
Department of Economics

Lund University

Preferential trade agreements and bilateral trade flow in Latin America

A study performed using the gravity model of trade

Bachelor Essay, Autumn 2013Author: Axel Olsson

Mentor: Zouheir El-Sahli


After studying economic integration it doesn’t come as a shock that preferential

trade agreements (PTA) have an effect on the countries within the PTA, or outside

the PTA for that matter also. The majority of the Latin American countries have been

considered as developing countries for the better part of the 21st century, and have, for

the most part, been secluded from the world market.

Since the introduction of in particular ALADI (Asociación Latinoamericana de

Integración, 1980), but also Mercosur (Mercado Común del Sur, 1991), the Latin

American trade market has completely changed. The point of ALADI was to create a

stable socio-economic environment for the involved countries, as well as ensuring

development in a manner that eventually succumbed to a common Latin American

market. Mercosur was created a decade later, where the major countries within

ALADI had the goal to integrate further, by creating their own common market,

where they benefited more towards each other without the remaining ALADI

countries. To measure the exact effects that these PTAs have had on the different

countries, an econometric estimation must be performed. The regression that will be

executed here is the well-known gravity model of trade. A total of 22 countries are

included in the equation, which means that there are 462 country-pairs that are

examined over the time period of 1975-1995.

The study shows that there is a specific correlation between the entry of a

preferential trade agreement and the bilateral trade flow, especially concerning

Mercosur. Looking at the first estimation, it is evident that the membership of

Mercosur has led to an increase in bilateral trade flow with a rather substantial

margin. Since there is a problem of multicollinearity in the estimations, this has led to

it being hard to analyse ALADI in the specific estimations.

However, when looking at the statistics, the evidence shows that countries that

have entered a PTA (both ALADI and Mercosur) have increased their bilateral trade

flow. This has to do with several factors that will be presented throughout the essay.

Key Words: Latin America, Gravity Equation, Bilateral Trade Flow, Preferential

Trade Agreement, ALADI and Mercosur


Table of Contents

1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………….5

2. Background………………………………………………………………………..6

2.1. ALADI…………………………………………………………………….6

2.2. Mercosur………………………………………………………………..6-7

2.3. Purpose of PTAs………………………………………………………..7-8

3. Previous Studies………………………………………………………………..8-10

4.The Gravity Equation…………………………………………………………10-11

5. Method……………………………………………………………………………11

6. Econometric equation……………………………………………………………11

6.1. Variables……………………………………………………………..11-12

6.2. External Countries………………………………………………………12

6.3. Logarithms…………………………………………………………...12-13

6.4. Time Interval…………………………………………………………….13

7. Fixed effect……………………………………………………………………….13

8. Data……………………………………………………………………………….14

8.1. Sources………………………………………………………………….14

8.2. Panel Data…………………………………………………………..14-15

9. Regression terminology…………………………………………………………15

9.1. Autocorrelation…………………………………………………………15

9.2. Heteroscedasticity……………………………………………………15-16

9.3. Null hypothesis…………………………………………………………..16

9.4. T-value……………………………………………………………….16-17

9.5. Multicollinearity…………………………………………………………17

9.6. Endogeneity…………………………………………………………..17-18

9.7. Zero Trade Flows………………………………………………………18

10. Equation Estimates…………………………………………………………….19

10.1. Fixed country specific and fixed period effects……………………..19-20

10.2. Fixed period effects……………………………………………………21

10.3. White test for heteroscedasticity……………………………………….21

11. Figures………………………………………………………………………..22-25

12. Analysis………………………………………………………………………26-27

13. Conclusion…………………………………………………………………...28-29


14. Equation Estimate Figures……………………………………………………30

14.1. Fixed country specific and fixed period effects………………………30

14.2. Fixed period effects…………………………………………………..31

14.3. White test for heteroscedasticity……………………………………..32

15. References……………………………………………………………………..33

15.1. Websites…………………………………………………………….33-34

15.2. Authors/Studies……………………………………………………..34-35

16. Appendix……………………………………………………………………….36

16.1. Included Countries…………………………………………………....36

16.2. Included Variables……………………………………………………37


1. Introduction

Preferential trade agreements have long been an important and influential part of

regional integration. Ever since the formation of the earliest preferential trade

agreements it has been obvious that PTAs have had a large impact on both the

members and the non-member parts of the PTA. Over the past decades PTAs (mainly

regional) have become immensely popular. Seeing to the beneficial possibilities that

PTAs can provide this is in no way a surprise. PTAs can vary a lot regarding the

geographical size, with them being as large as a continent to being an agreement

between two small countries. PTAs are not something solely associated with

prominent developed countries, as a matter of fact rather the opposite. Developing

countries often negotiate an agreement with a more developed country, e.g. Costa

Rica is involved in a PTA with Canada (URL 10). This then helps the less developed

country to gain comparative advantages towards similar under-developed countries.

Frequently asked questions revolving preferential trade agreements are such as:

what kinds of measurements are used to actually measure exact effects? Are PTAs

always beneficial? What effects do they have on the member countries towards their

bilateral trade flow? These questions are just a few that are to be answered in this


The goal of the essay will be, with the help of the gravity model of trade, to

determine the impact that a formation of a preferential trade agreement has on (both

member and non-member) countries’ bilateral trade flow. The focus field will be

Latin America, in particular the formation of the initial free trade agreement of

ALADI (Asociación Latinoamericana de Integración) in 1980 and also the more

recent and niched formation of MERCOSUR (1991) (see section 16.1 for full country


There have been several similar studies regarding these questions, where the most

notable study regarding the Latin American countries is the one by Carillo & Li

(2002, Trade Blocks and the Gravity Model: Evidence from Latin American

Countries). Earlier theories and equations on this particular area will be brought up

later on in the essay.


2. Background


ALADI was formed in 1980 with the goal to integrate the Latin American

countries so that an eventual common Latin American market could be established.

The main reason for the formation of ALADI is to promote and in some ways also

regulate the reciprocal trade and eventually be able to reach a common market (URL

1). Large parts of the ALADI region are suffering from major poverty, with the

poverty scale varying quite a bit even domestically within the countries. Looking at

one of the main countries, Brazil, with just over 200 million inhabitants, where not

only the class-difference, but also the living standards vary immensely. The so-called

Favelas in Brazil are a prime example of this. Even though the domestic law

enforcements are trying to clear out the Favelas, the largest Favela, located in the

centre of Rio de Janiero, still has around 1 million inhabitants. The standards in the

Favelas are almost unimaginable. To have a finished roof over ones head is

considered to be a form of luxury in the Favelas (URL 2). Naturally the other ALADI

countries also have large variations between the rich and the poor, but Brazil’s

situation is probably the most prominent.

