Page 1: Louisville weekly journal. (Louisville, KY) 1858-01-13 [p 3] · non.ent wrh the word, ex tone a a written r o niae to tbvt lie nr bis anxeasliv









DmortiTlc NiviATsn rn AMELIA Tit .

Cuuttv. Our corriolent f'xvmm sketch of tbe

fnmj:ngtr the Demer'.:c CtMvenlioa op to the j

ttoM of the of ths r trt from Frankfttt.We hare aiaxw recjei ved a dispatch, Lich ill I 1

found taadev- the telcraph h.J, which announceKankia I.. Kevell aa fr nmirier.

rKAno(Y - IVr. We have Been thi

ewrnrn hil;!y retotntrtcii'l d ia varton Soiitrtcyii

rasp-r- e. li. aas proan q ite extensivtly at theKautt. lat season, ami ao iar as are can leara fullyaao'xincd thi tiirh pven it by tbe

Weihv the f..!'." ing from the tliiml'Otloaiirer:

V,iWv' W."' Corn. Ia Mr paper of the OUi

la-- l, invt aa of our visit la"calm-i- i

' co-- 1'1 lk" purpose of examiningthe xi ixi tlte s:'k. the tiuinl-- of ears on each, ic.V e found all wttiiti hail mid .f it prolific na-


li II v vruk'd, and lu order that our readerDt trht rhar- - a i' h exaimra'ed idea of iuaiitapraul ieli, wetlte, stntKt that-- in our opinion,iii tu S. lu-- h (kt acre la? a esti-

mate. Tar earn ha. ainc lieen a'vuratclv measured,aa-- our fimi' found to lie under tbe aiark. a kmc t

iv- -f tr i.s ar'ual J a .is httkrit ami I

m r I per crt 'bewlnue 2j acres producing; tirotk mimo' tmror kmmimi ww. s.j- - bushel..' Injusticeto Mr. IValiodv, e t nl lammd ta stake the currec-tart-

hHh M tin with pWaMirc. i hia immeiMeyield ai4i attracted the attention t.f tre ert Apri-ct- il

unil 4ir in AUdaina. liu h awarded th biclieatpreaiima to Mr. IVttaidv Ur'rt yieM on 2.atcreif .rn. Ur. I. na Tucdiy la, hoaed aathi premiuia. onui'-tiiii- . if to mairtiiikent aiiverpM, chav-d- , aud rallied at rjil. Tneee, inoainecU.m with a Irau'ifu! C"ld medai, o kire ix,

iM rremiura tUa tiorrie. arr elegant trilmtea tuNr. I'.'a eaerpetn ilT and imia-t- r in producing

ra"r rp- -. iimT of t:ii okill in hnslniiry., Hat it apir that 'I oeHriy of hi nrn 1

t atiiind to tle South The Ciintoa(tlMi.i C ) Herald, in the State of Xew Vtalt, puulonh the f.dlo:n rtotk-- ronceminc it:

tan'M : tie tallrat corn that the KirkUndun eer aiione npoo at raided during the paat

.r I; tt. I.tiras. Tlfc? averape heij.t of theaVika Ciur.ern f'ft. A Umdfr oard inin tin; t." t r tlx: t tpivf titistuik. Slanr of the

il.lwl ei r. ard ronteof tbe G

ar rr? Ifmyii-d- , oihera eixteen loaed or!. 1 be wboW kl I at tiie rate of two hun-!r- d

ImMieln tr re. 1 i.ia virMy "f corn waatiT M. (" A. V of Co'nnidua. ia.,

au4uuil.'il h'Ii 'i I'rj.iin " I( rtqjirrs a lut'nd nrrlul ooluv.iitmi. It rineiia readilvin

I.iur I --land, ard u w.H 'orih Hi: atUuuoa ifOir-iJ- Loiiiri.

TLi euro i t ly llcr. Tcur . Tu- -


nilOKT lT TtlC IT.1U AC Mil

OlonoU JoltMsoii niial ( okf nlTort D rid per.


THE AN1MALSDY I N C.The IVToimoua roriiTyiog tlij Faacea.

Sr. Lot is, Jan. 8.

Tbe RcfMtilK-n- ba ju reorieed a IrturFiHTt K.t4riK-- , nfile ciu, l;x h aate that

4. Jiainu t at rort. Urid :?r on N.ivtuiler 1".t 4. Otoke with binwnole coinataad bad i'nvrd. lh cr bad all liumcd. Iheant--

J were 3 at t lie rats f one hundred a day.'lue M.trnona were turt living ali tlie p' leadingto the cirr. Jr-- Jone. afrent f Mnior liowH,had been releaxM and e nt to C4 Jnlimwt'a camp,ia amig through oil'eeut caiiona. be waa d

pveDt lit in o Kaim.ip ko.Wilje of IbtirniwrarMt. AniKhrr l"ter. dated t'id. l'4ie'oainiand w bile en rout, m kea i o nirntiim of be

inK wmieatcd Minuuba.

THE kCXTl CblY AmilXTMEXTS.Waniiixgtux, Jan. 7.

The Scna'e todr inesrotive i ennfii im dth nowni-.- of Tiko. Sedgwick at t

vf New tork. in p'.i'ci; of Mr. Mi fcLeon, re-

moved, by a vo'c of 3 to ij. 11 verly I.. Clarke,of Kv , i al oejt t.ruirdat Vioi-f-r tci (iautemala.1: 11. J. Twytuaa a at Vera Our, andThoa. II. a Jud'e iu New Mexico.

lleaera. and Klce, tlte n!y ebrt-- Sena-t- o

from MimteMi a. ki-- imvel in Uaahiuctno.Keliatde lnfi4Tnaii. ban readied here (hal nearly

at qoite T."11" rotea t fur t' lcomptoncniiaiitatt'xi on the 21 tilt., which u lielieved to tiea nwaionty of tbe hole rimVr ot voter in hlantar.

A potion i f the five Ntte Dien aominab-- a Sm'oand were t" voe for it on the tb int. 1 hir

ptoramme u to elect men pledged to rail a cotivetInn to chantre lha confitMutioa. not to dcainn- it.I'ri sid rt ( wou'd not open tbe voieton tierooUtii;i"n un il -- fler the elntiiai of the 4'h ofJanaarr. Tut ih w u r1 in political ciix ka biily favnral.le ta a aedT f thK tna "jnelion by action o( tlie peij.le of Kanaaa

tb4tnJva.Wasiiiwtox, Jan. 8.

The fvtuUiern MaU New (Irleana aatea alate a 4 dae.

A 1 cicea riom Yocatan to the 20-- nit. atate thatthe oarreaa or t.jTorcnunt prty bedetied forpeai.but tbe prri od'ion waj inlviant'y Toewar bad nude but little pro-r- sin'-- the previou?advk-es- .

Nkw Oia-a- 1 Jan. 8.The aiJtaooer from Tampico, with

davauf the 2 Kb, baa arrived.Tbe ncw of Coinwuturt'a D'lato-tdli- p reached

laaipionoa uua 2 iui. a rrociamm im cn accvpiaiice i

i tlie aan eveuint;. Jta q Jict.A d' of S. tniiiiih- - and Crek , d

i y ba rem bunt oa their war toF lorida, to luduce li.lly Ilulej." to cm'p'ate West,

Ctiix, Jan. 8.

The eliiMiim ia the Seventh OmjreRMiiual districtto till tlie vamn'-- riud bv the resignation tf tiov.Itankn re.nbed in iliech we of Hani-- V. G. k,Ibe candidate, by 2,0W majority.

Nt w Yukk, Jan. 8.

Tbe cnvernmenl has lieu oMij-- to poi.pnn thepuna "til of ttirir dmfLs, iu cooioqtinoe f tltawiirt of fund. F.irthe Mme rnaaoa the la"eer

in)loTed at tlie iavy Yard have at iwen piid sii.eethe :h of liacctulcr. There u much distreaa amongthma ia wiaiaeaeBca.

Tbkxto, N. J., Jan. 8.James V. Ponncrjy rii hnn;; at t o'clock,

at 1 reeho'.d, f r the niarder of Al rt S. Voe. Heaaaae a apnch of two boara and ten iniuutca inbr-ib- , in a bich be rviewed tlie tatinionr ia hiac. lie repeatc d'y decLircd bit innocem. lis(ch was a lit and tlo ient. lli body waa t.ikcn

to New Yoik. Ur. Cummin(r, of New Yotk.aUca.tied bim and ail mini Acred n liioun riles. A la-- -

n tiuiicr of perrons wa present at the execution, andvery aHcun;; aouaaa purred. Kveryibinj iscdoil q itet! v.

BAt.Tiworir, Jan. 8.

Wba the tueae of Governor Ligoa wiuia tha H mss to day. a motion wan msde

ttoax U tie not received. Tiu nixion waa cjrricd bva wote of 4 i U tl. 1 0is waa on accoont of cxpees-ato-

couiatned in it la rUaU'in to the Americanparte, and in wisei'i'ice of tlie i expres-H-

an oi union that ttat cir v wvre eltedfrau l eud vtouicit. Tl tneaaae bavin; lea

imTlied rn adeaitcs of its la"rj eat to tlie legis-lature, law members thus ohtaixrd knowledge of itcoot-jo- a and Uie ni.v xi y decid-- d tu vote against iC

IxiiAai-ciu- Jaa 8.

A coovTniijn of the eoliien of the war of 1M2was hi'li here

A aaeaa anal waa a'loatrd ackinc Oinress to makeappmprta'inns to tlie of tne war of IMi, andto tho of the Indiaa frontier wart of the eamttierwd

It waa (tatetl bv wvrra! srnakers that a aumlier ofttv m atw coaiiMoi tt.e arniws ot tliat psnodwere now in neciiuiu cirrnm tsiicea.

After ana ual iUma and reaewal of eld ac- -qiaioLanc;-.-. ih r.Htveuiivn aj'urnj4l U moct hereon lb j tih oi altrcli next.

1 be lemirr:x' tsniven Joa oomiiitted moat all oftbt old o'tr eea. latsariainaii were passed eudoritbe rowrae of the A liuiuM'raiina. I ll" fiKiidnItraelaa are much I'.ixaud ai.d will prolatMybol l another cjnventioo.

" Jan. 8,

The ttatcmeni in (he Ciricirn iti papers of the Ribof January, rep iriiiic li e rnu-- of the MerctianUbranch liauk Cleveln.d, is incorrect.

W ahi5utw, Jan. 8.

It appear frwn tbe treasurer's weekly statementfo- - the week ending Testerd.iv, that t Se amount sab--j:Ct t draft In the I'nited Mates Treawry, ia up- -

warat ol live ihii huis ui an. art. 1 ne amount onUci'i'-r- t i nr"n mUii'in.N. Drafia drawn but notpaid, two tnilliona. Iceiit dnnng tbe wet k, threebondreil onrt thitvix tnnosani.

The War ! tbe allesed afaxieat t okavl t'ocke'a ocmmini of dra(wu reeeieedna St. oaeph.

Ma sutiow baa beet taken by tks Navy Depart,mtit t"li th of apiaia Chat- -a'd on account of dereiictinn of dutv.

Ciuiui locla kvavea fur tbe iathe rlan-- ot the i')-- ioat., taking iih bin Gov- -ernnv-n- i difpitch.

PnXIiA r AND Si AMlAL ir THE SrAXIiTwTKT. A tnetn'iernf tbe Camsrilia havine favor-ed in c .s.rre.poiident of fie Mnrnint? AdvortiMr)wi h auiiie revclai ions from the Palace, I f xl notiiia r in e Uie cn'id lice U) vour rvad.

, tbev mavontain thcclis-ront- farther knoalei e if tbe mnrli'v promUiti; that sonimr i 1. a imi lii u rfcli4in on t'if ir aulbentk itvKriv. then, thai, alien trie piint of lalor were a

liin i'ie. pins of remote rnhed in npon thetwn. and :riac!ied Iter n lib berdiasoln'a earner.Si sent f r ArchliilKi C'larvt, a a ho well

i rn the name Ite bears. 1 ha Uuoenl"4.i e iiHinael. and. a lie i no courtier, he tuldb- -r V iltat ber c iniucl made her the subjectof r ..ui j and as ht was e.lmut to be exedto ;'e isiils attr;diit up'm rhildl'irth, he exhortedbi f tu iaa'iisb parautonr, I'u'C Miro, fr na thei and coimlry. Tua p&iip of tlierrnwa addiyl tome to tha per"Uasorar i a proniiae aaa made, but tlie an blitshop, notnon.ent wrh the word, ex tone a a writtenr o niae to tbvt

lie nr bis anxeasliv aa e xh rtatior. to hial audi'or to be rro ilei t" brr hus'.iand, anda if the fvit uua'nc to love biiu, be tired her to

laave mora respect for the of life, and toaopr csn"srtlv wrili bun Iwtore aoiijecta.H ivins oliUiu-- a promise to that effect, be repaired to toe kind's apart ineuii, sud trave bim like connael. The kuir's i.roiiiiia na. I O ever, coliditton.isnlv? tae would consr-n- t to tie ta his wifionly on maditinn that she paid ri and thatUse baoialiavm of the tjaera a aiainonr kou'u tieiiintarHia. ilie arctil.isliup witnheie f.n- the fas merit of the kinc's delila, and tl

oiher promise: lut althotuh the tueen has thep isrer ta liani Ji her paramour from tlie palat-e- , andbsd Narvael ami Nmfda. Ien in power i.lie couldhave shipped bun off to thet'anarieeor 1'hiJIippinea,or wherever h diaae: yet I'nig I'o-- refuses to beexiled, demand a pjlilic trial, and to know on w batrfcare be is arraigned. A baa Iteenell ct'd. to avoid the pulil-- anill which insiMtanceon exile must occasion, ao l C il iti'l l'uig Moroatrntsaiwwit anwnpt bit f:ilow citty-na- , woo bava vetroati of tlie leven of rovaltv m them to look wit

feelings of akin to deferrnoe and respectan one who auiti-- such intimste rclatioas withtheir J Teen

aw fPrecist I tu the t.tninQtt tvaaette.liiartjKTANT ir.oM Washington.

WAsiixo-ro-- , Jan. 7, P. M.

The rtlattoo' Wvn tlte rrei'lent and Cimcrnor" a krr are d.ul' lircnmine nmre hostile. 1 he

r tiaomilv that i xaid U have existed " hf

thv dift'-re- but parted as tnend" i pivini ( lai--

to one rf open ard hitter bottilitv. I tie I'residentaa repaJiaiui Walker on the pror.nd that be did notrarrvout tu inauacuana. winmiBM a laiai error,fw faote ae now beinz broaht icrward to thowthat the late Kansas trjveTor act-- in t accor4 ana a with the avowed V ! V of llu. hanan.

