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    Management and Coordination Team:

    Madrid Global

    IESE Business School

    Design and Layout:

    Cromotex, S.A.

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    2. WHY MADRID?



    33. Site plan








    58. CIEMAT



    70. ESADE







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    Madrid is the capital o Spain and o the Madrid Region.

    6.5 million inhabitants in its Metropolitan Area and 3.3 million

    in the Capital. It is the third most populous city in the Euro-

    pean Union.

    Capital o Spanish language and culture.

    Europes third largest metropolitan area ater Paris and London.

    Fourth richest city in Europe.

    Home to the Cortes Generales- the Spanish Houses o

    Parliament - the Government o Spain, and the home o the

    Spanish Royal Family

    Location: 40 2513 N 3 4221 W 40 2513 N 3

    4221 W. Central zone o the Iberian Peninsula.

    Average height above sea level: 667 m.

    Average temperature: 12 C.

    Area: 605.77 km.

    Income per capita in Madrid is $40,000 and contributes 18%

    o the total national GDP.

    Barajas Airport, with annual passenger trafc o 50 million,

    is the ourth largest in Europe and tenth in the world. It is

    connected by metro and bus to the centre o the city.

    The Madrid metro is the second largest underground network

    in the world.

    There are fve transport interchanges that connect the city bus

    network to the metro and railways.

    Madrid is linked by high-speed trains to the main Spanish




    Where should I go to get my graduate education? Graduating students

    throughout the world decide every year to travel abroad or their masters or

    doctoral degrees and ace the dilemma o choosing the right place to study and

    live, perhaps or their very rst international experience, and the number o young

    people deciding to come to Madrid is increasing every year, so why Madrid?

    Madrid is not just any city; it is a place ull o energy and passion with a

    favour o its own, rich in heritage to explore, ull o spice and yet ocused and

    highly sophisticated. In Madrid international students soon nd themselves

    integrated into a multicultural environment to enjoy a city packed with

    creativity and un where learning comes easy.

    As the nancial, political and cultural centre o Spain, Madrid is a

    modern, cosmopolitan city with a strong economy and a vibrant lie. In recent

    years the growth and development o Madrid have placed it rmly within the

    network o global cities as the third great European metropolis and as the

    economic and cultural capital o the Spanish Speaking World.

    The City o Madrid has a population o nearly three million people and is also

    the capital o the Madrid Region (Comunidad Autonoma de Madrid). This regionis the economic powerhouse o Spain and also o Southern Europe; its six million

    inhabitants and their readiness to succeed make it possible every day... and night.

    As a large metropolitan area, Madrid is tirelessly striving to attract

    productive investment, new technology businesses, scientic capability,

    creative talent, international institutions, a steady fow o tourists, and the

    staging o important events. Indeed, Madrid now stands out in many o theseaspects over other major cities.

    A ully internationalised education system and a commitment to innovation

    give the public universities o Madrid a quality o education o worldwide

    renown. Moreover, Madrid is home to a growing number o prestigious scientic

    institutions and research centres, and is one o the ew European capitals to

    boast not one, but several o the nest business schools in the world.

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    and connected

    The gentle swaying o the metro train

    is more noticeable when there are

    ewer people. With his suitcase beside

    him, he watches the other passengers.

    Sometimes, ater the nal session o the

    week o his Masters program, Bernard

    travels to Berlin to see his parents.

    Although hes a bit late out o the

    Technical University o Madrid and the

    airport is on the outskirts o the City,

    Metro line 8 has a station just a ew

    minutes rom the campus that will whisk

    him directly to Terminal 4, rom where

    his plane departs. He has always loved

    to fy -perhaps thats why he chose to

    specialise in Aerospace Engineering.

    Madrid oers an ideal setting or businessdevelopment and acilitates access tointernational markets and this is why a

    large number o multinational corporations

    call Madrid their home.

    Madrid is a highly competitive city inthe international arena. It is actually the

    third European city in attraction o oreign

    direct investment. The most internationally

    competitive sectors o Madrids economy are

    Financial: The Madrid Stock Exchangeis ranked 4th in importance in Europe.

    Two o the ten major global banks have

    their headquarters in the City. Energy: Some o the most outstanding

    breakthroughs in renewable energies

    came out o research centres and

    corporations based in Madrid and the

    largest private companies operating

    solar thermal platorms and wind

    generators are rom Madrid.

    Inrastructure: Six o the ten largesttransport-inrastructure companies in

    the world have their headquarters in


    Urban: Madrid has a unique clustero companies specialized in providing

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    urban, environmental and utility

    services and solutions or cities around

    the globe.

    Aerospace: Madrid has a strategic levelo participation in one o the most in-

    fuential sectors in the global economicoutlook.

    Telecom: Madrid and its telecom com-panies are present in all the continents,

    especially in emerging economies.

    Madrid is woring towards implementingthe Inormation Society and its RelatedTechnologies so as to equip itsel with

    next-generation networks that reach 100Mbps, in order to ensure that the most

    advanced services available on broadband

    orm an integral part o business and

    everyday lie in the city.

    Madrid is a model o efciency andphysical connectivity with an unrivalledsystem o urban and intercity public

    transport. The city has a modern andversatile transport inrastructure including

    Barajas Airport, the ourth largest airport

    in Europe and tenth in the world in terms

    o passenger trac. The Metro route links

    the airport with Nuevos Ministeriosstation,

    located in the very centre o Madrid, with

    a journey time o just 15-20 minutes and

    a cost o only 2.

    The Madrid Metro system is the second

    largest in the world and an icon o urban

    mobility that ranks Madrid amongst the

    worlds best-connected cities. The city also

    has a large networ o commuter trains and

    a high-speed service that allows travel to

    major cities such as Barcelona or Seville

    in record time.

    To integrate these multiple orms o

    urban mobility, Madrid has a network

    o transport interchanges unique in the

    world or their design and technology.

    Such an ecient public transport system

    has led to its use compared to private

    transport becoming one o the highest inEurope, urther promoting the principle o

    sustainable development.

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    Open and integrated

    For historical and cultural reasons, and

    its position as a global city, Madrid is

    the natural meeting point or both the

    Spanish-speaking world and the latters

    interaction with the rest o the world.

    Madrid is an open and inclusive citythat in recent years has welcomed the

    important contribution o its growing

    oreign population. In less than 10

    years, the percentage o non-Spanish

    has risen to around 19%, providing a

    distinctly homogenous distribution o new

    inhabitants throughout the city.

    This process, both rapid and intense,

    has been managed without signicant

    tensions, thanks to the values on which

    Madrid society is run: its solidarity,

    tolerance, and the open and riendly

    nature o the citizens o Madrid, most

    o whom were immigrants themselves or

    children o immigrants that settled here a

    ew decades ago, and many coming rom

    other regions o Spain.

    Madrid is a true model or the successul

    coexistence o so many dierent cultures,reinorced by the eorts o the city itsel in

    its promotion and support o their dierent

    national holidays and traditions. The

    popular culture o the city both embraces

    the new and makes it part o its own.

    Our city is ully aware o the importance

    o internationalisation and the City Council

    itsel has recently created and Oce o

    International Strategy and Action called

    Madrid Global. This oce is committed

    to take advantage o Madrids open and

    integrating character to venture a new way

    o international outreach.

    The rst year I was here, states Wa

    Lin, a student o the Masters in Arts

    at Rey Juan Carlos University, I was

    unable to travel home to celebrate the

    Chinese New Year with my amily. But I

    was really surprised at the celebrations

    that were organised in the city. The

    whole neighbourhood was decorated

    with multi-coloured dragons and paper

    lanterns, and a parade commemorating

    the Year o the Tiger was particularly


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    10 WHY MADRID?

    Efcient and sustainable

    When Alonso goes to pick up Susan in

    the botanical gardens, he likes to get

    there a little early to read or a while.

