
Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.


Standard Form For Members of th~ Leq1slatur~

Nam~ of · R~presentative ________________________ Senato r

/-1 •1ft /lt-Ji.nVi't:, - &~ '1• - //

f! I 1. Birthday and place

2. Harriaqe (s) date place

3. Significant events for


· iLfitv-r/ r/t:•"A. d ..}t.J ~ . .,..' ;(,~,.

B. Civic responsibilities __________________________________ _

6. Public Offices

A. Local __________________________________________________ _

B. State __________________________________________________ _

C. National ______________________________________________ __

7. Death

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.


lO.Education , .

I < I

,(, .

11. Degrees ______________________________________________________ ___

1 2 . Other applicable information __________ ~~~~~~~~~~~- -----------

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Sourc:es r. ov fo r J. ev l nlaLio ll f:: 11 L J ies

flpp ll c ald.ll t. ,,

S o l l r <.: e II o n fl p p 1 .l c a I> l e fl p p 11 c a lJ l E:l 1 1lf o r JJlC\ I. i o 11 o IJ L a i 1 1 e c1

@/r;_t;_L4 __ .. '::.:-!LJL!__ ___ :;/ _;.!_· __ --~ f- /I 1

J;,,.~lr.:.u:.t~-;-1 .... ~L"CJ~/ _____ _

- ----···-·----~------~---:..:;_ ~~_l_!_-ryt' I • .d_.! u·._{._ ___ ,~t~{:>;._. ____ _l.::r __ ! J/ - ·-···----·-··--·--=-:__lr-_j_:f_t _ _ l - ------- - - - - - -----·- -· -- ··-· - ... : ... - ··-··--·

--------·--- - ····-- · ---- ·· -----·

---···---- -·· --- -----

----·- -·-· - --. . .. ---- ··-----·-----



__ ...._ ___ , ... _ --- ---·- .. ----·--- --·-··- -----------·---- ·-------·-- ----

.. .. . .. .. . . . ... .... . ·--~-----·· .... ----· .. ·-·----·· - -·--·- ..... _________ _________ .. - ...... --·- ...... ·-- · ----··· ····- . -

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

IKA Ll· .IUK7 II k A•• Gutter·Wbile·i FORMER··SENATOR ties Cry ·For It_ ~ GEORGE TABOR

' ·

urg, N. Y.-Whlle New York 1 a crucial shortage of its supply, hundreds of gallons tit of which healthy babies 1re shown being dumped into s near Ogdensburg by strtit~ fM11lers. AA. violence flared lth one ease of shooting re­lyor Ptorello LaGuardia, ot . eal.led a conference of. the ctloa.s In an attempt to iron (rleulUes. .

DIES TODAY Funeral Service Will Be Held at Baldwin Sunday

George W. Tabor, 76, of Baldwin. senator to the 43rd general assembly ln 1929-30, died at • his home north of Baldwin Thursday afternooq,

The funeral service will be . held on Sunday at 2 p.m . at the family home wlt.h the Rev. F. F:. Mastin officiating. The body reposes at t.he Harrison fun­eral home.

The deceased ls survived by his wl!c. three daughters, Mrs. Bruce Werdch of Davenport, Mrs. W1llard Stewart of Maquoketa, ~nd Mrs. Leon 'Grey of Gary, Ind.; two sons, Howard and Cllf­ford Tabor, both of Baldwin, and sev­eral grandch1idren.

Mr. Tabor was born near Baldwin on Dec. 6, 1862, son of Andrew and Nancy L. Tabor. He completed the Baldwin high sch~l course a~ on Nov: 27, 1890 was united in mnrr~gc to Ella Gilmore. of Monmouth.

He has always been associated with farming and stock feeding.


Albert W eatphal Home Scene of ~vent

·ntc; ~·: ·'. ·· ·. A bOuntiful ptcntc dinner was serv~

at noon with the warra afternoon QOU~ .) spent in visiting. When the rnln cnme

5ervices tor Edward Carson, pouring down they gathered in the Med away Tuesday. from ln- bouse and on the porch, but all re­alnect ln an accident Satur- malned tul late afternoon to give the )e held Friday mornll'l#l with _, ·· :·. ' ' ;· ...

