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* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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These revolutionary formulas contain the pioneering probiotic strain Lactobacillus fermentum ME-3, proven to produce the ‘Master Antioxidant’ Glutathione within every cell in your body. Glutathione is crucial for detoxifi cation, fi ghting free radicals, and encouraging healthy aging…from the inside out. While each formula addresses a specifi c health concern, all provide the key to longevity — Glutathione. With REG’ACTIV® you’re on the highway to health!*

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All rights reserved. No part of this booklet may be reproduced, stored in an electronic retrieval system, or transcribed in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except for the inclusion of quotations in a review.The statements in this publication have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information contained herein is provided for educational purposes only under Section 5 of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please consult with a licensed physician or other qualified health-care professional for more in-depth information or prior to taking any dietary supplements.

PublisherJoanna Shaw

Managing Editor Kim Erickson

Copy Editor Brandon DuVall

Creative Director Karen Sperry

Copyright © 2016 by Kim Erickson and Active Interest Media, Inc.


Chairman & CEO Efrem Zimbalist IIIGroup Publisher & COO Andrew W. ClurmanSenior Vice President & CFO Brian SellstromHealthy Living Group, General Manager Kim PaulsenBusiness & Editorial Offices 300 N. Continental Blvd., Suite 650 El Segundo, CA 90245

Kim EricksonManaging Editor

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Growing older. It’s an inevi-table part of life. But, while there’s nothing you can

do to stop the accumulation of candles on your birthday cake, how you age is largely within your control. Healthy aging means continually reinventing yourself, finding new things you enjoy, adopting healthy habits, and stay-ing physically and mentally active. The problem is that far too many people neglect their health as they age, assuming that glitches in memory, aching joints, frag-ile bones, and a lack of vigor are a natural part of the aging process. But as you’ll learn in this booklet, nothing could be further from the truth!

By making a commitment to good health and by utiliz-ing the information in these pages, you’ll discover that aging doesn’t have to equal physical decline. In fact, many longevity experts say that your body can stay healthy, flex-ible, and strong for 100 years or more with the right care. Remember, when it comes to growing older, you have to power to age on your own terms—and it’s never too late (or too early) to start!

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age Well

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Chapter One

Is Aging Inevitable?

Mark Sisson, a leading voice in the popular primal/paleo movement, has a saying—“Live long, drop dead.” In essence, that means we should be thriving, not just surviving, until the very end. Aging well is very much about how you

feel every day. Do you have plenty of energy? Is your cardiovascular system in the best possible shape? Are your joints pain-free and flexible? Are your bones strong so that you maintain a youthful posture?

How quickly or slowly you age—and your vulnerability for developing age-related diseases—is determined by a number of factors such as the length of your telomeres, immunosenescence, and free radical damage. Each of these factors is influenced not only by the genes you’ve inherited, but also by your lifestyle and environment.

the truth About telomeresYour biological age is simply the age of the cells in your body. Scientists are able to

determine a body’s biological age by looking at telomeres—DNA strands found at the end of your chromosomes that get progressively shorter as the body’s cells age. Here’s how it works: Telomeres shorten each time a cell divides to make another cell, which happens throughout your life during normal growth and healing. The shorter telomeres are, the older the cells are, biologically speaking. Considerable research indicates that certain eating habits, lifestyle choices, and supplements can help to maintain the longer telomeres associated with staying biologically younger.

For instance, when the researchers compared the telomeres of those who regularly supplemented with a multivitamin with those who did not, they found that the multi users had telomeres that were approximately five percent longer than the non-multi users. In other words, those who supplement with a multivitamin have a cellular struc-ture that’s in a younger state.

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the 411 on immunosenescence As we age, our immune system ages too, becoming weaker and less able to defend

against life-threatening infections, some types of cancer, and other maladies. Specifi-cally, the immune system becomes less able to recognize and defend against viruses, bacteria, and other outside threats. This may also be why older people respond less effectively to vaccines.

