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  • 7/29/2019 Magico de Oz L Frank Baum


    The Magic of Oz

    L. Frank Baum

    The Project Gutenberg Etext of The Magic of Oz, by L. Frank Baum! in our L. Frank Baum Oz "erie"i" rea##y book $! in the Oz "erie"

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    The Magic of Oz

    by L. Frank Baum

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  • 7/29/2019 Magico de Oz L Frank Baum


    $!. The Lo"" of the B#ack Bag$7. The +izar) Learn" the Magic +or)$. The Lone"ome uck$5. The G#a"" %at Fin)" the B#ack Bag$3. < /emarkab#e ourney$. The Magic of the +izar)$2. orothy an) the Bumb#e Bee"

    A9. The Monkey" 0a(e Troub#eA$. The %o##ege of

  • 7/29/2019 Magico de Oz L Frank Baum


    Munch an) kno' (ery #itt#e about it for, about a thir) of the 'ay u&,it" "i)e" become too "tee& to c#imb, an) if any &eoe #i(e u&on theto& of that great to'ering &eak that "eem" to reach near#y to the"kie", the Munchkin" are not a'are of the fact.

    But &eoe O #i(e there, ju"t the "ame. The to& of Mount Munch i""ha&e) #ike a "aucer, broa) an) )ee&, an) in the "aucer are fie#)"

    'here grain" an) (egetab#e" gro', an) f#ock" are fe), an) brook" f#o'an) tree" bear a## "ort" of thing". There are hou"e" "cattere) herean) there, each ha(ing it" fami#y of 0yu&", a" the &eoe ca##them"e#(e". The 0yu&" "e#)om go )o'n the mountain, for the "amerea"on that the Munchkin" ne(er c#imb u&= the "i)e" are too "tee&.

    4n one of the hou"e" #i(e) a 'i"e o#) 0yu& name) Bini

  • 7/29/2019 Magico de Oz L Frank Baum


    again tran"form him"e#f an) other" at 'i##,NNun#e"", of cour"e, heforgot ho' to &ronounce Pyrzxg# in the meantime.

  • 7/29/2019 Magico de Oz L Frank Baum


    ha) )i"co(ere) but he thought it might be of u"e to him an) "o hetook a &iece of &a&er an) ma)e on it an exact co&y of the in"truction"for &ronouncing Pyrzxg#. Then he fo#)e) the &a&er an) &ut itin hi" &ocket, an) reace) the boar) in the f#oor "o that no one'ou#) "u"&ect it ha) been remo(e).

  • 7/29/2019 Magico de Oz L Frank Baum


    countrie" are ru#e) by the Gingerbrea) Man, ohn ough, 'ith %hick the%herub a" hi" Prime Mini"ter. The ha'k mere#y "to&&e) here #ongenough to re"t, an) then he f#e' north an) &a""e) o(er a fine countryca##e) Merry#an), 'hich i" ru#e) by a #o(e#y +ax o##. Then,fo##o'ing the cur(e of the e"ert, he turne) north an) "ett#e) on atreeNto& in the Ring)om of :o#an).

    Riki 'a" tire) by thi" time, an) the "un 'a" no' "etting, "o he)eci)e) to remain here ti## morning. From hi" treeNto& he cou#) "ee ahou"e near by, 'hich #ooke) (ery comfortab#e. < man 'a" mi#king a co'in the yar) an) a ea"antNface) 'oman came to the )oor an) ca##e)him to "u&&er.

    That ma)e Riki 'on)er 'hat "ort of foo) ha'k" ate. 0e fe#t hungry,but )i)nt kno' 'hat to eat or 'here to get it.

  • 7/29/2019 Magico de Oz L Frank Baum


    ha) no money, therefore, an) "o he turne) a'ay to "eek ho"&ita#itye#"e'here. Looking through an o&en 'in)o' into one of the room" ofthe 4nn, a" he &a""e) a#ong, he "a' an o#) man counting on a tab#e abig hea& of go#) &iece", 'hich Riki thought to be money. One of the"e'ou#) buy him "u&&er an) a be), he ref#ecte), "o he tran"forme)him"e#f into a mag&ie an), f#ying through the o&en 'in)o', caught u&one of the go#) &iece" in hi" beak an) f#e' out again before the o#)

    man cou#) interfere. 4n)ee), the o#) man 'ho 'a" robbe) 'a" uitehe#e"", for he )are) not #ea(e hi" &i#e of go#) to cha"e the mag&ie,an) before he cou#) ace the go#) in a "ack in hi" &ocket the robberbir) 'a" out of "ight an) to "eek it 'ou#) be fo##y.


  • 7/29/2019 Magico de Oz L Frank Baum


    D+ho are youJD a"ke) Riki.

    DMy name" /ugge)o. 4 u"e) to be the :ome Ring but 4 got kicke)out of my country, an) no' 4m a 'an)erer.D

    D+hat ma)e them kick you outJD inuire) the 0yu& boy.

    D+e##, it" the fa"hion to kick king" no'a)ay". 4 'a" a &retty goo)RingNNto my"e#fNNbut tho"e )rea)fu# Oz &eoe 'ou#)nt #et me a#one.1o 4 ha) to ab)icate.D

    D+hat )oe" that meanJD

    D4t mean" to be kicke) out. But #et" ta#k about "omethingea"ant. +ho are you an) 'here )i) you come fromJD

    D4m ca##e) Riki

  • 7/29/2019 Magico de Oz L Frank Baum


    D4 to#) you 4 'ou#) not fee) you un#e"" you ha) money.D

    Riki "ho'e) him the go#) &iece.


  • 7/29/2019 Magico de Oz L Frank Baum


    D4## gi(e you T+O &ocket"fu# of je'e#",D "ai) the :ome.

    D:o,D an"'ere) Riki.

    D4## gi(e you e(ery je'e# 4 &o""e"".D

    D:o, no, no*D "ai) Riki, 'ho 'a" beginning to be frightene).

    DThen,D "ai) the :ome, 'ith a 'icke) #ook at the boy, D4## te##the innNkee&er that you "to#e that go#) &iece an) he 'i## ha(e you&ut in &ri"on.D

    Riki #aughe) at the threat.

    DBefore he can )o that,D "ai) he, D4 'i## tran"form my"e#f into a#ion an) tear him to &iece", or into a bear an) eat him u&, or into af#y an) f#y a'ay 'here he cou#) not fin) me.D

    D%an you rea##y )o "uch 'on)erfu# tran"formation"JD a"ke) the o#):ome, #ooking at him curiou"#y.

    DOf cour"e,D )ec#are) Riki. 4 can tran"form you into a "tick of'oo), in a f#a"h, or into a "tone, an) #ea(e you here by the roa)"i)e.D

    DThe 'icke) :ome "hi(ere) a #itt#e 'hen he hear) that, but it ma)ehim #ong more than e(er to &o""e"" the great "ecret.

  • 7/29/2019 Magico de Oz L Frank Baum


    Oz an) get re(enge, an) he#& me get the magic a'ay from G#in)a an) the+izar), an) 4## #et you be Ring of Oz fore(er after'ar).D

    D4## think it o(er,D an"'ere) Riki, an) that i" a## he 'ou#) "aythat e(ening.

    4n the night 'hen a## in the 4nn 'ere a"#ee& but him"e#f, o#) /ugge)o

    the :ome ro"e "oft#y from hi" couch an) 'ent into the room of Riki

  • 7/29/2019 Magico de Oz L Frank Baum


    D4 "ai) &eoe, )i)nt 4JD retorte) the :ome. DThe book )oe"ntmake a recor) of 'hat bir)" )o, or bea"t". 4t on#y te##" the )oing"of &eoe. 1o, if 'e f#y into the country a" bir)", G#in)a 'ont kno'anything about it.D

    DT'o bir)" cou#)nt conuer the Lan) of Oz,D a""erte) the boy, "cornfu##y.

    D:o that" true,D a)mitte) /ugge)o, an) then he rubbe) hi" forehea)an) "troke) hi" #ong &ointe) bear) an) thought "ome more.


  • 7/29/2019 Magico de Oz L Frank Baum


    into bea"t" of (ariou" "ort", an) "en) them to #i(e in the fore"t" an)the jung#e". That i" a "en)i) i)ea, you mu"t a)mit, an) it" "o ea"ythat 'e 'ont ha(e any troub#e at a## to carry it through to "ucce"".D

    D+i## the bea"t" con"ent, )o you thinkJD a"ke) the boy.

    DTo be "ure they 'i##. +e can get e(ery bea"t in Oz on our

    "i)eNNexce&t a fe' 'ho #i(e in Ozma" &a#ace, an) they 'ont count.D

    7. %on"&irator"


  • 7/29/2019 Magico de Oz L Frank Baum


    acro"" the great e"ert that "e&arate" the Lan) of Oz from a## there"t of the 'or#), the :ome "ai)=

    D+hen 4 'a" Ring of the :ome" 4 ha) a magic 'ay of 'orkingtran"formation" that 4 thought 'a" goo), but it cou#) not com&are 'ithyour "ecret 'or). 4 ha) to ha(e certain too#" an) make &a""e" an) "aya #ot of my"tic 'or)" before 4 cou#) tran"form anybo)y.D

    D+hat became of your magic too#"JD inuire) Riki.

    DThe Oz &eoe took them a## a'ay from meNNthat horri) gir#,orothy, an) that terrib#e fairy, Ozma, the /u#er of OzNNat the timethey took a'ay my un)ergroun) king)om an) kicke) me u&"tair" into theco#), heart#e"" 'or#).D

    D+hy )i) you #et them )o thatJD a"ke) the boy.

    D+e##,D "ai) /ugge)o, D4 cou#)nt he#& it. They ro##e) egg" atmeNNEGG1NN)rea)fu# egg"*NNan) if an egg e(en touche" a :ome, he i"

    ruine) for #ife.D

    D4" any kin) of an egg )angerou" to a :omeJD


  • 7/29/2019 Magico de Oz L Frank Baum


    Thi" fairy#an) i" "o big, ho'e(er, that a## of it i" not yet kno'nto it" gir# /u#er, an) it i" "ai) that in "ome far &art" of thecountry, in fore"t" an) mountain fa"tne""e", in hi))en (a##ey" an)thick jung#e", are &eoe an) bea"t" that kno' a" #itt#e about Ozma a""he kno'" of them. 1ti##, the"e unkno'n "ubject" are not near#y "onumerou" a" the kno'n inhabitant" of Oz, 'ho occu&y a## the countrie"near to the Emera#) %ity. 4n)ee), 4m "ure it 'i## not be #ong unti#

    a## &art" of the fairy#an) of Oz are exore) an) their &eoe" ma)eacuainte) 'ith their /u#er, for in Ozma" &a#ace are "e(era# of herfrien)" 'ho are "o curiou" that they are con"tant#y )i"co(ering ne' an)extraor)inary ace" an) inhabitant".

    One of the mo"t freuent )i"co(erer" of the"e hi))en ace" in Oz i"a #itt#e Ran"a" gir# name) orothy, 'ho i" Ozma" )eare"t frien) an)#i(e" in #uxuriou" room" in the /oya# Pa#ace. orothy i", in)ee), aPrince"" of Oz, but "he )oe" not #ike to be ca##e) a &rince"", an)becau"e "he i" "ime an) "'eet an) )oe" not &reten) to be anythingbut an or)inary #itt#e gir#, "he i" ca##e) ju"t DorothyD by e(erybo)yan) i" the mo"t &o&u#ar &er"on, next to Ozma, in a## the Lan) of Oz.