. . THE ·EUROI • J.

, This map, complied on the latest repor. that troubled continent ns it moves into w sh owdown is near and Reichsfuehrer Hitle1 That move mny ·mean wnr with the sul-..JeQU prehenslblc phr~.

• Hgld Funeral Ser-vice For Mrs .. 8ertha Baker, Formerly of Iron Hill

. J '

:Funeral serva~ for Mrs. Bertha Dutton Baker , ll:J. of Cedar Rapids were held Thunida~ afternoon at two o'clock at the .last Iron Hill church with R~y. I . g:,""'kletter, pastor of the Second .. church or Cedar' Rap-lela · ent was made in

Sbe' W.S .. bom and raised near Iron mn and had spent most of her lite there. Mrs. Bak­er was c. . mcmb<.'r of the Second Chri.s­tlnn church of C<.'dAr Rapids. She W!\.S

mnrried to Gco. W . ~aker on Octo~1· 21. 1896 who prc.-d ~d her in deat h on T' .,l' t '> • o t '1 'r.'l ~hf rhlld!'!."~ '."!~":.~ !'~!"H

·-11 IC ·-M1


V<'rsn Fr<

snry. 1\!r:

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

- ---- - · · · · ............. _ .. - r -- ...... . - ·· -··- •••-•- v• VVI•Vt II'IPIU 11¥ a I~&IUW \,.VUIIW)' •

man. . C.ptain George E. T. Eyston. "I didn't fully · extend the ear and I thJnk tt ha.s the necessary speed eventually to break the record," . .h~ &aid.

.aae of Baraboo, Wis.; Mrs. Alvin J sen . of Sa~ula; Mrs. Walter Brund of Lyndon StaUon, W1s.; OUvlne 1

Maxine, both at home, and her mat nal srandmother, Mrs. Evelyn SU!f1

. one brother. Frederick, preeecled 1n death.

FUneral aervtees wen )leld Mall at 2 p. m. at the C&nson-Bals&er chi

Formtt State Salator Dies Saddenly· with the Reo¥. H. D. Onen ,oftldat Thanday Afternoon At Tile FamiJy Intmn~t was made tn Mt. Hope .o


:-ago. m .. Monday aft« a w~·a vWt GEORGE W; TABOR "ith his mother. Mrs. F. V. Johnson. llr. and Mrs. Ftant Roth and ·Mn,

S'e-11. \'islted O\'er the week en~ Vrlth ~t>nds in Barrington, Ill. ·~

M~. Henry Streff accompanied tiy \Irs. John Streff of LaMotte, left Mon­tay for a week's vLsJt with relatives in nftan. Ohio.

A numbE-r of Maquoketans attended ·h~ funeral ser\'ices Sunday · nCternoon ·or the late George W. Tabo:-, at the :amily home near Baldwin.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Manderscheid of ~Motte attended the funeral services >aturday · morning for the late Peter r. Wirtz.

Man·in Smith returned home Mon­lay afternoon from Lake View, Iowa, rhere he had visited relatives since rlmrsday and had attended the Mohr amlly reunion on F-riday.

~, - and Mrs. J . W. Unruh, Mr. and .fr. ,ornelius Unruh and Mrs. Harvey >atton of Salem. Oregon, visited over he week end in the A. L. Schoeker tome.

Mr. and Mrs. James Jensen and aughter, Marilyn ·ouenth'er, former laquoketans, who have \islted here the •ast three weeks,· left Monday for their .orne at Tonopah, Nevada·. ·

Mrs. T. E. Riley and daUghter, M's;_ Ianna, Mrs. Victor Allen and son, ~. Irs. Emmett Packard and daughter :arol, and M~. Lloyd Ray . spen~1 Frt­ay in Clinton with Mrs. Robert Ot~ tAn. ··· ·· ..... :~ · · •. -~). '\1 ' 1'~ lti - ~

' . Mrs. Geo. Mitchell, Mrs. Arthur

>armer. Mrs. Howard Woods, Mrs. 7ene Roam, Mrs. Will Sav1Jle and th~ tisses Marian Mitchell and Betty r>os:.. al returned home . Sunday evening rom Des Moines where they had at­ended t~e Iowa S tate Fair since last ~hursday.