1 lie enur e of tbe A d uinii- - ratios toward Walker,ail the tiiierne displayen in tonereea lie ILa eupv.r era are lirui-'- i' mi muir intereMinp lacisthi

w ill dj no credi' to the o 'npaot of tlie U tilell.auao. th latter is a pnrat letter re-

eetved . VV'.Uer from tbs l'reatlent, whenencsmrs"! l.swrem , aifimirimqmil uf rrrrmu rimnnri. I his letter has been

aa hv several irK;, in'i n w in pro:uiniv o.

no' iihsd. I' Mr. Hit bad ans. ....Hn-- t.ri tin s I S!ar wo no nCHXlll

tlie ui- - irei urv I'ntes, ami an li.Mal.cieut ollatter wiU be tabued on tut ilia iqm.


The otil.r change lit money market is soia exchange cu rtulaiU.lf.hi, which

we now quote par to i prem. cw Ycik exchangecmlinues at 1 tnl New Orleans i nominal at par to

prem. o change in nncurrent money. Piiva'tdpatche announce another fjilure in Now

the bouse of" Jlcr.lmore, Bavbura, 4 Co.,cot ma factors.

The Southern T.ark of Kentucky has detUreil a

ividend of 5 per cent. The official

a'atement of ite coodukin ahowt it to one of thestrongest lnk in the Statet

The report that tbe Merchant j' B ink of Clc vM ind

bad failed turn out to he incurrect.The New York pPr pu''l'k tht-i- tunual review

of the couiinerce of that port, from w hich we taketlie f. Uowing. It will teen that the fall;ns oft

tliii year in the firsign aterchandiae market oa ISOti

raawd by a Ire iurreane heid in bond this yearover Ui4:

laioru of Korxlpa Coods 6 '1T.;.ji.ii ri.7t;.imfitnnni Kti-t.- ' U.K''trir-- n tro,id marki-te- I ;, fim

hi boiiit ,i.i'4.i..x ir" wmlc l'ndiwe... i;i 7;i.i 4jk.nlca n .4 I'l.iwn 4.1

tAirl, of Cleric 4l A.VI.IVII Vi,lV,IMi

The total export, inclndinj; dmneirtk: produce,fondn piod rexportd, and specie, compare thus:

li7 tit:.-:i.i-

1V ii,",;.;.i.iiiii

in liiT ( 2.7:cvai

The revenue mHccte.1 at JCew Yoik for the twoyear compare aa fdlows:


Iirrca-- r In lv7The d.diveri-'- j of gold front Oliforaia were:

t7 j;.5."4.-:i- t

I fatttoniia. ....i

Net tiicnw at Nea- York tn.vtTin P.iltunore bankit mule a rt.iteireut t'i tben ernor of the Slate on the 5th inrt. The ratling

item compare a f lliw:

4.;;t5IhNiunti1. '4.4t

lcloitWe biv tbe of tlie indignation

ateetinp at New Oile:ins, a;;:iin,it Commodore Patild-ina- l.

Jude Anpnatin pn s.dil, aaistcd by 4eni.ralha L. Iaeaia, tn. II. W. rjfrey, Jud-- IUwle,

JmLje CaX. Miunstl White, H in. A. I.OwwmsB, Kecordcr G. Siiih, Ir. A. 4J.J.

Wm. Oirity, and Mrsrs. fl. C. laawrason and(."barlea Kirnveoa it Yk-- rir.sidenta; andM. Dunn and A. J. Torter as Secretaries. S;eccheswere made by tbe President, 0L (Jbristy, JadpeKanke, and others.

Kescdotion were adopted, cllaactt,riin5 inttrongaud eniihalic laupuae the arrest vf i a. Walkerand his fjrces on the Hil of Nicaragua, by the

of the United Suites navy, aa on act contraiyto tbe law of nations. They trusted that tlie actwould not If approved by the Administration, andthat Walker would be rtatorrd to tbe from

hkh be had been violently ard illegally removed.Tbey al-- o declare that the iiaatructiotis to Cximnio-- d

re Paul ling to proven- - the lunding of Walker andhis emigrants were a vi dation of tbe Onntitutkinandliwaof the I'nited Sales.

The Cask op Tint La Paz Priminki: im Mkx- -

Tbe Supreme Ourt of Mexico has just decided

case which bw born p"i din.; tbe tribunalsthat country for several years, in which a rumlwrAmericans Imprisoned in Mexico were concerned.

The Americans it will le remfmlaered, wereia whit was known as the Li Paz expedition,

at were csjatnred by tbe Mexican tntltoriueii tu fi!- -

hOjterH, and thrown into prison, from whi b tb' yere, after a long detention, released, through the

ff.irU of Mr. Forsyth, the American niini.-te- r. Thisgentleman, believing tlie arrest to lie i'lecal, carried

he matter lefiir; th Supreme Conrt of Mexico, andthat tribunal baa lately unanimously decided that the

pediiion was not piratical, as the Mexican author- -

iea alleged, and therefore tbe men will lie entitledindemnity for tbeir iinprLsoumcnt.

Thk Si.vk TatiiR The Charlest-- fjoiirkrys that "tbe reason why slaves are i.ot imported

rto this count rv from Africa it not because suchpnrtation is prohibited by an act of Omress, but

atcauae toe planters ol toe rviuin no not uenunu it.caro of tlaves ronld nut lie sold in ClixrleMon

tbey were bronlit liere. But if tbe people of tlie

mth shoold offer tbe money for the neprocs, theXorUtara tdiip owners would take the and tiringthem in spite of the law, jut as they now, in defi-

ance of the cruisers and cf tbe laws of ber in st Chrii- -

m and Catholic Mjje.-t- are landel on the cna.--

Cu'ia. In other words, it it the public ocntimentthe Sottth, and not the philanthropy of the North,

hick forbids the introduction of foreign alave la- -

tjyTbe correspondent of the New York Timesys that tbe Irissari Treaty ill not be ratified by

tV Senate Tbe mot serious ol jeclions to it are tlir.t

must lie eonstrtied either as an n of the(Jlayton-Balwe- r Convention, or as a violation of thatnutriment, or a new rttiiication of it with a prani- -

I interpretation. Theae olijections brin in oppo--

tlon to it, first, those w ho dcire to rjise no new

complication of tkeOntral American question withand, second thoee wlm diirc the Clay ton- -

tlwer Tns-xt- expunged altogether. These com

bined will constitute more than of the laody

bevond a douSt.

gA. temperance paper says that spirituous 11

uors are in many plices and should I in everyplace tbe theme. Ia many places it is

tlie people, aDd not tbe rnm, laraudy, and whisky,that are The liquors are only al- -


Charleston (S. C.) Courier thus al'ud'.sto tbe emancipation of has slaves by the late G. W

I. Casti.-- : "It is ltih time Yirginia, had some lawon her statute liook against this destruction of pro


Tbe Kaoxville Uecittnr learns that CapL JatWilliams, of Nash ille, fonneilv editor of the Kcox- -

Ile baa lieen appointed, by the Piewdect,milliliter la S itzerland.

ATTAIlaS AT FKANKFOKTSpecial omrsiKmilcnoe of the Ioiii-- i ille Journsl.

"Ae Ulnluk of" Jnmmm Itrmnrnlic Cnmrm'um ('fK,i,m A ttempt to rut owf the (Hit II him rVrsfJiiiUot lUtnyrttmrm oj Hie toatutarrce oa Jitto -f tu, Ar.

FKAXKroKT. Jan. 8, 4 V. M.

Ourcltvhas wont and our citizens an1 vittorshave breathed quite a martial air In aocor--

aoc with tbe Hunt reaoluUun of the two I louses ofthe funeral Aseemldv, passed vesterday, tbe Nilul

thirtvMie nuns, iu honor of the anniveriarv oftbe battle af New Orleans, was tired, and the eventmay be considered duly commemorated, without anvreference, however, to an endorsement of funeral

a stricture upon Uie Ixeiitucky troop atNew Means.

The Stale F.dilorial Cinvwntion m- -t last evenincia Ucm. Majar and Johnson's chamliers, and

irreed upon ths taunts of a lull, wnnn will lae suitnulled to tbe laStrialatnre durine tlie present sessionThe measure pnwase to provide lor the puldicsti'iiiof a larwre amount of la al ailvTrtwins, ano, it adopt

L will inure to the muual adi antae of the pressand the people, i he f.ditorial 4.tanelllon was tiijtiIv resnctaMe tn point of numtiers iu course mematerial coold not las otherwise.

So eager were our Demicratic friends to inanjru- -

te tlie latiors lncti were prescniieo. lor tiwar,hat thev held a rrimsrv cancu in the Hall of the

House of last evening. That meet--waa devoted to e;anerahties, ana eervi a tne pnr

if a through wrticn a portion ol tlieextra pas which bad been generated, and whichcould not find egress throtieh the reilarchinni!of sneechifvinc mlh e cape.

Tbe conven'ioB proper, which assemtden in theaauie ball at half past ten o cloc tins momine, waa eonfnstd e which cannot le adeouatelv descrilaed. The "harmonious liemocracv" was tor atime rendered onh.irmookms bvthe varkms ct.ntendIng elemnts whic h composed the conventi ni. Tlie

an of inoon em osis human mint and matter wasriresided over br i jencral I.acaa Deba, of Harrisonosantv. a descendint of the line t f 4o'ernor ifesn.and. altojrfber. a cent'emanof phvsical parts, andof a bih order of My tKsonii.lihedyoung friend Clinton M Ciarty was choan secret

and an attemot was then mvle to crtrainze thervmocratic cho inioa wfrkingcnditKin.

A disp aoirpai was evinc d at this jaen- -

d ill tbe biUirvof tlte con. enti ai, and the attemptto estaldish rules af ord-- .r urmol to lae hopek-ss- .

a tlie general melee, 1L I. ian H klifid, w Im madeaa unsuccieafbl rai lor tlie lgi-laiu- rt in tue

Demiacratic ciouity of Nel on r.t tha lastelect!, made a teniM-- ' lin such 4lld- -

Iaine bigs as bad ahVuted i:h th-- s I cmocraicparty, and, so far as his voice w as pvtciit, read tbstwingof the paly out of tb ctti If courseI S.'iemd W illiams felt himwlf appealed to, andrepelled the lt in bis peculiarly select terms.H ickl lie eaived to teilv. aim fie utile tkirmisn,compared with" tlie pei cral watfare, was assuming a

sen.ius asoect wtx-- ine a wo wm nr-- nycries of " Itown w it h bim "Move him !"

Tbe time of tbe cranven'ion up to th dinner hourwas consumed iu attempts at an organir. tlion. htchwas tinaliv ell'ecied to llw eat isfactiou of a few audlo the evid-- disUste of the nisjoriiy, who actedupm Mr. Vt icklifft a sni;etion and proceeded toIki to and to dinner. 1 be spiiita u;sn thell.sar taf the convention were Messrs. iavnn Uiyd.ex-4v- .

M riwethcr, ;.spt. Heady, 4'apt. tiraves, andI .

The cl"tk is lost upon Hi-- atroke of four, ann I

must ontK Inde my hasty sketch. Tlie con venuon.

has concluded the 'firs I. all. win?', with the f.itb.wiiisresult: IkJIini Dalifev l il.';. NntUll Oi.'-j-

Kevell ri. wood 4. .. II la, lie Z.t.Coleman 10, tirinstead in. I.vd 4. A nearly aa I

can learn, in the niMst of ull lbs c infusion incidentto the coovenli m, 321 virtus are necessary to achoice, F.LKYi:.

Ni-.- York, Jan. 9.fwaa-- Wiae'a letter to the Tammarv Society on the

occasion f the of tl.e 'h of Januaryaavs: "Congress onptit n t reject theconstitutioB, but outl.t sul.jsct it to a fair ai d lcf--

vote of the people 'f Knsa, and for anv ditKremeof opinion as to tbe manner cf solving lhbo honest Hemwral somiii ue ,.io. ..

Tka Triianie i haracterizes it ai a fal story tlvttbe Government is obliged to poitpot e the p t ircntof drafts on New ot k.

jan. j.A lan-- e moeiiniT waa held vee'erday in theamtibi

ilsatta mhu-- an.Kiinied a i "ommitteai with tbe authority to expel W m. ttrn Kiano, an anuiinn"puldirber. ibe reoliitiona ancp;eu nqjest mm v

leave the State and never return.

W.itb Kwnwisu. frof. Wood, wliore advertisementwill h uad rn iwitinf o.lH'un, bar dwoverwl a rv.uic.ialor the fr- - sad ba'.d. wl.ii-- la a! oi. i.rarlieable a(ciesp. It rniuirtx rud eiDr. no sic. for txtiaoreinar;tr silila. Tiarrecaaba no doubt whatever ol ite epicaejWe have aaaa te.;i!.iOtilali slinoiit aaithioit tilllltler. an'from men ol (real noe. higii sisnainf, aiid morawortfi.

1 nose who havba-- tutd for ysra are row wesrIhir aaarw lialr aiad KCTaaa&r ten l eara VouneiT thsn Hedid six nionibsaaTO. lu mod eaes nit lain and baldkaaada are Imlh prenwlare and u.i.s'urnl. it t a tintsremedr t'lasii be Ua- ajatiiral and mol" Waat has invented, a lid n. w k a.. laad hia ad . ran meiil . try lu. wond'-rfn- reay, sod fir- - the ITof. a fcew u

Tna "Jaims Bucaansn" it the name of a v'aviat li.s.m r that has just I in a varo of m t "th c 4 tit Ctit-i- T'le iisiti-- was a d lit tte tornpUuieut. 1 tie slaves bta.mll be tent to Kansas.



t ACKltTl.Tt aAIa AOfIATIO!.Hie annual meet ins; of the SotUkwe-tcr- AgriculturalA imw ijt ion waa hel 1 til Svtnrdav. The reports ofbe Secretary aud Treasurer were read and received.

Mr. Thatcher offered a re.olution,which waa adopt--

d the to amend the charter ofIn S iciity so as to confine the voting by proxy to

of Ixwisvilla and Jefleraon county.Another resolution was adopted recommending to

I e board of directors to require all stockholder to.iy (r at the next fair f.r the purpose of

liijd Ijt'nj the debt of the society.The following are the oiHcers elected:President (a. Mallory.Vice rrtsidenta r. N. Miller, A. Peter, John

llerr.Directors John Thab her, II. Orms'iy, Capt. J.

