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Making Europe Technologies and Transformations,


Proposal for a six-volume series

(July 15, 2009)

Johan Schot, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands

& Philip Scranton, Rutgers University, USA, co-editors.

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Making Europe: Technologies and Transformations, 1850-2000 Proposal for a six-volume series on key historical and transnational dynamics which

have constituted contemporary Europe.

Johan Schot, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands, &

Philip Scranton, Rutgers University, USA, co-editors.

Version 1.1

July 15 , 2009

1. Introduction

The past and the future of Europe have become pressing analytical issues with a

sharp political edge. Indeed that future will likely be co-determined by the European

integration process. Countries that were once part of the former Soviet Union eagerly

wanted to enter the Union, seeing such steps as a return to Europe. Increasingly, Europe

seems to represent the space that is occupied by the EU, and it is anticipated that

European and EU identities might merge. In this context, it is both important and timely

to locate the history of the integration process in a broader history of Europe, including

the ruptures brought by wars, nationalism, and global tensions from the mid-nineteenth

through the twentieth century. Traditional European history has long been dominated by

nation states’ political and economic trajectories and conflicts; our effort will undertake

to expose and analyze crucial transnational processes that both informed and constrained

state and enterprise actors, that both enabled and inhibited conflicts and their resolutions.

The proposed book series – Making Europe: Technologies and Transformations,

1850-2000 – aims to explore how European spaces were constructed and integrated since

1850 by whom, why, and with what kind of impact, e.g. who and what became central

and who and what was marginalized and/or silenced? 1 The notion of space refers to the

project’s ambition not to naturalize the model of territorially self-enclosed nation states,

and to avoid state-centred modes of analysis, without denying nation states’ historical

importance. Series volumes will analyse the emergence of various economic, political

and cultural transnational European spaces (for example networks, communities, regimes,

landscapes, patterns) within, across, and beyond those nation states in which notions of

Europe, European unification, integration were imagined, developed and lived. As we

will show, these framings of Europe became important vectors in colonial and

transatlantic crossings as well as in encounters between the West and the East.2 By doing

so, it will be possible to place the European integration history that begun after the

Second World War into a much deeper and broader history of constructing and

experiencing various Europes, emergent since 1850.

1 The emphasis on space derives from the spatial turn in history, in particular in contemporary globalization

studies. For an introduction see Neil Brenner, New State Spaces. Urban Governance and the Rescaling of

Statehood (Oxford University Press 2004), in particular chapter 2. 2 This formulation is inspired by keynote lecture of Charles Bright, 'The Global Condition of Europe', at the

launching conference of the ESF program 'Inventing Europe' and the third plenary conference of the

'Tensions of Europe Network', Rotterdam, June 7-10, 2007.

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The authors’ collective, developed over the last ten years through ESF-funded

research initiatives, uses a much-neglected, but highly-appropriate, lens to research these

dynamics. Each volume will examine how technology operated as an agent of change in

the contested processes of making European spaces. Technology is here defined not only

as machines, products, systems, and infrastructures but also as the skills and knowledge

that make them work. In addition, technological change is understood as a deeply

political, economic and social process involving people and institutions. Using this

contextual definition, the writers’ group will focus on how technical communities,

companies, nation states and social groups have contested, projected, performed, and

reproduced ‘Europe’ in constructing and using a range of technologies. These include in

particular: 1) network technologies in communication, transport and energy sectors; 2)

knowledge intensive technologies of large-scale European projects; 3) consumer

technologies in a wide range of areas from leisure and mass media to food and


This work will reinforce new efforts to write European history without falling

back on either a (comparative) history of European nation states or a history of European

integration that attends exclusively to its top-down formal phases, as represented by

institution building and policy coordination among nation states. Instead the theme group

'Inventing Europe' adopted the emergent transnational history approach to conceptualize

the European integration process as an outcome of extensive networking processes.3

Central to this focus are concepts such as circulation and transfer of people, ideas, goods,

services and artefacts; the comparison of various circulation trajectories and ways they

are integrated and appropriated at specific sites, including the nation state and the city;

research on the role of transnational networks and alliances. This ambition to write a new

history of European integration through the lens of technology will impact history writing

in many fields, for example European history, European integration history, history of

technology, business history, media history, consumption history, and global history. It

might also impact the broad field of European studies in the political and social sciences.

2. The structure of the book series and composition of theme group The planned book series consists of six commissioned co-authored books. Authors

have contracted with the Foundation for the History of Technology (SHT) to deliver a

manuscript according to their plans (these resemble the individual book proposals

attached). For each volume the SHT has made €20.000 available for funding of research

3 A variety of programmatic statements and introductions on transnational history are available. See for

example Philipp Ther, Beyond the Nation: The Relational Basis of a Comparative History of Germany and

Europe, Central European History, 36 (2003) 45-73; Kiran Klaus Patel, Ueberlegungen zu einer

transnationalen Geschichte, Zeitschrift für Geschichtwissenschaft 52 (2004) 626-645; Pierre-Yves Saunier,

Circulations, connexions et espaces transnationaux, Genèses, 57 (2004) 110-126. For the link between

transnational history and global history see among others Sebastiaan Conrad and Domenic Sachsenmaier

(eds.), Competing Visions of World Order. Global Moments and Movements, 1880s-1930s

(Palgrave/Macmillan 2007), and for a plea for a transnational history of the European Union: see Wolfram

Kaiser and Peter Starie (eds.), Transnational European Union. Towards a Common Political Space

(Routledge 2005).

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assistanc and travel. The book series editors are Johan Schot and Philip Scranton, who are

responsible for organizing the communication and coherence between the volumes, and

arranging a book series contract on behalf the SHT (Schot is Research Director with the

SHT). We are seeking a book series contract to be signed by the SHT and the book series

editors, as well as individual contracts for each volume to be signed by the authors.

SHT will receive 50% of any royalties for each volume in the series.

These are the topics, working titles and authors/researchers for each volume (A fuller

discussion of each volume follows, along with a biographical note for each author):

o Volume 1: Maria Paula Diogo, Dirk van Laak, and Matthias Middell ,

Europe in the Global World, or how Europe was imagined and lived in

colonial, ex-colonial, and other global circulations and exchanges;

o Volume 2: Arne Kaijser, Erik van der Vleuten and Per Høgselius, From

Nature to Networks. The Infrastructural Transformation of Europe, or

how Europe (and its landscape) was constituted by the construction and

use of transnational communication, energy and transport infrastructures;

o Volume 3: Mikael Hård and Ruth Oldenziel, European Technological

Dramas: Histories of Consumption and Use, or how European

transnational spaces emerged in the process of producing, distributing and

using a range of consumer goods;

o Volume 4: Andreas Fickers, and Pascal Griset, Eventing Europe:

Information, and Communication Spaces in Europe, or how Europe was

experienced in the production and use of (mass) media;

o Volume 5: Helmuth Trischler and Martin Kohlrausch, Knowledge

Societies, Expert Networks and Innovation Cultures in Europe or how

Europe became articulated through efforts to construct European

standards, expert knowledge and networks – in a range of sectors from

city planning to computer sciences, and large-scale projects and artefacts,

for example in military, space and nuclear technology;

o Volume 6: Wolfram Kaiser, Johan Schot and Dagmara Jajeśniak-Quast,

Governing Europe: Technology, Experts and Networks, or how the

emergence of a series of European transnational spaces since 1850 shaped

the European integration process. This volume will explicitly focus on a

reinterpretation of the European integration process.

Full length proposals are in a separate appendix attached to this book series proposal.

Below we include summaries of each volume. For each volume we are planning the

following format: w each volume will run ca. 300-350 printed pages, including notes,

bibliography, and a minimum of 75 illustrations in black and white and possibly also

color (charts, diagrams, images). The editors plan to provide a short, standard

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introduction/preface indicating the scope and purpose of the series. The Foundation for

the History of Technology (SHT) will secure funding for hiring an images editor,

preparing illustrations for the full series and to cover licensing fees, where needed.

3. Markets & Marketing

For the series as a whole we do not see a competitive adventure. European history books

exist, in fact some of them have become international bestsellers4, yet our book series has

a number of unique characteristics which do not exist in this combination:

1. The series is based on new research, not simply a synthesis of published literature;

2. It uses two lenses, both the history of technology and transnational history, to

analyze the creation of modern Europe;

3. The work has been accomplished through an intensive collaborative process among

authors, and thus is neither one individual’s view, nor a mass of sections composed

by a wide variety of scholars;

4. It is pan-European, bringing in research from a wide range of languages and areas;

We expect the following markets for the entire series:

1. Library market. Series will be a “must have” for many libraries around the world;

2. Academic market. The Series as a whole speaks to a number of different fields:

European History, transnational history, European integration History, history of

technology, business history, Science and Technology Studies.

These volumes will become standard reading for graduate students in these areas.

3. Engineers interested in History.

4. Companies interested in sponsoring history which integrates the role of


5. General audiences.

In addition we expect that each volume will sell in additional markets, for example the

volume on Consumption will sell in the consumption history and consumption studies

market, while this volume as well as the Eventing Europe and the Infrastructure volume

will be attractive to any reader interested in the development of the history

communication and media. We expect that the Infrastructure volume, and the volumes on

Knowledge Societies and Governing Europe will also attract readership from policy

makers working in areas related to international relations and European integration. The

infrastructure volume speaks explicitly to the interests of environmental historians.

Finally all volumes might also attract some interest in the fast growing community

working on global history. In particular the Europe in the Global World volume will

speak to this community.

All together, we expect a large market. A previous book series edited by Schot and Dutch

colleagues, seven well-illustrated volumes in the Dutch language focusing on

Netherlands’ technological history, sold 5,000 full sets earlier in this decade. MIT Press

4 For example, Mark Mazower, Dark Continent. Europe's Twentieth Century (Penguin, 1998); Norman

Davies, Europe, A History (Pimlico 1997) and Tony Judt, Postwar. A History of Europe since 1945

(Heineman, 2005).

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will soon publish an English-language synthesis volume drawn from these studies.

