
LUXEMBOURG LYCE TECHNIQUE DE BONNEVOIE Our city of Luxembourg Capital of Luxembourg inhabitants with over 67% foreigners UNESCO world heritage site Old city with casemates Grand-Ducal palace Finance and business metropolis with over 160 banks Kirchberg plateau, the European institution and finance companies Mudam, museum of modern art designed by Pei Philharmonie Our school Lyce Technique de Bonnevoie Since 1983 Technical secondary school 230 teachers 50 employees (administration & technical service) 2048 pupils with 50% foreigners > 7 nationalities Preparatory courses > 150 pupils > duration: 3 years One class for 3 years Subjects: German, French, English Mathematics, General Culture, Physical Education and sport Most subjects taught in German Practical classes: cookery, woodwork, metalwork, pottery and ceramics Work experience Company visits School garden Our school Lyce Technique de Bonnevoie Our country Luxembourg Grand Duchy of Luxembourg Surface area : square km Borders : Belgium, France and Germany Member of the Schengen Treaty in 1985 to abolish border controls Population: inhabitants with over 45% foreigners Constitutional Monarchy under the regime of a parliamentary democracy Head of State: Grand Duke Henri Prime Minister: Xavier Bettel Goodland and Oesling