VV. Prannon. W. C. Winchester, J. It. O'Bannon,ieo. llerr, Dr. L. Towel1, Dr. T. lkihannon, F-- L.

lljllmsn. Squire Vaughn.There were not more thn twenty memlatr pres--


Ti e New Orle.ins of the 3d hat tbe fol- -

loa ii'ir bsnk .'t (Uiiicnt and remarks on tbe moneymarki t:

TImti- - sr.m'lv a nisrkct mnnay, aaoiit-- l Iits are notlo nf iiiiim- lillli- - iss-- r Hlard

rnrun- of f (mt rtil fur tone and short atalis.Ti.r lir.k rl:i ecu nl for thai wtwk siioirs an iuro-ss- In

il Tlit lolJo"in- - are tlie cliani,'a

i tc s in nhert loans .... .111. mis7

u milsTaon.

nTe.-is- in exri.anrea. r, aiH'in sniennt due liitalal banka.,

'r. .roiH-- ;;.oi!Tiic f llowinr are tlie totals:

liabiliiM-s- . Reeonroea.t.5.V:,M Pperie 10,.Vi5.1aa

s ll.!if-,is- l Hiort loans la.i.'w.-!- :

iiif bink-- . .l.&si.-::-- ; , Kxrhsn-- ' 4,if,iiJ3

Tiic .siilbem end the llsnk cf New Orleans bsve 4e.bin- t a ml dlvilcDd of f V rent. 'I'll

sn1 Tra'ter-.- ' lstrk have roiiciiiii--- l to paM tlte divi.i'l.

b in fira'I'rn lee thw mnrninic was reryhi. A little a i In, f in at Hsi4. is nie sixtv dar

Near V'ork aere ilelle a X. J. an I Veent sn t a . er tt!iirl v U - si 2. tvlit aran-a- , ana

nil. - have nis'te nr t rent diseoiint lo mr.i iie I 'll t i Tlie lisnka tnrniah small amniiiits at

. hut f thein hof1 al ani4 or two at perin premium. ouie iiir-- tia.i sitiu1 he divi lend .f the Bai.k of New Orleans is pay- -

il le on the Uih at New Orleans and of tbe SouthernIt ink at New 1. leans on the 11th and at Now York

ott tbe at the Hank of Amtrican.The Tennessee Legislature has not yet adopted

any definite measure in regard to the banks of that.State.

Of the Illinois banks, the Chicagii Tribune says:We learn that the few Ulinoi- - banks that have heretofore

to lathe caill ot the conitnisaiioitt rs forHi 1'iiisl aeeuii.ioa. arc beilltT tlireslened a ltheiiiiiuilairr

ilaiislaon. accoriliii-- to all that has tteen rieniaii-lt-- ofm; snH that net more than tsool them will he proeeed- -

jnic tfi lnw. It ia tlioiieht tile the seeiiritci vi ry liank in ri'nie is ample tor tbe redemption ofnote. Most ot the tiatiks have in the bands of the

a aidemarpin hich would cover t

iteticieneu s; a ni allot far aa we are infurtued, aretC, they Wjay be rkW.

exchange has diclinid further at Chicagoaid the buy irg and telling rates ranged front 2 to 3

per cent.Of the New York money market, tha Journal of

C'linmcrcj cf Tliur.-da- evening says:Thcrv b hnt little aetivitr in financial matters, hut thann niter of Vl still falitilUM-s- , and

i tl is at lower rat.-- forareei-tshl- seetiritiea.The indiestiona on sll ides are favorable to coni- -

lal sett v it v. The auction sales of rasas menserv Isreelv and niore spirit was alaown thanive wiiii. aai.,1 or aome time past, althoueli prices were

tbau ns iiers anrit tiiated.exeiinnce remain the same, with a fsh" demand e

Ktiipria. s nisil. laillaoii lindon lisiiar lias forand scroud elaaw drawers ImtHrarlia for

ne baiikcr tUelatti ra verr exlreiue rate; l'arisi.3

Tiik Nkws iriim thk Utah Wecopy tbe letter to thi St. Louis Republican on whicht'ne telrgrapkic dispatch which we published on Saturday was based:

Four Kkarnki--, U. T., Dec. 23, 1857.

On the 2tith Novemlier, Col. Johnston was at FortBridger, at which place he had eatablirbed his bead--tjuariera. Col. Cooke, with six compauiea SecondDragoons, arrived that morning, having lost many

t iiis animals, and the remainaer were unfit for ser-ine. From Laramie to Salt Lake there is no crass.

(tl.e Mormons having burnt it ia advance of theps) conseqiK ntlv all tlie animals beloOKing to

the expedition were very joor when winter set in,and it ia reported that they are dying at tlie rate ofEiime one bun lred dauv. there can lae no dotilatthat whiu spring ojaena Col. Johnston will lie somuch crippled that be will be compelled to await the

rrivsl ol Ireh animals, and other supplies, beforebe w ill t e aide to commence active oaerations. Thathe expedition is a failure this vear, cannot be ques

tioned; a- - d when we refliict upon the matter andsee what an immense anmunt of public propertymost lae liwat, as well as the condition of the troops,

n snirt rations, ann living in tents in a coonuvh?re tbe snow is usually verr deep during the en

tire winter, (in November it was two feet deep) ituna seem mat vour pronrtions last summer wereII grounded. That the Mormons intend to resist

there can I no ; thev are fortifying the pusesthat lead to tbe city. Tbey have released JesseJones, aetit of Majors v llus-el- l, who waa takenprisoner ty them some time since, and have sentuim to C.l. John tvii'j camp. In passing throuehhe dirt rfiit cinons they blindfolded bim, to prevent

him from obtaining any knowledge of tbeir move-ments. It is reported that Bill Hickman, who isone of tbe Danites, and a notorious scoundrel, has

killed oy a mountain man named liaker. I aminclined to think it is LU brother, who was a prisonerin Col. Alexander's camp, as report savs he was released a short time befoie.

Mr. .Mauraa, of the wai;on road expedition, hastimbered ur.der CoL Johnston those of his partyhn would not do to were di'cbarged. So this

is broken up witliout accomplUhing any--iiiiog. stve w wit naa nceu uone nr Aaantier, cuici

an bis assi'tants. Mr. Mairraw having haddiie difficulty with bis engineers, they as well as

the diliursing agent, lelt him and have gone to theStates.

A few nielli aiuce a partr of Cbevenne Indiansattaiked some Pawnees, whit were occupying an oldmad bouse within a tew hundred yards of the post,which occasioned some little excitement in the gar- -

ison. Ibe command promptly turned out, and adetachment was sent to patrol, but tbe night was sodark that no Indians could lae Somedoubt was felt as to the fact cf tbe Cbevennes having made this attack, but the next morning mocca--in tracks, without doubt, were discovered, wlik u

.settled the matter. Tbe bold attack upon the pirtif the Chevennes was from the following ciicuin- -stances. viz: Three Paw nees bad stolen some horsesIron) the Clieyennes, were pursued, and the animalsrecovered. In the encounter the Chevennes had onenun killed ( supposed to be a chief) and anotbarverelv if not mortally wounded. The Pawnees es-

caped without loss, and came immediately to tberoit. where thev had Irsen some aava before this at--

tai k was made on them; which fact was no doulitknown to the Cbryennee, and tbeir object waa tourimse them and get a scalp or two in levenge for

tlie bass of their comrades. Aa attack upon tbeixast waa evideutlv net nesiguea tiy tnem.

Wt are cojoying delightful weather at present,md. as tlie ooutra-s- t is to treat to tue weatber expern need last wiuter, we tlu not fail to appreciate it,and devoutly wish for its continuance during tbe

hole w inter.From an editorial in the St. Louis Republican we

take tbe follow ing extract :

In another column we pu!li-- h a letter from an in-

telligent i.'enlleman nf Fort Kearney, giving newsIroro tbe I tab r.vpeditton to the ztnJi of November,At that time tbe whole military force sent outagainst L lab. was concentrated at rort undger-trading post selected by Bridger twenty or thirtyyears apo, and whk-- has winct laeen occupied by

tin for protection against the Indiana, but the defence of w hich were destroyed bv the Mornions be--f

-- re the aptearance of Colonel Jobuatoo'a army atitiat tort. 1 he intelligence is not of a very pleasant character, though it may be safely assumed thatt Im tro ps a ill lae abU to maintain themselves there,until leiiifurcements are sent to lliem in tbe sprint:There are wood and water, and it is presumed, asufficient nunilier of tents to shelter them from theweallier; but as for horses, mules and oxen, thechances are that all of them w ill perish before tbeaimer is over and graws a.ain. Tbe pmats art is trlonmv enoic h for an army, under such cta'-

and in a territory the inhabitants ofwhich are supposed to be hostile, and who havepassed a winter in tlie enjoyment of comfortablehabitations, and nisv choose in the spnng to comme nee operations against the troops of the I'nitedStates I fore succor could reach them.

AFFAIRS IN WASHINGTON.l 4Joirespondeiaee of (be Louisville Journal.

v ashixgton, Jan. 5, 1858.

Central A mrrtcan Affiilrt tlte Kamiw Question, etc,

As y on have already been advised by telegraph,tbe House of representatives has been in a "flutter"alaout the recent affairs in Central America; and theresult was, a call upon tbe President of the LnitedMates tc ail the iiitormatton in bis possession onthat interesting subject, embracing orders and in'pi ructions, with a view to see how far and to whatextent the use of the naval forces has laeen sanctioned or disavowed by the Government of the UnitedStates.

Your ever watchful and accomplished representa- -

lilintial inquiry, and very pertinent, namely: "Andfurther to communicate to this House whether, prior

ml arrest. (! tavn. vtiiiiam w alker) tbe Gov.eminent of the I nited States bad undertaken,treaty or other arrangement with the existing trov- -enimtnt of Nicaragua, to protect aaul Governmentin the enjosnient of the transit route throuehNicaragua between the Caribbean sea and the 1 a--iltc ocean, or otherwise to assume the protectorateiver said route by the arms of tlie l tilted States,

So far as known. Commodore Paulding acted without instructions in going on the shore of Nicaragua,and arresting General Walker and lietween one andt wj hundred of bis followers. Is fact he makes thisadmission in his recent letter to tlie Navy Department, lie took the position that "the end justifiestlie means," and had illegal precedent for his conductin that particular.

It the Government shall think proper to respondlo Colonel Marshall's it will answer in tbeaffirmative; foe, it is a tact lhat, tiy toe treaty re- -

aiit I v concluded lietween the United States andNicaragua, our tjtivernment is to keep tbe transit

in case of war, rebellion, or other douiestic: Hiuii ition. It this treatv bad laeen ratified bv bothiiovernmeuts at the time of (aunmodore Paulding's

xp'oit, then, under the treatv, he would have beenjustified in hi proceedings."-

1 be transit btioulu lae kepi open ny all legitimatemean- -: everv one knows its importance in connection with the with that part ofthe country l ing on tr.e l acinc coast, rorthis

soma of the members of Congress are disposedto excuse Coinini-dor- Paulding for his illegal seizureof the fiilibuster leader.

Tbe Ontra! American question has thrown Kan-st- s.

fir tbe time being, into the shade. Mr. Pugh,however, has been at work fixing up a kind of

making tbe l.econipton Constitution thebasis of bis rclieme. Whatever may lie its merits,tlie movement amounts to an opposition to the ad-

mission of Kansas iuto the Union in accordance withthe Presidential programme.

Many of tbe friends of the Administration aresrpgu ine that Kauaas can lie admitted under tbeIa?copip'on 4Jtmstitu'ion as it is, and have arrived atthis by "counting no es. ' But, on tbe otherband, ptr.-on- who claim to be equally apt in takingtbe cennus of nasal protuberances have come to anentirely conclusion.

In the prerent condition of affairs speculation is

Vesterdav hundreds of bills on various subjectswere introduced in the Houae of Representatives audjiorouriatelv referred. Tfcfet include appropriations

the improvement of nvers aud harbors. There isnut much probability.however.that Congress willnow

b able to accomplish much in this branch of busi-

ness. Were there plenty of money the excuse for

"ibe veto" would be the unconstitutionality of tbesvstem: but tlie emptiness of the Government treas-ury will prove an argument in the minds of thefriends of tbe Administration conclusive against tbea.o.,n u.n r such works at prasent.

Mr. At. .rrill has again reported a bill for theof polyi-am- in the Territories of the United

.,ate. meaning Utah. Ibe difficulty now is to

reach the reunions inb ibitants, "the Saints, inviitli It Gentiles. As to this polygamy bas-i-

s, a. ine i f ti e member of Caantrtss regaitl it aso ar of 'diHiK-sii- itiM it utions ' with which curGovcrmneut baa no ricbt lo interfere.


" si laaww'i

TUESDAY, JAN. 12, 1858.

Thb AnvASTAcr-- or A Newspaper. Tbe advantages of a newspaper are oi l apparent to thenun of a professional career when it is so apparentas to admit of no di'pute; but whether so engagedor only interested in some business examination, thedaily news is to him invaluable. The people of alloccupations acknowledge the necessity of a dailynewspaper. When a storm like that which has re-

cently swept over our financial world has manifestedpower ia our midst, it ia t e duty of the city andcounty papers w iftiin its range to represent its effect

ith truth and accuracyWe have endeavored to do so, and we are sure

that our country friends wilt find it to tbeir pecu-

niary advantage to consult the columns of the Jour-

nal as to tbeir true interests, and that our city friendswill find in them much that will redound to theirlienefit.

A merchant who wishes to find the markets correctly reported, and a trader of any kind who desiresto know the market price of produce or other stocks,will find them correctly reported in Ihe columns ofthe Journal; and, larsidcs, he is furr.i.hed daily with

intbe current news and enabled to know is lacing

transacted in the world around him. There is in

fart no cUss of men engaged in any business w hat- -

ever who will not lie advantaged by reading theJonrwil daily; and no man, whether farmer or me-

chanic, can fail to find in its columns something tohis immediate profit and interest.

Tint AatrmcAw Statu Cosvextio.i. Tbe con

vention of dtlegates of the American party of Ken-- is

ucky is lo assemble at Frankfort on Wednesday,the 27th inst. A longer notice than has been givenwould certainly be preferied, but still there will be

ample time to enable tbe delegates from the remotestcounties in the State to be in attendance, and we

earnestly urge our friends in every precinct in theCommonwealth to send forward a full delegation in

order that the convention may be enabled to giveexpression to the sentiments and wishes of the wholeAmerican party in the State.