Comparable sales are our goal for the Making Europe series. That said, we would like to

work with three sales scenarios for the moment: 1500; 3000; and 5000 (sales for 3 years ,

including hardcover and paperback). Selling such quantities demands a elaborate

marketing and pricing strategy. We believe the books should be priced around €40 for

hardcover (retail price). Even much better priced paperbacks (€25) will be printed if

sales come close to 1000 or so, a target we might hit before the first book is printed since

we propose to organize an advance order campaign coming years (up until 2012 when the

first book will come to the market). In fact, we already started this. Schot has already

secured an advance order for 300 full sets through the SHT in the Netherlands with an

anticipated advance order (discounted ) prices of full sets (hardcover) at €150. The SHT

will continue their effort aiming at advance reservations for 1,000-1,500 additional sets

from Dutch institutions and corporations. We thus anticipate raising a substantial advance

order for sets, so as to moderate the volumes’ selling prices, while making them

accessible to a wide readership, not only in the Netherlands, but also in Scandinavia,

Belgium, and Germany, and in other countries. To make this happen, The SHT will

create a separate flyer and website which will provide information about the book series,

previews of the content, interviews with the authors, pictures, links to other relevant

content sites, and reports of various events (presentations at conferences, organized

public debates; meetings with the press, etc). The website, flyer and advance sale effort

needs to be developed in close collaboration with the publisher. We need their advice,

and their imprint. The creation and maintenance of the site will be funded by the

Foundation for the History of Technology.

Engineers will be invited to sign up for the series through their professional

organizations; Companies will be visited by former Business people on the SHT board

and by Schot and some of the authors, and asked to buy upfront 50-100 series sets (in

return we would like to promise them they will get their logo on the title page of the sets

they ordered).

In addition we will arrange advance order sales through a range of professional

organizations and their list serves and journal (placing adds), including the Tensions of

Europe Network, Society for the History of Technology, International Committee for the

History of Technology, Business History Conference and European Business History

Association. These are organizations we are in close contact with already. Through our

networks and team of authors we also plan to work with other professional organizations,

in particular ones which promote transnational history and European history. We are

planning to organize sessions at conferences organized by these professional

organizations. In addition we are planning a conference in Sofia, Bulgaria during 2010

(17-20 June) with 150-200 participants. At this conference the book series and the six

volume proposals will be presented to the audience for review and comments, another

means to develop potential readership and sales. This international base of collaborating

scholars is willing to set in motion projects for translating the book series into French,

German and Portugese, thus far.

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Finally we would like to mention that the research underlying the book series will be

used for the creation of a virtual exhibit in collaboration with a large range of science

museums in Europe. At the moment, we already have developed a demonstration website

which will be tested with users this Fall. This initiative was supported by eight museums

in Europe, including the Science Museum in London, Deutsches Museum in Munich, the

Norwegian Museum for Science and Technology in Oslo, Musée des Arts et Métiers,

Paris, Museum Vaipirikki, Tampere, Finland, Technical Museum Vienna, the Hungarian

Museum of Natural Science, Budapest and the National Museum of Science and

Technology, Stockholm. We expect to be able to reach a student and general audience

market through the virtual exhibit (which will be aimed at these markets), and will

generate additional sales of individual volumes or full sets.

4. History of proposal, relationship to ongoing research initiatives and planning

Work toward this book series builds on a collaboration which began almost 10 years ago,

and which has expanded considerably. In 1999 the private Dutch Foundation for the

History of Technology (SHT) brought together a group of historians of technology to

develop an ESF Network Proposal, which received funding support. Between 2000-2003,

this group pioneered extensive collaborations among scholars from multiple disciplines,

within the ESF Scientific Network 'Tensions of Europe' (co-funded by a large number of

European research councils and the USA’s NSF). The network proved durable and

productive, continuing after 2003 under the auspices of SHT.5 In 2004-2005 this network

of scholars produced a research agenda which was in 2005 transformed into a ESF

EUROCORES collaborative research program Inventing Europe; the role of technology

in the making of Europe, 1850-2000. This program runs until September 2010.6 Both

programs (Tensions of Europe and Inventing Europe ) have pursued an intensive

networking and dissemination strategy, carried out through frequent workshops and

conference, along with publication of scholarly articles, collections, and sole-authored


In the winter of 2007/2008 a new phase began – planning for a book series

presenting synthetic analyses for broad audiences, and a virtual exhibit in collaboration

with the major science museums in Europe. The joint-authored volumes, committed to

clarity and accessibility, will integrate completed and fresh research into a coherent body

of knowledge, refining and reframing texts and terminologies for non-specialist

5 SHT had just finalized the History of Technology in the Netherlands book series, see Johan Schot, Harry

Lintsen, Arie Rip e.a. (red.)., Techniek in Nederland in de Twintigste eeuw , Vol 1-7 (1998-2003). 6 See various publications which resulted from preparations for the development of the Inventing Europe

Research Proposal within the Tensions of Europe Network: Johan Schot, Thomas J. Misa and Ruth

Oldenziel (eds.), 'Tensions of Europe. The Role of Technology in the Making of Europe', History and

Technology (special issue), 1 (2005) 1-139; Erik van der Vleuten and Arne Kaijser (eds.), Networking

Europe. Transnational Infrastructures and the Shaping of Europe (Science History Publications 2006);

Ruth Oldenziel and Karin Zachmann (eds.), Kitchen Politics: Americanization, Technology Transfer, and

European Users (MIT Press 2009); Mikael Hård and Thomas J. Misa (eds.), Urban Machinery: Inside

Modern European Cities. (MIT Press, 2008); see also Johan Schot e.a. Proposal for a EUROCORES

Research Program 'Inventing Europe. Technology and the Making of Europe, 1850-to the Present'

(september 2005), see www.tensionsofeurope.eur

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academics, officials and policy makers, and general readers in Europe and beyond. A

summer 2008 workshop resulted in a first selection of authors and book proposals for the

series. On March 6-8, 2009 a second workshop provided the occasion for critically

reviewing second version book proposals. Based on these discussions, author teams have

submitted new proposals to the SHT and signed a contract. First-draft collaborative

writing and additional research needed will commence by fall 2009, while author teams

will gather for five-month periods during fall 2010 and spring 2011 at the residential

Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study (NIAS), where they will work closely with one

another and the editors to complete full draft texts, to integrate compelling visual

materials, and to develop each team’s segment of the virtual museum exhibit. Full

funding has been secured through NIAS Submission of manuscripts for the Press’s

review will begin during 2011 and continue through 2012. We anticipate rapid

turnarounds in response to readers’ reports and expect the series volumes to reach readers

starting in 2012. (Volumes will be released in the order of their completion; the volume

numbers given above are simply notional.)

5. Summaries of the six series volumes:

Volume 1: Europe in the Global World (Diogo, van Laak, Middell)

This book investigates how Europeans encountered other parts of the world, to

what extent this interaction with people perceived as representatives of otherness (and

thus contributing to the self-definition of “European-ness”) changed both Europe and the

world. In this global history, we seek to establish the places Europe and Europeans have

occupied or were looking for, with special emphasis on technological aspects important

both when Europeans imposed their ways of life and production on large parts of the

world (or developed fantasies to do so), and when Europeans appropriated others’

knowledge and techniques for their own purposes. The main focal points of the debate we

would like to develop are:

• the role of de- and re-territorialisation with its consequences for a definition of what

“Europe” meant at different times to different people;

• the dialectics of flows (of goods, people, ideas and capital) and ways to get control

over these flows;

• the role of asymmetric power relations in interactions with other parts of the world

during times of colonialism, imperialism, and world wars, and later, as global

governance becomes more and more institutionalised;

• the importance of mental maps, imagined spaces, and definitions of cultural and

historical development. Permanent encounters with something “different” set free

many irritations and caused ambivalent attitudes: confidence, fear, ascriptions of

superiority/inferiority, etc.;

• the main domains where contact between Europe and other parts of the world

influenced the development of both – the emergence of world markets; the

construction of a world-wide infrastructure for transport and communication;

colonialism; migration and/or international organisations;

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• the extent to which Europe became formatted by these contacts: exploring the

category, “portals of globalisation” inquires where Europeans met non-Europeans

first hand and with what consequences for populations of those places vs others not

exposed to the same extent to various phases of “globalisation”.

Most of the time, Europe met with other parts of the world in conflict, therefore its

transnational history cannot be written as a story of peaceful encounter and increasing

entanglement to the profit of both sides, but only as part of the history of war, military

interventions, occupation, expansion, racial clashes, sometimes even with genodical


Since the book authors are inspired by approaches like cultural transfer and

entangled histories of mutual influence they will turn the perspective from the classical

question (how Europeans influenced the world) into an investigation of how Europe

transformed itself by learning from others, by implementing foreign cultural element into

its own identity and cultural patterns: there is a large debate about the influence of North

America on European patterns of consumption or its political culture, but there is –

despite some pioneering studies done for only a few European societies – much less on

Sovietisation. At least a third dimension has to be added to that kind of debate dealt with

in another strand of literature (often separated and even isolated from the discussion on

Americanisation): the colonial empires striking back. These three directions of research

seem to be separated not only for reasons of scholarly specialisation or their relation to

different historical narratives. The methodological challenge is therefore not only to read

and integrate a great deal of empirical work already done but to investigate how these

various influences and entanglements lead to something that might be called a European

culture and which is more than an enumeration of national cases.

Table of Contents:

1. Preliminaries: including an outline of what follows, which perspectives are

applied, what intentionally is left out, what the peculiar focus is compared to the

other volumes, a statement concerning “Eurocentrism” and anti-European

sentiments, the concepts of cultural transfer, appropriation, hybridization, or

competitive learning, an analysis of changing constellations, the interdependency

between nationalization and globalization, and the time period from 1850 to the


2 Europe – but what it is and where is it located?

2.1 Views from inside and outside: some empirical evidence, telling examples and

iconic pictures

2.2 Different assessments and target setting: This chapter deals with key concepts,

which had been attributed to Europe and were the subject of major discussions

from 1850 onwards, e.g. the notion that the rest of the world is going to be

“Europeanized,” up to the recent hypothesis that Europe is about to be

“provincialized”. Europe turns out to be a moving target or a container concept for

interests in setting agendas for a European commonality rooted in “shared

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values”. Also included: “Good old Europe”, “Paneuropa”, “Atlantropa”, “Third

Ways” between superpowers, “dark continent”, the European Union, “shared

values”, “transnational networks” etc.

