Page 1: MAKARSKA · slika dugom nasljeđu, a glazba tradicionalnoj dalmatinskoj polifoniji. Makarska is the urban backdrop for its museums, the setting for exhibits, performances, concerts,




Obala Kra l ja Tomis lava 16, HR -21300 Makarska / Tel ./Fax: +385 (0)21 612 002; 616 288E-mai l : tzg-makarska@st. t / www.makarska- in


Published by: TZG Makarska / For the publisher: Tonči Lalić, direktor / Text: Veljko Barbieri / Concept & Design: Mario Brzić / Photographs: Archive TZG Makarska, Tonći Andrijašević, Ivica Batinić, Dubravka Brzić, Željko Fistanić, Goran Morović, Boris Turina, Krešimir Žanetić / Prepress: Studio Tempera










Page 2: MAKARSKA · slika dugom nasljeđu, a glazba tradicionalnoj dalmatinskoj polifoniji. Makarska is the urban backdrop for its museums, the setting for exhibits, performances, concerts,

Jedinstveni grad smješten u samom zemljovidnom središtu Dalmacije u kojemu podjednakom snagom isijava njegova kulturna i arhitektonska baština, od antike do danas, kao graditeljsko i stilsko zrcalo ljepote i sklada, prepletenog sa neponovljivom harmonijom planine, obale i mora.

A unique city located in the exact geographical center of Dalmatia, where the cultural and architectural heritage from ancient times to the present radiates with equal strength like an architectural and stylistic mirror of beauty and proportion, interwoven with an unmatched harmony of mountains, coastline, and sea.

MAKARSKA~Tko jednom dođe uvijek se ponovo vraćaMakarska~If you come once, you’ll come again

Page 3: MAKARSKA · slika dugom nasljeđu, a glazba tradicionalnoj dalmatinskoj polifoniji. Makarska is the urban backdrop for its museums, the setting for exhibits, performances, concerts,

aGostoljubivim glasom došapnuti će Vam je plaže, borici, more, parkovi prirode, grad, njegovo nasljeđe, mirisi i okusi.

A friendly voice will whisper to you of beaches, pine groves, the sea, nature parks, the city, its heritage, scents, and tastes.

Makarska~Bajka koja će Vam se sama ispričatiMakarska~A fairy tale that will tell itself to you

Page 4: MAKARSKA · slika dugom nasljeđu, a glazba tradicionalnoj dalmatinskoj polifoniji. Makarska is the urban backdrop for its museums, the setting for exhibits, performances, concerts,

Za Vas se otvaraju vrata makarskih hotela, palaća novog doba, apartmana i pansiona u kojima se tradicionalna gostoljubivost veže sa suvremenim komforom.

The doors of the Makarska hotels are opening for you, palaces of the new age, along with apartments and small hotels in which traditional hospitality is merged with modern comfort.

Makarska~grad spreman ugoditi i najprobirljivijimaMakarska~A city ready to satisfy even the most selective

Page 5: MAKARSKA · slika dugom nasljeđu, a glazba tradicionalnoj dalmatinskoj polifoniji. Makarska is the urban backdrop for its museums, the setting for exhibits, performances, concerts,

aPjena i valovi, bonace i dobri vjetrovi pričaju priču o moru, najbistrijem moru na svijetu koje na makarskim plažama i kupalištima podaje tijelu radost življenja.

Foam and waves, calm waters and fair winds tell the story of the sea, the clearest sea in the world, offering the joy of life to each person on the Makarska beaches.

Nigdje more nije toliko more kao u MakarskojThe sea at Makarska~now that’s the sea!

Page 6: MAKARSKA · slika dugom nasljeđu, a glazba tradicionalnoj dalmatinskoj polifoniji. Makarska is the urban backdrop for its museums, the setting for exhibits, performances, concerts,

Iz kuhinja makarskih restorana, konoba i taverna kuljaju okusi i mirisi. Ovdje se more opet susreće sa obalom, tradicija sa suvremenim gastronomskim kaleidoskopom, satkanim od planinskog mesa, jadranske ribe, aromatičnog bilja, začina,voća i povrća.

Tastes and scents pour out of the kitchens of the restaurants, wine cellars, and taverns of Makarska. The sea again meets the land here, traditions meet a modern gastronomic kaleidoscope, sparkling with meat from the mountains, fish from the Adriatic, aromatic herbs and spices, local fruit and vegetables.

Makarska~okusi Stari Mediteran u Novoj EuropiMakarska~The tastes of the Old Mediterranean in the New Europe

Page 7: MAKARSKA · slika dugom nasljeđu, a glazba tradicionalnoj dalmatinskoj polifoniji. Makarska is the urban backdrop for its museums, the setting for exhibits, performances, concerts,

sCijeli se grad zna pretvoriti u pozornicu na kojoj možete nastupiti kao sudionik ili iz prikrajka promatrati zabavljeni i probuđeni život koji nadahnjuje makarske noći.

The entire city turns itself into a theater, where you can join in as a performer or enjoy yourself watching the entertaining and awakened life that inspires the nights of Makarska.

Makarska~Grad koji ne poznaje dosaduMakarska~The city that doesn’t know the meaning of boredom

Page 8: MAKARSKA · slika dugom nasljeđu, a glazba tradicionalnoj dalmatinskoj polifoniji. Makarska is the urban backdrop for its museums, the setting for exhibits, performances, concerts,

Makarska je urbana scenografija svojih muzeja, kulisa za izložbe i predstave, koncerte i okupljanja umjetnika iz cijelog svijeta. Komedija se ovdje svake večeri dodvorava drami, slika dugom nasljeđu, a glazba tradicionalnoj dalmatinskoj polifoniji.

Makarska is the urban backdrop for its museums, the setting for exhibits, performances, concerts, and gatherings of artists from throughout the world. Every evening here comedy flirts with drama, painting with the lengthy heritage, and music with the traditional Dalmatian polyphony.

Makarska~Grad koji svoj ambijent i baštinu prepoznaje kao kulturuMakarska~The city that recognizes its ambience and heritage as culture

Page 9: MAKARSKA · slika dugom nasljeđu, a glazba tradicionalnoj dalmatinskoj polifoniji. Makarska is the urban backdrop for its museums, the setting for exhibits, performances, concerts,

aSuvremeni sportski centar, tenis tereni uz samo more, trim staze i duge šetnice koje se gube u boricimaA modern sports center, tennis courts right by the sea, a running track and long walks that lose themselves among pine groves.

Makarska~Mjesto gdje se tijelo prepušta vlastitim izazovimaMakarska~A place where your body can make its own challenges

Page 10: MAKARSKA · slika dugom nasljeđu, a glazba tradicionalnoj dalmatinskoj polifoniji. Makarska is the urban backdrop for its museums, the setting for exhibits, performances, concerts,

Biokovo, Park prirode i najviša sredozemna planina uz samo more. Ovdje se kažu istovremeno može udahnuti lahor pučine i miris neba. Doživjeti njegovu jedinstvenu floru i faunu.

Biokovo is a Nature Park and the highest Mediterranean mountain along the very seacoast. Here they say you can inhale the breeze of the open sea and the scent of the sky at the same time. Experience its unique flora and fauna!

Makarska i Biokovo~u njihovoj bajci i kamen ima dušuMakarska and Biokovo~in their story even stone has a soul