Tbe basis of representation mentioned in tbe callfor tbe convention refers only to the number of votesto which each representative district shall be enti-

tled, and not to the number of delegates to be in

attendance. Tbe more of these who are present thebetter. It matters not bow many shall compose tbedelegation from each county or district. They willdetermine among themselves how the votes to which

the district is entitled shall be cist, and we mostsincerely bope that the delegations from every coun-

ty will be sufficient in numbers to insure a fair andunquestionable representation of the opinions of theAmerican party of tuch county, ard to secure per-

fect unanimity in the party in the coming canvass.It is important to the American cau.--e that the

party ia Kentucky should be promptly, efficiently,and thoroughly organized. The present is aa suspicious moment for its recovery from the defeat of

1856. Its opponents are evidently dispirited andapprehensive of ling unable to maintain their

power in the S tate. They perceive alreadythat many of tbe elements which contributed to tbeirs iccess in the Presidential election will be wantingia the approaching contest. Tbey are sadly em!

by their own domestic discoid j. The greaterpart of the Old Line Whigs, who were deceived into

Kiperation with the Demo-ri- in the Presidentialelection, disgusted with the treachery and deplorable inefficiency of the Democratic administration,and smarting under the indecent taunts of mercenary motives wantonly flung into their faces in theEighth of January Democratic convention, are anxious now to repair their error and will cheerfully aidin rescuing our good old Commonwealth from Democratic misrule. The doctrine, wMchwas effectually used to weaken the American and lostrengthen the Democratic candidates in the Novem-

lier elect ion in 1856, will be unavailing now, andthere needs only a complete and effective organization of the American party throughout the State toinsure a glorious triumph in August, which willenure to the benefit of the party and promote tbesuccess of iti principles in subsequent elections hereand elsewhere.

The entire absence of any organization of theAmerican party in Kentucky for the August elections in 1856 was the principal cause of its defeat inthe succeeding November. Our friends were dis-

pirited, their energies were paralyzed by the resultia August, and tbey wait into the Presidential canvass weakened and discouraged by their fears. Butnow it is the Democracy who are filled with apprehension as to tbe result. They are conscious thattbeir late victories were the result of accidentalcauses that have ceased to exist. The onduct ofthe Democratic party in the present Legislature inreference to the election of a United States Senatorgives abundant evidence that they are doubtful oftheir ability to achieve a triumph in any contest inwhich they will be compelled to depend upon theirown party strength, unaided by any of the adveutitioos circumstances which have lately contributedto their success. Their only hope now their sole

reliance in the next summer election is the possiblewant of organization on tha part of the Americans.In this we are sure they will tie bitterly dissppovnted. Thev have selected a candidate for chrk of theCourt of Appeals, who is entirely unknown outsidef the county in which he lives, and many of them

have sorrowfully acknowledged lhat if the Araericans bring into tbe field an able and well qualifiedcandidate for that office there will be very littlechance for the election of the Democratic nominee,especially if tbe Americans throughout the Stateshould effect and maintain an effective organizationof their party.

It is therefore of the utmost importance that theconvention on tlie 27th inst, should be filled withintelligent, active, energetic, and zealous Americanawho will seize pon and improve the golden opportunity presented to restore the party to the proud

in tbe State to which its principles andpatriotism are justly entitled. We once more nrgetbe Americans in every county to prepare withoutdelay to send full and proper delegations to tbe con

rention. Let tbe tocsin le sounded that shallawaken tbe American spirit throughout the whole

extent of our Commonwealth. Iet tbe Americanwatch-fir- be in every valley and onevery Let our banners be again givenproudly and gallantly to tbe breeze. Let the Stateconvention select a standard-beare- r worthy to proclaim tha great principles of Americanism, and ineach connty in the State let American candidateswho will command tlie highest respect and confi-

dence of the people lie chosen, and side by side andshoulder to shoulder, with songs cf victory upon

their lips, tbe Americans of Kent ucky will marchsteadily forward to the achievement of a glorioustriumph, and tbe State, redeemed, regenerated, anddisenthralled from the reckless misruli of Democracy, will once more lead the way in the establishmentof American principles.

Th Dpmk-rati- Statu Cusvkstiox. OurFrankfort correspondent has given us a general acoount of the proceedings of the Democratic convention on the 8th inst. Tht details would present acurious development of fierce discord and angrystrife reigning in the great conventicle of the "harmonious" Iemocraey. Never in the annals of a po

litical party was a State convention characterizedby so much "confusion worse confounded," andnever was even the Democratk- - party rent and tornand distracted by such dire dis:en-io- such fierce

and wrathful denunciations of its allies, or suchand irreconcilable opinions as was this as

semblage of Kentucky Democracy. The preliminiry proceedings presented a scene of mot lud

crous and shameful confusion. Tbe little jealousiesof tha friends of the several candidates were manitested by their distrust of every movement thatemanated from any other faction than tbeir own

Each delegation seemed afraid that it would becheated, and the chairman, after ineffectual effortsto restore some semblance of order, was obliged togive up in despair, and finally totermim tt by aaadjournment tbe terrible discord that re'gnd

and defied his practiced efforts to qu ill tbastorm.

The nomination of a candid ite for the tl"ikshipaf the court of appetla resulted altogether different-

ly from what was expected by of theDemocrats in the State. A few dnys lie.fore themeeting of the convention Kinkin II. Kevell washardly known as a candidate laeyond the precinctof "Sweet Owen." For three years the track hadbeen conceded to the ind f ttigable Dick Bulling.

I He had canvassed the whole Stale. He came to theconvention armed with instructions in his favorfrom the Democracy of thi connties, butin an evil hour the destruction of his hopes wasplanned by his own political friends, and though hebore himself manfully in the fray he was finallyoverthrown by a new and unknown adventurer inthe lists. But Boiling and his slaughtered asso-

ciates may congratulate themselves in August nextthat they have been saved from the mortitk-atio- ofthe defeat that awaits the Democratic nominee atthe hands of the American candidate.

The e Wbigs who were present in theconvent ian will return to their fellows at home

crowned w ith a curse and circled with it filament."The torrent of abuse poured out upon them by one

of the Democratic speakers will teach them howthey are regarded by their new political associates.Tbey may tell the e Whigs of the State,who have been suddenly smitten with the charms ofmodern Democracy, that, in the Democratic StateConvention, they were denounced as "a set of d dold political ws," who "stink like codlih," and"have come into the party merely to get office."

This will perhaps be agreeable intelligence to thee Whig Buchanan men. They may possibly

believe the patriotism, but, unless they are sadlychanged, they cannot certainly admire the tlcino ycf their new party associates. The di po itkm man-

ifested in this convention will surely tertohe Whigs that, though tbe Democracy may

love tba treason, they still most cordially bate tbetraitors, and, while in public resolutions they lavish-

ly besmear tbeir Whig allies with the most fulsomepraives, tbey are determined that the spoils shallbelong exclusively to the Demo-

crats.The crowning folly of this intensely Democratic

convention was the adoption of the resolutions endorsing the imbecile administration of Mr. Buchan-

an. A fierce battle was waged in the committeeroom lietween tbe Douglas and Buchanan factions,in which the great Egyptian of tbe party was con

spicuous as tht champion of the administration.The Buchaneers finally triumphed, and the fol!owers

of tlie Little Giant may now consider themselvesformally read out of Ihe party and absolved fiomall allegiance to its leai'ers. We shall pow see

whether the Douglas lremocracy w ill t inn ly submitto the tyrannical dictation of the administration or

ill maintain tbeir independent position in regardto a vital principle of their party f'rnia

Amkkicax Statu Cuxvkmiom. The American

Execu'ive Committee for the State at Itrge have

illed a Convention of the Delegates of the Amerdican party of the State to nominate a candidate

for Clerk if the Court of Appeal".

Tba Convention will be held at Frankfort on

Welnesdty, Jam try 27th inst. The basis of rep

resent ition will be two delegates for each Brpre-sc-

itive district; that is, two delegates for .each

representative in the lower branch of the State

Legislatn-e- .

It is hoped that this Convention will be fully

ttended, and that the watch fires of the American

party will lae made to glow with renewed bright-

ness throughout the State.American papers throughout the State are re

quested to call attention to this Convention.

CiTM "j- - F.. B. Bartlett, of Covington, Is announcedthe Covington Journal of the 9th lnt., as a cand

idate for Clerk of tbe Court of Appeals. This announcement was made by the friends of Maj. Bartlett

tiring his absence from Covington, and without anywith hira since the publication of the call

for a Convention to l held on the 27th inst. It is

not tbe intention of Maj. Bartlett or any of bisfriends to place his name lieiore tbe people as a can-

didate without the sanction of that Convention. Hea tme and tried American at heart, and is unwil-

ling that the action of the Convention should be inny respect embarrassed by the announcement madey his friends in the Covington Journal, and will I

heerfully abide by the decision of tha Conventionand support its nominee cordially and with all biszeal and ability.

It is our invariable rule to avoid any expressionintended or calculated to influence tbe choice of acandidate by the Conventions of our prty n"while we deem it just to Maj. Bartlett to speak of

him as a gallant and honored patriot, and fully com-

petent to discharge the duties of the office to whichis friends would fain elect him, we do not intend to

disparage true Americanism or tbe qualifications ofny other aspirant, for we are sure that none but tbe

names of patriotic and trustworthy Americans com-

petent for tbe office will be presenttxl to tbe Convening

The vigor and bitterness of the SouthernDemocratic opposition to Douglas chow no sign ofabatement. Its surges, crimson with wrath, sweep.

ay after day, through the columns of tbe press,and dash in huge billows at the feet of the "LittleGiant," The red flood is rising each hour. Tbestoutet hearts of the wisest Democrats tremble lestthe party shall be speedily engulfed in the fierywave.

In the midst of this angry scene, we call tbe attention of the lovers of the sublime to the solitaryfigure of our neighbor of the Democrat. Surveyingthe mounting deluge from his lonely "dug-out,- " andassuring those whom his voice can reach throughthe uproar of the waters that "it isn't going to La

much of a shower anyhow," he presents an instanceof moral grandeur as unique as it is unapproachable.His equanimity is tbe admiration of the country,He is not only unmoved, but positively jubilant,113 looks complacently over the sanguinary scene.and is sanguine. Poets, and actors, and artists, andmen and women of sentiment, look at bim whilstvou have a chance.

editor of the New York Herald urgesthat the Kansas difficulty shall lie settled npon theplan of what be calls "Sectional Equivalents." Heproposes, that, in behalf of tbe Sontb, Kansas shalllie taken in under the Lecompton Constitution as aslave State, and that, in behalf of tbe North, Min

nesota and Oregan shall at the same time be takenin as free States. And, by way of reconciling theNorth to this proposition, he assures the people ofthat section that Kansas, just as soon as she getsin as a slave State, will be made a free State.

So then the result of this vaunted plan of "See.tional Equivalents" is to be the immediate additionof two free States to tbe confederacy and the adilition of a third State, which, after lieing added, shallbecome a free State forthwith. Unquestionably tbeSouth ought to be amazingly delighted with such arare plan of "Sectional Equivalents."

Usitkd States AoRicrLTt-itAi- . Schiktt. TbePresident of this Society, Hon. Marshall P. Wilder,has issued a notice for the annual meeting to takeplace at Washington on Wednetday next. Thesessions will lie held ia the lecture room of tbeSmithsonian Institute. .

The following topics will be publicly discussedduring t' e sessions of the society: "The ChineseSugar Cane;" "The Necessity of having a more per.

f xt Knowledge of tbe Mineral Necessities of ourown Crops Developed;" "Meteorological Observati ns for the benefit of Agriculture;" "Manures andFertilizers;" "The Disease known as Hog Cholera;'"The Improved Kentucky Sheep;" "AgriculturalColleges and Farm Schools;" and "The AgriculturalPolitics of our Country."

Hox, Jxo. B. HcsTos. We hope none of ourreaders will think, for one moment, that, in our ar-

ticles opposing the runaway marriage bill, we haveintended to show the slightest disrespect toward otexcellent and distinguished friend who offered it.

John B. Huston is a man of whom the Americanparty baa reason to be proud. It should love, hon-

or, and cherish him as one of the noblest of itschampions. There is not in all our State a man oftbe Democratic party, that, in political discussion,

can mate bim ia his strength. It is with reluctancethat we oppose any measure brought forward by a

gentleman for whom, both as a politician and a gen-

tleman, we feel such warm regard and high admiration.

rijr-T- names of Major E. B. Bartlett of Covington, Hon. George McKee af Pulaski, W. B. Allenof Green, W. T. Samuels of Hardin, John M. S

McCorkle of Green, and John D. McGoodwin

McCracken have been suggested for nomination asthe American candidate for clerk of tbe Court ofAppeals by the State convention to be held on tbe27th inst.

Commodore Pantdina is a itiseraea to the I'nited Statesnavy, at kast in his pre-e-

Jfafsrtitt Democratic.

Then the Administration which sustains this dis-

grace to the United States navy is a disgrace to theUnited States.

Thb Hoo Market. The weather having beenunfavorable most of tbe week, but little progress hasbeen made in killing. It will be teen from our state-

ment that the number killed thus far reaches thetotal of last season, anJ tbey are still coming in

lireat dullness has prevailed throughout the week

and prices close at $l'cl 25. We heard of salts of1,100 head heavy yesterday at the highest figure,

1'he market for tbe product is also stagnant and accurate quotations cannot be given. Moss pjrk maylie quoted nominally at f 12 50.

The following is the number killed around tbefalls np to last night:

KII.I.l. pi rris.Atkinson, Thomas, & Co..Hull, Hunt, &Co 36,130 1,600W. Jarvis & Co 3.1, cm 'Hamilton, Kicketts, & Co. 30,000 1.200

. S. White t 4Jo 25,711Huffman, Hamilton, Co. 23,766Owsley & Co 15,0!New Albany 30,000

Total ..236,527 2.800At St. Louis 81,000 head bad been killed so far.

Prices ranged from f3 75 to 4 25 net.The Chicago Press, of Saturday, says:Vna ards of hub head arrived which, with the

niinilM-- left over, made the niarket dull. Not more Hi

aSHlinallof these were sold; 3isl head, aversions i 9were sold st t SO decidedly ill" Dcst sale ot tue day;

I head, areraeinff 370. old at ik.1 fio: twa ear loads, averat:

ized Hogs.

The Attala (Miss.) Democrat, of the 25th ult.says:

Wa lem from onr farminc friends that the amount ofpork in the country will be much greater than was antlciosted. Hops naa neen mane rxrecninpij-raa- . lattxequantitles have mien tnis went, noes that early in ntall were thousht would not wi more than to its It.

hen made fat have turned out to from Jim to 525rire have declined. Holders are akiiin 7c. and there are

nut lew nuyers al mat pnee,

Extract of a letter from the Northwestern portionof Atksnsas:

The Baltimore Patriot, of Friday evening, Says:An increased amoimtof hnalness paper is beinx offered

innk, most of which meets ready neeottstion. A nnmberIsirniwere held back until after the annual bankrxlHbil

were made, and hence the aiicnienta-- applicationsfor disroiintn. A few days or fortninht hence and these -

rroasln- -, money will doubtless assume greater case. Kirst- -paper is now negotiated at iniatls fj cent. annum,

ot murn aoing in n ranees at if et,a moiiin, witn very nine nenianta.

