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Các bạn than mến,

Mình trải qua một thời gian “vật vã” với kỳ thi ielts¸target là 7 cho mỗi kỹ năng. May thay, cuối cùng đã pass và có một số kinh nghiệm ghi lại đây, mong rằng nó sẽ giúp những bạn nào cũng đang vật vã!

Mình đã trải qua 5 kỳ thi , với kết quả như sau:

1. Kỳ một: sau khoảng hơn 1 tháng nghỉ việc tự học thi ielts, kết quả tại Vn khoảng tháng 12/2008 là nghe 7, đọc 7.5, nói 6 và viết 5.5. Overall 6.5 đủ để theo học tại Úc.

2. Kỳ hai: sau hai năm sống tại úc, làm 4 hay 5 ngày tuần cho công ty Úc, luyện thi khoảng 2 tháng có sự giúp đỡ của một nguời bạn Ấn đã thi ielts 8.5 đến 9 cho mỗi kỹ năng. Kết quả ngày 20/2/10 nghe 6 ( ), đọc 7.5, viết 6 và nói 6.5.

3. Kỳ ba và tư: mình xin công ty nghỉ phép hai tuần, về VN thi. Kết quả ngày 29/5/10 tại BC nghe 7.5, đọc 8, viết 6 và nói 7.5. Kết qủa ngày 5/6/10 tại IDP nghe 7.5, đọc 8, viết 7 và nói 6.5

4. Kỳ năm: thi tại ÚC, ngày 14/7 kết quả là nghe 7.5, đọc 9, viết 7 nói 7

Mình đưa các kết qủa vì muốn đưa các ý kiến của riêng mình như sau:

1. Mình tin rằng thi cử có nhiều may rủi, vậy hãy tin bạn sẽ may mắn. 2. Sau hai năm sống và làm việc ở Úc, khả năng nghe của mình khá hơn rất nhiều,

nhưng bài thi đầu tiên ở úc điểm rất tệ mình mất skills để làm bài thi. Vậy nếu bạn chưa hề đi nước ngoài, hãy tự tin rằng skills là cái luyện được.

3. Sở dĩ m ình về VN thi là vì bạn bè bảo ở VN có vẻ dễ hơn, có nhiều bạn đã về thi và điểm lên! Thực sự mình không tin lắm vì nghĩ rằng có thể sau một thời gian luyện tích cực, điểm phải lên thôi! Nhưng nếu không về Vn thi, ở Úc thi mãi không được thì mình sẽ tiếc sao mình không về Vn thi thử, do vậy đã về Vn thi. Kết quả thi của mình có thể là tham khảo cho bạn nào đang ở nước ngoài tính về Vn thi. Có lẽ không cần thiết đâu ạ.

4. Có một bạn tên Minh cũng đã chia sẽ kinh nghiệm về kỳ thi IELTS trênmạng, bạn đó nói rằng nên luyện thi lien tục và thi lien tục vài kỳ liền. Mình tin rằng đây là một ý kiến rất hay. Thứ nhất thật rat hi IELTS là thi kỹ năng, nặng về kỹ thuật làm bài. Nếu bạn không luyện lien tục, bạn sẽ quên skills. Thứ hai, kỳ thi có nhiều may rủi, nếu bạn cần phải qua một mức điểm đặc biệt cho một kỹ năng nào đó thì việc thi nhiều kỳ sẽ giúp bạn gặp may, ví dụ như có kỳ thi viết là chart thì dễ có điểm cao, nhưng có kỳ là process hay maps thì điểm dễ thấp. Hai kỳ thi liền sẽ không bao giờ là hai cái process cho mỗi kỳ, chắc chắn sẽ có chart ở một trong hai, vậy cơ hội điểm cao cho bài viết của bạn sẽ cao hơn rồi. Nhưng nếu bạn cần cải thiện điểm overall,t hì nên luyện lien tục nhưng để một thời gian hãy thi.

Dưới đây mình xin trình bày các skills mình đã có được, mong giúp được các bạn đạt được target bạn cần.


Điểm đọc khá cao và ổn đinh, tuy nhiên mình thật sự không có tips trong kỹ năng này. Reading là “tự nhiên” đối với mình, mình cũng không có luyện tập mấy, nên chắc phần này bạn nào cần nâng điểm reading sẽ không được giúp đỡ mấy. Dưới đây là vài kỹ thuật nhỏ mình đã làm:

1. Đọc sơ các kiểu câu hỏi để có ý niệm họ hỏi gì: chỉ đọc kiểu câu hỏi thôi, ví dụ yes/no/not given hay headings hay điền tư... Không cần biết nội dung câu hỏi. Động tác

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này sẽ giúp bạn có ý niệm bạn cần scanning hay skimming..., chỉ cho bạn ý niệm thôi. Giống như kiểu chuẩn bị tinh thần cho bạn vậy.

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2. Sau đó, đọc từng đoạn ngắn, vài câu hay một paragraph. Hiểu ý đoạn văn đó rồi thì bạn sẽ cần “duyệt” hết các câu hỏi. Ví dụ bài đọc đó có 13 câu hỏi, sau khi bạn đọc xong paragraph đầu, bạn duyệt 13 câu thì sẽ thấy bạn sẽ trả lời đựợc câu 1,2, và 13. Nếu bạn bắt đầu bằng cách đọc câu hỏi rồi tìm coi ý để trả lời nắm ở đâu trong bài viết, bạn dễ bị lẫn lộn, và mệt hơn chăng? Với sự tập luyện, việc duyệt các câu hỏi này sẽ rất rất nhanh, do vậy bạn không mất bao nhiêu thời gian.

3. Có lần mình làm qua một cái đề, ở câu hỏi số 3 chẳng hạn cần điền từ, ý tứ để trả lời nằm trong paragraph 2, nhưng từ để điền thích hợp thì lại nằm ở paragraph cuối cùng. Theo mình đây là kiểu khó.

4. Chú ý spelling cho thật đúng.5. Chú ý context của câu, từ điền phải đúng văn phạm. Có khi từ trong bài là adj nhưng

bạn phải chuyển thành noun để thích hợp vô câu hỏi.6. Chú ý chia động từ hay chủ từ cho phù hợp


1. Bài thi nghe thứ hai, 6 điểm có lẽ do mình đã “ngồi nghe”! sau này mình rút kinh nghiệm không nghe cho hiểu chuyện gì nữa, mà chỉ nghe để thi thôi! Nghĩa là bạn đừng quá chú ý nội dung, mà phải chú ý tìm những từ, cụm từ “có liên quan” để làm bài cho đúng thôi. Những cụm từ đó thường thường nói to, rõ, chậm... nổi bật lên trong một bài nghe.

2. Họ không hỏi chính xác cái họ nói, mà thường paraphrase.. ví dụ như họ nói what a pity­! Nhuưng trong câu hỏi sẽ là someone regrets..

3. Có khi họ nói Wednesday, nhưng sau tiếp sẽ là sorry, Thursday.. nếu bạn nghe được Wed mà ngừng lại, bạn thua rồi! Vậy dù đã nghe được thong tin bạn cần, cần nghe tiếp để không bỏ sót thong tin.

4. Bạn nghe được số gì ghi lại hết, sẽ có khả năng dung. Đọc câu hỏi và đóan nếu bạn có đủ giờ

5. Tận dụng thời gian chờ, thời gian giới thiệu để đọc và đoán họ sẽ bàn về gì6. Có khi nghe hiểu rồi điền từ, từ có khi không có trong đoạn nghe.7. Grammar và spelling cần chính xác. Chú ý số nhiều ít.8. Chú ý nếu hỏi điền hai từ, mà điền ba từ hay hai số là sai. Ví dụ họ hỏi bạn điền hai

từ, bạn ghi 2/3 là sai. Phải là two thirds9. Chú ý ghi ngày: 2 words là đủ 18th April. Nếu ghi 18 April là sai.10. Chú ý kiểu địa chỉ có khi từ cần điền là road, street thì quen thuộc, nhưng cũng có

khi là lane, path..11. Chú ý headphones, walking boots, socks, congratulations... nếu bạn thiếu s ở cuối là

sai rồi. Tuy nhiên mình cũng “nghe đồn” là bài thi nghe sẽ được chấm bằng máy, khi máy scan qua đáp án của mình, nó tìm thấy cái nó cần, thì nó sẽ dừng lại, và có khi mình sai về vp nhưng vẫn đúng đáp án theo máy. Có khi thôi nhen bạn. Ví dụ: đáp án là book, nhưng nếu bạn ghi books thì máy scan đựoc các từ book, nó sẽ dừng lại và cho bạn đúng. Cho nen nếu bạn phân vân không biết ghi book hay books thì nên ghi books để tránh trừong hợp dáp án là books mà bạn bị thiếu s khi chỉ ghi book thôi. Tuy nhiên làm kiểu này bạn phải chắc chắn không sai văn phạm trong câu, ví dụ câu hỏi là ....a ????... mà bạn ghi đáp án là books thì sai rồi.

12. Tên người tên đường nhớ viết hoa13. Néu đề đã có $ thì bạn chỉ ghi 500, nếu đề không có $ thì bạn phải ghi $500, nếu

bạn thiếu $ hay bạn ghi 500$ là sai! Chú ý cách ghi pounds, euros..14. Chú ý các apostrophes như 1 month’s rent, hay số nhiều như 3 hours walking15. Chú ý ghi 0.95 (họ sẽ đọc thế nào)1.5 và 1,000 (khác hệ thống Việt nam)16. Có câu hỏi, họ loại hai options kia, mình tự hiểu chọn option còn lại17. Chú ý spelling cho đúng ví dụ: accommodation hay accomodation? Balcony hay

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baconny , faculty hay falcuty... title hay tittle.... mình luyện bằng cách check tất cả tape scripts và make sure mình có thể viết đúng. Check nhưng đừng nhớ nội dung, để bạn còn dùng luyện nghe lại.

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18. Cách viết giờ 11:00, nếu ghi 11 sẽ sai.19. Khi bạn luyện bộ đề Cambridge, hãy ghi chú xem vì sao bạn sai, bạn sẽ ngạc nhiên

khi thấy bạn mất một số câu không hpải vì không nghe được,mà vì viết spelling sai, thiếu số ít số nhiều... sai vì những thứ “lặt vặt”

20. Khi bạn luyện bộ Cambridge, nên làm y như đang thi thiệt, thật tập trung, mở 4 tasks lien tục và làm lien tục. Khi thi chỉ cần bạn lơ là một chút là mất vài câu như chơi. Do vậy, việc “tập trung” vô bài nghe cũng cần luyện tập.

21. Cố gắng đừng nhớ câu trả lời. Bộ Cam mình luyện đi lại cũng phải 3 hay 4 lần cho mỗi đề, nhưng mình hoàn toàn không nhớ đáp án! Hic, vậy mới xài tới lui để luyện skills được.

22. Nhưng phải nhớ TẤT CẢ những spelling nào mà bạn sai. Động tác này được làm bằng cách đọc tapescript và check TẤT CẢ từ vựng ở đó.


Theo mình, kỹ năng nói cũng khó long mà “luyện thi”. Nói thật sự là bạn có gì thì nói nấy. Bạn nói đúng pronunciation và tone sẽ là do quá trình học lâu dài. Từ vựng cũng vậy, rất khó có thể nhét them trong một thời gian ngắn. Tuy nhiên, mình rút ra vài kinhnghiệm như sau:

1. Chú ý sửa những cái có thể được: chia thì cho đúng, số ít số nhiều phải rõ rang khi nói. Mình tuy ở Úc và đi làm, nhưng có lẽ không chú ý sửa, vả lại khi giao tiếp, mọi nguời hiểu mình là ok rồi. cho nên đến khi luyện thi IELTS tại Úc, thì anh bạn Ấn mới phát hiện ra nói sai tùm lum­ chả có số ít nhiều gì cả, rồi chia thì sai ... Từ đó mình biết sai, ý thức sửa.. nhưng thấy rất khó vì .... quên hoài và không kịp sửa...!