ALADI consists of 13 countries and operates from the Uruguayan capital

Montevideo. For the ALADI countries a main part of when the integration was

formed was to be able to include the country of Panama. The Panama Canal is central

to basically half a world’s shipping industry, with ships and fraters travelling through

the canal on a daily basis all year round. By including Panama, the remaining

countries were able to benefit from this advantage and gain a stronger bargaining

position when negotiating with countries outside of ALADI (GATT, 1982). Five of

the members of ALADI have since then formed an even more niched free trade

agreement known as the Mercosur.

2.2 Mercosur

Mercosur was formed in 1991 and consists of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay,

Uruguay and Venezuela. Bolivia has since 2012 been considered as an acceding

member (URL 8), but since the time period for this essay is between 1975-1995, that

will not be taken into consideration. Quite like ALADI, Mercosur also has the

purpose of enhancing and promoting free trade, but amongst others, the main


differences are that Mercosur is a full customs union and more integrated than

ALADI. A customs union is characterized by the countries having a common external

tariff, meaning that all the goods entering the countries must have the same import

quotas and preferences (URL 12).

Another main objective with Mercosur is to become an international “big shot” in

the trading market. With around 300 million inhabitants in the Customs Union, the

member-countries of Mercosur have gained a stronger negotiation position on the

world trade market (URL 9). By having a lot of natural resources, partly thanks to the

enormous Amazon rain forest, regional non-members obtain a form of dependency of

the Mercosur members, which leads to Mercosur gaining large advantages in the

world-trade market compared to the time before the formation of Mercosur.

Furthermore, this means that because it was the larger countries from ALADI that

formed Mercosur, they had more bargaining power towards the outside world than the

smaller ALADI-members countries, e.g. Peru, which in its turn made it even more

difficult for the non-Mercosur members.

Why is it these exact countries are part of the Mercosur? When analysing the

question, the answer will prove to be rather straightforward. Compared to the non-

Mercosur members, the members already had a large negotiating-power within Latin

America, and were in some ways the unspoken leaders within the region. Worth

noting in the analysis is also that the amount of inhabitants in the member countries

are largely superior to the non-members, which in its turn also leads to a stronger

market negotiation position.

2.3 Purpose of PTAs

The Mercosur members had, as when ALADI was formed, several reasons to

integrate further. One of the main, if not the main, reason was the possibility to

introduce free trade regarding produced goods, factors and services for the countries

involved. When enhancing their integration, the Mercosur countries decided to fixate

an external tariff, as well as adopt a trade policy, which was unanimous for the

member countries. This policy was both directed towards the countries that weren’t a

part of Mercosur, so that the actual members of Mercosur could receive greater

benefits, but also to ensure increased trade within Mercosur. A major role of

Mercosur was to ensure that the member countries were able to achieve free

competition within the PTA. By coordinating important policies, regarding things like


foreign trade, the monetary system, customs, transports etc. this could be achieved.

Another main objective was the ability to be able to freely move manpower between

the different states (URL 11). The Asunción treaty regarding Mercosur wisely decided

to take a few small steps before targeting the free movement of manpower. By firstly

targeting free-trade zones and a unification for customs, the member states were able

to negotiate forward a common market, which in it’s turn led to the ability to freely

move manpower between the member states. Because of the Most Favoured Nation

(MFN) principle, any advantage that a Mercosur member may be able to achieve they

must extend this advantage towards the other members of the PTA (Persson, 2013).

3. Previous studies

One of the most notable previous studies is the work of Bergstrand & Baier (2006),

where they discuss the effect on the bilateral trade flow when entering the EEC

(European Economic Community) and the CACM (Central American Common

Market) during a time period of 40 years. Bergstrand and Baier, just like is intended

in this essay, used the gravity model of trade to find out the impact a PTA has on the

bilateral trade flow.

Bergstrand and Baier discuss the matter of CACM being noticed as “the most

advanced and successful regional integration scheme of Latin America in the 1960s.”

(Bergstrand & Baier, 2006). However the success of CACM was not to be

continuously successful when the 1970s came. A war between the member countries

of El Salvador and Honduras led to Honduras withdrawing from the PTA and the

eventual downfall (even though it took almost 30 years) of CACM. When Bergstrand

& Baier regarded the EEC, the results were opposite. After many hurdles the EEC has

eventually evolved into the European Union, which has to be seen as a largely

successful PTA as a whole.

A rather obvious conclusion that can be drawn from Bergstrand & Baiers study is

that there is no simple answer to whether an PTA automatically benefits the bilateral

trade flow of the involved countries; it generally depends from PTA to PTA and

around other, sometimes external, circumstances than just trade, e.g. the war in the

CACM case.

Another previous study is one provided by Celine Carrère (2004). The purpose of

Carrères study is to apply the gravity model to ex-post regional trade agreements. In


other words Carrère applies the gravity model to actual results rather than predictions

of the regional trade agreements. Carrère emphasizes that she is applying the gravity

model with “proper specification”, meaning that Carrère is able to acknowledge the

effects on both trade creation and trade diversion, as well as being able to include the

unobservable characteristics and also take into account some of the explanatory

variables endogeneity (see section 9.6.). The data collected by Carrère is from over

130 countries and Carrère used panel data (see 8.2.) when performing the equation.

One main difference from Bergstrand and Baiers study is that Carrère draws the

conclusion that compared to earlier studies, regional integration has shown to increase

trade in a significant way between country-pairs, however this often leads to the entire

world-trade decreasing as a consequence.

