Here, we discuss several crucial biological functions: cellproliferation, cell cycle regulation, hematopoiesis, drug re-sistance, and angiogenesis, which are critical physiologicalprocesses contributing to the pathogenesis or progres-sion of blood malignancies upon deregulation. Below,we illustrate lncRNAs associated with these cellularfunctions, particularly those that have been implicatedin hematological diseases, and some typical approachesused to study them.

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Cell proliferationInvolvement in altering cell proliferation is one of thebasic phenomena of any functional molecules includinglncRNAs. Several studies implied that lncRNAs couldsignificantly alter leukemic cell proliferation via varioussignaling pathways. In some leukemia cases, lncRNAregulates the target gene through cis-regulation. A recentexample showed that lncRNA NALT, located upstream ofthe NOTCH1 gene, promoted cell proliferation in Tleukemia cell lines via transcriptional activation of theNOTCH signaling pathway [86]. Another example isUCA1, one of the most common lncRNAs, which ishighly expressed in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) andenhances cell proliferation by suppressing the expressionof cell cycle regulator p27kip1 [87]. On the other hand,tumor suppressor lncRNA BM742401 has been identifiedin chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) [88]. The func-tional activity of lncRNA BM742401 mainly relies on epi-genetic alteration, showing specific inverse correlationwith methylation status. Overexpression of lncRNABM742401 inhibits CLL cell proliferation throughcaspase-9-dependent intrinsic pathway, which suggests

that lncRNA BM742401 can function as tumor sup-pressor in CLL [88].Table 2 lists cell proliferation-associated lncRNAs to-

gether with their effects on cell proliferation in differenttypes of leukemia. In AML, CCAT1 and NEAT1 modu-late cell proliferation by regulating miRNA-mediatedpathways [89, 90], whereas MEG3 and UCA1 are in-volved in cell cycle-related pathways [87, 91]. TUG1 in-creases cell proliferation through targeting Aurorakinase A (AURKA) [92] while CASC15 expression limitscell proliferation by regulating transcription factor SOX4expression [93]. In acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL),overexpressed linc-PINT decreases cell proliferationvia apoptosis activation and cell cycle arrest [94];however, upregulated NALT promotes cell prolifera-tion through interacting with NOTCH signaling path-way [86]. A unique lncRNA, PVT1, has been involvedin acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) through promot-ing cell proliferation by MYC [95]. In addition to acuteleukemia, MEG3 also plays a role in regulating cell prolif-eration in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) throughacting as miRNA sponge [96]. HULC and PLIN2 are

Table 2 LncRNAs involved in regulating cell proliferation

Disease type lncRNAinvolved

Cell proliferationapproach

Mechanism/Effect on cell proliferation Gene manipulation system References

AML CASC15 MTS assay CASC15 expression may limit cell proliferationby regulation SOX4 expression

siRNA [93]

AML CCAT1 CKK-8 assay Promotes cell proliferation by sequesteringtumor suppressive miR155

shRNA [89]

AML MEG3 MTT assay Suppresses cell proliferation through inducingG0/G1 cell cycle arrest

siRNA [91]

AML NEAT1 CCK-8 assay Modulates cell proliferation by regulatingmiR-23a-3p/SMC1A

pcDNA3.1-NEAT1 (overexpressionof NEAT1)


AML TUG1 CKK-8 assay Increases cell proliferation through targetingAURKA

Lentiviral vector-mediated genemanipulation


AML UCA1 Trypan Blueexclusion assay

Sustains cell proliferation by repressing p27kip1

expressionshRNA [87]

ALL LINC-PINT MTS assay Overexpressed linc-PINT decreases cell proliferationthrough apoptosis activation and cell cycle arrestat G2/M phase

Overexpression of linc-PINT bylinc-PINT-pCDNA3


ALL NALT CKK-8 assay Upexpressed NALT promotes cell proliferationthrough interacting with NOTCH signaling pathway

shRNA [86]

APL PVT1 CKK-8 assay Promotes cell proliferation by MYC siRNA [95]

CML HULC MTT assay Promotes cell proliferation by regulating PI3K/AKTsignaling pathway

shRNA [97]

CML MEG3 MTT assay Overexpressed MEG3 inhibits cell proliferation bysponging miR-21

pLVX-hMEG3-ZsGreen-Purolentiviral overexpression vector


CML MEG3 CCK-8 assay Overexpressed MEG3 inhibits cell proliferation byinhibiting miR-184

siRNA [188]

CML PLIN2 MTT assay Overexpressed PLIN2 promotes cell proliferationthrough activating GSK-3β and β-catenin

shRNA [98]