    One morning orothy cro""e) the ha## of the &a#ace an) knocke) onthe )oor of another gir# name) Trot, a#"o a gue"t an) frien) of Ozma.+hen to#) to enter, orothy foun) that Trot ha) com&any, an o#)"ai#orNman 'ith one 'oo)en #eg an) one meat #eg, 'ho 'a" "itting bythe o&en 'in)o' &uffing "moke from a cornNcob &i&e. Thi" "ai#orNman'a" name) %a&n Bi##, an) he ha) accom&anie) Trot to the Lan) of Ozan) 'a" her o#)e"t an) mo"t faithfu# comra)e an) frien). orothy#ike) %a&n Bi##, too, an) after "he ha) greete) him, "he "ai) to Trot=

    DKou kno', Ozma" birth)ay i" next month, an) 4(e been 'on)ering'hat 4 can gi(e here a" a birth)ay &re"ent. 1he" "o goo) to u" a##

    that 'e certain#y ought to remember her birth)ay.D

    DThat" true,D agree) Trot. D4(e been 'on)ering, too, 'hat 4 cou#)gi(e Ozma. 4t" &retty har) to )eci)e, cau"e "he" got a#rea)y a##"he 'ant", an) a" "he" a fairy an) kno'" a #ot about magic, "he cou#)"ati"fy any 'i"h.D

    D4 kno',D returne) orothy, Dbut that i"nt the &oint. 4t i"ntthat Ozma :EE1 anything, but that it 'i## ea"e her to kno' 'e(eremembere) her birth)ay. But 'hat "ha## 'e gi(e herJD

    Trot "hook her hea) in )e"&air.

    D4(e trie) to think an) 4 cant,D "he )ec#are).

    D4t" the "ame 'ay 'ith me,D "ai) orothy.

    D4 kno' one thing that u) ea"e her,D remarke) %a&n Bi##, turninghi" roun) face 'ith it" fringe of 'hi"ker" to'ar) the t'o gir#" an)"taring at them 'ith hi" big, #ightNb#ue eye" 'i)e o&en.

    D+hat i" it, %a&n Bi##JD

    D4t" an Enchante) F#o'er,D "ai) he. D4t" a &retty ant that

    "tan)" in a go#)en f#o'erN&ot an gro'" a## "ort" o f#o'er", oneafter another. One minute a fine ro"e bu)" an b#oom", an then atu#i&, an next a chry"NNchry"NND

  • 7/29/2019 Magico de Oz L Frank Baum


    DNNanthemum,D "ai) orothy, he#&ing him.

    DThat" it an) next a )ah#ia, an then a )affy)i#, an on a##through the range o &o"ie". u" a" "oon a" one fa)e" a'ay, anothercome", of a )ifferent "ort, an the &erfume from em i" mighty "nifty,an they kee&" b#oomin night an) )ay, year in an year out.D

    DThat" 'on)erfu#*D exc#aime) orothy. D4 think Ozma 'ou#) #ike it.D

    DBut 'here i" the Magic F#o'er, an) ho' can 'e get itJD a"ke) Trot.

    Dunno, zac#y,D "#o'#y reie) %a&n Bi##. DThe G#a"" %at to# meabout it on#y ye"ter)ay, an "ai) it 'a" in "ome #one#y ace u& atthe norea"t o here. The G#a"" %at goe" tra(e#in a## aroun) Oz, youkno', an the #itt#e critter "ee" a #ot o thing" no one e#"e )oe".D

    DThat" true,D "ai) orothy, thoughtfu##y. D:orthea"t of here mu"tbe in the Munchkin %ountry, an) &erha&" a goo) 'ay off, "o #et" a"k

    the G#a"" %at to te## u" ho' to get to the Magic F#o'er.D

    1o the t'o gir#", 'ith %a&n Bi## "tum&ing a#ong on hi" 'oo)en #egafter them, 'ent out into the gar)en, an) after "ome time "&ent in"earching, they foun) the G#a"" %at cur#e) u& in the "un"hine be"i)e abu"h, fa"t "#ee&.

    The G#a"" %at i" one of the mo"t curiou" creature" in a## Oz. 4t'a" ma)e by a famou" magician name) r. Pi&t before Ozma ha) forbi))enher "ubject" to 'ork magic. r. Pi&t ha) ma)e the G#a"" %at to catchmice, but the %at refu"e) to catch mice an) 'a" con"i)ere) morecuriou" than u"efu#.

    Thi" a"toni"he) cat 'a" ma)e a## of g#a"" an) 'a" "o c#ear an)tran"&arent that you cou#) "ee through it a" ea"i#y a" through a'in)o'. 4n the to& of it" hea), ho'e(er, 'a" a ma"" of )e#icate &inkba##" 'hich #ooke) #ike je'e#" but 'ere inten)e) for brain". 4t ha) aheart ma)e of b#oo)Nre) ruby. The eye" 'ere t'o #arge emera#)". But,a"i)e from the"e co#or", a## the re"t of the anima# 'a" of c#earg#a"", an) it ha) a "&unNg#a"" tai# that 'a" rea##y beautifu#.

    D0ere, 'ake u&,D "ai) %a&n Bi##. D+e 'ant to ta#k to you.D

    1#o'#y the G#a"" %at got u&on it" fee), ya'ne) an) then #ooke) at

    the three 'ho "too) before it.

    D0o' )are you )i"turb meJD it a"ke) in a &ee(i"h (oice. DKou oughtto be a"hame) of your"e#(e".D

    D:e(er min) that,D returne) the 1ai#or. Do you remember te##in meye"ter)ay bout a Magic F#o'er in a Go#) PotJD

    Do you think 4m a foo#J Look at my brain"NNyou can "ee em 'ork.Of cour"e 4 remember*D "ai) the cat.

    D+e##, 'here can 'e fin) itJD

    DKou cant. 4t" none of your bu"ine"", anyho'. Go a'ay an) #et me"#ee&,D a)(i"e) the G#a"" %at.

  • 7/29/2019 Magico de Oz L Frank Baum


    D:o', "ee here,D "ai) orothy D'e 'ant the Magic F#o'er to gi(e toOzma on her birth)ay. Kou) be g#a) to ea"e Ozma, 'ou#)nt youJD

    D4m not "ure,D reie) the creature. D+hy "hou#) 4 'antto ea"e anybo)yJD

    DKou(e got a heart, cau"e 4 can "ee it in"i)e of you,D "ai) Trot.

    DKe" it" a &retty heart, an) 4m fon) of it,D "ai) the cat,t'i"ting aroun) to (ie' it" o'n bo)y. DBut it" ma)e from a ruby, an)it" har) a" nai#".D


  • 7/29/2019 Magico de Oz L Frank Baum



  • 7/29/2019 Magico de Oz L Frank Baum


    D+hat are you going to gi(e Ozma on her birth)ayJD "he a"ke).

    D4t" a "ecret, but 4## te## you,D reie) the Tin +oo)man, 'ho 'a"Em&eror of the +inkie". D4 am ha(ing my &eoe make Ozma a #o(e#ygir)#e "et 'ith beautifu# tin nugget". Each tin nugget 'i## be"urroun)e) by a circ#e of emera#)", ju"t to "et it off to goo) a)(antage.The c#a"& of the gir)#e 'i## be &ure tin* +ont that be fineJD

    D4m "ure "he## #ike it,D "ai) orothy. Do you kno' 'hat 4 cangi(e herJD

    D4 ha(ent the "#ighte"t i)ea, orothy. 4t took me three month" tothink of my o'n &re"ent for Ozma.D

    The gir# 'a#ke) thoughtfu##y aroun) to the back of the &a#ace, an)&re"ent#y came u&on the famou" 1carecro' of Oz, 'ho ha" ha(ing t'o ofthe &a#ace "er(ant" "tuff hi" #eg" 'ith fre"h "tra'.

    D+hat are you going to gi(e Ozma on her birth)ayJD a"ke) orothy.

    D4 'ant to "ur&ri"e her,D an"'ere) the 1carecro'.

    D4 'ont te##,D &romi"e) orothy.

    D+e##, 4m ha(ing "ome "tra' "#i&&er" ma)e for herNNa## "tra', min)you, an) brai)e) (ery arti"tica##y. Ozma ha" a#'ay" a)mire) my "tra'fi##ing, "o 4m "ure "he## be ea"e) 'ith the"e #o(e#y "tra' "#i&&er".D

    DOzma 'i## be ea"e) 'ith anything her #o(ing frien)" gi(e her,D"ai) the gir#. D+hat 4M 'orrie) about, 1carecro', i" 'hat to gi(eOzma that "he ha"nt got a#rea)y.D

    DThat" 'hat 'orrie) me, unti# 4 thought of the "#i&&er",D "ai) the1carecro'. DKou## ha(e to T04:R, orothy that" the on#y 'ay to geta goo) i)ea. 4f 4 ha)nt "uch 'on)erfu# brain", 4) ne(er ha(ethought of tho"e "tra' footN)ecoration".D

    orothy #eft him an) 'ent to her room, 'here "he "at )o'n an) trie)to think har). < Pink Ritten 'a" cur#e) u& on the 'in)o'N"i## an)orothy a"ke) her=

    D+hat can 4 gi(e Ozma for her birth)ay &re"entJD

    DOh, gi(e her "ome mi#k,D reie) the Pink Ritten Dthat" thenice"t thing 4 kno' of.D

    < fuzzy #itt#e b#ack )og ha) "uatte) )o'n at orothy" feet an) no'#ooke) u& at her 'ith inte##igent eye".

    DTe## me, Toto,D "ai) the gir# D'hat 'ou#) Ozma #ike be"t for abirth)ay &re"entJD

    The #itt#e b#ack )og 'agge) hi" tai#.

    DKour #o(e,D "ai) he. DOzma 'ant" to be #o(e) more than anything e#"e.D

    DBut 4 a#rea)y #o(e her, Toto*D

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    DThen te## her you #o(e her t'ice a" much a" you e(er )i) before.D

    DThat 'ou#)nt be true,D objecte) orothy, Dfor 4(e a#'ay" #o(e)her a" much a" 4 cou#), an), rea##y, Toto, 4 'ant to gi(e Ozma "omeP/E1E:T, cau"e e(eryone e#"e 'i## gi(e her a &re"ent.D

    DLet me "ee,D "ai) Toto. D0o' 'ou#) it be to gi(e her that u"e#e""

    Pink RittenJD

    D:o, Toto that 'ou#)nt )o.D

    DThen "ix ki""e".D

    D:o that" no &re"ent.D

    D+e##, 4 gue"" you## ha(e to figure it out for your"e#f, orothy,D"ai) the #itt#e )og. DTo MK notion youre more &articu#ar than Ozma'i## be.D

    orothy )eci)e) that if anyone cou#) he#& her it 'ou#) be G#in)a theGoo), the 'on)erfu# 1orcere"" of Oz 'ho 'a" Ozma" faithfu# "ubjectan) frien). But G#in)a" ca"t#e 'a" in the Qua)#ing %ountry an) uitea journey from the Emera#) %ity.

    1o the #itt#e gir# 'ent to Ozma an) a"ke) &ermi""ion to u"e the +oo)en1a'hor"e an) the roya# /e) +agon to &ay a (i"it to G#in)a, an) the gir#/u#er ki""e) Prince"" orothy an) graciou"#y grante) &ermi""ion.

    The +oo)en 1a'hor"e 'a" one of the mo"t remarkab#e creature" in Oz.4t" bo)y 'a" a "ma## #og an) it" #eg" 'ere #imb" of tree" "tuck in thebo)y. 4t" eye" 'ere knot", it" mouth 'a" "a'e) in the en) of the #og

    an) it" ear" 'ere t'o chi&". < "ma## branch ha) been #eft at the rearen) of the #og to "er(e a" a tai#.

    Ozma her"e#f, )uring one of her ear#y a)(enture", ha) brought thi"'oo)en hor"e to #ife, an) "o "he 'a" much attache) to the ueer anima#an) ha) "ho) the bottom" of it" 'oo)en #eg" 'ith ate" of go#) "othey 'ou#) not 'ear out. The 1a'hor"e 'a" a "'ift an) 'i##ingtra(e#er, an) though it cou#) ta#k if nee) aro"e, it "e#)om "ai)anything un#e"" "&oken to. +hen the 1a'hor"e 'a" harne""e) to the /e)+agon there 'ere no rein" to gui)e him becau"e a## that 'a" nee)e) 'a"to te## him 'here to go.

    orothy no' to#) him to go to G#in)a" %a"t#e an) the 1a'hor"ecarrie) her there 'ith mar(e#ou" "&ee).