    The atmosphere in the greenhouse

    reminds him o a time some years ago,

    in his native Galicia, when he helped

    his ather to transer fowers rom one

    pot to another. He came to Madrid to

    study a Masters in Corporate Social

    Responsibility at ESADE, and there

    he met Susan, a New York researcher

    at CSIC. At times, whilst he waits, he

    is distracted by the Latin names o the

    trees and, i it is autumn, he always

    nishes with dozens o leaves between

    the pages o his book.

    Madrid is a model city in terms o

    environmental and urban management

    and can boast to be the second city in the

    world with the largest number o trees on

    its streets, only surpassed by Tokyo.

    In the City o Madrid, one can breathebetter than in any other European capital.

    Not surprisingly, Madrid is the European

    city with the highest amount o green

    spaces in square metre per inhabitant.

    These areas are to be ound all over the

    city so that everyone who lives in Madrid

    is never more than 15 minutes walk away

    rom them.

    The city has a wealth o green heritage

    within its own municipal boundaries,

    consisting not only o the typical parks one

    may nd in every city, but most notably

    Madrid has vast territories o wild orests

    like Monte de El Pardo, a 16,000 acresnatural reserve, is the grand, natural park

    o the town o Madrid. You can nd there,

    at the doorsteps o the city, wild boars,deer and thousands o old Mediterranean

    oaks providing a protected breeding area

    or the majestic Imperial Iberian Eagle.

    Madrid is also worldwide known or

    the incredible good quality o its tap

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    11 WHY MADRID?

    water that comes literally rom the nearby

    sierras thanks to its unique inrastructure

    or supplying and distributing water.

    In addition, the system o integrated

    management o solid waste in Madrid is an

    example that many cities are attemptingto emulate.

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    12 WHY MADRID?


    and innovative

    They both had butterfies in their

    stomachs. Smiling, they looked at one

    another, all the while aware o the

    important step that they were about

    to take in their lives. There they were,

    in the registry oce, ready to sign the

    papers. Thats how Brenda Cho and Jun

    Lin elt just beore ormally establishing

    their rst business. They are Chinese

    but they met in Madrid: she studied

    at Autonomous University and him at

    Complutense. Thanks to the advice they

    were given at the Technological Park o

    Madrid, they were nally able to ull

    their entrepreneurial dream.

    Sharing knowledge is one o the undamental

    objectives o Madrids Universities and

    they thereore actively participate in the

    creation and development o science and

    technology parks that provide common

    inrastructure and services or technology

    based start ups. So i you are thinking ocreating your own company, while pursuing

    your graduate studies, Madrid oers

    outstanding opportunities and unique

    locations with lab an oce space right on

    campus. In this science parks you can

    also have access to top o the art research

    equipment that may be shared with other

    spin o companies.

    Research groups at universities and

    business schools in Madrid are at the

    rontier o knowledge and the city provides

    a good background or those in search o

    new challenges and this why Madrid is

    becoming also a destination or young

    scientist and uture business leaders.

    Also the strength o our nancial sector

    allows access to seed capital unds or

    entrepreneurs with outstanding projects.

    I your interest is artistic creativity or

    design Madrid can oer plenty o resources

    or you to expand your inspiration and what

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    13 WHY MADRID?

    is even more important it oers you the

    possibility o interacting with many people

    who are also letting their imagination do

    the job. In this sense Madrid has become

    like a large urban design lab where many

    times things just happen right on the


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    14 WHY MADRID?

    A place to share great


    You should come here. Its incredible.

    Some subjects are dicult but it appears

    that my colleagues have decided that Ill

    have no problems: whenever I dont get

    it, there is someone around who gives

    me a hand. Then, outside class, there

    is always something to do: play a game

    o ootball, go to the movies, and walk

    around the city... Ill tell you a little more

    each day... Franois writes this message

    on Facebook, in a break between classes,

    to his brother Roland who is in Canada.

    He is part o an exchange program at

    Carlos III University and although hes

    shy by nature, each day he is happier to

    have come to Madrid. Ron has already

    decided that next year its his turn.

    European students nd that the city o

    Madrid provides one o the best university

    opportunities in the continent. The

    Spanish capital is the main destination

    or Erasmus students: 9,000 students

    per year, representing 20% o total

    European Erasmus Program, a scholarshipprogram unded by the European Union to

    acilitate students to do one year o their

    undergraduate studies in another European

    country. And even more, the growth o the

    Erasmus Program in Madrid is signicantly

    higher than in other Spanish cities.

    In addition, Madrid is the main national

    target or students and proessionalspursuing an MBA (Masters in Business

    Administration) rom both Europe and

    Latin America. The city is home to 4 o

    the worlds major business schools. The

    university appeal is a key component o

    the competitiveness o Madrid as a city

    o the uture. With 25% o university

    graduates, it has the highest level o all

    major Spanish cities.

    In order to achieve this extensive

    international outlook, Spain has orged

    vital bilateral agreements with other

    countries outside the European Union.

    This is the case o China, where the

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    15 WHY MADRID?

    compatibility o studies even extends to

    the entrance examination, and the key to

    entering any Spanish public university.

    One example o this internationalisation

    is the large number o graduate courses,

    not to mention those at the undergraduate

    level, which are oered in English - either

    in a bilingual ormat or in their entirety.

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    16 WHY MADRID?

    A universal language

    at your fngertips

    O course, the chance to study in English

    came as a relie. But when it came to

    completing the registration, I nally

    chose the option o Spanish. Michael is

    a New Yorker but eels that the years he

    will dedicate to his Masters in Intellectual

    Property at EOI are also an opportunity

    to learn Spanish that should not be

    missed. It has an important role in the

    high school institute where he studied,

    but i he does have any problems, he

    knows he can turn to James, a childhood

    riend who has spent several years

    pursuing a doctorate in Spanish philology

    at Alcal University.

    Spanish is the worlds second mother-

    tongue ater Mandarin Chinese. One o the

    main advantages or a student in choosing

    Madrid as an academic destination is the

    opportunity to also learn Spanish.

    The global reach o Spanish, its

    liveliness and potential in the knowledge

    society in which we live, are refected in

    the interest shown in the world in recent

    years towards our language. More and more

    people are studying Spanish and, in act,

    it has become the second most studied

    language on the planet. In European Union,

    the number o students taking Spanish

    has multiplied at all educational levels;in Eastern European countries, demand

    is growing; in the USA, it is increasingly

    necessary to speak Spanish to work with

    the steadily expanding Spanish-speaking

    population; countries such as China,

    Russia and many others are beginning to

    oer Spanish as an alternative to other

    languages more traditionally studied.

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    17 WHY MADRID?

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    18 WHY MADRID?

    Modern, entertaining

    and cultural

    The commitment o the City o Madrid

    towards culture and diverse orms o

    artistic expression is present in traditional

    museums like the Prado, Thyssen and

    the Reina Soa, housing three o the

    nest art collections in the world. In

    addition, new spaces or contemporaryart have emerged such as the Mataderoor Medialab where young people canrealise their own projects. The presence o

    temporary exhibitions is also constant and

    showcases Madrids most important artists

    o past and present.

    The contrast and balance that the City

    has managed to strike between the classicaland the modern has led to its inclusion on

    the agendas o all artists and musicians.

    Madrid has a wealth o theatres, concert

    halls and cultural centres hosting important

    international events: rom the varied

    theatrical treats o the Autumn Festival,

    to visits by the most popular rock and

    pop artists, or the greatest in world operaperormances at the Teatro Real. Its streets

    have inspired lmmakers and writers and

    the city provides the perect space or the

    creation and production o new works in

    each eld that are presented each year.

    The rich and varied cultural and leisure

    attractions that Madrid explains the more

    than 4.8 million oreign tourists who visitthe city annually.

    Alexandra listens with headphones to

    the description o Las Meninas... Beore

    coming to study in Spain, she had already

    visited the Prado Museum during a study

    tour she made rom Moscow. She is not

    exactly sure why, but she has a certain

    eeling or this museum. Furthermore,

    the title o the painting could be a good

    name or the musical group that she

    has ormed with three riends rom the

    Masters in Humanities at IE.

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    20 WHY MADRID?