2.3 Defining levels: regionalism, nationalism, European integration, trans-, supra- and

internationalism, globalism, cosmopolitism, center/periphery, racial or cultural

distinctiveness etc.), borders/frontiers (towards Islam, the “Asian” East, the

“colored people”, “people without history”, “Fortress Europe”, the “Soviet

bloc”/Iron Curtain, the Near East etc.), and distant mirrors (United States, Africa,

China/Japan, the “Orient”), machines as a measure of man etc.

2.4 Europe defining itself: in comparison and competition to other continents and

global rivals, esp. the United States, Japan, China and other Asian countries,

geographical or geopolitical definitions etc., “Imagined Europeans”, e.g. as the

“industrious people” or “technical race”, “the West”, the “Atlantic community”,

“the rich” vs. “the poor” etc.

2.5 Europe being seen, experienced and defined by “the others”: In this chapter

images of Europeans as colonizers, technicians, cultural imperialists etc. are

recapitulated, as being drawn by all those people who interacted – or were forced

to interact – with Europeans and recognized them as “different”. One question

will be whether or not Europeans were regarded by “the others” as a coherent

nation, race, or culture or whether they could be distinguished from another as

members of different – and rival – nations. In almost every case the confrontation

was accompanied by the experience of violence, dominance, dependency,

devaluation, marginalization etc. Nevertheless Europe also served as a paradigm

and as a space of aspiration etc.

3. Europe interacting with the world: namely attempts to control, to channel, to

block the flows abroad and flows into Europe, as well as unintended side effects,

including the tools of interaction, extraction, expansion, empire and control,

leaving “old”, “used” or “Creole” technologies in the rest of the world, but also

adopting foreign technologies or creating “appropriate” technologies

3.1 Reasons for interaction: interventionism (anti-slavery movement, religious and

civilizing missions, human rights, preventing another “Holocaust”, development

policy and humanitarian aid etc.), curiosity and fascination, thirst for scientific

knowledge, making the world “legible” and calculable, ornamentalism, love of

adventure, need for raw materials, exotic goods and energies, assisting social or

socialist “progress”, geopolitical considerations, export of domestic tensions,

recruitment of useful migrants, the ideology to open up and develop foreign

territories, opening up markets, searching test fields for new technologies etc.

3.2 Expansion, colonialism, imperialism, decolonization, development: the

colonial infrastructure at home and abroad, supplementary spaces, colonies as

laboratories, but also the late colonial development plans and the European

remnants of science and technology in post-colonial states.

3.3 The international division of trade and labor: market structures, tariffs, global

products and production chains, cash flows, labor (incl. slavery, forced labor,

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seasonal work and migrant labourers), world companies, the creation of basic

infrastructures and the transfer of European science and expertise.

3.4 Networking the world: traffic and communication, incl. processes of

synchronization and standardization, scientific and technocratic internationalism,

agents and modes of interconnectivity, international organizations, technology


3.5 Portals of globalization: missions, schools, harbours, immigrant quarters,

translators, global cities, airports, camps, world fairs etc., understood as two-way

gateways of interaction

3.6 People on the move: emigration and immigration, exiles and asylums, tourism..

3.7 Agents of Europe in the global world: ideas, goods, diplomats, spies, merchants,

traders, sales managers, engineers, personnel of development aid, doctors, the

military, colonial administrators, foreign cultural and educational policy etc.

3.8 Conflicts: screening the “dark side” of interaction between Europeans and Non-

Europeans including strategic considerations, mental maps of potential future

conflicts, racial clashes, violent encounters, economic competition, the World

Wars, European military interventions/wars in the colonies/the Third World etc.

In opening up and researching the globe scientifically Europe had to be “placed”

anew, the last 150 years can be viewed as an almost continual “replacement” of

Europe on its own mental maps, seen from the European perspective of seeking

hegemony or keeping balance among rivaling nations globalization meant

realizing ever new competitors and a continuous redefinition of strategies.

3.9 Changing Europe from outside: Americanization, Sovietization, influence of

anti-colonial movements, decolonization and Third World theories, fears of

international rivalry and of being colonized etc.

4. Interim results: How Europe influenced and was influenced by the rest of the

world between 1850 and today. Are there any European peculiarities? How about

a reasonable periodization that can be stated in the history of Europe in the global

world? Are there comprehensive “narratives” that can be told from 1850 to 2000?

Volume 2: From Nature to Networks (Kaijser, van der Vleuten and Høgselius)

Infrastructures are obviously of key importance to a transnational history of European

integration and fragmentation seen through the lens of technology. Particularly since the mid

19th century, Europe has been covered by a wide range of overlapping infrastructures of many

kinds, most notably for transport, communication, and energy supply. Jointly they produced an

artificial (i.e. human-made) geography of networks, which surpassed the natural geography and

politics in prominence as a deep structure of modern Europe.

Historical actors – individuals as well as organizations – have amply recognized

the importance of infrastructures in modern European history. We know that from the

19th century, national governments actively supported or built domestic and cross-border

infrastructures to forge internal strength and to improve their strategic position in Europe

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and in the world. Think of the Baghdad railway; of the Suez Canal; of enduring Dutch

and Belgian, but also Greek and Italian, government attempts to become the gateway to

Europe by connecting harbours by railway to the German hinterland; and of Alpine

country governments competing for North-South trade flows by building huge tunnels.

Moreover, in the 20th century individuals and organizations contemplated the creation of

‘European’ networks to integrate Europe, however defined. The European Union policy

stimulating Trans European Networks for transport, communication and energy supply to

forge ‘economic and social cohesion’ in the Union was preceded by a host of earlier

plans and projects for ‘European’ rail, road, telephone, electric power, airline, waterway,

and broadcast infrastructures. Today, the EU policy notion of European Critical Infrastructure

explicitly denotes that interconnected and interdependent transnational networks have become

critical to the functioning of government and the European economy. Last but certainly not least,

citizens often recognized infrastructure-related technologies as major changers of 20th century

daily life. Older generations typically mention cars and airplanes, electric light and power, and

telephony, just as younger generations celebrate mobile phones and the Internet.

Europe’s historians have often recognized the pivotal importance of infrastructures in

modern and contemporary European history. Yet analysis of how transnational infrastructures

actually developed and intertwined with 19th and 20th century European history is largely absent.

The specialized historiography of infrastructures, on the other hand, has predominantly taken a

national or comparative perspective. Our project’s main aim is to write a book that bridges the

fields of European history and infrastructure history by investigating the shaping of a European

geography of networks; some major flows through these networks (industrial, military, and

leisure); and the implications for European space (land, water and air).

The project will address a number of research questions. The first is on how, why and by

whom transnational infrastructures in Europe and beyond have been brought about. The second

is on how and why the uses of infrastructures (the flows through them) have changed over time.

The third is on how networks and flows have intertwined with spatial restructuring of Europe, or

to put it differently the transformation of landscapes, waterscapes and airscapes.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction: Europe on the eve of the network revolution

• Introductory case: The Vienna Congress in 1815 from a material perspective.

How did the delegates travel to Vienna? How did they live there and what did

they eat? How did they communicate with their governments at home during the

negotiations? (Note that the Congress itself counts as an innovation in

international politics; previously treaties were negotiated primarily via

messengers travelling between capitals.)

• The introduction will briefly outline Europe and its natural boundaries and

division lines in the early 19th century (Alps, Urals, Caucasus, Atlantic,

Mediterranean; see discussion in Davies 1996) as well as the ways of transport,

communication and energy supply at that time.

• Main thesis of the book: From natural to network geography of Europe (relevant

authors like Castells, Hughes/Gras, Cronon, Braudel, etc).

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2. Infrastructural Visions of Europe

• Visionaries and system builders (Saint-Simon, Sörgel, Oliven, Myrdal, etc.);

including the ‘network’ craze of the 1990s;

• Dystopias from Spengler to the Club of Rome, to A Seed Europe/ MATE

(environmental action group association targeting amongst others the EU TEN-T


3. The Annihilation of Space and Time

• A chapter where we briefly sketch the networking of Europe (in a global setting)

by transport and communication infrastructure. Old, natural borders were

overcome or pierced, making contemporary observers speak of the ‘annihilation

of space and time’. Yet the emerging network geography created new types of

borders and new forms of time and place (Castells 1996).

• Cases like the Great Nordic telegraph network (London- Russia/China) and the

Gotthard Tunnel will be discussed, but also the way in which privileged corridors

for transport and communication were created at the expense of areas located

outside such corridors.

4. Fuelling Europe

• Europe’s transformation from local coal abundance and hydropower dreams to

dependence on oil, gas and uranium imported from far away. The development of

transport-based energy supply and the construction of dedicated transnational

networks for energy carrying, such as electricity and gas infrastructure. The

interdependencies and vulnerabilities this has led to.

• Cases: The Russian gas crisis in 2009 and the pan-European blackout in 2006,

with an analysis of the historical processes leading up to these highly publicized

events; the 1973/74 oil crisis and the attempts to coordinate European oil imports

following it; World War II as an energy war.


5. The Wheels of Commerce

• Expanding networks enabled a transformation of the European economy. The chapter outlines how transnational production systems emerged and how they

were controlled and governed, from farmland/mine/forest via factories, storages,

retail to the final consumers, and their effects on urban and rural landscapes. But

it also discusses national security of supply/ autarky as a counter force.

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• Cases: Rotterdam harbour and its transport connections to the German hinterland

in the shaping of the transnational Rhine economy from 1850 onwards; the Soviet

Gosplan central planning organization; the European food economy; connected

petrochemical complexes.

6. Logistics of War

• The chapter will analyze changing paces of warfare (marching, slow trains,

“blitzkrieg”, air warfare) as well as related shifts of the military landscapes

(fortified cities, defence lines, bunkers, air-raid shelters) . And it will discuss

logistic preparations for war carried out by NATO and the Warsaw pact.

• Cases: The mobilisation in August 1914 based on rail & telegraphy (following

fixed Military Travel Plans); logistics in World War II; the Swedish Air command

system in the Cold War; the electronic battlefield and the “networked soldier”

(Stefan Kaufman).

7. On the move

• Migration to, from and within Europe spurred by poverty, oppression and dreams

of new opportunities and enabled by the network revolution. The emergence of

mass tourism and the changing logistics of leisure. The emergence of the

‘migration machine’ (technology to manage which migrants can access the

European network geography and which cannot). Pandemics as a flip side of

migration and tourism.

