Page 1: Luigi Amico Rosario Fazio Andreas Osterloh arXiv:quant … · 2008-05-09 · Luigi Amico MATIS-CNR-INFM & Dipartimento di Metodologie Fisiche e Chimiche (DMFCI), viale A. Doria 6,







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Entanglement in Many-Body Systems

Luigi Amico

MATIS-CNR-INFM & Dipartimento di Metodologie Fisiche e Chimiche (DMFCI),viale A. Doria 6, 95125 Catania, Italy

Rosario Fazio

International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA) via Beirut 2-4, I-34014 Trieste, ItalyandNEST-CNR-INFM & Scuola Normale Superiore, I-56126 Pisa, Italy

Andreas Osterloh

Institut fur Theoretische Physik, Leibniz Universitat Hannover, 30167 Hannover, Germany

Vlatko Vedral

The School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Leeds, Leeds LS29JT, United Kingdomand Center for Quantum Technologies, National University of Singapore, 3 Science Drive 2, Singapore 117543

The recent interest in aspects common to quantum information and condensed matter hasprompted a flory of activity at the border of these disciplines that were far distant untill fewyears ago. Numerous interesting questions have been addressed so far. Here we review an im-portant part of this field, the properties of the entanglement in many-body systems. We discussthe zero and finite temperature properties of entanglement in interacting spin, fermion and bosonmodel systems. Both bipartite and multipartite entanglement will be considered. In equilibriumwe show how entanglement is tightly connected to the characteristics of the phase diagram. Thebehavior of entanglement can be related, via certain witnesses, to thermodynamic quantities thusoffering interesting possibilities for an experimental test. Out of equilibrium we discuss how togenerate and manipulate entangled states by means of many-body Hamiltonians.


I. Introduction 2

II. Measures of entanglement 3A. Bipartite entanglement in pure states 3B. Pairwise qubit entanglement in mixed states 4C. Localizable entanglement 5D. Entanglement witnesses 5E. Multipartite entanglement measures 6F. Indistinguishable particles 7

1. Two Fermion entanglement 82. Multipartite Entanglement for Fermions 93. “Entanglement of particles” 94. Entanglement for Bosons 10

G. Entanglement in harmonic systems 10

III. Model systems 11A. Spin models 11

1. Spin-1/2 models with short range interactions 122. Spin-1/2 models with infinite range interaction 133. Frustrated spin-1/2 models 134. Spin-1 models 13

B. Strongly correlated fermionic models 14C. Spin-boson models 15D. Harmonic lattices 15

IV. Pairwise entanglement 16A. Pairwise entanglement in spin chains 16

1. Concurrence and magnetic order 162. Pairwise entanglement and quantum phase

transitions 183. Entanglement versus correlations in spin systems. 204. Spin models with defects 21

B. Two and three dimensional systems 21C. Pairwise entanglement in fermionic models 22

1. Non interacting Fermions 222. Pairing models 233. Kondo models 23

D. Entanglement in itinerant bosonic systems 24E. Entanglement of particles 25

V. Entanglement entropy 25A. One-dimensional spin systems 25

1. Spin chains 262. XY chains and free fermion models 273. Disordered chains 284. Boundary effects 29

B. Harmonic chains 30C. Systems in d > 1 and the validity of the area law 31

1. Fermi systems 322. Harmonic systems 32

D. LMG Model 33E. Spin-boson systems 34F. Local entropy in Hubbard-type models 34G. Topological entanglement entropy 36H. Entanglement along renormalization group flow 37

VI. Localizable entanglement 37A. Localizable entanglement and quantum criticality 37B. Localizable entanglement in valence bond ground

states 38

VII. Thermal entanglement 39A. Thermal pairwise entanglement 39B. Pairwise entanglement in the T 6= 0 critical region 40C. Thermal entanglement witnesses 41D. Experimental results 43

VIII. Multipartite entanglement 44A. Multipartite entanglement in spin systems 45B. Global entanglement 46

Page 2: Luigi Amico Rosario Fazio Andreas Osterloh arXiv:quant … · 2008-05-09 · Luigi Amico MATIS-CNR-INFM & Dipartimento di Metodologie Fisiche e Chimiche (DMFCI), viale A. Doria 6,


C. Generalized entanglement 46

D. Renormalization group for quantum states 47

E. Entanglement distribution for Gaussian states 48

IX. Dynamics of entanglement 49

A. Propagation of entanglement 49

1. Pairwise entanglement 49

2. Dynamics of the block entropy 51

3. Chaos & dynamics of entanglement 52

B. Generation of entanglement 53

C. Extraction of entanglement 53

D. Time evolution of the entanglement in Gaussianstates 53

X. Conclusions and outlook 54

Acknowledgments 55

References 55


Entanglement expresses the “spooky” non-locality in-herent to quantum mechanics (Bell, 1987). Because ofthat, it gave rise to severe skepticisms since the earlydays of quantum mechanics. It was only after the semi-nal contribution of John Bell that the fundamental ques-tions related to the existence of entangled states couldbe tested experimentally. In fact, under fairly generalassumptions, Bell derived a set of inequalities for corre-lated measurements of two physical observables that anylocal theory should obey. The overwhelming majorityof experiments done so far are in favor of quantum me-chanics thus demonstrating that quantum entanglementis physical reality (Peres, 1993). 1

Entanglement has gained renewed interest withthe development of quantum information sci-ence (Nielsen and Chuang, 2000). In its framework,quantum entanglement is viewed at as a preciousresource in quantum information processing. It is e.g.believed to be the main ingredient of the quantumspeed-up in quantum computation and communication.Moreover several quantum protocols, as teleporta-tion (Bennett et al., 1993) just to mention an importantexample, can be realized exclusively with the help ofentangled states.

The role of entanglement as a resource in quan-tum information has stimulated intensive research try-ing to unveil both its qualitative and quantitativeaspects (Bengtsson and Zyczkowski, 2006; Bruß, 2002;Eisert, 2006; Horodecki et al., 2007; Plenio and Vedral,1998; Plenio and Virmani, 2007; Vedral, 2002; Wootters,2001). To this end, necessary criteria for any entangle-ment measure to be fulfilled have been elaborated andlead to the notion of an entanglement monotone (Vidal,

1 There are states that do not violate Bell inequalities and never-theless are entangled (Methot and Scarani, 2000).

2000) allowing to attach a precise number to the entan-glement encoded in a given state. There is a substantialbulk of work for bipartite systems, in particular for thecase of qubits. Many criteria have been proposed to dis-tinguish separable from entangled pure states, as for ex-ample the Schmidt rank and the von Neumann entropy.The success in the bipartite case for qubits asked for ex-tensions to the multipartite case, but the situation provedto be far more complicated: different classes of entangle-ment occur, which are inequivalent not only under de-terministic local operations and classical communication,but even under their stochastic analogue (Bennett et al.,2001).

In the last few years it has become evident that quan-tum information may lead to further insight into otherareas of physics as statistical mechanics and quantumfield theory (Preskill, 2000). The attention of the quan-tum information community to systems intensively stud-ied in condensed matter has stimulated an exciting cross-fertilization between the two areas. Methods developedin quantum information have proved to be extremely use-ful in the analysis of the state of many-body systems.At T = 0 many-body systems are most often describedby complex ground state wave function which containall the correlations that give rise to the various phasesof matter (superconductivity, ferromagnetism, quantumhall systems, . . .). Traditionally many-body systems havebeen studied by looking for example at their responseto external perturbations, various order parameters andexcitation spectrum. The study of the ground state ofmany-body systems with methods developed in quantuminformation may unveil new properties. At the same timeexperience built up over the years in condensed matteris helping in finding new protocols for quantum compu-tation and communication: A quantum computer is amany-body system where, differently from “traditionalones”, the Hamiltonian can be controlled and manipu-lated.

The amount of work at the interface between sta-tistical mechanics and quantum information has growntremendously during the last few years, shining lighton many different aspects of both subjects. In partic-ular, there has been an extensive analysis of entangle-ment in quantum critical models (Osborne and Nielsen,2002; Osterloh et al., 2002; Vidal et al., 2003). Toolsfrom quantum information theory also provided impor-tant support for numerical methods, as the density ma-trix renormalization group or the design of new efficientsimulation strategies for many-body systems (see for ex-ample Verstraete et al., 2004c; Vidal, 2003, 2004). Spinnetworks have been proposed as quantum channels (Bose,2003) by exploiting the collective dynamics of their lowlying excitations for transporting quantum information.

Despite being at its infancy, this new area of researchhas grown so fast that a description of the whole fieldis beyond the scope of a single review. Many interest-ing facets of this branch of research will therefore remainuntouched here. In this review we will only discuss the

Page 3: Luigi Amico Rosario Fazio Andreas Osterloh arXiv:quant … · 2008-05-09 · Luigi Amico MATIS-CNR-INFM & Dipartimento di Metodologie Fisiche e Chimiche (DMFCI), viale A. Doria 6,


properties of entanglement in many-body systems. Themodels which will be considered include interacting spinnetworks, itinerant fermions, harmonic and bosonic sys-tems. All of them are of paramount interest in condensedmatter physics.

This review is organized as follows. In the next Sec-tion we give a brief overview on the concepts and mea-sures of entanglement, with particular attention to thosemeasures that we will use later on. In Section III wethen proceed with a brief introduction to several mod-els of interacting many-body systems which will be sub-ject of the review. We will discuss various aspects ofquantum correlations starting from the pairwise entan-glement, Section IV, we then proceed with the proper-ties of block entropy, Section V , and localizable entan-glement, Section VI. In these three Sections it is espe-cially relevant the connection between entanglement andquantum phase transitions. The effect of a finite temper-ature is considered in Section VII. The characterizationof entanglement in many-body systems requires also theunderstanding of multipartite entanglement. This topicwill be reviewed in Section VIII. From the point of viewof quantum information processing, dynamical proper-ties of entanglement are important as well. They will beaddressed in Section IX. The conclusions, the outlookand a very short panorama of what is left out from thisreview are presented in the concluding Section.


The problem of measuring entanglement is a vastand lively field of research in its own. Numerous dif-ferent methods have been proposed for its quantifica-tion. In this Section we do not attempt to give anexhaustive review of the field. Rather we want to in-troduce those measures that are largely being used toquantify entanglement in many-body systems. Com-prehensive overviews of entanglement measures can befound in (Bengtsson and Zyczkowski, 2006; Bruß, 2002;Eisert, 2006; Horodecki et al., 2007; Plenio and Vedral,1998; Plenio and Virmani, 2007; Vedral, 2002; Wootters,2001) In this context, we also outline a method of detect-ing entanglement, based on entanglement witnesses.

A. Bipartite entanglement in pure states

Bipartite entanglement of pure states is conceptu-ally well understood, although quantifying it for lo-cal dimensions higher than two still bears theoreticalchallenges (Horodecki et al., 2007; Virmani and Plenio,2000). A pure bipartite state is not entangled if and onlyif it can be written as a tensor product of pure states ofthe parts. Moreover for every pure bipartite state |ψAB〉(with the two parts, A and B), two orthonormal bases|ψA,i〉 and |φB,j〉 exist such that |ψAB〉 can be writ-

ten as

|ψAB〉 =∑


αi |ψA,i〉 |φB,i〉 (1)

where αi are positive coefficients. This decompositionis called the Schmidt decomposition and the particularbasis coincide with the eigenbasis of the correspondingreduced density operators ρB/A = tr A/B(|ψAB〉) =∑

i α2i

∣ψB/A,i⟩ ⟨


∣ The density operators ρA andρB have common spectrum, in particular they are equallymixed. Since only product states lead to pure reduceddensity matrices, a measure for their mixedness pointsa way towards quantifying entanglement in this case.Given the state |ψAB〉, we can thus take its Schmidtdecomposition, Eq.(1), and use a suitable function of theαi to quantify the entanglement.

An entanglement measure E is fixed uniquely after im-posing the following conditions: 1) E is invariant underlocal unitary operations (⇒ E is indeed a function of theαi’s only); 2) E is continuous (in a certain sense alsoin the asymptotic limit of infinite copies of the state;see e.g. Ref. (Plenio and Virmani, 2007)); 3) E is ad-ditive, when several copies of the system are present:E(|ψAB〉⊗|φAB〉) = E(|ψAB〉)+E(|φAB〉). The uniquemeasure of entanglement satisfying all the above condi-tions is the von Neumann entropy of the reduced densitymatrices

S(ρA) = S(ρB) = −∑


α2i log(α2

i ) , (2)

this is just the Shannon entropy of the moduli squaredof the Schmidt coefficients. In other words: under theabove regularity conditions, the answer on the questionof how entangled a bipartite pure state is, is given by thevon Neumann entropy of (either of) the reduced densitymatrices. The amount of entanglement is generally diffi-cult to define once we are away from bipartite states, butin several cases we can still gain some insight into many-party entanglement if one considers different bipartitionsof a multipartite system.

It is worth to notice that a variety of purity measuresare admissible when the third condition on additivity isomitted. In principle, there are infinitely many measuresfor the mixedness of a density matrix; two of them willtypically lead to a different ordering when the Hilbertspace of the parts has a dimension larger than two.In contrast, if we trace out one of two qubits in a purestate, the corresponding reduced density matrix ρA con-tains only a single independent and unitarily invariantparameter: its eigenvalue ≤ 1/2. This implies that eachmonotonic function [0, 1/2] 7→ [0, 1] of this eigenvalue canbe used as an entanglement measure. Though, also herean infinity of different mixedness measures exists, all leadto the same ordering of states with respect to their entan-glement, and in this sense all are equivalent. A relevantexample is the (one-) tangle (Coffman et al., 2000)

τ1[ρA] = 4detρA . (3)

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By expressing ρA in terms of spin expectation val-ues, it follows that τ1[ρA] = 1 − 4(〈Sx〉2 + 〈Sy〉2 +

〈Sz〉2) where 〈Sα〉 = trA(ρASα) and Sα = 1

2σα, σα

α = x, y, z being the Pauli matrices, For a purestate |ψAB〉 of two qubits the relation τ1 ≡ | 〈ψ∗ |σyA ⊗σyB |ψ〉 |2 =: C[|ψAB〉]2 =: τ2 applies, where C is theconcurrence (Hill and Wootters, 1997; Wootters, 1998)for pure states of two qubits, a measure of pairwise en-tanglement (see next Section), and ∗ indicates the com-plex conjugation in the eigenbasis of σz. The von Neu-mann entropy can be expressed as a function of the

(one-) tangle S[ρA] = h





1 +√

1 − τ1[ρA])



h(x) =: −x log2 x − (1 − x) log2(1 − x) is the binary en-tropy.

B. Pairwise qubit entanglement in mixed states

Subsystems of a many-body (pure) state will gener-ally be in a mixed state. In this case different wayof quantifying entanglement can be introduced. Threeimportant representatives are the entanglement costEC , the distillable entanglement ED (both defined inRef. (Bennett et al., 1996a)) and the entanglement of for-mation EF (Bennett et al., 1996b). Whereas ED andEC are asymptotic limits of multi-copy extraction prob-abilities of Bell states and creation from such states,the entanglement of formation is the amount of purestate entanglement needed to create a single copy ofthe mixed state. Although recent progress have beenachieved (Paz-Silva and Reina, 2007), the full additivityof the EF for bipartite systems has not been establishedyet (see e.g. (Vidal et al., 2002)).

The conceptual difficulty behind the calculation of EFlies in the infinite number of possible decompositions of adensity matrix. Therefore, even knowing how to quantifybipartite entanglement in pure states, we cannot simplyapply this knowledge to mixed states in terms of an av-erage over the mixtures of pure state entanglement. Theproblem is that two decompositions of the same densitymatrix usually lead to a different average entanglement.Which one do we choose? It turns out that we must takethe minimum over all possible decompositions, simplybecause if there is a decomposition where the averageis zero, then this state can be created locally withoutneed of any entangled pure state, and therefore EF = 0.The same conclusion can be drawn from the require-ment that entanglement must not increase on averageby means of local operations including classical commu-nication (LOCC).

The entanglement of formation of a state ρ is thereforedefined as

EF (ρ) := min∑


pjS(ρA,j) , (4)

where the minimum is taken over all realizations of thestate ρAB =

j pj|ψj〉〈ψj |, and S(ρA,j) is the von Neu-

mann entropy of the reduced density matrix ρA,j :=tr B |ψj〉 〈ψj |. Eq.(4) is the so called convex roof (alsothe expression convex hull is found in the literature) ofthe entanglement of formation for pure states, and a de-composition leading to this convex roof value is called anoptimal decomposition.

For systems of two qubits, an analytic expression forEF does exist and it is given by

EF (ρ) = −∑


1 + σC2(ρ)


1 + σC2(ρ)


where C(ρ) is the so called concurrence (Wootters, 1998,2001), the convex roof of the pure state concurrence,which has been defined in the previous section. Its con-vex roof extension is encoded in the positive Hermiteanmatrix R ≡ √

ρρ√ρ =

√ρ(σy ⊗ σy)ρ∗(σy ⊗ σy)

√ρ , with

eigenvalues λ21 ≥ · · · ≥ λ2

4 in the following way

C = maxλ1 − λ2 − λ3 − λ4, 0 . (6)

As the entanglement of formation is a monotonous func-tion of the concurrence, also C itself or its square τ2 -called also the 2-tangle - can be used as entanglementmeasures. This is possible due to a curious peculiarityof two-qubit systems: namely that a continuous varietyof optimal decompositions exist (Wootters, 1998). Theconcurrence C and the tangle τ1 both range from 0 (noentanglement) to 1.

By virtue of (6), the concurrence in a spin-1/2 chaincan be computed in terms of up to two-point spin corre-lation functions. As an example we consider a case wherethe model has a parity symmetry, it is translational in-variant and the Hamiltonian is real; the concurrence inthis case reads

Cij = 2 max

0, CIij , CIIij

. (7)

where CIij = |gxxij + gyyij | −√


1/4 + gzzij)2 −M2

z and

CIIij = |gxxij − gyyij | + gzzij − 1/4, with gααij = 〈Sαi Sαj 〉 and

Mz = 〈Sz〉. A state with dominant fidelity of parallel andanti-parallel Bell states is characterized by dominant CI

and CII , respectively. This was shown in (Fubini et al.,2006), where the concurrence was expressed in terms ofthe fully entangled fraction as defined in (Bennett et al.,1996b). A systematic analysis of the relation betweenthe concurrence (together with the 3-tangle, see sectionII.E) and the correlation functions has been presentedin (Glaser et al., 2003).

The importance of the tangle and the concur-rence is due to the monogamy inequality derivedin (Coffman et al., 2000) for three qubits. This in-equality has been proved to hold also for n-qubits sys-tem (Osborne and Verstraete, 2006). In the case ofmany-qubits (the tangle may depend on the site i that isconsidered) it reads

j 6=iC2ij ≤ τ1,i . (8)

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The so called residual tangle τ1,i −∑

j 6=i C2ij , is a mea-

sure for multipartite entanglement not stored in pairs ofqubits only. We finally mention that the antilinear formof the pure state concurrence was the key for the first ex-plicit construction of a convex roof, and hence its exten-sion to mixed states (Hill and Wootters, 1997; Uhlmann,2000; Wootters, 1998).

Another measure of entanglement we mention is therelative entropy of entanglement (Vedral et al., 1997).It can be applied to any number of qubits in princi-ple (or any dimension of the local Hilbert space). Itis formally defined as E(σ) := minρ∈D S(σ||ρ), whereS(σ||ρ) = tr σ [lnσ − ln ρ] is the quantum relative en-tropy. This relative entropy of entanglement quantifiesthe entanglement in σ by its distance from the set D ofseparable states (since D is compact, the minimum is as-sumed always). The main difficulty in computing thismeasure is to find the disentangled state closest to ρ.This is in general an open problem, even for two qubits.In the presence of certain symmetries - which is the casefor e.g. eigenstates of certain models - an analytical ac-cess is possible. In these cases, the relative entropy ofentanglement becomes a very useful tool. The relative en-tropy reduces to the entanglement entropy in the case ofpure bi-partite states; this also means that its convex roofextension coincides with the entanglement of formation,and is readily deduced from the concurrence (Wootters,1998).

We close this summary on the pairwise entanglementby commenting on the notion on the quantum mutual in-formation. Groisman et al quantified the work necessaryto erase the total correlations existing in a bipartite sys-tem (Groisman et al., 2005). The entanglement can beerased by a suitable random ensemble of unitary transfor-mations acting on one of the parts, but a certain amountof classical correlation among the two partners may sur-vive. The work necessary to erase all correlations is givenby the quantum mutual information

IAB = S(ρA) + S(ρB) − S(ρAB) (9)

C. Localizable entanglement

A different approach to entanglement in many-bodysystems arises from the quest to swap or transmute dif-ferent types of multipartite entanglement into pairwiseentanglement between two parties by means of general-ized measures on the rest of the system. In a systemof interacting spins on a lattice one could then try tomaximize the entanglement between two spins (at posi-tions i and j) by performing measurements on all theothers. The system is then partitioned in three regions:the sites i, j and the rest of the lattice. This concen-trated pairwise entanglement can then be used e.g. forquantum information processing. A standard example isthat the three qubit Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ)

state (1/√

2)(| 000〉+ | 111〉) after a projective measure in

x-direction on one of the sites is transformed into a Bellstate.

The concept of localizable entanglement has been in-troduced in (Popp et al., 2005; Verstraete et al., 2004a).It is defined as the maximal amount of entanglement thatcan be localized, on average, by doing local measurementsin the rest of the system. In the case of N parties, thepossible outcomes of the measurements on the remainingN − 2 particles are pure states |ψs〉 with correspondingprobabilities ps. The localizable entanglement Eloc onthe sites i and j is defined as the maximum of the aver-age entanglement over all possible outcome states |ψs〉ij

Eloc(i, j) = supE∑


psE(|ψs〉ij) (10)

where E is the set of all possible outcomes (ps, |ψs〉) ofthe measurements, and E represents the chosen measureof entanglement of a pure state of two qubits (e.g. theconcurrence). Although very difficult to compute, lowerand upper bounds have been found which allow to deducea number of consequences for this quantity.

An upper bound to the localizable entanglement isgiven by the entanglement of assistance (Laustsen et al.,2003) obtained from localizable entanglement when alsoglobal and joint measurements were allowed on the N−2spins . A lower bound of the localizable entanglementcomes from the following theorem (Verstraete et al.,2004a): Given a (pure or mixed) state of N qubits with

reduced correlations Qα,βij = 〈Sαi Sβj 〉 − 〈Sαi 〉〈Sβj 〉 betweenthe spins i and j and directions α and β then there al-ways exist directions in which one can measure the otherspins such that this correlation do not decrease, on av-erage. It then follows that a lower bound to localizableentanglement is fixed by the maximal correlation func-tion between the two parties (one of the various spin-spin

correlation functions Qα,βij )2.

D. Entanglement witnesses

It is important to realize that not just the quantifica-tion of many-party entanglement is a difficult task; it isan open problem to tell in general, whether a state of nparties is separable or not. It is therefore of great valueto have a tool that is able to merely certify if a certainstate is entangled. An entanglement witness W is a Her-mitean operator which is able to detect entanglement ina state. The basic idea is that the expectation value ofthe witnessW for the state ρ under consideration exceeds

2 It has been argued recently (Gour, 2006; Gour and Spekkens,2006) that in order to extend the entanglement of assistance andthe localizable entanglement to being an entanglement mono-tone (Vidal, 2000) one should admit also local operations includ-ing classical communication on the extracted two spins, this wasnamed entanglement of collaboration.

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certain bounds only when ρ is entangled. An expectationvalue ofW within this bound however does not guaranteethat the state is separable. Nonetheless, this is a very ap-pealing method also from an experimental point of view,since it is sometimes possible to relate the presence of theentanglement to the measurement of few observables.

Simple geometric ideas help to explain the witnessoperator W at work. Let T be the set of all densitymatrices and let E and D be the subsets of entangledand separable states, respectively. The convexity of Dis a key property for witnessing entanglement The en-tanglement witness is then an operator defining a hyper-plane which separates a given entangled state from theset of separable states. The main scope of this geo-metric approach is then to optimize the witness oper-ator (Lewenstein et al., 2000) or to replace the hyper-plane by a curved manifold, tangent to the set of sepa-rable states (Guhne, 2004) (for other geometric aspectsof entanglement see (Bengtsson and Zyczkowski, 2006;Klyachko, 2002; Leinaas et al., 2006)). We have the free-dom to choose W such that tr (ρDW ) ≤ 0 for all disen-tangled states ρD ∈ D. Then, tr (ρW ) > 0 implies thatρ is entangled. A caveat is that the concept of a wit-ness is not invariant under local unitary operations (seee.g. Cavalcanti and Terra-Cunha, 2005).

Entanglement witnesses are a special case of a moregeneral concept, namely that of positive maps. Theseare injective superoperators on the subset of positive op-erators. When we now think of superoperators that actnon-trivially only on part of the system (on operatorsthat act non trivially only on a sub-Hilbert space), thenwe may ask the question whether a positive map on thesubspace is also positive when acting on the whole space.Maps that remain positive also on the extended spaceare called completely positive maps. The Hermitean timeevolution of a density matrix is an example for a com-pletely positive map. Positive but not completely positivemaps are important for entanglement theory. There is aremarkable isomorphism between positive maps and Her-mitean operators (Jamiolkowski, 1972). This can be usedto prove a key theorem (Horodecki et al., 1996): A stateρAB is entangled if and only if a positive map Λ exists(not completely positive) such that (1lA ⊗ ΛB)ρAB < 0.For a two dimensional local Hilbert space the situationsimplifies considerably in that any positive map P canbe written as P = CP1 + CP2TB , where CP1 and CP2

are completely positive maps and TB is a transpositionoperation on subspace B. This decomposition tells thatfor a system of two qubits the lack of complete positivityin a positive map is due to a partial transposition. Thispartial transposition clearly leads to a positive operatorif the state is a tensor product of the parts. In fact, alsothe opposite is true: a state of two qubits ρAB is separa-ble if and only if ρTB

AB ≥ 0 that is, its partial transpositionis positive. This is very simple to test and it is knownas the Peres-Horodecki criterion (Horodecki et al., 1996;Peres, 1996). The properties of entangled states underpartial transposition lead to a measure of entanglement

known as the negativity. The negativity NAB of a bipar-tite state is defined as the absolute value of the sum of thenegative eigenvalues of ρTA

AB. The logarithmic negativityis then defined as

EN = log2 2(2NAB + 1). (11)

For bipartite states of two qubits, ρTA

AB has at mostone negative eigenvalue (Sanpera et al., 1998). For gen-eral multipartite and higher local dimension this is onlya sufficient condition for the presence of entanglement.There exist entangled states with a positive partial trans-pose known as bound entangled states (Acin et al., 2001;Horodecki et al., 1998).

E. Multipartite entanglement measures

Both the classification of entanglement and itsquantification are at a preliminary stage even fordistinguishable particles (see however Briand et al.,2003, 2004; Dur et al., 2000; Luque and Thibon, 2005;Mandilara et al., 2006; Miyake and Wadati, 2002;Osterloh and Siewert, 2005, 2006; Verstraete et al., 2002and references therein). We restrict ourselves to thoseapproaches which have been applied so far for the studyof condensed matter systems discussed in this review.It has already been mentioned that several quantitiesare useful as indicators for multipartite entanglementwhen the whole system is in a pure state. The entropyof entanglement is an example for such a quantityand several works use multipartite measures con-structed from and related to it (see e.g. Barnum et al.,2003; Coffman et al., 2000; de Oliveira et al., 2006a;Love et al., 2006; Meyer and Wallach, 2002; Scott,2004). These measures are of ’collective’ nature - incontrast to ’selective’ measures - in the sense that theygive indication on a global correlation without discerningamong the different entanglement classes encoded in thestate of the system.

The geometric measure of entanglement quantifiesthe entanglement of a pure state through the mini-mal distance of the state from the set of pure productstates (Vedral et al., 1997; Wei and Goldbart, 2003)

Eg(Ψ) = − log2 maxΦ

| 〈Ψ|Φ〉 |2 (12)

where the maximum is on all product states Φ. As dis-cussed in detail in (Wei and Goldbart, 2003), the previ-ous definition is an entanglement monotone if the convex-roof extension to mixed states is taken. It is zero for sep-arable states and rises up to unity for e.g. the maximallyentangled n-particle GHZ states. The difficult task in itsevaluation is the maximization over all possible separablestates and of course the convex roof extension to mixedstates. Despite these complications, a clever use of thesymmetries of the problem renders this task accessibleby substantially reducing the number of parameters (seeSection VIII).

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Another example for the collective measures of mul-tipartite entanglement as mentioned in the beginningof this section are the measures introduced by Meyerand Wallach (Meyer and Wallach, 2002) and by Bar-num et al (Barnum et al., 2004, 2003). In the caseof qubit system the Q-measure of Meyer and Wallachis the average purity (which is the average one-tanglein (Coffman et al., 2000)) of the state (Barnum et al.,2004; Brennen, 2003; Meyer and Wallach, 2002)

Egl = 2 − 2




Trρ2j . (13)

The notion of generalized entanglement introducedin (Barnum et al., 2004, 2003) relaxes the typically cho-sen partition into local subsystems in real space. Thegeneralized entanglement measure used by Barnum et the purity relative to a distinguished Lie algebra A ofobservables. For the state |ψ〉 it is defined as

PA = Tr



where PA is the projection map ρ → PA(ρ). Ifthe set of observables is defined by the operator basis

A1, A2, . . . , AL then PA =∑L

i=1〈Ai〉2 from which thereduction to Eq.(13) in the case of all local observables isevident. This conceptually corresponds to a redefinitionof locality as induced by the distinguished observable set,beyond the archetype of partition in the real space. Itdefines an observer dependent concept of entanglementadapted to e.g. experimentally accessible or physicallyrelevant observables. In this case, the generalized entan-glement coincides with the global entanglement of Meyerand Wallach.

Another approach pursued is the generalization ofthe concurrence. For the quantification of pairwise en-tanglement in higher dimensional local Hilbert spaces,the concept of concurrence vectors has been formu-lated (Audenaert et al., 2001; Badziag et al., 2002) be-sides the I-concurrence (Rungta et al., 2001). A concur-rence vector was also proposed for multipartite systemsof qubits (Akhtarshenas, 2005). It consists in applyingthe pure state concurrence formula to a mixed two-sitereduced density matrix. It coincides with the true con-currence if and only if the eigenbasis of the density ma-trices provide optimal decompositions.

The n-tangle is a straightforward extension of the con-currence to multipartite states as the overlap of the statewith its time-reversed (Wong and Christensen, 2001). Itvanishes identically for an odd number of qubits, butan entanglement monotone is obtained for an even num-ber of qubits. It detects products of even-site entangledstates in addition to certain genuine multipartite entan-gled states: it detects the multipartite GHZ or cat state,but not for example the four qubit cluster state.

Three classes of states inequivalent un-der SLOCC (Stochastic LOCC) exist for four

qubits (Osterloh and Siewert, 2005, 2006). Repre-sentatives are the GHZ state, the celebrated clusterstate and a third state, which is also measured by the4-qubit Hyperdeterminant. Class selective measuresare constructed from two basic elements, namely theoperator σy employed for the concurrence, and theoperator σµ · σµ := 1l · 1l − σx ⊗ σx − σz · σz wherethe • is a tensor product indicating that the twooperators are acting on different copies of the samequbit. Both are invariant under sl(2,C) operationson the qubit. The 3-tangle is then expressed asτ3[ψ] = 〈ψ∗ | · 〈ψ∗ |σµ · σν · σλ ⊗ σµ ⊗ σν ⊗ σλ |ψ〉 · |ψ〉The multilinearity, however, makes it problematic toemploy the procedure of convex roof construction pre-sented in (Uhlmann, 2000; Wootters, 1998) for generalmixtures.