2. Bạn có thể chuẩn bị những topic về cuộc sống của bạn,gia đình của bạn.... trước để cho phần 1 của bài thi.Ở VN, giám khảo đa phần sẽ hỏi tên bạn là gì, full name là gì...bạn đến từ phầnnào của VN (chú ý North VN, south VN, central of VN­ nếu north of Vn nghĩa là TRung Quốc ), bạn làm nghề gì, Chỗ bạn đang thi (tp HCM chẳng hạn thì so sánh thế nào với quê bạn...). chú ý cách dùng thì trong lọat câu này phả chính xác.

3. Khi nói phần hai và ba, chú ý nói kiểu ACADEMIC (!). Nghĩa là cũng nên có một topic sentence rồi đến supporting sentences. Ví dụ như họ hỏi bạn nghĩ vì sao ngưoiừ ta sưu tập các thứ, câu trả lời nền là: I believed people collect things for several reasons. First, ... Second.... Hay nếu câu hỏi kiểu bạn nghĩ những lợi ích gì có thể có khi giúp đỡ người khác? Câu trả lời sẽ nên theo kiểu: có vài lợi ích khi giúp đỡ người khác. Một mặt, đó là lợi ích cho người được giúp đỡ.... mặt khác, đó là lợi ích cho chính người giúp đỡ..... Bạn có để ý không, nói cũng theo kiểu như viết vậy... (sẽ bàn sau)

4. Chú ý dung những từ khác nhau để bàn về một ý, chú ý không dung slang, nhưng nếu bạn khôgn biết đó là slang, thì đành chịu!

5. Thế là hết, những thứ khác làm sao luyện gấp được? Mình có lần đọc trên mạng có bạn CAPTAIN BEAR cho rằng phải có idioms điểm mới cao... MÌnh tin đó là đúng (bạn đó 8 hay 8.5 nói gì đó thì phải), nhưng không thể nhét vô đầu được , tuy nhiên mình cũgn đã từng có 7.5 khi nói (tất nhiên còn tùy hảo tâm của giám khảo nữa..), vậy bạn nào không có idioms, cũng không cần lo lắm.

6. Về lâu dài, mình thấy trước đây khi minh học, mình chỉ chú ý vô từ vựng đó, biết cách phát âm, hiểu nghĩa thế là đủ. Nay mình rút kinh nghiệm,minh học một từ trong context của nó, thì khi cần mới biết cách dùng.Vocabulary của mình không nhiều lắm đâu bạn (điểm dọc của mình cao vì mình đoán được nghĩa của từ mới trong bài, không phải vì mình biết vocabulary đó), bạn nào không có nhiều, khỏi lo.

7. Hình như điểm 6 khi thi nói khá dễ đạt được, nếu bạn có ý thức chia thì, số ít số nhiều (chỉ cần có ý thức thôi, không phải lúc nào cũgn đúng 100%) thì khả năng 6.5.

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thi nói cũng hên xui lắm, mình là một ví dụ đấy ạ.


Đây là phần mình “tâm đắc” nhất vì tin rằng nếu mình không hiểu ý tứ của IELTS thì bài thi không qua 7 nổi.(bài thi ở BC sở dĩ 6 vì task 1 là ba cái maps từ quá khứ, đến hiện tại, đến tương lai... đại khái vậy, nên mình mất thời gian nhiều để dùng thì cho đúng, không còn đủ giờ cho task 2) Đây cũgn chính là mục đích chính mình muốn chia sẻ với các bạn. Có vài điểm chugn cho cả hai task như sau:

1. Mỗi paragraph phải cách nhau một dòng, không có cái này bạn mất 0.5 điểm (mình nghe đồn vậy mà chắc cũng đúng). Khi dùng kiểu trình bày này, dòng đầu tiên không cần thụt đầu dòng.

2. Viết hoa cho đúng, sai nhiều mất 0.5 điểm3. Viết đủ số từ cần thiết, không đủ thì mất từ 0.5 tới 1 điểm. Tuy nhiên bạn có thể yên

tâm, theo cách viết trình bày dưới đây, bạn sẽ luôn luôn viết quá số từ cần thiết.4. Chú ý thay đổi từ trong bài để bài viết không bị lặp lại, ví dụ để tả việc tăng lên, bạn

phải có to increase, to rise, to go up (hạn chế), rocket, to grow.. rồi phải dùng noun nữa a rise, an increase... khi đó phải có từ mô tả các noun và verb này, như vậy bạn phải thay đổi adj và adv khi cần, và cho phù hợp. Hay như các cụm từ: people, society members, individuals ... trong nhiều trường hợp có thể dùng thay thế cho nhau để tránh việc lặp lại từ. Khi học thi, bạn lập cho mình một “file” nhỏ nhỏ gồm những từ loại này để dùng khi thi.

5. Trong bài thứ hai, chú ý “tậu” sẵn một số cụm từ mà bạn sẽ luôn luôn dùng trong nhiều trưonưg hợp.. in our contemporary life...., when it comes to discussion about...

6. Luôn luôn chú ý chia thì cho đúng.7. Trong quá trình tự học, bạn sẽ biết mình thiếu kiến thức chỗ nào.. ví dụ bạn thiếu

vocabulary cho task 1, bạn khôgn biết viết cấu trúc so sánh cho đúng... bạn có thể tự học để điền vô từ từ, bạn sẽ đạt điểm bạn cần. Hay bạn không biết dùng các kiểu so sánh... bạn có thể học từ từ

8. Nên nhờ một thầy giáo hay một người nước ngoài có tiếng anh tốt (người bản xứ thì họ nói tốt nghe tốt, nhưng không phải ai viết cũng đúng chính tả và văn phạm cũng đúng đâu bạn) để sửa bài dùm bạn.

9. Lúc mới viết, bạn hãy viết cho hoàn chỉnh, cấu trúc bài và cấu trúc câu cho chính xác. Đừng canh thời gian. Với quá trình luyện tập, tốc độ của bạn sẽ tăng dần, và bạn sẽ dư giờ cho bài viết.

10. Luôn luôn paraphrase cái đề, không bao giờ lập lại đúgn y đề bài


Khi làm task 1, bạn cần qua các bước sau. Lúc đầu chưa quen bạn sẽ làm chậm, khi quen, các bước chuẩn bị này chỉ còn trong suy nghĩ của bạn thôi. Nó sẽ nhanh bằng vận tốc ánh sang!

1. Task là gì: ai, cái gì, ở đâu, khi nào. Cần nắm rõ để paraphrase cho đúng và hiểu đúgn ý nghĩa của task

2. Tense bạn cần dùng là gì. Nếu đề cho mọi thứ trong một thời gian quá khứ, dễ rồi. Nếu không nói thời gian, bạn sẽ dùng thi hiện tại. Nếu thời gian có quá khứ và hiện tại, bạn có thể phải dùng đến thì quá khứ vàhiện tạihoàn thành, hiện tại đơn. Nếu có thêm tưong lại, mệt rồi. bạn có thể phải dùng tương lại, tương lại hoàn thanh, hay dùng loại câu prediction... bạn sẽ có kinh nghiệm về những cái này khi học thêm trong sách.

3. Voice sẽ là gì. Phần này là cho loại process. Nếu là quá trình tự nhiên thì voice là active, nhưng nếu quá trình sản xuất thì voice sẽ là passive. Mình không có luyện

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tập loại này nhiều vì biết ít ra ,dự định rằng hễ thi mà gặp kể như mình xui, về luyện tiếp kỳ sau thi lại!

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4. Tìm kiếm ý chính của chart: bạn phải tìm ra, nói chung chung, cái chart đó nói lên điều gì. Phần này sẽ vô CONCLUSION của bạn. Có khi bạn nghe rằng chart khỏi viết conclusion, là sai đấy ạ. Phải có CONCLUSION mới điểm cao.

5. Tìm kiếm ÍT NHẤT HAI MAIN TRENDS. Bạn cần tìm cho được ít nhất hai main trends để viết cho ra ít nhất hai paragraphs. Thong thường, bạn có thể chia theo trục thời gian, nếu thấy khó thì chia theo trục còn lại.... khi có hai main trends rồi, bạn cần quyết định bạn sẽ dùng cohesive word nào để link hai cái trends này lại. Nghĩa là bạn sẽ dùng các từ kiểu như: similarly> in the same way (similarly thì more academic hơn ), on the contrary> conversely> in contrast>on the other hand.

Túm lại, bạn sẽ có:

1. TASK là gì: viết được introduction (có đủ ai, cái gì, ở đâu, khi nào)2. TENSE và VOICE3. MAIN IDEA: có sách thì bảo viết vô hai đoạn chính, có sách thì viết vô

CONCLUSION. Mình chọn cách viết vô CONCLUSION vì thấy hợp lý hơn4. HAI MAIN TRENDS sẽ tạo thành hai paragraphs theo cấu trúc như sau

Paragraph 1: topic sentence. Supporting sentences. RẤT QUAN TRỌNG. MÌNH TIN RẰNG MÌNH ĐẠT NỔI 7 VÌ ĐÃ VIẾT THEO KIỂU NÀY. Mình cũng nghe nói nó chiếm khoảng 30% số điểm của bài viết.

Paragraphe 2: COHESIVE WORDS. topic sentence. Supporting sentences

5. Trong câu topic sentence 1, bạn chỉ NHẬN XÉT CHUNG CHUNG TREND 1 CỦA GRAPH.

6. Trong những câu supporting sentences, bạn sẽ chứng minh câu topic sentence đó. Câu supporting sentence nên theo kiểu: cho nhận xét, cho số liệu để chứng minh, so sánh nếu được. Chú ý , phần NHẬN XÉT rất quan trọng. Ví dụ bạn cho số liệu người A năm 1995 ăn 30 con cá, năm 2005 ăn 60 con cá (ví dụ vầy cho tỉnh ngủ), và số liệu người B năm 95 là 10, năm 05 là 80. Xong bạn so sánh là ngừoi A tăng ít, B tăng nhiều.. thì bạn CHƯA CÓ NHẬN XÉT. Nhưng nếu bạn viết rằng, người A năm 1995 ăn 30 con cá, tăng nhẹ lên 60 con vào 2005, so với số cá người B ăn rất ít vào năm 1995 là 10 con và tăng ngọan mục, tăng nhiều.... lên đến 80 con vào năm 05, thì bạn có NHẬN XÉT VÀ CÓ SO SÁNH – BẠN ĐÃ NHẬN XÉT KIỂU THAY ĐỔI SỐ LIỆU CỦA A VÀO 05 VÀ 95, B CŨNG VẬY. RỒI BẠN ĐÃ SO SÁNH A VÀ B.

7. Làm tương tự cho trend 2 , 3 nếu có. Nhớ cohesive words ở đoạn đàu.8. Như vạy, bạn thấy bạn sẽ cần

a. Vocabulary thích hợp để mô tả thời gian, mô tả số liệu, cho ví dụb. Chú ý Subject verb agreement.c. Plural và singular formsd. Cấu trúc so sánh, passive, thìe. TIN RẰNG BẠN SẼ HỌC ĐƯỢC THÔI

9. Với sự luỵen tập, bạn sẽ nhanh nhạy để chọn kiểu trình bày số liệu: bạn có thể so sánh nhất nhì bà, bạn có thể so sánh chính nó với nó ở hai điểm thời gian khác nhau, so sánh thứ hạng của nó so với thứ hạng của chính nó ở một điểm thời gian khác

10. Thông thường, có thể phân tích số liệu theo thời gian, hay theo trenh chính của nó. Trong trường hợp biểu đồ cột, nên phân tích theo hai (hay ba nhóm, ví dụ, một nhóm là nam, một là nữ­ hay một nhóm già, một nhóm trẻ một nhóm vừa vừa...) xong rồi trong mỗi nhóm, chọn thong số nào trội nhất làm topic sentence... và viết supporting sentences

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11. Khi học thi, mình đã dùng bộ Cambridge (hay các cuốn khác ) để luyện viết như sau: kiếm bài điểm cao, đọc và học từ vựng, văn phạm ....trong bài đó. Vài hôm sau ôn lại, vàihôm sau nữa bắt đầu tự viết theo kiểu viết đã trình bày trên đây, với vốn từ học được từ bài mẫu. Bạn sẽ tháy rằng các bài mẫu không trình bày theo kiểu viết mà mình đang trình bày, mà điểm vẫn rất cao!! Vấn đề nằm ở chỗ chúng ta không học theo, không bắt chước theo được vì mỗi bài mỗi kiểu, mỗi tác giả có mỗi cách, không ai giống ai.. không có gì chung để chúng ta rút ra kinh nghiệm mà áp dụng cho bài viết của mình.