Kxehsnire at the present lime Is more quote on New York and Itoaton at 1H(atl7i V eent.premium; li i n ci. premium, t.lrnan:on London i? ia f cent, i remimn lu lliltimoreYiretnta hank Holes l'aii-- r cent, diaeonnl: Nurth I'arn.una 3'M v cent. dis. liold ihmI ,4 prem.

The Philadelphia Bulletin, of Friday eveningsays:

The money niarket Is improving, and a steady reviraltukiiin-a- circles is confidently looked fur. The better clwid paiier u eraree. and will continue so until there is moreactivity in trade, while that not ronsiitered prima cavanegotiated ou better terms than for mouths past.

The following is a comparative statement of thePhiladelphia banks, sixteen in number:

Nov. P57. .Tan., $tll...c".'.:S ll.:iiLoans. Sl.Jlu.fes .l'i i. ettirculatlon 2.141. 11a us

la,la(.j,7 5,Uti,lMThe Bank of lielvidere, 111., owned by A. Neeley

& Co., has closed its doors. Tbe bill holders, how

ever, are amrlv secured, and can sustain no lots.

LtKHtK Tobacco. Mr. James Clark advertueso ir columns that he will pay the highest marketprice for loose tobacco. He is about removing hissteinmery to one of the y warehouses oaMain street, opposite the Henry Clay Mills. Mr. Cinforms us that loose tobacco is much preferable forstemming to that in hegiheads, and to this may beattributed the fact that stemmeries ebewhere suecee ! Iietter than here, as nearly all the tobacco thatconies to this market it in hogsheads.


Reported for tht Louinville Journal by John 31. Bar- -lan, a"onur w xasw, r rariairorv, air.

FiAKxrotT, January 11

cat-sr- nrcipin.Pranham vj Rogers. Nicholas-- , reversed,tsotitht rland vs kincheloe, NeUon; affirmed.Vititoe va Vititoe, Nelson; aitirmed.llruee vt Morrison. 4Jarrard; affirmed.Snnie vs same, Lewi.-- : affirmed,

ame rs Movies, Lewis: rever-e- d tn part.Turner v Ifollv, Mortgomery; affirmed.Wason v Wilson, Nelson; reveraa-d- .

Watson vs Gatiby, Mason; reversed.oanKKs.

Anderson va Dickerson. t.arrarj; tiiioo for rcheartn

t'oiirne'.-- adnt'r vs Karria,vs Me Washington;

lowland vt Withrow. Marion:Ciuwdenj vs Cruwdera ,j cast), Marion; were argued.

A K RIVAL OF THE AFRICA.Nrtv York, Jan. 10.

The Africa has arrived with Liverpool dates to theJG h tilt., and later dates frota India.

hominy, 7Vc. 4 The garri-o- of Lucknow wasrelieved on the Uth of Novemlier. The women andchildren and the wounded were conveyed tbe next

iv to Cawnpore. The tit ing columns encounteredthe insurgents id various parts and invariably da--

ated litem. Keinforcements continue", lo arrive.Four of the 21 memliers of the royal family were

;ecuted at Delhi.The British aud Continental newt ia generally

portantThe BritL--h exports tor Novemlier slow a greatliin off.A farther reduction tf the French sriry h. a laeen

Iccidcd on.The earthquake at Naples was less lenoui than

first stated in los of life and prcp-ttv- ,

1 he Bank of Prussia reduced ihe rates to b;i percent.

No failures of consequence are reported1 here was a letter feeling under the bank redoc- -

inn to eight per cent., nut tbe markets and ex.lunge nad laeen cloned for two davs for tbe holt--

laJJrerpoU, Dec. 26. The sales of cotton fiar the

week have been 40,000 hales, including 10,0110 toculuors ana 4, Ota) to exporters. ! Quotations

early in tbe week we ,V'l'' v' higher than at thelose of the previous week. Put on 1 nurwiay ineinrkct closed at yta advance and speculators took000 and exporters 1,000 of 8,0tK) bale thatere sold on that day. There waa an advancing

tcntlenry at the close and the market was active athe following quotations: Fair Orleans mid

dling do fid, fair Mobile 6, middling do 5 Jill, fairplands CyHl, middling do 5'd. Slock of cotton

port 3 jtsj sates, or wnicn iyii,isj Dales weretnencan.The maiket on Friday and y was closed.The hreadstntft market waa nuiet on Thursdav

Hour dull. Wheat quiet. Provision maiket dulL.Beef, pork, and bacon all dull.

l.nwttin, Vtr. .'!. llanntr t circular quotes sugarmovant at Oibils advance. Coffee heavy. Tea

hrmer. Breadstuff dull.n the Ixindon money market consols fir account

are quoted at 'i'S)ftVia Washington, Jan. 9,

The Union has a leader in which the acquisitionCentral America is discussed. It repudiates the

means adopted by Gen. Walker, but evidently favors tbe obj-- liy another process, it says to ac-

quire the privilege of constructing railways, canals.and roads across the Isthmus, and to settle the re-

gions of country travened by these routes withpeaceable tradesmen, farmers, mechanic, e..

ould teem to be the only sure, infallible mode ofanting our institutins permanently in those re--

ions.If. however, we must plant our constitutions in

revions south of as bv strong army, let it be done byopen anil honorable hostility, conducted nniler au-

spices and authority of the trovernraent. Nothingcan lie easier than to find causes for a national quarrel with the Central American states and the SpanishGovernment, if we set about seeking it. If, contrary to our national policy, wa must needs extend onrinstitutions southward by force, let it lie done by anhonorable warfare, not ly a political foray.


Nkw Oklkaxs, Jan. 11.

The steamer Empire City is at the Bilize withHavana dates lo the 9th. She connected with theStar of the West from Aipinwall for New York,

th the California passengers and mails and I,600.000 in treasure.

The U. S. steamer Fulton arrived at Aspinwall onthe .Kith, bringing news from Grevtown. (Colonel

r rank Anderson had tnrrenderea rort Castillo andhe river steamers to tbe L. a. frigate Susquebana.

It was reported at San rrancisco that Ctal. hlep- -loe, at Fort Walla-Wall- Oregon, had received adispatch stati-j- that 180 of Col. Johnston's command bad lieen killed by tne mormons, mji. jonn- -ston was forced to retreat. The same report reaoh--d us by tbe previous California steamers, elace no reliance in it. J


WARIH.tGTOX, Jan. 11,

Senate. Oa motion of Mr. Wilson, a resolutionwas adopted retiuestinc the Secretary of the Treasn,rv to report the amount of revenue collected in eachcollection district during each year from 1852 to18o7, and the amount expended and the number ofpersons employed in the collection or tne revenuefor eacb of these years.

Mr. Houston introduced a preamble and resolutions (which lie over) the object of which ia to re

quire tne provistont ot me act tn reornary, itaw,amendatory of an act to promote to emciency ot tneNavv. to be enforced by the President in the casesof tlie 15 naval officers constituting the RetiringBoard, so that their Iitnesa ior the service may beinvestigated.

Mr. Brown, who waa entitled to tne noorontneKansas question, desirsd (as it was undergoingchances every davl to postpone his remarks untilthe subject was presented in a definite form, aswould prohab v be the case ere long

Mr. Hale wished, but was not now ready, to express his views on the Question.

On his motion the question was made tbe specialorder for Monday next.

The Senate, after debate, passed a joint resolutionthat In any case where the records of aourts of inquiry appointed nndcr the act of January, IHji, mayrender it advisable, in tbe opinion of the Presidentof the United States, to restore to the active or reserved list of the navy, or to transfer from furloughto leave of absence on the latter list, any officerswho may have been dropped or retired Mr tbe ope-

ration of the law of February, 1856 yrntitled an actto promote the efficiency of the navy, be shall haveauthority ( anv exist in ir law to the contrary notwithstanding), to nominate, and by and with the consentof the Senate to appoint such officers to tbe activeor reserved list; and the officers so nominated andconfirmed shall occupy positions in tbe active andreserveu lists respectively accomiug to uatu rantand seniority when dropped or retired as aforesaid.and be entitled to all the benefits conferred by anact approved in January last npon officers restoredor transferred to the active or reserved liata underthat act: provided, that nothing herein containedshall be so construed as to allow the increase of thenumber of officers on the active service list over thenumlier now authorized by law.

Bv unanimous con;ent the President a CentralAmerican message was referred to tbe committee onForeign Relations, and the was postponeduntil the committee shall make their report.

Mr. liiL'ler offered a resolution, which was adopted, instructing the committee on the Post Office toconsider the expediency of estaldishinir mail lines

South America, and also at to the best mode ofmaintaining such mail facilities, if found necessaryand expedient. Adjourned.

ie. The House considered the resolution providiHg for the printing of 5,000 extra copies of theCoast Survey Report. It was stated that tbe costwould be V'.'O.OOO. During explanatory remarks byseveral gentlemen, Mr. Phelps said that about amillion dollars were yet due on account of paper,printing, and engraving during the last two Congresses. 1 he resolution was rejected.

Air. ramkner asked, nut tat lea to oi 'tain, leave toreport a lull to increase the military establishmentbv five additional reciments.

1 he House then went into Committee of Ihe n boleon the State of the Union upon th President'! annual message.

Mr. Groesbeck neartilv and fully concurred in tbeviews expressed by the President in hia annual andspecial messages relative to breaking up the expedition of Walker. Never since the time when AaronBurr lilted out an expedition against Mexico hadan Administration been so much harr asset! aa thishas lieen by tbe movements of Walker, whom bewould not call a traitor or a pirate, for tuch Walkerwas not, in tbe proper tense of tbe term. 11 proceeded to vindicate the Administration in defeatingW amer s objects, our navy bad a ngbt to go be-vond marine leagues, with a view to theuppressionuf illegal expeditions, and for enforcing obligationof neutrality.

1 he committee then rose and the House adjourned.Washington, Jan. 11

The PoetofTic Department has issued proposals forconveying the mails in Alalaauu, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, lexis, Kentucky; leonese,Missouri, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Slicbigan. Wisconsin, jiinnesota, aieorasaa, anu ivansas. ineai-vertisement is the largest ever prepared by the Goveminent it makes one hundred and twenty-seve- n

columns of the Union.Very much additional service by railroad amfriver

is required, and thousands of weekly routet navelieen changed to daily and Tbe numberof routes in these sections are probably twice at !argas those advertised four years ago.

Ihe treasury Department received fromthe encraver and will issue a hundredand fifty thousand treasury notea of th denomination of tjltw.

Tbe President sent to the Senate for confirmation all the Rhode I aland appointments.

Mr. Clifford's appointmaut to the vacancy in tbesupreme Court will be considered

St. Loci, Jan. 11

Resolutions have been introduced into the Nebraska Legislature deprecating the action of the Lecomp-ton convention in failing to submit the constitutionto a vote of the people, aud expressing the fear thatthe establishment of such a precedent may have aaimportant bearing npon tbe character or tneir domes-tic institutions.

Resolutions endorsing Mr. Furgnson to his teat inCongress, in preference to Mr. Chapman, were passedin lth Houses by a decided vote.

Tbe Kansas correspondent of the Democrat saysthat the free State legislature ami State ticket re.reived an average majority of Ibj. At Wyandottthe majority against the Lecompton constitution was:t7.t.

The Leavenworth Times, of the 5th, states thatthe average majority of the free State ticket ia tbacity was upwards of 1,100; the majority against theconstitution was l,ou.

Gentlemen front the Territory tay thit therelittU donlit that the free State ticket ia elected bylarge majority. No dUturlaancea are reported thusfar.

Mew Ori.kavsi, Jan. 11

The steamer Tennessee has arrived from VeraCruz, with dates to the 7th.

A larire party had risen acainst the plan of Tneo,

baya, consisting of a large party of the outside militarv.

Comoofort left the capital on the 1st at the heanf a division of troops, llis destination was niknown liefore hia departure. Tbe onraniaed minitry and corpt diplomatic, with tbe exception of theBritish representation, paid the respects of the newsear to him. The alasence of tba British representation, w as the cause of many remarks.

There was a rumor of the death of Gen. Alvarez.General Parodi had issued a proclamation again:

t'9monfort't action of making Ltrce levies of troopVera Crux has recalled its acceptance of the pla

ot Tucubava. Civil war seems inevitable,

Colcmhts, Jan. 11.

The second inauenrntion of Governor Chase torplace this eveninir. The two houses met in conventim at 3 o'clock, in the hall of the House. Tha oathwas administered bv Chief Justice Bartley. of theSupreme conrt. in the presence of a large crowd ofcitizens and strangers. A large number of ladieswere present.

The oath was also administered to the newly elected Republican State officers.

RiCHMot, Va., Jan. 11.

(aen. Walker it here, tb euest of Roger Pryor.The Democrats of the Leeialature meet

to take action on Wise' letter to the Tammany Society.

Resolutions have been offered in tbe Legislatureand printed requesting tbe Representatives ana Senator of Virginia in Congress to endeavor to procurethe admission of Kansas nnder tne lecompton con

i ti tut ion.

WiLUAMsruRT, Jan. 11

Knar men named Charles Miller. Wm. AndersonWm. Lewis, and Peter Havier were arrested hereonSaturday nigbt and counterfeit apparatus lounatheir possession.


LorisviLta, Jan. 11, WSRitmakki Tboutrh wa cannot yet notice aay Improve

a tent In the money nark el, there is soasr BTuapstt of bettertimea. The most remarkable event of th week has beenthe nsponalon of four large cotton factors ia New Orteaaa.These occurred from the Sd to the 5th Inst., and Immediately after the reception of the Liverpool advtcea of theIHth. which reported a very dull cotton niarket with a fur.flier decline in . ihir hiLiiiens connection! anclosely alii d ii!i th of New Orleans that llie .':tera iTU'lueed much We are euabk-- lo ft:

however, that no parties suffered to aaj extent from them.

More we have received a week', later new from Fal'ore.on intelligence of a steady improvement la money sadapeeuianva movement In cotton, with advancing prarea.u nas aaq a itood enVet sail tola far to rraaavaa.

rjont leaee. Our banks have uileand are (vnrrally la a very atmnf eotxliiloa. At

w York money is plenty aad stocks are oa th riaa. TkaPennsylvania bank will doahtleaa seaa rasa ins sweete par

tita, and those in Baltimore will have to follow theThus, all aapoare well for the mture.

have few rhanre to aotiee la the money marki t.'Iianee on New York aad Bostoa ia dull at nreaiima.New Orleans nominal at par to 1, and tm Ptiiladelpl la

par to premium. Oold ronrlnaea at I to t'i prewunm.The seneral market has been very ifiiiet. la th groerfyarket a tolerably good business has been done, but al

oilier articles ban remained dull. Flour aad whe at arc aIe firmer. The receipt of the latter have been light.

