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Main Lecture :1. Dr. Tan Tjoe Lim, Med. Dent.Diagnosis dan penanganan maloklusi sederhana menggunakan fixed appliance orthodontic2. Dr. TC Phua, BDS. DGDP.Creating optimal composite restoration (pertinent details and usefull tips)3. Dr. Anggraini Rani, Sp. KGOptimizing the success of endodontic treatment with rotary instrument4. drg. Rikko H. Hudyono, Sp. Perio. MOM. Impl. Implant placement for single crown replacement5. drg. Diah Indrastuti, Sp. Rad. Analisis dan interpretasi radiografi tulang alveolar pada persiapan pemasangan dental implant6. drg. Jusuf Sjamsudin, Sp. Ort.Peran dokter gigi dalam tahap perawatan maloklusi pada penderita cleft palate dan cleft lip7. drg. Sandy Aditya Susilo, Sp. Pros. Prosthetic planning in implant therapy8. drg. Chairunnisa, Sp. BM Hipnotherapy for better dental pain management9. drg. Dody Soemawinata, Sp. Pros.Ill-fitted crown10. drg. Harry N. SoemawinataMultiple use of composite restoration11. drg. Dhani GustianaPainless Dental Injection Technique

Hands-On Workshop :1. Penanganan kasus maloklusi sederhana dengan fixed appliance orthodontic2. Protocol of endodontic treatment with rotary instrument3. Implant therapy for prosthetic treatment4. Protocol for successful direct composite bonding 5. Pembuatan obturator pada penderita cleft palate