Mrs. Ellzabeth DaviS' and Mrs. Geo. 1rou·11 left Sunday morning for Chi­a~ 11.. to spend several days. called 1y me -;erious of their brother 1nd brothcr-11'\-law. Harry E. King.

~ . ["he . accompanifd Mr. and Mrs. Paul ;o:)per and Merttn Coop<'r who will re­nam on bus iness.

Mr . and ~irs. W . H . Tubbs. d:1.ughlt'n> '"-<'dra an<1 J crlHtn . and son. Jcsse. rc-

Home Near Balchrin. ct.ery.

BALDWIN-Punenl senices were Kr. aild .J.Ira. JapteS Stayberg, Mi held Sunday afternoon at two p. m. Blanche Stralne arid Idi MarUn of for George W. Tabor, 76, fonner state Paul, ·Minn.. returned· home MClll ~nator who dJed Thur!day af~rnoon morn.tng after a week end vJ,stt ln 1n h1s home, one and one-half miles jhome ot Dr. ·ajld Mrs. J. P. RUCB north of . here.· Officiating were Rev. ; the Misses coit.. · Samuel Knoer, Rev. · Fred Mastin and ~Unel · Advertisers an; -., Rev. D. C. 'Perry. Casketbearers were keta BooS.ers! . . Theodore. Clarence ·and Harry Lubben, Olen Bailey, Fred Welch and Howard Bob TUbbs left Thursday ev~ Gee. Singers were Mrs. Charles Hard- ·Company With tnends from Wlacol ing· and Mrs. Arch Bieber. Burial was fOr San Diego, C&Uf., where he made in the Pence cemetery. return to his_ duties at the U.S. Nt

Mr. Tabor was born Dec. 6. 1863. near Station after a several ·weeta furlo Baldwin, the ·third ·chUd of Andrew and vlsitwtth his ~·. Mr.' . and J Nancy Cooley Tabor. Jackson county Arch Tubbs ·~ f6illy. · pioneers. He completed the Baldwin high school course when-he was 17 and at once engaged : in" farming, with lits father. When 21 he entered partnership with him. Following his" father's death 1n 1901 ~bought the home farm of 240 acres and had added to it untU he was operating 1.370 acres at the Ume of his senatorial' service ·a.n 1929-1933. His farm ·was well stocked with fine horses, cattle, hogs and sheep, and his agrtcuUural standing in eastern Iowa was high.

He was one of the :orgahlzers of the Baldwin Savings Bank, and was Its president tor many yt-ars:· He served as senator from this ·d!AbiCt tn the 43rd aDd· 44th~ ue~ues;.belJ)a.~Sect-­ed on ·the· :deinoeratfc tiCket, the <aaly . polltiea.l office be had ever · .sought.

On November 27, 1890 he was united 1n marriage to Ella C. Gilmore of Mon­mouth, tn the old Tabor ho~tead. She survives htrn, a lso two ·sons, Ho'ill.-­ard and. Clifford, both of Baldwin; three daughters, l!frs. Bruce Werden of Davenport:· Mnd,\1fUlard Stewart of Maquoketa, and Mrs. Lena Oray of Martinsville, Indiana, and ten ·grand­children.



S( ~verything in !

LEAD PENCH.S ._ with~

'' "GIL>f\w·~ with Otd ..... Eli&lei'IL

· · ,2 ror ·Sc. CRAYOLAS

8 in Box ----------- f 8 in Box ----------- ~

1H in Box---- · ______ 1 ;A

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.



Published by The Jackson County, Iowa Historical and Genealogical Societies

Written by The People of Jackson County, Iowa

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

-ey was when they replaced their badly torn ousers by helping themselves to those worn by :ad soldiers. While in the Confederate army he took part in

te Battle of Bull Run under General Thomas ito· ·'Ill) Jackson in which the Union was lfl retreat. Tt.~ .:xperiences of the eleven deserters were

tany and varied. The last camp they made >&ether was between Lookout Mountain and 11. Raccoon in Tennessee. They never met gain. He next found himself mixed up with a band of

ushwhackers and to save his life and to keep rom being returned to the Confederacy as a .eserter, had to pretend an interest in their nefar­:~us activities. While getting away from the bushwhackers he

vas really escaping two dangers: Several times vhile getting to the Union lines he donned a lress and a sunbonnet and plowed in the fields as he farm women did whose husbands were in the trmy.