The provision market has beea stagnant and price aadeclined. Tobacco is coming la very slowly, and there at

somewhat better feeling.Tbe river U in a in stare. FreUhte eoatina very

scare. The weather has been moderate and for twa aaysrained pretty staanlily.

pmtatloiM emhraee only the wholesale prices anleaw

specified.Bsiiiiiso anv I'.sli Kopt, There baa been to marketr the articles for minths. Nearly all the factories hav

topped aa Utere ia therefore ao ia stork, Qwo--tation nominal.

Cirrro. No stock of aay r In market. TH

two last steamers have brought favorable snt frost Eavrope anal eaii-- e l aa advance of t at New Orteaaa. Thecrop is not aa large as has been aaticipated.

CoTTosi Yaxia, l,Hinii.a,c. Ottoa yarns ar rather tower, and we naote , in, and tie ia Ma. CaaaeH--toa sheetings ! V- - Cannelltoa batting hat deeltoe to Its.

tomans, Ac Manilla cordage we anota at 12 VlJe .

Hemp fwtne we qnoteat Ife.I'lirac Sales of Western Res-r- a lota from store atcent.CaamLr ann "oar ftar continue to sell at K'il'e,

according to weight. Hard pnaaaau tallow caadles w ifuoteliy,e. Soap w continue to quote at 3i ( iS V aV,a.

enrillng to The retail price for la liJic, aaii for

Pamemy lie. Kales of by the boaUos at 'He.Flocb ann Oast Within a day or twa there hav

beea some transactions ia extra city mills braada oa rterms, anderetood to b S L The market t liases

firmer, but we see ni revann to chant? nr tinotarkm.hieb were $3 Ta to f)4 for ronod lota of coaatry and city

mills brands. Sotoe of tba city mills were selling extrayesterilay by th dray load at l ti. Wheat continues

liiiTUr, Cora we still quote 23 according to aaJ--oat anc. barley tie. and ry ftle. fjorameal

te at 4jc. We quote braa in round lota at shortataliMU, ahipslufTiH and middlinga ! Tf ton.

FariTS Dried aiMie we quote at (1 SS. D teat aeathat&2 75J. Green apples plenty at !(?! M V bbL Katains

we quote at 2 7iiat u y box, a I U for half boxes, aaatsnefor quarter boxes. New figs we quota at Uc, and date

Lemons w.Vt3 a. Oranges 9.

Frarnras, Gissrx;, Priswai, as Raua. Featherdull; wa quota nominally Giaacag faVifHTa. Beeswax23e. Ratjs.l.,.,83e.

Flan. We quote No. 1 larre la bbla !5aii 30, hi halfbMa s, and Ia kits 2 ao. No. 3 large la bets U3 M

13 and in hf bbl rt 75; and No. 1 la kilts i w t iS Ti.

Herring 65( Tjc. Coatti-- Jiiiic.Glais. Weqnote Ifc Itevernoa la lota aa follows: Salt

43 7i; Itlxlj l; 10x14, tl, aad other atae ta proportion.Glos sales About 2M khds sugar has been takea dar

ing Uieweek. prices have beea rather lower, aad rangtrg

from i.V to iie for fa'r to prime. Sales in bblt to tbe comtry at 1c. la refine wa have aotieed aora small sale ofLooiaiana in at lue and some St. Levi re lineal hibbls at previous qnotations. Motaom has declined: salef aoroe () packages at 33(t2fe for bbl and at!7e for

klf bbl. Small sales of e at JSe. OfenuVemlaf son bags at Hai"Hc, according to quality. Par being ti

prevailing rale, kise ie.IIkjip. There b nothing whatever doing ia thia artie'e

and quotations are nominal.Dealers are paying to butchera f)e and sell at

tha same, adding 2V Tg hide for eommiatioa. Nothing stall doing ia dry hides; country flint bring c At Sk I ouiadry hi les are quoted sa and greea tialHe.

Hav Remain about as before. From tit wharf wquote tllAttll aad from store f) 11 1 toa.

laoar. Htonecoal aad charcoal wa quote at 334c, la lotto tb trad. We quota pig aomiually at gJ4 for best quality, asttal rim.

LaaTau Unchanged. We quote whit oak ol Sc.bemmek JSe, harness M4T.c, skirting, beat quality, re.and bridle If rtoa, according to qaaiity.

Liao ax ?iut.-B- ar lead we now quote at Hc aad pig

attoyS'e. Shot I 7.W! S4.

Nans. Lower. Vie mow quote round lots to the tradat 3 cash aad $3 2 for lud's a time. W quote thrange frm 3 to gJ 2s for lod's, according to anantttr,and other sixes la proportloa.

OiLtk Linseed oil tre quote at sale, at which tit mblselling. Manufacturers are selling Noa. 1 aatt 3 mrd oil

at 90 and me gaUoa.PaoTisio.ssasa Laan. Thealy sales la barreietl park

wbieh have traaspired are bbla mess in different lota latbe early pari of tbe week at (13 and so barn en tiy TO bblaat tU 73. There have sales wlthia the last few day

and we quote nominally (13 tn, which agat now be eon.idered the top price, isome small order lor baena hav

beea at 7H', X, 9V. and lOe for shoulders, ribbed and clearaides, and hama, but beyond this nothing kaa beea done htpiece meat, aad quotation for tbes cannot be givea. Tbesam may be said ol lard, of which sou small orders of

trim ia keg have beea filled at 9tc--FoTaToaa AttpOsios. No traaaactlona. Potato- - arw

very dull at tl V bid. Onions are very sea tee, aad wouldeominaad tri 3 V bbL

iA T-- Th agency Is wholesaling Kanawha at JOr.

sale of l,n sacks T. I. at 83e, long time.8xi las. - Flaxseed we qnote at tme. Strip bbjeeraaa

from store 7ntatn and eleaal At lo, orchard 1(4 l IU.

he r t)l and timothy 3 7iot.1 V baabeL Carver fromstore 30.

frame We qaote at StMHe.Tut Plat W qnote IC, 10x14. $13 M. enf IT. 10x14

kit-- hx. Reefing IC lfxft, (IS 2n, aatt IX 14x3113Bright IX. HxiO, 13., and sqnare IX, 13x13,

(IS, Braxing copper f tb, aad Mock na a we If KTailow. We continue to quote city rendered Sc.

Dealers are paying butchera for roach. Sc.

Tobacco.AU that baa come In, thongh generally ia ns- -

diff renl condition and packacea, kaa found ready sale.Tbe quality of all received la still of the lower grades, areally good leaf having a yet beea seat la. Tba sales ofta week bar amounted to 91 bbd, viz: ! at (35(3 sa,31 at (Kaa (4 30. 3 at (3j a. 13 at (AO; ii. S at (7,aad 4 at (S, (la, (! to, an4 (1 tn. Tb bw4 foar hbdawere eld crow. We continue to qaote lugs at (atijt, mediant leaf (futA, and good leal would bring as bigh aa a

Wool Very dull, nothing doing, and quota rioaa mom;

aLWhiskt Has raaged from 14 to Ue, closing; at tb ottt- -

st'l price.Fariiinrt Sthipmenui lo New Orleans at SSe Tf ewt for

pound freight, 30c Tf bbl for flour, 50c Tf bbl for pork. Hoc

V bbl for whiakr, :! Tf bbd for tobacco, sue Tf brad forsheep, and (t 9 bead for mule. To Pittsburg we qnote15c Tf cwt for pound freights.

JbPwrtVd for Ik Jawr-w- by B. T. rtsawttttt.LotTirviLLB Catti.b Maaaxy. Jaa. 1:

Tbe eattl market has beea well snpplktl and tb pricesran red from (3 tot? $3 73 for good cattle. A few extrasold at (4, and second rate (3 S0a(3.

The hog market has beea glutted aad prices lower, ranging from (3 5n?4, according to quality.

There baa beea but few sheep offering, and prices rangedfrom (2 (4 Tf head.

Tbe receipt of stock for th past week have beea at M- -

ws 14. cattle, VXi bogs, and 9 sheep.

Shflbw lloum Cattle Market Summti t at JTtrr. parickCattle receipt 97 head al Vi 3H groaa. There ar ao

No. 1 cattle in market.Hogs receipts 41 head at (4t4 33 Tf 10 lbs pitSheep would command a (air price. Market bare.

t isctstATl.Jaa. 11. M

Flonr dnll; very Itttle demand: receipt fair. WhiskyInfirm; 1.5ISI bhls add at IS. Hog dull; ao aemaatl; reeeipta quite large; prices nominal. ProvMoa aBe ha satedand dun; 330 bbls mess pork sold at (13. Lard 7ise,Bulk side 5.V, packed.

New Yoax. Jaa. II, P. M.

Cottoa sales of l.llut bales at aa advaae ot Hoi salestore days 3.000 bales; apUnds firm at ta a OrteaaaMobile in the market. I loar dccbaed sale of S.0S bblsat (4 3fto) (4 t for State aad (4 70014 for Onto- -a aelin of H oa earn. Wheat Is firm sales of !S,tO bashai,ai!lSef(rChicaiioa'ring. Cora flras sales of 1,S00 boa

Beef heavy, and holders are pressing oa ta market. Porkheavy at (14 SI a (15 for mess a oaf 12(4U for primea decline of 35e oa the tatter. Butter at 11 fiailKe. Dreeseal

bogs S ter i. Lard declined '.e. WhaOiy derlined Xand sali- were made at V He S ucar a ad roflVe are ataaady

Linsced oil Ic better. Tobacco at Ke better, with aslea7(il7Sc. FnifhU on (ior and grain to Liverpool aavaalighily declined.

Stock hither Chicago aad Kork Island T2.H, Lacreaaaad Milwaukee bl?, I Uinoia Centre! m, Mtcbixaa 8uata--era 21 X, Reading M, Galena aad Chicago 74X. Erie 31

Cleveland and Toledo 44, Cab toa Cempaay 21, MjssoartJ9.S, Tenneesee s W.

CinctwwATi, Jaa. II, P. M

Flour market dull, with a United local aVmaaaJ al (3for superfine. Whisky firm at lac, with atlea taf l,Tt kbta,Butter lower, with tales of lis package at lliais for firkin aad l.1ia 17e for roll. Hog market duD and taaettlt-t- i

sales of l,ts bead at (ai(4 2ft, th receipt are mrx analprice at the dose were aomtnal. Previaaona dull 9m balk meata at tor awoaldcre aad t4r2',e for tides tbe inside rate without pac kayos. Messpork dull at (11 (g(lX Lard dull at 7V4"- -

Ktw OaLxaaa, Jaa. 11. P. M.

Cottoa aalea of 12,00 balsa, aad tha staaaaaer'

news caused an advance of e, with sales of audallag atitngar fH'SJc-- MoUawea 19iai9.'c. Flonr steady. Coraactive at Me. Whit' wheat (1 12i. Western mesa rosk(13, but holders demand aa advance. Lard ia bbl ScEschange oa Loudoa IUaH(lo7 aad oa New York lu,H'.

N xw Oblbabs. Jaaaary a.Flonr is renerallv held higher, wt h a firm market. Stale

of .vaa M,i. t (t att i.xaj tor snparrnne unto aaa l do laaa.ctoiiic with ao sellers ol tha former rate.

Mr pork aa dnU and lover. ,aie ot saat ann at iz

jirl ta lower, with a moderate demand at the eeeliee.gale- - nf 7MI bbl-- at F and iisa) key at S'aC.

A fair drataad firr bulk meat, but arire are lowaar: thmarket however closed stradv al the derlia. Sale o

l 'si.isiti lbs at ic for shoulders, siayi.'a.e for bants, aad 7c for

""vThi-k- Is very dull and prieee aoatiaal at rS.V for rawand l.ii,c for rectMed.

Snrsr aa firm with a fair demand al e for fair.Molasses tain good demand aud th market taatdy at He.

otfre is a shade lower bnt ia atoderate deamad; tale ofliasl ls at siatfie for fair to prttaa kio.

l orn is dull aud prices deelinin. Sale nf waived at fcht.

Wheat is firm with a fair demand al Sue for prime real

and t 13 for prime white.Lard oil ia nominal al soe.A limited local demand for spirits turpentine at rtv.Hay cry dull and price aominai al (Iti for prim west- -

''4 iiaatwlse frelchtsare plenty and rates bichev. FVinr toNew York and Hoatoa - pock to Hrw York tvir. aad t.a

ltoeton 7ue. No baciia auii'piag toailhasr plaec anal rate arenominal.

Theatrineenev ia tb-- moraevtrmHtadeontinaeeanahatrd.The bra pai-- bi ottered ia tha street at i to 4 rent, yjmonth. Siatht axebange ou New York ba advanced to

ii premium.

New OaLtaws Cama M taax-r-, Jaa. 3.

Bcef Csttle An ample supply of Wts'trn and Texas of-fering. We unote Weatrrn beeves al 7(4:1 Tf R.

.,f7ITSe Tf H art at retail,jtheep (( aU oj head for rood tad tn.Milch Cowa(.1ola Asn head.Veal Cattle (7 jilail2 ft bead.

Ktv Yobk Cavn.a Rttsrr, Jaa. a.

The current prices for the week at all tb asarkete ar aafollowFict quality ,(t total tnOrdinary ,. ISIt all

"oromoa.. .............. . ,. a t aInferior .. 7 aaeaa at, no. a awCo) ad calveOrdinary . t

. tn isi.aa ta)

Inferior - . 35 isiaa sVeal calve, extra, Tf .. a ) t(ther.lialitlr .. 4H4 afsheepand lamb, extra.. , ias,at ao

Other qualities ,. j wa iRwiua, ,. t1,Other uualtties - 4.V4 ',

The receipts during the past week h been nearlythree rime as tare ttiev were last week, and in

pnee. declined fully aaa eaal a P"tiBd, aad inthe reduelioB wa even more, Th ratUti wrro

"okini well, eonsflerin the .tale of tlv

weather, and there wre ataay really fine bullork oa aaia--

Tie general palg prtc ahoatwere aold al liUte, aud .imte alie the Utter price having been c. .a Surd lo an lot, wb awerelM at Ailertoa a. More tb. a half taa tuM-r- .

eattl, which were hurried In in estttaauuenca of tbav'ry .hort supply of lat waek. wb.a tba aumbar oa iUa atIn thi arda wit only 1.473 head. About hrl ebanardhsuiUoBMouday, t Bergaa 11 HI, al about tba aaaal ,uo--

too aad calves are la atoderata request at about previ- -

Vealcalvra are In Utile mora drataad at from

and aowtewhat laarev, the heat n.swine are more plentyonly from i ith a lew le-- h"'

rarhnl .e heard of Bo sale a hub a S. Therewere on anlr at Allerton's .I"" kraal.