12. Tất nhiên mình cũng luyện viết từ một số quyển khác, sẽ ghi lại ở cuối file này

Dưới đây là các bài mẫu mình đã làm, hầu như đã đựoc sửa bởi giáo viên tiếng Anh ( Thầy Đỗ Hữu Thanh ở đường Bùi Đình Túy. Thấy luyện TOEFL nhưng chấm dùm bài iết cho mình qua email, hay Thầy NICK (người Úc, ở tt anh văn AN Dương Vương, mình học hai tuần lúc mình về VN thi ilets), hay người Úc là một chị làm chugn với mình. Có một số bài mình có ghi lại tiến trình làm bài để minh họa cho phần trình bày trên. Trong bài có những chỗ in nghiêng hay in đậm, đó chính là topic sentence của paragraph

T . IELTS TARGET BAND 7 by SIMONE BRAVERMAN (bạn có thể google tìm cuốn này trên mạng và tải về dùng.)

Topic p 50 IELTS BAND 7

1. What? Annually water usage (in millions of cubic meters)/ by industries/ ground water and public supply//// When? Not mentioned////Where? In somecountry

2. Main idea? Thấy rằng kiểu đề này phải chia thành hai hay vài nhóm nhỏ, rồi bàn luận thôi. Có thể thấy rằng hai nhóm, một nhóm chủ yếu xài ground water, một nhóm chủ yếu xài public water. Đây là thành câu topic sentences. Và chính đây chia bài thành hai paragraphs, đủ bàn tiếp rồi đó.

3. Khi viết phần nội dung, luôn luôn nhớ cho NHẬN XÉT, MÔ TẢ, VÀ SỐ LIỆU MINH HỌA. CHÍNH KHI NHẬN XÉT LÀ ĐÃ CÓ SO SÁNH TRONG ĐÓ RỒI.

The chart shows the amount of water in millions of cubic meters used annually by industries in Somecountry.

The industries can be divided into two groups based on whether the water usage is from ground or from public supply. The group which uses mainly water form public supply includes Food/Drinks and Machinery. The former uses much more water than the latter with the mount being 300 million of cubic meters in comparison to 110 million. In Food/drinks industry, water from public supply nearly doubles that from ground while in Machinery, water from ground just being one tenth of water from public supply.

In contrast, it can be clearly seen that all other industries mainly use ground water. Chemicals industry, which is the leading user of all the industries, uses 670 million of cubic meters in which 430 million is from ground water. Next comes Metal and Paper with the amount being 330 million (240 million from ground and 90 from public supply) and 210 million (190 million from ground and 20 million from public supply), respectively. Textiles industry comes fourth with 90 million of cubic meters used, the vast majority (80 million) is

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from ground water. The last one in the list is Fuel with 70 million being from ground and 10 million from public supply.

BÀI SỬA: Topic p 50 IELTS BAND 7

The chart shows the amount of water in millions of cubic meters used annually by industries in Somecountry.

The industries can be divided into two groups based on whether the water usage is from ground or from public supply. The group which uses mainly water form public supply includes Food/Drinks and Machinery. The former uses much more water than the latter with the amount being of 300 million of cubic meters in comparison to 110 million when what? . In Food/drinks industry, water from public supply nearly doubles that from ground while in Machinery, water from ground is just being one tenth of water from public supply.

In contrast, it can be clearly seen that all other industries mainly use ground water. Chemicals industry, which is the leading user of all the industries, uses 670 million of cubic meters in which 430 million is from ground water. Next comes Metal and Paper with the amount being of 330 million (240 million from ground and 90 from public supply) and 210 million (190 million from ground and 20 million from public supply), respectively. Textiles industry comes fourth with 90 million of cubic meters used, of which the vast majority (80 million) is from ground water. The last one in the list is Fuel with 70 million being from ground and 10 million from public supply.

P 52. TASK 1

The diagrams compare the proportions of employments for various positions in 2 years 1999 and 2001.

It can be clearly seen from the diagrams that stable positions such as full time and part time jobs declined over the years, although still being the largest proportions of all employments. For full time jobs, the figures decreased significantly by 8%, with the percentage in 2001 being 29%, compared with 37% in 1999. Similarly, the percentage for part time jobs dropped from 27% in 1999 to 22% in 2001.

Conversely, the employments which were less stable showed an increase in figures. Unemployment revealed the most significant growth with the percentage in 2001 being 8%, quadrupling of that in 1999. The proportion of contract employment went up by 6%, from 12% in 1999 to 18% in 2001. In the same way, self employment also rose slightly to 20% in 2001, compared with 19% in 1999.

Casual employment was the only category that did not change, with the percentage staying the same at 3% over the years.


The diagrams compare the proportions of employments for various positions in 2 years 1999 and 2001.

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It can be clearly seen from the diagrams that stable positions such as full time and part time jobs declined over the years, although still being the largest proportions of all employments. For full time jobs, the figures decreased significantly by 8%, with the percentage in 2001 being 29%, compared with 37% in 1999. Similarly, the percentage for part time jobs dropped from 27% in 1999 to 22% in 2001.

Conversely, the employments which were less stable showed an increase in figures. Unemployment revealed the most significant growth with the percentage in 2001 being 8%, quadrupling of that in 1999. The proportion of contract employment went up by 6%, from 12% in 1999 to 18% in 2001. In the same way, self employment also rose slightly to 20% in 2001, compared with 19% in 1999.

Casual employment was the only category that did not change, with the percentage staying the same at 3% over the years.

The bar chart shows the proportions of British people living on their own according to age and sex in the years 2004 and 2005.

It can be clearly seen from the chart that the pattern changed with age: the older

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the people became, the more they tent to live alone. For people over 65 years old, more females than males lived by themselves. In the group of 65 to 75 years of age, the percentage of females doubled that of males, 32 percent compared to 18 percent. For people who were over 75, the percentages increased significantly to 58 per cent for females and 28 per cent for males.

On the contrary, the pattern was the reverse when it came to the group of people less than 65 years old. For the 45 to 64 year old group, slightly more males lived alone than females, about 18 per cent as opposed to 17 per cent. The gap expanded remarkably in the 25­44 year old group where about 16 per cent of males living alone in comparison to 9 per cent of females. In the group of 16 to 24 years old, the difference between the two sexes was similar to that of 45 ­64 year old group, however at smaller percentages, with 4 per cent for females and 5 percent for males.


The bar chart shows the proportions of British people living on their own according to age and sex in the years 2004 and 2005.

It can be clearly seen from the chart that the pattern changed with age: the older the people became, the more they tent to live alone. For people over 65 years of age old, more females than males lived by themselves. In the group of 65 to 75 years of age, the percentage of females doubled that of males – 32 percent compared to 18 percent. For people who were over 75, the percentages increased significantly to 58 per cent for females and 28 per cent for males.

On the contrary, the pattern was the reverse when it came to the group of people less than 65 years old. For the 45 to 64 year­old group, slightly more males lived alone than females; about 18 per cent as opposed to 17 per cent. The gap expanded remarkably in the 25­44 year­ old group where about 16 per cent of males living alone in comparison to 9 per cent of females. In the group of 16 to 24 years old, the difference between the two sexes was similar to that of 45 ­64 year­old group; however at smaller percentages, with 4 per cent for females and 5 percent for males.


The table displays the proportions of students from kindergarten to grade 8 who studied at home in SomeCountry from 1999 to 2004.

It can be clearly seen from the table that over the years, the proportions of homeschooled students increased markedly and children at kindergartens had the largest proportions. The figure of kindergarten children was the highest in 1999 at 2.4 per cent, and then gradually rose to 2.9 per cent in 2004, still being the largest.

Similarly, the proportion of other grades also went up, although at varying degrees. Grade 3­4 represented the most stable growth from 1.6% in 1999 to 2.2 % in 2004, most of the years increasing by 0.1 %. In contrast, the figures of grade 7­8 were the same for the first three years at 1.6%, then rising significantly to 2.2%(2002), 2.4%(2003) and 2.5%(2004) .

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Grade 1­2 had the similar pattern to grade 5­6 with the proportions declining to 1.3% in 2001 from 1.5% in 1999; and then going up. For grade 1­2, the figure rose 0.8% to be at 2.1% in 2004. It was more pronounced for grade 5­6 with the percentage increasing by 1.3 % to reach 2.6% in 2004.

Table 1 p 53 BÀI SỬA IELTS BAND 7

The table displays the proportions of students, from kindergarten to grade 8, who studied at home in SomeCountry from 1999 to 2004.

It can be clearly seen from the table that over the years, the proportions of homeschooled students increased markedly, and children at kindergartens had the largest proportions. The figure of kindergarten children was the highest in 1999 at 2.4 per cent, and then gradually rose to 2.9 per cent in 2004, still being the largest.

Similarly, the proportion of other grades also went up, although at varying degrees. Grade 3­4 represented the most stable growth from 1.6% in 1999 to 2.2 % in 2004, increasing by 0.1 % most of the years. In contrast, the figures of grade 7­8 were the same for the first three years at 1.6%, and then rose significantly to 2.2%(2002), 2.4%(2003) and 2.5%(2004) .

Grade 1­2 had a similar pattern to grade 5­6 with the proportions declining to 1.3% in 2001 from 1.5% in 1999; and then going up. For grade 1­2, the figure rose 0.8% to be at 2.1% in 2004. It was more pronounced for grade 5­6 with an increase by 1.3 % to reach 2.6% in 2004.

TASK 1.P 45. (17mins)IELTS BAND 7 (bài này hai paragraphs chia theo trục thời gian)

The graph shows the average amount of rainfall in Somecountry in 2004.Overall, it can be clearly seen in the graph that in 2004, apart from a short fall in January, the amount of rain gradually increased from the beginning to the end of the year.

In January 2004, the amount of rainfall recorded was 50mm, this slightly decreased to 40mm in February. From February to May, the rainfall amount hovered at that 40mm, then slightly increased over the next two months to reach the level of 50mm again in July.

From July to December, the amount of rainfall increased significantly in comparison to the beginning of the year. There were 2 peaks demonstrated in the chart. From July, there was a steady increase in the amount of rainfall to reach the first peak at 60mm in August. Followed this stage, the rainfall dropped back to just over 50mm in September, just slightly higher to the amount in July. The second peak was in November when the rainfall amount reached the peak in the year, at about 65mm, then it gradually declined.


The graph shows the average amount of rainfall in Somecountry in 2004. Overall, it

can be clearly seen in the graph that, in 2004, apart from a short fall beginning in

January towards May, the amount of rain gradually increased from July to the end

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of the year.

In January 2004, the amount of rainfall recorded was 50mm. This slightly decreased

to 40mm in February. From February to May, the rainfall amount hovered at that

40mm, and then slightly increased over the next two months to reach the level of

50mm again in July.

From July to December, the amount of rainfall increased significantly in comparison

to that of the beginning of the year. There were 2 peaks demonstrated in the chart.

