Page 1: Making comparisons in Spanish First situation: In order to talk about inequality we use the comparative form of the adjective: taller, shorter, bigger,

Making comparisonsin Spanish

Page 2: Making comparisons in Spanish First situation: In order to talk about inequality we use the comparative form of the adjective: taller, shorter, bigger,

First situation: In order to talk about

inequality we use the comparative form of the adjective: taller, shorter, bigger, more handsome, more intelligent…– In English, sometimes we put

an –er on the end of the word.– Sometimes we use “more.”

Look at the following sentence:

Fred is taller than Bob.

Page 3: Making comparisons in Spanish First situation: In order to talk about inequality we use the comparative form of the adjective: taller, shorter, bigger,

And in Spanish? Frank is taller than John. Paco es más alto que Juan.

We use the expression

más + adjective/adverb/noun + que

to compare two people, places, things,etc.

Note that the adjective alto agrees with the subject (Paco). Or in other words, the first noun.

Page 4: Making comparisons in Spanish First situation: In order to talk about inequality we use the comparative form of the adjective: taller, shorter, bigger,

Let’s try a few.

Maria is more serious than Pablo.

Julio is funnier than Guillermo.

Pedro is shorter than Marisol.

There are more boys than girls.

Page 5: Making comparisons in Spanish First situation: In order to talk about inequality we use the comparative form of the adjective: taller, shorter, bigger,

¡Bien! Maria es más seria que Pablo.

Julio es más cómico que Guillermo.

Pedro es más bajo que Marisol.

Hay más chicos que chicas.

(notice that the adjective ineach case matches in genderto the first person mentioned inthe sentence)

Page 6: Making comparisons in Spanish First situation: In order to talk about inequality we use the comparative form of the adjective: taller, shorter, bigger,

Another way to talk about inequality:

We can also make comparisons in English by stating:

Mary is less fun than Anne.

In Spanish this will be expressed using the phrase:

menos + adjective/adverb/noun + que

Maria es menos divertida que Ana.

Page 7: Making comparisons in Spanish First situation: In order to talk about inequality we use the comparative form of the adjective: taller, shorter, bigger,

Let’s practice with menos…que:

I read less slowly than her. English class is less boring

than math class. Rodrigo is less artistic than

Marcos. Elena has less hair than Pilar.

Page 8: Making comparisons in Spanish First situation: In order to talk about inequality we use the comparative form of the adjective: taller, shorter, bigger,

Y las respuestas son… Yo leo menos lentamente que ella. La clase de inglés es menos aburrida

que la clase de matemáticas. Rodrigo es menos artístico que Marcos. Elena tiene menos pelo que Pilar.

Page 9: Making comparisons in Spanish First situation: In order to talk about inequality we use the comparative form of the adjective: taller, shorter, bigger,

Some irregular comparative words…

Mayor- older– Mis abuelos son mayores que mi

primo.– Mi padre es mayor que mi madre.

• My grandparents are older than my cousin.

• My father is older than my mother.

Page 10: Making comparisons in Spanish First situation: In order to talk about inequality we use the comparative form of the adjective: taller, shorter, bigger,

More irregulars…

Menor- younger– Mi prima es menor que mi hermano.– Mis padres son menores que mis tíos.

• My cousin is younger than my brother.• My parents are younger than my uncles.

Page 11: Making comparisons in Spanish First situation: In order to talk about inequality we use the comparative form of the adjective: taller, shorter, bigger,

And another one… Mejor- better

– Felipe toca la guitarra mejor que Camila.

– Mariana juega al fútbol mejor que Nora.• Felipe plays the guitar better than

Camila.• Mariana plays soccer better than


Page 12: Making comparisons in Spanish First situation: In order to talk about inequality we use the comparative form of the adjective: taller, shorter, bigger,

The last one… Peor- worse

– Susana toca el piano peor que Sara.

– Jorge dibuja peor que Julia.• Susana plays the piano worse than

Sara.• George draws worse than Julia.

Page 13: Making comparisons in Spanish First situation: In order to talk about inequality we use the comparative form of the adjective: taller, shorter, bigger,

Making unequal comparisons when there is no adjective…

When comparing activities use the following phrases:– más que…– menos que…– Me gusta las galletas más que el pastel.– Yo como menos que mi hermano mayor.

Page 14: Making comparisons in Spanish First situation: In order to talk about inequality we use the comparative form of the adjective: taller, shorter, bigger,

Ahora…ustedes háganla

Ella estudia _____ _____ tú. (more than)

Nosotros trabajamos ______ ______ ellos. (less than)

Page 15: Making comparisons in Spanish First situation: In order to talk about inequality we use the comparative form of the adjective: taller, shorter, bigger,

To express equality:

Fred is as tall as Frank.

When we say that two people (or places, or objects, etc.) are the same, we use as… as in English.

How do we do this in Spanish?

Page 16: Making comparisons in Spanish First situation: In order to talk about inequality we use the comparative form of the adjective: taller, shorter, bigger,


Paco es tan alto como Luis. Marta es tan alta como Ana.

In Spanish, we use the words tan + adjective/adverb + como

to express equality. (as…as) Again, note that the adjective

changes to agree with the first person (Paco/alto, Marta/alta) that we talk about.

Page 17: Making comparisons in Spanish First situation: In order to talk about inequality we use the comparative form of the adjective: taller, shorter, bigger,

Let’s practice!

Paco is as rich as José. Paco es ___ ____ ___

José. David is as lazy as Patricia. Patricia es ___ ____ ___

David. We work as quickly as

them. Nosotros trabajamos _____

______ ______ ellos.

Page 18: Making comparisons in Spanish First situation: In order to talk about inequality we use the comparative form of the adjective: taller, shorter, bigger,

¡Muy bien!

Paco es tan rico como José.

Patricia es tan perezosa como David.

Nosotros trabajamos tan rápidamente como ellos.

Page 19: Making comparisons in Spanish First situation: In order to talk about inequality we use the comparative form of the adjective: taller, shorter, bigger,

More equal comparisons

Tanto (a, os, as) + noun + como– As many/much…as– Examples:

• La sopa tiene tanta pimienta como sal.• Mi restaurante favorito tiene tantos postres

como tu restaurante favorito.

Page 20: Making comparisons in Spanish First situation: In order to talk about inequality we use the comparative form of the adjective: taller, shorter, bigger,


Mi padre tiene ______ libros ______ una biblioteca.

Sra. Perry tiene _______ estudiantes _______ Sra. Davis.

El pastel tiene _______ azúcar ______ el helado.

En la clase hay _______ chicas ______ chicos.

Page 21: Making comparisons in Spanish First situation: In order to talk about inequality we use the comparative form of the adjective: taller, shorter, bigger,

Making equal comparisons when there is no adjective…

To compare activities and say “as much…as” use the following phrase:– tanto como…– Yo cocino tanto como ella.– Ella habla tanto como tú.– Nosotros corremos tanto como él.