Finally we mention the approach pursuedin (Guhne et al., 2005) (see also Sharma and Sharma,2006) where different bounds on the average energyof a given system were obtained for different types ofn-particle quantum correlated states. A violation ofthese bounds then implies the presence of multipar-tite entanglement in the system. The starting pointof Guhne et al. is the notion of n-separability andk-producibility which admit to discriminate particulartypes of n-particle correlations present in the system.A pure state | ψ〉 of a quantum systems of N parties issaid to be n-separable if it is possible to find a partitionof the system for which | ψ〉 = |φ1〉|φ2〉 · · · |φn〉. A purestate | ψ〉 can be produced by k-party entanglement ( is k-producible) if we can write | ψ〉 = |φ1〉|φ2〉 · · · |φm〉where the |φi〉 are states of maximally k parties; bydefinition m ≥ N/k. It implies that it is sufficient togenerate specific k-party entanglement to construct thedesired state. Both these indicators for multipartiteentanglement are collective, since they are based on thefactorizability of a given many particle state into smallerparts. k-separability and -producibility both do notdistinguish between different k-particle entanglementclasses (as e.g. the k-particle W-states and differentk-particle graph states (Hein et al., 2004), like the GHZstate).

F. Indistinguishable particles

For indistinguishable particles the wave function is(anti-) symmetrized and therefore the definition of entan-gled states as given in the previous Section does not ap-ply. In particular, it does not make sense to consider eachindividual particle as parts of the partition of the sys-tem. Having agreed upon a definition of entanglement,concepts as entanglement cost or distillation remain per-fectly valid. Following (Ghirardi and Marinatto, 2003;Ghirardi et al., 2002) one can address the problem ofdefining entanglement in an ensemble of indistinguish-able particles by seeing if one can attribute to each of thesubsystems a complete set of measurable properties, e.g.

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momenta for free pointless particles. Quantum statessatisfying the above requirement represent the separablestates for indistinguishable particles.

There is another crucial difference between the en-tanglement of (indistinguishable) spin-1/2 particles andthat of qubits. Let us therefore consider two fermionson two sites. Whereas the Hilbert space Hs of a two-site spin lattice has dimension dimHs = 4, the Hilbertspace Hf for two fermions on the same lattice has di-mension dimHf = 6. This is due to the possibility thatboth fermions, with opposite spins, can be located at thesame lattice site. When choosing the following number-

ing of the states | 1〉 = f †1 | 0〉 =: c†L,↑ | 0〉, | 2〉 = f †

2 | 0〉 =:

c†L,↓ | 0〉, | 3〉 = f †3 | 0〉 =: c†R,↑ | 0〉, | 4〉 = f †

4 | 0〉 =: c†R,↓ | 0〉and the definition | i, j〉 = f †

i f†j | 0〉, there are Bell states

analogous to those occurring for distinguishable parti-cles (| 1, 3〉 ± | 2, 4〉)/

√2 and (| 1, 4〉 ± | 2, 3〉)/

√2. There

are however new entangled states, as (| 1, 2〉±| 3, 4〉)/√

2,where both fermions take the same position. The localHilbert space is made of four states labelled by the oc-cupation number and the spin, if singly occupied. Thesite-entanglement of indistinguishable particles is thendefined as the entanglement of the corresponding Fockstates. It can be measured e.g. by the local von Neu-mann entropy. This quantity is the analogue to the one-tangle for qubits, but the local Hilbert space dimensionis 4 due to the possibility of having empty and dou-bly occupied sites. Also the quantum mutual informa-tion (Groisman et al., 2005), see Eq.(9), can be definedin this way, quantifying the total amount (classical andquantum) of correlations stored in a given state of a sec-ond quantized system.

Although from a mathematical point of view the en-tanglement of indistinguishable particles can be quanti-fied, the major part of the literature on second quan-tized systems that we discuss in this review considers thesite-entanglement described above or the entanglementof degrees of freedom, singled out from a suitable set oflocal quantum numbers (e.g. the spin of the particle atsite i). In both cases, entanglement measures for distin-guishable particles (see Sections IV.C.1 and V.F) can beused. With this respect, this Section has a different scopethan the others on the quantification of entanglement; al-though most of the discussion which follows will not beused later on, we believe that it will be of interest forfurther studies of entanglement in itinerant many-bodysystems.

1. Two Fermion entanglement

Due to the antisymmetry under particle exchange,there is no Schmidt decomposition for Fermions. Nev-ertheless, a Fermionic analogue to the Schmidt rank,which classifies entanglement in bipartite systems of dis-tinguishable particles does exist: the so called Slaterrank. A generic state of two-electrons on two lattice sites

can be written as |ω〉 :=∑4

i,j=1 ωi,j | i, j〉 where ω is a4 × 4 matrix which can be assumed antisymmetric andnormalized as tr ω†ω = 1

2 . Since here the local entitieswhose entanglement shall be studied, are the particles,unitary transformations act on the 4-dimensional singleparticle Hilbert space. Due to the indistinguishabilityof the particles, the transformation must be the samefor each of the particles. Given a unitary transforma-tion U ∈ SU(4) such that f

j := Ujkfk, the transformed

state is given by |ω′〉 where ω′ := UωUT . The aboveunitary transformation preserves the antisymmetry of ωand can transform every pure state of two spin-1/2 par-ticles on two sites into a state corresponding to the nor-mal form of ω. In fact, every two-particle state within aD-dimensional single particle Hilbert space can be trans-formed into the normal form ωs = diagZ1, . . . , Zr, Z0where Zj = izjσy and (Z0)ij = 0 for i, j ∈ 1, . . . , D −2r. In the previous expression r is then called theSlater rank of the pure Fermion state (Eckert et al., 2002;Schliemann et al., 2001a,b). A pure Fermion state is en-tangled if and only if its Slater rank is larger than 1. It isimportant to notice that the above concept of entangle-ment only depends on the dimension of the Hilbert spaceaccessible to each of the particles (this includes indistin-guishable particles on a single D-level system).

For electrons on an L-site lattice the “local” Hilbertspace dimension is 2L, and the question, whether a purestate living in a 2L-dimensional single particle Hilbertspace has full Slater rank, can be answered by consider-ing the Pfaffian of ω (Caianello and Fubini, 1952; Muir,1960)





ωπ(2j−1),π(2j) (15)

which is non-zero only if ω has full Slater rank L. Inthe above definition S<2L denotes those elements π of thesymmetric group S2L with ordered pairs, i.e. π(2m−1) <π(2m) for all m ≤ L and π(2k − 1) < π(2m − 1) fork < m. Notice that relaxing the restriction to S<2L justleads to a combinatorial factor of 2LL! by virtue of theantisymmetry of ω and hence can we write

pf[ω] =1




εj1,...,j2Lωj1,j2 . . . ωj2L−1,j2L

(16)where εj1,...,j2L is the fully antisymmetric tensor withε1,2,...,2L = 1. There is a simple relation between thePfaffian and the determinant of an antisymmetric even-dimensional matrix: pf[ω]2 = det[ω].

For the simplest case of two spin-1/2 Fermions ontwo lattice sites the Pfaffian reads pf[ω] = ω1,2ω3,4 −ω1,3ω2,4 + ω1,4ω2,3. Normalized in order to range in theinterval [0, 1] this has been called the Fermionic con-currence C[|ω〉] (Eckert et al., 2002; Schliemann et al.,2001a,b)

C[|ω〉] = |〈 ω |ω 〉| = 8|pf[ω]| (17)

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where ω := 12εijklω∗

k,l has been termed the dual to ω.

Then, | ω〉 =: D |ω〉 is the analog to the conjugated statein (Hill and Wootters, 1997; Uhlmann, 2000; Wootters,1998) leading to the concurrence for qubits. It is im-portant to notice that the Pfaffian in Eq.(15) is invari-ant under the complexification of su(2L), since it is theexpectation value of an antilinear operator, namely theconjugation D for the state |ω〉. Since this invariantis a bilinear expression in the state coefficients, its con-vex roof is readily obtained (Uhlmann, 2000) by meansof the positive eigenvalues λ2

i of the 6 × 6 matrix R =√ρDρD√

ρ. The conjugation D, expressed in the basis| 1, 2〉 , | 1, 3〉 , | 1, 4〉 , | 2, 3〉 , | 2, 4〉 , | 3, 4〉 takes the formD0 C, where C is the complex conjugation and the onlynon-zero elements of D0 are (D0)16 = 1, (D0)25 = −1,(D0)34 = 1, (D0)43 = 1, (D0)52 = −1, and (D0)61 = 1.Notice that the center part of this matrix is preciselyσy ⊗ σy and indeed corresponds to the Hilbert space oftwo qubits. The remaining part of the Hilbert space givesrise to an entanglement of different values for the occu-pation number. This type of entanglement has been re-ferred to as the fluffy bunny (Verstraete and Cirac, 2003;Wiseman et al., 2003) in the literature.

For a single particle Hilbert space with dimensionlarger than 4 one encounters similar complications as fortwo distinguishable particles on a bipartite lattice andlocal Hilbert space dimension larger than 2, i.e. for twoqudits. This is because different classes of entanglementoccur, which are characterized by different Slater rank asopposed to their classification by different Schmidt rankfor distinguishable particles. The Slater rank can be ob-tained by looking at Pfaffian minors (Muir, 1960): if theSlater rank is r, all Pfaffian minors of dimension largerthan 2r are identically zero.

2. Multipartite Entanglement for Fermions

For indistinguishable particles the only classificationavailable up to now is to check whether or not a purestate has Slater rank one. Eckert et al. formulated tworecursive lemmata (Eckert et al., 2002) that can be sum-marized as follows: let an N -electron state be contractedwith N − 2 arbitrary single electron states encoded in

the vectors aj as a


†k | 0〉 (j = 1, . . . , N − 2 and sum

convention) to a two-electron state. Then the Pfaffian ofthe two-electron state is zero if and only if the originalstate (and hence all intermediate states in a successivecontraction) has Slater rank one. This means that all4-dimensional Pfaffian minors of ω are zero.

Instead of the Pfaffian of ω, also the single-particlereduced density matrix can be considered, and itsvon Neumann entropy as a measure for the quan-tum entanglement has been analyzed in (Li et al., 2001;Paskauskas and You, 2001). It is important to remindthat for distinguishable particles the local reduced den-sity matrix has rank one if and only if the original statewere a product. This is no longer true for indistinguish-

able particles. For an N -particle pure state with Slaterrank one the rank of the single-particle reduced densitymatrix coincides with the number of particles, N . A sub-tlety is that a measure of entanglement is obtained aftersubtraction of the constant value of the von Neumannentropy of a disentangled state. This must be taken intoaccount also for the extension of the measure to mixedstates.

3. “Entanglement of particles”

Entanglement in the presence of super selectionrules (SSR) induced by particle conservation hasbeen discussed in Refs. (Bartlett and Wiseman, 2003;Schuch et al., 2003, 2004; Wiseman and Vaccaro, 2003).The main difference in the concept of entanglement ofparticles (Wiseman and Vaccaro, 2003) from the entan-glement of indistinguishable particles as described in thepreceding section (but also to that obtained from the re-duced density matrix of e.g. spin degrees of freedom ofindistinguishable particles) consists in the projection ofthe Hilbert space onto a subspace of fixed particle num-bers for either part of a bipartition of the system. Thebipartition is typically chosen to be space-like, as moti-vated from experimentalists or detectors sitting at dis-tinct positions. E.g. two experimentalists, in order todetect the entanglement between two indistinguishableparticles, must have one particle each in their laboratory.

This difference induced by particle number superselec-tion is very subtle and shows up if multiple occupan-cies occur at single sites for Fermions with some innerdegrees of freedom, as the spin. Their contribution isfinite for finite discrete lattices and will generally scaleto zero in the thermodynamic limit with vanishing lat-tice spacing. Therefore both concepts of spin entan-glement of two distant particles coincide in this limit.Significant differences are to be expected only for finitenon-dilute systems. It must be noted that the same re-strictions imposed by SSR which change considerably theconcept of entanglement quantitatively and qualitatively,on the other hand enable otherwise impossible protocolsof quantum information processing (Schuch et al., 2003,2004) which are based on variances about the observablefixed by superselection.

Wiseman and Vaccaro project an N -particle state|ψN 〉 onto all possible subspaces, where the two partieshave a well defined number (nA, nB = N − nA) of par-ticles in their laboratory (Wiseman and Vaccaro, 2003).Let |ψ[nA]〉 be the respective projection, and let pnA bethe weight 〈ψ[nA] |ψ[nA] 〉/〈ψN |ψN 〉 of this projection.Then the entanglement of particles Ep is defined as

Ep[|ψn〉] =∑


pnEM [ψ[nA]] (18)

where EM is some measure of entanglement for distin-guishable particles. Although this certainly represents

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a definition of entanglement appealing for experimen-tal issues, it is sensitive only to situations, where e.g.the two initially indistinguishable particles eventually areseparated and can be examined one-by-one by Alice andBob. Consequently, “local operations” have been definedin (Wiseman and Vaccaro, 2003) as those performed byAlice and Bob in their laboratory after having measuredthe number of particles3.

Verstraete and Cirac pointed out that the presence ofSSR gives rise to a new resource which has to be quan-tified. They have proposed to replace the quantity Epwith the SSR-entanglement of formation. This is definedas

E(SSR)f [|ψN 〉] = min



pnEM [ψn]

where the minimization is performed over all those de-composition of the density matrix where the |ψ〉n areeigenstates of the total number of particles (Schuch et al.,2003, 2004).

4. Entanglement for Bosons

The quantification and classification of boson entan-glement is very close in spirit to that of Fermions as de-scribed in Section II.F.1. In the bosonic case the matrixω introduced in the previous section is symmetric un-der permutations of the particle numbers. Consequently,for any two-particle state of indistinguishable bosons, ωcan be diagonalized by means of unitary transformationsof the single particle basis. This leads to the Schmidtdecomposition for bosons (Eckert et al., 2002). An curi-ous feature distinguishing this case from the entangle-ment measures of distinguishable particles is that theSchmidt decomposition is not unique. In fact, any twoequal Schmidt coefficients admit for a unitary transfor-mation of the two corresponding basis states, such thatthe superposition of the two doubly occupied states can

3 As a potential difference between the entanglement of photonsas opposed to that of massive bosonic particles, it has beenclaimed that certain superselection rules may hold for massiveparticles only. One such claim is that we would in practicenot be able to build coherent superpositions of states contain-ing a different number of massive particles (for a recent discus-sion see Bartlett et al., 2007). This superselection rule would,for instance, prohibit creating a superposition of a Hydrogenatom and a Hydrogen molecule. However, the origin and va-lidity of any superselection rule remains a very much debatedsubject. The arguments pro superselection rules usually involvesome symmetry considerations, or some decoherence mechanism.On the other hand, it turns out that if we allow most generaloperations in quantum mechanics, we no longer encounter anysuperselection restrictions. Recent work Dowling et al., 2006a;Terra Cunha et al., 2006 shows that it should be possible to co-herently superpose massive particles and to observe a violationof certain Bell inequalities Terra Cunha et al., 2006 also for thiscase.

be written as a symmetrized state of two orthogonalstates (Ghirardi and Marinatto, 2005; Li et al., 2001).This is the reason why it is not directly the Schmidt rank,but rather the reduced Schmidt rank - obtained afterhaving removed all double degeneracies of the Schmidtdecomposition - that determines whether or not a stateis entangled. This non-uniqueness of the Schmidt rank isalso responsible for the ambiguity of the von Neumannentropy or other purity measures of the single particlereduced density matrix as an entanglement measure forBosons (Ghirardi and Marinatto, 2005).

With zi being the Schmidt coefficients with degener-acy gi, the reduced Schmidt rank is at most gi

2 + 2



,where . denotes the non-integer part. As a conse-quence, a Schmidt rank larger than two implies the pres-ence of entanglement. Schmidt rank 2 with degenerateSchmidt coefficients can be written as a symmetrizedproduct of orthogonal states and consequently is disen-tangled (Ghirardi and Marinatto, 2005). This features isalso present in the N -boson case, where in presence ofup to N -fold degenerate Schmidt coefficients the corre-sponding state can be rewritten as a symmetrization ofa product.

For bipartite systems ω has full Schmidt rank if detω 6=0. A Schmidt rank 1 can be verified by the same con-traction technique described for the Fermion case in theprevious section, where the Pfaffian must be replaced bythe determinant. This applies to both the bipartite andthe multipartite case (Eckert et al., 2002).

G. Entanglement in harmonic systems

In this section we concentrate on the entan-glement between distinct modes of harmonicoscillators (see (Adesso and Illuminati, 2007;Braunstein and van Loock, 2005) for recent reviewson the subject). The entanglement in this case istermed as continuous variable entanglement in theliterature (to be distinguished from the entanglement ofindistinguishable bosonic particles; see Section II.F).

Dealing with higher dimensional space of the local de-grees of freedom generally involves complications whichare not tamable within the current knowledge about en-tanglement. The Peres-Horodecki criterion, just to men-tion an important example, is not sufficient already fortwo three-level systems, 3 × 3. The situation simplifiesif only so called Gaussian states of the harmonic oscil-lator modes are considered. This restriction makes theinfinite dimensional case even conceptually simpler thanthe finite dimensional counterparts. In order to explainwhat Gaussian states are, we introduce the Wigner dis-tribution function W (p, q) (Wigner, 1932). For a singledegree of freedom it is defined from the density operatorρ as

W (r, p) :=1


∫ ∞

−∞dr′ 〈r + r′ | ρ | r − r′〉 e

2i~pr′ , (19)

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where r and p are conjugate position and momentumvariables of the degree of freedom. The connection be-tween bosonic operators a, a† and phase space operatorsr, p is a = (r + ip)/

√2, a† = (a)† = (r − ip)/

√2. More

degrees of freedom are taken into account in a straightforward manner. A (mixed) state ρ is then called Gaus-sian when its Wigner distribution function is Gaussian.Examples for such states are coherent pure states |α〉,a |α〉 = α |α〉 with α ∈ C, and arbitrary mixtures of co-herent states ρ =

d2α P (α) |α〉 〈α |, determined by theso called P -distribution P (z). Such states are termedclassical if the Wigner function and the P -distributionare non-negative (see (Simon, 2000)).

The key quality of Gaussian states is that they arecompletely classified by second moments, which are en-coded in the symmetric so called (co-)variance matrixwith the uncertainties of the phase space coordinates asentries. For two bosonic modes the phase space is four-dimensional and the covariance matrix V is defined as

Vαβ :=⟨



d4ξ ∆ξα∆ξβW (ξγ) , (20)

where the curly brackets on the left hand side indicate the

anti-commutator. The components of ξα, α = 1, . . . , 4

are (r1, p1, r2, p2) and ∆ξα := ξα − 〈ξα〉; the averages〈.〉 is taken with respect to the given two-mode densitymatrix ρ, or equivalently, using the Wigner distributionof ρ. Then, the canonical commutation relations assume

the compact form [ξα, ξβ ] = i~Ωα,β with Ω = iσy ⊗ 1l.When expressed in terms of V , the Heisenberg uncer-tainty relation can be invoked in invariant form with re-

spect to canonical transformations as detV ≥ ~2

4 (see e.g.Simon et al., 1994). The set of the real linear canonicaltransformation generates the symplectic group Sp(2n,R)that plays an important role in the theory. Being a sym-plectic matrix, V can be brought in its diagonal form Vnby means of symplectic transformations. The elementson the diagonal are then called the symplectic eigenvaluesof V . An analysis of VnΩ has unveiled an even more pow-erful invariant form of the Heisenberg uncertainty prin-ciple, V + i~

2 Ω ≥ 0, where the positive semi-definitenessmeans that all symplectic eigenvalues are non-negative.The uncertainty relation can hence be cast directly interms of the symplectic eigenvalues of the covariance ma-trix V , which are the absolute values of the eigenvaluesof −iΩV .

Some of the aspects of the harmonic systems can bedisclosed by recognizing that the Gaussian structure ofthe bosonic states can be thought as a certain limit ofthe algebraic structure of the qubits in the sense thatSp(2,R) ≃ SL(2,C). The latter is the invariance grouprelevant for qubit entanglement classification and quan-tification (Dur et al., 2000; Osterloh and Siewert, 2005;Verstraete et al., 2003).

We now introduce the notion of bipartite entangle-ment for Gaussian states. In complete analogy to thefinite-dimensional case, a state is termed separable if itis a mixture of product states. In particular, all classical

states, i.e.

ρ =

d2z1 d2z2 P (z1, z2) | z1〉 〈z1 | ⊗ | z2〉 〈z2 | (21)

with positive P (z1, z2) are separable.It was Simon (Simon, 2000) that first proved the Peres-

Horodecki Positive Partial Transpose criterion being nec-essary and sufficient for entanglement of two harmonicoscillator modes, again in complete analogy to a systemof two qubits. The effect of the transposition of the den-sity matrix is a sign change in the momentum variables ofthe Wigner function (19). Consequently, a partial trans-position induces a sign change of those momenta in thephase space vector, where the transposition should acton. For an entangled state, the partial transposition Vof its covariance matrix V might then have symplecticeigenvalues smaller than ~/2. This can be detected bythe logarithmic negativity as defined from the symplec-tic (doubly degenerate) eigenvalues ci ; i = 1 . . . n of

V /~ (Vidal and Werner, 2002)

EN (V ) = −n∑


log2(2ci) . (22)

These important results paved the way towards a system-atic analysis of multipartite systems of distinguishablebosonic modes.


This section is devoted to the basic properties of themodel systems that will be analyzed in the rest of the re-view (in several cases we concentrate on one-dimensionalsystems).

A. Spin models

Interacting spin models (Auerbach, 1998;Schollwock et al., 2004) provide a paradigm to de-scribe a wide range of many-body systems. Theyaccount for the effective interactions in a variety of verydifferent physical contexts ranging from high energy tonuclear physics (Belitsky et al., 2004; Polyakov, 1977).In condensed matter beside describing the propertiesof magnetic compounds (see Matsumoto et al., 2004for a recent survey), they capture several aspectsof high-temperature superconductors, quantum Hallsystems, heavy fermions, just to mention few impor-tant examples. Hamiltonians for interacting spinscan be realized artificially in Josephson junctions ar-rays (Fazio and van der Zant, 2001) or with neutralatoms loaded in optical lattices (Duan et al., 2003;Jane et al., 2003; Porras and Cirac, 2004). Interactingspins are paradigm systems for quantum informationprocessing (Nielsen and Chuang, 2000).

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1. Spin-1/2 models with short range interactions

A model Hamiltonian for a set of localized spins in-teracting with nearest neighbor exchange coupling on ad-dimensional lattice is

H(γ,∆, hz/J)= J2



(1 + γ)Sxi Sxj + (1 − γ)Syi S



+ J ∆∑

〈i,j〉Szi S

zj − hz


Szi . (23)

In the previous expression i, j are lattice points, 〈·〉 con-straints the sum over nearest neighbors and Sαi (α =x, y, z) are spin-1/2 operators. A positive (negative) ex-change coupling J favors antiferromagnetic (ferromag-netic) ordering in the xy−plane. The parameters γ and∆ account for the anisotropy in the exchange coupling inz direction, and hz is the transverse magnetic field. Thereare only very few exact results concerning H(γ,∆, hz/J)in dimension d > 1. The ground state of Eq.(23) isin general entangled. It exists however, for any valueof the coupling constants γ and ∆, J > 0 a point ind = 1, 2 (for bipartite lattices) where the ground state isfactorized (Kurmann et al., 1982; Roscilde et al., 2005b).It occurs at the so called factorizing field hf given byhf = z


(1 + ∆)2 − (γ/2)2 where z is the coordinationnumber.

In d = 1 the model is exactly solvable in several im-portant cases. In the next two paragraphs we discuss theanisotropic quantum XY model ( ∆ = 0 and 0 ≤ γ ≤ 1)and the XXZ model (γ = 0). Also the XY Z-model inzero field, γ 6= 0,∆ 6= 0 can be solved exactly but it willnot be discussed here (see Takahashi, 1999 for a review).

a. ∆ = 0: Quantum XY -model The quantum Isingmodel corresponds to γ = 1 while the (isotropic) XX-model is obtained for γ = 0. In the isotropic casethe model possesses an additional symmetry resultingin the conservation of the magnetization along the z-axis. For any value of the anisotropy the model canbe solved exactly (Barouch and McCoy, 1971; Lieb et al.,1961; Pfeuty, 1970). By first applying the Jordan-

Wigner transformation ck = eiπPk−1

j=1 σ+j σ

j σ−k (with

σ± = (1/2)(σx±iσy)) the XY model can be transformedonto a free fermion Hamiltonian

H =∑



c†iAi,jcj +1


†j + h.c.)





Ai,i .


In the previous equations ci, c†i are the annihilation

and creation operators for the spinless Jordan-Wignerfermions. The two matrices A, B are defined as Aj,k =−J(

δk,j+1 + δj,k+1


− hzδj,k and Bj,k = −γJ(

δk,j+1 −δj,k+1


. For the case of periodic boundary conditionson the spins, an extra boundary term appears in thefermionic Hamiltonian which depends on the parity ofthe total number of fermions NF . Notice that although

NF does not commute with the Hamiltonian the parity ofNF is conserved. A generic quadratic form, like Eq. (24),can be diagonalized in terms of the normal-mode spinlessFermi operators by first going to the Fourier space andthen performing a Bogoliubov transformation.

The properties of the Hamiltonian are governed by thedimensionless coupling constant λ = J/2h. In the in-terval 0 < γ ≤ 1 the system undergoes a second orderquantum phase transition at the critical value λc = 1.The order parameter is the magnetization in x-direction,〈Sx〉, which is different from zero for λ > 1. In the or-dered phase the ground state has a two-fold degereracyreflecting a global phase flip symmetry of the system.The magnetization along the z-direction, 〈Sz〉, is differ-ent from zero for any value of λ, but presents a singularbehavior of its first derivative at the transition. In thewhole interval 0 < γ ≤ 1 the transition belongs to theIsing universality class. For γ = 0 the quantum phasetransition is of the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless type.

As it was discussed in Section II.A and II.B one- andtwo site- entanglement measures can be related to variousequal-time spin correlation functions (in some importantcases also the block entropy can be reduced to the evalu-ation of two-point correlators) Mα

l (t) = 〈ψ|Sαl (t)|ψ〉 and

gαβlm (t) = 〈ψ|Sαl (t)Sβm(t)|ψ〉. These correlators have beencalculated for this class of models in the case of ther-mal equilibrium (Barouch and McCoy, 1971; Lieb et al.,1961; Pfeuty, 1970). These can be recast in the formof Pfaffians that for stationary states reduce to Toeplitzdeterminants (i.e. determinants, whose entries dependonly on the difference of their row and column num-ber). it can be demonstrated that the equal time cor-relation functions can be expressed as a sum of Pfaffi-ans (Amico and Osterloh, 2004).

b. γ = 0: XXZ model The two isotropic points∆ = 1 and ∆ = −1 describe the antiferromagneticand ferromagnetic chains respectively. In one dimen-sion the XXZ Heisenberg model can be solved ex-actly by the Bethe Ansatz technique (Bethe, 1931)(see e.g. Takahashi, 1999) and the correlation func-tions can be expressed in terms of certain determinants(see Bogoliubov et al., 1993 for a review). Correlationfunctions, especially for intermediate distances, are ingeneral difficult to evaluate, although important steps inthis direction have been made (Gohmann and Korepin,2000; Kitanine et al., 1999).

The zero temperature phase diagram of the XXZ modelin zero magnetic field shows a gapless phase in the inter-val −1 ≤ ∆ < 1. Outside this interval the excitations aregapped. The two phases are separated by a Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless phase transition at ∆ = 1 while at∆ = −1 the transition is of the first order. In the pres-ence of the external magnetic field a finite energy gapappears in the spectrum. The universality class of thetransition is not affected, as a result of the conservationof the total spin-z component (Takahashi, 1999).

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When one moves away from one dimension, exact re-sults are rare. Nevertheless is it now established that theground state of a two-dimensional antiferromagnet pos-sesses Neel long range order (Dagotto, 1994; Manousakis,1991).

2. Spin-1/2 models with infinite range interaction

In this case each spin interacts with all the otherspins in the system with the same coupling strengthH= − J




Sxi Sxj + γSyi S



− ∑

i hi · Si . For site-independent magnetic field hαi = hα ∀i, this modelwas originally proposed by Lipkin, Meshkov and Glick(LMG) (Lipkin et al., 1965; Meshkov et al., 1965a,b) todescribe a collective motion in nuclei. In this case thedynamics of the system can be described in terms of acollective spin Sα =

j Sαj . The previous Hamiltonian

reduces to

H = −J2

[(Sx)2 + γ(Sy)2] − h · S . (25)

Since the Hamiltonian commutes with the Casimir op-erator S

2 the eigenstates can be labeled by the rep-resentation S of the collective spin algebra, at mostlinear in the number N of spins; this reduces (from2N to N/2) the complexity of the problem. A furthersimplification is achieved at the supersymmetric pointcorresponding to J2γ = 4hz, where the Hamiltoniancan be factorized in two terms linear in the collectivespin (Unanyan and Fleischhauer, 2003); then the groundstate can be obtained explicitly. For a ferromagnetic cou-pling (J > 0) and hx = hy = 0 the system undergoes asecond order quantum phase transition at λc = 1, charac-terized by mean field critical indices (Bottet et al., 1982).The average magnetization (for any γ) mz = 〈Sz〉/N sat-urates for λ ≤ λc while it is suppressed for λ > λc. Forhy = 0, hz < 1 and γ = 0 the model exhibits a firstorder transition at hx = 0 (Vidal et al., 2006) while foran antiferromagnetic coupling and hy = 0 a first orderphase transition at hz = 0 occurs, where the magnetiza-tion saturates abruptly at the same value mz = 1/2 forany γ’s.

The model Hamiltonian introduced at the beginningof this section embraces an important class of interact-ing fermion systems as well. By interpreting the nonhomogeneous magnetic field as a set of energy levels(hz)i ≡ −ǫi, for hx = hy = 0 and γ = 1, it expressesthe BCS model. This can be realized by noticing thatthe operators S−

j := cj↑cj↓, S+j := (S−

j )† Szj :=

(c†j↑cj↑+c†j↓cj↓−1)/2 span the su(2) algebra in the repre-

sentation 1/2. In the fermion language the Hamiltonian

reads HBCS =∑

j,σ=↑,↓ ǫjc†jσcjσ − J


ij c†j↑c

†j↓ci↓ci↑ .

Both the LMG and the BCS type models canbe solved exactly by Bethe Ansatz (Richardson,1963; Richardson and Sherman, 1964) (seealso Dukelsky et al., 2004 for a review) as theyare quasi classical descendants of the six vertex

model (Amico et al., 2001; Di Lorenzo et al., 2002;Ortiz et al., 2005).

3. Frustrated spin-1/2 models

Frustration arises in systems where certain local con-straints prevent the system from reaching a local energyminimum. The constraints can be of geometric nature(for example the topology of the underlying lattice) or ofdynamical nature (two terms in the Hamiltonian tendingto favor incompatible configurations). A classical exam-ple of the first type is that of an antiferromagnet in atriangular lattice with Ising interaction. At a quantummechanical level this phenomenon can result in the ap-pearance of ground state degeneracies. The equilibriumand dynamical properties of frustrated systems have beenextensively studied in the literature (Diep, 2005) both inclassical and quantum systems.

A prototype of frustrated models in one dimension isthe antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model with nearest andnext-nearest neighbor interactions. This class of modelswere discussed originally to study the spin-Peierls tran-sition (Schollwock et al., 2004). The Hamiltonian reads

Hα = JN∑


(Si · Si+1 + αSi · Si+2) (26)

Analytical calculations (Haldane, 1982), corroborated bynumerical result (Okamoto and Nomura, 1992) indicatethat at α ≈ 1/4 there is a quantum phase transition to adimerized 2-fold degenerate ground state, where singletsare arranged on doubled lattice constant distances. Sucha phase is characterized by a finite gap in the low lyingexcitation spectrum.

The Majumdar-Ghosh model (Majumdar, 1970;Majumdar and Ghosh, 1969a,b) is obtained from Eq.(26)for α = 1/2. The exact ground state can be solved bymeans of matrix product states (see next Section) and itis shown to be disordered. It is a doubly degenerate va-lence bond state made of nearest neighbor spin singlets.Although all two-point correlation function vanish, a fi-nite four-spin correlation function does reflect an ordereddimerization.