• Cases: Emigration to America; Russia/Soviet colonization of new territories in the

East (Siberia, Central Asia) and West (Baltics, Ukraine, Caucasus); two seaside

resorts (Jurmala in Latvia, tsarist, soviet and post-communist leisure) and Cyprus;

the Spanish flu.


8. Troubled Waters

• The growing multifunctionality of European waterscapes (rivers and seas) has led

to increasing interdependencies and many conflicts, but also to many efforts to

handle conflicts and to preserve natural resources.

• Cases: Rhine pollution from the Sandoz chemical factory in Basel in 1986; the

transnational environmental disaster in the Szamos – Tisza – Danube rivers,

following emission of 100.000 m3 cyanide-polluted water from a Rumanian gold

mine in 2000; the Cod War between UK and Iceland; environmental debate about

Russian-German gas pipeline under the Baltic Sea.

9. Faces of the Earth

• The chapter will analyse the restructuring of landscapes and townscapes and the

interrelation between these processes applying a Cronon/von Thünen perspective

but with an emphasis on the increasingly transnational character of the

“ecological footprints” of cities. Development of environmental protection.

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• Cases: Two remote European villages (one northern and one southern) and their

changing landscapes as result of an embedding in the world economy.

Transformed townscapes (one in the west and one in the east) due to the car and

the tram. Highway roadscapes of Europe. The European ecological network as a

response to biodiversity threats..

10. Common Skies

• The chapter will analyse how the new technologies of wireless, aviation, and

large-scale air pollution implied new conflicting demands on European airscapes,

and how these conflicts have been handled

• Cases: Radio Luxemburg and Radio Comintern. A hi-jacking from

Czechoslovakia to West Germany in the 1950s. The discovery of acid rain.

Radioactivity spreading from nuclear accidents.

11. Conclusion: Europe Transformed by Networks

• Drawing the threads together about networks, flows and restructured space

Case: The Davos Summit in 2009. How did the delegates travel to Davos etc.

Volume 3: European Technological Dramas (Hård and Oldenziel)

This volume investigates how in the last 150 years European citizens integrated material

artifacts into their lives. Picking up Bryan Pfaffenberger’s notion of “technological

drama,” it argues that this was mostly a dramatic process. What from hindsight might

look as a smooth affair was a drama characterized by processes of inclusion and

exclusion. The authors indicate that History of Technology and STS (Science and

Technology Studies) perspectives are absolutely essential for the reassessment of the

history of European consumption. In line with the program of transnational history, the

volume presents a number of stories to illustrate overarching developments, structural

changes, and fundamental lines of tension and conflict.

Juxtaposing these scholarly traditions leads to a series of questions: What are the

differences between the “users” we find in the History of Technology and STS, the

“consumers” we approach in Cultural and Consumer Studies, and the “citizens” we find

in Political History? Are these different labels for essentially the same things or are they

fundamentally different? Do users, consumers, and citizens have different historical

trajectories or not? Is the “citizen-consumer” a particular Anglo-Saxon phenomenon or

do we find him or her also on the European Continent? Whereas “consumers” are a rather

well-defined category in the economic historical scholarship and citizens figure

prominently in political-science traditions, the history of “users” still needs to be written.

In the History of Technology scholarship, furthermore, there is a slippage in the use of

language between notions of users and of consumers that is seldom confronted

theoretically. Against this background, the proposed volume focuses on the use and

appropriation of innovations, the daily application of products, and the emergence of use

communities rather than on consumption as an act of purchase and acquisition. The book

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does so from a deliberately international and diachronic framework, and it attempts to

synthesize a rich body of literature, but also seeks to go beyond it.

The book combines a rough chronological outline with a thematic structure. In the first

part the authors investigate the transition from an aristocratic style of consumption to one

in which middle-class values and ways of life become dominant. Taking up the challenge

posed by Victoria De Grazia (Irresistible Empire, 2005), the second part of the volume

focuses on how European actors appropriated U.S. products and modified U.S. notions of

consumption. In the third part, which roughly covers the postwar period, consumer

communities were co-opted by the state and corporate finance into peculiar European

“consumer regimes.” The proposed book systematically investigates domestication

processes, mediation practices, sites of resistance, and contestation of key innovations in

the period 1850-2000.

Table of Contents


Part I: (En)countering the Aristocratic Model: Stories of Learning and Tinkering

1. Fashioning Europe: The Paris Model

By reviewing some of the classic texts on the importance of fashion for the

reproduction of class differences and the creation of social distinction, the chapter

investigates the emergence of pan-European dream worlds in which Paris figured

as Europe‘s capital city. As a counterpoint, it shows how the many Cinderellas of

the continent have used sewing-machines and alternative distribution channels in

their attempts to close the gap between themselves and so-called trend setters, and

tinkering with the designs.

2. European Shopping Experiences: Learning How to Consume

Bon Marché, arcades, and department stores stand as the cathedrals of

consumption, in which bourgeois women learned how to participate in what

became the European standard of cosmopolitanism. In the 20th century this

standard became increasingly challenged by U.S. commercial innovations such as

the supermarket and the mall.

3. Experiencing Europe and its Borders: The Emergence of Tourism

The chapter highlights the Janus face of tourism—on the one hand socially

inclusive, on the other hand economically exclusive. Since the time of the first

Rhine trips – and even stronger after the establishment of a Europe-wide railroad

network, train and plane passengers developed a better sense of the diversity of

Europe, while at the same time having used the experiences of other countries to

strengthen their own identity.

Part II: Appropriating America: Stories of Domestication and Contestation

4. Creating Leisure: The Making of European Car Cultures

Perhaps more than any other object, the automobile came to symbolize in Europe a

U.S. lifestyle of affluence and freedom. Still, Europeans developed particular

practices of car use that we do not find elsewhere, including subcultures that

defined themselves in terms of automobile addiction, tinkering, and comradery.

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The chapter discusses various alternatives to U.S.-style automobiles, e.g., the

attempts to design and market micro-cars in post-war Eastern Europe

5. Making it Work: Connecting Computers

In the face of IBM´s dominance, Europeans sought either to craft computers in

their own national images or to appropriate American models into their own user

contexts. Because of military embargos, there developed in Eastern Europe

particular solutions that—in turn—were wiped out after the fall of the Berlin Wall

in 1989.

6. Constructing European Foods: Inside the Body

Since the days of Marco Polo, European cooking has been firmly integrated in a

global distribution network. In opposition to the so-called McDonaldization

thesis, the chapter argues that European actors have creatively appropriated

foreign food products to fit their own culinary traditions, and that they at times

have successfully invented new traditions of an authentic European self to

accommodate to changing market prices and supply structures.

7. Equipping the Home: Household Machines as Mirrors of America

Standard accounts of the history of household technology tend to adopt a

diffusionist and trickling-down perspective. In contrast, this chapter discusses

household equipment in terms of appropriation and domestication. In this context,

U.S. household machines operate as transporters of meaning and desire, Swedish

equipment as symbols of welfare policies.

Part III: Reconstituting Europe: Stories of Negotiation and Regularization

8. Constructing a Shelter: European Housing and the Welfare State

The Cold War sandwiched war-torn Europe between models of individual and

collective forms of provisioning, between the Soviet Union and the United States.

Out of the prewar transnational movements of modernism, cooperativism, and

home economics, the European welfare states forged a long-lasting heritage that

incorporated user and producer communities into state experiments with building

mass-scale public housing. Collective consumption, we argue, was not a

phenomenon restricted to the Eastern Bloc.

9. Furnishing the Home: Designing the European Home

Interior decoration and furniture is a wonderful area for discussing strategies of

signification and counter-signification. At least since Victorian times, European

homes have been battlegrounds of class differences, individual aspirations, and

cultural codes. The chapter analyzes these processes along transnational lines, for

example by investigating the growing uniformity of European homes in an era of

mass-scale production and mass-scale consumption.

10. Wasting or Conserving: Between American Affluence and European Austerity

The throw-away mentality associated with modern ways of life is unique in

history. Throughout the ages human beings have usually been forced to save

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resources. The chapter analyzes the diffusion of wastefulness (as a sign of

American affluence) throughout Europe and shows how austerity reappeared in

certain phases in the 20th century, not seldom couched in a national discourse of


11. Instituting Europe’s Experience through the EU

The experience of users in Europe is often mapped within the institutional walls

of the European community as on the one hand a story of success and on the other

one of failure. The final chapter reviews the multiple paths and experiences of

user communities and their organizations within and without the EU´s

institutional frame to problematize the meaning of Europe.

12. Conclusion

Volume 4: Eventing Europe (Fickers and Griset)

This volume seeks to describe and analyze the role and importance of electronic

information and communication technologies in European history over the long term

(1850-2000). Paying special attention to these technologies and to their geopolitical

significance in European and global communication will highlight the crucial relationship

between technology and culture in the age of electronic mass media. In analyzing the

spatial dimension of mediated cultural flows in their material forms (devices,

infrastructures), institutional manifestations (transnational organizations, politics,

industries) and symbolic meanings (compression of time and space, participation at a

distance), we expect to substantially enlarge classical perspectives on information and

communications technologies as both historical witnesses to and actors in change. By

offering an integrated interdisciplinary research design as a conceptual innovation to

media history and the field of the history of technology in general, we will open new

perspectives on European historiography. This book aims at emphasizing the tensions

between the integrative and splitting forces of transnational media by examining both the

efforts at transnational transmission, national control, and civilian circumventing of

cultural performances. In approaching communications and information – both as

technologies and as media – we will frame them as mediating interfaces between

transmitted visions of Europe and individual appropriations, which will serve to

historicize theoretical discussions on media technologies and society at a European level.

The book will have three thematic parts, each following an internal chronological

logic. The first section concentrates on eras dominated by various national initiatives to

build information and communication infrastructures chiefly in order to secure

nationwide communications networks. Yet as national networks emerged, the

unavoidable transnational nature of telecommunication became evident. Tensions

between national and transnational (and European) spaces of communication focus the

second section, problematizing the effects these technologies have on complex processes

of identity building in an increasingly global world. The third section explores domestic

and individual levels of usage and addresses the blurring of private and public spaces and

the roles of amateurs and users in shaping new communications communities.