From July, there was a steady increase in the amount of rainfall to reach the first

peak at 60mm in August. However, the rainfall dropped back to just over 50mm

in September, just slightly higher to the amount in July. The other peak was in

November when the rainfall amount reached the peak in the year, at about 65mm,

and then it gradually declined.


The graph shows the data of wages in Somecountry over a period of ten years from 1993 to 2003.

It can be clearly seen from the graph that the wages experienced wide changes over the years. From 1993 to 1998, there was an upward trend. In 1993, the growth rate in wages was 2%. This increased considerably by 2% in the following year to reach the first peak at 4% in 1994. Subsequently, there was a slight fall in rate to show a growth of just 3% in 1995. Since then, the growth rate in wages rose significantly to reach the highest peak of 6% in 1998, doubling the rate in 1995.

On the contrary, from 1998 onwards, there was a downward trend in growth rates in wages. Only in 1 year from 1998 to 1999, the growth rate fell dramatically to be back to the level of 3%, equally to that of the year 1995. The following period from 1999 to 2000 the wage growth rate remained constant at 3%. Between 2000 and 2002, the rate declined gradually to reach the percentage of 1% in 2002, which was the lowest figure in the whole period. This figure then doubled in 2003 to reach 2% again, equally to that of 1993.

BÀI SỬA: Task 1 p 46

The graph shows the data of wages in Somecountry over a period of ten years from

1993 to 2003.

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It can be clearly seen from the graph that the wages experienced wide changes over the years. From 1993 to 1998, there was an upward trend. In 1993, the growth

rate in wages was 2%. This increased considerably by 2% in the following year

to reach the first peak at 4% in 1994. Subsequently, there was a slight fall in rate

to show a growth of just 3% in 1995. Since then, the growth rate in wages rose

significantly to reach the highest peak of 6% in 1998, doubling the rate in 1995.

On the contrary, from 1998 onwards, there was a downward trend in growth rates in wages. Only in 1 year from 1998 to 1999, the growth rate fell dramatically to

be back to the level of 3%, equally to that of the year 1995. The following period from

1999 to 2000 the wage growth rate remained constant at 3%. Between 2000 and

2002, the rate declined gradually to reach the percentage of 1% in 2002, which was

the lowest figure in the whole period. This figure then doubled in 2003 to reach 2%

again, equally to that of 1993.


The graph displays changes in prices of navigation systems and smart phones over the period of two and a half years from the second half of 2004 to the second half of 2006 in Somecountry.

Overall, it can be clearly seen from the chart that over that period of time, the prices of those high-tech gadgets experienced a considerable fall. In the second half of 2004, the price of navigation systems was higher than that of smart phones, with the former’s price being 4000 USD, compared with the latter’s 3000 USD. Over the next 6 months, the price of navigation systems dropped significantly to just above 3000 USD. Subsequently, this price slightly decreased to reach exactly 3000 USD in the second half of 2005. From this, the price bounced back again to 3500USD in the first half of 2006, then declined considerably to just about 2600 USD in the second half of 2006.

Similarly, prices of smart phones also decreased, but less pronounced than the price of navigation systems. From 3000 USD in 2004, this price slightly declined to just below 3000 in the second half of 2005, then went back up to 3000 again, equally to that of navigation systems in the later period of 2005. In 2006, this price declined gradually to 2600 USD in the first half, then remained unchanged in the second half of the year, the same as

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price of navigation systems.


The graph displays changes in prices of navigation systems and smart phones over the period of two and a half years from the second half of 2004 to the second half of 2006 in Somecountry.

Overall, it can be clearly seen from the chart that over that period of time, the prices of those high-tech gadgets experienced a considerable fall. In the second half of 2004, the price of navigation systems was higher than that of smart phones, with the former’s price being 4000 USD, compared with the latter’s 3000 USD. Over the next 6 months, the price of navigation systems dropped significantly to just above 3000 USD. Subsequently, this price slightly decreased to reach exactly 3000 USD in the second half of 2005. From this, the price bounced back again to 3500USD in the first half of 2006, and then declined considerably to just about 2600 USD in the second half of 2006.

Similarly, the prices of smart phones also decreased, but they were less pronounced than the prices of/ they were not so pronounced as those of the navigation systems. From 3000 USD in 2004, this price slightly declined to just below 3000 in the second half of 2005, and then went back up to 3000 again, equally to that of the navigation systems in the later period of 2005. In 2006, this price declined gradually to 2600 USD in the first half, and then remained unchanged in the second half of the year; the same as the price of the navigation systems./ as that of the navigation systems.


The graph shows trends in average prices of houses on market and on sale in Sometown in the second half of 2005. Overall, it can be clearly seen from the graph that the prices on market did not reflect the prices on sale; the former was always higher than the latter.

In July 2005, the average price on market was around 335 thousand dollars, about 35 thousand dollars higher than that on sale. From July to August, the price on market decreased slightly to 330 thousand dollars while the price on sale showed a slight increase to almost over 300 thousand. This price then dropped by 10 thousand to be at 290 thousand dollars in September, showing the same pattern as the trend of market prices which decreased to 320 thousand in the same period. On the following period from September to October, the market price bounced back to 330 thousand dollars while the sale price remained unchanged.

However, on the last two months, a sharp contrast was seen between the two prices. The

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price on market displayed a gradual decrease to 320 thousand dollars again in December whereas the price on sale rose significantly to just under 310 thousand, only approximately 10 thousand less than the price of houses on market.

BÀI SỬA Task 1 p 48

The graph shows trends in average prices of houses on market and on sale in Sometown in the second half of 2005. Overall, it can be clearly seen from the graph that the prices on market did not reflect the prices on sale; the former was always higher than the latter.

In July 2005, the average price on market was around 335 thousand dollars, about 35 thousand dollars higher than that on sale. From July to August, the price on market decreased slightly to 330 thousand dollars while the price on sale showed a slight increase to almost over 300 thousand. This price then dropped by 10 thousand to be at 290 thousand dollars in September, showing the same pattern as the trend of market prices which decreased to 320 thousand in the same period. On During the following period from September to October, the market price bounced back to 330 thousand dollars while the sale price remained unchanged.

However, over the last two months, a sharp contrast was seen between the two prices. The price on market displayed a gradual decrease to 320 thousand dollars again in December whereas the price on sale rose significantly to just below 310 thousand, only approximately 10 thousand less than the price of houses on market.


The graph displays trends in investments in stock market in Somecountry from 2001 to 2006. It can be clearly seen form the graph that money invested in stocks was always more than that in bonds and the trends were increasing over the years.

In terms of investments in bonds, there was a stable growth from 2001 to 2006. In 2001, money invested in bonds was 100 billion dollars, nearly half of that in stock market. Over the period of 6 years, this amount of money rose gradually to 118 billion dollars in 2006, about two thirds of the money invested in stocks.

Similarly, the amount of money invested in stock market showed an upward trend. In the first three years, the figures revealed a slight increase from 210 billion dollars in 2001 to 227 billion in 2003. The investment then grew considerably to 289 billion dollars in 2004. From 2004 onwards, the growth rates slowed down to reach just 311 billion dollars in 2006.


The graph displays trends in investments in stock market in Somecountry from 2001 to 2006. It can be clearly seen form the graph that the amount of money invested in stocks was always more than that in bonds and the trends were increasing over the years.

In terms of investments in bonds, there was a stable growth from 2001 to 2006. In 2001, the sum of money invested in bonds was 100 billion dollars; nearly half of that in stock

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market. Over the period of 6 years, this amount of money rose gradually to 118 billion dollars in 2006, about two thirds of the money sum invested in stocks.

Similarly, the amount of money invested in stock market showed an upward trend. In the first three years, the figures revealed a slight increase from 210 billion dollars in 2001 to 227 billion in 2003. The investment then grew considerably to 289 billion dollars in 2004. From 2004 onwards, the growth rates slowed down to reach just 311 billion dollars in 2006.


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The maps show the areas of West Farm in hectares and the value of each hectare between 1900 and 1990.

It can be seen clearly form the maps that over the period of 90 years, the size of West Farm changed dramatically. Initially in 1900 the area was 5000 hectares. This dropped significantly to 850 hectares in the year 1925, and then doulbed the size in 1940 to 1700 hectares. In 1970, the size of the Farm declined by more than two thirds, with the area being 500 hectares. In the year 1990, the farm experienced a seven fold increase in size to reach 3500 hectares.

As regards the value of the land per hectare, the data displayed an upward trend. Firstly in 1900, the value per hectare was just 1 dollar. The next 25 years observed a significant growth in price, with the value reaching 20 dollars per hectare, 20 times as many as it was on 1900. In 1940, the price rose slightly to 25 dollars per hectare. The next 30 years, there was a four fold increase in price to 100 dollars, then the growth rate slowed down, reaching 125 dollars per hectare in 1990.

It can be noticeable that when there was a drop in size of West Farm, the price per hectare increased significantly.

BÀI SỬA: The maps show the areas of West Farm in hectares and the value of each hectare between 1900 and 1990.

It can be seen clearly form the maps that over the period of 90 years, the size of West Farm changed dramatically. Initially in 1900, the area was 5000 hectares. This dropped significantly to 850 hectares in the year 1925, and then doubled the size in 1940 to 1700 hectares. In 1970, the size of the Farm declined by more than two thirds, with the area being 500 hectares. In the year 1990, the farm experienced a sevenfold increase in size to reach 3500 hectares.

As regards Regarding the value of the land per hectare, the data displayed an upward trend. Firstly in 1900, the value per hectare was just 1 dollar. The next 25 years observed a significant growth in price, with the value reaching 20 dollars per hectare, 20 times as many much as it was on in 1900. In 1940, the price rose slightly to 25 dollars per hectare. During the next 30 years, there was a fourfold increase in price to 100 dollars, and then the growth rate slowed down, reaching 125 dollars per hectare in 1990.

It can be noticeable that when there was a drop in size of West Farm, the price per hectare increased significantly.

1. Cambridge 3 test 2 task 1 (loạt bài này được sửa bởi JO LINDLEY, a radiographer at my workplace)

The chart shows the number of people who were sent to prison in five developed countries from 1930 to 1980

It can be clearly seen from the chart that although the patterns of changing change were

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different, Great Britain and United States showed an increase in the number of prisoners over the period. In Great Britain, the figure for imprisonment rose gradually from about 30 thousand in 1930 to approximately 90 thousand in 1980. The pattern for the United States displayed an erratic change over the years, reaching 130,000 in 1980 from 100,000 in 1930, becoming the greatest number of the five countries. The pattern for the United States displayed a fluctuating change over the years, from 100,000 in 1930 reaching 130,000 in 1980 where it became the greatest number of the five countries.

On the contrary, in the other three countries the number of imprisonments fluctuated at varying degrees and different patterns over the period. Canada, where there was which had the largest number of imprisonment in 1930 at 120,000, (a coma needed here) showed a remarkable decrease to about 90,000 in 1980, becoming the second largest in that those years. In Australia, although there was some increase and decrease fluctuation in the numbers over the years, the figure dropped significantly to 50,000 in 1980 in comparison to 70,000 in 1930, becoming the smallest number of imprisonments in the five countries. The pattern for New Zealand was somewhat similar to that for Australia, except for the last decade when (“when” is needed here) it slightly rose from 80,000 in 1970 to about 90,000 in 1980.

In summary, it is evident that over the period of 50 years, in the five countries, the United States became was the one where there were that had the most imprisonment and Australia was the nation where there was the least imprisonment.

2. Cambridge 2 test 4 task 1 (bài này được sửa bởi JO LINDLEY)

The chart displays the amount of money spent on 6 types of goods in four European countries.

It is evident from the chart that Britain spends most on all the consumer goods included. In every case, British spending is considerably higher than that of the other countries; only in the case of tennis racquets, does another country, Italy, come closer close.

In contrast, the lowest spenders are Germany and France. It is clear that Germany spends far less than the other countries on CDs, toys and photographic films film while French spending is the lowest on personal stereos, tennis racquets and perfumes.