4. Spin-1 models

Spin-1 systems where originally considered to studythe quantum dynamics of magnetic solitons in antiferro-magnets with single ion anisotropy (Mikeska, 1995). Inone dimension, half-integer and integer spin chains havevery different properties (Haldane, 1983a,b). Long rangeorder which is established in the ground state of systemswith half-integer spin (Lieb et al., 1961), may be washedout for integer spins. In this latter case, the system hasa gap in the excitation spectrum. A paradigm model of

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FIG. 1 A cartoon of the nearest neighbour valence bond state,exact ground state of the spin-1 model in Eq.(27) for β = 1/3(AKLT-model). The ground state is constructed regardingevery S = 1 in the lattice sites as made of a pair of S = 1/2,and projecting out the singlet state. The singlets are thenformed taking pairs of S = 1/2 in nearest neighbor sites.

interacting spin-1 systems is

H =



Si · Si+1 + β(Si · Si+1)2 (27)

The resulting gapped phase arises because of the pres-ence of zero as an eigenvalue of Szi ; the correspondingeigenstates represent a spin excitation that can movefreely in the chain, ultimately disordering the groundstate of the system (Gomez-Santos, 1991; Mikeska, 1995).The so called string order parameter was proposed tocapture the resulting ’floating’ Neel order, made of al-ternating spins | ↑〉, | ↓〉 with strings of |0〉’s in be-tween (den Nijs and Rommelse, 1989)

Oαstring = limR→∞

〈Sαi (i+R−1∏


eiπSαk )Sαi+R〉 . (28)

The ground state of physical systems described by Hamil-tonians of the form of Eq.(27) has been studied in greatdetails (Schollwock et al., 2004). Various phase transi-tions have been found between antiferromagnetic phases,Haldane phases, and a phase characterized by a largedensity of vanishing weights (Szi = 0) along the chain.

a. The Affleck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tasaki (AKLT) Model. Somefeatures of the phenomenology leading to the destruc-tion of the antiferromagnetic order can be put on afirm ground for β = 1/3 (AKLT model), where theground state of the Hamiltonian in Eq.(27) is known ex-actly (Affleck et al., 1988). In this case it was provedthat the ground state is constituted by a sea of nearestneighbour valence bond states, separated from the firstexcitation by a finite gap with exponentially decayingcorrelation functions. Such a state is sketched in Fig.1.In fact it is a Matrix Product State (MPS), i.e. it belongsto the class of states which can be expressed in the form

| ψMPS〉 =



TrAs11 . . . AsN

N | s1, . . . , sN 〉 (29)

where the matrices (Asi

k )lm parametrize the state; |si >denotes a local basis of the D-dimensional Hilbert space;the trace contracts the indices l,m labelling bond statesof the auxiliary system (namely the spin 1/2 for theAKLT model). The dimensions of A depends on the

particular state considered, if the state is only slightlyentangled then the dimension of A is bounded by someDMPS . MPS, first discussed in (Fannes et al., 1992), ap-pear naturally in the Density Matrix RenormalizationGroup (DMRG) (Ostlund and Rommer, 1995). In one-dimensional non-critical systems they describe faithfullythe ground state. Infact, as shown by Vidal, matrix prod-uct states constitute an efficient representation of slightlyentangled states (Vidal, 2003).

B. Strongly correlated fermionic models

The prototype model of interacting fermions on a lat-tice is the Hubbard model (Essler et al., 2004)

H = −t∑

〈ij〉[c†i,σcj,σ + h.c.] + U


ni,↑ni,↓ − µN (30)

where ci,σ, c†i,σ are fermionic operators: ci,σ, c†j,σ′ =

δi,jδσσ′ . The coupling constant U describes the on-siterepulsion, t is the hopping amplitude.

The Hubbard model possess an u(1) ⊕ su(2) sym-metry expressing the charge conservation: u(1) =spanN =

jσ njσ and the invariance under spin

rotation: su(2) = spanSz =∑

j(nj↑ − nj↓), S+ =∑

j c†j,↑cj,↓, S

− = (S+)†. Such a symmetry allows one toemploy the total charge and magnetization as good quan-tum numbers. At half filling n = N/L = 1 (µ = U/2)the symmetry is enlarged to so(4) = su(2)⊕su(2) by thegenerator η =

j(−)jcj,↑cj,↓ together with its hermitean

conjugate (Yang and Zhang, 1990). It was demonstratedthat |Ψ〉 = (η)N |gs〉 are eigenstates of the Hubbardmodel (in any dimension), characterized by off-diagonal-long-range-order via the mechanism of the so called η-pairing (Yang, 1989).

In one dimension the Hubbard model undergoes aMott transition at U = 0 of the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless type. By means of the Bethe Ansatz solu-tion (Lieb and Wu, 1968) it can be demonstrated howthe bare electrons decay in charge and spin excitations.The phenomenon of spin-charge separation occurs at lowenergies away from half filling. For repulsive interactionthe half-filled band is gapped in the charge sector; whilethe spin excitations remain gapless. The mirror-invertedsituation occurs for attractive interaction where the gapis in the spin excitations instead (see Essler et al., 2004for a recent review).

The Hubbard model in a magnetic field was proved toexhibit two quantum critical points at ha±c = 4(|U | ± 1)and half filling for U < 0, while there is one at hrc =

4(√t2 + U2 − U) for U > 0 (Yang et al., 2000).

If a nearest neighbor Coulomb repulsionV∑

σ,σ′,j njσnj+1σ′ is taken into account in Eq.(30),a spin density wave and a charge density wave phaseappear. A transition to a phase separation of highdensity and low density regions (see e.g. Ref. Clay et al.,1999) is also present.

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The bond charge extended Hubbard model, origi-nally proposed in the context of high Tc superconduc-tivity (Hirsch, 1989), include further correlations in thehopping process already involved in (30). The Hamilto-nian reads

H = UL∑



(31)(for x = 0 the Eq.(31) coincides with the Hubbard model(30)). For x 6= 0 the hopping amplitudes are modu-lated by the occupancy of the sites involved in the pro-cesses of tunneling. Because of the particle-hole symme-try, x can be restricted in [0, 1] without loss of general-ity. For x = 1 the correlated hopping term commuteswith the interaction. In this case the exact ground statewas shown to exhibit a variety of quantum phase tran-sitions between insulators and superconducting regimes,controlled by the Coulomb repulsion parameter U . Forx = 1 the phase diagram is shown in Section IV, Fig.15.At U/t = 4 and n = 1, a superconductor-insulatorquantum phase transition occurs; for −4 ≤ U/t ≤ 4the ground state is characterized by off-diagonal long-range order; the low lying excitations are gapless. ForU/t = −4 a further quantum critical point projects theground state into the Hilbert subspace spanned by singlyand doubly occupied states (Arrachea and Aligia, 1994;Schadschneider, 1995). For intermediate x the model hasnot been solved exactly. Numerical calculations indicatea superconducting-insulator transition controlled by Uand parametrized by x. Specifically, for 0 ≤ x ≤ 1/2 thephase is gapped at any non vanishing U ; for 1/2 < x ≤ 1the onset to a superconducting phase was evidenced atsome finite U (Anfossi et al., 2005a).

C. Spin-boson models

A prototype model in this class is that of a quan-tum system coupled to a bath of harmonic oscillators(see Weiss, 1999 for a review of open quantum mechan-ical systems) known also as the Caldeira-Leggett model.In this case the quantum system is a two level system.This class of models was intensely investigated to studythe quantum-to-classical transition and the correspond-ing loss of quantum coherence (Zurek, 2003).

The spin-boson Hamiltonian has the form

Hsb = − δ2Sx+








λn(a†n+an) ,

(32)it can be demonstrated to be equivalent to the anisotropicKondo model (Anderson et al., 1970; Guinea, 1985). Thecoupling constants λn fix the spectral density of the

bath: J(ω) = (π/2)∑


λ2nδ(ω − ωn)/ωn. At low energy

the spectral function can be represented as a power-law:J(ω) ∝ 2αωsΛ1−s

0 where α is the parameter controlling

the spin-bosons interaction and Λ0 is a ultraviolet cut-off frequency. The power s characterizes the bath. Fors = 1 the bath is called Ohmic, in this case the modelhas a second order quantum phase transition at α = 1from under-damped to over-damped oscillations (wherethe value of the spin is frozen). The value α = 1/2identifies a cross over regime where the two-level sys-tem is driven from coherent to incoherent oscillations.If the bath is super-Ohmic (s > 1), the quantum crit-ical point is washed out, while a cross over occurs atα ∼ log(Λ0/δ). For sub-Ohmic baths (s < 1), sev-eral studies indicate the existence of a quantum crit-ical point (Spohn and Dumcke, 1985). The questionhowever is not completely settled (Bulla et al., 2003;Kehrein and Mielke, 1996; Stauber and Mielke, 2002).

An interesting case is also that of a spin interactingwith a single bosonic mode, λn = λδn,0.

H = − δ2Sx + ω0(a

†0a0 +


2) +


2Sz(a†0 + a0) (33)

Such model describes for example an atom in-teracting with a monochromatic electromagneticfield (Cohen-Tannoudji et al., 1992) via a dipoleforce (Jaynes and Cummings, 1963). Recently, thedynamics corresponding to (33) was intensely studied inrelation to ion traps (Cirac et al., 1992) and quantumcomputation (Hughes et al., 1998). The model definedin Eq.(33) with S = 1/2 (Jaynes-Cummings model)was generalized and solved exactly to consider genericspin (Tavis and Cummings, 1969) in order to discuss thesuper-radiance phenomenon in cavity-QED.

D. Harmonic lattices

The Hamiltonian for a lattice of coupled har-monic oscillators (short: harmonic lattice) can be ex-pressed in terms of the phase space vector ξT =(q1, . . . , qn; p1, . . . , pn) as

H = ξT(

m2 ω

2U 0

0 12m1ln


ξ (34)

where U is the n × n interaction matrix for the co-ordinates. If the system is translational invariant thematrix U is a Toeplitz matrix with periodic bound-aries, also called circulant matrix (Horn and Johnson,1994). In the case of finite range interaction of the form∑


∑nk=1Kr(qk+r − qk)

2 and assuming periodic bound-ary conditions, its entries are Uj,j = 1 + 2

r αr andUj,j+r = −αr with αr = 2Kr/mω

2. Since the Hamilto-nian (34) is quadratic in the canonical variables its dy-namical algebra is sp(2n,R). Then the diagonalizationcan be achieved by RHR−1 where R = ⊗nα=1 exp (iθαGα)where Gα is the generic Hermitean element of sp(2,R).

As we discussed in Section II.G the key quantitythat characterizes the properties of harmonic sys-tems is the covariance matrix defined in Eq.(20).

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For the resulting decoupled harmonic oscillators it isdiag(m√

η1ω)−1, . . . , (m√ηnω)−1;m

√η1ω, . . . ,m


where ηj are the eigenvalues of U. Employing the virialtheorem for harmonic oscillators, the covariance matrixfor a thermal state with inverse temperature β = 1/kBTcan be calculated as well

V =



U)−1Nβ 0

0 (mω√



. (35)

where Nβ = 1ln + 2/(exp (βω√

U)− 1ln) The range of theposition or momentum correlation functions is related tothe low lying spectrum of the Hamiltonian. For a gappedsystems the correlations decay exponentially. The ab-sence of a gap (some eigenvalues of U tend to zero for aninfinite system) leads to critical behavior of the systemand characteristic long ranged correlations. A rigorousand detailed discussion of the relations between the gapin the energy spectrum and the properties of the corre-lations can be found in (Cramer and Eisert, 2006).


At T = 0 many-body systems are most often describedby complex ground state wave functions which containall the correlations that give rise to the various phasesof matter (superconductivity, ferromagnetism, quantumhall systems, . . .). Traditionally many-body systems havebeen studied by looking for example at their responseto external perturbations, various order parameters andexcitation spectrum. The study of the ground state ofmany-body systems with methods developed in quantuminformation may unveil new properties. In this Sectionwe classify the properties of the ground state of a many-body system according to its entanglement. We concen-trate on spin systems. Spin variables constitute a goodexample of distinguishable objects, for which the prob-lem of entanglement quantification is most developed.We will discuss various aspects starting from the pair-wise entanglement, we then proceed with the propertiesof block entropy and localizable entanglement. Most ofthe calculations are for one-dimensional systems whereexact results are available. Section IV.B will overviewthe status in the d-dimensional case. Multipartite en-tanglement in the ground state will be discussed later inSection VIII.

A. Pairwise entanglement in spin chains

1. Concurrence and magnetic order

The study of entanglement in interacting spin sys-tems was initiated with the works on isotropic Heisen-berg rings (Arnesen et al., 2001; Gunlycke et al., 2001;O’Connors and Wootters, 2001). O’Connors and Woot-ters aimed at finding the maximum pairwise entangle-ment that can be realized in a chain ofN qubits with peri-

odic boundary conditions. Starting from the assumptionthat the state maximizing the nearest neighbor concur-rence C(1) were an eigenstate of the z component of thetotal spin (Ishizaka and Hiroshima, 2000; Munro et al.,2001; Verstraete et al., 2001) the problem was recast toan optimization procedure similar in spirit to the coordi-nate Bethe ansatz (Bethe, 1931): 4: the search for the op-timal state was restricted to those cases which excludedthe possibility to find two nearest neighbor up spins. Forfixed number of spins N and p spins up, the state can bewritten as |ψ〉 =

1≤i1<···<ip≤N bi1···ip |i1 · · · ip〉 (b are

the coefficients and ij are the positions of the up-spins)therefore mapping the spin state onto a particle statesuch that the positions of the p particles correspond tothose of the up spins. The maximum concurrence withinthis class of states could be related to the ground stateof this gas of free spinless particles with the result

C(1) = − 1

NEgs = −

2 sin πpN−p

sin πN−p


Eq.(36) gives a lower bound for the maximal attain-able concurrence. The isotropic antiferromagnetic chainwas considered as the physical system closest to a per-fectly dimerized system (classically, with alternating upand down spins). It was noticed however that the con-currence of the ground state of the antiferromagneticchain is actually smaller than the value of the ferromag-netic chain, indicating that the situation is more com-plicated (O’Connors and Wootters, 2001). In order toclarify this point, a couple of simple examples are use-ful. For a system of N = 2 spins the ground stateis a singlet. However for general N (we assume aneven number of sites) the ground state is not made ofnearest-neighbor singlets (Resonant Valence Bond (RVB)state). For example the N = 4 the ground state is

|gs〉 = (1/√

6)[2|0100〉+2|1000〉−|1001〉−|0110〉−|0011〉−|1100〉], different from the product of two singlets. It canbe seen that the effect of the last two components ofthe state is to reduce the concurrence with respect toits maximum attainable value. Given the simple rela-tion Eq.(36) between the nearest neighbor concurrenceand the ground state energy, the deviation from theRVB state can be quantified by looking at the differencefrom the exact ground state energy corresponding to themaximum concurrence. This maximum value is reachedwithin the set of eigenstates with zero total magnetiza-tion (the ’balanced’ states in O’Connors and Wootters,2001), indicating that the concurrence is maximized onlyon the restricted Hilbert space of z-rotationally invariantstates. Indications on how to optimize the concurrencewere discussed in (Hiesmayr et al., 2006; Meyer et al.,

4 Such a method relies in the existence of a ’non interacting picture’where the wave function of the system can be written as a finitesum of plane waves; the ansatz is successful for a very specialform of the scattering among such non interacting pictures.

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2004). The solution to the problem for N → ∞ wasrecently given in (Poulsen et al., 2006). It turns out thatthe states with nearest-neighbors aligned spins (not in-cluded in O’Connors and Wootters, 2001), correspond toa ’density-density’ interaction in the gas of the spinlessparticles considered above, that hence are important forthe analysis. (in the analogy of the coordinate Betheansatz method, this provides the ’interacting picture’).Following the ideas of (Wolf et al., 2003), the problem tofind the optimum concurrence was shown to be equivalentto that of finding the ground state energy of an effectivespin Hamiltonian, namely the XXZ model in an exter-nal magnetic field. The optimal concurrence is found inthe gapless regime of the spin model with a magnetiza-tion Mz = 1 − 2p/N . It was further demonstrated thatstates considered in (O’Connors and Wootters, 2001) ac-tually maximize the concurrence for Mz > 1/3 (for0 ≤ Mz ≤ 1/3 the states contain nearest neighbor up-spins).

The concurrence, beyond nearest-neighbors, inisotropic Heisenberg antiferromagnets in an externalmagnetic field was discussed in (Arnesen et al., 2001;Fubini et al., 2006; Wang, 2002a). The combined effectof the magnetic field and the anisotropy in Heisenbergmagnets was studied in (Jin and Korepin, 2004a) makinguse of the exact results existing for the one-dimensionalXXZ model. It turns out that the concurrence increaseswith the anisotropy ∆ (Kartsev and Karshnukov, 2004).For strong magnetic fields the entanglement vanishes (theorder is ferromagnetic); for large values of the anisotropy∆ the state is a classical Neel state with Ising order. Ex-cept for these cases, quantum fluctuations in the groundstate lead to entangled ground states.

As we discussed in Sec. III, in low dimensional spinsystem there exists a particular choice of the cou-pling constants for which the ground state is factor-ized (Kurmann et al., 1982). This is a special point alsofrom the perspective of investigating the entanglement inthe ground state. Several works were devoted to the char-acterization of the entanglement close to the factorizingpoint. It turns out that the point at which the state ofthe system becomes separable marks an exchange of par-allel and anti-parallel sector in the ground state concur-rence, see Eq.(7). As this phenomenon involves a global(long-range) reorganization of the state of the system,the range of the concurrence diverges. (We notice thatseveral definitions of characteristic lengths associated toentanglement decay exist). The concurrence is often ob-served to vanish when the two sites are farther than Rsites apart: the distance R is then taken as the range ofthe concurrence. For the XY model it was found thatthis range is

R ∝(

ln1 − γ

1 + γ


ln |λ−1 − λ−1f |−1 . (37)

The divergence of R suggests, as a consequence of themonogamy of the entanglement (Coffman et al., 2000;Osborne and Verstraete, 2006), that the role of pairwise

entanglement is enhanced while approaching the sepa-rable point (Roscilde et al., 2004, 2005a,b). In fact, forthe Ising model (i.e. γ = 1), one finds that the ratioτ2/τ1 → 1 when the magnetic field approaches the fac-torizing field hf (Amico et al., 2006). For γ 6= 1 andhf < hz < hc it was found that τ2/τ1 monotonicallyincreases for hz → h+

f and that the value (τ2/τ1)|h+



creases with γ → 1. The existence of the factorizing hasbeen also pointed out in other one dimensional systemsboth for short (Amico et al., 2006; Roscilde et al., 2004,2005a) and long range interactions (Dusuel and Vidal,2005). In all these cases the range of the two-site entan-glement diverges. The range of the concurrence was alsostudied for the XXZ (Jin and Korepin, 2004a) where itwas shown to vary as

R = | 2A(hz)

1 − 4M2z

|θ (38)

The exponent θ = 2 for finite fields, while it is θ = 1 forh = 0; the coefficient A(h) is known exactly in the para-magnetic phase (Lukyanov, 1999; Lukyanov and Terras,2003; Lukyanov and Zamolodchikov, 1997) (van-ishing magnetization) and in the saturationlimit (Vaidya and Tracy, 1979a,b) For generic h itwas calculated numerically in (Hikihara and Furusaki,2004). For the isotropic Heisenberg antiferromagnet,R = 1 (Gu et al., 2003).

In all the previous cases the increasing in the rangeof the pairwise entanglement means that all the pairsat distance smaller than R share a finite amountof entanglement (as quantified by the concurrence).There are one-dimensional spin systems where the pair-wise entanglement has qualitative different features asa function of the distance between the sites. Anexample is the long-distance entanglement observedin (Campos Venuti et al., 2006b). Given a measure ofentanglement E(ρij), Campos Venuti et al showed thatit is possible that E(ρij) 6= 0 when |i − j| → ∞ in theground state. Long-distance entanglement can be real-ized in various one-dimensional models as in the dimer-ized frustrated Heisenberg models or in the AKLT model.For these two models the entanglement is highly non uni-form and it is mainly concentrated in the end-to-end pairof the chain.

Spontaneous symmetry breaking can influence the en-tanglement in the ground state. To see this, it is con-venient to introduce the “thermal ground state” ρ0 =12 (|gso〉〈gso| + |gse〉〈gse|) = 1

2 (|gs−〉〈gs−| + |gs+〉〈gs+|)which is the T → 0 limit of the thermal state. In theprevious expression gs+ and gs− are the symmetry bro-ken states which give the correct order parameter of themodel. They are superpositions of the degenerate par-ity eigenstates gso and gse. Being convex, the concur-rence in gs± will be larger than in gso/e (Osterloh et al.,2006). The opposite is true for the concave entropy ofentanglement (see Ref. (Osborne and Nielsen, 2002) forthe single spin von Neumann entropy). The spontaneousparity symmetry breaking does not affect the concur-

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rence in the ground state as long as it coincides withCI , Eq.(7): that is, if the spins are entangled in an an-tiferromagnetic way (Syljuasen, 2003b). For the quan-tum Ising model, the concurrence coincides with CI forall values of the magnetic field, and therefore, the con-currence is unaffected by the symmetry breaking, thehallmark of the present QPT. For generic anisotropiesγ instead, also the parallel entanglement CII is observedprecisely for magnetic fields smaller than the factoriz-ing field (Osterloh et al., 2004); this interval excludes thecritical point. This changes at γ = 0, where the concur-rence indeed shows an infinite range. Below the criticalfield, the concurrence is enhanced by the parity symme-try breaking (Osterloh et al., 2006)

2. Pairwise entanglement and quantum phase transitions

A great number of papers have been devoted to thestudy entanglement close to quantum phase transition(QPTs). QPT occur at zero temperature. They are in-duced by the change of an external parameter or cou-pling constant (Sachdev, 1999). Examples are transitionsoccurring in quantum Hall systems, localization, thesuperconductor-insulator transition in two-dimensionalsystems. Close to the quantum critical point the sys-tem is characterized by a diverging correlation lenghtξ which is responsible for the singular behavior of dif-ferent physical observables. The behavior of correlationfunctions however is not necessarily related to the behav-ior of quantum correlations present in the system. Thisquestion seem particularly interesting as quantum phasetransitions are associated with drastic modifications ofthe ground state.

The critical properties in the entanglement we are go-ing to summarize below allow for a screening of the qual-itative change of the state of the system experiencinga quantum phase transition. In order to avoid possibleconfusion, it is worth to stress that the study of entan-glement close to quantum critical points does not pro-vide new understanding to the scaling theory of quantumphase transitions. Rather it may be useful in a deepercharacterization of the ground state wave function of themany-body system undergoing a phase transition. In thisrespect it is important to understand, for instance, howthe entanglement depends on the order of the transition,or what is the role of the range of the interaction to es-tablish the entanglement in the ground state. In thissection we discuss exclusively the pairwise entanglementwhile in the next section we approach the same problemby looking at the block entropy 5.

Pairwise entanglement close to quantum phase tran-sitions was originally analyzed in (Osborne and Nielsen,

5 QPTs were also studied by looking at quantum fi-delity (Cozzini et al., 2006; Zanardi et al., 2006) or theeffect of single bit operations (Giampaolo et al., 2006a,b)

2002; Osterloh et al., 2002) for the Ising model in onedimension. Below we summarize their results in this spe-cific case. The concurrence tends to zero for λ ≫ 1 andλ ≪ 1, the ground state of the system is fully polar-ized along the x-axes (z-axes). Moreover the concur-rence is zero unless the two sites are at most next-nearestneighbors, we therefore discuss only the nearest neigh-bor concurrence C(1) (see however Section IV.A.1 forcases where there is a longer-range pairwise entangle-ment). The concurrence itself is a smooth function of thecoupling with a maximum close to the critical point (seethe right inset of Fig.2); it was argued that the maximumin the pairwise entanglement does not occur at the quan-tum critical point because of the monogamy property (itis the global entanglement that should be maximal at thecritical point). The critical properties of the ground stateare captured by the derivatives of the concurrence as afunction of λ. The results for systems of different size(including the thermodynamic limit) are shown in Fig.2.For the infinite chain ∂λC(1) diverges on approaching thecritical value as

∂λC(1) ∼ 8

3π2ln |λ− λc| . (39)

For finite system the precursors of the critical behaviorcan be analyzed by means of finite size scaling. In thecritical region the concurrence depends only on the com-bination N1/ν(λ − λm) where ν is the critical exponentgoverning the divergence of the correlation lenght andλm is the position of the minimum (see the left inset ofFig.2). In the case of log divergence the scaling ansatzhas to be adapted and takes the form ∂λC(1)(N,λ) −∂λC(1)(N,λ0) ∼ Q[N1/νδmλ] − Q[N1/νδmλ0] where λ0

is some non critical value, δm(λ) = λ − λm and Q(x) ∼Q(∞) lnx (for large x). Similar results have been ob-tained for the XY universality class (Osterloh et al.,2002). Although the concurrence describes short-rangeproperties, nevertheless scaling behavior typical of con-tinuous phase transition emerges.

For this class of models the concurrence coincides withCI in Eq.(7) indicating that the spins can only be en-tangled in a antiparallel way (this is a peculiar case ofγ = 1; for generic anisotropies also the parallel entangle-ment is observed). The analysis of the finite size scalingin the, so called, period-2 and period-3 chains where theexchange coupling varies every second and third latticesites respectively, leads to the same scaling laws in theconcurrence (Zhang and Tong, 2005).

The concurrence was found to be discontinuous at thefirst order ferromagnetic transition ∆ = −1 in the XXZchain (Gu et al., 2003)(see Glaser et al., 2003 for explicitformulas relating the concurrence and correlators for theXXZ model in various regimes). This result can be un-derstood in terms of the sudden change of the wave func-tion occurring because of the level crossing characteriz-ing these type of quantum critical points. The behaviorof the two-site entanglement at the continuous quantumcritical point of the Kosterlitz-Thouless type ∆ = 1 sepa-rating the XY and the antiferromagnetic phases is more

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0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3







0 0.5 1 1.5 2λ










4 5 6 7 8ln N








ln (

λ m-1


FIG. 2 The derivative of the nearest neighbor concurrence asa function of the reduced coupling strength. The curves corre-spond to different lattice sizes. On increasing the system size,the minimum gets more pronounced and the position of theminimum tends as (see the left side inset) towards the criticalpoint where for an infinite system a logarithmic divergenceis present. The right hand side inset shows the behavior ofthe concurrence for the infinite system. The maximum is notrelated to the critical properties of the Ising model. [From(Osterloh et al., 2002)]

0 5 10 15 20∆








0 0.5 10.33







Numerical results



SU(2) point.

FIG. 3 Nearest neighbor concurrence of the XXZ model.[From (Gu et al., 2003)]

complex. In this case the nearest neighbor concurrence(that is the only non vanishing one) reaches a maximumas shown in Fig.3. Further understanding on such be-havior can be achieved by analyzing the symmetries ofthe model. At the antiferromagnetic point the groundstate is an su(2) singlet where nearest neighbor spinstend to form singlets; away from ∆ = 1, this behav-ior is ’deformed’ and the system has the tendency to toreach a state of the type ⊗|φjq〉 made of ’q-deformed sin-glets’ corresponding to the quantum algebra suq(2) with2∆ = q + q−1 (Pasquier and Saleur, 1990). This allowsto rephrase the existence of the maximum in the con-currence as the loss of entanglement associated to theq-deformed symmetry of the system away from ∆ = 1(note that q-singlets are less entangled than the unde-

formed ones). This behavior can be traced back to theproperties of the finite size spectrum (Gu et al., 2005a).In fact, at ∆ = 1 the concurrence can be related to theeigenenergies. The maximum arises since both the trans-verse and longitudinal orders are power law decaying atthis critical point, and therefore the excited states con-tribute to C(1) maximally.

Studies of finite size energy spectrum of other mod-els like the dimerized Heisenberg chain (Sun et al., 2005)and Majumdar-Ghosh model (Eq.(26) with α = 1/2)show how level crossings in the energy spectrum affectthe behavior of the bipartite entanglement occurring atthe quantum phase transition (Gu et al., 2005a).

a. LMG model Because of the symmetry of the LMGmodels (see Eq.25) any two spins are entangled in thesame way. The concurrence C is independent on the twosite indices, it can be obtained exploiting the explicitexpression of the eigenstates. Due to the monogamyof entanglement the result must be rescaled by the co-ordination number, CR = (N − 1)C, to have a fi-nite value in the thermodynamic. For the ferromag-netic model (Vidal et al., 2004a), it was proved thatclose to the continuous QPT, λ = 1 characterizingthe ferromagnetic LMG model, the derivative of theconcurrence diverges, but, differently from Ising case,with a power law. It is interesting that CR canbe related to, the so called, spin squeezing parame-ter Σ = 2

∆Sn⊥(Wang and Sanders, 2003), mea-

suring the spin fluctuations in a quantum correlatedstate (he subscript n⊥ indicates a perpendicular axesto 〈S〉). The relation reads Σ =

√1 − CR According

FIG. 4 The rescaled concurrence of the antiferromagneticLMG model. The first order transition occurs at h = 0. [From(Vidal et al., 2004a)]

to (Lewenstein and Sanpera, 1998) the two-spins re-duced density operator can be decomposed in a sepa-rable part and a pure entangled state ρe with a cer-tain weight Λ. Such a decomposition leads to the re-lation C(ρ) = (1 − Λ)C(ρe). Critical spin fluctuationsare related to the concurrence of the pure state C(ρe)

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0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6








2 3 4 5



FIG. 5 The rescaled concurrence between two atoms in theDicke mode. The concurrence is rescaled in both for finite Nand in the thermodynamic limit. The inset shows the finitesize scaling. [From (Lambert et al., 2004)]

while the diverging correlation lenght is related to theweight Λ (Shimizu and Kawaguchi, 2006). The analy-sis of critical entanglement at the first order quantumcritical point of the antiferromagnetic LMG model showsthat (Vidal et al., 2004a) the discontinuity is observeddirectly in the concurrence also for spin interacting witha long-range, see Fig.4.

b. Pairwise entanglement in spin-boson models We firstdiscuss the Tavis-Cummings model defined in Eq.(33).In this model the spin S is proportional to the numberof atoms, all interacting with a single mode radiationfield. The pairwise entanglement between two differentatoms undergoing the super-radiant quantum phase tran-sition (Lambert et al., 2004, 2005; Reslen et al., 2005)can be investigated through the rescaled concurrenceCN = NC, see Fig.5, similarly to what has been dis-cussed above for the LMG models. In the thermo-dynamic limit the spin-boson model can be mappedonto a quadratic bosonic system trough an Holstein-Primakoff transformation (Emary and Brandes, 2003).Many of the properties of the Tavis-Cummings modelbear similarities with the ferromagnetic LMG model.In the thermodynamic limit the concurrence reaches amaximum value 1 −

√2/2 at the super radiant quan-

tum phase transition with a square root singularity (seealso Schneider and Milburn, 2002). The relationship be-tween the squeezing of the state and entanglement washighlighted in (Sørensen and Mølmer, 2001) and ana-lyzed in more details in (Stockton et al., 2003) where itwas also suggested how to deal with entanglement be-tween arbitrary splits of symmetric Hilbert spaces (likethe Dicke states span).

Entanglement between qubits and a single modeand between two spins with an Heisenberg interactionof the XXZ type, additionally coupled to a singlebosonic field was considered in (Liberti et al., 2006,a)and in (He et al., 2006) respectively.

3. Entanglement versus correlations in spin systems.

From all the results summarized above it is clearthat the anomalies characterizing the quantum criticalpoints are reflected in the two-site entanglement. Ata qualitative level this arises because of the formal re-lation between the correlation functions and the entan-glement. A way to put this observation on a quantita-tive ground is provided by a generalized Hohenberg-Kohntheorem (Wu et al., 2006). Accordingly, the groundstate energy can be considered as a unique function ofthe expectation values of certain observables. These,in turn, can be related to (the various derivatives of)a given entanglement measure (Campos Venuti et al.,2006a; Wu et al., 2004).