A third previous study is the one that probably is the most relevant towards this

essay, which is the one mentioned in the introduction. Carlos Carillo and Carmen A

Li performed the study in 2002. Similar to this essay Carillo and Li also used the

gravity model to estimate their equations. The main goal of Carillo’s and Li’s study is

to research about the effects that the Andean Community and Mercosur had on both

intra-regional and intra-industrial trade from 1980-1997 (2002, Carillo & Li). Unlike

this essay, there are no external countries that are included, i.e. only members of

either Andean Community and/or the Mercosur are part of the equation. A general

consequence of the lack of the external countries can lead to less variation in the

equation results. However, in Carillo and Li’s study their goal is only to find out

internal matters, such as trade and industrialization, therefore this doesn’t matter in

their study. The authors divided up the timeline into two parts (1980-1989 & 1990-

1997) as well as dividing up the goods into three different main categories;

Homogenous, reference price and differentiated. These main categories were later

split into four different sub-categories (agricultural intensive, mineral intensive,

labour intensive and capital intensive).

After their estimation, it was proved that the Andean Community had a significant

effect on, in particular the capital-intensive goods, both concerning the differentiated

and the reference price products. As for the Mercosur, those agreements only had a

positive effect on the reference price products, specifically the capital-intensive

category. When comparing this study towards this essay, this essay will not be

divided into two different timelines and the study will especially not be divided up

into different categories like Carillo and Li’s is. Instead this essay will be analysed


depending on how the variables in the gravity equation are affected by the different


4. The Gravity Equation

The Gravity Equation can be used within several different fields, in this essay the

focus will be on the gravity model of trade. The outline of the gravity model of trade

is the prediction of bilateral trade flows. Some tools used to analyse the bilateral trade

flows are the size of the country in mind, economically speaking, and also the

distance between, in this case the economic centres of the country-pairs in matter. A

main area where the gravity model of trade is used is to see how effective a trade

agreement actually is (Carrère, 2004), which makes this model very suitable for this

essay. The gravity model is built upon several different variables linked to the

different country-pairs. Some of the variables, such as if the countries share a border,

speak the same language and the bilateral distance between the countries are not

affected by time in any way. Other variables used in the gravity model, such as GDP

per capita, bilateral trade flow and if the countries are part of a PTA are time-

dependent. The bilateral trade flow represents the amount of trade between the

country-pairs and is represented by lnTFijt in the actual equation.

The gravity equation first originated in 1962 and was developed by the Dutch

economist Jan Tinbergen. Before Tinbergen had presented the gravity equation, it was

believed by the better part of the economic world that the Hecksher-Ohlin model was

enough when describing the world’s trade. The gravity model of trade has therefore

been revolutionizing when describing the worlds trade, since it is much more

sufficient then the Hecksher-Ohlin model and takes more contributing factors into

consideration (Frankel, 1998). Another economic-pair that in a way revolutionized the

model was Anderson and van Wincoop, who in 2003 used a system of equations that

was non-linear, so that the endogenous (see 9.6.) change from the trade liberalization

price terms could be taken into consideration (Anderson & van Wincoop, 2003).

The study will start by comparing a country pair (e.g. Argentina & Belize)

throughout a specific period of time, in this case 1975-1995, and then replicate this

process until the data concerning all 462 country-pairs has been calculated. When

estimating the gravity equation the regression that will be used is Ordinary Least

Squares (OLS). The OLS-method minimizes the sum of squares for the predicted


responses of linear calculation with the observed responses from the data (Dougherty,


Fixed country specific and fixed period effects will replace the dummy variables

when processing the actual estimation (see section 9 & 10).

5. Method

The gravity equation is a so-called multiple regression model. The main

characteristic that makes the gravity equation able to be represented by the multiple

regression models is the fact that it has several explanatory variables (Dougherty,

p.151-153). The multiple regression models equation is as following:

yi = β1 + β2x2i + β3x3i + ... + βKxKi + ei

In the equation, yi represents the dependent variable, β represents the intercept of the

explanatory variables that in their turn are x2i + x3i +...+ xKi .

6. Econometric equation

As earlier mentioned the essay will analyse the effect PTAs have on bilateral trade

flow by using the gravity equation with all its different variables. In this essay the

gravity equation is represented by the following regression:

lnTFijt = β0 + β1 ln(GDP per capita)it + β2 ln(GDP per capita)jt + β3 DISTij + β4 ADJij + β5 LANGij + β6 ALADIijt + β7 MERC ijt  + εijt

6.1. Variables

lnTFijt represents the bilateral trade flow between country i & j for a specific year,

lnTFijt and is also the dependent variable. ln(GDP per capita)it and ln(GDP per

capita)jt represent the GDP per capita for a specific country for a certain year. i & j

stand for the different countries (e.g. Argentina & Belize). The variables DISTij,

ADJij and LANGij are not correlated with time in any way. This means that the value

will be constant for the entire time period for these variables. DIST represents the

bilateral distance between the economic centres of the country-pairs, ADJ represents


if the country-pair share a geographical border or not and lastly LANG explains

whether the country pair have the same official language as one another. The

variables ADJ and LANG are binominal, meaning that either the number 1 or 0

represents them. If the number is 1 between the country-pair this means that they in

fact share a border (or a language depending on the variable). The final two variables,

ALADIijt and MERCijt show if the country pair is part of the same preferential trade

agreement. These two variables are also binominal, also being represented by the

number 1 or 0. εijt is considered as the error term in this equation. All of the variables

mentioned, except the dependent lnTFijt variable, are therefor explanatory (see

Appendix 16.2.).

6.2. External Countries

When performing the equation, it is important not only to take in account the

countries that actually are a part of either of these preferential trade agreements, but to

also include regional non-members. This is partly to get a lot of variation and to

compare members to non-members. Furthermore, the benchmark is non-members and

the effects of the PTAs are then estimated in comparison to members. Why it is

important to choose specifically regional countries is that because of geographical

location, countries tend to trade more with nearby countries. The countries outside of

ALADI and Mercosur that have been taken into account are: Belize, Costa Rica,

Cuba, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guyana, Nicaragua and

Suriname. The goal was of course to try and include all of the Latin American

countries in the equation, but unfortunately there wasn’t enough data concerning Haiti

and Puerto Rico which means that the results will not be exactly correct, but as good


6.3. Logarithms

Since the dependent variable in the gravity equation is using the logarithm of the

trade flow values this can cause problems. The main problem is that country-pairs that

have zero trade flow values cannot be defined, since the logarithm of zero is

indefinable. Earlier studies have had this problem as well and the easiest way to avoid

this obstacle is to assume the value 1 on the country-pairs that have zero trade flow,

since the logarithm of 1 is always defined as zero. This is considered to be much more


efficient than neglecting the values all together (Martin & Pham, 2008).