    DG#in)a,D "ai) orothy, 'hen "he ha) been greete) by the 1orcere"",'ho 'a" ta## an) "tate#y, 'ith han)"ome an) )ignifie) feature" an))re""e) in a "en)i) an) becoming go'n, D'hat are you going to gi(eOzma for a birth)ay &re"entJD

    The 1orcere"" "mi#e) an) an"'ere)=

    D%ome into my &atio an) 4 'i## "ho' you.D

    1o they entere) a ace that 'a" "urroun)e) by the 'ing" of thegreat ca"t#e but ha) no roof, an) 'a" fi##e) 'ith f#o'er" an)fountain" an) exui"ite "tatuary an) many "ettee" an) chair" of

  • 7/29/2019 Magico de Oz L Frank Baum


    &o#i"he) marb#e or fi#igree go#). 0ere there 'ere gathere) fiftybeautifu# young gir#", G#in)a" han)mai)", 'ho ha) been "e#ecte) froma## &art" of the Lan) of Oz on account of their 'it an) beauty an) "'eet)i"&o"ition". 4t 'a" a great honor to be ma)e one of G#in)a" han)mai)en".

    +hen orothy fo##o'e) the 1orcere"" into thi" )e#ightfu# &atio a##the fifty gir#" 'ere bu"i#y 'ea(ing, an) their "hutt#e" 'ere fi##e)

    'ith a "&ark#ing green "&un g#a"" "uch a" the #itt#e gir# ha) ne(er"een before.

    D+hat i" it, G#in)aJD "he a"ke).

    DOne of my recent )i"co(erie",D exaine) the 1orcere"". D4 ha(efoun) a 'ay to make threa)" from emera#)", by "oftening the "tone" an)then "&inning them into #ong, "i#ken "tran)". +ith the"e emera#)threa)" 'e are 'ea(ing c#oth to make Ozma a "en)i) court go'n forher birth)ay. Kou 'i## notice that the threa)" ha(e a## the beautifu#g#itter an) #u"ter of the emera#)" from 'hich they are ma)e, an) "oOzma" ne' )re"" 'i## be the mo"t magnificent the 'or#) ha" e(er "een,

    an) uite fitting for our #o(e#y /u#er of the Fairy#an) of Oz.D

    orothy" eye" 'ere fair#y )aze) by the bri##iance of the emera#)c#oth, "ome of 'hich the gir#" ha) a#rea)y 'o(en.

    D4(e ne(er "een

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    orothy thanke) her frien) an) entere) the /e) +agon an) to#) the1a'hor"e to take her back home to the &a#ace in the Emera#) %ity.

    On the 'ay "he thought the matter o(er "eriou"#y of making a"ur&ri"e birth)ay cake an) fina##y )eci)e) 'hat to )o.

  • 7/29/2019 Magico de Oz L Frank Baum


    The +izar) #ooke) at orothy 'ith a)miring a&&ro(a#, an) chuck#e) again.

    DThat" rea##y c#e(er, my )ear,D he "ai), Dan) 4 "ee no rea"on 'hy'e cant )o it, ju"t the 'ay you "ay, if on#y 'e can get the 'i#)monkey" to agree to it.D

    Do you think they## objectJD a"ke) the gir#.

    DKe" but &erha&" 'e can argue them into it.

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    of the bea"t" 'ho make their home there. The bigge"t bea"t" inhabitthe great fore"t, 'hi#e the "ma##er one" #i(e mo"t#y in the mountainun)erbru"h at the ea"t.

    :o', you mu"t kno' that there are #a'" in the fore"t", a" 'e## a" ine(ery other ace, an) the"e #a'" are ma)e by the bea"t" them"e#(e",an) are nece""ary to kee& them from fighting an) tearing one another

    to &iece". 4n Gugu Fore"t there i" a RingNNan enormou" ye##o' #eo&ar)ca##e) DGuguDNNafter 'hom the fore"t i" name).

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    D4m a :ome, an) immorta#, "o nothing can hurt me,D reie) /ugge)o.

    D4 'a" born in the Lan) of Oz, "o nothing can hurt me,D "ai) Riki.

    DBut, in or)er to carry out our an", 'e mu"t 'in the fa(or of a##the anima#" of the fore"t.D

    DThen 'hat "ha## 'e )oJD a"ke) Riki.

    DLet u" mix the "ha&e" of "e(era# bea"t", "o 'e 'i## not #ook #ikeany one of them,D &ro&o"e) the 'i#y o#) :ome. DLet u" ha(e the hea)"of #ion", the bo)ie" of monkey", the 'ing" of eag#e" an) the tai#" of'i#) a""e", 'ith knob" of go#) on the en) of them in"tea) of bunche"of hair.D

    D+ont that make a ueer combinationJD inuire) Riki.

    DThe ueerer the better,D )ec#are) /ugge)o.


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    There ha) been troub#e in the Fore"t of Gugu that morning. %hi&othe +i#) Boar ha) bitten the tai# off

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    been our frien)" they ha(e not been our enemie". They ha(e #et u"a#one, an) 'e ha(e #et them a#one. There i" no rea"on for 'ar bet'eenu". They ha(e no "#a(e". They cou#) not u"e u" a" "#a(e" if they"hou#) conuer u". 4 think you are te##ing u" #ie", you "trangeLiNMonNEagNNyou mixe)Nu& bea"t 'ho are neither one thing nor another.D

    DOh, on my 'or), it" the truth*D &rote"te) the :ome in the bea"t"

    "ha&e. D4 'ou#)nt #ie for the 'or#) 4NND

    D1i#ence*D again gro'#e) Gugu the Ring an) "omeho', e(en /ugge)o'a" aba"he) an) obeye) the e)ict.

    D+hat )o you "ay, BruJD a"ke) the Ring, turning to the great Bear,'ho ha) unti# no' "ai) nothing.

    D0o' )oe" the Mixe) Bea"t kno' that 'hat he "ay" i" trueJDa"ke) the Bear.

    D+hy, 4 can f#y, you kno', ha(ing the 'ing" of an Eag#e,D exaine)

    the :ome. D4 an) my comra)e yon)er,D turning to Riki, Df#e' to agro(e in Oz, an) there 'e hear) the &eoe te##ing ho' they 'i## makemany ro&e" to "nare you bea"t", an) then they 'i## "urroun) thi"fore"t, an) a## other fore"t", an) make you &ri"oner". 1o 'e camehere to 'arn you, for being bea"t" our"e#(e", a#though 'e #i(e in the"ky, 'e are your frien)".D

    The Leo&ar)" #i& cur#e) an) "ho'e) hi" enormou" teeth, "har& a"nee)#e". 0e turne) to the Gray

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    DBea"t" 'ou#)nt kno' 'hat to )o 'ith the thing" &eoe u"e,D "ai)the Gray

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    D4 think 4 &refer to be a Bear,D "ai) Big Bru. D4 'a" born a Bear,an) 4 kno' a Bear" 'ay". 1o 4 am "ati"fie) to #i(e a" a Bear #i(e".D

    DThat,D "ai) the o#) :ome, Di" becau"e you kno' nothing better.+hen 'e ha(e conuere) the Oz &eoe, an) you become a man, you## beg#a) of it.D

    The immen"e Leo&ar) re"te) hi" chin on the #og an) "eeme) thoughtfu#.

    DThe bea"t" of the fore"t mu"t )eci)e thi" matter for them"e#(e",Dhe "ai). DGo you, /ango the Gray

  • 7/29/2019 Magico de Oz L Frank Baum


    The G#a"" %at 'a" a goo) gui)e an) #e) Trot an) %a&n Bi## by"traight an) ea"y &ath" through a## the "ett#e) &art of theMunchkin %ountry, an) then into the north "ection 'here there'ere fe' hou"e", an) fina##y through a 'i#) country 'here there'ere no hou"e" or &ath" at a##. But the 'a#king 'a" not)ifficu#t an) at #a"t they came to the e)ge of a fore"t an)

    "to&&e) there to make cam& an) "#ee& unti# morning.

    From branche" of tree" %a&n Bi## ma)e a tiny hou"e that 'a"ju"t big enough for the #itt#e gir# to cra'# into an) #ie )o'n.But fir"t they ate "ome of the foo) Trot ha) carrie) in the ba"ket.

    Dont you 'ant "ome, tooJD "he a"ke) the G#a"" %at.

    D:o,D an"'ere) the creature.

    D4 "u&&o"e you## hunt aroun) an catch a mou"e,D remarke)%a&n Bi##.

    DMeJ %atch a mou"e* +hy "hou#) 4 )o thatJD inuire) the G#a"" %at.

    D+hy, then you cou#) eat it,D "ai) the "ai#orNman.

    D4 beg to inform you,D returne) the cry"ta# tabby, Dthat 4 )onot eat mice. Being tran"&arent, "o anyone can "ee through me,4) #ook nice, 'ou#)nt 4, 'ith a common mou"e in"i)e meJ Butthe fact i" that 4 ha(ent any "tomach or other machinery that'ou#) &ermit me to eat thing". The care#e"" magician 'ho ma)e me)i)nt think 4) nee) to eat, 4 "u&&o"e.D

    Dont you e(er get hungry or thir"tyJD a"ke) Trot.

    D:e(er. 4 )ont comain, you kno', at the 'ay 4m ma)e, for4(e ne(er yet "een any #i(ing thing a" beautifu# a" 4 am. 4ha(e the han)"ome"t brain" in the 'or#). Theyre &ink, an) youcan "ee em 'ork.D

    D4 'on)er,D "ai) Trot thoughtfu##y, a" "he ate her brea) an)jam, Dif MK brain" 'hir# aroun) in the "ame 'ay your" )o.D

    D:o not the "ame 'ay, "ure#y,D returne) the G#a"" %at Dfor,in that ca"e, they) be a" goo) a" MK brain", exce&t that theyre

    hi))en un)er a thick, boney "ku##.D

    DBrain",D remarke) %a&n Bi##, Di" of a## kin)" an) 'ork)ifferent 'ay". But 4(e notice) that them a" think" that theirbrain" i" be"t i" often mi"took.D

    Trot 'a" a #itt#e )i"turbe) by "oun)" from the fore"t, thatnight, for many bea"t" "eeme) &ro'#ing among the tree", but "he'a" confi)ent %a&n Bi## 'ou#) &rotect her from harm.

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    far from that Magic F#o'er, are 'eJD

    D:ot far,D an"'ere) the tran"&arent one, a" it #e) the 'ay intothe fore"t, Dbut it may take you "ome time to get to it.D

    Before #ong they reache) the bank of a ri(er. 4t 'a" not (ery'i)e, at thi" ace, but a" they fo##o'e) the bank" in a

    norther#y )irection it gra)ua##y broa)ene).

    1u))en#y the b#ueNgreen #ea(e" of the tree" change) to a &urehue, an) Trot notice) thi" an) "ai)=

    D4 'on)er 'hat ma)e the co#or" change #ike thatJD

    D4t" becau"e 'e ha(e #eft the Munchkin %ountry an) entere) theGi##ikin %ountry,D exaine) the G#a"" %at. D

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    rec#ining at the gir#" feet, D4 "a' t'o Ra#i)ah" on thi" (erybank, 'here they ha) come to )rink.D

    D+hat are Ra#i)ah"JD a"ke) the gir#.

    DThe mo"t &o'erfu# an) ferociou" bea"t" in a## Oz. Thi" fore"ti" their e"&ecia# home, an) "o there are fe' other bea"t" to be

    foun) exce&t monkey". The monkey" are "&ry enough to kee& out ofthe 'ay of the fierce Ra#i)ah", 'hich attack a## other anima#"an) often fight among them"e#(e".D

    Di) they try to fight you 'hen you "a' emJD a"ke) Trot,getting (ery much excite).