Specifically, for an Hamiltonian of the form H =H0 +

l λlAl with control parameters λl associated withoperators Al, it can be shown that the ground state re-duced operators of the system are well behaved functionsof 〈Al〉. Then, any entanglement measure related to re-duced density operators, M = M(ρ) is a function of 〈Al〉(in absense of ground state degeneracy) by the Hellmann-Feynman theorem: ∂E/∂λl = 〈∂E/∂λl〉 = 〈Al〉. There-fore it can be proved that

M(〈Al〉) = M(∂E

∂λl) (40)

where E is the ground state energy. From this relationit emerges how the critical behavior of the system is re-flected in the anomalies of the entanglement. In partic-ular, first order phase transition are associated to theanomalies of M while second order phase transitions cor-respond to a singular behavior of the derivatives of M .Other singularities like those noticed in the concurrencefor models with three-spin interactions (Yang, 2005), aredue to the non-analyticity intrinsic in the definition ofthe concurrence as a maximum of two analytic functionsand the constant zero.

The relation given in Eq.(40) was constructed ex-plicitly for the quantum Ising, XXZ, and LMG mod-els (Wu et al., 2006). For the Ising model:

l λAl =h∑

l Szl ; the divergence of the first derivative of the con-

currence is then determined by the non analytical be-havior of 〈SxSx〉(Wu et al., 2004). For the XXZ model:∑

l λlAl = ∆∑

l Szl S

zl+1. At the transition point ∆ = 1

both the purity and the concurrence display a maximum.It was proved that such a maximum is reflected alsoin a stationary point of the ground state energy as afunction of 〈Szi Szi+1〉; the concurrence is continuous sincethe Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition is of infi-nite order. A relevant caveat to Eq. (40) is constitutedby the uniaxial-LMG model in a transverse field (withhy = 0 and γ = 0) that displays a first order QPT forhx = 0. The concurrence is continuous at the transitionsince it does not depend on the discontinuous elementsof the reduced density matrix (Vidal et al., 2004c).

The relation between entanglement and criticalitywas also studied in the spin-1 XXZ with single ion

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anisotropy. It was established that the critical anomaliesin the entropy experienced at the Haldane-large-D (if anaxial anisotropy D

i(Szi )

2 is added to the Hamiltonianin Eq.(27)) transition fans out from the singularity ofthe local order parameter 〈(Sz)2〉 (Campos Venuti et al.,2006a).

A way to study the general relation between entan-glement and critical phenomena was also pursued in(Haselgrove et al., 2004). It was argued how for systemswith finite range interaction a vanishing energy gap inthe thermodynamic limit is an essential condition for theground state to have non-local quantum correlations be-tween distant subsystems.

4. Spin models with defects

The problem to characterize entanglement in chainswith defects was addressed first for the quantum XYmodels with a single defect in the exchange interactionterm of the Hamiltonian (Osenda et al., 2003). It wasfound that the effect of the impurity is to pin the entan-glement. Moreover the defect can induce a pairwise en-tanglement on the homogeneous part of the system thatwere disentangled in the pure system. Even at the quan-tum critical point the finite size scaling of the criticalanomaly of the concurrence is affected by the distancefrom the impurity. This basic phenomenology was ob-served in a variety of different situation that we reviewbelow.

The presence of two defects has been analyzed in theXXZ chain. It turns out (Santos, 2003) that varioustype of entangled states can be created in the chain byspin flip excitations located at the defects positions. Theentanglement oscillates between the defects with a periodthat depend on their distance. Also the anisotropy ∆ ofthe chain is a relevant parameter controlling the entan-glement between the defects. Small anisotropies can sup-press the entanglement (Santos and Rigolin, 2005). Theway in which this kind of localization can be exploitedfor quantum algorithms was studied in (Santos et al.,2005). The entanglement was also studied in systemswith defects in the presence of an external magneticfield (Apollaro and Plastina, 2006). It was demonstratedthat such defect can lead to a entanglement localizationwithin a typical lenght which coincides with the localiza-tion lenght.

A possible way to mimick a defect is to change theboundary conditions. The concurrence was studied forthe ferromagnetic spin 1/2 XXZ chain with antiparal-lel boundary magnetic field which give rise to a termin the Hamiltonian of the form Hboundary = h(S1 −SN ) (Alcaraz et al., 2004). The boundary field triggersthe presence a domain walls in the system that inducesa first order phase transition between ferromagnetic andkink-type phases at hc =

√∆2 − 1. In the ferromag-

netic phase the pairwise entanglement vanishes. In thekink-type phase the concurrence acquires a finite value

(for h = 0 the ground state is factorized). For a finitechain of lenght L and it is enhanced at the center ofthe chain. In the gapless and in the antiferromagneticregimes oscillation in nearest neighbor entanglement areestablished in the system resulting from the tendency toreach the antiferromagnetic order. The oscillations aremore pronounced in the gapped phase. Finally a criticalinflection point was noticed in the measure of Meyer andWallach (Meyer and Wallach, 2002) for the global entan-glement at the transition point. The spin 1/2 XXXantiferromagnetic chain with open boundary conditionswith single defect was also studied in (Wang, 2004). Itwas proved that it exists a threshold value of the cou-pling between the impurity and the rest of the system atwhich the concurrence between them is switched on; forsmaller values the entanglement is dimerized in such away that the monogamy property prevent the impurityto be entangled with the rest of the chain.

The case of many defects was also studied. For thequantum Ising model it was found (Huang et al., 2004)that the disorder can shift the point at which the con-currence is maximum, eventually washing out the criticalbehavior (strong disorder). The concurrence tends to besuppressed at the lattice site corresponding to the centerof the gaussian; such effect is more robust for near criticalchains. Quantum XY and XXZ chains with a gaussiandisorder in the exchange interaction, have been also stud-ied to investigate how the quantum criticality of the con-currence is robust by the insertion of the inhomogeneitiesin the chain (Cai et al., 2006; Hoyos and Rigolin, 2006).

B. Two and three dimensional systems

In higher dimensions nearly all the results were ob-tained by means of numerical simulations. The concur-rence and localizable entanglement in two dimensionalquantum XY and XXZ models (Syljuasen, 2003a) wereconsidered. The calculations are based on QuantumMonte Carlo (QMC) simulations and the use of stochasticseries expansion for spin systems (Sandvik and Kurkij,1991; Syljuasen and Sandvik, 2002). Although the con-currence for the 2d models results to be qualitatively verysimilar to the one-dimensional case, it is much smaller inmagnitude. It is the monogamy that limits the entangle-ment shared among the number of neighbor sites (whichis larger in two dimensions as compared with chains). Fi-nally, it is observed that the maximum in the concurrenceoccurs at a position very closer to the critical point thanin the 1D case.

By studying appropriate bounds (concurrence of as-sistance and the largest singular value of the connectedcorrelation functions), it was proved for the XXZ modelthat the localizable entanglement is long ranged in theXY region up to the isotropic antiferromagnetic point.Similarly to the case of the quantum XY chain, thebounds for the localizable entanglement are very tightin this case.

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The pairwise entanglement in the d-dimensional XXZmodel was studied in (Gu et al., 2005). The concurrencereaches its highest value at the antiferromagnetic quan-tum critical point ∆ = −1. A spin-wave analysis, corrob-orated by numerical exact diagonalization indicates thatthe concurrence develops a cusp in the thermodynamiclimit, only for d ≥ 2. Such behavior can be explainedby noting that the level crossing between the ground andthe first excited states occurring at the antiferromagneticpoint, causes a non-analyticity in the ground state en-ergy. The enhanced pairwise entanglement at the an-tiferromagnetic point together with its non analyticitysupport the conjectured existence of long-range order fortwo dimensional antiferromagnets. Further support tothis conjecture is the strong size dependence of the VonNeumann entropy that becomes singular in thermody-namic limit (Gu et al., 2006).

The ground state entanglement in two dimensionalXY Z model were analyzed in (Roscilde et al., 2005b) bymeans of quantum Monte Carlo simulations. The diver-gence of the derivative of the concurrence at the contin-uous phase transition, observed in d = 1, was confirmed;also in this case the range of the pairwise entanglementextends only to few lattice sites. By studying the one-and the two tangle of the system, it was proved thatthe QPT is characterized by a cusp-minimum in the en-tanglement ratio τ1/τ2. The cusp is ultimately due tothe discontinuity of the derivative of τ1. The minimumin the ratio τ1/τ2 signals that the enhanced role of themultipartite entanglement in the mechanism driving thephase transition. Moreover by looking at the entangle-ment it was found that the ground state can be factor-ized at certain value of the magnetic field. The existenceof the factorizing field in d = 2 was proved rigorouslyfor any 2d − XY Z model in a bipartite lattice. Unex-pectedly enough the relation implying the factorizationis very similar to that one found in d = 1.

Multiple spin exchange is believed to play an im-portant role in the physics of several bidimensionalmagnets (Schollwock et al., 2004). Entanglement inthe ground state of a two leg ladder with four spinring exchange was evaluated by means of the concur-rence (Song et al., 2006).

C. Pairwise entanglement in fermionic models

1. Non interacting Fermions

The site-based entanglement of spin degrees of freedomthrough the Jordan-Wigner transformation has been ex-ploited for calculating the concurrence of nearest neigh-bor sites and the single site von Neumann entropy (seeSection II.F) for the one-dimensional tight-binding modelin presence of a chemical potential for spinless fermionsin (Zanardi, 2002). This model is related to the isotropicXX model in a transverse magnetic field. In this specificcase, no double occupancy can occur and the concept

of entanglement coincides with that for spins 1/2. Itwas found that the nearest neighbor concurrence of theground state at T = 0 assumes its maximum at half filledchain. Due to particle-hole symmetry, the concurrenceresults symmetric respect to half-filling. At finite tem-peratures it was found that the threshold temperaturefor vanishing concurrence is independent of the chemicalpotential. Raising the chemical potential leads from amonotonically decreasing concurrence with raising tem-perature at low filling fraction to the formation of a max-imum at a certain temperature for high filling fractions.

The continuous limit of the tight-binding fermionmodel is the ideal Fermi gas. In this system, the spin en-tanglement between two distant particles has been stud-ied in (Vedral, 2003). There, depending on the dimen-sionality, the pairwise spin-entanglement of two fermionshas been found to decrease with their distance with a fi-nite range R of the concurrence. The two spin reduceddensity matrix is

ρ12 =1

4 − 2f2

1 − f2 0 0 00 1 −f2 00 −f2 1 00 0 0 1 − f2


where f(x) = dJ1(x)x with d ∈ 2, 3 being the space

dimension and J1 the (spherical for d=3) Bessel func-tion of the first kind (Oh and Kim, 2004; Vedral, 2003).This density matrix is entangled for f2 ≥ 1/2. As aconsequence, there is spin entanglement for two fermionscloser than d0 ≈ 0.65 π

kffor d = 3 and d0 ≈ 0.55 π


d = 2 (kf is the Fermi momentum). A finite tempera-ture tends to diminish slightly the range of pairwise spinentanglement (Oh and Kim, 2004).

It should not be surprising that non-interacting parti-cles are spin-entangled up to some finite distance. It istrue that the ground state and even an arbitrary ther-mal state of non-interacting fermions has vanishing en-tanglement among the particles (which should not beconfused with the non-vanishing entanglement of par-ticles (Dowling et al., 2006b)), since the correspondingstates are (convex combinations of) antisymmetrizedproduct states. However, disentanglement in momentumspace typically leads to entanglement in coordinate space.A monochromatic plane wave of a single particle for ex-ample corresponds to a W state, which contains exclu-sively pairwise entanglement in coordinate space for anarbitrary distance of the sites. Furthermore does a mo-mentum cut-off at kf correspond to a length scale of the

order k−1f .

It is interesting that a fuzzy detection of theparticles in coordinate space increases the entangle-ment detected by the measurement apparatus. Tothis end (Cavalcanti et al., 2005) calculated the two-

position reduced density matrix defined by ρ(2)ss′,tt′ =



with blurred field opera-

tors Ψs(r) :=∫

dr′ dpψs(p)D(r − r′)eipr′

where D(r −

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r′) = 1√2πσ

exp− |r−r′|2σ2 is a Gaussian distribution describ-

ing the inaccuracy of the position measurement. Thiscould be understood from the blurred field operators be-ing coherent sums of local field operators; the entangle-ment measured by the apparatus as described above thenis the bipartite entanglement between the two regions ofwidth σ around r and r′. This entanglement is largerthan the average of all pairwise contributions out of itdue to the super-additivity of the entropy/negativity. Ananalysis in (Vedral, 2004b) for the three fermion spin den-sity matrix revealed that the state carries entanglementwithin the W-class (Dur et al., 2000), provided the threeparticles are in a region with radius of the order of theinverse Fermi momentum; a similar reasoning applies ton fermions in such a region (Lunkes et al., 2005; Vedral,2004b).

2. Pairing models

Itinerant systems, where the focus of interest is theentanglement of degrees of freedom forming a repre-sentation of su(2) in terms of the fermionic operatorshave been also subject of intense investigation. Thisline has been followed in (Shi, 2004; Zanardi, 2002) foranalyzing a connection to BCS superconductivity andalso to the phenomenon of η-pairing, a possible scenariofor high Tc superconductivity (see also Fan et al., 2004;Vedral, 2004a,b). Such states appear as eigenstates of theHubbard model with off diagonal long range order (seeIII.B). A simplified model of BCS-like pairing for spin-less fermions has been studied in (Zanardi, 2002). Theconcurrence of the two qubits represented by the modes kand −k has been found to be a monotonically increasingfunction of the order parameter; it drops to zero signifi-cantly before the critical temperature is reached, though.For electrons with spin, a connection between the BCSorder parameter and the local von Neumann entropy inthe particle number projected BCS ground state has beenproposed by Shi, 2004 (see also (Gedik, 2002)).

States with off diagonal long range order by virtue ofη-pairing are defined in SectionIII.B. These are symmet-ric states and consequently, their concurrence vanishesin the thermodynamic limit due to the sharing prop-erty of pairwise entanglement of su(2) degrees of free-dom. Consequently, a connection to the order parameter

of off diagonal long range order Oη = 〈Ψ | η†jηk |Ψ〉 =

N(L − N)/L(L − 1)−→n(1 − n) (with N,L −→ ∞and fixed filling fraction n) can not be established, noteven for the rescaled concurrence, since C −→ 1/L (seealso the analysis for the LMG model in Section IV.A.2).Nevertheless, the state is entangled, as can be seen fromthe entropy of entanglement and the geometric measureof entanglement (Wei and Goldbart, 2003). The latteris tightly connected to the relative entropy (Wei et al.,2004). Both have been calculated in (Vedral, 2004a)and clearly indicate the presence of multipartite entan-glement.

3. Kondo models

The Kondo models are paradigms to explore the quan-tum impurity problems. They identify a special classof physical systems whose macroscopic properties aredramatically influenced by the presence of few impuri-ties with quantum internal degrees of freedom (Hewson,1997). In its simplest formulation, the effective Hamil-tonian describes a single impurity spin interacting witha band of free electrons. The many-body screening ofthe impurity spin provided by the electrons as a collec-tive effect, leads the system from weak coupling to strongcoupling regimes (Andrei, 1995); the lenght scale of thescreening cloud is ξK = v/TK , where v is the speed of thelow lying excitations and TK is the Kondo temperature.

In the first studies of the entanglement the chargedegrees of freedom of the electrons were consideredfrozen. The pairwise entanglement of spin degreesof freedom in the isotropic Kondo model was ana-lyzed (Oh and Kim, 2006) within the variational formal-ism of Yosida where the Kondo singlet is described as|Ψs〉 = 1√

2(|φ↓〉|χ↑〉 − |φ↑〉|χ↓〉). In the previous equa-

tion |χσ〉 denote the impurity spin states; |φσ〉 representthe electronic states with an unbalanced spin σ (Hewson,1997). In agreement with the common wisdom, the re-duced density operator of the impurity is found to bemaximally mixed, meaning that the Fermi sea and theimpurity spin are in a maximally entangled state (theKondo singlet). The impurity spin and a single electronare in a Werner state made of a superposition of theback ground and the Kondo singlets. Due to the entan-glement monogamy (the electrons cooperatively form asinglet with the spin) two electrons cannot be entangledwith each other within the Kondo cloud and the single-electron spin entanglement vanishes in the thermody-namical limit. Pairs of electronic spin can be neverthelessentangled in a finite system through the scattering withthe spin impurity; this effect might be used to manip-ulate the electron-electron entanglement by performinga projective measure on the impurity spin (Yang et al.,2005). This suggests that some amount of electron-electron entanglement might be extracted even in thethermodynamical limit where it was demonstrated thatthe Kondo resonance is washed out by the measure-ment (Katsnelson et al., 2003)–effectively removing theconstraint of the entanglement sharing.

The two impurity Kondo model was studied as well.The new feature here is the Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida (RKKY) effective interaction between the impu-rity spins S1 and S2, that competes with the Kondomechanism (favouring non magnetic states); it is fer-romagnetic or antiferromagnetic depending on the dis-tance between the impurities. Because of such inter-play a quantum critical point emerges in the phasediagram separating the spin-spin interaction regimefrom the phase where the two spin are completelyscreened (Affleck and Ludwig, 1992; Jones et al., 1988).

As for the single impurity, the two impurity spins are

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in a Werner state, for which the concurrence is character-ized by a single parameter ps, exhibiting a singlet typeof entanglement between the two spin impurities. Theconcurrence is found to vanish at the critical point.

For ferromagnetic RKKY interaction the concurrencebetween the impurity spin vanishes identically as theresult of a S = 1 Kondo screening. It turns outthat (Cho and McKenzie, 2006) the impurity spins canbe entangled (with a finite concurrence) by the RKKYinteraction only when certain amount of antiferromag-netic correlations fs = 〈S1S2〉 is established in the sys-tem; such value of the correlation function is that onereached at the quantum critical point. The entanglementbetween the conduction electrons and the Kondo impu-rities is quantified by a combined analysis of the VonNeumann entropies of the two impurities and of the sin-gle impurity (tracing out both the electronic spins andthe remaining impurity). The latter quantity is maxi-mized independently on fs, meaning that the impurityspin is completely screened either by the Kondo cloudor by the other impurity spin. In the regime where theKondo mechanism dominates, the concurrence cannot befinite because of the entanglement sharing.

Entanglement in the Kondo physics of double quan-tum dots in an external magnetic field was studiedin (Ramsak et al., 2006). The main phenomenologyresults to be consistent with the scenario depictedin (Cho and McKenzie, 2006) especially if the dots arearranged in series (each dot is coupled to the leads exclu-sively, resembling the configuration of the Kondo spinsembedded in the electrons). The concurrence switchesto finite values for a certain threshold of the inter-dotcoupling (for which the assumptions of negligible chargefluctuations results still valid). The temperature weakensthe entanglement between the qubits also at T > TK . Forthe side- and parallel-coupled dots a more intense cou-pling amoung the qubits is required to entangle them.For the side-coupled dots this results because one has towin on the enhanced Kondo effect on the dot coupled tothe leads (’two stage Kondo’ effect); therefore the criti-cal inter-dots coupling is ∼ TK . For the parallel-coupledarrangement the concurrence is zero because the effec-tive RKKY interaction turns out to be ferromagnetic upto a certain value that is the threshold to entangle theelectrons.

The RKKY interaction controls in an effective waythe entanglement amoung the qubits also in the caseof many impurity spins arranged as in the Kondo neck-lace model (Saguia and Sarandy, 2003). The Hamilto-nian describes a Kondo lattice where the localized im-purity spins, displaced in every lattice site, interact withthe (pseudo) spins of the electrons(see Tsunetsugu et al.,1997 for a review on Kondo lattice models). It resultsthat the additional on-site spin-spin interaction imposea ’selective’ monogamy of the entanglement, dependingon whether the Heisenberg interactions is ferromagneticor antiferromagnetic. The effects of finite temperatureand magnetic field were considered also in anisotropic

models. It emerges that a critical field exists separatingdifferent patterns in the thermal entanglement betweenthe eigenstates of the model.

The effect of the fluctuations of the charge de-grees of freedom of the electrons (frozen in the ref-erences cited above) in the RKKY mechanism wasdiscussed quantifying the entanglement of particles ina small cluster described by the periodic Andersonmodel (Samuelsson and Verdozzi, 2006). It was evi-denced that the ground state of the system is charac-terized by a double occupancy of the electronic levels,whose entanglement can be only partially captured byassuming them as simple qubits.

D. Entanglement in itinerant bosonic systems

In contrast to the free Fermi gas, in bosonic systemsthe phenomenon of Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC)takes place at sufficiently low temperatures. Then, amacroscopic portion of the bosons is found in the singleparticle ground state of the system. This state clearlyis a symmetrization of a product state in momentumspace, and in fact all eigenstates of the ideal Bose gasare of that structure. Nevertheless, in principle entan-glement could be present when going in the coordinatebasis. It results, however, this not the case. Neitherdo two distant bosons carry spin entanglement (Vedral,2003) nor are two distant groups of n and m parti-cles entangled (Dowling et al., 2006b) when superselec-tion rules for the particle number is applied in bothregions (Wiseman and Vaccaro, 2003). In Ref. (Simon,2002) a very different notion of entanglement has beenemployed: the state of either part of a certain biparti-tion of the BEC has been viewed at as a qudit, or moreprecisely, a N -level system. N is the number of bosonsin the condensate and the different states in both re-gions are labelled by its occupation number. The entropyof entanglement for a spatial bipartition of the BEC isthen non-zero. A proposal for entangling internal atomicdegrees of freedom in a weakly interacting BEC hasbeen put forward in Ref. (Helmerson and L.You, 2001;Sørensen et al., 2001).

The disentangled modes in a BEC naturally becomeentangled by means of interactions/scattering betweenthese modes. This has been exemplified in (Vedral, 2003)(see also Shi, 2004) for the case where the scatteringstrength is independent of the momentum transfer q:

H =∑

p ε(p)a†pap+V

p,p′,q a†p+qa

†p′−qap′ap The Hamil-

tonian can be diagonalized with for q = 0 and p′ = −p by

means of a Bogoliubov transformation ap =: upbp+vpb†−p.

We observe that such transformation entangle the twomodes ±p. The corresponding entropy of entangle-ment is (Vedral, 2003) Sp,−p = −(


up)2 ln(


up)2 − (1 −


up)2) ln(1−(


up)2) If up = vp, the reduced state for mode

p is maximally mixed, and hence the modes p and −p aremaximally entangled. The entanglement entropy for a bi-partition in positive and negative modes is then given by

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p>0 Sp,−p. This constitutes a simple example on howmode mixing generates entanglement. Such a scenario israther generic; a curious example being the entanglementof the accelerated vacuum and from the viewpoint of rel-atively accelerated observers due to the Unruh effect (seee.g. Alsing and Milburn, 2003; Benatti and Floreanini,2004; Fuentes-Schuller and Mann, 2005; Vedral, 2003).

Further studies of entanglement in bosonic system in-clude the analysis in two-mode condensates (Hines et al.,2002), in optical lattices (Ng and Burnett, 2006) and intwo-species spinor Bose condensates (Shi and Niu, 2006).

E. Entanglement of particles

Studies which use measures for indistinguishable parti-cle entanglement (see Section II.F) in the area of many-body systems are is still only few, particularly regard-ing the use of the fermionic concurrence, giving accountfor the possibility of double occupancy (with spin de-gree of freedom). The entanglement of particles andits difference with the usual spin entanglement, is dis-cussed in (Dowling et al., 2006b), starting with verysmall systems as two spinless fermions on four latticesites and the Hubbard dimer, and then for the tight bind-ing model in one spatial dimension, in order to comparewith existing results for the spin entanglement elabo-rated in (Vedral, 2003). For the Hubbard dimer (a two-site Hubbard model), the authors compare with their re-sults with those for the entanglement measured by thelocal von Neumann entropy without superselection rulefor the local particle numbers (Zanardi, 2002). Whereasthe latter signals decreasing entanglement in the groundstate with increasing U/t, the entanglement of parti-cles increases (Dowling et al., 2006b). This demonstratesthat imposing superselection rules may lead to qualita-tively different behaviour of the entanglement. Inter-estingly, an increase with U/t is observed also for theentanglement of modes without imposing superselectionrules (Deng et al., 2005).

We would like to finish this section with the noticeof a recent proposal of an experiment in order to decidewhether even entanglement merely due to the statistics ofthe indistinguishable particles can be useful for quantuminformation processing (Cavalcanti et al., 2006).


An important class of works analyzing the entangle-ment in many body system considered a bipartition ofthe system dividing it in two distinct regions A and Bas shown in Fig.6. If the total system is in a pure statethan a measure of the entanglement between A and B isgiven by the von Neumann entropy S associated to thereduced density matrix of one of the two blocks (ρA/B)

Motivated by the pioneering work of Fiola etal. (Fiola et al., 1994) and Holzhey, Larsen and


FIG. 6 The block entropy is evaluated after partitioning thesystem in regions A and B. For finite range correlations, itis intuitive that the wave function of the system is factorized|ΨA〉|ΨB〉 by removing the region at the boundary (yellow).Accordingly the reduced entropy would vanish

Wilczek (Holzhey et al., 1994) born in the context ofblack hole physics, the problem was first reanalyzed inthe framework of quantum information by Vidal andcoworkers for quantum spin chains (Vidal et al., 2003)and by Audenaert and coworkers for harmonic lat-tices (Audenaert et al., 2002).

In studying the properties of block entropy it is im-portant to understand its dependence on the properties(topology, dimensions, · · · ) of the two regions A and B.A key property which is intensively explored to under-stand its range of validity is what is known as the arealaw (Srednicki, 1993). When it holds the reduced entropyS would depend only on the surface of separation betweenthe two regions A and B. In d-dimensional system thismeans that S ∼ ℓd−1 where ℓ is of the order of the sizeof one of the block (see Riera and Latorre, 2006 for a re-cent discussion of various aspects of the area law). Inthe rest of the Section we discuss several different phys-ical systems in one- and higher dimensional lattices andsee when the area law hold. Here we consider only many-body systems in their ground state,the thermal effect andthe dynamical properties of the entropy will be discussedin Sections VII and IX respectively.

The entanglement entropy is not a mere theoreticalconcept but it might be measured. Following the pro-cedure proposed in (Klich et al., 2006) the measure of Scan be related to the measurement of the distribution ofsuitably chosen observables.

A. One-dimensional spin systems

We start our review on the properties of the block en-tropy by analyzing the case of one-dimensional spin sys-tems to which a large body of work has been devoted. Bymeans of the Jordan-Wigner transformation it is possi-ble to map the models onto a lattice fermions, hence theresults discussed here are applicable to fermionic models(after the appropriate mapping) as well. A particular im-

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portant case which is amenable of an exact solution is theXY model (see Section III.A.1) which can be mappedonto a free fermion model. For this case we discuss inmore details the method to calculate the block entropy.In this section we consider only chains with short-rangeinteraction.

1. Spin chains

In one dimension the surface separating the two re-gions is constituted by two points, therefore the area’slaw would imply that the reduced entropy is indepen-dent on the block size. This is indeed the case whenthe system is gapped and hence the correlation lenghtξ is finite (see Hastings, 2004 for a rigorous proof).In the gapless case, ξ = ∞, logarithmic correctionsappear and the prefactor of the block entropy is uni-versal, related to the central charge of the underlyingconformal field theory. Holzey et al. (Holzhey et al.,1994), benefiting from an earlier work of Cardy andPeschel (Cardy and Peschel, 1988), analyzed the blockentropy of a 1 + 1 dimensional massless bosonic field.Vidal et al. studied numerically one-dimensional Isingand Heisenberg chains (Latorre et al., 2004; Vidal et al.,2003) and conjectured that the block entropy would sat-urate for non critical chain while would diverge logaryth-mically with a prefactor related to the central charge ofthe underlying conformal theory (Holzhey et al., 1994).Such violation of the area law in critical systems reflectshow the mixedness of the state increases by the partialtracing operation, regardless of the spatial extension ofthe spin block.

A calculation of the block entropy by means of con-formal field theory, generalizing in several respect thethe results of Holzey et al. by including the case of freeand periodic boundary conditions, different partitions,non critical systems and finite temperature has been per-formed by Calabrese and Cardy (Calabrese and Cardy,2004). Starting from the work on the XX modelof Jin and Korepin (Jin and Korepin, 2004b), im-portant explicit analytic calculations for a numberof one-dimensional XY spin (free fermion) mod-els have been carried out in (Eisler and Zimboras,2005; Franchini et al., 2006a,b; Its et al., 2005, 2006;Jin and Korepin, 2004b; Keating and Mezzadri, 2005;Korepin, 2004; Peschel, 2004, 2005; Popkov and Salerno,2005; Weston, 2006). Numerical calculations onthe XX and XXZ models were also performedin (De Chiara et al., 2005; Laflorencie, 2005). Thestudy of entanglement entropy is of great inter-est in a more general context [see Casini et al.,2005; Casini and Huerta, 2005a; Fiola et al., 1994;Holzhey et al., 1994; Ryu and Takayanagi, 2006a,b andreferences therein], Casini and coworkers, for example,evaluated the entanglement entropy both in the mas-sive scalar field theory (Casini and Huerta, 2005a) andfor Dirac fields (Casini et al., 2005)). Very recently the

area law for gapped one dimensional systems was provedby (Hastings, 2007a,b).

The main features of the reduced entropy in one-dimensional spin/fermi systems can be summarized asfollows (for clarity we discuss only the long distance be-haviour as dictated by the underlying conformal field the-ory):

• At criticality a one dimensional system has a blockentropy which diverges logarithmically with theblock size. If the block is of lenght ℓ and the systemis L long with periodic boundary condition then Sℓis given by

Sℓ =c







+A (42)

where c is the central charge of the underlying con-formal field theory and a is an ultraviolet regular-ization cut-off ( for example the lattice spacing inspin systems). A is a non-universal constant. Forthe Ising model c = 1/2 while for the Heisenbergmodel c = 1 (see Fig.7).

• Slightly away from criticality, in the case in whichthe system has a large but finite correlation lenghtξ ≫ a and the Hamiltonian is short-ranged, theblock entropy saturates to a finite value (see Fig.7)

Sℓ ∼c



afor ℓ→ ∞ (43)

• An extension to finite temperature in the criticalcase has been obtained by means of conformal fieldtheory (Calabrese and Cardy, 2004) and by confor-mal mapping together with the second law of ther-modynamics (Korepin, 2004) with the result

Sℓ =c









+A . (44)

where A is a constant and β the inverse tempera-ture. In the finite temperature case however, theblock entropy is not a measure of the entanglementbetween the two partitions as the state to start withis mixed. A comparison of numerical data with theCFT predictions is shown in Fig. 7 for the XXZmodel.

By now it is clear that the various measures of en-tanglement are sensitive to the presence of quantumphase transitions, the scaling of the entropy gives ex-cellent signatures as well. Recent works tried to con-struct efficient ways to detect quantum phase transi-tions by analyzing the reduced entropy for small clusters.One-site entropy has been considered in (Chen et al.,2006; Gu et al., 2004). Chen et al analysed the en-tanglement of the ground states in XXZ and dimer-ized Heisenberg spin chains as well as in a two-leg spinladder suggesting that the phase boundaries might be

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1 10 100
















-0.5 0 0.5 1∆








FIG. 7 The Block entropy Sℓ for L = 200 in the case of anXXZ Heisenberg chain for a critical value ∆ = 0.0 (circles)and non-critical value ∆ = 1.8 (squares). The critical datacompared with the conformal field theory prediction (dashedline). Lower inset: central charge extrapolated by fitting thenumerical data Sℓ with Eq.(42) (with a factor 1/2 as in thenumerical calculation the block is taken at the boundary) fordifferent values of ∆. The data are for L = 1000. Upperinset: scaling of c extrapolated as a function of 1/L for theworst case ∆ = 0.5 and compared to a quadratic fit (dashedline).[From (De Chiara et al., 2005)]







FIG. 8 The idea of the comb-partition suggested by Keat-ing Mezzadri and Novaes is illustrated for three different val-ues of the spacing p. In all the case the subsystem A, de-noted by black circles) contains ℓ spins while the other (de-noted by empty circles) contains the rest of the chain. Thecase, p = 1, corresponds to the well known ‘block’ divi-sion.[From (Keating et al., 2006)]

identified based on the analysis on the local extreme ofthe entanglement entropy (Chen et al., 2006). Legezaand coworkers (Legeza and Solyom, 2006; Legeza et al.,2006) pointed out that in the biquadratic spin-1 Heisen-berg chain, see Eq.(27), the two-site entropy is ideal tohighlight the presence of a dimerized phase. They alsoconsidered the two-site entropy also for the ionic Hub-bard model (Hubbard and Torrance, 1981).