It was in the fall of 1863 when the nineteen tear old boy surrendered to the commander of 1te 4th Ohio Cavalry. He was placed in the •uardhouse, but was given a parole provided he ~ould enlist. On December 12, 1863 he enlisted .n Company E, 12th Tennessee Calvary at Nash­ville, Tennessee. He was also a bugler. He served in his unit until the close of the war.

It was fort y-three years after the war before Alabama Jim went back to his old home, and then found only four ofhis old friends still living.

When the war was over, because of his deser­tion of the South , he came north with the Flynn boys from Fulton, Iowa. Six months later he mar­ried the Flynn's daughter, Sidney Ann. Her father, Martin Flynn, gave her a 50 acre farm about a mile south of Fulton where they lived for many years. Ten children were born to them: Wylie, Hadden, Charles, Glen, Mary, Sarah, Lil­lie. ~ ~-t Elma. Two boys died in infancy.

: living on the farm, Alabama J1m drove a tL . of mules on the stagecoach between Ful­ton and Maquoketa. One time a granddaughter asked her m other, Lillie Wilcox, how she learned to sew with such fine, even stitches. She replied that when she was a young girl it was her job to keep Grandpa's well-worn mittens patched and she always tried to do it just as well as she could.

Alabama Jim had a crippled forefinger thought to have been injured by a shell, and he had one eye injured by a powder blast. For this reason he was 1ssued a pension for the blind.

While in the army he had a beautiful tattoo of the American nag and an eagle put on his arm, and if a grandchild asked to see It, he would roll up his sleeve and show it to her.

In his retirement years he and his wife moved first to Fulton and then to Maquoketa, making their home wit1t son Glen and his wife, Myrtle.

He enjoyed belonging to the G.A.R. (Grand Army of the Republic) in wbichhewas an officer. He liked to march with the other civil war veter­ans led by the fife and drum corps in the Memori­al Day Parade.

He also enjoyed a group of old friends, known as the whittling club, who gathered at the Bur­rows Livery Stable where they entertained each other by spinning yams oflor:tg ago days. .

In his younger days he enJOyed fox huntmg, · even as far from home as Seldom Seen, three

miles east of Andrew. lt is interesting to note that in the 1800's he hunted foxes on land that is now owned by granddaughter, Alice Wilcox Corne­lius and her family.

Alabama Jim d1ed October 6, 1938 at the age of ninety-six at the home of his daughter Mrs. lillie Wilcox in Maquoketa, Iowa. He was bur­iP · ' th military honors in the Esgate Cemetery. ' (Wilcox) Cornelius and Ruth (Wilcox) 1'1-uvds


Each Memorial Day, Ella Tabor would load her white Thunderbird full ofnowers and grand­children and head for the cemetery for an annual lesson on family history.

Seated left to right: Jack and Shirley Tabor; Standing left to right: ~ary Roeder, Eric Tabor, Anne, Paul Tabor

The story always started with Andrew Jackson "Uncle Jack" Tabor who rode on horseback from Jackson County, Indiana with his twin brother to settle in Monmouth Township, Jack­son County, Iowa. He was born in 1831, married Nancy Cooley in 1854, and died a year after the turn of the century.

Their son George Washington Tabor was b~rn and lived in the stone house north of Baldwm. George brought his bride Ella Gilmore to live there as well. George helped establish the Bal­dwin Savings Bank. He also served in the Iowa Legislature and was eventually defeated by the first woman to serve in the Iowa Senate.

His son Howard carried on the family beef and grain farming operation and lived across the gar­den from the stone house with his wife Ella Peter­sen Tabor. Howard served in the Navy in World War I and also carried on the family's tradition in Democratic politics in the Iowa Legislature. He was also proud of his efforts in founding the Baldwin- Nashville telephone company. How­ard died in 1968.