CLL BM742401 MTT assay Overexpressed BM742401 inhibits cell proliferationthrough caspase-9 dependent intrinsic pathway

ASO [88]

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involved in PI3K/AKT and GSK-3β/β-catenin signalingpathways, respectively, to promote cell proliferation inCML [97, 98].Most recently, several approaches have been commonly

used to characterize lncRNA involvement in hematopoieticcell proliferation (Table 2). siRNA/shRNA- and ASO-medi-ated knockdown systems are still the major strategies usedto investigate the effect of target lncRNA in combinationwith MTT cell proliferation assay, Cell Counting Kit-8(CCK-8) assay, or MTS cell proliferation assay (Table 2).The efficiency of all these methods is similar and is able todetect certain numbers of cells in 96-well plate format (3 ×103 to 1 × 104 cells). After the incubation period, absorb-ance is measured by simple spectrophotometry and finallydata analysis carried out.

Cell cycle regulationFunctionally related to cell proliferation, numerouslncRNAs have been reported to participate in cell cycleregulation through their diverse roles as regulators atepigenetic, transcriptional, and post-transcriptional levels[99]. A well-studied lncRNA related to cell cycle regulationis ANRIL, which is transcribed antisense to the INK4b-AR-F-INK4a locus encoding three important cyclin-dependentkinase (CDK) inhibitors (p15INK4b, p14ARF, and p16INK4a) [100]. It has been revealed that lncRNA ANRILfunctions in trans by recruiting polycomb repressive com-plexes PRC1 and PRC2 to the INK4b-ARF-INK4a locus,and this results in the silencing of the gene cluster byH3K27-trimethylation [101]. A detailed study using leu-kemia patient samples revealed that a polymorphism lo-cated at the ANRIL locus showed strong association withALL phenotype, which might be caused by the transcrip-tional changes of ANRIL and the resulting altered expres-sion of CDKN2A/B that encodes CDK inhibitors.Another example of cell cycle-associated lncRNA is

MALAT1, which is related to numerous human cancers

and whose activity has been implicated in acute mono-cytic leukemia [102] and multiple myeloma [103, 104]. Astudy examined the cell cycle-dependent expression pat-tern of MALAT1 by utilizing cell cycle synchronizationto sort the cells into specific cell-cycle phases [105]. Re-sults showed that the expression level of MALAT1 washigher during G1/S and M phases when compared toG1 and G2 stages. Further study demonstrated thatMALAT1 was required for proper expression of B-Myb,which regulates cell cycle-related proteins in G2/Mphase [105]. Another study also showed that MALAT1interacted with a nuclear protein hnRNP C that is func-tionally involved in G2/M phase [106]. Other lncRNAs in-cluding HOTAIR [107, 108], HOXA11-AS [40],lncRNA-HEIH [109], MEG3 [110], ncRNACCND1 [111],and PANDA [39, 112] are reported with their significantroles in regulating the expression of cell cycle regulatorsand respective cell cycle stages (Table 3).There are three widely used approaches for analyzing

cell cycle progression by flow cytometry [113]. The firstone is univariate analysis generally based alone on cellu-lar DNA content stained with either propidium iodide(PI) or 4′,6′-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI). This ap-proach reveals the cell cycle distribution of cells in threemajor cell cycle stages (G1, S, and G2/M) and is alsoable to detect apoptotic cells with fractional DNA con-tent. The second approach relies on the bivariate analysisof DNA content and proliferation-associated proteins(e.g., cyclins A, B, D, and E). Such method can distinguishG0 cells from G1 cells, and identify mitotic cells. It canalso help to relate the expression profile of other intracel-lular proteins to the cell cycle stage. The last approach isbased on the detection of 5′-bromo-2′-deoxyuridine(BrdU) incorporation to label the DNA-replicating cells.By time-lapse measurement of BrdU-labeled cells, theirrate of progression through different cell cycle phases canbe estimated.