The idea of partitioning the system in a more elab-orated way in order to analyze additional properties ofentanglement lead to the introduction of the concept ofcomb entanglement (Keating et al., 2006). This is illus-trated in Fig.8. The two blocks A and B are not chosen

contiguous but A consists of ℓ equally spaced spins, suchthat the spacing between the spins in this subsystem is psites on the chain while B contains the remaining spins.For this choice of the partition, the ”surface” separat-ing the two blocks grows with the system size (differ-ently from the case p = 1 where it is composed by twolinks). As a consequence non-local properties of entan-glement between the two blocks can be investigated. Forp > 1 the leading contribution to the entropy scales lin-early with the block size Sℓ(p) = E1(p)ℓ + E2(p) ln ℓ Inthe limit p → ∞ the coefficient E1(p) is, to leading or-der, sum from single spin contributions. The unexpectedresult is that the corrections vanish slowly, as 1/p, differ-ently from other measures like concurrence where theselong-range corrections are not present.

We conclude this section by briefly discussing thesingle copy entanglement E1 introduced by Eisert andCramer (Eisert and Cramer, 2005) and studied in detailsfor one-dimensional spin systems (Eisert and Cramer,2005; Orus et al., 2006; Peschel and Zhao, 2005). Sin-gle copy entanglement Ssc,ℓ quantify the amount of en-tanglement that can be distilled from a single speci-men of a quantum systems. For spin chains it can beshown (Eisert and Cramer, 2005) that single copy en-tanglement asymptotically is half of the entanglemententropy limL→∞ Ssc,ℓ/Sℓ = 1/2. This result was latergeneralized to conformally invariant models (Orus et al.,2006; Peschel and Zhao, 2005).

2. XY chains and free fermion models

As we saw in Section III.A.1.a the XY chain (∆ =0 in Eq.(23)) can be mapped onto a model of freefermions. As a result an analytical (albeit non-trivial)approach is possible for the calculation of the block en-tropy. An analytic proof of the logarithmic dependenceof the block entropy in the isotropic XY model wasobtained in (Franchini et al., 2006a,b; Its et al., 2005;Jin and Korepin, 2004b). The relation between the en-tanglement entropy of this model and the corner transfermatrices of the triangular Ising lattice has been derivedin (Peschel, 2004). Keating and Mezzadri considered amore general free fermion Hamiltonian in which the ma-trices A and B (defined in Eq.(24)) do not have the tridi-agonal structure which appear in the case of the XYmodel (Keating and Mezzadri, 2005). They showed thatunder certain conditions the entropy can be expressedin terms of averages over ensembles of random matrices.In this section we recall the main steps of the derivationleading to the evaluation of the entanglement entropy ,more details can be found in the review of Latorre, Ricoand Vidal (Latorre et al., 2004) and in the above men-tioned papers (Franchini et al., 2006a,b; Its et al., 2005;Jin and Korepin, 2004b; Keating and Mezzadri, 2005).

The reduced density matrix of a block of ℓ spins canbe expressed in terms of averages of strings of ℓ spinoperators with weights given by the averages of these

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strings on the ground states. By means of a map-ping of the spin operators in terms of the Majoranafermions, a2l−1 =


m<l σzm


σxl , a2l =(∏

m<l σzm


σyland given the fact that the resulting fermionic Hamilto-nian is quadratic (Wick theorems holds), it is possible toexpress the block entropy in terms of the elements of thecorrelation matrix Bℓ

Bℓ =

Π0 Π1 · · · Πℓ−1

−Π1 Π0


. . ....

−Πℓ−1 · · · · · · Π0

. (45)

where Πl =


0 gl−g−l 0


with real coefficients gl given as,

for L→ ∞, by

gl =1

∫ 2π


dφe−ilφcosφ− λ− iγ sinφ

| cosφ− λ− iγ sinφ| . (46)

It is crucial to notice that the matrix Bℓ are block Toeplitzmatrices, that can be thought as usual Toeplitz matricesbut with non commuting entries. After the transforma-tion of Bℓ into a canonical form ⊕Lm=1 = νmiσy, thesystem is described by a set of ℓ independent two-levelsystems. Therefore the entanglement entropy is given by

Sℓ = −ℓ∑



1 + νm2

log1 + νm


1 − νm2

log1 − νm



(47)Numerical and analytical analysis of (47) has been per-formed leading to the behaviour described in the preced-ing subsection. In order to obtain the analytical formulafor the asymptotics of the entropy (47), the first step is torecast it, by the Cauchy formula, into a contour integral(Its et al., 2005; Jin and Korepin, 2004b)

S = limǫ→0+





e(1 + ǫ, λ)d lnDA(λ)

dλdλ, (48)

where e(2x, 2y) = −∑±(x±y) log2 (x± y). The contourof integration c(ǫ, δ) approaches the interval [−1, 1] as ǫand δ tend to zero without enclosing the branch pointsof e(1 + ǫ, λ). The matrix in DA(λ) = det(λI − Bℓ) isagain of the block Toeplitz type. The asymptotics ofthe entropy can then be obtained from the asymptoticsof DA(λ). This, in turn can be done resorting to theRiemann-Hilbert approach to the theory of Fredholm in-tegral equations (Bogoliubov et al., 1993). This allows togeneralize the standard Szego theorem for scalar Toeplitzmatrices to obtain the leading formula for the determi-nant of the block Toeplitz matrix DA(λ). This leads tothe asymptotics, ℓ→ ∞, for the entropy

S =1


∫ ∞




θ3[β(x) + στ2 ]θ3[β(x) − στ

2 ]

θ3(στ2 )


dx (49)

where θ3(s, τ) is one of the Jacoby elliptic function,β(x) = (1/2πi)[ln(x + 1) − ln(x − 1), σ = 1, 0 for hz <

,> hc and τ ∼ [log(|1 − λ−1|)]. The critical behaviourof Eq.(49) can be obtained by the asymptotic propertiesof θ3(s, τ) for small τ , and the leading term of the crit-ical entropy results S = −(1/6) log


|1 − λ−1|/(4γ)2)



|1 − λ−1|(log |1 − λ−1|)2]

. The previous expres-sion can be obtained in a more direct way resort-ing a duality relation connecting the quantum Isingchain with the Ising model on a square or triangu-lar lattice (Calabrese and Cardy, 2004; Peschel, 2004;Peschel et al., 1999). In particular the reduced densitymatrix can be written as the trace of the corresponding(corner) transfer matrix. In this way, however the ex-pression for the critical entropy can be obtained only forγ2 + h2

z > 1.In the isotropic case γ = 0, c = 1 and then the prefac-

tor of the log divergence is 1/3. In this case the criticalentropy can be obtained as an average, by realizing thatthe block Toeplitz matrices (for γ = 0) are unitary. Thenthe contour integral can be recast into an integral in theensemble of unitary matrices. This remarkable obser-vation (Keating and Mezzadri, 2005) allows to relate thespectral statistics of the model with the entanglement en-coded in the ground state, following a reasoning that hasmany analogies in spirit with random matrix theory. Theentanglement entropy was obtained explicitly for matri-ces B, in Eq.(24), being elements of classical groups. Itis interestingly that only B affects the the prefactor ofthe logarithm in entropy. It is proportional to 2wG wherewG is a universal quantity related solely to the classicalgroup establishing the symmetries, the constant of pro-portionality is Hamiltonian dependent.

3. Disordered chains

Conformal invariance implies universal properties forthe entanglement entropy. What happens when con-formal invariance is lost as in the case of certainone-dimensional disordered spin systems? Refael andMoore (Refael and Moore, 2004) were the first to lookat this question by computing the block entropy for theHeisenberg, XX, and quantum Ising chains with randomnearest-neighbor coupling. Their approach was basedon a real space renormalization group developed ear-lier (Fisher, 1994; Ma et al., 1979) for random spin chainswhere disorder is relevant and drives the system at lowenergies in the so-called random singlet phase which canbe thought as a collection of singlet bonds of arbitrarylength. Consequently the entropy of a given segment ofthe chain is just ln 2 times the number of singlets cross-ing the boundary between the two regions in which thesystems is partitioned. Refael and Moore showed thatthe entropy, as in the case of clean critical chain, growsas the logarithm of the block size Sℓ ∼ c log ℓ with a“renormalized central charge” c = c ln 2.

A numerical test of this prediction was performed bothfor the XX (Laflorencie, 2005) and for the Heisenbergmodels (De Chiara et al., 2005). In Fig.9 we report the

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data of Laflorencie, the two curves represent the resultsfor the clean and disordered case and fully confirm theprediction of Refael and Moore. The result that the ra-

FIG. 9 (color online) Entanglement entropy of a subsystemof size ℓ embedded in a closed ring of size L, shown vs ℓin a log-linear plot. Numerical results obtained by exactdiagonalization performed at the XX point. For clean nonrandom systems with L = 500 and L = 2000 (open cir-cles), Sℓ is in agreement with Eq. (42 (red and blue curves).A = 0.8595 + ln 2

3ln ℓ, Y = 0.72602 + 1

3ln( 2000

πsin πℓ


Z = 0.72567 + 13

ln( 500π

sin πℓ500

), [from (Laflorencie, 2005)]

tio between the random and pure values of the prefac-tor of the block entropy is the same for all the differentchains studied in (Refael and Moore, 2004) might suggestthat this value might be determined by the flow from thepure to the random fixed point. This conjecture was re-cently questioned by analyzing the entanglement entropyfor a family of models which includes the N-states ran-dom Potts chain and the ZN clock model. In this case itwas shown that the ratio between the entanglement en-tropy in the pure and in the disordered system is modeldependent (Santachiara, 2006).

4. Boundary effects

Boundaries or impurities may alter in a significant waythe the entanglement entropy.

The result given in Eq.(42) was obtained for pe-riodic boundary conditions. If the block is at theboundary of the chain then the prefactor is modifiedand the block entropy is one half of the one given inEq.(42) (Calabrese and Cardy, 2004).

Sℓ =c







+ g +A


where A is the non-universal constant given in Eq.(42)and g is the boundary entropy (Affleck and Ludwig,1991). The case of open boundary conditions incritical XXZ chains was also recently reconsideredin (Laflorencie et al., 2006). In addition to the log diver-gence there is a parity effect depending on the numberof spins of the block being even or odd. The amplitude

of the resulting oscillating term decays as a power lawwith the distance from the boundary. The origin of thisoscillating term is easy to understand qualitatively as analternation of strong and weak bonds along the chain.The boundary spin has a strong tendency to form a sin-glet pair with its nearest neighbour on the right-handside; due to the monogamy of the entanglement this lastspin will be consequently less entangled with its part-ner on the third site of the chain. Furthermore it wasalso shown that the alternating contribution to the en-tanglement entropy is proportional to a similar term inthe energy density (the constant of proportionality be-ing related to the lattice constant and to the velocity ofthe excitations). The effect of open boundary conditionson the entanglement entropy of a resonant valence bondsolid was studied as well (Fan et al., 2006). In this casehowever the corrections due to the open ends decay ex-ponentially.

Different type of boundaries can appear in the AKLTquantum spin chain, with bulk spin-1 and two spin-1/2at the ends. The entanglement entropy has been studiedin (Fan et al., 2004). They showed that the block entropyapproaches to a constant value exponentially fast with ℓ

The entanglement entropy of one-dimensional sys-tems is affected by the presence of impurities in thebulk (Levine, 2004; Peschel, 2005; Zhao et al., 2006) oraperiodic couplings (Igloi et al., 2007). In these cases theentanglement entropy has the same form as in Eq.(42)but with an effective value which depends on the strengthof the defect. The entanglement properties of anisotropicopen spin one-half Heisenberg chains with a modified cen-tral bond were considered in (Zhao et al., 2006) wherethe entanglement entropy between the two half-chainswas calculated using the DMRG approach. They finda logarithmic behavior with an effective central chargevarying with the length of the system. The numericalsimulations of (Zhao et al., 2006) show that by goingfrom the antiferromagnetic to the ferromagnetic case theeffective central charge grows from zero to one in agree-ment with (Levine, 2004). The combined presence ofinteraction between the excitation and a local impuritymodifies in an important way the properties of a one-dimensional system. Starting from the work of Kaneand Fisher (Kane and Fisher, 1992) is by now understoodthat at low energies the scattering with the impurity isenhanced or suppressed depending on the interaction be-ing repulsive or attractive. It is therefore expected thatthe entanglement entropy is affected as well. Levine,by means of bosonization, studied the entanglement en-tropy in a Luttinger liquid interrupted by an impurityand found that there is a correction to S, due to the im-purity which scales as δSimp ∼ −VB log(ℓ/a) where VB isthe renormalized backscattering constant (Levine, 2004).In the repulsive case the backscattering flows to large val-ues suggesting that the total entropy would vanish (thecorrection is negative). In the opposite case of attractiveinteractions, the impurity potential is shielded at largedistances and the entropy would approach the value of

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the homogeneous liquid.The single copy entanglement in the presence of bound-

aries has been considered as well (Zhou et al., 2006). Dif-ferently from the bulk contribution here the boundarycontribution to the von Neumann entropy equals that ofthe single copy entanglement.

Some of these results provided the fertile ground tostudy the entanglement encoded in the Kondo cloud.Specifically, the block entropy Simp of a spin cloud ofradius r around the impurity with the rest of the systemis analyzed (Sørensen et al., 2006). By using a combina-tion of Bethe ansatz results, conformal field theory andDMRG methods, the authors demonstrated that Simp isa universal scaling function of r/ξK .

B. Harmonic chains

Static systems of harmonic chains have been first ana-lyzed in (Audenaert et al., 2002), where periodic arrange-ments of harmonic oscillator modes have been considered.The oscillators have been coupled in the standard way viatheir coordinate variables and the Hamiltonian has beenchosen to be translational invariant. The entanglementin these systems has been analyzed for both the groundstate and of thermal states; both belong to the class ofGaussian states. Here we review the results obtainedin Audenaert et al., 2002. For work on higher dimen-sional lattices and emphasize on the entropy area law werefer to Section V.C.2.

Using the covariance matrix defined in Eq.(35), the log-arithmic negativity can be expressed directly in terms ofthe interaction matrix U (Audenaert et al., 2002) EN =tr log2 U

−1/2PU1/2P where P is a diagonal matrix, with

non-zero entries Pjj = −1 where the partial transpositionis performed and Pjj = 1 elsewhere. This entanglementmonotone has been analyzed for bipartitions of a ringcontaining an even number of oscillators. It is convenient

to define U =


U ′ U ′′

U ′′ U ′


For the symmetric bisection

into equally large connected parts, a lower bound for thelogarithmic negativity has been obtained as

EN ≥ 1

2|tr Fn log2 U| =


2log2(1 + 4


α2m+1) (51)

where the coefficients αn have been defined in Sec-tions III.D. Fn is the n × n flip matrix with “1” inthe cross-diagonal and “0” elsewhere. Equality holdsif Fn

2U ′′ is semi-definite, which is the case for nearest

neighbor interaction. For this case one obtains En.n.N =12 log2(1 + 4α1) . Remarkably, this result is independentof the size of the ring. This also tells us that the neg-ativity of the symmetric bisection for a model includingcouplings αd of arbitrary range is higher than that of thecorresponding chain with only nearest neighbor couplingand coupling strength

d αd. It is interesting to antici-pate here that for critical systems, the lowest eigenvalueof U tends to zero with growing system size. This leads

to a symplectic eigenvalue of V that diverges with thesystem size with a consequent divergence of the negativ-ity.














0 5 10 15 200.5











α = 1, 2, 5, 10, 20

FIG. 10 Logarithmic negativity for harmonic chains. Top

panel: The logarithmic negativity for coupling strength α =20 and a bipartition in n1 and n2 oscillators (total numberof oscillators N = n1 + n2). For sufficiently large parts, aplateau is reached. For one part consisted of only few oscil-lators, the negativity decreases as a function of the systemsize. Bottom panel: The logarithmic negativity relative to itsplateau value EN (∞) for n2 = 20 as a function of n1 andvarying coupling strength α. For small coupling the plateaulimit is reached faster; since the plateau limit is connected toa local quantity (the average energy per oscillator), this canbe this can be explained by a correlation length that growswith α. [From (Audenaert et al., 2002)]

The analysis for general bisections revealed that fornearest neighbor couplings the negativity of a single os-cillator with the rest of the chain monotonically decreaseswith the size of the chain. This single-oscillator negativ-ity turned out to establish also a lower bound for thenegativity of any connected set of two or more oscilla-tors with the rest of the same chain (see top panel ofFig. 10). In all cases the maximum negativity has beenobserved for the symmetric bisection. Both features areexpected to be generic to coupled ensembles of harmonicoscillators (Audenaert et al., 2002). In particular shouldthe infinite size limit of the symmetric bipartition nega-tivity establish an upper bound: limm→∞EN (m,m) ≥EN (n1, n2). This upper bound appears as a plateau inthe top panel of Fig. 10, which as a function of n1 andn2 is reached already for not too small n1 and n2. The

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plateau value is essentially proportional to the averageenergy per oscillator. With increasing nearest neighborcoupling strength, a more shallow approaching of theplateau value is observed (see bottom panel of Fig. 10).

The situation changes when the negativity of two dis-connected parts of the chain is considered. The particu-lar limiting case of an alternating bipartition, consistingin all the oscillators located at odd sites and the com-plement being all the oscillators at even sites, has beenanalyzed in the presence of nearest neighbor couplingsonly (Audenaert et al., 2002). In this setting the loga-rithmic negativity is no longer limited by the average en-ergy per oscillator but instead it grows linearly with thesystem size n. The conclusion is that one part of the neg-ativity can be related to the energy; the second part canbe seen as a surface term, proportional to the area of theboundary forming the contact between both bipartitions.In one spatial dimension this “area” is the number of con-tacts between both parts, which in the periodic settingdescribed above equals n. This interpretation finds fur-ther support in the result for the logarithmic negativityof a symmetric bisection in an open chain of oscillators,which is then roughly half the logarithmic negativity ofthe corresponding chain with periodic closure (see dis-cussion in Audenaert et al., 2002).

An interesting puzzle is given by the analysis of thenegativity of two connected parts of the chain that areseparated from each other by a finite number of sites. Be-sides an expected all-over exponential decay of the log-arithmic negativity with the distance between the twoequally large groups, the negativity is also of limitedrange (see top panel of Fig. 11). This range increaseswith the size of the two parts. In particular is there nopairwise negativity between two single oscillators unlessthey are neighbors. This implies that the entanglementof distant groups of oscillators cannot be due to “free”pairwise entanglement of single oscillators (as opposed to“bound” entanglement not detected by the negativity).So either “bound” pairwise entanglement is responsiblefor the entanglement present in distant groups or multi-partite entanglement might play an important part.

It is instructive to mention that pairwise correlationsbetween single oscillators do exist notwithstanding a van-ishing pairwise negativity (Audenaert et al., 2002). Inany case the presence of correlations is necessary forquantum entanglement of the parts. It is worth notic-ing that both the plateau exhibited by the negativityfor not too small size of the parts, and the decrease ofthe single oscillators’ negativity with the system size finda plausible explanation merely in terms of the correla-tion length. The same plausibility arguments predictthe single oscillators’ negativity to increase with grow-ing system size when open chains are considered; in factthis is what the authors observed (see the discussion inAudenaert et al., 2002). The observed short range of thenegativity in particular for small connected sets of os-cillators overstretches this simple reasoning and demon-strates that the connection between entanglement and

0 5 10 1510






Group separation


















FIG. 11 Logarithmic negativity for harmonic chains. Top

panel: The logarithmic negativity of two connected groups ofs oscillators as a function of the distance between both groups.It is seen that the range of the negativity is finite but growswith the group size s. For s = 1, its range is zero, mean-ing that no two single oscillators share pairwise entanglementunless they are neighbors. Bottom panel: Logarithmic neg-ativity as in the top panel of fig. 10 but for an open chain.The value of the negativity is roughly half as large as for theperiodic chain since the number of connection points of theparts is halved. In contrast to the periodic chain, the nega-tivity of one small part with the rest of the open chain growswith system size [From (Audenaert et al., 2002)]

correlations is indeed more subtle.

C. Systems in d > 1 and the validity of the area law

The scaling of the entanglement entropy in systemsof higher dimensions has been subject of intense inves-tigation in various fields of research. In the context ofquantum information the understanding of the scalingof the entropy as a function of the block size has im-portant consequences on the simulability of a quantumsystem by a classical algorithm and therefore is attract-ing a lot of interest. The picture that emerged from theanalysis of the one-dimensional case, i.e. the violationof the area law when the system is critical, does notseem to hold in higher dimensions. The situations ap-pears more complex. The higher dimensional generaliza-tion of matrix product states, the projected entangledpair states, satisfy the area law (Verstaete and Cirac,

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2004; Verstaete et al., 2006) despite a divergent corre-lation length. Another example is ground-state of an-tiferromagnetic Ising-spin networks embedded on planarcubic lattices (Wellard and Orus, 2004) where the arealaw is fullfilled also at the critical point. In the followingof this section we concentrate on the ground state of somemany-body Hamiltonian for which the block entropy hasbeen recently computed. We first consider the case ofhopping Hamiltonian of (free) fermions and bosons andthen we discuss the case of harmonic lattices (note that,hystorically the bosonic case was considered first).

1. Fermi systems

In one dimension, by virtue of the Jordan-Wignertransformation, the block entropy of a system of interact-ing spins is tightly connected to that of a (free) Fermi gas.It is of great interest to understand what are the proper-ties of the block entropy for free fermions in d dimensions.This question has been studied in (Gioev and Klich,2006; Wolf, 2006) where it was shown that logarithmiccorrections persist also in higher dimensions

Sℓ ∼ ℓd−1 log2 ℓ . (52)

The expression of the constant of proportionality in theequation above has been obtained by (Gioev and Klich,2006) resorting the Widom conjecture. Wolf, 2006exploited the quadratic lower bound of (Fannes et al.,2003). The corrections to the area law are a Fermi sur-face effect. In the case of fractal dimension of eitherthe Fermi or the block surface, the scaling is modified

into Sfrℓ ∼ ℓd−β log2 ℓ where 1 − β is the maximum frac-tal enhancement of dimension of either the Fermi or theblock boundary. An interesting case where the systemundergoes a Lifhitz phase transition has been consideredin Cramer et al., 2007. Indeed as it was pointed out byCramer et al these transitions related to a change in theFermi surface manifest in a non-analytic behaviour of theprefactor of the leading order term entanglement entropy.

For regular block and Fermi surface, numerical anal-ysis has confirmed the modified area-law for crit-ical two-dimensional (Barthel et al., 2006a; Li et al.,2006) and three-dimensional (Li et al., 2006) mod-els. Barthel et al., 2006a study the tight bindingmodel as an example for a two-dimensional modelwith a connected Fermi surface as well as the modelH = −∑x,y[(1 + (−1)y)c†x,ycx,y+1 + c†x,ycx+1,y+1 +

c†x,ycx−1,y+1] with a disconnected Fermi surface and

H = −∑x,y


hc†x,ycx+1,y + (1 + (−1)x+y)c†x,ycx,y+1


with a zero dimensional Fermi surface, as for the one-dimensional case. Whereas in the first two cases, theentropy is found to obey the modified area law, this isno longer true for the third model with zero-dimensionalFermi surface. There, the corrections to the standardarea law S ∼ ℓd−1 are sub-logarithmic.

The same feature has been observed by (Li et al., 2006)studying the spin-less fermionic in two and three spatial

dimensions. The authors conjecture an interesting con-nection between the modified area law to be observedand the density of states at the Fermi energy. They for-mulate this in terms of the co-dimension at the Fermienergy: i.e. the dimension of momentum space minusthe dimension of the degeneracy at the Fermi energy inmomentum space, providing a measure of the relativeportion of the gapped excitations in the low lying spec-trum of the model. In agreement with the findings forthe model zero-dimensional Fermi surface, the authorsobserve only sub-logarithmic corrections to the area lawif the co-dimension at the Fermi energy is 2. The authorsconjectured from this that in two spatial dimensions a co-dimension less or equal to 1 is necessary for the modifiedarea law S ∼ ℓ log2 ℓ to apply. They do not mention im-plications of fractal co-dimension due to a fractal Fermior block surface. This finding would be worth furtherinvestigation in direction to higher dimensions in orderto fix the connection between area law and co-dimensionat the degeneracy point.

We finally mention the interesting connection betweenthe block entropy and the Berry phase in lattice models offermions recently discussed in (Ryu and Hatsugai, 2006).

2. Harmonic systems

Harmonic systems have been also investigated to un-derstand the validity of the area law. They provide oneof the few physical systems for which exact analyticaltreatements are avaliable (see Cramer et al., 2006 andreferences therein).

We first consider a system of non-critical harmonic os-cillators with nearest neighbor interaction and periodicboundary conditions. Non-criticality implies that thelowest eigenvalue of the interaction matrix U, λmin(U),is well separated from zero. Further peculiar characteris-tics of the covariance matrix, in particular its symmetricand circulant form, allowed to give estimates for upperand lower bounds of the block entropy of some compactd-dimensional hyper-cubic region with edge length ℓ andsurface proportional to ℓd−1 (Plenio et al., 2005).

The upper bound has been established directly fromthe logarithmic negativity (see Audenaert et al., 2002),whereas for the lower bound several estimates for thedominant eigenvalue of the reduced density matrix havebeen employed.

Key ingredients to the problem are the largest eigen-value of the covariance matrix and the uncertainty re-lation which constrains all eigenvalues of the covariancematrix to lie above ~/2. The result is that both boundsgo proportional to ℓd−1, hence the entanglement entropyis indeed proportional to the surface of the block. Anextension to general block shapes has been formulatedas well for Gaussian states (Cramer et al., 2006). Forpure states, lower and upper bounds are given as be-fore, which both scale linearly with the surface area ofthe block. For a given finite range of interaction beyond

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nearest neighbors, the area law could be stated only interms of an upper bound (as in (Plenio et al., 2005), thisupper bound has been obtained from the logarithmic neg-ativity). Therefore Cramer et al., 2006 could not excludethe block entropy to scale with lower dimensionality thanthe block-area. The area-law can even be present in dis-ordered systems; the crucial requirement for the area law

to hold in this case is that κ := λmax(U)λmin(U) is bounded for

all admissible disorder realizations. The presence of afinite temperature T enters only in the proportionalityfactor, when thermal equilibrium states (which are stillGaussian) are considered.

It is interesting to notice that an algebraically diverg-ing correlation length does not automatically imply a vi-olation of the area law Cramer et al., 2006 find that fornon-critical systems of harmonic oscillators and algebraicdecay r−α of the correlations with the distance r stillleads to the area-law as long as α > 2d. Essential forthis conclusion is that κ is bounded. The authors conjec-tured d as a tighter bound at least for hyper-cubic blocks(When compared to the one-dimensional Ising model, al-ready at α = d = 1 logarithmic corrections appear) .

For critical systems the situation is different: critical-ity leads to eigenvalues of U arbitrarily close to zero andhence unbound κ. In (Unanyan and Fleischhauer, 2005),a one-to-one connection between criticality and logarith-mic corrections to the area law has been reported forone-dimensional systems with finite range interaction.The authors also report on evidence for this connec-tion to hold also in higher dimensional setups. How-ever the absence of logarithmic corrections for criticaltwo-dimensional arrays of harmonic oscillators and near-est neighbor interaction has been evidenced numericallyin (Barthel et al., 2006a). The analytical calculationsof (Cramer et al., 2007) conclude the area law to ap-ply for arbitrary number of dimensions, opposed to theconslusions of (Unanyan and Fleischhauer, 2005). Assupport for their claim, Unanyan and Fleischhauer, 2005quote a factoring interaction matrix, which however cor-responds to a noninteracting array of one-dimensionalharmonic chains; this can be seen as the limiting caseof an anisotropic interaction with finite range and doesnot give support to the original claim. It is indeed fun-damentally different from harmonic d-dimensional lat-tices with isotropic finite range interaction, as discussedin (Barthel et al., 2006a; Cramer et al., 2007). Never-theless it raises the question for a critical anisotropyfor the coupling of the harmonic oscillators, which onthe background of the findings in (Barthel et al., 2006a;Cramer et al., 2007) could be phrased as: “Does a finitecritical anisotropy exist beyond which the harmonic lat-tice is quasi one-dimensional?”

Logarithmic corrections are also being observed, wheninfinite range interactions are considered, which drivethe system towards criticality (Unanyan et al., 2007). Tothis end, the authors consider a two-dimensional array ofharmonic oscillators, with an interaction of finite range inx-direction and an infinite range in the y-direction. This


















t Ent


FIG. 12 Entanglement entropy for N = 500 and ℓ = 125 as afunction of the parameters hz and γ of the ferromagnetic LMGmodel. For γ 6= 1, there is an anomaly at the critical pointhz = 1, whereas the entropy goes to zero at large hz since theground state is a fully polarized state in the field direction.In the zero field limit, the entropy saturates when the size ofthe system increases. For γ = 1, the entropy increases withthe size of the system in the region 0 ≤ hz < 1 and jumps tozero at hz = 1. [From (Latorre et al., 2005b)]

is a very instructive example in that it leads to the loga-rithmic correction ∼ lx ln ly. Interestingly, the logarithmcontains the length ly of the block, where the interactionhas infinite range. The prefactor of the logarithm is halfthe length of the block in x direction (with finite rangeinteraction).

D. LMG Model

The logarithmic divergence with the block size of theentanglement entropy is not exclusive of one-dimensionalsystems. The block entropy of the LMG model wasstudied both in the ferromagnetic (Barthel et al., 2006b;Latorre et al., 2005b; Stockton et al., 2003; Vidal et al.,2007) and antiferromagnetic (Unanyan et al., 2005) case.In the LMG model each spin is interacting with all theother spin in the network therefore the idea of a blockas depicted in Fig.6 does not fit very well. Neverthelessit is perfectly legitimate to define the reduced entropyof ℓ spins once the other N − ℓ (N is the total numberof spins) have been traced out. Evidently the entropyis independent on which spins have been selected to bepart of the block. In Fig.12 the representative behaviourof the entanglement entropy as a function of the variousregions of the phase diagram is shown for a fixed valueof the block and system sizes. Below we summarize themain findings related to the LMG model. In the ferro-magnetic case and in the case of γ = 1 (isotropic model),the entropy diverges logarithmically with the block sizeS ∼ (1/2) log ℓ while at fixed ℓ and N diverges when theexternal magnetic field approaches 1 from below. Also inthe antiferromagnetic case (Unanyan et al., 2005), whenno transition as a function of the field is present, the en-tropy grows logarithmically with the size of the block inthe isotropic limit. Differently from the one-dimensionalcase where the prefactor is universal and related to the

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0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6








2 3 4 5



FIG. 13 Entropy S between two-level atom and cavityfield as a function of the atom-radiation coupling for bothN → ∞ and finite N . In the inset the scaling of thevalue of the entanglement maximum as a function of log N .[From (Lambert et al., 2004)]

central charge, here the origin of the prefactor of the log-arithmic divergence is related to the presence of the Gol-stone modes and to the number of vanishing gaps. Therecent work of Vidal et al clarifies this issue by study-ing a number of collective spin model by means of 1/N -expansion and scaling analysis (Vidal et al., 2007).