    Health care

    The doctor has said that he must wear

    the cast or a couple o months. The

    sprain was serious. He elt it the moment

    he put his oot down. A companion had

    to take him to the Emergency Room

    o the Ramn y Cajal Hospital where

    they attended him quickly. Magnus is a

    Swedish student at Comillas Pontical

    University . He is a member o the

    Faculty basketball team taking part

    in the Inter-university Trophy. In

    the middle o the nal game against

    CIEMAT, he trod awkwardly and ... On

    leaving the hospital, he consoles himsel

    with the hope that at least his team-

    mates may have won the tournament.

    Madrid is the European city with the

    largest number o university hospitals.

    Foreign students living in Madrid are

    able to benet rom a quality Universal

    Healthcare System listed tenth in the

    rankings produced by the World Health

    Organization (WHO). Furthermore, theemergency network SAMUR (Municipal

    Emergency and Rescue Assistance Service)

    is responsible or eciently responding to

    health emergencies that occur on public

    roads within the municipality o Madrid.

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    21 WHY MADRID?

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    22 WHY MADRID?

    From Madridto the heavens

    Madrid is a paradise or leisure and whether

    you want to relax during the day or spend

    a night out in the bars or dancing clubs

    everything is always open since Madrid is

    a city that is always awake.

    Madrids cuisine is one o the eatures

    most valued by those who come to Madrid

    rom other countries since it is incredibly

    varied and, alongside Madrids traditionalcocido madrileo and delicious tortillade patatas, visitors can sample the mostsophisticated and rened menus prepared

    by some o the best ches in the world.

    The city o Madrid has two ootball

    teams in the Premier Division o the

    Spanish League: Real Madrid and Atletico

    Madrid, both European Champions so i

    you like going to the stadium to eel the

    thrill o Football (Soccer) and watch the

    most amous world players Madrid is your


    Within the same city o Madrid there

    are lots o opportunities or sports like the

    bicycle green route that surrounds Madrid

    or the many sports acilities like the indoor

    swimming pools.

    Northwest o the city centre Madrid hides

    its most precious jewel the Guadarrama

    Sierra where we enjoy landscapes o

    astonishing beauty and grandeur like the

    Valsan Valley the largest White Pine orest

    in Europe crowned by winter snow-covered

    mountain tops ideal or skiing or hiking.

    The geographical location o Madrid at

    the very centre o the Iberian Peninsula

    makes it easy to reach any part o Spain

    ater a journey o just a ew hours, so you

    can easily visit: the northern shores o the

    Cantabrian Sea, backed by the Picos de

    Europa and the Pyrenees; or Levante and

    Andalusia, sun-drenched beach paradises

    washed by the Mediterranean.

    With every step, he approaches the

    end. Breathing becomes more arduous.

    They climb part o the morning but

    think o the moment in which they will

    nally reach the top. At 2,248 metres,

    Pealara is the highest mountain in the

    Sierra de Guadarrama, in the province o

    Madrid. Every year, Thomas rejoins his

    ormer Masters group at IESE Business

    School to climb here. The diculty, eort

    and satisaction are common to both

    the mountain and the program that he

    attended ... and he likes to remember

    them together.

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    23 WHY MADRID?

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    Madrid oers great opportunities and value

    or students who are looking or the right

    place and institution to pursue a masters

    or doctoral degree. This is why every year

    more young students and researchers rom

    around the world decide to come to our city

    or their graduate education. Here they can

    also learn Spanish and get access to the

    immense opportunities oered by a city

    that is a bridge between Europe and the

    Americas and is also home to some o the

    most relevant multinational companies in

    elds like banking, engineering, telecomor aerospace.

    Spains university system has been

    recently adapted to the European Higher

    Education Area (EHEA) so ater obtaining

    an undergraduate degree in our years

    students can continue their education

    with a masters degree and then with a

    doctoral degree.

    The City o Madrid does not own

    or operate any particular university or

    business school. Public universities in

    Madrid are sel-governing organizations

    that are nanced and supervised by

    the Government o the Madrid Region

    (Comunidad de Madrid) under the auspices

    o the Ministry o Education o Spain.

    Nevertheless, the Madrid City Govern-

    ment is ully aware o the extreme impor-

    tance these institutions have or the whole

    o the city and is thereore an active mem-

    ber o the Governing Council o most uni-

    versities and is highly involved in many

    ways with universities through dierent

    cooperation ormulas.

    Graduate studies, leading to a Mastersdegree

    The requirements to obtain an ocial

    Masters degree in Spain are:

    60 to 120 credits obtained in graduate


    From 1 to 2 years o enrolment.

    Masters thesis dissertation (worth 6 to

    30 credits).

    Foreign Students, those that hold an

    undergraduate degree not ocially recog-

    nised in Spain or Europe can enrol by:

    Ocial recognition o their degree under

    the current legislation.

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    Authorisation by the host university

    (ater checking that their courses and

    studies are o an equivalent academic

    level to the corresponding Spanish


    Spain has a special bilateral treaty

    with some countries that automaticallyrecognises the validity o undergraduate

    degrees or pursuing graduate studies.

    China is one o these countries, so

    Chinese students can directly apply to

    Spanish universities.

    Some universities and especially business

    schools oer proessional Masters Degree

    programs that are not ocially recognised,but with a highly practical scope and

    geared to specialised business sectors.

    Some o these programs are widely

    recognised by the private market, or

    example the executive masters in business


    Graduate studies, leading toa Doctoral degree

    Requires prior possession o a University

    Master degree, or an undergraduate

    degree o more than 300 credits such

    as Medicine or Architecture.

    There are two phases in the doctoral

    track: the study phase, which requires

    60 credits at least, and the research

    phase which ends with the Doctoral

    Thesis Dissertation which must be

    based on original work o research in the

    appropriate eld and must be approvedby an academic tribunal.

    In some programs the Masters degree

    counts as credits towards the study

    phase o a doctoral track and gives direct

    access to research.

    Requires public deence o doctoral

    thesis, an original work o research in

    any eld. No time limit (but usually 3-4 years).

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    Madrid City and Region are home to six

    public universities and a wide range

    o private universities. It has one o the

    largest university systems in Europe, withalmost 300,000 students and 5,000

    doctoral students each year:

    Universidad de Alcal de Henares (UAH). Universidad Autnoma de Madrid (UAM). Universidad Carlos III (UC3M). Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM). Universidad Politcnica de Madrid (UPM). Universidad Pontifcia Comillas. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (URJC).

    In Madrid you can also nd our o the

    worlds leading business schools:

    IESE Business School. IE Business School. Escuela Superior de Administracin

    y Direccin de Empresas (ESADE). Escuela de Organizacin Industrial (EOI).

    The Universities o Madrid have ully

    adapted their programs to the new European

    University Common Framework that under

    the Bologna Treaty seeks to establish a

    single university system throughout Europe

    with the ollowing eatures:

    A single, compatible and lexible

    university system to give European

    students and graduates greater mo-


    Establish levels o transparency and

    quality through evaluation processes.

    Make the system more attractive andcompetitive internationally.

    Align education with the ongoing

    globalisation process.

    The Bologna Treaty also introduces a

    common quality management system or

    European universities that will increase

    educational opportunities without weak-

    ening the academic level and proessionalstrength o the programs.

    46 countries are involved in building

    this quality educational community with

    the assistance o:

    ENQA (European Association or Quality

    Assurance in Higher Education).

    Shared norms, like those o the ESG

    (European Standards and Guidelines or

    Quality Assurance).

    The oundation o a register o European

    agencies, such as the EQAR (National

    Agency or Quality Assessment and


    Many graduate programs oered in

    Madrid have international recognition

    and reputation and some even get their

    students rom scholarship programs that

    select outstanding graduate students

    worldwide, like the Erasmus Mundus

    Scholarships which are similar to theAmerican Fulbright Scholarships, but

    sponsored by the European Commission

    to attract talent beyond the borders o

    the European Union, mainly outstanding

    graduate students rom China, India,

    Russia and the United States.