    DKe". They "&rang u&on me in an in"tant but 4 #ay f#at on thegroun), "o 4 'ou#)nt get my #eg" broken by the great 'eight ofthe bea"t", an) 'hen they trie) to bite me 4 #aughe) at them an)jeere) them unti# they 'ere frantic 'ith rage, for they near#ybroke their teeth on my har) g#a"". 1o, after a time, they

    )i"co(ere) they cou#) not hurt me, an) 'ent a'ay. 4t 'a" great fun.D

    D4 ho&e they )ont come here again to )rink,NNnot 'hi#e 'erehere, anyho',D returne) the gir#, Dfor 4m not ma)e of g#a"", nori" %a&n Bi##, an) if tho"e ba) bea"t" bit u", 'e) get hurt.D

    %a&n Bi## 'a" cutting from the tree" "ome #ong "take", makingthem "har& at one en) an) #ea(ing a crotch at the other en).The"e 'ere to bin) the #og" of hi" raft together. 0e ha)fa"hione) "e(era# an) 'a" ju"t fini"hing another 'hen the G#a""%at crie)= DLook out* There" a Ra#i)ah coming to'ar) u".D

    Trot jum&e) u&, great#y frightene), an) #ooke) at the terrib#eanima# a" if fa"cinate) by it" fierce eye", for the Ra#i)ah 'a"#ooking at her, too, an) it" #ook 'a"nt at a## frien)#y. But%a&n Bi## ca##e) to her= D+a)e into the ri(er, Trot, u& to yourknee"NNan "tay there*D an) "he obeye) him at once. The"ai#orNman hobb#e) for'ar), the "take in one han) an) hi" axe inthe other, an) got bet'een the gir# an) the bea"t, 'hich "&rangu&on him 'ith a gro'# of )efiance.

    %a&n Bi## mo(e) &retty "#o'#y, "ometime", but no' he 'a" uicka" cou#) be.

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    D4) bet a cookie on it,D "ai) %a&n Bi##, "o Trot came a"horean) took off her "hoe" an) "tocking" an) #ai) them on the #og to)ry, 'hi#e the "ai#orNman re"ume) hi" 'ork on the raft.

    The Ra#i)ah, rea#izing after many "trugg#e" that it cou#) note"ca&e, no' became uiet, but it "ai) in a har"h, "nar#ing (oice=

    D4 "u&&o"e you think youre c#e(er, to &in me to the groun) in thi"manner. But 'hen my frien)", the other Ra#i)ah", come here, they##tear you to &iece" for treating me thi" 'ay.D

    DPra&",D remarke) %a&n Bi##, coo##y, a" he cho&&e) at the #og",Dan &ra&" not. +hen are your fo#k" comin hereJD

    D4 )ont kno',D a)mitte) the Ra#i)ah. DBut 'hen they O come, youcant e"ca&e them.D

    D4f they ho#) off #ong enough, 4## ha(e my raft rea)y,D "ai) %a&n Bi##.

    D+hat are you going to )o 'ith a raftJD inuire) the bea"t.

    D+ere goin o(er to that i"#an), to get the Magic F#o'er.D

    The huge bea"t #ooke) at him in "ur&ri"e a moment, an) then it beganto #augh. The #augh 'a" a goo) )ea# #ike a roar, an) it ha) a crue#an) )eri"i(e "oun), but it 'a" a #augh ne(erthe#e"".

    DGoo)*D "ai) the Ra#i)ah. DGoo)* ery goo)* 4m g#a) youre goingto get the Magic F#o'er. But 'hat 'i## you )o 'ith itJD

    D+ere going to take it to Ozma, a" a &re"ent on her birth)ay.D

    The Ra#i)ah #aughe) again then it became "ober. D4f you get to the#an) on your raft before my &eoe can catch you,D it "ai), Dyou 'i##be "afe from u". +e can "'im #ike )uck", "o the gir# cou#)nt ha(ee"ca&e) me by getting into the 'ater but Ra#i)ah" )ont go to thati"#an) o(er there.D

    D+hy notJD a"ke) Trot.

    The bea"t 'a" "i#ent.

    DTe## u" the rea"on,D urge) %a&n Bi##.

    D+e##, it" the 4"#e of the Magic F#o'er,D an"'ere) the Ra#i)ah,Dan) 'e )ont care much for magic. 4f you ha)nt ha) a magic #eg,in"tea) of a meat one, you cou#)nt ha(e knocke) me o(er "o ea"i#y an)"tuck thi" 'oo)en &in through me.D

    D4(e been to the Magic 4"#e,D "ai) the G#a"" %at, Dan) 4(e 'atche)the Magic F#o'er b#oom, an) 4m "ure it" too &retty to be #eft inthat #one#y ace 'here on#y bea"t" &ro'# aroun) it an) no e#"e "ee"it. 1o 'ere going to take it a'ay to the Emera#) %ity.D

    D4 )ont care,D the bea"t reie) in a "ur#y tone. D+e Ra#i)ah"

    'ou#) be ju"t a" contente) if there 'a"nt a f#o'er in our fore"t.+hat goo) are the thing" anyho'JD

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    Dont you #ike &retty thing"JD a"ke) Trot.


    DKou ought to a)mire my &ink brain", anyho',D )ec#are) the G#a""%at. DTheyre beautifu# an) you can "ee em 'ork.D

    The bea"t on#y gro'#e) in rey, an) %a&n Bi##, ha(ing no' cut a##hi" #og" to a &ro&er "ize, began to ro## them to the 'ater" e)ge an)fa"ten them together.

    $9. 1tuck Fa"t

    The )ay 'a" near#y gone 'hen, at #a"t, the raft 'a" rea)y.

    D4t aint "o (ery big,D "ai) the o#) "ai#or, Dbut 4 )ont 'eigh

    much, an you, Trot, )ont 'eigh ha#f a" much a" 4 )o, an the g#a""&u""y )ont count.D

    DBut it" "afe, i"nt itJD inuire) the gir#.

    DKe" it" goo) enough to carry u" to the i"#an) an back again, anthat" about a## 'e can ex&ect of it.D

    1aying thi", %a&n Bi## &u"he) the raft into the 'ater, an) 'hen it'a" af#oat, "te&&e) u&on it an) he#) out hi" han) to Trot, 'ho uick#yfo##o'e) him. The G#a"" %at boar)e) the raft #a"t of a##.

    The "ai#or ha) cut a #ong &o#e, an) ha) a#"o 'hitt#e) a f#at &a))#e,an) 'ith the"e he ea"i#y &ro&e##e) the raft acro"" the ri(er.

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    'ithout breaking itJD a"ke) Trot anxiou"#y.

    D+e##, 4(e #ifte) many bigger thing" than that,D he reie) Dbut#et" "ee 'hat it 'eigh".D

    0e trie) to take a "te& for'ar), but cou#) not #ift hi" meat footfrom the groun). 0i" 'oo)en #eg "eeme) free enough, but the other

    'ou#) not bu)ge.

    D4 "eem "tuck, Trot,D he "ai), 'ith a &erexe) #ook at hi" foot.D4t aint mu), an it aint g#ue, but "omethin" ho#)in me )o'n.D

    The gir# attem&te) to #ift her o'n feet, to go nearer to her frien),but the groun) he#) them a" fa"t a" it he#) %a&n Bi##" foot. 1hetrie) to "#i)e them, or to t'i"t them aroun), but it 'a" no u"e "hecou#) not mo(e either foot a hair" brea)th.

    DThi" i" funny*D "he exc#aime). D+hat )o you "&o"e ha" ha&&ene) tou", %a&n Bi##JD

    D4m tryin to make out,D he an"'ere). DTake off your "hoe", Trot.Pra&" it" the #eather "o#e" that" "tuck to the groun).D

    1he #eane) )o'n an) un#ace) her "hoe", but foun) "he cou#) not &u##her feet out of them. The G#a"" %at, 'hich 'a" 'a#king aroun) a"natura##y a" e(er, no' "ai)=

    DKour foot ha" got root" to it, %a&n, an) 4 can "ee the root" goinginto the groun), 'here they "&rea) out in a## )irection". 4t" the "ame'ay 'ith Trot. That" 'hy you cant mo(e. The root" ho#) you fa"t.D

    %a&n Bi## 'a" rather fat an) cou#)nt "ee hi" o'n feet (ery 'e##,but he "uatte) )o'n an) examine) Trot" feet an) )eci)e) that theG#a"" %at 'a" right.

    DThi" i" har) #uck,D he )ec#are), in a (oice that "ho'e) he 'a"unea"y at the )i"co(ery. D+ere &ri"ner", Trot, on thi" funnyi"#an), an 4) #ike to kno' ho' 'ere e(er goin to get #oo"e, "o"'e can get home again.D

    D:o' 4 kno' 'hy the Ra#i)ah #aughe) at u",D "ai) the gir#, Dan) 'hyhe "ai) none of the bea"t" e(er came to thi" i"#an). The horri)creature kne' 'e) be caught, an) 'ou#)nt 'arn u".D

    4n the meantime, the Ra#i)ah, a#though &inne) fa"t to the earth by%a&n Bi##" "take, 'a" facing the i"#an), an) no' the ug#y ex&re""ion'hich &a""e) o(er it" face 'hen it )efie) an) "neere) at %a&n Bi##an) Trot, ha) change) to one of amu"ement an) curio"ity. +hen it "a'the a)(enturer" ha) actua##y reache) the i"#an) an) 'ere "tan)ingbe"i)e the Magic F#o'er, it hea(e) a breath of "ati"factionNNa #ong, )ee&breath that "'e##e) it" )ee& che"t unti# the bea"t cou#) fee# the "takethat he#) him mo(e a #itt#e, a" if 'ith)ra'ing it"e#f from the groun).


  • 7/29/2019 Magico de Oz L Frank Baum


    manage) to rai"e the "take 'ith each &o'erfu# breath, unti# at #a"tthe Ra#i)ahNNu"ing the mu"c#e" of hi" four #eg" a" 'e## a" hi" )ee&breath"NNfoun) it"e#f free of the "an)y "oi#. The "take 'a" "tickingright through him, ho'e(er, "o he foun) a rock )eey "et in the bankan) &re""e) the "har& &oint of the "take u&on the "urface of thi" rockunti# he ha) )ri(en it c#ear through hi" bo)y. Then, by getting the"take tang#e) among "ome thorny bu"he", an) 'igg#ing hi" bo)y, he

    manage) to )ra' it out a#together.

    DThere*D he exc#aime), Dexce&t for tho"e t'o ho#e" in me, 4m a"goo) a" e(er but 4 mu"t a)mit that that o#) 'oo)enN#egge) fe##o'"a(e) both him"e#f an) the gir# by making me a &ri"oner.D

    :o' the Ra#i)ah", a#though the mo"t )i"agreeab#e creature" in theLan) of Oz, 'ere ne(erthe#e"" magica# inhabitant" of a magica#Fairy#an), an) in their nature" a certain amount of goo) 'a" ming#e)'ith the e(i#. Thi" one 'a" not (ery re(engefu#, an) no' that hi" #atefoe" 'ere in )anger of &eri"hing, hi" anger again"t them fa)e) a'ay.

    DOur o'n Ra#i)ah Ring,D he ref#ecte), Dha" certain magica# &o'er" ofhi" o'n. Perha&" he kno'" ho' to fi## u& the"e t'o ho#e" in my bo)y.D

    1o 'ithout &aying any more attention to Trot an) %a&n Bi## thanthey 'ere &aying to him, he entere) the fore"t an) trotte) a#ong a"ecret &ath that #e) to the hi))en #air of a## the Ra#i)ah".

    +hi#e the Ra#i)ah 'a" making goo) it" e"ca&e %a&n Bi## took hi"&i&e from hi" &ocket an) fi##e) it 'ith tobacco an) #ighte) it. Then,a" he &uffe) out the "moke, he trie) to think 'hat cou#) be )one.

    DThe G#a"" %at "eem" a## right,D he "ai), Dan my 'oo)en #eg )i)nt

    take root" an) gro', either. 1o it" on#y f#e"h that get" caught.D

    D4t" magic that )oe" it, %a&n*D

    D4 kno', Trot, an) that" 'hat "tick" me. +ere #i(in in a magic country,but neither of u" kno'" any magic an "o 'e cant he#& our"e#(e".D

    D%ou#)nt the +izar) of Oz he#& u"NNor G#in)a the Goo)JD a"ke) the#itt#e gir#.