These negative, age-related changes in our innate and adaptive immune systems are known collectively as immunosenescence. A lifetime of stress on our bodies is thought to contribute to immunosenescence. Radiation, chemical exposure, and exposure to certain diseases can also speed up the deterioration of the immune system. Fortunately, there are three nutrients shown to improve an aging immune response. Pu-Erh tea is rich in polyphenols that support immune balance by preventing immune overstimula-tion while boosting natural killer (NK) cells 7 percent and naïve T-cells by 10 percent. Cistanche is an herb that balances naïve T-cell response and was found to improve immune factors up to 20 percent. Reishi mushroom extract is also well known for improving the function of innate immune cells, which are the immune system’s first line of defense. Look for an immune-supportive supplement that includes all three of these immunosenescence-fighting nutrients.



Glutathione just might be the best anti-aging nutrient you’ve never heard of. In fact, when glutathione levels were evaluated in 87 women ranging in age from 60 to 103, researchers from the University of Louisville, Kentucky,

found that the older women had the highest levels of this critical antioxidant. This led the scientists to conclude that high blood glutathione concentrations are characteristic of long-lived women.

That’s not surprising since glutathione is the most powerful antioxidant made by the body. It breaks down oxidized fats and free radicals, thus strengthening the body’s immune system and scavenging free radicals. Under optimal circumstances, the body produces all of the glutathione it needs. But a poor diet, chronic illness, exposure to environmental toxins, and the use of some medications can deplete your glutathione stores. Even without these factors, age can undermine the amount of glutathione your body makes. In fact, glutathione levels start to head south around the age of 45 and decline quickly after age 60.

One way to increase your glutathione levels is with a unique probiotic strain known as Lactobacillus fermentum ME-3. This recently discovered probiotic supports a normal inflammatory response, confers free radical- quenching antioxidant protection, and encourages detoxification. Scientists at Estonia’s University of Tartu have found that ME-3 works in three different ways to boost glutathione levels: It synthesizes glutathione itself, it pulls glutathione from the environment, and it recycles oxidized or “used up” glutathione, returning it to its active state. It also recycles vitamins C and E. Currently, ME-3 is the only probiotic organism known to produce glutathione.

Increasing glutathione levels is one of the most important proactive steps you can take to age well. Ongoing research has found that ME-3’s glutathione-producing capabilities also support the cardiovascular system, the liver, and other core body systems. To get all of the free radical-fighting, immune-boosting, detoxifying goodness that glutathione has to offer, it’s wise to look for a supplement that provides Lactobacillus fermentum ME-3 equiva-lent to 6 billion active lactic acid bacteria per dose.

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Free RadicalsFree radicals are molecules that are missing one electron

(normal molecules have two electrons). To complete them-selves, these unbalanced molecules steal a replacement electron from another nearby molecule—which creates another free radical, which steals an electron from one of its neighbors and so on and so on. The result is a chain reac-tion—similar to a row of falling dominoes.

The problem is, these misbehaving molecules randomly take electrons from the molecules that make up our DNA, proteins, and other cellular building blocks. The resulting damage—known as oxidative damage—is similar to the buildup of rust on iron and can take years to occur–until one day we see the clear signs of aging. This age-related damage leads to wrinkled skin and boosts the risk of nearly all degenerative diseases, including cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s.

The best ways to avoid this oxidative damage is to eat plenty of antioxidant-rich foods (think fruits and veggies), avoid free radical triggers like excessive sun exposure or cigarette smoke, and take steps to boost your glutathione levels. Studies suggest that glutathione—the major anti-oxidant produced by cells—effectively protects against free radicals and also recycles other well-known antioxidants such as vitamin C and vitamin E, keeping them in their active state longer.

80/20For years,

scientists have wondered what

had the most impact on aging. Was it the genes you were born

with or the lifestyle you chose to live? Turns out that your genes only account

for about 20 percent of the way

you grow older. What you eat, how you move, and the habits you adopt

are responsible for 80 percent of how

well you age.