I deiivrrVd to lae at No. fu Maiaatreat, hetwaen F'hthLjaaUwltJJ JAa. CLAkk.

KCIMOV-- OF THE Cftl'KT fF AI'PK.tL."!.tUpOfUHJor th' f. aaaf aetfla JnTOt hfjnk M. aVoWtf

A Uornt 1 Ista. a I, A I . .FSA.vsrosr, January 4,

caeaca lam laaavWe y itnthh. lUth; n it raa LHamilton va refers r.

I ol He. va Joueav rea.r aa a." Va l.awnia:,. B,iWnaaaaf. STHolhrook v. folly, Letcher: alHriaaaat.

Tretihle va tmt'h. iw Irmewt. Katb;v. nanat i eriart .a. hart iraaena. Moatsaamery;Heaiuy v Wsale. HKlaaHalit .

v. ji, lenaem. M,.i.tsonie'r-.--llarmoa vs Haek-- jmleuienl, Montcoma rv.Lverett vs W Uliaaa- jualgma-at- . Moawoaterv; werear'a.

Faa'aeowv. Jaanary 7.earara Mctaaai.

Harmon - Barlter. tndrmamt. wHestty VS VS .anal. Ilflcne-M- , MowAIUraoa Va nrasf, lalalirwaralt. Monteianaarv. arhnujTrimhWi va J.aliav-o- iwlsnaen', Hnini; aUniiri "

Bra fa M'airB. luitifnaenr. rth: arurwiaHt.taarrett v Hieka, I'jtih; reversal.Cliapauta vs StiarkweH. iaalcnaaaat, I lemlnr. revwrsea.

oanna.IVattv vs isdrroesl. n :Warner vt Tiirner. enlrma-nt- . M .aitaaonr-v.- -.

Turner VS HoUv. aielaioa-iat- . atoiltoRaerv;PkaTlaa va f lH'taina al. WonKntiaeyv;

va Hntfnaan. imlairaewt, Mnsttnwin :llufftnaavs t rig ,jitiigiaeiii, .M'lattiiai ry; were ar g.

Fsssaroay, Jaanary S.

ctrara arcinra.(titddiith v THaatnat. r'b- - afrlrwte.l.

ha IJaa. ft vs Carter t aa. 11,1 KiiT amvnalrlA.Va ilaaia vs Montaoiaa-- ; altienae.1

llutfutaa vs Wright, Montcmerv: revet Lva Hantaan, woatfomery; 11 n laaiaj.

oanrxa. at

Wrlaht vs Watrona. Montgomery:THompaaaa v laawsna, aTnaamiaaoa vs Low. anal Naea. It. R- Nelaon;Itaatr va Ma'lnialy. .Nelson;

ma ia Wilaoa Nelson:kiieha (of color) ys Neisna Co. It, Nelson; were arynaxi.

FaAvarory. Jaantry .

csrsta iv-- Tar la. a K

TtMltv vs rVartv, Moatantaa it: rt'iat awl.Idnerva Inxaell. UrW: reveraaad.

Fasraw va Krwakhas raveraanf.Wright va Watroas Mooiairanery: raiveyaa d.Carpeater vt trorhaaa, Natholast afnnueit


Carter vs "niot-n- , hidrment, mandate modifiedand petition overrule.

Villetoatv Villefaae. iwdimeat, Nadsnw;ftraaitheyland vs kiaek-lo- e, padnrmt, Neasott,Kaaste va Thomas, juairiweat. Neiaoo:Yocina vs Lantaam, UHicmeut.

aolin v. Lone, iiiugnaeet. Vs sshtnefon:lieaay va Jtadameat. WaaaiuaWa; wwre as gal.

STATFMrxT ' THK COXntTIo or TUIftOLTHEKN ISA a. 4lr KKtlltal AsU

BKAM lit..--On the ZM of December 1807. ff


Powaeaatir btll. 4I.3KS..113 3luted rM s

nvestmenta ia eaelem exrhaiaee - pa tinDrbsa in auit and 1.t7 aa)

amtnrkv State bonds, t sct el. taat.wtai ut aaaM.iaaa tatawaking bouaars aad other real

Protetat aat cost accountM.4U

Dnefrnm eoaiaera aad WeaveraIVtnka MM 73

tin e in New York'ilea of others aauka

bold aad siiver

LIABILITIESaeital at rack (t..V.Uri

tividnai posttors- bar a ttat.HW M

liivtiaeaat accaaat. ........ .ir?l 7

,rcnlalloB ............ l.Sa.7!l IM

rorit and kaa S .lftt :aS

Coatingent fuaat

profit and loea aa aboveDeduct dividend Na. Mot i per

cent, payable 1 at day

Laave profit aad maa 4rtM, tM. B-- MORTON, faahier.

rjoathrra Bank of Kenttvkv, IturattllvUle. Jaa. 4,


btcember 31, 17.MEAN.

tea ( 4rl.aiS SIKillaof IJtehanae l.;na.iaKa I

sasapcaded lXbt 91aaJ a( rt.i a

Tme from other Batiks lr,.aaa a

Krai Kaataf Hanking Hasan tS,llCash on band, via:

In gold and atiwr (r.iw uIa aute of other Bank. .ru7 a


tea ia I UntlatioB I,rai.--laraa ta other Hanks J7JOne t ladivhlinl larpuattora.I'nclaimrd lavidrnd 2.il3

t ontltlatent t uad taa. aaa

Profit aad Lo-- a .) m

.yi.si4.7-- a t

Centtneent fVind and pnat anal Itaaa. a alaovw "LMMiuel uivtdrad of i per ctal. aa ( it

Leaves eoatiagewt fttaal aad profit anal toesIbis day . "J

.1. B. TF.M PLkTT aahVr.FarrneTV Tank of Kentucky. Frankfort. Jaa. 4.

Mamvo Moar. Handreda of local atrerrta iaevery part of tha country ar doing a land office

busine ia the way of trllia). Porter t Oriental Lit

Liniment witk (rift. At their sale ar large aad tbacommistuoa they receive ia very lilieral, they maslbe tanking money.

One million ot bottle of tha Oriental Life Liniment have beea sold tor the cay of froat bites, rhea- -

matum, burns, fie. It ia lnrivalled in th world,

More local agents are wanted to sell tfie OrientalUfa Liniment with grift. For full particulars, addres K. D. Potter, 96 Third street, Louisville, Ky

d 1i lavaIrspyrn- - Wowfn, !?mfl ! Barrkart't IhMmi

Bitter haa cared me of Dyspepsia by asing; it onlyon week. I recommend it confidently to all suib-r- -

Ing from thitCla-t- A Ia.9t.Ill.CllJt.a-V- a

Prrrnnt;n, Oot. 21. ljf.( Mrs. S. is the wife of the noted .) th 7th. by th Rev. J. R. TVwipary. Mr. .Ion

Praria lo atlas M asnaSarr A. r ..- - a. Ail of this .

larCovtngtaa, . aad New Orteaaa papers pleasecopy.

Oa th 7th iask. at the rsiaidewe of tb bride's another.Mrs. Ann iHranv, bv Ot Rev, Mr. Hekaers, Hi iAstt OtVAty to I n txt-r- ti. Aaariirsv. allot this

Philadelphia, Cincinnati, and Thutty iCalilorniai papersplea as copy.

Ia this city, on tha 7th treat., hv Rev. D. P. Hewter-o-a

Mr. Thomas Tct axa to Mist Caul Alxxavusb, bothIbis city.

Ia Marina eaaantv, la , a the h of January, 1"W, atJoaroh tanrr-a- . by . c. is. Wilaon. Krv. tlx-

Wtiaow, of tb Lenatvilie eonfereace, to Mas M. A. Caa- -

The bbwaminc will enrrvwith ber la 'rae voyaae ahe

has wmwaar.,,1 v a the of matrimony tlte kind wwa-ra of a haaat of fraetnts. who valua ber aa a pneeaesa tarnbranlyaad wotnanlv virtaea. C. Y. BoutaLtk

Dewararrat plaasa copy.Oa the nth ine,. hv Rt. Rev. PAdtop (oaMinc, Ai.rwrB

A. Kit. ay to Mrs. Li tiurr C. rta.-aa.!-, aauguacrot jao,II. rUaad. Esq.

DIED,la Philadelphia, aa th even ins of th 4tb ins., after a

hnirenna aad painful illim. wktrh ba bora with Chnntaafortunda aad reaignataoa, Mr. Uaavx lljtats atjed atfyear.

Ta thii city, oa Wednlay. .Tanrnrv , Haaxv twowa.infant aoa of Jnba and Joaucab pfviSer, aard 1 moaika.

Of scarlet fever, oa th morning of the 7th mid., MasLiziib. aced 4 rears II moBtlaa and Mdava.aad JttaiK , aged I year A month aad day a, eauadr-H- ml JobaIt. and Mary A. TaaaaxV

tin the evmina of Wednesday-- Jannarr S, afVrKneaain lllaras, Mrs. ttsLLia Aa.a I.xabwokth, wif ofMr. Joba Learmontb. la the a year of aaar age.

ttnaltimora sad aaprra ptaaaae copy.



Compound Pectoral of Wild flifr, jpo raa costuTi caaa

corort. cold. atua, nROjrmTi. ..fLlUVZA, FA . TIIK tll'S A.0

cosaumrTtos.Fvaw yiLia, ins., Nov. 17,7.

Pa. Joan BttL, Lonktville, ky- -Dmtr Sir: I kave tned yoar Pectoral la a

aad amre caa af palmoaary coaaamplloa, aerompaaiawith severe heaacTtuge from th tangs, la which Cad Uar Oil totally failed t pradnc aay Itoaeacial efleet, sad 1

wa perttaetly aatoauhed al tba basardiata renaf aad lia.iautioa ta tbe aatoaat af which apcdilyfoUowwd ita aaa. A a rvatcdy ht la aureaa4 ttagwnaaaatptiea I (iv M aaaal dceitiedly tba uttifttnas.

JOHN MAGENISS. X. D.old by aft drarftstsetei i ahtfa.

All ardere froca whoaatal pnrthasars r apy fleatie a mtAgwacic aiurt be addrassed to

DR. JOH5 BULL, Laruatvaia sr Nw Trk.Bov M JbakjAwtlm

CAJICER CURED.kf to certify that I bad Cancer ewd 4 mrTHT tor about nine raaara. I trtad a aatwber of food

phyaaeaana, bat with ao awaa I urttad Dr. Ww. Pata-a- .

and b cifectrd a cure ia tw or three awks. It has bweaabout eight wvonLAw aiace tha DocUr wrad aaa, aud 1 aapert ac tlv nnd.

Anv aa who are thus (Varied, aad vbs awtra s kit atof tba ltoetnr-- skill. I raeaasaaaaad thm la laaa a, l.alt,A Co., oa atath atreet, aad they will stify u. h-- hortataawat, SAHCEi. RL SdELIa.

rtp 1 ra t wt faneaar. aeyaafnav Vseadary wyytt.Pis in all it aceravated fonaa, cbrwate .Sara Kyaa. Citron aslHarrtaea. aad I tstala ia Asa. tmr aw pay for e

aad atteauoa. 1 keep ta gtaama pan a Piuk forsale.

t at hi reaideB, ataracr swvrath aad Mark ataag It ddiwwly

A SCHOOL, WANTED.TOfNO CaENTI.KMAN, bora and retard ht

ad a graduate of oa of oar bra Weatrra twho ha bad anate earasrieara ia trarnia a I lannral

school, aad raa addara the aaaxt v taatl aaoaaaaa

aa to moral character, gentlemanly deportraara. and literary attainment, lrhea to rabaain a aatuattoa a PrlraniaalHt aa Academy or tntor ia a t ollearor prrrare arhawal ia nWeat or tannth, Addreaa box Na, ltL Freakfort Rv.. dr.cribtng attuataoa, salary. Arc. jli


W. Twyataa. Jesse K. lioakia. aad J. K. Irftadkaa. trwa--af .lamer II. Shraaa, agaiaval Keaaa Farvar. ww will

11, ta the tltlTheiat bwl.ler. oa tiiaa premisee.OB HrStraeaday,ehrnarv 3, brtweea tb hour of lit and 3 o'caoek.

tha valatahle Faraa ktwawa as ihw "gthnitse Farm" Ifoitaeilythe property of Jame M. sraraawv, Ivia aonb of aad ad.totaing tb towa of Versaillra, in WoaMlt'ord eaaatv. Ry ,caotoininc gjtt arrea, iaa high jtato of cwjtrvalioa, with unprrrrementa.

The l ira will Be aorS aa tne tolaowra wit; ia atoaln witaoaat iatrroa, oaaa.ihirdin li month with internal from date, aad d ia aaaainlha) with froaa date, prraonal aa--antr will be tor eaee navawatt. aaa a ne win aa

retained na tb laad ta aeenre the paymrat l ail rvr

aaoarv. Tba Bute for thai land ar to havef jtiilgmenta. JOf L w. TW Y M AN.

J. E. MOTRINS.Ctata m laato wstra.

J. In.ra. Aacttouear. jaau wd

LsnisvUI Joaraai eopv daily till day af sal aad chargethta orhee. Lortocton Qbsrrera-.- l

w.aLia-- atcaABaana. two, a. wixsa.

TUE KEJTtCKY WOOD WORKStonth aid Market aV, betweea Prestoa and .Tackaoa atav,

LOI IslTlLLEa KY.above eatablUhmrwt It bow la operatiea. aad weTHE paadv to --ventre prrawiptly and tn the haiat waanaer

ail ordetw for BI tat.Y, CARRIAt.E, WAtraix. ItKtV.sad trvarv athaar deatrriptlon of sfuKKS, 11 Htt, H I

HE. brnt sad aawedl. HOW. SHAKT4 ft 1L t SISEAT ST1CR. COhN a

,T S, atte.. aa th moat favoralaae terms.BtlMna RICHAaUMti.N A WiNtl. Proarwdora.N. B. We parer Oak and llirkot-- ake ha tha

mugh; loraat, tiuni and klra Lo laar lluha; aiau Micko,Ash, and other kiau 4 sawed lumber of vartoura7 - 4k W.

Laand for SU.

Iaa,atalt aarraa of Umotby Btaaaww. It welland beautifully attuated for 1 wtii aril a

earlv appucatata bat aawia, Addr-e- aae, per--

aaRv or by mail, al Heard s dtauoa.jauf d.twrf P. W. BROOM tX.