Table 3 LncRNAs involved in cell cycle regulation

Name of lncRNA Effects on cell cycle stage(s) References

LncRNA-HEIH Suppresses p16. p21, p27, and p57 transcription with PRC2 (G0/G1) [109]

MEG3 Suppresses cyclin D1 and induction of cell cycle arrest in G0/G1 phase [110]

ANRIL Suppresses CDK inhibitors encoded by the INK4 locusSuppresses transcription of p14, p15, and p16 in DNA damage response (G1)

[189, 190]

HOTAIR Regulates expression of cell cycle regulators such as cyclin D1, cyclin E,CDK2, CDK4, E2F1 (G1/S)

[107, 108]

HOXA11-AS Suppresses CDK inhibitors p16, p21, p27, and Rb protein (G1/S) [40]

NcRNACCND1 Suppresses transcription of cyclin D1 (G1/S) [111]

PANDA Suppresses CDK inhibitor p21 produced from CDKN1A locusSuppresses transcription of p18 (G1/S)

[39, 112]

MALAT1 Regulates cell cycle via interaction with hnRNP CPromotes cell-cycle regulators such as cyclin A2 and B1 (G1 and G2/M)

[105, 106, 191]

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HematopoiesisA major cause of blood malignancies is the dysregula-tion of hematopoiesis, which is a complex and highly or-dered process requiring tight coordination of cell lineagespecification and differentiation under the precise con-trol of specific gene expression. Emerging discoveriesimplicated the involvement of lncRNAs in both normaland malignant hematopoiesis mainly by their influenceon the expression of key regulators at particular differen-tiation stage. Table 4 displays some key examples ofhematopoietic differentiation-related lncRNAs. In gen-eral, it is more target-oriented for studying the involve-ment of a given lncRNA in a particular lineage of thehematopoietic system since there have been some cuesprovided by the analysis of high-throughput data duringthe identification and annotation of lncRNA (as well asthe “guilt by association” process). Therefore, a specifichematopoietic lineage can be focused, and gain- orloss-of-function experiments can then be carried out toexamine the effects of lncRNA depletion or ectopic ex-pression on the targeted phenotype, which is usually thedifferentiation toward a particular lineage.For instance, HOTAIRM1 is a myelopoiesis-associated

regulatory lncRNA identified by tiling array and is tran-scribed antisense to the HOXA genes [114]. HOTAIRM1appeared to be restricted to myeloid lineage accordingto the initial array data, and the subsequent cDNA panelas well as qPCR experiments confirmed its myeloidlineage specificity. In addition, a marked increase ofHOTAIRM1 expression responding to all-trans retinoicacid (ATRA) treatment in both K562 and NB4 cells fur-ther showed a prominent association with induced gran-ulocytic differentiation. The subsequent functional studyrevealed that HOTAIRM1 depletion compromised

HOXA1 and HOXA4 expression during retinoic acid-in-duced myeloid differentiation and hence attenuated thetranscription of myeloid differentiation genes such asCD11b and CD18 [115]. In addition, numerous lncRNAshave been reported to have potential roles in regulatinghematopoietic lineage differentiation (Table 4), which in-clude LINC00173 and NEAT1 (granulocytic) [24, 116],lncRNAp53int1, lnc-MC and lnc-DC (monocytic) [117–119], and EGO (eosinophilic) [120]. PU.1 AS is a nega-tive regulator of the master hematopoietic transcriptionfactor PU.1 [121].The colony-forming cell (CFC) assay is a technique

utilized to assess the proliferation and differentiationability of hematopoietic progenitors by their ability toform colonies in a semi-solid medium. When culturedwith appropriate cytokines, CFCs can divide and differ-entiate into a colony of more mature cells, which can inturn be identified by light microscopy. The morphologyand number of colonies generated by a fixed number ofinput cells can provide preliminary information aboutthe capability of progenitor cells to grow and differenti-ate. However, this assay is useful for assessing myeloid(including granulocytic, monocytic, erythroid, and mega-karyocytic lineages), but not lymphoid, differentiation. Astudy employing the use of CFC assay uncovered thefunction of LINC00173, which showed a very specificexpression in mature granulocytes [24]. By bioinformat-ics analysis of a collective dataset from RNA-seq andmicroarray platforms, it was hypothesized that LINC00173 played a potential role during granulopoiesis.In the study, LINC00173 was knocked down in CD34+ hu-man hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) byshRNAs, which then resulted in defective granulocytic dif-ferentiation in vitro. The cells were examined by leukocyte

Table 4 Differentiation-associated lncRNAs in hematopoiesis

lncRNA Observations in lineage differentiation References

HOTAIRM1 Expression shows myeloid lineage specificity and increasesduring granulocytic differentiation

[114, 115]

LINC00173 Specifically expressed in mature granulocytes; controls differentiationof myeloid progenitor cells towards granulocytes


NEAT1 Highly expressed in APL cells; NEAT1 depletion stopped ATRA-inducedgranulocytic differentiation


LncRNAp53int1 Expressed in undifferentiated human myeloid leukemia cells andgreatly reduced during differentiation towards monocytesand macrophages


Lnc-MC Increased expression promotes differentiation from monocytes tomacrophage through sequestering miR-199a-5p