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Chapter Two

Young at Heart

One common condition that becomes more prevalent with aging isn’t something you’ll necessarily feel or see. Yet it can stop you in your tracks and even prove fatal. Sadly, cardiovascular disease is still the No. 1 killer in America. While cho-

lesterol has gotten the most attention, other risk factors actually play a greater role in the development of cardiovascular disease. Among the most common is chronic inflam-mation which can damage the walls of your arteries. Artery-clogging plaque is naturally drawn to the site of inflammation, leading to a condition called atherosclerosis.

Calcification also plays a role. If you’re over the age of 60, you likely have deposits of calcium in your major arteries—and the older you are, the more calcium buildup there is. As the calcium accumulates and hardens, blood flow is reduced, your arteries lose their elasticity, and your risk of a heart attack or stroke rises.

But perhaps the most common risk factor is high blood pressure, which occurs when the pressure inside your large arteries is too high—and it’s a leading cause of heart attack and stroke. What’s considered too high? Blood pressure that reaches 140/90 or above on a consistent basis. Although 95 percent of all cases have no identifiable cause, experts speculate that an unhealthy lifestyle may contribute to, or even cause, hypertension.

Living a Heart-Healthy LifeWhat you eat has a profound impact on your cardiovascular system. Recent studies

show that a diet filled with processed foods high in sugar, salt, and unhealthy fats can set you up for high blood pressure, inflammation, and obesity—all factors that boost your odds of a future cardiovascular event. But research in the journal Circulation confirms that people with a history of heart disease who ate a healthy diet filled with antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables, healthy fats like avocado, and high-quality pro-tein significantly lowered their risk of a heart attack compared to those eating a diet filled with nutritionally bankrupt pro-cessed foods.

But for the healthiest heart, it’s not enough to simply eat right. This was recently shown in a British study of 20 sedentary middle-aged volunteers. While they all ate a heart-healthy diet, those who engaged in moderate exercise experienced the most improvement in their microvascu-lar response—a marker of healthy blood flow. While the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend getting 30 minutes of exercise a day, that recommen-dation should be considered the minimum—and a great starting point if you are new to the exercise game. Even 30 minutes of mod-erate activity can help lower your blood pressure, rein in triglycer-ides, tame inflammation, and give your HDL cholesterol levels boost.

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If you are a smoker or routinely exposed to second-hand smoke, quitting or avoiding exposure is one of the fastest ways to improve your cardiovascular health. Within just two hours of quitting, your heart rate and blood pressure return to near-normal levels. And after 24 hours, your risk of heart attack begins to decrease. Becoming smoke-free can be extremely hard. But there are numerous aids that can help you quit. If the first thing you try doesn’t work, try something else. Eventually, you will find a way to quit for good.

Heart Healthy SupplementsCombined with a healthy lifestyle, the following supplements have been found to

support a healthy cardiovascular system.Arginine is an artery-protecting amino acid that boosts nitric oxide levels. This,

in turn, relaxes blood vessels and permits improved blood flow throughout the body. According to Johns Hopkins cardiologist Charles J. Lowenstein, nitric oxide produced by supplemental l-arginine also has the power to block the release of inflammatory compounds by cells within the blood vessels. Although the body can naturally produce this amino acid, you likely also receive significant amounts of


aged garlic extract

G arlic has long been relied on as a natural way to enhance heart health. But, while this pungent herb can perk up the flavor of many dishes, aging garlic is the real key to unlocking its cardiovascular benefits. Kyolic aged

garlic extract (AGE) is created by naturally aging organic garlic in special stainless steel tanks under carefully controlled conditions for up to 20 months. As it ages, the harsh and unstable organosulfur compounds in garlic are transformed into beneficial compounds such as the heart-healthy antioxidant S-allyl cysteine.