Ella was a practical nurse in the Maquoketa area and belonged to the Baldwin Fantasy Art Club and Jackson County Hospital Auxiliary. Ella and Howard were long-time members of the Baldwin Methodist Church. Ella lived out her days planting trees and tending be~utiful flow~r and vegetable gardens on the fam1ly farm until her death in 1986.

Their son Jack was born in 1924 in the same stone house and grew up attending the Baldwin and Monmouth schools. He attended Iowa State University before enlisting and serving in ~e Army in World War II .. He returned to farm wtt.h his father and met Shtrley Burkland when hts cousin Jane Tabor (Proctor) brought her home for Thanksgiving di~ner ~rom Corne~! Colleg_e. Shirley who grew up 10 Chtcago, mamed Jack 10 1949. They belong to the United Church of Christ in Maquoketa.

Jack has served on the board of the Jackson County Public Hospital and the Baldwin Savings Bank board. Shirley was a leader in the local4-H club for many years. They have raised four chil­dren in the same stone house.

The oldest, Paul, is a microbiolo~ist. ~e and his wife Martha have three energetic chtldren: Ben Kate and Meg. They live in Dubuque. Paul has 'gotten the family interested in planting a

vineyard on the homestead with hopes of a future winery. The next oldest, Anne, is a nutri­tionist and active in peace and social justice issues. She has two beautiful daughters, Emily and Maureen. They live in Davenport. Eric, a lawyer, is the third oldest. He farms and has car­ried on the family political tradition by running for Congress. He and his wife Jonna Jensen have one special son named Noah. The youngest, Mary, has been involved in politics, journalism and law. She and her husband, Phil Roeder, have two busy children, Oliver and Hannah. Jack Tabor


James Lock Taylor, born June 15, 1819, died December I 0, 1899, came from western Penn­sylvania to Iowa in 1842. His wife Maria Daniels Taylor, was born April9, 1822, and died May 24, 1890. They took up land in Jackson County, Jackson Township, from the government. They endured the hardships of pioneer life in their ear­ly years, but success came to them in their later years. Mr. Taylor was a Justice of the Peace for many years and was called Squire Taylor. They were the parents of eleven children: Isaac, James Polk, Peggy Jane, and Sarah Jane, who died young; Mary A., Matilda, Melissa, Elizabeth; Smith, and Benton, who died as young men; and Douglas. Most of the children were farmers and remained in Jackson County.

Douglas was born January II, 1863 and died September 22, 1945. He married Mary Daniels on March 20, 1890. She was born February I I, 1872 and died in September 1929. They were parents of eight children: Elma, Elsie, Myra, Otillie, James L., Zola, Mary Madge, and Lester Douglas. After his marriage, Douglas rented the homestead for some years and then bought it. All the daughters were school teachers at some time.

Son James, born June II , 1898, enlisted in the U.S. Army in World War I and served two years, one year overseas. He took part in the battles of Ainse, Meuse, Argonne Woods, Fismes, and Chateau Thierry. After returning from the ser­vice, he worked as a barber for a few years. In 1923 he married Rose Belle Stemmer, born December 24, 1903. In 1935 he established a garage and a Chrysler-Plymouth dealership in Northwood, Iowa, which he continued until 1965. He served as a member of the Northwood City Council for several terms, belonged to the Elks, VFW, Legion, and the Nort1twood Country Club. His wife worked as a bookkeeper in the business; she is a member of a study club, likes to garden and sew, plays golf, and is a charter mem­ber of the Iowa Genealogical Society; she has done research on both families.

Lester Douglas Taylor enlisted in World War Il and served as a Navy gunner on a destroyer; he was in many battles in the Pacific. He came~ a Silver Star, ten bronze stars, and three campa1gn ribbons. He married Avelda Betcher on June 7, 1934. They have one son, William.

Jean Taylor, the only child of James and Rose Belle, attended Grinnell College, graduated from Iowa State Teachers' College, and has a Masters degree from Mankato State University. She teaches business education at North Central Schools at Manly, Iowa. Her husband is Lemoyne Ellin~son; he was a fighter pilot on an aircraft carrier 10 World War II and served in the Pacific area. Jean and "Lem" are both licensed pilots and have their own airplane. Jean new copilot in the Powder Puff Derby in 197 6. They have two daughters, Pamela Jo and Kimberly Jean. They have three grandsons.