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Table of Contents:

Section 1: REGULATING FLOWS: States, institutions, communities

I: Communication as a battlefield: World Wars, peace and Cold War – Information and

communication technologies have been and still are at the centre of military and strategic

political activities. From the radiotelephone to digital integrated networks, they provide

crucial tools for tactical/operational planning and the realization of military conflicts, as

well serve as potential peacemakers in times of intense diplomatic activity.

II: Information beyond conflicts: cooperation, competition, negotiation -

Telecommunications networks were built in a global context of state owned monopolies,

as wireless and long distance lines were supplemented by efforts to build computer

networks. Nevertheless, conflicts were numerous, revealing both difficulties and

creativity. From the ITU through Europe-wide protocols for data transmission,

negotiation has been a recurrent challenge as well as a means toward resolving tensions.

III: Freedom of information or tools of empire? Propaganda, censorship, monopolies -

The intrinsic potential of media for good or ill becomes most evident when state or

governmental bodies have used information and communication technologies as political

tools. In analyzing state control of information flows by either creating information

monopolies or by using censorship and propaganda, the importance of infrastructures and

networks of control, manipulation and seduction is emphasized.

Section 2: SHAPING IDENTIES: Places, spaces and territories

IV: Hidden networks for entangled territories: control, political representations, frontiers

– Here the relationship between information and communication technologies and the

control or configuration of spaces and territories is central. As media of political

representation and tools for surveying, they shape the social construction of political

topographies and thereby our broader relationship with territory. Air, sea, and ground

controls and surveillance techniques yield new mediations between citizens and terrains,

plus imagined utopian or nightmare representations and real fragmentations/disjunctions.

V: Mediated European experience space: Live, recorded, rerun - The role of media in the

creation of nations – as “imagined communities” – has caught media scholars’ and

historians’ attention. This chapter probes the technological fundaments of that

development, concentrating on technologies of liveness, simultaneity and reproduction.

Had these technologies not helped to create llusions of the “media to be part of”, the

European and worldwide landscape would still offer a strongly fragmented picture. Real

time conversation, listening. and viewing have deeply changed perceptions of time and

space, yet recording disguises immediacy while preserving performance.

VI: The dynamics of mobility: virtual traveling, private mobilization, real virtualities –

Physical, mental, or virtual mobility have a long common history and share metaphors

and characteristics. Railways and telegraph lines, cars and radios, scooters and

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transistors, subways and I-pods represent interwoven developing technologies of mobility

and communication. In addition, the spatial and temporal dimensions of our everyday

experiences have been deeply challenged by communication technologies, promising to

bring the world to our homes, from broadcasting news and entertainment to constituting

virtual worlds in games and cyberspaces.

Section 3: CONNECTING PEOPLE: Private lives and public spheres

VII: Europe as a jamming session? Jamming, subversive practices, pirates - Here readers

encounter the subversive use of communication and media technologies, and the related

rise of alternative communities in Europe. “Subversive” references secret and unofficial

practices of mediated listening and watching in Europe, notably during World War Two

and in Eastern Europe during the Cold War. How did such practices enable the

circulation of culture across national borders and even across the Iron Curtain? We

examine jamming as a major state-sponsored technology of distortion and cultural

discrimination, the circulation of subversive music, and illegal commercial broadcasting,

among other practices.

VIII: Innovative fabrics and the reconfiguration of culture: companies,

researchers, amateurs - This chapter examines the role of individual actors (amateurs,

researchers) and private actors (firms, companies) in the development and co-

construction of media technologies. The central aim is to identify the role and place of

these actors in processes of invention and innovation, as the interface between science

and industry is one of the most complex issues concerning European history.

IX: When new technologies look old: remediation, visions, myths - Exploring the

discourses of new media historicizes the constant remediations of relatively stable

narrative patterns and rhetorical figures capturing the emergence of new information and

media technologies from the mid 19th century until today. Examining the stability or

cyclic reoccurrence of those discourses, which feature a fundamental ambivalence

between high hopes for and fierce skepticism about the “new,” will highlight the

fundamental role of media discourses in shaping and implementing media technologies.

Volume 5: Knowledge Societies (Trischler and Kohlrausch)

The period beginning around 1850 was, among many other developments, characterized

by the constant rise of the technical expert. In retrospective it seems almost inevitable

that with the enormous growth of science and technology, those who commanded the

latest knowledge gained in importance and societal standing. It would be all too easy,

however, to regard the rise of the expert as a mere result of the ascent of the knowledge-

based society. This is true not only because knowledge as an important factor did not

arise only in the 20th century but because a wide range of other factors helped technical

experts like engineers to acquire an importance unheard of before.

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The underlying theme of the planned volume is the problem of networking and

materialising European ways of knowing. It thus refers to areas of research that are at the

same time extremely dynamic and manifold. It has implications for most fields of

‘mainstream’ history – be it cultural, economic, social or political – and also alters the

classical periodisation of the envisaged period, i.e. 1850-2000. Such a history of

knowledge takes up important aspects from the history of technology and technical

transfer, the study of innovation and transnational history. Concentrating on experts and

thus on people allows us to capture the cultural conditions of knowledge circulation in

and beyond Europe – those aspects which have been expressed in the concept of ‘tacit

knowledge’, but even more so the political, social and cultural implications of

professional knowledge exchange. Against this background the volume will strive to ask

about how far one can speak of particular European knowledge societies and innovation

cultures. Three aspects of this development deserve special attention: 1. the growth of

international exchange, with a special emphasis on institutionalisation and new forms of

exchange; 2. closely connected to this point: the emergence of new channels of and

fora for communication and establishing professional contacts ; 3. a multilayered

‘politicisation’ of expertise which was strongly connected with World War I and in

particular with the rise of authoritarian and totalitarian regimes in the 1920s and 1930s.

The book will present a complex story with evolving political and technological

implications. Out of the huge array of possible groups and networks, the volume will

focus on the fields of science and technology and on those professional groups aiming at

producing and fostering innovation and change within the period in question.

Technology, or better techno-science, however, is understood in the wider sense as a

resource of knowledge, generating and demanding a new class of experts. In order to

better understand the set-up of these groups it will be necessary to look for general

patterns, be it along the lines of generations, of gender or of the social structure of the

groups analyzed. Necessarily, the volume will include the ever growing number and scale

of new institutions for technical education and also professional networks, often on an

international level. The book will combine a chronological and systematic approach and

will confront the questions outlined above via narrated case studies.

Preliminary Structure of the Book

1. A European space of experts? Scopes, limits and asymmetric orders of international


- Demonstrating Europe’s techno-scientific base: World expositions as places of

knowledge circulation (London, Paris, Milan)

- A typology of technical experts. Social and professional aspects

- Spaces of expertise: Asymmetric orders of European expert cultures

- What is European about modernism? The traditional legacies of technological progress

2. The rise of the technical expert and the struggle for acceptance

- The long quest for respect. Social standing, symbolic capital and professional

emancipation of technical experts.

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- Incorporating national progress: Engineers as new role models

- An ambivalent success: the unchallenged role of technical expertise today

3. Educating technical experts – Engineering elites

- Les Grandes Ecoles: the French model vs. Technische Hochschulen: the German model

- Training engineering elites at the periphery: Portugal, Poland

4. Visible expertise. Media and fora of exchange of expertise

- New media of exchange: The rise of the scientific journal

- Getting together: Conference-cultures

- Signifying systems: Otto Neurath, Wilhelm Ostwald

- The order of knowledge: Paul Otlet

- Regulating intellectual property: Fixing intellectual property rights in 19th century


- A European-wide expert system: the European Patent Office

5. The mechanics of scientific internationalism in Europe

- Meter and kilogram: conflicts about regulating norms and standards

- Transnational expert systems: Standardizing Europe in a global context (Meteorology,

Geosciences, Agriculture, Biology, Medicine, …)

- Scientific internationalism between 1880 and 1914: The role of scientific organisations

and networks

- Divided Europe: International relations in science in the Interwar Period

- The Rapallo-axis in science relations: Germany and Russia

6. The European university

- The Humboldtian university – idea and reality

- A home for science: Institutionalizing research at (German) universities

- Imitating the European university in the US in the 19th century

- Science inside in the Eastern Bloc: the division of labour between universities and

national academies

- The Bologna process: reforming and uniting European universities along the American


European Universities (Florence, Budapest, …)

7. Science in the Age of Extremes. Scientific experts and the dual use-character of

techno-scientific knowledge

- Between gas war and pesticides research: the case of Fritz Haber

- Aeronautics and aerial warfare: Germany and Spain

- The Faustian bargain: The architect as demiurge and war criminal

8. The role model of technology. Technologically inspired discourse beyond the field of


- Facing the society: Social engineering and technocracy

- Machine-age: The language of technology

- “Urban machinery”: Urbanism and architecture (Le Corbusier)

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9. A European research area under Nazi dictatorship

- Mobilizing techno-scientific resources in the occupied countries

- Barbaric research: Human experiments and medical crimes in World War II

- Technical experts in exile

10. Intellectual Reparations in the postwar period

- Wernher von Braun and the German rocket engineers in the US

- German scientists and engineers in the Soviet Union

- Europeanization under the American flag: the Marshall Plan

- Reconstruction: The hour of the technical expert

11. Nuclear Europe

- CERN and the development of particle physics in Europe

- EURATOM: a European way of governance in nuclear research and technology

- Fast breeder research and fusion technology between conflict and co-operation

- The big machine: LHC and European particle physics in the 21st century

12. Europe in Space

- A fragmented Europe: the ELDO-desaster

- Euro-Gaullism versus the American option: the Post-Apollo-Programmes

- Experiencing a long learning curve: the European Space Agency

- Overcoming the Iron Curtain: the International Geophysical Year

- Eastern Europe in Space: the INTERKOSMOS-programmes

13. Expert networks and knowledge cultures in information technologies

- Styles and concepts of innovating: Information sciences in the US, informatics in

Western Europe, and informatics in the Eastern Bloc

- Cybernetics in East and West

- Experts networks and discourses across the Iron Curtain: Edsger W. Dijkstra, Friedrich

L. Bauer, Nikolaus Lehmann, and the “ALGOL”-conspiracy

- Shaping a joint European knowledge base: EU-research programmes in ICT (ESPRIT,


14. Envisioning and shaping an integrated European research area

- The European Commission as actor: From framework program to framework program

- ESF, COST and others

- The European Research Council

- Creating a system of knowledge production and innovation in Eastern Europe

- European places of knowledge production (EMBL, ILL, ESTEC, ESO, ESRI, etc.)