6.4. Time Interval

The essay has, as earlier mentioned, analysed the time interval between 1975-1995.

This exact time period was chosen because by using these years it can clearly be

distinguished how the different preferential trade agreements have affected the

concerned countries, since ALADI was formed in 1980 and Mercosur in 1991.

Another factor was also the matter of CACM (Bergstrand & Baier, 2006) being

existent on a large scale before the years in this essays interval. To be certain that the

existence of CACM didn’t interfere with the results, it was best to focus on the

interval of 1975-1995.

7. Fixed Effect

When performing an equation that is of the gravity equations calibre, the model

can allow the parameters to change for both individuals (in our case countries) and for

the time period. A way to deal with this is by adding a fixed effect. The fixed effect

treats the observed quantities as if they were non-random, regarding the explanatory

variables. This ensures that the coefficient of slope will stay constant throughout the

regression, depending on if one chooses to use it on time or countries, which is the

coefficient of slope that will remain constant. It is important to distinguish the

difference between a random and fixed effect. Compared to the random effect the

fixed effect is a cause of non-random quantities, whereas the random effect is, by

definition, a consequence of random causes. The fixed effect replaces the dummy

variable, leading to the use of only the variation within the countries. The lack of

using fixed effect means that one must include the variation between the countries, as

well as the variation within the countries (Dougherty, p. 525). When fixed effects are

applied, an important part is to ensure that every parameter that may be correlated

with the regression gets time independent effects added. The fixed effects that are

included in the estimations in this essay are both country specific as well as period

fixed effects.

8. Data


8.1. Sources

The goal was to be able to determine, with as much accuracy as possible, how the

bilateral trade flow is affected by the formation of the respective preferential trade

agreements. To be able to go through with this it was very important to have a

sufficient amount of data. Therefor, it was important to have a large amount of

country pairs, since there weren’t really that many variables (both dependent and

explanatory). The total amount of country pairs came to a total of 462, with there

being 22 countries in total (see section 16.1 for more information).

The data used in the gravity equation comes mainly from two different sources.

These are the World DataBank and the website (URL 7), where the

latter is an acknowledged website which has specified in, amongst other things, the

gravity equation. Cepii allowed us to find the data concerning the dependent variable

(bilateral trade flow) in the equation. The GDP per capita for the individual countries

was easily accessible from the World DataBank’s website (URL 6). The GDP per

capita for the various countries are all measured in US dollars. The bilateral distance

between the different countries’ economic centres was also accessible on (by using the “geodist” tool) and is measured in kilometres. The rest of

the data is very easy to find with a quick search on the Internet, since it has come to

be very public information. To see if the country-pairs are adjacent, what their official

languages are and to see if they are part of either ALADI and/or Mercosur, this

information was accessible from Wikipedia. Since the information is acknowledged

and well known, it is considered sufficient to use Wikipedia as a source.

When deciding if there should be data for every year or only take data for every

five years within the interval, the decision was rather easy. Since the trade can vary

quite a lot from year to year and the goal is to get as accurate an answer as possible,

the best decision was to use data from every year.

8.2. Panel Data

The gravity equation is built, as earlier mentioned, on one dependent variable and a

couple of explanatory variables. Before performing the actual regression, with the

help of Eviews, the data had to be sorted. In this case, the choice was to use panel

data, partly because it was the kind that was best suitable for the process of the gravity

equation, but also because it was rather simple to sort and perform in Excel. What is


meant by the last sentence is that panel data can be both balanced and unbalanced.

When the panel data is unbalanced, it means that there necessarily doesn’t have to be

data for every specific country for every year (Dougherty, p. 515). Since there are a

few years where this occurs for different countries, e.g. Argentina during the Falkland

war in 1982-1983, the choice of panel data became even more beneficial. When panel

data is balanced it points towards all countries showing data for every single specific


9. Regression terminology

9.1. Autocorrelation

When observations are dependent on one another this shows that there is a serial

correlation between the disturbance terms. If this assumption is fulfilled then the

regression is known to have autocorrelation, or in other words, the covariance is

something else than zero. Autocorrelation has come to be apparent most often when

performing a regression analysis with time-series data. In the case of this essay, it is

more than likely that there is autocorrelation since we have chronological time-series

data. When autocorrelation is apparent the OLS-estimate doesn’t have the lowest

variance amongst all the expected value estimates. The most common version of

autocorrelation is positive autocorrelation, where the characteristics of positive

autocorrelation can be seen when analysing the Durbin-Watson (DW) statistic

(Dougherty 2011, p. 429-430). If the DW-value is any number below two, there is

considered to be autocorrelation.

9.2. Heteroscedasticity

When the random variables have different variances for all the observations this

indicates that heteroscedasticity is existent for the random variable, and naturally

when the random variables have the same variances, homoscedasticity is existent.

Similar to autocorrelation, the consequences of heteroscedasticity mean that the OLS-

estimate doesn’t have the lowest variance amongst all of the expected value estimates.

The point of defining if there is either hetero- or homoscedasticity is to see how

efficient the chosen estimates are (Dougherty 2011, p. 283). If heteroscedasticity is

apparent this means that the variance concerning the regression coefficient is larger,

which in its turn leads to worse estimates than if the regression indicated


homoscedasticity. Heteroscedasticity can also be the cause of the standard errors

showing wrongful results, which means that the F- and T-tests will have results that

are easily interpreted wrongfully. To see if heteroscedasticity is apparent the most

common way to detect heteroscedasticity is to perform the White test (White, 1980).

9.3. Null hypothesis

The null hypothesis (often written as: H0) represents, in a statistical model filled

with data, the fact whether there is a correlation between the two (or more) measured

parameters (Dougherty, p. 37). The point of the null hypothesis is to determine

whether the experiment in matter is false or not. When deciding whether or not to

reject the null hypothesis or not, the following algebra is good to start from:

Reject H0 if | t | > t α/2, n-2

Don’t reject H0 if | t | < tα/2, n-2

Which in other words means the following; α assumes the variable for the

significance level, where the significance level represents the probability that the null

hypothesis may actually be correct. If a lower significance level had been selected,

then that would obviously mean that the probability of the null hypothesis being

correct would be larger than previously.

In this essay the significance level of 10%, 5% and 1% will be assumed. The

purpose of choosing these levels is to minimize the risk of type II errors, which means

that the null hypothesis isn’t rejected even though it is correct (Dougherty, p.42).