Lnc-DC Exclusively expressed in dendritic cells (DCs); knockdown studyshowed its involvement in DC differentiation


EGO Highly expressed in mature eosinophils; knockdown of EGOinfluenced the expression of regulators in eosinophilopoiesis


PU.1 AS Negatively regulates the mRNA translation of the master hematopoietictranscription factor PU.1


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peroxidase staining and cell surface marker CD66b. Inaddition, methylcellulose-based and collagen-based colony-forming assays were further carried out, and the resultsrevealed a reduction of myeloid colony formation aftersuppression of LINC00173, whereas erythroid colony for-mation was unaffected. The findings suggested thatLINC00173 was not only involved in granulocytic differen-tiation but also in the development of early myeloid pro-genitor cells [24].

Resistance to anti-cancer drugDespite the availability of therapeutics for treatinghematological malignancies, development of drug resist-ance is still a stumbling block for effective treatment.For example, imatinib, a selective BCR-ABL1 kinase inhibi-tor, is highly effective in treating CML. Yet, some patientsstill develop imatinib resistance and the underlying mech-anism of imatinib resistance is still far from complete.Mechanistic studies have identified that imatinib resistanceacquired in CML can result from point mutations in theBCR-ABL kinase domain [122], overexpression of multi-drug resistance protein 1 (MDR1) [123], or microenviron-mental protection of leukemic cells [124]. Besides, mostrecent studies demonstrate that diverse functional mole-cules, including lncRNAs, are immensely involved in thedevelopment of chemotherapeutic resistance in differentcancers including hematological malignancies. SeverallncRNAs associated with imatinib resistance have beenidentified and partially characterized (Table 5): UCA1,SNHG5, HOTAIR, and MEG3 [123, 125–127]. (Table 5 isat the end of the document.)It has been shown that overexpressed lncRNA UCA1

modulates CML-imatinib resistance by acting as a com-petitive endogenous RNA (ceRNA) against miR-16, andthis in turn stimulates MDR1 expression and alters thedrug efflux system [123]. Besides, lncRNA SNHG5 also

acts as a ceRNA against miR-205-5p and enhancesABCC2 expression, which is the core regulator of ima-tinib resistance [125]. It has also been identified thatlncRNA HOTAIR promotes MDR1 expression throughactivating PI3K/Akt pathways [126]. Along with theseoncogenic and drug-resistance-regulating lncRNAs, thereis one anti-oncogenic and anti-drug-resistance-regulatinglncRNA named MEG3. LncRNA MEG3 has been charac-terized in CML as being capable of decreasing the expres-sion of MDR1, MRP1, and ABCG2 by suppressing miR-21[127]. Taking together all these evidences mentionedabove, lncRNAs might be considered a promising noveltarget for enhancing the therapeutic efficacy of imatinibin CML patients. However, further studies are still re-quired to discover the whole mechanistic scenario oflncRNA-mediated drug resistance.To investigate the correlation between lncRNAs and

drug resistance, different approaches are commonly usedas described below. The prerequisite of functionallycharacterizing drug resistance-associated lncRNAs is togenerate in vitro cell line resistant to anti-cancer drugs.This is done by continually treating the cells with in-creasing doses of an anti-cancer drug for a certain periodof time [115, 123, 125, 127]. In some cases, specimens canalso be collected from patients developing drug resistance.After acquiring resistant cells, knockdown or overexpres-sion of lncRNAs related to targeted drug resistance is car-ried out. Then, cell proliferation, cell differentiation, cellcycle, and apoptosis can be analyzed by using MTT orCCK-8 assay as well as flow cytometry. The results will beused to determine whether the lncRNAs can enhancedrug resistance or re-sensitize the resistant cells. The finalstep of such study would be to delineate the mechanismof lncRNA involvement in drug resistance by using ad-vanced techniques such as RNA immunoprecipitation andchromatin immunoprecipitation assay [123, 128, 129].

Table 5 Anti-cancer drug resistance-associated lncRNAs in CML

lncRNA Sample source Functional involvementand mechanism of actionlncRNAs in drug resistance

Approaches for lncRNAs characterization in drug resistance References

Cell proliferation/cytotoxicity,cell viability assay

Manipulationapproaches forlncRNAs


UCA1 Imatinib-resistantcell lines

Modulates imatinib resistanceby acting as a ceRNA againstmiR-16

CCK-8 assay siRNAs RIP assay,Dual-luciferasereporter assay


SNHG5 Patient samples,imatinib-resistantcell lines

Promotes imatinib resistancethrough acting as ceRNAagainst miR-205-5p

MTT assay siRNAs RIP assay, Luciferasereporter assay


HOTAIR Multidrug-resistantpatient samples,imatinib-resistantcell lines

Modulates MDR to imatinibresistance through activatingPI3K/Akt-dependent pathway

MTT assay, AnnexinV/propidium iodide (PI)staining assay

siRNAs – [126]