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    D+ont you go no'JD ea)e) Trot. D+e )ont 'ant to "tay here any#onger than 'e can he#&, an) e(erybo)y in Oz 'i## be intere"te) inyou, an) ca## you a hero, an) "ay nice thing" about you becau"e youhe#&e) your frien)" out of troub#e.D

    That 'a" the be"t 'ay to manage the G#a"" %at, 'hich 'a" "o (ain

    that it #o(e) to be &rai"e).

    D4m going home right a'ay,D "ai) the creature, Dan) 4## te## the+izar) to come an) he#& you.D

    1aying thi", it 'a#ke) )o'n to the 'ater an) )i"a&&eare) un)er the"urface. :ot being ab#e to manage the raft a#one, the G#a"" %at'a#ke) on the bottom of the ri(er a" it ha) )one 'hen it (i"ite) thei"#an) before, an) "oon they "a' it a&&ear on the farther bank an) trotinto the fore"t, 'here it 'a" uick#y #o"t to "ight among the tree".

    Then Trot hea(e) a )ee& "igh.

    D%a&n,D "ai) "he, D'ere in a ba) fix. There" nothing here toeat, an) 'e cant e(en #ie )o'n to "#ee&. ;n#e"" the G#a"" %athurrie", an) the +izar) hurrie", 4 )ont kno' 'hat" going to becomeof u"*D

    $$. The Bea"t" of the Fore"t of Gugu

    That 'a" a 'on)erfu# gathering of 'i#) anima#" in the Fore"t of Gugu

    next "unri"e. /ango, the Gray

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    country. 1ome 'ere from the mountain" 'e"t of the fore"t, an) "omefrom the ain" at the ea"t, an) "ome from the ri(er but a## &re"entackno'#e)ge) the #ea)er"hi& of Gugu, 'ho for many year" ha) ru#e) them'i"e#y an) force) a## to obey the #a'".

    +hen the bea"t" ha) taken their ace" in the c#earing an) theri"ing "un 'a" "hooting it" fir"t bright ray" o(er the treeto&", Ring

    Gugu ro"e on hi" throne. The Leo&ar)" giant form, to'ering abo(e a##the other", cau"e) a "u))en hu"h to fa## on the a""emb#age.

    DBrother",D he "ai) in hi" )ee& (oice, Da "tranger ha" come amongu", a bea"t of curiou" form 'ho i" a great magician an) i" ab#e tochange the "ha&e" of men or bea"t" at hi" 'i##. Thi" "tranger ha"come to u", 'ith another of hi" kin), from out of the "ky, to 'arn u"of a )anger 'hich threaten" u" a##, an) to offer u" a 'ay to e"ca&efrom that )anger. 0e "ay" he i" our frien), an) he ha" &ro(e) to mean) to my %oun"e#or" hi" magic &o'er". +i## you #i"ten to 'hat he ha"to "ay to youNNto the me""age he ha" brought from the "kyJD

    DLet him "&eak*D came in a great roar from the great com&any ofa""emb#e) bea"t".

    1o /ugge)o the :ome "&rang u&on the f#at rock be"i)e Gugu the Ring,an) another roar, gent#e thi" time, "ho'e) ho' a"toni"he) the bea"t"'ere at the "ight of hi" curiou" form. 0i" #ion" face 'a" "urroun)e)by a mane of &ure 'hite hair hi" eag#e" 'ing" 'ere attache) to the"hou#)er" of hi" monkey bo)y an) 'ere "o #ong that they near#y touche)the groun) he ha) &o'erfu# arm" an) #eg" in a))ition to the 'ing",an) at the en) of hi" #ong, "trong tai# 'a" a go#)en ba##. :e(er ha)any bea"t behe#) "uch a curiou" creature before, an) "o the (ery "ightof the "tranger, 'ho 'a" "ai) to be a great magician, fi##e) a##

    &re"ent 'ith a'e an) 'on)er.

    Riki "taye) )o'n be#o' an), ha#f hi))en by the "he#f of rock, 'a""carce#y notice). The boy rea#ize) that the o#) :ome 'a" he#e""'ithout hi" magic &o'er, but he a#"o rea#ize) that /ugge)o 'a" thebe"t ta#ker. 1o he 'a" 'i##ing the :ome "hou#) take the #ea).

    DBea"t" of the Fore"t of Gugu,D began /ugge)o the :ome, Dmy comra)ean) 4 are your frien)". +e are magician", an) from our home in the"ky 'e can #ook )o'n into the Lan) of Oz an) "ee e(erything that i"going on.

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    angry, but 'e a#"o 'ere angry, for 'hen the Oz &eoe became theenemie" of the bea"t" they a#"o became our enemie" for 'e, too, arebea"t", a#though 'e #i(e in the "ky.

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    Then aro"e a great confu"ion of "oun)" a" a## the anima#" beganta#king to their fe##o'". The monkey" chattere) an) the bear" gro'#e)an) the (oice" of the jaguar" an) #ion" rumb#e), an) the 'o#(e" ye#&e)an) the e#e&hant" ha) to trum&et #ou)#y to make their (oice" hear).1uch a hubbub ha) ne(er been kno'n in the fore"t before, an) each bea"t

    argue) 'ith hi" neighbor unti# it "eeme) the noi"e 'ou#) ne(er cea"e.

    /ugge)o the :ome 'a(e) hi" arm" an) f#uttere) hi" 'ing" to try tomake them #i"ten to him again, but the bea"t" &ai) no attention. 1ome'ante) to fight the Oz &eoe, "ome 'ante) to be tran"forme), an) "ome'ante) to )o nothing at a##.

    The gro'#ing an) confu"ion ha) gro'n greater than e(er 'hen in af#a"h "i#ence fe## on a## the bea"t" &re"ent, the argument" 'erehu"he), an) a## gaze) in a"toni"hment at a "trange "ight.

    For into the circ#e "tro)e a great LionNNbigger an) more &o'erfu#

    than any other #ion thereNNan) on hi" back ro)e a #itt#e gir# 'ho"mi#e) fear#e""#y at the mu#titu)e of bea"t".

  • 7/29/2019 Magico de Oz L Frank Baum


    )oe"nt #ike to fight, you kno', but 'hen he 0

  • 7/29/2019 Magico de Oz L Frank Baum


    to be )i"co(ere) an) a## their an" to conuer an) ru#e Oz be)efeate). Riki )i)nt #ike the 'ay /ugge)o acte) either, for theformer Ring of the :ome" 'ante) to )o e(erything hi" o'n 'ay, an) ma)ethe boy, 'ho a#one &o""e""e) the &o'er of tran"formation", obey hi"or)er" a" if he 'ere a "#a(e.

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    1o no' the tiger 'hich 'a" cru"hing him change) to a rabbit, an)re#ie(e) of it" 'eight, Riki "&rang u& an), "&rea)ing hi" eag#e"'ing", f#e' into the branche" of a tree, 'here no bea"t cou#) ea"i#yreach him. 0e 'a" not an in"tant too uick in )oing thi", for Guguthe Ring ha) crouche) on the rock" e)ge an) 'a" about to "&ring onthe boy.

    From hi" tree Riki tran"forme) Gugu into a fat Gi##ikin 'oman, an)#aughe) a#ou) to "ee ho' the 'oman &rance) 'ith rage, an) ho'a"toni"he) a## the bea"t" 'ere at their Ring" ne' "ha&e.

    The bea"t" 'ere frightene), too, fearing they 'ou#) "hare the fateof Gugu, "o a "tam&e)e began 'hen /ango the Gray

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    to a)mit they 'ere &uzz#e" to him. For, un#e"" he un)er"too) theiru"e", they 'ere of no (a#ue 'hate(er. Riki

  • 7/29/2019 Magico de Oz L Frank Baum


    D4 think "o,D reie) the +izar) Fox. D

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    D+here" the +izar)JD a"ke) the %at.

    DGone on a journey 'ith orothy,D reie) Toto.

    D+hen )i) they go, an) 'here ha(e they goneJD )eman)e) the %at.

    DThey 'ent ye"ter)ay, an) 4 hear) them "ay they 'ou#) go to the

    Great Fore"t in the Munchkin %ountry.D

    Dear me,D "ai) the G#a"" %at Dthat i" a #ong journey.D

    DBut they ro)e on the 0ungry Tiger an) the %o'ar)#y Lion,D exaine)Toto, Dan) the +izar) carrie) hi" B#ack Bag of Magic Too#".D

    The G#a"" %at kne' the Great Fore"t of Gugu 'e##, for it ha)tra(e#e) through thi" fore"t many time" in it" journey" through theLan) of Oz.

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    D+hen )i) that ha&&enJD it a"ke).

    Du"t a #itt#e 'hi#e ago in the c#earing.

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    you )o,D it "ai). D+here i" he no'JD

    D1ome'here in the fore"t,D "ai) the %o'ar)#y Lion. D0e ju"t jum&e)into that ta## mae tree o(er there, for he can c#imb #ike a monkeyan) f#y #ike an eag#e, an) then he )i"a&&eare) in the fore"t.D


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    anything in the 'ay of a bir), becau"e bir)" #ay egg" an) egg" arefeare) by a## the :ome" more than anything e#"e in the 'or#). < goo"ei" a foo#i"h bir), too, an) /ugge)o 'a" )rea)fu##y a"hame) of the"ha&e he 'a" force) to 'ear.

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    DGoo)*D "ai) the :ome, 'e## ea"e), a" Riki joine) him by )ro&&ing)o'n from the tree. D:o' #et u" fin) a uiet ace 'here 'e can ta#k'ithout being o(erhear) by the bea"t".D

    1o the t'o "tarte) a'ay an) cro""e) the fore"t unti# they came to aace 'here the tree" 'ere not "o ta## nor "o c#o"e together, an)

    among the"e "cattere) tree" 'a" another c#earing, not "o #arge a" thefir"t one, 'here the meeting of the bea"t" ha) been he#). 1tan)ing onthe e)ge of thi" c#earing an) #ooking acro"" it, they "a' the tree" onthe farther "i)e fu## of monkey", 'ho 'ere chattering together at agreat rate of the "ight" they ha) 'itne""e) at the meeting.

    The o#) :ome 'hi"&ere) to Riki not to enter the c#earing or a##o'the monkey" to "ee them.

    D+hy notJD a"ke) the boy, )ra'ing back.

    DBecau"e tho"e monkey" are to be our armyNNthe army 'hich 'i##

    conuer Oz,D "ai) the :ome. D1it )o'n here 'ith me, Riki, an) kee&uiet, an) 4 'i## exain to you my an.D

    :o', neither Riki

  • 7/29/2019 Magico de Oz L Frank Baum


    DTrue,D "ai) /ugge)o. DThe Oz &eoe cannot be ki##e), but they canbe cut into "ma## &iece", an) 'hi#e e(ery &iece 'i## "ti## be a#i(e,'e can "catter the &iece" aroun) "o that they 'i## be uite he#e"".Therefore, the Oz &eoe 'i## be afrai) of the "'or)" of our army, an)'e 'i## conuer them 'ith ea"e.D

    DThat "eem" #ike a goo) i)ea,D reie) the boy, a&&ro(ing#y. D

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    Riki ke&t running to the e)ge of the fore"t an) back to the ho##o'tree again unti# he ha) 'hi"&ere) the Magic +or) "ix time" an) "ixmonkey" ha) been change) to "ix great Giant". Then the +izar) )eci)e)he 'ou#) make an ex&eriment an) u"e the Magic +or) him"e#f. 1o, 'hi#eRiki 'a" running back to the :ome, the Fox "tuck hi" hea) out of theho##o' an) "ai) "oft#y= D4 'ant that creature 'ho i" running to becomea hickoryNnutNNPyrzxg#*D

    4n"tant#y the LiNMonNEag form of Riki

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    D4 forgot a## about them*D a)mitte) the +izar) Dbut 4 "u&&o"e theyare "ti## "tan)ing there in the fore"t.D

    $. The Lone"ome uck

    Trot an) %a&n Bi## "too) before the Magic F#o'er, actua##y roote)to the "&ot.