DICKSON ft OLLMORE,Importers of Gain tod Fishing Tickle,

WHOLEaALK AND RETAIL,So. 51 Third strsavt. Bear Uaia, Louisville, Kj,

tie leavwta tafoeta aaerebanta.and all athaar that tby bava

bow ob hand a larra lot of fine aadplala doabla and aincl barraa) Sr--.t4aan.Cntt'and Mien a k.rt

Harraht. Aaa Leka, and every arrirto forriaarrtttg Appaeatna. art a tistiat Havaa. Shot ttrlt. parw.

der IVrcuaana a ia. intiug Kmv,and SnPock t otlerv. a Iraa a larre ataark nf Rtoaaa ofmskrand warranted. al Kiawtiac Tarbka of aaarraIaoa. all af watch wa will sail antra lower thaa hrraaetora.Xhaaar wannn will plat sail aad sssaaiaaltar

aa( at 4Mat w Wat


0UT hv aaawmratamt WU t ol troaa Mr Prats,, aanialaa. ,.w t i a s

a ia, hi.,, taa art at :mr a,.ra.- we hsva w -- . m It to

elt a reiml tav aanr faraaaara. priceper ba f I, a3 pr iaac. aud a

w- - a" .ha. PKVPilr t'KLEltlt TftR IWIt :tf : s. stI hav a tnat lot i aar a baaaa.

Priced i rt liaJ, 2 pv' deeVPfcTERak Wl Httlt

j,a .tt.twt

r h taa av niraet Ike delivery "1 taaaaj iai

l.nruat Lot" al an eaeiy nv. irona v l' - iraa

H: l o f,.r liai n -t --f raaca Haraory raaaaraaa. em. apiki 11 tRfettlW WfNT..

h Vt.iavd .

, r, X vi Vrkt at. tartar era preatoa aaat

E3TRAT ITOTICS.rvy ,t o ,rTt at. Jvraow eortawas aa aaatrav. b-- J aV rrnd"TivTu? .a euniv. araont t Hie--

l,..,,.r,,L. .r..t rwitToaaV. ae oraaw

TKKlt of ae. ta a otl tittv -t. and valtaett at eigtot doliara.a:i. ac


. ttY.,KKK.P aaisaltlr hand and tee

any inan'itr of their imrM'-a- J"-r-

tt l plnW ") and atutalaaa.;t.t I.TIVAT'IKH aat IR a.

I kavw eaaa'tvi'id MvaatMWaS IW

four vrmna. aa "aaav I aKtiai-a- i aave o a a .a mm.a--a v lair arr-- ibaey taawa erhirateal. waaaaaal

rail aa.,SMnal anenliaaal of U,S ytaanaeaa aaf IHai StrMtta t lairyaaaorri'ie-.- l of plow., aa - ar-- nallDt a Phaw that aaaal

loiat- -e to their Wo Wavaaa.1 retry tbsaa taa W W.of V:raefeara. Miaaa., woo ra baica BMug lbm far

thrra vrara. Ular prarea ar as folkiWat

For fnlttvatora, rmmai (T oai

lor Patent A'l I illrivwtaanv.

Fr (laanhla fhaarof parrwa.

.r .tincka 4 taty..r No. 4 Plow - 13 aatV' r No. J Plow (11 aad 13 aw

-r . 1' Plow -

. r o. I Ptow 1

r N. 1 - PWw I

:r liberal alaeawat I tteaJera.Ml or'lers loie-- r aatr W n Iwdkaap) Ca..

f Lulllavili,;anl3 if

American AgricultuiistORANIrR Jl Pft. i le Water iS I .

f t Protirmtaar MIW 1 ra- - (aa irm

T..1. XVII. No. 1. JANL ABT, r-- ww ttartaa, , V

'triD ITEUE"TI 1'SOl.nt.qsir.JURE Flfi -- ) vartatie of valuaw

' d FKKE to the Buhscrfbere of tb


REK. Tsr att(ewa volnm tkkt Joaraal avcae

a,ih aarh Mneeaaeat t all Itaana, 4,aaw

i laiviKa. aad calUvatora mi ttwa t ataaiarst

.tot (ladie af roavas tsaclade1 aa bava aeawr

atea onVretl before by tb IbtaJter oi t

j .ay otlaer Jowrnal.Tb Aoatt nrtrairr kt eamrarw ttH rtra

towof qnarta paaea bs aaar 4 aambtw.

G OOfiSix of the bast practical fuHreaiav k aU lh

I CE roiiBtry bar beea l. SDI

ta? FED """DS

imr thrm ktttsaVaa beaituful, taastrwetiva

Ratal Object of la aaraa aad atilitrtil ba greea ta KV.

Tl Jaaaaary awaabar baa atstattp sattiat.iv artarira aad over 14) eograa-mg- aad ajaiaasir a.upa, Iboach treea ksat vajuakta tavaa that

uceerdiug aamhers will b.(j00! TbJiiaryombergrva.B Hd of

C RE wriette of Fnrta. Gaana-- attd t lowxa,.,f tha kiada aad boat natality, waoaaiv

SEED 'obtalrrad freia the bwa re jsrwya. Ft? REE. tht Hat wery aabactnbevwdB be aaotlvd la

1 ittyttrWitmabMWibiswsiarr, fre.Tlv eeO will ajoa worth to wa

the full mttarrtptwia sartre: bat asida from ibem.JTiarraj aarabrv will aOBIaia aa aawck raC rwt

reaalia aad atora aravtBga laaa aaaar f loa

dnibtr book are4 ta tha esvlahc. Tboaaaada..t kin aaid. avea af lata aa FaaS

Cf OI valnalaie aaaibev. that uavy woaad aot part web

l'RE itltrm for (1 each. Still

CEED Volant XVII Co lie) will t forulrbed taearvrw. nar 1: Sa eorte f gait Tta,' REE.

or move raayi at w at sack.

Da yoa a.k bow all that aaa ba ateest

Aa. Taa Aaiata rirvai art ha a nrmm recw-l- ar

drculaaioa tbaa a ioaan oi Ibe ardlBary aa.aad horuicaltural loaraal. A Rear

anata atafit a atb awbseriber arvea larga saas

to ba ta pwrkag laa beat wyitwra.

G Oi,p erallretirat imforaaaUaaa, aaaliy lUtgraviBtaa, aatift tteede too

l'PE FREE DlsTRIBl'TIO.SEEf Further, the Paratk-h- at etrraal-- at waaa

I. I .k.a .11 aaa aalw ba aa anMt t tb

F REE,aad Horthraltwra of aaw oaaalrv.

but jo which shall he s valuable and a fall otlursnactioa la every aai uaeat of Caltaarr.

whrOvra a lc-- ar a. acaae, thai so r-.

thoaa aha ap ia brie walkt witkarat aloot of aware at ad) raa antbrw to t witbaaal a.


J.(XiD Were pent apoa tha AaTtcultnrkat last year, awt

a,rp as the prrarat arw aad rewaraerd rataavnvOea J

mats it, tba tarn wUI ba rIcd forJS U.Lt

Tba-- PneHshryt aaailt ia Tret Bp th brat pa--

JREE. rr drst, and make moaey alVrwarda, If yoacan.

If ya waal eavrk a jaaraaA, with taa extraward, V.. srad (1 (la oad, aea P. 4J.

tampa, aar bill ot kaaaaam aosad twdlt as baaart

aad yaw will tvet laa Jaaaaary waaak-- v at.aae. from which yoa aaa a lee tha statda, Tka

futiira aumbere will ba malstw belo las

G OOD firw day of earb SMBth.

pLRE' Addrea as above.


REE. j l- WUbaai areet,

mnUwt NewYo.k4ttv.

CopartneTah.ip FfotictvK aaderaaeBrd bavaa asaxu'nl i hrwiaaraaa. woatrrHaa

f W. P HI I l K 4t iN. fa ha,,rT.- .- of doing aliKNERAI. lt M Kan4 WleLavCTINU HtSlNl. VV. F HI l.l.tH K.

W. F. UL LLOCh..

w. r. BCLtaarm w. y. Milora. w.



rtvw. F. Bulloch will arai' tie Ijaw h th Ctawrto haab.

dea ia LotiianrUIr and ia lb I'eater. Coart aad t aawrt ofAiuaraala at Kranafott. taa t ilatw lit

resolution.THE parntneysbly berefofoea eriatio tasi waasw the ti

iiD.ler the ti te of K. p. R IJ at t l.. aa

tbia dav nivtad bv wiaiaal eaaaaasttt. Utaarr TrtaaaV ktauthortard to as tha Bam .af Uve raa ia ai iaoaiaow.

We iur ttitl ta lotind at tne old ataaai, fc.r 'ttr parsaof ari:!inc up aar taaana a, and w,ld ra naartfwilv aak ailUaoae .nucbtavl la as to oatl aad artta sail Ha.


LoeisviLi.B,Jan. a. !. Rot T E. HALL.dluiatw ImJ

To .Xtrrou SuffermRETIRED CLERGYMAN, fftoesdl Wa hraPhta a

V few dav. after wtaiav vaaarsof llltt aa rvaa aai'trrlaa ABXaoa t waaka kaaxra taa tar a at carw. ta ,1 aawd

,frerl ihe aeeetwiptaoa ased. Intra l Uaa kev. Ji UN aLNi. ir t u.uia iArert, Braaa, a. N. Y.

art 7 leav.lawiakwtm

JOHN B. MOLUX,9 1 4t"taeawt atrww.'


Watches letretrtm Arc.Oaar aasrwraatta.a and staata la Reatwrk ' r owtw

ritaraoly wr ort- -r tw oar I nrwat us laa stala for aha aatl- -tuaa. aauoua-- aurchaaiUaa.

Porwierty ot fftMrhnra A Ikwaa. lataof Pratt at aaia.Inly U aamdlratwaawLr

Winter Anaxigentent ClVADgs of Tim.BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD.

COSF.CTINf, OH THt OHIO RIVER ATvt uttia-N- wiiu tiitv

CE5ITII.4L OHIO IC.4ILROAD(Otwat Nataoaavl h ra.


jiarictta ml Claclamati RailroaitCkaarwaa Central Roate),

Aa4 lat BaHlaaavw with the varttat Rsttltl raiata aava waaa nanwi

to tha public a dlraaot aad ttawt laatTtblaPRESENTS tha West and oaihweat ta

tULTIllORR. ...raitauurnit,NK.W TORK.AND BOSTON.

And th ONIT R CTP. that caa farwlih aThraaah Ticket aad Ttaaaaaa Ckerh l Wtsa.

The heliler of "tie" oath acket ta trw TctRR" eaa tanaaeyra HkLTIWURK ad PM I LA UKLPH IA a Itaaa aa

aiel rraaaia- - Uteir troarrrev at rat.WAsHIM'. t ITT KAII Kiin hetweaa

iotearal part of tha. HAITI wtRK A S nil f. t R s laaara'la'uaatiuly vBtinaan Ita af rail ta vt aaaiagtea

Ps.arnrrrs far IHy haa tha pi liaevkaunt Uaitintor wiihoaicxuaraar.

rar Tralas l.eavw ( laelaaavti tMytevaaav

Two Trair.a via Uttl Miami ancl CentralOIUo KavUroacla.

A. M. TJirtlTN ING f. PRF- Leaww Little MtatwtDrpot at A W arnvrta ia Haifiroora at lie a at arvt

Vra, atwl Maaat .a. Arrtvaa at t aavhioat-i- t ity aill: A. a., wh tratua for aucnoaoad, aortoia.and a.1 lattuts Satniti.

"Ctn A. W. K VI'Kr ..w Uaan , i..r-- .A w. aerivrw in llwrttaafar at P. M. Bvt av. a

m WaakiiMios cttv at P. At., eataawciutg aaabove ior all pataw kaa and soui.l.TWO TIk wtgirnt AS CIN.

ivt.i II a titaitaiaA. M. EXPRK.. Trwia tha f tttt Miami

dapot at 4 A. M . arvrrrsal aarwrua at tja P .: ire at r. w ; nrmit uraiawa at r ..and ruhnaaiw al Hit at A ..w. weal lay. eoaaeruaa

witn traia lor Philadeipnta. New .art, aad tana.

a. T'ltatrwia eoarp-r- t at th Ketar Hoaaaa, aina at tie

froaa wtia tvmta far Wj . arnvlag a.

m A. a. MA I la TRtlN Trwra ltav Li'tta wiamtdepot at lo A. a..timw Macwot. at a) P. a. LaraPartrreb-ir- at s a : serve a taraiiew a i. a. a. - .Itaitim. at - J ., M. ta aatt day. aaal Waahjogtoat.ltyla r. M.

BVPtvasrarre aaar view tha ataairBitteewt at nrv at

l by J) liaht by taking tha as . w. irata from t Kea -g or in A. M. trwan fnwa Prer-ta- r, lying r aaomMrtaad, aad paaatmiag scat aaoraraaj at Z.j by La--

ijr-w- r Traia waava rtaltlaaaoe daily fo WaaStasteaCi y al 14 A. a., v. A. M, P. a., aad atJ P. a.

roR TttRitCliH Tt aa baaard th twaa, I aceamers wliarh leav Lo.ii.vtil --..rv day at it

a' clocfe. r at tha orheaa of taa jettvraoaviiae Railroad.

Mtaaaa RatlroaJ. vtalB tiaaavoli. Laav u.u, and --oaa.auai ta i a the ofheaat ot tba Little t ami Katl--rvid. N'. I Hwraaat Hoaar. awraaaad dooy weat of Via alraatal,

aad old omer. aaiutnaaaat eorwee of Broadway aad PruBtiraanta, afpajell tit pBCr Honaaa, a At Ut jICf

' Lalli R sail Irwtaot, kaa From aratIf aatrrof traasportatioa. Bal"'re,r.ri , ,i,t. Rsiiroaal

JitHN a H taf,iaari Wara Aaa

KHNTTJCXX MIIITART CT3TXTUTE,I'l KrcTkLt by a Ibaard ofv7S. Viritor aepotntvd bv tba(t'arr. a BBdry tv

of t.oar.tarl P.. W.MutU.AN. atraatualaa of Waa P tail, sad

arwcnral war urajr. Badaad

iy aa aata Fatuaiy.TS H--a ot aad sa thatih

wum rbs itttKt otf nrmvxiHlwvti oiir-- ia

K B.iiHnutf tvl -

tut. UistorHal Rradisaa. fen I Aaa.plU Biad UaSUaa1'oroia, and ia M'Mlrra Laag iAs'

oaeaaaaii ra tha RratTHr rwantveeuadaloaaaar Kahruarv. t aaraa pa aa!AVi, aavattas ia adva. . lira ttiiniitead-wt, al "w,!1tary lawattat.P reaalia eouaty, Ky ' x lk aaalersigitrd.

Ptaatd. lit ol ll 1 a.twaaJouraal publkak aad nd i;i - 'ver'-- r ft p..r 'he - tat era- -, aa ','"'

.' d- ,,ar .11.. eaabaaata by pl'l I J- - Aaiaay

-- I