MEG3 Patient samples,imatinib-resistantcell lines

Inhibits imatinib resistanceby suppressing miR-21

CCK-8 assay, AnnexinV-FITC/PI ApoptosisDetection Kit

Overexpression Luciferase reporterassay


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The selection of mechanistic characterization approachdepends on the interaction of lncRNAs with other bio-active molecules such as DNA, other RNAs, or proteins.There are other ways to develop chemoresistance, e.g., viathe transfer of lncRNAs associated with drug resistance toother cells by exosomes or drug resistance mediated bybone marrow microenvironment. Different supplementarytechniques need to be applied accordingly, including theisolation of exosomes secreted by chemoresistant cancercells [129], and co-culture of anti-cancer drug-resistantcells and/or exosomes (macrovesicles) with bone marrowstromal cells.

Potential involvement in leukemia-induced angiogenesisAngiogenesis is the process of generating new blood ves-sels from a pre-existing vascular network. In normalphysiological condition, angiogenesis is strongly main-tained by a precise balance between stimulatory and inhibi-tory signals [130–132]. However, in case of imbalance,abnormal blood vessels can be formed and incorporatedduring the progression of different diseases including can-cers, atherosclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, corneal neovas-cularization and ischemic disease, and cancer metastasis[132]. Relevant research has identified exosomes as a cru-cial factor to modulate the formation of new blood vessels.It is well known that both normal physiological cells andcancerous cells can secrete exosomes. Exosomes have inter-cellular communication power between neighboring cellsas well as distant cells [133], and they transport differentbioactive molecules including proteins, peptides, lipids,miRNAs, and lncRNAs that act as regulators in recipientcells in a paracrine or endocrine manner [134–137].Advanced research has identified the functional in-

volvement of exosomes in CML-mediated angiogenesis.Briefly, exosomes secreted by CML cells contain differ-ent functional molecules such as miR-92a, a member ofmiR-17-92 cluster (angiogenesis stimulator), which canbe internalized into human umbilical vein endothelialcells (HUVECs) and modulates their tube formation byactivating Src signaling pathway [138, 139]. Moreover,CML-released exosomes downregulate a target of miR-92a(named intergenic a5) in HUVECs and consequently pro-mote cell migration and tube formation [139]. Further-more, these exosomes facilitate tube-formation capabilityof HUVECs under hypoxic condition rather than normoxiccondition through downregulation of an angiogenesis in-hibitor called EFNA3 [140]. It has also been observed thatCML-secreted exosomes enhance IL8 expression andmodulate angiogenesis [141]. Taking all evidences together,it can be clearly stated that CML-secreted exosomes areable to modulate formation and regulation of new bloodvessels via transporting functional biomolecules like miR-NAs, which can further contribute to the development ofdrug resistance.

The significance of angiogenesis in blood cancers, suchas leukemia, has been noticed since it plays an importantrole in both hematopoiesis and leukemogenesis [142].Several miRNAs have been identified and characterizedin relation to irregular angiogenesis onset and progres-sion in blood cancer, but lncRNA involvement in angio-genesis is still very poorly known. Despite this fact,angiogenesis-associated lncRNAs have been character-ized in different solid cancers as listed in Table 6. Forexample, several lncRNAs, namely OR3A4, MALAT1,PVT1, and CASC2, are critically involved in the initi-ation and progression of angiogenesis in gastric cancerthrough interacting with different functional moleculessuch as VEGFA, VEGF-C, MMP9, STAT3, and FAK[143–146]. On the other hand, TUG1 and XIST pro-mote angiogenesis in glioblastoma via the interaction ofmiRNAs (miRNA-299 and miR-137) with their respect-ive protein-coding genes (VEGFA, FOXC1, and ZO-2)[63, 147]. In glioma, HULC and H19 promote angio-genesis via up-expressing ESM-1 and VASH2 throughPI3K/Akt/mTOR signaling pathway and miRNA-29arespectively [148, 149] while HULC and MVIH pro-mote angiogenesis in hepatocellular carcinoma by up-regulating SPHK1 and inhibiting PGK1 secretionrespectively [150, 151]. TUG1 and CRNDE stimulateangiogenesis in hepatoblastoma through regulating VEGFAexpression (by downregulation of miR-34a-5p), and mTORsignaling pathway respectively [152, 153]. Besides, HOTAIRpromotes cell growth and angiogenesis in nasopharyngealcarcinoma by upregulating VEGFA and Ang2 by GRP78[56], whereas MALAT1 promotes angiogenesis in neuro-blastoma by upregulating FGF2 expression [154]. MIATpromotes ocular angiogenesis in diabetes through upregu-lating VEGF by miRNA-150-5p [155]. Instead of enhancingangiogenesis, one lncRNA named MEG3 suppresses tumorcell proliferation and angiogenesis in pituitary adenomasthrough suppressing VEGF signaling pathway [156].