E. Spin-boson systems

The entropy in models of spins interacting withharmonic oscillators have been analyzed as well.Here the separation between spin and bosonic de-grees of freedom is natural and the partition leadsto study the reduced entropy of one subsystem(say the spin). The entanglement entropy wasstudied for the Jaynes-Cummings (Bose et al., 2001),Tavis-Cummings model (Lambert et al., 2004, 2005)and for the spin-boson model (Costi and McKenzie,2003; Jordan and Buttiker, 2004; Kopp et al., 2006;Stauber and Guinea, 2006a). Lambert and coworkers an-alyzed how the super-radiant quantum phase transitionmanifests in the entanglement between the atomic en-semble and the field mode. They compute the von Neu-mann entropy numerically at finite N and analytically inthe thermodynamical limit. They found that the entropydiverges at the phase transition as (see Fig. 13)

S ∼ −(1/4) log | λ− λc | (53)

where λ is the coupling between the spins and the bosonfield and λc is the value at which the transition takesplace (see Fig.13). The entropy of the spin-boson model(see Eq.(32)) was studiedby numerical renormalizationgroup in (Costi and McKenzie, 2003). An analytic calcu-lation, including other dissipative models, has been pre-sented in (Stauber and Guinea, 2004) and more recentlyin (Kopp et al., 2006; Stauber and Guinea, 2006a,b). Inthe broken-symmetry state has an effective classical de-scription and the corresponding von Neumann entropy

is zero. In the symmetric phase the entropy can beeasily expressed as a function of the ground state en-ergy. and δ (defined in Eq.(32)). The previous ex-pression allows At the transition point the entropy isdiscontinuous with a jump given by (Kopp et al., 2006)∆S = ln 2 + δ/4δc ln(δ/δc) (δc is a high energy cutoff).A systematic analisys of the entropy in the spin-bosonmodel for different coupling regimes was pursued recentlyin (K.Le Hur et al., 2007; Kopp and Le Hur, 2007).

We finally mention the interesting connection be-tween entanglement and energy fluctuations introducedby (Jordan and Buttiker, 2004) and exploited in detailsboth for a spin and for an harmonic oscillators cou-pled to a bath. This connection might be useful in thelight of possible experimental measure of entanglement(see also Klich et al., 2006). For example, as pointedby (Jordan and Buttiker, 2004), in certain mesoscopicrealization of qubits as metallic rings of superconduct-ing nano circuits, a measurement of persistent currentcan be directly related to a measurement of the entropy.

F. Local entropy in Hubbard-type models

A very important class of interacting fermion models isthat of Hubbard type models (see III.B). First studies ofentanglement in the one-dimensional case have appearedin (Korepin, 2004) and in (Gu et al., 2004). Most of thestudies in this type os systems analyzed the properties ofthe local entropy.

Gu et al analyzed the local entropy for the one-dimensional extended Hubbard model for fermions withspin 1/2. Due to the conservation of particle number andz-projection of the spin, the local density matrix of thesystem takes the simple form

ρ(1)j = z | 0〉 〈0 | + u+ | ↑〉 〈↑ |+ u− | ↓〉 〈↓ |+ w | ↑↓〉 〈↑↓ |

independent of the site number j because of translationalsymmetry. The broken translational invariance in thecharge density wave phase has not been taken into ac-count in this work. This does not affect the central re-sult but might affect the entropy within the charge den-sity wave phase. Except the superconducting phase, thephase diagram at half filling (for µ = 0) of this modelhas been nicely reproduced by the contour plot of thelocal entropy (see top panel of Fig. 14), where the phasetransition coincides with its crest. This turns out to be ageneral feature of local entropies - also for spin models - asopposed to entanglement class specific measures, as e.g.the concurrence for pairwise entanglement whose maximain general appear at a certain distance to quantum crit-ical points and hence are not associated to the quantumphase transition. In view of the monogamy of entangle-ment this is interpreted as evidence of dominant multi-partite entanglement in the vicinity of quantum phasetransitions.For the Hubbard model Eq.(30) and fixed U/t, the local

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0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1filling factor: n








0 20 40 60 80 100interaction: U











FIG. 14 Upper panel: The local entropy as a function ofthe on-site coupling u and nearest neighbor coupling v. Thecontour plot below includes the known phase diagram of themodel (full black line). Except the superconducting phase,the phase diagram is nicely reproduced. Lower panel: Thelocal entropy for the standard Hubbard model and differenton-site couplings u as a function of the filling (1 corresponds tohalf filling). Except for U/t = 0, where a maximum appears,this quantity shows a dip at half filling, i.e. at the metal-insulator transition. [From (Gu et al., 2004)]

entropy as a function of n shows a dip at the critical fill-ing fraction nc = 1, where a metal-insulator transitionoccurs (for U > 0) (see bottom panel of Fig. 14). Forthe two limiting cases U = 0,∞ the maximum insteadis located at filling fractions, where the ground state is asinglet of the largest symmetry group. Gu et al conjec-ture that this was true for general U > 0 and then thepresence of an unknown phase transition at these max-ima.

This analysis clearly points out that the local entropyindicates different phase transitions in different ways, es-sentially depending on whether the quantity is sensitiveto its order parameter or not. Due to the u(1) sym-metry of the model, the single site reduced density ma-trix is a functional of occupation numbers only. Theseoperators cannot, however, describe order parameters ofsuperconductivity or some order parameter of the metal-insulator transition. Indeed, the superconducting phasecan be predicted if the entropy of entanglement is cal-culated for a block of spins, instead of for just a singlesite (Deng et al., 2006). A reduced density matrix of atleast two sites is necessary for being sensitive to supercon-

ducting correlations [see also Ref. Legeza and Solyom,2006 for a similar result obtained for the ionic Hubbardmodel] to be seen.

Another model studied with this respect is the so calledbond-charge extended Hubbard model (see III.B). Inphases II and III of fig. 15 there are superconductingcorrelations which are due to η-pairing and hence indi-cate the presence of multipartite entanglement, as dis-cussed before (Vedral, 2004a). At the bond-charge cou-pling corresponding to x = 1, the entanglement of themodel has been analyzed in Ref. (Anfossi et al., 2005b)and for general x and n = 1 in Ref. (Anfossi et al.,2005a, 2006). Besides the local entropy of entangle-ment Si, in (Anfossi et al., 2005b), also the negativ-ity (Vidal and Werner, 2002) and the quantum mu-tual information (Groisman et al., 2005) have been used.While Si measures all (pairwise and multipartite) quan-

0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0-8
















FIG. 15 Upper panel: The ground state phase diagram ofthe Hirsch model at x = 1. Empty, slashed and full cir-cles indicate the presence of empty, singly and doubly occu-pied sites, respectively. Bottom panel: Except the insulat-ing line IV, the phase diagram is nicely reproduced by ∂uSi.[From (Anfossi et al., 2005a)]

tum correlations involving this specific site, the negativ-ity offer a lower bound for the quantum correlation oftwo specific sites, and the mutual information accountsfor pairwise quantum and classical correlations. There-fore, this combination of correlation measures opens thepossibility to decide, what type of correlation is relevantat a quantum phase transition. The results are shownin the upper panel Fig. 15. The different phases areshown of Fig.15: they are discriminated by local occupa-

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tion numbers as described in the top panel; consequently,the entropy Si bears the information on all the phase di-agram except the insulating line IV. This is seen from theplot of ∂uSi (with u

.= U/t) as a function of the on-site

Coulomb coupling u and the filling fraction n. A com-parison of first derivatives respect to y = n, u (dependingon the phase transition) of all three correlation measuresreveals common singularities for ∂ySi and ∂yIij only forthe transitions II-III and II-IV; furthermore, for both ofthem it was proven that the range of the concurrence Rdiverges(Anfossi et al., 2006). These facts allow to char-acterize the transitions II-III and II-IV (at n = 1 andarbitrary x) as governed by pairwise entanglement, thatis the more spread along the chain the closer the transi-tion is got. For the transitions II-I and II-I’ instead themultipartite entanglement is relevant, with a finite rangeof the concurrence. A similar behaviour was encounteredfor non-critical spin models where the divergence of Ris accompanied by the emergence of a fully factorizedground state (see Sec. III and IV.A.1). Here R divergesclose to QPT; it was also noticed by Anfossi et al. that,while the ground state in IV is indeed factorized, thephase III is made of a superposition of doubly occupaiedand empty states. Observing that the pairwise entan-glement is vanishing in both the phases III and IV, theauthors conjectured that the divergence of R marks an’entanglement transition’ in solely in the pairwise entan-glement.

In order to detect the transition II-IV at n = 1and any x, ∂xSi has been calculated by means ofDMRG (Anfossi et al., 2005a). Its singularities allow toaccurately determine the charge gap as a function of thebond-charge coupling x.

We now proceed with the Hubbard model in a mag-netic field (see III.B) Also here, the local entropy Si hasbeen looked at in order to analyze its entanglement. As inthe examples before, Si indicates the second order phasetransitions in terms of divergences of its derivatives ∂hSiand ∂µSi, respectively. Indeed, it has been demonstratedthat ∂hSi and ∂µSi can be expressed in terms of spin andcharge susceptibilities (Larsson and Johannesson, 2005),hence bridging explicitly between the standard method incondensed matter physics for studying phase transitionsand the approach from quantum information theory.

The local entropy for thebosonic version of the Hub-bard model, the Bose-Hubbard model, was computedin (Buonsante and Vezzani, 2007; Giorda and Zanardi,2004) for different graph topologies. The attention in thiswork was on the dependence of the entanglement on thehopping amplitude. The authors showed that for certainclasses of graphs the local entropy is a non-monotonicfunction of the hopping. Also for the bosonic case thelocal entropy is a good indicator for the presence of a(superfluid-insulator) quantum phase transition.

Summarizing, the body of work developed sug-gest to conclude that that local entropies can detectQPTs in systems of itinerant fermions, particularlyif the transition itself is well predicted by a mean

field approach for local observables of the model, [seealso (Larsson and Johannesson, 2006)]. Furthermore,translational invariance is necessary for the predictionto being independent of the site, the local entropy is cal-culated for. If this symmetry is absent, it might proveuseful to average over the sites; the resulting measure isthen equivalent to the Q-measure (Meyer and Wallach,2002).

G. Topological entanglement entropy

We close this section by summarizing the ongoingresearch activity studying the subleading correctionsto the block entropy in the two-dimensional systems.Most of the results were demonstrated for quantum two-dimensional lattices (though generalizations two higherdimension is straightforward).

Fradkin and Moore considered quantum critical pointsin two spatial dimensions with scale invariant groundstate wave functions, characterizing for example the scal-ing limit of quantum eight vertex models and non abeliangauge theories (see Ardonne et al., 2004 for a recent ref-erence). The main result is that a universal logarith-mically divergent correction, determined by the geome-try of the partition of the system, emerges in additionto the area’s law term in the entanglement block en-tropy (Fradkin and Moore, 2006).

Such work benefit of the earlier seminal con-tribution of Kitaev and Preskill, and Levin andWen (Kitaev and Preskill, 2006; Levin and Wen, 2006)demonstrating that the correction to the area law is oftopological origin. Namely the entanglement entropy wasdemonstrated to scale as

S = αℓ− γ + O(ℓ−1) (54)

The coefficient α is non universal and ultraviolet diver-gent. In contrast, the quantity γ can be expressed aslogD, where D is known as the total quantum dimen-sion, is universal, and related to the topological windingnumber of the theory. The calculations were pursuedwith methods of topological field theory, giving an ex-plicit expression for γ.

We remark that the result of Kitaev and Preskill, andLevin and Wen could provide an alternative avenue tolattice gauge theory methods(Wen, 2004), detecting agenuine topological order in the system (when descrip-tions based on local order parameters fails) by direct in-spection of the wave function.

When a topological order is present, the ground stateof the system acquires a peculiar degeneracy when its lat-tice has a non trivial genus g. Hamma et al. studied theentropy of the Kitaev model on a two dimensional latticewith generic genus g. The Kitaev model (Kitaev, 2003)is a two dimensional exactly solvable lattice model withdouble periodic boundary conditions, whose Hamiltoniancan be realized with a set of spins in a square lattice withring exchange and vertex interactions. The ground state

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of the Kitaev model is characterized by the presence ofa topological order 6. For such systems Hamma et al.related the degeneracy of the ground state (that is 4g),to the block entropy (Hamma et al., 2005a,b).

As a step toward models with more generic topologi-cal orders, the topological entropy was studied numeri-cally for the quantum dimer model in a triangular lat-tice (Furukawa and Misguich, 2006) and for fractionalquantum Hall states (Haque et al., 2006).

We finally mention that the topological term in theentanglement entropy in the context of quantum gravitywas evidenced in (Fursaev, 2006; Ryu and Takayanagi,2006b).

H. Entanglement along renormalization group flow

One of the original motivations put forward byPreskill to investigate entanglement in many-body sys-tems (Preskill, 2000) was the idea that quantum infor-mation could elucidate some features of the renormal-ization group which is a cornerstone method in mod-ern physics. It is natural to think that the proce-dure of tracing out high energy modes in a renormal-ization group step has some kind of irreversibility builtin. Quantum information concepts could prove to beuseful in elucidating issues related to this irreversibilityand possible help could come from relating the celebratedc−theorem (Zamolodchikov, 1986) to the loss of informa-tion.

Entanglement loss along a renormalization group tra-jectory was studied in spin chains (Latorre et al., 2005a).More recently a number of relations relating renormal-ization group, conformal field invariance and entangle-ment loss were derived in (Orus, 2005). Accordingto (Latorre et al., 2005a) entanglement loss it can becharacterized at three different levels:- Global entanglement loss - By using the block entropyas a measure of entanglement, for which we know the re-sult of Eq.(42), and an inequality on the central chargeswhich derives from the c−theorem, it follows that SUV ≥SIR. The block entropy at the ultraviolet fixed point can-not be smaller than that at the infrared fixed point.- Monotonous entanglement loss - It is also possible tofollow the entanglement along the whole transformation.Also in this case the entropy is a non-decreasing functionalong the flow. As a simple example one can consider theblock entropy of and Ising chain close to the critical pointwhich goes as S ∼ ln |λ − 1|, from which monotonicityfollows.- Fine-grained entanglement loss - The monotonicity ofthe entanglement seems to be present at a deeper level

6 The Kitaev model was suggested to provide a realization of theso caaled ’toric code’, namely a topological quantum computersmade by a physical system with anionic excitations (see alsoCastagnoli and Rasetti, 1993)

in the structure of the density matrix. It is possible toshow (Latorre et al., 2005a; Orus et al., 2006) throughmajorization relations that the spectrum of the reduceddensity matrix gets more ordered along the flow. Bydenoting with rm the eigenvalues of the reduced den-sity matrix ρ, majorization relation between the twoset of spectra (corresponding to two different parame-ters) means that there is a set of relations for which∑

i=1,n ri ≥ ∑

i=1,n r′i for n = 1, · · · , d (d is the di-

mension of ρ).Motivated by ultraviolet divergencies of the entropy

of entanglement in quantum field theory, Casini andHuerta introduced a quantity F (A,B) related to the en-tropy measuring the degree of entanglement between thetwo regions A and B. The function F is defined asF (A,B) = S(A)+S(B)−S(A∩B)−S(A∪B) which co-incides with the mutual information Eq.(9) in the case ofnon-intersecting regions. In two dimensions, it is a finitepositive function with the property F (A,B) ≤ F (A,C)for B ⊂ C if A∩C = ∅. Then, for sets with a single (path-connected) component in two dimensional conformal fieldtheories they showed that it allows to prove an alternativeentropic version of the c-theorem (Casini and Huerta,2005b).


A. Localizable entanglement and quantum criticality

The study of localizable entanglement (see Sec-tion II.C) in spin chains allows to find a tighter con-nection between the scales over which entanglement andcorrelations decay (we saw in the previous sections thatthe two spin entanglement, expressed by the concur-rence, does not decay on a the same range of correla-tions) (Popp et al., 2005, 2006; Verstraete et al., 2004a).One expects that the procedure of entangling distant sitesby a set of local measurements will be less effective as thedistance between the two particles increases thus leadingto a definition of entanglement length ξE . For a transla-tional invariant system ξE can be defined in analogy ofthe standard correlation lenght

ξ−1E = − lim


Eloc(|i− j|)|i− j| . (55)

By definition the entanglement length cannot be smallerthan the correlation length, ξE ≥ ξ, therefore at a sec-ond order phase transition the localizable entanglementlength diverges. In addition there may also appear ”tran-sition points” associated solely to a divergence in ξE . Inorder to avoid misinterpretations, it must be stressed thatthe localizable “classical” two-point correlations then di-verge as well. Thus, the essence of the phenomenonis that correlations can be localized between arbitrar-ily distant sites by means of suitable local operationsand classical communication despite a finite correlation

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length; necessary for this is the presence of global entan-glement (Popescu and Rohrlich, 1992).

For the Ising model in a transverse field it can be shownthat (Verstraete et al., 2004b)


|Qijα | ≤ Eloc(i− j) ≤ 1



sij± (56)

where sij± =(

1 ± 〈Szi Szj 〉)2 −


〈Szi 〉 ± 〈Szj 〉)2

and Qijα =〈Sαi Sαj 〉 − 〈Sαi 〉〈Sαj 〉 .

In this case, the lower bound in Eq. (56) is determinedby the two-point correlation function in the x-direction.In the disordered phase (λ < 1) the ground state pos-sesses a small degree of entanglement and consequentlyits entanglement length is finite. The situation changesat the other side of the critical point. Here, althoughthe correlation length is finite, the entanglement lengthis infinite as asymptotically the correlation tends to afinite values. The divergence of ξE indicates that theground state is a globally entangled state, supporting thegeneral idea that multipartite entanglement is most rel-evant at the critical point (Osborne and Nielsen, 2002;Roscilde et al., 2004).

The properties of localizable entanglement werefurther investigated for a spin-1/2 XXZ-chainin (Jin and Korepin, 2004a; Popp et al., 2005) as afunction of the anisotropy parameter ∆ and of anexternally applied magnetic field h. The authors usedexact results for correlation functions relying on theintegrability of the models to find the bounds in Eq.(56).For the antiferromagnetic XXX-case they provided the

following lower bound Eloc(i − j) ≥ 2π2/3

ln |i−j||i−j| . The

presence of the anisotropy increases the lower boundof the localizable entanglement. At the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless critical point (∆ = 1) the lowerbound of the nearest-neighbour localizable entanglementshows a kink (Popp et al., 2005). As pointed out bythe authors this might have implications in the generalunderstanding of the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thoulessphase transitions where the ground state energy and itsderivatives are continuous as well as the concurrence(see IV.A.2 and Fig.3).

The localizable entanglement in two-dimensionalXXZ model was discussed as well (Syljuasen, 2003b)by means of quantum Monte Carlo simulations. A lowerbound has been determined by studying the maximumcorrelation function which for ∆ > −1 is Qx, the long-range (power law) decay of the correlation implying along ranged localizable entanglement.

The definition of localizable entanglement has an inter-esting connection with the concept of quantum repeatersintroduced in (Briegel et al., 1998). Quantum repeatershave been designed to enhance the transmission of entan-glement through noisy channels. The idea is to distributealong the channels a number of intermediate sites wherea certain number of local operations are allowed in orderto maximize the entanglement between the transmitterand a receiver. This is the very definition of localizable

entanglement.Localizable entanglement has been defined in Sec.II.C

as an average over all possible measuring processes itis of interest to understand also the statistical fluctua-tions around this average value. To this end (Popp et al.,2005) analyzed also the variance associated to the en-tanglement fluctuations: δE2

loc =∑

s psE2(|ψs〉) − E2

loc ,where E is a measure of pairwise entanglement. Thefluctuations of the entanglement increase in the vicinityof a critical point. This was checked explicitly for theone-dimensional Ising model.

As detailed below, additional interesting results wereobtained for spin-1 systems where a true transition in theentanglement (with a diverging ξE but finite correlationlength) has been found.

B. Localizable entanglement in valence bond ground states

For half-integer spins, gapped non degenerate groundstates are characteristic for systems in a disordered phase(consider paramagnets for example). A finite gap inthe excitation spectrum of the system in the thermo-dynamic limit makes the correlations decaying exponen-tially. This is the Lieb-Schultz-Mattis theorem, estab-lishing that, under general hypothesis, the ground stateof a spin system is either unique and gapless or gappedand degenerate (Lieb et al., 1961) (see Hastings, 2004 forrecent results). It was a surprise, when Haldane discov-ered that systems of integer spins can violate this the-orem (Haldane, 1983a,b). This suggests to investigatewhether the entanglement in the ground state might playsome role in establishing the hidden order characteristicfor the Haldane phases. An aspect that might be relevantto this aim was recently addressed by studying the local-izable entanglement in AKLT models (Verstraete et al.,2004a). The ground state of this class of models is of thevalence bond type as discussed in III.A.4

|gs〉AKLT =(


|I〉01|I〉12 . . . |I〉NN+1 . (57)

|I〉 are singlets and A are 3 × 4 operators projecting theHilbert space of two combined spins on its symmetricpart, at the given site. This is nothing else than a matrixproduct state (see Section III.A.4). For this state it wasdemonstrated that a singlet state made of two spins-1/2located at the ends of the chain can be always realized(see Fig.1). This implies that the localizable entangle-ment is long ranged despite the exponentially decayingcorrelation (Verstraete et al., 2004a).

The localizable entanglement can be related to thestring order parameter Oαstring defined in Eq.(28).The key to make explicit this relation is to observethat the localizable entanglement can be calculatedas an expectation value (Campos Venuti and Roncaglia,2005) as L(|ψ〉) = 〈ψ|σ0Gs(ψ)σN |ψ〉 where Gs =∑

s |s〉〈s|sign(〈ψ|σy⊗σy|ψ〉), and |s〉 is the optimal basiswhich maximize the entanglement of assistance. For the

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AKLT model, the expression above reads

L(|gs〉AKLT ) = 〈N∏


eiπSyi 〉 (58)

In this case, both the localizable entanglement and all thethree components of the string order parameter saturate.Perturbing the AKLT ground state, namely making theresonating valence bonds with non-maximally entangledstates (| 10〉 − e−i2φ | 01〉)/

√2, the relation between the

hidden order and the localizable entanglement is weakned(as compared to the AKLT model): it can be demon-strated that the string order parameters for α = x, z arefinite, while the localizable entanglement vanishes expo-nentially with the deformation φ (Popp et al., 2005), buta tight connection of the localizable entanglement andOystring is observed to persist also for the φ deformed

ground state (Campos Venuti and Roncaglia, 2005).The valence-bond-solid phase order was further stud-

ied by looking at the hidden order in chains with morecomplicated topology. The von Neumann entropy wasstudied in spin-1 XXZ model with biquadratic inter-action and single ion anisotropy in (Gu et al., 2006;Wang et al., 2005) and in (Campos Venuti et al., 2006a).Some of the features of the corresponding phase dia-gram are captured. The Haldane transitions exhibitedin the phase diagrams are marked by anomalies in theVon Neumann entropy; its maximum at the isotropicpoint is not related to any critical phenomenon (the sys-tem is gapped around such a point), but it is due tothe equi-probability of the three spin-1 states occurringat that point (Campos Venuti et al., 2006a). Since theBerezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition separating theXY from the Haldane or large-D phases connects a gap-less with a gapped regime, it was speculated that ananomaly in the entanglement should highlight such tran-sition (Gu et al., 2006).


Though the very nature of entanglement is purelyquantum mechanical, we saw that it can persist formacroscopic systems and will survive even in the ther-modynamical limit. Entanglement survives also at fi-nite temperatures. This temperature could be as high as100 Kelvin in high-temperature superconductors (Vedral,2004a) (see also Fan and Lloyd, 2005). In this section wereview the properties of entanglement in many-body sys-tems at finite temperatures (see also Anders and Vedral,2007). We will see that the analysis could shed newlight on the interplay between the quantum nature of thesystem and its thermodynamics. Moreover, somewhatsurprisingly, macroscopic state variables can be used todetect entanglement. Thermodynamics describes largescale systems with macroscopic properties, its state vari-ables T,N, V, p, its external fields h and its response func-tions the susceptibility and heat capacity, respectively

χ,C, .... Addressing entanglement as a thermodynamicalproperty raised significant amount of interest in variouscommunities. One wants to know, for example, underwhat conditions can we detect and extract entanglement.Can we see entanglement itself as a state variable, justlike pressure is for a collection of atoms in a gas? Whatcould be the corresponding thermodynamical potential?Is entanglement extensive? Since entanglement is closelyrelated to entropy, we would expect the answer to thelast question to be “yes”.

The states describing a system in thermal equilibriumstates, are determined by the Hamiltonian and the in-verse temperature β = (1/T ). The density matrix is

ρ = Z−1e−βH . where Z = tr[e−βH ] is the partition func-tion of the system. The thermal states expanded in theenergy eigenbasis |ei〉, i = 0, 1, ... are then

ρ =e−βE0

i e−βEi

|e0〉〈e0| +e−βE1

i e−βEi

|e1〉〈e1| + ... (59)

Any separable state, or classical state, with respectto this split into subsystems A,B,C,D, .. (for exam-ple the sites of a spin system) can then be written asconvex mixture of tensor products of states of the re-spective subsystems A,B,C,D, ... with probabilities piρ =

i piρAi ⊗ρBi ⊗ρCi ⊗ρDi ⊗ ... . If the state in Eq.(59)

cannot be written in the form given above then it is en-tangled. In this section we will discuss the properties ofthis thermal entanglement.

A. Thermal pairwise entanglement

Extensive efforts have been made to understandhow to quantify thermal entanglement in many-bodysystems starting from the initial papers (Arnesen et al.,2001; Gunlycke et al., 2001; Nielsen, 2001). Sev-eral models of interacting spins in arrays were dis-cussed. Entanglement as measured by concurrencewas shown to exist at nonzero temperatures in thetransverse Ising (Osborne and Nielsen, 2002), Heisen-berg (Asoudeh and Karimipour, 2004; Tribedi and Bose,2006; Wang, 2002b; Wang and Zanardi, 2002),XXZ (Canosa and Rossignoli, 2005, 2006), XY Zmodels (Rigolin, 2004; Zhang and Zhu, 2006), ferrimag-netic transition (Wang and Wang, 2006) and spin-onechains (Zhang and Li, 2005). Sevaral non-trivial aspectsof the behaviour of the pairwise entanglement at finitetemperatures can be illustrated by considering thesimple case of two-sites systems.

a. XXX Model We start our discussion on thermal en-tanglement by considering the XXX antiferromagnet(see Eq.(23)). In this case the thermal state of this sys-tem can be written as a Boltzmann mixture of the singlet

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0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.50










FIG. 16 Entanglement between two qubits interacting ac-cording to the antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model as a func-tion of the external field hz and temperature (multiplied bythe Boltzmann’s constant) T with coupling J = 1. The top-most plot shows the variation of nearest-neighbor entangle-ment with the magnetic field. The middle and the bottom-most plot show the same for next nearest and next to nextnearest neighbors, respectively. From Arnesen et al., 2001

and the triplet states:

ρT =1

Ze3βJ |ψ−〉〈ψ−| + e−β(J+2h)|00〉〈00|

+ e−β(J−2h)|11〉〈11|+ e−βJ |ψ+〉〈ψ+| (60)

where Z = e3βJ + e−β(J+2h) + e−β(J−2h) + e−βJ is thepartition function of the system and |ψ±〉 = |01〉 ± |10〉.For the sake of simplicity we focus our attention only ontwo regimes

The first regime is when the coupling J is large com-pared to the external field h. The ground state is thenthe singlet state, and at low temperature the system istherefore entangled. At higher temperatures the tripletbecomes mixed into the singlet, and when (roughly)T > J/k, the entanglement completely disappears (whenthe external field is zero). Therefore, in order to havehigh-temperature entanglement in dimers we need a largevalue of the coupling constant J .

When J is fixed, the second regime occurs when we canvary the value of the external field h. When h is large(greater than 2J), the ground state is |11〉 and at zerotemperature the dimers are therefore not entangled. Thepoint where the singlet state becomes replaced by |11〉 asthe ground state corresponds to the quantum phase tran-sition (occurring in the thermodynamical limit). How-ever, if we start to increase the temperature, the sin-glet state—which is the first excited state under thesecircumstances—starts to become populated. Entangle-ment can then be generated by increasing the tempera-ture. The behaviour of entanglement as a function of themagnetic field is shown in Fig.16.

b. Ising model Another interesting case is that of a Isingcoupling. At zero temperature only the lowest energylevel is populated. In the case N = 2 the tangle of thispure state can easily be calculated from the density ma-trix, for h > 0, τ1 = J2/(J2 + h2

z). It is clear thatthe entanglement is highest for nearly vanishing magneticfields and decreases with increasing field amplitude (thisexpression however is not valid for strictly h = 0, whereno entanglement is present). Let us now turn our atten-tion to the case of non-zero temperatures. For a generalpure state only one of the eigenvalues of the Hamilto-nian weight Eq.(59) is non-zero and therefore equal tothe tangle. For low temperature and magnetic field, i.e.h, T ≪ J , it is a good approximation to assume that onlythe two lowest energy levels are populated. In this case,the combination of the two lowest states also combinestheir concurrences in the following way (Gunlycke et al.,2001):

C = max|w0C0 − w1C1|, 0, (61)

where the index 0 refers to the ground state, while 1refers to the excited state and w0 and w1 are the thermalweights of the ground and excited states respectively, seeEq.(59). This phenomenon has been named as concur-rence mixing. In this case, the first excited state is theBell state, |Ψ−〉 = (|01〉−|10〉)/

√2, and Eq. (61) reduces

to C = |w0J√


− w1|. In general, the first term in

the above equation is larger than the second, and in thiscase the concurrence decreases with temperature as w0

decreases and w1 increases. Moreover it is also possibleto see that, for a given temperature, the entanglementcan be increased by adjusting the magnetic field and isgenerally largest for some intermediate value of the mag-netic field. This effect can be understood by noting thatw0 increases with increasing h as the energy separationbetween the levels increase, but J/

J2 + h2z decreases.

As a result the combined function reaches a peak as wevary h and decreases subsequently, inducing analogousbehavior for the concurrence.

B. Pairwise entanglement in the T 6= 0 critical region

At finite temperatures but close to a quantum criti-cal points, quantum fluctuations are essential to describethe properties of the systems (Chakravarty et al., 1989;Sachdev, 1999). In order to study the interplay betweenthe thermal entanglement and the quantum fluctuationscaused by the critical point at T = 0 the analysis on smallclusters is no longer sufficient. For the presentation weconsider the one-dimensional quantumXY models. Suchsystems cannot exhibits any phase transitions at finitetemperature, but the very existence of the quantum crit-ical point is reflected in the crossover behaviour at T 6= 0.The renormalized–classical crosses-over the quantum dis-ordered regimes through the so called quantum criticalregion (Sachdev, 1999). In the T − h plane a V -shapedphase diagram emerges, characterized by the cross-over

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temperature customarily defined as Tcross.= |λ−1−λ−1

c |.For T ≪ Tcross the thermal De Broglie length is muchsmaller than the average spacing of the excitations; there-fore the correlation functions factorize in two contribu-tions coming from quantum and thermal fluctuations sep-arately. The quantum critical region is characterized byT ≫ Tcross. Here we are in the first regime and the cor-relation functions do not factorize. In this regime theinterplay between quantum and thermal effects is thedominant phenomenon affecting the physical behaviourof the system.

Thermal entanglement close to the critical pointof the quantum XY models was recently studiedin (Amico and Patane, 2007). In analogy with the zerotemperature case they demonstrated that the entangle-ment sensitivity to thermal and to quantum fluctuationsobeys universal T 6= 0–scaling laws. The crossover to thequantum disordered and renormalized classical regimes inthe entanglement has been analyzed through the study ofderivatives of the concurrence ∂λC and ∂TC. The ther-mal entanglement results to be very rigid when the quan-tum critical regime is accessed from the renormalizedclassical and quantum disordered regions of the phasediagram; such a ’stiffness’ is reflected in a maximum in∂TC at T ∼ Tcross. The maximum in the derivatives ofthe concurrence seems a general feature of the entangle-ment in the crossover regime. In this respect we mentionthat also the concurrence between two Kondo impurityspins discussed in (Stauber and Guinea, 2004, 2006b) ex-periences the largest variation again in the crossover phe-nomenon.