One recent clinical study of 79 patients published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that AGE possessed potent blood pressure-lowering properties in those with uncontrolled systolic (the top number) blood pressure. Earlier research found that AGE reduced systolic blood pressure by 16.3 mm Hg and diastolic pressure by 9.3 mm Hg compared to a placebo. But as good as AGE is alone, it may be even more effective at reducing blood pressure with paired with the enzyme nattokinase—which acts like a natural ACE inhibitor—and l-theanine, which has also been found to lower blood pressure.

Research has also shown that AGE, when combined with vitamins B6 and B12, folic acid, and l-arginine, can significantly reduce coronary artery calcification that contributes to reduced blood flow and less arterial flex-ibility. Another double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial involving 65 firefighters found that AGE plus CoQ10 can halt the progression of dangerous coronary artery calcification (CAC). After 12 months, researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles found that those taking 1,200 mg of Kyolic AGE and 120 mg of coenzyme Q10 had significant reductions in CAC progression, as well as decreases in the markers for inflammation and oxidative stress that can damage the endothelial lining of blood vessels.

Taken together, these studies suggest that a daily dose of AGE can be an excellent way to protect your arteries. Combined with a heart-healthy diet and regular exercise, this powerful multitasker should be one of the top supple-ments for overall cardiovascular support.

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l-arginine from your diet. However, as you get older, you may need more than your body and diet can supply. For-tunately, you can boost your intake of l-arginine through supplementation.

B Vitamins, especially B-6, B-12, and folic acid, have been shown to lower homocysteine levels. Homo-cysteine is the normal breakdown product of the essential amino acid methionine. Although the body uses small amounts of homocysteine, high levels in the blood can boost LDL cholesterol levels. Homocysteine also irri-tates the arteries and makes blood clot more easily than it should, increasing the risk of blood vessel blockages. Elevated levels may also contribute to calcification of the arteries and plaque formation. Look for a B-complex that provides all three nutrients.

CoenzymeQ10 boasts anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. More importantly, CoQ10 provides energy to heart cells and protects them from free radical damage. Yet as we age, our body’s ability to make CoQ10 declines. Those taking statin drugs can also find their stores depleted. Making matters worse, many CoQ10 supplements are poorly absorbed by the body. Fortunately, studies show that a more bioavailable form of CoQ10 called ubiquinol provides 60 percent better absorption than standard CoQ10 supplements. Over the past decade, studies have demonstrated that ubiquinol effectively inhibits LDL oxidation and may have a direct effect on the progression of atherosclerotic lesions. Ubi-quinol has also been found to improve the symptoms of congestive heart failure.

L-theanine is an amino acid abundant in the leaves of green tea. This compound has been shown in clinical studies to alleviate stress, enhance relaxation, and lower blood pressure. The impact of chronic stress on blood pressure has been widely documented. A 2007 clinical trial in Nagoya, Japan, challenged 12 participants with mental arithmetic task in order to induce stress. Those taking L-theanine showed a reduction in physical signs of stress, such as increased heart rate and the release of cortisol.

nattokinase is a potent dietary enzyme with power-ful blood clot-busting activity. Like aspirin, nattokinase helps thin the blood. In addition, it appears to dissolve the tiny fibers (fibrin) that hold blood clots together. Moreover, natto has been shown to lower systolic blood pressure by up to 10.9 percent and diastolic blood pres-sure by 9.7 percent. Human studies have found similar results. During one trial of 73 individuals with borderline hypertension, South Korean researchers confirmed that nattokinase reduced both systolic and diastolic blood pres-sure–and it did so in just eight weeks.

combined with a healthy lifestyle, the

right supplements have been found to support a healthy

cardiovascular system.

l-theanine, an amino acid found in the leaves of green tea, has been shown to alleviate stress,

enhance relaxation, and lower

blood pressure.