Translational perspectivesLncRNAs are emerging as crucial players in differentpathological conditions and there have been many studiesshowing their dysregulation associated with human diseases[157–159]. Such association provided important clinicalimplications and helped to explore new diagnostic andtherapeutic options. As lncRNAs provide an additionallayer of control for gene expression and subsequentregulation in different biological processes, unravelingtheir molecular roles is necessary in order to gain betterunderstanding of the disease and its treatment, whichpotentially promote the clinical and medical practice.

LncRNA as potential diagnostic and prognostic biomarkersLncRNAs can potentially be attractive biological markersfor diagnostic and prognostic application because their

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expression patterns are much more tissue-specific ordisease type-specific when compared with those ofprotein-coding genes [160]. Such specificity and sensitiv-ity enable lncRNAs to be a good indicator or predictorof disease stage that can be reflected by their differentialexpression level with reference to normal tissue. Now-adays, biomarker screening in patient extracellular fluidsis one of the most promising methods for early diagnosiswith the additional merit of its non-invasiveness. It hasbeen found that the alteration of lncRNA levels associ-ated with tumorigenesis can also be detected in bodyfluids like blood plasma and urine, which can readily becollected from patients and hence makes lncRNA a goodpotential biomarker [161].Prostate cancer antigen 3 (PCA3) is the best-known

example of lncRNA applied in clinical diagnosis since itdemonstrated higher diagnostic performance than theconventional detection of prostate-specific antigen (PSA)serum level. PCA3 is a prostate-specific lncRNA and isoverexpressed in > 90% of primary prostate tumors com-pared to benign tissues [162], which can be detected in pa-tient urine samples and is undetectable in other tumor

types [163]. PCA3 detection has been used in urine-basedmolecular diagnostic test that was approved by the Foodand Drug Administration (FDA) in the USA and is nowwidely applied to prostate cancer detection [164, 165].Indeed, lncRNAs also provide diagnostic and prognostic

value in hematological diseases. A clinical research studyrevealed a subset of lncRNAs called B-ALL-associatedlong RNAs (BALR) by microarray analysis. It has beenfound that BALR are able to predict the cytogenetic sub-types of B-acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL) amongthe most prevalent abnormalities: mixed lineage leukemia(MLL) rearrangement, E2A-PBX1 translocation, andTEL-AML1 fusion. Upon further clinicopathologic dataanalysis, a high expression level of BALR-2 was found tobe associated with poor survival and reduced responses toprednisolone used in treatment of B-ALL [166]. Thisfinding indicates the possibility of using lncRNA tosub-classify disease and predict treatment response.Another example is lncRNA PRAL, which was down-

regulated in primary multiple myeloma (MM) cells, es-pecially in MM cells with del(17p). Analysis of survivalcurves revealed a significantly shorter disease-free

Table 6 LncRNAs associated with angiogenesis in human cancers

Cancer type LncRNA Functional involvement of lncRNAs in angiogenesis References

Disease phenotype Mechanism of action

Gastric cancer OR3A4 Promotes cell proliferation, migration,invasion, tumorigenesis, angiogenesis

Increases VEGF-C and MMP9 expression [143]

MALAT1 Promotes tumorigenicity and metastasis Regulation of VE-cadherin/β-catenincomplex and ERK/MMP and FAK/paxillinsignaling pathways


PVT1 Induce angiogenesis within tumors Mediates angiogenesis via evoking theSTAT3/VEGFA signaling axis


CASC2 Inhibits cell invasion and angiogenesis – [146]

Glioblastoma TUG1 Promotes cell proliferation, migrationand angiogenesisPromotes blood-tumor barrierpermeability and angiogenesis

Increases VEGFA expression throughdownregulation of miRNA-299


XIST Inhibition of FOXC1 and ZO-2 byupregulating miR-137


Glioma HULC Promotes cell proliferation andangiogenesis

Upregulation of ESM-1 throughPI3K/Akt/mTOR signaling pathway


H19 Promotes angiogenesis Increases the VASH2 expression throughoverexpressing miRNA-29a