As of October 1988, the only surviving chil­dren of Douglas Taylor and Mary Daniels Taylor are James L. and Zola. Mrs. James L. Taylor


Leon N. Tebbe born February II , 1942 in Jackson County, the oldest son of Elmer and


Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

\JCUlgC VV l ctUUl- VYClYlCW- 1"\.lli,;C::>Uy .~Ulll

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George W Tabor Birth 1862 in Jackson Co Iowa

Death 1939 in Jackson Co Iowa

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Timeline ( Voew deta11s )

1862 Birth Ja<l<son Co Iowa

7 source citations

Residence Monmouth, Jackson, Iowa 1 source citation

Age: 8

188o Residen.ce Scotch Grove, Jones, Iowa, Un~ed States 1 source citation

Age: 18

188s Residence Monmouth 1 source citation

Age: 23

1910 Residence Monmouth, Jackson, Iowa I source citation

Age: 48

t920 Residence Monmouth, Jackson, Iowa I source citation

Age: 58

1925 Residence

t.lan Monmouth 1 source citation

Age: 63

1930 Residence Monmouth, Jackson, Iowa I source citation

Age: 68

1939 Death Jackson Co Iowa

Age: 77


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Family Members


Andrew Jackson Tabor 1831- 1901

Nancy Loanza Cooley 1832 - 1906

Show s•bl10gs

Spous. & Children

Ella Gilmore 1870- 1953

Living Tabor

Howard Tabor 1893- 1968

Oifford George Tabor 1898- 1981

Muriel Tabor 1902-

Dorthy Tabor 1905-

Family group sheet

Historical Records

1870 United States Federal Census

1880 United States Federal Census

1910 United States Federal Census


Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

1nrnvmua1 K~coru rage 1 01 L-

Individual Record FamilySearchm Pedigree Resource File

George W. Tabor Compact Disc #128 Pin #25276 Sex:M

Event(s) Birth: 1862

Death: 1939 Burial:

Pence Cemetery,Monmouth Twp,Jackson,lowa,USA

Parents Father: Andrew J~glsson Tabor Disc #128 Pin #25024

Mother: Nq_ncy J_. Cooley Disc #128 Pin #25025

Marriage( s) Spouse: Ella G. Gilmore Disc #128 Pin #25277


Notes and Sources Notes: Available on CD-ROM Disc# 128

Sources: None

Submitter Christine Barnum LURK 1835 Harney Rd. Littlestown, PA 17340-9375

Submission Search: 1051852-030210617413Z URL:

CD-ROM: Pedigree Resource File- Compact Disc #128 CD-ROM Features: Pedigree View, Family View, Individual View, Reports,

Downloadable GEDCOM files, Notes and Sources. Order P~di ree Resource File CD-ROMS

About FamilySearch Pedigree Resource File The Pedigree Resource File is a new lineage linked database of records available on compact disc containing family history records submitted by individuals through FamilySearch Internet Genealogy Service. Family information is organized in family groups and pedigrees and includes submitted notes and sources. Many charts and reports can be printed from this data. Each disc contains about 1.1 million names. With the publication of every five discs, a master index for those discs will be published and packaged with that set of discs. With the publication of every 25 discs, a master index for those discs will also be published and packaged with that volume of discs. Discs may be purchased as sets or volumes.

Please Note Submitter information is provided to help in the coordination of personal family history research. Use of this information for any other purpose, including marketing, advertising, or commercial solicitation, is strictly prohibited. 11/27/2009