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Chapter Three

Stay Structurally Strong

Brittle bones and painful joints are often considered an inevitable part of the aging process. Whether you’re trying to prevent osteoporosis, maintain healthy joints, or ease the discomfort of osteoarthritis, now is the time for action! Fortu-

nately, there are a number of drug-free things you can do to protect these vital struc-tures—and, whether you’re 20 or 80, it’s never too late to begin!

Joint VenturesJoints are the places where your bones come together to allow

coordinated movement. As we age, the body produces less colla-gen and fewer proteoglycans that make up the cartilage essential to healthy joints. As a result, cartilage begins to break down, eventually causing bone to rub against bone. The result is inflam-mation, pain, and stiffness. Instead of reaching for that aspirin or ibuprofen, try one or more of the following supplements that have been shown to support healthy joint structure, extinguish the fires of inflammation, or simply relieve discomfort:

glucosamine provides the building blocks for proteo-glycans. Long-term use can also help joints function better by protecting cartilage from enzymes that can destroy it, and through its anti-inflammatory effects. Better yet, glucosamine prevents the death of cartilage cells, which means that it not only halts joint destruction, but actually reverses it. A study published in the journal Arthritis Research & Therapy reported that glucosamine supplementation in those who walked for 30 to 60 minutes three to five days per week helped to reduce pain and stiffness.

Chondroitin works by attracting fluid into the web-like cartilage that covers the bones at the joint. The fluid attracted into the cartilage provides shock absorption for surrounding bones and supplies nutrients to the cartilage, thus supporting its regen-eration and growth. A clinical trial involving 120 people with knee OA found that this supplement not only reduced pain and improved mobility, it actually had a beneficial impact on the structure of the affected joints.

Boswellia is an Ayurvedic herb that inhibits the synthesis of leukotrienes—the agents responsible for inflammation. Not only has boswellia withstood the test of time, there is strong scientific evidence supporting its use. In one double-blind, placebo- controlled study, patients were given either boswellia or a placebo for eight weeks. By the end of the study, those taking the herb not only reported a reduction in pain and inflammation, they also experienced an increase in flexibility and walking distance.

Curcumin is the active compound in turmeric that is responsible for the curry spice’s vibrant yellow hue. Because of its potent anti-inflammatory properties, a growing number of studies suggest that curcumin not only reduces inflammation, it may even help to protect the structure of joints in those at risk of osteoarthritis. During a random-ized clinical trial, a proprietary combination of curcumin and boswellia worked just as well as the prescription drug Celebrex to improve range of motion. Plus, those taking

48the percentage of americans over the age of 18 who live

with some form of bone or joint problem.

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the curcumin/boswellia supplement reported better pain relief and improved walking dis-tance. For best results, look for a curcumin supplement with enhanced bioavailability

Better BonesMost of us think of osteoporosis as an old

woman’s disease. But bone mass can begin to decline as early as our mid-30s, setting us up for this crippling disease. Once bone loss starts, a woman can lose one-half to one percent of her bone mass each year. After menopause, it’s estimated that women lose up to three per-cent each year. As a result, many women will develop small fractures in their spine, causing pain and a shrinking in height. Men also start to lose bone mass around age 40 (approximately three to five percent per decade).

Fortunately, there’s plenty you can do to bolster bone health when you’re young and slow bone loss in your later years, starting with weight-bearing exercise and a healthy, whole-foods diet. But while both of these factors are critical to maintaining structural integrity, it’s also important to include the following bone-specific nutrients in your daily routine:

Vitamin D is the key to healthy calcium absorption. Clinical trials show that women who consume supplemental vitamin D have a 37 percent lower risk of hip frac-ture. Vitamin D helps prevent fractures in another way too. The elderly are often more prone to falling, which increases the risk of osteoporotic fractures. One reason for this, say researchers, is that low serum vitamin D levels can contribute to a lack of balance and elevated risk for falls—and fall-related fractures—in older people. But supplement-ing with a combination of calcium and vitamin D can reduce the risk of falling by 49 percent. Although the RDI for vitamin D is a mere 400 IU, most practitioners recom-mend taking 2,000 IU daily.