Italy in general maintains the middle position. It stands at the second position on spending on personal stereos, tennis racquets, perfumes and toys. It comes to the in at third position when spending on photographic film and CDs.

In summary, the chart shows that spending behaviours in the four European countries vary significantly. However, the amount of money spent is not small, varying from some 150 thousand pounds at minimum and to approximately 170 thousand pounds at maximum.

3. Cambridge 2 test 1 task 1 (bài này được sửa bởi JO LINDLEY)

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The table shows the proportions of households equipped with consumer durables in Britain between 1972 and 1983.

Households with telephones showed a significant increase in percentage terms, going up by rising 35% from 42% in 1972 to 77% in 1983. In the same way, households with central heating system systems, refrigerator refrigerators and washing machine washing machines also displayed upward trends an upward trend over the years, increasing by 27%, 20% and 14%, respectively. Television ownership Television ownership, which was already already had the highest percentage in 1972 with 93% continued to be the highest percentage in 1983 with 98%, a 5% increase.

There were 2 new categories observed over the period. Video ownership One was video ownership, which appeared in 1983 accounting for 18% and the percentage of households with dishwashers and the other was households with dishwashers which rose gradually from 3% in 1978 to 5% in 1983.

The percentage of households with vacuum cleaner vacuum cleaners, which did not have data in the year 1983, of which there was no available data in 1983, also increased stably from 87% in 1972 to 95% in 1982.

Overall, it can be clearly seen from the table that more households had consumer durables in 1983 than in the previous years.

4.Cambridge 2 test 3 task 1 (bài này được sửa bởi JO LINDLEY)

The tables show the data from a survey on 100,000 (chu y 100 phay 000) UK residents about the purposes of their overseas visits and the regions of visits from 1994 to 1998.

From the first table, it can be seen that the main purpose of visits was for holidays. In 1994, the number of people who went aboard for holiday was 15,246 (15 phay 246 ), approximately 5 times as many as people who went overseas for business and about 6 times as many as those who visited friends and relatives abroad. The similar pattern was seen over the years from 1994 to 1998 with a steady increase in number in all categories. In 1998, the number of people went people who went overseas for holiday increased by 5,000 to 20,700. Similarly, people went people who went abroad for business and for visiting friends and relatives rose to 3957(khong bo dau phay van dung, nhung neu bo dau cham la sai and 3181,) respectively.

From the second table, it is clear that the majority of people went to Western Europe and the this figure also rose over the years. In 1994, 19371 pople over 22072 in total visited Western Europe. This number increased to 24519 in 1998. North America was the second popular the second most polular region for travellers with 919 people coming there in 1994, and then rose to 1823 in 1998.

The year 1995 was the only year in which there was a slight fall in the number of people

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travelling overseas with the total number declining from about 22000 in 1994 to 21000 in 1995. However, the pattern of purposes of visits of visits as well as the most popular region were the same like as other years.

5.Cambridge 2 test 2 task 1 (bài này được sửa bởi JO LINDLEY)

The chart shows the number of hours of leisure in a typical week in 1998­1999, according to gender and employment status.

In the group of people who were employed full time, men had more time of leisure leisure time than women, about 48 hours compared to about 38 hours. There was no data of men who were employed part time, however for part time employed women, the amount of leisure time per week was 40 hours, slightly more than that of full time working women.

Similarly, in the groups of unemployed and retired people, the patterns were pattern was the same with men having more time for leisure than women. It also can be clearly sent that times of leisure in these groups were nearly doubled that of those who worked full time.

Lastly, for women who stayed at home and took care of families, the number of hours for leisure activities was about 50 hours, slightly greater than that of women who worked either full time or par time.

6.Cambridge 3 test 1 task 1 (bài này được sửa bởi JO LINDLEY)

The charts show the number of Japanese travelling overseas together with overseas, together with the percentages of Japanese coming to Australia from 1985 to 1995.

From the first chart, it is clear that over the years the number of Japanese travelling abroad increased considerably. In the first 5 years from 1985 to 1990, the figures showed a constant increase in travelling, from 5 million (chu y 5 million, khogn viet 5 millions ) in 1985 to approximately 11 million in 1990. The nest five years, the pattern also display an upward trend although erratically. After a small drop in 1991 to just more than 10 million, the number rose again over the years to reach approximately 15 million in 1995.

Turning to the second graph, generally Australian’s share of Japan’s market displayed an

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upward trend in over the period of time. From 2% of Japanese travellers coming to Australia in 1985, the figure rose remarkably nearly 3% in the next 3 years to just below 5% in 1988. After a short fall in 1989 to just above 4%, the percentage increased gradually to more than 6% in 1993. In 1994, the figure fell slightly to reach exactly 6%. Data of 1995 was not available.

In sum summary, it can be seen that over ten years, Japanese people travelled abroad more, and more of them visited Australia.

7. Cambridge 3 test 4 task 1 (bai nay duoc thay Nick o trung tam AN DUONG VUONG cho 7.5, kem theo sua loi)

The graph shows trends of unemployment in the United States and in Japan from March 93 to March 99.

It can be clearly seen that the United States shows showed a downward trend over the period of 6 years. The percentage of unemployment declined significantly althoudh erratically in the first 3 years with the figures going down from 7% in March 93 to 5.5% in March 96. Since then, After that, the proportion decreased slightly to hover around 5% til March 99.

Conversely, Japan showed an upward trend in the unemployment rates. In the first 3 years, there was a remarkable increase in the proportion of unemployment, rising 2% from 25% in March 93 to 4.5% in March 98 except for a short fall to 4% in April on May 96. From March 98 onwards, the figures were approximately 5%.

To sum up, although being significantly different at the beginning of the period, the unemployment rates in Japan and in the United States became similar in the end.

8. Cambridge 5 test 2 task 1 (bai nay duoc thay Nick o trung tam AN DUONG VUONG cho 7.5, kem theo sua loi)

The charts show the reasons for studying and how the students receive supporting from employers according to different age groups.

From the first chart it can be seen clearly that the young students study for career. There are 80% of students under 26 studying for their professions. This figure decreases gradually with age with just 40% of people aged 40­9 studying for this reason, then going down remarkly

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to 20% in the group over 49. In contrast (cai chart nayf co hai trends, cho nen cho nay co t cohesive word) when people get older, they tend to study for interest. Just 1 in 10 students under 26 years of age studying for this cause. The percentage then increases fourfold to 40% in the group of people 40 to 49 and then rising to 70% when people over 49.

Regarding the second chart, it shows that people in the middle age do not frequently receive support from employers. People under 26 often have support from their bosses with the percentage being over 60%. This proportion declines by 30%when it comes to the 30­39 age group. However, after passing this age, employees tent to get more help from employers with the rate rising slightly to over 40%in the voer 49 year old group.

To summarise, it can be drawn from the charts that although the reasons for people to study vary with age, the support from employers seems to depend on age, not on the reason of studying.

Dưới đây là bài làm về process, by Aninda Dey, đã đạt 9 môn viết ở kỳ thi IELTS. Bạn có thể thấy cách viết: có hai main trends, mỗi main trend đều có topic sentence và supporting sentences.

TASK 1 không nhớ đề ở đâu. Khi bạn học thi bạn sẽ thấy nó.

The diagram provided shows the process of moving salt from sea water to make it drinkable.

The process of making water is a desalination plant involves passing sea water through various filters and membranes till all salt and impurities are removed and pure drinkable water can be sent to consumers via the integrated water supply system. (day co the xem nhu conclusion, trong truong hop nay anh Aninda da dat no o day, ban co the sua chua chut va dat o cuoi bai van ok)

The first stage in the system is the actual intake of sea water from the sea. Through pipes this water is pumped into a pre­treatment filter where the entire filter backwash is removed and returned to the sea. The partly purified water is then forced through a membrane at high pressure. This returns in further purification of the water. The by product of this stage is sea water concentrated which is pumped back into the sea as well.

The next stage of the purification process is the post treatment of the water so far, with lime, chlorine and fortification with fluoride. This purified water is then sent to the storage tanks from where it is sent to the consumers via the integrated water supply system.


Bài này cũng theo một ý tứ quan trọng của IELTS là mỗi paragraph bạn viết ra phải có topic sentences và được support bởi những supporting sentences.

1. Task là gì: kết họach trả lời sẽ tùy thuộc vào đề. Đề hỏi những gì bạn phải trả lời cho hết, thiếu thì mất điểm nghiêm trọng.

2. Plan của bạn là gì: khi bạn đính được bạn viết những gì, sẽ định được bao nhiêu paragraphs. Bạn có thể NHÁP (hay tưởng tượng ra như sau)

a. PA 1: cohesive word, main idea, specific ideas

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b. PA 1: cohesive word, main idea, specific ideasc. PA 1: cohesive word, main idea, specific ideas

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3. Viết INTRODUCTION: bạn có thể nháp (hay tưonửg tượng ra nếu bạn quen) theo thứ từ này introduction thường có hai ba câu:

a. Câu cuối cùng viết (imagine) trước. Câu này có nhiệm vụ quan trọng là kết nối introduction với những paragraphs của than bài.

b. Câu một (họac hai nếu cần) sẽ viết sau, câu này có nhiệm vụ dẫn nhập vô đề, paraphrase cái đề.

c. Sỏ dĩ mình làm như vậy vìi. Bào đảm cấu cuối có nối kết xuống đoạn dưới. Phần nói kết này sẽ

thể hiện sự mạch lạc trong bài viếtii.Câu một và hai vừa đưa đề vào, vừa nối được với câu cuối cùng

đó. Vấn đề phải đặt gần gần để “nối một cái là dính” với câu ba. Nếu không cẩn thận, câu một và hai dẫn xa quá, không link nổi với câu cuối và không link nổi với than bài, mạch văn sẽ mất, điểm sẽ tdễ bị mất.

4. Dĩ nhiên đây là cách mình đã làm, bạn có thể thấy các bài văn mẫu điểm cao không làm vậy. Vấn dề là mình không có một cái KHUÔN để mà bắt chước theo các bài mẫu đó.

5. Bài làm cần CÂN ĐỐI, CÓ ĐỦ INTRO, BODY, CONCLUSION. KHÔNG ĐỂ INTRO DÀI QUA, BODY NGẮN QUÁ.... đó chính là lý do intro chỉ được vài câu thôi.

6. Chú ý có khi thì present perfect dungf đúng chỗ điểm sẽ cao hơn là simple pre. Bạn sẽ thấy sự khác biệt khi đọc bài mẫu trong cuốn Academic Writing practice for IELTS của SAM McCARTER 2002.

7. Các cohesive words rất quan trọng8. Phần conclusion nên là nới duy nhất bạn bỏ “I” vào, các đoạn trên tuy là ý kiến của

bsnj nhưng nên được trình bày theo kiểu ngôi ba thì tốt hơn. Nhưng cũng tùy bài. 9. Mình có lần đọc thấy có bạn CAPTAIN BEAR khuyên rằng nên có câu phức vô bài:

một câu if, một câu relative pronoun, một câu passive, một câu nhấn mạnh, từ vựng cần loại “cao sang”­ tứ là từ vựng cần academic. MÌnh tin là đúng nhưng việc dùng như đựoc tới đâu còn tùy vào khả năng anh ngữ của chúgn ta, rong thơi gian ngắn khó long mà nạp vô đựợc. MÌnh thâyấy mình chả có mấy cái gọi là academic words. Nói chung vocabulary của mình yếu.điểm viết của mình cải thiên từ 6 qua 7 chẳng qua là do kỹ thuật viết đã thay đổi thôi. Biết đường nào mà nạp vocabulary cho bài viết đâu bạn? Ai biết sẽ ra đề tài gi? Ngay cả mình làm bài đó rồi, tới chừng muốn làm lại, voca mình dùng honà toàn khác..