    In July 2009 the Spanish Ministry o

    Education launched a program called

    Campus o International Excellence which

    seeks to recognize the top university and

    research locations in Spain. This program

    has the ollowing objectives:

    Promote the international reputation

    and enhance the strengths o the

    Spanish university system.

    Provide these campuses with more


    Improve the quality o teaching and

    research in Spanish universities.

    Achieve advances in innovation.

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    Foster strategic public and private

    collaborations between universities,

    other research institutions and busi-

    nesses located within the campus.

    Promote diversity and specialisation

    with a ocus on excellence, and develop

    knowledge ecosystems which contributeto regional economic development,

    social cohesion and employment.

    Four o the ve Spanish universities

    designated as Campus o International

    Excellence are located in Madrid: Univer-

    sidad Carlos III, Universidad Autnoma

    University with Consejo Superior de

    Investigaciones Cientcas (CSIC) and

    Universidad Complutense with Universi-

    dad Politcnica.


    Madrid is proud to be an open city, where

    people o many nationalities live and work

    together; a diversity that extends through

    all proessions and specialties. A large

    number o students and researchers romother regions o Spain and rom many other

    countries (particularly Latin America and

    Europe) make an important contribution to

    the international dimension o university

    education in Madrid.

    Madrid has also become a popular

    destination among Asian students, especially

    students rom China. In addition, an increasing

    number o Students rom the US and Canada

    are coming to Madrid. So our city is becoming

    a true hub o young people rom the ve

    continents who come to enjoy the quality oour education and the good lie o our city. In

    the case o business schools, the percentage

    o oreign students is close to 50%.

    People are attracted to Madrid because it

    combines, like no other city in the world, two

    contradictory elements: ocus and passion.

    Madrid knows when it is time to be serious

    and proessional but it also knows when it

    is time to disconnect and enjoy lie with a

    ull passion. Madrid is a unique cocktail

    combination and very ew global cities oer

    both ingredients in the same cup.

    Some Chinese students know about

    this uniqueness o Madrid. In 2010, the

    Madrid City Council launched the Mad-

    Shan 2010 Scholarship Program to help

    bring Chinese students to Madrid. Thisprogram was designed to encourage a better

    understanding between Madrid and China

    through education and exchange programs,

    to help promote a better integration o the

    Chinese community in Madrid.


    The connection o universities and business

    schools with the business world creates a

    strong bridge that acilitates new graduates

    access to positions o responsibility in many

    large Spanish multinational companies.

    The headquarters o the largest Spanish

    multinational companies are in Madrid.

    These are companies that are global

    benchmarks in their sectors:

    Finance: Madrids stock market is thethird most important in Europe and

    two o the worlds ten largest banks are

    based in Madrid.

    Renewable Energy: In this sector Spain

    is leading the way.

    Telecommunications: The worlds,

    leading mobile phone company in terms

    o market value is in Madrid.

    Inrastructure Engineering, Constructionand Management: Madrid is home to six

    o the top ten companies in this industry

    and many airports, highways and other

    large inrastructures projects are under the

    leadership o companies based in Madrid.

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    Urban Utilities and Architecture: Madrid

    is a model city with top notch streets,

    transport systems and utilities and is

    home to a unique cluster o companies

    specialized in oering high tech solutions

    to cities around the world.

    Another key advantage o studying in

    Madrid is the opportunity to learn Spanish.

    This allows access to a wide range o uture

    careers possibilities, not only in Spain but

    throughout Latin America and the US. The

    emerging economies o the Americas have

    become an important uture market in

    which Spanish companies are strategically

    placed due to their cultural and linguistic

    connections. These companies have a strong

    presence in most Latin American countries.

    Knowledge o Spanish also encourages

    recruitment by large multinationals that

    invest in the continent. The opportunity

    oered by the commodity markets o Latin

    America attracts large European, American

    and Chinese multinationals.

    Excellent human capital: R&D resources

    Madrid benets rom a superb intellectual

    capital that ranks 8th in OECD regions with

    the highest percentage o population with

    higher education in European cities. This is

    one o the most important actors enablingit to be a competitive and developed city. In

    recent decades, higher education has become

    widespread, resulting in levels o graduate

    studies being higher than most European

    countries, even compared to the U.S.

    Madrids society is a community

    o highly-educated and highly-skilledindividuals that allows the city to meet the

    needs o businesses, which are ever more

    demanding in this respect, and also lead

    and develop the processes o innovation

    demanded by a globalised world.

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    Madrid is headquarters or Spains major

    national research centres and national

    laboratories. Both the national and theregional governments make substantial

    investments in Madrid in scientic research

    and technological innovation every year.

    24.8% o all researchers in Spain live

    and work in Madrid. Each year, Madrids

    universities produce 14,000 graduate

    students qualied in the dierent branches

    o science and technology. Madrid is

    home to 47 o the 126 research centres

    and institutes o the Spanish National

    Research Council (CSIC) the largest

    research institution in Spain.

    In addition to CSIC, Madrid has a

    network o National Institutes and R&D

    Laboratories covering the most diverse

    areas and allowing students and researchers

    access to world class research acilities and

    laboratories. These centres are recognized

    worldwide and have strong connections

    with the leading international centres.

    CIEMAT, or example, is the National

    Centre or Research in Energy and the

    Environment. It is a large public research

    organisation with acilities across Spainand headquarters in Madrid. Some o

    the most relevant advances in renewable

    energies have come rom this centre, like

    commercial wind power turbines or solar

    thermal platorms.

    In the elds o biomedicine and humanhealth Madrid also hosts a network o three

    world class National Research Centres

    ocusing their work in Cardiovascular

    Disease (CNIC), Oncology (CNIO) and

    Neurological Disorders (CIEN).


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    The Madrid Regional Government

    has also taken important steps to at-

    tract talented scientists to Madrid. In

    2006 it created a set o 8 institutes or

    advanced studies called IMDEA (Insti-

    tuto Madrileo de Estudios Avanzados)

    that are hiring high level scientists romaround the world oering them very

    competitive contracts and a research

    tenure career track. IMDEA is consoli-

    dating Madrid as a European region o

    excellence in scientiic and technology

    research ields. IMDEA develops its ac-

    tivity in cooperation with public univer-

    sities and important companies based

    in Madrid, steering quality research to-wards the demands o people and the

    market, encouraging the private sector

    to participate actively in designing sci-

    ence and inancing it. At present, IM-

    DEA ocuses its action in eight research

    ields: Water, Food, Social Sciences,

    Energy, Materials, Nanoscience, Net-

    works and Sotware.

    Madrid has contributed very much

    to the advancement o science and

    knowledge and many research teams

    rom Madrid are at the top o their eld

    o specialization. Internationally, this act

    is not widely known, as English, French

    or German speaking research teams and

    institutes normally receive the most media

    attention. However, according to data

    collected by the Thompson International

    Science Citation Index, Spain is the 9 th

    country in the world in terms o scienticproduction, representing 3% o the whole

    world production with nearly 30 % o

    this coming rom the Madrid Region. Our

    research teams are especially good in elds

    like: molecular biology, neuroscience,

    nanotechnology, systems science, or


    Excellent platorms or transerringthe results o research into business

    In Madrid, the connection between

    academia and society involves a continuous

    fow o ideas and entrepreneurial initiative.

    Increasingly, academic institutions are

    becoming aware o the importance o

    applying and transerring those skills

    acquired through university research to

    real lie.

    All levels o the administration -

    national, regional and local - are

    implementing aggressive plans to enable

    the transer o knowledge rom research

    institutions to the private sector. The most

    relevant o these are the Science Parks

    created by the universities themselves with

    the help o the three levels o government

    as well as the private sector.

    Some o these Science Parks are

    already a reality. For example the Madrid

    Science Park located at the Universidad

    Autnoma de Madrid oers high quality

    oces, lab space and development

    services or spin-o and start-up

    companies. More than 100 companies

    coming out o the university have been

    involved in this program, one o the mostsuccessul in Europe.

    Other universities like Technical

    University o Madrid or Carlos III University

    have Science Parks and Enterprise

    Development units that help students and

    aculty create their own startups.