Type I errors are characterized by the opposite of type II, meaning that the null

hypothesis is rejected even though it is correct (Dougherty, p. 38).

9.4. T-value

When a regression has been executed, T-values will appear, where they play the

part of deciding whether or not the null hypothesis is to be rejected (Westerlund, p.

116). Looking at the algebra in the previous paragraph; tα/2, n-2, this represents the

critical value, with the sub-variables, (α/2 & n-2) representing the fact that a two-

tailed hypothesis test is being performed and n represents the amount of observations

(in this case 9701). By using degrees of freedom as well as the significance level, it is

possible to interpret the critical value, which will be presented later on in the results



9.5. Multicollinearity

When the equation one is trying to estimate has more than one explanatory

variable, there is always a risk for multicollinearity. This phenomenon occurs when

two or more of the explanatory variables are dependent on one another (Westerlund,

2005). When there is perfect multicollinearity, the estimation will be impossible to

perform in the computer software program (in this case Eviews) leading to that at

least one of the variables must be eliminated. After the elimination of the variable(s)

there may still be multicollinearity and the problem with this is that it is hard to see

which of the variables in matter is the one affecting the Y-term (in this case lnTFijt).

Perfect multicollinearity is apparent in the first estimation that is performed (see

section 10.1.) and the solution that has been used to deal with it is also presented in

the same section.

9.6. Endogeneity

When there is correlation between the variable and the error term in a model, in

our case the gravity model, it is said to be endogenous. There are four different types

of ways that endogeneity can come to surface; measurement error, simultaneity,

omitted variables or autoregression (where the errors are auto correlated). What

distinguishes an endogenous variable from an exogenous variable is that an

endogenous variable has values that are determined from interactions within the

model, whereas an exogenous variable is determined from external interactions

(Dougherty, p. 332).

When performing econometric equations, problems with endogeneity often occur.

When defining problems with endogeneity it is important to revise the four above-

mentioned ways as to how endogeneity can arise. First of all we must define what the

different areas actually mean (Wooldridge, 2013). A measurement error is defined as

the difference between a quantity’s true value and the measured value of the quantity

(Dougherty, p.85) To find out if there is a measurement error in the essay, the Durbin-

Wu-Hausman test is the best way to test if there in fact is a measurement error. When

a model neglects at least one important factor from the equation this is referred to as

omitted-variables bias. When the assumed specification in a regression analysis is

incorrect, the bias that shows from the estimates is the omitted-variables bias


(Dougherty, p. 252). A random process that often describes different time varying

processes within e.g. economics is often referred to as an autoregressive model. When

a dependent variable is determined together with an explanatory variable simultaneity

occurs. Usually an equilibrium mechanism is used to perform this (Dougherty, p.


Typically, when a problem occurs with endogeneity, the cause of this is because

the error term in the regression model is correlated with the dependent variable,

instead of the explanatory variable. (Sørensen, 2012). For every independent

regression in matter, the problem of endogeneity is unique. Initially there was a large

problem with endogeneity in this essay, where the GDP-data was measured in actual

GDP without considering the geographical and demographical size of the countries.

This made the estimation results to be rather obscure and unrealistic. However, when

the GDP-data was changed to GDP per capita that specific endogeneity problem


9.7. Zero Trade Flows

The dependent variable that is part of the performed equation in this essay is based

on how much different country-pairs trade with each other. Since there are 22

different countries, for several obvious reasons some country-pairs will not trade

every year between 1975-1995. Some critics may say that a large reason as to why the

trade flow is zero is because of the lack of reporting the trade between different

country-pairs, but generally the trade between the countries really is non-existent.

This leads to the trade flow between various country-pairs assuming the value zero.

With slightly over 40% of the country-pairs (all 21 years included) obtaining the

value zero, therefore not trading with one another, this clearly has an affect on the

results (Martin & Pham, 2008). If the zero values of the trade flow are excluded,

heteroscedasticity can create large biases in different samples (Hurd, 1979). Therefore

it is very important to include the zero trade flows when compiling ones data in the

gravity mode, since this will neglect the problems that are created when excluding

zero trade flows (Arabmazar & Schmidt, 1981).

10. Equation Estimate Results

In this section of the essay the results from the econometric equations will be

presented. As earlier mentioned (see section 4.), the method that has been used whilst

performing the different equations is Ordinary Least Squares. When executing the


equation in Eviews, it was important to choose various different settings so that the

most accurate results could be calculated and compared with one another. The

different versions of the calculations will be presented separately in this section. For

all of the estimations a significance level of 10%, 5% and 1% will be assumed,

meaning that with the probability of 90%, 95% and 99% that the correct value will be

identified within the confidence interval (Dougherty, p. 40). Since the amount of

observations is exactly the same for all the different equations (as well as the

significance level), this means that the critical value will be the same for each and

every one of the equations.

Since the test is two-tailed, this means that the top column in the table (Dougherty,

p. 533) is the one to use. Because the amount of observations is superior to 600, that

means that the “infinity level” in the t-table must be identified and used in the

equations. For example when the significance level is 5%, the critical value of all the

equations will be 1.96.

10.1. Fixed country specific effects and fixed period effects (for stats see 14.1.)

The first equation is characterized by having fixed country specific effects as well

as fixed period effects. When looking at the Durbin-Watson statistic, it is noticeable

that it is way below the value of two (see section 8.1.) and rather close to zero,

meaning that there is apparent autocorrelation.

When considering the variables in the equation, it is noticeable that there are a few

variables missing (see section 14.1.). The reason for the lack of variables is because of

multicollinearity. When performing the estimation with all of the variables the

equation suffered from perfect multicollinearity, which is acknowledged as a so-

called dummy variable trap. The reason for the dummy variable trap occurring is that

when using fixed effects alongside panel data (which is used in this study), dummies

are created leading to an overflow of dummies. The solution to this is to remove one

or two dummy variables in order for the equation to be performed (Dougherty p. 235-

236). In 14.1 the variables LANG and ADJ had to be removed for the possibility to

perform the equation, which unfortunately led to somewhat deceptive results. The

most important part is however that the variables concerning the preferential trade

agreements are included in the results, which they are.