10. Chú ý spelling. Grammar.11. Trong qúa trình học thi bạn sẽ “nạp” đựoc các cấu trúc mà có thể dùng cho nhiều

bài, bạn nhớ những cấu trúc dó và kiểu viết, bạn sé dư giờ cho bài viết. Bạn cũgn sẽ nạp được một số vocabulary mà bạn có thể dùng cho nhiều bài.


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1. TASK : la gi

2. Vậy bài này chủ đề là bàn về globalization, discuss về + _ của nó, mình sẽ cần làm body gồm có hai paragraphs., mỗi para bàn về một aspect. Câu intro cuối cùgn sẽ cần có ý để báo trước tôi discuss về hai mặt. (đây là khúc mình “tưởng tượng ” ra bài viết đấy)

Globalisation is a term which has been often referred to in the media these days. Generally, it refers to things that happen between countries, out of the borders of a nation. It is impossible to deny many advantages that globalisation brings to the world’s economy. However, its downside effects should also be taken into account. (trong bài này, hai câu này là hai câu link xuống bài viết, thể hiện “ý đồ” của mình sẽ làm trong bài)

Globalisation has offered a number of benefits to the world’s economy. First of all, it helps to improve the economic circumstances of nations. Developing countries have more investments form developed countries, and the later has more chances to attract skill workers of the former. Furthermore, globalisation creates the larger markets for companies. One cannot deny the fact that in our contemporary life, it is very easy to find products of companies which are located in one part of the world in other part of the earth.

On the contrary, globalisation also has some negative effects. Firstly, it has produced the so­called brain drain form poor countries to rich countries. People who are trained in countries such as India, Vietnam etc. have been moving to other nations such as Australia, Canada etc. in searching for work and better life. Moreover the cultural values in many countries have been changed, or lost. For example, in Vietnam nowadays, individuals, especially the youngsters, have to work hard and study hard to be “globalised”, so they often get home very late at night. This results in the loss of traditional dinners, in which all family members used to meet each other, discussing things and chatting.

In conclusion, I believe that globalisation, as many other phenomena, has its positive and negative points. It is the responsibility of governments as well as each citizen to make the most of this trend, and limit the downside effects.


(Globalisation is a term which has been often referred to in the media these days.

Generally, it refers to things that happen between countries, out of the borders

of a nation.) When it comes to discussions over whether globalization brings

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about advantages or causes harm to countries involved, there has been a lot of

controversy. It is impossible to deny many advantages that globalisation brings

to the world’s economy. However, its downside effects should also be taken into


Globalisation has offered a number of benefits to the world’s economy. First of

all, it helps to improve the economic circumstances of nations. Developing countries

have more investments form developed countries, and the later has more chances to

attract skill skilled workers of the former. As a result,.............................. Furthermore,

globalisation creates the larger markets for companies. One cannot deny the fact

that in the contemporary life, it is very easy to find products sold in a country but

manufactured in many different countries of companies which are located in one part

of the world in other part of the earth. Therefore, the inflow of skilled staff and huge

markets overseas are obvious results of globalization.

On the contrary, globalisation also has some negative effects. Firstly, it has

produced the so­called brain­drain form from poor countries to rich ones. People

who are highly trained in developing countries such as India, Vietnam etc. have

been moving to other nations such as Australia, Canada etc. in searching search

for work and better life. Moreover, the cultural values in many countries have been

dramatically changed, or lost. This, to some extent, causes some serious damage

to a country’s traditional values. For example, in Vietnam nowadays, individuals,

especially the youngsters, have to work hard and study hard to be “globalised”, so

they often get home very late at night. This results in the loss of traditional dinners, in

which all family members used to enjoy getting together, discussing and sharing all

sorrows and joys of life. meet each other, discussing things and chatting.

In conclusion, I believe that globalisation, as like many other phenomena, has its

own positive and negative points. It is the responsibility of governments as well as

each citizen to make the most of this trend, and limit the downside effects so as to

have happy life. TOPIC (không nhớ rõ nguồn, hình như là đề bài của một thầy giáo)? Trẻ em nên sống ở thành phố hay ở nong thôn

TASK 2 Children should live in big cities or in the countries? Why?

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1. TASK là gì? Đọc đề

2. BODY GỒM CÓ NHỮNG Ý GÌ: ý của mình là “không thể nói được, nó tùy theo hoàn cảnh từng gia đình, ở đâu cũng tốt” như vậy mình sẽ có body gồm 3 ý chính

a. Cái tốt ở city: b. Cái tốt ở countryc. Tuy nhiên, tuy gia đình thôi

3. INTRODUCTION: như vậy ở BODY mình sẽ viết về advantages của cuộc sống city

và country , câu chót của INTRO sẽ có “mỗi nơi đều đem benefits”

Children are always loved by their parents. In that love, choosing where to live, in a major city or in the country, is always an important concern for the parents as each option offers a number of benefits to their children. Chỗ này chính là “cấu cuối”, link xuống các paragraphs dưới

Living in major cities brings some advantages to families and children. One cannot deny the fact that in such cities the young generation has a good chance to access to optimal schools which are often operated by excellent staff of educators. Moreover, schools in major cities always receive large funds from the government. For example, schools in Ho Chi Minh city are received 10 times more funds than those in the rural areas, as reported in a newspaper recently. On the other hand, living in cities offers many kinds of entertainment for children. Apparently, most festivals and events take place in the centre, not in the remote area.

Similarly, life in the country also offers many other positive aspects for the young. First of all, it is the life in Mother Nature’s hands. There is no doubt that in the country the children can enjoy fresh air, hearing the birds singing, listening to the springs or rivers’ flowing, etc. In addition, air pollution and excessive level of noise are all strangers to them. Furthermore, traffic congestion and violence which are often seen in the cities are unlikely to occur in the countryside.

However, it has to be admitted that parents cannot simply choose where to live just based on the benefits it offers. Actually, it depends considerably to the careers and the finance circumstances of families. For example, if parents are accountants it would be hard for them to live in the countryside where they cannot find a suitable job. What is more important depends on where they can earn a reasonable income to support their living expenses.

In conclusion, I am convinced that both the major city and the country can offer great opportunities for youngsters. If the family is living in the country, the parents should do their best so their children have chances to enjoy life in the countryside, and vice versa.

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Children are always loved by their parents. In that love, Thus, choosing where to live, in a major city or in the country, the question of whether they should choose a big city or the countryside as the best place for their children is always an important concern for to the parents. Personally, this results from the fact that each option offers a number of benefits to their children.

Living in major big cities brings some advantages to families and children. One cannot deny the fact that in such cities, the young generation has a good chance to access get access to optimal schools which are often operated by excellent staff of educators, who are trained in ......................................Moreover, as they benefit from the social and economic development of urban areas, schools in major big cities receive large funds from the municipal authorities. government. For example, schools in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam are received receive 10 times more funds than as much financial support as that those in the rural areas, as reported in a newspaper recently. On the other hand, living in cities offers offer many kinds of entertainment for children. Apparently, most festivals and events take place in the centre, not rather than in the remote areas.

Similarly, life in the country also offers many other positive aspects for to the young. First of all, it is the life in Mother Nature’s hands. There is no doubt that in the country, the children can enjoy fresh air, hearing listen to the birds singing, listening or to the melodious sounds from springs or rivers ’ flowing, etc. In addition, they do not have to suffer noise and air pollution as city children do. Instead, they enjoy...................... air pollution and excessive level of noise are all strangers to them. Furthermore, they also enjoy the peaceful pace of tranquil life; they hardly ever face traffic congestion and violence which city children have to deal with almost daily. are often seen in the cities are unlikely to occur in the countryside.

However, it has to be admitted that parents cannot simply rely on the benefits a place offers to choose where to live just based on the benefits it offers. Actually, whether they should live in a city or the country largely depends on considerably to their careers and the financial circumstances of the family. For example, if parents are accountants, it would be hard for them to live in the countryside where they cannot find a suitable job. What is more important depends on More importantly, where they can earn a reasonable/higher income to support their living expenses also helps determine their living place.

In conclusion, I am convinced (SAU NÀY CHỊ JO KHUYÊN MÌNH KHÔNG NÊN

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DÙNG CONVINCED VÌ NÓ KHÔNG CHO NGƯỜI KHÁC CƠ HỘIĐỂ TRANH LUẬN!) that both the major big city (TRONG MỘT QUYỂN LUYỆN THI IELTS, BẠN SẼ THẤY BIG CITY ĐƯỢC ĐỀ NGHỊ SỬA THÀNH MAJOR CITY, CHẮC CHO CÓ VẺ ACADEMIC!) and the country can offer great opportunities for youngsters. If the family is living in the country, the parents should do their best so their children have chance to enjoy life in the countryside, and vice versa.

IELTS BAND 7: Some people say that education system is the only critical factor to development of a country. To what extend do you agree or disagree with this statement?


1. Task là gì: agree or disagree về cái câu đó?

2. Body: ý kiến của mình là hoàn toàn đồng ý. Nhu vậy mình phải có các paragraph để chugn minh y nay:

Noi chung, theo minh nghi mot dat nuoc goi la phat trien, “no can va du” co kinh te phat trien, khoa hoc ky thuat phat trien va chinh tri on dinh. Tat ca nhung cai do deu base tren giao duc ma co.

Nhu vay minh co 3 paragraphs de noi ve ba y do,

3. Intro: minh se noi la minh dong y voi cau phat bieu do, va dua tren nhung (ba) bawng chung duoi day. Hay la noi ho dua tren nen tang vung chac

TÚM LẠI: ý tưởng: một đất nước phát triển thì cần phải có

1. Nền kinh tế giàu mạnh

2. Nền chính trị ổn định

3. Khoa học kỹ thuật phát triển.

Đồng ý rằng edu là quan trọng để có ba cái trên đây, để làm cho đất nước p hát triển.

When it comes to discussions over the factors that lead to the development of a country, many people believe that education system plays an important role. They base their notion on a solid basis in fact.

First of all, they claim that a good education system leads to a strong economy which then results in the development of the country. They often take Singapore as an example. This country does not have large land and is poor in natural resources. However, since education

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became the priority of the government, this nation has observed dramatic changes in economy and become a rich and developed country.

Moreover, advocates of education also consider it to be the main factor for a country to have a stable political situation which would lead to developments. They point to many western countries where the education systems are well developed. They claim that thanks to the system, citizens in these nations understand human rights, know how to fight for people so they apply democracy well. As a result, most of these nations are developed.

Finally, the supporters of education claim that if a country wishes to be a develop one, it must base on a strong technological and scientific fundamental. Technology and science help to improve human being’s living, to make people work more efficiently. Consequently, they have more chance to enjoy life and their quality of living is improved. These are features of a developed country. To apply science and technology in such a successful way, there is no method rather than having an advanced education system.

In conclusion, I am of the opinion that education system play a vital role for a country to develop. If a country considers its education system as the most priority, then it is no doubt that the country will soon become a developed one.

BÀI SỬA: Some people say that education system is the only critical factor to development of a country. To what extend do you agree or disagree with this statement? 305

When it comes to discussions over the factors that lead to the development of a

country, many people believe that the education system plays an important role.

They base their notion on a solid basis in fact.

First of all, proponents of education claim that a good education system leads

to a strong economy which then results in the development of the country.

They often take Singapore as an example. This country does not have large land

and is poor in natural resources. However, since education became the priority of the

government, this nation has observed dramatic changes in economy and become a

rich and developed country.

Moreover, advocates of education also consider it to be the main factor for a

country to have a stable political situation which would lead to developments.

They point to many western countries where the education systems are well

developed. They claim that thanks to the system, citizens in these nations

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understand human rights; they know how to fight for themselves and others, so they

enjoy their stable democratic state. As a result, most of these nations are developed.