    Madrid is a city located at the oreront

    o the academic and scientic world andis the capital city o a region and a country

    committed to excellence, providing quality

    in Graduate Education and a priority

    destination or students and researchers

    who want to excel in their careers.


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    11. ESADE




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    > City of Madrid

    Region of Madrid

    Autonomous University o Madrid Carlos III University, Madrid

    University o Alcal




    13 8

    3 6






    Th A t U i it M d id h i tit t d th h d ith

  • 8/9/2019 Madrid Excelence in Graduate Education



    The Autonomous University o Madrid(UAM) is a public institution viewed as areerence in terms o both a Spanish andInternational university. Recognised notonly or the high quality o its research,it is also renown or its entrepreneurial

    approach, its ongoing quest or teachingexcellence and its commitment to socialresponsibility. Its international reputationis enhanced by numerous exchange andtraining programs with universities romaround the world - involving students,aculty, and non-teaching sta.

    In 1968, the Autonomous Universityo Madrid began its work across veaculties: Faculty o Science, Faculty oPolitical Science, Faculty o Economicsand Trade, Faculty o Law, Faculty oArts, and Faculty o Medicine.


    The Autonomous University o Madrid

    is the key Spanish university in termso research into areas such as physics,

    mathematics - whose department is one

    o the leaders in Europe - Nanotechnology,

    Advanced Materials, and Bioscience. Its

    campus plays host to its own university

    research institutes and others shared with:

    The Spanish National Research Council

    (CSIC) via the Institute o Mathematical

    Sciences; the Severo Ochoa Centre orMolecular Biology; the Alberto SolsInstitute or Biomedical Research; the

    Theoretical Physics Institute; and the FoodResearch Centre. In addition, UAM has

    six aliated hospitals o which three are

    also research institutes: La Paz Hospital,

    La Princesa Hospital and the Jimnez

    Daz Foundation, with over two thousand


    Among its wide range o undergraduate

    and graduate programs are degrees o

    both proessional and academic renown.

    Although its commitment to research is

    best known or those areas where it has

    a close relationship with the CSIC, one

    should not overlook other areas where it

    maintains a high proessional prole: such

    as Law, with a large number o internships

    and whose aculty actively participate in

    the European University Centre o PekingUniversity. In addition, the University

    oers degrees such as the Masters in

    Contemporary Art in collaboration with the

    National Art Museum, Reina Soa, one o

    the most important museums o Madrid,

    Undergraduates: 23,288

    Graduates: 3,355

    Professors: 344

    Associates: 861

    Assistants: 1,671



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  • 8/9/2019 Madrid Excelence in Graduate Education



    or the Masters in International Relations I decided to study at the

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    or the Masters in International Relations

    and Arican Studies.

    The Autonomous University o Madrid

    is an entrepreneurial institution in many

    ways, and one o the most important o

    these is in the creation o companies.

    It is actively involved in the Madrid

    Science Park, a centre or assisting in the

    creation o companies and strategically

    located in the northern part o the

    Community o Madrid (one o the most

    active Communities in research and

    development in Spain). Its aim is to

    transorm scientic knowledge, and the

    capacity or technological developmento the dierent players in the region, into

    sustainable progress and opportunities

    or improved social welare.

    Graduate opportunities at the Autono-

    mous University o Madrid are organised and

    nanced primarily by the activities o the Uni-

    versity with other institutions (through interna-

    tional agreements), participation in programssponsored by the European Union (European

    Programs), by the Ministry o Foreign Aairs

    and Cooperation (AECID: Spanish Agency or

    International Cooperation or Development)

    and other national and international bodies.

    The University oers International

    Scholarships or Graduate Studies, such as

    those awarded by the Ministry o ForeignAairs and Development, the Spanish

    Agency or International Cooperation or

    Development (AECID), the Ford Foundation

    and the Carolina Foundation.

    The Campus o International Excel-

    lence project UAM / CSIC conrms that

    UAM is, and consistently aims to be, an

    internationally recognized environmentthat is attractive to students, aculty and

    administrative and service sta, with a

    clear vocation or high-quality teaching

    combined with a prestige or talented and

    consolidated research.

    I decided to study at the

    Autonomous University

    o Madrid or the prestige

    it has in the area where

    I wanted to complete my

    training. Furthermore, themulticulturalism that Madrid

    can boast helped me encounter

    people with similar interests to

    mine, in addition to having many

    Arab and Islamic centres that are

    not ound in other places.

    Achebe Samraa (Morocco)

    Masters in Arabic and Islamic Studies

    The Madrid Science Park is the

    incubation centre or technology-

    based companies emerging rom

    the campus, created by teachersor undergraduate and graduate


    Jos Ramn Dorronsoro Ibero

    Vice President or Innovation, Shared Learning

    and Technology

    Founded in 1990, Carlos III University Graduate Studies and Degree taught

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    Founded in 1990, Carlos III University(UC3M) is one o the youngest inter-nationally renowned academic centresin Madrid. The quality o its teaching,research, innovation and commitment tosocial responsibility have made this univer-

    sity one o the ve International Campuseso Excellence (CEI) identied by the Min-istries o Education and Science andInnovation in Spain and an InternationalCommission o Experts. The Universityconsists o three campuses located inGetae, Legans and Colmenarejo, andenjoys modern acilities and excellentcommunication links with the city centre.

    The academic and research activityo the university is conducted in Englishand Spanish at its three centres: theSchool o Social Sciences and Law; theFaculty o Humanities, Communicationand Documentation; and the Schoolo Engineering, which covers areas oEngineering and Science.


    Despite Carlos III University o Madrids

    relative youth, it already possesses an

    impressive track record in research

    and innovation. It oers a program o

    Graduate Studies and Degree taught

    in English and Spanish adapted to the

    European Higher Education Area (EHEA).

    Ater satisying the conditions or quality

    research, innovation, internationalisation

    and commitment to social responsibility

    that characterise the institution, theuniversity has recently received the ocial

    designation as International Campus o

    Excellence. The main objective o the

    Campus o Excellence at Carlos III is to

    develop a model o a sustainable, intercity

    campus located in the Region o Madrid,

    in order to conduct research, knowledge-

    Students: 17,333Departments: 27

    Teaching and research staff: 1,893

    Full-time lecturers holding doctorates: 766

    Professors: 116

    Associate Professors: 439


    sharing and standards in order to be ranked

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    among the best European Universities in

    the areas o Social Sciences, Engineering

    and the Humanities.

    Its campus operates along three un-

    damental principles: internationalisation,

    interdisciplinarity, and innovation andquality - all designed or the attraction o

    top talent.

    The opportunities presented by the

    university include: Masters programs

    taught in English and in Spanish adapted

    to European standards; Doctoral programs;

    and a program o continuing education or

    various proessional and business sectors- 18 graduate programs, 26 ocial

    masters, 41 University-acredited masters,

    and 7 specialisation courses.

    Carlos III University works closely with

    public institutions such as the Spanish

    National Research Council (CSIC),

    university medical centres such as the

    Gregorio Maran Hospital and the GetaeHospital, private companies such as the

    European Aeronautic Deence and Space

    Company (EADS), and entities or the

    sharing o knowledge such as the Legatec

    Science Park located in Legans.

    UC3M possesses a strong, interna-

    tional presence as shown by the programs

    it oers: Masters programs taught in Eng-

    lish and designed in collaboration with

    various European universities; special pro-

    grams or visiting oreign lecturers; joint

    research projects in networks o excel-

    lence, involving some o the nest Euro-

    pean and American universities.

    From its very start, Carlos III Univer-

    sity has oered bilingual qualications

    (English-Spanish) and degrees taught en-

    tirely in English, which has enabled it to

    attract overseas students and teachers

    without allowing language to be an obsta-

    cle. This eature is characteristic o both

    its bachelors and graduate degrees, ena-

    bling access to both students and lecturers

    rom the very earliest stage o university


    Madrids Carlos III University encour-

    ages the international mobility o its stu-

    I received a solid training in

  • 8/9/2019 Madrid Excelence in Graduate Education



    dents and teachers through more than

    400 agreements with universities around

    the world and a remarkable Erasmus pro-

    gram network. Currently, over 28% o thestudents graduating each year are involved

    in some orm o international exchange.