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    DP"ha'*D crie) Trot. DKou cant eat tho"e thing" but 'atch out,%a&n, for "omething e#"e.D

    %ocoanut" next a&&eare), but %a&n Bi## "hook hi" hea).

    D%ant crack em,D he remarke), Dcau"e 'e ha(ent anything han)y to"ma"h em 'ith.D

    D+e##, take one, anyho',D a)(i"e) Trot but the cocoanut" 'ere goneno', an) a )ee&, &ure, &earN"ha&e) fruit 'hich 'a" unkno'n to themtook their ace.

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    )i"a&&ear, an) #et u" free.D

    DTry it, Trot.D

    1o "he trie) it, an) the 'i"h ha) no effect 'hate(er.

    DTry it your"e#f, %a&n,D "he "ugge"te).

    Then %a&n Bi## ma)e the 'i"h to be free, 'ith no better re"u#t.

    D:o,D "ai) he, Dit" no u"e the 'i"he" on#y affect the Magic P#antbut 4m g#a) 'e can make it bear fruit, cau"e no' 'e kno' 'e 'ont"tar(e before the +izar) get" to u".D

    DBut 4m gettn tire) "tan)ing here "o #ong,D comaine) the gir#.D4f 4 cou#) on#y #ift one foot, an) re"t it, 4) fee# better.D

    D1ame 'ith me, Trot. 4(e notice) that if you(e got to )o a thing,an) cant he#& your"e#f, it get" to be a har)"hi& mighty uick.D

    DFo#k" that can rai"e their feet )ont a&&reciate 'hat a b#e""ing iti",D "ai) Trot thoughtfu##y. D4 ne(er kne' before 'hat fun it i" torai"e one foot, an then another, any time you fee# #ike it.D

    DThere" #ot" o thing" fo#k" )ont &reciate,D reie) the"ai#orNman. D4f "omethin 'ou#) mo"t "to& your breath, you) thinkbreathin ea"y 'a" the fine"t thing in #ife. +hen a &er"on" 'e##, he)ont rea#ize ho' jo##y it i", but 'hen he get" "ick he member" thetime he 'a" 'e##, an 'i"he" that time 'ou#) come back. Mo"t fo#k"forget to thank Go) for gi(in em t'o goo) #eg", ti## they #o"e one oem, #ike 4 )i) an) then it" too #ate, ce&t to &rai"e Go) for

    #ea(in one.D

    DKour 'oo)en #eg aint "o ba), %a&n,D "he remarke), #ooking at itcritica##y. D

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    'ont gro'.D

    DKou## gro' "ma##,D "ai) the Bir). DKou## kee& gro'ing "ma##ere(ery )ay, unti# bye an) bye there## be nothing #eft of you. That"the u"ua# 'ay, on thi" Magic 4"#e.D

    D0o' )o you kno' about it, an) 'ho are you, anyho'JD a"ke) %a&n Bi##.

    D4m the Lone"ome uck,D reie) the bir). D4 "u&&o"e you(e hear)of meJD

    D:o,D "ai) Trot, D4 cant "ay 4 ha(e. +hat make" you #one"omeJD

    D+hy, 4 ha(ent any fami#y or any re#ation",D returne) the uck.

    D0a(ent you any frien)"JD

    D:ot a frien).

  • 7/29/2019 Magico de Oz L Frank Baum


    a" the thing it"e#f, "o there" no u"e remembering anything but thefact that 4m #one"ome.D

    D4 gue"" you) be ha&&ier if you trie) to )o "omething,D a""erte)Trot. D4f you cant )o anything for your"e#f, you can )o thing" forother", an) then you) get #ot" of frien)" an) "to& being #one"ome.D

    D:o' youre getting )i"agreeab#e,D "ai) the Lone"ome uck, Dan) 4"ha## ha(e to go an) #ea(e you.D

    D%ant you he#& u" any,D ea)e) the gir#. D4f there" anythingmagic about you, you might get u" out of thi" "cra&e.D

    D4 ha(ent any magic "trong enough to get you off the Magic 4"#e,Dreie) the Lone"ome uck. D+hat magic 4 &o""e"" i" (ery "ime, but4 fin) it enough for my o'n nee)".D

    D4f 'e cou#) on#y "it )o'n a 'hi#e, 'e cou#) "tan) it better,D "ai)Trot, Dbut 'e ha(e nothing to "it on.D

    DThen you 'i## ha(e to "tan) it,D "ai) the Lone"ome uck.

    DPra&" you(e enough magic to gi(e u" a coue of "too#",D"ugge"te) %a&n Bi##.

    D< )uck i"nt "u&&o"e) to kno' 'hat "too#" are,D 'a" the rey.

    DBut youre )iffrent from a## other )uck".D

    DThat i" true.D The "trange creature "eeme) to ref#ect for amoment, #ooking at them "hary from it" roun) b#ack eye". Then it

    "ai)= D1ometime", 'hen the "un i" hot, 4 gro' a toa)"too# to "he#terme from it" ray". Perha&" you cou#) "it on toa)"too#".D

    D+e##, if they 'ere "trong enough, they) )o,D an"'ere) %a&n Bi##.

    DThen, before 4 )o 4## gi(e you a coue,D "ai) the Lone"ome uck,an) began 'a))#ing about in a "ma## circ#e. 4t 'ent aroun) the circ#eto the right three time", an) then it 'ent aroun) to the #eft threetime". Then it ho&&e) back'ar) three time" an) for'ar) three time".

    D+hat are you )oingJD a"ke) Trot.

    Dont interru&t. Thi" i" an incantation,D reie) the Lone"omeuck, but no' it began making a "ucce""ion of "oft noi"e" that "oun)e)#ike uack" an) "eeme) to mean nothing at a##.

  • 7/29/2019 Magico de Oz L Frank Baum


    Lone"ome uck i" makin con"i)erb#e fu"".

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    an) a## the tree" aroun) 'ere fu## of them.

    /ango the Gray

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    an) re"cue them.D

    DGoo) graciou", %at* +hy )i)nt you te## me beforeJD exc#aime) the +izar).

    DFor the rea"on that 4 foun) "o much excitement here that 4 forgotTrot an) %a&n Bi##.D

    D+hat" 'rong 'ith themJD a"ke) the +izar).

    Then the G#a"" %at exaine) ho' they ha) gone to get the MagicF#o'er for Ozma" birth)ay gift an) ha) been tra&&e) by the magic ofthe ueer i"#an). The +izar) 'a" rea##y a#arme), but he "hook hi"hea) an) "ai) "a)#y=

    D4m afrai) 4 cant he#& my )ear frien)", becau"e 4(e #o"t my b#ack bag.D

    D4f 4 fin) it, 'i## you go to themJD a"ke) the creature.

    DOf cour"e,D reie) the +izar). DBut 4 )o not think that a G#a""

    %at 'ith nothing but &ink brain" can "uccee) 'hen a## the re"t of u"ha(e fai#e).D

    Dont you a)mire my &ink brain"JD )eman)e) the %at.

    DTheyre &retty,D a)mitte) the +izar), Dbut theyre not regu#arbrain", you kno', an) "o 'e )ont ex&ect them to amount to much.D

    DBut if 4 fin) your b#ack bagNNan) fin) it in"i)e of fi(eminute"NN'i## you a)mit my &ink brain" are better than your commonhuman brain"JD

    D+e##, 4## a)mit theyre better 0;:TE/1,D "ai) the +izar),re#uctant#y, Dbut you cant )o it. +e(e "earche) e(ery'here, an) theb#ack bag i"nt to be foun).D

    DThat "ho'" ho' much you kno'*D retorte) the G#a"" %at, "cornfu##y.D+atch my brain" a minute, an) "ee them 'hir# aroun).D

    The +izar) 'atche), for he 'a" anxiou" to regain hi" b#ack bag, an)the &ink brain" rea##y )i) 'hir# aroun) in a remarkab#e manner.

    D:o', come 'ith me,D comman)e) the G#a"" %at, an) #e) the +izar)"traight to the "&ot 'here it ha) co(ere) the bag 'ith #ea(e".


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    kee& them unti# after Ozma" birth)ay, 4## break the enchantment ofthe "ix Giant 1o#)ier" an) return them to their natura# form".D

    But the Gray

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    4nto thi" )i"h he &oure) a &o')er an) "et fire to it. 4t ma)e a thick"moke that uite en(e#o&e) the t'e#(e monkey", a" 'e## a" the form ofthe +izar), but 'hen the "moke c#eare) a'ay the )i"h ha) been change)to a go#)en cage 'ith "i#(er bar", an) the t'e#(e monkey" ha) becomeabout three inche" high an) 'ere a## "eate) comfortab#y in"i)e the cage.

    The thou"an)" of hairy anima#" 'ho ha) 'itne""e) thi" act of magic

    'ere much a"toni"he) an) a&au)e) the +izar) by barking a#ou) an)"haking the #imb" of the tree" in 'hich they "at. orothy "ai)= DThat'a" a fine trick, +izar)*D an) the Gray

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    fore"t", the bea"t" to#) "torie" about the 4"#e an) ho' the MagicF#o'er 'a" ace) there to entra& "tranger"NNmen or bea"t".D

    D4" the F#o'er rea##y 'on)erfu#JD ue"tione) orothy.

    D4 ha(e hear) it i" the mo"t beautifu# ant in the 'or#),D an"'ere)the Lion. D4 ha(e ne(er "een it my"e#f, but frien)#y bea"t" ha(e to#)

    me that they ha(e "too) on the "hore of the ri(er an) #ooke) acro"" atthe ant in the go#) f#o'erN&ot an) "een hun)re)" of f#o'er", of a##"ort" an) "ize", b#o""om u&on it in uick "ucce""ion. 4t i" "ai) thatif one &ick" the f#o'er" 'hi#e they are in b#oom they 'i## remain&erfect for a #ong time, but if they are not &icke) they "oon)i"a&&ear an) are reace) by other f#o'er". That, in my o&inion,make the Magic P#ant the mo"t 'on)erfu# in exi"tence.D

    DBut the"e are on#y "torie",D "ai) the gir#. D0a" any of yourfrien)" e(er &icke) a f#o'er from the 'on)erfu# antJD

    D:o,D a)mitte) the %o'ar)#y Lion, Dfor if any #i(ing thing (enture"

    u&on the Magic 4"#e, 'here the go#)en f#o'erN&ot "tan)", that man orbea"t take" root in the "oi# an) cannot get a'ay again.D

    D+hat ha&&en" to them, thenJD a"ke) orothy.

    DThey gro' "ma##er, hour by hour an) )ay by )ay, an) fina##y)i"a&&ear entire#y.D

    DThen,D "ai) the gir# anxiou"#y, D'e mu"t hurry u&, or %a&n Bi##an Trot 'i## get too "ma## to be comftab#e.D

    They 'ere &rocee)ing at a ra&i) &ace )uring thi" con(er"ation, for

    the 0ungry Tiger an) the %o'ar)#y Lion 'ere ob#ige) to mo(e "'ift#y inor)er to kee& &ace 'ith the G#a"" %at.

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    D4m "ur&ri"e), my"e#f,D reie) the %at. DBut it" a #ong 'ayaroun) the fore"t to 'here the ri(er enter" it, an) 4 thought 'e cou#)"a(e time by going "traight through.D

    D:o one can b#ame you,D "ai) the +izar), Dan) 4 think, in"tea) ofturning back, 4 can make a &ath that 'i## a##o' u" to &rocee).D

    0e o&ene) hi" b#ack bag an) after "earching among hi" magic too#")re' out a "ma## axe, ma)e of "ome meta# "o high#y &o#i"he) that itg#ittere) bright#y e(en in the )ark fore"t. The +izar) #ai) the#itt#e axe on the groun) an) "ai) in a comman)ing (oice=

    D%ho&, Litt#e

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    DThi" i" the +on)erfu# +izar) of Oz,D "ai) orothy, &ointing to the#itt#e man.