Finally, the supporters of education claim that if a country is wishes to be a

developed one, it must base be built on a strong technological and scientific

fundamental. Technology and science help to improve human being’s beings’ living

and to make people work more efficiently. Consequently, they have more chance to

enjoy life and their quality of living is improved. These are features of a developed

country. To apply science and technology in such a successful way, there is no other

method rather than but having an advanced education system is the prerequisite.

In conclusion, I am of the opinion that the education system plays a vital role for a

country to develop. If a country considers its education system as the most priority,

then it is no doubt that the country will soon become a developed one.


Ý tưởng là: money thì quan trọng, l góp phần nên hạnh phúc, nhưng money không thể determine hạnh phúc được.

Paragraph 1. Money quan trọng, là một phần của hạnh phúc

Paragraph 2> nhung money không determine hạnh phúc đuoc

Paragraph 3. Để có hạnh phúc

When it comes to discussions over the role of money in our contemporary life, there has always been an interesting debate. Obviously, no one can deny the necessarily of money in life. However, besides money, there are still many other factors needed to make humans happy.

There is no doubt that money plays a vital role in life. It can be stated strongly that without money, no one can survive in modern life. It has become a median means to get access to most services. If someone does not have money, he or she will not be able to meet basic needs such as accommodation, food, etc. Furthermore, one not only needs to fulfil basic demands but also needs to entertain, to travel, and so on. People should have certain amount of money to enjoy life then to feel happiness.

However, it is important to emphasize that money is not all people need to be happy. Money

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can help to buy many items in life, but it cannot make one approach to many other things. Examples which can be included are health, true love, youth, respect, etc. All of these are factors that make people live happily. If there is a rich man being in hospital due to a cancerous disease, one would be able to say for sure that this man is unhappy. Apparently, money cannot determine someone’s happiness.

In my opinion, human beings need to balance in the way we live. First, we need to limit our needs depending on our ability. By this I mean we should spend less than we are able to earn. Secondly, we should spend time wisely so we have enough time left to enjoy many aspects in life such as playing with our children, talking with our partner, caring for our parents, outing with our friends and relatives, or just listening to Mother Nature’s songs, etc. Finally, we need to care for our health by exercising, dieting, and so on. If all actions are taken, surely we will have more chances to enjoy a happy life.

In conclusion, I am convinced that money plays an important part in life. However, to be happy people need to live wisely.


When it comes to discussions over the role of money in our contemporary life there haS always been interesting debate. Obviously, no one can deny the necessarily vitality/necessity of money in life. However, besides money, there are still many other factors needed to make humans happy/...factors that can bring happiness to humans. Humankind human being human beings

There is no doubt that money plays a vital role in life. It can be stated strongly that without money, no one can survive in modern life. It has become a median means to get access to most services. If someone does not have money, he or she will not be able to meet basic needs such as accommodation, food, etc. Furthermore, one not only needs to fulfil basic demands but also needs to entertain, to travel, and so on. People should have certain amount of money to enjoy life and then (hình như luôn dùng and then không dùng then không thì phải) to feel happiness.

However, it is important to emphasize that money is not all people need to be happy. (emphasize that money is a means, not an end or ........)Money can help to buy many items in life, but it cannot make help one approach to (chỉ là approach something thôi, không có to)many other life values things. Examples which can be include are such as health, true love, youth, respect, etc. All of these are factors that make people live happily. If there is a rich man being in hospital is hospitalized is committed to a hospital due to a cancerous disease, one would be able to say for sure that this man is unhappy. Apparently, money cannot determine someone’s happiness.

In my opinion, human beings need to balance in the way we live. First, depending on our ability and need, we need/have to limit our expenses needs

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depending on our ability. By this I mean we should spend less than we are able to earn. Secondly, we should spend time wisely so that we have enough time left to enjoy many aspects in life such as playing with our children, talking with our partner, caring for our parents, outing with our friends and relatives, or just listening to Mother Nature’s songs, etc. Finally, we need to care for our health by exercising, dieting, and so on. If all those actions are taken, surely we will have more chances to enjoy a happy life.

In conclusion, I am convinced that money plays an important part in life. However, to be happy, people need to live wisely.


Money is a means not an end

It would appear, then, that an inverted yield curve is more of a necessary condition for a recession to occur, but not a sufficient condition. ...


Transportation has become an important demand of a majority of people in this modern world. When moving, these people have to take a risk of being injured in a traffic accident. A number of methods have been introduced by the public to help to reduce the accident rate, one of them is to limit the age of the drivers. However, this suggestion should not be applied as one can see many evidences against it.

First of all, based on statistics, the age group who often faces traffic

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accidents is the working age. Although this may be because the majority of drivers are on this group of age, it also reveals strongly that the younger drivers or aged drivers are not the cause of accidents. In Australia where people can drive when they reach the age of 18 or when they are quite old, about 80 the group of victims in traffic accident is not that 18 or 80, it is in the group of 30 to 50 as result in recent research.

Furthermore, the youngsters and the elderly often drive more carefully than others. This is because they are aware of their weak, they know that they do not have experiences or they are slow than other road users, so they focus more on the road and other drivers when they are driving, and they also obey the rules better. One can always remember the first time when they were learning driving, there was no music, no telephoning, no talking...just driving and focusing.

In conclusion, I believe that limiting the age of drivers should not be considered a way to reduce traffic accidents, not to say “the best”. The solution to reduce it should be for the government to educate the citizens to obey the law and to have a strong and efficient law and police force to protect its road users.


Transportation has become an important demand of a majority of people in this

modern world. When moving/For some reasons, these people have to take risk

of being injured in a traffic accident/ the drivers are faced with getting involved in

traffic accidents. A number of methods have been introduced by the public to help to

reduce the accident rate. One of them is to limit the age of the drivers. However, this

suggestion should not be applied as one can see many evidences against it.

First of all, based on statistics, even though the groups who are often involved in traffic accidents belong to the working age, this does not mean their age is the main factor that leads to traffic accidents. In Australia where people can drive

when they reach the age of 18 or when they are quite old, about 80 percent of the

victims involved in traffic accidents are not those at the age of 18 or 80. In fact, it is

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the drivers at the age of 30 to 50 who partially cause accidents, according to quite a

few recent researches.

Furthermore, the youngsters and the elderly often drive more carefully than others. This is because results from the fact that they are more aware of their

weakness; they know that they do not have as much experience, or they are slower

than other road users, so they focus more on the road than other drivers when they

are driving, and they also obey the rules better. Ones can always remember the

first time when they were learning driving; there was no music, no telephoning, no

talking, etc., but just driving and focusing.

In conclusion, I believe that limiting the age of drivers should not be considered a

good way to reduce traffic accidents, not to say “the best”. The solution to reduce

it should be for To reduce traffic accidents, the government launch educational

programs to help increase the citizens’ awareness of traffic laws. The government

should also have stricter, more efficient laws, as well as a stronger police force to

protect its road users.

IELTS BAND 7 Ecological balance is impossible to archive when technological progress constantly ruins our environment. Do you agree?

Mình không đồng ý vì tin rằng techonological progress mang lại nhiều lợi ích,v à do vậy nó bảo vệ environment, do thế bảo vệ ech system, tạo ecological balance. Mình “nương” theo cái đề, làm kiểu người ta đưa ra ý nó hại như thế, như thế, ty nhiên ý kiến đó là SAI. Do vậy mở bài theo kiểu.

Lợi ích là bla bla. Despite cái lợi này, một số bác bỏ lợi ích của nó. Tuy nhiên mình bác bỏ họ,

Thân bài có hai lý do: về phương diện nong nghiệp, về phương diện công nghiệp

Kết luận.

In contemporary society, technology has developed significantly to bring many advantages to humankind. Despite these benefits, some people criticise that its progress has destroyed the nature, making ecological balance impossible to achieve. However, this argument should be rejected as one can see it is not based on solid basic in fact.

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In terms of agriculture, the objectors claim that technology ruins soil by producing many types of fertilizers. This is unjustifiable as one cannot deny that fertilizers help to make more profits from smaller land. As a result, the fact that people do not need to destroy more forests leads to more areas being preserved. Moreover, by applying advanced technologies, people can change a semi desert to a useful area to grow crops in there. It is true that technology helps to make the earth better for human beings to live on.

As regards industry, it has been argued that technology destroys the environment by using too much fuel and producing too many waste products. This claim should not be accepted since using fuel and producing waste products are not faults of industry but unavoidable tendencies in modern society causing by an increasing growth of the world population. It is thanked to the advanced technologies that we can use all forms of fuel in a more effective way than it was in the past thus the environment is being protected. Furthermore, using modern technology people can recycle most of the garbage to reuse so that we are actually reducing the impacts of waste on the nature.

In conclusion, I am convinced that, as many other phenomena, technological progress has its benefits and drawbacks. What is important is to improve its positive effects while reducing the negative ones. If we succeed in doing this, there would be no concerns about the imbalance of the eco system.

BÀI SỬA: Ecological balance is impossible to archive when technological progress constantly ruins our environment. Do you agree? 305

In contemporary society, technology has developed significantly to bring many

advantages to humankind. Despite these benefits, some people criticise that

its progress has destroyed the nature, making ecological balance impossible to

achieve. However, this argument should be rejected as one can see it is not based

on a solid basic basis in fact.

In terms of agriculture, the objectors claim that technology ruins soil by producing many types of fertilizers. This is unjustifiable as one cannot deny that

fertilizers help to make more profits/yield from smaller pieces of land. As a result,

the fact that people do not need to destroy more forests leads to more areas being

preserved. Moreover, by applying advanced technologies, people can change a semi

desert to a useful area to grow crops in there. It is true that technology helps to make

the earth better for human beings to live on.

As regards As far as industry is concerned, it has been argued that technology destroys the environment by using too much fuel and producing too many waste products. This claim should not be accepted since using fuel and producing

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waste products are not faults of industry but unavoidable tendencies in modern

society causing caused by an increasing growth of the world population. It is thanked

thanks to the advanced technologies that we can use all forms of fuel in a more

effective way than it was in the past. Thus, thus the environment is being protected.

Furthermore, using modern technology, people can recycle most of the garbage to

reuse so that we are actually reducing the impacts of waste on the nature.

In conclusion, I am convinced that, as like many other phenomena, technological

progress has its benefits and drawbacks. What is important is to improve its positive

effects while reducing the negative ones. If we succeed in doing this, there would be

no concerns about the imbalance of the eco system.

Topic 3 IELTS BAND 7

Dieting can change a person’s life for the better or ruin one’s health completely. What is your opinion?

In our modern life, it is often mentioned in the media that people need to diet to achieve a healthier life. However, I am of the opinion that dieting, as many other phenomena, has its negative as well as positive effects.

In terms of positive aspect, dieting can make one’s life better. Dieting can help people to achieve their goals in health care. For example, it is advised by medical professionals that a low salt diet and rich in vegetables and fruits could help people live longer and healthier. Furthermore, when one has suffered from some kinds of diseases such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia a little change in their meals to reduce salt or fat intake could bring a significant improvement to their medical conditions.

However, it has been admitted that unbalanced diet could ruin one’s health completely. It is often revealed in newspapers that some teenagers have to be admitted to hospitals due to imbalanced diet. These youngsters have tried to diet to be slim and fit like fashion models. They did not take enough energy as well as the nutrients needed thus resulting on collapse. In addition, there have been evident form research studies that lack of some necessary proteins which are only present on certain kind of food might lead to some kinds of cancer. Thus the dieticians often recommend the public to vary their food intake.

In conclusion, I believe that what is important is to apply the scientific knowledge wisely. If one judges all the information he or she has read or heard, and then apply them properly, there would be no doubt that one will live a healthier life, thus happier.

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BÀI SỬA: Dieting can change a person’s life for the better or ruin one’s health completely. What is your opinion?

In our modern life, it is often mentioned in the media that people need to diet to achieve a healthier life. However, I am of the opinion that dieting, as many other phenomena, has its negative as well as positive effects.