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Volume 6: Governing Europe (Kaiser, Schot and Jajeśniak-Quast,)

This volume will address forms of European governance and their change over time.

Such governance patterns have always been highly fragmented and functionally and

spatially differentiated: functionally, because of differences between various sectors and

policy domains, and spatially, as global, transatlantic, all-European and smaller regional

governance structures within Europe have often competed or overlapped with each other.

Moreover, the origins of European governance reach back to at least the mid-nineteenth

century and first attempts at international collaboration and the formation of transnational

forms of governance designed to regulate technological development, standardization and

economic exchange relations. The project’s main aim is to write a transnational history of

changing transnational European governance patterns with a focus on the role of

technical experts (mainly engineers, scientist, but at times also economists and lawyers,

and others who had intimate knowledge of the problems involved in technical

development at the international level). Our core hypothesis is that these experts and their

networks co-shaped the nature of emerging governance structures in Europe. By taking

an all-European and long-term approach, the volume also aims to “de-centre” the EU in

narratives about European integration.

This book relates to a number of important literatures in the political sciences and in

history. First, political science research on governance and networks in the EU disputes

the idea that European integration is either about the construction of an intergovernmental

organization (Europe des Patries) or a supranational state (United States of Europe). The

governance literature assumes that a variety of intermediate outcomes are possible

between these two poles, shifting the study of the EU from integration toward multi-level

governance. The notion of governance should be seen in a very broad sense as a common

set of rules that emerges as a result of the interacting intervention efforts of all actors.

An important contribution we will be building on is the notion of perceiving the EU as a

regulatory state. This 'may be less of a state in the traditional sense than a web of

networks of national and supranational regulatory institutions held together by shared

values and objectives, and by a common style of policy-making.'7 Such an approach

allows us to integrate the crucial contributions of informal institutions, and all public and

private actors, and to show how a range of actors creating transnational regulatory

networks critically contributed to the making and breaking of forms of European

governance. It assumes fluidity in international relations, the permanence of uncertainty

and multiple modalities of authority. In general the governance turn in EU studies

resulted in two strands of literature we will be drawing on: (discursive and historical)

institutionalism and policy network analysis and other actor network approaches such as

advocacy coalitions. Our contribution to this literature will be two-fold. First, we will

overcome its strong presentist bias since it largely assumes that informal political steering

combining “state” and “non-state” actors is a novel form of decision-making, and as

some would argue, only developed on the “ruins” of the nation-state in the 1970s.

Second, we will explore a less European Union and state-centrist analysis which is still

7 Majone, Giovanni (1996). Regulating Europe, London: Routledge, 276.

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dominating the governance turn. Incipient research on networks in European integration

governance since World War II has shown that experts and networks played an important

role in integration politics from the very beginning.

Moreover, it is clear from empirical historical research that even in the heyday of

the nation-state and nationalism around 1900 sectors like transport were characterized by

transnational forms of cooperation and regulation akin to modern forms of “governance.”

Also in East-Central Europe, even before nation state formation happened, governance

structures linked peripheral regions to the Imperial capitals in Vienna, Saint Petersburg,

and Berlin. Thus, while utilizing political science concepts for better conceptualising the

change of European integration governance in the long-run, this book will also call into

question the political science literature’ historical assumptions concerning temporal

change and the dominance of the nation-states in European governance forms. Secondly,

the book will speak to the rapidly growing historical literature on European integration

history since 1945. Until recently, however, this literature has suffered from a number of

weaknesses which are comparable to the ones in political science: (a) it has been under-

conceptualised in its narrow analysis of integration politics as intergovernmental

bargaining, with states as practically the only relevant actors; (b) its state-centrism, which

has largely united traditional diplomatic history and economic historical “revisionist”

accounts, has meant that the role of experts and societal actors in the development of

political ideas, agenda-setting and policy-making has hardly been studied in historical

perspective; (c) crucially, most of the traditional research has implicitly treated 1945 as a

historical rupture, so that European integration history paradoxically has been narrated by

historians in a fashion that ignores the “longue durée” continuities and discontinuities in

experts, networks and sectoral governance across World War II; (d) as a result, this

literature has also focused almost exclusively on western continental Europe. In contrast,

this book will take a more all-European approach and in particular, bring East-Central

Europe back into the history of transforming European governance. This volume’s

transnational perspective will frame Europe as a connected and overlapping space, with a

clear focus on cross-border linkages in the informal coordination of network-type

relations and cooperation in international organisations, especially among experts in three

selected policy fields. This approach distinguishes itself clearly from a comparative

history which is not, or at least not in the first instance, interested in such connections.

Finally, the book will also relate to relevant general political histories of modern and

contemporary Europe. This history has often been written as a rivalry between three

ideologies and types of economic and political systems: liberal democracy, communism

and fascism. The promoters of these ideologies saw themselves as destined to create a

new order that also had distinctive European dimensions. We will explore the role and

contributions of experts (and the idea of technocracy) to the European history of this

rivalry. Our hypothesis is not only that they had their own technocratic visions and

framings on the remake of European societies, but also that these in part can explain the

nature European governance patterns as they emerged from 1850s to the present.. We

expect that our research on experts and their role in the formation of European

governance will lead to new insights on issues such as the continuities and discontinuities

between both World Wars and the Cold War, and will also shed new light on the question

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to what extent the “iron curtain” between East and West was actually to some extent

porous during the Cold War.

Table of Contents:


The introduction will set out the book’s theme, scope and research questions, its use of

key concepts like “governance”, "expert", the methodology and literature and archival


Chapter 1: Experts in emerging forms of European governance

Chapter 1 will set the scene for the subsequent three chapters on individual sectors. It will

describe crucial economic, social, and political trends as the contexts for understanding

the role of experts and their networks in changing forms of European governance. In

particular, it will discuss the changing role of the (nation) state in technological and

economic governance and regulation; shifting international relations with their major

upheavals, e.g., the First and Second World Wars and the Cold War; the emergence,

growth and decline of many technical organisations such as the International

Telecommunications Union, and International Organisations like the League of Nations

and factors other than experts & networks that may account for the evolution of

differentiated forms of political integration in post-World War II western Europe and

forms of “integration” within the Soviet bloc.

Chapter 2: European governance in transport

Chapters 2-4 will focus in more detail on the emergence and nature of European

governance structures and the role of experts in these processes in each of the three

policy fields. Each chapter will identify a number of expert committees, specific issues,

and individual experts and will analyse and narrate relevant developments over time.

Each sector may have to zero in on specific subsectors (for example rail and air within

transport), but we would still try to generalize for the sector as a whole. We expect that

networks in transnational governance in this sector will be dominated, or at least strongly

influenced by experts drawing on particular sets of technological knowledge.

Chapter 3: European governance in heavy industry

As with chapter 2 on the transport sector, this chapter on heavy industry may also have to

focus on a particular sub-sector, probably steel. The steel sector was of especially crucial

importance for war industries and for prestige. From this perspective, it might be

expected that the role of experts and networks was limited. However, the sector was also

characterized throughout by a high degree of informal coordination, especially in cartel-

type relations, which favoured network-type contacts that even continued to operate

smoothly during the German occupation of France from 1940-44. Moreover, this sector

was actually at the heart of “core Europe”’s formation after World War II, i.e. unlike in

transport, a supranational coal and steel community was successfully created. This

outcome lends itself to comparative enquiry concerning its causes and the possible roles

of experts and networks. We expect that expertise in this sector will have been more

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mixed compared to transport, especially in combining technological and business-focused

economic expertise.

Chapter 4: European governance in agriculture

Finally, the agricultural sector has always blended technological expertise in agricultural

production (machinery, chemicals etc.) with business and trade concerns. More so than in

transport or steel, agriculture has been a core electoral concern in most European

countries in the process of democratisation, characterized in democratic states by highly-

successful interest group organisation and influence on national policy-making. Like

steel, agriculture became integrated into “core Europe” and was closely implicated in

barter trade agreements within the Soviet bloc.

Chapter 5: Comparing sectors in European governance

In this chapter we will systematically compare the role of experts and networks in the

formation of European governance structures in various sectors. We will focus on

comparisons among the three selected sectors; but wherever possible, we will make

suggestions about how our results could be generalized to other sectors as well. Here we

would hope to draw on the other five volumes, which will study other cases and deliver

empirical insights on the emergence of forms of European governance and the role of


Chapter 6: Changing European governance over time

This chapter will focus on the broader ramifications of our results for European

integration history and European history at large. It will address, in particular, issues such

as the catalytic effects of the two World Wars, the significance of the Cold War, and the

novelty, if any, of the present-day EU context for integration. It will also explore the

issue of technocracy and its relations with democracy, fascism and communism as an

important aspect of emergent, distinct forms of European governance.


In the epilogue we will speculate on the nature of recent developments in the European

integration process. In particular we will look at the question of how to interpret the

recent return to liberalization and privatization of European governance structures.

Should we see this trend, as is assumed in some of the political science literature, as a

dramatic change from hierarchical to network governance, constituting a ‘hollowing out’

of the nation-state in the 1970s, or is something else at stake? Should we perhaps see it as

a next phase in the emergence of transnational regulatory regimes? If so, how to

characterize this phase and project its future?

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6. Biographical sketches of the editors and authors

Co-Editors: Johan Schot (b. 1961) is professor in social history of technology at the Eindhoven

University of Technology. He is research director of the Foundation for the History of

Technology, and of the Foundation for System Innovation and Transitions towards

Sustainable Development. He is a fellow of the N.W. Posthumus Institute for social and

economic history. He is co-founder and chairing (with Ruth Oldenziel) the Tensions of

Europe Collaborative Network and Research Program. He was the program leader and

main editor of the research program and book series on the History of Technology in the

Netherlands in the 20th century. He founded (together with Kurt Fischer) the Greening of

Industry Network. In 2002 he was awarded a VICI grant under the Innovational Research

Incentives Scheme for talented scholars (highest category) by the Netherlands

Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) for his proposal Transnational

Infrastructures and the Rise of Contemporary Europe. In 2007 he was awarded a Fernand

Braudel Fellowship by the European University Institute in Florence, and in 2009 he was

elected as a member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW).