    In addition to this is the development o

    Masters programs with universities and

    business schools in Belgium, Denmark,

    France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Germany,

    Sweden, UK and the US, among others.

    Among its current international initiatives

    is the opening o an oce in Brussels,resulting rom a collaborative agree-

    ment with three other Spanish universi-

    ties (A-4U) to promote the incorporation

    o scientic activity in university research

    programs within the European Union.

    Carlos III University is the leading

    Spanish university in competitive research

    (Cotec Report into Technology and Inno-

    vation in Spain, 2006) and the secondSpanish university in quality rating o

    its doctoral research programs (84.2%)

    according to an external assessment o the

    quality o Spanish universities (ANECA,

    2008). The University has been ranked


    economics as a result o the

    courses and seminars I attended,

    and the continuous interaction

    and exchange between lecturers

    and ellow students. It was also a

    valuable experience or me to beselected captain o the Econometrics

    Team o the University in order to

    participate in the competition o

    European graduate programs held in

    Amsterdam, The Econometric Game.

    It involves 20 o the best European

    universities and in the only three

    times the UC3M has participated weended up twice in the second place

    and champions once.

    Mario Rodolo Stucchi (Argentina)

    PhD in Economics

    To maximize the

  • 8/9/2019 Madrid Excelence in Graduate Education



    52 in their publishing output in Econom-

    ics journals according to he University o

    Tilburg (Netherlands) who select the hun-

    dred best universities in this eld. In the

    ranking prepared by the European Eco-

    nomic Association the University appears

    as the rst Spanish University and the

    ninth European. In terms o research

    the University Carlos III is worldwide rec-ognized says Robert F. Engle, Nobel

    Prize in Economics, 2003, New York Uni-

    versity. Other areas o the University - such

    as Law, Humanities and Engineering - also

    hold prominent positions worldwide.

    internationalisation o our

    university, we decided to have

    the possibility o recruiting

    PhDs rom other countries, and

    rom the very beginning we

    started oering degrees - both

    undergraduate and graduate -

    ully bilingual, or completely in


    lvaro Escribano

    Vice-Chancellor or International Relations, Carlos III

    University, Madrid

    Complutense University o Madrid GRADUATE OPPORTUNITIES

  • 8/9/2019 Madrid Excelence in Graduate Education



    (UCM)s tradition and history havemade it a reerence point in Spain. Thisreputation or quality is clearly seen in thehigh standards o its teaching sta, theimportance o its research and researchacilities, and its cutting-edge laboratories.Complutense University is also a superbacademic institution and stands amongthe most prestigious in Europe. InNovember 2009, it was recognized, alongwith the Technical University o Madrid,as a Campus o International Excellence.

    UCM is the Spanish public universitymost in demand rom Spanish students,

    attracting more than 40% o all studentsrom the Region o Madrid. Its total numbero students each year is an impressive87,000, o which 6,025 are Spanish romoutside the Region o Madrid (a gure thataccounts or 50.05% o the total fow intothe Region) and 5,403 rom outside Spain(1,422 rom the EU and 3,981 rom the

    rest o the world).

    The choice o study programs at Madrids

    Complutense University is the widest in

    Spain. It oers more than 60 degrees

    adapted to the EHEA and more than 100

    ocial masters in prestigious academic

    and scientic elds such as: Arts andHumanities, Sciences, Health, Social and

    Legal, Sciences and Engineering, and

    Architecture. It also oers over 107 o its

    own degrees.

    This diverse range o opportunities

    attracts a high number o overseas

    students to its graduate courses. The

    university also oers an InternationalMasters with universities that include

    the Sorbonne, La Sapienza, Ratisbona

    and others, and with universities in

    Latin America that include institutions

    in Mexico, Argentina, Uruguay, Costa

    Rica and Chile. In addition, Complutense

    oers a diverse range o 600 doctoral

    programs to its more than 5,000 graduate


    UCM houses the second largest

    library in the country, surpassed only

    by the National Library, with more than

    3 million volumes and a stock o more

    Undergraduates: 87,000

    Graduates: 8,855

    Faculty: 7,021



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  • 8/9/2019 Madrid Excelence in Graduate Education



    the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

    D it it i d l it thWith a well-earned reputationThe wider projection o this

  • 8/9/2019 Madrid Excelence in Graduate Education



    than 232,000 historical texts, including

    works such as the thirteenth-century

    Hebrew Bible and the only survivingexample in Spain o Newtons Principles

    o Mathematics. The newspaper libraryreceives more than 40,000 scientic

    journals and periodicals and is one o the

    leading sources o scientic journals or all

    Spanish universities. The general archive

    o the UCM (AGUCM) has played a much-

    valued role in the development o Spanishuniversity research. It currently holds

    approximately 80,000 items, equivalent

    to about 9 km o documentation. Its

    oldest document dates rom 1487, while

    the bulk o the documentation dates rom

    Despite its size and complexity, the

    management o the archive has been

    quality certied AENOR ISO 9001:2000.

    The extent o UCMs internationalisation

    is clearly evidenced by the impressive fow

    o Erasmus students studying at UCM eachyear. This number has been increasing each

    year since 2004-2005, reaching 2,000

    in recent years. UCM has agreements

    or Erasmus student exchange with 602

    European universities.

    In addition, UCM has cooperation

    agreements with 340 universities distrib-

    uted throughout the world. Through theseagreements, UCM has welcomed more

    than 500 non-Spanish students since

    2005, and has placed over 400 o its own

    students with universities outside Spain.

    Under these agreements, each year,

    approximately 50 teachers rom UCM

    enjoy teaching and research placements

    at oreign universities.

    or the high standard o its

    teaching and research, UCM

    stands as a public university

    that aims to provide quality

    undergraduate and graduate

    education. Its programs cover

    most elds o science and the

    humanities, oering variety

    and quality in all its degree

    courses, which have earned

    considerable social, proessional

    and international recognition.

    Complutense is renown or thespecicity o its graduate studies

    in all branches o science and

    or its internationalisation and


    Covadonga Lpez Alonso

    Vice-Chancellor o the European Higher Education Area

    Masters degree is essential.

    The combination o theory and

    practical experience it oers

    enables one to understand the

    inner workings o a parliament,

    and the logic that is needed or

    the design o legal norms; issues

    that strengthen my chosen

    calling or the exercise o Public

    Rights in my country through its


    Luis Felipe Nava Gomar

    Student rom the Universidad Anahuac del Sur(Mexico).

    Masters in Law, Parliamentary Law, Elections and

    Legislative Studies

    Comillas Pontical University is one othe oldest academic institutions o the

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    the oldest academic institutions o theCatholic Church. With a style based on theteaching tradition o the Society o Jesus(Jesuits), a private entity which operatesmany other universities around the world,Comillas has combined its experience indelivering high quality education with thecontinuous updating that social changerequires.

    Comillas was born out o ICAI, theuniversity ounded in Cantabria morethan a century ago. In 1908, it began itsprestigious mission in teaching technologyand between 1950 and 1960, along withICADE, it became a pioneer in providinggraduate studies and joint-degrees inSpanish universities.

    As part o its ongoing pursuit oexcellence, Comillas is renowned or itsunique style o training based on: theselection o its students, small groups,

    its personalised attention and tutorialsthat run rom the very beginning to theend o the students studies, a criticaland demanding environment, and thetransmission o Christian, humanisticvalues.


    Comillas strengthens and promotes its

    graduate programs (both in Masters and

    PhDs) with Teams, Institutes and Chairs

    conducting research into a variety o

    dierent areas. An example o the quality

    o these aspirations is the international

    recognition the University has received

    or its outstanding work in the eld o

    electrical technology and alternativeenergy, becoming the only Spanish

    university that operates an International

    Erasmus Mundus PhD, and one o just13 granted across Europe to all areas o

    learning. In the case o Comillas Pontical

    Number of students:

    Undergraduates: 6,855 (7.46% non-Spanish)

    Graduates: 2.138

    Faculty: 949

    Assistants: 109


    In addition to the Erasmus Mundus,

    Comillas oers a large number o ocialBeyond the potential career

    t iti thi M t

    The Erasmus Mundus doctorate

    f t d l i it k

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    University, this involves its program in

    Sustainable Energy Technologies andStrategies(SETS).