Due to the vanishing of the gap at the quantum crit-ical point, in the region T ≫ Tcross an arbitrarily smalltemperature is immediately effective in the system (seeFig. 17). From analysis of the quantum mutual infor-mation (see Eq. 9)) it emerges that the contribution ofthe classical correlations is negligible in the crossover,thus providing the indication that such a phenomenon isdriven solely by the thermal entanglement. It is interest-ing to study how the exsistence of the factorizing field hfaffects the thermal pairwise entanglement (vanishing atzero temperature). It is found that the two tangle τ2 stillvanishes in a region of the h−T plane, fanning out fromjust hf , (white region in Fig. 18)(Amico et al., 2006). Inthere entanglement if present, is shared between three ormore parties. It is further observed that, in contrast tothe analysis of the ground state, at finite temperaturewe cannot characterize the two separate phases of par-allel and antiparallel entanglement by. In fact, the twotypes of entanglement (though well defined also for mixedstates) can swap by varying T and/or r. The exchangebetween parallel and antiparallel entanglement occurs ina non trivial way, that ultimately produces the reentranceof τ2 seen in Fig.18.

The common feature in all cases for which the existenceof entanglement could here be proved is that both hightemperatures and high values of magnetic field move thethermal states away from the region with non-zero en-

FIG. 17 The effect of temperature on the anomalies origi-nated from the critical divergence of the field-derivative ofC(R) can be measured by ∂T [∂aC(R)]. The density plot cor-responds to γ = 1 and R = 1. T = T ∗ and T = TM aredrawn as dashed and thick lines respectively. Maxima belowT ∗ are found at TM = βTcross with β ∼ 0.290 ± 0.005 andthey are independent of γ and R; the crossover behaviouris enclosed in between the two flexes of ∂T [∂aC(R)] at Tc1

Tc2; such values are fixed to: Tc1 = (0.170 ± 0.005)Tcross

and Tc2 = (0.442 ± 0.005)Tcross and found to be indepen-dent of γ and R. For T . Tc1 ∂T [∂aC(R)] ≃ 0. Scalingproperties are inherited in ∂T [∂aC(R)] from ∂aC(R)] [FromAmico and Patane, 2007].



FIG. 18 Contour plot of τ2 in the h−T plane, for γ = 0.3 (i.e.hf = 0.9539...). The white area indicates where τ2 = 0.[FromAmico et al., 2006]

tanglement. This is understandable because high valuesof magnetic field tend to order all spins parallel to thefield which corresponds to an overall state being a prod-uct of the individual spin states. There is upper limit ofthis phenomenon, since an increase in the temperature isdisruptive for entanglement due to thermal fluctuations.

C. Thermal entanglement witnesses

At first sight it may be very surprising that thermo-dynamical variables can witness entanglement since theonly need to obtain them are the system’s eigenenergies,

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and no eigenstate information is required. Since entan-glement resides in the fact that the state is inseparable(and is not related to the value of its energy) it wouldappear that the partition function is not enough to char-acterize entanglement. This logic, although seeminglysimple, is not entirely correct. The reason is subtle andlies in the fact that the whole Hamiltonian is used forconstructing the partition function, so in a roundaboutway we do have the information about the states as well.Entanglement witnesses in spin systems have been con-sidered in (Brukner and Vedral, 2004; Hide et al., 2007;Toth, 2005; Wu et al., 2005) (see also the next Sectionon multipartite entanglement)

We will now illustrate how and why we can derive en-tanglement witnesses for the partition function. Sup-pose that the system is described by an antiferromag-netic Heisenberg model. First we have the followingidentity coming from the Hellman-Feynman theorem∑N

i=1〈Sxi Sxi+1 + Syi Syi+1 + Szi S

zi+1〉 ∼ d

dJ (lnZ) Now thismeans that the two point correlations function summedover all nearest neighbors can be derived from the parti-tion function. This is also a quantity that can be accessedexperimentally as is usually performed very frequently inthe solid state experiments. Most importantly, this av-erage has in general different values for separable andentangled states. It can, therefore, serve as an entangle-ment witness as will be seen shortly. The amazing factthat will emerge is that, in order to say if a state is en-tangled, we really do not need to have the analyticallycalculated form of the eigenstates in order to tell if theresulting mixture is entangled. One price to pay for thisis that we will only be able to derive a sufficient con-dition for entanglement that is typical of entanglementwitnesses. Namely, we will be able to tell if for someconditions the resulting thermal state is entangled, butwe will not be able to say with certainty that the stateis not entangled if these conditions are violated.

Using U=〈H〉 and Mz=∑Nj=1〈Szj 〉 we obtain

U + hMz

NJ= − 1




(〈Sxi Sxi+1〉 + 〈Syi Syi+1〉 + 〈Szi Szi+1〉)

(62)The right-hand of Eq.(62) is an entanglement witnessas shown in (Toth, 2005): for any separable state, thatis, for any classical mixture of the products states: ρ =∑

k wkρ1k ⊗ ρ2

k ⊗ ...⊗ ρNk , one has




(〈Sxi Sxi+1〉 + 〈Syi Syi+1〉 + 〈Szi Szi+1〉)| ≤1

4. (63)

This is also valid for any convex sum of product states(separable states). The upper bound was found by usingthe Cauchy-Schwarz inequality and knowing that for anystate 〈Sx〉2 + 〈Sy〉2 + 〈Sz〉2 ≤ 1/4. It is important tonote that the same proof can also be applied if one con-siders XX model. We now give our thermodynamicalentanglement witness: if, in the isotropic XXX or XX

Heisenberg model, one has

|U + hMz| > N |J |/4, (64)

then the solid state system is in an entangled state. Theentanglement witness is physically equivalent to the ex-change interaction energy or, equivalently, to the differ-ence between the total (internal) energy U and the mag-netic energy −hM . From the tracelessness of the Paulioperators one can easily see that limT→∞ U → 0. Thismeans that the value of the internal energy as given byEq.(64) should be defined relatively to the referent valueof zero energy in the limit of high temperatures. In orderto complete the proof we need to give an explicit exampleof a state that violates Eqs. (63) (or the correspondinginequality for the XX model). This implies that thatEq.(64) is indeed an entanglement witness and not justa bound that is trivially satisfied by any quantum state.

As an example of such a state we take the ground stateof the antiferromagnetic isotropic XXX Heisenberg modelwith zero magnetic field. The energy of this state wasfound to be (Hulthen, 1938): |E0/JN |= 0.44325> 1/4.Furthermore, due to the symmetry of the XXX Heisen-berg Hamiltonian one has E0/(3NJ) = 〈Sxi Sxi+1〉0 =〈Syi Syi+1〉0 = 〈Szi Szi+1〉0 =−1.773/12 for every i. This im-

plies that 1/N |∑Ni=1(〈Sxi Sxi+1〉0 + 〈Syi Syi+1〉0)| = 0.295 >

1/4. Therefore, Eq. (64) is an entanglement witnessfor the solid state systems described by XXX or XXHeisenberg interaction.

We will now discuss various concrete models of spininteraction of which some are exactly solvable and forwhich dependence of internal energy U and magnetiza-tionM on temperature T and magnetic field h are known.This will help us to determine the parameter regions ofT and h within which one has entanglement in the solids.

We first consider XXX Heisenberg model with nomagnetic field, in this case the magnetization vanishesand thermodynamical witness, Eq.(64) reduces to |U | >N |J |/4. It was shown that concurrence C(1) is zero atany temperature in the ferromagnetic case and that itis given by C = 1

2 max [0, |U |/(NJ) − 1/4] in the anti-ferromagnetic case (Wang and Zanardi, 2002). Thus Cis nonzero if and only if |U |/(NJ) > 1/4. This showsthat the thermodynamical entanglement witness can de-tect entire bipartite entanglement as measured by con-currence. Furthermore, the fact that the value of theentanglement witness for the ground state is well abovethe limit of 1/4 suggests that entanglement could ex-ist and be detected by the thermodynamical witness atnonzero temperatures as well. In the presence of a fi-nite magnetic field the low temperature partition func-tion is given by Z = eβ(J+hz)/4(1 + e−βhz/2N/


Using this we obtain |U + hzM |/(NJ) = 1/4 andthus no entanglement can be detected in agreementwith (Asoudeh and Karimipour, 2004; Pratt, 2004).

The XX Heisenberg model with nonzero magneticfield is the most interesting as it is exactly solvable,the partition function was found in (Katsura, 1962).

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Let us introduce the following dimensionless quanti-ties: b = hz/T and K = J/T (note a differenceof factor 2 in the definitions of J and K with re-spect to (Katsura, 1962)) and the function f(K, b, ω) =√

2K2 + 2K2 cos 2ω − 4bK cosω + C2 for convenience.Then the internal energy is given by (Katsura, 1962)


N= − T

∫ π


f(K, b, ω) tanh f(K, b, ω)dω, (65)

and the magnetization by (Katsura, 1962)


N= − 1

∫ π


4K2 cos2 ω

f(K, b, ω)tanh f(K, b, ω)dω (66)

both in ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic case.We use Eqs. (65) and (66) to determine the parameter

regions of temperature T and magnetic field hz for whichentanglement exists in the solid state system. The criti-cal values of T and h below which entanglement can bedetected is of the order of J , which can be as high as 10Kelvin (Hammar et al., 1999).

It should be stressed that the analysis based on theentanglement witness could be applied to any modelfor which we can successfully obtain the partition func-tion. This feature is the main advantage of using ther-modynamic witnesses approach to detecting entangle-ment. This method for determining entanglement insolids within the models of Heisenberg interaction is use-ful in the cases where other methods fail due to incom-plete knowledge of the system. This is the case whenonly the eigenvalues but not eigenstates of the Hamilto-nian are known (which is the most usual case in solidstate physics) and thus no measure of entanglement canbe computed. Furthermore, in the cases where we lackthe complete description of the systems one can approachthe problem experimentally and determine the value ofthe thermodynamical entanglement witness by perform-ing appropriate measurements. It is important to em-phasize that any other thermodynamical function of statecould be a suitable witness, such as the magnetic suscep-tibility or heat capacity (Wiesniak et al., 2005) (see nextSection).

The temperature as well as other thermodynamicalstate variables have been shown to behave also as entan-glement witnesses of spatial entanglement (Anders et al.,2006). This general feature was explicitly worked out inthe case of a non-interacting Bosonic gas. It was foundthat entanglement can exist at arbitrarily high temper-atures, provided that one can probe smaller and smallerregions of space.

The methods outlined here are not only applicableto the models we considered. There are several in-teresting questions and possibilities for generalizationssuch as consideration of Hamiltonians with higher spins,two- and three-dimensional systems, non-nearest inter-actions, anisotropies, other thermodynamical properties(e.g. heat capacity, magnetic susceptibility) and so on.

Similar analysis can be done for continuous thermal en-tanglement in a field. It has been shown that for non-interacting bosons, entanglement exists when their deBroglie thermal wavelength is smaller than their averageseparation, a (Anders et al., 2006). The precise condi-tion is kT < ~

2/2ma2, where m is the mass of bosonicparticles. We can now introduce the following correspon-dence between spin coupling J and the continuous vari-ables bosonic kinetic energy, J = ~

2/2ma2. This fur-ther implies that we can think of the thermal de Brogliewavelength for spins as λdB = a

J/T , where a is thespin separation. The condition for entanglement thatthe wavelength is larger than the lattice spacing a nowleads us to the condition that T < J which is exactly theresult obtained from a more detailed analysis above.

D. Experimental results

The question of having macroscopic entanglement isnot only fascinating in its own right but it also has a fun-damental significance as it pushes the realm of quantumphysics well into the macroscopic world, thus opening thepossibility to test quantum theory versus alternative the-ories well beyond the scales on which theirs predictionscoincide. It also has important practical implications forimplementation of quantum information processing. Ifthe future quantum computer is supposed to reach thestage of wide commercial application, it is likely that itshould share the same feature as the current (classical)information technology and be based on solid state sys-tems. It will thus be important to derive the criticalvalues of physical parameters (e.g. the high-temperaturelimit) above which one cannot harness quantum entan-glement in solids as a resource for quantum informationprocessing.

Recently it was demonstrated experimentally that en-tanglement can affect macroscopic properties of solids,albeit at very low (critical) temperature (below 1Kelvin) (Ghosh et al., 2003). This extraordinary resultopens up an exciting possibility that purely quantum cor-relations between microscopic constituents of the solidmay be detected by only a small number of macroscopicthermodynamical properties.

Ghosh et al made measurement on an insulating salt,the LiHoF4. At low temperatures the susceptibility de-viates from a simple Curie-like law. They find that thethe temperature dependence is well fitted by a power lawχ ∼ T−α with α = 0.75. The key observation madein (Ghosh et al., 2003) is that the experimental data atlow temperatures cannot be explained by simply resort-ing to a classical approximation. By itself this might notbe enough. It is remarkable however that the authors areable to put in close connection the power law divergenceof the susceptibility with the entanglement present in thelow-lying excited states.

Vertesi and Bene studied the magnetic susceptibility ofNaV3O7 and used macroscopic entanglement witnesses

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FIG. 19 Magnetic susceptibility vs. temperature Tfrom simulations of the diluted, dipolar-coupled Ising mag-net,compared to experimental data (red triangles). The blackcircles use quantum decimation as well as the correct quan-tum mechanical form of susceptibility, utilizing the entangle-ment of the low-lying energy doublet with the excited states.[From Ghosh et al., 2003]

as discussed in the previous Section to estimate the crit-ical temperature below which thermal entanglement ispresent. The experimental value of this temperature is365K approximately three times higher than the criticaltemperature corresponding to the vanishing of bipartiteentanglement (Vertesi and Bene, 2006).

We also mention the very recent experimentreporting on macroscopic magnetic measure-ments of the pyroborate MgMnB22O5 and war-wickite MgTiOBO3 (Rappoport et al., 2007) (seealso Continentino, 2006)

Earlier experimental data witnessing entanglementin bulk properties of solids have been reanalyzedin (Brukner et al., 2006). They discusses the experi-mental results of neutron scattering measurement of CNobtained in 2000 (Xu et al., 2000) and show that theyprovided a direct experimental demonstration of macro-scopic entanglement in solids. The experimental char-acterization of the dynamic spin correlations for nextneighboring sites enabled them to determine the concur-rence and show the existence of entanglement at mod-erately high temperatures (as high as 5 Kelvin). Inthe same work they also showed that magnetic suscepti-bility at zero magnetic field is a macroscopic thermo-dynamical entanglement witness for the class of solidstates systems that can be modeled by strongly alter-nating spin-1/2 antiferromagnet chain (Brukner et al.,2006).The measured values for magnetic susceptibility ofCN in 1963 (Berger et al., 1963) imply presence of entan-glement in the same temperature range (below 5 Kelvin).

An analysis of the experimental results of a magneticsusceptibility measurement of CN (Berger et al., 1963)showing that the values measured at low temperaturescannot be explained without entanglement being present

FIG. 20 The temperature dependence of magnetic suscepti-bility of powder CN (triangles) and a single-crystal CN, mea-sured at low field parallel (open squares) and perpendicular(open circles, crosses, filled circles) to the monoclinic b axis.The data and the figure are from (Berger et al., 1963). The in-tersection point of this curve and the experimental one definesthe temperature range (left from the intersection point) withentanglement in CN around ≈ 5K. [From Brukner et al.,2006]

was performed in (Brukner et al., 2006). This was basedon the general proof that magnetic susceptibility of anystrongly alternating antiferromagnetic spin-1/2 chain is amacroscopic thermodynamical entanglement witness. Asdiscussed in (Brukner et al., 2006) the magnetic suscep-tibility for separable states is bounded by the value

χsep ≥ g2µ2BN



6. (67)

The results of their analysis are reported in Fig.20


Most of the results reviewed in the previous sectionare for pairwise entanglement. Although much has beenlearned from the study of those quantities, the structureof entanglement in many-body systems is much richerand it is natural to expect that multipartite entangle-ment is present both in the ground state and at finitetemperatures. Although multipartite entanglement inmany-body systems is much less studied, some impor-tant results have been already obtained.

A number of groups showed that in certain limits thestate of a spin chain can resemble that of known multi-partite states. For small chains Wang first noted thatthe ground state tends to have multipartite entangle-ment (Wang, 2002a). This analysis was further pur-sued in Ising and Heisenberg rings where the groundstate has GHZ- (Stelmachovic and Buzek, 2004) and W-like (Brußet al., 2005) correlations, respectively. Multi-partite mixed states can be also realized in the case of

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0 1 2 3h







1.5 1.6h


0.1 i,i+1i,i+2i,i+3

FIG. 21 One-tangle τ1 and the sum of squared concurrencesτ2 as a function of the applied magnetic field in z-direction forthe XY Z model with exchange along y: Jy = 0.25 (in unitof exhange along z). Inset: contributions to the concurrencebetween j-th neighbors; full symbols stand for CI(j), opensymbols for CII(j). The dashed line marks the critical fieldhc. [From Roscilde et al., 2004]

ferromagnetic rings where the ground state is fully polar-ized along the direction of the field and the first excitedstate is a W-state. At finite but low temperatures thedensity matrix is approximately as ρ = p | 0 · · · 0〉〈0 · · · 0 |+(1 − p) | W 〉〈W | where p is the Boltzman factor and| 0 · · · 0〉 is the ferromagnetic ground state. For threequbits ρ has been shown to contain tripartite entangle-ment in (Bruß and Macchiavello, 2003).

These examples show that several models naturallyhave multipartite entangled ground states. At the sametime it also shows that it is important to quantify mul-tipartite entanglement in many-body systems. Analysisin this direction is reviewed below.

A. Multipartite entanglement in spin systems

A first way to estimate multipartite entanglement inspin system is provided by the entanglement ratio τ2/τ1as the amount of two spin relative to global entanglement.For 1d − XY Z models it was shown that a small valueof such a ratio is generic in these systems with a cuspminimum at the quantum critical point (Roscilde et al.,2004). This is was shown numerically for the XYZ chainin a field (Fig.21).

In order to quantify the multipartite entanglement,Wei et al. calculated the geometric measure of entangle-ment (Wei and Goldbart, 2003), see II.E, for the trans-verse XY chain (Wei et al., 2005). The calculation canbe done by a clever use of symmetries: translational in-variance and periodic boundary conditions. In this case,the set of all possible separable states can be describedby a global rotation around the y-axis of the fully polar-ized state. The maximization is thus reduced to only onevariable.

As well as in the case of bipartite entanglement, alsothe multipartite measure of Wei et al. is very sensitive to

FIG. 22 The geometric entanglement measure Eq.(12) persite is plotted versus γ and hz for the XY model. Thereare three different phases: the ordered oscillatory phase forγ2 + h2

z < 1 and γ 6= 0; the ordered ferromagnetic phasebetween γ2+h)z2 > 1 and h < 1; and the paramagnetic phasefor hz > 1. There is a sharp rise in the entanglement acrossthe quantum phase transition line λ−1 = hz = 1. At γ = 0lies the XX model, which belongs to a different universalityclass than the anisotropic XY model. [From Wei et al., 2005]

the existence of QPTs. As a paradigmatic example theauthors analyzed the phase diagram in the anisotropy-magnetic field plane. Their results are shown in Fig.22.As expected there is no divergence in the measure itselfbut in its derivative. The new aspect here is that dif-ferently from the concurrence the multipartite entangle-ment measure in Eq.(12) can be expanded as a functionof n-point correlators.

The geometric entanglement cannot discriminate be-tween different n-particle entanglement classes. A com-prehensive classification in spin systems has been re-cently given by (Guhne et al., 2005) via the concept ofk-producibility (see II.E). The systems analyzed in detailare the one-dimensionalXY and Heisenberg models. Dif-ferent types of n-particle quantum correlated states leadto distinct bounds for the internal energy (or the groundstate energy at T = 0). A violation of these bounds thenimplies the presence of certain k-party producable entan-glement in the system. As pointed out in (Guhne et al.,2005), aiming at the thermodynamic limit of an infinitenumber of spins, the notion of k-producibility is easier tohandle than the n-separability (see II.E) as its definitionis independent of the number of sites in the system.

A systematic approach for deriving energy bounds forstates without certain forms of multipartite entanglementhas been developed in (Guhne and Toth, 2006). Themethod allowed to investigate also higher dimensionaland frustrated systems. As an example we report on theresults for the Heisenberg model. In d dimension, theenergy bounds per bond for one-, two-, three-, and four-producible states are given by

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0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4T/J






not 1-produciblenot 2-producible

not 3-produciblenot 4-producible

FIG. 23 Entanglement in thermal states of the XX-model ina transverse magnetic field. The different regions correspondto different types of multipartite entanglement contained inthe equilibrium thermal state. [From Guhne and Toth, 2006]

−4〈H〉/J 1p 2p 3p 4p

1d 1 3/2 1.505 1.616

2d 1 13/12 1.108 1.168

3d 1 31/30 1.044 1.067

It is striking how relatively close the 2- and 3-produciblebounds are in all cases. All the bounds given above arefound to be violated in the ground state. In the previousexpression the superscripts refer to the dimensionality ofthe model and the subscripts to the k-party entanglementfor which the bound is obtained. There is a factor 1/4 ofdifference with respect to the original paper because ofthe different notation used in this review.

Corresponding to the energy scales fixed by the boundsthere are different temperature scales at which the vari-ous n-party entanglement types disappear. As one wouldexpect, these crossover temperatures are monotonic in k;i.e. Tk ≥ Tk+1. The example given in Fig.23 clearlyshows how higher order multipartite entanglement pro-gressively disappears as the temperature increases.

B. Global entanglement

Multipartite entanglement close to quantum phasetransitions was quantified by the global-entanglementEgl measure of Meyer and Wallach (see II.E) in(de Oliveira et al., 2006a,b; Somma et al., 2004). To-gether with the Meyer-Wallach measure, de Oliveira etal also introduced slight extension of it as

E(2)gl =




N − 1



1 − 1

N − 1





where ρj,j+l is the reduced density matrix associated tothe sites j and j+l. Similarly one can consider also three-body reduced density matrices and construct the corre-sponding global entanglement measure. According to deOliveira et al. the above hierarchy might provide a com-prehensive description of entanglement in many-body

systems. Explicit calculations for the one-dimensionalIsing model (de Oliveira et al., 2006a) showed that both

Egl and E(2)gl are maximal at the critical point (with

Egl < E(2)gl for any value of the coupling constant) sug-

gesting that the quantum critical point is characterizedby the presence of multipartite entanglement. As in thecase of concurrence the non-analyticity associated to thecritical point is manifest in the derivative of the global en-tanglement measure. By extending an earlier approachdeveloped in (Wu et al., 2004), de Oliveira et al. also

showed how the non-analytic behavior of E(n)gl is related

to that of the ground state energy. Note that fromEq.(68) it is possible to define an entanglement lengthproportional to the correlation length ξ. This differs con-siderably from that one defined by the localizable entan-glement (see Eq.(55)); the latter is always bounded frombelow by the correlation length and can even be divergentwhere ξ is finite.

As discussed in (Facchi et al., 2006a,b) the analysis ofthe average purity might not be sufficient and the analy-sis of the distribution of the purity for different partitionscould give additional information. Rather than measur-ing multipartite entanglement in terms of a single num-ber, one characterizes it by using a whole function. Onestudies the distribution function of the purity (or othermeasures of entanglement) over all bipartitions of the sys-tem. If the distribution is sufficiently regular, its aver-age and variance will constitute characteristic features ofthe global entanglement: the average will determine the“amount” of global entanglement in the system, whilethe variance will measure how such entanglement is dis-tributed. A smaller variance will correspond to a largerinsensitivity to the choice of the bipartition and, there-fore, will be characteristic for different types of multipar-tite entanglement. The application of this technique tothe one-dimensional quantum Ising model in a transversefield shows that the distribution function is well behavedand its average and second moment are good indicatorsof the quantum phase transition (Costantini et al., 2007).This is in agreement with previously obtained results. Atthe onset of the QPT both the average and the standarddeviation exhibit a peak that becomes more pronouncedas the number of qubits is increased.

C. Generalized entanglement

A different route for studying the multipartite en-tanglement is paved by the general observable basedentanglement (see Section II.E). It was first pursuedby Somma et al for the LMG and the quantum XY -model. In the realm of solid state systems an experi-mental protocol to measure many-fermion entanglementbased on this concept has been proposed in (Kindermann,2006). A nice connection which emerges from the workof Somma et al is the one between the generalized entan-glement and the quantum fluctuations of the magnetiza-

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FIG. 24 Purity relative to the observable Sz in the groundstate of the LMG model. [From Somma et al., 2004]

tion which are responsible for the quantum phase transi-tion (Somma et al., 2004). Later, Montangero and Violaconsidered the dynamical behavior of generalized entan-glement in disordered systems (Montangero and Viola,2006). As remarked in (Somma et al., 2004), it is impor-tant to choose the appropriate subset of observables inorder to see the critical behavior in the entanglement.

In the case of the LMG model a natural choice for thelocal observables was to consider the purity relative tothe spin-N/2 representation of the angular momentum

PS =4



〈Sx〉2 + 〈Sy〉2 + 〈Sz〉2]

. Somma et al. also

consider the purity relative to the single observable Sz:

PSz =4




. With this last choice the relation be-

tween the multipartite entanglement and the order pa-rameter becomes evident. The result is shown in Fig.24.

Further interesting results emerge from the XY model.By choosing the following subset of operators ex-pressed in terms of the spinless fermions of the Jordan-

Wigner transform u(N) = spanc†ici′ + c†i′ci, i(c†i ci′ −


2(c†i ci − 1/2) it is possible to show that the as-sociated purity may be considered as a disorder param-eter, i.e. it is non-zero in the symmetric phase only. Atransparent way to express the purity in this case is torelate it to the variance of the number fermion opera-

tor Nf =∑

i c†ici. The result is plotted in Fig.25 for

different values of the anisotropy parameter γ. Two con-siderations are in order at this stage. First of all it is clearfrom the previous example that important properties ofentanglement appear when one moves away from the con-ventional picture of partitioning in real space. Secondlythe purity shows, differently from other measures as theconcurrence, direct indications of the critical behavior(and not only in the derivatives).

D. Renormalization group for quantum states

We continue our discussion on multipartite entangle-ment with a recent work (Verstraete et al., 2006) where

FIG. 25 The purity P ′

u(N) = Pu(N)−(1+γ)−1 of an XY modelin a transverse field as a function of λ for different anisotropiesγ.The constant part has been subtracted in order to make theconnection to the disorder parameter. [From Somma et al.,2004]

the method of renormalization group is applied to quan-tum states and not, as traditionally done, to the Hamilto-nian. The Renormalization Group is based on a recursivetransformation which leads to an effective description ofthe low-energy (long distance) physics of a given systemwhere all the effects of high energy modes are includedin a renormalization of certain coupling constants of themodel Hamiltonian. A study of the flow of these recur-sive equations, their fixed point(s) and the behavior ofthe flow close to the fixed points allows to determinethe critical behavior of the system under consideration.Contrary to the conventional renormalization group ap-proach, the idea of Verstraete et al. is to analyze how thequantum states change under this coarse graining and toclassify their fixed points. Given a system characterizedby N sites and a D-dimensional local Hilbert space. Thesteps of this real space renormalization procedure are thefollowing.(i) Coarse graining, in which clusters of neighboring sitesare merged into one site of a new lattice.(ii) Rescaling of the local variables associated to the newsites.(iii) Identification of the states which are invariant un-der local unitary transformation (long distance behaviorshould not depend on the choice of the local basis).(iv) Rescale the distances in order to have again a unitlattice constant.In this way a representative of a given class of quantumstates, invariant under local transformations, is trans-formed at each step. The irreversibility of the transfor-mation is crucially related to the step (iii) of the transfor-mation as one loses track of the unitary transformationperformed (which need to be local over the cluster).

Verstraete et al carry out explicitly the renormalizationgroup transformation for Matrix Product States (MPS),see Eq.(29). The decimation step in which two neighbor-ing sites, say i and i+1, are merged together is performedhere by means of merging the corresponding matrices Api

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and Api+1 into Api,pi+1

αβ =∑min(D2

MPS ,D2)

γ=1 ApiαγA


γβ . By

means of a singular value decomposition of A it is possibleto find the representative of the new state (see the step(iii)) and therefore to iterate the renormalization groupmap. In the case of DMPS = 2, Verstraete et al. providea complete classification of the fixed points of the trans-formation which contains product, GHZ and domain wallstates. A similar analysis in the case DMPS > 2 and/orin higher dimensional systems may turn out to be veryuseful also for the classification of multipartite entangle-ment in many-body systems.

E. Entanglement distribution for Gaussian states

It has been observed in Section II.G that the symme-try groups of admissible local transformations of Gaus-sian states and qubits are isomorphic. This suggests tolook for further analogies with the qubit case or to searchfor deviations from it. A striking feature of qubit en-tanglement is the monogamy as far as entanglement dis-tribution along chains of qubits is concerned (see II.B).For continuous variable entanglement such an inequal-ity was originally analyzed analytically for fully symmet-ric Gaussian states and numerically for randomly chosenGaussian states in (Adesso and Illuminati, 2005a). Thegeneral proof of monogamy has been obtained very re-cently in (Hiroshima et al., 2007). In this Section we usethe particular case of a symmetric state as a guidelineto discuss the monogamy for Gaussian states. A moredetailed discussion and the general proof can be found inthe review by Adesso and Illuminati, 2007.

A Gaussian state is called fully symmetric if and onlyif its covariance matrix is invariant with respect to per-mutations of the modes. Its covariance matrix can thenbe written as (Adesso et al., 2004a)

Vsymm =

β ε . . . ε

ε β . . . ε...

.... . .


ε ε . . . β


where β and ε are 2 × 2 matrices. Both can be diag-onalized by means of local symplectic transformations

in phase space, such that β = diag b, b and ε =diag ε1, ε2. This leads to a highly degenerate symplec-tic spectrum where n − 1 doubly degenerate symplecticeigenvalues are equal to ν = (b − ε1)(b − ε2) and the re-maining eigenvalue is νn = (b+ (n− 1)ε1)(b+ (n− 1)ε2).After a partial transposition, n−2 symplectic eigenvaluesν remain unaffected. The negativity is then determinedsolely by ν−, which is the smaller one of the remainingtwo affected eigenvalues ν± (Adesso et al., 2004a). Thisis due to the fact that the uncertainty leads to a lowerbound ~

2/4 for the product ν+ν−For a single Gaussian mode with covariance matrix V1,

the tangle is given by τ1 = 2(1 − detV1)/√

det V1 The

quantity which is analog to the pairwise tangle has beenidentified as the square of the logarithmic negativity

τ2(ν−) = [ln ν−]2


and has been termed contanglein (Adesso and Illuminati, 2005a). The identifica-tion of the square negativity as the continuous variabletangle is crucial for the demonstration of the monogamyinequality. Extensions of these measures to mixed statesare understood to be given by the corresponding convexroofs (Uhlmann, 2000), where the average of the purestate measure of entanglement has to be minimized overall pure state decompositions of the density matrix inconsideration. A restriction to decompositions purelyout of Gaussian states gave rise to the notion of theGaussian entanglement measures (Wolf et al., 2004)and the Gaussian entanglement of formation. It clearlyestablishes an upper bound for the entanglement offormation.