Hepatocellular carcinoma HULC Promotes cell proliferation and angiogenesis Upregulation of SPHK1throughmiRNA-107/E2F1/SPHK1 signaling pathway


MVIH Promotes cell growth and metastasis Inhibition of PGK1 secretion [151]

Hepatoblastoma TUG1 Promotes cell proliferation, migration andangiogenesis

Increases VEGFA expression by miR-34a-5pdownregulation


CRNDE Promotes tumor growth and tumorangiogenesis

Regulates mTOR signaling pathways [153]

Nasopharyngeal carcinoma HOTAIR Promotes cell growth and angiogenesis Upregulation of VEGFA and Ang2 by GRP78 [56]

Neuroblastoma MALAT1 Promotes angiogenesis Upregulation of FGF2 expression [154]

Diabetes MIAT Promotes ocular angiogenesis Upregulation of VEGF by miRNA-150-5p [155]

Pituitary adenomas MEG3 Suppresses tumor cell proliferationand angiogenesis

Suppression of VEGF signaling pathway [156]

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survival and overall survival in MM patients with lowPRAL expression [167]. In the same study, a potentialcorrelation between PRAL and bortezomib sensitivityvia the action on miR-210 was also demonstrated. Allthese data implied that PRAL expression might be uti-lized to predict the progression and prognosis of MMpatients as well as the efficacy of bortezomib treatment.Overall, lncRNAs could conceivably serve as effective

biomarkers for disease diagnosis and prognosis owing totheir high specificity and relative ease of sampling. Inaddition, their differential expression can be quite readilydetected by common molecular biology techniques suchas microarray assay, real-time qPCR, and RNA-seq. It isexpected that by combining different lncRNA candidatesor together with conventional biomarkers, the clinicaljudgment of medical professionals can be greatly facili-tated in the future. Nonetheless, PCA3 is the only lncRNAthat has been recommended as an FDA-approved bio-marker to date. The utility of lncRNAs as clinical bio-markers is still in its infancy and the possible use of mostknown disease-associated lncRNAs was not confirmedyet. Therefore, more studies investigating the precise rela-tionship between lncRNAs and disease pathology areneeded, and standardization of the detection approach isalso required in order to promote the use of lncRNAs inclinical settings.

Development of therapeutic strategies by targeting lncRNAOn the other hand, the unique specificity of lncRNAsalso makes them remarkable therapeutic targets by re-ducing off-target side effects. With the advances inoligonucleotide-based therapeutics, any particular mem-ber of human transcriptome, which cannot be targeted bysmall molecules or antibody-drugs, can be reached by nu-cleic acid-based drugs [168, 169]. In particular, ASOs havebeen subjected to clinical trials and some have alreadybeen clinically approved by the FDA [170–172]. Thispromising approach is also emerging as a feasible treat-ment by targeting lncRNAs, which may provide a widerrange of therapeutic options due to their functionaldiversity.As a proof of concept, lncRNA MALAT1 as a thera-

peutic target has been tested in vivo in an animal modeland has demonstrated therapeutic efficacy. In a mouseMMTV (mouse mammary tumor virus)-PyMT breastcancer model, enhanced cell adhesion and cystic differ-entiation and reduced migration were shown uponASO-targeted knockdown of MALAT1 [173]. Anotherexample is lncRNA Ube3a-ats, which has been targetedin mice by the administration of ASOs and which offersa potential therapeutic target for Angelman syndrome[174]. Although this approach is hopeful, a great chal-lenge for clinical application is to validate the efficientdelivery and long-lasting effects in human subjects.

Hence, more preclinical studies and clinical studies inhumans are still required. Nevertheless, since nucleicacid-targeting therapeutic strategies are evolving swiftly interms of improved toxicity and pharmacokinetics, theidentification and evaluation of targeted lncRNA in dis-eases may be plausibly translated into clinical applicationsin the near future.

ConclusionsLncRNAs have become a hot topic in the genome re-search field. We are entering a new era in which the cor-relations of lncRNAs with developmental process anddiseases are being elucidated gradually. However, thefunctional characterization of lncRNAs is still in its in-fancy as this highly complicated layer of gene regulationis made possible by dynamic interaction with variousmolecules or complexes. Perturbation experiments, es-pecially loss-of-function study, represent major tools tounravel the functional roles of lncRNAs. With the recentpromising developments of different genome manipula-tion techniques, notably CRISPR-Cas systems, whichhave expanded its versatility from DNA to RNA level fortargeting and manipulation, it is expected that thesenovel approaches will further evolve to become bettercustomized for probing lncRNA function. Nevertheless,no single method can address all research questions.Therefore, researchers should carefully choose appropri-ate technologies that suit the purpose of study. Byhighlighting the approaches to identify and characterizelncRNAs involved in hematological malignancies, wehope that further understanding of lncRNA propertiescan be achieved and this finally helps to identify novelbiomarkers and therapeutic strategies.