    Comillas oers a large number o ocial

    Masters and PhD courses through its

    School o Engineering (ICAI), the Faculty

    o Law and Business Administration

    (ICADE), its Institute o Migration Studies,

    the Faculty o Humanities and Social

    Sciences, and its School o Nursing and


    The wide range o degree programs

    oered by Comillas Pontical University is

    characterized by:

    Proessional opportunities: 92 percento graduates nd work or pursue urther

    studies within six months o graduation.

    Partnering with companies and institutions:with over 3,340 internships in the 2008-

    09 academic year.

    Quality o the students: who have beenawarded a high percentage o those

    scholarships given by the Madrid Region

    or excellence.

    An extensive network o internationalpartners: with more than 250prestigious universities rom across 5

    continents, refecting the high degree o

    internationalisation o our students.

    opportunities this Masters

    provides me, I am learning a lot;

    not only rom teachers but also

    rom my classmates. The Masters

    has allowed me to grow as a

    person and helped me to better

    map out my proessional uture

    both in Europe as well as Arica.

    I have more skills and resources

    than beore, more knowledge and

    more condence in mysel. I am

    thinking about continuing my

    studies via a doctorate, but at thesame time I eel ully capable to

    work as a technic or researcher

    in the sphere o international

    cooperation or development and


    Aimard Kimani Bakala (Congo-Brazzaville)

    Masters in International Cooperation or


    refects a model o university work

    that is open to both businesses

    and social needs. At Comillas, in

    the case o engineering, this is

    something we have been operating

    or over 25 years through

    the Institute or Research in

    Technology (IIT) in The School

    o Engineering (ICAI) with its

    research into the subject o energy

    (regulation, decision systems

    and intelligent networks) and

    sustainability, among other things.Julio Martnez

    Vice-Chancellor or Research, Development

    and Innovation

    Rey Juan Carlos University was oundedin 1996 with the goal o providing a

    The Faculty o tourism at

    R J C l U i it

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    in 1996 with the goal o providing acomprehensive education to students:combining theory with practical learningin laboratories and companies, in orderto acilitate their prompt entry into thelabour market. The University is organisedacross our campuses located in Mstoles,Alcorcn, Fuenlabrada and Viclvaro, and aFoundation whose headquarters is locatedin the centre o Madrid.

    Being the newest public universityin Madrid has allowed the university ayounger and more fexible teaching sta,and to benet rom modern and innovative

    acilities. Rey Juan Carlos University wasnamed ater the current Spanish monarchand has helped to energize the South oMadrid, whilst at the same time satisyingits academic demands. Not surprisingly,

    one o its central pillars is its proximity tosociety and business.

    Undergraduates: 23,300

    Graduates: 4,700

    Faculty: 1,789


    Rey Juan Carlos University

    possesses great international

    prestige. I chose tourism because

    I think it is a market that has

    high potential in the uture, and

    because tourism management in

    China is still in its early stages

    o development. I would like to

    learn new theories and ideas

    relating to the tourism market in

    order to implement them in my

    own work in the near uture.

    Chen Wang (China)Masters in International Tourism Management

    GRADUATE OPPORTUNITIES Rey Juan Carlos University

    has always been committed

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    The educational opportunities at Rey Juan

    Carlos are in the areas o Health Sciences,

    Computing Science, Experimental Science

    and Technology, Arts, Communications,

    Tourism, Telecommunications, Legal and

    Social Sciences. The University activelypromotes cooperation projects with

    companies and scientic and cultural

    institutions. It does so because the

    permeability o the social and productive

    environment is one o its primary objectives

    in order to create the right conditions or

    achieving academic excellence and the

    highest standards o proessional training

    or their students.

    Rey Juan Carlos University works closely

    with the international scientic community

    and actively participates in exchange

    programs or its teachers and students. It

    has signed international agreements with

    universities in Europe and the Association

    o Latin American Graduate Universities

    (AUIP) or graduate scholarships.

    Alcorcn Campus, linked to HealthSciences, works in close collaboration

    with the Hospital de Alcorcn. Mstolesocuses on Experimental Sciences and

    Technology and maintains direct relations

    with the Technology Centre o Mstoles,

    in addition to housing the Centre or

    Technological Support (CAT) and the Centre

    or Innovation, Knowledge and TechnologyTranser (CINTEC)

    Given its commitment to Madrid

    society and the environment in which

    it operates its academic activity, the

    University promotes various Chairs and

    Masters noted or their objective to

    improve coexistence, such as the Chair

    o Urban Mobility in collaboration withthe Municipal Transport Company (EMT).

    Other Research Chairs are unded and

    supported by several leading companies

    and institutions rom a variety o sectors,

    such as the National Intelligence Centre

    (CNI), Iberdrola, KPMG Asesores SL,

    UNESCO, Janssen-Cilag. The University

    also supports research teams with IMDEA

    (Madrid Institute or Advanced Study) inthe eld o Chemical and Environmental

    Engineering and IMDEA-Water.

    The creativity and entrepreneurship

    o teachers and students are channelled

    through the business incubator promoted

    by the Agency or Driving Business o

    the Madrid City Council. Research and

    technological innovation are one o itskey pillars, as well as an commitment to,

    and ties with, the abric o business in a

    fuid university-industry relationship that

    enables the university to be prepared to

    meet the challenges o the 21st century.

    has always been committed

    to Quality Graduate teaching,

    linked to the needs o the

    market and business and with

    an important international


    Pilar Laguna

    Vice-Chancellor o Masters and Diplomas

    From its beginnings in the early 18thcentury up until the present, the Technical

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    century up until the present, the TechnicalUniversity o Madrid (UPM) has assumedthe challenge o bringing modernity andtechnical advances to society, and tocontribute to scientic development andgrowth on a universal scale.

    Putting science to the service omankind, and ensuring that the resultso its research directly improve the liveso individuals, are thereore the mainobjectives o the Technical University oMadrid. The eort and dedication o allits members has allowed it to become aleading technical university in Spain, as

    well as a centre o international renown.

    To this end, the 20 Schools that makeup the university, supported by their 18resident advanced research centres -covering all branches o engineering andarchitecture - present an educationalperspective based on the most cutting-edge principles and where interaction

    and collaboration between all participantsconsistently attain the highest levels oexcellence.


    The Masters programs at the Technical

    University o Madrid were designed under

    the two pillars o interdisciplinarity andinternationalisation. What dierentiates

    UPMs students is that, within thisramework, its aim is to provide graduates

    with a unique level o expertise and

    proessionalism they can, in turn,

    recognise in themselves. This philosophy

    has produced Masters programs that bring

    Undergraduates: 23,300

    Graduates: 5,000

    Faculty: 3,350



    together the diverse possibilities oered

    by engineering in order to address issues

    medical science but also those o the indus-

    try and services related to the sector.

    training centres and oreign research

    centres and takes an active role in

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    y g g

    arising in science and society today.

    Due to the high level o specialisation

    o its centres, the Technical University o

    Madrid is able to oer a graduate program

    that combines learning in those areas inwhich it has demonstrated itsel a leader,

    such as: Architecture and Urbanism, Aero-

    space and Naval Engineering, Mining Engi-

    neering, Agro-Forestry Engineering, Civil

    Engineering, Environmental Engineering,

    Industrial Engineering, Telecommunica-

    tions, Inormation Technology and Commu-

    nication and Management and Innovation.

