
Make Your Wedding Eco-Friendly

Here are some ways for a more green and sustainable wedding:

In the US alone, the 2.5 million weddings each year produce an average of 62 tons of carbon dioxide. That’s a lot of trash! But a green wedding is more about cutting down on waste, it’s also stretching existing like encouraging the use of public transportation.


While etiquette experts are still against entirety paperless wedding, you can minimize the amount of paper you use. Print save-the-dates, wedding invitations, and thank you notes on recycled paper.

Wedding Registry

Include green products on your wedding registry. There are also green-only wedding registries.


Instead of spending money on non-biodegradable knick knacks that your guest may not even bring home, you can donate that money to a favorite charity or purchase edible and locally produced treats. Yum!


The average bride wears a few pieces of jewelry. Talk to your jeweler about recycled stones and metals as well as ethically sourced diamonds. Or you can wear antique jewelry or family heirlooms.


If possible, Use food that is local. Since it hasn’t been shipped across the country or from abroad, it’s often fresher, tool! Also, see if you can donate leftovers.


Did you know many flowers are sprayed with pesticides and fungicides? Work with you florist for the best choice for your wedding. This may be local, organic, or simply fewer flowers.

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