When analysing the results the first thing that is noticeable is that only two

variables are significant, no matter what significance level works as guidelines. These


two variables are ln(GDP per capita)it and the variable concerning Mercosur

(MERC), meaning that they are separated from zero. When applying these results

practically, it is important to see what kind of effect these variables have on the

bilateral trade flow (lnTFijt). If ln(GDP per capita)it increases by one percentage this

will lead to the bilateral trade flow increasing with the coefficient of ln(GDP per

capita)it, in this case 20.22333. Looking at the MERC variable the conclusion that

can be drawn is that for the countries that are members of Mercosur their difference

will be a positive of 371728 (coefficient) concerning the bilateral trade flow compared

to not being a member.

Regarding the other preferential trade agreement variable ALADI, it is hard to

say anything about it, because of the presence of multicollinearity, the variables value

must be assumed as 0 and more advanced conclusions than that would be unwise to


Since this regression is built on time-series data, the possibility of spurious

regression is large and it is important to try and avoid it. Looking at R2 and its value

(0.600697), the conclusion is that the value isn’t nearly high enough to be concerned

about spurious regression. In short, spurious regression means that two variables that

do not have any correlation, appear to have correlation, which can often be caused by

a third so-called unseen factor (Dougherty, p. 475).


10.2. Fixed period effects (for stats see 14.2.)

Another estimation that was also to be performed was testing with only fixed

period effects and neglecting the country (fixed and random) effects. The purpose of

this was to get some diversification in the results and see if there could be any large

difference compared to when there was fixed effects for both countries and period.

Another reason was also that the possibility of multicollinearity decreases a lot when

not including fixed country-specific effects, which allows us to exclude less variables.

Regarding the results the variables ln(GDP per capita)it, ADJ, LANG, ALADI

and MERC are all significant at all the three testing-levels (10%, 5%, 1%), and the

DIST variable is significant when testing for all the levels except at 1%. The

conclusion of this is that when ln(GDP per capita)it increases by a percentage, the

bilateral trade flow will increase with its coefficient (16.51978). The members of

ALADI and Mercosur will have a difference (compared to prior-membership) of their

coefficients (45619.93 respectively 467151.5). The same goes for ADJ and LANG, if

the country-pair in matter (e.g. Argentina and Paraguay) in fact share a border or the

same language the bilateral trade flow difference will be their respective coefficients

(98434.58 & -24548.95).

10.3 White test for heteroscedasticity (for stats see 14.3.)

The purpose of this regression is mainly to test if there is heteroscedasticity. When

calculating the existence or not of heteroscedasticity, the degrees of freedom must be

identified. This is done in the following way: the amount of regressors in the equation

minus one. In this case the amount of regressors is 8, so the degrees of freedom is 7.

The next step is to read from the chi-squared statistic table, which in this case shows

(at a 5% significance level) a result of 14.067. To see if there is apparent

heteroscedasticity, the test statistic must be calculated. By multiplying R2 (0.243968)

with the amount of observations (9701 minus 2), the test statistic is 2366,73357. Since

the test statistic is so much larger than the chi-squared statistic, this means that there is

a lot of heteroscedasticity (Dougherty, p. 286). This means that the null hypothesis for

heteroscedasticity is rejected.



11. Figures

Figure 1.1.








Bilateral trade flow 1975 & 1985 for Colombia(US $)

Figure 1.1 shows the bilateral trade flow between Colombia and the rest of the

included countries for the years 1975 (blue line) and 1985 (red line). These exact

years were chosen since they are five years either side of the formation of ALADI,

which makes it easy to see the impact of the preferential trade agreement. It is

immediately evident that Colombia’s bilateral trade flow has increased immensely

towards all of the members of ALADI and the bilateral trade flow is rather unchanged

towards the non-members. This shows that the introduction of ALADI definitely has

had a positive impact on the trade between Colombia and the remaining members of



Figure 1.2.



Bilateral trade flow 1975 & 1985 for Guatemala(US $)

Figure 1.2 shows the bilateral trade flow between Guatemala and the rest of the

countries included in the equation. The years are the same as in figure 1.1 and the

colour of the lines represent the same years. The reason that Guatemala was chosen in

this figure is to see how a non-member of the preferential trade agreement ALADIs

bilateral trade flow was affected by the introduction of ALADI. Guatemala’s bilateral

trade flow hasn’t increased with any of the country-pairs, as a matter of fact rather the

opposite. It is most noticeable on the countries that joined ALADI, but also on e.g. El

Salvador and to some extent Honduras (that aren’t a part), that the bilateral trade flow

has decreased rather drastically.


Figure 1.3.


tina &




tina &




tina &




tina &



tina &




tina &




tina &




tina &





tina &




tina &




tina &














Bilateral trade flow 1986 & 1995 for Argentina (US $)

Figure 1.3 shows the difference of the bilateral trade flow between Argentina and

the rest of the countries included in the equation. The blue line represents five years

before Argentina entered Mercosur and the red line represents four years after

Argentina had entered the Mercosur. The first noticeable thing is obviously that the

bilateral trade flow has increased immensely between Argentina and Brazil (both

Mercosur members) during this decade. The other two country-pairs that have very

noticeable differences are Argentina & Mexico, also Argentina and Uruguay (both

Mercosur members). Overall, from this chart, it is evident that (at least for Argentina)

the bilateral trade flow has increased with its fellow members of Mercosur since the

formation of the PTA (even a slight increase between Argentina and Paraguay). This

chart then shows that, just as the estimations showed, if there is a correlation between

the entry of a PTA and bilateral trade flow, the trade can increase (and in Argentina’s

case has) between the fellow PTA members. The purpose of choosing Argentina

when showing this chart was partly because Argentina is a member of Mercosur, but

also the fact that Argentina is geographically placed very well when looking at the

Mercosur members, sharing a border with all of the countries (except Venezuela) and

also speaking the same language as all of the involved countries, excluding Brazil that



Figure 1.4.


& A




& B



& Colo



& Cuba


& Ecu



& G




& H



& N




& Par



& Su




& V










Bilateral Trade Flow 1986 & 1995 for Brazil (US $)

Figure 1.4 shows the bilateral trade flow between Brazil and the other countries

included in the equation. Just like figure 1.3 the blue line represents 1986 and the red

line represents 1995. The choice of including this figure (in addition to figure 1.3.)

was to show for another Mercosur country how the trade has been affected because of

Mercosur. The results are very similar to figure 1.3 but this figure shows that trade

has generally increased with other large countries (Mexico & Chile), meaning that it

necessarily isn’t the entry of Mercosur that has increased the bilateral trade flow

between the different countries.