    D+e##, 4m the Lone"ome uck,D 'a" the rey, a" the fo'# "trutte)u& an) )o'n to "ho' it" feather" to be"t a)(antage. D4m the greatFore"t Magician, a" any bea"t can te## you, but e(en 4 ha(e no &o'erto )e"troy the )rea)fu# charm of the Magic 4"#e.D


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    DThere they are*D exc#aime) orothy eager#y.

    DKe", 4 "ee them,D reie) the +izar), no))ing. DThey are "ittingon t'o big toa)"too#".D

    DThat" ueer,D remarke) the G#a"" %at. DThere 'ere no toa)"too#"

    there 'hen 4 #eft them.D

    D+hat a #o(e#y f#o'er*D crie) orothy in ra&ture, a" her gaze fe##on the Magic P#ant.

    D:e(er min) the F#o'er, ju"t no',D a)(i"e) the +izar). DThe mo"tim&ortant thing i" to re"cue our frien)".D

    By thi" time they ha) arri(e) at a ace ju"t o&&o"ite the Magic4"#e, an) no' both Trot an) %a&n Bi## "a' the arri(a# of theirfrien)" an) ca##e) to them for he#&.

    D0o' are youJD "houte) the +izar), &utting hi" han)" to hi" mouth"o they cou#) hear him better acro"" the 'ater.

    D+ere in har) #uck,D "houte) %a&n Bi##, in rey. D+ere anchore)here an) cant mo(e ti## you fin) a 'ay to cut the ha'"er.D

    D+hat )oe" he mean by thatJD a"ke) orothy.

    D+e cant mo(e our feet a bit*D ca##e) Trot, "&eaking a" #ou) a" "he cou#).

    D+hy notJD inuire) orothy.

    DThey(e got root" on em,D exaine) Trot.

    4t 'a" har) to ta#k from "o great a )i"tance, "o the +izar) "ai) tothe G#a"" %at=

    DGo to the i"#an) an) te## our frien)" to be &atient, for 'e ha(ecome to "a(e them. 4t may take a #itt#e time to re#ea"e them, for theMagic of the 4"#e i" ne' to me an) 4 "ha## ha(e to ex&eriment. Butte## them 4## hurry a" fa"t a" 4 can.D

    1o the G#a"" %at 'a#ke) acro"" the ri(er un)er the 'ater to te## Trotan) %a&n Bi## not to 'orry, an) the +izar) at once o&ene) hi" b#ack

    bag an) began to make hi" &re&aration".

    $. The Magic of the +izar)

    0e fir"t "et u& a "ma## "i#(er tri&o) an) ace) a go#) ba"in at theto& of it. 4nto thi" ba"in he &ut t'o &o')er"NNa &ink one an) a"kyNb#ue oneNNan) &oure) o(er them a ye##o' #iui) from a cry"ta#(ia#. Then he mumb#e) "ome magic 'or)", an) the &o')er" began to"izz#e an) burn an) "en) out a c#ou) of (io#et "moke that f#oate)

    acro"" the ri(er an) comete#y en(e#o&e) both Trot an) %a&n Bi##, a"'e## a" the toa)"too#" on 'hich they "at, an) e(en the Magic P#ant inthe go#) f#o'erN&ot. Then, after the "moke ha) )i"a&&eare) into air,

  • 7/29/2019 Magico de Oz L Frank Baum


    the +izar) ca##e) out to the &ri"oner"=


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    D4## try to get it for you,D (o#unteere) the %o'ar)#y Lion. D4m)rea)fu##y "care) for fear the Magic 4"#e 'i## ca&ture me, too but4## try to get the raft an) bring it to thi" "i)e for you.D

    DThank you, my frien),D "ai) the +izar).

    1o the Lion unge) into the ri(er an) "'am 'ith &o'erfu# "troke"

    acro"" to 'here the raft 'a" beache) u&on the i"#an). P#acing one &a'on the raft, he turne) an) "truck out 'ith hi" other three #eg" an) "o"trong 'a" the great bea"t that he manage) to )rag the raft from off thebeach an) &ro&e# it "#o'#y to 'here the +izar) "too) on the ri(er bank.

    DGoo)*D exc#aime) the #itt#e man, 'e## ea"e).

    DMay 4 go acro"" 'ith youJD a"ke) orothy.

    The +izar) he"itate).

    D4f you## take care not to #ea(e the raft or "te& foot on the

    i"#an), you## be uite "afe,D he )eci)e). 1o the +izar) to#) the0ungry Tiger an) the %o'ar)#y Lion to guar) the cage of monkey" unti#he returne), an) then he an) orothy got u&on the raft. The &a))#e'hich %a&n Bi## ha) ma)e 'a" "ti## there, "o the #itt#e +izar) &a))#e)the c#um"y raft acro"" the 'ater an) ran it u&on the beach of theMagic 4"#e a" c#o"e to the ace 'here %a&n Bi## an) Trot 'ereroote) a" he cou#).

    orothy 'a" "hocke) to "ee ho' "ma## the &ri"oner" ha) become, an)Trot "ai) to her frien)"= D4f you cant "a(e u" "oon, there## benothing #eft of u".D

    DBe &atient, my )ear,D coun"e#e) the +izar), an) took the #itt#e axefrom hi" b#ack bag.

    D+hat are you going to )o 'ith thatJD a"ke) %a&n Bi##.

    D4t" a magic axe,D reie) the +izar), Dan) 'hen 4 te## it to cho&,it 'i## cho& tho"e root" from your feet an) you can run to the raftbefore they gro' again.D

    Dont*D "houte) the "ai#or in a#arm. Dont )o it* Tho"e root"are a## f#e"h root", an) our bo)ie" are fee)ing em 'hi#e theyregro'ing into the groun).D

    DTo cut off the root",D "ai) Trot, D'ou#) be #ike cutting off ourfinger" an) toe".D

    The +izar) &ut the #itt#e axe back in the b#ack bag an) took out a&air of "i#(er &incer".

    DGro'NNgro'NNgro'*D he "ai) to the &incer", an) at once they gre'an) exten)e) unti# they reache) from the raft to the &ri"oner".

    D+hat are you going to )o no'JD )eman)e) %a&n Bi##, fearfu##yeyeing the &incer".

    DThi" magic too# 'i## &u## you u&, root" an) a##, an) #an) you onthi" raft,D )ec#are) the +izar).

  • 7/29/2019 Magico de Oz L Frank Baum


    Dont )o it*D ea)e) the "ai#or, 'ith a "hu))er. D4t 'ou#) hurtu" a'fu##y.D

    D4t 'ou#) be ju"t #ike &u##ing teeth to &u## u" u& by the root",Dexaine) Trot.

    DGro' "ma##*D "ai) the +izar) to the &incer", an) at once theybecame "ma## an) he thre' them into the b#ack bag.

    D4 gue"", frien)", it" a## u& 'ith u", thi" time,D remarke) %a&n Bi##,'ith a )i"ma# "igh.

    DP#ea"e te## Ozma, orothy,D "ai) Trot, Dthat 'e got into troub#etrying to get her a nice birth)ay &re"ent. Then "he## forgi(e u".The Magic F#o'er i" #o(e#y an) 'on)erfu#, but it" ju"t a #ure tocatch fo#k" on thi" )rea)fu# i"#an) an) then )e"troy them. Kou##ha(e a nice birth)ay &arty, 'ithout u", 4m "ure an) 4 ho&e, orothy,that none of you in the Emera#) %ity 'i## forget meNNor )ear o#

    %a&n Bi##.D

    $2. orothy an) the Bumb#e Bee"

    orothy 'a" great#y )i"tre""e) an) ha) har) 'ork to kee& the tear"from her eye".

    D4" that a## you can )o, +izar)JD "he a"ke) the #itt#e man.

    D4t" a## 4 can think of ju"t no',D he reie) "a)#y. DBut 4 inten)to kee& on thinking a" #ongNNa" #ongNN'e##, a" #ong a" thinking 'i##)o any goo).D

    They 'ere a## "i#ent for a time, orothy an) the +izar) "ittingthoughtfu##y on the raft, an) Trot an) %a&n Bi## "itting thoughtfu##yon the toa)"too#" an) gro'ing gra)ua##y "ma##er an) "ma##er in "ize.

    1u))en#y orothy "ai)= D+izar), 4(e thought of "omething*D

    D+hat ha(e you thought ofJD he a"ke), #ooking at the #itt#e gir#'ith intere"t.

    D%an you remember the Magic +or) that tran"form" &eoeJD "he a"ke).

    DOf cour"e,D "ai) he.

    DThen you can tran"form Trot an) %a&n Bi## into bir)" or bumb#ebee",an) they can f#y a'ay to the other "hore. +hen theyre there, you cantran"form em into their reg#ar "ha&e" again*D

    D%an you )o that, +izar)JD a"ke) %a&n Bi##, eager#y.

    D4 think "o.D

    D/oot" an a##JD inuire) Trot.

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    D+hy, the root" are no' a &art of you, an) if you 'ere tran"forme)to a bumb#ebee the 'ho#e of you 'ou#) be tran"forme), of cour"e, an)you) be free of thi" a'fu# i"#an).D


  • 7/29/2019 Magico de Oz L Frank Baum


    1o the +izar) ga(e the comman) an) &ronounce) the Magic +or), an) inthe in"tant Trot an) %a&n Bi## "too) be"i)e them a" natura# a" beforethey ha) met their fearfu# a)(enture. For they 'ere no #onger "ma##in "ize, becau"e the +izar) ha) tran"forme) them from bumb#ebee" intothe "ha&e" an) "ize" that nature ha) former#y gi(en them. The ug#yroot" on their feet ha) )i"a&&eare) 'ith the tran"formation.

    +hi#e orothy 'a" hugging Trot, an) Trot 'a" "oft#y crying becau"e"he 'a" "o ha&&y, the +izar) "hook han)" 'ith %a&n Bi## an)congratu#ate) him on hi" e"ca&e. The o#) "ai#orNman 'a" "o ea"e)that he a#"o "hook the Lion" &a' an) took off hi" hat an) bo'e)&o#ite#y to the cage of monkey".

    Then %a&n Bi## )i) a curiou" thing. 0e 'ent to a big tree an),taking out hi" knife, cut a'ay a big, broa) &iece of thick bark. Thenhe "at )o'n on the groun) an) after taking a ro## of "tout cor) fromhi" &ocketNN'hich "eeme) to be fu## of a## "ort" of thing"NNhe&rocee)e) to bin) the f#at &iece of bark to the bottom of hi" goo)

    foot, o(er the #eather "o#e.

    D+hat" that forJD inuire) the +izar).

    D4 hate to be "tum&e),D reie) the "ai#orNman D"o 4m goin backto that i"#an).D


  • 7/29/2019 Magico de Oz L Frank Baum


    1o the "ai#orNman got u&on the raft again an) &a))#e) o(er to theMagic 4"#e, #an)ing a" c#o"e to the go#)en f#o'erN&ot a" he cou#).They 'atche) him 'a#k acro"" the #an), &ut both arm" aroun) thef#o'erN&ot an) #ift it ea"i#y from it" ace. Then he carrie) it tothe raft an) "et it )o'n (ery gent#y. The remo(a# )i) not "eem toaffect the Magic F#o'er in any 'ay, for it 'a" gro'ing )affo)i#" 'hen

    %a&n Bi## &icke) it u& an) on the 'ay to the raft it gre' tu#i&" an)g#a)io#i. uring the time the "ai#or 'a" &a))#ing acro"" the ri(er to'here hi" frien)" a'aite) him, "e(en )ifferent (arietie" of f#o'er"b#oome) in "ucce""ion on the ant.

    D4 gue"" the Magician 'ho &ut it on the i"#an) ne(er thought that anyone 'ou#) carry it off,D "ai) orothy.

    D0e figure) that on#y men 'ou#) 'ant the ant, an) any man 'ho 'entu&on the i"#an) to get it 'ou#) be caught by the enchantment,D a))e)the +izar).


