Page 1: Lucozade Sport Pre Season Training Week 21























tuesDAY weDNesDAY thursDAY friDAY sAturDAY suNDAY8am BreakfastChicken sausages and bubble and squeak

10.30am Mid-morning snackFive oatcakes with humus

12pm WorkoutDrink Lucozade Sport before and during session3 x 10 squat3 x 10 deadlift3 x 10 kettlebell swing3 x 10 bench press3 x 10 incline bench dumbbell row3 x 10 push press3 x 10 walking dumbbell lunges3 x front plank (hold for 60 secs)3 x side plank (hold for 45 seconds on each side)3 x glute bridge (hold for 60 secs)

1pm LunchShredded sprouting Thai salad with grilled jumbo prawns

3.30pm SnackCottage cheese with pumpkin seeds

6pm WorkoutDrink Lucozade Sport before and during session8 minute dynamic warm up6 x 4 minute continuous maximal box-to-box runs. Rest for two minutes in between sets

7.30pm DinnerSalmon and spinach with sweet potatoes

8am BreakfastMixed fruit salad with Greek yoghurt

10.30am Mid-morning snackFresh pineapple and mango

12pm WorkoutDrink Lucozade Sport before and during session2 x 8 hang clean pull2 x 10 60cm barbell step-up (each leg)2 x 10 walking dumbbell lunge (each leg)2 x 10 single leg Romanian deadlift2 x 10 incline bench press2 x 10 single arm shoulder press (each arm)2 x 12 crunches2 x 12 lateral crunches2 x 12 bird dogs2 x 12 reverse crunches

1pm LunchSweet and sour chicken with brown rice

3.30pm SnackLow fat yoghurt with mixed berries and protein powder

6pm WorkoutDrink Lucozade Sport before and during session8 minute dynamic warm up6 x 4 minute interval runs - Run for 40-metres, walk for 40m, rest for 2 minutes in between sets

7.30pm DinnerHomemade pizza Salad. See ‘Pizza Power’ and ‘Super salads!’

8am BreakfastPorridge with blueberries and protein powder

10.30am Mid-morning snackProtein shake with goat’s milk and mixed berries

12pm WorkoutDrink Lucozade Sport before and during sessionRowing machine: 15 minutesBike: 15 minutesCross-trainer: 15 minutes120:30 second work-to-rest intervals

1pm LunchLean chicken breast burgers with red cabbage salad

3.30pm SnackSmoothie: 200g tin of drained peaches, 125g pot low-fat mango and peach yoghurt, 300ml skimmed milk

6pm WorkoutStretching and foam roller exercises

7.30pm DinnerChilli with buffalo meat and brown rice

8am BreakfastOmelette with shiitake mushrooms and lean ham

10.30am Mid-morning snackRice pudding (see ‘Top 5 football snacks’ on

12pm WorkoutDrink Lucozade Sport before and during session3 x 10 squat3 x 10 deadlift3 x 10 kettlebell swing3 x 10 bench press3 x 10 incline bench dumbbell row3 x 10 push press3 x 10 walking dumbbell lunges3 x front plank (hold for 60 seconds)3 x side plank (hold for 45 seconds on each side)3 x glute bridge (hold for 60 seconds)

1pm LunchChicken Caesar salad

3.30pm SnackSmoothie: 100g fresh/frozen berries, 300ml skimmed milk, four ice cubes

6pm WorkoutDrink Lucozade Sport before and during session8 minute dynamic warm up5 x 4 minute interval runs - Run for 40-metres, walk for 40m, rest for 2 minutes in between sets

7.30pm DinnerSeafood risotto

10.30am Mid-morning snackLow fat yoghurt with mixed berries and protein powder

12pm WorkoutDrink Lucozade Sport before and during session2 x 8 hang clean pull2 x 10 60cm barbell step-up (each leg)2 x 10 walking dumbbell lunge (each leg)2 x 10 single leg Romanian deadlift2 x 10 incline bench press2 x 10 single arm shoulder press (each arm)2 x 12 crunches2 x 12 lateral crunches2 x 12 bird dogs2 x 12 reverse crunches

1pm LunchSweet and sour chicken with brown rice

3.30pm SnackSmoothie: 100g fresh/frozen berries, 300ml skimmed milk, four ice cubes

6pm WorkoutDrink Lucozade Sport before and during session8 minute dynamic warm up7 x 4 minute interval runs (run 40 metres, walk 20m, end to end of pitch). Rest for 2 minutes in between sets

7.30pm DinnerTake away – off plan. See ‘Eating out before the big game’ on

9am BreakfastYoghurt with granola and raisins

10.30am Mid-morning snackProtein shake with goat’s milk and mixed berries

12pm WorkoutDrink Lucozade Sport before and during sessionRowing machine: 15 minutesBike: 15 minutesCross-trainer: 15 minutes150:30 second work-to-rest intervals

2pm LunchSteak and spinach

3.30pm SnackSmoothie: 300ml skimmed milk, 125g low-fat vanilla yoghurt, one banana, 100g frozen/fresh berries, one teaspoon honey, one tablespoon on flaxseeds

6pm WorkoutStretching and foam roller exercises

7.30pm DinnerQuinoa, leek, red rice and broad bean risotto

9.30am BreakfastSee “I’ll have a full English and three points please” on

11.30am Snack300ml skimmed milk, 125g low-fat vanilla yoghurt, one banana, 100g frozen/fresh berries, one teaspoon honey, one tablespoon on flaxseeds

12pm Rest period

1.30pm LunchGrilled chicken breast, sweet potatoes and vegetables

3.30pm SnackFresh pineapple and mango

6pm Rest period

7.30pm DinnerTom yum soup


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8am BreakfastOmelette with spinach on rye bread