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

r-Kr r-ewgret: v 1t:w r-agt: r<1gc; J. Vi 1

Pedigree Chart FamilySearch™ Pedigree Resource File

Andrew J~~son Tabor B: 10 Jul1831

2 ,Jackson,lndiana,USA

D: 10 Jan 1901 Baldwin,Jackson,lowa,USA

M: 10 Oct 1854


eorge W. Tabor : 1862 : 1939

Ella G. Gilmore B: 1869 D: 1953

2 Nancy L_,_Cooley B: 6 Nov 1832 0 : 12 Nov 1906







~ William Tabor B: 6 Jun 1776

J~.§se Tab~or .,Virginia, USA

B: 11 Apr 1794 D: 21 Sep 1837

,Montgomery,Virginia,USA ,Jackson,lndiana,USA

D: aft 1860 -,Jackson ,Indiana, USA

M: 24 May 1819 Nancy Harrison? Freetown,Jackson,lndiana,USA

~ B: 10 May 1782

.,Tennessee, USA D: 1 Jul1830



Theresa Skinner B: 9 May 1796 0: bef 7 Aug 1836 f--









© 1999-2005 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. English approval: 3/1999 view.asp?recid=1280025276&fa ... 11/27/2009

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

ancestry You searched for George W. Tabor in Iowa

1880 United States Federal Census

Name: George W. Tabor

Home in tllHo: Scotch Grove, Jones, Iowa

Age: 17

Estimated birth aht 1863 year:

Birthpla~c: Iowa

Relation to Head Son

of Household:

father's Name: AndrewJ.

Father's Indiana


Mother's Name: NancyL.

Mother's Ohio


Neighbors: View others on page

Occupation: Works On Farm

Race: White

Gender: Male

~nnot read \Tttc: Blind: View image

Deaf and dumb:

OJhc£riw tsa c : Idiotic or insane:

Household Name Members: 1\Q(Irew J. Tabor

Nancy L. Tabor

CoraJ. Tabor

George W. Tabor

Lutie A. Tabor

Andrew Townsend

Source Citation: '\'('ar: 188o: CA-nsus Pht<'t>: Scotch Grol.-.c.Jones.lowo: Roll T9 3-18; Family His.tol} Film: 125-13-18: P<lgt•: 3':"0 . .1000: Cnurl'ltr<ltion Di~trirt: 3.11: I mag<>: 0322.

Source Information:








\n('{~lf}.rom and The- Chnrth of .ltsus Christ of l.altt'r-da} Saints. 1880 L ·nitcd States Federal Cen.sus[databas(' on·lincl. Pro,o. UT. USA: 1\nct" Oprrations lnr. 2005. 1880 U.S. <.:t>nsus Index providt>d by Thr Chur('h of .Jtosus Christ of l.attt>r~day SAints© Copyright 1999 !nttll~,'<'\utll R('~'f\{'. Int. All rights re~rvrd. AU U!)f! 1s subject to the limittlrl l iSt I ken~ anrl other t~·rms and ronditionsapplical>IE" to this site. Original data: Unih·d Statf~ of Amt'rka. Bur('au of thl" Census. Tenth Census of the l.'nited States, 1880. Washington. D.C.: N<Hional An-hi1.t>S and Rtc.:on.b Administration. 1880. T9. 1 •• 4.54 rolls.

Dcscriplion: 'r1tisdataba"it is an indt>'< to so million in<fi,iduals ~numtl'~tfd in thto 1880 UnitPCi StalfS F~dPrnl Ct>nsu!'. C(•ns'•~ tt~ktrs 1"\"('0rdtd man) details inC'Iuding tach ptrson's namt". addrt"ss-, OCt'upation. rt>lation.;hip to tht" head ofhous:f.'hold. rae(", st->.. age at last birthday. marital status. plar<.' of birth. pan.•nts' p1ac·e or bi11h. Additional!). thE" nanws of thO!-<' listed on thC' population schedull." are­linkt>ct to actual imagPs nfth(" 1880 Ft.•dC'ral C....nsns. Ltarn more ...