Vitamin K plays a critical role in maintaining bone density by helping to shuttle calcium from the bloodstream into the bone. But that isn’t vitamin K’s only role in bone health. Without K, osteocalcin—the major non-collagen protein in bone—can’t be syn-thesized and bone metabolism is affected. But just because a supplement says it contains vitamin K, don’t assume it is effective. There are two forms of vitamin K—K1 and K2. Human studies show that K2 is up to 10 times more bioavailable than K1 and remains active in the body for much longer. Research has also found that supplementing with vitamin K2 not only increases the markers for bone formation, it helps to prevent the breakdown of bone. Better yet, vitamin K2 reduces the incidence of hip fracture in both men and women over the age of 50.

Magnesium is essential for healthy bones. In one clinical trial conducted at Purdue University, a group of menopausal women were given magnesium supplements to assess the effects of magnesium on bone density. At the end of the two-year study, the magnesium supplements appeared to prevent fractures and resulted in a significant increase in bone density. Other research suggests that supplementing with both magne-sium and calcium can also increase bone size by improving bone metabolism.

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Chapter Four

Beauty & Brains

When most people think of aging, it’s all about their looks and their mental state. Both are an important part of aging well. Wrinkles, age spots, and crepey skin can be among the first—and the most visible—signs you are get-

ting older. Less noticeable may be the occasional “senior moment.” Fortunately, there are easy, natural ways to keep your skin glowing and your mind sharp.

Air pollutionAlcoholic beverages

Dry airSmoking

Sun exposure

top skin saboteurs

Foster Younger SkinWhile aging is inevitable, how you care for your

skin can help keep the visible signs at bay. A good skincare routine is essential. But opt for one that is free from harsh soaps, detergent-based cleans-ers, or dubious ingredients that can strip skin of its natural oils and cause dehydration, irritation, or inflammation. Applying sunscreen daily is also critical since sun damage can accelerate the for-mation of wrinkles and age spots.

Adding dietary supplements to a good skincare routine can bring healthy skin to a whole new level. Topping the list is collagen—the “glue” that makes up your connective tissue that provides structure to the skin. Recent studies show that supplementing with Types I and III collagen not only slows the loss of collagen in the skin, it improves existing collagen. This may help reduce the appearance of age-related changes like wrinkles and sagging. Collagen supplements also reduce the dryness and the oxidative stress that can make us look old before our time.

Like collagen, hyaluronic acid (HA) is naturally found in your skin. It attracts and holds water, which plumps the skin so that fine lines and wrin-kles are less visible. One study by researchers at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor also found that, along with hydrating and firming the skin, HA stimulates the creation of collagen.

Stay SharpAs we grow older, blood flow to the brain

decreases, causing it to utilize oxygen and pro-tein less efficiently. In addition, aging brain cells don’t communicate with each other as well as they once did, making it harder for the brain to

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process thoughts, retain short-term memory, and create new cells. No wonder we can’t remember where we left our keys! But a diet filled with healthy fats and antioxidant-rich fruits and veg-etables, daily exercise, and mental stimulation can help you keep your mental edge. Supplements can help, too. Here are three of the most effective:

Citicoline is a compound naturally found in all living cells that plays an important role in the formation of cell mem-branes. Supplementation with citicoline in older adults has been shown to improve verbal memory, memory performance and cognition, attention span, blood flow to the brain, and bioelec-trical activity. Clinical trials have also found that a daily dose of 1,000 mg of citicoline improves cognition, boosts blood flow, and increases bioelectrical activity in patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Plus, citicoline improves scores on cognitive evaluation scales and slows the progression of this devastating disease.

eleuthero has been found to boost brainpower in no fewer than 35 clinical trials involving over 2,100 healthy subjects. Pre-liminary research indicates eleuthero might safeguard the brain by stimulating the production of two special proteins—neuro-peptide 7 and hsp-72. These two proteins appear to help protect brain cells when they are under stress.