In terms of positive aspect, dieting can make one’s life better. Dieting can help people to achieve their goals in health care purposes. For example, it is advised by medical professionals that a low salt diet low in salt and rich in vegetables and fruit could help people live longer and more healthily healthier. Furthermore, when one has people suffer suffered from some kinds of diseases such as hypertension, or hyperlipidemia, a little change in their meals to reduce salt or fat intake could bring a significant improvement to their medical conditions.

However, it has been admitted that unbalanced diet could ruin one’s health completely. It is often revealed in newspapers that some teenagers have to be hospitalized admitted to hospitals due to their imbalanced diet. These youngsters have tried to diet to be slim and fit like fashion models. They did not take enough energy as well as the nutrients needed; thus resulting in on collapse. In addition, there have has been evidence evident form research studies that lack of some necessary proteins which are only present on certain kinds of food might lead to some kinds of cancer. Thus the dieticians often recommend the public to varying their food intake.

In conclusion, I believe that it is important that we apply scientific knowledge wisely what is important is to apply the scientific knowledge wisely. If one judges all the information he or she has read or heard, and then apply them it properly, there would be no doubt that one will live a healthier life, thus becoming happier.

TASK: Particular cultures are under threat nowadays due to the fact that we are living in a global village. What do you think can be done to protect a society’s traditional values and culture? KHÔNG NHÓ Ở ĐÂU

Globalisation has been recognised as an unavoidable tendency for nations all over the world. Living in that global village, many particular cultures are in danger of being lost. To protect them from disappearing, several measures have been suggested.

First of all, education should be considered as an important solution to preserve cultural diversity. This can be done by teaching people, especially the young, the value of their own culture. For example, history of the country could be introduced to them in an interesting way. This makes them aware of the hardship that their ancestors faced when setting up and

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protecting the country. As a result, the youngsters who feel proud about their country and their history will desire to protect them. By doing this, the traditional value and culture will be saved.

Another measure to protect traditional value and culture is to secure the language. If people are made to be able to use their particular language when still being able to use the common language in everyday life, they will appreciate their own culture more. The result of this is that many cultural values can passed from generations to generations. This can be done by encouraging activities such as language festivals, competitions in which the traditional language is used.

Finally, cultural activities should be encouraged by the government. It is for the authority to make more public holidays to celebrate cultural events. These events might be considered as chances for the citizens to visit families, friends, and relatives or to travel, etc. By enjoying such activities, it would be easier for people to remember and value traditional customs thus protecting them.

In conclusion, I am of the opinion that to protect particular culture values, it is the responsibility of the government to make people realise of them, then to have chances to enjoy all the benefits that these values bring to their lives.

BÀI SỬA: Particular cultures are under threat nowadays due to the fact that we are living in a global village. What do you think can be done to protect a society’s traditional values and culture?

Globalisation has been recognised as an unavoidable tendency for nations all over

the world. Living in that such a global village, many particular cultures are in danger

of being lost. To protect them from disappearing, several measures have been


First of all, education should be considered as an important solution to preserving preserve cultural diversity. This can be done by teaching people,

especially the young, the value of their own culture. For example, the history of

the country could be introduced to them in an interesting way such as ........... This

makes them aware of the hardship that their ancestors faced when setting up and

protecting the country. As a result, the youngsters who feel proud about of their

country and their history will desire to protect them. By doing this, the traditional

value and culture will be saved.

Another measure to protect traditional values and culture is to secure the language. If people are made to be able to use their particular language when still

being able to use the common language in everyday life, they will appreciate their

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own culture more. The result of this is that many cultural values can passed from

generations to generations. This can be done by encouraging activities such as

language festivals, competitions in which the traditional language is used.

Finally, cultural activities should be encouraged by the government. It is

essentials that for the authority to need to make more public holidays to celebrate

cultural events. These events might be considered as chances for the citizens to visit

families, friends, and relatives or to travel, etc. By enjoying such activities, it would

be easier for people to remember and value traditional customs; thus protecting


In conclusion, I am of the opinion that if culture values are to be protected, to protect

particular culture values, it is the responsibility of the government to make people

realise their own cultural values of them, and then have chances to enjoy all the

benefits that these values bring to their lives.

TOPIC 4 IELTS BAND 7 : Finance education should be considered a mandatory component at the school programme. To what extend do you agree or disagree with this statement? Khong tìm đuwocj bài sửa của các thầy!

When it comes to discussions whether children at schools should be educated about finance or not, many people believe that they should not learn about money and all related issues. However, many others, myself included, are convinced that school curriculums should include financial lessons as there are several important reasons to do so.

First of all, schools are ideal places for children to learn about the value of money. It should be emphasize to them that money is a necessary not a sufficient condition for people to be happy. To learn that, schools are the best place because the programme could bring them broad views from professionals such as businessmen, psychologists, bosses from financial institutions, etc. If children do not have a chance to learn at school, their only teachers might be just their parents who may have a narrow or wrong points of view which will lead to bad effects on children.

In addition, children should be taught about the way money runs in our modern society. This is quite complicated in the contemporary life with lots of ideas needed to be dealt with. They also need to learn about how banks, which are the centres of financial activities, work. It is obvious that just at schools with teachers and materials which are published by experts in

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the field, students could be able to learn properly about all aspects of the issue.

Finally, investment in finance which has been considered as an interesting subject for the public recently should be introduced at schools, especially at secondary schools. People do not have to be professionals in the field to learn this; they might be doctors, nurses, and teachers and so on. They should have chances to study this when they are young, so the best place can be seen for this activity to take place is secondary school.

In conclusion, I believe that money issues should be taught to children depending on their ages. The more knowledge they have, the better they will do when handling financial problems. This would lead to happier generations and stronger and more stable societies.

Today the high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of advertising and not the real needs of the society in which they are sold.

To what extend (extent J) do you agree or disagree?

In our contemporary life, many opponents to the (of the) advertising industry blame that it has created the increasing sales of products rather than serving for the needs of consumers. Although this may be true in some extend to some extent, one should consider all aspects of the issue to recognise that advertising has its own benefits and drawbacks to society.

Regarding the adverse effects of advertisements, there is no doubt that it has been creating a consumers’ society. Mobile phones could be served as an example ( could be used­ or could serve). The primary aim of them is for people to communicate on the move so it should be fine if one can keep in touch with other in emergency cases. However, mobile phones have added so many other functions and the adverts make people believe that they need that kind of mobile phones. Consequently, these people keep changing their phones due to advertising rather than their actual needs.

However, it has to be admitted that advertisements bring a lot of benefits to members of society, serving for their needs. No one can deny that when we need some information about a product, one of the reliable sources to obtain that information is the advertisements. Through them people can learn about the functions, advantages and disadvantages of an item. In addition, products from various companies can be compared to find out what is the most suitable for one’s requirements. From this fact, it is impossible to deny that the power of advertising has been serving for individuals of the community.

In conclusion, I believe that although advertising affects sales in positive ways for producers, it also serves for the benefits of consumers. If all customers were aware of their real needs and chose a product based on the real function if offers, then there would be no opponents of the advertising industry.

TASK 2 CAMBRIDGE IELTS 4 TEST 2 (Bài này thầy Nick chấm cho 7 kèm sửa lỗi)

When it comes to discussion over the issue whether the arts people should be allowed to

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create anything they like in any way they love, or there should be some censorship on what they do, there has been always an ongoing debate. Many people, myself included, are of the opinion that the artists should be able to do everything, however, their audiences should be selected.

On one hand, the artists should have the basic rights of creative people. They should be able to record their ideas in any way they love. The reason they should be given the freedom is creativity itself. If there is no freedom, there would be no creativity because people are instructed to do produce/create their arts in a controlled way. This leads to the other aspect of art, that is the reflection of reality. The value of all kind of arts kinds of art should be to reflect the ongoind life. If people are not allowed freedom to do art work¸surely the reality is not recorded would not be recorded so their work would not have any value. Furthermore, reativity artists are often far ahead other often far ahead of others in society in terms of awaring issues awareness of issues which are occurring. So if they are controlled, it is obvious that less valuable events are recognised in time.

On the contrary, it has to be admitted that sometimes art work should be censored. The art work sometimes conveys so much many sexual scenes or ideas that it should be controlled to protect people especially the young. The other reason is that products which are accepted in on culture are not considered suitable for other culture cultures. As a consequence, to protect he nation’s culture values,, the government should censor these products.

In conclusion, I am of the opinion that artists should be given freedom to work, however, their audiences should be selected by the government on benefits of the nation and its citizens.

In some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies.

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who decide to do this.

(Thầy Nick chấm ài này cho 7.5)

In the comtemporary life, in some countries, especially Western ones, there has been a trend for school leavers to work or travel for a year prior to university study. Although this trend obviously brings some advantages for young people, it can not be denied that there are also some negative effects on their lives.

One of the benefits of working or travelling for a year before continuing to study is that it offers school leavers a chance to choose a career which is the most suitable for them. For example, a young person who intends to work as an accountant may find a job as an office assistant. After some months of working, he or she may realise that the atmosphere there is so too boring to be able to stay there for whole day, whole life. As a result of this, he or she may quit the job easily without regreting withtout the regret of 4 years studying at university. In addition, a year off before studying hard at tertiary schools brings a youngster an opportunity to enjoy life. They may go to another country for a long vacation without worrying about assignments and exams. (2 advantages)

However, it has to be admitted that travelling or working for a year before professional training may destroy someone’s future. The reason is that sometimes people can earn

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quite well doing some casual jobs. As a consequence, they wonder why they have to spend time working hard at university then just to earn money like they already do. Thinking that way, they just look for a short term bfuture, disregarding the fact that they would earn more and more stably having a profession. When time has passed, they would be aware of this, however, it would be late to go back to university. Furthermore, it is believed by many researchers that studying should be done in a continual manner to achieve the best results. (2 disadvantages)

In conclusion, I believe that any phenomenon has two aspects and a year off prior to university studying is no exception. However, if the school leavers take a year to gain experience in the field they want to work as a profession work in as a profession, it will bring them more benefits than drawbacks.

The position of women in society has changed markly markedly in the last twenty years. Many of the problems young people now experience, such as juvenile delinquency, arise from the fact that many married women now work and are not at home to care for their children.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this option?

(Bài này được chị Jo sửa dùm)

In the last twenty years, the role of women in society has changed remarkedly. Many people claim that these changes lead to the increase of juvenile related problems. However, in my opinion, the fact that married women need to go out to work does not associate with these problems.

First of all, the criminology statistics often shows taht the majority of juvenile criminals are often found in the group of young people who have grown up in families with problems shuch as jobless, drug addiction, violence etc. There has been no link found between youth criminals and working mothers. In the Australian, it was reported about a couple months ago that 80% of young delinquents were from families with domestic problems and their mothers or parents did not work and they lived on unemployment benefits. (khong co viec nay, minh bia ra day )it is clear that there is no solid basis in fact of the opinion that mothers who work will result in their children’s delingquency.

Instead of that, it is believed that a family with both working parents will have more opportunities for their children to be good citizens. Firstly, with two incomes, the family’s life would be easier in this demanding world, and more secure. Secondly, mothers who work often play as good models for their children. Secondly, mothers who work are often good role models for their children. The children would realise how hard their parents , especially their mothers have to face in everyday life how hard their parents work , especially their mothers in everyday life, and they would desire to try their best at school and in their behaviours to please them. Moreover, mothers who have stable jobs often are well educated and try to keep pace with modern life, thus it would be easier for them to discuss many issues with their children and teach them as well. Growing up in the this environment with all of these advantages, it is sure hat the children would be deterred well from any juvenile delinquency to and become good citizens.

In conclusion, I believe that mothers who work would bring many benefits to their families

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as well as their children. The only issue needed to be concerned about is that they should balance between working and family commitments o make sure that they still have time to share with their children¸play with them, read to them, listen to them and involve fully into their lives and be involved fully in their lives.