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9 January 2012

Running Time: 5 minutesDirector/s: Ashley Jackson and Hannah Rewbury.Cast: Angela Smith and Jeff PrescottReleased: 7th January 2012

Plot Using an interview format, Hyperlink Films deliver a touching Docu-Drama ‘Collision” delving into the relationships of two couples, following an event which changes their lives forever. An event which reveals the truth behind a hidden relationship, linking the two marriages in the form of betrayal where karma gets its revenge developing to a tragic loss and a bitter end. ReviewCollision. If you are thinking action movie then think again. This empowering short film

will blow you away with a twisted storyline revealing a major event; we delve into the lives of relationships and how some people change lanes.With the protagonists Angela Smith and Jeff Prescott playing an excellent role of Evelyn and Eddie, they engage the audience by talking in a direct and open style about the hobbies and habbits of their lovers, revealing a deep and meaningful story. Director Ashley Jackson and co director Hannah Rewbury have created this suspenseful and emotional style of film by using many close-ups of the character faces, in particular the close-up of Evelyns’ face whilst at the dressing table, revealing her feelings for her husband “ Richard and I went to Grasse last year. He treated me to my own parfum”. The advantage

with using close-ups especially within Docu-dramas is that it creates a clear narrative allowing a connection to be made between the characters and audience. This short film

follows in the footsteps of “Undressing My Mother” a Ken Wardrop short film created in 2004 with a similar genre. The short film documents the life of Ken Wardrops’ mother, however the mis-en-scene and camerawork all collide together creating a dark and gripping story receiving a rating of 6.7 on IMDB and over 1086 views on YouTube. With similarities such as title and credit format the short film Collison follows

the conventions and structure of a documentary short film; a plain and simple way of capturing their audience. We feel that this film will be favoured by its audiences, however will Collision follow in the successful footsteps of Undressing My Mother?

Angles shots and cutaways are all needed but editing is the key a most important process in making a show stopping film. Cutting between the protagonists Evelyn and Eddie, Ashley Jackson and Co Director Hannah Rewbury have managed to intrigue their audience jumping between the stories of the two characters. Much detail has gone into this film with Hyperlink Films pulling out all the stops to producing an eventful storyline, fresh in the film medium with a range of new techniques such as the combination of two shots on the same screen. Within the scene of Eddie expressing his feelings for his wife Rose, we see a gentle pan of a beautiful and elegant pink dress, created at a low opacity dissolving in and out of the shot. This creativeness highlights the passion, time and effort gone into making this low budget short film, showing a development in skills from previous work such as Last Chance. Time is crucial in the process of filmmaking. Hyperlink Films have managed to deliver us a quality and emotional short film within a tight time limit. With only 10 weeks and a limited budget this short film looks professional meeting the same standard of other shortshort films at this current time within the industry. With a sh-

ort documentary film The Archive by Director/Cinematographer Ed David and editor Galen Summer, relating with the short film Collision in terms of lighting, camera shots and music. The music within Collision is very unique and well suited to the genre, with passages of music being played softly dispersing in many different places throughout the short film. Throughout the short film the mis-en-scene matches perfectly with a documentary structure. With the short film content being within two separate

locations both constructed with family memories. When we spoke to Hyperlink films during the planning process of the film they said to expect “dark lighting” implying there to be a dark mood and atmosphere created. However we don’t see this? Instead we are subjected to almost a bland, flat environment only rescued by the props surrounding our characters, bringing them to life with memories and bric-a-brac.