Phosphatidylserine, popularly known as PS, allows nutrients and waste products to flow in and out of brain cells. A number of double-blind clinical trials have validated the ability of supplemental plant-derived PS to improve memory, learning, concentration, word recall, and mood in both middle-aged and elderly subjects suffering from age-related cognitive dysfunction.

A study published in JAMA Neurology found that lifetime of learning new things may delay the onset of cognitive impairment and could be the best defense against Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia.

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n p



your age-WellACtion PLAn

Diet✹Splurge on antioxidants by eating a

rainbow of brightly colored vegetables every day.

✹Enjoy omega-3-rich fish like salmon at least twice a week.

✹Swap out your vegetable oil for avocado oil. Rich in monounsaturated fat, it’s a brain-, joint-, and heart-healthy option.

supplements✹Guard against immunosenescence with the proprietary blend of cistanche,

Pu-Erh tea, and reishi mushroom in Life Extension’s Immune Senescence Protection Formula. Because these ingredients work in a complementary way they help to rebalance and restore an aging immune system.

✹Boost your glutathione levels and support healthy aging with a daily dose of Lactobacillus fermentum ME-3. We like the Reg’Activ family of supplements by Essential Formulas because they provides the equivalent of 6 billion lactic acid bacteria plus supporting nutrients to help you maintain optimal cardiovascular, immune, and liver health as you age.

✹Help maintain normal blood pressure while boosting overall cardiovascular health with a daily dose of Aged Garlic Extract, nattokinase, and l-theanine. An easy way to do this is with Kyolic Formula 109 by Wakunaga which combines clinically studied levels of all three nutrients in one convenient capsule.

✹Feed your skin the nutrients it needs for true beauty from the inside out. We suggest turning to NeoCell’s Glow Matrix Advanced Skin Hydrator with a patented form of ceramides that are clinically tested to increase smoothness, moisture, and elasticity in just 15 days! Plus, this convenient supplement provides skin-friendly hyaluronic acid, pine bark extract, astaxanthin, lutein and coconut water powder to promote a more radiant complexion at every age.

✹Boost your memory and enhance your focus with a supplement containing citicoline. Our favorite is Wakunaga’s Kyolic Brain Energy, a synergistic blend of citicoline, bacopa, aged garlic extract, and other key nutrients scientifically shown to improve brain chemistry and function.

healthy habits✹Brush and floss

regularly. Studies link poor oral health to both impaired cognition and cardiovascular disease.

✹Try a water-based exercise class, especially if you have joint or back problems.

✹Stay engaged. Nothing can fool Father Time better than an active social life. Take up a new hobby, volunteer, and make new friends to help you stay young.

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Available at all � ne health food stores. For more information, talk to one of our nutritionists on sta� at 1-800-421-2998 and mention this ad for a FREE SAMPLE!

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intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.Kyolic® is a registered trademark of Wakunaga of America Co., Ltd.

Kyolic 109 is a unique formula designed to sup-port healthy blood pressure levels and overall heart health with proven ingredients: Kyolic® Aged Garlic Extract™, Nattokinase and the relaxation amino acid L-theanine (Suntheanine®).* With over 750 scientifi c studies, Kyolic is the most researched garlic supplement on the market. Clinical studies have shown that Aged Garlic Extract supports

healthy blood pressure and circulation, reduces oxidative stress, and promotes overall cardiovascular health.*Nattokinase is a potent enzyme from a traditional Japanese food called Natto. Studies show that Nattokinase can help maintain healthy blood fl ow, circula-tion and blood vessel function.*Suntheanine is a patented brand of L-theanine, an amino acid found naturally in green tea. Several studies have shown that Suntheanine reduces stress, pro-motes mental calmness & encourages relaxation.

Take Kyolic 109 everyday to support healthy blood pressure, reduce stress, and promote an alert state of relaxation.*

Visit to learn more

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