His research and publications range from history of technology, science and technology

studies, Dutch history, European history to sustainability studies.

Key publications: Thomas J. Misa and Johan Schot, ‘Inventing Europe: Technology and

the Hidden Integration of Europe’, History and Technology, volume 21, number 1 (2005)

1-20; Hugo van Driel and Johan Schot, ‘Radical Innovation as a Multilevel Process.

Introducing Floating Grain Elevators in the Port of Rotterdam', Technology & Culture, 46

(2005) 51-77; Johan Schot, ‘The Usefulness of Evolutionary Models for Explaining

Innovation. The Case of the Netherlands in the Nineteenth Century’, History and

Technology, vol. 14 (1998) 173-200; Johan Schot, Harry Lintsen, Arie Rip, Adri Albert de

la Bruhèze e.a. (eds), Techniek in Nederland in de Twintigste Eeuw (Technology in the

Netherlands in the Twentieth Century. Volume I-VII (Walburg Pers 1998-2003); Remco

Hoogma, René Kemp, Johan Schot and Benhard Truffer, Experimenting for Sustainable

Transport. The approach of Strategic Niche Management (Spon Publishers 2002); Arie

Rip, Tom Misa, and Johan Schot (eds.), Managing Technology in Society. The Approach of

Constructive Technology Assessment (Pinter Publisher 1995).

Philip Scranton (b. 1946) is University Board of Governors Professor, History of Industry

and Technology, at Rutgers University, where he chairs the MA-History program.

Scranton also directs the Hagley Museum & Library's research arm, the Center for the

History of Business, Technology and Society, with responsibility for seminar series,

conferences, and fellowships. During 2003-04, he held the Lindbergh Chair in Aeronautic

and Aerospace History at the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum; and in

2007 he became Editor-in-Chief for Enterprise and Society, the Business History

Conference's quarterly journal, published by Oxford University Press. His publications

include eleven books and sixty scholarly articles, multiple contributions to exhibition

catalogs, and numerous reviews of books, conferences, and exhibits. In 1997, Princeton

University Press released his Endless Novelty: Specialty Production and American

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Industrialization, 1865-1925 (paperback 2000, Japanese translation, 2004), which

followed earlier, prizewinning monographs: Proprietary Capitalism (Cambridge, 1983)

and Figured Tapestry (Cambridge, 1989). At present Scranton edits two book series:

Studies in Industry and Society (The Johns Hopkins University Press), and Hagley

Perspectives on Business and Society (University of Pennsylvania Press, with Roger


Coordinating Editor for Images and Virtual Museum Director: Alexander Badenoch (b. 1971) is Instructor in Media and Cultural studies at the

University of Utrecht, and post-doctoral researcher for the Foundation for the History of

Technology in Eindhoven. He has a PhD in Modern Languages from the University of

Southampton (2004) and recently completed a Post-Doc as part of the Transnational

Infrastructures and the Rise of Contemporary Europe (TIE) project at the Technical

University of Eindhoven. He is currently co-editing a volume, together with Andreas

Fickers, based on this project. He is content editor of the 'Europe, Interrupted'

international online virtual exhibit. He is co-founder of the Transmitting and Receiving

Europe (TRANS) collaborative research network and active member (newsletter editor)

of the Tensions of Europe Collaborative Network and Research Program. The monograph

based on his PhD research was recently awarded the International Association for Media

and History (IAMHIST) Prize for the best book in the field of media and history in 2007-

2008. His research covers a range of topics in 20th Century national (German) and

transnational history, and draws on disciplines ranging from media and cultural studies,

cultural geography, gender studies, and history of technology.


1. Europe in the Global World

Maria Paula Diogo (b. 1958) is Associate Professor of History of Technology at the

Faculty of Science and Technology of the New University of Lisbon. She holds a PhD in

History and Philosophy of Science from the New University of Lisbon, where she

specialized in the History of Technology. She teaches undergraduate and graduate

courses on History of Technology and she publishes on regular bases both nationally and

internationally. She is currently working on Portuguese engineers and engineering,

mainly during the second half of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century.

She coordinates a national project on Science, Technology and the Empire and she

participates on several other projects concerning the Portuguese History of Science and

Technology. She is a founding member of STEP (Science and Technology in the

European Periphery), an international research group which aims at studying science and

technology in the European Peripheries and of INES (International Network on

Engineering Studies). She is also a member of the Tensions of Europe network.

Dirk van Laak (b. 1961) ist Professor of Contemporary History at the Justus Liebig

University in Giessen, Germany. Previously he was Scientific Assistant at the Friedrich

Schiller University in Jena, Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of Chicago and

Deputy Professor at the Eberhard Karls University in Tuebingen and at the Albert

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Ludwigs University in Freiburg. Recent books: Imperiale Infrastruktur. Deutsche

Planungen für eine Erschliessung Afrikas 1880 bis 1960 (2004); Ueber alles in der Welt.

Deutscher Imperialismus im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert (2005). Recent articles:

“Technological Infrastructure. Concepts and consequences,” in: ICON. Journal of the

International Committee for the History of Technology (2004), “Detours around Africa.

The connection between developing colonies and integrating Europe,” in: Alec

Badenoch/Andreas Fickers (Hg.): Technologies of Transnationalism: Material

Infrastructures and the Shaping of Europe in the 20th Century (forthcoming).

Matthias Middell (b. 1961) is Professor of Comparative Cultural History at the University

of Leipzig and Head of the European Consortium “Global Studies”. He was previously

Visiting Professor at the EHESS in Paris, the ENS Paris, the Universities of Yaoundé in

Cameroun, Stellenbosch in South Africa, Santa Barbara in the US and most recently

Fulbright Distinguished Professor at Duke University. From 2005 till 2008 he served as

president elect of the European Network in Universal and Global History; and since 2005

he is General Secretary of the International Committee for the Research on the History of

the French Revolution (as part of CISH). He is editor of Editor of Comparativ. Zeitschrift

für Globalgeschichte und vergleichende Gesellschaftsforschung, Leipzig (since 1991), of

Geschichte.Transnational (since 2004), and of French Revolution/ Révolution française/

Französische Revolution (since 2007). Recent books include: (with Michel Espagne and

Michael Geyer), A transnational history of Europe, New York: Palgrave (2008);

Transnational history as a transnational practice, Leipzig/ Berlin: Akademische

Verlagsanstalt (2008); Dimensionen der Kultur- und Gesellschaftsgeschichte, Leipzig:

Leipziger Universitätsverlag (2007); Weltgeschichtsschreibung im Zeitalter der

Verfachlichung und Professionalisierung. Das Leipziger Institut für Kultur- und

Universalgeschichte 1890-1990, 3 vols, Leipzig: Akademische Verlagsanstalt (2005);

Die Geburt der Konterrevolution in Frankreich 1788-1792, Leipzig: Leipziger

Universitätsverlag (2005).

2. From Nature to Networks

Arne Kaijser is Professor of History of Technology at the Department of History of

Science and Technology, Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. He holds a

M.Sc.Eng (technical physics) from the University of Lund (1973) and a PhD in

technology and social change from the University of Linköping (1987). Apart from his

academic career, he has worked seven years as a civil servant in various government

agencies (SIDA, FOA, NE, IVA) primarily working with energy related issues. He was a

visiting scholar at the Technical University of Delft in 1993-1994. His main research

interest is comparative studies of the historical development of large technical systems.

He has published five books and more than 30 articles.

Erik van der Vleuten (b. 1968) is universitair docent at the School of Innovation

Sciences, Eindhoven University of Technology. From 1999-2005 he led (with Arne

Kaijser) the research theme and network on European infrastructure history within the

Tensions of Europe research program. Currently he is a member of the Tensions of

Europe advisory committee and a Personal Investigator in the ESF-EUROCORES

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Inventing Europe program on European Critical Infrastructure (EUROCRIT). He directs

(with Ewout Frankema) the research program on globalization of the Netherlands

research school for economic and social history, the N.W. Posthumus institute. Erik

coedited volumes on water system building (special issue of Knowledge, Technology and

Policy 2002/4), the networked nation (special issue of History and Technology 2004/3),

and Networking Europe. Transnational infrastructures and the shaping of Europe 1850-

2000 (Science History Publications 2006). He also works on historiographical concepts

such as a ‘transnational history of technology’ (Technology & Culture 2008/4), and

‘critical transactionalism’ as a (historical) perspective on infrastructure and regional

integration and fragmentation.

Per Högselius (b. 1973) is a researcher at the Division of History of Science and

Technology at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm. He holds an MSc

degree in Engineering Physics and History of Technology from KTH and a PhD in

Innovation Studies from Lund University, Sweden. He has also been a guest researcher at

Bocconi University, Milan, and worked as an independent expert for the OECD. His

research has focused on East-West relations in the history of technology and

infrastructures – particularly telecommunications, electricity and natural gas – resulting,

among other things, in a number of books published by leading academic publishers in

Sweden, Germany, Britain and the United States. In Sweden, he is also active as an

author of popular history books and articles published in leading media.

Key publications: “Spent nuclear fuel policies in historical perspective: an international

comparison”, Energy Policy, vol. 37 (2009); “The Internationalization of the European

Electricity Industry: The Case of Vattenfall”, Utilities Policy, vol. 17 (2009); with A.

Kaijser, När folkhemselen blev internationell: Elavregleringen i historiskt perspektiv

[The internationalization of electricity: historical perspectives on regulatory reform in the

electricity industry] (Stockholm: SNS Förlag, 2007); ”Connecting East and West:

Electricity Systems in the Baltic Region, in van der Vleuten, E. and Kaijser, A. (eds),

Networking Europe: Transnational Infrastructures and the Shaping of Europe, 1850-

2000 (Cambridge: Science History Publications, 2005); Die deutsch-deutsche Geschichte

des Kernkraftwerkes Greifswald. Atomenergie zwischen Ost und West (Berlin: Berliner

Wissenschafts-Verlag, 2005); The Dynamics of Innovation in Eastern Europe: Lessons

from Estonia (Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar, 2005).

