
“Lord, let us feel pity for Private Jenkins, and sorrow for ourselves, and all the angel warriors that fall. Let us fear death, but let it not live within us. Protect us, O Lord, and be merciful unto us. Amen.” (Pg. 44)

English 30-2: Visual Reflection

Soldiers Praying

Examine the photograph. Reflect upon the ideas and impressions suggested by the photograph.

The Assignment

! What ideas and impressions does the photograph suggest to you?! Consider the context, and develop your response by referring to ! photograph.

In your writing, you may respond personally, critically, and/or creatively.

You must

• select a prose form that is appropriate to the ideas you wish to express and that will enable you to effectively communicate to the reader.

• identify a main focus (theme) and select at least 3 details from the visual to support your theme (focus)

• discuss ideas and impressions from the visual that are meaningful to you and incorporate into your writing

• consider how you can create a strong unifying effect to the visual /theme

• Create a Theme statement that will be the focus of your response.

English 30-2 Planning sheet for Visual Communication

A. Remind yourself of the intention of the exercise:

To PROVE the idea (concept) that the photograph communicates.

Proving demands referencing specific information from the visual and discussing its importance.

An idea or a concept is the “general” point of the visual. It basically takes into account all the details and then declares” this all goes to show....

B. Look at the picture as a whole. Figure out what emotional impact it has on you. Think about “why”. Think about “how”.

Write down words that link to how the visual makes you “feel”.

C. Even before you chunk the pictures into parts, look for obvious symbolism.

That could be: ~ particular colours ~ recognizable patterns ~ famous images ~juxtapositions ~ mythological connections ~ symbolic setting (nature, water, geometry, etc.)

Write them down. Later on, go back to figure out how/why the symbols have an effect on communication.

D. DETAILS MATTER! Anything less than 1/2 dozen will not likely be enough. LOOK AT THE “BIG” IMAGES. LOOK AT THE FACES/SMALL IMAGES. LOOK AT THE INCLUDED PICTURES/ EXCLUDED PICTURES. LOOK AT THE BACKGROUND. ALL OF IT MATTERS. Get used to looking with all of these: a microscope, a telescope and your inner eye.

Name the details in a list: That/those detail(s) suggest







What are the “relationships” between the details in the picture. What belongs together? Why? What UNIVERSAL IDEA(S) are being showcased?

4. Develop your thesis statement. (Idea + what you will prove about that idea) *** This is also persuasive writing; you are persuading your audience that your idea is legitimate. The question is “what idea does the photograph communicate”? ANSWER THAT QUESTION... Do NOT write a story OR tell me what you see. That is observation only. I’m asking for an analysis of the photograph. Think about the connection to the human condition, to society.

Writing a thesis statement:

Another way of expressing this idea is.... A PROMISE

It is a SINGLE SENTENCE (*ONLY) that declares the following two things:

1. The topic of your essay (usually you won’t have a choice - the topic will be in response to a question that is asked of you)

2. An opinion/idea/something to prove ABOUT the topic!!! (YOU must decide on something important to say about the topic, based on your reading.)

Examples of BAD thesis statements:

My essay is about homework. (That’s a big “so-what; who cares” - all you’ve done is identify the topic of homework - there’s nothing to prove)

Homework sucks (again - who cares? That’s just personal opinion based on emotion - no self-respecting reader is even going to finish your essay)

Teachers give homework. (well, dah!! Talk about stating the obvious! - there’s no way you could write a whole essay about this)

Examples of GOOD thesis statements:

Homework is not the drudgery that most students believe it is. (Ah, I’ve got something to PROVE now.)

Although homework is unpopular, it is necessary. (Again, I have reason to explain myself)

Once a student decides to embrace homework, the benefits often outweigh the burden. (Here’s an opportunity to PERSUADE my audience.)

Now that you have thought through the picture - in pieces, in sections, in details, in observations and in drawing conclusions. Now it is your task to answer fully and with some spirit:

What idea does the photograph communicate?

Write a fully developed composition answering the question as it relates to the photo you are studying.

Follow the guideline below when writing.


In your introduction you are going to talk about the visual in a general way. Think about your general world knowledge - there are very few situations when you will have absolutely no background information that would help. Write general statements that address the issues that are present in the visual. Then conclude your introductory paragraph with your thesis statement.

Body (As many paragraphs as you need to develop your ideas to the visual)

Now write about the details of the photo and discuss how these details support your thesis statement. Do this by collecting details such as “subject matter”, colour, photo angle (if it is pertinent), symbols that may be obvious, cultural references, etc.....(Anything long as it is relevant and actually supports your theme. Do not stray!) Even the tiniest detail in the picture may be relevant to your theme. Only use the details and ideas that support your theme. Go back to your chart to look at what details connect to your idea - your thesis statement.


Summarize what you have said in your response. In your first sentence of your conclusion, restate your theme statement in different words. Then write general statements again restating what you said in your introduction, but in different words. Conclude your concluding paragraph with a final thought about life that relates to your theme statement.

Visual Reflection Exemplar

Picture: Little Girl in Pink gets a Scolding from a pointed finger


Life is political. Once upon a Canadian time we electrocuted or hung the “baddies” of society. Surely, without severe punishment, criminals would take over our home and native land - and they would destroy our peaceful nation. But history and statistics have proven this a fallacy. However, we have not ride ourselves of the evil tendencies that plague our citizens, but we have become more civilized in how we treat wrong-doers. The “system” filters downward. Bosses no longer can abuse us - at least not legally. Parents must take care to discipline humanely. And schools, as well as day-cares, must teach with passion, but “manage” with compassion. Gone are the days of strapping unruly children. We must congratulate ourselves. Or should we? Have we merely replaced the overt, but swift and fleeting, physical punishment with a more covert - more subtle manner of subduing the vulnerable? Whatever the tactic, authority figures retain the power to scar the innocent as they wield their “right” to maintain control. (Theme Statement)

Body posturing is a dead give-away. The small girl is wide-eyed and visibly attentive as she meekly accepts her “lecture”. With overturned ankle and hands-in-pickets she oozes remorse. Whatever her transgression, she is “for it”, and she knows! With learned tolerance she accepts her discipline; surely she is a bad little girl. The intrusive finger wagging in her face lets her know that she’s done wrong. From the adult side of the line - from high above - she is judged. Yet, her chubby little cheeks, her pretty pink track suit and her “golden halo” all suggest that she is innocent. Is this the way to mould a child? Is this the best alternative to a quick slap on the bottom? Where are the nurturing hugs or words of encouragement to brighten an impressionable mind. As she endures her scolding she is learning; one day she will be the one in control. It is proven; children learn what they live.

It is easy to dominate those who have no power, but is it healthy for their future? As we become increasingly paranoid over methods of control, people become more masterful at breaking down the spirit, instead of the body. No, I do not wish my children to be slapped around by vicious tyrants, but I fear even more that they seethe with rage or shake with fear when they make mistakes.I’d bite that finger!

Your title: ______________________________________________





























