.l Cll:)'-' .l V.l .l

http://search.ancestry .com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?indiv= 1 &db= 1880usfedcen%2c&rank=0&=%2... 11/27/2009

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

ancestry You searched for George W. Tabor in Iowa

Iowa State Census Collection, 1836-1925

Name: George W Tabor

Bi rth Year: abt 1863

Bh1h Place: ??Kson, Iowa

Gender: Male

Marital Status: Single

Census Date: 1885

Residence State: Iowa

Residence County: Jackson

Locality: Monmouth

Roll: IAt885_2o6

Line: 6

Family Number: 2

Neighbors: View others on page

Household Name Members:

Source Information:

Andrew J Tabor

Nancy L Tabor

George W Tabor

Luta A Tabor

Elias J Barcelo







\nr.t-Sit).com./owaStateCcnsusCollution. 1836-1925 rnatab.1ston~1inl"]. Pro,o. UT. USA: \n~Stl).rom Ope-rations InC', 2007. 01iginal data: ).lir:rofihn of Iowa Stah' Crn~U!'t"'· 1856. l885, 1895. 1905. 1915. 1925 as ,.,,u 'arious spf"ri;:ll crnSU$t"S from 1836·1897 obtaint>rl from tht" Stat(' Historic-al Socirty of Jo,,·a via Ht"ritagr Qnt•st.

Description: '11lis databas.t- contain!> Iowa ~tate c.·tnsust-s for tht- following y~~ars: 1850. t88s. t895, 1905, 1915. and 192.5· It also includt>s scm<> ht>ad of housrhold ct>nsnst-s and othe-r :;pedal et>m.USt"S from 183b-1897. Information a\·aile~bh• for an indi\·idua1 \\ill qH) t'I('<'Ording to the C'('nsus yrar and th(> information N:'(llWSt~d on tht• C<'ns.u..-. form. Somf'ofthe- informatiOJl rontainrd in thisrl<Haba~e thou~h inrludt>s: na!Th'. ag.e. gendf'r. nlC"t". birthpla<:f'. marital status. nnd place or E"nnmt>ration. Ltarn mol"\' ...

http:/ I search.ancestry .com/ cgi-bin/ sse.dll ?indi v= 1 &db= IAstatecen%2c&rank=0&=%2c%... 11/2 7/2 009

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

ancestry You searched for George W. Tabor in Iowa

1930 United States Federal Census

Name: George W Tabor

Home in 19ao: Monmouth, Jackson, Iowa

View Map

Age: 67

Estimated birth abt1863 year:

Hirthplacc: Iowa

Rdation to Head Head of House:

Spouse's name: Ella

Race: White

Occupation: Education:

Military View image

Reutfhome ,·alue:

A~cat.first arTsagc:

. P.arr,nts' hrrthp ace:

Neighbors: View others on page

Household Name Age Members: George W Tabor

Ella Tabor

Edward Ehelen

Sour~e Citation:\ t>ar: 1930~ Crnsus PI art: ,\lomnouth. Jackson. lou .. 'tl: Roll 66o: Pn,ge: 68: Enumrr;ttion District: 19: Image: 353.0.

Source Tnformation: An«>Sll).com. 1930 United States Federal Census {database on·linf!}. l'ro,o. L'1'.l:S.~: .\n("t'~1f)·.rom Oprrations lnr. 2002. Ori&innl d:.ta: Unitf"d Statt~~ of Amt>rica. Burrau oftht' C•n)us. f'ijteenth Census of the t rnitcd States, 1930. Wt~shington. O.t.: ;\ntional Ar<"hi\t"~ anrl Rt"<'' :\dministration. 1930. 1"626. 2.667rOIIs.

Description: Containine, rt.•rord~ fo1 approximah'l> tZJ million Amtric-ctns. tht.• 1930 t!nitffi Statt•s Ft•dt.•rJI C!n~u~ is thc- large~t cl'nsus rt;>l~(tSt"d to dat(' and i& tlu.· most n:-c«.·nt <'t.'nsus a,·ailaiJlt> for publi<­tt<.u•ss. Tht c•t.•nsusgin·~ ""a> inlo thl.' Jiq•.;o( \mtri<"ans in 1930. a11d rontrtins information about a houSE-hold's family mt'mbt•n and oocnpants induding: hirthpla('('~. OC<."Itpation .... immigrntion. C'iti.t~·n:5-hip, :-mel mil ita•)· '("1"\'i<."f. Tht narne:~ of those lil'ttrl in lht• <Vn~u~ "re- linktd to actual imagt>s o( thf" 1930 Cf>nsns. ~arn more ...



21 l930usfedcen%2c&rank=0&=%2... 11127/2009