AbbreviationsALL: Acute lymphoblastic leukemia; AML: Acute myeloid leukemia; AMT: 4′-Aminomethyltrioxalen; APL: Acute promyelocytic leukemia; ASOs: Antisenseoligonucleotides; ATRA: All-trans retinoic acid; AURKA: Aurora kinase A; B-ALL: B-acute lymphoblastic leukemia; BALR: B-ALL-associated long RNAs;BrdU: 5′-Bromo-2′-deoxyuridine; CAGE: Cap analysis of gene expression;Cas9: CRISPR-associated endonuclease 9; CCK-8: Cell Counting Kit-8;CDK: Cyclin-dependent kinase; cDNA: Complementary DNA;ceRNA: Competitive endogenous RNA; CFC: Colony-forming cell;CHART: Capture hybridization analysis of RNA targets; ChIP-seq: Chromatinimmunoprecipitation sequencing; ChIRP: Chromatin isolation by RNApurification; CLASH: Cross-linking, ligation, and sequencing of hybrids; CLIP-Seq: Same as HITS-CLIP (see below); CLL: Chronic lymphocytic leukemia;CML: Chronic myeloid leukemia; CRISPR: Clustered regulatory interspacedshort palindromic repeats; CRISPRa: CRISPR activation; CRISPRi: CRISPRinterference; DAPI: 4′,6′-Diamidino-2-phenylindole; DC: Dendritic cell;dCas13: Dead Cas13; dCas9: Dead Cas9; DHSs: DNaseI hypersensitivity sites;DSG: Disuccinimidyl glutarate; EGO: Eosinophil granule ontogeny transcript;FA: Formaldehyde; FDA: Food and Drug Administration; FISH: Fluorescencein situ hybridization; H3K4me3: Histone H3 lysine 4 trimethylation;HEPN: Higher eukaryotes and prokaryotes nucleotide-binding; HITS-CLIP: High-throughput sequencing of RNA isolated by cross-linking immuno-precipitation; HSPCs: Hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells; HUVECs: Humanumbilical vein endothelial cells; IL-5: Interleukin 5; lncRNA: Long non-codingRNA; MDR1: Multidrug resistance protein 1; miRNA: microRNA; MM: Multiplemyeloma; mRNA: Messenger RNA; MSigDB: Molecular Signatures Database;MTS: 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-5-(3-carboxymethoxyphenyl)-2-(4-

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sulfophenyl)-2H-tetrazolium; MTT: 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide; ncRNA: Non-coding RNAs; NGS: Next-generation sequencing; nt: Nucleotides; ORF: Open reading frame; PAR-CLIP: Photoactivatable ribonucleotide-enhanced cross-linking and immuno-precipitation; PCA3: Prostate cancer antigen 3; PFS: Protospacer flanking site;PI: Propidium iodide; Poly(A): Polyadenylation; qPCR: Quantitative polymerasechain reaction; RAP: RNA antisense purification; RAP-RNA: RNA antisensepurification followed by RNA sequencing; RBP: RNA-binding protein; RIP: RNAimmunoprecipitation; RNAi: RNA interference; RNA-seq: RNA-sequencing;SAGE: Serial analysis of gene expression; sgRNA: Single-guide RNA;shRNAs: Short hairpin RNAs; siRNAs: Small interfering RNAs; smFISH: Single-molecule fluorescence in situ hybridization; TSS: Transcription start sites

AcknowledgementsWe thank Adenike Adesanya for additional proofreading.

FundingThe authors were supported by PolyU internal funding (99QP, 1-ZVJB and G-YBX3), and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (no. 31701192).

Availability of data and materialsThe materials supporting the conclusion of this review have been includedwithin the article.

Authors’ contributionsSPY and CLH conceived and designed the review. NKW, CLH, RI, and SPYcollected the references and participated in the discussion. NKW and CLHdrafted the manuscript. NKW, CLH, and RI prepared the figures and tables.CLH and SPY critically evaluated and revised the manuscript. All authors readand approved the final manuscript.

Ethics approval and consent to participateThis is not applicable for this review.

Consent for publicationThis is not applicable for this review.

Competing interestsThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Publisher’s NoteSpringer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims inpublished maps and institutional affiliations.

Received: 5 September 2018 Accepted: 23 October 2018

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