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    D4f it fa##" off,D "ai) Trot, Dit might get "ma"he) an be ruine).D

    D4## fix it,D &romi"e) %a&n Bi##. D4## make a f#at boar) out ofone of the"e tree trunk", an tie the boar) on the #ion" back, an"et the f#o'erN&ot on the boar).D 0e "et to 'ork at once to )o thi",but a" he on#y ha) hi" big knife for a too# hi" &rogre"" 'a" "#o'.

    1o the +izar) took from hi" b#ack bag a tiny "a' that "hone #ike"i#(er an) "ai) to it=

    D1a', Litt#e 1a', come "ho' your &o'erMake u" a boar) for the Magic F#o'er.D

  • 7/29/2019 Magico de Oz L Frank Baum


    comra)e". The mi))#e tent 'a" for orothy an) Trot, an) ha) in it t'oco"y 'hite be)" an) t'o chair".

  • 7/29/2019 Magico de Oz L Frank Baum


  • 7/29/2019 Magico de Oz L Frank Baum


    Profe""or 0. M. +ogg#ebug, T.E., 'a" a&&ea#ing to her to &uni"h "ome ofthe "tu)ent" of the /oya#

  • 7/29/2019 Magico de Oz L Frank Baum


    no one came un#e"" in(ite). 1o Trot an) orothy an) %a&n Bi## an)the +izar) 'ere a## )e#ighte) at the "ucce""fu# en) of theira)(enture. The %o'ar)#y Lion an) the 0ungry Tiger 'ent to the marb#e"tab#e" behin) the /oya# Pa#ace, 'here they #i(e) 'hi#e at home, an)they too ke&t the "ecret, e(en refu"ing to te## the +oo)en 1a'hor"e,an) 0ank the Mu#e, an) the Ke##o' 0en, an) the Pink Ritten 'here theyha) been.

    Trot 'atere) the Magic F#o'er e(ery )ay an) a##o'e) no one in herroom to "ee the beautifu# b#o""om" exce&t her frien)", Bet"y Bobbinan) orothy. The 'on)erfu# ant )i) not "eem to #o"e any of it"magic by being remo(e) from it" i"#an), an) Trot 'a" "ure that Ozma'ou#) &rize it a" one of her mo"t )e#ightfu# trea"ure".

    ;& in hi" to'er the #itt#e +izar) of Oz began training hi" t'e#(etiny monkey", an) the #itt#e creature" 'ere "o inte##igent that they#earne) e(ery trick the +izar) trie) to teach them. The +izar)treate) them 'ith great kin)ne"" an) gent#ene"" an) ga(e them the foo)that monkey" #o(e be"t, "o they &romi"e) to )o their be"t on the great

    occa"ion of Ozma" birth)ay.

    AA. Ozma" Birth)ay Party

    4t "eem" o)) that a fairy "hou#) ha(e a birth)ay, for fairie", they"ay, 'ere born at the beginning of time an) #i(e fore(er. Ket, on theother han), it 'ou#) be a "hame to )e&ri(e a fairy, 'ho ha" "o manyother goo) thing", of the )e#ight" of a birth)ay. 1o 'e nee) not'on)er that the fairie" kee& their birth)ay" ju"t a" other fo#k" )o,

    an) con"i)er them occa"ion" for fea"ting an) rejoicing.

    Ozma, the beautifu# gir# /u#er of the Fairy#an) of Oz, 'a" a rea#fairy, an) "o "'eet an) gent#e in caring for her &eoe that "he 'a"great#y be#o(e) by them a##. 1he #i(e) in the mo"t magnificent &a#acein the mo"t magnificent city in the 'or#), but that )i) not &re(enther from being the frien) of the mo"t humb#e &er"on in her )ominion".1he 'ou#) mount her +oo)en 1a'hor"e, an) ri)e out to a farm hou"e an)"it in the kitchen to ta#k 'ith the goo) 'ife of the farmer 'hi#e "he)i) her fami#y baking or "he 'ou#) ay 'ith the chi#)ren an) gi(ethem ri)e" on her famou" 'oo)en "tee) or "he 'ou#) "to& in a fore"tto "&eak to a charcoa# burner an) a"k if he 'a" ha&&y or )e"ire)

    anything to make him more content or "he 'ou#) teach young gir#" ho'to "e' an) an &retty )re""e", or enter the "ho&" 'here the je'e#er"an) craft"men 'ere bu"y an) 'atch them at their 'ork, gi(ing to eachan) a## a cheering 'or) or "unny "mi#e.

  • 7/29/2019 Magico de Oz L Frank Baum


    an) rom& 'ith them in regu#ar gir#i"h fa"hion, yet there 'a" an air ofuiet )ignity about Ozma, e(en in her merrie"t moo)", that, in amanner, )i"tingui"he) her from the other". The three gir#" #o(e) her)e(ote)#y, but they 'ere ne(er ab#e to uite forget that Ozma 'a" the/oya# /u#er of the 'on)erfu# Fairy#an) of Oz, an) by birth be#onge) toa &o'erfu# race.

    Ozma" &a#ace "too) in the center of a )e#ightfu# an) exten"i(egar)en, 'here "en)i) tree" an) f#o'ering "hrub" an) "tatuary an)fountain" aboun)e). One cou#) 'a#k for hour" in thi" fa"cinating &arkan) "ee "omething intere"ting at e(ery "te&. 4n one ace 'a" anauarium, 'here "trange an) beautifu# fi"h "'am at another "&ot a##the bir)" of the air gathere) )ai#y to a great fea"t 'hich Ozma""er(ant" &ro(i)e) for them, an) 'ere "o fear#e"" of harm that they'ou#) a#ight u&on one" "hou#)er" an) eat from one" han). There 'a"a#"o the Fountain of the +ater of Ob#i(ion, but it 'a" )angerou" to)rink of thi" 'ater, becau"e it ma)e one forget e(erything he ha) e(erbefore kno'n, e(en to hi" o'n name, an) therefore Ozma ha) ace) a"ign of 'arning u&on the fountain. But there 'ere a#"o fountain" that

    'ere )e#ightfu##y &erfume), an) fountain" of )e#iciou" nectar, coo#an) rich#y f#a(ore), 'here a## 'ere 'e#come to refre"h them"e#(e".

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    'ere a## ace), the anima#" entere) in a "o#emn &roce""ion an) 'ereace) at their tab#e by e##ia amb. Then, 'hi#e an orche"tra hi))enby a bank of ro"e" an) fern" aye) a march com&o"e) for the occa"ion,the /oya# Ozma entere) the Banuet 0a##, atten)e) by her Mai)" of0onor, an) took her "eat at the hea) of the tab#e.

    1he 'a" greete) by a cheer from a## the a""emb#e) com&any, the

    anima#" a))ing their roar" an) gro'#" an) bark" an) me'ing an)cack#ing to "'e## the g#a) tumu#t, an) then a## "eate) them"e#(e" attheir tab#e".

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    :o "ooner ha) Ozma "eate) her"e#f, 'ith her back to the birth)aytab#e, than "he notice) that a## &re"ent 'ere eyeing 'ith curio"ityan) ea"ure "omething behin) her, for the gorgeou" Magic F#o'er 'a"b#ooming g#oriou"#y an) the mammoth b#o""om" that uick#y "uccee)e)one another on the ant 'ere beautifu# to (ie' an) fi##e) the entireroom 'ith their )e#icate fragrance. Ozma 'ante) to #ook, too, to "ee'hat a## 'ere "taring at, but "he contro##e) her curio"ity becau"e it

    'a" not &ro&er that "he "hou#) yet (ie' her birth)ay gift".

    1o the "'eet an) #o(e#y /u#er )e(ote) her"e#f to her gue"t", "e(era#of 'hom, "uch a" the 1carecro', the Tin +oo)man, the Patch'ork Gir#,TikNTok, ack Pum&kinhea) an) the Tin 1o#)ier, ne(er ate anything but"at (ery &o#ite#y in their ace" an) trie) to entertain tho"e of thegue"t" 'ho )i) eat.

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    :o' 'a" the time for Ozma to "ee her other &re"ent", "o G#in)a theGoo) ro"e an), taking the gir# /u#er by her han), #e) her to the tab#e'here a## her gift" 'ere ace) in magnificent array. The MagicF#o'er of cour"e attracte) her attention fir"t, an) Trot ha) to te##her the 'ho#e "tory of their a)(enture" in getting it. The #itt#egir# )i) not forget to gi(e )ue cre)it to the G#a"" %at an) the #itt#e

    +izar), but it 'a" rea##y %a&n Bi## 'ho ha) bra(e#y carrie) thego#)en f#o'erN&ot a'ay from the enchante) 4"#e.

    Ozma thanke) them a##, an) "ai) "he 'ou#) ace the Magic F#o'er inher bou)oir 'here "he might enjoy it" beauty an) fragrance continua##y.But no' "he )i"co(ere) the mar(e#ou" go'n 'o(en by G#in)a an) hermai)en" from "tran)" )ra'n from &ure emera#)", an) being a gir# 'ho#o(e) &retty c#othe", Ozma" ec"ta"y at being &re"ente) 'ith thi"exui"ite go'n may 'e## be imagine). 1he cou#) har)#y 'ait to &ut iton, but the tab#e 'a" #oa)e) 'ith other &retty gift" an) the night 'a"far "&ent before the ha&&y gir# /u#er ha) examine) a## her &re"ent"an) thanke) tho"e 'ho ha) #o(ing#y )onate) them.

    A!. The Fountain of Ob#i(ion

    The morning after the birth)ay fete, a" the +izar) an) orothy 'ere 'a#kingin the groun)" of the &a#ace, Ozma came out an) joine) them, "aying=

    D4 'ant to hear more of your a)(enture" in the Fore"t of Gugu, an)ho' you 'ere ab#e to get tho"e )ear #itt#e monkey" to u"e in orothy"1ur&ri"e %ake.D

    1o they "at )o'n on a marb#e bench near to the Fountain of the +ater ofOb#i(ion, an) bet'een them orothy an) the +izar) re#ate) their a)(enture".

    D4 'a" )rea)fu##y fu""y 'hi#e 4 'a" a 'oo##y #amb,D "ai) orothy,Dfor it )i)nt fee# goo), a bit.

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    of cour"e the form" of mixe) anima#" 'hich they ha) a""ume) 'ere notnatura# to them.

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    4n an in"tant there a&&eare), in the ace of the hickoryNnut, theform of Riki

  • 7/29/2019 Magico de Oz L Frank Baum


    Then the 'a#nut )i"a&&eare) an) /ugge)o the :ome "too) in it" ace.0e a#"o 'a" facing the fountain, an) he reache) for the cu&, fi##e)it, an) 'a" about to )rink 'hen orothy exc#aime)=

    D+hy, it" the o#) :ome Ring*D

    /ugge)o "'ung aroun) an) face) them, the cu& "ti## in hi" han).

    DKe",D he "ai) in an angry (oice, Dit" the o#) :ome Ring, an) 4mgoing to conuer a## Oz an) be re(enge) on you for kicking me out ofmy throne.D 0e #ooke) aroun) a moment, an) then continue)= DTherei"nt an egg in "ight, an) 4m "tronger than a## of you &eoe &uttogether* 4 )ont kno' ho' 4 came here, but 4m going to fight thefight of my #ifeNNan) 4## 'in*D

    0i" #ong 'hite hair an) bear) 'a(e) in the breeze hi" eye" f#a"he)hate an) (engeance, an) "o a"toni"he) an) "hocke) 'ere they by the"u))en a&&earance of thi" o#) enemy of the Oz &eoe that they cou#)

    on#y "tare at him in "i#ence an) "hrink a'ay from hi" 'i#) g#are.

    /ugge)o #aughe). 0e )rank the 'ater, thre' the cu& on the groun)an) "ai) fierce#y=


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    'ay" again.

    DFor that rea"on,D "ai) Ozma, D'e mu"t fin) a ace for him in theLan) of Oz, an) kee& him here. For here he can #earn no e(i# an) 'i##a#'ay" be a" innocent of gui#e a" our o'n &eoe.D