12. Analysis

In this following section, the results from this essay will be compared with

previous studies. It will also be determined whether or not there is a specific

correlation between the bilateral trade flow of country-pairs in Latin America and the

explanatory variables mentioned in the essay.

The study performed in this essay shows through the econometric estimations that

the entry in specifically Mercosur leads to an increase concerning the bilateral trade

flow. When looking at the figures presented in the previous sections it is evident that

the membership of ALADI has also contributed to an increased bilateral trade flow

for the countries involved, but because of the multicollinearity problem this has been

hard to show econometrically.

Even though there is proven correlation between a few of the explanatory variables

and the dependent variable, there is far too much data in comparison to the amount of

years the time interval is spread over to get exact results. This meaning that it is hard

to generally point out that a country-pair will definitely trade more with each other

just because they share a language or a border. The only proven part is, as earlier

mentioned, that an entry in Mercosur will definitely lead to an increased bilateral

trade flow.

The study that Cèline Carrère performed (see section 3) came to the conclusion

that when preferential trade agreements are formed, the consequence is that trade

between the country-pairs that are in matter increases, however at the cost of the

entire world trade decreasing. After receiving the results from the estimation in this

essay, a conclusion that has to be drawn is that the results are rather similar to the

ones of Carrères’ study. In both of the first two performed regressions the entry of a

PTA who’s an increased bilateral trade flow, however it is hard to see just from the

estimations that this will affect the rest of the world negatively. When looking at the

figures however (section 11) it is apparent that the non-members of the PTAs are

affected negatively from the formation of the two preferential trade agreements. The

first regression is considered as the trust worthiest because of the presence of the fixed

effects regarding both the countries and the period. The fixed effects have replaced

the dummy variables in the two different estimations.

When looking at the study performed by Carillo & Li (see section 3), in some ways

the results resemble one another, when comparing to this essay. Carillo & Li regarded


both the Andean community and Mercosur. However, they didn’t focus on the

bilateral trade flow between country-pairs, instead they focused on intra-trade and

intra-industrialization, meaning that they not only had a different focus field but they

also left out non-members of the preferential trade agreements. The conclusion that

Carillo & Li managed to reach was that the entry of Mercosur proved to enhance the

capital-intensive reference price products. Since the gravity equation wasn’t used in

their study, the results can be slighter harder to compare than with Carrères study.

Nevertheless, the results from the study performed in this essay shows the correlation

between the bilateral trade flow and the MERC variable, which means that the entry

of Mercosur as a matter of fact also had an effect on trade (in this essay’s estimation).

Even though the effect from the entry of Mercosur only had a slight positive effect in

Carillo & Li’s study, the effect still was evident, leading to the conclusion of their

study’s results being in a way rather similar by the results in this essay.


13. Conclusion

That the formation of ALADI and Mercosur has increased the bilateral trade flows

for the members and decreased the same dependent variable for the non-members has

been proven, not least in the analysis. Earlier studies have also proven that an

introduction of preferential trade agreements has increased the trade between the

member countries at the expense of the “outside world”.

The point of this study was to see how an introduction of a PTA affected both the

members and non-members, as well as find out if there is any correlation between any

of the chosen variables (from the gravity model of trade) and the bilateral trade flow

between the chosen country-pairs. When the regressions had been performed, it was

evident that the variables that had a correlation with the bilateral trade flow of the

country-pairs were ln(GDP per capita)it and MERC. This then meant that there was

correlation between the membership of Mercosur and the bilateral trade flow.

However, by looking at section 11 the figures show slightly more correlation. In all

four cases it is shown that an entry of a PTA, regardless of if it’s ALADI or Mercosur,

increases the bilateral trade flow between the members and that it decreases for the


Since there isn’t any direct correlation for both of the PTAs (only for Mercosur)

and bilateral trade flow, other factors must be taken into consideration. The bilateral

trade flow has increased for all of the countries that have included in ALADI and

basically for all of the Mercosur countries. Since the bilateral trade flow levels have

increased, the conclusion that the countries have grown economically must be drawn.

A lot of the countries in Latin America have been affected by the fact that Brazil has

grown rapidly since 1975, meaning that the amount of goods and services traded

automatically increase, which is reflected when looking at the figures of the four


The main conclusion to be drawn from this study is that not one factor affects the

bilateral trade flow of a country-pair; instead there are a number of factors that come

into play and together they affect the trade. An introduction of a PTA has shown that

the bilateral trade flow increases for the members, specifically Mercosur. The

statistics in this essay show that the trade in fact has increased for both Mercosur and

ALADI. Another factor that also affects the trade flow is time. With time countries

have managed to grow, increasing their consumption, leading to a larger trade market,


which then has lead to the countries reaching higher GDPs and eventually larger

values of bilateral trade flow.


14. Equation Estimate Figures

14.1. Fixed country effects and fixed period effects

Dependent Variable: LNTFIJTMethod: Panel Least SquaresDate: 01/15/14 Time: 14:54Sample: 1975 1995Periods included: 21Cross-sections included: 462Total panel (unbalanced) observations: 9701

Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.

C -231088.1 226163.7 -1.021774 0.3069LN_GDP_PER_CAPITA_IT 20.22333 1.670049 12.10942 0.0000LN_GDP_PER_CAPITA_JT 1.24E-05 9.73E-05 0.127243 0.8988

DISTIJ 69.71369 70.27487 0.992014 0.3212ALADIIJT -1343.134 4461.086 -0.301078 0.7634MERCIJT 371728.0 11542.71 32.20458 0.0000

Effects Specification

Cross-section fixed (dummy variables)Period fixed (dummy variables)

R-squared 0.600697    Mean dependent var 31869.01Adjusted R-squared 0.579636    S.D. dependent var 147378.5S.E. of regression 95553.56    Akaike info criterion 25.82166Sum squared resid 8.41E+13    Schwarz criterion 26.18210Log likelihood -124761.0    Hannan-Quinn criter. 25.94385F-statistic 28.52106    Durbin-Watson stat 0.716794Prob(F-statistic) 0.000000


14.2. Fixed period effects

Dependent Variable: LNTFIJTMethod: Panel Least SquaresDate: 01/15/14 Time: 14:57Sample: 1975 1995Periods included: 21Cross-sections included: 462Total panel (unbalanced) observations: 9701

Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.