Negativity and Gaussian entanglement measureshave been analyzed with considerable detail in(Adesso and Illuminati, 2005b) for two-mode Gaussianstates with particular focus onto symmetric Gaussianstates. One important result is that negativity andGaussian measures lead to different ordering of Gaussianstates with respect to their entanglement. For symmet-ric Gaussian states instead, both give the same ordering.This result must be handled with care, since it is notobvious what precisely the restriction to Gaussian de-compositions entails for the ordering of states. Believinginto the striking similarity to qubit systems, one mightbe tempted to conjecture that for symmetric Gaussianstates a purely Gaussian optimal decomposition alwaysexisted.There are two extremal classes of two-mode Gaussianstates considered: for fixed local and global purity, thosestates that maximize the negativity are termed Gaus-sian Maximally Entangled Mixed States (GMEMS) in-troduced by Adesso et al., 2004b, whereas those statesminimizing the negativity have been termed GLEMS,which are states whose covariance matrix has one sym-plectic eigenvalue equal to 1 (mixed states with partialminimal uncertainty). The symmetric two-mode Gaus-sian states have been singled out as those states con-taining minimal Gaussian entanglement at fixed negativ-ity (Adesso and Illuminati, 2005b).

The entanglement sharing inequality for Gaussianstates assumes the same form as for qubits τ1,i ≥∑

j 6=i τ2,ij where the indices are the numbers of the var-ious distinguishable modes in a multi-mode Gaussianstate. This inequality has been proved for multi-modeGaussian states by Hiroshima et al., 2007.In the particular case of symmetric states all τ1,i ≡ τ1,1and τ2,ij = τ2,12 for all indices i, j.

As for qubit systems one can define a residual contan-gle by the difference τn := τ1,i −

∑nj 6=i τ2,ij as a quanti-

fier of the multipartite entanglement present in a Gaus-sian state. In particular is the residual contangle an

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entanglement monotone under Gaussian LOCC. An im-portant difference, however, arises as compared to theresidual tangle for qubits: not even for three modes isthe residual tangle invariant under permutations of themodes and its minimum respect to the common mode ihas to be taken. Even for symmetric Gaussian states,where this anomaly is absent, a promiscuous natureof continuous variable entanglement is encountered, insharp contrast to the monogamy inherent to qubit entan-glement (Coffman et al., 2000; Osborne and Verstraete,2006; Yu and Song, 2005). The term promiscuous is aninterpretation of the fact that the maximal residual con-tangle τ3 in a symmetric Gaussian three-mode state with-out pairwise contangle τ2 is smaller than the maximumpossible residual contangle without this restriction. Hav-ing in mind the entanglement sharing inequality, this im-plies that the local contangle τ1 is larger, when τ2 and τ3coexist. It is worth noticing at this point that the pecu-liarity of Gaussian states is to be completely described bytwo-point correlation functions. Consequently, all typesof multipartite entanglement are inextricably related inthat the same type of correlations are responsible for ei-ther type of quantum correlation. This is not the case fornon-Gaussian states and in particular not for qubit sys-tems or general higher-dimensional local Hilbert spaces.


The interest in studying the properties of entanglementin many-body system has been recently directed also tothe understanding of its dynamical behaviour. Entangle-ment dynamics has been studied from different perspec-tives. In a spirit similar to the study of propagation ofexcitations in condensed matter systems, several worksanalyzed the propagation of entanglement starting froma given initial state where the entanglement has been cre-ated in a given portion of the many-body system. Onecan imagine for example to initialize a spin chain suchthat all the spins are pointing upwards except two neigh-boring spins which are entangled. Due to the exchangeinteraction the entanglement, initially localized on twoneighboring sites of the chain will spread. This propa-gation is ballistic in clean systems. A “sound velocity”for the excitations results in a finite speed for the prop-agation of excitations. If some weak disorder is presentone might expect diffusing propagation. Entanglementlocalization and chaotic behaviour can eventually alsobe observed. An alternative approach is to start withthe ground state of an Hamiltonian H0 and the let theHamiltonian change in time. Most of the attention up tonow has been devoted to the case of sudden quench, i.e.after the preparation the Hamiltonian suddenly changesto H1. Moreover since we are mostly dealing with in-teracting systems, entanglement can be also generatedor it can change its characteristics during the dynamicalevolution.

Another important aspect of entanglement dynamics

is the possibility to generate entangled states with givenproperties by taking advantage of interaction present ina many-body systems. This is the natural generalizationof the case where a Bell state can be obtained by lettingtwo qubit interact for fixed time by means of an exchangecoupling of XX symmetry. In the same spirit one canthink to generate three-bit entangled GHZ or W states ormultipartite entangled states by tailoring the appropriateexchange couplings in spin networks.

A. Propagation of entanglement

1. Pairwise entanglement

The simplest situation, which we consider first, is thepropagation of entanglement in the one-dimensionalXX-model, i.e. γ = 0 and ∆ = 0 in Eq.(23) (Amico et al.,2004; Subrahmayam, 2004). Suppose that the initialstate of the chain is

|Ψ±(t = 0)〉 ≡ 1√2(σxi ± σxj )|0, . . . 0〉 , (71)

namely all the spin are in a fully polarized state excepttwo, at positions i and j, which are in one of the two Bellstates |ψ±〉 = 2−1/2(|01〉 ± |10〉) In this case the problemis amenable of a simple analytical solution. The reasonis that, since the total magnetization is conserved, theevolution is confined to the sector where only one spin isup. In this sector the dynamics is completely describedby the states |l〉 ≡ |0, . . . 0, 1, . . . 0〉 (l = 1, . . . , N) whichrepresents a state of the chain where the lth spin is pre-pared in |1〉 while all the others N −1 ones are in |0〉. Atlater times the state of the chain is to be

|Ψ±(t)〉 =∑


w(i,j)±,l (t)|l〉 . (72)

In the thermodynamic limit, N → ∞, the coefficientscan be expressed in terms of Bessel functions Jn(x) as

w(i,j)±,l (t) = 1√


Ji−l(4Jt) ± (−i)j−iJj−l(4Jt)

. Eq.(72)

together with the coefficients defined previously allowsto study various kinds of entanglement measures for thisparticular case.

As a first indication of the entanglement propagationwe analise the dynamical evolution of the concurrencebetween two sites, located at positions n andm, (initiallythe entangled state is between the sites i and j). Theconcurrence reads

Ci,jn,m(±, t) = 2∣

∣w(i,j)±,n (t)w

(i,j)⋆±,m (t)

∣ . (73)

The function Ci,jn,m(t), plotted in Fig.26, shows for siteswhich are symmetrical respect to the initial position ofthe Bell state |ψ±〉. The time evolution dictated by theXX Hamiltonian, amounts to a propagation of the singleflipped spin through the chain. The speed of the prop-agation is set up by the interaction strengths. The in-formation exchange or entanglement propagation over a

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FIG. 26 Concurrence between sites n = −x,m = x, symmet-rically placed with respect of the state where the singlet wasinitially created. from their initial position i = −1 and j = 1.[From (Amico et al., 2004)].

distance of d lattice spacings, approximately takes a timet ∼ ~d/J . The external field h does not enter in Eq.(73),since all of the components of the state are in the samesector where one spin has been flipped and therefore itcontributes only to an overall dynamical phase to thestate evolution.

Having in mind the use of spin chains as quantum chan-nels, the preparation scheme described above does notlead to faithful entanglement transfer. The most nat-ural way to perform this task is to prepare the entan-gled state and then let only one of the qubit to propa-gate along the spin chain (thereby following the protocoloriginally proposed by Bose (Bose, 2003) or its modi-fied version (Christandl et al., 2004) to achieve perfecttransfer with modulated chain). A detailed analysis inthis direction was recently performed by Hartmann etal (Hartmann et al., 2006). They considered initial max-imally entangled states and used the chain to transfer thestate of one of the two qubits, found a relation between ameasurement of the entanglement fidelity at the fidelityof state transfer and concluded that there are possibilityto have perfect entanglement transfer.

If the chain is initially prepared in |Ψ±(t = 0)〉, givenin Eq.(71), the entanglement propagates maintaining itsoriginal characteristics. This is not the case if, for exam-ple, the initial states of the two entangled sites is of thetype |Φ±〉 = (1/

√2)(00〉 ± |11〉). These states are super-

positions of components belonging to different magneti-zation sectors. The entanglement propagates with thesame velocity as before, however, under certain condi-tions, it turns out that, the propagating quantum corre-lations change their character. After some time a singlet-like entangled state propagates even if the initial statewas not a singlet. A different set of initial states hasalso been considered. In (Hamieh and Katsnelson, 2005)the chain was initialized in a separable state by meansof a set of projective measurement (in particular theyconsidered all the spins aligned in the z-direction exceptone prepared in an eigenstate of Sx). The evolution can

FIG. 27 The nearest neighbor logarithmic negativity EN asfunction of the initial transverse field hz and time t for theanisotropy γ = 0.5. At short times t ≤ 1.8 the dynamicalphase transition is a point of reentrance for the entanglement.At later times the state remains separable for values of thefield above the critical value. For the t = 0, entanglementvanishes, as it should, as hz grows. The transverse magne-tization of the evolved state does not show a similar criticalbehavior as a function of hz. [From (Sen(De) et al., 2005)].

be described using the same approach as outlined above.The new ingredient now is the creation of entanglementduring the dynamics. Hamieh and Katsnelson showedthat the oscillations of the entanglement wave has thesame periodicity, but out of phase, with the oscillation ofthe (non-equilibrium) average magnetization. The distri-bution of entanglement in the chain has been analyzedafter launching a single excitation from the central siteof a XX chain in (Fitzsimons and Twamley, 2005). Itwas found that the second-order moment of the spatialextent of the concurrence grows much faster (with a rateincreasing as t5/2) if some disorder is present in the cen-tral portion of the chain (in the ordered case the increasegoes as t2).

Additional features emerge in the quantum XY withγ 6= 0. In this case the magnetization is not anylonger a constant of motion (two spins can be flippedsimultaneously). The calculations were done analyti-cally (Amico et al., 2004) resorting to the exact calcu-lation of the necessary set of out of equilibrium corre-lation functions (Amico and Osterloh, 2004). The mostnotable difference in the two-site entanglement, studiedis an entanglement production from the vacuum. Thisoccurs uniformly along the chain and it superimposesto the entanglement wave associated discussed before.The velocity of propagation of the entanglement is al-most independent on the anisotropy parameter γ. Whatis strongly dependent on γ is the damping coefficient ofthe entanglement wave. As the anisotropy approachesγ = 1, the Ising point, the wave is strongly damped andvanishes approximately after few ∼ J−1. Furthermorein the anisotropic case it is possible to observe a non-trivial dynamics when the external magnetic field is time-

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dependent (Huang and Kais, 2005; Sen(De) et al., 2005).In (Sen(De) et al., 2005) the system is initially preparedin the ground state; the evolution is analyzed after themagnetic field is (suddenly) switched off. Sen(de) et al.analyzed the two-site entanglement by means of the log-arithmic negativity as shown in Fig.27 and demonstratedthe existence of a dynamical phase transition, not observ-able in the magnetization. As it can be seen in Fig.27at a fixed time t the entanglement vanishes (and thengrows again) for certain values of the initially appliedmagnetic field. For t ≤ 1.8 the critical field is almostindependent on the time t and is h ∼ 0.8. A remarkabledifferent situation occurs for t ≤ 1.8, here a dynamicalphase transition occurs where the entanglement vanishesfor any value of h ≥ hc. For values of the initial field inthe region near the phase transitions, entanglement be-haves non monotonically with respect to temperature ofthe initial equilibrium state.

The two-site entanglement is non er-godic (Sen(De) et al., 2004). The evolution of two-siteentanglement of a XY chain has studied after a suddenchange of the external magnetic field. The evolvedstate does not approach its equilibrium value. That is,entanglement by itself does not relax to its equilibriumvalue in the absence of further contact with reservoirs.Therefore entanglement in such systems cannot bedescribed by equilibrium statistical mechanics.

The entanglement dynamics has been studied,to a large extent analytically, also in the LMGmodel (Latorre et al., 2005a; Vidal et al., 2004b). Theyconsidered the dynamical evolution of entanglement byanalyzing both the one-tangle τ1(t) and the concurrenceC(t) for the cases in which the initial state is fully po-larized either in the z- or in the x-direction. Because ofthe symmetries of the model and since the initial statebelongs to the sector with maximal spin, S = N/2, boththese quantities do not depend on the spins which are se-lected. This means that they can be expressed solely interms of the average value of the total spin 〈Sα〉 and itscorrelation functions 〈SαSβ〉 (α = x, y, z). An interest-ing feature of this model is that its level spacing is finiteeven in the thermodynamic limit. Contrary to the expec-tations, however, the Poincare time is dependent on thenumber of spins N and this has important consequenceson the entanglement dynamics.

In the case in which the spins are prepared inthe state |0 . . . 0〉 analytical results can be obtainedin the limit of zero and very large magnetic field.In the limit of zero external field the tangle andthe concurrence can be expressed as and τ1(t) =1 − c(t)2(N−1) and C(t) = (1/4)(c(t)(N−2) − 1 +

[c(t)(N−2) − 1]2 + [4c(t)(N−2)s(t)(N−2)]21/2

), with c(t) =cos(4Jt/N), s(t) = sin(4Jt/N), and show perfect anti-correlation in time. In the opposite limit of a strongapplied field it is possible to resort to a semiclassi-cal approximation of the Heisenberg equation of mo-tion (Law et al., 2001), Sx = 2hSy, Sy = −2hSx +

(2J/N)[Sz, Sx]+, Sy = −(2J/N)[Sz, Sy]+ by noting that,

for N ≫ 1, the z-component of the magnetization hasnegligible fluctuations (Sz(t) ∼ S = N/2). There-fore the set of equations governing the dynamics of thesystem becomes linear and can be easily solved. Theconcurrence as a function of time for positive valuesof the external field evolves as C(t) = 1 − ch(t)

2 −(J2/4h2

z)sh(t)2 with ch(t)

2 = cos2(√

h(h− J)t) and

sh(t)2 = sin2(

h(h− J)t). Dynamics of two-site entan-glement was discussed also in the context of spin-bosonlike models. In (Ciancio and Zanardi, 2006) the nega-tivity for a two-modes Jaynes-Cummings was analyzedwith particular emphasis on the entanglement betweenthe two bosonic modes mediated by the qubit. The re-laxation dynamics of the entanglement, quantified troughthe concurrence, in the spin-boson model was discussedin (Lim et al., 2006)

We finally mention a study where it was noticed thatthe entanglement encoded in the states caused by thesplitting of the degeneracy determined by the transversefield in the quantum XY model is not preserved by anadiabatic perturbation. Separable states can become en-tangled after the field is varied adiabatically, and vicev-ersa (Cao et al., 2006).

2. Dynamics of the block entropy

The dynamical behaviour of the block entropy was firstconsidered in (Calabrese and Cardy, 2005) in the generalframework of conformal field theory and via an exact so-lution of the quantum Ising model. Later Dur et al con-sidered Ising models with long range interaction and DeChiara et al (De Chiara et al., 2005) performed numeri-cal simulations of the XXZ chain.

Calabrese and Cardy showed that a quench of the sys-tem from a non critical to a critical point leads the blockentropy first to increase linearly in time and then to satu-rate. For periodic boundary conditions and given a blockof dimensions ℓ, the time at which the entropy saturatesis given by t∗ = ℓ/(2v) where v is the spin wave velocity.

Sℓ(t) ∼

t t ≤ t∗

ℓ t ≥ t∗(74)

Thus there is an arbitrary large entanglement entropy inthe asymptotic state, contrarily to the ground-state case,where the entropy diverges only at critical point. An ex-ample of the time dependence of the block entropy for theIsing andXXZ models is shown in Fig.28. Calabrese andCardy proposed a simple interpretation of this behaviourin terms of quasiparticles excitations emitted from theinitial state at t = 0 and freely propagating with veloc-ity v. The argument goes as follows. The initial statehas a very high energy relative to the ground state of theHamiltonian which governs the subsequent time evolu-tion, and therefore acts as a source of quasiparticle exci-tations. Particles emitted from different points are inco-herent, but pairs of particles moving to the left or right

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0 10 20 30 40 50 60
















0 2 4 6 8 10 12 t







0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8∆






FIG. 28 Evolution of the entropy for different typesof quenches in the case of the Ising (left panel) [from(Calabrese and Cardy, 2005)] and Heisenberg (right panel)[from (De Chiara et al., 2005)]models. The block are of 60and 6 sites in the Ising and the Heisenberg cases respectively.In the Ising case the quench is obtained by changing the ex-ternal magnetic field from h0 to h1 = 1. In the Heisenbergmodel the anisotropy parameters is used instead, ∆0 = 1.5while ∆1 = 0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8. The time is expressed inunits of the spin wave velocity. The inset of the left panelshows the behaviour of the initial slope as a function of thefinal value of the anisotropy

from a given point are highly entangled (see Fig.29). The


2t 2t



2t > l

2t < l



FIG. 29 Schematic representation of the dynamics of blockentropy. Entangled particles are emitted from the regionA, they will contribute to the block entropy as long asone of the two particles ends in the region B. [from(Calabrese and Cardy, 2005)]

idea is that a point xA in the region A will be entangledwith a point xB in the region B if a pair of entangledparticles emitted at an earlier time arrive simultaneouslyat xA and xB. In this picture the block entropy is sim-ply proportional to the length of the interval where thiscan happen. The saturation is reached when the mostdistant quasiparticles (which started in the middle of theblock) have already got entangled. In the presence ofdisorder the dynamical behaviour is strikingly different.This picture applies in the more general context of thestudy of dynamical correlation functions after a quenchas recently discussed in (Calabrese and Cardy, 2006).

Possible evidence of localization in the block entropyhas been discussed in (De Chiara et al., 2005). The caseof Ising models in zero magnetic field with long range in-

teraction the dynamics was analyzed in the case of factor-ized initial states (Dur et al., 2005). The general pictureis confirmed also in this case although in the short timelimit additional oscillations appear probably due to thevarious different phases related to the different couplings.

We finally mention that the entropy in the caseof a finite time quench has been considered inCherng and Levitov, 2006 and by Cincio et al. , 2007.Very recently rigorous bounds for the time evolutionof the block entropy were obtained by Osborne andEister (Eisert and Osborne, 2006) and by Verstraete etal (Bravyi et al., 2006).

3. Chaos & dynamics of entanglement

The evolution of entanglement is very sensitive tothe different properties of the spectrum in the tran-sition to chaos as in the case of a quantum com-puter with imperfections. A small inaccuracy in thecoupling constants induces errors in gating or a un-wanted time evolution if the Hamiltonian cannot beswitched exactly to zero. If the imperfection strengthincreases, new phenomena occur and above a certainthreshold the core of the computer can even “melt” dueto the setting in of chaotic behavior (Benenti et al., 2001;Georgeot and Shepelyansky, 2000). In addition to theunderstanding of the behaviour of the fidelity as an in-dicator to measure the stability of the quantum mem-ory (see Gorin et al., 2006 for a review), a more com-plete characterization has recently included the behav-ior of entanglement on approaching the transition tothe chaos either by considering a dynamics of a disor-dered (Montangero et al., 2003; Montangero and Viola,2006; Sen(De) et al., 2006) or time-dependent Isingmodel (Lakshminarayan and Subrahmayam, 2005; seeProsen, 2007 for a recent review on the dy-namical complexity analysed on the kicked Isingmodel) and by studying the dynamics of a quan-tum map (Bandyopadhyay and Lakshminarayan, 2002;Bettelli and Shepelyansky, 2003; Ghose and Sanders,2004; Miller and Sarkar, 1999; Rossini et al., 2004). Inparticular the disordered Ising model has been pro-posed (Georgeot and Shepelyansky, 2000) to describe thehardware of a quantum computer, in which system im-perfections generate unwanted inter-qubit couplings andenergy fluctuations. Three different regimes appear de-pending on the variance of the fluctuations of the ex-change couplings. At a first critical value δJc the systemscrosses from the perturbative to the chaotic regime, whileat the second pointδJE the system goes into an ergodicstate characterized by a Gaussian local density of states.All these dynamical regimes have been detected in thedynamics of entanglement in (Montangero et al., 2003;Montangero and Viola, 2006).

We finally mention the interesting connec-tions (Boness et al., 2006) found for the propertiesof the entanglement in a Heisenberg chain with pulsed

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magnetic field with the localization behaviour of thequantum kicked rotator.

B. Generation of entanglement

The Hamiltonians discussed so far can be also used togenerate particular entangled states.

The simplest case is to consider the XX-model inthe sector in which only one spin is flipped. The factthat the Hilbert space is spanned by the basis set |l〉〉hints to the fact that W-states can be generated. Forshort chains, N = 3, 4, generalized W-states of the type|W 〉 = 1√

4[|1000〉 − i|0100〉 − |0010〉 − i|0001〉] appear

at discrete times is the initial state of the chain is fullypolarized (Wang, 2001). This simple scheme cannot beextended easily to an arbitrary number of qubits. Thereason is related to the fact that for generic terms thevarious frequencies appearing in the dynamical evolutionof the state are not commensurate.

An interesting example of generation of entangledstates is that of cluster states (Briegel and Raussendorf,2001) which has been shown to be essential for the one-way quantum computation (Raussendorf and Briegel,2001; Raussendorf et al., 2003) (see Hein et al., 2006 fora review). Remarkably, they can be generated by certainspin Hamiltonians. In fact, the dynamical evolution ofan Ising model in zero magnetic field, H =

i,j Jijσzi σ

zj ,

is equivalent to a series of conditional phase shifts. In thecase of a regular lattice this Hamiltonian generates clus-ter states which are readily generalized to graph statesfor an Ising model defined on a simple graph. It is easyto realize that the evolution operator at time Jt = π/4can be written as U(π/4) =

i,j12 (1+σzi σ

zj ) If the initial

state is a product state with all the spin pointing alongthe x-direction, than at time Jt = π/4 the state is a graphstate characterized by a maximal bipartite entanglementand by maximal entanglement persistence. An exampleof cluster state generate by an Ising chain with nearest-neighbour couplings, for N = 4, is given by |Ψ〉cl =|0000〉 + |1100〉 + |0011〉 − |1111〉 (for N = 2, 3 clusterstates coincide with Bell and GHZ states respectively).The Ising model is not the only case when graph statescan be created. Borhani and Loss (Borhani and Loss,2005) showed how to generate them using Heisenberg in-teraction while Clark et al (Clark et al., 2005) consideredthe XX-model Hamiltonian.

An appropriate tailoring of the initial state or thespin graph can lead to the production of properly tai-lored entangled states (Koniorczyk et al., 2005). In aXX-model in a star network it is possible to controlthe concurrence between two spins by varying the ini-tial state of the central spin only. Such a spin me-diates the interaction between the outer ones as alsodiscussed in (Hutton and Bose, 2004). The pairwiseentanglement can be maximized by choosing all theouter spin down and the central spin up. These dy-namically generated states saturate the CKW inequality

Eq.(8) (Coffman et al., 2000) and hence have the maxi-mal possible two-site entanglement. Koniorczyk et al an-alyzed also the concurrence of assistance, i.e. the max-imum amount of entanglement which could be concen-trated on two qubits by means of assisted measurementson the rest of the system. Depending on the initial sys-tem, the behaviour of the concurrence and the concur-rence of assistance can be quite different.

C. Extraction of entanglement

The entanglement naturally contained in a many-bodystate can in principle be extracted and therefore used forquantum information processing. This means that suchentanglement can be transferred to a pair of particlesand subsequently used, in principle, for quantum com-putation or to test the violation of the Bell’s inequali-ties. De Chiara et al proposed a scheme of entanglementswapping by means of scattering of a pair of particleswith a spin chain or an optical lattice (De Chiara et al.,2006). To this end one sends simultaneously a pair ofprobe particles toward the entangled spin chain in sucha way that each probe interacts with a different spin.The entanglement between the probes has been extractedfrom the spin chain and cannot exist without entangle-ment in the chain. This is a genuine non local pro-cess between the two probes like in the case of entan-glement swapping. In practice the scattering interactionbetween probes and spins in the chain must be capa-ble of (at least partially) swap their state. This is thecase of very common interactions like the Heisenberg orthe XY ones. The most natural way to extract entan-glement from entangled electron spins in solids wouldbe to scatter pairs of neutrons off the solid. Anotherpossibility would be to realize Hamiltonians of entangledspin chains or ladders that can be realized using trappedcold atoms (Duan et al., 2003; Garcia-Ripoll and Cirac,2004; Garcia-Ripoll et al., 2003) and, as probe particlesone can use marker qubits (Calarco et al., 2004).

D. Time evolution of the entanglement in Gaussian states

The dynamics of Gaussian states has first been dis-cussed in (Plenio et al., 2004), where essentially two as-pects have been highlighted: the creation of entangle-ment from an initially disentangled state and the prop-agation of an entangled state on top of a disentangledbackground, both induced by Hamiltonian dynamics.

The initially entangled two-mode state is characterizedby the squeezing parameter r, which appears in the co-variance matrix as Vξα,ξα = cosh r for all phase spacevariables of the zeroth and the first oscillator mode,whereas Vq0,q1 = Vp0,p1 = sinh r; in absence of further off-diagonal elements, all other diagonal elements are equalto 1. Two different types of nearest neighbor couplings ofthe oscillator have been considered: ideal springs obey-

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ing Hooke’s law, and its Rotating Wave Approximation(RWA). In this approximation both the kinetic and po-tential energy terms assume the same form (Plenio et al.,2004). The RWA conserves the number of bosonic exci-tations in the system, whereas the ideal spring couplingdoes not. The initial entanglement is encoded in a zerothoscillator, itself decoupled from the chain of oscillators,and one oscillator within the chain as described above. Inthis case, the Hamiltonian for the harmonic lattice (withan appropriate choice of the matrix U, see Eq.(34)) reads

H =1



q20 + p20 +



(q2k + p2k +K1(qk+1 − qk)




After discarding the terms aa and a†a†, in RWA, the (75)can be written (up to a constant) as (Plenio et al., 2004)

HRWA = a†0a0 +(1+K1)



a†kak−K1(a†k+1ak+ a†kak+1)

(76)For both (75) and (76) the time evolution of the positionand momentum operator can be evaluated analytically.

The initially entangled state of two oscillators – a de-coupled and one harmonic oscillator within a periodicchain – is released at time t = 0 into the backgroundof initially disentangled oscillators, all being prepared intheir ground state. In regard to the pairwise entangle-ment we can observe that the n-th and the zeroth os-cillators will become entangled after a finite time tc(n),which is essentially given by the velocity of sound of theunderlying model Hamiltonian. After this entanglementwave arrives, the n-th oscillators’ entanglement exhibitsdamped oscillations with the characteristic time scale ofthe model. For the model (75), the velocity of sound hasbeen determined as v = K1/

√1 + 2K1. Within the RWA

this velocity appears enhanced: vRWA = K1. The heightENf of the first local maximum in the logarithmic nega-tivity has been used to define the transmission efficiencyTeff for entanglement in the chain as Teff = ENf/ENi,where ENi is the logarithmic negativity initially preparedbetween the oscillators zero and one.

In both models ENf is observed to saturate whencranking up r and hence the initial entanglement. Asexpected, the saturation value is a decreasing functionof the distance n. The main difference is that for thegeneric coupling the saturation value also depends on thecoupling strength K1 and is the smaller, the stronger isthe coupling. Within the RWA it is independent of thecoupling strength. Given the initial logarithmic nega-tivity ENi = −2r/ ln 2, the transmission efficiency be-haves differently. For the generic model it is zero for zerosqueezing, has a maximum at a finite squeezing rmaxand anishes for r → ∞. In sharp contrast, in RWATeff is a monotonically decreasing function of r. Inter-estingly enough, for the model in RWA, the oscillatorfrequencies and coupling strengths can be optimized asto have perfect transmission from one end of an open

chain of M sites to the other end. This is achieved byvirtue of Uj,j+1 = Uj+1,j = K1

n(M − n), Uj,j = 1,

ωn = 1−K1


(n− 1)(n+ 1) where we definedn = M − n. The same turns out to be impossible forthe generic model and M > 2. The only possibility is tochoose the couplings and frequencies as in the RWA casein the limit of K1 → 0 (where the RWA is exact). In thisway, the transmission efficiency can be pushed arbitrar-ily close to perfect transmission but with a transmissionspeed tending to zero. The transmission of quantum in-formation has been found to be robust against noise inK1 for both models (Plenio et al., 2004).

Another effect occurring in the generic model is entan-glement creation from a disentangled state, which is notan eigenstate. This can be realized by an abrupt changeof the coupling strength. As in the spin case (see Sec-tion IX.A) no entanglement creation can be generatedwithin the RWA. In an open chain the oscillators at theend points become entangled after half the time a sig-nal needs to travel through all the chain. This indicatesthat this initial pairwise entanglement is mediated fromthe center of the chain. Actually this is the first signalthat possibly can arrive when essentially pairwise entan-glement is created or contributes to the eventual pairwiseentanglement of the boundary oscillators. Raising a fi-nite temperature for a thermal state, the arrival time isslightly enhanced and the signal is subject to damping.However, this effect turned out to be much more sensitiveto noise in the coupling strength than the propagation ofquantum information (Plenio et al., 2004).


During the last years it became evident that quan-tum information offers powerful instruments to grasp theproperties of complex many-body systems. This is thereason why this area of research is undergoing an im-pressive expansion. In this review we touched only oneparticular aspect of this activity, namely the propertiesof entanglement in many-body systems.

As mentioned in the introduction, there are severalimportant aspects which, for space limitations, were ig-nored. In this respect we should certainly mention theincreasing interest towards the optimization of numeri-cal simulations of quantum systems. There were alreadya number of breakthroughs (see also the introduction)that, for example, lead to the development of the time-dependent DMRG. The design of variational methods tostudy the ground state and finite temperature proper-ties of many-body Hamiltonians has been exploited innumerous interesting works. We already mentioned inthe introduction the large body of activity on quantumstate transfer in spin chains. Here the knowledge of thelow-lying excitations of the chain (spin-waves) has helpedin finding new quantum protocols. More is expected tocome in the next future.

It is very tempting, although very difficult, to try to

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envisage the possible evolution of this line of research.The study of the topological entanglement entropy is avery important aspect that will be investigated in thecoming future. Adiabatic quantum computation andthe one-way quantum computation will benefit from thestudy of entanglement in complex systems. The studyof the topological entanglement may also have remark-able spin off to understand many puzzling phenomena incondensed matter physics amoung which high Tc super-conductors and heavy fermions are of paramount impor-tance (Coleman and Schofield, 2005). Furthermore willthe analysis of new measures for multipartite entangle-ment provide with additional insight necessary for under-standing the role of entanglement in such complex phe-nomena, which might also reveal valuable information,e.g. on how to simulate these systems efficiently on acomputer.

Many interesting results have been already obtained,but the overlap between quantum information and many-body physics is not yet fully unveilled. There is a numberof open questions which provide a fertile ground for a fieldof lively exciting research.


We acknowledge very fruitful discussions with J. An-ders, G. Benenti, C. Brukner, P. Calabrese, A. Cappelli,G. De Chiara, P. Facchi, G. Falci, A. Fubini, V. Giovan-netti, H. Frahm, L. Heaney, J. Hide, F. Illuminati, D.Kaszlikowski, A. Maugeri, V. Korepin, A. Montorsi, S.Montangero, G. Palacios, G.M. Palma, E. Paladino, D.Patane, F. Plastina, S. Pascazio, M. Rizzi, D. Rossini,G. Santoro, J. Siewert, W. Son, V. Tognetti, G. Toth,P. Verrucchi, L. Viola, P. Zanardi, and A. Zeilinger. Weare very grateful to A. Anfossi, P. Calabrese, A. Fubini,V. Giovannetti, F. Illuminati, E. Jeckelmann, V. Kore-pin, A. Montorsi, I. Peschel, A. Silva, P. Verrucchi, andL. Viola for all their comments and suggestions to im-prove the manuscript. This work has been supportedby European Community through grants EUROSQIP(R.F. and L.A.), SPINTRONICS (R.F.), by Ministerodell’istruzione, Universita’ e Ricerca (MIUR) throughPRIN (R.F. and L.A.), by the Royal Society, the WolfsonFoundation and by Engineering and Physical SciencesResearch Council, as well as the National Research Foun-dation and Ministry of Education, in Singapore (V.V.).The present work has been performed within the ”Quan-tum Information” research program of Centro di RicercaMatematica “Ennio De Giorgi” of Scuola Normale Supe-riore (R.F.).


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