3. European Technological Dramas

Ruth Oldenziel is professor at Eindhoven University of Technology and Associate

Professor at the University of Amsterdam. She received her PhD from Yale University in

American History in 1992 after graduate training in American Studies at Smith College,

the University of Massachusetts at Amherst and the University of Amsterdam. She has

been a fellow at Hagley Museum and Library in Delaware and a senior fellow at the

Smithsonian Institution in Washington, the Lemelson Center in Washington, the Social

Science Research Insitute in Amsterdam, and a Senior Fulbright Fellow at Georgetown

University. Over the past ten years, she has been chair and teamleader of several

international ESF grants and invited speaker and guest lecturer among them: to Stanford,

Princeton, Michigan, Sorbonne, Science Museum London, Berlin Free University,

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Munich TU, University of Antwerp, KU Leuven, Central University Budapest,

University of Athens. Her publications include books and articles in the area of

American, gender and technology studies: Kitchen Politics of the Cold War.

Americanization, Technology, and Users (2008); Manufacturing Technology.

Manufacturing Consumers (2008); Gender and Technology. A Reader (2003); Crossing

Boundaries, Building Bridges (2000); Schoon Genoeg (1998); Making Technology

Masculine: Men, Women and Modern Machines in America, 1870-1945 (1999); Boys and

their Toys[in America] (1997); Gender and the Meanings of Technology: Engineering in

the U.S., 1880-1945 (1992). She is completing a research project with the working title,

'Islands as Stepping Stones of the American Empire, 1898-2004' and is researching for a

monograph with the working title ‘Appropriating America.’

Mikael Hård (born 1957) is professor of history of technology at the Department of

History, Darmstadt University of Technology. Before he came to Germany in 1998 he

held a professorship for the same subject at the Center for Technology and Society at the

Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim. He holds a PhD from

Gothenburg University, Sweden, and an M.A. from Princeton University, NJ. He

presently directs the graduate program “Topology of Technology” in Darmstadt and is a

co-editor of NTM – Journal for the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine.

Among his recent publications are Urban Machinery: Inside the Modern European

City (MIT Press 2008, co-edited with T. J. Misa) and Hubris and Hybrids: A

Cultural History of Technology and Science (Routledge 2005, written with A.


4. Eventing Europe

Andreas Fickers (born 1971 in St.Vith / Belgium) is Associate Professor of Comparative

Media History at Maastricht University (Netherlands). After graduating in history,

philosophy and sociology at the University in Aachen (Germany), he worked at the

German Museum for Science and Technology in Munich and its dependence in Bonn. He

returned to the University of Aachen as post-graduate fellow and assistant at the Institute

for Contemporary History, where he defended his PhD in 2002. In 2003 he was appointed

Assistant Professor for Television History at Utrecht University (Netherlands), where he

worked until his move to Maastricht in 2007. He published widely on the cultural history

of media technologies, especially on the history of the transistor radio and colour

television. Since several years his research focuses on a comparative perspective of

European history. Recent books include: “Politique de la grandeur” versus “Made in

Germany”. Politische Kulturgeschichte der Technik am Beispiel der PAL-SECAM-

Kontroverse (Munich : Oldenbourg Verlag 2007) ; A European Television History (New

York: Blackwell 2009), (ed. with Jonathan Bignell); Materializing Europe?

Transnational Infrastructures and the Project of Europe (London: Palgrave 2009), (ed.

with Alec Badenoch).

Pascal Griset: 1994-1995: Auditeur à l’Institut des Stratégies Industrielles. 1994:

Habilitation à diriger des recherches (Université Paris IV Sorbonne.):"Etat, recherche et

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télécommunications en France au XX° siècle : contribution pour une histoire de

l'innovation et de la communication." 1993 : Thèse de Doctorat d'Histoire (Université

Paris IV Sorbonne.), "Technologie, entreprise et souveraineté : les télécommunications

transatlantiques de la France (1869-1954).". Mention Très Honorable, avec les

félicitations du jury à l'unanimité de ses membres. 1980: Agrégation d' Histoire 1975:

Baccalauréat. Professional back ground Since Septembre 1998: Professeur d’histoire

contemporaine à l’Université Paris-Sorbonne, (Paris IV. Directeur du Centre de

Recherche en Histoire de l’Innovation. De 1996 à 1998: Professeur d’histoire

contemporaine à l’Université Michel de Montaigne (Bordeaux III), De1988 à 1996:

Chargé de Recherches, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)Institut d'

Histoire Moderne et Contemporaine.

5. Knowledge Societies

Helmuth Trischler has served as Head of Research of the Deutsches Museum since 1993.

He also holds a professorship for Modern History and History of Technology at the

University of Munich and is a member of the steering board of the Munich Centre for the

History of Science and Technology. His research group at the museum’s Research

Institute for the History of Technology and Science consists of about 15 researchers. He

is also responsible for the overall research programme of the museum, which employs

about 50 scientific staff members. He has long-standing expertise in steering large

research projects, currently including the research group of the German Research

Foundation on “Interrelations between Science and Technology” which consists of 7 sub-

projects (2001-2007). He co-coordinates the research programme on “Science in the 20th

Century” with 25 sub-projects (2002-2009) and the research group on the history of the

German Research Foundation, 1920-1970 with 18 sub-projects (2001-2007). He was

theme coordinator of “Engineering Big Civilian Programmes and Military Projects”

together with Hans Weinberger, Stockholm, and John Krige, Atlanta, in the European

network “Tensions of Europe”, and is participating in the “Inventing Europe”-theme

“Software for Europe”. His most recent publications include: Helmuth Trischler & Kai-

Uwe Schrogl (eds.), Ein Jahrhundert im Flug. Luft- und Raumfahrtforschung in

Deutschland 1907 bis 2007, Frankfurt a.M. and New York: Campus, 2007.

Martin Kohlrausch (b. 1973) is a Research Fellow at the German Historical Institute

Warsaw (since 2005). He took his Ph.D. from the European University Institute,

Florence, in 2003. From 2003 till 2005 he was Assistant Professor at the Technical

University Berlin. He published widely on the history of Mass Media, history of the

monarchy and, more recently, of intellectual networks. Recent books include Der

Monarch im Skandal. Die Logik der Massenmedien und die Transformation der

wilhelminischen Monarchie, Berlin 2005 and Das Erbe der Monarchie. Nachwirkungen

einer deutschen Institution nach 1918, Frankfurt a.M. 2008 (ed. with Thomas Biskup).

He was guest editor of the special issue “Technological Innovation and Transnational

Networks: Europe between the Wars” of the Journal of Modern European History

(2008). Martin Kohlrausch is co-organiser of the research-network ‘The International

Community of Experts and the Tranformation of the Fatherland. Central Eastern Europe

in the European Context since WW I.

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6. Governing Europe

Wolfram Kaiser (b.1966) is Professor of European Studies at the University of

Portsmouth and Visiting Professor at the College of Europe in Bruges. He was previously

(Visiting) (Senior) Lecturer and (Senior) Research Fellow at the universities of

Saarbrücken, Cambridge, Paris IV, Vienna and Edinburgh and at the Graduate Institute of

International and Development Studies in Geneva, the Institut für Europäische

Geschichte in Mainz, the Center for European Integration Studies in Bonn, the

Norwegian Nobel Institute in Oslo and the Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut in Essen.

Recent books include The History of the European Union. Origins of a Trans- and

Supranational Polity 1950-72 ,London: Routledge 2008 (ed. with B. Leucht and M.

Rasmussen); Christian Democracy and the Origins of European Union, Cambridge: CUP

2007, (ed. with P. Starie); and Transnational European Union: Towards a Common

Political Space, London: Routledge, 2005 (ed. with J. Elvert).

Johan Schot (see above)

Dagmara Jajeśniak-Quast (b. 1972 in Kraków, Poland) was educated at the European

University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Germany (M.A. in economics 1998; PhD in

economic history 2005). She worked as a research assistant in Frankfurt (Oder) and as a

research associate at the Centre for Research in Contemporary History Potsdam. Since

June 2008 she has been working as a lecturer in history of East Centre Europe at the

University Erfurt. Jajeśniak-Quast´s currently research project concerns the reaction to

the west European economic integration in East and Central Europe fallowing the

example of Poland and the Czechoslovakia in the 1950s until 1970s. Her dissertation

focused on socialist transformation in East and Central Europe fallowing the example of

the iron and steel industry in Eisenhüttenstadt (former GDR), Kraków Nowa Huta

(Poland) and Ostrava Kuncice (former Czechoslovakia). Her research interests cover

economic and social history especially of Central and Eastern Europe, business history

and history of technology as well as research of European frontier regions. However, she

is also doing research on the East-West economic relationship during the Cold War and

economic nationalism in Central and Eastern Europe in the interwar period and the

socialist era until the transformation process after 1989. Her most recent publications

include: Stahlgiganten in der sozialistischen Transformation. Nowa Huta in Krakau,

EKO in Eisenhüttenstadt und Kunčice in Ostrava, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz-Verlag 2009

(=Frankfurter Studien zur Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte Ostmitteleuropas, Band 19)

[forthcoming]; “Iron and steel penetrating the Iron Curtain: Poland, Czechoslovakia, the

GDR and neutral states,” in: Enderel-Burcel, Gertrude / Franaszek, Piotr / Stiefel, Dieter /

Teichová, Alice (Ed): Gaps in the Iron Curtain. Economic relations between neutral and

socialist countries in Cold War Europe, Kraków: Jagiellonian University Press, 2009,

270-287; “In the Shadow of the Factory: Steel Towns in Postwar Eastern Europe,” in:

Hård, Mikael / Misa, Thomas J. (Ed.): Urban Machinery: Inside Modern European Cities,

Cambridge: MIT Press, 2008, 187-210; “Reaktionen auf die westeuropäische

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Wirtschaftsintegration in Ostmitteleuropa: die Tschechoslowakei und Polen von den

fünfziger bis zu den siebziger Jahren,” in: Journal of European Integration History,

Volume 13, No. 2, 2007, 69-84; Willkommene Investoren oder nationaler Ausverkauf?

Ausländische Direktinvestitionen in Ostmitteleuropa im 20. Jahrhundert, Berlin: Berliner

Wissenschaftsverlag 2006 (Ed. with Jutta Günther).