C -12221.58 4033.145 -3.030286 0.0024LN_GDP_PER_CAPITA_IT 16.51978 1.290513 12.80094 0.0000LN_GDP_PER_CAPITA_JT -1.41E-05 3.78E-05 -0.373991 0.7084

DISTIJ 1.617029 0.756883 2.136433 0.0327ADJIJ 98434.58 4207.109 23.39720 0.0000

LANGIJ -24548.95 2871.529 -8.549087 0.0000ALADIIJT 45619.93 3859.097 11.82140 0.0000MERCIJT 467151.5 13393.66 34.87857 0.0000

Effects Specification

Period fixed (dummy variables)

R-squared 0.247880    Mean dependent var 31869.01Adjusted R-squared 0.245781    S.D. dependent var 147378.5S.E. of regression 127992.0    Akaike info criterion 26.36021Sum squared resid 1.58E+14    Schwarz criterion 26.38093Log likelihood -127832.2    Hannan-Quinn criter. 26.36723F-statistic 118.0735    Durbin-Watson stat 0.504328Prob(F-statistic) 0.000000


14.3. White test for heteroscedasticityDependent Variable: LNTFIJTMethod: Least SquaresDate: 01/19/14 Time: 11:08Sample: 1 9701Included observations: 9701White heteroskedasticity-consistent standard errors & covariance

Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.

C -14219.70 3075.039 -4.624234 0.0000LN_GDP_PER_CAPITA_IT 17.93427 2.440599 7.348306 0.0000LN_GDP_PER_CAPITA_JT -1.51E-05 3.04E-06 -4.988334 0.0000

DISTIJ 1.566157 0.541237 2.893665 0.0038ADJIJ 99511.99 5657.859 17.58828 0.0000

LANGIJ -23708.40 3318.584 -7.144132 0.0000ALADIIJT 39636.20 3569.714 11.10347 0.0000MERCIJT 471033.0 94893.82 4.963790 0.0000

R-squared 0.243968    Mean dependent var 31869.01Adjusted R-squared 0.243422    S.D. dependent var 147378.5S.E. of regression 128192.0    Akaike info criterion 26.36127Sum squared resid 1.59E+14    Schwarz criterion 26.36719Log likelihood -127857.3    Hannan-Quinn criter. 26.36328F-statistic 446.8410    Durbin-Watson stat 0.505789Prob(F-statistic) 0.000000    Wald F-statistic 115.2291Prob(Wald F-statistic) 0.000000


15. References

15.1. Websites

URL 1:

Viewed: 2013-11-15

URL 2:

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Viewed: 2013-12-17

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Viewed: 2014-01-13

URL 11

Viewed: 2014-01-15

URL 12

Viewed: 2014-01-21

15.2. Authors/Studies

Anderson, James E & van Wincoop, Eric (2003) “Gravity with gravitas: A solution to the border puzzle”, Volume 93, Number 1, The American Economic Review

Arabmazar, A. and P. Schmidt (1981) "Further evidence on the roubstness of the Tobit estimator to heteroscedasticity." Journal of Econometrics, p. 258.

Bergstrand, Jeffrey H. & Baier, Scott L. (2006) “Estimating the effects on free trade agreements on international trade flows using matching econometrics”, Clemson University, South Carolina, USA.

Carillo, Carlos & Li, Carmen A (2002) “Trade Blocks and the Gravity Model: Evidence from Latin American Countries” University of Essex, England

Carrère, Cèline (2004) “Revisiting the effects of regional trade agreements on trade flows with proper specification of the gravity model”, Université d’Auvergne, France.

Cyrus, Teresa L. (2010) “Income in the gravity model of bilateral trade: Does endogeneity matter?” The International Trade Journal, 16:2, 161-180


Devlin, Robert & Ffrench-Davis, Ricardo (1999) “Towards an Evaluation of Regional Integration in Latin America in the 1990s”. Blackwell Publishers Ltd.

Dougherty, Christopher (2011) “Introduction to Econometrics” 4th Edition, New York: Oxford University Press Inc.

Frankel, Jeffrey A. (1998) “The Regionalization of World Economy” University of Chicago, Illinois, USA

GATT: General agreement on tariffs and trade (1982) “Latin American Integration Association” Limited Distribution, Montevideo, Uruguay

Hurd, M. (1979) "Estimation in truncated samples when there is heteroscedasticity." Journal of Econometrics” 11: 247-58.

Martin, Will & Pham, Cong S. (2008) “Estimating the gravity model when zero trade flows are frequent” Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia

Persson, Maria (2013) “Lecture Notes: Economic Integration” Lund University, Lund, Sweden

Solimano, Andres (2005) “Economic Growth in Latin America in the late 20th century: evidence and interpretation”. Santiago, Chile February

Westerlund, Joakim (2005). “Introduktion till ekonometri”, Lund: Studentlitteratur AB

White, Halbert (1980) “A heteroscedasticity Consistent Covariance Matrix Estimator and a Direct Test of Heteroscedasticity”, Econometrica, Vol. 48, pp. 817-818.

Wooldridge, Jeffrey M. (2013). “Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach” (Fifth international ed.). Australia: South-Western. p. 82–83


16. Appendix

16.1. Included Countries:


Country Language ALADI Mercosur

Argentina Spanish Yes Yes

Belize English No No

Bolivia Spanish Yes No

Brazil Portuguese Yes Yes

Chile Spanish Yes No

Colombia Spanish Yes No

Costa Rica Spanish No No

Cuba Spanish No No

Dominican Republic Spanish No No

Ecuador Spanish Yes No

El Salvador Spanish No No

Guatemala Spanish No No

Guyana English No No

Honduras Spanish No No

Mexico Spanish Yes No

Nicaragua Spanish No No

Panama Spanish Yes No

Paraguay Spanish Yes Yes

Peru Spanish Yes No

Suriname Dutch No No

Uruguay Spanish Yes Yes

Venezuela Spanish Yes Yes

16.2. Included Variables

Variable Source Unit of measurement

Bilateral Trade

(Gravity Model)US $

GDP World DataBank US $

Adjacent Countries Wikipedia Binominal (0/1)

Language Wikipedia Binominal (0/1)

ALADI/Mercosur Wikipedia Binominal (0/1)


(Geodist tool)Kilometres