    In several o these elds, Spain itsel occu-

    pies a leading position in the international


    Similarly, UPM is providing rm and

    decisive impetus in its research and innova-

    tion in new elds that technological develop-

    ment is opening up to science. A particularly

    visible consequence o this is the BIOTECH

    program, designed to intensiy the involve-

    ment o new technologies and telecommu-

    nications in the biomedicine eld rom a

    multidisciplinary perspective, and in close

    collaboration not only with members o bio-


    Around 5,000 students graduate rom

    UPM each year, 20% o which have partici-

    pated in international mobility programs and

    have completed internships in collaborating

    companies. Currently, the university hasmore than 5,500 graduate students, includ-

    ing those on Masters programs and doctoral

    students, and each year around 200 o its

    students are awarded their PhD.


    UPM believes that international education

    is the most eective way to open theminds o students to other liestyles and

    ways o working, while enabling them to

    be in direct and continuous contact with

    the scientic advances emerging rom the

    international scientic community. This

    is essential in order or individuals to be

    integrated seamlessly into a multicultural,

    constantly changing environment.

    As part o its graduate opportunities,

    UPM includes 16 graduate programs

    entirely in English and about 50 programs

    with a semester in English. The University

    has orged multiple partnerships with

    prestigious student and teacher mobility

    programs, such as the renowned ErasmusMundus. As a direct result o this policy,30% o its graduate students are now

    drawn rom oreign universities.

    In 2004, UPM successully initiated

    various institutional activities with Asian

    universities, particularly in China, through

    exchange programs or teachers and

    students. Annually, about 50 graduate

    students now participate in research

    exchange programs with leading Chinese

    technical universities.

    I believe it is very important

    to have an education directed

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    Research and Shared knowledge

    The Universitys contribution to new

    knowledge and understanding in the eld

    o science is also extremely signicant.

    This is abundantly clear in the large

    number o articles and papers it publishes

    in scientic journals and that it regularly

    presents at conerences. The university

    is host to many excellent research teams

    operating in a diverse range o areas and

    whose work plays an actively part in the

    design and development o its Masters

    and Doctoral programs.

    In addition, UPM has other units

    whose activities complement the research

    structures o the University: laboratories

    (such as Nanotechnology, Biogenetics,

    Solar Energy, large electromagnetic

    anechoic chambers, wind tunnel, water

    channel) and its research centres (such as

    the Centre or Automation and Robotics,

    Biomedical Technology Centre, Centre or

    Transportation Research, etc.).

    As an additional way to unnel all this

    activity, UPM has created a 100 Ha Science

    and Technology Park in order to implement

    a program or entrepreneurs that includes

    a business incubator and venture capital

    entity, to promote partnerships between

    research and development centres and


    UPM has always enjoyed strong

    relationships with business, and these

    alliances have provided the opportunity

    or student internships, whether oriented

    to research or to proessional practice.

    to have an education directed

    by leading experts in the eld.

    Im currently working on optical

    design methods or solar energy

    systems and I have published

    two papers in conerences and

    one in a related journal.

    Wang Lin (China)

    PhD in solar energy, optics, UPM

    Beyond their academic training,

    our students acquire skills in an

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    The link with the proessional world

    has been a key hallmark in the design

    and development o the Masters at the

    university. They are designed so that

    the students are able to complete their

    training within a company with the goal

    o a thorough intellectual education ully

    integrated with a broad proessional


    This close interaction is most evident

    in UPMs international recognition or its

    training o senior business leaders. This

    is evidenced by the Centre or HigherEducation Development, Germany (in itsmost recent 2009 Excellence Ranking)awarding UPM the rank o Excellent in the

    eld o macroeconomics, or the excellence

    and internationalisation o UPMs teaching

    sta and their students. In addition, UPM

    is currently the leading Spanish university

    in management training, as refected

    by Fortune magazine in its ProessionalRanking o World Universities (PRWU),

    citing its students as leaders o the most

    prestigious companies in the country.

    our students acquire skills in an

    environment o research excellence

    and shared learning, characterized

    by its multidisciplinary approach

    and internationalisation, and which

    includes all active players in the

    scientic and industrial abric

    o our environment. Our main

    objective is that the University

    is an engine o development or

    society, giving our students the

    skills needed to respond to the

    problems and challenges that willconront them.

    Jos Manuel Pez

    Vice-Chancellor o International Relations

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    The University o Alcal (UAH) was oundedby Cardinal Cisneros more than ve hundredyears ago, placing it among the oldest oSpanish and European universities. Itsheadquarters are located 30 kilometresrom Madrid, in the historic town o Alcal,a World Heritage site, although it conductsits teaching and research activities inMadrid and in nearby Guadalajara.

    The Universitys teaching program isinnovative in design: through its UniversityInitiation Courses or Zero Courses andits personalized tutorials, directed inparticular at those students beginningtheir studies; its modern classrooms andlaboratories; its 14 libraries; and a wholenetwork o companies and institutionsthat provide practical internships.

    Undergraduates: 23,000

    Graduates: 8,000

    Faculty: 1,750


    The Universitys acilities are spread overthree campuses: Alcal City (humanities,

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    social-legal, and architecture); themodern External Campus (science andengineering), which incorporates a Scienceand Technology Park hosting several dozencompanies with particular interest in the

    areas o research the university is engagedin; and Guadalajara, 20 km rom Alcal(teaching training, construction, tourismand nursing). The University also benetsrom the aliated Madrid hospitals oGmez Ulla and Ramn y Cajal.


    The University o Alcal oers a wide rangeo graduate and doctoral programs, aimed

    at those areas or which this centre is seen

    as an international academic reerence:

    Biomedical Research is among themain strengths o the University o Alcal,

    with a campus which is home to the

    Prince o Asturias Institute or Molecular

    Medicine, and is in the process o building

    the new acilities o the Cajal Research

    Institute or neurobiology (both under the

    auspices o the Spanish National Research

    Council). In addition, the University has

    our associated hospitals or both teaching

    and bio-sanitary research activities: the

    Prncipe de Asturias University Hospital

    (in Alcal de Henares), the Guadalajara

    University Hospital, the Ramn y Cajal

    Hospital, and Gmez Ulla Central Hospital

    or Deence (all in Madrid).

    The Teaching o Spanish is one othe main attractions or many students

    coming rom Asia, and has established

    UAH as the essential reerence point

    or this area o study. This reputation

    is well-deserved. Many great humanists

    have passed through this university:

    among them Ignatius de Loyola, ounder

    o the Order o Jesus (to which San

    Francisco Javier also belonged), Antonio

    de Nebrija, ounder o La GramticaEspaola, Lope de Vega, and UAHsown ounder: Cardinal Cisneros. For

    this reason, the teaching o Spanish

    has become a key magnet or attracting

    oreign students. In addition to the

    wide range o university residences

    belonging to UAH, the city o Alcal

    has collaborated in providing a network

    Within my own proession o

    Industrial Engineering, I had the

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    o accommodation options or students

    o Spanish, the University providing

    accommodation or 1,200 students in

    addition to those provided by local host

    amilies. The graduate degree that most

    epitomises this eld o learning at the

    University is the Masters in Teaching

    Spanish as a Foreign Language.

    Latin American Connection: UAHsclose ties with Latin America began too

    ar back to be remembered. Currently, via

    its Institute or Latin American Studies

    (IELAT), UAH oers Masters and Doctoral

    programs combining the specics o

    education with contemporary Latin America

    and its relationship with the European

    opportunity to gain experience in

    the eld o investment projects

    and corporate nance. With

    the Masters in Finance rom

    the International Centre orFinancial Training (CIFF) at the

    University o Alcal, I sought

    to expand my understanding

    and amiliarity with the world

    o capital markets and banking


    The City o Madrid has a lot toattract the graduate student.

    As well as playing host to a

    large number o companies rom

    diverse sectors, it is one o the

    most important and infuential

    cities in Europe. It is the nancial

    centre or Latin America and

    home or people rom all over the


    Jos Fernando Meja Villa (Colombia)

    Researcher in SUN Microsystems Laboratory or

    Computational Finance

    Union. These have shown themselves to

    be o great appeal to teachers coming

    rom the Americas as well as or students

    has its headquarters in the nancial

    centre o Madrid. It is run jointly by UAH

    and Banco Santander ith the aim o

    The University o Alc
